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provided in order to-Vのパターンの使用頻度は小さめである

$$ A signalling conversion unit is provided in order to terminate the message transport part 2 (MTP2) and to transfer the information content of the message onto the broad band equivalent signalling ATM adaptation layer (SAAL). / シグナリング変換ユニットがメッセージ転送部2(MTP2)を終端し、メッセージの情報内容を広帯域の等価的なシグナリングATMアダプテーションレイヤ(SAAL)に転送するため設けられている。(USP6222843)

$$ Any suitable power or manually operated adjustment mechanisms may be provided in order to permit required adjustment of the screening angles of the screening sections of the screen deck. (USP6367633)

$$ A lid (not shown) having a slot to enable it to be fitted around the parasol pole may also be provided in order to protect the contents of the receptacle. (USP5967359)

$$ A manual control is provided to select the required field of view and an object range sensor 51 produces an electrical signal representative of the range of the object from the objective lens 7. / 必要な視野を選ぶために手動制御が備えられていて、対象物距離センサ51が対象物の対物レンズ7からの距離を表す電気信号を生ずる。(USP5418645)

$$ Also at time step 4, DN+2 is provided to the multiplier 6 from the data memory 8. / 時間ステップ4では、DN+2もデータメモリ8から乗算器6へ供給される。(USP5987485)

$$ The remote control keypad 60 also includes a select key 81 provided to enable user interaction with IEPG screens displayed on the TV screen. / 遠隔制御装置のキーパッド60は、使用者がTV画面に表示されたIEPG画面と対話できるよう設けられた選択キー81も含む。(USP02042917)

$$ A hybrid furnace in accordance with claim 3, wherein means are provided to control the quantity of heat generated in the object to be heated by said radiant and/or convective heat independently of said microwave energy. / 前記マイクロ波エネルギーとは別に、前記放射熱及び/もしくは対流熱によって加熱される物体に発生する熱量を制御するための手段が設けられる、請求項3に記載のハイブリッド炉。(USP01004075)




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カベスード主語の回避のために用いられることも多い  -->provided (in) which

$$ A cartridge or magazine may be provided comprising a plurality of the clips, with the clips being removably provided in a cartridge or magazine structure. / カートリッジまたはマガジン構造に取外し可能に設けられる複数のクリップを含むカートリッジまたはマガジンを設けることができる。(USP8287559)

$$ A bus interconnect device is provided comprising a parallel plate waveguide for coupling together a plurality of devices. / 複数のデバイスを連結するための平行プレート導波路相互接続部を含むバス相互接続デバイスが提供される。(USP8171191)

$$ In an alternative embodiment, a kit is provided comprising two cuffs and a single pump, so that the pump can pump each cuff in out of phase cycles. (USP7637922)

$$ An information management system is provided including a database and one or more data retrieval tools, a data retrieval tool being arranged to retrieve information according to registered interests of users of the system and to store data in the database relating to the information retrieved. / 情報管理システムであって、データベース、および1以上のデータ検索ツールを含み、データ検索ツールがシステムのユーザの登録された関心にしたがって情報を検索し、検索された情報に関係するデータベース内にデータを記憶するようにされている情報管理システムを提供する。(USP6424968)

$$ A timing-belt and pulley drive 244 is provided including a drive pulley 245, a timing belt 246, and two driven pulleys 247 keyed to respective vertical shafts 248. (USP5651235)

$$ A further table is provided mapping towns and cities to particular regional areas. / 町および市を特定の地域にマッピングしている別の表が与えられている。(USP6182079)

$$ Preferably rigid mechanical limit stop engagements are provided acting between the axially relatively-movable components of the shaft to protect the membrane wall against excessive deformations. / 好ましくは、硬質機械的リミットストップ部材がシャフトの軸方向に相対移動可能とした構成部分間に作用するように設けられて膜状壁部材の過大な変形が防止される。(USP6422434)

$$ Another five receive antennas are provided having their central axes centred over the other five nominal boundaries between the various cells.(USP5742911)

$$ Thus, in an alternative arrangement as indicated in FIG. 6b, a sheet of hydrophilic material 62 is provided having on one surface a layer of a hydrophobic material 64 deposited in some manner. / 従って、図6bに示されているような代替的な形態において、親水性材料のシート62は、ある方法で配置された疎水性材料の層64をその片面に備えている。(USP5961832)

$$ Swirlers comprising a dome 8.2 and outer swirler 8.3 are also provided having different swirl angles, the dome swirler being of higher swirl number than the outer swirler, imparting greater swirl. / ドーム状スワラ8.2及び外側スワラ8.3から成り、互いに異なる旋回角を有するスワラも又、設けられており、ドーム状スワラは、外側スワラよりも大きな旋回数のものであり、一層強い旋回が得られる。(USP6474569)




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$$ The double skin portion is provided where the heating effect is most needed, which in this example is over the zone of the air intake duct encompassing the range of variation of position of the stagnation point over the flight envelope of the aircraft. / 二重外被部分は、熱効果が最も必要な箇所に設けられている。本実施形態では、航空機の飛行エンベロープにおけるよどみ点位置の変化の範囲を含むエアインテークダクトの区域をカバーする。(USP8413930)

$$ In effect a two-part tool is provided wherein all or part of the second portion of the tool is arranged to be semi-rigid. / 実際に、器具の第二部分の全体又は一部が半硬質であるよう構成される、2つの部分からなる器具が提供される。(USP8353696)

$$ A method and apparatus for measuring the QT interval of an electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is provided wherein the end of the T wave is identified from ECG data. (USP7627369)

$$ Multiple current outputs at a given scaling factor, for example 0.2, may be provided where the current output at that scaling factor is used more than once. (USP6831507)

$$ Second and third core portions 514 and 515 are also provided wherein second and third core portions 514 and 515 are cut from a slab of lower density RBEV composite. (USP6643991)

$$ In the UTRA system a variety of different services are provided where a service can be characterised by a combination of transmission rate and bit reliability. (USP6421331)

$$ Apparatus according to claim 19, wherein an abrupt step is provided where the floor defines a change in bath depth. (USP4131446)




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-->be+PP which S+V

$$ This allows a radar to be provided in which the delay imparted by the optical fibre delay line can be altered during use. / そのため、光ファイバ遅延線路によって付与される遅延を使用中に変更することができるレーダを提供することができる。(USP7592943)

$$ A resilient buffer may be provided which is compressed by the striker at the closed position. / 閉鎖位置でストライカに圧縮される弾性バッファを設けることもできる。(USP5727825)

$$ In addition, assay systems are provided with which anti-retroviral drugs can be screened and tested in vivo and in vitro. / さらに、抗-レトロウイルス薬をスクリーニングすることができそしてインビボ及びイン-ビトロでテストすることができるアッセイ系を提供する。(USP6242175)

$$ Referring now to FIG. 6 the seal segment 60 comprising a section of folded strip is provided in which each folded length constitutes a seal leaf form the press ram 56 and the angle of lay is also predetermined by the angle of the press ram 56.(USP02014009)

$$ An interferometer control unit 19c is provided which can generate a signal to the feedback control module 20. / 前記フィードバック制御モジュール20への信号を生成し得る干渉計制御ユニット19cが配設される。(USP6458239)

$$ A linear position sensor is provided which employs phase quadrature sensor windings, an excitation winding and a resonator. / 位相直交センサ巻き線、励磁巻き線および共振器を用いたリニア位置センサを提供する。(USP6561022)




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RT: have, comprise, include, contain

$$ The shelf controller (SC) is provided with a RS232 serial port for connection to the site controller 56 or to the pad 228. / シェルフ・コントローラ(SC)は、サイト・コントローラ56またはパッド228との接続用にRS232シリアルポートを有している。(USP02018462)

$$ The support surface 24 is provided with a layer 26 in which a random pattern of pits 25 has been embossed. / ここでは、支持体の表面24の上部において起伏を有する付加的な層26が設けられており、この層26により、ピット25のパターンが型押しされる。(USP5373373)

$$ The dressing may also be provided with an optional film strip which facilitates removal of the release sheet 50. / ドレッシングは、剥離シート50の除去を容易にする任意のフィルムストライプ91をも備えてもよい。(USP5968000)

$$ The present invention also encompasses a fluid storage container when provided with a chiller as described above. (USP5931005)

$$ The switching unit 480 is provided with an adjunct processor 487 and can access an intelligent peripheral 485 and a service node 483. / スイッチングユニット480 は、付属プロセッサ487 を設けており、かつインテリジェント周辺装置485 およびサービスノード483 にアクセスすることもできる。(USP5907602)

$$ The code word generator 8 is provided with a pseudo random number generator. / 識別コードワード生成器8は、疑似乱数生成器を備える。(USP03131243)

$$ However, it is particularly advantageous for the tap to be provided with the preferred features discussed above. (USP6827238)

$$ It will be appreciated that the piston actuating mechanism occupies minimal space enabling a large volume reservoir to be provided within the confines of a pen barrel of normal dimensions. / ピストン作動機構が占有する空間が最小であるため、通常寸法のペン軸内に大容積リザーバを形成できるということは理解されよう。(USP6270276)

$$ It is desirable for such apparatus to be provided with variable magnification in the form of a zoom lens which ideally should be located at the distal end of the instrument and may incorporate the objective lens. / そのような装置には、理想的にはこの器具の遠位端に位置すべきであり且つ対物レンズを組込んでいるズームレンズの形態の可変倍率が備えられていることが望ましい。(USP5418645)




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$$ A manifold guide slot (90) is also provided, spaced radially outward from the groove (68), for receiving a manifold guide or key (92) that is provided in the manifold or base--see FIG. 12. / マニホルドまたは基部に設けられたマニホルドガイドまたはキー(92)を受け入れる、溝(68)から半径方向外側に離間したマニホルドガイドスロット(90)も設けられる(図12参照)。(USP8336542)

$$ An expansion port 261 is also provided, connected to the signal input interface 260. / 信号入力インタフェース260に接続される拡張ポート261も具備される。(USP7587029)

$$ Alternatively or additionally, a separate (preferably quartz) light conducting bar 30 may be provided, arranged so that its two ends are held adjacent each respective bulb. / 別途、あるいはさらに、別の(好ましくはクオーツ)の光ガイドバー30を備え、その両端がそれぞれ各球に隣接して支持されるように配置してもよい。(USP6028315)

$$ A housing may be provided, disposed on the opposite side of the loader arm to the cab, and a well may be provided, between the cab and the housing, in which the arm, in a lowered position, can be at least partly accommodated. (USP5836733)

$$ Within the sleeve 12 and in-board of the bearings 19A, 19B, fluid-pressure-tight seals 22 are provided, oriented to resist passage: of high pressure fluid in a direction towards the respective bearings. (USP5421421)

$$ Two floating platinum electrodes 180 are provided, spaced along the channel in a flow direction. (USP6696020)




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$$ In many embodiments it also avoids the need for the provision of a thin oxide insulating layer. / また、多くの実施形態において、本発明は薄い絶縁酸化層を設ける必要性を回避する。(USP6509605)

$$ As is well known, the provision of an acousto-optical modulator enables the optical head 12 to be operated in a Q-switched mode. / よく知られているように、音響光学変調器を設けることにより、オプチカルヘッド12をQスイッチ使用のモードで作動させることが可能になる。(USP5434880)

$$ However, even with the provision of buffering, eventual loss of data due to buffer overflow may occur. / しかし、バッファを設けたとしてもバッファのオーバーフローによりデータが失われることがある。(USP5448559)

$$ Amplification is induced by the provision of a pump beam at a further input port 10 distinct from the input port 1 for the signal carrying beam of light. / 増幅は、光ビームを運ぶ信号用の入力ポート1と異なる更なる入力ポート10にてポンプビームを提供することで行われる。(USP6339664)

$$ FIG. 6 illustrates the provision of multimedia document access in the network of FIG. 1; / 図6は図1の網におけるマルチメディア文書アクセス設備の説明図である。(USP6222843)

$$ It has also been found that the provision of the lens reduces the transmission of ions such as ArO.sup.+, consequently improving the detection sensitivity for Fe. / 更に見出されたことは、このレンズの設置でArO+等のイオンの透過率は低減し、その結果として、Feに関する検出感度が改善されることである。(USP01010354)

$$ It is conventional in transmission networks to provide protection against bearer failure by provision of one or more alternative bearers, which are selected either automatically or under operator control. / 従来、伝送ネットワークは、自動的に、またはオペレータの制御下において選択された一つまたはそれ以上の代用するベアラを提供することによりベアラの破損からの保護をする。(USP5533005)

$$ Such provision for concurrent or parallel processing of applications may significantly increase business efficiency. / アプリケーションの同時処理或いは並列処理のためのそのような対策はビジネス効率を非常に高めることがある。(USP6336135)

$$ There is no provision for starting an application other than by passing through an application entry point in this manner. / この方法でアプリケーション・エントリ・ポイントを通過することによる以外にアプリケーションを開始させる対策はない。(USP6336135)

$$ The apparatus is preferably battery powered and has provision for storing a battery in the housing. (USP6501287)

$$ However, it will be noted that FIG. 8C makes specific provision for synchronous and asynchronous modes. (USP02029357)

$$ Provision of only a single friction plate and a single clutch plate is also possible. / また、摩擦板及びクラッチ板を共に1枚とすることも可能である。(USP6691849)

$$ Provision of the mask circuitry can achieve this without the need for any additional inputs to control the peripheral circuitry, as is shown in FIG. 11. (USP03188138)

$$ Provision of an in-transit location allows lots of parts to be tracked so that, for example, these are not sold twice. (USP02072988)




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RT: distal

$$ Test strip 800 further includes a distal end 58 and a proximal end 60. / 検査ストリップ800は、先端部58および基端部60をさらに含む。(USP7653492)

$$ The binder may have a hydrophobic substituent at a position proximal to each ligand for interaction with the ligand linding site present on CRP. / バインダーは、CRP上に存在するリガンド結合部位との相互作用のために、各リガンドに近い位置に疎水性置換基を有してもよい。(USP7615543)

$$ The hose and wand assembly 20 comprises a flexible hose portion 22 which is connected at its proximal end and in a known manner to the main body 12 via a connecting socket (not shown). / ホース・ワンド・アセンブリ20は、基端部にて接続されかつ結合ソケット(図示せず)を介して公知の手法により主本体部12に接続されている可撓性ホース部22を備えている。(USP7000288)

$$ An elongate viewing means (43) is provided for viewing the image and extends through the outer tube from a location at the focal plane to a location proximal of the proximal end. / 細長い目視手段(43)は前記像を見るために備えられており且つ前記焦点面の位置から前記近位端に近い位置まで前記外管を通って延在している。(USP5418645)

$$ The outer tube 2 has a proximal end portion 4 which is accessible to the user and is connected to a casing (5) incorporating a handle (not shown) for manipulating the apparatus. / 外管2は、使用者にクアセスでき且つ本装置を操作するためのハンドル(図示せず)を組入れたケーシング5に結合される近位端部4を有している。(USP5418645)

$$ The proximal ends of the deformable members 214 bear against the distal end of the sleeve 76. (USP6929424)

$$ A return electrode 78, which is constituted by the distal end of the instrument shaft, surrounds the proximal end of the sleeve 76. (USP6780180)

$$ As before, the return electrode 36A is proximally spaced from the active electrode 30A by an intervening insulator 34A. (USP6416509)


PROXIMATE 直近の・すぐ近くの


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PROXIMATE 直近の・すぐ近くの

$$ The contours of an aerofoil extend in three dimensions from the root of the aerofoil (normally proximate the fuselage) to the tip of the aerofoil (normally distal to the fuselage). / 翼の外形は、翼の根元(通常機体に最も近い)から翼の先端(通常機体から最も遠い)に至るまで三次元で広がっている。(USP8353696)

$$ Cavities 162 proximate the first sealing surface 164 are of different dimensions to cavities 163 proximate the second sealing surface 165. / 第1の封止面164の近傍の窪み162は、第2の封止面165の近傍の窪み163と寸法が異なる。(USP8338057)

$$ Beneficially the common pivot spine is positioned proximate one end of the respective carrier elements. / 有利には共通回動柱体はそれぞれの担持要素の1端部に近接して提供される。(USP8316765)

$$ A mat according to claim 3 wherein the projection includes a gap positioned proximate the release. (USP8251340)

$$ Preferably, the seal is disposed proximate to the outlet. / 好ましくは、シールは吐出口の近傍に配設される。(USP7651013)




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$$ This is very important in the automotive applications where, besides the engine ignition system, mobile telephone transmitters may be operating as part of the network or in close proximity. / この差動駆動は、エンジン点火システム以外にも、移動電話送信機がネットワークの一部として又は近接した場所で動作している可能性がある自動車の分野において特に重要である。(USP6473469)

$$ It is advantageous to mount the light means in proximity to the WLEDs so that, when a WLED has failed and the array of WLEDs is viewed, the illuminated light means is visible to the observer. (USP6351079)

$$ The outer tube 2 has at the distal end portion 3 a window 6 arranged at right angles to the cylindrical axis of the outer tube and in proximity with the window 6 an objective lens 7 of positive power is fixedly connected to the outer tube. (USP5418645)

$$ It is quite common that such sites exist in the proximity of municipal sewage treatment sites.(USP01023853)

$$ By so doing, probe 106 can be precisely positioned without the need for a feedback loop based on some form of proximity determination.近似計算(USP6405137)

$$ In step 210 heated capillary tube 112 is positioned in proximity to probe 106 to collect material that evolves from sample 108 upon heating.(USP6405137)

$$ If the active electrode 316A is brought into close proximity with the tissue 372 such that the low frequency component initiates an arc, the ionised pathway is then the preferred path for UHF current. / 近づける/接近させる(USP02022836)

$$ Such an erasure can occur when the card is placed in close proximity to the magnetic clasp frequently used on handbags and pocket books. / 上記のデータの消去は、ハンドバッグおよび札入れについていて、頻繁に使用される磁気止め金に非常に近いところにカードを置いた場合に起こる。(USP6000620)




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$$ A customer terminal 5 is connected via a public switched telephony network (PSTN) 6 and an access router 7 to a subdomain 2A. / 顧客端末5は、公衆交換電話ネットワーク(PSTN)6およびアクセスルータ7を介してサブドメイン2Aへ接続されている。(USP7319673)

$$ However the described techniques can be applied in a large number of applications including home cinema and music playback as well as in large public spaces. / しかしながら、前記した技術は大きな公共空間だけでなくホームシネマおよび音楽再生を含む多数の応用に適用することができる。(USP7577260)

$$ In the described embodiments the telecommunications network employed by the invention is a public switched telephone network. / 上述の実施形態では、本発明によって使用される遠隔通信ネットワークは公衆交換電話ネットワークである。(USP6912270)

$$ FIG. 7 is a flow diagram showing the dissemination of predetermined messages by ISAP to incoming calls from the public. / 図7は、ISAPによって所定の情報を公衆から到来する呼へ伝達することを示すフローチャートである。(USP6912270)

$$ If a public cell is available, the mobile station 18 proceeds to step 136. / 公衆セルが利用可能であれば、移動局18はステップ136へ進む。(USP6826414)

$$ The multiplexer receives a further input of information from the public network connection 6. / マルチプレクサは、公衆網接続6から別の入力情報を受信する。(USP6337849)

$$ The frequency channels used by the additional private cell 46 are the same as frequency channels used by at least some of the public network portion BTSs 4. / 追加プライベートセル46によって使用される周波数チャネルは、公衆ネットワーク部分BTS 4の少なくとも一部によって使用される周波数チャネルと同じである。(USP6826414)

$$ A GSM network, referred to as a public land mobile network (PLMN), is schematically illustrated in FIG. 1. / PLMN(public land mobile network)と呼ばれるGSM網の概略を図1に示す。(USP6501962)

$$ The Internet is a network of networks having no single owner or controller and including large and small, public and private networks / インターネットは、単独の所有者又はコントローラを持たず、しかも、大型及び小型の公衆及び専用ネットワークを含む複数のネットワークより成るネットワークである。(USP6336135)

$$ Data which is "public", "global" or "shared" between more than one CPU 40, 42 cannot be cached since cached data is only accessible to one CPU. / キャッシュされたデータはただ1つのCPUのみによってアクセス可能であるため、「公用(public)」、「大域的(global)」及び1つのCPU40及び42より多くのCPU同士間での「共用(shared)」データはキャッシュされない。(USP6138216)

$$ Each CT 10 can then be connected directly to the switch of a public switched telephone network (PSTN). / したがって、各CT10を、直接、公衆電話網(PSTN)の交換機に接続することができる。(USP02018462)




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$$ A stripe is pulled from the first buffer and the stripe number examined; / 第1のバッファからストライプを引き出してストライプ数を調べる。(USP5856847)

$$ It also allows the receptacle when pulled from the base in its collapsed state to receive the fluid emission and maintain a consistent volume. / また、それにより、容器は、底部から引かれたときにその折り畳み状態では、放出された流体を受け入れ、一定の容積を維持できる。(USP8100276)

$$ Feeding of the mail item causes the ribbon to be pulled from the supply reel 15. (USP5294203)

$$ As will be described in more detail below, the TAC code is pulled from the security string and repacked according to the LPO protocol and sent to the server host for verification. (USP02059146)

$$ With all the penetrator male parts retracted in the manner of part 16b, FIGS. 1 and 4, the tubing hanger 12 and the attached line parts 24b"' can be pulled from the tree 10. (USP01035287)

$$ Each tear band is connected to rim by a thin web, and can be removed by grasping and pulling a tab 34. (USP7490719)

$$ The total load represented by each bar is the load required to pull a start load of 6.54 kg through the block system. (USP6974125)

$$ The frame interlocks with a set of hooks to pull the sled open when required. (USP7306220)

$$ It also only enables a forward or a rearward pull to be carried out, but not simultaneous pulling in both directions. (USP6425596)

$$ This pulls the carriage 23 down the apparatus. (USP6253899)

$$ Then, by pulling the tab 402, access is gained as the continuous scored profile 401 is split. (USP5651235)

$$ A reminder device according to claim 1, wherein the activator comprises a pull-out tag for initiating the counter circuit. / 前記装置が前記カウンタ回路を開始させる引き抜きタグを含む、請求項1に記載のリマインダ装置。(USP8218401)

$$ In this way, pulling out the lowermost carrier element 103 causes the entire stack of carrier elements 103 to fan out (as shown progressively in FIGS. 6 and 7) / このように、最下部の担持要素103を引き出すことで担持要素103の積重体全体を扇状に広げることができる(図6と図7で進行的に図示)。(USP8316765)

$$ To pull the heater along the cavity 60, a lead wire or such like could be first be fed into the cavity at one end and then pulled out of the other end of the cavity 60, thereby to drag the heater along the cavity's length. / ヒータをキャビティ60に沿って引っ張るために、口出し線などを、キャビティの中に一方の端部から差し込み、次いで、キャビティ60の他方の端部から引き出すことにより、キャビティの長手方向に沿ってヒータを引っ張れるようにしてよい。(USP8302911)

$$ Further as the tool is pulled out of the hole, cleaning can be performed without requiring a second trip into the well bore. (USP7628213)

$$ Where natural closing is required, the thread pitch and cam angles will be chosen to allow back driving, so that when pulling out the assembly will have a tendency to straighten. (USP6659201)

$$ During the course of insertion, the pull-out resistance of the tie can be checked by using a pull unit. (USP6443238)

$$ This considerably increases the pull-out strength of the coupling. (USP5527073)




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$$ A problem with existing systems is that passively operated (self acting) non return valves have known problems with instability/response to pulsations/noise. / 現存するシステムに関わる問題は、受動的に操作されている(passively operated)(自動の)逆止め弁が、不安定/脈動(pulsation)に対する応答/騒音を伴う既知の問題を有していることである。(USP7607302)

$$ Finally, such pumps produce a noticeable and undesirable low-frequency `pulsatile` flow as the solid bodies move into and out of tube compression. / 最後に、斯様なポンプは、上記固体が配管押圧に突入し及び離脱する際に目立った望ましくない低周波の“脈状”の流れを生じる。(USP7284962)

$$ Variable or pulsating water emission is thus effected from the opening. (USP6648245)

$$ There are several man-made effects, such as pulsation and ripple, which can illuminate the jewel in an attractive fashion making it more desirable to the user. / 例えば波動と波紋のような、ユーザにとって宝石をより望ましいものにする魅力的なやり方で宝石を照らすことができる人工のいくつかの効果が存在している。(USP6433483)

$$ Preferably the frequency of pulsation is from 20 to 100 Herz, most preferably from 50 to 80 Herz. / 好ましくは、パルス発信の周波数は、20~100ヘルツ、もっとも好ましくは50~80ヘルツである。(USP6277932)

$$ A method according to claim 6, wherein the concentrated salt solution is fed by pulsatile means into a flow of water diluent to produce the saline solution at the desired concentration. (USP6632347)

$$ The nozzle is axially adjustable in the head for varying pulsation of the water flow or for providing a continuous water spray from the head. (USP6648245)




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$$ For this purpose the nozzle housing 30 is provided with an electric coil 41. / このためにノズルハウジング30には電気コイル41が設けられている。 (USP8397779)

$$ The uncertain element, which is the purpose of the present invention to resolve, is the position of the user terminal 44 on the surface of the earth 14. / 本発明が解決すべき目的である不確かな要素は、地球14の表面上の使用者端末44の位置である。(USP6031489)

$$ It is a purpose of the present invention to reduce the fabrication cost of such cells and stacks incorporating them. (USP5508127)

$$ There are twin purposes relating to establishing the exact position of the user terminal on the surface of the earth. / 地球の表面上の使用者端末の正確な位置を確定することに関しては、2つの目的がある。(USP6031489)

$$ For the purpose of simplicity it will be assumed that control over the TV 2 and the decoder 3 only is required and that control over the VCR and other units is not required. / 単純化のため、TV2およびデコーダ3しか制御する必要がなく、VCRおよび他の装置は制御する必要がないと仮定する。(USP02042917)

$$ For example, for telephone voting, or for telephone calls for the purpose of making credit card donations, the holding time may be predetermined and generally fixed. / 例えば、電話投票またはクレジットカードで寄付を行う電話呼において、保持時間を予め決めるかまたは全体的に固定することができる。(USP6330313)

$$ Identification code words are applied to versions of material items for the purpose of identifying the version of the material item. / 識別コードワードは、マテリアルアイテムのバージョンを識別するために、マテリアルアイテムのバージョンに埋め込まれる。(USP03131243)

$$ Looping of a sequence of compressed video bitstream is used for the purpose of testing MPEG2 decoders. / 圧縮されたビデオビットストリームのシーケンスのループ化は、MPEG2復号器をテストする目的で使用される。(USP6229851)

$$ Air pumps are known for the purpose of generating high-pressure flow in liquids and gases by pneumatically generated reciprocal movements of a piston.(USP02051714)

$$ The purpose of the bead is mainly to protect the cleaved end of the fibre unit during installation. / ビードを使用する目的は、主に、ファイバーユニットの劈開面を設置中に保護するためである。(USP8275227)




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$$ Because of this fundamental problem, this approach was not pursued any further. (USP6810118)

$$ The present inventors were not aware of the research by Llinas and his colleagues, and were pursuing similar compounds, as they were known to have some calcium channel blocking activity. / 本発明人らは、Llinasおよび彼の同僚による研究に気づかず、それらが何らかのカルシウムチャンネル遮断活性を有することが知られていたので、同様の化合物を追求していた。(USP6797699)

$$ Region-based approaches are being pursued with some success using a range of techniques. / 領域に基づいた手法は追求され、一連の手法を使用してある程度の成功をおさめた。(USP7593602)

$$ The approaches described herein as background could be pursued, but are not necessarily approaches that have been previously conceived or pursued. / ここに背景として記載するアプローチを追求することができるが、必ずしも既に着想または追求されたアプローチであるとは限らない。(USP7620235)

$$ Even if the fraud is noticed, a cardholder may fail to report it as they perceive the recovery of funds to be a time-consuming process and not worth pursuing if the amount involved is relatively small. (USP6848613)

$$ Examples could be for base vehicle operation, conversion between vehicle types, emergency services such as police pursuit, and post-injury rehabilitation. (USP6735015)

$$ This can then be pursued recursively; in other words, if the second class calls methods in further classes, or has one or more superclasses, these too may now be loaded. (USP01051970)




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$$ The top end 44 of the arm 42 is engaged by the spring 32, which pushes the pressure member upwards to compress the balls 36 between it and the lower face of tongue 22. (USP5489100)

$$ Removal of one portion allows the cap to be removed whereas removal of both portions allows the chamber to be pushed to the open condition. (USP7490719)

$$ The movement of the inner cable relative to he outer sheath results in the selection lever 18 being pulled and pushed to select the appropriate drive gear. (USP6318493)

$$ The push-rods 16 of the dog-ring 9 are pushed upwardly by the blocks 17 into the flanking notch 35 at location 30, so offer no resistance or obstruction to this gear-engaging movement. / 回し金リング9の押圧棒16は、ブロック17によって場所30の側面にあるノッチ35まで上方に押し上げられ、こうしてこの歯車の係合の動きに何の抵抗も障害もない。(USP6019010)

$$ Adjacent routing members 14 are push-fittable together such that the housings 12 are in an aligned bank when in stowed positions. / ハウジング12が積込み位置にあるときに整列して堆積されるように、隣接搬送部材14は一体に押嵌め可能になっている。(USP6418264)

$$ The upper section 39 receives the machine end of the inflation line 10 pushed onto the core pin 35 by a distance of about 4 mm. (USP02005202)

$$ A push button 44 on the end of a rod 46 can be pushed in to release radial pressure on the projecting retention ball 38, and whilst this pressure is maintained on the push button, the spindle 30 can be withdrawn from the collar 18. (USP6598724)

$$ The tubing 2 may be shaped by heating and bending, or may be supported in this shape by an internal member pushed into the end of the tube. (USP6477258)

$$ To unlock the sill button is again pushed to the transitory position T and released whereupon it returns to the unlocked position UL. (USP02074809)

$$ FIG. 4E shows the inner sleeve 302 lowered as 305 and 307 are pushed together towards 303. (USP6659201)

$$ To assist this, the jaw 184 is displaced away from the jaw 182, and, when released, is moved by the leaf spring 190 to engage the adjacent chordal edge 20 of the blade 6 to push the blade 6 into contact, at the opposite chordal edge, with the fixed jaw 182.(USP02020954)

$$ The oil-filled retaining sleeve 17 acts as an oil damper controlling the speed at which the gate valve 10 is closed in an emergency, the oil passing through the thrust bearings 19 as the sleeve 17 is pushed upwards, relative to the housing, by the released disc spring stack 22. (USP6572076)




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$$ The invention can be put into practice in a number of ways, some of which will now be described by way of example and with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: / 本発明は、数々の方法で実際に用いられ、そのうちのいくつかを実施例を用いて添付の図を参照して説明する。(USP6586903)

$$ The IV will usually always be above about 0.5 dl/g since lower molecular weight polymers tend to be difficult to put into satisfactory dry bead form. / 低めの分子量のポリマーは満足な乾燥ビーズ形態にするのが困難である傾向があるため、普通、IVは常に約0.5dl/gを超える。(USP6277932)

$$ Any changes can be put into the system by a nominated manager. / 何か変更点があれば、指名された管理担当者によって入力される。(USP5559936)

$$ Module reset signals cause modules to carry out a procedure that puts the module into a predetermined state. / モジュール・リセット信号は、モジュールに、そのモジュールを所定状態にする手順を実行させる。(USP5398233) -->render sth in(to)

$$ For example, a mechanism can be put into place to prevent non-interrupt level Java from storing anything in an interrupt level Java object.(USP02029357)

$$ FIG. 1 shows diagrammatically how a colour correction technique as described above may be put into effect.(USP6075887)




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$$ Laser 30 is mounted upon a laser mounting pad portion 24 put on a single crystal substrate 10, the single crystal substrate having previously been etched. (USP5668823)

$$ These formats enable many grids to be put on a single slide. (USP6308750)

$$ This indicates to the interface 23 that a packet is ready to be put on the bus 20 and the interface communicates through the dedicated communication path 21 with the central control 22 as previously described. (USP6526501)

$$ This arrangement ensures that no strain is put on the connecting cable 27 but at the same time permits the coupling device is free to move relative to the housing to a limited extent as the shaft rotates.(USP01008810)

$$ If the interrupt level were to, for example, put an object on a heap to which a garbage collector (GC) had access, the GC might alter the object, for example by trying to perform garbage collection or even by just looking at it.(USP02029357)

$$ On receiving the packets from the GMSC the Gateway node 60 translates the point code of the Gateway node to that of the GGSN 51 in a translation unit 76, and puts that address on the header. / GMSCからパケットを受取るとき、ゲートウエイノード60は変換ユニット76においてゲートウエイノードのポイントコード60をGGSN51のポイントコードへ変換し、ヘッダ上にそのアドレスをのせる。(USP6584098)

$$ The output of the analogue to digital converter 80 can be put on the data bus 72 and sent to the interface board memory 84. / アナログ-デジタル変換器80の出力を、データバス72に置いてインタフェースボードメモリ84に送ることができる。(USP6611142)

$$ This can put a constraint on how close together the horns can be in a line, which in turn constrains the resolution of the device. / これはホーンが線の中でどの程度まで密接に一体化され得るかということに拘束条件を課す可能性があり、それが装置の解像度を拘束する。(USP6900756)

$$ The action of the container and cap when putting on and taking off the cap is as follows: (USP5411157): 帽子をかぶるか脱ぐ時

$$ The sound tube 2 can be stretched so as to cover the microphone capsule 3 or the capsule can have a tube arrangement to facilitate easier putting on and removal of the sound tube 2. (USP6477258): 取付けまたは取り外し

$$ In this way a cyclist can determine whether a pedal tread portion is the right way round or not (i.e. to offer the correct LED displays in the correct directions) when putting a foot on it. (USP6104096): 足を載せる




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$$ In that case, appropriate billing arrangements may be put in train. / この場合、しかるべき請求のための構成を準備することができる。(USP7653389)

$$ The degree of optical clarity required will depend upon the use to which the receptacle is to be put. / 要求される光学的透明度は、容器が置かれる用途に依存する。(USP7578972)

$$ The process by which the thresholds are used will be described below, but put simply, a higher threshold implies that fewer macroblocks will be re-encoded. / この閾値を使用する処理については後にさらに詳細に説明するが、閾値が高くなる程、再符号化されるマクロブロックの数が少なくなることを意味する。(USP6757333)

$$ The longitudinal recess 107 of the bathtub form is likewise easily formed, and puts the unions 104, 105 in communication when the conduit 10 is closed by the lower shell 102. / 浴槽形状の縦凹部107も同様に、容易に形成され、導管10が下方シェル102によって閉鎖されると、結合部104、105を結合させる。(USP6422434)

$$ The selection of such layers will depend upon the use to which the display is to be put. / この種の層の選択は、ディスプレイが供せられる用途に依存し得る。(USP5929562)

$$ As noted above, when a subroutine is called, temporary register information is also put onto the stack, in the same frame as the return address. (USP02029357)

$$ The manufacturer must put processes in place so that only a small number of trusted employees have access to the key information and that it is stored securely.(USP01037458)

$$ With this arrangement failure of an element TE, during manufacture or during service, does not put another element TE out of action.(USP01022495)




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$$ The user chooses a value which provides the user with a desired quality of the additional information. / ユーザは、追加の情報が所望の画質になるような値を選択する。(USP6567128)

$$ Thus the logo can be quantised to any desired quality. / したがって、ロゴは、任意の量によって量子化することができる。(USP6567128)

$$ Alternatively an IOF (Incredibility Of Failure) argument could be employed to prove that, by use of a high integrity insulation, careful construction and good quality control, the internal insulation will not fail. / 代わりに、IOF(故障の不信頼度)論を採用して、高性能の断熱材を使用して、慎重な構成と優良な品質管理、内部断熱が故障しないことを証明できるであろう。(USP7578315)

$$ The polar layer may have good quality crystal structure. / この極性層は良質の結晶構造を有することができる。(USP8193538)

$$ Good quality wrapping has a conductance of around 10.sup.18 Ωm.sup.-2. (USP7635976)

$$ Images of the lens produced are of a good quality for eyes requiring up to plus/minus 5 diopters of correction. (USP7284863)

$$ Although these ECL devices produce a good quality beam, using present production methods, they are limited to relatively low output powers. (USP6760355)

$$ FIG. 16 shows qualitatively image cross-sections associated with -1, 0 and +1 diffraction orders through a grating with 0C40=1λ; / 【図16】0C40=1λを備える回折格子を通る-1、0および+1の回折次数に関する像断面を定性的に示している。(USP6975457)

$$ This could be used to complement the above method, to improve still further image quality. / これは上記の方法を補完してなお更に画質を改善させるために使用される可能性がある。(USP6900756)

$$ In the following qualitative description of operation negligibly small electron currents are ignored. / 以下の動作の定性的な説明では、無視できるほど小さな電子電流は無視する。(USP6809514)

$$ In general high quality zircon refractories have proved adequate, but high purity is necessary to minimise contamination, especially when using chlorine-free precursors. / 一般的に、高品質ジルコン耐火物が適切であることがわかったが、高純度はとくに塩素のない前駆体を使用するときに、混入物を最小にするために必要である。(USP6763682)

$$ Known systems used in broadcast situations store high quality video image data on magnetic recording tape. / 放送に使用される公知の機器では、高品質画像データを磁気記録テープに記憶している。(USP6754433)

$$ The mixing of batches compromises strict quality control measures demanded by modern industry, especially in the event of having to recall a riveted product. / バッチの混合は、特にリベットで止められた製品をリコールしなければならない場合には、現代の産業によって要求された厳しい品質管理測定をダメにする。(USP6692213)

$$ The bit error rate is an indication of the quality of the received signals. / このビット誤り率は受信した信号の品質の表示である。(USP6661373)

$$ If none of the satellites provides a link of satisfactory quality, a lower baud rate is selected by the earth station 8 and the voice data is divided into two different packets in each time frame. / どの衛星も十分な品質のリンクを与えない場合は、より低いボー・レート(baud rate)が地球局8によって選択され、音声データが各時間フレームにおいて2個の異なるパケットに分割される。(USP01046481)

$$ Indeed, cooperating intelligent agents can be used to provide quality and flexibility of control sufficient to meet the demands of leading-edge IT services, in spite of problems presented by multiple network platforms with conflicting constraints. / 実際、協同的知能エイジェントは、衝突する制約をともなう複数のネットワークプラットフォームにより提示される問題にかかわらず、最新のITサービスの需要に十分に見合う品質と制御の柔軟性を提供するのに使用することができる。(USP6151309)




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$$ Where high consistency is required, a greater quantity of IS improves the product quality. (USP6013861) より大量の

$$ A small quantity of a polymer solution is dispensed onto the centre of a clean substrate. (USP7567374) 少量の

$$ Although it is not expected that much beer will ingress into the insert, for illustration a considerable quantity of beer is shown in the insert 34 and the surface is denoted by reference numeral 58. (USP5660867) 大量の

$$ Demand, therefore, exists for a machine of intermediate production capacity, typically for small to regional businesses, which does not occupy a vast quantity of the available office space. (USP7306220) 大量の

$$ In this way, each pulse is directed to deliver a known quantity of concentrated salt solution. (USP6632347) 既知量の

$$ The first feed means may also include first detection means for detecting when a predetermined quantity of material remains in the material supply. (USP4856692) 所定量の

$$ Horizontal open bottom tubes 6 form the open tunnels 22 in the bulk quantity of batch material 20. (USP6615612) 大量の

$$ As a result, there should be a reasonable quantity of training data relating to each of the possible scores on each axis. (USP6556987) 適量の

$$ The valve 20 is then actuated and a quantity of the product is dispensed through the outlet 6 via the nozzle 22. (USP4969578) 

$$ This can reduce the number of timeslots required to carry a given quantity of traffic. (USP02042274) 所与量の




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$$ Thus, the second stage produces four outputs representing the spatial frequency content of the line in four equal quarters of the horizontal spatial frequency range. / こうして、第2段は、水平空間周波数範囲の4つの等しい1/4における入力ラインの空間周波数内容を表す4つの出力を生ずる。(USP6754433)

$$ First to eighth ideal sampling points A to H correspond to quarters of πt from πt/8 to 15π/8 as shown, thus forming eight sampling points at regular intervals in the period of the signal 20. / 同図に示されるように、第1から第8の理想サンプル点A~Hはπt/8から15π/8の間でπt/4間隔で点在する。従って、信号20の周期において8個のサンプル点が一定の間隔で形成されている。(USP6114879)

$$ The inlet pipe 22 is disposed so that the gas enters the ion-guiding means about one-quarter of its length from the entrance. / インレット・パイプ22は、ガスがイオン・ガイド手段の長さ方向においてその入口から約1/4のところから入るように配置されている。(USP01010354)

$$ Thus, the supply rates of air and fuel can be reduced to one quarter or one fifth of the maximum capacity of such burners. / これにより、空気と燃料との供給比を従来のバーナーの最大容量の4分の1から5分の1に減らすことができる。(USP6250913)

$$ In this case the elements displaced diagonally from the corrupted element are ignored, and the remaining elements are summed in equal proportions with weighting values of one quarter. / この場合、不良要素から対角線方向の要素は無視され、残りの要素は1/4の加重値を加え同じ割合で合計する。(USP5353059)


QUEUE (n, v) 待ち行列;待つ


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QUEUE (名詞・動詞) 待ち行列;待つ

$$ It then tests the activity's queued attribute to determine whether the activity is already queued. (USP01016808)

$$ When the block B1 has been executed 5 times, it is queued for compilation. (USP02029357)

$$ Message queueing is very well suited for client-server applications, where many client programs send messages to a single server program. (USP6138168)

$$ After placing a message in a queue, the sender program can proceed to execute other tasks which may involve sending messages to other programs in the network. / メッセージをキューに入れた後、センダ・プログラムは、ネットワークにおける他のプログラムにメッセージを送ることを含む他のタスクを実行するように進むことができる。(USP6336135)

$$ The system as claimed in claim 7, wherein the system further comprises a priority releasing system for queued requests determined in dependence upon character of data appertaining to each queued request. / 優先送出装置は待ち行列をなす各要求に属するデータのキャラクターに依存して決められる待ち行列をなす要求のために設けられている請求項7記載の装置。(USP5448559)

$$ At iteration 600 a road accident is simulated and traffic queues form in surrounding cells at iterations 800 and 1200. / 反復600では、道路の事故がシミュレートされ、反復800および1200において交通の待ち行列が取り囲んでいるセル内に形成される。(USP6539228)


QUITE 非常に・極めて・かなり・まったく


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QUITE 非常に・極めて・かなり・まったく

$$ A microscan could be performed periodically to cause more than one channel to see substantially the same point in the scene at substantially the same time (but not quite the same time). / 複数のチャネルに実質的に同じ時間(しかしまったく同じ時間ではない)に場面内の実質的に同じ点を観察させるために、微細走査が定期的に実行されることもあり得る。(USP6900756)

$$ And the low weight and low power consumption of the actuator of the invention are likely to give rise to quite new applications--applications which are simply impractical with present actuators. / さらに、本発明のアクチュエータが軽量および低消費電力であるため、きわめて新しい応用-現在のアクチュエータでは単に無理な応用-を生み出す可能性がある。(USP6833656)

$$ It is now possible to calculate quite complex transient field distributions from sophisticated designs in a matter of minutes on a modem desktop PC. / 現在では精密な設計から非常に複雑な過渡磁界分布を現在のデスクトップPCで数分で計算することが可能である。(USP6611142)

$$ If, as is quite possible, such additional processes involve field delays, the 3-2 pull-down signal will be out of phase and unusable for the present purpose. / もし、まったく可能であるとき、そのような付加的なプロセスがフィールド遅延を伴うなら、3-2プルダウン信号は位相を異にし、本目的のために使用できない。(USP6480232)

$$ The bit-rate and bit-rate_extension are quite straightforward as the correct value is simply the bit-rate calculated above converted in to the appropriate units. / ビットレート及びビットレート拡張は、正確な値が適切なユニットに変換され上記のように計算された単純なビットレートであるように、まったく容易である。(USP6229851)

$$ Horses racing on the racetrack can be quite sensitive to changes in the `going` of the racetrack ground. / 競争路を走る馬は、競争路の馬場状態の変化に非常に敏感になることがある。(USP7090586)

$$ This is found from the waiting time distributions for each type of traffic and they can be obtained quite readily. / これは、各種トラフィックの待ち時間分散から発見され、それらはきわめて容易に得ることができる。(USP7006435)

$$ The angle change, however, increases as the bender length increases, and can be quite significant. / しかし、ベンダ長さが増大するにつれて角度変化が増大し、かなり大きくなる場合がある。(USP6833656)


QUOTE (v, n) 引用


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | Q

QUOTE (v, n) 引用

$$ Thus for the example quoted above, there are 64×64 stacks, and each stack stores a simple record (IDs only) of those features which impact the respective supercell. (USP5338200)

$$ The interior of `#if 0` may consist of complete tokens; in particular, single quote characters may balance. (USP6691301):引用符

$$ All proportions listed in the following formulation are quoted as percentages by weight. (USP6110271)

$$ The match value may be quoted with either single or double quotes to prevent words in it being interpreted as operators or to force inclusion of significant characters such as leading/trailing spaces. (USP6052693):引用符

$$ It is not necessary to use quotes on the Boolean Search Page.(USPTO):引用符

$$ The quoted amounts of cross linking agent are appropriate when it is a polyethylenically unsaturated cross linking agent. / 引用した架橋剤の量は、それがポリエチレン性不飽和架橋剤である場合に適当である。(USP6277932)

$$ Numbers quoted in the fourth column onwards refer to the number of parts of the relevant ingredient and all parts are by weight. / 表4の第4欄で引用した数字は関連する成分の部数を意味し、そして全ての部は重量である。(USP6254669)

$$ Adhesion values are quoted in Newtons/10 mm. / 接着値をニュートン/10mmで表した。(USP6353047)

$$ The pouring temperature of the Al-15 wt % Si alloy was quoted at 650 ℃.(USP6312535)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | Q


$$ The flow resistance is the quotient of the square root of the pressure drop divided by the flow rate. / 当該流動抵抗は、当該流速で割った圧力降下の平方根の商である。(USP8511300)

$$ By aspects of the present invention effectively during the manufacturing process a quality quotient can be achieved providing assurance with respect to quality, reliability and consistency between manufactured components. / 製造プロセス中に本発明の特徴を有効にすることによって、所定の品質指数(quality quotient)を得ることができ、製造された構成部品間の品質、信頼性、及び一貫性を保証する。(USP8260093)

$$ Thus, the quotient word remains unchanged and only a remainder shift occurs. (USP7167887)

$$ The remainder and quotient are respectively held within the registers A and Q. (USP5748518)


RADIATE 放射(輻射)する


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ra...

RADIATE 放射(輻射)する

$$ The predictions assume a 100 Hz bandwidth, and 50% efficient radiation absorption. / この予測は、100Hzの帯域幅および50%の有効放射吸収を想定している。(USP8373561)

$$ In one embodiment, the apparatus further comprises a marker opaque to radiation. / 一実施形態では、本装置は、放射線に対して不透過である標識をさらに備える。(USP8361034)

$$ A representation of such a radiation pattern is shown in FIG. 4, for a DRA. / このような放射パターンの表現は、DRAに関して、図4に示されている。(USP8339307)

$$ In some embodiments, the cantilever emits to the acoustic and electromagnetic radiation when it resonates. / また、カンチレバーが共振すると音響輻射と電磁輻射を放出するような実施形態も考えられる。(USP8302478)

$$ A plurality of longitudinally curved support arms radiating at 90 degrees to the splined frame member 1 in FIG. 1. (USP7484468)

$$ The strength of the shockwaves radiating from each penetrating jet is sufficiently large to cause material immediately adjacent the holes produced to fail in compression. (USP6494139)

$$ The loops are parallel to the right of the right hand edge of the radiating surface 6, and would have to be clamped on or near to that edge. (USP6439297)

$$ Part of the problem lies in the relatively narrow forward radiating directivity of conventional speakers. (USP6332029)

$$ Alternatively the holes can be arranged along a number of lines radiating out from the centre of the plate 52, or can be in a spiral array which has its centre at the centre of the plate 52. (USP6217773)

$$ A wind turbine as claimed in claim 9 wherein at least half of the noise radiating surface of the support structure is free of any noise insulating material. (USP6213721)

$$ By this arrangement all radiating parts of the mobile can be kept away from the ear. (USP01027089)


RADIUS (n, v)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ra...

RADIUS (n, v)

$$ The surface defining the upper edge of the slot 17 is radiussed. / スロット17の上縁を画定する面は丸面になっている。(USP8511302)

$$ The lower half of FIG. 4 shows a sledge 104 in its outermost position as dictated by the maximum radius which the line 12 presents. / 第4図の下半分は、ライナ12が存在する最大半径によって決まるような最外方位置でそり104を示している。(USP6031371)

$$ However, if the same sectors are examined on a disc from a different source, they will not lie on a radius as indicated in FIG. 2. / しかし、異なる供給源からのディスク上で、同じセクタが試験された場合には、それらは、図2に示すような半径上に無い。(USP6560176)

$$ A tap as claimed in claim 8 when the radiussed roots have a radius of curvature in the range 0.178 mm to 0.188 mm. (USP7575520): 数量表現(曲率半径)

$$ For the pumping of fluids, I have found that it is advantageous to set the width of the drive belt in the range of 0.1-0.5 times the radius of the pulley wheel. / 出願人は流体のポンプ輸送のためには、駆動ベルトの幅をプーリホイールの半径の0.1-0.5倍の範囲内に設定するのが好ましい事を発見した。(USP6299422)

$$ The radius of curvature of the end points is for instance less than half the radius of curvature of the arcs preferably less than 0.25 of the radius. / 端部の点の曲率半径は、例えば円弧の曲率半径の半分より小さく、好ましくは半径の0.25倍以下である。(USP6186974)

$$ The feed horns 41 form part of a spherical surface having half the radius of curvature of the spherical reflector grid 22 (i.e. radius of curvature=R/2) and being concentric with it. / 送出ホーン41は球面反射器グリッド22の曲率半径の半分(即ち曲率半径=R/2)の長さをもちかつこれと同心の球面の一部分を形成する。(USP6587246)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ra...


$$ The fourth alert signal burst as described in Table 4, comprises a first frequency component F1 of 600 Hz, modulated by 500 Hz sweep to raise to 1100 Hz over the 100 ms duration of the signal burst. / 表4に示す第4の警告信号バーストは、500Hzの掃引で変調され、この信号バーストの100ミリ秒の持続時間にわたって1100Hzまで立ち上がる600Hzの第1周波数成分F1を含む。(USP6201470)

$$ These allow facial features to be independently manipulated, for instance, raising an eyebrow or causing the character to wink. / これらは例えば眉を上げたりキャラクタにウインクさせる等、顔面の特徴が独立して操作されることを可能にする。(USP6772122)

$$ The user may rest their hand on the device in use rather than having to raise or lower a portion of the device involving lifting their hand and arm. / 使用者は、手と腕を上げ下げして装置の位置を上昇または下降させるのではなく、手を装置上に置いて操作をすることができる。(USP6611139)

$$ This shows that the inclusion of the wollastonite of short fibre length as in examples 1 to 6 significantly raises the extrusion collapse point in this test. / この結果は、実施例1-6のような短繊維長のケイ灰石を含有することが、この試験の押出崩壊点を可成り押し上げることを示している。(USP6177504)

$$ Since the system depends on accurate bar code reading, such a situation raises the question whether there is a genuine fault or whether the bar code reader is scanning a label that has been tampered with. / このシステムは、バーコードの正確な読取りに依存しているので、前記のような読取り不能の場合、それが、正真正銘の欠陥によるものか、又は不法侵害によるものなのか、という疑問が生じる。(USP5895075)

$$ Polypropylene is added in order to raise the temperature rating of the tape. / ポリプロピレンは、テープの温度定格(レイティング)を上げるために添加される。(USP6200677)

$$ This raises the voltage at the gate of the N-MOSFET to battery voltage so that it is then at a higher voltage than the source Vs. / これにより、N-MOSFETのゲートの電圧がバッテリー電圧まで上がり、その後にソースVSよりも高い電圧になる。(USP6331767)

$$ FIG. 4 is a side elevation of means for pivotally raising the cover of the coating station; / 図4は被覆部所のカバーを枢軸的に持ち上げる手段の側面図であり;(USP6419744)

$$ For instance, a sports car with pop-up headlights may need to raise the lights before they can be turned on. (USP02029357)

$$ The effect, known as "body effect" is to require application of a higher front gate potential to turn the relevant transistor on, in other words to raise the transistor threshold voltage Vgs. (USP02005733)

$$ A port 70 supplies fluid to the chamber 70 to raise the sleeve 14 and open the valve. (USP01042619)

$$ This raises concerns about the reliability of a system which uses this technique. (USP01037458)

$$ The method involves mixing the sludge with alkaline material of specified fineness to raise the pH of the mixture to at least 12 for at least a day and to effect pasteurisation, and then drying the mixture. (USP01023853)

$$ In particular, in such systems low speed manoeuvring necessitates the use of excessive engine speed since the clutch dues not normally begin to engage until the engine speed has been raised significantly above engine idle speed. / 特に、かかるクラッチ制御システムでは、低速動作のために過度のエンジン速度を必要とする。これは、エンジン速度がそのエンジンのアイドリング速度を大幅に上回るまでクラッチが通常は係合し始めないからである。(USP5738609)

$$ Subsequently, the current was raised to 5 mA. / その後に電流を5ミリアンペア迄上げた。(USP5364511)

$$ Metal n-track 16 has a raised portion 116 that reduces the longitudinal resistance of the track.(USP01022495)

$$ This can be achieved by ensuring that the pH of the mixture is raised to 12 or higher for two hours or more, and then at a pH of 11.5 or higher for an additional 22 hours.(USP01023853)

$$ Beverages may be dispensed, for example, using a dispense tower which is raised above a serving table level to provide beverage outlets through dispense valves located at or about shoulder height.(USP01025858)

$$ A method and apparatus for preparing yeast raised doughnuts without frying is disclosed.(USP01031300)

$$ The sleeve 14 is thereby raised or lowered to bring the hole 20 into and out of register with the seat 18. 上下される (USP01042619)

$$ Bipolar forceps as in claim 1, wherein the oppositely-facing sides of the terminal portions are slightly raised from the respective upper and lower faces of the uprights of the H. (USP6231574)


RANGE (動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ra...

RANGE (動詞)

$$ Physically, it is a fibre whose outer-diameter is around 125-200 μm and whose core diameter ranges from 5 μm to 20 μm, although in principle there is no upper limit for the diameter. / 直径の上限は原理上存在しないものの、物理的には、外径が約125~200μmであり、かつコア径が5μmから20μmの範囲にあるファイバである。(USP8079763)

$$ Other methods range from taking cores from a powder reservoir for filling capsules (U.S. Pat. No. 3,874,431) to applying a vacuum to fill measuring chambers with powder (Canadian Patent Number 949,786). / 他の方法には、粉末貯槽からコアを取ってカプセル充填を行う方法(米国特許第3874431号)や、減圧をかけることで測定チャンバーに粉末を充填する方法(カナダ特許第949786号)などがある。(USP7621300)

$$ FIG. 1 is a wrapped phase map of an object (grey shades ranging from black to white represent phase values ranging from -π to +π; / 第1図は、物体のラップされた位相マップ(黒色から白色に至る範囲の灰色陰影は、-πから+πの範囲の位相値を示す)である。(USP6208416)

$$ For cold cure, amounts of BP ranging from 0.5% to 5% and amounts of DMPT ranging from 0.5% to 5% were used. / 常温硬化では、0.5%から5%の範囲内の量のBPと0.5%から5%の範囲内の量のDMPTとを用いた。(USP6313192)

$$ Oestrogen at doses ranging from 1 pM to 1 mM inhibited the proliferation of fibroblasts from both young and aged subjects (compared to cyclodextrin controls) (FIG. 6). / 1pMから1mMの範囲のエストロゲンを投与すると、若年および老年被験者の両方において増殖が阻害された(コントロールと比べて)(図6)。(USP6696433)

$$ Similarly, any materials to be inserted within a folded package might range from a compliment slip to an entire booklet, including inserts of unconventional size or shape. (USP7306220)

$$ The panel width may range from 8 cm-100 cm, particularly for use in a public address system. (USP7564984)

$$ Superplasticizers may range from 0 to 5% basis weight of cement.(USP6110271)

$$ Typical impedances can range anywhere between 10 ohms and 200 Ohms. (USP02052599)

$$ The diameter of the grip member can range between 25 and 45 mm with a preferred diameter being 31 mm (approx 1,25 inches). (USP01039215)

$$ When that call finishes, the six timeslots will have been cleared for ranging. (USP5559805)
