$$ A cylindrical roller 91 is rotatably mounted on the bush 90. / ブッシュ90には円筒状ローラー91が回転可能に取り付けられている。(USP7634949)
$$ The shaft 24 is rotatably mounted in a first bearing 26 on the rear face 14 and a second bearing 28 on the front face 12. / この管状シャフト24は背面壁14の第1ベアリング26と前面壁12の第2ベアリング28とによって回転可能に保持されている。(USP5893487)
$$ A further gear wheel 18 is rotatably supported on the shaft 14. / 別の歯車18がシャフト16に回転自在に支持されている。(USP6288534)
$$ Mounted rotatably on the shaft are two connecting rods, the x-connecting rod 75 and the y-connecting rod 63. / 2個の連結ロッド、すなわちx連結ロッド75およびy連結ロッド63がシャフト上に回転可能に設けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The drive motor 160 and the free bearing 162 are each rotatably coupled to a respective adjustable chuck/collet 164 which can accurately be driven by the rotary drive motor 160. / 駆動モータ160および自由軸受162は各々、回転駆動モータ160により正確に駆動可能な調整可能チャック/コレット164にそれぞれ回転可能に結合される。(USP6611142)
$$ The apparatus includes an image capture unit comprising a wall-mounted body portion which rotatably supports a tiltable housing containing the optical elements used in the apparatus. / この装置は、イメージ捕捉ユニットを含み、壁に装着された本体部分は装置内で使用される光素子を含む可傾ハウジングを回転可能に支持している。(USP6687389)
$$ In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 34 and 35 the transfer station 7 and delivery tube 6 are rotatably supported by a bracket 403 that extends laterally from the setting tool at a location above the nose 8. / 図34および35に示された実施形態では、トランスファー・ステーションと分配チューブ6は、ノーズ8上のある位置でセッティング・ツールから横に延在するブラケット403によって回転可能に支持される。(USP6692213)
$$ The scanner 12 comprises a flat or slightly curved reflector plate 28 rotatably mounted about an axis 30, and inclined at an angle θ (say about 5°) to the normal to the axis 30. / スキャナ12は、軸30の周りで回転可能に装着され、かつ軸30の垂線に対して角度θ(たとえば約5°)傾斜した平坦もしくはわずかに曲がった反射器プレート28を有する。(USP6900756)
$$ By supporting the end portion of the hose at a position upstream of the outlet, the hose is rotatably coupled to the wand. / 流出口の上流位置にてホースの端部を支持することにより、ホースがワンドにゲート状様式で結合されている。(USP7000288)
$$ A cylindrical roller 91 is rotatably mounted on the bush 90. / ブッシュ90には円筒状ローラー91が回転可能に取り付けられている。(USP7634949)
$$ The shaft 24 is rotatably mounted in a first bearing 26 on the rear face 14 and a second bearing 28 on the front face 12. / この管状シャフト24は背面壁14の第1ベアリング26と前面壁12の第2ベアリング28とによって回転可能に保持されている。(USP5893487)
$$ A further gear wheel 18 is rotatably supported on the shaft 14. / 別の歯車18がシャフト16に回転自在に支持されている。(USP6288534)
$$ Mounted rotatably on the shaft are two connecting rods, the x-connecting rod 75 and the y-connecting rod 63. / 2個の連結ロッド、すなわちx連結ロッド75およびy連結ロッド63がシャフト上に回転可能に設けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The drive motor 160 and the free bearing 162 are each rotatably coupled to a respective adjustable chuck/collet 164 which can accurately be driven by the rotary drive motor 160. / 駆動モータ160および自由軸受162は各々、回転駆動モータ160により正確に駆動可能な調整可能チャック/コレット164にそれぞれ回転可能に結合される。(USP6611142)
$$ The apparatus includes an image capture unit comprising a wall-mounted body portion which rotatably supports a tiltable housing containing the optical elements used in the apparatus. / この装置は、イメージ捕捉ユニットを含み、壁に装着された本体部分は装置内で使用される光素子を含む可傾ハウジングを回転可能に支持している。(USP6687389)
$$ In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 34 and 35 the transfer station 7 and delivery tube 6 are rotatably supported by a bracket 403 that extends laterally from the setting tool at a location above the nose 8. / 図34および35に示された実施形態では、トランスファー・ステーションと分配チューブ6は、ノーズ8上のある位置でセッティング・ツールから横に延在するブラケット403によって回転可能に支持される。(USP6692213)
$$ The scanner 12 comprises a flat or slightly curved reflector plate 28 rotatably mounted about an axis 30, and inclined at an angle θ (say about 5°) to the normal to the axis 30. / スキャナ12は、軸30の周りで回転可能に装着され、かつ軸30の垂線に対して角度θ(たとえば約5°)傾斜した平坦もしくはわずかに曲がった反射器プレート28を有する。(USP6900756)
$$ By supporting the end portion of the hose at a position upstream of the outlet, the hose is rotatably coupled to the wand. / 流出口の上流位置にてホースの端部を支持することにより、ホースがワンドにゲート状様式で結合されている。(USP7000288)
$$ Such a device wrapped around in a circle could be used to provide rotary motion if the component which is to be rotated is fitted with an appropriate ratchet mechanism. / 回転させるコンポーネントに適切なラチェット機構を取り付ける場合、円でラップアラウンドするこのようなデバイスを使用して回転運動を与えることができる。(USP6833656)
$$ Alternatively a castor or track ball which can rotate about two orthogonal axes could be used. (USP01024586)
$$ The disc 1 typically rotates about an axis passing through its centre at an angle of inclination of a few degrees to the normal to the axis, say 5°, as described previously. / ディスク1は代表的には、前述したように、軸線に垂直な方向に対して僅かな角度、例えば5°に傾斜した角度でその中心を通過する軸線のまわりに回転する。(USP6587246)
$$ If the shaft is then rotated from the mean position in a clockwise direction the loft will increase to 30°+[90°-60°], that is to 60° loft. / 2.シャフトを時計回りに平均位置から回動させた場合、ロフトは30度+[90度―60度]に、つまり60度のロフトに増加する。(USP6110055)
$$ Radiation is reflected by the rotating disc 1 and its direction of polarisation is therefore rotated by a further 45° as it is transmitted back through the Faraday rotator 16.(USP6587246)
$$ The drum 1 is mounted for rotation about an axis 3. / ドラム1は、軸線3を中心に回転できるように装着されている。(USP7622140)
$$ Cam followers 20 are fitted to the inward ends of the carriers 18 such that axial motion of the control rods 14 causes rotational motion of the carriers 18. / カム従動子20が担体18の内側端部に、制御棒14の軸方向運動が担体18の回転運動を生じさせるように、取り付けられている。(USP6332818)
$$ The actuating means may comprise at least one of solenoid means and means for translating and rotating the scattering means to interpose it between a scene and the detecting means. / 作動手段は、少なくとも1つのソレノイド手段と、散乱手段を並進運動および回転運動させて、シーンと検出手段の間に挿入するための手段とを含むことができる。(USP6414294)
$$ FIGS. 27d to 27g show, in a sequence of steps, the rotational movement of the leading rivet 50. / 図27dおよび27gは、一連のステップにおける、先導するリベット50の回転運動を示す。(USP6692213)
$$ As the carriage 23 rises, the validator 2 counts the pulses produced by rotation of the toothed wheel 20 and when the count indicates that the carriage 23 is back at its rest position (FIG. 7a), (step s9) stops the motor 17 (step s10). (USP6253899)
$$ An advantage of this spiral grating is that continuous movement of the grating is achieved by rotation of the mask. (USP6376818) マスクの回転で
$$ Such a device wrapped around in a circle could be used to provide rotary motion if the component which is to be rotated is fitted with an appropriate ratchet mechanism. / 回転させるコンポーネントに適切なラチェット機構を取り付ける場合、円でラップアラウンドするこのようなデバイスを使用して回転運動を与えることができる。(USP6833656)
$$ Alternatively a castor or track ball which can rotate about two orthogonal axes could be used. (USP01024586)
$$ The disc 1 typically rotates about an axis passing through its centre at an angle of inclination of a few degrees to the normal to the axis, say 5°, as described previously. / ディスク1は代表的には、前述したように、軸線に垂直な方向に対して僅かな角度、例えば5°に傾斜した角度でその中心を通過する軸線のまわりに回転する。(USP6587246)
$$ If the shaft is then rotated from the mean position in a clockwise direction the loft will increase to 30°+[90°-60°], that is to 60° loft. / 2.シャフトを時計回りに平均位置から回動させた場合、ロフトは30度+[90度―60度]に、つまり60度のロフトに増加する。(USP6110055)
$$ Radiation is reflected by the rotating disc 1 and its direction of polarisation is therefore rotated by a further 45° as it is transmitted back through the Faraday rotator 16.(USP6587246)
$$ The drum 1 is mounted for rotation about an axis 3. / ドラム1は、軸線3を中心に回転できるように装着されている。(USP7622140)
$$ Cam followers 20 are fitted to the inward ends of the carriers 18 such that axial motion of the control rods 14 causes rotational motion of the carriers 18. / カム従動子20が担体18の内側端部に、制御棒14の軸方向運動が担体18の回転運動を生じさせるように、取り付けられている。(USP6332818)
$$ The actuating means may comprise at least one of solenoid means and means for translating and rotating the scattering means to interpose it between a scene and the detecting means. / 作動手段は、少なくとも1つのソレノイド手段と、散乱手段を並進運動および回転運動させて、シーンと検出手段の間に挿入するための手段とを含むことができる。(USP6414294)
$$ FIGS. 27d to 27g show, in a sequence of steps, the rotational movement of the leading rivet 50. / 図27dおよび27gは、一連のステップにおける、先導するリベット50の回転運動を示す。(USP6692213)
$$ As the carriage 23 rises, the validator 2 counts the pulses produced by rotation of the toothed wheel 20 and when the count indicates that the carriage 23 is back at its rest position (FIG. 7a), (step s9) stops the motor 17 (step s10). (USP6253899)
$$ An advantage of this spiral grating is that continuous movement of the grating is achieved by rotation of the mask. (USP6376818) マスクの回転で
$$ For example, the surface of the substrate may be roughened, for example by sandblasting, in order to improve the adhesion of the subsequently applied coating and in order to increase the real surface area of the substrate. / 例えば、基材の表面を、例えばサンドブラストによってざらざらにして、次後に施着される被膜の接着を向上させ且つ基材の表面積を大きくし得る。(USP6123816)
$$ Alternatively, undulations of a suitable dimension may be formed by roughening the surface by chemical or electrochemical etching, or by abrading the surface with a coarse polishing medium. / 二者択一的に、化学エッチングもしくは電気化学エッチングによって表面を粗くするか、または、目の粗い研摩材によって表面を研摩することにより、適当な大きさの起伏が形成される。(USP5373373)
$$ The external surface of the peaks of the members can if desired in alternative embodiments be roughened or formed into a toothed or claw formation to dig into the surface 40. (USP6929424)
$$ To avoid this roughening, it is advantageous to remove the insulating film from the apertures before the crystal growth step (c). (USP5930609)
$$ During this processing--especially during developing of the photoresist--the surface may become roughened and the surface noise of the finished product may be increased. (USP5137617)
$$ In addition, the design of the foot 18 has be altered to be flat with a roughened or serrated lower surface so that less of the screwjack 15 is visible below the end of the tube 9. (USP5579862)
$$ For example, the surface of the substrate may be roughened, for example by sandblasting, in order to improve the adhesion of the subsequently applied coating and in order to increase the real surface area of the substrate. / 例えば、基材の表面を、例えばサンドブラストによってざらざらにして、次後に施着される被膜の接着を向上させ且つ基材の表面積を大きくし得る。(USP6123816)
$$ Alternatively, undulations of a suitable dimension may be formed by roughening the surface by chemical or electrochemical etching, or by abrading the surface with a coarse polishing medium. / 二者択一的に、化学エッチングもしくは電気化学エッチングによって表面を粗くするか、または、目の粗い研摩材によって表面を研摩することにより、適当な大きさの起伏が形成される。(USP5373373)
$$ The external surface of the peaks of the members can if desired in alternative embodiments be roughened or formed into a toothed or claw formation to dig into the surface 40. (USP6929424)
$$ To avoid this roughening, it is advantageous to remove the insulating film from the apertures before the crystal growth step (c). (USP5930609)
$$ During this processing--especially during developing of the photoresist--the surface may become roughened and the surface noise of the finished product may be increased. (USP5137617)
$$ In addition, the design of the foot 18 has be altered to be flat with a roughened or serrated lower surface so that less of the screwjack 15 is visible below the end of the tube 9. (USP5579862)
$$ Polymer photosensitive resists are routinely used in the semiconductor industry and are manufactured by companies such as Shipley Inc. / ポリマー感光レジストは、半導体産業で日常使用されており、シップレー・インクのような会社により製造されている。(USP6788479)
$$ The frequency can be determined by routine optimisation for any particular feed and needle or grid assembly. / 周波数は、特定の原料及びニードルもしくはグリッドアセンブリの通常の最適化によって決定することができる。(USP6277932)
$$ Once charging is complete (step 24), the routine ends. / 一旦充電が完了すると(ステップ24)、ルーチンは終了する。(USP6265847)
$$ The viewer pressing the select key 81 of the remote control unit causes the processor 23 to respond by entering an order placing routine. / 視聴者が遠隔制御装置の選択キー81を押すと、プロセッサ23はそれに応答して、発注経路に入る。(USP02042917)
$$ These may be selected by routine experiment. (USP7638572)
$$ A major disadvantage of this type of device, particularly with respect to routine laboratory use, is that it requires four independent components: two beam splitters and two mirrors, one of which is the resonant surface in the case of the SPR configuration. (USP7084980)
$$ The test routine may be further refined as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. (USP6697742)
$$ If the INT 21h call is neither a write call nor a read call, then it is returned to the normal INT 21h handling routine. (USP5675725)
$$ It comprises scheduling queues (an event queue and a delta queue), a set of scheduling routines, and a set of service routines. (USP01016808)
$$ The use of "Plug'n'Play" technology means that at start-up, the host processor 7H will perform a routine to search and establish what hardware is available in the apparatus 2 and configure the apparatus 2 accordingly. (USP02000831)
$$ Polymer photosensitive resists are routinely used in the semiconductor industry and are manufactured by companies such as Shipley Inc. / ポリマー感光レジストは、半導体産業で日常使用されており、シップレー・インクのような会社により製造されている。(USP6788479)
$$ The frequency can be determined by routine optimisation for any particular feed and needle or grid assembly. / 周波数は、特定の原料及びニードルもしくはグリッドアセンブリの通常の最適化によって決定することができる。(USP6277932)
$$ Once charging is complete (step 24), the routine ends. / 一旦充電が完了すると(ステップ24)、ルーチンは終了する。(USP6265847)
$$ The viewer pressing the select key 81 of the remote control unit causes the processor 23 to respond by entering an order placing routine. / 視聴者が遠隔制御装置の選択キー81を押すと、プロセッサ23はそれに応答して、発注経路に入る。(USP02042917)
$$ These may be selected by routine experiment. (USP7638572)
$$ A major disadvantage of this type of device, particularly with respect to routine laboratory use, is that it requires four independent components: two beam splitters and two mirrors, one of which is the resonant surface in the case of the SPR configuration. (USP7084980)
$$ The test routine may be further refined as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. (USP6697742)
$$ If the INT 21h call is neither a write call nor a read call, then it is returned to the normal INT 21h handling routine. (USP5675725)
$$ It comprises scheduling queues (an event queue and a delta queue), a set of scheduling routines, and a set of service routines. (USP01016808)
$$ The use of "Plug'n'Play" technology means that at start-up, the host processor 7H will perform a routine to search and establish what hardware is available in the apparatus 2 and configure the apparatus 2 accordingly. (USP02000831)
$$ The wing box 104 runs from the root to the tip of each wing 102 and between the leading and trailing edges of the wing. / ウイングボックス104は、各翼102の基部側から先端側まで、翼の前方側と後尾側の縁の間で延在している。(USP8087614)
$$ The quantised data are then passed, in the form of 12-bit data samples, to respective luminance and chrominance runlength and Huffman coders 40, 45. / 量子化されたデータそれから、12ビットのデータサンプルの形でそれぞれ輝度及び色の継続長及びハフマン符号化器40,45に送られる。(USP5404166)
$$ Because of the self powered, self controlled nature of the vehicle distances of 100 meters or more can be handled even with bends in the run. / 移動体が自蔵動力式、自動制御式であるため、パイプに湾曲部がある場合でも100メートル以上の距離にわたって作業を行うことができる。(USP6031371)
$$ The cleaner is therefore cheaper to run and more user-friendly. / 従ってこのような掃除機は、ランニングコストが安く、ユーザにとってより扱いやすいものとなる。(USP6691849)
$$ As a result, ICs often have to be rated and run at lower than maximum designed-for clock rates. / その結果、ICは、クロック・レートに対して設計された最大値よりも低いクロック・レートで動作しなければならないことが多い。(USP6816020)
$$ The GIRAFF system is a set of applications which run on the MAP processing unit 730 (which can be provided by a personal computer). / GIRAFFシステムは、(パーソナルコンピュータによって用意することができる)MAP処理ユニット730において実行される1組のアプリケーションである。(USP6775249)
$$ Parallel fibronectin zymograms were run simultaneously. / 同時に並行フィブロネクチンザイモグラムを行った。(USP6696433)
$$ A system user at a first workstation 30 runs an application program A at a first processor 10. / 第1のワークステーシヨン30のシステム・ユーザは第1のプロセツサ10においてアプリケーシヨン・プログラムAを実行している。(USP5442691)
$$ The destination VTR spools to the point identified and starts to run based on the common studio reference. / 最終VTRは、指定された位置までリールを回し、共通スタジオ基準に基づいて動作を開始する。(USP5523852)
$$ The internal table selecting word is chosen to be a run of 1s of a predetermined length. / 内部テーブル選択ワードには、「1」が所定の長さ継続するものを選ぶ。(USP5392038)
$$ The wing box 104 runs from the root to the tip of each wing 102 and between the leading and trailing edges of the wing. / ウイングボックス104は、各翼102の基部側から先端側まで、翼の前方側と後尾側の縁の間で延在している。(USP8087614)
$$ The quantised data are then passed, in the form of 12-bit data samples, to respective luminance and chrominance runlength and Huffman coders 40, 45. / 量子化されたデータそれから、12ビットのデータサンプルの形でそれぞれ輝度及び色の継続長及びハフマン符号化器40,45に送られる。(USP5404166)
$$ Because of the self powered, self controlled nature of the vehicle distances of 100 meters or more can be handled even with bends in the run. / 移動体が自蔵動力式、自動制御式であるため、パイプに湾曲部がある場合でも100メートル以上の距離にわたって作業を行うことができる。(USP6031371)
$$ The cleaner is therefore cheaper to run and more user-friendly. / 従ってこのような掃除機は、ランニングコストが安く、ユーザにとってより扱いやすいものとなる。(USP6691849)
$$ As a result, ICs often have to be rated and run at lower than maximum designed-for clock rates. / その結果、ICは、クロック・レートに対して設計された最大値よりも低いクロック・レートで動作しなければならないことが多い。(USP6816020)
$$ The GIRAFF system is a set of applications which run on the MAP processing unit 730 (which can be provided by a personal computer). / GIRAFFシステムは、(パーソナルコンピュータによって用意することができる)MAP処理ユニット730において実行される1組のアプリケーションである。(USP6775249)
$$ Parallel fibronectin zymograms were run simultaneously. / 同時に並行フィブロネクチンザイモグラムを行った。(USP6696433)
$$ A system user at a first workstation 30 runs an application program A at a first processor 10. / 第1のワークステーシヨン30のシステム・ユーザは第1のプロセツサ10においてアプリケーシヨン・プログラムAを実行している。(USP5442691)
$$ The destination VTR spools to the point identified and starts to run based on the common studio reference. / 最終VTRは、指定された位置までリールを回し、共通スタジオ基準に基づいて動作を開始する。(USP5523852)
$$ The internal table selecting word is chosen to be a run of 1s of a predetermined length. / 内部テーブル選択ワードには、「1」が所定の長さ継続するものを選ぶ。(USP5392038)
SAFETY 安全・安全性
$$ This provides an important safety feature. / これは重要な安全機能を提供する。(USP8337472)
$$ Such a tilting vehicle may also have improved cornering safety. (USP7631721)
$$ As a further safety mechanism, it is highly desirable for the system producing the output solution to be self-monitoring. (USP6632347)
$$ The flexible strap 7 is made from a woven webbing material of the type used in the manufacture of safety belts. (USP6145870)
$$ Additionally or alternatively, the system may be used to enhance road safety. (USP6606033)
$$ A safety razor blade unit comprising a unitary blade structure as defined in any one of claims 1 to 15. (USP02066186)
SAFETY 安全・安全性
$$ This provides an important safety feature. / これは重要な安全機能を提供する。(USP8337472)
$$ Such a tilting vehicle may also have improved cornering safety. (USP7631721)
$$ As a further safety mechanism, it is highly desirable for the system producing the output solution to be self-monitoring. (USP6632347)
$$ The flexible strap 7 is made from a woven webbing material of the type used in the manufacture of safety belts. (USP6145870)
$$ Additionally or alternatively, the system may be used to enhance road safety. (USP6606033)
$$ A safety razor blade unit comprising a unitary blade structure as defined in any one of claims 1 to 15. (USP02066186)
$$ By looking for, say, two or more negative slope results from the samples and ignoring any zero change results (due to slow rates of change at low speed and poor A/D resolution), it is safe to assume that the slope is definitely falling. / サンプルに起因する2以上の負の勾配を検索することと、あらゆるゼロ変化の結果を無視すること(低速時での緩やかな変化率と、不完全なA/D変換とのために)とによって、勾配が下降しているに違いないと考えることは安全である。(USP6586903)
$$ In the instance where the invention is embodied in a device or system for location in a building, the sound enables the person hearing the sound to navigate safe route of entry/exit. / 本発明が建物内での位置推定のための装置またはシステムで具現化される場合は、音は、その音を聞く人が入口/出口の安全ルートの位置を確かめて進路を決めることを可能にする。(USP6201470)
$$ Initial flow through the device should be sufficient to establish an initial postoperative IOP in the safe range (5 to 15 mmHg). / 器械を通る初期の流量は安全範囲の術後初期IOP(5から10mmHg)の確立に十分であるべきである。(USP6186974)
$$ Rasteriser Unit informed that it is safe to continue using a dedicated signal line. (USP5727192)
$$ That would not have been safe to do if there had not been a pre-exception condition check present. (USP02029357)
$$ ...and is thus safe from interception by unauthorized third parties... (USP02059146)
$$ ...it is in fact entirely safe for the backup application to have read access to the file... (USP5675725)
$$ By looking for, say, two or more negative slope results from the samples and ignoring any zero change results (due to slow rates of change at low speed and poor A/D resolution), it is safe to assume that the slope is definitely falling. / サンプルに起因する2以上の負の勾配を検索することと、あらゆるゼロ変化の結果を無視すること(低速時での緩やかな変化率と、不完全なA/D変換とのために)とによって、勾配が下降しているに違いないと考えることは安全である。(USP6586903)
$$ In the instance where the invention is embodied in a device or system for location in a building, the sound enables the person hearing the sound to navigate safe route of entry/exit. / 本発明が建物内での位置推定のための装置またはシステムで具現化される場合は、音は、その音を聞く人が入口/出口の安全ルートの位置を確かめて進路を決めることを可能にする。(USP6201470)
$$ Initial flow through the device should be sufficient to establish an initial postoperative IOP in the safe range (5 to 15 mmHg). / 器械を通る初期の流量は安全範囲の術後初期IOP(5から10mmHg)の確立に十分であるべきである。(USP6186974)
$$ Rasteriser Unit informed that it is safe to continue using a dedicated signal line. (USP5727192)
$$ That would not have been safe to do if there had not been a pre-exception condition check present. (USP02029357)
$$ ...and is thus safe from interception by unauthorized third parties... (USP02059146)
$$ ...it is in fact entirely safe for the backup application to have read access to the file... (USP5675725)
$$ ... said information transmission means is adapted to access said at least one storage means, to locate a respective network address stored therein and to transmit said information to said respective network address so located... / 前記情報送信手段が、前記メモリ手段にアクセスし、このメモリ手段に記憶されたネットワークアドレスを位置決めして、このように位置決めされたネットワークアドレスへ前記情報を送るようにされている (USP6775249)
$$ ... a respective third portion defined between said respective first and second portions... (USP6356164)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 13, wherein said means serving to lower said respective containers from said second and third positions comprises suction cup means. (USP5651235)
$$ ... wherein responsive to an acknowledgement signal from said respective output port server having available capacity... (USP5448559)
$$ The assembly of claim 1 wherein each said plunger side face includes a pair of longitudinally spaced cross ridges supporting the respective said intermediate portion and forming rounded fulcrums adjacent the ends of said limb portions. (USP5586646)
$$ ... said information transmission means is adapted to access said at least one storage means, to locate a respective network address stored therein and to transmit said information to said respective network address so located... / 前記情報送信手段が、前記メモリ手段にアクセスし、このメモリ手段に記憶されたネットワークアドレスを位置決めして、このように位置決めされたネットワークアドレスへ前記情報を送るようにされている (USP6775249)
$$ ... a respective third portion defined between said respective first and second portions... (USP6356164)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 13, wherein said means serving to lower said respective containers from said second and third positions comprises suction cup means. (USP5651235)
$$ ... wherein responsive to an acknowledgement signal from said respective output port server having available capacity... (USP5448559)
$$ The assembly of claim 1 wherein each said plunger side face includes a pair of longitudinally spaced cross ridges supporting the respective said intermediate portion and forming rounded fulcrums adjacent the ends of said limb portions. (USP5586646)
$$ It is said that this material generally is superior to a polymer blend incorporating a phosphorescent dopant. / この材料は、一般に燐光性ドープ材を組み込むポリマーより優れている。(USP8063554)
$$ However, more generally, the start and end points will not be known at the time of encoding and it is for this reason that many have said that looping compressed sequences in general is simply not possible. / しかしながら、より一般的には、スタート及び終点は、符号化の時点では知られておらず、このような理由で圧縮シーケンスのループ化は通常単純にはできないと言われている。(USP6229851)
$$ It can certainly be said that using a material exhibiting a lower coincidence frequency than exciter spacing limit is unwise as the panel material will be restricting the performance of the speaker unnecessarily, hence this can be considered an upper limit for the ideal B/μ ratio. (USP7564984)
$$ Generally it can be said that the batch must have sufficiently low electrical resistivity that corona current flow will pass through material to the grounded tubes. (USP01008076)
$$ It is often said that as reproducing devices the loudspeakers should disappear into the sound stage illusion. (USP6332029)
$$ It is said that this material generally is superior to a polymer blend incorporating a phosphorescent dopant. / この材料は、一般に燐光性ドープ材を組み込むポリマーより優れている。(USP8063554)
$$ However, more generally, the start and end points will not be known at the time of encoding and it is for this reason that many have said that looping compressed sequences in general is simply not possible. / しかしながら、より一般的には、スタート及び終点は、符号化の時点では知られておらず、このような理由で圧縮シーケンスのループ化は通常単純にはできないと言われている。(USP6229851)
$$ It can certainly be said that using a material exhibiting a lower coincidence frequency than exciter spacing limit is unwise as the panel material will be restricting the performance of the speaker unnecessarily, hence this can be considered an upper limit for the ideal B/μ ratio. (USP7564984)
$$ Generally it can be said that the batch must have sufficiently low electrical resistivity that corona current flow will pass through material to the grounded tubes. (USP01008076)
$$ It is often said that as reproducing devices the loudspeakers should disappear into the sound stage illusion. (USP6332029)
$$ Under such conditions the flow is said to be choked. / こうした条件下では、流れはチョークされているといわれる。(USP8684031)
$$ The second value is taken at a given time interval following the first, said to be about 100 ms. / 第2の電圧値は、第1の電圧値の後の所定の時間間隔、例えば100msにおいて、取得される。(USP6941671)
$$ The CARNET chip also provides an interface to CD-ROM for accessing navigation databases, and this is said to be suitable for any standard audio datastreams also. / CARNETチップは、ナビゲーションデータベースにアクセスするためのCD-ROMへのインタフェースを提供し、また、あらゆる標準の音声データストリームに適している。(USP6473469)
$$ The Browser is said to be `blocked` or `suspended` while it waits for the requested response. / ブラウザは、それがその要求された応答を待っている間、「阻止」又は「中断」されていると云える。(USP6336135)
$$ In this situation, the optical switch can be said to be "on". / この状況において、光スイッチは「オン」であるということができる。(USP6278541)
$$ Such heating cables, in which the power output varies according to temperature, are said to be self-regulating or self-limiting. (USP7566849)
$$ Under such conditions the flow is said to be choked. / こうした条件下では、流れはチョークされているといわれる。(USP8684031)
$$ The second value is taken at a given time interval following the first, said to be about 100 ms. / 第2の電圧値は、第1の電圧値の後の所定の時間間隔、例えば100msにおいて、取得される。(USP6941671)
$$ The CARNET chip also provides an interface to CD-ROM for accessing navigation databases, and this is said to be suitable for any standard audio datastreams also. / CARNETチップは、ナビゲーションデータベースにアクセスするためのCD-ROMへのインタフェースを提供し、また、あらゆる標準の音声データストリームに適している。(USP6473469)
$$ The Browser is said to be `blocked` or `suspended` while it waits for the requested response. / ブラウザは、それがその要求された応答を待っている間、「阻止」又は「中断」されていると云える。(USP6336135)
$$ In this situation, the optical switch can be said to be "on". / この状況において、光スイッチは「オン」であるということができる。(USP6278541)
$$ Such heating cables, in which the power output varies according to temperature, are said to be self-regulating or self-limiting. (USP7566849)
$$ It is to be understood that the flexible pipe body 100 illustrated in FIG. 3 does not show all of the layers illustrated in FIG. 1 for the sake of brevity. / 図3に示すフレキシブルパイプ100は、図示の便宜上、図1に示す全ての層を示していないことに留意されたい。(USP8112863)
$$ For the sake of simplicity, the private network portion is represented by only a single public cell in FIG. 7. / 説明を簡単にするために、プライベートネットワーク部分は図7に単一公衆セルだけで表されている。(USP6826414)
$$ Accordingly, for the sake of avoiding unnecessary repetition, only the differences between the following embodiments and those described in the second embodiment will be described hereinafter. / 従って、不必要な繰り返しを避けるために、以下の実施の形態と第2の実施の形態との相違だけを以下に説明する。(USP6433483)
$$ The gear wheels 12, 18 and 20b are toothed wheels, for example, and arc in mutual engagement for the sake of translating torque from the control motor 20 to the throttle valve 10. / 歯車12、18、20bは、例えば、トルクを制御モータ20からスロットルバルブ10に伝達する目的で円弧が相互係合する歯車である。(USP6288534)
$$ The apparatuses are, for the sake of example, a television receiver (TV) 1, a hi-fi audio amplifier 2 and a videocassette recorder (VCR) 3. / 実例として、装置類はテレビジョン受信機(TV)1、ビデオカセットレコーダ(VCR)2およびハイファイ音声増幅器3である。(USP5479385)
$$ For the sake of illustration, another cluster 236 has been identified and specifically outlined in the coverage area 220 of FIG. 7.(USP6212385)
$$ For the sake of simplicity it is assumed that the store is infinite and that the address always increments. / 単純化するために、記憶部は無限であり、アドレスは常に増加する仮定する。(USP6229851)
$$ Frequency groups t1-t5 (in the one-site overlay/underlay repeat pattern) are assigned in an identical way to that previously described in relation to FIG. 5, so recitation has been ignored for the sake of brevity. (USP6212385)
$$ It is to be understood that the flexible pipe body 100 illustrated in FIG. 3 does not show all of the layers illustrated in FIG. 1 for the sake of brevity. / 図3に示すフレキシブルパイプ100は、図示の便宜上、図1に示す全ての層を示していないことに留意されたい。(USP8112863)
$$ For the sake of simplicity, the private network portion is represented by only a single public cell in FIG. 7. / 説明を簡単にするために、プライベートネットワーク部分は図7に単一公衆セルだけで表されている。(USP6826414)
$$ Accordingly, for the sake of avoiding unnecessary repetition, only the differences between the following embodiments and those described in the second embodiment will be described hereinafter. / 従って、不必要な繰り返しを避けるために、以下の実施の形態と第2の実施の形態との相違だけを以下に説明する。(USP6433483)
$$ The gear wheels 12, 18 and 20b are toothed wheels, for example, and arc in mutual engagement for the sake of translating torque from the control motor 20 to the throttle valve 10. / 歯車12、18、20bは、例えば、トルクを制御モータ20からスロットルバルブ10に伝達する目的で円弧が相互係合する歯車である。(USP6288534)
$$ The apparatuses are, for the sake of example, a television receiver (TV) 1, a hi-fi audio amplifier 2 and a videocassette recorder (VCR) 3. / 実例として、装置類はテレビジョン受信機(TV)1、ビデオカセットレコーダ(VCR)2およびハイファイ音声増幅器3である。(USP5479385)
$$ For the sake of illustration, another cluster 236 has been identified and specifically outlined in the coverage area 220 of FIG. 7.(USP6212385)
$$ For the sake of simplicity it is assumed that the store is infinite and that the address always increments. / 単純化するために、記憶部は無限であり、アドレスは常に増加する仮定する。(USP6229851)
$$ Frequency groups t1-t5 (in the one-site overlay/underlay repeat pattern) are assigned in an identical way to that previously described in relation to FIG. 5, so recitation has been ignored for the sake of brevity. (USP6212385)
$$ In this example, the wheel members 58 are the same in diameter. / この例において、ホイール部材58はそれぞれ同じ直径を持つ。(USP8284486)
$$ Like parts are given the same reference numerals as in FIG. 11. / 図11と類似の構成要素には、同一の符号を付してある。(USP7645265)
$$ Referring to the figures, an electronic component package assembly and method of manufacturing the same will now be described. (USP6403881)
$$ The same reference signs are generally used to refer to corresponding or similar features in different embodiments. (USP5930609)
$$ The same reference numbers have been used as in FIG. 1. (USP5510894)
$$ In this truth table, i/p is given in decimal and represents a bipolar input signal level, and bits 0 to 2 are the same thing in binary. (USP6373955)
$$ Corresponding non-reversed signals are given the same references as in FIG. 4. / 対応する同じ向きの信号には、図4と同じ参照番号を用いる。(USP6278696)
$$ The same items as in FIG. 1 are identified using the identical reference numerals. / 図1と同じ部品は同じ番号で示してある。(USP6889498)
$$ There are many alternative configurations that the electrodes and conductive tracks may take to essentially achieve the same function to that shown in FIG. 29. (USP6585162)
$$ The data packets preferably being of the same length as used in the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) protocol or can be varying length packets. (USP02000831)
$$ In the drawings the same reference numerals have been used to indicate corresponding features./図面では、対応する要件には同一の参照符号を用いた。(USP5428643)
$$ The same reference numerals are used for components that are common to one or more embodiments. / 1つ以上の実施形態における共通の要素には、同じ参照番号を使用した。(USP6692213)
$$ Conductors 16 can be formed by the same process steps as are used for making pad 11, or by similar process steps.(USP01022495)
$$ Although as described previously, the bias electrode metallization can be formed in the same deposition and lift-off steps as are used to provide the metallization 7 in the read-out holes, the bias electrodes 1 to 4...(USP4859851)
$$ This alternative embodiment works using the same principles as the alternative embodiment shown in FIGS. 30a and 30b. / この別の実施の形態は、図30aおよび図30bに示された他の実施の形態と同じ原理を使って作用する。(USP6433483)
$$ The embodiment shown in FIG. 3 comprises many of the same features as those shown in FIG. 2, and these have been designated with the same reference numeral. (USP02168288)
$$ Similar parts to those of FIG. 3 are denoted by the same reference numeral. / 図3の部品と類似の部品は、同じ参照数字によって示している。(USP8061677)
$$ Two or more consecutive missing product signals from the same side could indicate problems such as a blocked chute or a stopped line. (USP6349526)
$$ In this example, the wheel members 58 are the same in diameter. / この例において、ホイール部材58はそれぞれ同じ直径を持つ。(USP8284486)
$$ Like parts are given the same reference numerals as in FIG. 11. / 図11と類似の構成要素には、同一の符号を付してある。(USP7645265)
$$ Referring to the figures, an electronic component package assembly and method of manufacturing the same will now be described. (USP6403881)
$$ The same reference signs are generally used to refer to corresponding or similar features in different embodiments. (USP5930609)
$$ The same reference numbers have been used as in FIG. 1. (USP5510894)
$$ In this truth table, i/p is given in decimal and represents a bipolar input signal level, and bits 0 to 2 are the same thing in binary. (USP6373955)
$$ Corresponding non-reversed signals are given the same references as in FIG. 4. / 対応する同じ向きの信号には、図4と同じ参照番号を用いる。(USP6278696)
$$ The same items as in FIG. 1 are identified using the identical reference numerals. / 図1と同じ部品は同じ番号で示してある。(USP6889498)
$$ There are many alternative configurations that the electrodes and conductive tracks may take to essentially achieve the same function to that shown in FIG. 29. (USP6585162)
$$ The data packets preferably being of the same length as used in the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) protocol or can be varying length packets. (USP02000831)
$$ In the drawings the same reference numerals have been used to indicate corresponding features./図面では、対応する要件には同一の参照符号を用いた。(USP5428643)
$$ The same reference numerals are used for components that are common to one or more embodiments. / 1つ以上の実施形態における共通の要素には、同じ参照番号を使用した。(USP6692213)
$$ Conductors 16 can be formed by the same process steps as are used for making pad 11, or by similar process steps.(USP01022495)
$$ Although as described previously, the bias electrode metallization can be formed in the same deposition and lift-off steps as are used to provide the metallization 7 in the read-out holes, the bias electrodes 1 to 4...(USP4859851)
$$ This alternative embodiment works using the same principles as the alternative embodiment shown in FIGS. 30a and 30b. / この別の実施の形態は、図30aおよび図30bに示された他の実施の形態と同じ原理を使って作用する。(USP6433483)
$$ The embodiment shown in FIG. 3 comprises many of the same features as those shown in FIG. 2, and these have been designated with the same reference numeral. (USP02168288)
$$ Similar parts to those of FIG. 3 are denoted by the same reference numeral. / 図3の部品と類似の部品は、同じ参照数字によって示している。(USP8061677)
$$ Two or more consecutive missing product signals from the same side could indicate problems such as a blocked chute or a stopped line. (USP6349526)
SAME (sth) APPLY ~も同様である
SAME (sth) APPLY ~も同様である
$$ The same applies to the sensing delay valve SDV and the sensing valve SV. / 検出遅延バルブSDV及び検出バルブSVについても同様である。(USP8276584)
$$ The same theory applies to other essential signals that are coded in this form. (USP4802215)
$$ The same principle applies to a wideband noise signal, although the worst performance will be achieved at the highest end of the frequency band. (USP2076059)
$$ The same applies to the writing angle of the writing instrument as this would give a latitude position, e.g. a writing instrument held vertically (90°) is zero latitude. (USP5774571)
$$ The same applies to successive pixels in the line in question and for the successive lines. (USP5296930)
$$ The same applies to the material of the front face protectors. (USP6965789)
$$ The same applies for CPU 13. (USP6526501)
$$ The same applies to arm 23, except that this extends from attachment point 25 along edge 6a, and the other end of the roller is held adjacent to that attachment point. (USP6439297)
SAME (sth) APPLY ~も同様である
$$ The same applies to the sensing delay valve SDV and the sensing valve SV. / 検出遅延バルブSDV及び検出バルブSVについても同様である。(USP8276584)
$$ The same theory applies to other essential signals that are coded in this form. (USP4802215)
$$ The same principle applies to a wideband noise signal, although the worst performance will be achieved at the highest end of the frequency band. (USP2076059)
$$ The same applies to the writing angle of the writing instrument as this would give a latitude position, e.g. a writing instrument held vertically (90°) is zero latitude. (USP5774571)
$$ The same applies to successive pixels in the line in question and for the successive lines. (USP5296930)
$$ The same applies to the material of the front face protectors. (USP6965789)
$$ The same applies for CPU 13. (USP6526501)
$$ The same applies to arm 23, except that this extends from attachment point 25 along edge 6a, and the other end of the roller is held adjacent to that attachment point. (USP6439297)
$$ The basic operation is the same as described above. / 基本的な動作は上で説明したのと同一である。(USP8757583) ~ PP
$$ In general, all reference numerals are the same as in FIG. 2. / 概ね全ての参照記号は図2に示すものと同じである。(USP6244841)
$$ Where these steps are the same as in FIG. 8, the same reference numerals are used. / これらの段階は図8に記載したのと同じであり、同じ参照符号を使用する。(USP6584098)
$$ The anode platinum loadings are the same as in FIG. 1. / このアノード白金添加量は、図1と同じである。(USP6855452)
$$ Here the cell structure is substantially the same as that in the first preferred embodiment. / この場合のセル構造は第1実施例におけるそれと実質的に同じである。(USP5801796)
$$ It is not the same as an array of function pointers (each of whose elements can point to a different function). (USP6691301)
$$ The spectral passband characteristics are thus the same as a conventional AWG, i.e. there is no broadening of the passband. / このように、スペクトル通過帯域の特徴は、従来のAWGと同一である、すなわち、通過帯域は拡張しない。 (USP6339664)
$$ In general, the alien receiver will not use a timeslot pattern that is the same as that used in the mesh.(USP02042274)
$$ In general all reference numerals are the same as shown in FIG. 1. (USP6244841)
$$ The basic operation is the same as described above. / 基本的な動作は上で説明したのと同一である。(USP8757583) ~ PP
$$ In general, all reference numerals are the same as in FIG. 2. / 概ね全ての参照記号は図2に示すものと同じである。(USP6244841)
$$ Where these steps are the same as in FIG. 8, the same reference numerals are used. / これらの段階は図8に記載したのと同じであり、同じ参照符号を使用する。(USP6584098)
$$ The anode platinum loadings are the same as in FIG. 1. / このアノード白金添加量は、図1と同じである。(USP6855452)
$$ Here the cell structure is substantially the same as that in the first preferred embodiment. / この場合のセル構造は第1実施例におけるそれと実質的に同じである。(USP5801796)
$$ It is not the same as an array of function pointers (each of whose elements can point to a different function). (USP6691301)
$$ The spectral passband characteristics are thus the same as a conventional AWG, i.e. there is no broadening of the passband. / このように、スペクトル通過帯域の特徴は、従来のAWGと同一である、すなわち、通過帯域は拡張しない。 (USP6339664)
$$ In general, the alien receiver will not use a timeslot pattern that is the same as that used in the mesh.(USP02042274)
$$ In general all reference numerals are the same as shown in FIG. 1. (USP6244841)
$$ FIG. 13 is a bottom view of the module of FIG. 12 showing the module in the same condition; / 図13は、図12のモジュールの底面図であって、同じ状態にあるモジュールを示す。(USP6418264)
$$ When viewed from either side, any objects on the opposite side of the panel will typically be visible, for example under substantially the same conditions of illumination of the panel and the space on both sides. / 例えば、パネルの照明と両側における距離に関して実質上同じ条件の下では、両側から見た場合に、パネルの反対側にある対像物は、典型的には見える。(USP6212805)
$$ Additionally, a coating comprising approximately 100 wt % Posylux 2521 and a small amount of Basonyl dye lost 63% of its weight under the same conditions. / さらに、およそ100wt%のPosylux 2521及び少量のBasonyl dyeを含む被覆は、同じ条件で、その重量の63%が失われた。(USP01019809)
$$ FIGS. 6 and 7 give an indication of the loss rate/throughput/delay relationship, under the same conditions as for FIG. 5. (USP7006435)
$$ GR-1 was treated in a harder base bitumen (AC-20), using the same condition to prepare concentrate at 25% loading as described in Example 1. (USP5959007)
$$ Each of the compositions A to G was coated on to a newsprint base paper, using the same pilot coating machine with the same coating head under the same conditions as were described in Example 2. (USP5882396)
$$ FIG. 13 is a bottom view of the module of FIG. 12 showing the module in the same condition; / 図13は、図12のモジュールの底面図であって、同じ状態にあるモジュールを示す。(USP6418264)
$$ When viewed from either side, any objects on the opposite side of the panel will typically be visible, for example under substantially the same conditions of illumination of the panel and the space on both sides. / 例えば、パネルの照明と両側における距離に関して実質上同じ条件の下では、両側から見た場合に、パネルの反対側にある対像物は、典型的には見える。(USP6212805)
$$ Additionally, a coating comprising approximately 100 wt % Posylux 2521 and a small amount of Basonyl dye lost 63% of its weight under the same conditions. / さらに、およそ100wt%のPosylux 2521及び少量のBasonyl dyeを含む被覆は、同じ条件で、その重量の63%が失われた。(USP01019809)
$$ FIGS. 6 and 7 give an indication of the loss rate/throughput/delay relationship, under the same conditions as for FIG. 5. (USP7006435)
$$ GR-1 was treated in a harder base bitumen (AC-20), using the same condition to prepare concentrate at 25% loading as described in Example 1. (USP5959007)
$$ Each of the compositions A to G was coated on to a newsprint base paper, using the same pilot coating machine with the same coating head under the same conditions as were described in Example 2. (USP5882396)
$$ It should be noted that each node 2 in this example of the system 1 be connected to the same number n of other nodes in a hypercube topology. / システム1のこの実施例の各ノード2が、ハイパーキューブトポロジの他のノードの同じ数nに接続されることに注意しなければならない。(USP6553020)
$$ Each up-link normal data packet comprises 24 bits of synchronisation data followed by an S-field and D-field of the same number of bits as in each down-link normal slot. / 各上りリンクのデータパケットは、各下りリンクの正規スロットと同じビット数が24ビットの同期データ、続くSフィールド及びDフィールドで構成される。(USP6044086)
$$ Each central switch has the same number of inputs as each outer switch and DMR circuit has outputs. (USP5109378)
$$ There are very nearly the same number of Q-subchannel blocks as there are sectors on a CD. / CDのセクタとほぼ同じ数のQ-サブチャネルブロックがある。(USP6560176)
$$ A position detector according to claim 1 or 2, wherein each set of loops comprises the same number of loop portions. (USP6561022)
$$ These will then be arranged into 2.sup.n-l -1pairs and applied to the same number of audio transducers, possibly via some transducer driving circuitry. (USP6373955)
$$ It should be noted that each node 2 in this example of the system 1 be connected to the same number n of other nodes in a hypercube topology. / システム1のこの実施例の各ノード2が、ハイパーキューブトポロジの他のノードの同じ数nに接続されることに注意しなければならない。(USP6553020)
$$ Each up-link normal data packet comprises 24 bits of synchronisation data followed by an S-field and D-field of the same number of bits as in each down-link normal slot. / 各上りリンクのデータパケットは、各下りリンクの正規スロットと同じビット数が24ビットの同期データ、続くSフィールド及びDフィールドで構成される。(USP6044086)
$$ Each central switch has the same number of inputs as each outer switch and DMR circuit has outputs. (USP5109378)
$$ There are very nearly the same number of Q-subchannel blocks as there are sectors on a CD. / CDのセクタとほぼ同じ数のQ-サブチャネルブロックがある。(USP6560176)
$$ A position detector according to claim 1 or 2, wherein each set of loops comprises the same number of loop portions. (USP6561022)
$$ These will then be arranged into 2.sup.n-l -1pairs and applied to the same number of audio transducers, possibly via some transducer driving circuitry. (USP6373955)
SAME...TRUE 同様である・当てはまる
SAME...TRUE 同様である・当てはまる
$$ The same is true for the Vss1 pad. / このことは、Vss1パッドにもあてはまる。(USP8194373)
$$ As one audio head leaves the tape, the other audio head is just coming into contact with it, the same being true for the video heads. / 一方の音声ヘッドがテープから離れると、すぐに他方の音声ヘッドがそのテープと接触する。ビデオヘッドについても同様である。(USP8160423)
$$ Exactly the same is true for the sets of heads for which each daughter cannot combine. / 厳密に同じことは、各ドーターが結合できない主要語の集合に当てはまる。(USP7565281)
$$ Thus one each of the feedforward gains 4a, 4b has values +g and -g as shown in FIG. 8a, and the same is true for the feedback gains 3a, 3b. (USP5671287)
$$ The same is true for the rays in the beam 14B, and in the beams from each other point in the illuminated area of the sample. (USP5623342)
$$ The same is true if the sample is intended as a bearing surface.(USP5510894)
$$ The same is true for example of a 4-antenna node that uses 12 timeslots and 3 antennas in PRI(A). (USP02042274)
$$ The same is true of the reflector of FIG. 4. (USP01022495)
SAME...TRUE 同様である・当てはまる
$$ The same is true for the Vss1 pad. / このことは、Vss1パッドにもあてはまる。(USP8194373)
$$ As one audio head leaves the tape, the other audio head is just coming into contact with it, the same being true for the video heads. / 一方の音声ヘッドがテープから離れると、すぐに他方の音声ヘッドがそのテープと接触する。ビデオヘッドについても同様である。(USP8160423)
$$ Exactly the same is true for the sets of heads for which each daughter cannot combine. / 厳密に同じことは、各ドーターが結合できない主要語の集合に当てはまる。(USP7565281)
$$ Thus one each of the feedforward gains 4a, 4b has values +g and -g as shown in FIG. 8a, and the same is true for the feedback gains 3a, 3b. (USP5671287)
$$ The same is true for the rays in the beam 14B, and in the beams from each other point in the illuminated area of the sample. (USP5623342)
$$ The same is true if the sample is intended as a bearing surface.(USP5510894)
$$ The same is true for example of a 4-antenna node that uses 12 timeslots and 3 antennas in PRI(A). (USP02042274)
$$ The same is true of the reflector of FIG. 4. (USP01022495)
$$ The observant user will however see that the inner frame has two members, an outer 53 and an inner 56,56',56" and that the barrier enclosure 52 was, and the remaining part of it still is, sandwiched in between them. / しかしながら、注意深い使用者であれば、内部フレームが外側部材53と内側部材56,56’,56”との2つの部材を有していること、および、バリア包装52がこれら2つの部材間に挟まれていたこと、この場合、バリア包装の残部はなおも挟まれていること、がわかるであろう。(USP6000539)
$$ Between the first and second detent plates 238, 242 a bearing cage plate 246 is sandwiched. / 第1歯付き板238と第2歯付き板242との間にはベアリング保持板246が挟まれている。(USP6691849)
$$ The other stator plate 10 is interlocked with the first stator plate 10 to sandwich the wound core 11, 12 between the plates. (USP6507258)
$$ In this case, in order to mask the polymer substrate 100 from the laser beam 50, it is advantageous to sandwich a masking film (for example of amorphous silicon) between two thick capping insulating layers 101. (USP5930609)
$$ Thus, an upper block 15 fits alongside the outer radius of the stator 8 and a lower block 16 fits alongside the inner radius of the stator 8 thereby sandwiching the stator 8 between the two blocks 15, 16. (USP6507258)
$$ The mechanical properties of joints riveted with the same size of rivet will vary depending on the sandwich thickness and the material being fastened. / リベットの同じサイズでリベット止めされたジョイントの機械的性質は、固定されているサンドイッチ厚さ及び材料に依存して、変化するであろう。(USP6692213)
$$ Preferably grooved means are provided on the inner surfaces of both components and the sandwiching of the intermediate member forms channels with each of said grooved means on either side of said member. / 好ましくは、溝状手段は両部品の内面に備えられ、中間部材を挟むことにより、前記溝状手段の各々で前記部材の両側にチャネルを形成する。(USP7608219)
$$ The observant user will however see that the inner frame has two members, an outer 53 and an inner 56,56',56" and that the barrier enclosure 52 was, and the remaining part of it still is, sandwiched in between them. / しかしながら、注意深い使用者であれば、内部フレームが外側部材53と内側部材56,56’,56”との2つの部材を有していること、および、バリア包装52がこれら2つの部材間に挟まれていたこと、この場合、バリア包装の残部はなおも挟まれていること、がわかるであろう。(USP6000539)
$$ Between the first and second detent plates 238, 242 a bearing cage plate 246 is sandwiched. / 第1歯付き板238と第2歯付き板242との間にはベアリング保持板246が挟まれている。(USP6691849)
$$ The other stator plate 10 is interlocked with the first stator plate 10 to sandwich the wound core 11, 12 between the plates. (USP6507258)
$$ In this case, in order to mask the polymer substrate 100 from the laser beam 50, it is advantageous to sandwich a masking film (for example of amorphous silicon) between two thick capping insulating layers 101. (USP5930609)
$$ Thus, an upper block 15 fits alongside the outer radius of the stator 8 and a lower block 16 fits alongside the inner radius of the stator 8 thereby sandwiching the stator 8 between the two blocks 15, 16. (USP6507258)
$$ The mechanical properties of joints riveted with the same size of rivet will vary depending on the sandwich thickness and the material being fastened. / リベットの同じサイズでリベット止めされたジョイントの機械的性質は、固定されているサンドイッチ厚さ及び材料に依存して、変化するであろう。(USP6692213)
$$ Preferably grooved means are provided on the inner surfaces of both components and the sandwiching of the intermediate member forms channels with each of said grooved means on either side of said member. / 好ましくは、溝状手段は両部品の内面に備えられ、中間部材を挟むことにより、前記溝状手段の各々で前記部材の両側にチャネルを形成する。(USP7608219)
$$ The technique can be extended to any number of wavelengths or broadband illumination subject to equation 28 being satisfied at all wavelengths. / この技術は、式28がすべての波長で満たされるどのような数の波長あるいは広帯域の照明にも拡張することができる。(USP6975457)
$$ However, there are an infinite number of combinations of impedances which will satisfy Kirchoffs current law. / しかしながら、キルヒホフの電流法則を満足する無限数のインピーダンスの結合がある。(USP6816020)
$$ Many topologies satisfy this transmit/receive phasing if all transmission path loops in the web have an even number of sides. / 多くのトポロジは、ウェブ内のすべての伝送経路ループに偶数のサイドがある場合にこの伝送/受信位相同期を満たす。(USP6553020)
$$ Minimum reflection occurs when the thickness (z) of layer 8 is adjusted so that its optical path length, t, satisfies the equation, t=σ.sup.1/2 (nλ/4)... / 層8の厚さ(z)が、その光路長lが式l=σ1/2(nλ/4)を満たすように調整されたとき、最小限の反射が生じる。(USP6453224)
$$ The luminance component is generated in accordance with equation (1) below, in which the coefficients a, b, and c are selected to satisfy equation (2), and the relative ability of the human eye to detect these colours. / 輝度成分は、以下に示す式(1)及び人間の視覚の相対的な認識能力に基づいて生成される。なお、式(1)において、係数a、b、cは、式(2)を満たすように選択される。(USP6614489)
$$ Sufficient flame retardancy is also exhibited to satisfy the standard tests UL510 and ISO 3795, even though the tapes do not comprise any halogenated components. / また本発明の接着テープはハロゲン化物組成分を含有していないのにかかわらず、規格テストULS10およびISO3795に適合する充分な難燃性を具備する。(USP6200677)
$$ The technique can be extended to any number of wavelengths or broadband illumination subject to equation 28 being satisfied at all wavelengths. / この技術は、式28がすべての波長で満たされるどのような数の波長あるいは広帯域の照明にも拡張することができる。(USP6975457)
$$ However, there are an infinite number of combinations of impedances which will satisfy Kirchoffs current law. / しかしながら、キルヒホフの電流法則を満足する無限数のインピーダンスの結合がある。(USP6816020)
$$ Many topologies satisfy this transmit/receive phasing if all transmission path loops in the web have an even number of sides. / 多くのトポロジは、ウェブ内のすべての伝送経路ループに偶数のサイドがある場合にこの伝送/受信位相同期を満たす。(USP6553020)
$$ Minimum reflection occurs when the thickness (z) of layer 8 is adjusted so that its optical path length, t, satisfies the equation, t=σ.sup.1/2 (nλ/4)... / 層8の厚さ(z)が、その光路長lが式l=σ1/2(nλ/4)を満たすように調整されたとき、最小限の反射が生じる。(USP6453224)
$$ The luminance component is generated in accordance with equation (1) below, in which the coefficients a, b, and c are selected to satisfy equation (2), and the relative ability of the human eye to detect these colours. / 輝度成分は、以下に示す式(1)及び人間の視覚の相対的な認識能力に基づいて生成される。なお、式(1)において、係数a、b、cは、式(2)を満たすように選択される。(USP6614489)
$$ Sufficient flame retardancy is also exhibited to satisfy the standard tests UL510 and ISO 3795, even though the tapes do not comprise any halogenated components. / また本発明の接着テープはハロゲン化物組成分を含有していないのにかかわらず、規格テストULS10およびISO3795に適合する充分な難燃性を具備する。(USP6200677)
$$ Energy saving applies to all operatively connected transistor gates of the transmission-line 15. / エネルギ節約は、伝送線15の全ての動作的に接続されているトランジスタ・ゲートに適用される。(USP6816020)
$$ The main body is substantially identical to the image capture part described in relation to the first embodiment, save for the following. / 主本体は、次の点を除いて第1の実施形態に関係して記載したイメージ捕捉部と実質的に同じである。(USP6687389)
$$ This saves memory in comparison with a system in which a programme code for every possible special effect has to be loaded. / これによって、可能な特殊効果の全てに対してプログラム・コードがロードされなければならないシステムと比べてメモリの節約になる。(USP6523174)
$$ Referring to FIG. 11, in a first step 220 of the calibration process a calibration image is generated by quark image generation software 321 (FIG. 9) and saved as a bitmap 251. (USP02008881)
$$ This partially rendered template is saved in the content store.(USP01051961)
$$ The greyscale signal 90 is saved in low resolution greyscale image store 33.(USP02008881)
$$ At reset time the hardware saves the size of the local buffer in the LB Memory Control register (localbuffer visible region size).(USP5727192)
$$ Energy saving applies to all operatively connected transistor gates of the transmission-line 15. / エネルギ節約は、伝送線15の全ての動作的に接続されているトランジスタ・ゲートに適用される。(USP6816020)
$$ The main body is substantially identical to the image capture part described in relation to the first embodiment, save for the following. / 主本体は、次の点を除いて第1の実施形態に関係して記載したイメージ捕捉部と実質的に同じである。(USP6687389)
$$ This saves memory in comparison with a system in which a programme code for every possible special effect has to be loaded. / これによって、可能な特殊効果の全てに対してプログラム・コードがロードされなければならないシステムと比べてメモリの節約になる。(USP6523174)
$$ Referring to FIG. 11, in a first step 220 of the calibration process a calibration image is generated by quark image generation software 321 (FIG. 9) and saved as a bitmap 251. (USP02008881)
$$ This partially rendered template is saved in the content store.(USP01051961)
$$ The greyscale signal 90 is saved in low resolution greyscale image store 33.(USP02008881)
$$ At reset time the hardware saves the size of the local buffer in the LB Memory Control register (localbuffer visible region size).(USP5727192)
タグ :SAVE
$$ This creates a "saw-tooth" graph in FIG. 4a. / これは図4aの「鋸歯状」のグラフを作る。(USP8294977)
$$ Prism based films may have a saw tooth shape structure, varying in one direction, across the entirety of the film with a pitch of about 50 microns, wherein the pitch is the distance between the centre of adjacent microstructures. / プリズム・ベースのフィルムは、約50ミクロンのピッチでフィルムの全体にわたって、一方向に変化する鋸歯形状の構造体を有することができ、ここで、ピッチは、隣接する微細構造体の中心間の距離である。(USP8264622)
$$ The frequency waveform is preferably saw-tooth in nature and bandwidths of at least 1500 MHz, corresponding to 12.5 cm range resolution, are readily achievable. / 周波数波形は、本質的に鋸歯であることが好ましく、12.5cmのレンジ分解能に対応する少なくとも1500MHzの帯域幅を容易に達成することができる。(USP7592943)
$$ Reference is now directed to line (4) of FIG, 4, which shows at plot A the essentially saw-tooth relationship between interpolation phase and time. / さて、プロットAで、補間位相及び時間の間の本質的に鋸歯の関係を示す、図4の行(4)を参照する。(USP6480232)
$$ The projections on the flicker roller are preferably saw-tooth in shape, in which case the more steeply rising edge of the saw-tooth engage the trailing edge of the document. (USP4650178)
$$ This creates a "saw-tooth" graph in FIG. 4a. / これは図4aの「鋸歯状」のグラフを作る。(USP8294977)
$$ Prism based films may have a saw tooth shape structure, varying in one direction, across the entirety of the film with a pitch of about 50 microns, wherein the pitch is the distance between the centre of adjacent microstructures. / プリズム・ベースのフィルムは、約50ミクロンのピッチでフィルムの全体にわたって、一方向に変化する鋸歯形状の構造体を有することができ、ここで、ピッチは、隣接する微細構造体の中心間の距離である。(USP8264622)
$$ The frequency waveform is preferably saw-tooth in nature and bandwidths of at least 1500 MHz, corresponding to 12.5 cm range resolution, are readily achievable. / 周波数波形は、本質的に鋸歯であることが好ましく、12.5cmのレンジ分解能に対応する少なくとも1500MHzの帯域幅を容易に達成することができる。(USP7592943)
$$ Reference is now directed to line (4) of FIG, 4, which shows at plot A the essentially saw-tooth relationship between interpolation phase and time. / さて、プロットAで、補間位相及び時間の間の本質的に鋸歯の関係を示す、図4の行(4)を参照する。(USP6480232)
$$ The projections on the flicker roller are preferably saw-tooth in shape, in which case the more steeply rising edge of the saw-tooth engage the trailing edge of the document. (USP4650178)
$$ For convenience we say that the "image planes" of one apparatus according to the invention are coincident with the "object planes" of the other. / 便宜上、本発明に係る1つの装置の「像平面」が、他の「物体平面」に一致しているとする。(USP6975457)
$$ While effective for its purpose it would be fair to say that it was limited in that it was only applicable to single threaded environments and, when applied to a CPU emulator, had an executable that was simply enormous. (USP02029357)
$$ This is to say radiation 96c is now orthogonally polarised relative to radiation 96a, and to the dish 92. / すなわち、放射96cが放射96aおよびディッシュ92に対して、ここで直交方向に偏波される。(USP6900756)
$$ If we want to say that disk has to return to the equilibrium position and stay there we need to use term "asymptotic stability". (USP6304015)
$$ It might be necessary to do this because the text-to-speech apparatus is itself unable to say the word well. (USP6175821)
$$ It is therefore not possible to say when the new value for L will be available. (USP6724817)
$$ By saying that the polymerization initiates substantially immediately upon contact of the aqueous monomer beads with the non-aqueous liquid, we mean that all the components necessary to initiate polymerization are present. / 「水性モノマービーズと非水液とが接触すると実質的にただちに重合が開始する」と(言うこと)は、重合を開始するのに必要なすべての成分が存在することを意味する(USP6277932)
$$ For convenience we say that the "image planes" of one apparatus according to the invention are coincident with the "object planes" of the other. / 便宜上、本発明に係る1つの装置の「像平面」が、他の「物体平面」に一致しているとする。(USP6975457)
$$ While effective for its purpose it would be fair to say that it was limited in that it was only applicable to single threaded environments and, when applied to a CPU emulator, had an executable that was simply enormous. (USP02029357)
$$ This is to say radiation 96c is now orthogonally polarised relative to radiation 96a, and to the dish 92. / すなわち、放射96cが放射96aおよびディッシュ92に対して、ここで直交方向に偏波される。(USP6900756)
$$ If we want to say that disk has to return to the equilibrium position and stay there we need to use term "asymptotic stability". (USP6304015)
$$ It might be necessary to do this because the text-to-speech apparatus is itself unable to say the word well. (USP6175821)
$$ It is therefore not possible to say when the new value for L will be available. (USP6724817)
$$ By saying that the polymerization initiates substantially immediately upon contact of the aqueous monomer beads with the non-aqueous liquid, we mean that all the components necessary to initiate polymerization are present. / 「水性モノマービーズと非水液とが接触すると実質的にただちに重合が開始する」と(言うこと)は、重合を開始するのに必要なすべての成分が存在することを意味する(USP6277932)
タグ :SAY
$$ Engaging members (5) may be attached to the body of the scaffold. / 係合部材(5)は、足場材の本体に取り付けられる。(RE44580)
$$ As a further feature, the portions of the roof structure provided above the earth, sand or aggregate layer can advantageously be formed from the inter connected metal poles, for example such as scaffold poles. / さらなる特徴として、土、砂、又は粒団の層の上に提供される屋根構造の部分は、有利には、例えば足場丸太のような相互接続される金属柱から形成することができる。(USP8549792)
$$ The support may be longitudinal ribs or a scaffold which surrounds the pack 9. / この支持体は、長手方向のリブ又はパック9を取り囲む骨格であってよい。(USP8425468)
$$ One or more peptides may be linked to a backbone structure, also called a scaffold molecule. (USP7304129): 骨格分子
$$ When undertaking such tasks, the standard method used is a scaffold board bridged across two ladders pitched at different heights along the run of the staircase. (USP5967261): 足場板
$$ Engaging members (5) may be attached to the body of the scaffold. / 係合部材(5)は、足場材の本体に取り付けられる。(RE44580)
$$ As a further feature, the portions of the roof structure provided above the earth, sand or aggregate layer can advantageously be formed from the inter connected metal poles, for example such as scaffold poles. / さらなる特徴として、土、砂、又は粒団の層の上に提供される屋根構造の部分は、有利には、例えば足場丸太のような相互接続される金属柱から形成することができる。(USP8549792)
$$ The support may be longitudinal ribs or a scaffold which surrounds the pack 9. / この支持体は、長手方向のリブ又はパック9を取り囲む骨格であってよい。(USP8425468)
$$ One or more peptides may be linked to a backbone structure, also called a scaffold molecule. (USP7304129): 骨格分子
$$ When undertaking such tasks, the standard method used is a scaffold board bridged across two ladders pitched at different heights along the run of the staircase. (USP5967261): 足場板
$$ Each element in the image is a gray scale of 8-bits. (USP02018284)
$$ ...using a scale of mg of debris per second... (USP02036501)
$$ Each entry in the lexical table, in this embodiment, also includes a code indicating (for example on a scale of 1 to 5) the difficulty, complexity or obscurity of the meaning concerned. (USP6446081)
$$ The human perceptibility of a panel of the invention improves by as such as from "surface not visible" (0 on a perceptibility scale of 0 to 4) to "surface visible, detail very discernible" (4 on a perceptibility scale of 0 to 4). / 本発明のパネルについて人間の視認性は、「表面を見ることができない」(視認性の度合が0から4の内の0)から、「表面を詳細まで見ることができる」(視認性の度合が0から4の内の4)へ改善する。(USP6212805)
$$ The method of legalising by independently limiting the red, green and blue components is provided with a further improvement by converting the scale of the red, green and blue components from the scale of 0 to 1 to a bipolar scale, which is formed on an equivalently scale between -0.5 and 0.5. / 赤、緑、青の成分のそれぞれを個別に制限することにより規格化を行う第1の規格化法は、赤、緑、青の成分を示す0~1のスケールを同じ範囲を示す-0.5~0.5の2極性のスケールに変換することによりさらにその効果を改善できる。(USP6614489)
$$ On a timescale of hours and days, or even minutes or seconds, the network can be automatically reconfigured to use different subsets of the available lines of sight to optimise operational parameters. / 時間および日の時間尺度、あるいは分または秒の時問尺度の場合も、ネットワークは自動的に構成し直され、操作上のパラメータを最適化するために使用可能な見通しの異なるサブセットを使用することができる。(USP6553020)
$$ The line stipple pattern is 16 bits in length and is scaled by a repeat factor r (in the range 1 to 512). (USP5727192)
$$ Typically, the scaled-down model may include in the region of 5000 data entries per table. / 一般に、縮小されたモデルは、表毎に領域中に5000個のデータエントリを含んでいてもよい。(USP6182079)
$$ Such a demand pull system works well for large-scale, uniform manufacturing processes where there is a relatively predictable demand.(USP02072988)
$$ A portion of this product was dried in a commercial pilot-scale spray giving a fine, low-density surfactant powder.(USP02038049)
$$ To achieve short recognition times and low hardware cost it is desirable to execute the processes of binary correlation described above in one or more specialised large-scale integrated circuits.(USP4805223)
$$ The grey-scale in FIG. 2 reflects the magnitude of the color concentration. / 図2のグレイスケールは色の濃度を反映している。(USP6148092)
$$ Each element in the image is a gray scale of 8-bits. (USP02018284)
$$ ...using a scale of mg of debris per second... (USP02036501)
$$ Each entry in the lexical table, in this embodiment, also includes a code indicating (for example on a scale of 1 to 5) the difficulty, complexity or obscurity of the meaning concerned. (USP6446081)
$$ The human perceptibility of a panel of the invention improves by as such as from "surface not visible" (0 on a perceptibility scale of 0 to 4) to "surface visible, detail very discernible" (4 on a perceptibility scale of 0 to 4). / 本発明のパネルについて人間の視認性は、「表面を見ることができない」(視認性の度合が0から4の内の0)から、「表面を詳細まで見ることができる」(視認性の度合が0から4の内の4)へ改善する。(USP6212805)
$$ The method of legalising by independently limiting the red, green and blue components is provided with a further improvement by converting the scale of the red, green and blue components from the scale of 0 to 1 to a bipolar scale, which is formed on an equivalently scale between -0.5 and 0.5. / 赤、緑、青の成分のそれぞれを個別に制限することにより規格化を行う第1の規格化法は、赤、緑、青の成分を示す0~1のスケールを同じ範囲を示す-0.5~0.5の2極性のスケールに変換することによりさらにその効果を改善できる。(USP6614489)
$$ On a timescale of hours and days, or even minutes or seconds, the network can be automatically reconfigured to use different subsets of the available lines of sight to optimise operational parameters. / 時間および日の時間尺度、あるいは分または秒の時問尺度の場合も、ネットワークは自動的に構成し直され、操作上のパラメータを最適化するために使用可能な見通しの異なるサブセットを使用することができる。(USP6553020)
$$ The line stipple pattern is 16 bits in length and is scaled by a repeat factor r (in the range 1 to 512). (USP5727192)
$$ Typically, the scaled-down model may include in the region of 5000 data entries per table. / 一般に、縮小されたモデルは、表毎に領域中に5000個のデータエントリを含んでいてもよい。(USP6182079)
$$ Such a demand pull system works well for large-scale, uniform manufacturing processes where there is a relatively predictable demand.(USP02072988)
$$ A portion of this product was dried in a commercial pilot-scale spray giving a fine, low-density surfactant powder.(USP02038049)
$$ To achieve short recognition times and low hardware cost it is desirable to execute the processes of binary correlation described above in one or more specialised large-scale integrated circuits.(USP4805223)
$$ The grey-scale in FIG. 2 reflects the magnitude of the color concentration. / 図2のグレイスケールは色の濃度を反映している。(USP6148092)
$$ In embodiments each IC provides an array of processor blocks, and the ICs may be stacked or connected in a grid formation to provide a scalable hardware implementation. / 実施形態において、各ICは、プロセッサブロックのアレイを提供し、ICは、拡張性のあるハードウェア実装を提供するために、格子形式でスタックまたは結合され得る。(USP8300057)
$$ It is readily scalable since it does not require an associated complex central power controller. / これは付随する複雑な中央電力コントローラが必要ないので、容易にスケーリング可能である。(USP8291244)
$$ The size of a voxel is scalable and may comprise the whole lung. / ボクセルの寸法は拡張可能であり、肺全体を含むことができる。(USP8255036)
$$ In particular, but not exclusively to a fault management scheme which is scalable as the number of agents within the MAS rises. / 特にMASの中のエージェント数が増加するにつれてスケーラブルである故障管理方式に関するがそれに限らない。(USP8200743)
$$ The invention provides a scalable and cost-effective solution to the Congestion Management problem. / 本発明は、輻輳管理問題に対して、拡張可能で費用効率の高い解決法を提供する。(USP8174978)
$$ However, the computational complexity is not negligible, and so would not lead to a scalable architecture for video streaming. / しかしながら、計算の複雑性は無視し得ないため、ビデオストリーミングのための縮小化アーキテクチャにつながらないであろう。(USP8135852)
$$ These features ensure that decentralised architectures are more robust, more scalable and more modular than centralised or distributed systems. / これらの特徴は、非集中型アーキテクチャが集中型システムまたは分散型システムよりさらに頑健で、さらにスケラブルで、さらにモジュール式(modular)であることを保証する。(USP8089393)
$$ At the same time, because a plurality of devices is provided directly on a single lower electrode, the device is compact and readily scalable. / また同時に、複数個のデバイスは、単一の下位電極に直接接続できるので、デバイスは小型で、容易に拡張可能である。(USP7598149)
$$ However, for large numbers of sources, this becomes unscalable and time-consuming. / しかしながら源の数が多くなると、スケーラブルでなくなり、時間がかかってしまうようになる。(USP6996722)
$$ The design of the gateway program allows extra serving applications to be added to cope with increased demand--i.e. the solution in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention is scalable. / ゲートウェイ・プログラムの設計は、増大した要求に対処するために、エクストラ・サービング・アプリケーションが付加されることを可能にする。即ち、本発明の望ましい実施例による解決方法は変動可能である。(USP6336135)
$$ The system is thus scalable to support multiple on-chip CPU cores.(USP6526501)
$$ In embodiments each IC provides an array of processor blocks, and the ICs may be stacked or connected in a grid formation to provide a scalable hardware implementation. / 実施形態において、各ICは、プロセッサブロックのアレイを提供し、ICは、拡張性のあるハードウェア実装を提供するために、格子形式でスタックまたは結合され得る。(USP8300057)
$$ It is readily scalable since it does not require an associated complex central power controller. / これは付随する複雑な中央電力コントローラが必要ないので、容易にスケーリング可能である。(USP8291244)
$$ The size of a voxel is scalable and may comprise the whole lung. / ボクセルの寸法は拡張可能であり、肺全体を含むことができる。(USP8255036)
$$ In particular, but not exclusively to a fault management scheme which is scalable as the number of agents within the MAS rises. / 特にMASの中のエージェント数が増加するにつれてスケーラブルである故障管理方式に関するがそれに限らない。(USP8200743)
$$ The invention provides a scalable and cost-effective solution to the Congestion Management problem. / 本発明は、輻輳管理問題に対して、拡張可能で費用効率の高い解決法を提供する。(USP8174978)
$$ However, the computational complexity is not negligible, and so would not lead to a scalable architecture for video streaming. / しかしながら、計算の複雑性は無視し得ないため、ビデオストリーミングのための縮小化アーキテクチャにつながらないであろう。(USP8135852)
$$ These features ensure that decentralised architectures are more robust, more scalable and more modular than centralised or distributed systems. / これらの特徴は、非集中型アーキテクチャが集中型システムまたは分散型システムよりさらに頑健で、さらにスケラブルで、さらにモジュール式(modular)であることを保証する。(USP8089393)
$$ At the same time, because a plurality of devices is provided directly on a single lower electrode, the device is compact and readily scalable. / また同時に、複数個のデバイスは、単一の下位電極に直接接続できるので、デバイスは小型で、容易に拡張可能である。(USP7598149)
$$ However, for large numbers of sources, this becomes unscalable and time-consuming. / しかしながら源の数が多くなると、スケーラブルでなくなり、時間がかかってしまうようになる。(USP6996722)
$$ The design of the gateway program allows extra serving applications to be added to cope with increased demand--i.e. the solution in accordance with the preferred embodiment of the invention is scalable. / ゲートウェイ・プログラムの設計は、増大した要求に対処するために、エクストラ・サービング・アプリケーションが付加されることを可能にする。即ち、本発明の望ましい実施例による解決方法は変動可能である。(USP6336135)
$$ The system is thus scalable to support multiple on-chip CPU cores.(USP6526501)
$$ A simple scheme of scheduling the connection of antennae 13 is shown in the time slot structure in FIG. 11 for the case M=8. / アンテナ13の接続をスケジュールする簡略な機構は、ケースM=8の場合の図11のタイムスロット構造に図示される。(USP6553020)
$$ It then saves the current position information and schedules itself to examine the file again at some configurable interval. / 次に現在の位置情報をセーブし、幾つかの構成可能なインターバルで再びファイルを検査するためにそれ自身をスケジュールする。(USP5907602)
$$ Similar movement through scheduling information for other services, e.g. service 999 as represented by boxes 101 and 104, is, of course, also possible. / 言うまでもなく、たとえばボックス101および104で表すようなサービス999など、他のサービスのスケジューリング情報でも、同様の動きをすることができる。(USP02042917)
$$ The radiant power level was used to control the temperature to this schedule, and various combinations of RF and microwave power were used. / このスケジュールに対して温度を制御するために、放射電力レベルを使用し、RF電力とマイクロ波電力の様々な組み合わせを使用した。(USP01004075)
$$ A method according to claim 15 wherein the activity is scheduled only if it is not already scheduled for processing. (USP01016808)
$$ When the data has been received, the first process can be rescheduled for execution. (USP02002657)
$$ Two further locations 2' and 3' are scheduled to be visited by another user of the monitoring system. (USP6587551)
$$ A simple scheme of scheduling the connection of antennae 13 is shown in the time slot structure in FIG. 11 for the case M=8. / アンテナ13の接続をスケジュールする簡略な機構は、ケースM=8の場合の図11のタイムスロット構造に図示される。(USP6553020)
$$ It then saves the current position information and schedules itself to examine the file again at some configurable interval. / 次に現在の位置情報をセーブし、幾つかの構成可能なインターバルで再びファイルを検査するためにそれ自身をスケジュールする。(USP5907602)
$$ Similar movement through scheduling information for other services, e.g. service 999 as represented by boxes 101 and 104, is, of course, also possible. / 言うまでもなく、たとえばボックス101および104で表すようなサービス999など、他のサービスのスケジューリング情報でも、同様の動きをすることができる。(USP02042917)
$$ The radiant power level was used to control the temperature to this schedule, and various combinations of RF and microwave power were used. / このスケジュールに対して温度を制御するために、放射電力レベルを使用し、RF電力とマイクロ波電力の様々な組み合わせを使用した。(USP01004075)
$$ A method according to claim 15 wherein the activity is scheduled only if it is not already scheduled for processing. (USP01016808)
$$ When the data has been received, the first process can be rescheduled for execution. (USP02002657)
$$ Two further locations 2' and 3' are scheduled to be visited by another user of the monitoring system. (USP6587551)
$$ Schematic representations of such an arrangement are shown in FIGS. 32 to 35. / そのような構成の概略図は、図32~35に示される。(USP6692213)
$$ FIG. 1 illustrates the schematic structure of a conventional all-dielectric Fabry-Perot filter known in the prior art, / 【図1】従来技術で知られている従来の全誘電体型ファブリペローフィルタの概略構造を示す図である。(USP6631033)
$$ Referring to FIG. 1, a multi-piston hydraulic motor 10 is shown in schematic section, the cylinders being marked 11 and the reciprocating pistons 12. (USP5259738)
$$ A schematic representation of the interaction between hardware and software in the decoder 3 is shown in FIG. 3 of the accompanying drawings. / デコーダ3のハードウェアとソフトウェアとの間の対話の概略図を、添付図面の第3図に示す。(USP02042917)
$$ In preferred embodiments, three parameters are determined by the resource monitor 420, and these are illustrated schematically in FIGS. 8A and 8B. / 好適な実施例によれば、リソースモニタ420によって3つのパラメタが割り出され、その様子が図8Aと図8Bに概略的に示されている。(USP02018462)
$$ The transmitter 12 selects one of the satellites 4a, 4b, as shown schematically in FIG. 1 by a switch 14, in response to the selection signal 10. / この送信機12は、図1にスイッチ14で概略的に示されているように、選択信号10に応答して衛星4a、4bの一方を選択する。(USP01046481)
$$ This is the situation illustrated schematically in FIG. 6. / これは図6において概略的に図示された状況である。(USP01004075)
$$ Schematic representations of such an arrangement are shown in FIGS. 32 to 35. / そのような構成の概略図は、図32~35に示される。(USP6692213)
$$ FIG. 1 illustrates the schematic structure of a conventional all-dielectric Fabry-Perot filter known in the prior art, / 【図1】従来技術で知られている従来の全誘電体型ファブリペローフィルタの概略構造を示す図である。(USP6631033)
$$ Referring to FIG. 1, a multi-piston hydraulic motor 10 is shown in schematic section, the cylinders being marked 11 and the reciprocating pistons 12. (USP5259738)
$$ A schematic representation of the interaction between hardware and software in the decoder 3 is shown in FIG. 3 of the accompanying drawings. / デコーダ3のハードウェアとソフトウェアとの間の対話の概略図を、添付図面の第3図に示す。(USP02042917)
$$ In preferred embodiments, three parameters are determined by the resource monitor 420, and these are illustrated schematically in FIGS. 8A and 8B. / 好適な実施例によれば、リソースモニタ420によって3つのパラメタが割り出され、その様子が図8Aと図8Bに概略的に示されている。(USP02018462)
$$ The transmitter 12 selects one of the satellites 4a, 4b, as shown schematically in FIG. 1 by a switch 14, in response to the selection signal 10. / この送信機12は、図1にスイッチ14で概略的に示されているように、選択信号10に応答して衛星4a、4bの一方を選択する。(USP01046481)
$$ This is the situation illustrated schematically in FIG. 6. / これは図6において概略的に図示された状況である。(USP01004075)
SCOPE (発明の)範囲
SCOPE (発明の)範囲
$$ However, the present invention includes within its scope variations including other sources of NO2. / しかし、本発明はその範囲内に、他のNO2 供給源を含む変形も包含する。(USP6889498)
$$ Various modifications can be made to the embodiments herein before described without departing from the scope of the present invention. / この請求の範囲から逸脱することなく、上述した実施の形態を様々に変更することができる。(USP03131243)
$$ Modifications may be made within the scope of the present invention. / 本発明の範囲内で改変が可能である。(USP5941039)
$$ Variations and modifications can be made without departing from the scope of the invention described above and as claimed hereinafter. 上記発明およびクレームされた発明の範囲を逸脱しない範囲で種々の変形が可能である。(USP5893487)
$$ Various modifications in both embodiments are possible without departing from the scope of the invention. / 本発明の範囲から乖離することなく、いずれの実施例でも種々の変形が可能である。(USP5389890)
$$ In this case, said layer may include a second compound which is preferably a radiation sensitive compound and, optionally, a third compound which may be a polymeric compound (outside the scope of the present invention). / この場合、前記の層は、好ましくは放射感受性である第二の化合物、及び、任意に、ポリマー化合物(本発明の範囲外)であってよい第三の化合物、を含むことができる。(USP01019809)
$$ This is performed within the scope of a single end-to-end synchronous communication session. / これは、単一の終端間同期通信セッションの範囲内で遂行される。(USP6336135)
SCOPE (発明の)範囲
$$ However, the present invention includes within its scope variations including other sources of NO2. / しかし、本発明はその範囲内に、他のNO2 供給源を含む変形も包含する。(USP6889498)
$$ Various modifications can be made to the embodiments herein before described without departing from the scope of the present invention. / この請求の範囲から逸脱することなく、上述した実施の形態を様々に変更することができる。(USP03131243)
$$ Modifications may be made within the scope of the present invention. / 本発明の範囲内で改変が可能である。(USP5941039)
$$ Variations and modifications can be made without departing from the scope of the invention described above and as claimed hereinafter. 上記発明およびクレームされた発明の範囲を逸脱しない範囲で種々の変形が可能である。(USP5893487)
$$ Various modifications in both embodiments are possible without departing from the scope of the invention. / 本発明の範囲から乖離することなく、いずれの実施例でも種々の変形が可能である。(USP5389890)
$$ In this case, said layer may include a second compound which is preferably a radiation sensitive compound and, optionally, a third compound which may be a polymeric compound (outside the scope of the present invention). / この場合、前記の層は、好ましくは放射感受性である第二の化合物、及び、任意に、ポリマー化合物(本発明の範囲外)であってよい第三の化合物、を含むことができる。(USP01019809)
$$ This is performed within the scope of a single end-to-end synchronous communication session. / これは、単一の終端間同期通信セッションの範囲内で遂行される。(USP6336135)
SCREW (n, v) 螺子;螺子止め
SCREW (n, v) 螺子;螺子止め
$$ This can be effected by a motor driven ball screw acting on the lever arm to control the transverse load. / これは、レバーアームに作用して横方向荷重を制御するモータ駆動式ボールスクリュウによって行うことができる。(USP6031371)
$$ Screw lugs 106 may be provided for securing the conduit 10 in relation to other elements of the dispensing system e.g. a box or housing (not shown). / ねじ突起部106は、例えば箱またはハウジングのような分配システムの他の要素に対して導管10を固定するために備えられる。(USP6422434)
$$ The nut 61 is provided with a screwed portion to engage with a mating internal thread in the body 58 and provide clamping means to the elastic tube 60. / ナット61にはねじ部分が備えられ、この部分は本体58の中に存在する内部ねじと係合し、弾性管60に対する締め付け手段を与える。(USP6110055)
$$ The two holes in the tubing are then aligned onto the needles 28, and the clamping plate 23 is screwed onto the output member 22b./次に配管内の2つの孔がニードル28上に整列され、クランプ用板23が出口部材22b上にねじ止めされる。(USP5749565)
$$ The pivot member 24 has an axial bore containing a coil spring 32, and a bolt 33 is screwed into the lower end of this bore, engaging with a bushing 34.(USP5489100)
$$ The pivot member 24' has a threaded bore 60 at its end, and a bolt 33' with a round head 61 is screwed tightly into this bore, trapping a ring or annulus 62 between the head 61 and the head 51.(USP5489100)
$$ The skirt portion is preferably deformable temporarily to allow the projections to ride over one another when the closure is screwed into or unscrewed from the closed position. (USP5411157)
$$ In one embodiment the shafts 65 are screwed into the tips 64 at one end and into the side frame element 20 at the other although other manners of connection could be employed. (USP6965789)
$$ Alternately, a wing nut or like mechanism, on element 108 can be screwed into bolt 106. (USP6682031)
$$ Bolts 28 pass through the bores 26 and are screwed into the holes 24 to attach the mounting plate 20 to the end ring 18. (USP6217773)
$$ The contents of pot and chamber may be mixed by shaking, and dispensed by unscrewing the dispenser from the pot. (USP7490719)
$$ Unscrewing of the pawl assembly is avoided. (USP6474581)
$$ The ridge 725 also causes a "click" effect which a person can feel through the closure when screwing the closure closed. (USP5411157)
$$ FIG. 7 is an elevation of a screwing arrangement in a further embodiment. (USP5967359)
SCREW (n, v) 螺子;螺子止め
$$ This can be effected by a motor driven ball screw acting on the lever arm to control the transverse load. / これは、レバーアームに作用して横方向荷重を制御するモータ駆動式ボールスクリュウによって行うことができる。(USP6031371)
$$ Screw lugs 106 may be provided for securing the conduit 10 in relation to other elements of the dispensing system e.g. a box or housing (not shown). / ねじ突起部106は、例えば箱またはハウジングのような分配システムの他の要素に対して導管10を固定するために備えられる。(USP6422434)
$$ The nut 61 is provided with a screwed portion to engage with a mating internal thread in the body 58 and provide clamping means to the elastic tube 60. / ナット61にはねじ部分が備えられ、この部分は本体58の中に存在する内部ねじと係合し、弾性管60に対する締め付け手段を与える。(USP6110055)
$$ The two holes in the tubing are then aligned onto the needles 28, and the clamping plate 23 is screwed onto the output member 22b./次に配管内の2つの孔がニードル28上に整列され、クランプ用板23が出口部材22b上にねじ止めされる。(USP5749565)
$$ The pivot member 24 has an axial bore containing a coil spring 32, and a bolt 33 is screwed into the lower end of this bore, engaging with a bushing 34.(USP5489100)
$$ The pivot member 24' has a threaded bore 60 at its end, and a bolt 33' with a round head 61 is screwed tightly into this bore, trapping a ring or annulus 62 between the head 61 and the head 51.(USP5489100)
$$ The skirt portion is preferably deformable temporarily to allow the projections to ride over one another when the closure is screwed into or unscrewed from the closed position. (USP5411157)
$$ In one embodiment the shafts 65 are screwed into the tips 64 at one end and into the side frame element 20 at the other although other manners of connection could be employed. (USP6965789)
$$ Alternately, a wing nut or like mechanism, on element 108 can be screwed into bolt 106. (USP6682031)
$$ Bolts 28 pass through the bores 26 and are screwed into the holes 24 to attach the mounting plate 20 to the end ring 18. (USP6217773)
$$ The contents of pot and chamber may be mixed by shaking, and dispensed by unscrewing the dispenser from the pot. (USP7490719)
$$ Unscrewing of the pawl assembly is avoided. (USP6474581)
$$ The ridge 725 also causes a "click" effect which a person can feel through the closure when screwing the closure closed. (USP5411157)
$$ FIG. 7 is an elevation of a screwing arrangement in a further embodiment. (USP5967359)
$$ Opposing lips (3 and 4) of the bag are unsealed with one lip resting on the other. (USP4756140)
$$ A seal component as defined in claim 1 that in use changes its shape or size between an energized, seal enabling state and a released, unsealed state, the change of shape or size being effected by heating or cooling. (USP02074742)
$$ FIG. 1 shows a bore selector 10 having a sealed housing 12 within which an unsealed guide or tube 14 is mounted on pivots 16 near its upper end. (USP02066559)
$$ The container body 23 is then filled with a pourable substance through the second of the ends and is heat sealed at the second end. (USP02069615)
$$ That is, an inner flange 14a of a ferrule 14 can be readily fixed and sealed to the pipe liner using a layer 15 of thermoplastic substance or similar. / すなわち、熱可塑性物質又は類似の物質の層15を使用して、口輪14の内側フランジ14aをパイプライナーに対して容易に固定し、シールすることができる。(USP6228312)
$$ The rubber mat 26a is apertured so that the air injector needles 28 can pass therethrough, the mat providing a seal between the needles and the outer wall of the blown fibre tubing. / ゴムのマット26aは開口を有し、空気注入器のニードル28がそこを貫通できるようになっていて、マットはニードルと吹き出しファイバ配管の外壁との間のシールとなっている。(USP5749565)
$$ An o-ring is preferably provided on the water supply tube 322 to seal the gap between it and the tube 421.(USP6250208)
$$ The pipe rams 18, 20 can be used to seal against the tubing hanger orientation joint 15 to shut in the well, and the annular bag 26 can seal against the landing string 12 to retain any fluids in the riser.(USP02066557)
$$ A packing 32 is used to seal the shaft 28 within the plug 24.(USP01042619)
$$ Opposing lips (3 and 4) of the bag are unsealed with one lip resting on the other. (USP4756140)
$$ A seal component as defined in claim 1 that in use changes its shape or size between an energized, seal enabling state and a released, unsealed state, the change of shape or size being effected by heating or cooling. (USP02074742)
$$ FIG. 1 shows a bore selector 10 having a sealed housing 12 within which an unsealed guide or tube 14 is mounted on pivots 16 near its upper end. (USP02066559)
$$ The container body 23 is then filled with a pourable substance through the second of the ends and is heat sealed at the second end. (USP02069615)
$$ That is, an inner flange 14a of a ferrule 14 can be readily fixed and sealed to the pipe liner using a layer 15 of thermoplastic substance or similar. / すなわち、熱可塑性物質又は類似の物質の層15を使用して、口輪14の内側フランジ14aをパイプライナーに対して容易に固定し、シールすることができる。(USP6228312)
$$ The rubber mat 26a is apertured so that the air injector needles 28 can pass therethrough, the mat providing a seal between the needles and the outer wall of the blown fibre tubing. / ゴムのマット26aは開口を有し、空気注入器のニードル28がそこを貫通できるようになっていて、マットはニードルと吹き出しファイバ配管の外壁との間のシールとなっている。(USP5749565)
$$ An o-ring is preferably provided on the water supply tube 322 to seal the gap between it and the tube 421.(USP6250208)
$$ The pipe rams 18, 20 can be used to seal against the tubing hanger orientation joint 15 to shut in the well, and the annular bag 26 can seal against the landing string 12 to retain any fluids in the riser.(USP02066557)
$$ A packing 32 is used to seal the shaft 28 within the plug 24.(USP01042619)