AIM (v, n)
AIM (v, n)
$$ The present invention when incorporated in such machines aims at achieving radical performance improvements, for example increased thermal efficiency with internal combustion engines, without discarding all that has been achieved to date. (USP5542308)
$$ A coolant nozzle 8 is aimed at the cutting zone of the milling cutter 2.(USP02025235)
$$ The present invention aims to provide an improved mixing and dispensing means whereby the amount of each fluid to be dispensed can be accurately controlled.(USP01025858)
$$ The key component of the structure is a radial passive magnetic bearing, which is aimed to provide a unique and stable radial equilibrium position of a rotating above a critical speed disk.(USP6304015)
$$ Some measures aimed to reduce this effect are proposed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,508,573.(USP6304015)
$$ It is an aim of the present invention to provide an X-ray inspection system which alleviates at least some of the aforementioned problems. / 発明の要旨本発明の目的は、上記問題の少なくとも幾つかを軽減するX線検査システムを提供することである。(USP6122344)
$$ Computationally, the aim is to find the value kt =κ which maximises |H(kt)|.sup.2. / 計算の目的は、|H(kt)|2を最大にする値kt=κを見出すことにある。(USP6208416)
$$ The monomers are generally large molecule aromatic or urethane dimethacrylates, selected with the aim of minimising polymerisation shrinkage of the material. / モノマーは一般的に分子の大きい芳香族またはウレタンジメタクリレートであり、材料の重合収縮を最小にする目的で選択される。(USP6313192)
$$ It is an aim of the present invention to obviate or reduce the above mentioned problems.(USP5897581)
AIM (v, n)
$$ The present invention when incorporated in such machines aims at achieving radical performance improvements, for example increased thermal efficiency with internal combustion engines, without discarding all that has been achieved to date. (USP5542308)
$$ A coolant nozzle 8 is aimed at the cutting zone of the milling cutter 2.(USP02025235)
$$ The present invention aims to provide an improved mixing and dispensing means whereby the amount of each fluid to be dispensed can be accurately controlled.(USP01025858)
$$ The key component of the structure is a radial passive magnetic bearing, which is aimed to provide a unique and stable radial equilibrium position of a rotating above a critical speed disk.(USP6304015)
$$ Some measures aimed to reduce this effect are proposed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,508,573.(USP6304015)
$$ It is an aim of the present invention to provide an X-ray inspection system which alleviates at least some of the aforementioned problems. / 発明の要旨本発明の目的は、上記問題の少なくとも幾つかを軽減するX線検査システムを提供することである。(USP6122344)
$$ Computationally, the aim is to find the value kt =κ which maximises |H(kt)|.sup.2. / 計算の目的は、|H(kt)|2を最大にする値kt=κを見出すことにある。(USP6208416)
$$ The monomers are generally large molecule aromatic or urethane dimethacrylates, selected with the aim of minimising polymerisation shrinkage of the material. / モノマーは一般的に分子の大きい芳香族またはウレタンジメタクリレートであり、材料の重合収縮を最小にする目的で選択される。(USP6313192)
$$ It is an aim of the present invention to obviate or reduce the above mentioned problems.(USP5897581)
タグ :AIM
$$ The hopper 42 is for holding the dry powder medicament in bulk form and has an open end 46 closed by the flexible accordion-like bellows 40 in a substantially air-tight manner. (USP7540282)
$$ The bore 15 is such that it forms an air tight seal on the stem 40 of the aerosol dispensing container 25. (USP7637260)
$$ Again, the purpose is to ensure good airtight sealing and facilitate the formation of an effective vacuum and strong bonding of the renewed treads to the track. (USP6299717)
$$ It will be noted that one or more dowels 12 may be used to join two or more cells together and a liberal application of jointing compound can be used to provide a solid and airtight fit between cells. (USP6001151)
$$ The cap 39 is connected to the main body 38 by means of a snap fit connector 40 which is arranged to provide an airtight seal. (USP4969578)
$$ The dome is then pivotted to a closed position with the rim of the dome pressing tightly on the exposed edges of the silicone sheet so as to form an air-tight seal. (USP4756140)
$$ The seal 1 further provides a water- and air-tight seal even if distortion or displacement of the seal 1 occurs. (USP01023505)
$$ The hopper 42 is for holding the dry powder medicament in bulk form and has an open end 46 closed by the flexible accordion-like bellows 40 in a substantially air-tight manner. (USP7540282)
$$ The bore 15 is such that it forms an air tight seal on the stem 40 of the aerosol dispensing container 25. (USP7637260)
$$ Again, the purpose is to ensure good airtight sealing and facilitate the formation of an effective vacuum and strong bonding of the renewed treads to the track. (USP6299717)
$$ It will be noted that one or more dowels 12 may be used to join two or more cells together and a liberal application of jointing compound can be used to provide a solid and airtight fit between cells. (USP6001151)
$$ The cap 39 is connected to the main body 38 by means of a snap fit connector 40 which is arranged to provide an airtight seal. (USP4969578)
$$ The dome is then pivotted to a closed position with the rim of the dome pressing tightly on the exposed edges of the silicone sheet so as to form an air-tight seal. (USP4756140)
$$ The seal 1 further provides a water- and air-tight seal even if distortion or displacement of the seal 1 occurs. (USP01023505)