$$ In this case, it is necessary to cut holes in these further printed circuit layers to allow light to pass between the waveguide and the chips. / この場合は、光導波管構造とチップとの間で光伝送が可能となるように、切削加工により付加された更なる印刷回路層に孔を設けることが必要となる。(USP5408567)
$$ The second condition relates to motion of the image between the previous and next frames. / 第2の条件は、前後のフレーム間における映像の動きに関係する。(USP5353059)
$$ Suitable liquid carriers include phosphate buffered saline at a pH of between 7.0 and 8.0, for example 7.4. / 適当な液体担体は、pH7ないし8の間、例えば7.4のリン酸緩衝化セイラインを包含する。(USP01010935)
$$ Claim 6. An electrode according to claim 5, wherein the angle is between about 25 and 35 degrees.(USP5408160)
$$ Both the oxides were amorphous materials prepared by hydrolysis of the corresponding alkoxides, and were of the type VOy where y is between 2.4 and 2.5, and amorphous TiO2 respectively. / 両酸化物は、各々、対応するアルコキシドの加水分解により形成されたアモルファス材料で、形式VOy (yは2.4ないし2.5)のものと、アモルファスTiO2 であった。(USP5441832)
$$ In particular, no arcing has been observed either between the heating elements 64 or between the heating elements and the walls of the microwave cavity 50. / 特に、加熱素子64間に、あるいは加熱素子とマイクロ波空胴50の壁間にアーチ状の動きが見られない。(USP01004075)
$$ An electro-active device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the minor axis curves in a curve consisting of straight portions between at least one bend. / 短軸が、少なくとも1つのベンド間にある直線部分からなる湾曲の形で湾曲している請求項1から請求項13までのいずれか一項に記載の電気活性デバイス。(USP6833656)
$$ This B-bit count is used directly as the control signal S34 applied to the four way multiplexer 34 and acts to switch in between its four respective positions as illustrated in FIGS. 3A to 3D.(USP5381354)
$$ Generally a subsystem will only be able to determine the state of other subsystems at particular moments in time and so the operation of system will be vulnerable to subsystems changing their states in between those times. / 一般に、サブシステムは、特別の時点で他のサブシステムの状態を決定出来るに過ぎず、従ってシステムの動作は、それらの時点と時点との間でサブシステムがその状態を変えるという事態に直面する可能性がある。(USP5398233)
$$ The resulting copper vapour is then excited by further discharges between the electrodes 12 and 13 to establish a population inversion and laser action. / この結果生じる銅蒸気は、その後、電極12と13間の放電によって励起され、反転分布やレーザ処置を確立する。(USP5339327)
$$ A thick glass seal 3 is formed around the edge of the panel between the plates 1 and 2. / 厚いガラスシール3が前記のガラスシート1と2の間でパネルの縁をめぐって形成される。(USP5408160)
$$ In this case, it is necessary to cut holes in these further printed circuit layers to allow light to pass between the waveguide and the chips. / この場合は、光導波管構造とチップとの間で光伝送が可能となるように、切削加工により付加された更なる印刷回路層に孔を設けることが必要となる。(USP5408567)
$$ The second condition relates to motion of the image between the previous and next frames. / 第2の条件は、前後のフレーム間における映像の動きに関係する。(USP5353059)
$$ Suitable liquid carriers include phosphate buffered saline at a pH of between 7.0 and 8.0, for example 7.4. / 適当な液体担体は、pH7ないし8の間、例えば7.4のリン酸緩衝化セイラインを包含する。(USP01010935)
$$ Claim 6. An electrode according to claim 5, wherein the angle is between about 25 and 35 degrees.(USP5408160)
$$ Both the oxides were amorphous materials prepared by hydrolysis of the corresponding alkoxides, and were of the type VOy where y is between 2.4 and 2.5, and amorphous TiO2 respectively. / 両酸化物は、各々、対応するアルコキシドの加水分解により形成されたアモルファス材料で、形式VOy (yは2.4ないし2.5)のものと、アモルファスTiO2 であった。(USP5441832)
$$ In particular, no arcing has been observed either between the heating elements 64 or between the heating elements and the walls of the microwave cavity 50. / 特に、加熱素子64間に、あるいは加熱素子とマイクロ波空胴50の壁間にアーチ状の動きが見られない。(USP01004075)
$$ An electro-active device as claimed in claim 1, wherein the minor axis curves in a curve consisting of straight portions between at least one bend. / 短軸が、少なくとも1つのベンド間にある直線部分からなる湾曲の形で湾曲している請求項1から請求項13までのいずれか一項に記載の電気活性デバイス。(USP6833656)
$$ This B-bit count is used directly as the control signal S34 applied to the four way multiplexer 34 and acts to switch in between its four respective positions as illustrated in FIGS. 3A to 3D.(USP5381354)
$$ Generally a subsystem will only be able to determine the state of other subsystems at particular moments in time and so the operation of system will be vulnerable to subsystems changing their states in between those times. / 一般に、サブシステムは、特別の時点で他のサブシステムの状態を決定出来るに過ぎず、従ってシステムの動作は、それらの時点と時点との間でサブシステムがその状態を変えるという事態に直面する可能性がある。(USP5398233)
$$ The resulting copper vapour is then excited by further discharges between the electrodes 12 and 13 to establish a population inversion and laser action. / この結果生じる銅蒸気は、その後、電極12と13間の放電によって励起され、反転分布やレーザ処置を確立する。(USP5339327)
$$ A thick glass seal 3 is formed around the edge of the panel between the plates 1 and 2. / 厚いガラスシール3が前記のガラスシート1と2の間でパネルの縁をめぐって形成される。(USP5408160)
$$ Each document stacker comprises a spring loaded idler wheel pressed against the drive belt and rotated thereby, trapping a document moving along the document path between itself and the drive belt. (USP4650178)
$$ The time of transmission of the broadcast message is accurately known because, as described with reference to FIG. 6, the earth station 38 is aware of the precise distance between itself and the communications satellite 10. / 図6を参照して説明されたように、地球局は、地球局自身と通信衛星10との間の正確な距離を知っているので、同報通信メッセージの送信の時間は、正確に知られる。(USP6031489)
$$ The earth station 38 knows the propagation delay between itself and the user terminal 44. / 地球局38は、地球局38自身と使用者端末44との間の伝搬遅延を知っている。(USP6031489)
$$ At its other end the radially outer surface of the body is circumferentially relieved to form an annular channel 26 between itself and the button, this channel communicates with the passageway 11, and the body at the floor of the channel is formed with apertures 27 at intervals therearound additionally to communicate the channel with the first compartment of the chamber. (USP5042697)
$$ The flicker wheel 30 provides a dual function of gripping a document between itself and the idler wheel 28 when a document is required to be put in the storage bin 32 of each stacker 12 and further serves to position the trailing edge of a document in a predetermined position within the storage bin 32. (USP4650178)
$$ Each document stacker comprises a spring loaded idler wheel pressed against the drive belt and rotated thereby, trapping a document moving along the document path between itself and the drive belt. (USP4650178)
$$ The time of transmission of the broadcast message is accurately known because, as described with reference to FIG. 6, the earth station 38 is aware of the precise distance between itself and the communications satellite 10. / 図6を参照して説明されたように、地球局は、地球局自身と通信衛星10との間の正確な距離を知っているので、同報通信メッセージの送信の時間は、正確に知られる。(USP6031489)
$$ The earth station 38 knows the propagation delay between itself and the user terminal 44. / 地球局38は、地球局38自身と使用者端末44との間の伝搬遅延を知っている。(USP6031489)
$$ At its other end the radially outer surface of the body is circumferentially relieved to form an annular channel 26 between itself and the button, this channel communicates with the passageway 11, and the body at the floor of the channel is formed with apertures 27 at intervals therearound additionally to communicate the channel with the first compartment of the chamber. (USP5042697)
$$ The flicker wheel 30 provides a dual function of gripping a document between itself and the idler wheel 28 when a document is required to be put in the storage bin 32 of each stacker 12 and further serves to position the trailing edge of a document in a predetermined position within the storage bin 32. (USP4650178)
"between sths" "between A and B"のパターンにrespectiveが用いられた例:
$$ Although a degree of flexing is facilitated between the respective support portions 1502 to 1506, a greater resistance to bending about a first axis parallel to the direction of the arrow 1508 is provided by the support portions in the second rigid configuration, in a similar manner to the previously described support layers 750, 1050 and 1250. (USP6585162)
$$ The two dotted lines LO1 and LO2 on opposite sides respectively of line LO indicate an acceptable area of differing temperature between the two compressor outputs resulting from trim balancing between respective turbocharger wastegate actuators to improve balance. / 線LOの対向する側にそれぞれある2本の点線LO1およびLO2には、均衡を向上させるための各ターボチャージャ排気逃し口アクチュエータの間のトリム均衡化から得られる、2つのコンプレッサ出口間の異なる温度の許容領域を示す。(USP6338250)
$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which an adhesive is provided between the respective damping element and each end support. (USP02000086)
$$ At the beginning and end of the chain and between the respective delay elements, taps are taken and fed to respective coefficient multipliers (not illustrated) and thence to an adder (not illustrated) in the usual manner. / チェーンの始めと終わり及び各遅延素子の間からタップが取出され、これらタップ値は、夫々の係数乗算器(図示せず)に供給され、それから通常の如く加算器(図示せず)に送られる。(USP5381354)
$$ ...adapted for sandwiching between the respective magnet assemblies and the opposed faces of the said member... (USP6332029)
$$ The second and third main frequencies may be swept between respective second and third start frequencies and second and third frequencies. / 第2および第3主要周波数は、それぞれ第2および第3開始周波数および第2および第3終了周波数との間で掃引され得る。(USP6201470)
"between sths" "between A and B"のパターンにrespectiveが用いられた例:
$$ Although a degree of flexing is facilitated between the respective support portions 1502 to 1506, a greater resistance to bending about a first axis parallel to the direction of the arrow 1508 is provided by the support portions in the second rigid configuration, in a similar manner to the previously described support layers 750, 1050 and 1250. (USP6585162)
$$ The two dotted lines LO1 and LO2 on opposite sides respectively of line LO indicate an acceptable area of differing temperature between the two compressor outputs resulting from trim balancing between respective turbocharger wastegate actuators to improve balance. / 線LOの対向する側にそれぞれある2本の点線LO1およびLO2には、均衡を向上させるための各ターボチャージャ排気逃し口アクチュエータの間のトリム均衡化から得られる、2つのコンプレッサ出口間の異なる温度の許容領域を示す。(USP6338250)
$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which an adhesive is provided between the respective damping element and each end support. (USP02000086)
$$ At the beginning and end of the chain and between the respective delay elements, taps are taken and fed to respective coefficient multipliers (not illustrated) and thence to an adder (not illustrated) in the usual manner. / チェーンの始めと終わり及び各遅延素子の間からタップが取出され、これらタップ値は、夫々の係数乗算器(図示せず)に供給され、それから通常の如く加算器(図示せず)に送られる。(USP5381354)
$$ ...adapted for sandwiching between the respective magnet assemblies and the opposed faces of the said member... (USP6332029)
$$ The second and third main frequencies may be swept between respective second and third start frequencies and second and third frequencies. / 第2および第3主要周波数は、それぞれ第2および第3開始周波数および第2および第3終了周波数との間で掃引され得る。(USP6201470)
$$ These grammatical structures provide a compromise between not using associated keywords and assuming that every pair or triple of adjacent keywords are associated keywords. / こういった文法上の構造は関係するキーワードを使用しないことと、隣接するキーワードの対もしくは3つ組の各々が関係しているキーワードであると仮定することとの間の妥協を与えている。(USP6353827)
$$ FIG. 7 is a schematic sectioned view of the loading station of FIG. 4 showing it in an intermediate state between unloading of first and second packages (not shown); / 【図7】 第1及び第2のパッケージ(不図示)の非装填の間の中間状態でそれを示す図4の装填ステーションの模式断面図である。(USP6692213)
$$ The provision of the duct sections and their interconnecting holes ensures that the cooling fluid can travel a significant circumferential distance between entering the machine and leaving the machine. / ダクトセクションとそれらの間を相互に接続する(連通させる)孔を設けることにより、冷却流体を、それが機械に流入し機械から出ていくまでの間に相当に長い円周方向の距離に亘って移動させることができる。(USP6815848)
$$ A trade off is achieved between adjusting for the effects of finite array size and the decrease in power due to the reduced amplitude in the outer SETs.
$$ Controller 102 schedules a connection across the switch core at a time shortly into the future to allow time for the round trip delay between issuing a grant signal over link 16 to buffer controller 20, and the subsequent passage of cells released from buffer 19 over link 13 to the switch core. (USP5784372)
$$ The base 413 of the brewing cup 412 is preferably made of metal so it holds the heat between brewings. (USP6250208)
$$ However, logically there is no difference between deleting an old class, reloading it, and then initializing it, compared to simply reinitializing the old class. (USP01051970)
$$ The route taken by each message, and the status of the links and switches it encounters on its route, determine the delay between sending and receiving of packets of the message, and may cause some or all of the packets to be lost. / それぞれのメッセージによって取られる経路、およびそれがその経路上で遭遇するリンクとスイッチのステータスが、メッセージのパケット送信と受信の間の遅延を決定し、パケットのいくつかまたはすべてを失わせることがある。(USP7006435)
$$ These grammatical structures provide a compromise between not using associated keywords and assuming that every pair or triple of adjacent keywords are associated keywords. / こういった文法上の構造は関係するキーワードを使用しないことと、隣接するキーワードの対もしくは3つ組の各々が関係しているキーワードであると仮定することとの間の妥協を与えている。(USP6353827)
$$ FIG. 7 is a schematic sectioned view of the loading station of FIG. 4 showing it in an intermediate state between unloading of first and second packages (not shown); / 【図7】 第1及び第2のパッケージ(不図示)の非装填の間の中間状態でそれを示す図4の装填ステーションの模式断面図である。(USP6692213)
$$ The provision of the duct sections and their interconnecting holes ensures that the cooling fluid can travel a significant circumferential distance between entering the machine and leaving the machine. / ダクトセクションとそれらの間を相互に接続する(連通させる)孔を設けることにより、冷却流体を、それが機械に流入し機械から出ていくまでの間に相当に長い円周方向の距離に亘って移動させることができる。(USP6815848)
$$ A trade off is achieved between adjusting for the effects of finite array size and the decrease in power due to the reduced amplitude in the outer SETs.
$$ Controller 102 schedules a connection across the switch core at a time shortly into the future to allow time for the round trip delay between issuing a grant signal over link 16 to buffer controller 20, and the subsequent passage of cells released from buffer 19 over link 13 to the switch core. (USP5784372)
$$ The base 413 of the brewing cup 412 is preferably made of metal so it holds the heat between brewings. (USP6250208)
$$ However, logically there is no difference between deleting an old class, reloading it, and then initializing it, compared to simply reinitializing the old class. (USP01051970)
$$ The route taken by each message, and the status of the links and switches it encounters on its route, determine the delay between sending and receiving of packets of the message, and may cause some or all of the packets to be lost. / それぞれのメッセージによって取られる経路、およびそれがその経路上で遭遇するリンクとスイッチのステータスが、メッセージのパケット送信と受信の間の遅延を決定し、パケットのいくつかまたはすべてを失わせることがある。(USP7006435)
$$ These typically comprise two sections or skins, between which insulation can be installed. / これは通常、その間に絶縁体を設置できる2つの断面または外板を備える。(USP7599597)
$$ Also, the air injector unit 21 of FIGS. 3 and 4 could have a different number of air injection needles, the spacing between which could be different. (USP5749565)
$$ It is to be observed that the minimum region 92 is quite flat and there are a range of values N(1) to N(2) between which the measured positional error is more or less at a minimum. / 最小領域92は、完全に平坦であり、かつ、測定された位置誤差がほぼ最小である間に値N(1)からN(2)までの範囲が存在する。(USP6031489)
$$ This is said to reduce leakage of aqueous humour by providing a closer fit between individual lamellae in the sclerotic layer, between which the tube is implanted. / これは、硬膜層の個別の層の間への密な適合を与えることにより、管が挿入される間の眼房水の漏洩を減らすといわれる。(USP6186974)
$$ On return movement of the screw, the ring moves against nose fins 35, between which slots 36 are provided to allow the material to flow forwards. / スクリューの復帰移動時は、リングが先端フィン35に向って移動し、それらの間でスロット36が材料を前方に流動させるように設けられている。(USP6287494)
$$ These typically comprise two sections or skins, between which insulation can be installed. / これは通常、その間に絶縁体を設置できる2つの断面または外板を備える。(USP7599597)
$$ Also, the air injector unit 21 of FIGS. 3 and 4 could have a different number of air injection needles, the spacing between which could be different. (USP5749565)
$$ It is to be observed that the minimum region 92 is quite flat and there are a range of values N(1) to N(2) between which the measured positional error is more or less at a minimum. / 最小領域92は、完全に平坦であり、かつ、測定された位置誤差がほぼ最小である間に値N(1)からN(2)までの範囲が存在する。(USP6031489)
$$ This is said to reduce leakage of aqueous humour by providing a closer fit between individual lamellae in the sclerotic layer, between which the tube is implanted. / これは、硬膜層の個別の層の間への密な適合を与えることにより、管が挿入される間の眼房水の漏洩を減らすといわれる。(USP6186974)
$$ On return movement of the screw, the ring moves against nose fins 35, between which slots 36 are provided to allow the material to flow forwards. / スクリューの復帰移動時は、リングが先端フィン35に向って移動し、それらの間でスロット36が材料を前方に流動させるように設けられている。(USP6287494)
$$ The typical thickness of the gate dielectric layer is between 150-1000 nm. (USP7629261)
$$ Preferably, the filter is between the first medium and the semi-insulator material. (USP7626756)
$$ A method according to claim 1 wherein the frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline is between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 33 wherein the as-deposited planarization layer is between 21μm and 30μm thick. (USP7567374)
$$ The frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline may be between 5 kHz and 35 kHz and preferably between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ The thickness of the layers 111 and 112 will vary in dependence on the diameter of the mirror but in most cases will be between 0.5 mm and 1 mm.(USP7567374)
$$ Hence according to the present invention the pH of the fluid is controlled to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and preferably to be between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)
$$ The patient's pupil can be assumed to be between 4-5 millimetres in diameter and in practice is likely to be larger. (USP7284863)
$$ In the duodenum the pH is likely to be between 6 and 7, so the trigonal species is likely to be predominant here. (USP7371729)
$$ The angle of taper may be between about 1° and 45°, preferably between about 1° and 25°, and in particular about 4° or 5°. (USP5411157)
$$ For cutting and vaporization (shown by line 202), the peak power can be between 120 watts and 175 watts. (USP6416509)
$$ The number of pixels in a cluster N must be between an upper threshold and a lower threshold for the cluster to be accepted as candidate for consideration as a light emitting point. (USP6263095)
$$ The typical thickness of the gate dielectric layer is between 150-1000 nm. (USP7629261)
$$ Preferably, the filter is between the first medium and the semi-insulator material. (USP7626756)
$$ A method according to claim 1 wherein the frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline is between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 33 wherein the as-deposited planarization layer is between 21μm and 30μm thick. (USP7567374)
$$ The frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline may be between 5 kHz and 35 kHz and preferably between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ The thickness of the layers 111 and 112 will vary in dependence on the diameter of the mirror but in most cases will be between 0.5 mm and 1 mm.(USP7567374)
$$ Hence according to the present invention the pH of the fluid is controlled to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and preferably to be between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)
$$ The patient's pupil can be assumed to be between 4-5 millimetres in diameter and in practice is likely to be larger. (USP7284863)
$$ In the duodenum the pH is likely to be between 6 and 7, so the trigonal species is likely to be predominant here. (USP7371729)
$$ The angle of taper may be between about 1° and 45°, preferably between about 1° and 25°, and in particular about 4° or 5°. (USP5411157)
$$ For cutting and vaporization (shown by line 202), the peak power can be between 120 watts and 175 watts. (USP6416509)
$$ The number of pixels in a cluster N must be between an upper threshold and a lower threshold for the cluster to be accepted as candidate for consideration as a light emitting point. (USP6263095)
$$ FIG. 11 shows part of the apparatus of FIG. 3 illustrating communication between sensor units and between the apparatus and a base station. (USP7635976)
$$ Connections exist between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 102 by means of the solder paste 104 and between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 112 by means of the solder paste 114. (USP6940168)
$$ A 100 nF ceramic plate capacitor was connected between pin 1 of the AD595 and the copper ground plane and between the supply positive input to pin 11 and the copper ground plane. (USP6629974)
$$ Between the films 120.2 and 120.3 there is a first salt retention passage 122 and between the films 120.4 and 120.5 there is a further salt retention passage 124. (USP6217773)
$$ The screen may be arcuate in at least one direction and each interconnection between adjacent first anodes and between adjacent second anodes comprises a resistive element. (USP6002207)
$$ Note that the communications between the components of the switch element and between the arbiter servers of each switch element are all synchronised, i.e. there is an implicit handshake in each one. (USP5422881)
$$ The control valve member 42 is engageable with the first and second valve seatings 52a, 52b respectively to control communication between the control chamber 62 and the supply passage 15 and between the control chamber 62 and the low pressure drain. (USP01035464)
$$ FIG. 11 shows part of the apparatus of FIG. 3 illustrating communication between sensor units and between the apparatus and a base station. (USP7635976)
$$ Connections exist between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 102 by means of the solder paste 104 and between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 112 by means of the solder paste 114. (USP6940168)
$$ A 100 nF ceramic plate capacitor was connected between pin 1 of the AD595 and the copper ground plane and between the supply positive input to pin 11 and the copper ground plane. (USP6629974)
$$ Between the films 120.2 and 120.3 there is a first salt retention passage 122 and between the films 120.4 and 120.5 there is a further salt retention passage 124. (USP6217773)
$$ The screen may be arcuate in at least one direction and each interconnection between adjacent first anodes and between adjacent second anodes comprises a resistive element. (USP6002207)
$$ Note that the communications between the components of the switch element and between the arbiter servers of each switch element are all synchronised, i.e. there is an implicit handshake in each one. (USP5422881)
$$ The control valve member 42 is engageable with the first and second valve seatings 52a, 52b respectively to control communication between the control chamber 62 and the supply passage 15 and between the control chamber 62 and the low pressure drain. (USP01035464)
$$ Preferably, the connection is made between each arm. / 好ましくは、その接続は、各アームの間で行われる。(USP8584878)
$$ Preferably, at least two iteration sections comprise a filter, and the filter characteristics vary between each section. (USP7639077)
$$ The pawls 50-55 are positioned equiangularly around the axis of rotation of the other clutch part 19 and hence there is 60° between each pawl. (USP4838400)
$$ It will be appreciated that the combination of an x accelerometer trace and a y accelerometer trace will serve further to emphasise the difference between each input letter. (USP7054510)
$$ This can be achieved by using intermediate buffer storage between the two systems that are transferring data between each other. (USP6691301)
$$ There is a gap of 0.5 ms (55) between each pulse. (USP6087786)
$$ Preferably, the connection is made between each arm. / 好ましくは、その接続は、各アームの間で行われる。(USP8584878)
$$ Preferably, at least two iteration sections comprise a filter, and the filter characteristics vary between each section. (USP7639077)
$$ The pawls 50-55 are positioned equiangularly around the axis of rotation of the other clutch part 19 and hence there is 60° between each pawl. (USP4838400)
$$ It will be appreciated that the combination of an x accelerometer trace and a y accelerometer trace will serve further to emphasise the difference between each input letter. (USP7054510)
$$ This can be achieved by using intermediate buffer storage between the two systems that are transferring data between each other. (USP6691301)
$$ There is a gap of 0.5 ms (55) between each pulse. (USP6087786)
$$ Turning now to FIG. 3C, between and through mutually spaced apart plates 109, 111, extend substantially cylindrical pins 113, 115, 117. / ところで図3に話を変えると、互いに離間して配置されたプレート109、111の間及びプレートを貫いて、実質的に円柱形のピン113、115、117が延びている。(USP8616269)
$$ The RECN signaling protocol operates between and through the switches out to the end stations in a MIN to manage the allocation, population and de-allocation of the SAQs by flows which are persistently congested. / RECNシグナリングプロトコルは、持続的輻輳状態であるフローによって、複数のSAQの割り当て、集団、割り当て解除を管理するために、複数スイッチ間及び複数スイッチを通ってMINのエンドステーションへと作動する。(USP8174978)
$$ When the third gear wheel 17 is engaged, momentarily drive is transmitted between the input and output shafts 3,1 simultaneously through 2nd and 3rd gears. / 第3のギアホイール17が係合すると、一瞬、駆動力が入力および出力シャフト3、1間を、2番および3番のギアを介して同時に伝達される。(USP8171814)
$$ Herein, the length of the originating conductor 17 is taken as S, and corresponds to two `laps` of the transmission-line 15 as defined between the spaced loop traces 15a, 15b and through the cross-over 19. / ここでは、元の導体17の長さをSとし、交差19を通って離間したループ・トレース15a、15b間に規定した、伝送線15の2「周」に対応する。(USP6816020)
$$ The whistle defined in claim 18 wherein said bracket has at least two exposed concave surfaces and an intervening convex surface, said strap being spaced from said concave surfaces when extending between and through said openings in a longitudinally taut condition. (USP6416379)
$$ An electric current is passed between the cathode and anode through the water in both chambers and the porous membrane separating the chambers. (USP6632347)
$$ Turning now to FIG. 3C, between and through mutually spaced apart plates 109, 111, extend substantially cylindrical pins 113, 115, 117. / ところで図3に話を変えると、互いに離間して配置されたプレート109、111の間及びプレートを貫いて、実質的に円柱形のピン113、115、117が延びている。(USP8616269)
$$ The RECN signaling protocol operates between and through the switches out to the end stations in a MIN to manage the allocation, population and de-allocation of the SAQs by flows which are persistently congested. / RECNシグナリングプロトコルは、持続的輻輳状態であるフローによって、複数のSAQの割り当て、集団、割り当て解除を管理するために、複数スイッチ間及び複数スイッチを通ってMINのエンドステーションへと作動する。(USP8174978)
$$ When the third gear wheel 17 is engaged, momentarily drive is transmitted between the input and output shafts 3,1 simultaneously through 2nd and 3rd gears. / 第3のギアホイール17が係合すると、一瞬、駆動力が入力および出力シャフト3、1間を、2番および3番のギアを介して同時に伝達される。(USP8171814)
$$ Herein, the length of the originating conductor 17 is taken as S, and corresponds to two `laps` of the transmission-line 15 as defined between the spaced loop traces 15a, 15b and through the cross-over 19. / ここでは、元の導体17の長さをSとし、交差19を通って離間したループ・トレース15a、15b間に規定した、伝送線15の2「周」に対応する。(USP6816020)
$$ The whistle defined in claim 18 wherein said bracket has at least two exposed concave surfaces and an intervening convex surface, said strap being spaced from said concave surfaces when extending between and through said openings in a longitudinally taut condition. (USP6416379)
$$ An electric current is passed between the cathode and anode through the water in both chambers and the porous membrane separating the chambers. (USP6632347)