$$ accepted that; anticipated that; arranged that; assumed that; believed that; contemplated that; decided that; demonstrated that; desired that; determined that; disclosed that; discovered that; ensured that; envisaged that; estimated that; expected that; intended that; mentioned that; noted that; observed that; postulated that; preferred that; proposed that; provided that; realized that; required that; shown that; stated that; submitted that; suggested that; supposed that...
$$ However it has been discovered that setting the variance of the regenerated code words to unity provides a correlation result for the recovered and regenerated code words which permits the presence of a code word to be detected from a marked material item. / ここで、再生コードワードの分散を1に設定することにより、再生コードワードと生成された一組のコードワードについて、ウォータマークが付されたマテリアルアイテムからコードワードの存在を検出できる相関結果を得ることができる。(USP03131243)
$$ It is believed that excessive AChE may enhance calcium entry into cells independent of its normal enzymatic action. / 過剰のAChEはその正常な酵素作用から独立して細胞へのカルシウムの流入を高めると考えられている。(USP02054870)
$$ By this approach, it is insured that each communications unit is returned to the task of monitoring packet group communication channels as soon as each voice call is completed. / この方法によって、各通信装置は、各音声呼出しが終了次第、パケット・グループの通信チャネルを監視するタスクに確実に戻される。(USP02018462)
$$ Although, in FIG. 1, it is shown that the fifth input field I5 is progressive scan converted and then dropped, this input video field may be dropped before any progressive scan conversion takes place. / 図1において、第5の入力フィールドI5をプログレッシブ走査変換して間引きするように示したが、この入力ビデオフィールドはプログレッシブ走査変換を行う前に間引いてもよい。(USP5313281)
$$ Herein it is shown that antibodies binding specifically to a given target antigen, e.g. expressed on the surface of cells, may be selected from a large, diverse phage display library using an existing ligand of the desired antigen to guide the selection.(USP6489123)
$$ accepted that; anticipated that; arranged that; assumed that; believed that; contemplated that; decided that; demonstrated that; desired that; determined that; disclosed that; discovered that; ensured that; envisaged that; estimated that; expected that; intended that; mentioned that; noted that; observed that; postulated that; preferred that; proposed that; provided that; realized that; required that; shown that; stated that; submitted that; suggested that; supposed that...
$$ However it has been discovered that setting the variance of the regenerated code words to unity provides a correlation result for the recovered and regenerated code words which permits the presence of a code word to be detected from a marked material item. / ここで、再生コードワードの分散を1に設定することにより、再生コードワードと生成された一組のコードワードについて、ウォータマークが付されたマテリアルアイテムからコードワードの存在を検出できる相関結果を得ることができる。(USP03131243)
$$ It is believed that excessive AChE may enhance calcium entry into cells independent of its normal enzymatic action. / 過剰のAChEはその正常な酵素作用から独立して細胞へのカルシウムの流入を高めると考えられている。(USP02054870)
$$ By this approach, it is insured that each communications unit is returned to the task of monitoring packet group communication channels as soon as each voice call is completed. / この方法によって、各通信装置は、各音声呼出しが終了次第、パケット・グループの通信チャネルを監視するタスクに確実に戻される。(USP02018462)
$$ Although, in FIG. 1, it is shown that the fifth input field I5 is progressive scan converted and then dropped, this input video field may be dropped before any progressive scan conversion takes place. / 図1において、第5の入力フィールドI5をプログレッシブ走査変換して間引きするように示したが、この入力ビデオフィールドはプログレッシブ走査変換を行う前に間引いてもよい。(USP5313281)
$$ Herein it is shown that antibodies binding specifically to a given target antigen, e.g. expressed on the surface of cells, may be selected from a large, diverse phage display library using an existing ligand of the desired antigen to guide the selection.(USP6489123)
$$ From a practical design point of view, it is preferable if the coolant supply duct means defines coolant supply paths directed towards both axial ends of the laminated core section through respective plenum chambers. / 実用的な設計の観点からみて、冷却剤供給ダクト手段は、それぞれのプレナムチャンバーを介して積層コア部の軸方向の両端に向けられた冷却剤供給経路を画定する構成とすることが好ましい。(USP6815848)
$$ Indeed, it is especially beneficial if the material used to fabricate the plate 20 has a coefficient of thermal expansion that substantially compensates for changes in optical property with temperature of the optical region 30. / 実際に、プレート20を製造するのに使用される材料が、光学領域30の温度に伴う光学特性の変化を実質的に補償する熱膨張係数を有する場合に特に有利である。(USP6788479)
$$ It is advantageous if the means for pressing the rotatable members against the rod is in the form of a piezo electric device so that the linear motion can be electrically controlled. / 回転可能な部材をロッドに押圧されるための手段が、直線動が電気的に制御され得るピエゾ電子装置の形態であるならば、有効でである。(USP6568293)
$$ It is desirable if the second insertion material has a discharge voltage plateau above the voltage at which irreversible changes occur to the first insertion material. / 上記第2挿入材料は、上記第1挿入材料に対して不可逆の変化が生じる電圧よりも高い放電電圧プラトーを有しているのが望ましい。(USP5441832)
$$ In such networks it is unduly restrictive if a microcomputer can communicate only with its immediate neighbours, i.e. those devices hardwired to it. (USP5422881)
$$ It is immaterial if more than one thread is doing this at the same time and each thread will rewrite the list_head pointer in an attempt to cut down on access time. (USP02029357)
$$ From a practical design point of view, it is preferable if the coolant supply duct means defines coolant supply paths directed towards both axial ends of the laminated core section through respective plenum chambers. / 実用的な設計の観点からみて、冷却剤供給ダクト手段は、それぞれのプレナムチャンバーを介して積層コア部の軸方向の両端に向けられた冷却剤供給経路を画定する構成とすることが好ましい。(USP6815848)
$$ Indeed, it is especially beneficial if the material used to fabricate the plate 20 has a coefficient of thermal expansion that substantially compensates for changes in optical property with temperature of the optical region 30. / 実際に、プレート20を製造するのに使用される材料が、光学領域30の温度に伴う光学特性の変化を実質的に補償する熱膨張係数を有する場合に特に有利である。(USP6788479)
$$ It is advantageous if the means for pressing the rotatable members against the rod is in the form of a piezo electric device so that the linear motion can be electrically controlled. / 回転可能な部材をロッドに押圧されるための手段が、直線動が電気的に制御され得るピエゾ電子装置の形態であるならば、有効でである。(USP6568293)
$$ It is desirable if the second insertion material has a discharge voltage plateau above the voltage at which irreversible changes occur to the first insertion material. / 上記第2挿入材料は、上記第1挿入材料に対して不可逆の変化が生じる電圧よりも高い放電電圧プラトーを有しているのが望ましい。(USP5441832)
$$ In such networks it is unduly restrictive if a microcomputer can communicate only with its immediate neighbours, i.e. those devices hardwired to it. (USP5422881)
$$ It is immaterial if more than one thread is doing this at the same time and each thread will rewrite the list_head pointer in an attempt to cut down on access time. (USP02029357)
$$ As a practical matter, it is a major requirement of the power supply that it can provide power for at least one full wearing, which can be for example from 5 to 10 hours. / 実際的な問題として、電力供給源に最も必要なのは、例えば5から10時間ほどになり得る1回の着用の間、電力を提供可能であることである。(USP6433483)
$$ Thus, it is a requirement that the controller must not be damaged by a "Load Dump". / したがって、コントローラが「負荷遮断」によりダメージを受けないことが必須条件である。(USP6331767)
$$ It is a novelty of this invention that it enables users to add, or programmatically cause to be automatically tracked and added, a maximized domain of variety of new knowledge of types...(USP6189012)
$$ First, it is a requirement that the system is able to distinguish read requests which originate from the backup program from read requests which originate from the other applications...(USP5675725)
$$ It is a property of a boost converter that it may act as a current source rather than as a voltage source. / ブーストコンバーターは、それの本来の特色として、電圧の源ではなく電流の源として働かせられる。(USP5434880)
$$ It is a characteristic of such systems that the outstations are at random and unplanned distances from the head end. (USP5559805)
$$ It is a feature of the embodiment that the motor shaft runs centered and concentric to the housing centerline, making it balanced and easy to support in bearings. (USP6659201)
$$ As a practical matter, it is a major requirement of the power supply that it can provide power for at least one full wearing, which can be for example from 5 to 10 hours. / 実際的な問題として、電力供給源に最も必要なのは、例えば5から10時間ほどになり得る1回の着用の間、電力を提供可能であることである。(USP6433483)
$$ Thus, it is a requirement that the controller must not be damaged by a "Load Dump". / したがって、コントローラが「負荷遮断」によりダメージを受けないことが必須条件である。(USP6331767)
$$ It is a novelty of this invention that it enables users to add, or programmatically cause to be automatically tracked and added, a maximized domain of variety of new knowledge of types...(USP6189012)
$$ First, it is a requirement that the system is able to distinguish read requests which originate from the backup program from read requests which originate from the other applications...(USP5675725)
$$ It is a property of a boost converter that it may act as a current source rather than as a voltage source. / ブーストコンバーターは、それの本来の特色として、電圧の源ではなく電流の源として働かせられる。(USP5434880)
$$ It is a characteristic of such systems that the outstations are at random and unplanned distances from the head end. (USP5559805)
$$ It is a feature of the embodiment that the motor shaft runs centered and concentric to the housing centerline, making it balanced and easy to support in bearings. (USP6659201)
itself は主語で用いられることもある。
$$ U.S. Pat. No. 6,022,109 lists a body of prior art relating to pupillometers and their use, and itself describes a self-contained hand-held pupillometer capable of monocular operation. (USP7625087)
$$ Finally, in response to the Valid line being cleared, the requesting sub-block clears the Taken line and itself resumes operation. (USP01017899)
$$ Templates may reside in file store, or may be held in the content store itself. (USP01032208)
$$ Also, the aerial itself is very close to the brain and therefore transmits strong radio waves into the brain. (USP01027089)
$$ For an X-Y movement, there are two motors, one for moving the print head along an axis in an X direction and the other for moving the axis itself in a Y direction. (USP01024586)
$$ The second layer comprises a paper material, which itself may comprise more than one layer. / 第2層7は、紙材料から成り、この紙材料自体は1層より多くともよい。(USP5895075)
$$ Such elements are of course usually circular, so as to fit snugly within the vessel, which itself is normally cylindrical. / かかる要素は、勿論、通常、円形であり、それ自体は、通常、円筒状である容器内にきちっと嵌まり得るようにしてある。(USP6098417)
$$ The number of bits actually transmitted is passed back as indicated at 50 to the bit-rate manager 42 which itself determines when a signal 52 is to be sent forcing the loading of a new frame 24. (USP6078619)
$$ ...being mounted for rotation about a substantially horizontal shaft which itself is pivotable about its end... (USP5454434)
itself は主語で用いられることもある。
$$ U.S. Pat. No. 6,022,109 lists a body of prior art relating to pupillometers and their use, and itself describes a self-contained hand-held pupillometer capable of monocular operation. (USP7625087)
$$ Finally, in response to the Valid line being cleared, the requesting sub-block clears the Taken line and itself resumes operation. (USP01017899)
$$ Templates may reside in file store, or may be held in the content store itself. (USP01032208)
$$ Also, the aerial itself is very close to the brain and therefore transmits strong radio waves into the brain. (USP01027089)
$$ For an X-Y movement, there are two motors, one for moving the print head along an axis in an X direction and the other for moving the axis itself in a Y direction. (USP01024586)
$$ The second layer comprises a paper material, which itself may comprise more than one layer. / 第2層7は、紙材料から成り、この紙材料自体は1層より多くともよい。(USP5895075)
$$ Such elements are of course usually circular, so as to fit snugly within the vessel, which itself is normally cylindrical. / かかる要素は、勿論、通常、円形であり、それ自体は、通常、円筒状である容器内にきちっと嵌まり得るようにしてある。(USP6098417)
$$ The number of bits actually transmitted is passed back as indicated at 50 to the bit-rate manager 42 which itself determines when a signal 52 is to be sent forcing the loading of a new frame 24. (USP6078619)
$$ ...being mounted for rotation about a substantially horizontal shaft which itself is pivotable about its end... (USP5454434)