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$$ The advantages of this can be explained by way of example. / この利点は、例を通して説明することが可能である。(USP6445874)

$$ Such applications of the invention are now described by way of example. (USP5671287)

$$ It will be understood that this SCL implementation is described by way of example only, and other implementations are possible. / このSCLによる実施形態は例としてのみ書かれているものであり、他の実施形態も可能である。(USP6281877)

$$ Embodiments of the present invention will now be described by way of example only and with reference to the accompanying drawings of which: / さて、本発明の実施例を単なる例示として且つ添付図面を参照して説明する。(USP5418645)

$$ Embodiments of the invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: / 本発明の実施例を添付図面を参照して例示として以下説明する。(USP5355040)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | example


example(s) of such sth(s) は単複が一致することが多い

preferred exampleのパターンは用いられるが、 preferable exampleのパターンは用いられないようである

$$ Examples include ethanolamines, ethylenediamines, and alkylamines. / 例には、エタノールアミン、エチレンジアミンおよびアルキルアミンがある。(USP8066002)

$$ A suitable example of calcium carbonate is Durcal 130. (USP7638572)

$$ A suitable example is a quartz crystal fork with resonant frequency of 32 kHz. / 適切な例示は、共振周波数が32kHzである水晶音叉である。(USP7596989)

$$ FIG. 14 shows a twin-passband AWG as an example of the third embodiment, as a plot of transmission T in dB versus wavelength λ in μm; / 【図14】dBで表わした伝送量対μmで表わした波長λのプロットとして第三の実施の形態の一例として2通過帯域AWGの図である。(USP6339664)

$$ As an example of a possible mode of operation, a command character (e.g., a bar code) can be read using the reading head (e.g., a bar code reading head) and this can be used to load down remote data from a remote station. / 可能な操作モードの例として、指令文字(例えばバーコード)は、読取りヘッド(例えば、バーコード読取りヘッド)を用いて読取ることができ、これは遠隔局から遠隔データをロードダウンするのに用いられうる。(USP6058304)

$$ As an example of a non-suitable metal one can mention titanium which has a natural passive oxide film which is substantially non-conducting. / 不適当な金属の例として、実質的に非導電性である不動態酸化物皮膜を有するチタンがある。(USP5364511)

$$ Examples are image rotation and layer removal. (USP6438260)

$$ Examples are niobium, molybdenum, silicon, aluminium, titanium, tungsten, zirconium and alloys thereof. / その例は、ニオブ、モリブデン、ケイ素、アルミニウム、チタン、タングステン、ジルコニウム、及びそれらの合金である。(USP6699767)

$$ Preferred examples are niobium and tantalum. / 好ましい例は、ニオブとタンタルである。(USP6699767)

$$ Referring to FIG. 3 herein, there is shown an example of a coverage area for a cellular radio system divided into a plurality of nominal hexagonal cells, each cell being sectorized into nominal 120° angular sectors. (USP6167286)

$$ Referring to FIG. 5a, there is shown an example of four such power devices 10 placed within the same membrane 16 and isolated from each other through isolation layers placed within the membrane 16. (USP02041003)

$$ Each example is provided by way of explanation of the related technology, which is not restricted to the specifics of the examples. (USP6664824)

$$ A third example of use of the invention according to a preferred embodiment will now be described for the file transfer protocol (ftp). (USP6167450)

$$ One example of use of a bit expansion instruction is in font expansion. (USP6100905): 使用例

$$ As examples of phosphate salts there may be mentioned dibasic phosphate (HP04.sup.2-) monobasic phosphates (H2PO4 --) and polyphosphates (P2O7.sup.4-). / リン酸塩としては、二塩基性リン酸塩(HPO42-)、一塩基性リン酸塩(H2PO42-)及びポリリン酸塩(P2O74-)が挙げられる。(USP6254669)

$$ As examples of the preferred and especially preferred liquids there may be mentioned dialkyl and cycloalkyl ketones, such as acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, diethyl ketone... / 特に推奨される液体の例として挙げられるのは、アセトン、メチルエチルケトン、ジエチルケトン... (USP03027873)

$$ Many systems of this second type have been proposed and some will be described merely by way of example. / この第二のタイプのシステムに就いては多数のシステムが提案されているが、ここでは其の幾つかを例示する。(USP5364511)

$$ In the case of digits, the token may be, for example, generated by a random number generator each time an information item is requested. / ディジットの場合、トークンは、例えば情報項目が要求されるたびごとに乱数生成器によって生成してもよい。(USP6393468)

$$ Each of those gobos are then handled as the same unit and the entirety of the gobos can be, for example, rotated. (USP6057958)

$$ The actuator 1 may, for example, be used in electric seabed processing systems. (USP6572076)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | example

EXAMPLE(S) IN WHICH -->example where

$$ The polycation bath, in this example in which the interfacial layer is an insulating polymer, contains 20 ml H.sub.2 O (Millipore), 8 mg of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (Aldrich, MW 50-65 k), 30 mg NaCl and aq HCl to adjust the pH to ca. 3. (USP6850003)

$$ FIG. 10 shows an example in which all the terminals tuned to one traffic channel are retuned to another traffic channel. (USP6600757)

$$ The invention is illustrated further by the following examples in which the cornea is modelled by a general ellipsoid which is specified in terms of its vertex radius and parameter p. (USP6390624)

$$ The invention is further illustrated by the following examples in which all parts and percentages are by weight unless specified otherwise. (USP6133336)

$$ In a typical example in which the search terms are names and the associated data is in the form of addresses and the like, the host memory will be partitioned on a simple alphabetical basis. (USP5727201)

$$ The model is illustrated by an example in which a neural network having the architecture shown in FIG. 2 was developed as the learnt model. (USP02040278)

$$ FIG. 4 illustrates this for an example in which it is desired to analyse a diamond film. (USP5442438)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | example


$$ A further example is shown in FIG. 31, in which a flexible keyboard 3101 is shown in a second rigid configuration and is attached to a mobile cellular telephone 3102 via a suitable interface 3103. (USP6585162)

$$ A typical example is shown in FIG. 8 whereby the bridge-bone may be varied in the angle of its position on a pivot 3 by a grub screw 4 which locates into a female screw thread 5. (USP5834665)

$$ A typical example is shown in the table below. (USP6075887)

$$ In FIG. 10, an example is shown of reserving one 2 kilobyte partition in the data cache and one 4 kilobyte partition in the instruction cache for a performance critical interrupt service routine. (USP02002657)

$$ Such a clutch will be referred to hereinafter as "of the kind specified", and an example is shown in GB-B-2080449 where these are two pairs of said inter-engageable abutments. (USP4838400)

$$ An initial representation of the specification of a service is a message sequence chart of which an example is shown in FIG. 1. (USP6810118)

$$ An example of a database 100 generated according to this example is shown schematically in FIG. 4. (USP02062307)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | example

EXAMPLE OF 例を挙げると; -->mention

$$ As an example of such, long-chain alkyl or alkenyl may be mentioned. (USP6001141)

$$ An example of a suitable clamp design for such a magnetic doublet lens is one in which the dimensional relationship (i.e. for cylindrical clamps the ratio of height and diameter) is also 4:1. (USP6420714)

$$ Examples of applications where uniform particle size are advantageous include controlled release and microencapsulation (coated particle technology). (USP01049442)

$$ UK patent GB-B-2,202,664 describes an example of an application for a data entry system for the automated ordering of merchandisable items. / 英国特許GB-B-2,202,664には、販売品目の自動注文へのデータエントリシステムの応用の例が説明されている。(USP6058304)

$$ One example of such a phone is found in U.S. Pat. No. 4,845,772. / このような電話の一例が米国特許第4,845,772号に見られる。(USP6282436)

$$ One example of such a situation is where video standards conversion is effected between a source video device and a destination video device. / 一例をあげると、ソースビデオ装置と最終ビデオ装置の間でビデオ(標準)方式変換を行う場合がそうである。(USP5523852)

$$ Examples of such compositions are provided in PCT Publication No. WO97/39894.(USP01019809)

$$ Examples of such selectively depositable refractory metals are tungsten, copper, molybdenum and tantalum. / このような選択的付着性耐火性金属の例はタングステン、銅、モリブデンおよびタンタルである。(USP5541434)

$$ Examples of such electrochemical degradation processes are as follows: / そのような電気化学的劣化のプロセスの例は下記の通りである:(USP5364511)

$$ Examples of the operation of the apparatus of FIG. 1 will now be described with reference to FIGS. 6 to 11. / 図1の装置の動作例について、図6から11を参照にしながら説明する。(USP5537605)

$$ UK patent application 9106101.0 (Publication No. 2253973) describes particular examples of them in an ADM which provides some cross-connect capability.(USP5533005)

$$ An example of a structure to generate magnetic field satisfying the above requirements is shown on FIG. 8. (USP6304015)

$$ An example of operation of the fifth antenna arrangement of FIG. 13 is illustrated in FIG. 14 herein, in which a plurality of main beams...(USP6167286)

$$ In this example of operation, in step S4, when an option "Left-handed operation" is encountered on the screen, the pen is scanned over the "Enter" command bar code on the command sheet of FIG. 6.(USP6058304)

$$ As an example of operation of the system, we consider a system of e.g. 5000 km in length with 100 amplifiers spaced at 50 km intervals in each of the forward and return paths. / このシステムの動作例として、たとえば、フォワードパスおよびリターンパス中でそれぞれ50km間隔に設けられた100個の増幅器を有する5000kmのシステムを考える。(USP5436746)

$$ An example of such a system is a sacrificial anode in the form of a plurality strips of zinc or in the form of a perforated zinc sheet. / そのようなシステムの例は、亜鉛の複数のストリップ(細長の条片)の形をしているか、又は孔あきの亜鉛のシートの形をした犠牲アノードである。(USP5364511)

$$ As discussed above, the commanding of change steps is preferably carried out by a "preload and trigger" sequence, a specific example of which is described in detail below. (USP02042274)

$$ Thus, there will now be described an example of storing and retrieving a list of addresses in the CMM. (USP7065517)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | example


example of it; its exampleのパターンはあまり用いられない "example of this sth"のパターンは頻繁に用いられる。

$$ An example of this type of polymer is from the KRATON.RTM. G series of thermoplastic rubber polymers. / このタイプのポリマーの例は、Kraton G(RTM)シリーズの熱可塑性ゴムポリマーに由来する。(USP6582484)

$$ A simple example of this is a (fixed) parameter plug-in, where the output is invariant. / これの簡単な例は(固定)パラメーター・プラグインであり、出力は不変(invariant)である。(USP6523174)

$$ An example of this may be a convention from imperial measures to metric. (USP6072499)

$$ An example of this is illustrated in FIG. 6. (USP01032209)

$$ One typical example of this is a pipette dispensing arrangement. / この典型的な例には、ピペット供給構造(pipette dispensing arrangement)がある。(USP6561022)

$$ The meanderline plate rotation discussed in relation to FIG. 10 is an example of this. (USP6900756)

$$ One example of this is collaborative working as described in EPA 475581, in which users of two or more different machines work simultaneously and in combination on a single program (for example a spreadsheet). / この1つの例は、2以上の異なるコンピュータのユーザが同時に1つのプログラム(例えばスプレッドシート)上で共同で作業する、EPA 475581に記述されているような共同作業である。(USP5454079)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | example


$$ "for example where"のパターンで用いられることも多い

$$ The penalty points profile is not restricted to calling cards and can be associated with calling number keys, for example where a corporate client of the network operator wants to monitor its PABX for possible fraudulent use. / ペナルティポイントプロフィールは発呼カードに制限されず、例えば、網オペレータの共同のクライアントが、行われる可能性のある不正使用に対してそのPABXを監視することを望むとき、発呼番号キーと関係付けることができる。(USP5907602)

$$ It will be appreciated, however, that other embodiments are possible, for example where a system of Hall effect devices are arranged, with appropriate mechanical linkages, in different device bodies. / しかしながら、他の実施の形態も可能であり、例えばホール効果装置機構が、他の装置本体と機械的に適当に連結状態で配置されてもよい。(USP6611139)

$$ Such discrete steps are a limitation if communication systems including such filters are to be upgraded in the future where finer wavelength steps are required, for example where channel wavelength spacings are to be reduced from 0.8 nm to 0.4 nm. / このような個別のステップは、将来、より細かい波長ステップが必要とされ、例えば、チャンネル波長間隔が0.8nmから0.4nmへ減少されるべき場合に、このようなフィルタを含む通信システムをアップグレードすべき場合の制約となる。(USP6788479)

$$ For example where automatic tape control is not required. (USP7343081)

$$ FIG. 9 illustrates an example where the original stock surface 15 intersects with one surface of the tool movement. (USP6862560)

$$ For example where calling line identification has been used, the record may be recorded in the entry under the identified telephone number. (USP6141652)

$$ As an example of cache tagging, let us consider the example where we wish to modify all pixels in the picture with a "mid-range" value of luminance. (USP6075887)

$$ Although one aspect of the present invention has been described by example wherein a 360° phase difference is provided between...(USP5486950)

$$ FIG. 12D illustrates an example where a section of code 23012 contains a conditional branch instruction 23013 at address aaa. (USP02029357)
