SUBJECT (名詞) 議題、対象、題材
SUBJECT (名詞) 議題、対象、題材
$$ Colouring is the subject of copending patent application Ser. No. U.S. patent application no. (attorney ref. 11765/284402), which is assigned to the assignee of the present application.(USP02042274)
$$ Indeed, the need to reposition the lens to obtain the reading addition is the subject of much of the detail in U.S. Pat. No. 5,493,350 whereas the important influence of the tear layer which functions as an optical element is not even discussed.(USP6390624)
$$ These diseases are of great clinical importance and have been the subject of intense scientific research for many decades.(USP02035058)
$$ ...this method is the subject of co-pending applications by the present Applicant.(USP01023853)
$$ Such facilities are expensive to operate and run a risk of being the subject of complaints concerning odour.(USP01023853)
$$ It was this method of controlling the relative quantities of surface and volumetric heating that formed the subject of the applicant's earlier International Patent Application No. PCT/GB94/01730. / 出願人の以前の国際特許出願第PCT/GB94/01730号の課題を形成するものは、相対的な量の表面と容量加熱を制御するこの方法であった。(USP01004075)
SUBJECT (名詞) 議題、対象、題材
$$ Colouring is the subject of copending patent application Ser. No. U.S. patent application no. (attorney ref. 11765/284402), which is assigned to the assignee of the present application.(USP02042274)
$$ Indeed, the need to reposition the lens to obtain the reading addition is the subject of much of the detail in U.S. Pat. No. 5,493,350 whereas the important influence of the tear layer which functions as an optical element is not even discussed.(USP6390624)
$$ These diseases are of great clinical importance and have been the subject of intense scientific research for many decades.(USP02035058)
$$ ...this method is the subject of co-pending applications by the present Applicant.(USP01023853)
$$ Such facilities are expensive to operate and run a risk of being the subject of complaints concerning odour.(USP01023853)
$$ It was this method of controlling the relative quantities of surface and volumetric heating that formed the subject of the applicant's earlier International Patent Application No. PCT/GB94/01730. / 出願人の以前の国際特許出願第PCT/GB94/01730号の課題を形成するものは、相対的な量の表面と容量加熱を制御するこの方法であった。(USP01004075)
--> subjected to
$$ Thus it is common to subject objects to post-manufacture inspection procedures. / このため、物体に対し製造後の検査方法を行うことが一般的である。(USP7891248)
$$ The frequency of vibration may be varied during each period of vibration, (vibration step) so as to subject each component to a number of selected different frequencies or to a range of frequencies during the vibration step.(USP5891255)
$$ The method of claim 1, wherein the fingers are vibrated at a frequency which is varied during each period of vibration so as to subject the component to a range of frequencies during the vibration period. (USP5891255)
$$ A process according to claim 10 wherein the continuous agitation is effected by subjecting the cannabis plant material or solvent extract to a rotary action. (USP7622140)
$$ One suitable process includes subjecting a thin film of the emulsion to an elevated temperature, for instance by use of a Luwa. (USP7071256)
$$ An image of a pattern is introduced into the resist by subjecting the resist to patterned radiation. (USP6420714)
$$ According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided a method which includes the step of subjecting a reverse osmosis membrane, and the fluid on each side thereof, to a fluctuating magnetic field. (USP6217773)
$$ The invention comprises subjecting the exposed glass master plate 2 of FIG. 2E1 to an additional exposure stage as shown in FIG. 3. (USP6190748)
$$ For UMX encoded signals, such a means subjects the channel signals Ek to a frequency-dependent phase shift approximating to e.sup.iφ' e.sup.ikθ' (50) for all k. (USP5671287)
$$ Processor 7 subjects the signal to narrowband pass filtering...(USP5249202)
$$ ...subjecting the sensor to ionizing radiation... (USP5407276)
$$ We have found that the useful working life of the electrode prepared by the method according to the present invention may be increased by subjecting it to a treatment at high temperature of at least 400℃, typically about 500℃, for at least one hour. / 本発明者らは、本発明の方法によって製造される電極の有効可使寿命は、該電極を少なくとも400℃、典型的には約500℃の高温で少なくとも1時間加熱処理することによって増大させ得ることを認めた。(USP6123816)
--> subjected to
$$ Thus it is common to subject objects to post-manufacture inspection procedures. / このため、物体に対し製造後の検査方法を行うことが一般的である。(USP7891248)
$$ The frequency of vibration may be varied during each period of vibration, (vibration step) so as to subject each component to a number of selected different frequencies or to a range of frequencies during the vibration step.(USP5891255)
$$ The method of claim 1, wherein the fingers are vibrated at a frequency which is varied during each period of vibration so as to subject the component to a range of frequencies during the vibration period. (USP5891255)
$$ A process according to claim 10 wherein the continuous agitation is effected by subjecting the cannabis plant material or solvent extract to a rotary action. (USP7622140)
$$ One suitable process includes subjecting a thin film of the emulsion to an elevated temperature, for instance by use of a Luwa. (USP7071256)
$$ An image of a pattern is introduced into the resist by subjecting the resist to patterned radiation. (USP6420714)
$$ According to a first aspect of the present invention there is provided a method which includes the step of subjecting a reverse osmosis membrane, and the fluid on each side thereof, to a fluctuating magnetic field. (USP6217773)
$$ The invention comprises subjecting the exposed glass master plate 2 of FIG. 2E1 to an additional exposure stage as shown in FIG. 3. (USP6190748)
$$ For UMX encoded signals, such a means subjects the channel signals Ek to a frequency-dependent phase shift approximating to e.sup.iφ' e.sup.ikθ' (50) for all k. (USP5671287)
$$ Processor 7 subjects the signal to narrowband pass filtering...(USP5249202)
$$ ...subjecting the sensor to ionizing radiation... (USP5407276)
$$ We have found that the useful working life of the electrode prepared by the method according to the present invention may be increased by subjecting it to a treatment at high temperature of at least 400℃, typically about 500℃, for at least one hour. / 本発明者らは、本発明の方法によって製造される電極の有効可使寿命は、該電極を少なくとも400℃、典型的には約500℃の高温で少なくとも1時間加熱処理することによって増大させ得ることを認めた。(USP6123816)
$$ When the sealing ring 2 is subject to higher pressure to its lower side its upper surface 6 is forced into sealing relationship with the upper surface 22 of the recess 20. (USP6428014)
$$ As pointed out above, the position of the discs 100 is subject to slight change. / 上で指摘したように、ディスク100の位置は、僅かに変化する。(USP7632208)
$$ The total remains the same and is subject to an overall engine feedback control. / 全体は同じままであり、全エンジンフィードバック制御を受けている。(USP6338250)
$$ The disclosure herein contains material which is subject to copyright protection. / ここに開示する特許書類の一部には、著作権による保護の対象となる事項が含まれている。(USP6091835)
$$ Both these devices are subject to eventual fibrous obliteration and filtration failure. / これら両器械は終局的には漸進的な繊維の除去と濾過機能の不全を受ける。(USP6186974)
$$ This data block when subject to symmetric edge extension would, for example, become: / このデータブロックが対称的エッジ拡張を受けると、例えば次のようになる。(USP5381354)
$$ Pin Safe user interface is "tempest" proof because the interface does not display the users PIN or TAC (Pseudo PIN) on screen, and therefore is not subject to Electro-magnetic emissions from the VDU that could be the subject of surveillance via Tempest technologies.(USP02059146)
$$ When the sealing ring 2 is subject to higher pressure to its lower side its upper surface 6 is forced into sealing relationship with the upper surface 22 of the recess 20. (USP6428014)
$$ As pointed out above, the position of the discs 100 is subject to slight change. / 上で指摘したように、ディスク100の位置は、僅かに変化する。(USP7632208)
$$ The total remains the same and is subject to an overall engine feedback control. / 全体は同じままであり、全エンジンフィードバック制御を受けている。(USP6338250)
$$ The disclosure herein contains material which is subject to copyright protection. / ここに開示する特許書類の一部には、著作権による保護の対象となる事項が含まれている。(USP6091835)
$$ Both these devices are subject to eventual fibrous obliteration and filtration failure. / これら両器械は終局的には漸進的な繊維の除去と濾過機能の不全を受ける。(USP6186974)
$$ This data block when subject to symmetric edge extension would, for example, become: / このデータブロックが対称的エッジ拡張を受けると、例えば次のようになる。(USP5381354)
$$ Pin Safe user interface is "tempest" proof because the interface does not display the users PIN or TAC (Pseudo PIN) on screen, and therefore is not subject to Electro-magnetic emissions from the VDU that could be the subject of surveillance via Tempest technologies.(USP02059146)
SUBJECTED TO さらされる;当たる;受ける;
SUBJECTED TO さらされる;当たる;受ける;
$$ An inlet 10 is provided for the lower chamber 3, being disposed in such a way that fluid entering the housing 1 therethrough is subjected to a downward helical motion along and around the passageway 9. (USP4324534)
$$ The anchor may for example employ shear pins which give when the cable above the anchor is subjected to a sufficient force. (USP6655453)
$$ For example, a container of cosmetic cream carried around in a handbag may be subjected to buffeting and squeezing forces. (USP02069615)
$$ In this way, batteries are always subjected to full charging cycles. / こうして、(2つの)電池は、常に完全充電サイクルに委ねられている。(USP6265847)
$$ The tapes are also resistant to conditions which are conventionally found in motor vehicle engines, such wires being subjected to high temperatures and contact with water and fluids such as petrol, diesel, oil, salt solution and anti freeze. / 本発明テープは、また従来から問題であった自動車エンジン周辺の諸条件に対しても充分な耐性を示す。接着テープで結束されるべきこの周辺の配線は、高熱にさらされ、水および燃料、例えば石油、ディーゼル油、ガソリン、塩溶液、不凍液に接触する可能性があるので、この耐性は重要である。(USP6200677): temperature
$$ Thus, the solid, the organic medium and the dispersant may be mixed in any order, the mixture then being subjected to a mechanical treatment to reduce the particles of the solid to an appropriate size, for example by ball milling, bead milling, gravel milling or plastic milling until the dispersion is formed. / かくして、固体、有機媒体および分散剤は任意の順序で混合され、次いで、この混合物を機械的処理:例えばボールミル処理、ビーズミル処理、グラベル(砂利)ミル処理またはプラスチックミル処理、にかけて、その固体粒子を適切な大きさにする。(USP03027873): treatment
$$ By a shear axis we mean the axis about which the wheel and carrier as a whole is permitted to rotate by the suspension linkages when subjected to a pure torque about that axis. / せん断軸線により、この軸線の周りで正味トルクを受けたとき、懸架装置の連結機構により車輪及びキャリアの全体がその周りで回転することが許容される軸線を意味する。(USP7168719): torque
$$ These frequencies above half the sampling frequency, when subjected to sampling, give rise to spurious components in the sampled signal known as aliased components. (USP6700936): sampling
$$ Once the dough has ripened the dough is subjected to processing by a pastry break as in the prior art fried doughnut process. (USP01031300): processing
$$ Moreover, such mechanisms can have limited operating lifetime when subjected to frequent adjustment, such frequent adjustment being manifest in the form of mechanical backlash. / 更に、このようなメカニズムは、頻繁な調整を受けるときには動作寿命を制限することになり、このような頻繁な調整は、機械的なバックラッシュの形態で明白である。(USP6788479): adjustment
$$ A method according to claim 2, wherein the groups of data bursts subjected to the secondary filtering step are those having a delta-t pattern substantially corresponding to that of groups giving rise to the significant event indication signal. / 請求項2記載の方法であって、該二次フィルタがけ段階に従っている該バーストは、該重大事象表示信号を発生するバーストと実質的に対応しているデルタtパターンを有している方法。(USP6826982): step
$$ For example, in an image data compression system proposed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), image data are subjected to frequency separation, quantisation and then entropy encoding. / 例えば、合同写真専門家グループ(JPEG)が提案した映像データ圧縮方式では、映像データを周波数分離し、量子化し、エントロピー符号化している。(USP5404166): separation
$$ When the sensor C is subjected to nuclear or ionising radiation, it discharges at a rate proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation. / センサCが中性子放射又は電離放射に晒されるとき、このセンサは、その入射放射の強度に比例する速度で放電する。(USP5407276): radiation
$$ As mentioned above, the formatted data blocks output by the block formatter 10 are subjected to error correction processing and channel encoding before being recorded on a magnetic tape. / 前述のように、ブロックフォーマッタ10から出力されるフォーマット変換されたデータブロックは、エラー訂正処理及びチャンネル符号化処理を受けてから磁気テープに記録される。(USP5404166): processing
$$ Furthermore, the use of staples g in the inventor's original golf ball retriever can cause the ball retriever to crack or otherwise fail when subjected to repeated use.(USP5800280): use
$$ When the disc 14B is not subject to external mechanical resistance or damping, the vibrations typically last for many cycles. (USP6895815): resistance
$$ The EL lamp illuminates the design when subjected to an electrical current. / 電流を印加された時、ELランプは図案を照明する。(USP8136278)
$$ In many cases, the gold species in solution undergo chemical changes when subjected to heat and changes in pH. / 多くの場合、溶液中の金類は、加熱されたり、pHが変化すると化学変化を起こす。(USP8104484)
$$ This results in a wheel deflection without significant toe or camber change when subjected to a longitudinal force. / その結果、長手方向力を受けたとき、顕著なトウ又はキャンバの変化を伴わずに、車輪が撓むことになる。(USP7168719)
$$ As only one arm 81 of PMNT is provided, the spacer 82 is caused to rotate when subjected to an electric field. / 唯一のPMNTのアーム81を備えるので、スペーサ82は、電界を印加されると、回転させられる。(USP6278541)
$$ Said alloy should be non-brittle and capable of deformation when subjected to high loads. (USP6276635)
$$ FIG. 5 shows a graphical representation of the change in current due to irradiation by X-rays of a diode subjected to reverse bias voltages. / 【図5】逆バイアス電圧がかけられたダイオードのX線での放射線照射による電流の変化のグラフ表示を示す。(USP8062743)
$$ Algaligenes eutrophus strain H16 was grown on mineral salts medium containing 1% fructose and the resultant cells subjected to UV mutagenesis by exposure to sufficient UV dose to give between 90 to 99% kill. (USP6080562)
$$ Tests have shown that valves subjected to intense ionizing radiation fields show no significant change in performance. (USP5847391)
$$ The method of claim 3, wherein the soluble fibre is derived from a precipitate of the aqueous solution subjected to a precipitation step with 80% ethanol. (USP7235268)
SUBJECTED TO さらされる;当たる;受ける;
$$ An inlet 10 is provided for the lower chamber 3, being disposed in such a way that fluid entering the housing 1 therethrough is subjected to a downward helical motion along and around the passageway 9. (USP4324534)
$$ The anchor may for example employ shear pins which give when the cable above the anchor is subjected to a sufficient force. (USP6655453)
$$ For example, a container of cosmetic cream carried around in a handbag may be subjected to buffeting and squeezing forces. (USP02069615)
$$ In this way, batteries are always subjected to full charging cycles. / こうして、(2つの)電池は、常に完全充電サイクルに委ねられている。(USP6265847)
$$ The tapes are also resistant to conditions which are conventionally found in motor vehicle engines, such wires being subjected to high temperatures and contact with water and fluids such as petrol, diesel, oil, salt solution and anti freeze. / 本発明テープは、また従来から問題であった自動車エンジン周辺の諸条件に対しても充分な耐性を示す。接着テープで結束されるべきこの周辺の配線は、高熱にさらされ、水および燃料、例えば石油、ディーゼル油、ガソリン、塩溶液、不凍液に接触する可能性があるので、この耐性は重要である。(USP6200677): temperature
$$ Thus, the solid, the organic medium and the dispersant may be mixed in any order, the mixture then being subjected to a mechanical treatment to reduce the particles of the solid to an appropriate size, for example by ball milling, bead milling, gravel milling or plastic milling until the dispersion is formed. / かくして、固体、有機媒体および分散剤は任意の順序で混合され、次いで、この混合物を機械的処理:例えばボールミル処理、ビーズミル処理、グラベル(砂利)ミル処理またはプラスチックミル処理、にかけて、その固体粒子を適切な大きさにする。(USP03027873): treatment
$$ By a shear axis we mean the axis about which the wheel and carrier as a whole is permitted to rotate by the suspension linkages when subjected to a pure torque about that axis. / せん断軸線により、この軸線の周りで正味トルクを受けたとき、懸架装置の連結機構により車輪及びキャリアの全体がその周りで回転することが許容される軸線を意味する。(USP7168719): torque
$$ These frequencies above half the sampling frequency, when subjected to sampling, give rise to spurious components in the sampled signal known as aliased components. (USP6700936): sampling
$$ Once the dough has ripened the dough is subjected to processing by a pastry break as in the prior art fried doughnut process. (USP01031300): processing
$$ Moreover, such mechanisms can have limited operating lifetime when subjected to frequent adjustment, such frequent adjustment being manifest in the form of mechanical backlash. / 更に、このようなメカニズムは、頻繁な調整を受けるときには動作寿命を制限することになり、このような頻繁な調整は、機械的なバックラッシュの形態で明白である。(USP6788479): adjustment
$$ A method according to claim 2, wherein the groups of data bursts subjected to the secondary filtering step are those having a delta-t pattern substantially corresponding to that of groups giving rise to the significant event indication signal. / 請求項2記載の方法であって、該二次フィルタがけ段階に従っている該バーストは、該重大事象表示信号を発生するバーストと実質的に対応しているデルタtパターンを有している方法。(USP6826982): step
$$ For example, in an image data compression system proposed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), image data are subjected to frequency separation, quantisation and then entropy encoding. / 例えば、合同写真専門家グループ(JPEG)が提案した映像データ圧縮方式では、映像データを周波数分離し、量子化し、エントロピー符号化している。(USP5404166): separation
$$ When the sensor C is subjected to nuclear or ionising radiation, it discharges at a rate proportional to the intensity of the incident radiation. / センサCが中性子放射又は電離放射に晒されるとき、このセンサは、その入射放射の強度に比例する速度で放電する。(USP5407276): radiation
$$ As mentioned above, the formatted data blocks output by the block formatter 10 are subjected to error correction processing and channel encoding before being recorded on a magnetic tape. / 前述のように、ブロックフォーマッタ10から出力されるフォーマット変換されたデータブロックは、エラー訂正処理及びチャンネル符号化処理を受けてから磁気テープに記録される。(USP5404166): processing
$$ Furthermore, the use of staples g in the inventor's original golf ball retriever can cause the ball retriever to crack or otherwise fail when subjected to repeated use.(USP5800280): use
$$ When the disc 14B is not subject to external mechanical resistance or damping, the vibrations typically last for many cycles. (USP6895815): resistance
$$ The EL lamp illuminates the design when subjected to an electrical current. / 電流を印加された時、ELランプは図案を照明する。(USP8136278)
$$ In many cases, the gold species in solution undergo chemical changes when subjected to heat and changes in pH. / 多くの場合、溶液中の金類は、加熱されたり、pHが変化すると化学変化を起こす。(USP8104484)
$$ This results in a wheel deflection without significant toe or camber change when subjected to a longitudinal force. / その結果、長手方向力を受けたとき、顕著なトウ又はキャンバの変化を伴わずに、車輪が撓むことになる。(USP7168719)
$$ As only one arm 81 of PMNT is provided, the spacer 82 is caused to rotate when subjected to an electric field. / 唯一のPMNTのアーム81を備えるので、スペーサ82は、電界を印加されると、回転させられる。(USP6278541)
$$ Said alloy should be non-brittle and capable of deformation when subjected to high loads. (USP6276635)
$$ FIG. 5 shows a graphical representation of the change in current due to irradiation by X-rays of a diode subjected to reverse bias voltages. / 【図5】逆バイアス電圧がかけられたダイオードのX線での放射線照射による電流の変化のグラフ表示を示す。(USP8062743)
$$ Algaligenes eutrophus strain H16 was grown on mineral salts medium containing 1% fructose and the resultant cells subjected to UV mutagenesis by exposure to sufficient UV dose to give between 90 to 99% kill. (USP6080562)
$$ Tests have shown that valves subjected to intense ionizing radiation fields show no significant change in performance. (USP5847391)
$$ The method of claim 3, wherein the soluble fibre is derived from a precipitate of the aqueous solution subjected to a precipitation step with 80% ethanol. (USP7235268)
$$ A selected range is explained subsequent. / 選ばれた範囲が次に説明される。(USP8393483)
$$ A record is kept of the keys generated, and this record may subsequently be used to generate a receipt for the data received by the customer. / 生成されたキーの記録は保持されて、後でこの記録を使用して、顧客によって受取られるデータの受取りを生成する。(USP6996722)
$$ The flexible material can comprise any known type of flexible material that can subsequently be set or cured. / 可撓性材料は、後で固定され得る、即ち、硬化され得る任意の公知の形式の可撓性材料から成り得る。(USP8281513)
$$ Alternatively, the audio data can be stored in the store 4, or transferred via a network for subsequent playback. / その代わりに、オーディオデータは記憶装置4に記憶されるか、その後の再生のためにネットワークにより転送される。 (USP6772122)
$$ This need not be done if these sub bands are subsequently to be completely removed from the data stream. / これは、これらの分割帯域があとでデータストリームから完全に除去される場合は、行う必要はない。(USP6754433)
$$ Subsequently, the cap member 8 is bonded to the top of the substrate by adhesive. / 続いて、基板の上にキャップ部材8を接着剤で結合する。(USP5914019)
$$ The server subsequently sends a series of ADUs to the client. / 次にサーバは一連のADUをクライアントへ送る。(USP6996722)
$$ Subsequent alignment of the tool 310 to the chuck 40 involves the steps of: / 続くチャック40に対するツール310のアライメントは、以下の工程を有している:(USP6977986)
$$ Also, stored data may affect which data is included in subsequent Web pages. / さらに、記憶したデータは、何れのデータが次のWebページ内に含まれるかに影響を与えることがある。(USP6393468)
$$ A selected range is explained subsequent. / 選ばれた範囲が次に説明される。(USP8393483)
$$ A record is kept of the keys generated, and this record may subsequently be used to generate a receipt for the data received by the customer. / 生成されたキーの記録は保持されて、後でこの記録を使用して、顧客によって受取られるデータの受取りを生成する。(USP6996722)
$$ The flexible material can comprise any known type of flexible material that can subsequently be set or cured. / 可撓性材料は、後で固定され得る、即ち、硬化され得る任意の公知の形式の可撓性材料から成り得る。(USP8281513)
$$ Alternatively, the audio data can be stored in the store 4, or transferred via a network for subsequent playback. / その代わりに、オーディオデータは記憶装置4に記憶されるか、その後の再生のためにネットワークにより転送される。 (USP6772122)
$$ This need not be done if these sub bands are subsequently to be completely removed from the data stream. / これは、これらの分割帯域があとでデータストリームから完全に除去される場合は、行う必要はない。(USP6754433)
$$ Subsequently, the cap member 8 is bonded to the top of the substrate by adhesive. / 続いて、基板の上にキャップ部材8を接着剤で結合する。(USP5914019)
$$ The server subsequently sends a series of ADUs to the client. / 次にサーバは一連のADUをクライアントへ送る。(USP6996722)
$$ Subsequent alignment of the tool 310 to the chuck 40 involves the steps of: / 続くチャック40に対するツール310のアライメントは、以下の工程を有している:(USP6977986)
$$ Also, stored data may affect which data is included in subsequent Web pages. / さらに、記憶したデータは、何れのデータが次のWebページ内に含まれるかに影響を与えることがある。(USP6393468)