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BIAS / バイアスをかける・付勢する等


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | bi...

BIAS / バイアスをかける・付勢する等

$$ As mentioned above, the spring 24 acts to bias the cam follower radially outwardly relative to the cam wheel axis. (USP02074809)

$$ The detent 60 is spring biased to normally protrude into the annular recess 57 but it can be moved out of the way in a manner to be described hereafter. (USP6524078)

$$ The first spring is adapted to bias the first friction pad against the first pinion. (USP6634979)

$$ A docking interface is mounted on the end of the delivery tube 6 and comprises a housing 130 containing two spring-biased fingers 131, 132. / ドッキング・インターフェースは、分配チューブ6の端部に取り付けられていて、スプリング付勢された2本のフィンガー131、132を含むハウジング130で構成される。(USP6692213)

$$ A wavefront sensing device as claimed in claim 3, wherein the binary phase mask is biased with a predetermined defocus a. / 前記2進位相マスクは、所定の焦点ズレaで付勢されている請求項3に記載の波面感知装置。(USP6570143)

$$ A blocking element, such as a ball (41), of the outlet valve arrangement (4) is biased back along a close-fitting tubular draw path (43) in the valve after dispensing, so as to draw product back out of the nozzle tip and prevent dripping. / 閉鎖素子、例えば、出口バルブ(4)のボール(41)が当該バルブ内の締り嵌め管状引抜き通路(43)に沿って引戻されるように付勢され、分配後、上記ノズルチップから製品を吸い戻して滴の垂れ落ちを防止する。(USP6422434)

$$ At the outlet 484 there is a rivet gate 490 comprising a pair of vertical pins 491 that are biased to close partially the outlet 484 by means of an adjacent rubber spring 492. / 出口484では、隣接したゴム・スプリング492の手段によって部分的に出口484を閉じるためにバイアスがかけられる一対の垂直のピン491を備えたリベット・ゲート490が設けられている。(USP6692213)

$$ Each roller is individually mounted and spring biased against the belt and each beam is independently adjustable to vary the vertical position of each row of rollers.(USP5466329) / 各ローラは個別にベルトに乗っており、ベルトに対しばねでバイアスをかけてあり、各ビームは独立して調節し、各列のローラの垂直の位置を変えることができる。

$$ This may be accomplished by the use of a spacing device that may be set to bias the probe a fixed distance, (typically 10 to 20 mm), from the surface being scanned. / プローブを走査面から一定の距離(典型的には、10から20mm)になるよう傾けて設定されるスペーシング装置の利用によってこれが達成される。(USP7576332)

$$ In order to facilitate rapid re-engagement of the piston with the coupling member of the piston rod, the piston extension 14 may be split axially to define a pair of jaws which are biased together but which are forced apart by the piston rod as shown in FIG. 2. / ピストンをピストンロッドの連結部材と迅速に再係合させるため、ピストン延長部14は、軸線方向に割れて一対のジョーを構成するのがよい。これらのジョーは互いに押圧されているが、第2図に示すように、ピストンロッドによって強制的に離間される。(USP6270276)

$$ Replacing compared samples exceeding a predetermined threshold reduces the effect of this bias caused by artefacts in the marked material item. / そこで、上述のように、比較により所定の閾値を超えたサンプルをオリジナルマテリアルアイテムのサンプルに置換することにより、ウォータマークが付されたマテリアルアイテムにおけるアーテファクトに起因する偏りを小さくすることができる。(USP03131243)

$$ To rectify this imbalance, the control device can bias towards using the other battery more often. / この不均衡を修正するために、制御装置は、他方の電池をより頻繁に使うようにしてもよい。(USP6265847)

タグ :BIAS

BIAS ~ TO(TOWARD) (方向・位置)にbias


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | bi...


$$ When the docking interface is not in use the second finger 132 is retracted as shown in FIG. 25a under the bias of a compression spring 133 and the first finger 131 is biased to the position shown under the influence of a leaf spring 134. / ドッキング・インターフェースが使用時にないとき、第2フィンガー132は、圧縮スプリング133の付勢力により図25aの位置に退避する。また、第1フィンガー131は、板ばね13により図示された位置に付勢される。(USP6692213)

$$ A latch arrangement as defined in claim 15 in which the release mechanism is biased to the rest position by resilient means. (USP02074810)

$$ The at least one permanent magnet of the latch mechanism may be biased to the latch engaging position by a spring or a further permanent magnet.(USP6474120)

$$ A circumferential garter spring 6 locates over the sprags 3 to bias them to a wedging position. (USP5524742)

$$ The idler wheel 14 is biased towards the drive wheel 13 by means of a spring 17 which acts between the handle portion 11 and a plate 18 which is pivotally mounted on the handle portion and which carries the support plate 15. / アイドラホイール14はバネ17によってドライブホイール13に向けて付勢(バイアス)されていて、バネ17はハンドル部分11と板18との間で働き、板18はハンドル部分上に軸支され、かつ支持板15を支えている。(USP5749565)

$$ The blocking element is biased towards the upstream, closed position e.g by spring means and/or gravity. / 閉鎖素子は、例えば、ばね手段及び/又は重力により上流部に向かって閉位置に付勢される。(USP6422434)

$$ The support members 525a, 525b are resiliently biased, for example using leaf springs, towards the planar stage 720 by applied forces G1, G2 to reduce backlash. / この支持部材525a、525bは、例えば、板バネを使用して、力G1、G2を加えることにより平面段720に向かって弾力でバイアスされ、バックラッシュが減少される。(USP6788479)

$$ In order to ensure that, once any reverse torque is removed, the coupling members 52 will revert to their normal symmetrical position 52 , light coil springs 60, engaging the back of the rollers 52 to bias the latter towards the surface 46, are mounted in radial seating 62 in the output sleeve 30. (USP6260685)

$$ A spring 58 abuts rim 60 of plunger 32 and also abuts boss 12B and 14B of the right and left hand casings to bias the plunger in a upward direction when viewing FIG. 1.1. (USP02074809)

$$ The end region 60a of the piston member 60 abuts the second spring 58, the second spring 58 serving to bias the piston member 60 and the valve needle 12 in a downwards direction such that the valve needle 12 is urged against its seating.(USP01035464)

タグ :BIAS

BIAS ~ IN(INTO) 方向・位置・状態にbias


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | bi...

BIAS ~ IN(INTO) / (方向・位置・状態)にbiasする

$$ A tension spring 60 is connected to chassis 24 and release lever 26 and acts to bias release lever 26 in an anticlockwise direction when viewing FIG. 1. (USP02074810)

$$ The disc is driven or biased in this direction to retain this position. (USP02017161)

$$ The spring mounting 122 biases the lever arm 118 upwards so that the roller 116 is biased into abutment with the cam surface 114. (USP7129428)

$$ In each case after actuation finger pressure is released and the container returns to its normal rest position under spring action provided by the valve 20 which is arranged to bias the stem 8 into an extended position. (USP4969578)

$$ Compression springs 511 bias the cover plate 505 into an extended rest position as shown in FIGS. 39a, b, c. / 圧縮スプリング511は、図39a、b、cに示されるような延在された休止位置へ、カバー・プレート505にバイアスをかける。(USP6692213)

$$ The result of this is that the clamping force applies a wedging action on the workpiece clamping element 38 so assisting the spring 52 in biasing the workpiece clamping element 38 into contact, via the pad 54, with the annulus surface of the root 8 of the workpiece 2. (USP02020954)

$$ The fixation structure further includes a support for rigidly connecting the cast to the frame and biasing structure operable between the head and the frame and/or the fixation structure to bias the cast into positive contact with the upper teeth and/or palate. (USP6355049)

$$ The combination of projection 90, tab 91 and spring 124 act to bias tab 91 in line with projection 90. (USP02073789)

$$ A coil spring 37 is located between the stub 36b and the crosspiece 35c so as to bias the jaws 35, 36 in their closed configuration. (USP6253899)

タグ :BIAS



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | bi...


$$ If one prefers not to provide an upstream data path using copper all the way back to the exchange as envisaged in FIG. 2, then one could use the fibres bidirectionally, as illustrated in FIG. 3. / 図2に予想されるように交換機まで遡って銅を使用してアップストリームデータ経路を提供することを好まない場合には、図3に描かれているように双方向でファイバを使用できるであろう。(USP7567550)

$$ These operations can be performed only by the Supervisor microprocessor 314, which communicates bidirectionally with the PC using status in/out ports 320 and 322. (USP6684309)

$$ B pictures are bi-directionally predicted using information from both a previous and a future I or P picture. / Bピクチャは、直前及び先のIあるいはPピクチャの両方からの情報を用いて双方向予測される。(USP6229851)

$$ In this standard protocol signalling data packets are transmitted bidirectionally between an endpoint and the ATM switch or sequence of switches in order to establish a virtual circuit between a pair of endpoints. (USP6118782)

$$ Often this involves a simplification; in the above example, the B-picture following the switch point would usually contain bi-directionally predicted macroblocks in input bitstream B, these are modified to be forward predicted, and the backward vectors discarded. (USP6831949)


BIFURCATE / 二股に分かれる


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | bi...

BIFURCATE / 二股に分かれる

$$ A metal tubing component 1 is shown as a bifurcated Y-shaped junction to be connected to a metal pipe 2. / 金属配管具1は、Y字形に分岐した連結部であり、金属パイプ2に接続するようになっている。(USP7565730)

$$ At its upper end, the short groove 11 bifurcates into second and third, parallel grooves 12, 13. (USP6253899)

$$ Those most frequently cited involve a preliminary analysis of the image to determine the location of minutiae identified with ridge endings, bifurcations, etc. (USP4805223)

$$ As shown more clearly in FIG. 2, the linkage 24 comprises a yoke or saddle having a bifurcated end 44 connected to the tube 14 by trunnions or similar pivoted connections 46. (USP02066559)
