LAMINATE 積層する・貼合する
LAMINATE 積層する・貼合する
laminated to; laminated with; laminated on; laminated onto; laminated overなどのパターンが用いられる
$$ In another embodiment, a third ply is laminated over the front of the first ply to wholly embed the security strip. / 別の実施形態では、第3層が前記第1層の上に重ね合わされて、偽造防止ストリップを完全に埋め込む。(USP6616803): over
$$ This layer is laminated on the upper surface with a durable fabric layer such as layer 703 (described in reference to FIG. 7), onto which graphical icons corresponding to the individual keys are printed. (USP6585162): on
$$ The plies of glazing material are then laminated together with the ply of interlayer material and the electrically resistant area heating device extending between them. (USP6185812): together
$$ If necessary the article may be coated with protective lacquers or laminated onto other layers. (USP5492370): onto
$$ The seam formed by the overlap of area 6 and edge 8 is peelable because the strength of adhesion is lower than the tear strength of the laminate. / 領域6およびエッジ8のところにおける合わせ目は、接着強度がラミネートの引裂強度よりも小さいことにより、剥離可能とされている。(USP6000539): n
$$ A multilayered construction may be made through lamination of thinner layers, onto which electrode patterns have previously been printed. / 多層構成には、電極パターンがすでにプリントされている薄い層の積層を使用することができる。(USP6833656): lamination
$$ From the air gap it enters the radial passageways 15 defined in the inner laminated core section 3 of the machine. / その間隙から機械の内側積層コア部3内に画定された半径方向の通路15に流入する。(USP6815848)
$$ In FIG. 11G, stripes of white vinyl facestock 33 laminated to a black polyester film 81 with pressure-sensitive adhesive 35 are applied to substrate 14. / 図12Gでは、感圧性接着剤35を備えた黒色ポリエステルフィルム81にラミネートされた白色ビニル支持面形成材33のストライプが、基材14に形成されている。(USP6267052): to
$$ A second ply of paper substrate could be laminated to paper as described above to completely obscure the visible effects of the strip 13 one side, if required. / 必要であれば、紙基板の第2層は、ストリップ13の一方の面の可視効果を完全に隠すために、上述したように紙に貼り合わせ可能である。(USP6616803): to
$$ Alternatively the cover (80) may be laminated to the backing layer (40). / カバー(80)は支持層(40)に積層されていてもよい。(USP6610762): to
$$ Optionally, this highly conductive layer may be laminated with layers of a non-reflective conductor that makes good ohmic contact to silicon. (USP6559914): with
LAMINATE 積層する・貼合する
laminated to; laminated with; laminated on; laminated onto; laminated overなどのパターンが用いられる
$$ In another embodiment, a third ply is laminated over the front of the first ply to wholly embed the security strip. / 別の実施形態では、第3層が前記第1層の上に重ね合わされて、偽造防止ストリップを完全に埋め込む。(USP6616803): over
$$ This layer is laminated on the upper surface with a durable fabric layer such as layer 703 (described in reference to FIG. 7), onto which graphical icons corresponding to the individual keys are printed. (USP6585162): on
$$ The plies of glazing material are then laminated together with the ply of interlayer material and the electrically resistant area heating device extending between them. (USP6185812): together
$$ If necessary the article may be coated with protective lacquers or laminated onto other layers. (USP5492370): onto
$$ The seam formed by the overlap of area 6 and edge 8 is peelable because the strength of adhesion is lower than the tear strength of the laminate. / 領域6およびエッジ8のところにおける合わせ目は、接着強度がラミネートの引裂強度よりも小さいことにより、剥離可能とされている。(USP6000539): n
$$ A multilayered construction may be made through lamination of thinner layers, onto which electrode patterns have previously been printed. / 多層構成には、電極パターンがすでにプリントされている薄い層の積層を使用することができる。(USP6833656): lamination
$$ From the air gap it enters the radial passageways 15 defined in the inner laminated core section 3 of the machine. / その間隙から機械の内側積層コア部3内に画定された半径方向の通路15に流入する。(USP6815848)
$$ In FIG. 11G, stripes of white vinyl facestock 33 laminated to a black polyester film 81 with pressure-sensitive adhesive 35 are applied to substrate 14. / 図12Gでは、感圧性接着剤35を備えた黒色ポリエステルフィルム81にラミネートされた白色ビニル支持面形成材33のストライプが、基材14に形成されている。(USP6267052): to
$$ A second ply of paper substrate could be laminated to paper as described above to completely obscure the visible effects of the strip 13 one side, if required. / 必要であれば、紙基板の第2層は、ストリップ13の一方の面の可視効果を完全に隠すために、上述したように紙に貼り合わせ可能である。(USP6616803): to
$$ Alternatively the cover (80) may be laminated to the backing layer (40). / カバー(80)は支持層(40)に積層されていてもよい。(USP6610762): to
$$ Optionally, this highly conductive layer may be laminated with layers of a non-reflective conductor that makes good ohmic contact to silicon. (USP6559914): with
$$ Linear motion can be produced using a large number of different mechanisms, and a wide range of such mechanisms will be apparent to those skilled in the art. / 直線動は、多数の異なる機構を使用して生じされ得、広範囲のこのような機構は、この分野の者にとって自明であろう。(USP6568293)
$$ User systems may have a large number of CD's containing tens of thousands of brochure images. / ユーザーシステムは極めて多くのパンフレット画像をもつCDを多数所有している。(USP5559936)
$$ Without some form of concentration, it is clear that a large number of interfaces to the switch would need to be provided. / 集信形態がない場合、交換機に接続する多数のインタフェースを設けなければならなくなることは明らかである。(USP02018462)
$$ A decoder enables the reception of additional television programmes broadcast in a relatively large number of channels in media using cable or satellite-based technology. / デコーダを使用すると、ケーブルまたは衛星放送技術を使用したメディアの比較的多数のチャネルで放送された追加のテレビ番組を受信することができる。 (USP02042917)
$$ A data byte comprises 8 binary bits and a large number of these data bytes are grouped together in sectors along the spiral track. / データバイトは8つの2値ビットを有し、多数のこれらのデータバイトは、螺旋トラックに沿ってセクタにグループ化される。(USP6560176)
$$ When the filter basket is made of fluted filter paper it can become costly to replace it each time, time consuming tho fit and fill it, and inconvenient to dispose a large number of them. (USP6250208)
$$ Linear motion can be produced using a large number of different mechanisms, and a wide range of such mechanisms will be apparent to those skilled in the art. / 直線動は、多数の異なる機構を使用して生じされ得、広範囲のこのような機構は、この分野の者にとって自明であろう。(USP6568293)
$$ User systems may have a large number of CD's containing tens of thousands of brochure images. / ユーザーシステムは極めて多くのパンフレット画像をもつCDを多数所有している。(USP5559936)
$$ Without some form of concentration, it is clear that a large number of interfaces to the switch would need to be provided. / 集信形態がない場合、交換機に接続する多数のインタフェースを設けなければならなくなることは明らかである。(USP02018462)
$$ A decoder enables the reception of additional television programmes broadcast in a relatively large number of channels in media using cable or satellite-based technology. / デコーダを使用すると、ケーブルまたは衛星放送技術を使用したメディアの比較的多数のチャネルで放送された追加のテレビ番組を受信することができる。 (USP02042917)
$$ A data byte comprises 8 binary bits and a large number of these data bytes are grouped together in sectors along the spiral track. / データバイトは8つの2値ビットを有し、多数のこれらのデータバイトは、螺旋トラックに沿ってセクタにグループ化される。(USP6560176)
$$ When the filter basket is made of fluted filter paper it can become costly to replace it each time, time consuming tho fit and fill it, and inconvenient to dispose a large number of them. (USP6250208)
$$ Semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs or chips) are typical host environments, often very large scale (VLSI) chips as for microprocessors or memories. / 半導体集積回路(ICまたはチップ)は、通常のホスト環境であり、マイクロプロセッサまたはメモリに関しては超大規模(VLSI)であることが多い。(USP6816020)
$$ This is due to the inevitable collisions and shearing forces applied to the monomer droplets and to the polymerising beads, especially in large scale commercial processes. / これは、特に大規模な工業的プロセスにおいてモノマー液滴及び重合するビーズに加えられる不可避な衝突及びせん断力による。(USP6277932)
$$ Although the above data revealed that no large-scale degradation of VLP DNA had occurred in the absence of Ku, small amounts of degradation would not have been detected. / 上記のデーターが示すところによれば、Kuの非存在下でVLP DNAの大規模な分解は生じなかったが、少量の分析は検出されなかったであろう。(USP6242175)
$$ The method provides an improved process for use in relation to large scale shared-tree multicast environments since its use results in a reduction in path state in the routers (A-E, R1-R6) in the internet. / この方法は、大きい共有ツリーマルチキャスト環境に関係して使用すると、インターネット内のルータ(A-E、R1-R6)内の経路状態が低減した改良されたプロセスを提供する。(USP6163807)
$$ Electrolytic processes are practiced on a large scale throughout the world. / 電解法は世界中で大規模に実施されている。(USP6123816)
$$ FIG. 3 is a similar view on a yet larger scale of a gas introduction device; / 図3は、ガス導入装置についてのさらに拡大した前記と同様の図である。 (USP6287494)
$$ Semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs or chips) are typical host environments, often very large scale (VLSI) chips as for microprocessors or memories. / 半導体集積回路(ICまたはチップ)は、通常のホスト環境であり、マイクロプロセッサまたはメモリに関しては超大規模(VLSI)であることが多い。(USP6816020)
$$ This is due to the inevitable collisions and shearing forces applied to the monomer droplets and to the polymerising beads, especially in large scale commercial processes. / これは、特に大規模な工業的プロセスにおいてモノマー液滴及び重合するビーズに加えられる不可避な衝突及びせん断力による。(USP6277932)
$$ Although the above data revealed that no large-scale degradation of VLP DNA had occurred in the absence of Ku, small amounts of degradation would not have been detected. / 上記のデーターが示すところによれば、Kuの非存在下でVLP DNAの大規模な分解は生じなかったが、少量の分析は検出されなかったであろう。(USP6242175)
$$ The method provides an improved process for use in relation to large scale shared-tree multicast environments since its use results in a reduction in path state in the routers (A-E, R1-R6) in the internet. / この方法は、大きい共有ツリーマルチキャスト環境に関係して使用すると、インターネット内のルータ(A-E、R1-R6)内の経路状態が低減した改良されたプロセスを提供する。(USP6163807)
$$ Electrolytic processes are practiced on a large scale throughout the world. / 電解法は世界中で大規模に実施されている。(USP6123816)
$$ FIG. 3 is a similar view on a yet larger scale of a gas introduction device; / 図3は、ガス導入装置についてのさらに拡大した前記と同様の図である。 (USP6287494)
$$ Because 70 percent of all fire doors have the same size, when a fire door larger than this size is needed, correspondingly larger cores are needed. (USP6643991)
$$ Thus, an antenna configuration according to the present invention can provide a larger uplink cell size due to the use of space-diversity and polarization diversity in the antenna array. / 従って、本発明によるアンテナ構成は、アンテナアレイにおいて空間ダイバーシチおよび偏波ダイバーシチを用いることによって、サイズのより大きいアップリンク用セルを提供することができる。(USP6469680)
$$ The third release sheet is desirably substantially larger than the first and second release sheets (which are preferably about the same size). / 第3の剥離シートは、望ましくは実質的に第1および第2の剥離シートより大きい(第1および第2の剥離シートはほぼ同じ大きさであることが好ましい)。(USP5968000)
$$ A second series of experiments was carried out on larger pellets of the same material which had a slightly lower starting density of 2.67 gcm-3. / 上記のものよりわずかばかり低い2.67gcm-3の開始密度を有する同じ材料の大きなペレットに対して、第2シリーズの実験を実施した。(USP01004075)
$$ Example 1 was repeated but coloured polyester decorative particles with much larger particle size in the range 1 to 1.4 mm were used. (USP6689832)
$$ However, bare LED dies can also be used though these are invariably larger in size. / しかしながら、大きさにおいて例外なく大きいものの、裸のLEDダイスを使用することもできる。(USP6433483)
$$ Because 70 percent of all fire doors have the same size, when a fire door larger than this size is needed, correspondingly larger cores are needed. (USP6643991)
$$ Thus, an antenna configuration according to the present invention can provide a larger uplink cell size due to the use of space-diversity and polarization diversity in the antenna array. / 従って、本発明によるアンテナ構成は、アンテナアレイにおいて空間ダイバーシチおよび偏波ダイバーシチを用いることによって、サイズのより大きいアップリンク用セルを提供することができる。(USP6469680)
$$ The third release sheet is desirably substantially larger than the first and second release sheets (which are preferably about the same size). / 第3の剥離シートは、望ましくは実質的に第1および第2の剥離シートより大きい(第1および第2の剥離シートはほぼ同じ大きさであることが好ましい)。(USP5968000)
$$ A second series of experiments was carried out on larger pellets of the same material which had a slightly lower starting density of 2.67 gcm-3. / 上記のものよりわずかばかり低い2.67gcm-3の開始密度を有する同じ材料の大きなペレットに対して、第2シリーズの実験を実施した。(USP01004075)
$$ Example 1 was repeated but coloured polyester decorative particles with much larger particle size in the range 1 to 1.4 mm were used. (USP6689832)
$$ However, bare LED dies can also be used though these are invariably larger in size. / しかしながら、大きさにおいて例外なく大きいものの、裸のLEDダイスを使用することもできる。(USP6433483)
LAST (形容詞・副詞)
LAST (adj, adv)
$$ If the parameter is present it loads in the position of the last message it read from the file. / パラメータが存在しているとき、それはファイルから読取った最後のメッセージの位置でロードする。(USP5907602)
$$ Considering the entire system of the data source, network and routers and the data receiver, the implementation of an increase in tariff (also termed here a "fine") in response to locally detected congestion occurs as a last resort. / データ源、ネットワーク、ルータ、およびデータ受信機をもつ全システムを検討するとき、局所的に検出された輻輳に応答する料金増加(ここでは“罰金もしくは科料”とも呼ばれる)の実行は最後の手段として行われる。(USP7319673)
$$ As a last resort, a warning message will be sent to the Network Management 50, to the effect that there has been no acknowledgement of suspected fraudulent usage. / 最後の手段として、警告メッセージが網管理50に送られて、疑わしい不正使用がないことがアクノリッジされる。(USP5907602)
$$ If this is not possible because the surrounding pixels have themselves suffered data errors, then a last resort approach may be to re-use corresponding pixels from an earlier frame to conceal the missing pixels. / もし、周囲のピクセル自身がデータエラーを含むためにそれができない場合、最後に頼る手段は、欠けたピクセルをかくすため、もっと前のフレームから対応するピクセルを再使用することである。(USP5353059)
$$ The earth station 8 may store the last known position of each mobile terminal 18, so that position calculation need only be carried out if the mobile terminal 18 is not found in its previous area. / 地球局8が各移動端末18の最後に分かった位置を記憶するようにして、移動端末18が以前の地域で発見されない場合以外は位置算出を実行する必要がないようにしても良い。(USP01046481)
$$ Date information such as a date the customer's account was established, a last payment date, a last order placed date, a last shipment date, a last invoice date, and a statement date are preferably also displayed. (USP02072988)
LAST (adj, adv)
$$ If the parameter is present it loads in the position of the last message it read from the file. / パラメータが存在しているとき、それはファイルから読取った最後のメッセージの位置でロードする。(USP5907602)
$$ Considering the entire system of the data source, network and routers and the data receiver, the implementation of an increase in tariff (also termed here a "fine") in response to locally detected congestion occurs as a last resort. / データ源、ネットワーク、ルータ、およびデータ受信機をもつ全システムを検討するとき、局所的に検出された輻輳に応答する料金増加(ここでは“罰金もしくは科料”とも呼ばれる)の実行は最後の手段として行われる。(USP7319673)
$$ As a last resort, a warning message will be sent to the Network Management 50, to the effect that there has been no acknowledgement of suspected fraudulent usage. / 最後の手段として、警告メッセージが網管理50に送られて、疑わしい不正使用がないことがアクノリッジされる。(USP5907602)
$$ If this is not possible because the surrounding pixels have themselves suffered data errors, then a last resort approach may be to re-use corresponding pixels from an earlier frame to conceal the missing pixels. / もし、周囲のピクセル自身がデータエラーを含むためにそれができない場合、最後に頼る手段は、欠けたピクセルをかくすため、もっと前のフレームから対応するピクセルを再使用することである。(USP5353059)
$$ The earth station 8 may store the last known position of each mobile terminal 18, so that position calculation need only be carried out if the mobile terminal 18 is not found in its previous area. / 地球局8が各移動端末18の最後に分かった位置を記憶するようにして、移動端末18が以前の地域で発見されない場合以外は位置算出を実行する必要がないようにしても良い。(USP01046481)
$$ Date information such as a date the customer's account was established, a last payment date, a last order placed date, a last shipment date, a last invoice date, and a statement date are preferably also displayed. (USP02072988)
タグ :LAST
LAST (動詞) 継続する, 持続する
LAST (v) 継続する, 持続する
$$ This additional information may relate to, for example, the predicted period for which the disaster will last. / この付加的な情報は、例えば災害が続くと予測される期間と関係付けることができる。(USP6912270)
$$ Each report lasted approximately 30 seconds. / それぞれのレポートは、約30秒継続した。(USP6671666)
$$ For example, for 8 different monochromatic LEDs modulated at 800 Hz, almost 3 MB ROM (800×3600=2,880,000) would be required to store an non-repetitive sequence lasting I hour. / 例えば、800Hzで変調された8つの異なる単色LEDの場合、1時間継続する非反復的なシーケンスを記憶するには、およそ3MBのROM(800×3600=2,880,000)が必要とされる。(USP6433483)
$$ In addition, the battery capacity can be selected to last just a single wearing of the article and so the size of the battery can advantageously be minimized. / さらに、電池容量は宝飾品の1回の着用の間だけ持続するように選択し、電池のサイズは有利なことに最小とすることができる。(USP6433483)
$$ When a transient occurs up to 30 ppm carbon monoxide may be present after purification 8, 7, but these conditions should last for only a few seconds until steady state is re-established and the oxygen level drops back to about 3 ppm. / 過渡状態が生じた場合には、精製装置8、7の後において一酸化炭素濃度は30ppm 以下になることがあるが、このような条件は定常状態が再び確立されるまでの数秒のみの間続く筈であり、酸素レベルは低下して約3ppm に戻る。(USP5436086)
$$ In trials a trapezoidal tap lasted for the creation of 500 parts whilst the tap of the present invention lasted 740 parts. (USP7575520)
$$ When considering how to introduce such a material into a casing 2 that is to be long lasting and durable, problems arise. (USP6965789)
LAST (v) 継続する, 持続する
$$ This additional information may relate to, for example, the predicted period for which the disaster will last. / この付加的な情報は、例えば災害が続くと予測される期間と関係付けることができる。(USP6912270)
$$ Each report lasted approximately 30 seconds. / それぞれのレポートは、約30秒継続した。(USP6671666)
$$ For example, for 8 different monochromatic LEDs modulated at 800 Hz, almost 3 MB ROM (800×3600=2,880,000) would be required to store an non-repetitive sequence lasting I hour. / 例えば、800Hzで変調された8つの異なる単色LEDの場合、1時間継続する非反復的なシーケンスを記憶するには、およそ3MBのROM(800×3600=2,880,000)が必要とされる。(USP6433483)
$$ In addition, the battery capacity can be selected to last just a single wearing of the article and so the size of the battery can advantageously be minimized. / さらに、電池容量は宝飾品の1回の着用の間だけ持続するように選択し、電池のサイズは有利なことに最小とすることができる。(USP6433483)
$$ When a transient occurs up to 30 ppm carbon monoxide may be present after purification 8, 7, but these conditions should last for only a few seconds until steady state is re-established and the oxygen level drops back to about 3 ppm. / 過渡状態が生じた場合には、精製装置8、7の後において一酸化炭素濃度は30ppm 以下になることがあるが、このような条件は定常状態が再び確立されるまでの数秒のみの間続く筈であり、酸素レベルは低下して約3ppm に戻る。(USP5436086)
$$ In trials a trapezoidal tap lasted for the creation of 500 parts whilst the tap of the present invention lasted 740 parts. (USP7575520)
$$ When considering how to introduce such a material into a casing 2 that is to be long lasting and durable, problems arise. (USP6965789)
LATER 後の・後に・後で
LATER (adj, adv) 後の・後に・後で
$$ The encoding and later decoding also allows the detection of more serious, uncorrectable, errors. / この符号化及びあとの復号はまた、もっと重大で訂正不能のエラーの検出を可能とする。(USP5353059)
$$ If the up key 72a is again depressed the information will change to later information for service 3 (not shown). / 上キー72aを再度押すと、情報はサービス3のその後の情報に変化する(図示せず)。(USP02042917)
$$ This process will be discussed further later with reference to FIG. 10. / この処理については、図10を参照しながら後で詳しく説明する。(USP02018462)
$$ More details of this technique were later published by the inventors (Douglas and French) in J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 1992, vol 3 pp 398-408. / この技術の更なる詳細は、これらの発明者等(Douglas及びFrench)によって後に出版された、J.Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 1992, vol 3pp 398-408に記載されている。(USP01010354)
$$ Two cycles later the register bank copies the value held in the register which has been addressed onto the data line 93 one byte at a time each on successive cycles. (USP6526501)
$$ In addition, each of the ligands was able to desensitize the cells to subsequent treatment 100 seconds later with a second murine D6 ligand. (USP6403767)
$$ Results appear 16 clock cycles later on every clock cycle on signal result. (USP6691301)
$$ After 1 hr conditioned media or control media (with varying concentrations of hormones ranging from 1 pM-1 mM or cyclodextrin alone) were added, 22 hrs later cells were pulsed with [.sup.3 H] thymidine (0.5 μCi/well) for 2 hrs at 37℃, and the procedure described above for the extraction and measurement...(USP6696433)
$$ The collected air and microsphere mixture is recycled for later use by re-entry via ducts 196 and apertures 194a. / 回収された空気とマイクロスフェアとの混合体は、後の利用のために、導管196および開口194aを経る再流入によって再利用される。(USP7618676)
$$ Of course, the VTR 2 also provides a means by which a resultant video clip created in the editing system 3 can be archived onto video tape for later use either in the same or a different system. / もちろん、VTR2はまた、編集システム3によって作成された結果としてのビデオクリップを同じまたは異なるシステムにおいて後に使用するために、ビデオテープ上に記録するための手段もまた提供する。 (USP6445874)
$$ This can result in items being deleted which were expected to be there for later use. (USP02002657)
$$ This password is later used to allow the system to be put into Unsupervised Mode. (USP6684309)
$$ An adapted filter coefficient can, at a predetermined time, both be read by the filter means and written to a memory for later use. / 適応されたフィルタ係数は、所定の時刻に、フィルタ手段によって読取られまた、後での使用のためにメモリに書込まれうる。(USP5987485)
$$ This final 3D object dataset is conveniently stored for later use or displayed in any suitable output form, conveniently on a 2D display device such as a CRT monitor or a printer. (USP6862560)
$$ ...this information can be used later in highlighting columns in the Hit List in the user interface...(USP6052693)
LATER (adj, adv) 後の・後に・後で
$$ The encoding and later decoding also allows the detection of more serious, uncorrectable, errors. / この符号化及びあとの復号はまた、もっと重大で訂正不能のエラーの検出を可能とする。(USP5353059)
$$ If the up key 72a is again depressed the information will change to later information for service 3 (not shown). / 上キー72aを再度押すと、情報はサービス3のその後の情報に変化する(図示せず)。(USP02042917)
$$ This process will be discussed further later with reference to FIG. 10. / この処理については、図10を参照しながら後で詳しく説明する。(USP02018462)
$$ More details of this technique were later published by the inventors (Douglas and French) in J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 1992, vol 3 pp 398-408. / この技術の更なる詳細は、これらの発明者等(Douglas及びFrench)によって後に出版された、J.Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom., 1992, vol 3pp 398-408に記載されている。(USP01010354)
$$ Two cycles later the register bank copies the value held in the register which has been addressed onto the data line 93 one byte at a time each on successive cycles. (USP6526501)
$$ In addition, each of the ligands was able to desensitize the cells to subsequent treatment 100 seconds later with a second murine D6 ligand. (USP6403767)
$$ Results appear 16 clock cycles later on every clock cycle on signal result. (USP6691301)
$$ After 1 hr conditioned media or control media (with varying concentrations of hormones ranging from 1 pM-1 mM or cyclodextrin alone) were added, 22 hrs later cells were pulsed with [.sup.3 H] thymidine (0.5 μCi/well) for 2 hrs at 37℃, and the procedure described above for the extraction and measurement...(USP6696433)
$$ The collected air and microsphere mixture is recycled for later use by re-entry via ducts 196 and apertures 194a. / 回収された空気とマイクロスフェアとの混合体は、後の利用のために、導管196および開口194aを経る再流入によって再利用される。(USP7618676)
$$ Of course, the VTR 2 also provides a means by which a resultant video clip created in the editing system 3 can be archived onto video tape for later use either in the same or a different system. / もちろん、VTR2はまた、編集システム3によって作成された結果としてのビデオクリップを同じまたは異なるシステムにおいて後に使用するために、ビデオテープ上に記録するための手段もまた提供する。 (USP6445874)
$$ This can result in items being deleted which were expected to be there for later use. (USP02002657)
$$ This password is later used to allow the system to be put into Unsupervised Mode. (USP6684309)
$$ An adapted filter coefficient can, at a predetermined time, both be read by the filter means and written to a memory for later use. / 適応されたフィルタ係数は、所定の時刻に、フィルタ手段によって読取られまた、後での使用のためにメモリに書込まれうる。(USP5987485)
$$ This final 3D object dataset is conveniently stored for later use or displayed in any suitable output form, conveniently on a 2D display device such as a CRT monitor or a printer. (USP6862560)
$$ ...this information can be used later in highlighting columns in the Hit List in the user interface...(USP6052693)
LATTER 後・後者(の)
LATTER 後・後者(の) -->former
$$ This latter case can occur in the example of a motion tracker, where in order to render, say, image 5, the motion tracker needs its own rendered output for image 4. / この後の場合は動き追跡の例で起こり得るが、そこでは、例えば画像5を描画するために、動き追跡は画像4に対するそれ自身の描写された出力を必要とする。(USP6523174)
$$ Microspheres as produced by the latter processes were not crosslinked. / 後者の方法で製造される微小球は架橋されていない。(USP6465626)
$$ These latter cells also comprise a separator... / これら後者の電解槽はまたセパレーターも有する。(USP6123816)
$$ FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a conventional matched filter of the latter type. (USP7640282)
$$ The latter is particularly suitable to help filter dust. (USP7637260)
$$ In the case of the latter the adhesive will be protected by a release paper. (USP5492370)
$$ This latter result is used by the quotient selection logic unit of the next unit as discussed above. (USP7167887)
$$ In the latter case, adjacent sets of flanges will lie in stepped horizontal planes. (USP7108285)
$$ Indeed, this latter practice is conducted as a matter of routine in some establishments prior to its discovery. (USP6848613)
$$ This latter aspect is particularly undesirable when the procedure is being performed in an attempt to restore fertility. (USP6780180)
$$ This latter means that in the event of failure to deploy, only part of the thermal capacity is reduced. (USP6439297)
LATTER 後・後者(の) -->former
$$ This latter case can occur in the example of a motion tracker, where in order to render, say, image 5, the motion tracker needs its own rendered output for image 4. / この後の場合は動き追跡の例で起こり得るが、そこでは、例えば画像5を描画するために、動き追跡は画像4に対するそれ自身の描写された出力を必要とする。(USP6523174)
$$ Microspheres as produced by the latter processes were not crosslinked. / 後者の方法で製造される微小球は架橋されていない。(USP6465626)
$$ These latter cells also comprise a separator... / これら後者の電解槽はまたセパレーターも有する。(USP6123816)
$$ FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a conventional matched filter of the latter type. (USP7640282)
$$ The latter is particularly suitable to help filter dust. (USP7637260)
$$ In the case of the latter the adhesive will be protected by a release paper. (USP5492370)
$$ This latter result is used by the quotient selection logic unit of the next unit as discussed above. (USP7167887)
$$ In the latter case, adjacent sets of flanges will lie in stepped horizontal planes. (USP7108285)
$$ Indeed, this latter practice is conducted as a matter of routine in some establishments prior to its discovery. (USP6848613)
$$ This latter aspect is particularly undesirable when the procedure is being performed in an attempt to restore fertility. (USP6780180)
$$ This latter means that in the event of failure to deploy, only part of the thermal capacity is reduced. (USP6439297)
LAY / LAID 置く・敷設する
LAY / LAID 置く・敷設する
$$ An exhaust strip (15Cd) of copper or an equivalent material is laid in a slot created by the exhaust guide (15Cf) and a mechanically rigid insulator (15Ce) (made of Duratec 750 or an equivalent material). / 銅又は同等の材料の排熱ストリップ15Cdは、排熱ガイド15Cfと(Duratec750(登録商標)若しくは同等な材料から成る)力学的に剛性の絶縁体15Ceによって形成されたスロットに載置されている。(USP6764226)
$$ All wounds treated with 1% β-oestradiol had re-epithelialised and laid down new collagen. / 1%β-エストラジオールで処置された創傷はすべて、再上皮形成され、新しいコラーゲンが蓄積された。 (USP6696433)
$$ The front of the strip is laid on a continuous raised area on the mould cover before the raised areas enter the vat of paper stock to provide a continuous exposed area on the front. / ストリップの前面は、その前面に連続した露出領域を与えるように、浮き上がった領域が製紙原料のバットに入る前に型カバー上の連続的に浮き上がった領域の上に置かれる。(USP6616803)
$$ It is known to protect optical fibres by laying them in ducts. / 光ファイバを導管の中に置くことによって光ファイバを保護することは公知である。(USP7618676)
$$ If the wall is made of house brick, the device could be installed by laying it in mortar as if it too, were a house brick. / 壁が家用レンガから造られている場合、デバイスは、それもまた家用レンガであるかのようにモルタルの中に置くことによって設置できるであろう。(USP7599597)
$$ A wireless system is very much cheaper to install as no mechanical digging or laying of cables or wires is required. / 無線システムは、機械的な掘削あるいはケーブルやワイヤの敷設が必要とされないため、設置するにははるかに安価である。(USP6553020)
$$ This may be the case when laying and levelling a sand layer. / これは、砂の層を平ら及び水平にする場合に可能である。(USP6079969)
$$ Here again, however, the actuators lay radially outward of the discs creating a bulky, irregularly shaped package. / しかしながら、この場合もまた、アクチュエータは、ディスクの半径方向外側に置かれて、嵩張った不規則な外形を形成する。(USP7632208): lieの誤用? lieの過去形?
$$ NeTra [8] also relies upon image segmentation to carry out region-based searches that allow the user to select example regions and lay emphasis on image attributes to focus the search. / NeTra[8]も、ユーザが例の領域を選択し、サーチを集中させるために画像属性を強調できるようにする領域ベースのサーチを実行するために画像分割に依存する。(USP7593602)
$$ Indeed, the operator must take a large financial risk when setting up a new wired system in that the operator must lay a very large number of cables or wires before potential customers have committed themselves to the system so that the operator can offer a system which is already functional. / 実際に、事業者は、事業者がすでに機能しているシステムを提供できるように、潜在的な顧客がシステムに加入すると約束する前に非常に大多数のケーブルやワイヤを敷設しなければならないという点で、新規の有線システムをセットアップする際には大きな財務上のリスクを負わなければならない。(USP6553020)
$$ Epoxy 70 may be laid on top face 13, for example by pad printing, prior to pressing heat sink 62 onto the chip and as a separate operation from filling cavities 63a, 63b.(USP01022495)
$$ However, the use of oil can be difficult and messy and great care is required to avoid air bubbles being trapped as the transparency and oil film are laid down on the supporting surface. / しかしながら、このようなオイルは、取扱いが難しく、かつ、煩雑である。このために、透明体およびオイルの膜を支持面上に配置する際に、気泡を捕らえないようにするための細心の注意が必要となる。(USP5373373)
$$ To install the workpiece 2 in the clamp shown in FIGS. 5 to 8, the bar 192 is raised and the blade 6 is laid under it on to the pads 60 on the workpiece supporting element 34.(USP02020954)
LAY / LAID 置く・敷設する
$$ An exhaust strip (15Cd) of copper or an equivalent material is laid in a slot created by the exhaust guide (15Cf) and a mechanically rigid insulator (15Ce) (made of Duratec 750 or an equivalent material). / 銅又は同等の材料の排熱ストリップ15Cdは、排熱ガイド15Cfと(Duratec750(登録商標)若しくは同等な材料から成る)力学的に剛性の絶縁体15Ceによって形成されたスロットに載置されている。(USP6764226)
$$ All wounds treated with 1% β-oestradiol had re-epithelialised and laid down new collagen. / 1%β-エストラジオールで処置された創傷はすべて、再上皮形成され、新しいコラーゲンが蓄積された。 (USP6696433)
$$ The front of the strip is laid on a continuous raised area on the mould cover before the raised areas enter the vat of paper stock to provide a continuous exposed area on the front. / ストリップの前面は、その前面に連続した露出領域を与えるように、浮き上がった領域が製紙原料のバットに入る前に型カバー上の連続的に浮き上がった領域の上に置かれる。(USP6616803)
$$ It is known to protect optical fibres by laying them in ducts. / 光ファイバを導管の中に置くことによって光ファイバを保護することは公知である。(USP7618676)
$$ If the wall is made of house brick, the device could be installed by laying it in mortar as if it too, were a house brick. / 壁が家用レンガから造られている場合、デバイスは、それもまた家用レンガであるかのようにモルタルの中に置くことによって設置できるであろう。(USP7599597)
$$ A wireless system is very much cheaper to install as no mechanical digging or laying of cables or wires is required. / 無線システムは、機械的な掘削あるいはケーブルやワイヤの敷設が必要とされないため、設置するにははるかに安価である。(USP6553020)
$$ This may be the case when laying and levelling a sand layer. / これは、砂の層を平ら及び水平にする場合に可能である。(USP6079969)
$$ Here again, however, the actuators lay radially outward of the discs creating a bulky, irregularly shaped package. / しかしながら、この場合もまた、アクチュエータは、ディスクの半径方向外側に置かれて、嵩張った不規則な外形を形成する。(USP7632208): lieの誤用? lieの過去形?
$$ NeTra [8] also relies upon image segmentation to carry out region-based searches that allow the user to select example regions and lay emphasis on image attributes to focus the search. / NeTra[8]も、ユーザが例の領域を選択し、サーチを集中させるために画像属性を強調できるようにする領域ベースのサーチを実行するために画像分割に依存する。(USP7593602)
$$ Indeed, the operator must take a large financial risk when setting up a new wired system in that the operator must lay a very large number of cables or wires before potential customers have committed themselves to the system so that the operator can offer a system which is already functional. / 実際に、事業者は、事業者がすでに機能しているシステムを提供できるように、潜在的な顧客がシステムに加入すると約束する前に非常に大多数のケーブルやワイヤを敷設しなければならないという点で、新規の有線システムをセットアップする際には大きな財務上のリスクを負わなければならない。(USP6553020)
$$ Epoxy 70 may be laid on top face 13, for example by pad printing, prior to pressing heat sink 62 onto the chip and as a separate operation from filling cavities 63a, 63b.(USP01022495)
$$ However, the use of oil can be difficult and messy and great care is required to avoid air bubbles being trapped as the transparency and oil film are laid down on the supporting surface. / しかしながら、このようなオイルは、取扱いが難しく、かつ、煩雑である。このために、透明体およびオイルの膜を支持面上に配置する際に、気泡を捕らえないようにするための細心の注意が必要となる。(USP5373373)
$$ To install the workpiece 2 in the clamp shown in FIGS. 5 to 8, the bar 192 is raised and the blade 6 is laid under it on to the pads 60 on the workpiece supporting element 34.(USP02020954)
$$ The lenses are laid out sequentially and separated by a distance equal to the sum of their two focal lengths. (USP6420714)
$$ The other sensor winding 24 is laid out in a corresponding way, as follows. / もう1のセンサ巻き線54は、以下に相当する方法で配置される。(USP6561022)
$$ FIG. 1 shows in diagrammatic form the general layout of a clutch control system of the kind specified embodying the present invention; / 図1は、本発明を実施した特定種類のクラッチ制御システムの全体的なレイアウトを示す説明図である。(USP5738609)
$$ FIG. 1 shows an example layout of a mask (or reticle) to be used in a "stitching" application; and (USP6962762)
$$ FIG. 14 shows a layout of multiple luminaries. (USP6682031)
$$ FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating an experimental layout of two events on a sensor cable; (USP6586723)
$$ FIG. 5 shows schematically the layout of a portion of an elongate strip 45 including the thin flexible printed circuit 8 prior to connection to the chips 4. (USP6100581)
$$ FIG. 1 is a diagram showing the basic layout of a system in accordance with the present invention. (USP6075887)
$$ FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of the general layout of an embodiment of the present invention: (USP5727201)
$$ The lenses are laid out sequentially and separated by a distance equal to the sum of their two focal lengths. (USP6420714)
$$ The other sensor winding 24 is laid out in a corresponding way, as follows. / もう1のセンサ巻き線54は、以下に相当する方法で配置される。(USP6561022)
$$ FIG. 1 shows in diagrammatic form the general layout of a clutch control system of the kind specified embodying the present invention; / 図1は、本発明を実施した特定種類のクラッチ制御システムの全体的なレイアウトを示す説明図である。(USP5738609)
$$ FIG. 1 shows an example layout of a mask (or reticle) to be used in a "stitching" application; and (USP6962762)
$$ FIG. 14 shows a layout of multiple luminaries. (USP6682031)
$$ FIG. 8 is a diagram illustrating an experimental layout of two events on a sensor cable; (USP6586723)
$$ FIG. 5 shows schematically the layout of a portion of an elongate strip 45 including the thin flexible printed circuit 8 prior to connection to the chips 4. (USP6100581)
$$ FIG. 1 is a diagram showing the basic layout of a system in accordance with the present invention. (USP6075887)
$$ FIG. 1 is a schematic block diagram of the general layout of an embodiment of the present invention: (USP5727201)
LEAD (動詞)
LEAD (動詞)
$$ The product gases are led from the furnace via exhaust ducts 56, 57, their flow being controlled by means of valves 58, 59. / 生成ガスは排気ダクト56,57により炉から導かれ、その流れはバルブ58,59により制御される。(USP6763682)
$$ Located at a leading edge of the apparatus 10 is a loading conveyor 18 consisting of a first arm 19 and a second arm 21 in parallel spaced relation. (USP6955031)
$$ In FIG. 4, a valve 110 comprises a closure member in the form of a piston 111 in a passageway 112 leading from an inlet 113 to an outlet 114, the outlet extending at right angles to passageway 112. (USP01025858)
$$ A drain line 18a extends through the side wall of chamber 5a towards the bottom thereof and leads via drain valve 18 to drain 19. (USP6565755)
$$ The passage 30 leads in the downstream into a trailing edge cavity 39 in flow communication with exit apertures 32,34 towards the trailing edge 36 of the vane which exhaust into the gas stream. (USP6357999)
$$ The outlet 140 leads from a chamber 150 which communicates with the hollow interiors of the fibres where the ends thereof project through the partition 146. (USP6217773)
$$ A bleed line leads from the inlet 5 to a low-pressure port 2 in addition to leading to annulus 7e. (USP02051714)
$$ The wall defining passageway 161 has a pair of diametrically-opposed V grooves 167, 168 between the inlet and an annular chamber 164 from which outlet 163 leads off. (USP01025858)
$$ This has led to the development of GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) for operation at GHz frequencies. / これはGHz周波数での動作に適したGaAsモノリシックマイクロウェーブ集積回路(MMIC)の開発に至らしめた。(USP6441783)
$$ This leads to a problem unless the backup application can be sure that no other application can modify the file during the copying process. / このことは、コピー中に他のアプリケーションがファイルを更新可能であることを、前記バックアップアプリケーションが認識しない限り、問題となる。(USP5675725)
$$ This leads to high assembly time and cost. / このため、組み立てのための時間やコストが増加する。(USP5914019)
$$ The groove 25 constitutes guide means for a fibre unit (not shown), and the groove 26 is used to hold a blown fibre tubing (not shown), which leads to the nearest network node. / 溝25はファイバユニット(図示せず)に対する案内手段を構成し、溝26は吹き出しファイバ配管(図示せず)を保持するために使用され、最も近い網ノードまで導く。(USP5749565)
$$ This has the disadvantage that electrodes are changed more frequently than is necessary, which leads to increased costs.(USP6566625) 高コストになる
LEAD (動詞)
$$ The product gases are led from the furnace via exhaust ducts 56, 57, their flow being controlled by means of valves 58, 59. / 生成ガスは排気ダクト56,57により炉から導かれ、その流れはバルブ58,59により制御される。(USP6763682)
$$ Located at a leading edge of the apparatus 10 is a loading conveyor 18 consisting of a first arm 19 and a second arm 21 in parallel spaced relation. (USP6955031)
$$ In FIG. 4, a valve 110 comprises a closure member in the form of a piston 111 in a passageway 112 leading from an inlet 113 to an outlet 114, the outlet extending at right angles to passageway 112. (USP01025858)
$$ A drain line 18a extends through the side wall of chamber 5a towards the bottom thereof and leads via drain valve 18 to drain 19. (USP6565755)
$$ The passage 30 leads in the downstream into a trailing edge cavity 39 in flow communication with exit apertures 32,34 towards the trailing edge 36 of the vane which exhaust into the gas stream. (USP6357999)
$$ The outlet 140 leads from a chamber 150 which communicates with the hollow interiors of the fibres where the ends thereof project through the partition 146. (USP6217773)
$$ A bleed line leads from the inlet 5 to a low-pressure port 2 in addition to leading to annulus 7e. (USP02051714)
$$ The wall defining passageway 161 has a pair of diametrically-opposed V grooves 167, 168 between the inlet and an annular chamber 164 from which outlet 163 leads off. (USP01025858)
$$ This has led to the development of GaAs monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMIC) for operation at GHz frequencies. / これはGHz周波数での動作に適したGaAsモノリシックマイクロウェーブ集積回路(MMIC)の開発に至らしめた。(USP6441783)
$$ This leads to a problem unless the backup application can be sure that no other application can modify the file during the copying process. / このことは、コピー中に他のアプリケーションがファイルを更新可能であることを、前記バックアップアプリケーションが認識しない限り、問題となる。(USP5675725)
$$ This leads to high assembly time and cost. / このため、組み立てのための時間やコストが増加する。(USP5914019)
$$ The groove 25 constitutes guide means for a fibre unit (not shown), and the groove 26 is used to hold a blown fibre tubing (not shown), which leads to the nearest network node. / 溝25はファイバユニット(図示せず)に対する案内手段を構成し、溝26は吹き出しファイバ配管(図示せず)を保持するために使用され、最も近い網ノードまで導く。(USP5749565)
$$ This has the disadvantage that electrodes are changed more frequently than is necessary, which leads to increased costs.(USP6566625) 高コストになる
LEAK (動詞)
LEAK (動詞)
$$ Often, as mentioned above, such clustered AHFs are caused by the same problem such as water leaking in to the cabinet that holds the network node and causing corrosion and/or short circuits. / しばしば、前述されたように、このようなクラスタ化されたAHFは、ネットワークノードを保持する筐体の中に漏れ、腐食および/または短絡を引き起こす水のような同じ問題によって引き起こされている。(USP7573824)
$$ Fluid flows in to the accumulator from the pump, and flows out to be used in the braking system, or to leak back to tank. / 流体は、ポンプからアキュムレータに流入し、流出してブレーキシステムで使用されるか、あるいは、リークしてタンクに戻される。(USP6132010)
$$ In particular, water may leak around the outside of the support 24 to the outlet cavity 72 around the hollow shaft 26. (USP6880575)
$$ The screen of the leaky feeder cable has small holes in it, which causes radiation to leak and create an electromagnetic field around the cable.(USP6799672)
$$ The black matrix serves to block out any light that might otherwise leak out through the spaces between pixels, such as 25 in FIG. 2. (USP6559914)
$$ The lubricant that leaks from the openings 10 and 12 runs along the surface of the guide wire thereby wetting and lubricating it. (USP6554808)
$$ Housing-mounted rubber-lipped seals are a generally efficient form of sealing rotating shafts in order to prevent oil leaking from internal combustion engines. (USP5996542)
$$ Fluid can then be leaked from the second circuit part to the tank in a controlled manner by the proportional fluid valve. (USP5779325)
$$ ...a fluid medium is to be contained and not allowed to leak to the atmosphere or another chamber... (USP02074742)
$$ In use, the cryogenic refrigeration system will maintain the refrigerated temperature of the goods within the container; some of the "cold" will also leak into the eutectic plates where it will be stored. (USP6408640)
$$ After the event, with oil continuing to leak into the combustor, the engine was operating outside the scope of normal behaviour. (USP02040278)
LEAK (動詞)
$$ Often, as mentioned above, such clustered AHFs are caused by the same problem such as water leaking in to the cabinet that holds the network node and causing corrosion and/or short circuits. / しばしば、前述されたように、このようなクラスタ化されたAHFは、ネットワークノードを保持する筐体の中に漏れ、腐食および/または短絡を引き起こす水のような同じ問題によって引き起こされている。(USP7573824)
$$ Fluid flows in to the accumulator from the pump, and flows out to be used in the braking system, or to leak back to tank. / 流体は、ポンプからアキュムレータに流入し、流出してブレーキシステムで使用されるか、あるいは、リークしてタンクに戻される。(USP6132010)
$$ In particular, water may leak around the outside of the support 24 to the outlet cavity 72 around the hollow shaft 26. (USP6880575)
$$ The screen of the leaky feeder cable has small holes in it, which causes radiation to leak and create an electromagnetic field around the cable.(USP6799672)
$$ The black matrix serves to block out any light that might otherwise leak out through the spaces between pixels, such as 25 in FIG. 2. (USP6559914)
$$ The lubricant that leaks from the openings 10 and 12 runs along the surface of the guide wire thereby wetting and lubricating it. (USP6554808)
$$ Housing-mounted rubber-lipped seals are a generally efficient form of sealing rotating shafts in order to prevent oil leaking from internal combustion engines. (USP5996542)
$$ Fluid can then be leaked from the second circuit part to the tank in a controlled manner by the proportional fluid valve. (USP5779325)
$$ ...a fluid medium is to be contained and not allowed to leak to the atmosphere or another chamber... (USP02074742)
$$ In use, the cryogenic refrigeration system will maintain the refrigerated temperature of the goods within the container; some of the "cold" will also leak into the eutectic plates where it will be stored. (USP6408640)
$$ After the event, with oil continuing to leak into the combustor, the engine was operating outside the scope of normal behaviour. (USP02040278)
日本語では、しばしば「配管の漏れ」などの表現があるが、例えば "leakage of piping"などと英訳すれば、pipingそのものの漏れの意味なってしまうので要注意
$$ Furthermore, in such situation the support pressure will be self-regulating in that any localised variations in shaft load on the fluid film due to external forces serves only to restrict any fluid leakage at that point and thus to increase the pressure of the supporting film. / さらに、そのような状況下においては、外部からの力により流体膜上の軸の荷重の局部的な変動はその点における流体の漏洩を阻止し、そのため支持膜の圧力を増加させるという点において支持圧は自動調整される。(USP5355040)
$$ In particular, the reliability of the capacitors is increased and current leakage in use is reduced. / 特にキャパシタの信頼性は向上し使用中の漏洩電流は減少する。 (USP6197252)
$$ The U-seal and O-ring prevent leakage between the casing 12 and the plate 60. (USP6217773)
$$ The peripheral shape of this tube is likely to allow excessive leakage around the outside of the tube immediately after implantation through a slit incision. / この管の周囲の形状は、好ましくは、スリット切開部を通して挿入された直後の管の外側のまわりの過剰な漏洩を許す。 (USP6186974)
$$ Any RF power leakage from the circulator 42 to the first switch 46a is absorbed in the matched load 50, which protects the low noise amplifier 48. / サーキュレータ42から第一スイッチ46aまでのRF電力の若干の漏れは低ノイズ増幅器48を保護する整合負荷50で吸収される。 (USP6441783)
$$ A second disadvantage is that the seal will tend to relax with time, leading to leakage of the electrolyte and cell failure. / 第二の欠点は、シールが時間と共に緩くなりやすく、電解質が漏洩し、セルが故障しやすいことである。(USP5914019)
日本語では、しばしば「配管の漏れ」などの表現があるが、例えば "leakage of piping"などと英訳すれば、pipingそのものの漏れの意味なってしまうので要注意
$$ Furthermore, in such situation the support pressure will be self-regulating in that any localised variations in shaft load on the fluid film due to external forces serves only to restrict any fluid leakage at that point and thus to increase the pressure of the supporting film. / さらに、そのような状況下においては、外部からの力により流体膜上の軸の荷重の局部的な変動はその点における流体の漏洩を阻止し、そのため支持膜の圧力を増加させるという点において支持圧は自動調整される。(USP5355040)
$$ In particular, the reliability of the capacitors is increased and current leakage in use is reduced. / 特にキャパシタの信頼性は向上し使用中の漏洩電流は減少する。 (USP6197252)
$$ The U-seal and O-ring prevent leakage between the casing 12 and the plate 60. (USP6217773)
$$ The peripheral shape of this tube is likely to allow excessive leakage around the outside of the tube immediately after implantation through a slit incision. / この管の周囲の形状は、好ましくは、スリット切開部を通して挿入された直後の管の外側のまわりの過剰な漏洩を許す。 (USP6186974)
$$ Any RF power leakage from the circulator 42 to the first switch 46a is absorbed in the matched load 50, which protects the low noise amplifier 48. / サーキュレータ42から第一スイッチ46aまでのRF電力の若干の漏れは低ノイズ増幅器48を保護する整合負荷50で吸収される。 (USP6441783)
$$ A second disadvantage is that the seal will tend to relax with time, leading to leakage of the electrolyte and cell failure. / 第二の欠点は、シールが時間と共に緩くなりやすく、電解質が漏洩し、セルが故障しやすいことである。(USP5914019)
leave to sb; leave sb to do; leave sth doing sth; left to V/sthなどのパターンが用いられている
$$ The sixth pass beam leaves the system travelling past the prism (110) to an output (116). (USP6700698)
$$ The top of the cap leaves the meter display exposed, while internally it engages the housing 40 and urges it down to compress the seals 41 and 47. (USP4665941)
$$ The porous silicon 131 is then removed to leave a cavity 133 under the diaphragm 132 as shown in FIG. 9c. (USP02045287)
$$ Selection of the lowest numbered useable channel when no timeslot choices are available using the lowest channel number operates on a similar basis to option (b), since it leaves the highest numbered channels as little used as possible. (USP02042274)
$$ That is left to the fallback interpreter. (USP02029357)
$$ The mixture was allowed to cool and left to stand overnight. / その混合物は冷却され、一晩放置された。(USP01019809)
$$ In these experiments, rats were chronically implanted with a cannula in one substantia nigra and left to recover. / これらの実験では、ラットは1つの黒質にカニューレを長期間移植され、回復するにまかされた。(USP02054870)
leave to sb; leave sb to do; leave sth doing sth; left to V/sthなどのパターンが用いられている
$$ The sixth pass beam leaves the system travelling past the prism (110) to an output (116). (USP6700698)
$$ The top of the cap leaves the meter display exposed, while internally it engages the housing 40 and urges it down to compress the seals 41 and 47. (USP4665941)
$$ The porous silicon 131 is then removed to leave a cavity 133 under the diaphragm 132 as shown in FIG. 9c. (USP02045287)
$$ Selection of the lowest numbered useable channel when no timeslot choices are available using the lowest channel number operates on a similar basis to option (b), since it leaves the highest numbered channels as little used as possible. (USP02042274)
$$ That is left to the fallback interpreter. (USP02029357)
$$ The mixture was allowed to cool and left to stand overnight. / その混合物は冷却され、一晩放置された。(USP01019809)
$$ In these experiments, rats were chronically implanted with a cannula in one substantia nigra and left to recover. / これらの実験では、ラットは1つの黒質にカニューレを長期間移植され、回復するにまかされた。(USP02054870)
$$ Thus the application can simply request a link to another terminal, and direct data to it, leaving the communications subsystem to worry about the actual transmission. / 従って、アプリケーションは単に別の端末に対するリンクを要求してそれにデータを指向させ、実際の伝送についての配慮は通信サブシステムに任せることができる。(USP5454079)
$$ These 2352 bytes encode audio data but computer data has another layer of error correction on top, leaving 2048 bytes of user data. / これらの2352バイトはオーディオデータを符号化するが、コンピュータデータは他の誤り訂正をその上に有し、ユーザデータは2048バイトとなる。(USP6560176)
$$ The PTFE layer 5 readily separates from the set silver layer 22, leaving the upper end region of each body coated in a solid silver layer. / PTFE層5は、該セットされた銀層22から容易に分離し、固体銀層に被覆された各体の上端範囲を残す。(USP6699767)
$$ In a significant number of real examples, there is a requirement to subtly alter a small range of colors, leaving all other colors alone. (USP6072499)
$$ As a result, the ACR's control will adapt up to an admission rate at which it does not restrict traffic, and will eventually deallocate, leaving the DACS in control of call admission. / したがってACRの制御により、それがトラヒックを制限しない認可レートに適合し、その結果DACSは呼の認可を制御したまま割当てをする。(USP6330313)
$$ Alternatively, light loads may be arranged by using less detonating cord, leaving the gaps between some adjacent projections empty. (USP6584908)
$$ The identification of duplicates gives a user who is waiting for a response to a message the flexibility to retry sending the message, leaving the system to ensure that there is no confusion between the first message and the retry. (USP6138168)
$$ To achieve this a crystal selector is provided in the mould to annihilate most of the columnar grains generated from the furnace chill plate, leaving only one grain to penetrate into the mould cavity. (USP02005265)
$$ By compiling only fragments of code rather than whole methods, it is made possible only to compile the most desirable sections of code, leaving the less desirable fragments uncompiled. (USP02029357)
$$ The wax is then removed from the hardened slurry mould, for example by steam autoclaving, leaving a mould cavity of the desired structure.(USP02005265)
$$ The upper station 32 is then lifted and the mould parts 41 and 42 are separated, leaving a preform or parison 60 of the kind shown in FIG. 6 on the base assembly 31, with an integral, moulded dust cap. (USP02005202)
$$ Then the GaAs layer 105 is removed, leaving the structure illustrated by FIG. 19c.(USP01022495)
$$ After the attachment of the AlGaInP LED chip 61 to heat sink 62 as shown in FIG. 9, the GaAs substrate 5 of chip 61 is selectively etched off, leaving the lower surface of the AlGaInP LED core 8 exposed.(USP01022495)
$$ Thus the application can simply request a link to another terminal, and direct data to it, leaving the communications subsystem to worry about the actual transmission. / 従って、アプリケーションは単に別の端末に対するリンクを要求してそれにデータを指向させ、実際の伝送についての配慮は通信サブシステムに任せることができる。(USP5454079)
$$ These 2352 bytes encode audio data but computer data has another layer of error correction on top, leaving 2048 bytes of user data. / これらの2352バイトはオーディオデータを符号化するが、コンピュータデータは他の誤り訂正をその上に有し、ユーザデータは2048バイトとなる。(USP6560176)
$$ The PTFE layer 5 readily separates from the set silver layer 22, leaving the upper end region of each body coated in a solid silver layer. / PTFE層5は、該セットされた銀層22から容易に分離し、固体銀層に被覆された各体の上端範囲を残す。(USP6699767)
$$ In a significant number of real examples, there is a requirement to subtly alter a small range of colors, leaving all other colors alone. (USP6072499)
$$ As a result, the ACR's control will adapt up to an admission rate at which it does not restrict traffic, and will eventually deallocate, leaving the DACS in control of call admission. / したがってACRの制御により、それがトラヒックを制限しない認可レートに適合し、その結果DACSは呼の認可を制御したまま割当てをする。(USP6330313)
$$ Alternatively, light loads may be arranged by using less detonating cord, leaving the gaps between some adjacent projections empty. (USP6584908)
$$ The identification of duplicates gives a user who is waiting for a response to a message the flexibility to retry sending the message, leaving the system to ensure that there is no confusion between the first message and the retry. (USP6138168)
$$ To achieve this a crystal selector is provided in the mould to annihilate most of the columnar grains generated from the furnace chill plate, leaving only one grain to penetrate into the mould cavity. (USP02005265)
$$ By compiling only fragments of code rather than whole methods, it is made possible only to compile the most desirable sections of code, leaving the less desirable fragments uncompiled. (USP02029357)
$$ The wax is then removed from the hardened slurry mould, for example by steam autoclaving, leaving a mould cavity of the desired structure.(USP02005265)
$$ The upper station 32 is then lifted and the mould parts 41 and 42 are separated, leaving a preform or parison 60 of the kind shown in FIG. 6 on the base assembly 31, with an integral, moulded dust cap. (USP02005202)
$$ Then the GaAs layer 105 is removed, leaving the structure illustrated by FIG. 19c.(USP01022495)
$$ After the attachment of the AlGaInP LED chip 61 to heat sink 62 as shown in FIG. 9, the GaAs substrate 5 of chip 61 is selectively etched off, leaving the lower surface of the AlGaInP LED core 8 exposed.(USP01022495)
LEFT PP/ADJ etc ~に維持する;~の状態に保つ;~のままである
$$ The substrate bar is left undisturbed and so its length is unchanged, or perhaps is made to change in the opposite sense, a bimorph. / 基板バーは乱されず、したがってその長さは変化せず、またはおそらくバイモルフを逆に変化させるようになされている。(USP6833656)
$$ If this is omitted, the pins may be left unconstrained and can be assigned by the place and route tools. (USP6691301)
$$ When the vehicle is parked and left unattended the control means can be set to its first condition to lock the latch.(USP02074810)
$$ The traffic in the return direction may be left undisturbed or may be switched between paths in sympathy with the direction of traffic which has experienced the fault, in order to simplify maintenance of duplex traffic equipment. / 帰還方向のトラヒックは、二重トラヒック装置の維持を簡易化するために、乱されていないままであるか、または破損のあったトラヒックの方向の経路と交換されてもよい。(USP5533005)
$$ The photoresist employed during the implanting step is left in place and then a wet etch is carried out to remove the sidwall spacers 31,32. / この注入段階において使用されるホトレジストをその位置に放置し、次に湿式エッチングを実施して側壁スペーサ31、32を除去する。(USP5541434)
$$ This magnetic array could be left at a floating potential (where electronic current is equal to the ionic current), or biased at the same or a different potential to that of the samples with a positive or negative polarity. / この磁気的配列は、浮動電位(floatingpotential)(電子電流がイオン化電流に等しい)に維持するか、あるいは正または負極性により、サンプルと同じまたは異なる電位にバイアスすることができる。(USP02050453)
$$ Where less than all the material is removed by the laser, some of the material will be left within the passageway, exposing surfaces of the material to intraocular fluid. / レーザーにより材料が部分的に除去されたときは、幾らかの材料が流路内に残り、その材料の表面が眼内水に露出する。(USP6186974)
$$ In general when a bag is employed the mouth of the bag is left completely open until the sealing operation is to be carried out. (USP4756140)
$$ A small yellow cross marks the start of the line, which is left on the screen. / 小さな黄色の十字がスクリーンに残されたラインの開始地点を示す。(USP6611142)
$$ In all the functions the int32 and int64 values are left aligned in line with the plugin interface. (USP6691301)
$$ Alternatively, the hollow section could be left open, and a topping fitted into the open top of the pale. (USP6767005)
LEFT PP/ADJ etc ~に維持する;~の状態に保つ;~のままである
$$ The substrate bar is left undisturbed and so its length is unchanged, or perhaps is made to change in the opposite sense, a bimorph. / 基板バーは乱されず、したがってその長さは変化せず、またはおそらくバイモルフを逆に変化させるようになされている。(USP6833656)
$$ If this is omitted, the pins may be left unconstrained and can be assigned by the place and route tools. (USP6691301)
$$ When the vehicle is parked and left unattended the control means can be set to its first condition to lock the latch.(USP02074810)
$$ The traffic in the return direction may be left undisturbed or may be switched between paths in sympathy with the direction of traffic which has experienced the fault, in order to simplify maintenance of duplex traffic equipment. / 帰還方向のトラヒックは、二重トラヒック装置の維持を簡易化するために、乱されていないままであるか、または破損のあったトラヒックの方向の経路と交換されてもよい。(USP5533005)
$$ The photoresist employed during the implanting step is left in place and then a wet etch is carried out to remove the sidwall spacers 31,32. / この注入段階において使用されるホトレジストをその位置に放置し、次に湿式エッチングを実施して側壁スペーサ31、32を除去する。(USP5541434)
$$ This magnetic array could be left at a floating potential (where electronic current is equal to the ionic current), or biased at the same or a different potential to that of the samples with a positive or negative polarity. / この磁気的配列は、浮動電位(floatingpotential)(電子電流がイオン化電流に等しい)に維持するか、あるいは正または負極性により、サンプルと同じまたは異なる電位にバイアスすることができる。(USP02050453)
$$ Where less than all the material is removed by the laser, some of the material will be left within the passageway, exposing surfaces of the material to intraocular fluid. / レーザーにより材料が部分的に除去されたときは、幾らかの材料が流路内に残り、その材料の表面が眼内水に露出する。(USP6186974)
$$ In general when a bag is employed the mouth of the bag is left completely open until the sealing operation is to be carried out. (USP4756140)
$$ A small yellow cross marks the start of the line, which is left on the screen. / 小さな黄色の十字がスクリーンに残されたラインの開始地点を示す。(USP6611142)
$$ In all the functions the int32 and int64 values are left aligned in line with the plugin interface. (USP6691301)
$$ Alternatively, the hollow section could be left open, and a topping fitted into the open top of the pale. (USP6767005)
$$ Hence the camera can operate normally as a colour video-conferencing camera when the slider 70 is in the leftmost position. / したがってスライダ70が最左位置にあるとき、カメラはカラーのテレビ会議用カメラとして正規に動作することができる。(USP6687389)
$$ For example, it will be seen from the table in FIG. 9 that for the horizontal dc sub-bands (those in the leftmost column in FIG. 6(b)) the preferred method of spatial concealment is the horizontal concealment method shown schematically in FIG. 12C. / 例えば、図10の表から、水平dcサブバンド(図7の最左縦列のもの)に対し好適な空間隠蔽方法は、図13の(c)に示す水平隠蔽方法であることが分かる。(USP5353059)
$$ On the left hand side of FIG. 6 is illustrated the sequence which a processor may undertake to run different processes P1, P2, P3, P4.(USP02002657)
$$ If the left hand side is less than unity, then it is safe to do so. / 左辺が1よりも小さければ、それを行っても安全である。(USP5430889)
$$ These designation are indicated by the letters D and R on the left side of FIG. 4.(USP6075887)
$$ A typical code buffer configuration is shown in FIG. 11A in which the left side of the drawing shows a generalised schematic whilst the right side illustrates the code buffer contents involved around a synchronisation point. (USP02029357)
$$ Therefore the left side (in the drawings) of the tool 2, that is the arbor 6, is formed with a conical, male tapered section which is dimensioned to be received into a standard sized hollow spindle (not shown).(USP02012573)
$$ Hence the camera can operate normally as a colour video-conferencing camera when the slider 70 is in the leftmost position. / したがってスライダ70が最左位置にあるとき、カメラはカラーのテレビ会議用カメラとして正規に動作することができる。(USP6687389)
$$ For example, it will be seen from the table in FIG. 9 that for the horizontal dc sub-bands (those in the leftmost column in FIG. 6(b)) the preferred method of spatial concealment is the horizontal concealment method shown schematically in FIG. 12C. / 例えば、図10の表から、水平dcサブバンド(図7の最左縦列のもの)に対し好適な空間隠蔽方法は、図13の(c)に示す水平隠蔽方法であることが分かる。(USP5353059)
$$ On the left hand side of FIG. 6 is illustrated the sequence which a processor may undertake to run different processes P1, P2, P3, P4.(USP02002657)
$$ If the left hand side is less than unity, then it is safe to do so. / 左辺が1よりも小さければ、それを行っても安全である。(USP5430889)
$$ These designation are indicated by the letters D and R on the left side of FIG. 4.(USP6075887)
$$ A typical code buffer configuration is shown in FIG. 11A in which the left side of the drawing shows a generalised schematic whilst the right side illustrates the code buffer contents involved around a synchronisation point. (USP02029357)
$$ Therefore the left side (in the drawings) of the tool 2, that is the arbor 6, is formed with a conical, male tapered section which is dimensioned to be received into a standard sized hollow spindle (not shown).(USP02012573)
LEFT (leaveの過去分詞)
LEFT (leaveの過去分詞)
$$ The substrate bar is left undisturbed and so its length is unchanged, or perhaps is made to change in the opposite sense, a bimorph. / 基板バーは乱されず、したがってその長さは変化せず、またはおそらくバイモルフを逆に変化させるようになされている。(USP6833656)
$$ When the silicon nitride is removed, the underlying oxide is left. (USP02045287)
$$ If this is omitted, the pins may be left unconstrained and can be assigned by the place and route tools. (USP6691301)
$$ The maximum and/or minimum points are also logged as intermediate points when the trigger-band is left. (USP6405155)
$$ When the vehicle is parked and left unattended the control means can be set to its first condition to lock the latch.(USP02074810)
$$ The traffic in the return direction may be left undisturbed or may be switched between paths in sympathy with the direction of traffic which has experienced the fault, in order to simplify maintenance of duplex traffic equipment. / 帰還方向のトラヒックは、二重トラヒック装置の維持を簡易化するために、乱されていないままであるか、または破損のあったトラヒックの方向の経路と交換されてもよい。(USP5533005)
$$ The photoresist employed during the implanting step is left in place and then a wet etch is carried out to remove the sidwall spacers 31,32. / この注入段階において使用されるホトレジストをその位置に放置し、次に湿式エッチングを実施して側壁スペーサ31、32を除去する。(USP5541434)
$$ This magnetic array could be left at a floating potential (where electronic current is equal to the ionic current), or biased at the same or a different potential to that of the samples with a positive or negative polarity. / この磁気的配列は、浮動電位(floatingpotential)(電子電流がイオン化電流に等しい)に維持するか、あるいは正または負極性により、サンプルと同じまたは異なる電位にバイアスすることができる。(USP02050453)
$$ Where less than all the material is removed by the laser, some of the material will be left within the passageway, exposing surfaces of the material to intraocular fluid. / レーザーにより材料が部分的に除去されたときは、幾らかの材料が流路内に残り、その材料の表面が眼内水に露出する。(USP6186974)
$$ In general when a bag is employed the mouth of the bag is left completely open until the sealing operation is to be carried out. (USP4756140)
$$ A small yellow cross marks the start of the line, which is left on the screen. / 小さな黄色の十字がスクリーンに残されたラインの開始地点を示す。(USP6611142)
$$ In all the functions the int32 and int64 values are left aligned in line with the plugin interface. (USP6691301)
$$ Alternatively, the hollow section could be left open, and a topping fitted into the open top of the pale. (USP6767005)
LEFT (leaveの過去分詞)
$$ The substrate bar is left undisturbed and so its length is unchanged, or perhaps is made to change in the opposite sense, a bimorph. / 基板バーは乱されず、したがってその長さは変化せず、またはおそらくバイモルフを逆に変化させるようになされている。(USP6833656)
$$ When the silicon nitride is removed, the underlying oxide is left. (USP02045287)
$$ If this is omitted, the pins may be left unconstrained and can be assigned by the place and route tools. (USP6691301)
$$ The maximum and/or minimum points are also logged as intermediate points when the trigger-band is left. (USP6405155)
$$ When the vehicle is parked and left unattended the control means can be set to its first condition to lock the latch.(USP02074810)
$$ The traffic in the return direction may be left undisturbed or may be switched between paths in sympathy with the direction of traffic which has experienced the fault, in order to simplify maintenance of duplex traffic equipment. / 帰還方向のトラヒックは、二重トラヒック装置の維持を簡易化するために、乱されていないままであるか、または破損のあったトラヒックの方向の経路と交換されてもよい。(USP5533005)
$$ The photoresist employed during the implanting step is left in place and then a wet etch is carried out to remove the sidwall spacers 31,32. / この注入段階において使用されるホトレジストをその位置に放置し、次に湿式エッチングを実施して側壁スペーサ31、32を除去する。(USP5541434)
$$ This magnetic array could be left at a floating potential (where electronic current is equal to the ionic current), or biased at the same or a different potential to that of the samples with a positive or negative polarity. / この磁気的配列は、浮動電位(floatingpotential)(電子電流がイオン化電流に等しい)に維持するか、あるいは正または負極性により、サンプルと同じまたは異なる電位にバイアスすることができる。(USP02050453)
$$ Where less than all the material is removed by the laser, some of the material will be left within the passageway, exposing surfaces of the material to intraocular fluid. / レーザーにより材料が部分的に除去されたときは、幾らかの材料が流路内に残り、その材料の表面が眼内水に露出する。(USP6186974)
$$ In general when a bag is employed the mouth of the bag is left completely open until the sealing operation is to be carried out. (USP4756140)
$$ A small yellow cross marks the start of the line, which is left on the screen. / 小さな黄色の十字がスクリーンに残されたラインの開始地点を示す。(USP6611142)
$$ In all the functions the int32 and int64 values are left aligned in line with the plugin interface. (USP6691301)
$$ Alternatively, the hollow section could be left open, and a topping fitted into the open top of the pale. (USP6767005)
LEGEND 銘・記号・表示
LEGEND 銘・記号・表示 -->inscription
$$ Preferably, the cables are provided with end-to-end identification means, for example in the form of a continuous printed legend on each cable or in the form of coloured or raised identification strips or bumps. / ケーブルが、例えば、各ケーブルに連続的に印字された表示の形態、あるいは、着色または隆起した識別帯や識別突起の形態を取る、突き合わせ識別手段を備えることが好ましい。(RE43221)
$$ A key 69 carrying the legend "INFO" causes the television to enter a teletext mode when first pressed (assuming the TV has a teletext facility). / 「INFO」という記号があるキー69は、1回押すとテレビを文字放送モードにする(TVに文字放送機能があると仮定する)。(USP02042917)
$$ In FIG. 4 parts of the image recorder system 20 which are identical to corresponding parts of the image recorder system 1 of FIG. 1 are designated by the same legend as in FIG. 1. / 図4では、画像記録装置システム20の部分で図1の画像記録装置システム1の対応する部分と同一のものは、図1と同じ記号で表わされている。(USP5453842)
$$ The legends Two-, Four-, Eight- and Sixteen-way refer to the sequential levels of the multiplexed frames of terminals generating data at 16, 8, 4 and 2 kbits/sec, respectively. / 説明欄の2方向、4方向、8方向および16方向はそれぞれ16, 8,4,および2kビット/秒を発生する端末を参照している。(USP5412650)
$$ The legends C, H and M are used at various points in the description and drawings to indicate ports and spaces provided for the flow of cold, hot and mixed water, respectively. (USP8020779)
$$ The type script, colour or other character of the legend or element carrying the legend may be selected by a commissioning party. (USP6965789)
LEGEND 銘・記号・表示 -->inscription
$$ Preferably, the cables are provided with end-to-end identification means, for example in the form of a continuous printed legend on each cable or in the form of coloured or raised identification strips or bumps. / ケーブルが、例えば、各ケーブルに連続的に印字された表示の形態、あるいは、着色または隆起した識別帯や識別突起の形態を取る、突き合わせ識別手段を備えることが好ましい。(RE43221)
$$ A key 69 carrying the legend "INFO" causes the television to enter a teletext mode when first pressed (assuming the TV has a teletext facility). / 「INFO」という記号があるキー69は、1回押すとテレビを文字放送モードにする(TVに文字放送機能があると仮定する)。(USP02042917)
$$ In FIG. 4 parts of the image recorder system 20 which are identical to corresponding parts of the image recorder system 1 of FIG. 1 are designated by the same legend as in FIG. 1. / 図4では、画像記録装置システム20の部分で図1の画像記録装置システム1の対応する部分と同一のものは、図1と同じ記号で表わされている。(USP5453842)
$$ The legends Two-, Four-, Eight- and Sixteen-way refer to the sequential levels of the multiplexed frames of terminals generating data at 16, 8, 4 and 2 kbits/sec, respectively. / 説明欄の2方向、4方向、8方向および16方向はそれぞれ16, 8,4,および2kビット/秒を発生する端末を参照している。(USP5412650)
$$ The legends C, H and M are used at various points in the description and drawings to indicate ports and spaces provided for the flow of cold, hot and mixed water, respectively. (USP8020779)
$$ The type script, colour or other character of the legend or element carrying the legend may be selected by a commissioning party. (USP6965789)
$$ The third region delimited by lines B--B and C--C constitutes a third region having an axial length c. (USP6356164): axial length
$$ There is thus also a small change in the axial length of the helix, dependent on the helix pitch angle. / したがって、螺旋ピッチ角に応じて螺旋の軸方向長さの小さな変化も存在する。(USP6833656): axial length
$$ The spacer rods 166 are slightly longer than the interior axial length of the column tube 101. / スペーサロッド166は、カラムチューブ101の内部の軸線方向長さよりもわずかに長い。(USP7604747): axial length
$$ A system as claimed in claim 5 wherein the fibres have a length from 0.1 to 25mm. (USP5364511): a length
$$ This close location can result, from practical considerations, in a relatively long radiation path length from the source 110 to the detector 160. / このように近づけて設置することによって、実用上、X線光源110から検出器160までの放射線の径路長を比較的長くすることが可能である。(USP6977986)
$$ Typical values in the present case will be height between 3 and 10 μm, length between 20 and 250 μm and width less than the interpixel gap (5-20 μm). / この場合の代表的な値は、3μm と10μm との間の高さ、20μm と250μm との間の長さ、及びピクセル間ギャップ(5-20μm )よりも小さい幅となるであろう。(USP5801796)
$$ We have found that a resilient mounting which allows approximately 50 mm of movement is satisfactory with a chassis having a length of 5.5 m. (USP7108285)
$$ The embodiment of FIG. 3 shows a rock bolt having a length of around three metres, and the separation s between adjacent cut outs 42 is around ten centimetres. (USP6929424)
$$ The support post 1 length is typically in the range 385-2340 mm, for example, a support post 1 having a length of 685 mm can provide a desk height of around 720 mm. (USP7578245)
$$ A straight tubular member 62, having a length of 30 mm is provided at the tap outlet as in tap No. 2. (USP6827238)
$$ That object is defined as a pixel representation having a number of bit sequences, each bit sequence defining a pixel and having a length of eight bits. (USP6100905)
$$ The third region delimited by lines B--B and C--C constitutes a third region having an axial length c. (USP6356164): axial length
$$ There is thus also a small change in the axial length of the helix, dependent on the helix pitch angle. / したがって、螺旋ピッチ角に応じて螺旋の軸方向長さの小さな変化も存在する。(USP6833656): axial length
$$ The spacer rods 166 are slightly longer than the interior axial length of the column tube 101. / スペーサロッド166は、カラムチューブ101の内部の軸線方向長さよりもわずかに長い。(USP7604747): axial length
$$ A system as claimed in claim 5 wherein the fibres have a length from 0.1 to 25mm. (USP5364511): a length
$$ This close location can result, from practical considerations, in a relatively long radiation path length from the source 110 to the detector 160. / このように近づけて設置することによって、実用上、X線光源110から検出器160までの放射線の径路長を比較的長くすることが可能である。(USP6977986)
$$ Typical values in the present case will be height between 3 and 10 μm, length between 20 and 250 μm and width less than the interpixel gap (5-20 μm). / この場合の代表的な値は、3μm と10μm との間の高さ、20μm と250μm との間の長さ、及びピクセル間ギャップ(5-20μm )よりも小さい幅となるであろう。(USP5801796)
$$ We have found that a resilient mounting which allows approximately 50 mm of movement is satisfactory with a chassis having a length of 5.5 m. (USP7108285)
$$ The embodiment of FIG. 3 shows a rock bolt having a length of around three metres, and the separation s between adjacent cut outs 42 is around ten centimetres. (USP6929424)
$$ The support post 1 length is typically in the range 385-2340 mm, for example, a support post 1 having a length of 685 mm can provide a desk height of around 720 mm. (USP7578245)
$$ A straight tubular member 62, having a length of 30 mm is provided at the tap outlet as in tap No. 2. (USP6827238)
$$ That object is defined as a pixel representation having a number of bit sequences, each bit sequence defining a pixel and having a length of eight bits. (USP6100905)
$$ ...spaced from one another lengthwise of the conduit... / 導管の縦方向に互いに間隔を開けた (USP8029669)
$$ Extending lengthwise of the filter element 3 is a thin rod 7 of activated carbon material. (USP6631722)
$$ Each nozzle may be disposed in the base, the cover then having two ink supply parts spaced lengthwise of each channel on opposite sides of the nozzle. (USP6572221)
$$ The tobacco-containing inter-puff region may be an extrudate material extending lengthwise of the rod of combustible material. (USP6202651)
$$ It may comprise gear teeth engageable with a rack on a penetrator extending transversely of the fluid flow passage, or engageable with a pinion gear on a shaft extending lengthwise of the fluid flow passage. (USP01042619)
$$ ...spaced from one another lengthwise of the conduit... / 導管の縦方向に互いに間隔を開けた (USP8029669)
$$ Extending lengthwise of the filter element 3 is a thin rod 7 of activated carbon material. (USP6631722)
$$ Each nozzle may be disposed in the base, the cover then having two ink supply parts spaced lengthwise of each channel on opposite sides of the nozzle. (USP6572221)
$$ The tobacco-containing inter-puff region may be an extrudate material extending lengthwise of the rod of combustible material. (USP6202651)
$$ It may comprise gear teeth engageable with a rack on a penetrator extending transversely of the fluid flow passage, or engageable with a pinion gear on a shaft extending lengthwise of the fluid flow passage. (USP01042619)
$$ The thickness of the n-type layer 21 is less critical as free electrons are less absorbing than free holes. / n型層21の厚さは、自由電子が自由正孔よりもあまり吸収されないのであまり重要でない。(USP6177674)
$$ Such stubs 82, 83 can be particularly useful for non-IC applications of the invention where conductive trace definition may be less precise than for ICs. /かかるスタブ82、83は、導電性トレースの定義がICに対するよりも精度が低い、IC以外の用途には特に有用である。(USP6816020)
$$ This reduces the load on the packet network, which is less suited to voice-type calls than is the circuit-switched network. / したがってパケットネットワーク上のロードは低減し、回路交換のネットワークよりも音声呼に適していない。(USP6584098)
$$ It will be apparent from FIG. 9, when compared with FIG. 5, that the data items when in the compressed data coding format occupy significantly less memory space than when in the standardised coding format. / 図9を図5と比較すると、圧縮データコーディングフォーマットでは、標準化されたコーディングフォーマットよりもデータ項目が占有するメモリが大幅に少なくて済むことが明らかである。(USP6501962)
$$ Such `switchable adhesives` would cause less localised trauma than conventional adhesives when the dressing is removed. / このような「転換可能な接着剤」は、従来の接着剤と比べて取り外しの際の局部的外傷を引き起こすことが少ない。(USP6610762)
$$ Therefore solutions of branched polymers are easier to handle especially at high solids content and may be made using less solvent than solutions of linear polymers. / したがって、分枝ポリマーの溶液は、特に高い固形分での取り扱いがより容易で、線状ポリマーの溶液より少ない溶媒を用いて作製できる。(USP03013822)
$$ Preheated batch requires less energy to melt than unheated batch. (USP01008076)
$$ This other version operates at macroblock resolution and thus requires less processing than, but is less accurate than, the one version. (USP6567128)
$$ The thickness of the n-type layer 21 is less critical as free electrons are less absorbing than free holes. / n型層21の厚さは、自由電子が自由正孔よりもあまり吸収されないのであまり重要でない。(USP6177674)
$$ Such stubs 82, 83 can be particularly useful for non-IC applications of the invention where conductive trace definition may be less precise than for ICs. /かかるスタブ82、83は、導電性トレースの定義がICに対するよりも精度が低い、IC以外の用途には特に有用である。(USP6816020)
$$ This reduces the load on the packet network, which is less suited to voice-type calls than is the circuit-switched network. / したがってパケットネットワーク上のロードは低減し、回路交換のネットワークよりも音声呼に適していない。(USP6584098)
$$ It will be apparent from FIG. 9, when compared with FIG. 5, that the data items when in the compressed data coding format occupy significantly less memory space than when in the standardised coding format. / 図9を図5と比較すると、圧縮データコーディングフォーマットでは、標準化されたコーディングフォーマットよりもデータ項目が占有するメモリが大幅に少なくて済むことが明らかである。(USP6501962)
$$ Such `switchable adhesives` would cause less localised trauma than conventional adhesives when the dressing is removed. / このような「転換可能な接着剤」は、従来の接着剤と比べて取り外しの際の局部的外傷を引き起こすことが少ない。(USP6610762)
$$ Therefore solutions of branched polymers are easier to handle especially at high solids content and may be made using less solvent than solutions of linear polymers. / したがって、分枝ポリマーの溶液は、特に高い固形分での取り扱いがより容易で、線状ポリマーの溶液より少ない溶媒を用いて作製できる。(USP03013822)
$$ Preheated batch requires less energy to melt than unheated batch. (USP01008076)
$$ This other version operates at macroblock resolution and thus requires less processing than, but is less accurate than, the one version. (USP6567128)
LESS (thanを含まない)
LESS (thanを含まない表現)
$$ Less usually and less preferably, each such pump of any these types will be reversible. / あまり普通ではなく、あまり好ましくはないが、これらのあらゆるタイプのこのようなポンプはそれぞれ可逆性である。(USP8235955)
$$ For example, a light (7) can be provided so that the camera readings rely less on the level, type and so on, of ambient lighting. / 例えば、カメラ読み取り値が周囲照明のレベル、タイプ等により依存しないように、ライト(7)を設けることができる。(USP7578441)
$$ A machine tool probe may require a longer time period between a contact and a trigger signal to eliminate vibrations and, whilst being repeatable, having less accuracy. / マシンツール用プローブは、振動の影響をなくすため、ワークピースと接触してからトリガ信号が送出されるまでの期間を長くする必要があるが、他方で、再現性はあるが、精度は低下することになる。(USP6941671)
$$ This form is suited to applications where the space available in the axial direction is small but lateral space is less limited. / この形態は、軸方向で利用できる空間が小さいが、横方向の空間の制限が少ない応用に適している。(USP6833656)
$$ FIG. 27a shows concentrically arranged transmission-lines 151 -153 of progressively less physical lengths. / 図27aは、徐々に物理的長さが短くなる同心状に配置された伝送線151-153を示す。(USP6816020)
$$ Alternatively, but presently less preferred, the source of metal ions may be present in suspension to which a source of organic macromolecule is added. / そうしない場合は、本発明ではより好ましくはないが、有機高分子の原料を添加する懸濁液に金属イオン源を存在させることもできる。(USP6815063)
$$ Post-hypoxic addition of 300 μM L-ornithylspermidine (L-OrnSp) produced less of a significant reduction in damage. / 300μMのL-オルニチルスペルミジン(L-OrnSp)の低酸素後付加は、もっと少ない有意な損傷低減を生じた。(USP6797699)
$$ It is noted here that this system has as a convention that a numerically lower Q value implies a less harsh quantisation. / なお、ここで説明する手法では、Q値が低いほど、より密な量子化が行われる。(USP6757333)
$$ Generally speaking, the higher frequency sub-bands are less important to the eventual perception of a viewer. / 一般的にいえば、高い周波数の分割帯域は、観者の究極的な知覚にとって重要性は低い。(USP6754433)
$$ For frequencies above about 4,000 Hz the sound is primarily generated by other mechanisms and the differences with vocal tract length are less pronounced. / 約4,000Hzを超える周波数では、音は他の機構により主に生成され、及び声道の長さの違いが発音されることは、より少ない。(USP6671666)
$$ This region is much smaller than the full window and hence takes less time to clear. (USP5727192)
LESS (thanを含まない表現)
$$ Less usually and less preferably, each such pump of any these types will be reversible. / あまり普通ではなく、あまり好ましくはないが、これらのあらゆるタイプのこのようなポンプはそれぞれ可逆性である。(USP8235955)
$$ For example, a light (7) can be provided so that the camera readings rely less on the level, type and so on, of ambient lighting. / 例えば、カメラ読み取り値が周囲照明のレベル、タイプ等により依存しないように、ライト(7)を設けることができる。(USP7578441)
$$ A machine tool probe may require a longer time period between a contact and a trigger signal to eliminate vibrations and, whilst being repeatable, having less accuracy. / マシンツール用プローブは、振動の影響をなくすため、ワークピースと接触してからトリガ信号が送出されるまでの期間を長くする必要があるが、他方で、再現性はあるが、精度は低下することになる。(USP6941671)
$$ This form is suited to applications where the space available in the axial direction is small but lateral space is less limited. / この形態は、軸方向で利用できる空間が小さいが、横方向の空間の制限が少ない応用に適している。(USP6833656)
$$ FIG. 27a shows concentrically arranged transmission-lines 151 -153 of progressively less physical lengths. / 図27aは、徐々に物理的長さが短くなる同心状に配置された伝送線151-153を示す。(USP6816020)
$$ Alternatively, but presently less preferred, the source of metal ions may be present in suspension to which a source of organic macromolecule is added. / そうしない場合は、本発明ではより好ましくはないが、有機高分子の原料を添加する懸濁液に金属イオン源を存在させることもできる。(USP6815063)
$$ Post-hypoxic addition of 300 μM L-ornithylspermidine (L-OrnSp) produced less of a significant reduction in damage. / 300μMのL-オルニチルスペルミジン(L-OrnSp)の低酸素後付加は、もっと少ない有意な損傷低減を生じた。(USP6797699)
$$ It is noted here that this system has as a convention that a numerically lower Q value implies a less harsh quantisation. / なお、ここで説明する手法では、Q値が低いほど、より密な量子化が行われる。(USP6757333)
$$ Generally speaking, the higher frequency sub-bands are less important to the eventual perception of a viewer. / 一般的にいえば、高い周波数の分割帯域は、観者の究極的な知覚にとって重要性は低い。(USP6754433)
$$ For frequencies above about 4,000 Hz the sound is primarily generated by other mechanisms and the differences with vocal tract length are less pronounced. / 約4,000Hzを超える周波数では、音は他の機構により主に生成され、及び声道の長さの違いが発音されることは、より少ない。(USP6671666)
$$ This region is much smaller than the full window and hence takes less time to clear. (USP5727192)
LESSEN -->reduce, decrease
$$ Upon the application of an external magnetic field, the viscosity of the ferrofluid is enlarged and the freedom of movement of the shaft or spring lessened. / 外部磁場をかけると、磁性流体の粘度が増大してシャフト又はスプリングの運動の自由が低下する。(USP6815063)
$$ As noted above, such an approach will tend to lessen the capability of the mesh to provide back-up paths, but it avoids the requirement for the mesh to support inverse multiplexing. (USP02042274)
$$ Accumulation must be sufficiently far from the central region 14e to ensure that it does not lessen the carrier exclusion. / 蓄積がキャリア排除を減少させないことを保証するために、蓄積は中心領域14eから十分離れていなければならない。(USP6809514)
$$ The end most sight gauges can be shielded to lessen the likelihood of damage. (USP7108285)
$$ Afterwards, the sheet material may release wound potential energy thereby lessening tension within the center feed roll and preventing the collapsing of the center feed roll during dispensing. (USP6179235)
$$ This also lessens the effect of, for example the contrast of the video source. (USP5027203)
$$ This lessens the temperature dependence of Hall coefficient and magneto-resistance. (USP6809514)
$$ L-lysinylspermidine and L-ornithylspermidine were also protective, although to a lesser extent than the arginylspermidine. / L-リシニルスペルミジンおよびL-オルニチルスペルミジンも保護を示したが、しかしアルギニルスペルミジンより低度であった。(USP6797699)
$$ We have further found that lesser proportions of water than those specified above are generally required for satisfactory results on fibres of cellulose I such as cotton. / 一般に、綿のようなセルロースIの繊維に対しては満足できる結果のために、上記に特定したよりも低い割合の水が要求されることをさらに発見した。(USP6548730)
$$ The first control tube 12 projects into the cylindrical member 22 to a lesser extent than the second control tube 16 so that clearance is provided between the second cam follower pin 24 and the first control tube 12. / 第1制御管12は、第2カム従動子ピン24と第1制御管12との間に隙間ができるように、第2制御管16よりも小さい程度で円筒形部材22の中に突入している。(USP5418645)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 22, wherein the groove is of lesser depth than the channel. (USP6572221)
$$ Sea water, and brackish water to a lesser extent, contain dissolved gasses and also contain bicarbonates. (USP6217773)
$$ A wider slit can however be used if lesser confocal action can be tolerated. (USP5510894)
$$ The region 33 of lesser bath depth immediately downstream of the region 32, has the same depth as the region 31 upstream of the barrier 35. (USP4131446)
$$ L-lysinylspermidine and L-ornithylspermidine were also protective, although to a lesser extent than the arginylspermidine. / L-リシニルスペルミジンおよびL-オルニチルスペルミジンも保護を示したが、しかしアルギニルスペルミジンより低度であった。(USP6797699)
$$ We have further found that lesser proportions of water than those specified above are generally required for satisfactory results on fibres of cellulose I such as cotton. / 一般に、綿のようなセルロースIの繊維に対しては満足できる結果のために、上記に特定したよりも低い割合の水が要求されることをさらに発見した。(USP6548730)
$$ The first control tube 12 projects into the cylindrical member 22 to a lesser extent than the second control tube 16 so that clearance is provided between the second cam follower pin 24 and the first control tube 12. / 第1制御管12は、第2カム従動子ピン24と第1制御管12との間に隙間ができるように、第2制御管16よりも小さい程度で円筒形部材22の中に突入している。(USP5418645)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 22, wherein the groove is of lesser depth than the channel. (USP6572221)
$$ Sea water, and brackish water to a lesser extent, contain dissolved gasses and also contain bicarbonates. (USP6217773)
$$ A wider slit can however be used if lesser confocal action can be tolerated. (USP5510894)
$$ The region 33 of lesser bath depth immediately downstream of the region 32, has the same depth as the region 31 upstream of the barrier 35. (USP4131446)
$$ Let z=x+iy and c=a+ib. / z=x+iy及びc=a+ibとする。(USP7053975)
$$ By way of example, let us assume that there are only 18 entries in the directory information to be entered initially which start with the letters ABBOTS. (USP5727201)
$$ As a matter of particular interest, let us consider a system utilizing loops of a special shape shown on FIG. 2. (USP6304015)
$$ Let N be the total number of terminal links of the network. (USP5422881)
$$ It is therefore necessary to let the cement stand for a further period which, again, is specified by the manufacturer. (USP5813757)
$$ The alternatives with more or less version information let one ask more or less detailed questions about the type of system software. (USP6691301)
$$ The photons in one beam are detected by a photodetector 6 and this triggers a gate 7 which opens a shutter to let through a single photon. (USP5675648)
$$ Let the answering centre server be allocated to the answering centre at time t=0, and let the answering centre have capacity N lines. / 応答センタサーバを応答センタに時間t=0で割当て、応答センタが容量Nラインをもたせることにする。(USP6330313)
$$ As the ATD switch operates synchronously, it is practical to duplicate it and let the outgoing line side check for errors between the two planes. (USP5109378)
$$ Indeed, let S0 be the cross-section area of the original solid conductor. (USP6304015)
$$ Let gcf be a system-wide global variable which contains a reference to the activation frame currently being inspected by the GC thread. (USP02029357)
$$ ...rather than letting them wastefully pass through without generating light...(USP6211525)
$$ ...there is a risk of letting a customer down...(USP02072988)
$$ The user interface may be integrated with the application server, and may also include an instrument configuration module for letting the user select his/her own set of financial instruments to look at from the given list of instruments. (USP02130868)
$$ This unbroken navigation has the effect of letting users choose any of the external systems as a starting point, rather than...(USP6189012)
$$ This invention relates to an interference filter of the type reflecting a certain wavelength band within a given wavelength range while letting pass other wavelength bands of the range.(USP4832448)
$$ More importantly, a supplier can tell, by inspection, when the distributor is at risk of letting down a customer by not fulfilling an order: (USP02072988)
$$ This is necessary to allow the packets to be delivered over the same route, for example through a firewall that is configured to let only encrypted packets pass. (USP01054158)
$$ Let z=x+iy and c=a+ib. / z=x+iy及びc=a+ibとする。(USP7053975)
$$ By way of example, let us assume that there are only 18 entries in the directory information to be entered initially which start with the letters ABBOTS. (USP5727201)
$$ As a matter of particular interest, let us consider a system utilizing loops of a special shape shown on FIG. 2. (USP6304015)
$$ Let N be the total number of terminal links of the network. (USP5422881)
$$ It is therefore necessary to let the cement stand for a further period which, again, is specified by the manufacturer. (USP5813757)
$$ The alternatives with more or less version information let one ask more or less detailed questions about the type of system software. (USP6691301)
$$ The photons in one beam are detected by a photodetector 6 and this triggers a gate 7 which opens a shutter to let through a single photon. (USP5675648)
$$ Let the answering centre server be allocated to the answering centre at time t=0, and let the answering centre have capacity N lines. / 応答センタサーバを応答センタに時間t=0で割当て、応答センタが容量Nラインをもたせることにする。(USP6330313)
$$ As the ATD switch operates synchronously, it is practical to duplicate it and let the outgoing line side check for errors between the two planes. (USP5109378)
$$ Indeed, let S0 be the cross-section area of the original solid conductor. (USP6304015)
$$ Let gcf be a system-wide global variable which contains a reference to the activation frame currently being inspected by the GC thread. (USP02029357)
$$ ...rather than letting them wastefully pass through without generating light...(USP6211525)
$$ ...there is a risk of letting a customer down...(USP02072988)
$$ The user interface may be integrated with the application server, and may also include an instrument configuration module for letting the user select his/her own set of financial instruments to look at from the given list of instruments. (USP02130868)
$$ This unbroken navigation has the effect of letting users choose any of the external systems as a starting point, rather than...(USP6189012)
$$ This invention relates to an interference filter of the type reflecting a certain wavelength band within a given wavelength range while letting pass other wavelength bands of the range.(USP4832448)
$$ More importantly, a supplier can tell, by inspection, when the distributor is at risk of letting down a customer by not fulfilling an order: (USP02072988)
$$ This is necessary to allow the packets to be delivered over the same route, for example through a firewall that is configured to let only encrypted packets pass. (USP01054158)
$$ ...and ganirelix (Orgalutran supplied by Organon) which is typically administered at a level of 0.25 mg daily s.c.... / 及び典型的に毎日0.25mg皮下のレベルで投与するガニレリクス(ganirelix)(Organonより提供のオルガルトラン(Orgalutran)) (USP7615210)
$$ For example, the Applicant has found that a level of available free chlorine of approximately 100-250 ppm at a pH of between about 5 and 7 is particularly suitable for the application of reprocessing heat sensitive medical instruments. / (USP6632347)
$$ Amphipathic stabiliser was added at a level of 500 ppm on weight of solvent phase. / 両親媒性安定剤を溶媒相の重量に対して500ppmのレベルで加えた。(USP6277932)
$$ The flushing composition is suitably employed at a level of 1 to 15, preferably 2 to 10 liters per tonne of refrigerant capacity of the refrigeration system. (USP02007640)
$$ Amphipathic stabiliser was added at a level of between 0.05% and 1% on weight of solvent phase. / 両親媒性安定剤を溶媒相の重量に対して0.05%~1%のレベルで加えた。(USP6277932)
$$ An anti-corrosion agent is suitably employed at a level of 0.05 to 0.5% by weight of the lubricant in the flushing composition. (USP02007640)
$$ It includes a wafer processing chamber 11 and the means 12 by which a wafer is supported and moved to the appropriate level for processing. / 前記システムは基板加工室11と、基板が支持され、加工するのに適した高さへと移動するために使われる手段12とを包含する。(USP6458239)
$$ In the special case where both handsets involved in the call are attached to the same DLE, or to different DLEs attached to the same DMSU, then connection can be made at the appropriate level without going through the higher levels in this hierarchy. / 特別な場合において、呼に関係する両方のハンドセットが同じDLEに取り付けられるか、または同じDMSUに取り付けられた異なるDLEに取り付けられるときには、この階層のより高いレベルへ進むことなく、適切なレベルで接続を行うことができる。(USP6584098)
$$ The resin surrounds the sides of each capacitor body, up to the level of the lid paste 22. / 樹脂は、ふたペースト22のレベルまで、各コンデンサ体の側を取り囲む。(USP6699767)
$$ In this case, the motor derived or inferred pressure level signal can be used to start the motor even though the pressure sensor signal is not demanding such a start. / この様な場合、たとえ圧力センサ信号がモータ始動を指令していなくとも、モータから導出または推定された圧力レベル信号が、モータの始動のために使用され得る。(USP6132010)
$$ That causes an increase in the background noise level of the instrument, and that increase may be enough to mask low-level signals. / これによって、装置のバックグラウンドのノイズレベルが上がり、従って、低レベルの信号が十分に隠される可能性がある。(USP6489775)
$$ Typically the gain of the amplifier will reduce as the signal level increases and the transistor approaches saturation. (USP5507017)
$$ The image compression apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein the applied compression level is increased by increasing the threshold value, and decreased by decreasing the threshold value. (USP6724817)
$$ In particular, the level of misdialled facsimile calls has tended to increase disproportionately compared to the level of misdialled voice calls. / とくに、ミスダイヤルした呼レベルは、ミスダイヤルした音声呼のレベルと比較して不相応に増加する傾向がある。(USP6775249)
$$ Collagen levels were consistently increased both at day 7 and day 80 post-wounding in both sexes treated with oestrogen (3A and 3C) compared to placebo (3B and 3D). / エストロゲン処置した男女両方(3Aおよび3C)ではプラセボ(3Bおよび3D)と比べ、創傷後7日目および80日目の両方でのコラーゲン量が一貫して増加した。 (USP6696433)
$$ The tube surrounds the arm and mounts an annular magnet at the level of a pivot point, about which the arm flexes. (USP6611139)
$$ However it is also important to measure the behaviour of the process at the level of individual cells. / しかしながら各セルのレベルにおいてプロセスの振舞いを測定することも重要である。(USP6539228)
$$ Further increases in ambient noise raise the overall level of the compressed signal. (USP6370254)
$$ The spotlight illumination is raised to a level at which the principal perceived image changes from the "through image" to the design on the panel. / スポットライト照明は、視認される主な像が、「透過イメージ」からパネル上のデザインに変化するまで強度を上げる。(USP6212805)
$$ There is in the cab of the tracked vehicle 8 a read out or control console whereby the driver can control the level of the apparatus 1 and hence the level of the layer(s) it is compacting. / 無限軌道を備えた車両の運転台には読み出し用または制御用コンソールが配置される。作業者はコンソールにより装置1の高さを調整することで突き固められる層の高さを調節する。(USP6079969)
$$ The black level of the video image is controlled by brightness control circuit 146 connected to grid 40. (USP6002207)
$$ As the level of the control signal and hence the gain of the variable gain amplifier 21 is increased, the power output of the Cartesian loop will reduce by the number of decibels that the reverse gain increases. (USP5507017)
$$ The actual volume level of the amplifier subdevice 34 is represented at VOLL. / 増幅器サブデバイス34の実際のボリュームレベルはVOLLに表されている。 (USP5479385)
$$ In other embodiments the encoder is adapted to measure the levels of liquids in other environments. / 他の実施形態においては、前記エンコーダは、別の環境における液体の液面レベルを測定するよう構成される。(USP6561022)
$$ ...and ganirelix (Orgalutran supplied by Organon) which is typically administered at a level of 0.25 mg daily s.c.... / 及び典型的に毎日0.25mg皮下のレベルで投与するガニレリクス(ganirelix)(Organonより提供のオルガルトラン(Orgalutran)) (USP7615210)
$$ For example, the Applicant has found that a level of available free chlorine of approximately 100-250 ppm at a pH of between about 5 and 7 is particularly suitable for the application of reprocessing heat sensitive medical instruments. / (USP6632347)
$$ Amphipathic stabiliser was added at a level of 500 ppm on weight of solvent phase. / 両親媒性安定剤を溶媒相の重量に対して500ppmのレベルで加えた。(USP6277932)
$$ The flushing composition is suitably employed at a level of 1 to 15, preferably 2 to 10 liters per tonne of refrigerant capacity of the refrigeration system. (USP02007640)
$$ Amphipathic stabiliser was added at a level of between 0.05% and 1% on weight of solvent phase. / 両親媒性安定剤を溶媒相の重量に対して0.05%~1%のレベルで加えた。(USP6277932)
$$ An anti-corrosion agent is suitably employed at a level of 0.05 to 0.5% by weight of the lubricant in the flushing composition. (USP02007640)
$$ It includes a wafer processing chamber 11 and the means 12 by which a wafer is supported and moved to the appropriate level for processing. / 前記システムは基板加工室11と、基板が支持され、加工するのに適した高さへと移動するために使われる手段12とを包含する。(USP6458239)
$$ In the special case where both handsets involved in the call are attached to the same DLE, or to different DLEs attached to the same DMSU, then connection can be made at the appropriate level without going through the higher levels in this hierarchy. / 特別な場合において、呼に関係する両方のハンドセットが同じDLEに取り付けられるか、または同じDMSUに取り付けられた異なるDLEに取り付けられるときには、この階層のより高いレベルへ進むことなく、適切なレベルで接続を行うことができる。(USP6584098)
$$ The resin surrounds the sides of each capacitor body, up to the level of the lid paste 22. / 樹脂は、ふたペースト22のレベルまで、各コンデンサ体の側を取り囲む。(USP6699767)
$$ In this case, the motor derived or inferred pressure level signal can be used to start the motor even though the pressure sensor signal is not demanding such a start. / この様な場合、たとえ圧力センサ信号がモータ始動を指令していなくとも、モータから導出または推定された圧力レベル信号が、モータの始動のために使用され得る。(USP6132010)
$$ That causes an increase in the background noise level of the instrument, and that increase may be enough to mask low-level signals. / これによって、装置のバックグラウンドのノイズレベルが上がり、従って、低レベルの信号が十分に隠される可能性がある。(USP6489775)
$$ Typically the gain of the amplifier will reduce as the signal level increases and the transistor approaches saturation. (USP5507017)
$$ The image compression apparatus as claimed in claim 9, wherein the applied compression level is increased by increasing the threshold value, and decreased by decreasing the threshold value. (USP6724817)
$$ In particular, the level of misdialled facsimile calls has tended to increase disproportionately compared to the level of misdialled voice calls. / とくに、ミスダイヤルした呼レベルは、ミスダイヤルした音声呼のレベルと比較して不相応に増加する傾向がある。(USP6775249)
$$ Collagen levels were consistently increased both at day 7 and day 80 post-wounding in both sexes treated with oestrogen (3A and 3C) compared to placebo (3B and 3D). / エストロゲン処置した男女両方(3Aおよび3C)ではプラセボ(3Bおよび3D)と比べ、創傷後7日目および80日目の両方でのコラーゲン量が一貫して増加した。 (USP6696433)
$$ The tube surrounds the arm and mounts an annular magnet at the level of a pivot point, about which the arm flexes. (USP6611139)
$$ However it is also important to measure the behaviour of the process at the level of individual cells. / しかしながら各セルのレベルにおいてプロセスの振舞いを測定することも重要である。(USP6539228)
$$ Further increases in ambient noise raise the overall level of the compressed signal. (USP6370254)
$$ The spotlight illumination is raised to a level at which the principal perceived image changes from the "through image" to the design on the panel. / スポットライト照明は、視認される主な像が、「透過イメージ」からパネル上のデザインに変化するまで強度を上げる。(USP6212805)
$$ There is in the cab of the tracked vehicle 8 a read out or control console whereby the driver can control the level of the apparatus 1 and hence the level of the layer(s) it is compacting. / 無限軌道を備えた車両の運転台には読み出し用または制御用コンソールが配置される。作業者はコンソールにより装置1の高さを調整することで突き固められる層の高さを調節する。(USP6079969)
$$ The black level of the video image is controlled by brightness control circuit 146 connected to grid 40. (USP6002207)
$$ As the level of the control signal and hence the gain of the variable gain amplifier 21 is increased, the power output of the Cartesian loop will reduce by the number of decibels that the reverse gain increases. (USP5507017)
$$ The actual volume level of the amplifier subdevice 34 is represented at VOLL. / 増幅器サブデバイス34の実際のボリュームレベルはVOLLに表されている。 (USP5479385)
$$ In other embodiments the encoder is adapted to measure the levels of liquids in other environments. / 他の実施形態においては、前記エンコーダは、別の環境における液体の液面レベルを測定するよう構成される。(USP6561022)
LIE / LYING ~に位置する(在る)
LIE / LYING ~に位置する(在る)
$$ Another problem lies in the physical design of the AODs. / 他の問題はAODの物理的設計にある。(USP8294977)
$$ Note that the precession axis does not lie precisely in a plane perpendicular to the disc axis, but is instead angled to this plane. / 摂動軸が、ディスク軸に垂直な平面内に正確にあるのではなく、この平面に対して角度がついていることに留意されたい。(USP8108108)
$$ Where the array is a square array of spots this would in effect mean tilting the array such that an axis of the array does not lie along the x-axis as defined, i.e. the axis by which the detector and spot projector are separated. / アレイがスポットの正方形アレイの場合、これは、アレイの軸線が、定義されたようなx軸、すなわち、それによって検出器と投射装置が分離される軸線に沿って位置しないようにアレイを傾斜させることを実質的に意味するであろう。(USP7589825)
$$ In a first embodiment the coil is provided with its longitudinal or sensitive axis lying substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, of the drill head. (USP6102137)
$$ For large widths, the area of the interference zone PDQ in FIG. 14 is also large and hence there is a greater likelihood of nodes such as G and H lying in it. / 幅が広い場合には、図14の干渉ゾーンPDQの面積も広いため、その中にGおよびHなどのノードがある尤度がさらに大きくなる。(USP6553020)
$$ When answered in the affirmative a random number is generated at step 1504 lying within the range 0 to 9999. / 質問の答えが肯定である場合、ステップ1504において0乃至9999の範囲内でランダムな数が生成される。(USP6182079)
$$ In this way the pole pieces lie within the vacuum chamber. / このようにして、磁極片は真空チャンバ内に位置する。(USP6190517)
$$ The diameter/length combinations to provide appropriate resistance to flow are disclosed to lie in the range 10 to 20 mm for the length and 0.15 to 0.21 mm for the diameter. / 流れに適切な抵抗を与える直径/長さの組合せは、長さ10から20mmと直径0.15から0.21mmの範囲であることが明らかにされた。(USP6186974)
$$ The tile 10 also comprises a profiled central portion 36 an apex 38 of which lies substantially below a corresponding apex 40 of the portion 12, see especially FIG. 2. / タイル10はまた曲線の中央部36を含み、該中央部の頂部38は側部12の対応した頂部40より実質的に下に位置する、特に図2参照。(USP5941039)
$$ The invention lies in the field of wavelength division multiplexing and RT the design of arrayed waveguide gratings. / 本発明は、波長分割多重化の分野に属し且つ導波管格子の配列の設計に関する。(USP6339664)
LIE / LYING ~に位置する(在る)
$$ Another problem lies in the physical design of the AODs. / 他の問題はAODの物理的設計にある。(USP8294977)
$$ Note that the precession axis does not lie precisely in a plane perpendicular to the disc axis, but is instead angled to this plane. / 摂動軸が、ディスク軸に垂直な平面内に正確にあるのではなく、この平面に対して角度がついていることに留意されたい。(USP8108108)
$$ Where the array is a square array of spots this would in effect mean tilting the array such that an axis of the array does not lie along the x-axis as defined, i.e. the axis by which the detector and spot projector are separated. / アレイがスポットの正方形アレイの場合、これは、アレイの軸線が、定義されたようなx軸、すなわち、それによって検出器と投射装置が分離される軸線に沿って位置しないようにアレイを傾斜させることを実質的に意味するであろう。(USP7589825)
$$ In a first embodiment the coil is provided with its longitudinal or sensitive axis lying substantially perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, of the drill head. (USP6102137)
$$ For large widths, the area of the interference zone PDQ in FIG. 14 is also large and hence there is a greater likelihood of nodes such as G and H lying in it. / 幅が広い場合には、図14の干渉ゾーンPDQの面積も広いため、その中にGおよびHなどのノードがある尤度がさらに大きくなる。(USP6553020)
$$ When answered in the affirmative a random number is generated at step 1504 lying within the range 0 to 9999. / 質問の答えが肯定である場合、ステップ1504において0乃至9999の範囲内でランダムな数が生成される。(USP6182079)
$$ In this way the pole pieces lie within the vacuum chamber. / このようにして、磁極片は真空チャンバ内に位置する。(USP6190517)
$$ The diameter/length combinations to provide appropriate resistance to flow are disclosed to lie in the range 10 to 20 mm for the length and 0.15 to 0.21 mm for the diameter. / 流れに適切な抵抗を与える直径/長さの組合せは、長さ10から20mmと直径0.15から0.21mmの範囲であることが明らかにされた。(USP6186974)
$$ The tile 10 also comprises a profiled central portion 36 an apex 38 of which lies substantially below a corresponding apex 40 of the portion 12, see especially FIG. 2. / タイル10はまた曲線の中央部36を含み、該中央部の頂部38は側部12の対応した頂部40より実質的に下に位置する、特に図2参照。(USP5941039)
$$ The invention lies in the field of wavelength division multiplexing and RT the design of arrayed waveguide gratings. / 本発明は、波長分割多重化の分野に属し且つ導波管格子の配列の設計に関する。(USP6339664)
LIFT 上げる・除去する
LIFT 上げる・除去する
$$ There is little movement in the straight portions 395 but the curvature in the sharp angle lifts the free end 393 relative to the fixed end 394. / 直線部分395には移動はほとんどないが、鋭角の曲率により、固定端394に関して自由端393が持ち上がる。(USP6833656)
$$ He may make several passes, raising the apparatus 1 each time to lift the apparatus off the carbon prior to the next pass. / 操縦者はこの動作を数回繰り返してもよい。この場合各動作の間に装置1を炭素から離すべく上昇させる。(USP6079969)
$$ Trying to lift the label with liquid water or solvent will have a similar effect. / 液状の水や溶剤でラベルを除去しようとすれば、同じように歪みが生じる。(USP5895075)
$$ In the priming stroke before dispensing the plunger is lifted and the piston 23 remains in the position shown in relation to the stem as it slides up the cylinder 13. / 分配前の始動ストロークにおいて、プランジャが持上げられ、ピストン23がシリンダ13を滑動させられると、該ピストン23が軸に対して示される位置にとどまる。(USP6422434)
$$ The individual limbs 1 to 4 may be lifted onto the production rig either as individual units or in pairs, depending on their size and weight.(USP6409430)
$$ In such an arrangement the pawl could be lifted for example by an electromagnet, when it travelled in a direction against the ratchet action.(USP02017161)
LIFT 上げる・除去する
$$ There is little movement in the straight portions 395 but the curvature in the sharp angle lifts the free end 393 relative to the fixed end 394. / 直線部分395には移動はほとんどないが、鋭角の曲率により、固定端394に関して自由端393が持ち上がる。(USP6833656)
$$ He may make several passes, raising the apparatus 1 each time to lift the apparatus off the carbon prior to the next pass. / 操縦者はこの動作を数回繰り返してもよい。この場合各動作の間に装置1を炭素から離すべく上昇させる。(USP6079969)
$$ Trying to lift the label with liquid water or solvent will have a similar effect. / 液状の水や溶剤でラベルを除去しようとすれば、同じように歪みが生じる。(USP5895075)
$$ In the priming stroke before dispensing the plunger is lifted and the piston 23 remains in the position shown in relation to the stem as it slides up the cylinder 13. / 分配前の始動ストロークにおいて、プランジャが持上げられ、ピストン23がシリンダ13を滑動させられると、該ピストン23が軸に対して示される位置にとどまる。(USP6422434)
$$ The individual limbs 1 to 4 may be lifted onto the production rig either as individual units or in pairs, depending on their size and weight.(USP6409430)
$$ In such an arrangement the pawl could be lifted for example by an electromagnet, when it travelled in a direction against the ratchet action.(USP02017161)
$$ So, in the example shown, the cross-wire 920 determines the source or target position of the light in the lighting effect. / 示された例においては、+印920は照明効果におけるライトのソース位置又はターゲット位置を決定する。(USP6523174)
$$ It is preferable to provide the light source without affecting the performance of the jewel when viewed normally with front lighting. / 普通に正面から光を当ててみたときの宝石のパフォーマンスに影響が及ぶことのない光源を設けることが好ましい。(USP6433483)
$$ Depending on the construction of panel 8, the mirror image of the design 16' may be visible to observer 34 with just the general lighting 10 or spotlight 12 or both means of illumination. / パネル8の構成によって、デザイン16′のミラーイメージは、通常の光源10又はスポットライト12又はその両方の照射手段を用いて、看者34に対し視認可能となる。(USP6212805)
$$ Applications for high power LED white lamps include vehicle headlights and reverse lights, vehicle internal lights, torches and other battery powered lighting devices. (USP01022495)
$$ Edge lighting of panels according to GB Pat. No. 2165292 was disclosed in that document. / 英国特許第2165292号に係るパネルのエッジ照明は、その書類に開示された。(USP6212805)
$$ Furthermore, in low-light conditions, the U.S. Pat. No. 4,973,835 device can only produce a consistent repeating pattern of light pulses at a regular frequency from which it is apparent that there is artificial lighting of the jewel. / さらに、米国特許4,973,835号の装置は、光が弱い状況においては、規則的な周波数で一定の反復パターンの光パルスを生成することができに過ぎず、これでは宝石を人工的に照明していることが明らかである。(USP6433483)
$$ So, in the example shown, the cross-wire 920 determines the source or target position of the light in the lighting effect. / 示された例においては、+印920は照明効果におけるライトのソース位置又はターゲット位置を決定する。(USP6523174)
$$ It is preferable to provide the light source without affecting the performance of the jewel when viewed normally with front lighting. / 普通に正面から光を当ててみたときの宝石のパフォーマンスに影響が及ぶことのない光源を設けることが好ましい。(USP6433483)
$$ Depending on the construction of panel 8, the mirror image of the design 16' may be visible to observer 34 with just the general lighting 10 or spotlight 12 or both means of illumination. / パネル8の構成によって、デザイン16′のミラーイメージは、通常の光源10又はスポットライト12又はその両方の照射手段を用いて、看者34に対し視認可能となる。(USP6212805)
$$ Applications for high power LED white lamps include vehicle headlights and reverse lights, vehicle internal lights, torches and other battery powered lighting devices. (USP01022495)
$$ Edge lighting of panels according to GB Pat. No. 2165292 was disclosed in that document. / 英国特許第2165292号に係るパネルのエッジ照明は、その書類に開示された。(USP6212805)
$$ Furthermore, in low-light conditions, the U.S. Pat. No. 4,973,835 device can only produce a consistent repeating pattern of light pulses at a regular frequency from which it is apparent that there is artificial lighting of the jewel. / さらに、米国特許4,973,835号の装置は、光が弱い状況においては、規則的な周波数で一定の反復パターンの光パルスを生成することができに過ぎず、これでは宝石を人工的に照明していることが明らかである。(USP6433483)