$$ The remaining reaction mixture was dried under vacuum at 60℃ for 6 hours to leave a white solid. / 残った反応混合物を減圧下に60℃で6時間乾燥して白色固体を得た。(USP7592448)
$$ The salt was then dried under vacuum over silica to constant weight (72 h). (USP7371729): 真空下で
$$ The pocket may be formed by, for example, vacuum forming or thermoforming. (USP7105478)
$$ The substrate is then dried under dynamic vacuum for 5 hours. (USP6850003)
$$ A PPV precursor polymer is then spin-coated onto the device, and converted to the PPV layer 8 by heating to 250℃ in dynamic vacuum of around 10.sup.-5 mbar for 10 hours. (USP6002206)
$$ This normally requires a vacuum of at least 150 mbar and for thick webs up to 600 mbar can be preferable. / これには、通常、少なくとも150mbarの吸引が必要であり、厚い(thick)布では600mbarまでとするのが好ましい。(USP8225469)
$$ All systems were kept under vacuum of .about.25 mbar below atmospheric. / 全てのシステムは、大気以下の25mbarまでの真空より下に保持した。(USP8235955)
$$ Conversion is under dynamic vacuum of around 10.sup.-5 mbar for 6 hours at 200℃. (USP6002206)
$$ Preferred conditions may therefore be atmospheric conditions or reduced pressure (but not vacuum) conditions. (USP02038049)
$$ The container is then preferably plunged into an ice bath to condense the steam, and reduce the pressure in the head space to create a vacuum. (USP01014366)
$$ Gas is introduced into the vacuum system in the vicinity of the additional rod set. / ガスがその追加的なロッド・セットに隣接する真空システム内へ導入される。(USP01010354)
$$ GB 635,121 describes a process for the preparation of extracts from aromatic plants by distillation with the help of a hot gas, preferably under high vacuum. / 英国特許第635,121号(GB635,121)は、好ましくは高真空下で、ホットガスを用いた蒸留によって芳香性植物から抽出物を得るための方法について記載している。(USP7622140)
$$ Moreover, they require a high vacuum and high voltages, which makes them expensive and high in power consumption. (USP6858912)
$$ Under normal operating conditions a high vacuum is maintained within the chamber 11, which necessitates that the dielectric section 16 is appropriately sealed to the main structure of the chamber 11. / 普通の動作状態では、室11内において高い真空が維持され、このことは誘電部16が室11の主構造に対して適切に封じられることを必要する。(USP6458239)
$$ In addition, Al/SiC MMC is also difficult to metallize, to join, and can be prone to gas leakage at the high vacuums required for certain applications. (USP6312535)
$$ A rotary vacuum pump having a low vacuum stage and a high vacuum stage. (USP5573387)
$$ The remaining reaction mixture was dried under vacuum at 60℃ for 6 hours to leave a white solid. / 残った反応混合物を減圧下に60℃で6時間乾燥して白色固体を得た。(USP7592448)
$$ The salt was then dried under vacuum over silica to constant weight (72 h). (USP7371729): 真空下で
$$ The pocket may be formed by, for example, vacuum forming or thermoforming. (USP7105478)
$$ The substrate is then dried under dynamic vacuum for 5 hours. (USP6850003)
$$ A PPV precursor polymer is then spin-coated onto the device, and converted to the PPV layer 8 by heating to 250℃ in dynamic vacuum of around 10.sup.-5 mbar for 10 hours. (USP6002206)
$$ This normally requires a vacuum of at least 150 mbar and for thick webs up to 600 mbar can be preferable. / これには、通常、少なくとも150mbarの吸引が必要であり、厚い(thick)布では600mbarまでとするのが好ましい。(USP8225469)
$$ All systems were kept under vacuum of .about.25 mbar below atmospheric. / 全てのシステムは、大気以下の25mbarまでの真空より下に保持した。(USP8235955)
$$ Conversion is under dynamic vacuum of around 10.sup.-5 mbar for 6 hours at 200℃. (USP6002206)
$$ Preferred conditions may therefore be atmospheric conditions or reduced pressure (but not vacuum) conditions. (USP02038049)
$$ The container is then preferably plunged into an ice bath to condense the steam, and reduce the pressure in the head space to create a vacuum. (USP01014366)
$$ Gas is introduced into the vacuum system in the vicinity of the additional rod set. / ガスがその追加的なロッド・セットに隣接する真空システム内へ導入される。(USP01010354)
$$ GB 635,121 describes a process for the preparation of extracts from aromatic plants by distillation with the help of a hot gas, preferably under high vacuum. / 英国特許第635,121号(GB635,121)は、好ましくは高真空下で、ホットガスを用いた蒸留によって芳香性植物から抽出物を得るための方法について記載している。(USP7622140)
$$ Moreover, they require a high vacuum and high voltages, which makes them expensive and high in power consumption. (USP6858912)
$$ Under normal operating conditions a high vacuum is maintained within the chamber 11, which necessitates that the dielectric section 16 is appropriately sealed to the main structure of the chamber 11. / 普通の動作状態では、室11内において高い真空が維持され、このことは誘電部16が室11の主構造に対して適切に封じられることを必要する。(USP6458239)
$$ In addition, Al/SiC MMC is also difficult to metallize, to join, and can be prone to gas leakage at the high vacuums required for certain applications. (USP6312535)
$$ A rotary vacuum pump having a low vacuum stage and a high vacuum stage. (USP5573387)
$$ The antibodies may be monovalent antibodies. / 抗体は一価抗体でもよい。(USP7615210)
$$ Y is an univalent ligand / Yは一価リガンドである (USP6437062)
$$ The divalent linking group represented by L may be a divalent aliphatic group, a divalent aromatic group or a divalent group which contains both aromatic and aliphatic groups. / Lで示される二価の結合基は二価の脂肪族基,二価の芳香族基又は芳香族基と脂肪族基の両方を含む二価の基であってもよい。(USP6254669)
$$ Compounds comprising three atoms of a divalent metal e.g. cobalt, each linked through oxygen atoms to a boron or phosphorus atom and comprising aliphatic monocarboxylic acid residues bonded to the metal are known. / 各々酸素原子を介してホウ素又はリン原子に結合しておりそして金属に結合した脂肪族モノカルボン酸残基を含んでいる二価の金属、例えばコバルトの3個の原子を含む化合物は知られている。(USP6353047)
$$ A film as claimed in claim 9 wherein the Si--Si bonds are formed between trivalent Si molecules. (USP6933246)
$$ The antibodies may be monovalent antibodies. / 抗体は一価抗体でもよい。(USP7615210)
$$ Y is an univalent ligand / Yは一価リガンドである (USP6437062)
$$ The divalent linking group represented by L may be a divalent aliphatic group, a divalent aromatic group or a divalent group which contains both aromatic and aliphatic groups. / Lで示される二価の結合基は二価の脂肪族基,二価の芳香族基又は芳香族基と脂肪族基の両方を含む二価の基であってもよい。(USP6254669)
$$ Compounds comprising three atoms of a divalent metal e.g. cobalt, each linked through oxygen atoms to a boron or phosphorus atom and comprising aliphatic monocarboxylic acid residues bonded to the metal are known. / 各々酸素原子を介してホウ素又はリン原子に結合しておりそして金属に結合した脂肪族モノカルボン酸残基を含んでいる二価の金属、例えばコバルトの3個の原子を含む化合物は知られている。(USP6353047)
$$ A film as claimed in claim 9 wherein the Si--Si bonds are formed between trivalent Si molecules. (USP6933246)
$$ In situations where this approximation is not valid it is appropriate to include in our grating distortion function terms in higher powers of r.sup.2, which modify the quadratic grating distortion. / この近似が成り立たない状況では、2次的格子ひずみを修正する、r2のより高い累乗での格子ひずみ関数項に含むことは適切である。(USP6975457)
$$ Valid timer events cause further adaptation of the control in the appropriate direction. / 有効なタイマイベントは、適切な方向における制御を更に調節する。(USP6330313)
$$ The data I is only accepted by the receiving MIU if the CRC is valid. / このデータIは、CRCが有効であるときのみ受信側MIUによって受け入れられる。(USP6278696)
$$ If the data is valid, the TIU 163 downloads the data to the meter. / データが有効であれば、TIU63はこのデータをメータにダウンロードする。(USP6073174)
$$ Thus the basic premise is that the frames are valid. / 従って、基本的な前提はフレームが有効なことである。(USP5467350)
$$ At such times, the chain of delay elements will only be half full of valid data. / その時、遅延素子のチェーンには、有効データが半分しか満たされていないことになる。(USP5381354)
$$ In situations where this approximation is not valid it is appropriate to include in our grating distortion function terms in higher powers of r.sup.2, which modify the quadratic grating distortion. / この近似が成り立たない状況では、2次的格子ひずみを修正する、r2のより高い累乗での格子ひずみ関数項に含むことは適切である。(USP6975457)
$$ Valid timer events cause further adaptation of the control in the appropriate direction. / 有効なタイマイベントは、適切な方向における制御を更に調節する。(USP6330313)
$$ The data I is only accepted by the receiving MIU if the CRC is valid. / このデータIは、CRCが有効であるときのみ受信側MIUによって受け入れられる。(USP6278696)
$$ If the data is valid, the TIU 163 downloads the data to the meter. / データが有効であれば、TIU63はこのデータをメータにダウンロードする。(USP6073174)
$$ Thus the basic premise is that the frames are valid. / 従って、基本的な前提はフレームが有効なことである。(USP5467350)
$$ At such times, the chain of delay elements will only be half full of valid data. / その時、遅延素子のチェーンには、有効データが半分しか満たされていないことになる。(USP5381354)
$$ With a camera and appropriate recognition logic, the pen could be used, for example, for fingerprint recognition, either as an aim in itself, or for user validation purposes. / カメラおよび適切な認識論理により、ペンは、例えば、それ自体の目的のための、またはユーザ確認のための、指紋認識に用いられうる。(USP6058304)
$$ These are typically read at point-of-sale kiosks or as part of a stock room validation system by an infra-red laser reader. / これらのバーコードは、通常、販売時点情報管理方式(POS)のキオスクで、又は物品貯蔵室の確認システムの一部として、赤外線レーザによって読取られる。(USP5895075)
$$ A label which lacks this validation member 40 can be assumed to be an illicit copy, suggesting that tampering has occurred. / この確認部材40の無い安全ラベルは、不当侵害が加えられたことを示唆する不法なコピーと推定できる。(USP5895075)
$$ When validated, the TSMS 12 adds directory numbers (DN) to the AMP requests, which numbers it obtains from the CSS 14, via the DB 15. / 確認がなされた時、TSMS12はディレクトリ番号(DN)をAMR要求に追加する。この番号はTSMS12がDB15を通してCSS14から手に入れたものである。(USP6073174)
$$ The scanning device will therefore complete the loop of the validation process and validate the carton. / 走査ヘッドは、したがって、確認過程を完了し、カートンの妥当性を確認する。(USP5895075)
$$ The time stamp 44 is used to validate the document token using the window size 28. (USP6397261)
$$ With a camera and appropriate recognition logic, the pen could be used, for example, for fingerprint recognition, either as an aim in itself, or for user validation purposes. / カメラおよび適切な認識論理により、ペンは、例えば、それ自体の目的のための、またはユーザ確認のための、指紋認識に用いられうる。(USP6058304)
$$ These are typically read at point-of-sale kiosks or as part of a stock room validation system by an infra-red laser reader. / これらのバーコードは、通常、販売時点情報管理方式(POS)のキオスクで、又は物品貯蔵室の確認システムの一部として、赤外線レーザによって読取られる。(USP5895075)
$$ A label which lacks this validation member 40 can be assumed to be an illicit copy, suggesting that tampering has occurred. / この確認部材40の無い安全ラベルは、不当侵害が加えられたことを示唆する不法なコピーと推定できる。(USP5895075)
$$ When validated, the TSMS 12 adds directory numbers (DN) to the AMP requests, which numbers it obtains from the CSS 14, via the DB 15. / 確認がなされた時、TSMS12はディレクトリ番号(DN)をAMR要求に追加する。この番号はTSMS12がDB15を通してCSS14から手に入れたものである。(USP6073174)
$$ The scanning device will therefore complete the loop of the validation process and validate the carton. / 走査ヘッドは、したがって、確認過程を完了し、カートンの妥当性を確認する。(USP5895075)
$$ The time stamp 44 is used to validate the document token using the window size 28. (USP6397261)
$$ The amplification value can be unity in certain implementations. / 増幅値は、特定の実施例では1つであってもよい。(USP8323264)
$$ When the ionic strength of the electrolyte has reached a value indicative of the fact that the container is at the end of its useful life, the amber light (56) is illuminated and green light turned off. (USP6981337)
$$ The MMK library function returns a value indicating how many clock cycles the call took, and how successful it was. (USP6691301)
$$ From the ratio of this voltage and the voltage measured in 1) above, together with knowledge of the value R of resistor 44 the computer 22 can calculate the precise value of the resistance of the coil 12, 14. (USP6697742)
$$ The microprocessor can calculate the currents based on the value of the resistances. (USP6351079)
$$ Preferably the third resistive element has a value of resistance equal to the required output resistance of the amplifier, and the first and second resistive elements have values of resistance respectively smaller and greater than said required output resistance by a factor equal to the open-loop voltage gain of said first transistor. / 好ましくは、前記第3抵抗素子は増幅器の所要出力抵抗に等しい抵抗値を有し、かつ第1及び第2抵抗素子はそれぞれ上記所要出力抵抗より第1トランジスタの開ループ電圧利得に等しいファクタだけ小さい及び大きい抵抗値を有することが望ましい。(USP5382919)
$$ The mapping information in the present embodiment is the VPC value shown in FIG. 4, stored in the first word of the compressed section VCS. (USP01047466)
$$ The derived value of QTH is then applied to the macroblocks having a non-zero key average value less than 25%. / これにより求められたQTHは、0%より大きく25%より小さいkey_averageの値を有するマクロブロックに適用される。(USP6757333)
$$ The tape of claim 1, wherein the copolymer has a melt flow index value of less than 6. / 3.上記の共重合体(a)が、6より小さいメルトフローインデックスを有することを特徴とする、請求項1のテープ。(USP6200677)
$$ The offset has both vertical and horizontal components each having a value of less than one pixel. (USP6137496)
$$ These results show that the paper coated with Composition D gave a difference of 35 units between print gloss and sheet gloss, while retaining an acceptable print abrasion value of less than 5. (USP5882396)
$$ If n has a value less than 32, then only the appropriate part of the address is to be enforced. (USP7647403)
$$ The method of claim 11, wherein the wavelength is switchable between a value less than 230 nm to a value of 280 nm. (USP6613210)
$$ The amplification value can be unity in certain implementations. / 増幅値は、特定の実施例では1つであってもよい。(USP8323264)
$$ When the ionic strength of the electrolyte has reached a value indicative of the fact that the container is at the end of its useful life, the amber light (56) is illuminated and green light turned off. (USP6981337)
$$ The MMK library function returns a value indicating how many clock cycles the call took, and how successful it was. (USP6691301)
$$ From the ratio of this voltage and the voltage measured in 1) above, together with knowledge of the value R of resistor 44 the computer 22 can calculate the precise value of the resistance of the coil 12, 14. (USP6697742)
$$ The microprocessor can calculate the currents based on the value of the resistances. (USP6351079)
$$ Preferably the third resistive element has a value of resistance equal to the required output resistance of the amplifier, and the first and second resistive elements have values of resistance respectively smaller and greater than said required output resistance by a factor equal to the open-loop voltage gain of said first transistor. / 好ましくは、前記第3抵抗素子は増幅器の所要出力抵抗に等しい抵抗値を有し、かつ第1及び第2抵抗素子はそれぞれ上記所要出力抵抗より第1トランジスタの開ループ電圧利得に等しいファクタだけ小さい及び大きい抵抗値を有することが望ましい。(USP5382919)
$$ The mapping information in the present embodiment is the VPC value shown in FIG. 4, stored in the first word of the compressed section VCS. (USP01047466)
$$ The derived value of QTH is then applied to the macroblocks having a non-zero key average value less than 25%. / これにより求められたQTHは、0%より大きく25%より小さいkey_averageの値を有するマクロブロックに適用される。(USP6757333)
$$ The tape of claim 1, wherein the copolymer has a melt flow index value of less than 6. / 3.上記の共重合体(a)が、6より小さいメルトフローインデックスを有することを特徴とする、請求項1のテープ。(USP6200677)
$$ The offset has both vertical and horizontal components each having a value of less than one pixel. (USP6137496)
$$ These results show that the paper coated with Composition D gave a difference of 35 units between print gloss and sheet gloss, while retaining an acceptable print abrasion value of less than 5. (USP5882396)
$$ If n has a value less than 32, then only the appropriate part of the address is to be enforced. (USP7647403)
$$ The method of claim 11, wherein the wavelength is switchable between a value less than 230 nm to a value of 280 nm. (USP6613210)
$$ Retraction of the penetrator closes the poppet valves, sealing the pressure barrier, severing the line and allowing the tubing hanger to be pulled. (USP01035287): close (vt)
$$ One problem with at least the Krupin device is that of hysteresis, that is that the valve closes at a lower pressure than it opens. / 少なくもクルーピン器械にともなう一つの問題はヒステリシスであり、これは弁が開くときより低い圧力で閉じることである。(USP6186974): close (vi)
$$ The gas control valve 28 is then closed and the poppet valve 25 closes. / ガス制御バルブ28はその後閉鎖され、ポペットバルブ25が閉じる。(USP6287494): close (vt, vi)
$$ Valve 18 is closed and valve 3 opened. (USP6565755): close (vt)
$$ For example, the valve actuator may be configured to open a valve in an emergency instead of closing the valve. (USP6572076): close (vt)
$$ In FIG. 4b, the valve is shown closed as the closure assembly 13 moves towards the nozzle 14 in the direction of arrow 18b. / 図4bにおいては、閉鎖アセンブリ13がノズル14に向かって移動するにつれて当該弁は閉じるように示されている。(USP7284962): close (vt)
$$ A level detector 32 is activated by a high level of liquid in the tank 20 to stop further water filling the tank 20 by closing the valve 18. (USP6632347): close (vt)
$$ At all other times the valves can be closed. (USP7108285): close (vt)
$$ At this point valve 76 was opened and valve 73 closed. / この時点で、バルブ76を開き、バルブ73を閉じた。(USP7622140): close (vi)
$$ Once sufficient gas has entered the injection chamber, the pin is withdrawn and the shut-off valve is closed. / 十分なガスが一度射出室内に入れば、ピンが後退し、遮断バルブが閉鎖される。(USP6287494): close (vt)
$$ As engine speed/load is increased from idle, all three valves are shut and the system uses both turbines and compressors in series. / エンジンスピード/荷重が空転から増加するにつれて、全ての3つの弁は締められ、システムは、直列のタービン及びコンプレッサの両方を用いる。(USP7607302): shut
$$ When the valve is shut off, it is possible for water to drain out of the mixing chamber 12 and outlet 6. (USP6880575): shut
$$ Retraction of the penetrator closes the poppet valves, sealing the pressure barrier, severing the line and allowing the tubing hanger to be pulled. (USP01035287): close (vt)
$$ One problem with at least the Krupin device is that of hysteresis, that is that the valve closes at a lower pressure than it opens. / 少なくもクルーピン器械にともなう一つの問題はヒステリシスであり、これは弁が開くときより低い圧力で閉じることである。(USP6186974): close (vi)
$$ The gas control valve 28 is then closed and the poppet valve 25 closes. / ガス制御バルブ28はその後閉鎖され、ポペットバルブ25が閉じる。(USP6287494): close (vt, vi)
$$ Valve 18 is closed and valve 3 opened. (USP6565755): close (vt)
$$ For example, the valve actuator may be configured to open a valve in an emergency instead of closing the valve. (USP6572076): close (vt)
$$ In FIG. 4b, the valve is shown closed as the closure assembly 13 moves towards the nozzle 14 in the direction of arrow 18b. / 図4bにおいては、閉鎖アセンブリ13がノズル14に向かって移動するにつれて当該弁は閉じるように示されている。(USP7284962): close (vt)
$$ A level detector 32 is activated by a high level of liquid in the tank 20 to stop further water filling the tank 20 by closing the valve 18. (USP6632347): close (vt)
$$ At all other times the valves can be closed. (USP7108285): close (vt)
$$ At this point valve 76 was opened and valve 73 closed. / この時点で、バルブ76を開き、バルブ73を閉じた。(USP7622140): close (vi)
$$ Once sufficient gas has entered the injection chamber, the pin is withdrawn and the shut-off valve is closed. / 十分なガスが一度射出室内に入れば、ピンが後退し、遮断バルブが閉鎖される。(USP6287494): close (vt)
$$ As engine speed/load is increased from idle, all three valves are shut and the system uses both turbines and compressors in series. / エンジンスピード/荷重が空転から増加するにつれて、全ての3つの弁は締められ、システムは、直列のタービン及びコンプレッサの両方を用いる。(USP7607302): shut
$$ When the valve is shut off, it is possible for water to drain out of the mixing chamber 12 and outlet 6. (USP6880575): shut