$$ Alternatively, all or most of the one or more additives may dissolve into the lubricant all at once. / あるいは、1つまたはそれ以上の添加剤の全てまたは殆どが潤滑油中に一度に溶解してもよい。(USP8327818)
$$ Instead of presenting the choice routes all at once in a route planning tool, we can consider other user interfaces. / ルート選定ツールにおいて同時に選択ルートを提示する代わりに、我々は、他のユーザーインターフェースを考慮できる。(USP8249810)
$$ Child resistance may be realised by having a system that forces the user to perform two actions at once to remove the cassette. / カセットを取り出すためにユーザが1度に2つの操作をしなければならないシステムを有することにより、チャイルドレジスタンスを実現することができる。(USP8201556)
$$ The whole droplet may be illuminated at once to ensure polymerisation commences throughout the droplet at the same time. / 重合が液滴全体で同時に開始することを確実にするために、液滴全体を一度に照明させることができる。(USP8183540)
$$ This is preferably done gradually so as to avoid any audible clicks which may occur if a large number of samples are skipped at once for example. / 例えば、多数のサンプルが一時にスキップされる場合に生じるいかなる可聴クリックも回避するように、好ましくは、これは徐々に行われる。(USP7577260)
$$ The rivet setting tool 1 may thus have one or more buffer magazines 6a attached thereto intermediate the delivery tube 6 and the nose 8 to permit a plurality of fasteners to be held and/or delivered at once. / 直ちに複数のファスナーが保持そして/又は搬送されることを可能にするために、リベット・セッティング・ツール1は、分配チューブ6とノーズ8との間にあって、それに取り付けられた1以上のバッファー・マガジン6aを有してもよい。(USP6692213)
$$ Alternatively, all or most of the one or more additives may dissolve into the lubricant all at once. / あるいは、1つまたはそれ以上の添加剤の全てまたは殆どが潤滑油中に一度に溶解してもよい。(USP8327818)
$$ Instead of presenting the choice routes all at once in a route planning tool, we can consider other user interfaces. / ルート選定ツールにおいて同時に選択ルートを提示する代わりに、我々は、他のユーザーインターフェースを考慮できる。(USP8249810)
$$ Child resistance may be realised by having a system that forces the user to perform two actions at once to remove the cassette. / カセットを取り出すためにユーザが1度に2つの操作をしなければならないシステムを有することにより、チャイルドレジスタンスを実現することができる。(USP8201556)
$$ The whole droplet may be illuminated at once to ensure polymerisation commences throughout the droplet at the same time. / 重合が液滴全体で同時に開始することを確実にするために、液滴全体を一度に照明させることができる。(USP8183540)
$$ This is preferably done gradually so as to avoid any audible clicks which may occur if a large number of samples are skipped at once for example. / 例えば、多数のサンプルが一時にスキップされる場合に生じるいかなる可聴クリックも回避するように、好ましくは、これは徐々に行われる。(USP7577260)
$$ The rivet setting tool 1 may thus have one or more buffer magazines 6a attached thereto intermediate the delivery tube 6 and the nose 8 to permit a plurality of fasteners to be held and/or delivered at once. / 直ちに複数のファスナーが保持そして/又は搬送されることを可能にするために、リベット・セッティング・ツール1は、分配チューブ6とノーズ8との間にあって、それに取り付けられた1以上のバッファー・マガジン6aを有してもよい。(USP6692213)
$$ A 12-byte value which defines the spatial co-ordinates at the time of Content Unit creation. (USP7260304)
$$ At the time of writing, there is a trend towards providing passenger seats in which the back-rest and leg-rest can be maneuvered to form a substantially flat surface with the seat pan on which a passenger can lie down for sleeping. (USP6276635)
$$ In practice, a threshold is determined at the time of recall for each CMM that returns k or more bits set to one, to implement k-point thresholding. (USP7065517)
$$ The output may be visual or audible, for example at the time of testing, or the results may be output as data, for later evaluation. (USP6697742)
$$ Its purpose is to allow different code to be included in the program depending on the situation at the time of compilation. (USP6691301)
$$ A masking agent is most effective at the time of application. (USP6631722)
$$ The subset S2 detect the new channel allocation and retune to the traffic channel T1 at the time of changeover. (USP6600757)
$$ Thus, at the time of transition, the observer is looking at the building with the sign "XYZ" in the first scene. (USP6327381)
$$ A 12-byte value which defines the spatial co-ordinates at the time of Content Unit creation. (USP7260304)
$$ At the time of writing, there is a trend towards providing passenger seats in which the back-rest and leg-rest can be maneuvered to form a substantially flat surface with the seat pan on which a passenger can lie down for sleeping. (USP6276635)
$$ In practice, a threshold is determined at the time of recall for each CMM that returns k or more bits set to one, to implement k-point thresholding. (USP7065517)
$$ The output may be visual or audible, for example at the time of testing, or the results may be output as data, for later evaluation. (USP6697742)
$$ Its purpose is to allow different code to be included in the program depending on the situation at the time of compilation. (USP6691301)
$$ A masking agent is most effective at the time of application. (USP6631722)
$$ The subset S2 detect the new channel allocation and retune to the traffic channel T1 at the time of changeover. (USP6600757)
$$ Thus, at the time of transition, the observer is looking at the building with the sign "XYZ" in the first scene. (USP6327381)
$$ The drive shaft may be attachable to the receptacle and cutting surface. / 駆動軸は、容器及び切削面に取り付け可能とすることができる。(USP8956358)
$$ Audio apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the housing is attachable to eyewear. / 前記ハウジングが眼鏡類に取り付け可能であることを特徴とする請求項1に記載のオーディオ装置。(USP8842870)
$$ The base and the lid may also be attachable to each other by a re-usable non-permanent adhesive. / 基部と蓋は、互いに繰り返し使用可能な非永久接着剤で互いに取り付け可能である。(USP8567597)
$$ Preferably, said sheath remover is removably attachable to said syringe housing in use, for storage. / 好ましくは、シース除去機構は、保管用に、使用中のシリンジ・ハウジングに対して着脱可能である。(USP8337472)
$$ Preferably, the pump has a pump nozzle, the pump nozzle being attachable to a pipette tip. / 好ましくは、ポンプはポンプノズルを有し、該ポンプノズルはピペットチップに取り付け可能である。(USP8101137)
$$ As set forth in FIG. 12, the mirror 100 includes a bracket 102, which is attachable to a vehicle. (USP7114817)
$$ FIG. 2 is a cross section through a stabilising device which is adapted to be removeably attachable to the lubricator shown in FIG. 1; (USP6554808)
$$ The display window area 22 is defined by a front cover or surround (not shown) attachable to the housing 10. (USP6427750)
$$ The appliance comprises a housing 10 attachable by a bracket (not shown) to a wall and containing a tungsten halogen TH lamp 11 behind a transparent lens 12, and a low energy PL lamp 13 behind a translucent lens 14. (USP6276814)
$$ The second referred embodiment of the brewing acoaratus of the invention differs from the first preferred embodiment in the manner in which the brewing assembly is attachable to the upper platform top 24 of the upper platform 9. (USP6250208)
$$ FIG. 7 illustrates the printer 24 with a sealing lid or dust cover 300 attachable to the printer 24 to close the print face 11 in the base of the printer. (USP01024586)
$$ The drive shaft may be attachable to the receptacle and cutting surface. / 駆動軸は、容器及び切削面に取り付け可能とすることができる。(USP8956358)
$$ Audio apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the housing is attachable to eyewear. / 前記ハウジングが眼鏡類に取り付け可能であることを特徴とする請求項1に記載のオーディオ装置。(USP8842870)
$$ The base and the lid may also be attachable to each other by a re-usable non-permanent adhesive. / 基部と蓋は、互いに繰り返し使用可能な非永久接着剤で互いに取り付け可能である。(USP8567597)
$$ Preferably, said sheath remover is removably attachable to said syringe housing in use, for storage. / 好ましくは、シース除去機構は、保管用に、使用中のシリンジ・ハウジングに対して着脱可能である。(USP8337472)
$$ Preferably, the pump has a pump nozzle, the pump nozzle being attachable to a pipette tip. / 好ましくは、ポンプはポンプノズルを有し、該ポンプノズルはピペットチップに取り付け可能である。(USP8101137)
$$ As set forth in FIG. 12, the mirror 100 includes a bracket 102, which is attachable to a vehicle. (USP7114817)
$$ FIG. 2 is a cross section through a stabilising device which is adapted to be removeably attachable to the lubricator shown in FIG. 1; (USP6554808)
$$ The display window area 22 is defined by a front cover or surround (not shown) attachable to the housing 10. (USP6427750)
$$ The appliance comprises a housing 10 attachable by a bracket (not shown) to a wall and containing a tungsten halogen TH lamp 11 behind a transparent lens 12, and a low energy PL lamp 13 behind a translucent lens 14. (USP6276814)
$$ The second referred embodiment of the brewing acoaratus of the invention differs from the first preferred embodiment in the manner in which the brewing assembly is attachable to the upper platform top 24 of the upper platform 9. (USP6250208)
$$ FIG. 7 illustrates the printer 24 with a sealing lid or dust cover 300 attachable to the printer 24 to close the print face 11 in the base of the printer. (USP01024586)
$$ The vertical axis of the graph represents the intensity of the beam. / グラフの縦軸は、ビームの強度を示す。(USP8517579)
$$ For the purpose of the present invention, `diameter` is defined as the size of the minor axis of the hole. / 本発明の目的において、「直径」は、穴の短軸のサイズとして定義される。(USP8294080)
$$ The shaping of the directivity of sound radiation with frequency may be adjusted by the designer by determining the size of the major and minor axes, and if multiple exciters are used the level, frequency and phase response of the electrical signals connected to the exciters. (USP7564984)
$$ In FIG. 1 the exciters 12 are equally spaced in a line running along the length of the long axis of the panel 10. (USP7564984)
$$ The vertical axis of the graph represents the intensity of the beam. / グラフの縦軸は、ビームの強度を示す。(USP8517579)
$$ For the purpose of the present invention, `diameter` is defined as the size of the minor axis of the hole. / 本発明の目的において、「直径」は、穴の短軸のサイズとして定義される。(USP8294080)
$$ The shaping of the directivity of sound radiation with frequency may be adjusted by the designer by determining the size of the major and minor axes, and if multiple exciters are used the level, frequency and phase response of the electrical signals connected to the exciters. (USP7564984)
$$ In FIG. 1 the exciters 12 are equally spaced in a line running along the length of the long axis of the panel 10. (USP7564984)
BAND / 帯域
BAND / 帯域
$$ A banded matrix is a matrix which has non-zero matrix elements in a band of diagonals, all other matrix elements being zero. / バンド行列は、対角線のバンド中にゼロでない行列の要素を有し、他のすべての行列の要素がゼロである行列である。(USP6671666)
$$ High cavitation activity (indicated by arrows) is seen in a 4 kHz band centred at 266 kHz, at about 297 kHz and at 314 kHz. / 高キャビテーション活性(矢印で示されている)は、中心が266kHz、約297kHz、および約314kHzである、4kHzバンドに見ることができる。(USP7608440)
$$ For example, the radio resource may be a frequency band, and the multiple communication channels may be particular frequencies within that frequency band. / 例えば、無線資源は、周波数帯域であり、多重通信チャネルは、その周波数帯域内の特定の周波数であってもよい。(USP02018462)
$$ This emits UV radiation predominantly distributed in the wavelength band 400-440 nm. / これは、波長帯400-440nmに広く分布したUVを放射する。(USP01019809)
$$ The amplifier 14 and the receiver 11 are provided each with a respective bandpass filter 16 whose passband corresponds to the extinction band of the notch filter 15. / 増幅器14および受信機12は、それぞれバンドパスフィルタ16を有し、そのバンドパスフィルタの通過帯域はそのノッチフィルタ15の阻止帯域内に定められる。(USP5446812)
$$ Image data is input at input node 2 and passed to a sub band separator 4. / 映像データは、入力点2を介してサブバンド(分割帯域)分離器4に送られる。(USP5392038)
$$ The amplitude-versus-frequency response of the wideband SP component in the band edge transition regions (not drawn to scale) has one quarter the slope of the steeper narrowband HP component. / 帯域エッジ遷移領域(一定比率に従って図示したものではない)内の広帯域SP成分の振幅-周波数応答は、より急峻な狭帯域HP成分の勾配の4分の1の勾配を持っている。(USP5313279)
$$ As is well known if one transmits a rectangular pulse, a wide frequency band is required because of the harmonics necessary to make up a rectangular pulse. / よく知られるように、矩形パルスを送信する場合には、矩形パルスを作成するために高周波成分を必要とするため広い周波数帯域が必要とされる。(USP5428643)
BAND / 帯域
$$ A banded matrix is a matrix which has non-zero matrix elements in a band of diagonals, all other matrix elements being zero. / バンド行列は、対角線のバンド中にゼロでない行列の要素を有し、他のすべての行列の要素がゼロである行列である。(USP6671666)
$$ High cavitation activity (indicated by arrows) is seen in a 4 kHz band centred at 266 kHz, at about 297 kHz and at 314 kHz. / 高キャビテーション活性(矢印で示されている)は、中心が266kHz、約297kHz、および約314kHzである、4kHzバンドに見ることができる。(USP7608440)
$$ For example, the radio resource may be a frequency band, and the multiple communication channels may be particular frequencies within that frequency band. / 例えば、無線資源は、周波数帯域であり、多重通信チャネルは、その周波数帯域内の特定の周波数であってもよい。(USP02018462)
$$ This emits UV radiation predominantly distributed in the wavelength band 400-440 nm. / これは、波長帯400-440nmに広く分布したUVを放射する。(USP01019809)
$$ The amplifier 14 and the receiver 11 are provided each with a respective bandpass filter 16 whose passband corresponds to the extinction band of the notch filter 15. / 増幅器14および受信機12は、それぞれバンドパスフィルタ16を有し、そのバンドパスフィルタの通過帯域はそのノッチフィルタ15の阻止帯域内に定められる。(USP5446812)
$$ Image data is input at input node 2 and passed to a sub band separator 4. / 映像データは、入力点2を介してサブバンド(分割帯域)分離器4に送られる。(USP5392038)
$$ The amplitude-versus-frequency response of the wideband SP component in the band edge transition regions (not drawn to scale) has one quarter the slope of the steeper narrowband HP component. / 帯域エッジ遷移領域(一定比率に従って図示したものではない)内の広帯域SP成分の振幅-周波数応答は、より急峻な狭帯域HP成分の勾配の4分の1の勾配を持っている。(USP5313279)
$$ As is well known if one transmits a rectangular pulse, a wide frequency band is required because of the harmonics necessary to make up a rectangular pulse. / よく知られるように、矩形パルスを送信する場合には、矩形パルスを作成するために高周波成分を必要とするため広い周波数帯域が必要とされる。(USP5428643)
$$ The lead-based ceramic material used within the detector elements is relatively easy to process and the associated manufacturing technology is mature. / 検出器要素内に使用される鉛を基材とするセラミック材料は処理するのが比較的簡単であり、関連の製造技術が成熟している。(USP8373561)
$$ In use, the container holds a fluid that is electrically conductive, preferably a water-based fluid. / 使用時に、容器は、導電性の流体、好ましくは水性流体を保持する。(USP8273225)
$$ There is some evidence to suggest a link between deposition of steroid-based drugs on a user's throat and an increased risk of throat or lung cancer. / ステロイド系薬剤のユーザの喉への堆積と、喉または肺の癌の危険性の増加との間のリンクを示唆する証拠が存在している。(USP8261739)
$$ Liquid-based inhaler devices are also known. / また、液体ベースの吸入器装置も知られている。(USP8245906)
$$ Current OBD systems for catalytic exhaust gas aftertreatment systems have limited resolution of exhaust gas sensor-based signals. / 触媒排ガス後処理装置に対する現在のOBD機構は、排ガスセンサーによる信号の分解能が限られている。(USP8205437)
$$ Conventional dc-based square wave signalling becomes difficult to implement. / 従来の直流に基づく矩形波の信号は、実現が困難である。(USP8171191)
$$ The wrapper may be a cellulose-based material such a paper, or a tobacco based material such as reconstituted tobacco. / ラッパーは、紙のようなセルロース系材料または再生タバコのようなタバコ系材料であってもよい。(USP8104484)
$$ We first present a theoretical analysis of phase-based deformation estimators. / 最初に、位相に基づく変形見積り法の理論的な解析を示す。(USP8094911)
$$ RSMs are supplied by various manufacturers, including for example the US-based company Electro-Optical Products Corporation. / RSMは種々の製造業者から供給され、例えば、米国系企業Electro-Optical Products Corporationがある。(USP8063366)
$$ FIG. 1 shows a fabrication process of a multi-layer stack for polymer-based printed TFTs; / 図1は高分子系のプリントTFTのマルチレイヤスタックの製造プロセスを示す。(USP8062984)
$$ This is done to protect the longevity of the iron-based ammonia synthesis catalyst, which is poisoned by carbon oxides. / これは、酸化炭素によって毒される鉄系アンモニア合成触媒の寿命を保護するために行われる。(USP8056205)
$$ The other type of communication system is an address-based fieldbus system. / コミュニケーション・システムの他のタイプは、アドレス-ベースド・フィールドバス・システムである。(USP7653442)
$$ FIG. 1d shows an alternative carrier-based UWB transmitter 142, also described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,026,125. (USP7580380)
$$ In the following analysis, computer-based simulations of this kind have been used, using illustrative distributions of devices. (USP7565149)
$$ The output 64 of the FFT is a time-based signal which is then processed using conventional DAB receiver circuitry (not shown). (USP6700936)
$$ Ideally when wrapping such a simulator up as an event-based simulator the clock input shouldn't be treated as a special case. (USP6691301)
$$ The current sources 45, 47 are transistor-based current mirror circuits, an example of which is illustrated in FIG. 6. (USP6664824)
$$ A novel diamond-based detector is disclosed which is suitable for many applications. (USP6613210)
$$ A personal radio-based hearing aid system is provided. (USP6307945)
$$ Conventionally, ink jet printers use a water-based ink. (USP5882396)
$$ As a further alternative, a rule-based approach may be followed. (USP02118196)
$$ The lead-based ceramic material used within the detector elements is relatively easy to process and the associated manufacturing technology is mature. / 検出器要素内に使用される鉛を基材とするセラミック材料は処理するのが比較的簡単であり、関連の製造技術が成熟している。(USP8373561)
$$ In use, the container holds a fluid that is electrically conductive, preferably a water-based fluid. / 使用時に、容器は、導電性の流体、好ましくは水性流体を保持する。(USP8273225)
$$ There is some evidence to suggest a link between deposition of steroid-based drugs on a user's throat and an increased risk of throat or lung cancer. / ステロイド系薬剤のユーザの喉への堆積と、喉または肺の癌の危険性の増加との間のリンクを示唆する証拠が存在している。(USP8261739)
$$ Liquid-based inhaler devices are also known. / また、液体ベースの吸入器装置も知られている。(USP8245906)
$$ Current OBD systems for catalytic exhaust gas aftertreatment systems have limited resolution of exhaust gas sensor-based signals. / 触媒排ガス後処理装置に対する現在のOBD機構は、排ガスセンサーによる信号の分解能が限られている。(USP8205437)
$$ Conventional dc-based square wave signalling becomes difficult to implement. / 従来の直流に基づく矩形波の信号は、実現が困難である。(USP8171191)
$$ The wrapper may be a cellulose-based material such a paper, or a tobacco based material such as reconstituted tobacco. / ラッパーは、紙のようなセルロース系材料または再生タバコのようなタバコ系材料であってもよい。(USP8104484)
$$ We first present a theoretical analysis of phase-based deformation estimators. / 最初に、位相に基づく変形見積り法の理論的な解析を示す。(USP8094911)
$$ RSMs are supplied by various manufacturers, including for example the US-based company Electro-Optical Products Corporation. / RSMは種々の製造業者から供給され、例えば、米国系企業Electro-Optical Products Corporationがある。(USP8063366)
$$ FIG. 1 shows a fabrication process of a multi-layer stack for polymer-based printed TFTs; / 図1は高分子系のプリントTFTのマルチレイヤスタックの製造プロセスを示す。(USP8062984)
$$ This is done to protect the longevity of the iron-based ammonia synthesis catalyst, which is poisoned by carbon oxides. / これは、酸化炭素によって毒される鉄系アンモニア合成触媒の寿命を保護するために行われる。(USP8056205)
$$ The other type of communication system is an address-based fieldbus system. / コミュニケーション・システムの他のタイプは、アドレス-ベースド・フィールドバス・システムである。(USP7653442)
$$ FIG. 1d shows an alternative carrier-based UWB transmitter 142, also described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,026,125. (USP7580380)
$$ In the following analysis, computer-based simulations of this kind have been used, using illustrative distributions of devices. (USP7565149)
$$ The output 64 of the FFT is a time-based signal which is then processed using conventional DAB receiver circuitry (not shown). (USP6700936)
$$ Ideally when wrapping such a simulator up as an event-based simulator the clock input shouldn't be treated as a special case. (USP6691301)
$$ The current sources 45, 47 are transistor-based current mirror circuits, an example of which is illustrated in FIG. 6. (USP6664824)
$$ A novel diamond-based detector is disclosed which is suitable for many applications. (USP6613210)
$$ A personal radio-based hearing aid system is provided. (USP6307945)
$$ Conventionally, ink jet printers use a water-based ink. (USP5882396)
$$ As a further alternative, a rule-based approach may be followed. (USP02118196)
タグ :-BASED
"based on V-ing" の頻度は低めのようである
$$ The leading edge of the collation passes through the first roller pair 510 and into a buckle chute 511 until it reaches an adjustable stop 512, here constituted as a pinch roller pair 513 which selectively stops the collation based on detection of the leading edge position. (USP7306220)
$$ These drawings are based on calculations involving an n-type InSb layer 53 with donor impurity concentration of 10.sup.16 cm.sup.-3. / これらの図面は、ドナー不純物濃度1016cm-3のn型InSb層53に関する計算に基づいている。(USP6809514)
$$ A preferred feature is that a user who placed a bid by telephone may be automatically notified whether or not he or she has won based on recognition of the line identifier when the user calls a given number. / 好ましい特徴は、電話機により入札を行うユーザは、ユーザが所定の番号を呼ぶ時にライン識別子の認識に基づいてユーザが競りに勝ったか否かを自動的に通知されることができる。(USP7577676)
$$ The embodiments described herein are principally concerned with the retrieval of files based on the recognition of a physical object. / ここに説明されている実施形態は、主に物理的なオブジェクトの認識に基づいたファイルの取り出しに関する。(USP7578441)
$$ Antisense technology can be used to control gene expression through triple-helix formation (see below) or antisense DNA or RNA, both of which methods are based on binding of a polynucleotide to DNA or RNA. / アンチセンス技術を用いて、三重鎖ヘリックス形成(以下を参照)またはアンチセンスDNAないしRNAを介する遺伝子発現を制御することができ、この何れの方法もDNAないしRNAにポリヌクレオチドが結合することに基づいている。(USP7615210)
$$ The deposition apparatus is based upon magnetron sputtering sources in which the ion current driven towards the samples is carefully controlled. / このデポジション装置は、マグネトロン・スパッタリング・ソース(magnetron sputteringsource)を基本とし、サンプルに向けて駆動するイオン電流を注意深く制御する。 (USP6383565)
$$ Other concepts have been based on micro-optical electromechanical systems (MOEMS or MEMS) exploiting the physical movement of mirror groups within the device. / 他の構想は、デバイス内でミラー群の物理的運動を利用する微小光学電気機械システム(MOEMSまたはMEMS)を基本としてきた。(USP6980362)
$$ Alternative structures are possible, based on the use of solid silicon cavities. / 中実シリコンキャビティの使用を基本とした、別の構造が可能である。(USP6980362)
$$ Accordingly, a pricing structure can be adopted which is based on charging a relatively small amount for many enquiries rather than a relatively large amount for a limited number of enquiries. (USP5727201)
$$ Other prior proposals have been based on using panels of expanded or foamed polystyrene edge-mounted in housings and also rely primarily on pistonic action. (USP6332029)
$$ This preferred embodiment is made of plastic. Selection of the type of plastic is based on achieving a number of goals: (USP02069615)
"based on V-ing" の頻度は低めのようである
$$ The leading edge of the collation passes through the first roller pair 510 and into a buckle chute 511 until it reaches an adjustable stop 512, here constituted as a pinch roller pair 513 which selectively stops the collation based on detection of the leading edge position. (USP7306220)
$$ These drawings are based on calculations involving an n-type InSb layer 53 with donor impurity concentration of 10.sup.16 cm.sup.-3. / これらの図面は、ドナー不純物濃度1016cm-3のn型InSb層53に関する計算に基づいている。(USP6809514)
$$ A preferred feature is that a user who placed a bid by telephone may be automatically notified whether or not he or she has won based on recognition of the line identifier when the user calls a given number. / 好ましい特徴は、電話機により入札を行うユーザは、ユーザが所定の番号を呼ぶ時にライン識別子の認識に基づいてユーザが競りに勝ったか否かを自動的に通知されることができる。(USP7577676)
$$ The embodiments described herein are principally concerned with the retrieval of files based on the recognition of a physical object. / ここに説明されている実施形態は、主に物理的なオブジェクトの認識に基づいたファイルの取り出しに関する。(USP7578441)
$$ Antisense technology can be used to control gene expression through triple-helix formation (see below) or antisense DNA or RNA, both of which methods are based on binding of a polynucleotide to DNA or RNA. / アンチセンス技術を用いて、三重鎖ヘリックス形成(以下を参照)またはアンチセンスDNAないしRNAを介する遺伝子発現を制御することができ、この何れの方法もDNAないしRNAにポリヌクレオチドが結合することに基づいている。(USP7615210)
$$ The deposition apparatus is based upon magnetron sputtering sources in which the ion current driven towards the samples is carefully controlled. / このデポジション装置は、マグネトロン・スパッタリング・ソース(magnetron sputteringsource)を基本とし、サンプルに向けて駆動するイオン電流を注意深く制御する。 (USP6383565)
$$ Other concepts have been based on micro-optical electromechanical systems (MOEMS or MEMS) exploiting the physical movement of mirror groups within the device. / 他の構想は、デバイス内でミラー群の物理的運動を利用する微小光学電気機械システム(MOEMSまたはMEMS)を基本としてきた。(USP6980362)
$$ Alternative structures are possible, based on the use of solid silicon cavities. / 中実シリコンキャビティの使用を基本とした、別の構造が可能である。(USP6980362)
$$ Accordingly, a pricing structure can be adopted which is based on charging a relatively small amount for many enquiries rather than a relatively large amount for a limited number of enquiries. (USP5727201)
$$ Other prior proposals have been based on using panels of expanded or foamed polystyrene edge-mounted in housings and also rely primarily on pistonic action. (USP6332029)
$$ This preferred embodiment is made of plastic. Selection of the type of plastic is based on achieving a number of goals: (USP02069615)
BASIC / 基本的・塩基性
BASIC / 基本的・塩基性
$$ As will be apparent from reviewing FIG. 9B, the basic flow is as shown in FIG. 9A, although FIG. 9B shows more details of functions calls and messages passed between the various software elements. / 図9Bから明らかなように、基本的な流れは、図9Aに示されている通りだが、図9Bは、各種ソフトウェア要素間でやり取りされる関数呼出しやメッセージについて、より詳しく示している。(USP02018462)
$$ When Z is a basic group or moiety containing a basic group, it is preferably a polyamine or polyimine. / Zが塩基性の基または塩基性の基を含む部位である場合、それはポリアミンもしくはポリイミンであるのが望ましい。(USP03027873)
$$ Nevertheless, the basic principle is that in preferred embodiments, in the absence of a voice call, all of the modems within the ST are used to acquire a downlink of a corresponding communication channel in the packet group. / それでもなお、基本原則は、好適な実施例において、音声呼出しがないときに、ST内の全モデムを使用して、パケット・グループ内の対応する通信チャネルのダウンリンクを獲得することにある。(USP02018462)
$$ The basic technology of fuel cells is now well known. / 燃料電池に関する基本的技術は今日においてはよく知られている。(USP5436086)
$$ A basic arrangement is illustrated in FIG. 1 of the drawings. / 基本的な配置は、図面の1に描かれている。(USP5946131)
$$ FIG. 4 is used to show an example of the basic principle of this embodiment using two light-emitting devices; the embodiment, however, is not limited to the number of devices and geometrical arrangement shown in FIG. 4. / 図4には、2つの発光デバイスを使用するこの態様の基本的な原理の例が示されている。ただし、この態様は、図4に示すデバイスの数および幾何学的配置に限定されるものではない。(USP5929562)
BASIC / 基本的・塩基性
$$ As will be apparent from reviewing FIG. 9B, the basic flow is as shown in FIG. 9A, although FIG. 9B shows more details of functions calls and messages passed between the various software elements. / 図9Bから明らかなように、基本的な流れは、図9Aに示されている通りだが、図9Bは、各種ソフトウェア要素間でやり取りされる関数呼出しやメッセージについて、より詳しく示している。(USP02018462)
$$ When Z is a basic group or moiety containing a basic group, it is preferably a polyamine or polyimine. / Zが塩基性の基または塩基性の基を含む部位である場合、それはポリアミンもしくはポリイミンであるのが望ましい。(USP03027873)
$$ Nevertheless, the basic principle is that in preferred embodiments, in the absence of a voice call, all of the modems within the ST are used to acquire a downlink of a corresponding communication channel in the packet group. / それでもなお、基本原則は、好適な実施例において、音声呼出しがないときに、ST内の全モデムを使用して、パケット・グループ内の対応する通信チャネルのダウンリンクを獲得することにある。(USP02018462)
$$ The basic technology of fuel cells is now well known. / 燃料電池に関する基本的技術は今日においてはよく知られている。(USP5436086)
$$ A basic arrangement is illustrated in FIG. 1 of the drawings. / 基本的な配置は、図面の1に描かれている。(USP5946131)
$$ FIG. 4 is used to show an example of the basic principle of this embodiment using two light-emitting devices; the embodiment, however, is not limited to the number of devices and geometrical arrangement shown in FIG. 4. / 図4には、2つの発光デバイスを使用するこの態様の基本的な原理の例が示されている。ただし、この態様は、図4に示すデバイスの数および幾何学的配置に限定されるものではない。(USP5929562)
$$ Basically, inside the compound document, a structure analogous to a file and directory structure is provided. / 基本的には、複合ドキュメントの内側では、ファイル及びディレクトリ構造に類似した構造が準備される。(USP6523174)
$$ Basically, highly turbulent flows are created in the rearward end of the casing 11, which provides a mixing chamber of significant length between the nozzles 18, 20 and the outlet end of the flame holder 30. / 基本的にバーナーケース11の後端の、ノズル18、20と保炎器30の出口端部との間に形成された著しく長い混合室に高度の乱流が発生する。(USP6250913)
$$ Up-link slots basically contain two different types of data packet. / 上りリンクのスロットは、基本的に2つの異なるデータパケットタイプを含む。(USP6044086)
$$ It is basically an overlay connectionless network, based on the Internet Protocol, which shares the network of Base Sites and Controllers 22, 23 with the GSM network 24, 25, 28. / GPRSは基本的にインターネットプロトコルに基づくオーバーレイ無接続ネットワークであり、ベースサイトおよび制御装置22、23のネットワークをGSMネットワーク24、25、28と共有する。(USP6584098)
$$ The circulator 18 is basically a one-way valve which allows power from the power source 10 to reach the applicator 16 but stops any reflected power reaching the power source. / サーキュレーター18は基本的に一方向弁であり、電源10からの電力がアプリケーター16に達するようにするが、電源に達する反射電力を妨げる。(USP01004075)
$$ The flame holder 30 defines basically annular jets from which streams of mixed fuel and air issue. / 保炎器30には、混合された燃料と空気が流れ出る基本的には円環状の吐出孔が設けられている。(USP6250913)
$$ The STPMP basically provides the decision making for packet transfer. / STPMPは、基本的に、パケット転送の意志決定を行なう。(USP02018462)
$$ The gate 20 is formed of wire basically bent double. (USP02050032)
$$ Chip 200 is basically the same in construction as chip 61 of FIG. 9. (USP01022495)
$$ Basically, inside the compound document, a structure analogous to a file and directory structure is provided. / 基本的には、複合ドキュメントの内側では、ファイル及びディレクトリ構造に類似した構造が準備される。(USP6523174)
$$ Basically, highly turbulent flows are created in the rearward end of the casing 11, which provides a mixing chamber of significant length between the nozzles 18, 20 and the outlet end of the flame holder 30. / 基本的にバーナーケース11の後端の、ノズル18、20と保炎器30の出口端部との間に形成された著しく長い混合室に高度の乱流が発生する。(USP6250913)
$$ Up-link slots basically contain two different types of data packet. / 上りリンクのスロットは、基本的に2つの異なるデータパケットタイプを含む。(USP6044086)
$$ It is basically an overlay connectionless network, based on the Internet Protocol, which shares the network of Base Sites and Controllers 22, 23 with the GSM network 24, 25, 28. / GPRSは基本的にインターネットプロトコルに基づくオーバーレイ無接続ネットワークであり、ベースサイトおよび制御装置22、23のネットワークをGSMネットワーク24、25、28と共有する。(USP6584098)
$$ The circulator 18 is basically a one-way valve which allows power from the power source 10 to reach the applicator 16 but stops any reflected power reaching the power source. / サーキュレーター18は基本的に一方向弁であり、電源10からの電力がアプリケーター16に達するようにするが、電源に達する反射電力を妨げる。(USP01004075)
$$ The flame holder 30 defines basically annular jets from which streams of mixed fuel and air issue. / 保炎器30には、混合された燃料と空気が流れ出る基本的には円環状の吐出孔が設けられている。(USP6250913)
$$ The STPMP basically provides the decision making for packet transfer. / STPMPは、基本的に、パケット転送の意志決定を行なう。(USP02018462)
$$ The gate 20 is formed of wire basically bent double. (USP02050032)
$$ Chip 200 is basically the same in construction as chip 61 of FIG. 9. (USP01022495)
-->be as PP, be as prep
$$ One of the primary uses is as a means of analysing collected fluid samples to detect and quantify specific compounds, or combination of compounds. / 主要な用途の一つは、特定の化合物または化合物の組み合わせを検出して定量するために、収集された流体試料を分析する手段としてのものである。(USP7578972)
$$ An alternative form for the electro-active structure is as a plurality of discrete electro-active elements connected together. / 電気活性構造の他の形態は、複数の個別電気活性素子を一体に接続したものである。(USP6833656)
$$ Another way is as an acoustic filter converting between incident and desired acoustic ranges. (USP6332029) 他の方法は、...としてである
$$ A third use for the head is as an agent interface for on-line services. (USP6549200) 第3の用途は、...としてである
$$ Another common use for hydrogenated fats is as a stabiliser and to control texture in food products. (USP01038872)
-->be as PP, be as prep
$$ One of the primary uses is as a means of analysing collected fluid samples to detect and quantify specific compounds, or combination of compounds. / 主要な用途の一つは、特定の化合物または化合物の組み合わせを検出して定量するために、収集された流体試料を分析する手段としてのものである。(USP7578972)
$$ An alternative form for the electro-active structure is as a plurality of discrete electro-active elements connected together. / 電気活性構造の他の形態は、複数の個別電気活性素子を一体に接続したものである。(USP6833656)
$$ Another way is as an acoustic filter converting between incident and desired acoustic ranges. (USP6332029) 他の方法は、...としてである
$$ A third use for the head is as an agent interface for on-line services. (USP6549200) 第3の用途は、...としてである
$$ Another common use for hydrogenated fats is as a stabiliser and to control texture in food products. (USP01038872)
BE AS+PP ~のとおり;~と同様;~ような
BE AS+PP ~のとおり;~と同様;~ような
$$ The changes made to these positions may be as described above. / それらの位置に対する変化は上記のごときものであってもよい。(USP01010935)
$$ The material may be as disclosed in EP-A-0540818 or US 20020115813. / 材料は、欧州特許出願公開第0540818号明細書または米国特許出願公開第20020115813号明細書に開示されているものであってもよい。(USP7584738)
$$ The second glass cell wall (10) is coated with a bistable surface alignment grating (1), the profile of which is as described with respect to FIG. 1. / 第2のガラスセル壁(10)は、双安定表面アライメント格子(1)(そのプロファイル(profile)は図1との関係で説明されたようなものである)で被覆される。(USP7053975)
$$ The glass was as described in Example 5. / ガラスは例5に説明したものと同様であった。(USP6313192)
$$ The tunnel setting for the illustrated arrangement is as indicated in the drawing (Tunnel 1).(USP01054158)
$$ The way in which the image is created on the display is as described above.(USP6006140)
$$ After subtraction of a uniform phase ramp, the unwrapped phase map is as shown in FIG. 2. / 一定の位相ランプ(phase ramp)を減算すれば、第2図に示すようなアンラップされた位相マップとなる。(USP6208416)
$$ For the arrangement of the described embodiment the set up is as illustrated in FIG. 1; for a change of `hand` the arrangement is as illustrated in FIG. 4.(USP4834839)
BE AS+PP ~のとおり;~と同様;~ような
$$ The changes made to these positions may be as described above. / それらの位置に対する変化は上記のごときものであってもよい。(USP01010935)
$$ The material may be as disclosed in EP-A-0540818 or US 20020115813. / 材料は、欧州特許出願公開第0540818号明細書または米国特許出願公開第20020115813号明細書に開示されているものであってもよい。(USP7584738)
$$ The second glass cell wall (10) is coated with a bistable surface alignment grating (1), the profile of which is as described with respect to FIG. 1. / 第2のガラスセル壁(10)は、双安定表面アライメント格子(1)(そのプロファイル(profile)は図1との関係で説明されたようなものである)で被覆される。(USP7053975)
$$ The glass was as described in Example 5. / ガラスは例5に説明したものと同様であった。(USP6313192)
$$ The tunnel setting for the illustrated arrangement is as indicated in the drawing (Tunnel 1).(USP01054158)
$$ The way in which the image is created on the display is as described above.(USP6006140)
$$ After subtraction of a uniform phase ramp, the unwrapped phase map is as shown in FIG. 2. / 一定の位相ランプ(phase ramp)を減算すれば、第2図に示すようなアンラップされた位相マップとなる。(USP6208416)
$$ For the arrangement of the described embodiment the set up is as illustrated in FIG. 1; for a change of `hand` the arrangement is as illustrated in FIG. 4.(USP4834839)
タグ :BE AS PP
$$ The adjustment mechanism on the right is as in FIG. 10, and the adjustment mechanism on the left is a mirror image of that in FIG. 10, with the direction of the screw threads reversed. / 右側の調節機構は図10に示し、左側の調節機構は図10の調節機構の鏡像であり、ネジの方向が逆になっている。(USP8446677)
$$ It is as in the sensor 50 (like parts being like-referenced) except that it has Hall voltage sensing limbs 53b and 53d which taper to a width d adjacent the central section 53e. / この代替形態は、幅dまですぼんで中心区間53に隣接するホール電圧感知枝53bおよび53dを有することを除き、センサ50と同様である(同様の部分は同様の参照符号を付けてある)。(USP6809514)
$$ In B, the formulation is as in A except that the aluminum trihydroxide has been replaced by a corresponding amount of a calcium carbonate filler. / Bにおいて、配合物は、水酸化アルミニウムを、対応する量の炭酸カルシウム充填剤に置きかえる以外は、Aと同じであった。(USP6245846)
$$ Operative connection is as for FIGS. 17a-c, though any other technique could be used. / 動作的接続は、図17aないし図13cについて同様であるが、他のあらゆる技法でも使用可能である。(USP6816020)
$$ Execution of this type of adaptation is as for adaptation by coexisting primaries, which is discussed next. (USP02042274)
$$ The adjustment mechanism on the right is as in FIG. 10, and the adjustment mechanism on the left is a mirror image of that in FIG. 10, with the direction of the screw threads reversed. / 右側の調節機構は図10に示し、左側の調節機構は図10の調節機構の鏡像であり、ネジの方向が逆になっている。(USP8446677)
$$ It is as in the sensor 50 (like parts being like-referenced) except that it has Hall voltage sensing limbs 53b and 53d which taper to a width d adjacent the central section 53e. / この代替形態は、幅dまですぼんで中心区間53に隣接するホール電圧感知枝53bおよび53dを有することを除き、センサ50と同様である(同様の部分は同様の参照符号を付けてある)。(USP6809514)
$$ In B, the formulation is as in A except that the aluminum trihydroxide has been replaced by a corresponding amount of a calcium carbonate filler. / Bにおいて、配合物は、水酸化アルミニウムを、対応する量の炭酸カルシウム充填剤に置きかえる以外は、Aと同じであった。(USP6245846)
$$ Operative connection is as for FIGS. 17a-c, though any other technique could be used. / 動作的接続は、図17aないし図13cについて同様であるが、他のあらゆる技法でも使用可能である。(USP6816020)
$$ Execution of this type of adaptation is as for adaptation by coexisting primaries, which is discussed next. (USP02042274)
$$ This procedure call is issued asynchronously, so that an FDE 20 can continue processing while the event data is being logged. / この手続き呼は非同期に生成されるので、FDE20が処理を継続しながら、イベントデータをログすることができる。(USP5907602)
$$ Whilst buffer B is being emptied of the pixels of position 4, buffer A is being filled with pixels of position 2 which are read from the CD 131. / バッファーBにはポジション4のピクセルは含有されていないが、一方バッファーAはCD131から読み取られたポジション2のピクセルで満たされている。(USP5559936)
$$ Referring now to FIG. 1, there is shown a laser system embodying this invention and which is being used to perform a material processing operation on a workpiece 10. / 図1は、本発明の実施例であるレーザーシステムであって、一つの加工片10上の材料加工作業を行うために用いられているレーザーシステムを示す図である。(USP5434880)
$$ While frames are being output from the frame stores F1, F2, the other frame stores F3, F4 are being filled, and vice versa. / フレームがフレームメモリF1,F2から出力されているとき、他方のフレームメモリF3,F4には書き込みが行われ、その逆のときは逆となる。(USP5313281)
$$ For example, when a menu is being built up in the control unit, it is not necessary to send the address of the controllable unit with each component of the menu descriptor. / 例えば、メニューが制御ユニットに構築される時、メニュー記述子の各構成要素と共に可制御ユニットのアドレスを送る必要はない。(USP5537605)
$$ Whilst one side of the swing buffer 114 is being written to by its primary Huffman decoder 70 the other side of the swing buffer 114 is being read by the secondary decoder. / 交替バッファ114の一方が対応する1次ハフマン復号器70によって書込まれている間、該バッファ114の他方は2次デコーダによって読出される。(USP5392038)
$$ One side of the swing buffer deshuffle stores 132 is being written to with the quantized data whilst the other side is being read from. / 並べ戻しメモリ(交替バッファ)132の一方が非量子化されたデータで書込まれている間に、他方は読出される。(USP5392038)
$$ This procedure call is issued asynchronously, so that an FDE 20 can continue processing while the event data is being logged. / この手続き呼は非同期に生成されるので、FDE20が処理を継続しながら、イベントデータをログすることができる。(USP5907602)
$$ Whilst buffer B is being emptied of the pixels of position 4, buffer A is being filled with pixels of position 2 which are read from the CD 131. / バッファーBにはポジション4のピクセルは含有されていないが、一方バッファーAはCD131から読み取られたポジション2のピクセルで満たされている。(USP5559936)
$$ Referring now to FIG. 1, there is shown a laser system embodying this invention and which is being used to perform a material processing operation on a workpiece 10. / 図1は、本発明の実施例であるレーザーシステムであって、一つの加工片10上の材料加工作業を行うために用いられているレーザーシステムを示す図である。(USP5434880)
$$ While frames are being output from the frame stores F1, F2, the other frame stores F3, F4 are being filled, and vice versa. / フレームがフレームメモリF1,F2から出力されているとき、他方のフレームメモリF3,F4には書き込みが行われ、その逆のときは逆となる。(USP5313281)
$$ For example, when a menu is being built up in the control unit, it is not necessary to send the address of the controllable unit with each component of the menu descriptor. / 例えば、メニューが制御ユニットに構築される時、メニュー記述子の各構成要素と共に可制御ユニットのアドレスを送る必要はない。(USP5537605)
$$ Whilst one side of the swing buffer 114 is being written to by its primary Huffman decoder 70 the other side of the swing buffer 114 is being read by the secondary decoder. / 交替バッファ114の一方が対応する1次ハフマン復号器70によって書込まれている間、該バッファ114の他方は2次デコーダによって読出される。(USP5392038)
$$ One side of the swing buffer deshuffle stores 132 is being written to with the quantized data whilst the other side is being read from. / 並べ戻しメモリ(交替バッファ)132の一方が非量子化されたデータで書込まれている間に、他方は読出される。(USP5392038)
$$ The typical thickness of the gate dielectric layer is between 150-1000 nm. (USP7629261)
$$ Preferably, the filter is between the first medium and the semi-insulator material. (USP7626756)
$$ A method according to claim 1 wherein the frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline is between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 33 wherein the as-deposited planarization layer is between 21μm and 30μm thick. (USP7567374)
$$ The frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline may be between 5 kHz and 35 kHz and preferably between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ The thickness of the layers 111 and 112 will vary in dependence on the diameter of the mirror but in most cases will be between 0.5 mm and 1 mm.(USP7567374)
$$ Hence according to the present invention the pH of the fluid is controlled to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and preferably to be between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)
$$ The patient's pupil can be assumed to be between 4-5 millimetres in diameter and in practice is likely to be larger. (USP7284863)
$$ In the duodenum the pH is likely to be between 6 and 7, so the trigonal species is likely to be predominant here. (USP7371729)
$$ The angle of taper may be between about 1° and 45°, preferably between about 1° and 25°, and in particular about 4° or 5°. (USP5411157)
$$ For cutting and vaporization (shown by line 202), the peak power can be between 120 watts and 175 watts. (USP6416509)
$$ The number of pixels in a cluster N must be between an upper threshold and a lower threshold for the cluster to be accepted as candidate for consideration as a light emitting point. (USP6263095)
$$ The typical thickness of the gate dielectric layer is between 150-1000 nm. (USP7629261)
$$ Preferably, the filter is between the first medium and the semi-insulator material. (USP7626756)
$$ A method according to claim 1 wherein the frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline is between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 33 wherein the as-deposited planarization layer is between 21μm and 30μm thick. (USP7567374)
$$ The frequency of the signal applied to the pipeline may be between 5 kHz and 35 kHz and preferably between 10 kHz and 32 kHz. (USP7635976)
$$ The thickness of the layers 111 and 112 will vary in dependence on the diameter of the mirror but in most cases will be between 0.5 mm and 1 mm.(USP7567374)
$$ Hence according to the present invention the pH of the fluid is controlled to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and preferably to be between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)
$$ The patient's pupil can be assumed to be between 4-5 millimetres in diameter and in practice is likely to be larger. (USP7284863)
$$ In the duodenum the pH is likely to be between 6 and 7, so the trigonal species is likely to be predominant here. (USP7371729)
$$ The angle of taper may be between about 1° and 45°, preferably between about 1° and 25°, and in particular about 4° or 5°. (USP5411157)
$$ For cutting and vaporization (shown by line 202), the peak power can be between 120 watts and 175 watts. (USP6416509)
$$ The number of pixels in a cluster N must be between an upper threshold and a lower threshold for the cluster to be accepted as candidate for consideration as a light emitting point. (USP6263095)
$$ The notification may be by SMS and the user's "call" may comprise an SMS message rather than a voice call. / この通知はSMSによるものであってもよく、ユーザの“呼”は音声呼ではなくSMSメッセージを含んでいてもよい。(USP7577676): be by
$$ Propulsion of the rivets along the delivery tube is by pressurised fluid such as compressed air or by linear magnetic acceleration. / 分配チューブに沿ったリベットの推進は、圧縮空気のような圧縮流体、あるいは線形の磁気加速による。(USP6692213)
$$ One particular way to achieve this is by careful selection of any fixed capacitative structure, and the provision of capacitors of sufficiently small values, or of a range of values, / これを達成するための1つの個別の道は、何れかのキャパシタンス構成の注意深い選択によることであり、充分に小さい値、または値の範囲でのキャパシタの提供による。(USP6681102)
$$ A preferred route for obtaining the reactant hydrogen fuel gas is by the now well established method of reforming hydrocarbon fuels or their alcohol analogues. / 反応体である水素燃料ガスを得る好ましい方法は、炭化水素燃料またはそのアルコール同族体をリホーミングするという今日では十分に確立されている方法によってである。(USP5436086)
$$ The third method of searching the QUANTARC Electronic Library is by Sfb classification (FIG. 16). / QUANTARC電子ライブラリの3番目の検索方法は、SfB分類によるものである。(USP5559936)
$$ The notification may be by SMS and the user's "call" may comprise an SMS message rather than a voice call. / この通知はSMSによるものであってもよく、ユーザの“呼”は音声呼ではなくSMSメッセージを含んでいてもよい。(USP7577676): be by
$$ Propulsion of the rivets along the delivery tube is by pressurised fluid such as compressed air or by linear magnetic acceleration. / 分配チューブに沿ったリベットの推進は、圧縮空気のような圧縮流体、あるいは線形の磁気加速による。(USP6692213)
$$ One particular way to achieve this is by careful selection of any fixed capacitative structure, and the provision of capacitors of sufficiently small values, or of a range of values, / これを達成するための1つの個別の道は、何れかのキャパシタンス構成の注意深い選択によることであり、充分に小さい値、または値の範囲でのキャパシタの提供による。(USP6681102)
$$ A preferred route for obtaining the reactant hydrogen fuel gas is by the now well established method of reforming hydrocarbon fuels or their alcohol analogues. / 反応体である水素燃料ガスを得る好ましい方法は、炭化水素燃料またはそのアルコール同族体をリホーミングするという今日では十分に確立されている方法によってである。(USP5436086)
$$ The third method of searching the QUANTARC Electronic Library is by Sfb classification (FIG. 16). / QUANTARC電子ライブラリの3番目の検索方法は、SfB分類によるものである。(USP5559936)
$$ This is because the content of the portion (210) is not yet visible in Field I. / これは、部分(210)の内容がフィールドIではまだ見えないためである。(USP8358878)
$$ This may be because the user has pressed a button to say that they want a diversion, or because the system has received new traffic information that changes the cost of using some links. / これはユーザが、迂回路を望むと言うためにボタンを押したか、または、いくつかのリンクを用いることのコストを変える新しい交通情報をシステムが受信したからかもしれない。(USP8249810)
$$ This is because if traffic is arriving at its destination too late to be of use to an application then it is already effectively lost and it is inappropriate to congest a network with traffic that cannot be delivered on time. / これは、トラフィックがその宛先に到着するのが遅すぎて、アプリケーションに役立たない場合、それは実際にはすでに失われており、時間に送達できないトラフィックでネットワークを輻輳することが不適切であるためである。(USP7006435)
$$ One main reason is because the entire weight of the lamp must be supported by the installer while attaching the lamp to the pole 200. (USP6682031)
$$ This may be because of local traffic conditions requiring driver attention. (USP6606033)
$$ The reason that the arrangement of FIG. 3 exhibits only partial confocal behaviour is because the spatial filtering provided by the CCD and computer occurs only in one dimension and not two. (USP5510894)
$$ This may be because the memory area in which the compiled code is stored is required elsewhere, or because assumptions that where made during compilation are no longer valid. (USP02029357)
$$ This may be because the code buffer is required for use elsewhere, or because assumptions that were made during compilation are no longer valid. (USP02029357)
$$ This is because the content of the portion (210) is not yet visible in Field I. / これは、部分(210)の内容がフィールドIではまだ見えないためである。(USP8358878)
$$ This may be because the user has pressed a button to say that they want a diversion, or because the system has received new traffic information that changes the cost of using some links. / これはユーザが、迂回路を望むと言うためにボタンを押したか、または、いくつかのリンクを用いることのコストを変える新しい交通情報をシステムが受信したからかもしれない。(USP8249810)
$$ This is because if traffic is arriving at its destination too late to be of use to an application then it is already effectively lost and it is inappropriate to congest a network with traffic that cannot be delivered on time. / これは、トラフィックがその宛先に到着するのが遅すぎて、アプリケーションに役立たない場合、それは実際にはすでに失われており、時間に送達できないトラフィックでネットワークを輻輳することが不適切であるためである。(USP7006435)
$$ One main reason is because the entire weight of the lamp must be supported by the installer while attaching the lamp to the pole 200. (USP6682031)
$$ This may be because of local traffic conditions requiring driver attention. (USP6606033)
$$ The reason that the arrangement of FIG. 3 exhibits only partial confocal behaviour is because the spatial filtering provided by the CCD and computer occurs only in one dimension and not two. (USP5510894)
$$ This may be because the memory area in which the compiled code is stored is required elsewhere, or because assumptions that where made during compilation are no longer valid. (USP02029357)
$$ This may be because the code buffer is required for use elsewhere, or because assumptions that were made during compilation are no longer valid. (USP02029357)
$$ .sup.1 H NMR was found to be in accordance with the above structure. / 1H NMRは、前記の構造と一致することが判明した。(USP6797699)
$$ FIG. 7 shows a schematic implementation of an atomic force microscope that includes a probe, which is in accordance with a sixth embodiment of the present invention. / 図7はこの発明の第6実施例に従ったプローブを含む原子間力顕微鏡の概略的な実現方法を示す。(USP7596989)
$$ In preferred embodiments, routing between the hosts is in accordance with a shared-tree protocol. / 好ましい実施形態では、ホスト間のルート設定は共有のツリープロトコルにしたがう。(USP6163807)
$$ The Gray code mapping is in accordance with the form A in the above table. / グレイ符号マッピングは、前表の形式Aに従う。(USP5428643)
$$ As to the number of studs, this may be in accordance with conventional layouts. (USP6357146)
$$ A method embodying this invention can therefore produce a visual display that can be configured to exhibit movement with characteristics that are in accordance with a predefined model. (USP02118196)
$$ .sup.1 H NMR was found to be in accordance with the above structure. / 1H NMRは、前記の構造と一致することが判明した。(USP6797699)
$$ FIG. 7 shows a schematic implementation of an atomic force microscope that includes a probe, which is in accordance with a sixth embodiment of the present invention. / 図7はこの発明の第6実施例に従ったプローブを含む原子間力顕微鏡の概略的な実現方法を示す。(USP7596989)
$$ In preferred embodiments, routing between the hosts is in accordance with a shared-tree protocol. / 好ましい実施形態では、ホスト間のルート設定は共有のツリープロトコルにしたがう。(USP6163807)
$$ The Gray code mapping is in accordance with the form A in the above table. / グレイ符号マッピングは、前表の形式Aに従う。(USP5428643)
$$ As to the number of studs, this may be in accordance with conventional layouts. (USP6357146)
$$ A method embodying this invention can therefore produce a visual display that can be configured to exhibit movement with characteristics that are in accordance with a predefined model. (USP02118196)
$$ Also shown in FIG. 31 is a first and second `stub` connections 82 and 83, though there could be more of either or each. / 図31にも示すように、第1および第2「スタブ」接続82および83があるが、いずれかまたは各々がそれ以上あることも可能である。(USP6816020)
$$ These disadvantages are far more of a problem than they are for composite resins because of the small toxic monomers currently used in resin-modified glass-ionomers. / これらの欠点は、樹脂修飾グラスイオノマーにおいて小さな毒性を有するモノマーが現在用いられているため、複合樹脂にとって問題となるよりもさらにかなり深刻な問題である。(USP6313192)
$$ In such cases interference is more of an issue as compared to arrangements which use different frequency bands in neighbouring sectors.(USP6480524)
$$ This is more of an issue with Handel-C than with conventional C because variables should be just wide enough to contain the largest value required (and no wider). (USP6691301)
$$ This is much more of a problem for polysilicon displays used in digital projectors as the pixel size (15-30 microns) is much smaller than in amorphous silicon displays (100-200 microns). (USP6559914)
$$ Also shown in FIG. 31 is a first and second `stub` connections 82 and 83, though there could be more of either or each. / 図31にも示すように、第1および第2「スタブ」接続82および83があるが、いずれかまたは各々がそれ以上あることも可能である。(USP6816020)
$$ These disadvantages are far more of a problem than they are for composite resins because of the small toxic monomers currently used in resin-modified glass-ionomers. / これらの欠点は、樹脂修飾グラスイオノマーにおいて小さな毒性を有するモノマーが現在用いられているため、複合樹脂にとって問題となるよりもさらにかなり深刻な問題である。(USP6313192)
$$ In such cases interference is more of an issue as compared to arrangements which use different frequency bands in neighbouring sectors.(USP6480524)
$$ This is more of an issue with Handel-C than with conventional C because variables should be just wide enough to contain the largest value required (and no wider). (USP6691301)
$$ This is much more of a problem for polysilicon displays used in digital projectors as the pixel size (15-30 microns) is much smaller than in amorphous silicon displays (100-200 microns). (USP6559914)
$$ For a voice call this is acceptable, as the loss of a particular packet is much less important than it is in a normal data call, where all packets must be received if the data is not to be corrupted. / これは音声呼において、データが破損されないときに全てのパケットが受取られなければならない場合に、特定のパケットの損失が正規のデータ呼の損失ほど重要でないときに許容できる。(USP6584098)
$$ An alternative approach to compensating for temperature changes in use within the imager device is not to allow the temperature of the device to change (or at least not to allow the temperature of one or more critical components to change). / 画像化装置内の使用時の温度変化を補償する別の選択肢となる取り組みは、装置の温度を変化させない(あるいは1つまたは複数の重要な部品の温度を少なくとも変化させない)ことである。(USP6900756)
$$ If a pressure sensitive contact device is used on the probe tip then this will signal when data is not to be collected, and the operator can stop the mapping stage. / 圧感接触装置をプローブ先端に用いる場合、データが 収集されていない場合にこの装置が信号を送り、オペレータがマッピング段階を終了さ せることもできる。(USP7576332)
$$ The references hereafter to tape refer to one particular application but are not to be taken as limiting. (USP7343081)
$$ It should be appreciated that modifications and alterations obvious to those skilled in the art are not to be considered as beyond the scope of the present invention. (USP6771565)
$$ At point B, after processing by the primary lookup tables 3, all of the corrected R, G and B signals, including those that are not to be modified, are provided (possibly downsampled) to the secondary signal path. (USP6075887)
$$ The problem is particularly relevant to single-pilot and dual-pilot aircraft although this is not to say that the likelihood of three or more pilots falling asleep simultaneously in a given aircraft is remote.(USP4879542)that以下とは言えないまでも;言うほどでもないが
$$ The alternatives are not to use the GID based pixel ownership tests for one of the buffers but rely on the scissor clipping, or to install a second set of GID planes so each buffer has it's own set.(USP5727192)
$$ The pixels that are not to be modified are passed through the digital colour processor ("DCP") without any processing that could create rounding or other errors.(USP6075887)
$$ For a voice call this is acceptable, as the loss of a particular packet is much less important than it is in a normal data call, where all packets must be received if the data is not to be corrupted. / これは音声呼において、データが破損されないときに全てのパケットが受取られなければならない場合に、特定のパケットの損失が正規のデータ呼の損失ほど重要でないときに許容できる。(USP6584098)
$$ An alternative approach to compensating for temperature changes in use within the imager device is not to allow the temperature of the device to change (or at least not to allow the temperature of one or more critical components to change). / 画像化装置内の使用時の温度変化を補償する別の選択肢となる取り組みは、装置の温度を変化させない(あるいは1つまたは複数の重要な部品の温度を少なくとも変化させない)ことである。(USP6900756)
$$ If a pressure sensitive contact device is used on the probe tip then this will signal when data is not to be collected, and the operator can stop the mapping stage. / 圧感接触装置をプローブ先端に用いる場合、データが 収集されていない場合にこの装置が信号を送り、オペレータがマッピング段階を終了さ せることもできる。(USP7576332)
$$ The references hereafter to tape refer to one particular application but are not to be taken as limiting. (USP7343081)
$$ It should be appreciated that modifications and alterations obvious to those skilled in the art are not to be considered as beyond the scope of the present invention. (USP6771565)
$$ At point B, after processing by the primary lookup tables 3, all of the corrected R, G and B signals, including those that are not to be modified, are provided (possibly downsampled) to the secondary signal path. (USP6075887)
$$ The problem is particularly relevant to single-pilot and dual-pilot aircraft although this is not to say that the likelihood of three or more pilots falling asleep simultaneously in a given aircraft is remote.(USP4879542)that以下とは言えないまでも;言うほどでもないが
$$ The alternatives are not to use the GID based pixel ownership tests for one of the buffers but rely on the scissor clipping, or to install a second set of GID planes so each buffer has it's own set.(USP5727192)
$$ The pixels that are not to be modified are passed through the digital colour processor ("DCP") without any processing that could create rounding or other errors.(USP6075887)
$$ It has thus been shown that it has hitherto not been possible to produce 2,6,8,12-tetranitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaiso wurtzitane (compound D) using the methods of the prior art. / こうして、先行技術の方法を用いて、2,6,8,12-テトラニトロ-2,4,6,8,10,12-ヘキサアザイソウルチタン(化合物D)を生成させることは、これまで可能でなかったことが示された。(USP7592448)
$$ Because of this problem, it has not been possible simply to align source and target language phrases by using connection data connecting the head words of the phrases. / この問題のため、句の主要語(head)ワードを連結する連結データを用いることによりソース言語の句とターゲット言語の句を単に位置合わせする(align)ことは可能ではなかった。(USP7565281)
$$ The visible light reflector provides this feedback as effectively as known devices but more cheaply than has hitherto been possible. / この可視光反射器は既知の装置と同じくらい効果的にこのフィードバックを行なうのに、従来可能であったでよりも廉価にすることができる。(USP6687389)
$$ Accordingly it has not been possible to utilise the printing means of a postage meter to print on relatively short items such as smartcards. (USP02021931)
$$ Thus, a user can alter the partitioning behaviour of the cache, thus providing much greater flexibility than has hitherto been possible. (USP02002657)
$$ It has thus been shown that it has hitherto not been possible to produce 2,6,8,12-tetranitro-2,4,6,8,10,12-hexaazaiso wurtzitane (compound D) using the methods of the prior art. / こうして、先行技術の方法を用いて、2,6,8,12-テトラニトロ-2,4,6,8,10,12-ヘキサアザイソウルチタン(化合物D)を生成させることは、これまで可能でなかったことが示された。(USP7592448)
$$ Because of this problem, it has not been possible simply to align source and target language phrases by using connection data connecting the head words of the phrases. / この問題のため、句の主要語(head)ワードを連結する連結データを用いることによりソース言語の句とターゲット言語の句を単に位置合わせする(align)ことは可能ではなかった。(USP7565281)
$$ The visible light reflector provides this feedback as effectively as known devices but more cheaply than has hitherto been possible. / この可視光反射器は既知の装置と同じくらい効果的にこのフィードバックを行なうのに、従来可能であったでよりも廉価にすることができる。(USP6687389)
$$ Accordingly it has not been possible to utilise the printing means of a postage meter to print on relatively short items such as smartcards. (USP02021931)
$$ Thus, a user can alter the partitioning behaviour of the cache, thus providing much greater flexibility than has hitherto been possible. (USP02002657)
-->just (below)
$$ Below an example is given to explain the formulas above: / 以下に、前記の数式を説明するために例が示されている。(USP7616582)
$$ Below the sheet feeders 1 to 4 is located the envelope feeder 600. (USP7306220)
$$ Below this point, the oven controls the device's temperature. / 設定点よりも低い場合には、恒温槽はデバイスの温度を制御する。(USP7573345)
$$ Below is an example of how a floating-point number is defined. (USP6691301)
$$ The functions of these parts will be described fully below. / これら部材の機能については追って詳しく説明する。(USP6691849)
$$ This form of grating is used as part of an illumination system described below. / このような格子の形状は、以下で説明する照明系の一部として用いられる。(USP6975457)
$$ The ACS is de-allocated when the call level to the number falls well below the capacity of the answering centre. / 電話番号の呼レベルが、応答センタの容量よりも相当に低いときにACSは割当てを解かれる。(USP6330313)
$$ The beaker was transferred to an ice bath and stirring continued at 100 rpm until the temperature had dropped to below 10℃. / ビーカーを氷浴に移し、温度が10℃以下に降下するまで100rpmで攪拌を継続した。(USP6465626)
$$ FIGS. 13 to 18 show embodiments of the invention in which the mirror is supported from below by a compliant support structure. (USP7567374)
-->just (below)
$$ Below an example is given to explain the formulas above: / 以下に、前記の数式を説明するために例が示されている。(USP7616582)
$$ Below the sheet feeders 1 to 4 is located the envelope feeder 600. (USP7306220)
$$ Below this point, the oven controls the device's temperature. / 設定点よりも低い場合には、恒温槽はデバイスの温度を制御する。(USP7573345)
$$ Below is an example of how a floating-point number is defined. (USP6691301)
$$ The functions of these parts will be described fully below. / これら部材の機能については追って詳しく説明する。(USP6691849)
$$ This form of grating is used as part of an illumination system described below. / このような格子の形状は、以下で説明する照明系の一部として用いられる。(USP6975457)
$$ The ACS is de-allocated when the call level to the number falls well below the capacity of the answering centre. / 電話番号の呼レベルが、応答センタの容量よりも相当に低いときにACSは割当てを解かれる。(USP6330313)
$$ The beaker was transferred to an ice bath and stirring continued at 100 rpm until the temperature had dropped to below 10℃. / ビーカーを氷浴に移し、温度が10℃以下に降下するまで100rpmで攪拌を継続した。(USP6465626)
$$ FIGS. 13 to 18 show embodiments of the invention in which the mirror is supported from below by a compliant support structure. (USP7567374)
BEND (名詞)
BEND (名詞)
$$ The major curve may also consist of straight portions joined by one or more bends. / 大曲線はまた、1つまたは複数の曲げにより結合された複数の直線部分で構成することもできる。(USP6833656): 曲げ
$$ It will be understood that the rivet momentum is variable with the air pressure supply (that propels the rivets along the tube), rivet mass and restrictions in the passage of the delivery tube (caused by kinks, bends, dirt and wear etc). / リベットの勢いは、空気圧供給(それは、チューブに沿ってリベットを推進する)、分配チューブの通路でのリベット質量及び制限(ねじれ、屈曲、汚れ、摩耗などによって引き起こされる)で変化することは理解されるだろう。(USP6692213): 屈曲
$$ The thin portion 1101 provide less resistance to the formation of bends and therefore, require less manual force to enable a bend to be formed. (USP6585162)
$$ As will be understood optical fibres are guided along these tracks and about the mandrel so that bends therein are not more than the minimum bend radius for the fibre. / ベンドがオプチカルファイバのための最小ベンド半径以下になるように、オプチカルファイバがこれらのトラックにそってかつマンドレルのまわりに案内される。(USP6418264)
$$ An electro-active device as claimed in claim 28, wherein the minor axis curves in a curve consisting of straight portions between at least one bend. (USP6833656)
$$ At the position of a bend the warp nylon rods 1202 are displaced from a common plane as shown in FIG. 14A and the elasticity of the weft fabric fibres facilitates this displacement to form a bend as shown in FIG. 14B. (USP6585162)
BEND (名詞)
$$ The major curve may also consist of straight portions joined by one or more bends. / 大曲線はまた、1つまたは複数の曲げにより結合された複数の直線部分で構成することもできる。(USP6833656): 曲げ
$$ It will be understood that the rivet momentum is variable with the air pressure supply (that propels the rivets along the tube), rivet mass and restrictions in the passage of the delivery tube (caused by kinks, bends, dirt and wear etc). / リベットの勢いは、空気圧供給(それは、チューブに沿ってリベットを推進する)、分配チューブの通路でのリベット質量及び制限(ねじれ、屈曲、汚れ、摩耗などによって引き起こされる)で変化することは理解されるだろう。(USP6692213): 屈曲
$$ The thin portion 1101 provide less resistance to the formation of bends and therefore, require less manual force to enable a bend to be formed. (USP6585162)
$$ As will be understood optical fibres are guided along these tracks and about the mandrel so that bends therein are not more than the minimum bend radius for the fibre. / ベンドがオプチカルファイバのための最小ベンド半径以下になるように、オプチカルファイバがこれらのトラックにそってかつマンドレルのまわりに案内される。(USP6418264)
$$ An electro-active device as claimed in claim 28, wherein the minor axis curves in a curve consisting of straight portions between at least one bend. (USP6833656)
$$ At the position of a bend the warp nylon rods 1202 are displaced from a common plane as shown in FIG. 14A and the elasticity of the weft fabric fibres facilitates this displacement to form a bend as shown in FIG. 14B. (USP6585162)
タグ :BEND
$$ The treatment agents are administered at a dose (or in multiple doses) which produces a beneficial therapeutic effect in the patient. / 患者に有益な治療的効果を生じる用量(または、複数用量)で治療剤を投与する。(USP7615210)
$$ Therefore, it is beneficial that each region has spatially varying filtering properties for use in fine-tuning the filter. / それ故、各領域は、フィルタを微同調するのに使用するための空間的に変化するフィルタ特性を有するのが便利である。(USP6788479)
$$ We have appreciated that it would be beneficial to collect more of the light that is scattered by scratches on the surface of, or other deformities in or on, the film. (USP7177050)
$$ This can be beneficial from a packaging point of view. (USP7025484)
$$ However, in some commercially important cases, the ability to tow the system at depth is beneficial. (USP6771565)
$$ The embodiments of the invention hereinafter described beneficially include a Supervisor of the type disclosed previously in PCT/GB91/00261. (USP6684309)
$$ The provision of the end cap 84 has several beneficial effects. (USP6629974)
$$ A brief description of this device is beneficial to an understanding of the present invention. (USP6615612)
$$ This fact becomes beneficial if there is a constant axial force such as gravity force that needs to be compensated. (USP6304015)
$$ The treatment agents are administered at a dose (or in multiple doses) which produces a beneficial therapeutic effect in the patient. / 患者に有益な治療的効果を生じる用量(または、複数用量)で治療剤を投与する。(USP7615210)
$$ Therefore, it is beneficial that each region has spatially varying filtering properties for use in fine-tuning the filter. / それ故、各領域は、フィルタを微同調するのに使用するための空間的に変化するフィルタ特性を有するのが便利である。(USP6788479)
$$ We have appreciated that it would be beneficial to collect more of the light that is scattered by scratches on the surface of, or other deformities in or on, the film. (USP7177050)
$$ This can be beneficial from a packaging point of view. (USP7025484)
$$ However, in some commercially important cases, the ability to tow the system at depth is beneficial. (USP6771565)
$$ The embodiments of the invention hereinafter described beneficially include a Supervisor of the type disclosed previously in PCT/GB91/00261. (USP6684309)
$$ The provision of the end cap 84 has several beneficial effects. (USP6629974)
$$ A brief description of this device is beneficial to an understanding of the present invention. (USP6615612)
$$ This fact becomes beneficial if there is a constant axial force such as gravity force that needs to be compensated. (USP6304015)
$$ FIG. 11 shows part of the apparatus of FIG. 3 illustrating communication between sensor units and between the apparatus and a base station. (USP7635976)
$$ Connections exist between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 102 by means of the solder paste 104 and between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 112 by means of the solder paste 114. (USP6940168)
$$ A 100 nF ceramic plate capacitor was connected between pin 1 of the AD595 and the copper ground plane and between the supply positive input to pin 11 and the copper ground plane. (USP6629974)
$$ Between the films 120.2 and 120.3 there is a first salt retention passage 122 and between the films 120.4 and 120.5 there is a further salt retention passage 124. (USP6217773)
$$ The screen may be arcuate in at least one direction and each interconnection between adjacent first anodes and between adjacent second anodes comprises a resistive element. (USP6002207)
$$ Note that the communications between the components of the switch element and between the arbiter servers of each switch element are all synchronised, i.e. there is an implicit handshake in each one. (USP5422881)
$$ The control valve member 42 is engageable with the first and second valve seatings 52a, 52b respectively to control communication between the control chamber 62 and the supply passage 15 and between the control chamber 62 and the low pressure drain. (USP01035464)
$$ FIG. 11 shows part of the apparatus of FIG. 3 illustrating communication between sensor units and between the apparatus and a base station. (USP7635976)
$$ Connections exist between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 102 by means of the solder paste 104 and between each of the solder balls 106 and the contacts 112 by means of the solder paste 114. (USP6940168)
$$ A 100 nF ceramic plate capacitor was connected between pin 1 of the AD595 and the copper ground plane and between the supply positive input to pin 11 and the copper ground plane. (USP6629974)
$$ Between the films 120.2 and 120.3 there is a first salt retention passage 122 and between the films 120.4 and 120.5 there is a further salt retention passage 124. (USP6217773)
$$ The screen may be arcuate in at least one direction and each interconnection between adjacent first anodes and between adjacent second anodes comprises a resistive element. (USP6002207)
$$ Note that the communications between the components of the switch element and between the arbiter servers of each switch element are all synchronised, i.e. there is an implicit handshake in each one. (USP5422881)
$$ The control valve member 42 is engageable with the first and second valve seatings 52a, 52b respectively to control communication between the control chamber 62 and the supply passage 15 and between the control chamber 62 and the low pressure drain. (USP01035464)
$$ Preferably, the connection is made between each arm. / 好ましくは、その接続は、各アームの間で行われる。(USP8584878)
$$ Preferably, at least two iteration sections comprise a filter, and the filter characteristics vary between each section. (USP7639077)
$$ The pawls 50-55 are positioned equiangularly around the axis of rotation of the other clutch part 19 and hence there is 60° between each pawl. (USP4838400)
$$ It will be appreciated that the combination of an x accelerometer trace and a y accelerometer trace will serve further to emphasise the difference between each input letter. (USP7054510)
$$ This can be achieved by using intermediate buffer storage between the two systems that are transferring data between each other. (USP6691301)
$$ There is a gap of 0.5 ms (55) between each pulse. (USP6087786)
$$ Preferably, the connection is made between each arm. / 好ましくは、その接続は、各アームの間で行われる。(USP8584878)
$$ Preferably, at least two iteration sections comprise a filter, and the filter characteristics vary between each section. (USP7639077)
$$ The pawls 50-55 are positioned equiangularly around the axis of rotation of the other clutch part 19 and hence there is 60° between each pawl. (USP4838400)
$$ It will be appreciated that the combination of an x accelerometer trace and a y accelerometer trace will serve further to emphasise the difference between each input letter. (USP7054510)
$$ This can be achieved by using intermediate buffer storage between the two systems that are transferring data between each other. (USP6691301)
$$ There is a gap of 0.5 ms (55) between each pulse. (USP6087786)
$$ Turning now to FIG. 3C, between and through mutually spaced apart plates 109, 111, extend substantially cylindrical pins 113, 115, 117. / ところで図3に話を変えると、互いに離間して配置されたプレート109、111の間及びプレートを貫いて、実質的に円柱形のピン113、115、117が延びている。(USP8616269)
$$ The RECN signaling protocol operates between and through the switches out to the end stations in a MIN to manage the allocation, population and de-allocation of the SAQs by flows which are persistently congested. / RECNシグナリングプロトコルは、持続的輻輳状態であるフローによって、複数のSAQの割り当て、集団、割り当て解除を管理するために、複数スイッチ間及び複数スイッチを通ってMINのエンドステーションへと作動する。(USP8174978)
$$ When the third gear wheel 17 is engaged, momentarily drive is transmitted between the input and output shafts 3,1 simultaneously through 2nd and 3rd gears. / 第3のギアホイール17が係合すると、一瞬、駆動力が入力および出力シャフト3、1間を、2番および3番のギアを介して同時に伝達される。(USP8171814)
$$ Herein, the length of the originating conductor 17 is taken as S, and corresponds to two `laps` of the transmission-line 15 as defined between the spaced loop traces 15a, 15b and through the cross-over 19. / ここでは、元の導体17の長さをSとし、交差19を通って離間したループ・トレース15a、15b間に規定した、伝送線15の2「周」に対応する。(USP6816020)
$$ The whistle defined in claim 18 wherein said bracket has at least two exposed concave surfaces and an intervening convex surface, said strap being spaced from said concave surfaces when extending between and through said openings in a longitudinally taut condition. (USP6416379)
$$ An electric current is passed between the cathode and anode through the water in both chambers and the porous membrane separating the chambers. (USP6632347)
$$ Turning now to FIG. 3C, between and through mutually spaced apart plates 109, 111, extend substantially cylindrical pins 113, 115, 117. / ところで図3に話を変えると、互いに離間して配置されたプレート109、111の間及びプレートを貫いて、実質的に円柱形のピン113、115、117が延びている。(USP8616269)
$$ The RECN signaling protocol operates between and through the switches out to the end stations in a MIN to manage the allocation, population and de-allocation of the SAQs by flows which are persistently congested. / RECNシグナリングプロトコルは、持続的輻輳状態であるフローによって、複数のSAQの割り当て、集団、割り当て解除を管理するために、複数スイッチ間及び複数スイッチを通ってMINのエンドステーションへと作動する。(USP8174978)
$$ When the third gear wheel 17 is engaged, momentarily drive is transmitted between the input and output shafts 3,1 simultaneously through 2nd and 3rd gears. / 第3のギアホイール17が係合すると、一瞬、駆動力が入力および出力シャフト3、1間を、2番および3番のギアを介して同時に伝達される。(USP8171814)
$$ Herein, the length of the originating conductor 17 is taken as S, and corresponds to two `laps` of the transmission-line 15 as defined between the spaced loop traces 15a, 15b and through the cross-over 19. / ここでは、元の導体17の長さをSとし、交差19を通って離間したループ・トレース15a、15b間に規定した、伝送線15の2「周」に対応する。(USP6816020)
$$ The whistle defined in claim 18 wherein said bracket has at least two exposed concave surfaces and an intervening convex surface, said strap being spaced from said concave surfaces when extending between and through said openings in a longitudinally taut condition. (USP6416379)
$$ An electric current is passed between the cathode and anode through the water in both chambers and the porous membrane separating the chambers. (USP6632347)
BLANK 空白・半製品・半加工品
BLANK 空白・半製品・半加工品
$$ The preferred method of applying the halo-hydrocarbon polymer to the blank PCB is plasma deposition, although all the other techniques mentioned above would also be applicable. / 何も取り付けていないPCBに対してハロハイドロカーボンポリマーを堆積する好適方法はプラズマ堆積法である。とはいえ上述した他のすべての方法も適用可能である。(USP8492898)
$$ Referring to FIGS. 8a-8e, there is illustrated a blank 302 of a member in one embodiment of the present invention. / 図8a-8eを参照すると、本発明の実施例中の部材の半製品302が表されている。(USP8465695)
$$ However, the clip may simply have key points designated (e.g. blank screen areas, audio cues) but the identity of the key points may be stored separately and used by a processor to direct overlay. / しかしながらクリップは単に指定されたキーポイント(例えばブランクスクリーン区域、オーディオ合図)を有するが、キーポイントの識別子は別々に記憶され、直接重ねられるようにプロセッサにより使用される。(USP7577676)
$$ FIG. 3 is a face view of a blank for an inner frame of a carton; / 図3は、カートンの内部フレームのためのブランクを示す正面図である。(USP6000539)
$$ If it is not specified then a blank name is used. / それが指定されない場合、ブランク・ネームが使用される。(USP6336135)
$$ The beams shown as 37, 38 can be metal parts that are either blanked to shape or cut by means of a laser or other method, and then formed or bent to the required shape. (USP7842868)
$$ A blank section is a section of the pipeline for which no attenuation may be calculated. (USP7635976)
$$ In this example pictures 4-11 are blank. (USP7343081)
$$ One can leave the box blank. (USP6691301)
$$ Thus the passages 68' are formed in the creation of massages 68, but are subsequently blanked off. (USP6554808)
$$ Each group is then fed through a tray assembly station in which a cardboard tray blank is fed under the array. (USP6490845)
$$ A rigid contact lens blank having a back surface prepared in accordance with the process of claim 2. (USP6390624)
BLANK 空白・半製品・半加工品
$$ The preferred method of applying the halo-hydrocarbon polymer to the blank PCB is plasma deposition, although all the other techniques mentioned above would also be applicable. / 何も取り付けていないPCBに対してハロハイドロカーボンポリマーを堆積する好適方法はプラズマ堆積法である。とはいえ上述した他のすべての方法も適用可能である。(USP8492898)
$$ Referring to FIGS. 8a-8e, there is illustrated a blank 302 of a member in one embodiment of the present invention. / 図8a-8eを参照すると、本発明の実施例中の部材の半製品302が表されている。(USP8465695)
$$ However, the clip may simply have key points designated (e.g. blank screen areas, audio cues) but the identity of the key points may be stored separately and used by a processor to direct overlay. / しかしながらクリップは単に指定されたキーポイント(例えばブランクスクリーン区域、オーディオ合図)を有するが、キーポイントの識別子は別々に記憶され、直接重ねられるようにプロセッサにより使用される。(USP7577676)
$$ FIG. 3 is a face view of a blank for an inner frame of a carton; / 図3は、カートンの内部フレームのためのブランクを示す正面図である。(USP6000539)
$$ If it is not specified then a blank name is used. / それが指定されない場合、ブランク・ネームが使用される。(USP6336135)
$$ The beams shown as 37, 38 can be metal parts that are either blanked to shape or cut by means of a laser or other method, and then formed or bent to the required shape. (USP7842868)
$$ A blank section is a section of the pipeline for which no attenuation may be calculated. (USP7635976)
$$ In this example pictures 4-11 are blank. (USP7343081)
$$ One can leave the box blank. (USP6691301)
$$ Thus the passages 68' are formed in the creation of massages 68, but are subsequently blanked off. (USP6554808)
$$ Each group is then fed through a tray assembly station in which a cardboard tray blank is fed under the array. (USP6490845)
$$ A rigid contact lens blank having a back surface prepared in accordance with the process of claim 2. (USP6390624)
--> round
$$ Vortex shedding is caused when a fluid flows past a blunt object. / 流体が鈍体を通過すると渦放出が生じる。(USP8584454)
$$ As a consequence, the ends 21 of the clip, when in its closed clip condition, are blunt. / したがって、クリップの端部21は、クリップがその閉クリップ状態であるときには鋭利でない。(USP8287559)
$$ The extent of cure is monitored by applying a metal probe rod (diameter about 7 mm) to the surface of the cement disk, the probe having a blunt rounded end. / 硬化の程度が、金属製のプローブロッド(直径がほぼ7mm)をセメントの円盤の表面に適用することによって、監視され、プローブは、鈍な丸い端部を有している。(USP8139221)
$$ Accordingly, the potential disadvantage of the needle becoming blunt is overcome. / 従って、鈍くなった針の潜在的な欠点が克服される。(USP8101137)
$$ This tends to blunt or even chip the cutting blade. / このことは、切れ味を鈍くするか、または、切断刃をかけさせる傾向にある。(USP6616803)
$$ Blunt-ended plasmid DNA was incubated with buffer alone (left block for each time point) or VLPs from either wild-type (middle block for each time point) or yku70 cells (right block for each time point). / ブラント末端を有するプラスミドDNAを緩衝法のみ(各時点につき左ブロック)、又は野性型細胞から(各時点につき中央ブロック)又はyku70細胞から(各時点につき右ブロック)からのVLPと共にインキュベートした。(USP6242175)
$$ This blunts the effect of the statins and limits the extent of cholesterol reductions attainable. (USP02035058)
$$ Blunt ended PTK1B is prepared as in Example 8. (USP01024817)
--> round
$$ Vortex shedding is caused when a fluid flows past a blunt object. / 流体が鈍体を通過すると渦放出が生じる。(USP8584454)
$$ As a consequence, the ends 21 of the clip, when in its closed clip condition, are blunt. / したがって、クリップの端部21は、クリップがその閉クリップ状態であるときには鋭利でない。(USP8287559)
$$ The extent of cure is monitored by applying a metal probe rod (diameter about 7 mm) to the surface of the cement disk, the probe having a blunt rounded end. / 硬化の程度が、金属製のプローブロッド(直径がほぼ7mm)をセメントの円盤の表面に適用することによって、監視され、プローブは、鈍な丸い端部を有している。(USP8139221)
$$ Accordingly, the potential disadvantage of the needle becoming blunt is overcome. / 従って、鈍くなった針の潜在的な欠点が克服される。(USP8101137)
$$ This tends to blunt or even chip the cutting blade. / このことは、切れ味を鈍くするか、または、切断刃をかけさせる傾向にある。(USP6616803)
$$ Blunt-ended plasmid DNA was incubated with buffer alone (left block for each time point) or VLPs from either wild-type (middle block for each time point) or yku70 cells (right block for each time point). / ブラント末端を有するプラスミドDNAを緩衝法のみ(各時点につき左ブロック)、又は野性型細胞から(各時点につき中央ブロック)又はyku70細胞から(各時点につき右ブロック)からのVLPと共にインキュベートした。(USP6242175)
$$ This blunts the effect of the statins and limits the extent of cholesterol reductions attainable. (USP02035058)
$$ Blunt ended PTK1B is prepared as in Example 8. (USP01024817)
$$ This suits the ergonomic needs of both front and rear passengers and facilitates compatibility with video monitor mountings and seat back tray mountings as used in most present aircraft. / このことは、前と後の両方の乗客の人間工学的要求に適合し、現在大部分の航空機で使われるように、ビデオ・モニタの取り付けと座席背部のトレイの取り付けとの互換性を容易にする。(USP8157326)
$$ Once the landing gear is in the four-wheel mode, the articulation link 8 is no longer in compression and the forces from both the front and rear wheels of the bogie are transmitted through the oleo. / 着陸装置が四輪モードになった後は、連結リンク8は圧縮状態にはなく、台車の前輪及び後輪からの力は、作動油を通じて伝達される。(USP8055396)
$$ In this manner useful acoustic power may be derived from both the front and rear radiation fields of the transducers. / このようにして、トランスジューサのフロントおよびレア放射場の両方から有用な音響パワーを引出すことができる。(USP7577260)
$$ Thus, with the method described above, both the front and rear surfaces of the semiconductor wafer are worked to fabricate the three-dimensional structures needed. / 上記の方法により、半導体ウェーハーの前面および背面の加工が行われ、所要の三次元構造が形成される。(USP6229411)
$$ The location features on the front gland plate 30 could be of any shape or size, and/or positioned in the rear gland plate 31, or positioned on any combination of both front 30 and rear 31 gland plates. (USP7712744)
$$ Both the front face and rear face of the cured glued assembly should be sanded until flush. (USP6643991)
$$ This suits the ergonomic needs of both front and rear passengers and facilitates compatibility with video monitor mountings and seat back tray mountings as used in most present aircraft. / このことは、前と後の両方の乗客の人間工学的要求に適合し、現在大部分の航空機で使われるように、ビデオ・モニタの取り付けと座席背部のトレイの取り付けとの互換性を容易にする。(USP8157326)
$$ Once the landing gear is in the four-wheel mode, the articulation link 8 is no longer in compression and the forces from both the front and rear wheels of the bogie are transmitted through the oleo. / 着陸装置が四輪モードになった後は、連結リンク8は圧縮状態にはなく、台車の前輪及び後輪からの力は、作動油を通じて伝達される。(USP8055396)
$$ In this manner useful acoustic power may be derived from both the front and rear radiation fields of the transducers. / このようにして、トランスジューサのフロントおよびレア放射場の両方から有用な音響パワーを引出すことができる。(USP7577260)
$$ Thus, with the method described above, both the front and rear surfaces of the semiconductor wafer are worked to fabricate the three-dimensional structures needed. / 上記の方法により、半導体ウェーハーの前面および背面の加工が行われ、所要の三次元構造が形成される。(USP6229411)
$$ The location features on the front gland plate 30 could be of any shape or size, and/or positioned in the rear gland plate 31, or positioned on any combination of both front 30 and rear 31 gland plates. (USP7712744)
$$ Both the front face and rear face of the cured glued assembly should be sanded until flush. (USP6643991)