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IN ORDER FOR (sb/sth) to-V


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | in order

IN ORDER FOR (sb/sth) to-V

$$ Applicant is advised of the obligation under 37CFR1.56 to point out the inventor and invention dates of each claim that was not commonly owned at the time a later invention was made in order for the examiner to consider the applicability of 35USC§103(c) and potential 35USC§102(f) or (g) prior art under 35 USC§103(a). / 審査官が特許法103条(a)に基づく特許法103条(c)項、第102条(f)項又は(g)項の先行技術の適用可能性を考察する目的で、出願人は、米国特許法施行規則1.56によって、後の発明がなされた時点において共有されていなかった各クレームの発明者と発明の日を指摘する義務を負っていることを通知する。(
$$ ...in order for the dependent node to have secure connections into the ring, 従属ノードがリングとしっかり接続されるために(USP5533005)

$$ Even if the operator does not require the payment of a subscription fee in order for the participant to take part, the participant would still be required to register.(USP01-027430)

$$ In order for the customer to be able to use the data, each ADU has to be decrypted. / 顧客がデータを使用できるようにするために、各ADUはデクリプトされなければならない。(USP6996722)

$$ However, in order for the outer layer 4 to have a faster recovery time from scratches, the cross-link density of the thermoset polyurethane was reduced to a degree such that the molecular weight between branch points was about 1400. (USP5376443)

$$ In order for this technique to be useful two conditions must be met. / この技法を有用とするには、2つの条件が満たされねばならない。(USP5353059)

$$ In order for the earth station 38 properly to use the list gathered by the 12th operation 128, it is necessary to correct the errors in the clock on the user terminal. / 第12動作128で集められたリストを地球局38が適切に使用するためには、使用者端末上のクロックにおける誤差を訂正することが必要である。(USP6031489)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | in order


"so as not to"のパターンの方が頻度が高い

$$ The compliant member may have a lower compliance than the compliance of the suspension in order not to affect the suspension. (USP7372968)

$$ In order not to interfere with the movement of the point or object, systems have been developed which follow the movement and store the data collected for subsequent analysis. (USP5847391)

$$ In other instances, well-known circuits, structures and techniques have not been shown in detail in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention. (USP6396815)

$$ These taps have low coupling fractions (e.g. of the order 1% ) in order not to introduce excessive attenuation in the quantum channels. (USP5675648)

$$ Apparently, the additional inductance together with its soft magnetic core is desired to be located away from the external magnetic field in order not to create additional forces and torques.(USP6304015)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | in order


$$ This list can be used by the police, for example, in order that a precautionary visit to each of the corresponding premises can be organised. / 例えば警察がこのリストを使用して、対応する各構内へ犯罪予防のための訪問を計画することができる。(USP6912270)

$$ Tab 65 extends beyond the body portion 30 towards the handle,in order that it can be freely gripped. / タフ゛65は、自由に掴むことができるように、ハンドルに向かって本体部分30を越えて延在し、積層されていないかまたはハンドル20に取り付けられていない。(USP5968000)

$$ In order that the power does build up around the loop, it is necessary that the length of the loop is an integral number of wavelengths of the centre frequency of the modules. / 電力がループの周囲で形成されるようにするため、このループの長さは、これらのモジュールの中心周波数の整数の波長であることが必要である。(USP5389890)

$$ In order that the invention may be more clearly understood, there follows a discussion of the manner in which the circuit of FIG. 2 may be derived. / 本発明を更に明瞭に理解することができるように、図2の回路が導き出される方法を、以下において論議する。(USP6583685)

$$ In order that the influence of all parameters is reflected in the final image, a summing process is carried out. (USP02118196)

$$ However, in order that the disadvantages described hereinbefore may be obviated, the bristle pack 12 is chamfered, indicated by the numeral 22.(USP02033578)

$$ In order that the invention may be fully understood, it will now be described with reference to the seven figures of the accompanying drawings. / 本発明を充分に理解するために、7つの添付図面を参照して説明する。(USP5533005)

$$ If the energy of the beam is relatively high, then the residency time has to be kept short, in order that neighbouring crystals do not heat up and change their structure. (USP6392915)

$$ In order that the system is not compromised through lack of cleanliness in the apparatus, it is desirable that it be self-cleaning, preferably by means of an automatic self-cleaning cycle. (USP6632347)

$$ For this reason it is advantageous to make the input buffer FIFO somewhat larger in capacity than the size of the flow-control batch, in order that the flow of data does not stall. (USP5422881)

$$ Further, it is desired that lenses 38 and 39 be conventional in power and disposition in order that they do not unduly change the nature of the overall optical system far from its original design parameters. (USP5018846)

$$ Normally, he will wish to reset the alarm system as soon as he sees the visual alarm in order that he is not unnecessarily disturbed by the audio alarm sounding in his headset in case this should interfere with other communications in progress. (USP4879542)

$$ In order that the number of transitions that must be defined is not excessively large, the system primarily defines transitions between consonants, which, it has been found, have an influence that predominates the effect of vowels. (USP02118196)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | in order


$$ In order also to achieve (a), (b) and (c) above, total variable speed control of the dewatering machines, mixer drivers and the mass discharger is required. (USP01023850)

$$ Both electrodes are in contact with an electrolyte in order firstly to produce an electro chemical reaction at the sensing electrode with the gas to be sensed, and secondly to produce an electrochemical reaction at the counter electrode with oxygen in the atmosphere, electrolyte or other gas source. / いずれの電極も電解質と接触しており、第一に検出すべきガスとの電気化学反応が検出電極において起こり、第二に雰囲気、電解質又はその他のガス源に含まれる酸素との電気化学反応が対極において起こる。(USP5914019)

$$ In order further to stimulate optical effects, the article of jewelry may also have a reflector or a mechanical system incorporated in the article of jewelry. / 光学的効果をさらに刺激するために、宝飾品の内部に反射体または機械式システムを組込んでも良い。(USP6433483)

$$ A particularly suitable binder material comprises rubberised bitumen which may be polymerised rubberised bitumen in order further to add to the longevity of the material in use. (USP5282691)

$$ This example illustrates the need for some unique feature in the source video, in order accurately to detect motion. (USP5027203)

タグ :IN ORDER副詞

IN ORDER (その他の表現)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | in order

IN ORDER (その他の表現) -->order

$$ The blender module 506, 507 uses the packet numbers in the RTP headers to arrange the packets from each layer in order and then combines the packets from all layers together. / ブレンダモジュール506、507は各層からのパケットを順番に並べるためにRTPヘッダ内でパケット番号を使用し、次にすべての層からのパケットを互いに結合する。(USP8209429)

$$ That is, bits 0 to 7 are received in order, but are stored in a bit reversed manner such that bit 0 is switched with bit 7, bit 1 is switched with bit 6, bit 2 is switched with bit 5 and bit 3 is switched with bit 4. / すなわち、ビット0~7は順序通りに受け取られるが、ビット反転方式で格納され、ビット0がビット7に転換され、ビット1がビット6に転換され、ビット2がビット5に転換され、ビット3がビット4に転換される。(USP8185954)

$$ Advantageously, ions are preferably released from the preferred ion guide or ion trap in order of the mass to charge ratio of the ions. / 有利には、イオンは、好ましくは、イオンの質量電荷比の順に、好適なイオンガイド又はイオントラップから放出される。(USP8153960)

$$ In most cases the research hits are sorted in order of decreasing hit score, although Event Research, as described later, is an exception. (USP6052693)

$$ A form of cyclic search is used, e.g. input 1 may examine outputs 0,1,2,3,4 . . . 15 in order. (USP5784372)

$$ These three common motion vectors are the required global motion vectors, and it is important to not that they are still ranked in order of frequency. (USP5027203)

$$ In the example above, the buffer would include (in order) B1, B3, B5, OL1, OL2, OL3. . . (USP02029357)
