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$$ Conditions 3 and 4 repeated for a total of 40 cycles. / 条件3および4は、合計40サイクル繰り返した。(USP8235955)

$$ Thus in this embodiment the repeatability of the trigger signal will be far better because its start point (the shock wave) is repeatable also. / したがって、この実施形態では、その開始点(衝撃波)の再現性がよいから、トリガ信号の再現性がはるかによくなる。(USP6941671)

$$ However if a repeat request is detected then the call sequence is rejoined at step 113. / しかしながら、繰返し要求が検出されると、段階113で呼シーケンスを再び参入する。(USP6912270)

$$ This cycle then repeats. / このサイクル(循環)がそこで繰返される。(USP6826982)

$$ This may be followed by repeated dialysis against a sodium chloride solution to completely remove the reduced ferrihydrite core from solution. / これに引き続いて塩化ナトリウム溶液に対して複数回の透析を行って、還元したフェリハイドライトコアを溶液から完全に除去する。(USP6815063)

$$ Thus, in response to the command repeat signal 93, the calling terminal 10 repeats the transmitted signal 66, 68. / この後、コマンドリピート信号93に対する応答の際、発呼端末10は送信信号66、68を繰り返す。(USP5877871)

$$ The first apparatus may send release messages for repeat keys only, or for all keys. / 第1装置は繰り返しキのみ、あるいはすべてのキーに解放メッセージーを送出できる。(USP5479385)

$$ The photolithograph process described above is repeated to produce exposed silicon in areas 24 and 24'. / 上述のフォトリソグラフィ工程を繰り返してエリア24および24’中にも露出したシリコンが形成される。(USP5429953)

$$ This is repeated for each point of interest to be defined. / このことは規定されるべき関心ある各ポイントに関して繰り返される。(USP5946131)

$$ The test is then repeated for the other electrode. (USP6697742)

$$ The method is very similar to that illustrated in FIG. 1, and the description of the steps there will not be repeated. (USP6704404)

$$ The techniques for applying fuzzy logic to match the scores of the user with those of the available programmes will be familiar to the skilled person and will not be repeated here. (USP6556987)




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$$ If the activated key was a repeat key, the control means waits for either a new repetition of the IR signal or for expiry of the repetition period TR, whichever happens first. / もし作動されたキーが繰り返しキーであるなら、制御手段はIR信号の新しい繰り返しであるか、あるいは繰り返し期間TRの終結であるか(いずれにせよ最初に起こったもの)を待機する。(USP5479385)

$$ In order to reduce repetition, those features which generally correspond with those of the first embodiment will not be described in detail. / なお、説明が重複して冗長になることを避けるため、上述した第1の実施の形態と同一の機能については詳細には説明しない。(USP6614489)

$$ Accordingly, to avoid unnecessary repetition, only the differences are described herein. / したがって、不要な繰返しを避けるためにも、ここでは相違点についてのみ説明する。(USP6611142)

$$ This last property means that a progressive adaptation from MESH(C) to MESH(T) is therefore achievable using n-1 repetitions of the method of coexisting primaries described previously. (USP02042274)

$$ Following the conversion of the MCS fragment into the file format, the next step is to determine whether the MCS fragment is new or whether it is merely a repetition of a fragment that is already known. (USP02062307)

$$ By this mechanism, the User I/O subdevice 18 recognises just one activation of the "mute" key, although three repetitions of the infra-red signal M are received. / この機構により、ユーザーI/Oサブデバイス18は、たとえ赤外線信号Mの3つの繰り返しが受信されても、「ミュート」キーの丁度1つの作動を認識する。(USP5479385)




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$$ The reflecting properties of the prism 6 may be enhanced by silvering face 7, or by replacing this prism entirely with a mirror in the plane of the face 7. (USP4805223)

$$ Replacing 20% of the THFMA content of the THFMA/UDMA mixtures did not significantly affect the setting time or the initial WHN of the systems. / THFMA/UDMA混合物のTHFMA含有率の20%を置換しても系の凝結時間にも初期WHNにもさほど影響がなかった。(USP6313192)

$$ Replacing two entries with a single entry can significantly alter the value of the Dice co-efficient used for measuring the similarity between documents. / 2つのエントリィを単一のエントリィで置換えることは文書間の類似性を測るために使用されるDice係数の値を著しく変更できる。(USP6353827)

$$ In some cases, a second call handler is provided at the remote end which replaces the protocol again before delivering the call to the target.(USP6167450)

$$ Thereafter the system is drained of solvent which is replaced by air.(USP5402724) /その後、本システムでは空気に置き換えられた溶剤が排出される。

$$ The device 3 can be considered as replacing a shunt capacitor of the network 21. / この増幅装置3は回路網21の分流コンデンサを置き換えるものとして考えられ得る。(USP5412347)

$$ The make up is to replace that lost by transfer to the gases in the humidifiers 11A, 14A or 19 and via purge 34. / この補給部分は、加湿器11A、14Aまたは19においてガスに移行することにより失われる水および圧力逃がし弁を経由して失われる水を補充する。(USP5436086)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | rep...


$$ The power demands of the article of jewelry and the capacity of the cell determine the how long the life of the cell will be before it requires replacement. / 宝飾品に必要な電力およびセルの容量は、セルの交換が必要となるまでのセル寿命を決定する。(USP6433483)

$$ This replacement process is illustrated in FIG. 6C. / この置換処理を図6Cに示す。(USP03131243)

$$ It is not desirable to use frame replacement for concealment of corrupted elements in ac sub-bands above a predetermined horizontal frequency and a predetermined vertical frequency. / 所定の水平及び垂直周波数より上のacサブバンドにおける不良要素の隠蔽に、フレーム置換を用いるのは望ましくない。(USP5353059)

$$ 5 cm × 10 cm plate samples were immersed in a 10 wt % alcohol replacement fount solution (Emerald Euro S4) and the condition of the samples examined after 24 hours to assess whether the formulation was stripped from the sample. / 5cm×10cmプレートサンプルは、10wt%アルコール代替フォント溶液(Emerald Euro S4)中に浸され、24時間後、その製品がサンプルからはがれているかどうかを評価するために調べられた。(USP01019809)

$$ FIG. 4 is a band structure diagram showing the consequences of replacement of layer 17 by a layer 40 of n-type material of In1-x Alx Sb with x=0.15. / 図4は、層17をn_型材料In1-xAlxSbの層40で置換した結果を示すバンド構造図である。ただしx=0.15である。(USP6809514)

$$ FIG. 13 illustrates spatial replacement of a corrupted data element 680. / 図14は、不良データ要素680の空間置換を示す。(USP5353059)




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$$ The request includes the identity of the relevant PCD node and the address of the requesting transaction processor, so that the GDS can address its reply correctly. / 要求は、関連するPCDノードの識別子、および要求するトランザクションプロセッサのアドレスを含むので、GDSはその応答を正しくアドレスすることができる。(USP6748063)

$$ When the message is first placed on the queue, the gateway program starts 370 a countdown timer and waits for a reply from the server application. / メッセージが最初にそのキュー上に入れられる時、ゲートウェイ・プログラムはカウント・ダウン・タイマを始動させ(ステップ370)、サーバ・アプリケーションからの応答を待つ。(USP6336135)

$$ On event AC_RTNR, service( ) finds service data for the destination number, and increments the reporting counter for calls meeting ring-tone-no-reply. / イベントAC_RTNRのときは、service()は宛先電話番号に対してサービスデータを見付け、呼出し音応答なしに当たる呼の報告カウンタをインクリメントする。(USP6330313)

$$ The discovery packet may take the same form as the above-described alert packet, the discovered device filling in any missing information in the packet and replying on the broadcast channel. (USP7580380)

$$ A rule of this type is satisfied only when all the replies have arrived. (USP6138168)

$$ A node receiving a message X always replies with a message X_acknowledge. (USP02042274)




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$$ The KRATON.RTM. G copolymers are indicated as being compatible with paraffinic and napthenic oils and are reported as taking up more than 20 times their weight in oil to make a gelled product. / KRATON G(RTM)コポリマーは、パラフィン系及びナフテン系油と適合するとして表示され、かつ油中に20倍より多い質量溶解してゲル化製品を調製するとして報告されている。(USP6582484)

$$ The first is known as a relative input in which any movement of a variable device is reported as plus or minus values in terms of increments. / 第一は相対入力として知られており、可変デバイスの如何なる動きも増分によってプラスまたはマイナスの値で報告される。(USP5537605)

$$ In such a system, the basestation can simply transmit on the test channel and request the mobile to report back its frequency channel quality list.(USP6141546)

$$ The RCU or base station subsequently reports that a failure has occurred to the OMC 49.(USP5570343)

$$ If the PID can be detected, the base stations detecting it will measure the RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication) and report this information to the system controller.(USP5555445)

$$ However, there are several reports that inhibition of osteoclastic resorption, like induction of osteoclast and J774 apoptosis, occurs many hours after first exposure to bisphosphonates, suggesting that...(USP02035058)




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$$ X-*-*-X represents polyamine or polyimine; / X-*-*-Xは、ポリアミンもしくはポリイミンを代表し、 (USP03027873)

$$ Short branches may be represented with J bits alone. (USP03188138)

$$ This range also corresponds to a range which can be represented with an eight bit number, but is converted to a bipolar representation. (USP6614489)

$$ These components are represented on a scale between -128 and 127. (USP6614489)

$$ FIG. 6 represents a control card with bar codes for a number of numeric and control characters; / 第6図は、いくつかの数字および制御文字のバーコードを有する制御カードを示し; (USP6058304)

$$ Hydraulic pistons may be operated via flow lines and remote pumps, or preferably using a local pump and valve assembly as representatively shown in FIG. 5.(USP6659201) 代表して;代表的に -->typically

$$ FIG. 2 represents a cross-section through the interface 20 of two liquids 22, 24 flowing perpendicular to the plane of the paper and confined by parallel walls where the wall material or surface 26, 28 is different either side of the desired interface position 20 (for example hydrophilic/hydrophobic). / 図2は、紙面に垂直に流れ、且つ、平行な壁面により閉じ込められた2種の液体22と24の界面を横切る断面を表しており、壁面材又は表面26、28は所望の界面位置20を境にして互いに異なっている(例えば、親水性/疎水性)。(USP5961832)




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$$ The colour anti aliasing processor 180 also receives on the control channel 188 the data representative of the modified flags. / 上述のように、色アンチエイリアシング処理回路180には、制御チャンネル188を介して、修正されたフラグを表すデータも供給されている。(USP6614489)

$$ FIG. 1 shows two representative stations 100 and 102 forming part of a local area network such as the D2B Optical (CONAN) network mentioned above. / 図1は、上記D2B光(CONAN)ネットワークなどのローカルエリアネットワークの一部を構成する代表的な局100および120を示す。(USP6473469)

$$ The subdevices shown and described in the present embodiment are representative only. / 本実施例に示されかつ説明されたサブデバイスは単に代表的なものである。(USP5479385)

$$ The receiver includes a processor (23) for processing selected information data to convert the same into signals representative thereof for output to a television in combination with the video signals. / 受信器は、選択された情報をデータを処理して、ビデオ信号と組み合わせてテレビに出力するため、これを、これが表す信号に変換するプロセッサ(23)を含む。(USP02042917)

$$ Control unit 36 includes a reference signal generator 100 (see FIG. 2) which generates a reference signal Vr representative of a desired engine speed. / 電子制御ユニット36は、所望のエンジン速度を表す基準信号Vrを生成する基準信号生成器100(図2参照)を備えている。 (USP5738609)

$$ The individual detectors 6a...n are arranged to produce an output representative of the intensities and positions of scattered X-rays incident upon the detector. / 個々の検出器6a・・・nは、その検出器に入射する散乱X線の強度及び位置を表す出力を発生するように構成される。(USP6122344)




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$$ ...thus limiting the reproducibility of measurements...(USP6317696)

$$ The reproducibility available with this technique is also limited because the bore holes become obstructed by debris and will heal over in time preventing long term relocations.(USP6355049)

$$ A disadvantage of such skull cap techniques is their inherent lack of reproducibility due to the presence of soft tissue between the cap and the skull.(USP6355049)

$$ The inherent reproducibility of fit provided by the cast and the biassing means (i.e. the straps and headrest) ensure that the alignment error introduced by removal and refitting of the apparatus is minimal.(USP6355049)

$$ Further important parameters in polymer LEDs are the maximum brightness achievable, the ease and reproducibility of manufacture, and the operating lifetime. (USP6850003)

$$ Automated methods to measure the QT interval with good reproducibility in a given ECG vector lead exist. (USP7627369)


REPRODUCIBLE 再生可能な、再現可能な


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REPRODUCIBLE 再生可能な、再現可能な

$$ However, they are not considered any more accurate than expert manual measurements hence they can give reproducibly wrong measurements. (USP7627369)

$$ Such dimensions are difficult to achieve on an accurate and reproducible basis using modem lithographic techniques and would severely limit the depth of etching. / そのような寸法は、現代のリソグラフィ技術を使用して精度と再現性の基準で達成困難であり、エッチングの深さを大幅に制限するであろう。(USP6980362)

$$ Unfortunately, some colors specified by artists (for example, metallic or fluorescent colors) are not reproducible using CMYK inks. (USP6970175)

$$ In addition the micro payment demand would also notify the card swipe device 806 that a TAC would be requested. (USP02059146)

$$ In addition new problems may arise since the reading may not be reproducible. (USP5912974)

$$ This can provide "spot doses" in a reproducible way which would be hard to do consistently by bodily movement of the plunger. / これは、プランジャの移動そのものにより厳密に行うことが厄介である、再現性のある方法で”スポット投与”を行うことができる。(USP6422434)

$$ However, this test provides a reproducible way of determining whether a system will function according to the present invention. (USP6629974)

$$ The correct and reproducible staining and imaging of gels in, for example a cancer screening system, is dependent upon this human factor. (USP6613210)
