ROBUST 頑丈な・強い
ROBUST 頑丈な・強い
$$ A further disadvantage is that the particular apparatus disclosed is insufficiently robust to serve as a secure base for surgical instruments.(USP6355049)
$$ Such an extension allows the network to be trained so that its response is robust against the noise or distortion. (USP5390285)
$$ The latter is more robust with respect to noise but it does require knowledge of the source excitation. (USP5260911)
$$ The conversion process must therefore be robust enough to handle any possible errors in the signals. / よって、変換プロセスは信号に起こりうる誤りを処理するのに十分な強さがなければならない。(USP5467350)
$$ The advantage of such a design of fuel injector is that it does not require moving parts and as such is inherently robust. / かかる設計の燃料噴射器の利点は、可動部品を必要とせず、従って本来的に頑丈であるということである。(USP6474569)
$$ Low-pass filtering helps to make the apparatus more robust in industrial environments. / ローパスフィルタを掛けることによって、装置は、産業上の環境において、より安定して作動する。(USP6489775)
ROBUST 頑丈な・強い
$$ A further disadvantage is that the particular apparatus disclosed is insufficiently robust to serve as a secure base for surgical instruments.(USP6355049)
$$ Such an extension allows the network to be trained so that its response is robust against the noise or distortion. (USP5390285)
$$ The latter is more robust with respect to noise but it does require knowledge of the source excitation. (USP5260911)
$$ The conversion process must therefore be robust enough to handle any possible errors in the signals. / よって、変換プロセスは信号に起こりうる誤りを処理するのに十分な強さがなければならない。(USP5467350)
$$ The advantage of such a design of fuel injector is that it does not require moving parts and as such is inherently robust. / かかる設計の燃料噴射器の利点は、可動部品を必要とせず、従って本来的に頑丈であるということである。(USP6474569)
$$ Low-pass filtering helps to make the apparatus more robust in industrial environments. / ローパスフィルタを掛けることによって、装置は、産業上の環境において、より安定して作動する。(USP6489775)
$$ However, at this point some robustness can be traded off for increased speed range by successively reducing the number of negative slope detections as the speed rises. / しかしながらこの点で、高速になるにつれて、強力さは増大された速度範囲と引換えに負勾配検出数を連続的に減少させることによってなされ得る。 (USP6586903)
$$ Intelligent agents used in embodiments of the present invention can achieve simplicity and robustness by spreading a control system over a plurality of specialised agents. / 本発明の実施例で使用される知能エイジェントは、複数の特殊エイジェントにわたって制御システムを分散させることにより、簡単さと強さを達成することができる。(USP6151309)
$$ Such a three-dimensional construction may have both high robustness and high flexibility.(USP5429176)
$$ This offers the important advantage of robustness. (USP02040278)
$$ For robustness, the method in this embodiment, checks for another point at which the two signals are identical, at a certain time further the tract. (USP7627369)
$$ Bandpass filtering improves the robustness of the interpretation of the vectors against stored templates which may be templates of individual characterizations or of whole words. (USP7054510)
$$ There are, however, serious concerns regarding the security of EFT systems and their robustness to fraud. (USP6848613)
$$ However, at this point some robustness can be traded off for increased speed range by successively reducing the number of negative slope detections as the speed rises. / しかしながらこの点で、高速になるにつれて、強力さは増大された速度範囲と引換えに負勾配検出数を連続的に減少させることによってなされ得る。 (USP6586903)
$$ Intelligent agents used in embodiments of the present invention can achieve simplicity and robustness by spreading a control system over a plurality of specialised agents. / 本発明の実施例で使用される知能エイジェントは、複数の特殊エイジェントにわたって制御システムを分散させることにより、簡単さと強さを達成することができる。(USP6151309)
$$ Such a three-dimensional construction may have both high robustness and high flexibility.(USP5429176)
$$ This offers the important advantage of robustness. (USP02040278)
$$ For robustness, the method in this embodiment, checks for another point at which the two signals are identical, at a certain time further the tract. (USP7627369)
$$ Bandpass filtering improves the robustness of the interpretation of the vectors against stored templates which may be templates of individual characterizations or of whole words. (USP7054510)
$$ There are, however, serious concerns regarding the security of EFT systems and their robustness to fraud. (USP6848613)
ROCK 岩・揺動(する)
ROCK 岩・揺動(する)
$$ Standard mineral rock or calcium silicate block insulation may be used. / 標準的なミネラルロックまたはケイ酸カルシウム製板の断熱材を使用してもよい。(USP7578315)
$$ FIG. 1 shows triple axis rocking curves and θ-2θ scans taken, respectively, directly from the top (as grown) surface of the boule, 6.9 mm above the seed surface and (b) 0.8 mm above the seed wafer. / 図1は、トリプル軸揺れ曲線およびθ-2θスキャンが、それぞれに、塊(boule)の頂部(成長した通りの)表面から直接、種結晶表面の6.9mm上方から、また、(b)種結晶ウエーハの0.8mm上方から採られたところを示す。(USP6375739)
$$ By mounting these heads in line on a rocking or translatable carrier five or so plates can be deposited simultaneously, in line, on a conveyor. (USP8061960)
$$ The provision of at least three thread starts on the neck and closure can render the closure less prone to tilting and rocking when screwed onto the container neck than might be the case if only one or two thread starts were provided. (USP5411157)
$$ It will also be appreciated that such balance will help reduce unwanted rocking modes of the massive magnet assembly relative to the voice coil.(USP7372968)
$$ Seismic surveys are carried out to investigate the nature of sediment and rock that lie below the surface. (USP6771565)
ROCK 岩・揺動(する)
$$ Standard mineral rock or calcium silicate block insulation may be used. / 標準的なミネラルロックまたはケイ酸カルシウム製板の断熱材を使用してもよい。(USP7578315)
$$ FIG. 1 shows triple axis rocking curves and θ-2θ scans taken, respectively, directly from the top (as grown) surface of the boule, 6.9 mm above the seed surface and (b) 0.8 mm above the seed wafer. / 図1は、トリプル軸揺れ曲線およびθ-2θスキャンが、それぞれに、塊(boule)の頂部(成長した通りの)表面から直接、種結晶表面の6.9mm上方から、また、(b)種結晶ウエーハの0.8mm上方から採られたところを示す。(USP6375739)
$$ By mounting these heads in line on a rocking or translatable carrier five or so plates can be deposited simultaneously, in line, on a conveyor. (USP8061960)
$$ The provision of at least three thread starts on the neck and closure can render the closure less prone to tilting and rocking when screwed onto the container neck than might be the case if only one or two thread starts were provided. (USP5411157)
$$ It will also be appreciated that such balance will help reduce unwanted rocking modes of the massive magnet assembly relative to the voice coil.(USP7372968)
$$ Seismic surveys are carried out to investigate the nature of sediment and rock that lie below the surface. (USP6771565)
$$ The termination region 106 does not play an active role in the on-state and hence substantially no current conduction takes place in the termination region 106 during on-state operation.(USP02041003)
$$ Although the upset performs a useful role, removing contamination prior to weld formation, upset consumes material from both components being joined according to their ductility.(USP02036225)
$$ Active magnetic bearings for supporting shafts (or other moving bodies) exist in different forms for acting in journal and thrust roles. / 軸(あるいはその他の運動体)を支持する能動型磁気軸受はジャーナル軸受やスラスト軸受として作用するべく種々の形態で存在している。(USP5355040)
$$ FIG. 3 is a flowchart governing the operation of the AVC 12 in its role as first control means of the system of FIG. 1. / 図3は図1のシステムの第1制御手段としてのその役割でAVC12の動作を支配するフローチャートである。(USP5479385)
$$ The role of the optical elements in the third embodiment will now be explained. / ここで第3の実施形態における光素子の役割を記載する。(USP6687389)
$$ The role of the Customer Agent 20 is also very important in the system. / 顧客エイジェント20の役割も、システムにおいて非常に重要である。(USP6151309)
$$ A fielded database record, where all the data is held in the properties, here having the role of database fields. (USP01032208)
$$ It has also been observed that fibrin can play the role of collagen, in producing procagulant activity in platelets. / フィブリンは、血小板における予備凝固薬活性(procoagulant activity)の生成において、コラーゲンの役割を行うことができることも観察されている。(USP03021777)
$$ The role of the second insertion material is principally of importance at the front surface of the cathode, in contact with the electrolyte, as the lithium ion flux is greatest there. / 第2の挿入材料の役割は、主として、電解質と接触するカソードの前面において重要である。というのは、リチウムのイオンフラックスがそこで最大となるからである。(USP5441832)
$$ In its simplest implementation, the server 160 may perform the role of a gateway between components of the IMS, the principal functionality of the system being embodied in those components. / 最も簡単な構成において、サーバ160はIMSの構成要素間のゲートウエイの役割を行なって、システムの主要な機能をこれらの構成要素において実現する。(USP6424968)
$$ In the case of the communications network being a PSTN, the role of the TP 41 can be carried out by a call processing system. / 通信ネットワークがPSTNである場合には、TP41の役割は、通話処理システムにより実行することができる。(USP6073174)
$$ The termination region 106 does not play an active role in the on-state and hence substantially no current conduction takes place in the termination region 106 during on-state operation.(USP02041003)
$$ Although the upset performs a useful role, removing contamination prior to weld formation, upset consumes material from both components being joined according to their ductility.(USP02036225)
$$ Active magnetic bearings for supporting shafts (or other moving bodies) exist in different forms for acting in journal and thrust roles. / 軸(あるいはその他の運動体)を支持する能動型磁気軸受はジャーナル軸受やスラスト軸受として作用するべく種々の形態で存在している。(USP5355040)
$$ FIG. 3 is a flowchart governing the operation of the AVC 12 in its role as first control means of the system of FIG. 1. / 図3は図1のシステムの第1制御手段としてのその役割でAVC12の動作を支配するフローチャートである。(USP5479385)
$$ The role of the optical elements in the third embodiment will now be explained. / ここで第3の実施形態における光素子の役割を記載する。(USP6687389)
$$ The role of the Customer Agent 20 is also very important in the system. / 顧客エイジェント20の役割も、システムにおいて非常に重要である。(USP6151309)
$$ A fielded database record, where all the data is held in the properties, here having the role of database fields. (USP01032208)
$$ It has also been observed that fibrin can play the role of collagen, in producing procagulant activity in platelets. / フィブリンは、血小板における予備凝固薬活性(procoagulant activity)の生成において、コラーゲンの役割を行うことができることも観察されている。(USP03021777)
$$ The role of the second insertion material is principally of importance at the front surface of the cathode, in contact with the electrolyte, as the lithium ion flux is greatest there. / 第2の挿入材料の役割は、主として、電解質と接触するカソードの前面において重要である。というのは、リチウムのイオンフラックスがそこで最大となるからである。(USP5441832)
$$ In its simplest implementation, the server 160 may perform the role of a gateway between components of the IMS, the principal functionality of the system being embodied in those components. / 最も簡単な構成において、サーバ160はIMSの構成要素間のゲートウエイの役割を行なって、システムの主要な機能をこれらの構成要素において実現する。(USP6424968)
$$ In the case of the communications network being a PSTN, the role of the TP 41 can be carried out by a call processing system. / 通信ネットワークがPSTNである場合には、TP41の役割は、通話処理システムにより実行することができる。(USP6073174)
$$ Clearly there is a lot of room for modification of this procedure for example by deletion of words which occur very infrequently within the training data, or by increasing the number of groups, or by modifying the scores in each group and so on. (USP6556987):改変の余地がある
$$ So, in this embodiment, when the cache memory approaches its capacity and another image is to be stored, the least recently accessed image in the cache is deleted to make room for the newly stored image. / それゆえ、本実施形態においては、そのキャッシュ・メモリが容量いっぱいに近づき、かつ他の画像が保存されようとしているとき、そのキャッシュの中の最も古い(最近読み出されていない)画像を削除して、新たに保存する画像のための余地をつくる。(USP6523174)
$$ In FIG. 4G, the matrix is again rotated to leave room for a new gobo in the upper right quadrant. (USP6057958):余地を残す
$$ However, there is clearly room for further improvement in several inbreds and hence it is possible to gain potential yield benefit in commercial hybrids. (USP6013861):改良の余地がある
$$ After each level of loudspeakers has been mounted in this way, the frame is lifted to allow room for the next level of loudspeakers to be mounted. (USP6536554):余地ができる
$$ However, such prior art leaves room for improvement in transitioning between sounds from two specific groups of phonemes. (USP6208356):余地が残っている
$$ Clearly there is a lot of room for modification of this procedure for example by deletion of words which occur very infrequently within the training data, or by increasing the number of groups, or by modifying the scores in each group and so on. (USP6556987):改変の余地がある
$$ So, in this embodiment, when the cache memory approaches its capacity and another image is to be stored, the least recently accessed image in the cache is deleted to make room for the newly stored image. / それゆえ、本実施形態においては、そのキャッシュ・メモリが容量いっぱいに近づき、かつ他の画像が保存されようとしているとき、そのキャッシュの中の最も古い(最近読み出されていない)画像を削除して、新たに保存する画像のための余地をつくる。(USP6523174)
$$ In FIG. 4G, the matrix is again rotated to leave room for a new gobo in the upper right quadrant. (USP6057958):余地を残す
$$ However, there is clearly room for further improvement in several inbreds and hence it is possible to gain potential yield benefit in commercial hybrids. (USP6013861):改良の余地がある
$$ After each level of loudspeakers has been mounted in this way, the frame is lifted to allow room for the next level of loudspeakers to be mounted. (USP6536554):余地ができる
$$ However, such prior art leaves room for improvement in transitioning between sounds from two specific groups of phonemes. (USP6208356):余地が残っている
$$ A rotatable support in the form of a rotor 6 is mounted in a vacuum chamber 1. / ロータ6の形態の回転可能な支持が真空チャンバ1内に装着される。(USP8361277)
$$ The notch (112) is provided in an inside wall of the rotatable cover (110). / 回転可能なカバー(110)の内壁にはノッチ(112)が設けられる。(USP8336542)
$$ Preferably the carrier elements are rotatable about a common pivot spine. / 好適には担持要素は共通回動柱体周囲を回転できる。(USP8316765)
$$ The prisms 120,122 are rotatable about alignment axes A,B respectively, which lie in a plane orthogonal to the optical axis. (USP6473250)
$$ On the other face of the main body from the mouthpiece nozzle (3) is situated the magazine chamber cover (5) rotatable about a pivot (11). (USP5896855)
$$ The wheel is rotatable about an axis 86, as indicated by arrow 87. (USP5442438)
$$ Preferably the member is a disc rotatable about a central axis.(USP02017161)
$$ In other constructions, the shaft 26 could be rotatable via a manual mechanism. (USP6880575)
$$ They may comprise a pair of rotatable mirrors 125 and 126 and a lens system 127. (USP4859851)
$$ A rotatable support in the form of a rotor 6 is mounted in a vacuum chamber 1. / ロータ6の形態の回転可能な支持が真空チャンバ1内に装着される。(USP8361277)
$$ The notch (112) is provided in an inside wall of the rotatable cover (110). / 回転可能なカバー(110)の内壁にはノッチ(112)が設けられる。(USP8336542)
$$ Preferably the carrier elements are rotatable about a common pivot spine. / 好適には担持要素は共通回動柱体周囲を回転できる。(USP8316765)
$$ The prisms 120,122 are rotatable about alignment axes A,B respectively, which lie in a plane orthogonal to the optical axis. (USP6473250)
$$ On the other face of the main body from the mouthpiece nozzle (3) is situated the magazine chamber cover (5) rotatable about a pivot (11). (USP5896855)
$$ The wheel is rotatable about an axis 86, as indicated by arrow 87. (USP5442438)
$$ Preferably the member is a disc rotatable about a central axis.(USP02017161)
$$ In other constructions, the shaft 26 could be rotatable via a manual mechanism. (USP6880575)
$$ They may comprise a pair of rotatable mirrors 125 and 126 and a lens system 127. (USP4859851)
$$ A cylindrical roller 91 is rotatably mounted on the bush 90. / ブッシュ90には円筒状ローラー91が回転可能に取り付けられている。(USP7634949)
$$ The shaft 24 is rotatably mounted in a first bearing 26 on the rear face 14 and a second bearing 28 on the front face 12. / この管状シャフト24は背面壁14の第1ベアリング26と前面壁12の第2ベアリング28とによって回転可能に保持されている。(USP5893487)
$$ A further gear wheel 18 is rotatably supported on the shaft 14. / 別の歯車18がシャフト16に回転自在に支持されている。(USP6288534)
$$ Mounted rotatably on the shaft are two connecting rods, the x-connecting rod 75 and the y-connecting rod 63. / 2個の連結ロッド、すなわちx連結ロッド75およびy連結ロッド63がシャフト上に回転可能に設けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The drive motor 160 and the free bearing 162 are each rotatably coupled to a respective adjustable chuck/collet 164 which can accurately be driven by the rotary drive motor 160. / 駆動モータ160および自由軸受162は各々、回転駆動モータ160により正確に駆動可能な調整可能チャック/コレット164にそれぞれ回転可能に結合される。(USP6611142)
$$ The apparatus includes an image capture unit comprising a wall-mounted body portion which rotatably supports a tiltable housing containing the optical elements used in the apparatus. / この装置は、イメージ捕捉ユニットを含み、壁に装着された本体部分は装置内で使用される光素子を含む可傾ハウジングを回転可能に支持している。(USP6687389)
$$ In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 34 and 35 the transfer station 7 and delivery tube 6 are rotatably supported by a bracket 403 that extends laterally from the setting tool at a location above the nose 8. / 図34および35に示された実施形態では、トランスファー・ステーションと分配チューブ6は、ノーズ8上のある位置でセッティング・ツールから横に延在するブラケット403によって回転可能に支持される。(USP6692213)
$$ The scanner 12 comprises a flat or slightly curved reflector plate 28 rotatably mounted about an axis 30, and inclined at an angle θ (say about 5°) to the normal to the axis 30. / スキャナ12は、軸30の周りで回転可能に装着され、かつ軸30の垂線に対して角度θ(たとえば約5°)傾斜した平坦もしくはわずかに曲がった反射器プレート28を有する。(USP6900756)
$$ By supporting the end portion of the hose at a position upstream of the outlet, the hose is rotatably coupled to the wand. / 流出口の上流位置にてホースの端部を支持することにより、ホースがワンドにゲート状様式で結合されている。(USP7000288)
$$ A cylindrical roller 91 is rotatably mounted on the bush 90. / ブッシュ90には円筒状ローラー91が回転可能に取り付けられている。(USP7634949)
$$ The shaft 24 is rotatably mounted in a first bearing 26 on the rear face 14 and a second bearing 28 on the front face 12. / この管状シャフト24は背面壁14の第1ベアリング26と前面壁12の第2ベアリング28とによって回転可能に保持されている。(USP5893487)
$$ A further gear wheel 18 is rotatably supported on the shaft 14. / 別の歯車18がシャフト16に回転自在に支持されている。(USP6288534)
$$ Mounted rotatably on the shaft are two connecting rods, the x-connecting rod 75 and the y-connecting rod 63. / 2個の連結ロッド、すなわちx連結ロッド75およびy連結ロッド63がシャフト上に回転可能に設けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The drive motor 160 and the free bearing 162 are each rotatably coupled to a respective adjustable chuck/collet 164 which can accurately be driven by the rotary drive motor 160. / 駆動モータ160および自由軸受162は各々、回転駆動モータ160により正確に駆動可能な調整可能チャック/コレット164にそれぞれ回転可能に結合される。(USP6611142)
$$ The apparatus includes an image capture unit comprising a wall-mounted body portion which rotatably supports a tiltable housing containing the optical elements used in the apparatus. / この装置は、イメージ捕捉ユニットを含み、壁に装着された本体部分は装置内で使用される光素子を含む可傾ハウジングを回転可能に支持している。(USP6687389)
$$ In the embodiment shown in FIGS. 34 and 35 the transfer station 7 and delivery tube 6 are rotatably supported by a bracket 403 that extends laterally from the setting tool at a location above the nose 8. / 図34および35に示された実施形態では、トランスファー・ステーションと分配チューブ6は、ノーズ8上のある位置でセッティング・ツールから横に延在するブラケット403によって回転可能に支持される。(USP6692213)
$$ The scanner 12 comprises a flat or slightly curved reflector plate 28 rotatably mounted about an axis 30, and inclined at an angle θ (say about 5°) to the normal to the axis 30. / スキャナ12は、軸30の周りで回転可能に装着され、かつ軸30の垂線に対して角度θ(たとえば約5°)傾斜した平坦もしくはわずかに曲がった反射器プレート28を有する。(USP6900756)
$$ By supporting the end portion of the hose at a position upstream of the outlet, the hose is rotatably coupled to the wand. / 流出口の上流位置にてホースの端部を支持することにより、ホースがワンドにゲート状様式で結合されている。(USP7000288)
$$ Such a device wrapped around in a circle could be used to provide rotary motion if the component which is to be rotated is fitted with an appropriate ratchet mechanism. / 回転させるコンポーネントに適切なラチェット機構を取り付ける場合、円でラップアラウンドするこのようなデバイスを使用して回転運動を与えることができる。(USP6833656)
$$ Alternatively a castor or track ball which can rotate about two orthogonal axes could be used. (USP01024586)
$$ The disc 1 typically rotates about an axis passing through its centre at an angle of inclination of a few degrees to the normal to the axis, say 5°, as described previously. / ディスク1は代表的には、前述したように、軸線に垂直な方向に対して僅かな角度、例えば5°に傾斜した角度でその中心を通過する軸線のまわりに回転する。(USP6587246)
$$ If the shaft is then rotated from the mean position in a clockwise direction the loft will increase to 30°+[90°-60°], that is to 60° loft. / 2.シャフトを時計回りに平均位置から回動させた場合、ロフトは30度+[90度―60度]に、つまり60度のロフトに増加する。(USP6110055)
$$ Radiation is reflected by the rotating disc 1 and its direction of polarisation is therefore rotated by a further 45° as it is transmitted back through the Faraday rotator 16.(USP6587246)
$$ The drum 1 is mounted for rotation about an axis 3. / ドラム1は、軸線3を中心に回転できるように装着されている。(USP7622140)
$$ Cam followers 20 are fitted to the inward ends of the carriers 18 such that axial motion of the control rods 14 causes rotational motion of the carriers 18. / カム従動子20が担体18の内側端部に、制御棒14の軸方向運動が担体18の回転運動を生じさせるように、取り付けられている。(USP6332818)
$$ The actuating means may comprise at least one of solenoid means and means for translating and rotating the scattering means to interpose it between a scene and the detecting means. / 作動手段は、少なくとも1つのソレノイド手段と、散乱手段を並進運動および回転運動させて、シーンと検出手段の間に挿入するための手段とを含むことができる。(USP6414294)
$$ FIGS. 27d to 27g show, in a sequence of steps, the rotational movement of the leading rivet 50. / 図27dおよび27gは、一連のステップにおける、先導するリベット50の回転運動を示す。(USP6692213)
$$ As the carriage 23 rises, the validator 2 counts the pulses produced by rotation of the toothed wheel 20 and when the count indicates that the carriage 23 is back at its rest position (FIG. 7a), (step s9) stops the motor 17 (step s10). (USP6253899)
$$ An advantage of this spiral grating is that continuous movement of the grating is achieved by rotation of the mask. (USP6376818) マスクの回転で
$$ Such a device wrapped around in a circle could be used to provide rotary motion if the component which is to be rotated is fitted with an appropriate ratchet mechanism. / 回転させるコンポーネントに適切なラチェット機構を取り付ける場合、円でラップアラウンドするこのようなデバイスを使用して回転運動を与えることができる。(USP6833656)
$$ Alternatively a castor or track ball which can rotate about two orthogonal axes could be used. (USP01024586)
$$ The disc 1 typically rotates about an axis passing through its centre at an angle of inclination of a few degrees to the normal to the axis, say 5°, as described previously. / ディスク1は代表的には、前述したように、軸線に垂直な方向に対して僅かな角度、例えば5°に傾斜した角度でその中心を通過する軸線のまわりに回転する。(USP6587246)
$$ If the shaft is then rotated from the mean position in a clockwise direction the loft will increase to 30°+[90°-60°], that is to 60° loft. / 2.シャフトを時計回りに平均位置から回動させた場合、ロフトは30度+[90度―60度]に、つまり60度のロフトに増加する。(USP6110055)
$$ Radiation is reflected by the rotating disc 1 and its direction of polarisation is therefore rotated by a further 45° as it is transmitted back through the Faraday rotator 16.(USP6587246)
$$ The drum 1 is mounted for rotation about an axis 3. / ドラム1は、軸線3を中心に回転できるように装着されている。(USP7622140)
$$ Cam followers 20 are fitted to the inward ends of the carriers 18 such that axial motion of the control rods 14 causes rotational motion of the carriers 18. / カム従動子20が担体18の内側端部に、制御棒14の軸方向運動が担体18の回転運動を生じさせるように、取り付けられている。(USP6332818)
$$ The actuating means may comprise at least one of solenoid means and means for translating and rotating the scattering means to interpose it between a scene and the detecting means. / 作動手段は、少なくとも1つのソレノイド手段と、散乱手段を並進運動および回転運動させて、シーンと検出手段の間に挿入するための手段とを含むことができる。(USP6414294)
$$ FIGS. 27d to 27g show, in a sequence of steps, the rotational movement of the leading rivet 50. / 図27dおよび27gは、一連のステップにおける、先導するリベット50の回転運動を示す。(USP6692213)
$$ As the carriage 23 rises, the validator 2 counts the pulses produced by rotation of the toothed wheel 20 and when the count indicates that the carriage 23 is back at its rest position (FIG. 7a), (step s9) stops the motor 17 (step s10). (USP6253899)
$$ An advantage of this spiral grating is that continuous movement of the grating is achieved by rotation of the mask. (USP6376818) マスクの回転で
$$ For example, the surface of the substrate may be roughened, for example by sandblasting, in order to improve the adhesion of the subsequently applied coating and in order to increase the real surface area of the substrate. / 例えば、基材の表面を、例えばサンドブラストによってざらざらにして、次後に施着される被膜の接着を向上させ且つ基材の表面積を大きくし得る。(USP6123816)
$$ Alternatively, undulations of a suitable dimension may be formed by roughening the surface by chemical or electrochemical etching, or by abrading the surface with a coarse polishing medium. / 二者択一的に、化学エッチングもしくは電気化学エッチングによって表面を粗くするか、または、目の粗い研摩材によって表面を研摩することにより、適当な大きさの起伏が形成される。(USP5373373)
$$ The external surface of the peaks of the members can if desired in alternative embodiments be roughened or formed into a toothed or claw formation to dig into the surface 40. (USP6929424)
$$ To avoid this roughening, it is advantageous to remove the insulating film from the apertures before the crystal growth step (c). (USP5930609)
$$ During this processing--especially during developing of the photoresist--the surface may become roughened and the surface noise of the finished product may be increased. (USP5137617)
$$ In addition, the design of the foot 18 has be altered to be flat with a roughened or serrated lower surface so that less of the screwjack 15 is visible below the end of the tube 9. (USP5579862)
$$ For example, the surface of the substrate may be roughened, for example by sandblasting, in order to improve the adhesion of the subsequently applied coating and in order to increase the real surface area of the substrate. / 例えば、基材の表面を、例えばサンドブラストによってざらざらにして、次後に施着される被膜の接着を向上させ且つ基材の表面積を大きくし得る。(USP6123816)
$$ Alternatively, undulations of a suitable dimension may be formed by roughening the surface by chemical or electrochemical etching, or by abrading the surface with a coarse polishing medium. / 二者択一的に、化学エッチングもしくは電気化学エッチングによって表面を粗くするか、または、目の粗い研摩材によって表面を研摩することにより、適当な大きさの起伏が形成される。(USP5373373)
$$ The external surface of the peaks of the members can if desired in alternative embodiments be roughened or formed into a toothed or claw formation to dig into the surface 40. (USP6929424)
$$ To avoid this roughening, it is advantageous to remove the insulating film from the apertures before the crystal growth step (c). (USP5930609)
$$ During this processing--especially during developing of the photoresist--the surface may become roughened and the surface noise of the finished product may be increased. (USP5137617)
$$ In addition, the design of the foot 18 has be altered to be flat with a roughened or serrated lower surface so that less of the screwjack 15 is visible below the end of the tube 9. (USP5579862)
$$ Polymer photosensitive resists are routinely used in the semiconductor industry and are manufactured by companies such as Shipley Inc. / ポリマー感光レジストは、半導体産業で日常使用されており、シップレー・インクのような会社により製造されている。(USP6788479)
$$ The frequency can be determined by routine optimisation for any particular feed and needle or grid assembly. / 周波数は、特定の原料及びニードルもしくはグリッドアセンブリの通常の最適化によって決定することができる。(USP6277932)
$$ Once charging is complete (step 24), the routine ends. / 一旦充電が完了すると(ステップ24)、ルーチンは終了する。(USP6265847)
$$ The viewer pressing the select key 81 of the remote control unit causes the processor 23 to respond by entering an order placing routine. / 視聴者が遠隔制御装置の選択キー81を押すと、プロセッサ23はそれに応答して、発注経路に入る。(USP02042917)
$$ These may be selected by routine experiment. (USP7638572)
$$ A major disadvantage of this type of device, particularly with respect to routine laboratory use, is that it requires four independent components: two beam splitters and two mirrors, one of which is the resonant surface in the case of the SPR configuration. (USP7084980)
$$ The test routine may be further refined as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. (USP6697742)
$$ If the INT 21h call is neither a write call nor a read call, then it is returned to the normal INT 21h handling routine. (USP5675725)
$$ It comprises scheduling queues (an event queue and a delta queue), a set of scheduling routines, and a set of service routines. (USP01016808)
$$ The use of "Plug'n'Play" technology means that at start-up, the host processor 7H will perform a routine to search and establish what hardware is available in the apparatus 2 and configure the apparatus 2 accordingly. (USP02000831)
$$ Polymer photosensitive resists are routinely used in the semiconductor industry and are manufactured by companies such as Shipley Inc. / ポリマー感光レジストは、半導体産業で日常使用されており、シップレー・インクのような会社により製造されている。(USP6788479)
$$ The frequency can be determined by routine optimisation for any particular feed and needle or grid assembly. / 周波数は、特定の原料及びニードルもしくはグリッドアセンブリの通常の最適化によって決定することができる。(USP6277932)
$$ Once charging is complete (step 24), the routine ends. / 一旦充電が完了すると(ステップ24)、ルーチンは終了する。(USP6265847)
$$ The viewer pressing the select key 81 of the remote control unit causes the processor 23 to respond by entering an order placing routine. / 視聴者が遠隔制御装置の選択キー81を押すと、プロセッサ23はそれに応答して、発注経路に入る。(USP02042917)
$$ These may be selected by routine experiment. (USP7638572)
$$ A major disadvantage of this type of device, particularly with respect to routine laboratory use, is that it requires four independent components: two beam splitters and two mirrors, one of which is the resonant surface in the case of the SPR configuration. (USP7084980)
$$ The test routine may be further refined as shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. (USP6697742)
$$ If the INT 21h call is neither a write call nor a read call, then it is returned to the normal INT 21h handling routine. (USP5675725)
$$ It comprises scheduling queues (an event queue and a delta queue), a set of scheduling routines, and a set of service routines. (USP01016808)
$$ The use of "Plug'n'Play" technology means that at start-up, the host processor 7H will perform a routine to search and establish what hardware is available in the apparatus 2 and configure the apparatus 2 accordingly. (USP02000831)