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NO +名詞 (可算・不可算)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...

NO +名詞 (可算・不可算)


$$ There is no suggestion of baking a dough mixture that is normally fried. (USP01031300)

$$ No reference electrode is needed in this embodiment. (USP6696020)

$$ In this invention, no receiver is needed. (USP6208696)

$$ If no operator is specified then `=` is assumed. (USP6052693)

$$ The spring forces play no part in resisting axial loads. (USP5527073)

$$ When there is no current GC there are no grey packets active. (USP02029357)

$$ The device of FIG. 13 has no semiconductor substrate. (USP01022495)

$$ If no data, then terminate process. (USP01017899)

$$ Therefore, no First-in, First-out ("FIFO") queues are required. (USP6396815)

$$ The process is continued until no further matches are found. (USP6128086)

$$ This requires no localbuffer reads or writes. (USP5727192)

$$ Hence no antennas are moved except to form links to a new node.(USP02042274)

$$ By default, no heartbeat packets are sent. (USP01054158)

$$ No stress is applied to the sealing web (28). (USP5411157)

$$ No precipitation was observed. (USP6850003)

$$ The radius of path is of no importance. (USP6304015)

$$ Hence, the console needs no real modification. (USP6057958)

$$ Consequently, they provide no room to mount small speaker drivers. (USP5533137)

$$ One of these combinations, the one sent to the pirate, is of no interest. (USP4802215)

$$ Thus, we make no claim to any compounds already disclosed. (USP02038049)

$$ There is no capability to provide any kind of gray scale in the system. (USP02018284)

タグ :NO +名詞



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...


-->not more than

$$ Where however, the method of formation involves a degree of randomness in the size of the apertures, then in general no single aperture should have a height of more than 200 micrometers and preferably no more than 30 micrometers. / しかしながら、その形成方法は、開口部の大きさのふぞろいを伴い、従って、一般に、いずれの開口部も200マイクロメートルを超える高さを有するべきではなく、30マイクロメートル以下の高さを有することが好ましい。(USP5961832)

$$ There is a requirement for a chilling apparatus for chilling canned or bottled beverages which necessitates no more than minimal changes to existing beverage containers. / 既存の飲料容器への改造費用が最小限で済む、缶入り又は瓶入り飲料を冷却する冷却機が必要とされている。(USP5931005)

$$ The procedure will have finished when no more than one entry exists in the three latter tables. / エントリが1つだけしか後の3つのテーブルに存在しない場合にこの手順は終了しよう。(USP5412650)

$$ At the same time, the number of containers which showed flaws in their neck portions was minimal, amounting to no more than the number which might occur in a conventional machine operating under optimum conditions. / 同時に、ネック部に傷のあることを示した容器の数はごく少なく、最適条件で動作している従来の装置で発生する数程度に過ぎない。(USP5366528)

$$ The magnetic fluid medium of claim 1, wherein said magnetic particles vary in their largest dimension by no more than about 5%. / 流体中の強磁性又はフェリ磁性粒子がその最大寸法において約5%を越えて変化しない、請求項1に記載の磁性流体媒体。(USP6815063)

$$ A user interaction can belong to no more than one session. / ユーザ対話は、わずか1つのセッションに属し得るだけである。(USP6336135)

$$ The carboxymethylated cellulose article according to claim 7, wherein the absorbency of the fabric of said wound dressing is no more than 1 g/g greater than the absorbency of the fabric before the fabric was subjected to carboxymethylation. (USP6548730)

$$ A security label according to claim 1, characterized that in that the machine readable pattern is a bar code and in that, in the meandering path of the detachable portion its width is no more than 1 mm greater than the width of the widest bar of the bar code. / 請求項1に記載の安全ラベルにおいて、機械読取り可能のパターンが、バーコードであり、分離可能部分の蛇行経路の幅が、バーコードの最も広幅のバーの幅より1mm以上は広くないことを特徴とする、安全ラベル。(USP5895075)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...



$$ The FPGA customer has created the design in the FPGA and can access all the CAD files (including schematics or VHDL source and the bitstream itself) associated with it, therefore, there is no reason to protect the FPGA bitstream while the FPGA is within the customer's premises. (USP01037458)

$$ This occurs because the GC has no reason to revisit A, so B will never be traced. (USP02029357)

$$ For example, although the vessel illustrated in FIG. 1 is cylindrical, and of circular cross-section, there is no reason why the cross-section cannot be of a shape other than circular, and indeed it need not even be of constant shape along the length of the vessel. / 例えば、図1に図示した容器は円筒状で且つ円形の断面であるが、この断面が円形以外の形状としてはならない理由はなにもなく、実際上、容器の長さに沿って一定の形状とする必要さえもない。(USP6098417)

$$ When targeting hardware, there is no reason to be tied to these data widths and so Handel-C has been extended to allow types of any number of bits. (USP6691301)

$$ While, in the drawings, the key (7) is to be rotated about its vertical axis (8) in a clockwise direction there is no reason why the inhaler (or motor therefor) could not be manufactured for the key (or rotating plate) to be rotated in an anti-clockwise direction for use by left-handed people, or for use even in either direction. (USP5896855)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...


introduce, cause, reduce, arise, generatenado などと共に使われることが多い

$$ This form of waveform effectively has a large noise content. / この波形の形状は、事実上大きなノイズを含む。(USP6586903)

$$ Induced noise and quantisation noise in the generated waveforms leaves strong noise components at frequencies higher than the carrier frequency. / 生成した波形内の誘導されたノイズおよび等価ノイズは、搬送周波数よりも高い周波数の強力なノイズ成分を残す。(USP6473469)

$$ However, it is important to reject signals corresponding to the other frequency so that unwanted noise and interference from the image frequency band is suppressed. / しかし、不要なノイズとイメージ周波数帯域からの干渉が抑制されるよう、他の周波数に対応する信号を除去することが重要である。(USP6441783)

$$ Since the wind turbine includes a generator and associated gearing the wind turbine inevitably generates noise. (USP6213721)

$$ In the disclosed technique, which is only one of many available for removing noise or artifacts, each pixel is sequentially examined, and placed at the center of an imaginary 3×3, 5×5, or similar pixel array. (USP6075887)

$$ The use of reactive components rather than resistive components to provide the feedback introduces much less noise and consequently little increase in the noise figure over that associated with the transistors themselves. / 帰還構成で抵抗成分よりむしろリアクタンス成分を使用することはより雑音を小さくし、その結果トランジスタに関連する回路の雑音指数を増加させない効果がある。(USP5378997)

$$ Other schemes may be used to introduce noise to extend the training set, as convenient to the particular implementation of neural network. (USP5390285)

$$ These can cause new noise to be introduced by the compensation procedure. (USP02051067)

$$ The elastomeric mounting system between the base 3 and housing 1 gives the machine further advantages of comfort of handling and low noise generation. (USP5479672)

$$ In such a system, noise can arise from a number of sources. / そのようなシステムにおいては、雑音は、数多くのソースから発生する。(USP5446812)

$$ Further noise may be generated by system faults. / さらに、雑音は、システム障害によって発生する。(USP5446812)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...



$$ The rack 25 is shown in its initial position in FIG. 4, and in this position the gearbox is in neutral with none of the gears 1 to 6 selected. / 図4に初期位置でのラック25が示されており、この位置で変速装置は、選択される歯車1~6のいずれでもない中立状態にある。(USP6019010)

$$ Of course, none of the sectors has to lie on exactly the same radius. / もちろん、完全に同一の半径上にあるセクタは無い。(USP6560176)

$$ Finally, a third type of area 22 receives radio coverage from none of the communications satellites 10 in the orbit 12 shown. / 最後に、第3型のエリア22は、示された軌道12内の通信衛星10から無線範囲を受信しない。(USP6031489)

$$ However, none of these compositions would have suitable characteristics for forming candles. / しかし、これら組成物は蝋燭を形成するのに何ら適切な特性を有していない。(USP6582484)

$$ None of the simulator DLLs have any clocks defined. (USP6691301)

$$ None of the prior art systems discloses the ability to add or record on an ongoing basis usage-created knowledge in the sense described herein. (USP6189012)

$$ None of the character escape sequences appropriate to string constants in C are processed. (USP6691301)

タグ :NONE

NORMALLY / 正規に・垂直に・通常(ノーマリ)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  |  | no...

NORMALLY / 正規に・垂直に・通常(ノーマリ)

$$ Disadvantages of prior art thermopneumatic valves include the requirement for active actuation to hold such gas control valves in one of their positions (e.g. power must be continually applied to hold a normally open valve in the closed position). / 先行技術の熱空圧式弁の欠点は、そのようなガス制御弁をそれらの位置の1つに保つための能動作動の要件を含む(例えば、ノーマルオープン弁を閉位置に保持しておくには電力は連続的に印加されなければならない)。(USP7619265)

$$ This means that if user i is innocent, the similarity value for user i, sim(i) is a normally distributed random variable with a mean of 0 and the variance of 1. / したがって、ユーザiが正当な(innocent)ユーザである場合、ユーザiに対する類似値sim(i)は、平均値が0で分散が1の正規分布したランダム変数となる。(USP03131243)

$$ The balls 14 and pairs 16 are lightly urged into engagement so that force on the stylus, from the workpiece contact say, opens the normally closed switch thereby issuing a workpiece contact signal. / ボール14と、ボール対16とは、このスタイラスが例えばワークピースと接触してこのスタイラスに応力がかかり、このノーマリクローズのスイッチがオープンしたとき、これにより、ワークピース接触信号が送出されるように、わずかに付勢して係合させてある。(USP6941671)

$$ U.S. Pat. No. 4,153,998 describes one example of such a probe, having three sets of contacts wired in series, which are normally closed. / 特許文献1は、ノーマリクローズの、直列接続された3つのコタクトセットを有するプローブの例を開示している。(USP6941671)

$$ A further useful movement in an aircraft of this type is the yaw motion which is an angular motion of the aircraft in a horizontal plane about the normally vertical axis. / このタイプの航空機における別の有用な動きは、水平面における通常は垂直軸回りの航空機の角運動であるヨーイング運動である。(USP7581381)

$$ Entry of air through the normally orientated ports will not result in swirled flow through the chamber and reduces the main air flow restriction. / 空気を垂直方向に差し向けられたポート中へ導入しても、室を通る旋回が結果的に生じることはなく、主空気流に対する抵抗は小さくなる。(USP6474569)

$$ The effective trailing edge (TE1) of the blade is defined as that edge of the normally wetted surface of the blade to which a forward side (Ca ") of the blade cavity (Ca) is attached. / 上記翼の実効的な後縁(TE1)とは、当該翼の通常濡れている表面における、翼のキャビティ(Ca)の前側(Ca”)が付着する縁と定義される。(USP6332818)

$$ FIG. 9 shows how periodic energisation of the motor in the normally motor off state can be used to provide an inferred motor torque value which is proportional to the pressure being stored in the accumulator. / 図9は、正常なモータオフ状態(normally motor off state)における周期的なモータの通電を利用して、アキュムレータに蓄積される圧力と正比例する推定モータトルク値をどの様にして得るかを示す。(USP6132010)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | no...


advantage that, disadvantage that, effect that, fact that, possibility that, problem that, indication that, information that, message that, sense that, etc

$$ It should be appreciated that the term `sterilisation` is used loosely in the sense that the wavelength, intensity and duration of UV irradiation may be adjusted either empirically or using known methods in order to achieve a desired degree of bacterial destruction on the surface of the article or articles in the enclosure. / “殺菌”の用語が、UV照射の波長や、強さ及び持続時間が、包囲体内の品物又は複数の品物の表面での望ましい程度のバクテリヤの破滅を達成するために、経験又は公知の方法のいずれかを用いて調整されるという意味で、漠然と用いられている。(USP6507030)

$$ A server application indicates on its reply message that no further user input is requested, and the gateway responds by releasing 420 session-specific resources. / 要求される更なるユーザ入力がないことをサーバ・アプリケーションがそれの応答メッセージにおいて表示し、ゲートウェイが、セッション特有の資源を保留解除することによって応答する。(USP6336135)

$$ This also has the advantage that if the neck is only lightly loaded/stressed then the arrangement is less likely to rattle. (USP7842868)

$$ This solution also suffers from the disadvantage that it requires different fabrication techniques. (USP5729157)

$$ The use of a nominal voltage measure also has the effect that only a single ADC digitisation channel is required. (USP6414475)

$$ The fact that each serial EPROM must contain a different configuration thus complicates equipment manufacturing. (USP01037458)

$$ However, there is always the possibility that the effect of such windowing or truncation may sometimes be audible, and it is preferred to minimise such effects. (USP5671287)

$$ Furthermore, there is a problem that the cup seal has to seal well with the control member, but not produce undue frictional drag on rotation of the control member. (USP6880575)

$$ There is the further problem that incident light can enter from the sides and interfere with the observation. (USP5018846)

$$ As a result, he does not get a tactile indication that he is nearing the position when actuation is likely to occur. (USP6965789)

$$ The information that the transmitter is to transmit may be stored in a local memory, that is cached, and can be periodically updated. (USP6606033)

$$ Links are bidirectional for the purpose of navigation, in the sense that they can be navigated or followed from either of the linked object instances.(USP6189012)

$$ This obviates the need to retransmit newer versions of the document; only a message that the referenced document has been updated needs to be sent to the intended recipients of the document.(USP6397261)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...


$$ The winglet 40 generates a tip vortex when in flight. / かかる小翼40は、飛行時に、先端渦を発生させる。(USP8366056)

$$ The board when released from the cassette 10 may typically have a density in excess of 50 kilograms per cubic meter. / カセット10から解放された時のボード(「厚板」)は、典型的には、1立方メートル当たり50キログラムを越える密度を有し得る。(USP7112364)

$$ This method basically consists in measuring the loss of transmission in the fibre 1,2 when liquid of an appropriate refractive index (higher than that of the cladding) is applied to the exposed fibre. / この方法は基本的に、適切な屈折率(クラディングの屈折率よりも高い)の液体が露出されたファイバに与えられた時のファイバ1、2中の伝送損失の測定からなる。(USP5903685)

$$ The maximum potential gradient when the voltage used is 0.5 kV, is estimated at 0. 13 kV/cm, and at a voltage of 0.2 kV the estimated maximum potential gradient is about 0.05 kV/cm. / 使用電圧が0.5kVの場合における最大電位勾配は0.13kV/cmであると推定され、0.2kVの電圧での推定最大電位勾配は約0.05kV/cmである。(USP7041340)

$$ This height adjustment when raising up or sinking down of the central mounting frame will draw the buoyancy floats into a closer spatial relationship than if the central mount was to be adjusted into a centered lateral position. (USP7484468)

$$ FIG. 7 illustrates the facial images when not subject to caricaturing. (USP7646395)

$$ This second release mechanism when activated may force relative rotation of the members to permit their disengagement. (USP7641487)

$$ This is particularly the case when the device 1 will inevitably be subjected to knocks and is likely to be dropped many times in its long existence. (USP6965789)

$$ FIG. 5 shows the response when a 16-point FFT is inserted in the system shown in FIG. 3, with the maximum signal selector superimposed. (USP6898176)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...


$$ The invention will now be illustrated by way of Example only. / この発明は、実施例のみのために説明される。(USP5968000)

$$ Nearly all articles sold to the public now include a bar code on their outer surface. / 現在、市販されているほとんどすべての物品には、バーコードが外表面に付加されている。(USP5895075)

$$ This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/403,725 filed Sep. 29, 1995 now abandoned. (USP5877871)

$$ The left circular polarized light transmitted by 14 now becomes converted to right circular polarized light on transmission through 13 and is now reflected by 15. / コンパートメント14によって送られる左円偏光は中間基板13を透過した時に右偏光に変換されており、今や、コンパートメント15によって反射される。(USP5801796)

$$ This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 08/230,382, filed Apr. 20, 1994 now U.S. Pat. No. 5,503,369. (USP5749565)

$$ The screen now only shows the product categories user wants to see (FIG. 10). / するとユーザーが見たい分類だけが画面上に表示される。(USP5559936)

$$ However, instead of now deciding whether or not to perform the compression, the communications subsystem uses the information in table 30 to calculate a time limit. / しかしながら、圧縮を実行すべきかどうかを現時点で決定する代わりに、通信サブシステム14はテーブル30内のタイム・リミットを計算する情報を用いる。(USP5454079)

$$ Electronic image processing apparatus is now widely used to modify images. / 電子画像処理装置は、現在画像を修正するのに広く用いられている。(USP5453842)

$$ It will be seen that in FIG. 2D the first input data value "d1" has now reached the centre tap of the seven tap filter. / 図2Dにおいて、最初の入力データ値「d1」が今や7タップ・フィルタの中央タップに達したことが見られるであろう。(USP5381354)

$$ Referring now to FIG. 1, a measuring probe includes a transducer module 10 upon which a suspension module 12 is releasably and repeatably mountable. / さて、図1を参照するに、測定プローブはトランスデューサモジュール10を含み、これに対し懸架モジュール12が着脱可能および反復可能に取付け可能である。(USP02174556)

$$ The invention will now be further described with reference to the following Examples. / 本発明を、以下の例を参照して更に記述する。(USP03013822)

$$ The times at which the transistors 164,166 are turned on and off will now be described with reference to FIG. 12, which is a graph of one cycle of the alternating current flowing in resonant circuit 172. / ところで、トランジスタ164,166がオンオフされる時間関係を、図12で説明する。この図は、共振回路172の中を流れる交流電流の1サイクルのグラフである。(USP5434880)

タグ :NOW



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | no...


$$ Despite the limited contact region, there is no problem with the coupling of the ultrasound beam into the phantom, since the phantom is covered in a fine layer of coupling fluid. / 限られた接触領域にかかわらず、超音波の光束が人体模型に結合することに関して問題はない。なぜならば、人体模型は結合流体の薄い層で覆われているからである。(USP8094911)

$$ The camera is triggered to start before the event is expected and is stopped once the event has occurred--it is no problem to detect the main event and so stop the camera then. / このカメラは期待される事象が生じる前にトリガを行い一度事象が生じると停止される。これにおいては、主な事象を検出、そこでカメラを停止しなければならないという問題を解消する。(USP6157409)

$$ There are no problems with information on paper becoming wet, or blowing away in strong winds. (USP8723666)

$$ If detected set cells are to be measured, there is no problem in identifying them to the UE since it is the UE which finds the detected set cells. (USP7184760)

$$ Thus, there are no problems in synchronising the speed of such a motor with the rate at which material is required by the packaging apparatus 50. (USP4856692)

$$ This synchronization procedure is reasonably straightforward, and involves no problems in principle. (USP5610951)

$$ The fact that the distances between the head end and the outstations are random presents no problem to downstream transmission. (USP5559805)