$$ An X-Y scan, with the sample placed on the X-Y table 110, determines such surface profile, using the profile measurement device 114,118. (USP5510894)
$$ For example, as shown in the table below (for fifteen channels), cell B has a demand of 10 whereas cell A only has a demand of 3. / 例えば、(15のチャンネルに対して)次の表に示したように、セルBは10の需要をもち、一方でセルAはたった3のみの需要をもつ。(USP6539228)
$$ The effect of doubling or halving each of the parameters increasing the mean heat transfer coefficient is summarised in the following table: / 平均熱伝達係数を増大させる各パラメータの倍加または半減の効果を下表に要約する。(USP01020503)
$$ Results of Test 1 and 2 are provided in the table below. / テスト1及び2の結果は以下の表に与えられる。(USP01019809)
$$ FIG. 17 is a table of editing commands, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; (USP6691301)
$$ FIG. 4 is a table showing details of a contention byte. (USP5377189)
$$ FIG. 6 is a table illustrating the operation of apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; (USP03030932)
$$ An X-Y scan, with the sample placed on the X-Y table 110, determines such surface profile, using the profile measurement device 114,118. (USP5510894)
$$ For example, as shown in the table below (for fifteen channels), cell B has a demand of 10 whereas cell A only has a demand of 3. / 例えば、(15のチャンネルに対して)次の表に示したように、セルBは10の需要をもち、一方でセルAはたった3のみの需要をもつ。(USP6539228)
$$ The effect of doubling or halving each of the parameters increasing the mean heat transfer coefficient is summarised in the following table: / 平均熱伝達係数を増大させる各パラメータの倍加または半減の効果を下表に要約する。(USP01020503)
$$ Results of Test 1 and 2 are provided in the table below. / テスト1及び2の結果は以下の表に与えられる。(USP01019809)
$$ FIG. 17 is a table of editing commands, in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention; (USP6691301)
$$ FIG. 4 is a table showing details of a contention byte. (USP5377189)
$$ FIG. 6 is a table illustrating the operation of apparatus according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; (USP03030932)
$$ If adhesively bonded, then the peel strength of the bonding adhesive must be less than that of the switchable adhesive composition in its tacky form. / 接着結合する場合には、接着剤の剥離強度が粘着状態の転換可能接着剤組成物の剥離強度よりも小さくなければならない。(USP6610762)
$$ It is often satisfactory to use permanently tacky adhesive tapes for many such purposes, for example, tapes coated or impregnated with adhesives based on bitumen. (USP4061825)
$$ They may be solid or hollow, and either tacky or tack-free. (USP7071256)
$$ In use the dressing (1) is adhered to the skin of a patient when the adhesive layer (3) is in a tacky form. / 使用時において、ドレッシング(1)は接着層(3)が粘着状態のときに、患者の皮膚に接着される。(USP6610762)
$$ They are provided in a form which is readily handleable, and in particular is not inherently tacky or viscous. / それらは取り扱いが容易な且つ特に固有に粘着性又は粘性ではない形態で提供される。(USP6353047)
$$ The resultant oil/tacky liquid is redissolved in 500 ml distilled water with light warming for about 20 minutes. (USP7371729)
$$ If adhesively bonded, then the peel strength of the bonding adhesive must be less than that of the switchable adhesive composition in its tacky form. / 接着結合する場合には、接着剤の剥離強度が粘着状態の転換可能接着剤組成物の剥離強度よりも小さくなければならない。(USP6610762)
$$ It is often satisfactory to use permanently tacky adhesive tapes for many such purposes, for example, tapes coated or impregnated with adhesives based on bitumen. (USP4061825)
$$ They may be solid or hollow, and either tacky or tack-free. (USP7071256)
$$ In use the dressing (1) is adhered to the skin of a patient when the adhesive layer (3) is in a tacky form. / 使用時において、ドレッシング(1)は接着層(3)が粘着状態のときに、患者の皮膚に接着される。(USP6610762)
$$ They are provided in a form which is readily handleable, and in particular is not inherently tacky or viscous. / それらは取り扱いが容易な且つ特に固有に粘着性又は粘性ではない形態で提供される。(USP6353047)
$$ The resultant oil/tacky liquid is redissolved in 500 ml distilled water with light warming for about 20 minutes. (USP7371729)
$$ For example, in a conventional tandem Q-TOF.RTM. type mass spectrometer multiple parent ion candidates are identified from a survey scan. / 例えば、従来のタンデムQ-TOF(登録商標)型質量分析計においては、探査スキャンから多数の親イオン候補が同定される。(USP8076637)
$$ In tandem, a second part of the airflow 1243c flows via second chimney exit 1255 directly into the chamber 1260. / 並行して、気流1243cの第2の部分は、第2の煙突部出口1255を通り直接チャンバ1260内へと流れる。(USP8066002)
$$ However, the best results were obtained when the two types of sensors worked in tandem. / しかし、最良の結果は2つのタイプのソナーがタンデムに使用する時に得られた。(USP7124022)
$$ In FIG. 7 there is illustrated a safety razor blade unit with two cutting elements in tandem between the guard and cap surfaces, and both cutting elements 23 being as described with reference to FIG. 3. / 図7に2個の切取部がガードとキャップ面間に前後にある安全かみそり刃ユニットを示し、両切取部23は図3について説明したものである。(USP6176014)
$$ It could also be used in tandem with the X and Y tag RAM. (USP6075887)
$$ Alternatively, both pasteurisers can be used in tandem. (USP01023850)
$$ For example, in a conventional tandem Q-TOF.RTM. type mass spectrometer multiple parent ion candidates are identified from a survey scan. / 例えば、従来のタンデムQ-TOF(登録商標)型質量分析計においては、探査スキャンから多数の親イオン候補が同定される。(USP8076637)
$$ In tandem, a second part of the airflow 1243c flows via second chimney exit 1255 directly into the chamber 1260. / 並行して、気流1243cの第2の部分は、第2の煙突部出口1255を通り直接チャンバ1260内へと流れる。(USP8066002)
$$ However, the best results were obtained when the two types of sensors worked in tandem. / しかし、最良の結果は2つのタイプのソナーがタンデムに使用する時に得られた。(USP7124022)
$$ In FIG. 7 there is illustrated a safety razor blade unit with two cutting elements in tandem between the guard and cap surfaces, and both cutting elements 23 being as described with reference to FIG. 3. / 図7に2個の切取部がガードとキャップ面間に前後にある安全かみそり刃ユニットを示し、両切取部23は図3について説明したものである。(USP6176014)
$$ It could also be used in tandem with the X and Y tag RAM. (USP6075887)
$$ Alternatively, both pasteurisers can be used in tandem. (USP01023850)
$$ A cutting element according to claim 2, wherein the angle of taper between the slot edges is from 3° to 7°. / 4. 前記溝の縁間のテーパーの角度は3乃至7°である請求項2記載の切取部。(USP6176014)
$$ Away from the tapered region 380, light is in the usual mode 390 of standard fiber 420. / テーパ付き領域380から離れると、光は標準ファイバ420の通常モード390になる。(USP6631234)
$$ If desired, the column can be tapered downwardly over substantially all its length, but this is usually unnecessary. / 望むならば、カラムは、実質的にその全長にわたって下に先細りしていることもできるが、これは普通は不要である。(USP6277932)
$$ The bore in the end of the shank is tapped to accept a tapered screw 38. / シャンク端部におけるボアには先細りねじ38を受け入れるために雌ねじを立てている。(USP6110055)
$$ The walls of each aperture may be parallel or tapered. / 各開口部の壁は平行であるか又はテーパがついている。(USP5961832)
$$ Piston 140 tapers to a narrower nose 140A at its downstream end and nose 140A itself tapers at its downstream end to a flat end surface 144. (USP01025858)
$$ The body section 2 is tapered along its length at the upper and lower portions of the circumference, reducing in diameter towards the exterior end section 3. / ボデー部分2は、周囲の上方部分及び下方部分において長さに沿ってテーパーにされ、外側端部部分3に向かって直径が小さくなる。(USP6186974)
$$ A cutting element according to claim 2, wherein the angle of taper between the slot edges is from 3° to 7°. / 4. 前記溝の縁間のテーパーの角度は3乃至7°である請求項2記載の切取部。(USP6176014)
$$ Away from the tapered region 380, light is in the usual mode 390 of standard fiber 420. / テーパ付き領域380から離れると、光は標準ファイバ420の通常モード390になる。(USP6631234)
$$ If desired, the column can be tapered downwardly over substantially all its length, but this is usually unnecessary. / 望むならば、カラムは、実質的にその全長にわたって下に先細りしていることもできるが、これは普通は不要である。(USP6277932)
$$ The bore in the end of the shank is tapped to accept a tapered screw 38. / シャンク端部におけるボアには先細りねじ38を受け入れるために雌ねじを立てている。(USP6110055)
$$ The walls of each aperture may be parallel or tapered. / 各開口部の壁は平行であるか又はテーパがついている。(USP5961832)
$$ Piston 140 tapers to a narrower nose 140A at its downstream end and nose 140A itself tapers at its downstream end to a flat end surface 144. (USP01025858)
$$ The body section 2 is tapered along its length at the upper and lower portions of the circumference, reducing in diameter towards the exterior end section 3. / ボデー部分2は、周囲の上方部分及び下方部分において長さに沿ってテーパーにされ、外側端部部分3に向かって直径が小さくなる。(USP6186974)
$$ This can be visualised as being formed, or indeed actually formed by holding one end of a long tape and, keeping the tape "taut", rotating the other end around the axis 62 of the tape, producing a twisted tape. / これは、長いテープの一端を保持し、テープを「ぴんと張って」保ち、テープの軸62の周りで他端を回転させて撚ったテープを生成することによって形成されるものとして視覚化することができ、または実際に形成することができる。(USP6833656)
$$ To keep the traction belts taut, tension rollers 356 are located at the bottom of the sled, and also form part of the sled guide construction. (USP7306220)
$$ After initial movement of the trim panel 30 away from the body part 42 the strap 7 becomes taut thereby preventing any further movement of the trim panel 30 away from the body part 42. (USP6145870)
$$ With the flexible veneer materials such as leather, it is preferable for the material to be taut on the frame. (USP6965789)
$$ The trim panel "T" is prevented from becoming completely detached from the body panel "B" by the strap 107 which is extended until it is taut and then restricts further movement of the trim panel "T" away from the body panel "B". (USP6145870)
$$ This can be visualised as being formed, or indeed actually formed by holding one end of a long tape and, keeping the tape "taut", rotating the other end around the axis 62 of the tape, producing a twisted tape. / これは、長いテープの一端を保持し、テープを「ぴんと張って」保ち、テープの軸62の周りで他端を回転させて撚ったテープを生成することによって形成されるものとして視覚化することができ、または実際に形成することができる。(USP6833656)
$$ To keep the traction belts taut, tension rollers 356 are located at the bottom of the sled, and also form part of the sled guide construction. (USP7306220)
$$ After initial movement of the trim panel 30 away from the body part 42 the strap 7 becomes taut thereby preventing any further movement of the trim panel 30 away from the body part 42. (USP6145870)
$$ With the flexible veneer materials such as leather, it is preferable for the material to be taut on the frame. (USP6965789)
$$ The trim panel "T" is prevented from becoming completely detached from the body panel "B" by the strap 107 which is extended until it is taut and then restricts further movement of the trim panel "T" away from the body panel "B". (USP6145870)
タグ :TAUT