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$$ The third instruction continues in an analogous manner to the first and second instructions and results in a 40-bit partial remainder and a 24-bit partial quotient. (USP5748518)

$$ Furthermore, in the case of millimetre wave staring arrays there are fundamental problems analogous to the cold shielding problems encountered in infrared systems. / さらに、ミリ波凝視アレイの場合、赤外線システムで生じるコールドシールドに関する問題に似た根本的な問題がある。(USP6587246)

$$ It basically performs functions analogous to those of the Home Agent/Foreign Agent routers 12a, 12b, 12c of Mobile IP, previously described. / GGSN51は基本的に上述の移動IPのホームエージェント/外部エージェントのルータ12a、12b、12cの機能と類似の機能を実行する。(USP6584098)

$$ The dyes of Formula (19) may be prepared using methods analogous to those described in the art for other similar azo compounds. / 化学式(19)の染料はジアゾ化合物の技術分野に述べられている類似の方法、例えば、EP572419の実施例1に記載されている方法を使用して調製できる。(USP6254669)

$$ This pattern is analogous to the elementary binary pattern previously shown in FIG. 7. / このパターンは、図7で既に示した基本的なバイナリパターンに類似している。(USP6433483)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | an...


$$ The compounds of the present invention were analysed by HPLC. / HPLCにより、本発明の化合物を分析した。(USP6797699)

$$ The data were then analysed by a computer program which implemented the filterbank analyser 16. / データは、次に、フィルタバンク分析器16を実行するコンピュータプログラムにより分析された。(USP6671666)

$$ The samples are analyzed using gel permeation techniques with tetrahydrofuran as the solvent and columns appropriate to low/medium molecular weight polymers. / 試料は溶媒としてテトラヒドロフランを用い、低/中間分子量ポリマーに適切なカラムを使用してゲル浸透法で分析される。(USP6582484)

$$ The FDE 20 analyses incoming call event records to detect possible fraudulent use of the network. / FDE20は、到来する呼イベント記録を解析して、網の不正使用の可能性を検出する。(USP5907602)

$$ Apparatus according to claim 7 in which each cluster at each node is analyzed to determine if it is statistically significant or random. (USP7573824)

$$ The variable w is then allocated to the following word which is then analysed to determine whether it is a modifying word, common word and so on. (USP6556987)

$$ On the basis of this data, the statistics of the signal received at the receiver can be analysed to determine whether the key has been received securely, or whether an eavesdropper has intercepted any part of the key. (USP5675648)

$$ It is possible to use such techniques in a confocal manner, in order to analyse only light scattered from a certain plane in the sample.(USP5510894)

$$ Alternatively it is possible to illuminate just a point on the sample and analyse the Raman scattered light from that point.(USP5442438)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | an...


$$ For example, the image analysis procedure in breast dynamic imaging typically involves localisation of a lesion within an image of the subject containing a contrast agent. / 例えば、胸部に関する動的な画像解析手法においては、対象物の撮影画像の内部に傷害部位を位置させ、造影剤を導入する。(USP7643670)

$$ The present invention relates to an apparatus and method of interaction with a data processor such as a games machine, and in particular to an apparatus and method of interaction based upon image analysis. / 本発明は、ゲーム機などのデータ処理装置との対話装置および方法に関し、特に、画像解析に基づいた対話装置および方法に関する。(USP8241125)

$$ The threshold level used by the threshold measurement and error flag analysis unit 640 varies according to the spatial frequency range of the sub-band containing the corrupted element. / しきい値測定及びエラー標識解析ユニット640が使用するしきい値レベルは、不良要素を含むサブバンドの空間周波数範囲に従って変わる。(USP5353059)

$$ Subsequently the software is used to control automatically the acquisition of analysis data for each of the points of interest during an infrared scanning operation. / 引き続いて、ソフトウェアは赤外操作動作の間、関心あるポイントの各々に関する分析データの自動取得を制御するのに用いられる。(USP5946131)

$$ Digital analysis of an image in order to identify the particular pattern is something well within the scope of the expert in the art and does not need detailed explanation here. / 特定パターンを識別するための、ディジタル式イメージ分析は、当業者には周知のことなので、ここで詳説する必要はない。(USP5895075)

$$ When a new MIS file has finished its transmission, the MIS Interface 42 starts reading the records in the file for subsequent analysis by the FDCS. / 新しいMISファイルがそのトランザクションを終了するとき、MISインターフェイス42はFDCSによる次の解析のためにファイル内の記録を読取りを開始する。(USP5907602)

$$ In this way cross-talk artefacts are prevented from interfering with the image analysis. (USP7625087)




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$$ It will be appreciated that the polymer from which the ring is made, the size and shape of the ring and the content of the treatment agent, as well as other parameters, may be selected by reference to whether the ring is for use in one cycle or for longer spells. / リングが製造されるポリマー、リングと治療剤の内容物のサイズおよび形状、並びに他のパラメータは、1周期またはしばらくの間使用するためのリングかどうかを考慮して選択するのがよいことは理解できるであろう。 (USP7615210)

$$ Alternative techniques known in the art include interferometry and piezoelectrically coated probes as well as detection of thermal variations in the radiant output of a heated probe. / この技術分野においてよく知られた別の技術は、干渉計による測定および圧電的に被覆されたプローブならびに熱せられたプローブの放射出力(radiant output)における熱変化の検出を含む。(USP7596989)

$$ The stochastic nature of some digital printing methods and the differing spacing as well as sizing of four color printing elements all help to avoid the creation of Moire fringe patterns. / いくつかのデジタル印刷方法の異形的性質(stochastic nature)および4色印刷エレメントの異なる間隔並びにサイズはすべて、モアレ縞パターンの形成を避けることを補助する。(USP6267052)

$$ The configuration data loaded at start-up controls the content and size of the fraud database caches, as well as runtime parameters such as the refresh rate used for each cache. / 始動時にロードされる構成データは、不正データベースキャッシュの内容および大きさ、並びに各キャッシュに使用されるリフレッシュレートのような走行時間パラメータを制御する。(USP5907602)

$$ The craft speed, acceleration and direction, as well as potential over-loading of the engines are controlled by varying the pitch of the propulsors. / 船速、加速及び方向、並びにエンジンの可能性のある過負荷は、推進器のピッチを変化させることにより制御される。(USP6332818)

$$ Suitable inorganic active filler materials include metal oxides, metal salts, glasses and ceramics that contain metal compounds, zeolites, and oxidisable metals, as well as products obtained by sintering such materials. / 適当な無機活性充填剤材料には、金属酸化物類と、金属塩類と、ガラス類と、金属化合物類、ゼオライト、被酸化性金属およびこのような材料を焼結することによって得られる生成物を含有するセラミック類とが含まれる。(USP6313192)

$$ The addressees name, address, fax number and greetings as well as the product user is enquiring about are all inserted automatically from the systems' database. / 受信者の氏名、住所、ファックス番号及び挨拶文が問い合わせている製品名と共にシステムのデータベースより自動的に挿入される。(USP5559936)

$$ Extrinsic ligands include many glycan, phospholipid and other components of micro-organisms, such as capsular and somatic components of bacteria, fungi and parasites, as well as plant products(10-15). / 外来リガンドとしては、多くの多糖類、リン脂質、および細菌の莢膜成分や菌体成分、菌類や寄生生物、植物生産物などもある(参考文献10~15)。(USP7615543)

$$ It will be understood that the drive frequency necessary to excite one or more resonance depends on the material and thickness of the transducer wall and the transmission layer as well as the diameter or width of the channel (or thickness of the sample layer). / 一つ以上の共振を励起するのに必要な駆動周波数は、トランスデューサの壁および伝達層の材料および厚さや、チャネルの直径または幅(即ち、サンプル層の厚さ)に応じることが理解されよう。(USP7608440)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | each


$$ The elements 528 respond to the diffuse image and each element's output is multiplexed by instruction from the controller unit 504 into the output S1. / 素子528はこの拡散画像に応答し、各素子の出力は、制御装置ユニット504からの命令によって多重化され、出力S1となる。(USP6414294)

$$ In an embodiment, the index control module generates a transcript of each spoken word and each spoken word shares a common time reference. (USP7292979)

$$ Each end wall 3 and 5 and each side wall 7 and 9 is additionally provided with two outwardly extending reinforcing ribs 23. (USP7159733)

$$ Each bit position in a separator would require 2 bytes, and each separator has 2 bits set. (USP7065517)

$$ A correct parameter value is rewarded with a value of 100, and each incorrect value is penalised with a value of -20. (USP6810118)

$$ Typically, but not necessarily, each pixel comprises eight bits, and each image data block comprises an eight-by-eight array of pixels. (USP6724817)

$$ This channel has sixteen slots and each slot includes various data bit plus rate information bits RI. (USP6421331)

$$ An image store is provided and each new pixel is written at the appropriate picture point in the store. (USP6137496)

$$ Such Entities are stored in a single field of the Repository and each receive a unique identifier or index so that they may be distinguished from other Entities. (USP7430563): adv

$$ The encoders 10, 12 are identical, and each generate a bit-rate reduced (BRR) signal for recording on the tape medium. (USP5956429): adv

$$ Such displays have a number of pixels and each is generated by its own site within the display structure. (USP6002207)

$$ Processors 58 and 62 perform identical functions on incoming data and each is typically a Texas Instruments type DSP TMS 320C50. (USP6263095)

$$ Each of the stiles and rails has a tenon extending therefrom, and each of the tenons is adhesively secured within an associated one of the recesses. (USP6643991)

$$ Preferably the bus is a dual bus comprising two independent data buses and each of the cards is arranged to contend for each of the buses. (USP5377189)




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$$ A device according to claim 1 and further comprising a gate electrode. / ゲート電極をさらに含む請求項1に記載のデバイス。(USP7619265)

$$ Referring to FIG. 1 the scan latch 1 consists of a two input multiplexer 2 having a first input 10 and a second input 11 and further having a control input 12. (USP6622273)

$$ Effectively, a transmission-line 15 makes a double traverse of its signal carrying boundary, shown as rectangular, and further repeated traverses could produce yet more phases. / 実際、伝送線15は、矩形で示すように、その信号搬送境界の二重横断を行い、更に繰り返し横断をすれば、更に多くの位相を生成することができる。(USP6816020)

$$ It is found that the use of a minimum error distribution map reduces the bunching of calls to particular destinations, and further improves the call statistics. / 最小のエラー分配マップを使用すると、特定の送信先への呼のバンチング(集合化)が小さくなり、さらに呼統計が向上することが分かっている。(USP6748063)

$$ If the battery voltage, V, has not reached maximum charging voltage, Vmax, then the first battery 6a has not been fully charged and further charging is allowed (step S17). / 電池電圧Vが、最大充電電圧VMAXに到達していなければ、第1電池6aは、完全に充電されておらず、かつ、さらなる充電が許容される(ステップ17)。(USP6265847)

$$ Within the eighth aspect corresponding advantages and further features as previously described in respect of the third aspect are obtained. (USP7646395)

$$ At greater thicknesses, the output characteristic of the devices has saturated and further useful information cannot be retrieved. (USP7146849)

$$ In this manner the cycle repeats and further packages are continuously created. (USP6915184)

$$ The central region 604 is removed and further processing is carried out to yield the device shown in FIG. 20. (USP6858912)

$$ For example, the voltage needed to produce 1000 cd/m2 drops from 7.1 V for the control device I, to 6.3 V in the interlayer device II, and further to 5.5 V for the graded interlayer devices III and IV. (USP6850003)

$$ The circuit of FIG. 1 will be known to those skilled in the art, and further description thereof is not necessary. (USP6700936)

$$ The dielectric layer 51 and further dielectric layer 60 are deposited by use of the magnetron sputterer 65. (USP6632684)




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-->not but

$$ In this instance, however, the record defines the file portions in terms of file records and not in terms of track and sector locations on the disk. (USP5675725)

$$ The phase accuracy and gain balance of a Hilbert downconverter between the in-phase and quadrature signal components is also more accurate and not sensitive to temperature variations or aging (component drifting).(USP5422909)

$$ The focussing element may focus radiation with a first linear polarisation and not radiation with a polarisation displaced by 90°. / 集束素子は、第1の直線偏波で放射を集束するが90°回転した偏波で放射を集束しないものであってもよい。(USP6900756)

$$ Accordingly, the above description of several embodiments is made by way of example and not for the purposes of limitation. / したがっていくつかの実施形態の上述の記載は、実施例を手段としてなされており、限定を目的とするものではない。(USP6586903)

$$ This type of functionality is known and not therefore further described herein. / このタイプの機能は既知であり、したがってここではさらに記載しない。(USP6424968)

$$ This feature may be provided in a variety of fashions and not depart from the scope of this invention. / この特徴は、様々な方法で提供でき、本発明の範囲から逸脱しない。(USP6288534)

$$ The pre-imaged design 31 only adheres to white background color layer 12 to form design layer 11 and not to substrate 14. / 予め印刷されたイメージ31は、イメージ層11を形成する為、白色バックグラウンドカラー層12のみに接着し、基材14には接着しない。(USP6267052)

$$ A design can be visible from one side of a panel and not visible from the other side. / デザインをパネルの一方の側から見ることはできるが、他方の側からは見えない。(USP6212805)

$$ If the CPU reads data A again soon afterwards, the cache memory 14 is accessed for the data, and not system memory 12. / その後間もなくCPU10が再びデータAを読み出す場合、CPU10はシステムメモリ12ではなく、キャッシュメモリ14のデータにアクセスする。(USP6138216)




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$$ The first name (in this case MON) has a value of 0, the next 1, and so on, unless explicit values are specified. (USP6691301)

$$ Thus each entry in the table 31, 32 corresponds to a physical link (N1, N2) and includes data on e.g. bandwidth, maximum frame size, and so on for that link (P1, P2 respectively). (USP5454079)

$$ Each table may contain sub-tables and so on as required. / 各表は所望により副次表(sub-table)等々を含むこともできる。(USP5479385)

$$ ...and maximum positive output signal is received from coil 12 and comparing and so on as the drill head progresses...(USP6102137)

$$ The person then takes the second digit of his or her mask code, in this example 9, and notes the character in ninth position along the pseudo-random string, and so on for the digits 2 and 8 of the mask code.(USP02059146)

$$ The glue code includes a dedicated portion for handling returns which ensures that the register, stacks, and so on are correct for the execution of the next piece of code. (USP02029357)

$$ Once this layer has dried, the assembly is dipped again into the ceramic slurry, and so on, so that a series of layers is built up over the patterns. (USP02005265)

$$ For example, the letter `A` might be encoded in binary format as 10000001, the letter `B` as 10000010, the letter `C` as 10000011, and so on up to the letter `Z` as 10011010. (USP6392915)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | an...


$$ All of these alternatives would have the benefit of the avoidance of corrosion, and so might be preferred in situations where corrosion of a steel rock bolt might be expected and disadvantageous. (USP6929424)

$$ The structure supporting the piston must move into the column interior behind the piston, and so must be smaller than the column diameter. / ピストンを支持する構造は、ピストンの背後でカラム内部に移動する必要があり、そのためカラムの直径よりも小さいことが必要である。(USP7604747)

$$ These problems could only occur in badly designed circuits, the issues involved are inherent in true hardware as well and so may be in any simulation of it. (USP6691301)

$$ The size of the cell may can be controlled on the basis of positioning, power level and so may range from a few meters to hundreds of meters across or more. (USP6606033)

$$ Preferably, the water soluble organic composition is mouldable and so may be thermoplastic. (USP02005265)

$$ The distance between the passage outlets should be sufficient to ensure, within the nozzle, good physical contact between and efficient mixing of the fluids introduced through the relevant passages, and so may be affected by other operating conditions such as pressure, temperature, fluid densities and viscosities and their flow rates. / 流路出口間の距離は、それぞれの流路を通して導入される流体間のノズル内での物理的な接触及びこれらの流体間での効果的な混合を確実にするのに十分なようにすべきである。従ってこの流体出口間の距離は、圧力、温度、流体密度、流体粘度及び流体流量のような他の操作条件によって影響を受けることがある。(USP7150766)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | an...


$$ A direct implementation, for example using FIR filter means in FIGS. 1, 4b and 4c, would require the use of four FIR filters whose typical length may be of the order of ten or twenty milliseconds, and so would be very complicated. (USP5671287)

$$ In this latter case, the resist masks used to define the mesas would be ring shaped rather than circular, and both of the inner and outer walls that define the ring would be formed simultaneously and so would be sloped. / 後者の場合は、メサの形成に使用するレジストマスクを円形でなしにリング状とし、リングに傾斜内壁と傾斜外壁を同時に形成させる。(USP7598149)

$$ HTML conversion is well known in the art and so will not be described further here. / HTML変換はその分野においてよく知られており、従って、ここでは更にこれを説明しないことにする。(USP6336135)

$$ However, it will be seen that the output is now derived across a capacitor C10, and so will be subject to a 6 dB/Octave fall-off. / しかしながら、今度は出力はコンデンサC10を介して引き出され、それ故に6dB/オクターブの減退にさらされることが明らかである。(USP6583685)

$$ As a rule of thumb, if the ACRTC is drawing, then the PC will be waiting for the ACRTC to terminate and so will not be attempting to access the memory. / ACRTCが描画しているならば、PCはそれが終了するまでぜったいにメモリにアクセスしようとはしない。(USP5559936)

$$ If the dish reflector 92 is rotated by 90° in comparison with its orientation in the discussion above then the radiation entering the detector array 91 is unfocused, and so will be substantially the same for all channels in the detector horn array 91. / ディッシュ反射器92が上記で検討したその配向と比較して90°回転させられると、検波器アレイ91に入る放射は集束されず、そのため、検波器ホーンアレイ91内のすべてのチャネルについて実質的に同じになるであろう。(USP6900756)

$$ After the resource name in a request has been changed in this way, it will not match the redirection statement in the Web server and so will avoid repeated redirection. (USP02046281)

$$ The logon step forms no part of the present invention, and so will not be described in any further detail. (USP01042042)




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$$ The exemptions are those URLs which a browser can request and which do not need to be returned by the Web server 310 in tokenised form. / このExemption(免除)は、ブラウザが要求することができ、またトークン化された形式でWebサーバ310によって戻す必要のないURLである。(USP6393468)

$$ Some of these effects can produce a phase delay which is variable and which may vary with position of the head across the disk surface and/or with time. / これらの影響の一部は、可変でありかつディスク表面におけるヘッドの位置および/または時間によって変化する位相遅延を生じることがある。(USP6172830)

$$ The split collet 70 is arranged to fit inside a conical sleeve 72 is attached to the upper shaft and which has a tapered bore with its smaller diameter end pointing towards the upper shaft. / スプリットコレット70は円錐形スリーブ72の内側に嵌着するように配置される。円錐形スリーブ72は上側シャフトと接触し、かつ上側シャフトの方向に向いた、直径が小さい側の端部に先細りするボアを備えている。(USP6110055)

$$ A compound which competes with the peptide of claim 1 or claim 2 for binding to a receptor therefor and which thereby inhibits the biological activity of the said peptide. / 請求の範囲1又は請求の範囲2のペプチド又は請求の範囲3の混合物の生物学的活性を阻害する化合物。(USP02054870)

$$ As mentioned, in the preferred embodiment, the primary topology is a non-redundant topology in which there is only one path from each node to a MIP and in which there is at least one antenna free on each node and which can carry all the committed traffic. (USP02042274)

$$ Apparatus according to claim 1, in which N=32 and in which said N-bit circular buffer comprises four 8-bit buffer sections. / N=32であり、上記Nビット循環バッファが4個の8ビット・バッファ部を有する請求項1の装置。(USP5404166)




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$$ In some circumstances, it may be necessary to tilt one or more surfaces of the device at some angle to the incoming radiation, for example to suppress stray reflections. / 場合によっては、例えば漂遊反射を抑制するために、装置の一つまたは複数の表面を入射した放射に対してある角度をなして傾斜させることが必要である。(USP6177674)

$$ This structure is preferentially metallised such that it is absorbing at some angles of incidence but produces strong diffraction at other angles. (USP6043936)

$$ The magnet 15 will deflect about this axis by some angle θ and a restoring torque M1 will appear. (USP6304015)

$$ A static mixer according to claim 10, wherein each deflector element is inclined at an angle of 30° relative to the conduit axis. (USP6623155)

$$ A tapered slot 5 is defined by a pair of opposed sharpened cutting edges 6 the edges being at an angle of about 5° to each other. / テーパーを付けられた溝5は、縁が互いに約5°の角度をしている一対の対向した鋭利な切断縁6により画定される。(USP6176014)

$$ The holes are formed by laser machining and extend at an angle of between about 25° and 35° to the normal, the holes in the two electrodes being oppositely inclined. / これ等の孔は、レーザ加工で形成され、電極の前面への垂線(N)に対して略々25°と35°の間の角度で延在し、2つの電極のこれ等の孔は逆向きに斜けられる。(USP5408160)

$$ It tapers at an angle of about 1.6°, and has a diameter just above the base of 1.8 cm. / これは、約1.6°の勾配で傾斜し、ベース部の直上で1.8cmの直径を有している。(USP5366528)

$$ This torque is transmitted to the member 15 via suitably angled surfaces to provide a first stage of force reduction. (USP7270355)

$$ Deviated section 18 is angled from the vertical section 16 and can extend in the horizontal direction. (USP6997256)

$$ These keys engage in angled slots grooves cut in outer sleeve 307. (USP6659201)

$$ FIGS. 38 to 40 show an electro-active structure in which the major curve is two straight arms with a sharp angle in between; (USP6833656): 鋭角

$$ One is the poor angle of view, though for portable applications this is not typically a severe constraint. (USP6211613)

$$ The image when viewed through the banknote does not change with angle of view. (USP5851032)

$$ This has the advantage of reducing the dependency of the color to the angle of view of the display. (USP03067571)

$$ Cholesteric displays are always colored and as the angle of view of the display changes, the effective pitch of the LCD varies as the cosine of the refracted angle within the LCD. (USP03067571)




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$$ Fluorescence reporting from a probe however used, operating for instance within a primer or in product strand annealing and melting, can take place in tenths of seconds to seconds. / 但し、例えば、プライマ内において又は生成物ストランドのアニーリング及びメルティングにおいて動作する使用プローブからの蛍光報告は、数十分の1秒~数秒において発生可能である。(USP7652266)

$$ Numerical optimisation techniques known to those skilled in the art, such as direct search, simulated annealing etc could also be employed to tailor the filter functions. / また、フィルタ機能を調節するために、直接サーチや模擬アニーリングなどのような当業者に公知の数値最適化技術を使用することもできると考えられる。(USP7649626)

$$ The temperature of the annealed material is then rapidly reduced, ideally to 0 to 5℃. (USP6392915)

$$ Surprisingly, there is at most very little movement of the implanted dopant by thermal diffusion during the laser anneal treatment. (USP5930609)

$$ The simulated annealing algorithm is also capable of generating a passband which is spectrally broadened, similar to the first to fourth embodiments, as is shown in FIGS. 21 and 22. / また、模擬アニーリングアルゴリズムは、図21及び図22に図示するように、第一乃至第四の実施の形態と同様にスペクトル的に拡張された通過帯域を発生させることもできる。(USP6339664)

$$ This allows the post anneal quality of the material to be kept to a high quality. (USP6632684)

$$ Additionally, a silicon germanium layer may be produced by ion implantation of silicon into the germanium followed by annealing. / さらに、シリコンゲルマニウム層は、シリコンをゲルマニウム中にイオン衝撃し、その後アニーリングを実施することによって製造される。(USP6177674)




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$$ FIG. 9d shows an annular array of receiver feed elements, or channels in the focal plane, which gives rise to an annularly displaced set of circles of sensitivity in the imager field of view, shown in FIG. 9e. / 図9Eは焦点面内の受信器フィード素子もしくはチャネルの環状アレイを示し、それは画像化装置視野内で図9Fに示す環状に配置された感度の円のセットを生じさせる。(USP6900756)

$$ The second count wheel includes a set of secondary drive teeth arranged annularly (e.g. circumferentially) thereon. / 第2のカウント車輪は一連の二次駆動歯を有し、これらは環状(例えば、円周状)に配置されている。(USP8113199)

$$ The second count wheel includes a set of teeth arranged annularly (e.g. circumferentially) thereon. / 第2の計数ホイールは、その上に環状に(例えば、周囲に)配置された一組の歯を含む。(USP8245906)

$$ Outside the sleeve 204, the plug 206 is formed with a radial flange which is undercut to provide a frusto-conical surface 218, whilst the pressing head 216 annularly embraces that flange and is internally formed with a matching frusto-conical surface 219, but the head 216 is arranged with lateral and axial play upon the plug 206. (USP5651235)

$$ ...refluxing means are positioned above the heat transfer block and arrayed annularly around a central hole... (USP7641866)




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$$ If the answer is yes, then the string of phonics is output from the memory 53. / 回答がyesの場合、一連の音声は、メモリから出力される53。(USP8374876)

$$ In contrast, each assertion consists of a named question and an answer. (USP6691301)

$$ If there is still no answer, another third node is encrypted/decrypted at both. (USP01054158)

$$ If the answer to this question is no then the program returns to step 1202. (USP6861961)

$$ If the answer is "NO" an attempt is made to match the incoming number with a client at step S64. (USP6587551)

$$ One answer to the problem of algae is to ensure that the lake is aerated although that may present practical problems. (USP6190544)

$$ If the answer to such a packet does not arrive within n seconds, a second packet is sent. (USP01054158)




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$$ This question is answered by the following analysis. / この問題に以下の解析によって答える。(USP8390319)

$$ The answering of the query issued in step 705 might result in the selection of the MediaObjects outlined in bold in FIG. 9, for example. / ステップ705で発行されたクエリーに答えると、例えば、図9に太線で輪郭が描かれているMediaObjectsが選択される可能性がある。(USP8037105)

$$ If the querry is affirmatively answered, then method 1100 ends in step 1160. If the querry is negatively answered, then method 1100 proceeds to step 1140.(
$$ The TP 41 answers the call and receives the CLI information of the caller. / TP41は通話に答え、呼出し人のCLI情報を受取る。(USP6073174)

$$ At step 202, after an enquiry call has been made, the ISAP 11 answers the call. / 段階202では照会呼を行なった後で、ISAP11は呼に応答する。(USP6912270)

$$ Otherwise, if an agent is available the call is answered immediately, and a CALL_COMPLETES event is created to model call disconnection. / さもなければエージェントが使用可能であるとき、呼に直ぐに応答し、CALL_COMPLETESイベントが生成されて、呼のディスコネクトをモデル化する。(USP6330313)

$$ Alternatively, the question asked at step 804 may be answered in the negative, resulting in control being directed to step 806. / その代りに、ステップ804 において行われた質問が否定であった場合、結果的に制御はステップ806 に導かれる。(USP6182079)


ANTICIPATE 先行する・予想する


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ANTICIPATE 先行する・予想する

$$ Claims 1-2, and 9 are rejected under 35 U.S.C, 102(b) as being anticipated by Suzuki (JP 2000-123456 of record). / クレーム1~2および9は、Suzuki (記録中のJP 2000-123456)によって先行開示されているので、米国特許法第102条(b)に基づき拒絶する。(Office Actionのパターン)

$$ These designers will endeavour to anticipate the types of query that will be required later, although it is not be possible for them to anticipate all queries that may become of interest. / これらの設計者は、後に要求される照会のタイプを予測するように努めるが、重要となる全ての照会を予期することは不可能である。(USP6182079)

$$ After wind back, the back pressure is increased to a dissolution pressure of the order of 200 bar, although it is anticipated that a dissolution pressure of between 50 and 500 bar may be effective. / 巻戻りの後、背圧が200バールのオーダーの溶解圧力まで増加させられるが、50~500バールの間の溶解圧力が有効であり得ると予測される。(USP6287494)

$$ For manoeuvring in port the engine speed may be set to some value at which sufficient power is available for all anticipated manoeuvres. / 2.1.港における操船のために、エンジン速度は、全ての予期される操船に対して充分な出力が利用できるような或る値に設定することができる。(USP6332818)

$$ The assembly 8 is thus positioned rearwards of the magnetiser 6 with the cores 20 in a row perpendicular to the anticipated direction of travel and parallel to the row of magnets 10, the coils being positioned so that the magnetic flux produced by high frequency excitation of the cores 20 interacts with the surface of the test material 2. / アセンブリー8はマグネタイザー6の後方でコアー20を移行の先行方向と直交する列内にかつ磁石10の列と並行に保ち、コイルはコアー20の高周波励起により製造される磁束がテスト材料2の表面と相互作用するように配置される。(USP7024935)

$$ Delays (3109) may be incorporated into the channel signal paths in order to allow gain changes to anticipate peaks. / 利得変化がピークを予想できるようにするために、チャネル信号パスに遅延(3109)を内蔵することができる。(USP7577260)


ANY (代名詞)


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ANY (代名詞)

$$ The oxidation catalyst may be any that is effective to convert sufficient NO to NO2, and is suitably a high platinum loading catalyst carried on a ceramic or metal honeycomb catalyst support. / 酸化触媒は、NOをNO2 に転化するのに効果的などの様な触媒でもよく、セラミックまたは金属ハニカム触媒担体上に担持された高白金含有量触媒が好適である。(USP6889498)

$$ The means of attachment can be any that is appropriate to the particular magnifier utilised--it might be a screw-threaded coupling ring or a bayonet fitting--while the magnifier itself may be any suitable light magnifying device, such as a photomultiplier tube (PMT). (USP6211525)

$$ In any of the aspects mentioned above, the number of nodes is preferably less than the number of links. / どちらの態様においても、ノードの数はリンクの数より少ないのが好ましい。(USP6553020)

$$ Any of these protocols may be used to recognise a voice call, but the RSVP protocol is preferred, because the IP routers already need to recognise the RSVP protocol to reserve resources. (USP6584098)

$$ Any of the light source arrangements described herein can be used in a lensed lamp having a convergent lens of a diameter greater than the diagonal of the chip. (USP02063521)

$$ The rasterizer will produce values in this range, but any which have a negative coordinate, or exceed the screen width or height (as programmed into the ScreenSize register) are discarded. (USP5727192)

タグ :ANY代名詞



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$$ Any heated cryogen gas will vent through the vent tube 32 or auxiliary vent 40, and will not enter the cryogen vessel 12. / 如何なる加熱されたクライオジェンガスも、通気管32または補助通気口40を経由して放出されて、クライオジェン容器12には入らない。(USP8650889)

$$ The conductivity of the material of any of the pixel electrodes does not have to be as high as the gate lines and data lines. / いずれの画素電極の材料も導電率がゲートラインおよびデータラインほど高くあってはならない。(USP8400576)

$$ This arranges that if any given packet has not been transmitted within a certain limited time frame it should be discarded at the terminal. / これは所定のパケットが一定の制限された時間フレーム内で送られなかったときに、端末において捨てられるように構成されている。(USP6584098)

$$ If any DP is not set in either mode, then set it in N&C mode. / DPが何れのモードにも設定されないときは、N&Cモードに設定される。(USP6330313)

$$ As a consequence, any macroblock which is not solid or not central may be encoded with the preserved parameters even if it contains some logo information. / この結果、ソリッドマクロブロック又は中央マクロブロックでもないマクロブロックは、幾らかのロゴ情報を含んでいても、何れも保存されていたパラメータによって符号化される。(USP6567128)

タグ :ANY...NOT



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$$ Any scanner error will cause the probe to bend, which cannot affect the direct height measurement. / あらゆるスキャナの誤差はプローブを湾曲させ、このことは高さの直接測定値に影響を与え得ない。(USP8479310)

$$ Therefore, any regions that are bright in comparison to the local background can be reasonably expected to be spots. / 従って、局所的な背景と比較して明るい距離は、どこもスポットの可能性があることを無理なく期待することができる。(USP7589825)

$$ The secondary monomer can be any species that is capable of polymerising with or in the presence of THFMA and has biological properties suitable for the intended use of the composition. / 二次モノマーは、THFMAとともに、またはTHFMAが存在するところで重合可能であり、かつ意図される組成の用途に適した生物学的特性を有するどの種であってもよい。(USP6313192)

$$ In a system in which converging and/or diverging beams exist, a suitable grating plane would be any plane that is normal to the optical axis and close to a lens other than a lens positioned in the image or object field, for example plane P1 in FIG. 1a. / 収束ビームおよび/または発散ビームが存在する系では、適切な回折格子平面は、たとえば図1aにおける平面P1のように、その光軸に垂直であり、かつ像領域あるいは物体領域に配置されたレンズ以外のレンズに近いものであればどのような平面でもよいであろう。(USP6975457)

$$ The filter may be any type which prevent the flow of oil, etc droplets into the bores 31, 32 but which allows for the flow of air therethrough whilst the filter is spinning with the shaft 3. / 環状フィルター要素は、フィルターが軸3と共に回転している間、孔31、32へ油などの小滴の流れを阻止するが、空気を通過させる任意の形式のものでよい。(USP6244841)

$$ This is achieved using macro data a2, which can specify any changes which are required to the data. / これはマクロデータa2を使用して行われ、データに必要とされる任意の変化を特定できる。(USP6772122)

$$ The system might generally be implemented in "C" although the client might potentially be any machine which can support a W3 viewer. / このシステムは一般に“C”で実現されるが、クライアントはW3ビューワを支持できるのであればどんな機械でも可能性があることになる。(USP6353827)

$$ Any that are not traced in this way are therefore invisible and cannot contain any information of relevance. (USP02029357)




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$$ In any case, by avoiding the generation of quantisation noise at a higher frequency than the carrier frequency, the proposed encoder will require less filtering at all stages than an encoder based on digital synthesis. / いずれにせよ、搬送周波数よりも高い周波数での量子化ノイズの生成を回避することで、提案されたエンコーダは、デジタル合成に基づくエンコーダよりも、全ての段階でフィルタリングが少なくて済む。(USP6473469)

$$ In any case, the method of '179 cannot be used with a converter circuit which is not capable of freewheeling. / いかなる場合にも前記公報5793179号の方法は、フリーホイールが使用不可能な変換器回路とともに用いることはできない。(USP6586903)

$$ Stops 41 are in any case used for `dry` running the machine. (USP02017019)

$$ Thus, the array is in any case ineffective for directional purposes below frequency Fc. / したがって、アレイはいずれの場合にもFcよりも低い周波数では指向性の目的に対して有効ではない。(USP7577260)

$$ Preferably the cylindrical capsule section is closed by a lid, which may be removable but in any case is a gas tight seal on the body. (USP5660867)

$$ In any case, to ensure assymptotic stability of the system some damping is required. (USP6304015)




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$$ In any event its location in memory may be used to indicate the relative position of the identified section of tape. (USP7343081)

$$ In any event, in each group the edges of adjacent key tips complement each other, and are closely spaced. (USP6965789)

$$ This will ensure that a telephone line will not be disconnected in any event, for example if a telephone bill is not paid, without first contacting the utility. / これは、例えば電話代の請求が払われていない場合のような何らの事象においても、公益企業との最初の接触もなく、電話回線が切り離されないようにすることを確実なものにする。(USP6073174)

$$ In any event, the effect of the preferred embodiment of recolouring of a link is uninterrupted link operation. (USP02042274)

$$ In any event, the composite effect provided by the icon 810 is a copy of the original group 800. / 少なくとも、アイコン810によって提供される複合効果は元のグループ800のコピーである。(USP6523174)

$$ Furthermore, in a crankshaft the eccentric flange may be constituted by one of the crankwebs which is in any event traditionally provided on crankshafts. / さらに、クランクシャフトにおいて、偏心フランジは、いずれにしても従来クランクシャフトに設けられるクランクウェブの一方によって、構成されてもよい。(USP7584738)




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-->any one/two/three of

$$ Hence by appropriately switching the direction of flow of current through the coils the direction of the magnetic field can be switched to any of six directions at 60°, 120° or 180° to one another. / したがってコイルを介して流れる電流の方向を適当に切り替えることにより、磁場の方向は互いに60度もしくは120度、180度の6つの如何なる方向にも切り替えることが可能である。(USP6190517)

$$ The optical modulator 63 may be provided in accordance with any of the embodiments previously described with a modulating surface 62 having a dielectric constant as described above with respect to FIG. 8a. / 光変調器63は、図8aについて前述した誘電率を有する変調表面62に関して前述した実施形態のいずれかに従って、形成することができる。(USP6278541)

$$ Of course, it may be preferred to integrate some or all of the PSK adapter circuit 210 in one chip with any of the digital circuitry of the interface circuit and/or the source/destination means 204. / 当然のことながら、1チップ内において、PSKアダプタ回路210の一部又は全部を、インタフェース回路および/または送信元/宛先手段204の任意のデジタル回路と統合化することが好ましい。(USP6473469)

$$ The "copolymer a" component of the tape may comprise any of the following either alone or in combination: ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), ethylene-methyl acetate (EMA) or ethylene-butyl acetate (EBA). / この接着テープの「共重合体(a)」組成分は、エチレン/ビニルアセタート共重合体(EVA)、エチレン/メチルアセタート共重合体(EMA)、エチレン/ブチルアセタート(EBA)のいずれか、またはその組合わせを含む。(USP6200677)

$$ In any of the arrangements shown in FIGS. 8, 9, 11, 13-16 or 18, two or more reflector lenses (19) may be included in series. / 図8,9,11,13~16あるいは18に示された配置のいずれにおいても、2つあるいはそれ以上の反射器レンズ(19)がシリーズに配列され得る。(USP6587246)

$$ The invention may be applied in any of the current cellular mobile radio system specifications, since the uplink antenna gain parameter is not standardised. / アップリンクアンテナの利得パラメータは標準化されていないので、本発明は、現在のいずれのセルラー式の移動無線システムの仕様に対しても適用できる。(USP6469680)

タグ :ANY OF



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ANY ONE STH (任意の一つ)

$$ The loss of any one node in such a network will result only in an incremental loss of performance of the whole network, regardless of which node is lost. / このようなネットワーク内で任意の1つのノードが失われると、どのノードが失われたのかに関係なく、ネットワーク全体の性能の増分的な損失が生じるにすぎない。(USP8089393)

$$ However, the same key is used to encrypt each packet in any one ADU. / しかしながら同じキーを使用して、任意の1つのADU内の各パケットをエンクリプトする。(USP6996722)

$$ It is also possible to increase the number of rotatable members for producing motion in any one direction. / また、任意の一方向への動きを生じさせるために、回転可能な部材の数を多くすることが可能である。(USP6568293)

$$ The central controller 1 can then determine which route should be followed by a message from any one node 2 to any other node 2 in the system 1. / それから、中央コントローラ1は、メッセージが、システム1の中のあるノード2から任意の他のノード2までどのルートを辿らなければならないのかを判断することができる。(USP6553020)

$$ In any one cell the sum of all the partial usages is set equal to demand D in that cell. / 任意の1つのセルにおいて、全ての部分的な使用の和は、そのセルにおける需要Dに等しく設定される。(USP6539228)

$$ Generally, they do not contain multiple polar groups of any one type. (USP7371729)

$$ Advantageously, the XYZ grid is selected so as to minimise surface intersections occurring within any one regular volume24. (USP6862560)

$$ Similar restrictions apply as with internal RAM--only one access may be made to the RAM in any one clock cycle. (USP6691301)

$$ A suitable decoupling of QUI from simulator may prevent being tied to anyone arrangement and enable a variety to be used as future environments require. (USP6691301)

$$ A maximum proportion of 20% of sub-templates is re-generated in any one iteration. / どの1回の反復でも再生成される最大割合はサブテンプレートの20%である。(USP8121346)



ANY ONE OF (~のうちのいずれか1つ)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | any...

ANY ONE OF (~のうちのいずれか1つ)

$$ The invention also lies in a can when fitted with any one of the capsules described in the foregoing, ready to receive beverage. (USP5660867)

$$ Any one of the 200 station names (the message specific information) might be inserted into the gap in generating a specific message. (USP6175821)

$$ Note that all alternate paths are considered here, since any one of them may increase the peak capacity of the service. (USP02042274)

$$ Features of one aspect of any one of the inventions may be applied to other aspects of the invention or other inventions described herein. (USP02029357)

$$ In use the table can be indexed to any one of six positions associated with detents 8. (USP02017161)

$$ A golf club substantially as herein described with reference to any one of FIGS. 1 to 4 of the accompanying drawings. (USP01039215)

$$ A ray of light generated within the chip at a point 23 can have any one of many directions. (USP01022495)

$$ A strain sensor apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein the vibration element is any one of the group comprising a plate, an L-, T- H- or I-section. / 請求項1に記載のひずみセンサ装置であって、前記振動素子は、L断面、T断面、H断面、およびI断面のプレートのグループのいずれか1つである、ひずみセンサ装置。(USP8511166)

$$ A suitable wavelength of light may be selected from any one of the group comprising ultraviolet, visible and infra-red wavelength bands. (USP6678060)

$$ The planarization layer may comprise any one of silicon dioxide and silicon nitride. (USP7567374)

$$ An apparatus as claimed in claim 17, wherein the storage medium is any one of a hard disk, a floppy disk, an optical disk and a tape. (USP6684309)

$$ A peptide of any one of 1), 2) or 3) as part of a fusion protein with non-NCAM sequences, e.g. an NCAM-Fc fusion peptide. (USP7304129)

$$ The substrate may comprise any one of polyester, polycarbonate, polyimide, or poly-ether-imide. (USP6850003)

$$ The storage medium may be selected from any one of a hard disk, a floppy disk, an optical disk or a tape. (USP6684309)




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$$ Any one or more of the optional features of the first aspect of the invention may be applied to this aspect of the invention. / 本発明の第一の形態における選択随意的な特徴の任意の1つ又はより多くが本発明のこの形態に適用可能である。(USP7891248)

$$ Any one or more, or any combination of the aforementioned signal patterns may be feed through a sound generating means in any of the devices for which the invention has application. / 上記の信号パターンの1つ以上またはこれらの組み合わせが、本発明が適用される装置の音発生手段を介して供給され得る。(USP6201470)

$$ In a similar way, the player can predict any one or more of the other items set out in FIG. 6. (USP6287199)

$$ This may be any one or more of the following controls. (USP5913342)

$$ An installation according to claim 8 wherein the housing further includes electronic communications apparatus to support any one or more of data-based, or video-based, or telephony-based, applications. / 前記筺体は、データに基づいたアプリケーション、又はビデオに基づいたアプリケーション、あるいは電話に基づいたアプリケーションの内の、任意の1つ又は複数をサポートする電子通信装置をさらに含む、請求項8に記載のインストレーション。(USP7599597)




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$$ If a software application writes its output in XML any another application capable of interpreting XML can read the output and act on it. / ソフトウェアアプリケーションがXMLで該ソフトウェアアプリケーションの出力を書き込む場合、XMLを解釈できる別のアプリケーションが該出力を読み取り、該出力に対して作用できる。(USP8150905): another --> other

$$ In this case, the "primary vehicle system" would be the electronic brake system, and the "auxiliary vehicle system" may be any other one of the aforementioned vehicle systems. (USP7184864)

$$ Any other cross-section could be selected, either regular, such as hexagonal, or irregular. / 他の断面についても、六角形などの規則正しい断面や不規則な断面を選択できる。(USP6833656)

$$ It will be appreciated that any other form of display capable of displaying functional information or video images may be used. / 機能情報またはビデオ画像を表示することができる他の任意の形態のディスプレイも使用することができる。(USP6812954)

$$ It will be appreciated that any other appropriate actuator may be used. / 他の適切なアクチュエーターを使用してもよいことが認識される。(USP6692213)

$$ The maximum number of hops required to transmit information from any node to any other is n. / 情報を任意のノードから他の任意のノードに伝送するために必要とされる最大ホップ数はnである。(USP6553020)

$$ Links may be established or suggested between user objects and any other objects stored within the IMS. / ユーザオブジェクトとIMS内に記憶された他のオブジェクトとの間にリンクを設定または示してもよい。(USP6424968)

$$ If any other components of the yeast Ku-associated DNA repair apparatus are defined, these will also be tested for their role in retrotransposition. / 酵母Ku-関連DNA修復装置の他の成分が定義されれば、これらもまた、レトロトランスポジションにおけるそれらの役割について試験されるであろう。(USP6242175)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | any...


any of said(the)の意味と思われる

$$ A method as in claim 1 wherein said supplied file is supplied only if any said identification signal matches a said predetermined identification signal. / 前記識別信号が前記所定の識別信号に適合するときのみ前記ファイルが送られる請求項1記載の方法。(USP6081835)

$$ The actual natural bending wave vibration in any said member will be very complex, making effectiveness of the construct all the more surprising. (USP6332029)

$$ A processor as claimed in claim 11, wherein the instructions of said program include, prior to compression, preselected instructions that are not stored explicitly in any said compressed section... (USP01047466)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | any...


$$ Furthermore, real advantages can also be gained in connection with the ability of the external network service provider have access to the NTE or ONT at any time e.g. to test the connection. / さらに、また本当の利点は、外部ネットワークサービスプロバイダが例えば接続を試験するためにつねにNTE又はONTにアクセスできる能力に関連して獲得できる。(USP7599597)

$$ The AVC 32 responds to only one user command at any given time, and therefore recognises that the release message relates to the previous message [ACT.V+]. / AVC32は所与の任意の時間でユーザー指令の1つだけに応答し、従って解放メッセージが以前のメッセージ[ACT.V+]に関連することを認識する。(USP5479385)

$$ Furthermore, if a greater number of users is to be accommodated at any time, only one time slot for each of transmission and reception may be allocated to each mobile terminal 18. / 更にまた、任意の時刻により多数の利用者を受け入れる場合は、送信及び受信の各々につき1個のタイムスロットしか各移動端末18に割り当てることができない。(USP01046481)

$$ The time point can be variable, at least 20 ms, but up to any time along the isoelectric baseline before the next succeeding P wave or U wave if present. (USP7627369)

$$ The point of using such a threshold is to reduce the number of authorisation requests being generated at any time to a manageable number. (USP6848613)

$$ Read and write operations can be interrupted and resumed by the host at any time. (USP6691301)

$$ At any time the user can reprogram the external memory with a new design: if security is required the FPGA will generate a new ID code and encrypt it using the method outlined above.(USP01037458)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | any...


-->any of, any one of

$$ Ability to display a combination of any two of vibration spectra, tracked orders, broadband power, performance parameters synchronised in time.(USP02040278)

$$ The scheme just described is applied between the two paths of a ring, or can be extended over any two paths. / 記載された方法は、一つのリングの二つの経路間に適用される。または、あらゆる二つの経路に拡張することもできる。(USP5533005)

$$ A combination of any two or more of the aforementioned types of stabiliser can be employed. (USP6080712)

$$ First, there can be several distinct paths between any two nodes. / 第1に、2つのノードの間で複数の異なる経路がある場合がある。(USP6553020)

$$ The first and second parts are adjustable with respect to each other in any two of the three possible angles. (USP6659201)

$$ There are differences in optical path length between any two of said channels (3) lying adjacent to one other in said series, which differences are defined by respective optical path length increments. / 上記一連の導波管チャネル内で互いに対し隣接して位置する上記チャネル3の任意の2つの間の光路長さに差があり、該差は、それぞれの光路長さのインクレメントにより画成される。(USP6339664)

$$ The grid was moved in a simple saw tooth fashion synchronised to the camera frame rate such that any three successive camera images correspond to a spatial shift of one third of a period in the position of the projected image of the grid, FIG. 2.(USP6376818)
