$$ A customer terminal 5 is connected via a public switched telephony network (PSTN) 6 and an access router 7 to a subdomain 2A. / 顧客端末5は、公衆交換電話ネットワーク(PSTN)6およびアクセスルータ7を介してサブドメイン2Aへ接続されている。(USP7319673)
$$ However the described techniques can be applied in a large number of applications including home cinema and music playback as well as in large public spaces. / しかしながら、前記した技術は大きな公共空間だけでなくホームシネマおよび音楽再生を含む多数の応用に適用することができる。(USP7577260)
$$ In the described embodiments the telecommunications network employed by the invention is a public switched telephone network. / 上述の実施形態では、本発明によって使用される遠隔通信ネットワークは公衆交換電話ネットワークである。(USP6912270)
$$ FIG. 7 is a flow diagram showing the dissemination of predetermined messages by ISAP to incoming calls from the public. / 図7は、ISAPによって所定の情報を公衆から到来する呼へ伝達することを示すフローチャートである。(USP6912270)
$$ If a public cell is available, the mobile station 18 proceeds to step 136. / 公衆セルが利用可能であれば、移動局18はステップ136へ進む。(USP6826414)
$$ The multiplexer receives a further input of information from the public network connection 6. / マルチプレクサは、公衆網接続6から別の入力情報を受信する。(USP6337849)
$$ The frequency channels used by the additional private cell 46 are the same as frequency channels used by at least some of the public network portion BTSs 4. / 追加プライベートセル46によって使用される周波数チャネルは、公衆ネットワーク部分BTS 4の少なくとも一部によって使用される周波数チャネルと同じである。(USP6826414)
$$ A GSM network, referred to as a public land mobile network (PLMN), is schematically illustrated in FIG. 1. / PLMN(public land mobile network)と呼ばれるGSM網の概略を図1に示す。(USP6501962)
$$ The Internet is a network of networks having no single owner or controller and including large and small, public and private networks / インターネットは、単独の所有者又はコントローラを持たず、しかも、大型及び小型の公衆及び専用ネットワークを含む複数のネットワークより成るネットワークである。(USP6336135)
$$ Data which is "public", "global" or "shared" between more than one CPU 40, 42 cannot be cached since cached data is only accessible to one CPU. / キャッシュされたデータはただ1つのCPUのみによってアクセス可能であるため、「公用(public)」、「大域的(global)」及び1つのCPU40及び42より多くのCPU同士間での「共用(shared)」データはキャッシュされない。(USP6138216)
$$ Each CT 10 can then be connected directly to the switch of a public switched telephone network (PSTN). / したがって、各CT10を、直接、公衆電話網(PSTN)の交換機に接続することができる。(USP02018462)
$$ A customer terminal 5 is connected via a public switched telephony network (PSTN) 6 and an access router 7 to a subdomain 2A. / 顧客端末5は、公衆交換電話ネットワーク(PSTN)6およびアクセスルータ7を介してサブドメイン2Aへ接続されている。(USP7319673)
$$ However the described techniques can be applied in a large number of applications including home cinema and music playback as well as in large public spaces. / しかしながら、前記した技術は大きな公共空間だけでなくホームシネマおよび音楽再生を含む多数の応用に適用することができる。(USP7577260)
$$ In the described embodiments the telecommunications network employed by the invention is a public switched telephone network. / 上述の実施形態では、本発明によって使用される遠隔通信ネットワークは公衆交換電話ネットワークである。(USP6912270)
$$ FIG. 7 is a flow diagram showing the dissemination of predetermined messages by ISAP to incoming calls from the public. / 図7は、ISAPによって所定の情報を公衆から到来する呼へ伝達することを示すフローチャートである。(USP6912270)
$$ If a public cell is available, the mobile station 18 proceeds to step 136. / 公衆セルが利用可能であれば、移動局18はステップ136へ進む。(USP6826414)
$$ The multiplexer receives a further input of information from the public network connection 6. / マルチプレクサは、公衆網接続6から別の入力情報を受信する。(USP6337849)
$$ The frequency channels used by the additional private cell 46 are the same as frequency channels used by at least some of the public network portion BTSs 4. / 追加プライベートセル46によって使用される周波数チャネルは、公衆ネットワーク部分BTS 4の少なくとも一部によって使用される周波数チャネルと同じである。(USP6826414)
$$ A GSM network, referred to as a public land mobile network (PLMN), is schematically illustrated in FIG. 1. / PLMN(public land mobile network)と呼ばれるGSM網の概略を図1に示す。(USP6501962)
$$ The Internet is a network of networks having no single owner or controller and including large and small, public and private networks / インターネットは、単独の所有者又はコントローラを持たず、しかも、大型及び小型の公衆及び専用ネットワークを含む複数のネットワークより成るネットワークである。(USP6336135)
$$ Data which is "public", "global" or "shared" between more than one CPU 40, 42 cannot be cached since cached data is only accessible to one CPU. / キャッシュされたデータはただ1つのCPUのみによってアクセス可能であるため、「公用(public)」、「大域的(global)」及び1つのCPU40及び42より多くのCPU同士間での「共用(shared)」データはキャッシュされない。(USP6138216)
$$ Each CT 10 can then be connected directly to the switch of a public switched telephone network (PSTN). / したがって、各CT10を、直接、公衆電話網(PSTN)の交換機に接続することができる。(USP02018462)
$$ A stripe is pulled from the first buffer and the stripe number examined; / 第1のバッファからストライプを引き出してストライプ数を調べる。(USP5856847)
$$ It also allows the receptacle when pulled from the base in its collapsed state to receive the fluid emission and maintain a consistent volume. / また、それにより、容器は、底部から引かれたときにその折り畳み状態では、放出された流体を受け入れ、一定の容積を維持できる。(USP8100276)
$$ Feeding of the mail item causes the ribbon to be pulled from the supply reel 15. (USP5294203)
$$ As will be described in more detail below, the TAC code is pulled from the security string and repacked according to the LPO protocol and sent to the server host for verification. (USP02059146)
$$ With all the penetrator male parts retracted in the manner of part 16b, FIGS. 1 and 4, the tubing hanger 12 and the attached line parts 24b"' can be pulled from the tree 10. (USP01035287)
$$ Each tear band is connected to rim by a thin web, and can be removed by grasping and pulling a tab 34. (USP7490719)
$$ The total load represented by each bar is the load required to pull a start load of 6.54 kg through the block system. (USP6974125)
$$ The frame interlocks with a set of hooks to pull the sled open when required. (USP7306220)
$$ It also only enables a forward or a rearward pull to be carried out, but not simultaneous pulling in both directions. (USP6425596)
$$ This pulls the carriage 23 down the apparatus. (USP6253899)
$$ Then, by pulling the tab 402, access is gained as the continuous scored profile 401 is split. (USP5651235)
$$ A reminder device according to claim 1, wherein the activator comprises a pull-out tag for initiating the counter circuit. / 前記装置が前記カウンタ回路を開始させる引き抜きタグを含む、請求項1に記載のリマインダ装置。(USP8218401)
$$ In this way, pulling out the lowermost carrier element 103 causes the entire stack of carrier elements 103 to fan out (as shown progressively in FIGS. 6 and 7) / このように、最下部の担持要素103を引き出すことで担持要素103の積重体全体を扇状に広げることができる(図6と図7で進行的に図示)。(USP8316765)
$$ To pull the heater along the cavity 60, a lead wire or such like could be first be fed into the cavity at one end and then pulled out of the other end of the cavity 60, thereby to drag the heater along the cavity's length. / ヒータをキャビティ60に沿って引っ張るために、口出し線などを、キャビティの中に一方の端部から差し込み、次いで、キャビティ60の他方の端部から引き出すことにより、キャビティの長手方向に沿ってヒータを引っ張れるようにしてよい。(USP8302911)
$$ Further as the tool is pulled out of the hole, cleaning can be performed without requiring a second trip into the well bore. (USP7628213)
$$ Where natural closing is required, the thread pitch and cam angles will be chosen to allow back driving, so that when pulling out the assembly will have a tendency to straighten. (USP6659201)
$$ During the course of insertion, the pull-out resistance of the tie can be checked by using a pull unit. (USP6443238)
$$ This considerably increases the pull-out strength of the coupling. (USP5527073)
$$ A stripe is pulled from the first buffer and the stripe number examined; / 第1のバッファからストライプを引き出してストライプ数を調べる。(USP5856847)
$$ It also allows the receptacle when pulled from the base in its collapsed state to receive the fluid emission and maintain a consistent volume. / また、それにより、容器は、底部から引かれたときにその折り畳み状態では、放出された流体を受け入れ、一定の容積を維持できる。(USP8100276)
$$ Feeding of the mail item causes the ribbon to be pulled from the supply reel 15. (USP5294203)
$$ As will be described in more detail below, the TAC code is pulled from the security string and repacked according to the LPO protocol and sent to the server host for verification. (USP02059146)
$$ With all the penetrator male parts retracted in the manner of part 16b, FIGS. 1 and 4, the tubing hanger 12 and the attached line parts 24b"' can be pulled from the tree 10. (USP01035287)
$$ Each tear band is connected to rim by a thin web, and can be removed by grasping and pulling a tab 34. (USP7490719)
$$ The total load represented by each bar is the load required to pull a start load of 6.54 kg through the block system. (USP6974125)
$$ The frame interlocks with a set of hooks to pull the sled open when required. (USP7306220)
$$ It also only enables a forward or a rearward pull to be carried out, but not simultaneous pulling in both directions. (USP6425596)
$$ This pulls the carriage 23 down the apparatus. (USP6253899)
$$ Then, by pulling the tab 402, access is gained as the continuous scored profile 401 is split. (USP5651235)
$$ A reminder device according to claim 1, wherein the activator comprises a pull-out tag for initiating the counter circuit. / 前記装置が前記カウンタ回路を開始させる引き抜きタグを含む、請求項1に記載のリマインダ装置。(USP8218401)
$$ In this way, pulling out the lowermost carrier element 103 causes the entire stack of carrier elements 103 to fan out (as shown progressively in FIGS. 6 and 7) / このように、最下部の担持要素103を引き出すことで担持要素103の積重体全体を扇状に広げることができる(図6と図7で進行的に図示)。(USP8316765)
$$ To pull the heater along the cavity 60, a lead wire or such like could be first be fed into the cavity at one end and then pulled out of the other end of the cavity 60, thereby to drag the heater along the cavity's length. / ヒータをキャビティ60に沿って引っ張るために、口出し線などを、キャビティの中に一方の端部から差し込み、次いで、キャビティ60の他方の端部から引き出すことにより、キャビティの長手方向に沿ってヒータを引っ張れるようにしてよい。(USP8302911)
$$ Further as the tool is pulled out of the hole, cleaning can be performed without requiring a second trip into the well bore. (USP7628213)
$$ Where natural closing is required, the thread pitch and cam angles will be chosen to allow back driving, so that when pulling out the assembly will have a tendency to straighten. (USP6659201)
$$ During the course of insertion, the pull-out resistance of the tie can be checked by using a pull unit. (USP6443238)
$$ This considerably increases the pull-out strength of the coupling. (USP5527073)
$$ A problem with existing systems is that passively operated (self acting) non return valves have known problems with instability/response to pulsations/noise. / 現存するシステムに関わる問題は、受動的に操作されている(passively operated)(自動の)逆止め弁が、不安定/脈動(pulsation)に対する応答/騒音を伴う既知の問題を有していることである。(USP7607302)
$$ Finally, such pumps produce a noticeable and undesirable low-frequency `pulsatile` flow as the solid bodies move into and out of tube compression. / 最後に、斯様なポンプは、上記固体が配管押圧に突入し及び離脱する際に目立った望ましくない低周波の“脈状”の流れを生じる。(USP7284962)
$$ Variable or pulsating water emission is thus effected from the opening. (USP6648245)
$$ There are several man-made effects, such as pulsation and ripple, which can illuminate the jewel in an attractive fashion making it more desirable to the user. / 例えば波動と波紋のような、ユーザにとって宝石をより望ましいものにする魅力的なやり方で宝石を照らすことができる人工のいくつかの効果が存在している。(USP6433483)
$$ Preferably the frequency of pulsation is from 20 to 100 Herz, most preferably from 50 to 80 Herz. / 好ましくは、パルス発信の周波数は、20~100ヘルツ、もっとも好ましくは50~80ヘルツである。(USP6277932)
$$ A method according to claim 6, wherein the concentrated salt solution is fed by pulsatile means into a flow of water diluent to produce the saline solution at the desired concentration. (USP6632347)
$$ The nozzle is axially adjustable in the head for varying pulsation of the water flow or for providing a continuous water spray from the head. (USP6648245)
$$ A problem with existing systems is that passively operated (self acting) non return valves have known problems with instability/response to pulsations/noise. / 現存するシステムに関わる問題は、受動的に操作されている(passively operated)(自動の)逆止め弁が、不安定/脈動(pulsation)に対する応答/騒音を伴う既知の問題を有していることである。(USP7607302)
$$ Finally, such pumps produce a noticeable and undesirable low-frequency `pulsatile` flow as the solid bodies move into and out of tube compression. / 最後に、斯様なポンプは、上記固体が配管押圧に突入し及び離脱する際に目立った望ましくない低周波の“脈状”の流れを生じる。(USP7284962)
$$ Variable or pulsating water emission is thus effected from the opening. (USP6648245)
$$ There are several man-made effects, such as pulsation and ripple, which can illuminate the jewel in an attractive fashion making it more desirable to the user. / 例えば波動と波紋のような、ユーザにとって宝石をより望ましいものにする魅力的なやり方で宝石を照らすことができる人工のいくつかの効果が存在している。(USP6433483)
$$ Preferably the frequency of pulsation is from 20 to 100 Herz, most preferably from 50 to 80 Herz. / 好ましくは、パルス発信の周波数は、20~100ヘルツ、もっとも好ましくは50~80ヘルツである。(USP6277932)
$$ A method according to claim 6, wherein the concentrated salt solution is fed by pulsatile means into a flow of water diluent to produce the saline solution at the desired concentration. (USP6632347)
$$ The nozzle is axially adjustable in the head for varying pulsation of the water flow or for providing a continuous water spray from the head. (USP6648245)
$$ For this purpose the nozzle housing 30 is provided with an electric coil 41. / このためにノズルハウジング30には電気コイル41が設けられている。 (USP8397779)
$$ The uncertain element, which is the purpose of the present invention to resolve, is the position of the user terminal 44 on the surface of the earth 14. / 本発明が解決すべき目的である不確かな要素は、地球14の表面上の使用者端末44の位置である。(USP6031489)
$$ It is a purpose of the present invention to reduce the fabrication cost of such cells and stacks incorporating them. (USP5508127)
$$ There are twin purposes relating to establishing the exact position of the user terminal on the surface of the earth. / 地球の表面上の使用者端末の正確な位置を確定することに関しては、2つの目的がある。(USP6031489)
$$ For the purpose of simplicity it will be assumed that control over the TV 2 and the decoder 3 only is required and that control over the VCR and other units is not required. / 単純化のため、TV2およびデコーダ3しか制御する必要がなく、VCRおよび他の装置は制御する必要がないと仮定する。(USP02042917)
$$ For example, for telephone voting, or for telephone calls for the purpose of making credit card donations, the holding time may be predetermined and generally fixed. / 例えば、電話投票またはクレジットカードで寄付を行う電話呼において、保持時間を予め決めるかまたは全体的に固定することができる。(USP6330313)
$$ Identification code words are applied to versions of material items for the purpose of identifying the version of the material item. / 識別コードワードは、マテリアルアイテムのバージョンを識別するために、マテリアルアイテムのバージョンに埋め込まれる。(USP03131243)
$$ Looping of a sequence of compressed video bitstream is used for the purpose of testing MPEG2 decoders. / 圧縮されたビデオビットストリームのシーケンスのループ化は、MPEG2復号器をテストする目的で使用される。(USP6229851)
$$ Air pumps are known for the purpose of generating high-pressure flow in liquids and gases by pneumatically generated reciprocal movements of a piston.(USP02051714)
$$ The purpose of the bead is mainly to protect the cleaved end of the fibre unit during installation. / ビードを使用する目的は、主に、ファイバーユニットの劈開面を設置中に保護するためである。(USP8275227)
$$ For this purpose the nozzle housing 30 is provided with an electric coil 41. / このためにノズルハウジング30には電気コイル41が設けられている。 (USP8397779)
$$ The uncertain element, which is the purpose of the present invention to resolve, is the position of the user terminal 44 on the surface of the earth 14. / 本発明が解決すべき目的である不確かな要素は、地球14の表面上の使用者端末44の位置である。(USP6031489)
$$ It is a purpose of the present invention to reduce the fabrication cost of such cells and stacks incorporating them. (USP5508127)
$$ There are twin purposes relating to establishing the exact position of the user terminal on the surface of the earth. / 地球の表面上の使用者端末の正確な位置を確定することに関しては、2つの目的がある。(USP6031489)
$$ For the purpose of simplicity it will be assumed that control over the TV 2 and the decoder 3 only is required and that control over the VCR and other units is not required. / 単純化のため、TV2およびデコーダ3しか制御する必要がなく、VCRおよび他の装置は制御する必要がないと仮定する。(USP02042917)
$$ For example, for telephone voting, or for telephone calls for the purpose of making credit card donations, the holding time may be predetermined and generally fixed. / 例えば、電話投票またはクレジットカードで寄付を行う電話呼において、保持時間を予め決めるかまたは全体的に固定することができる。(USP6330313)
$$ Identification code words are applied to versions of material items for the purpose of identifying the version of the material item. / 識別コードワードは、マテリアルアイテムのバージョンを識別するために、マテリアルアイテムのバージョンに埋め込まれる。(USP03131243)
$$ Looping of a sequence of compressed video bitstream is used for the purpose of testing MPEG2 decoders. / 圧縮されたビデオビットストリームのシーケンスのループ化は、MPEG2復号器をテストする目的で使用される。(USP6229851)
$$ Air pumps are known for the purpose of generating high-pressure flow in liquids and gases by pneumatically generated reciprocal movements of a piston.(USP02051714)
$$ The purpose of the bead is mainly to protect the cleaved end of the fibre unit during installation. / ビードを使用する目的は、主に、ファイバーユニットの劈開面を設置中に保護するためである。(USP8275227)
$$ Because of this fundamental problem, this approach was not pursued any further. (USP6810118)
$$ The present inventors were not aware of the research by Llinas and his colleagues, and were pursuing similar compounds, as they were known to have some calcium channel blocking activity. / 本発明人らは、Llinasおよび彼の同僚による研究に気づかず、それらが何らかのカルシウムチャンネル遮断活性を有することが知られていたので、同様の化合物を追求していた。(USP6797699)
$$ Region-based approaches are being pursued with some success using a range of techniques. / 領域に基づいた手法は追求され、一連の手法を使用してある程度の成功をおさめた。(USP7593602)
$$ The approaches described herein as background could be pursued, but are not necessarily approaches that have been previously conceived or pursued. / ここに背景として記載するアプローチを追求することができるが、必ずしも既に着想または追求されたアプローチであるとは限らない。(USP7620235)
$$ Even if the fraud is noticed, a cardholder may fail to report it as they perceive the recovery of funds to be a time-consuming process and not worth pursuing if the amount involved is relatively small. (USP6848613)
$$ Examples could be for base vehicle operation, conversion between vehicle types, emergency services such as police pursuit, and post-injury rehabilitation. (USP6735015)
$$ This can then be pursued recursively; in other words, if the second class calls methods in further classes, or has one or more superclasses, these too may now be loaded. (USP01051970)
$$ Because of this fundamental problem, this approach was not pursued any further. (USP6810118)
$$ The present inventors were not aware of the research by Llinas and his colleagues, and were pursuing similar compounds, as they were known to have some calcium channel blocking activity. / 本発明人らは、Llinasおよび彼の同僚による研究に気づかず、それらが何らかのカルシウムチャンネル遮断活性を有することが知られていたので、同様の化合物を追求していた。(USP6797699)
$$ Region-based approaches are being pursued with some success using a range of techniques. / 領域に基づいた手法は追求され、一連の手法を使用してある程度の成功をおさめた。(USP7593602)
$$ The approaches described herein as background could be pursued, but are not necessarily approaches that have been previously conceived or pursued. / ここに背景として記載するアプローチを追求することができるが、必ずしも既に着想または追求されたアプローチであるとは限らない。(USP7620235)
$$ Even if the fraud is noticed, a cardholder may fail to report it as they perceive the recovery of funds to be a time-consuming process and not worth pursuing if the amount involved is relatively small. (USP6848613)
$$ Examples could be for base vehicle operation, conversion between vehicle types, emergency services such as police pursuit, and post-injury rehabilitation. (USP6735015)
$$ This can then be pursued recursively; in other words, if the second class calls methods in further classes, or has one or more superclasses, these too may now be loaded. (USP01051970)
$$ The top end 44 of the arm 42 is engaged by the spring 32, which pushes the pressure member upwards to compress the balls 36 between it and the lower face of tongue 22. (USP5489100)
$$ Removal of one portion allows the cap to be removed whereas removal of both portions allows the chamber to be pushed to the open condition. (USP7490719)
$$ The movement of the inner cable relative to he outer sheath results in the selection lever 18 being pulled and pushed to select the appropriate drive gear. (USP6318493)
$$ The push-rods 16 of the dog-ring 9 are pushed upwardly by the blocks 17 into the flanking notch 35 at location 30, so offer no resistance or obstruction to this gear-engaging movement. / 回し金リング9の押圧棒16は、ブロック17によって場所30の側面にあるノッチ35まで上方に押し上げられ、こうしてこの歯車の係合の動きに何の抵抗も障害もない。(USP6019010)
$$ Adjacent routing members 14 are push-fittable together such that the housings 12 are in an aligned bank when in stowed positions. / ハウジング12が積込み位置にあるときに整列して堆積されるように、隣接搬送部材14は一体に押嵌め可能になっている。(USP6418264)
$$ The upper section 39 receives the machine end of the inflation line 10 pushed onto the core pin 35 by a distance of about 4 mm. (USP02005202)
$$ A push button 44 on the end of a rod 46 can be pushed in to release radial pressure on the projecting retention ball 38, and whilst this pressure is maintained on the push button, the spindle 30 can be withdrawn from the collar 18. (USP6598724)
$$ The tubing 2 may be shaped by heating and bending, or may be supported in this shape by an internal member pushed into the end of the tube. (USP6477258)
$$ To unlock the sill button is again pushed to the transitory position T and released whereupon it returns to the unlocked position UL. (USP02074809)
$$ FIG. 4E shows the inner sleeve 302 lowered as 305 and 307 are pushed together towards 303. (USP6659201)
$$ To assist this, the jaw 184 is displaced away from the jaw 182, and, when released, is moved by the leaf spring 190 to engage the adjacent chordal edge 20 of the blade 6 to push the blade 6 into contact, at the opposite chordal edge, with the fixed jaw 182.(USP02020954)
$$ The oil-filled retaining sleeve 17 acts as an oil damper controlling the speed at which the gate valve 10 is closed in an emergency, the oil passing through the thrust bearings 19 as the sleeve 17 is pushed upwards, relative to the housing, by the released disc spring stack 22. (USP6572076)
$$ The top end 44 of the arm 42 is engaged by the spring 32, which pushes the pressure member upwards to compress the balls 36 between it and the lower face of tongue 22. (USP5489100)
$$ Removal of one portion allows the cap to be removed whereas removal of both portions allows the chamber to be pushed to the open condition. (USP7490719)
$$ The movement of the inner cable relative to he outer sheath results in the selection lever 18 being pulled and pushed to select the appropriate drive gear. (USP6318493)
$$ The push-rods 16 of the dog-ring 9 are pushed upwardly by the blocks 17 into the flanking notch 35 at location 30, so offer no resistance or obstruction to this gear-engaging movement. / 回し金リング9の押圧棒16は、ブロック17によって場所30の側面にあるノッチ35まで上方に押し上げられ、こうしてこの歯車の係合の動きに何の抵抗も障害もない。(USP6019010)
$$ Adjacent routing members 14 are push-fittable together such that the housings 12 are in an aligned bank when in stowed positions. / ハウジング12が積込み位置にあるときに整列して堆積されるように、隣接搬送部材14は一体に押嵌め可能になっている。(USP6418264)
$$ The upper section 39 receives the machine end of the inflation line 10 pushed onto the core pin 35 by a distance of about 4 mm. (USP02005202)
$$ A push button 44 on the end of a rod 46 can be pushed in to release radial pressure on the projecting retention ball 38, and whilst this pressure is maintained on the push button, the spindle 30 can be withdrawn from the collar 18. (USP6598724)
$$ The tubing 2 may be shaped by heating and bending, or may be supported in this shape by an internal member pushed into the end of the tube. (USP6477258)
$$ To unlock the sill button is again pushed to the transitory position T and released whereupon it returns to the unlocked position UL. (USP02074809)
$$ FIG. 4E shows the inner sleeve 302 lowered as 305 and 307 are pushed together towards 303. (USP6659201)
$$ To assist this, the jaw 184 is displaced away from the jaw 182, and, when released, is moved by the leaf spring 190 to engage the adjacent chordal edge 20 of the blade 6 to push the blade 6 into contact, at the opposite chordal edge, with the fixed jaw 182.(USP02020954)
$$ The oil-filled retaining sleeve 17 acts as an oil damper controlling the speed at which the gate valve 10 is closed in an emergency, the oil passing through the thrust bearings 19 as the sleeve 17 is pushed upwards, relative to the housing, by the released disc spring stack 22. (USP6572076)
$$ The invention can be put into practice in a number of ways, some of which will now be described by way of example and with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: / 本発明は、数々の方法で実際に用いられ、そのうちのいくつかを実施例を用いて添付の図を参照して説明する。(USP6586903)
$$ The IV will usually always be above about 0.5 dl/g since lower molecular weight polymers tend to be difficult to put into satisfactory dry bead form. / 低めの分子量のポリマーは満足な乾燥ビーズ形態にするのが困難である傾向があるため、普通、IVは常に約0.5dl/gを超える。(USP6277932)
$$ Any changes can be put into the system by a nominated manager. / 何か変更点があれば、指名された管理担当者によって入力される。(USP5559936)
$$ Module reset signals cause modules to carry out a procedure that puts the module into a predetermined state. / モジュール・リセット信号は、モジュールに、そのモジュールを所定状態にする手順を実行させる。(USP5398233) -->render sth in(to)
$$ For example, a mechanism can be put into place to prevent non-interrupt level Java from storing anything in an interrupt level Java object.(USP02029357)
$$ FIG. 1 shows diagrammatically how a colour correction technique as described above may be put into effect.(USP6075887)
$$ The invention can be put into practice in a number of ways, some of which will now be described by way of example and with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: / 本発明は、数々の方法で実際に用いられ、そのうちのいくつかを実施例を用いて添付の図を参照して説明する。(USP6586903)
$$ The IV will usually always be above about 0.5 dl/g since lower molecular weight polymers tend to be difficult to put into satisfactory dry bead form. / 低めの分子量のポリマーは満足な乾燥ビーズ形態にするのが困難である傾向があるため、普通、IVは常に約0.5dl/gを超える。(USP6277932)
$$ Any changes can be put into the system by a nominated manager. / 何か変更点があれば、指名された管理担当者によって入力される。(USP5559936)
$$ Module reset signals cause modules to carry out a procedure that puts the module into a predetermined state. / モジュール・リセット信号は、モジュールに、そのモジュールを所定状態にする手順を実行させる。(USP5398233) -->render sth in(to)
$$ For example, a mechanism can be put into place to prevent non-interrupt level Java from storing anything in an interrupt level Java object.(USP02029357)
$$ FIG. 1 shows diagrammatically how a colour correction technique as described above may be put into effect.(USP6075887)
$$ Laser 30 is mounted upon a laser mounting pad portion 24 put on a single crystal substrate 10, the single crystal substrate having previously been etched. (USP5668823)
$$ These formats enable many grids to be put on a single slide. (USP6308750)
$$ This indicates to the interface 23 that a packet is ready to be put on the bus 20 and the interface communicates through the dedicated communication path 21 with the central control 22 as previously described. (USP6526501)
$$ This arrangement ensures that no strain is put on the connecting cable 27 but at the same time permits the coupling device is free to move relative to the housing to a limited extent as the shaft rotates.(USP01008810)
$$ If the interrupt level were to, for example, put an object on a heap to which a garbage collector (GC) had access, the GC might alter the object, for example by trying to perform garbage collection or even by just looking at it.(USP02029357)
$$ On receiving the packets from the GMSC the Gateway node 60 translates the point code of the Gateway node to that of the GGSN 51 in a translation unit 76, and puts that address on the header. / GMSCからパケットを受取るとき、ゲートウエイノード60は変換ユニット76においてゲートウエイノードのポイントコード60をGGSN51のポイントコードへ変換し、ヘッダ上にそのアドレスをのせる。(USP6584098)
$$ The output of the analogue to digital converter 80 can be put on the data bus 72 and sent to the interface board memory 84. / アナログ-デジタル変換器80の出力を、データバス72に置いてインタフェースボードメモリ84に送ることができる。(USP6611142)
$$ This can put a constraint on how close together the horns can be in a line, which in turn constrains the resolution of the device. / これはホーンが線の中でどの程度まで密接に一体化され得るかということに拘束条件を課す可能性があり、それが装置の解像度を拘束する。(USP6900756)
$$ The action of the container and cap when putting on and taking off the cap is as follows: (USP5411157): 帽子をかぶるか脱ぐ時
$$ The sound tube 2 can be stretched so as to cover the microphone capsule 3 or the capsule can have a tube arrangement to facilitate easier putting on and removal of the sound tube 2. (USP6477258): 取付けまたは取り外し
$$ In this way a cyclist can determine whether a pedal tread portion is the right way round or not (i.e. to offer the correct LED displays in the correct directions) when putting a foot on it. (USP6104096): 足を載せる
$$ Laser 30 is mounted upon a laser mounting pad portion 24 put on a single crystal substrate 10, the single crystal substrate having previously been etched. (USP5668823)
$$ These formats enable many grids to be put on a single slide. (USP6308750)
$$ This indicates to the interface 23 that a packet is ready to be put on the bus 20 and the interface communicates through the dedicated communication path 21 with the central control 22 as previously described. (USP6526501)
$$ This arrangement ensures that no strain is put on the connecting cable 27 but at the same time permits the coupling device is free to move relative to the housing to a limited extent as the shaft rotates.(USP01008810)
$$ If the interrupt level were to, for example, put an object on a heap to which a garbage collector (GC) had access, the GC might alter the object, for example by trying to perform garbage collection or even by just looking at it.(USP02029357)
$$ On receiving the packets from the GMSC the Gateway node 60 translates the point code of the Gateway node to that of the GGSN 51 in a translation unit 76, and puts that address on the header. / GMSCからパケットを受取るとき、ゲートウエイノード60は変換ユニット76においてゲートウエイノードのポイントコード60をGGSN51のポイントコードへ変換し、ヘッダ上にそのアドレスをのせる。(USP6584098)
$$ The output of the analogue to digital converter 80 can be put on the data bus 72 and sent to the interface board memory 84. / アナログ-デジタル変換器80の出力を、データバス72に置いてインタフェースボードメモリ84に送ることができる。(USP6611142)
$$ This can put a constraint on how close together the horns can be in a line, which in turn constrains the resolution of the device. / これはホーンが線の中でどの程度まで密接に一体化され得るかということに拘束条件を課す可能性があり、それが装置の解像度を拘束する。(USP6900756)
$$ The action of the container and cap when putting on and taking off the cap is as follows: (USP5411157): 帽子をかぶるか脱ぐ時
$$ The sound tube 2 can be stretched so as to cover the microphone capsule 3 or the capsule can have a tube arrangement to facilitate easier putting on and removal of the sound tube 2. (USP6477258): 取付けまたは取り外し
$$ In this way a cyclist can determine whether a pedal tread portion is the right way round or not (i.e. to offer the correct LED displays in the correct directions) when putting a foot on it. (USP6104096): 足を載せる
$$ In that case, appropriate billing arrangements may be put in train. / この場合、しかるべき請求のための構成を準備することができる。(USP7653389)
$$ The degree of optical clarity required will depend upon the use to which the receptacle is to be put. / 要求される光学的透明度は、容器が置かれる用途に依存する。(USP7578972)
$$ The process by which the thresholds are used will be described below, but put simply, a higher threshold implies that fewer macroblocks will be re-encoded. / この閾値を使用する処理については後にさらに詳細に説明するが、閾値が高くなる程、再符号化されるマクロブロックの数が少なくなることを意味する。(USP6757333)
$$ The longitudinal recess 107 of the bathtub form is likewise easily formed, and puts the unions 104, 105 in communication when the conduit 10 is closed by the lower shell 102. / 浴槽形状の縦凹部107も同様に、容易に形成され、導管10が下方シェル102によって閉鎖されると、結合部104、105を結合させる。(USP6422434)
$$ The selection of such layers will depend upon the use to which the display is to be put. / この種の層の選択は、ディスプレイが供せられる用途に依存し得る。(USP5929562)
$$ As noted above, when a subroutine is called, temporary register information is also put onto the stack, in the same frame as the return address. (USP02029357)
$$ The manufacturer must put processes in place so that only a small number of trusted employees have access to the key information and that it is stored securely.(USP01037458)
$$ With this arrangement failure of an element TE, during manufacture or during service, does not put another element TE out of action.(USP01022495)
$$ In that case, appropriate billing arrangements may be put in train. / この場合、しかるべき請求のための構成を準備することができる。(USP7653389)
$$ The degree of optical clarity required will depend upon the use to which the receptacle is to be put. / 要求される光学的透明度は、容器が置かれる用途に依存する。(USP7578972)
$$ The process by which the thresholds are used will be described below, but put simply, a higher threshold implies that fewer macroblocks will be re-encoded. / この閾値を使用する処理については後にさらに詳細に説明するが、閾値が高くなる程、再符号化されるマクロブロックの数が少なくなることを意味する。(USP6757333)
$$ The longitudinal recess 107 of the bathtub form is likewise easily formed, and puts the unions 104, 105 in communication when the conduit 10 is closed by the lower shell 102. / 浴槽形状の縦凹部107も同様に、容易に形成され、導管10が下方シェル102によって閉鎖されると、結合部104、105を結合させる。(USP6422434)
$$ The selection of such layers will depend upon the use to which the display is to be put. / この種の層の選択は、ディスプレイが供せられる用途に依存し得る。(USP5929562)
$$ As noted above, when a subroutine is called, temporary register information is also put onto the stack, in the same frame as the return address. (USP02029357)
$$ The manufacturer must put processes in place so that only a small number of trusted employees have access to the key information and that it is stored securely.(USP01037458)
$$ With this arrangement failure of an element TE, during manufacture or during service, does not put another element TE out of action.(USP01022495)