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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...


$$ In another application of the sealing element, a graphite layer or sheet from 0.5 to 2 mm thick may be provided which acts to provide resilience in a gasket. / シーリング要素の別の用途では、0.5-2mmのグラファイト層またはシートが提供されて、ガスケット中で弾性エネルギーを供給する役割を果たしている。(USP6177504)

$$ The device is about 3 mm in total length, the flange being about 1.75 mm in diameter and about 0.1 mm thick. / 器械は、全長が約3mmであり、フランジは直径が約1.75mm、厚さが約0.1mmである。(USP6186974)

$$ Typically, the upper plate 10 may be between 10 and 12 mm thick (x) and the lower plate 11 may be between 3 and 5 mm thick (y). / 通常は、上側の板10の厚み(x)は10~12mmであり、下側の板11の厚み(y)は3~5mmである。(USP6453224)

$$ The thicker the layer the better the chance that all the electrons are captured, but the greater the likelihood of an light photon emitted deep therein of failing to get back out. (USP6211525)

$$ The metallised layer may be 10 to 50 nm thick and is preferably discontinuous over the small scale relief that forms the diffraction grating 5 so that the diffraction grating 5 is partially absorbing or transmitting, and is only weakly specularly reflective. (USP6043936)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...


厚さが小さい(薄い)には small, reduced が多く用いられるようである

$$ The walls 222 and 224 being of generally smaller thickness than the other walls of the device, are able to flex resiliently to a limited degree. (USP6880575): small

$$ In this case the top of the chip is bonded to a transparent, such as glass, which now becomes a new substrate, and the original substrate 5 is ground down to a small thickness, for example 20 microns. (USP01022495): small

$$ The thickness of the gold film can be small in order to save materials costs, and is preferably on the order of 1-10 nm. (USP7629261): small

$$ This results in a relatively low cavitation number (σ) and the cavity thickness remains small. / この結果、比較的小さなキャビテーション係数(σ)が得られ、キャビティ厚は小さいままとなる。(USP6332818): small

$$ This thickness is smaller than car typically be achieved with spin-coated interfacial layers. (USP6850003): small

$$ The wall is, for instance, in the range 0.5 to 1 mm in thickness. / この壁の厚さは、例えば0.5から1mmである。(USP6186974)

$$ The germanium samples tested varied in dimension, but were typically a fraction of a millimeter to a few millimeters, for example, several samples were of 25 mm diameter and 3 mm in thickness. / テストしたゲルマニウム試料は寸法が様々であったが、一般に1ミリメートルから数分の1ミリメートルであった。例えば、いくつかの試料は、直径25mm厚さ3mmであった。(USP6177674)

$$ The supports typically have a thickness of between 50 μm and 75 μm although thinner supports and supports of thickness up to 1.5 mm can be fabricated. / 試料台は、厚さが好ましくは50μm~75μmの範囲にあればよいが、これよりも薄い試料台や厚さが1.5mm以下の試料台も製造可能である。(USP5821544)

$$ The resultant films had a thickness of approximately 1.5 μm. (USP6639006)

$$ Consequently the detector is made with a thickness of around 6 mm, being a compromise between thickness and efficiency. (USP6211525)

$$ The part 410 of the N-type substrate region 41,410 is of reduced thickness compared with the part 41 of that region, the reduction in thickness being effected by a highly doped N-type region 43. (USP5955750): reduced

$$ The accumulator apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the reduced thickness is in the range from 1 mm to 3 mm. (USP7306220): reduced

$$ Said intermediate component 123 is preferably manufactured from a press steel plate of thin thickness. (USP7712744)


THIN (動詞) 薄く(細く)する・薄く(細く)なる


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...

THIN (動詞) 薄く(細く)する・薄く(細く)なる

$$ This shear thinning nature is demonstrated in Examples 14 and 15. (USP6080712)

$$ The headwear may include weld points for use in thinning the cold retaining medium at desired parts of the headwear. (USP5897581)

$$ Preferably a line of weakness comprises a thinning of the flexible material. (USP4971193)

$$ Where the housing is of one part construction then local thinning in the region of the bellows portion may be necessary to provide sufficient flexibility for bellows action. (USP4969578)

$$ The sleeve is locally thinned by grooves 26 at the periphery of the projection 24 and the projection has a recess 28 in it outer surface. (USP7370852)

$$ Finally the sample is thinned and p- and n-type contacts are deposited by electron beam evaporation and then annealed. (USP6760355)

$$ It is disclosed that the substrate on which the device is formed can be thinned prior to applying the infra red transparent heat slug to the device. (USP02034843)

$$ The non-mirrored portion of the lower surface of thinned substrate 5 serves as a window for passing most of the light from core 300. (USP01022495)

タグ :THIN



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...


$$ When the upper portion of any of these embodiments has been separated, the unobservant user will think that the pack is conventional in appearance (see FIG. 11). / これらすべての実施形態において上部が切り離されたときには、不注意な使用者は、パックの外観が従来と同じであると思うであろう(図11を参照されたい)。(USP6000539)

$$ Another way of thinking of this would be to redefine the x-axis as the axis along which the detector and spot projector are separated, or at least the effective input/exit pupils thereof if mirrors or other diverting optical elements were used. / これを考える別の方法は、x軸をそれに沿って検出器とスポット投射装置が分離される軸として、又は、ミラー又は他の方向転換光学要素が使用される場合には、少なくともその有効な入射/出射瞳として再定義することであろう。(USP7589825)

$$ The reader may come across the identifier `foo` in the program and think its value should be that of the variable `foo`, whereas in fact the value is four greater. (USP6691301)

$$ Indeed, it is hard to think of a bioscience area that is not dependent, at least in some way, on protein analysis. (USP6613210)

$$ This is an improvement on the existing system whereby the system sends a return call after a predetermined time period i.e. when it thinks the caller has hung-up. (USP6587551)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...


$$ This is because optical refraction and Fresnel reflection effects must be considered in this regime. (USP7626756)

$$ This is because many regions in the image are measured several times by different radiometer channels. / これは、画像の多くの領域が異なるラジオメータチャネルによって数回測定されるからである。(USP6900756)

$$ this is because of the need for Hall effect or resistance to be largely independent of temperature. / ホール効果またはホール抵抗を温度とほぼ無関係にすることが必要であるからである。(USP6809514)

$$ This is because the luminance signal samples are already in the required format and the required number of samples. / 輝度信号サンプルは、すでに必要なフォーマット及び必要なサンプル数を有している。(USP6614489)

$$ This is because of the 180-degree rotational symmetry of cam 218. (USP02073789)

$$ This is because of space charge effects. (USP6002206)


THIS IS WHERE ~の場合(場所)である


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...

THIS IS WHERE ~の場合(場所)である;

$$ This is where the interface will preferentially be located and fluids from both side of the sheet means will flow to the narrowed section of the apertures. / これは、界面が選択的に位置し、そしてシート手段の両側からの流体が開口部の狭部に流れる場所である。(USP5961832)

$$ One instance of this is where a network comprises mostly three-sector cells, with nine sector cells used only in areas of high demand. (USP6480524)

$$ They are read from the queue by a dummy service routine. This is where the client requests could be processed by a real server routine. (USP6691301)

$$ The simplest implementation (not shown) of this is where a two-terminal DC load or DC source is connected across the outermost nodes (nodes D and H) of the set of capacitors 20 of FIG. 1. (USP5532575)

$$ There is one way in which the approach described above may lead to a different result compared to a full reload of the application, and this is where a class file is modified in between the original load and the reload. (USP01051970)


THIS +V  これによって;このため


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | thi...

THIS +V  これによって~;このため~

$$ By running as a separate thread, this allows the application to continue useful work via the fallback interpreter. (USP02029357)

$$ For the purposes of making changes to a mesh that require nodes to be added to or removed from the mesh, this provides the significant operational benefit that these installations can be carried out in any order. (USP02042274)

$$ However, this gives rise to the four problems mentioned earlier. (USP02052599)

$$ When an arc occurs, this causes a characteristic drop in voltage and an increase in current, which is readily detected by the unit 18. (USP02053914)

$$ Advantageously, this allows for wanted signals, such as music from the radio to be efficiently transmitted to the area 80. (USP02076059)

$$ Additionally, as each diode is a point source, this leads to glints in the resultant image where radiation is specularly reflected from materials in the scene. / 更に、各ダイオードは点放射源であるので、得られた像の中の、場面中の物に鏡のように反射された放射のグリントが生じることになる。(USP6453224)

$$ Whilst useful, this clearly has the limitation that high spectral resolution is not possible. (USP5623342)

$$ Hence, this avoids the need to wait for a quiet time to poll the network for the required information. (USP6539082)

タグ :THIS+V