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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sin...


$$ The best results are achieved using all three techniques since if either one of the operations is not successfully performed, for example due to a software fault, the other method will act as a backup system. / 例えばソフトウエア障害によりいずれか1つの動作がうまく行かなかったとしても、他の方法がバックアップシステムとして作用するため、最良の結果は3つの方法すべてを用いることで得られる。(USP8171814)

$$ Since the number of nodes in a web is N, and if each node is sending data to one other node, then there are N connections active. / ウェブ内のノード数はNであるため、および各ノードがデータを1つの他のノードに送信している場合には、アクティブなN個の接続がある。(USP6553020)

$$ Since the volume of beverage within the capsule is an undesirable loss, even if it can be quantified so as to mitigate duty payable, it is nevertheless preferable to exclude as much beverage as possible from the capsule interior. (USP5660867)

$$ Since the signal only holds the value assigned to it for a single clock cycle, if it is read from just before or just after it is assigned to, one gets its initial value. (USP6691301)

$$ Since for each segment the verifier has access to both the locally calculated digital form and hash value, and to that carried in the authentication code, if the check fails, the user is able to identify which segment(s) have been modified or corrupted, and possibly what those modifications are, so that he will be in a better position for evaluating the validity of the document. (USP5912974)

$$ Also, since the diameter of the zones off-axis decrease significantly, manufacture of a zone plate is greatly simplified if only the central zones are subdivided to reduce phase error. (USP5486950)

$$ The second requirement is the more important since if it is not met an attacker can easily defeat any circuitry to enforce the first requirement. (USP01037458)

タグ :SINCE...IF

SINCE 多重用法 Since....since


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sin...

SINCE 多重用法 Since....since

$$ The preferred embodiment uses only the gaseous charge to attenuate the energy level of the microwave radiation within the enclosure since this results in the most efficient use of the microwave energy (since the energy is largely converted to ultraviolet radiation rather than heat). / 好ましい実施の形態は、包囲体中のマイクロ波放射のエネルギのレベルを減衰するために、ガス充填のみを用いており、これがマイクロ波エネルギの最も効率的な利用をもたらせている(エネルギが熱よりも紫外線放射にかなり変えられているので)。(USP6507030)

$$ A sinc function is selected since the Fourier transform of such a function is a rectangular pulse function and, since an AWG can be described in terms of Fourier optics, will produce the desired spectral broadening at the output side. / inc関数のフーリエ変換は、矩形のパルス関数であるので選択され、また、AWGが、フーリエ光学素子の表現にて説明することができるので、出力側にて所望のスペクトルの拡張を生じさせる。(USP6339664)

$$ Thus, since a backup application must back up a whole file and since this must not be modified by another application program during the backup process, the use of prior backup methods will introduce delays into a computer system having shared storage means. / このように、バックアップアプリケーションはファイルを丸ごとバックアップしなければならないので、そして、ファイルは他のアプリケーションプログラムによってバックアップ作業中は更新されるわけには行かないので、上記のようなバックアップ方法は、共有された記憶手段を備えたコンピュータシステムに遅滞をもたらすだろう。(USP5675725)

$$ Since any liquid trapped in the capsule reduces the volume of the capsule available for gas and since it is the latter which creates the desirable froth head, it is advantageous if the quantity of beer entering the capsule is constant so that a consistent head producing effect is obtained. (USP5660867)

$$ While the area ratio can well be made larger, a smaller area ratio is troublesome since a smaller area of the inner cladding can make it difficult to launch the pump into the device, and since a larger signal spot-size leads either to a large bend sensitivity or to a multi-mode core. (USP6445494)

$$ Since this is the only data that need be backed up to keep an up to date backup copy and since typical users only modify very small parts or areas of a file, it will be appreciated that this backup copy will be significantly smaller than a backup comprising all the data in each file that has been modified. (USP5684991)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sin...


$$ A condition in which torque at the transmission output creates zero torque at its input will be referred to herein as a "singularity". / 変速機出力でのトルクがその入力でのゼロトルクを生じさせるような状態は、ここでは「特異点(singularity)」と呼ばれる。(USP8292781)

$$ Strategy A breaks down, however, as the transmission approaches the singularities. / しかし、変速機が特異点に接近すると、手順Aは崩壊する。(USP8292781)

$$ For a periodic grating surface, we consider an array of singularities on the surface. / 周期的格子表面について、出願人は、表面上の特異点の配列を考慮する。(USP7053975)

$$ In particular, where the indefinite article is used, the specification is to be understood as contemplating plurality as well as singularity, unless the context requires otherwise. / 特に、不定冠詞が使用される場合、本明細書は、文脈上他の意味に解す場合を除き、複数ならびに単数であることを意図していると理解されるべきである。(USP8080016)

$$ It is less well behaved than f(x) in that it has an essential singularity and branch point at one end of the range. (USP6381555)

$$ FIG. 40 shows a point singularity where a single pixel has a motion vector different from those of all the surrounding pixels. (USP5027203)


SITE 場所・部位


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sin...

SITE 場所・部位


$$ The hook guide can then be removed from the operative site. / そして、フックガイドを手術部位から取り外すことができる。(USP8409225)

$$ This enhances image quality, and/or avoids the interruption and expense of returning the radiometer to a remote site for calibration. / これにより画質が改善され、かつ/または較正のためにラジオメータを遠隔の場所に戻すことによる出費と中断が回避される。(USP6900756)

$$ The cathode is also designed to be porous and to allow oxygen or air to enter the substrate and diffuse through to the electrocatalyst layer reaction sites. / このカソードもまた多孔性のものとして設計されており、これにより酸素または空気は前記基材に進入し、電気触媒層反応サイトまで拡散する。(USP6855452)

$$ Thus, with this disclosure, the number of blocked sites can be reduced by a factor of 300-1700. / 本発明においては、閉塞部位の数を300 ~1700分の1に減少することができる)。(USP5436086)

$$ Once that receptor site is known, it will be possible to modify or control its properties. / 一旦そのレセプター部位がわかると、その特性を調節するか又は制御することが可能になるだろう。(USP02054870)

$$ Said compound of formula VI may react at any suitable site of said compound having the structural unit I. / 前記の式VIの化合物は、構造単位Iを有する化合物の適当な部位と反応することができる。(USP01019809)

$$ An Nco1 recognition site is underlined. / NcoI認識部位に下線を付してある。(USP01010935)
