-->no more than, not greater than
$$ If such engines are used in small cars or vans which are used at low speeds in towns for large portions of their operations, the exhaust gas temperature tends to be quite low, perhaps not more than 100-120℃. / その様なエンジンが、運転の大部分が町中で低速度で行なわれる小型の乗用車またはバンに使用される場合、排ガス温度は極めて低い、恐らく100~120℃以下である、傾向がある。(USP6889498)
$$ The entire spindle 226 is thereby lifted by a distance of not more than 1.5 mm. / こうしてスピンドル226全体が1.5mmを越えない範囲で移動する。(USP6691849)
$$ Generally the fall time in the column is not more than 30 minutes, and a post-polymerization stage is then usually desirable. / 一般に、カラムの中の落下時間は30分を超えず、その場合、普通は後重合段階が望ましい。(USP6277932)
$$ Preferably the antimony compound is antimony trioxide or antimony pentoxide, present in an amount of not more than 1.5 wt %, and preferably less than 1.0 wt % of the whole formulation. / アンチモン化合物は、全配合物の1.5重量%以下、好ましくは1.0重量%以下で存在する三酸化二アンチモンまたは五酸化二アンチモンであることが好ましい。(USP6245846)
$$ Where the machine readable pattern is a bar code, the detachable portion of the label is generally in the form of a strip not more than one millimeter thicker than the widest bar of the bar code. / 機械読取り可能なパターンがバーコードの場合、安全ラベルの分離可能な部分は、その幅が、通常、バーコードの最も広幅のバーより1mm以上は広くないストリップ形式である。(USP5895075)
$$ The fibres will generally have an maximum length of 25 mm, preferably a length of not more than 10 mm and particularly not more than 8 mm. / 炭素質の繊維の長さは、一般に最大長で25mm、好ましくは10mmを越えない長さ、特に好ましくは、8mm以下である。(USP5364511)
-->no more than, not greater than
$$ If such engines are used in small cars or vans which are used at low speeds in towns for large portions of their operations, the exhaust gas temperature tends to be quite low, perhaps not more than 100-120℃. / その様なエンジンが、運転の大部分が町中で低速度で行なわれる小型の乗用車またはバンに使用される場合、排ガス温度は極めて低い、恐らく100~120℃以下である、傾向がある。(USP6889498)
$$ The entire spindle 226 is thereby lifted by a distance of not more than 1.5 mm. / こうしてスピンドル226全体が1.5mmを越えない範囲で移動する。(USP6691849)
$$ Generally the fall time in the column is not more than 30 minutes, and a post-polymerization stage is then usually desirable. / 一般に、カラムの中の落下時間は30分を超えず、その場合、普通は後重合段階が望ましい。(USP6277932)
$$ Preferably the antimony compound is antimony trioxide or antimony pentoxide, present in an amount of not more than 1.5 wt %, and preferably less than 1.0 wt % of the whole formulation. / アンチモン化合物は、全配合物の1.5重量%以下、好ましくは1.0重量%以下で存在する三酸化二アンチモンまたは五酸化二アンチモンであることが好ましい。(USP6245846)
$$ Where the machine readable pattern is a bar code, the detachable portion of the label is generally in the form of a strip not more than one millimeter thicker than the widest bar of the bar code. / 機械読取り可能なパターンがバーコードの場合、安全ラベルの分離可能な部分は、その幅が、通常、バーコードの最も広幅のバーより1mm以上は広くないストリップ形式である。(USP5895075)
$$ The fibres will generally have an maximum length of 25 mm, preferably a length of not more than 10 mm and particularly not more than 8 mm. / 炭素質の繊維の長さは、一般に最大長で25mm、好ましくは10mmを越えない長さ、特に好ましくは、8mm以下である。(USP5364511)
NOT...AND...NOT -->neither...nor
$$ However, the called terminal 24 may not receive the binary coded signal 78 correctly and may not therefore transmit any response. / しかしながら、着呼端末24は2進コード化信号78を正しく受信しないことがあり、このため、応答を送信しない場合がある。(USP5877871)
$$ Preferably, the particulate solid is not less than 30 and especially not less than 50% by weight of the mill-base. / この微粒子状固体は、そのミル-ベースの30重量%以上、そして特に50重量%以上であるのが望ましい。(USP03027873)
$$ One or more of the higher numbered paths may not be required and in this case they are not included in the set. (USP02042274)
$$ ...for all nodes which are not connection nodes and which have not been linked to a connection node...(USP02042274)
$$ The guide frame 47 has a tapered open mouth 49 so that the box 10 is not damaged, when the frame 47 is engaged on it and equally the groups do not snag on the box 10 during insertion.(USP02017019)
$$ ...so that the quality of communication is not impaired by handover and complex circuitry is not required in the terminal... / 通信の品質がハンドオーバによって損なわれず、かつ、端末に複雑な回路が必要とならないようにしても良い。(USP01046481)
$$ Though the use of a refrigerant for cooling is preferred, it is not essential and should not be regarded as limiting the scope of the invention. (USP02036225)
NOT...AND...NOT -->neither...nor
$$ However, the called terminal 24 may not receive the binary coded signal 78 correctly and may not therefore transmit any response. / しかしながら、着呼端末24は2進コード化信号78を正しく受信しないことがあり、このため、応答を送信しない場合がある。(USP5877871)
$$ Preferably, the particulate solid is not less than 30 and especially not less than 50% by weight of the mill-base. / この微粒子状固体は、そのミル-ベースの30重量%以上、そして特に50重量%以上であるのが望ましい。(USP03027873)
$$ One or more of the higher numbered paths may not be required and in this case they are not included in the set. (USP02042274)
$$ ...for all nodes which are not connection nodes and which have not been linked to a connection node...(USP02042274)
$$ The guide frame 47 has a tapered open mouth 49 so that the box 10 is not damaged, when the frame 47 is engaged on it and equally the groups do not snag on the box 10 during insertion.(USP02017019)
$$ ...so that the quality of communication is not impaired by handover and complex circuitry is not required in the terminal... / 通信の品質がハンドオーバによって損なわれず、かつ、端末に複雑な回路が必要とならないようにしても良い。(USP01046481)
$$ Though the use of a refrigerant for cooling is preferred, it is not essential and should not be regarded as limiting the scope of the invention. (USP02036225)
タグ :NOT...AND...NOT
$$ Conduction is due substantially to one kind of carrier in one band, ie electrons in the conduction band or holes in the valence band but not both . / 伝導は、実質上1つのバンド中の1種類のキャリア、すなわち伝導帯中の電子または価電子帯中の正孔によるものであり、その両方によるものではない。(USP6809514)
$$ Fortunately, simplex loop stations which either send or receive cells (but not both ) are not susceptible to this problem. (USP6396815)
$$ Such networks require that any two devices operating on the same channel (frequency, timeslot etc) must not both be within range of a third device. (USP7565149)
$$ The majority of the embodiments below do involve hydrostatically and electrically floating electrodes, but within the scope of the invention other embodiments can be either hydrostatically floating or electrically floating but not both . (USP6696020)
$$ However the arrangement is such that at any given time this passage/chamber in the ejector head 21 can only be in communication with either the air separation chamber 11 or atmosphere, but not both simultaneously. (USP6250889)
$$ Conduction is due substantially to one kind of carrier in one band, ie electrons in the conduction band or holes in the valence band but not both . / 伝導は、実質上1つのバンド中の1種類のキャリア、すなわち伝導帯中の電子または価電子帯中の正孔によるものであり、その両方によるものではない。(USP6809514)
$$ Fortunately, simplex loop stations which either send or receive cells (but not both ) are not susceptible to this problem. (USP6396815)
$$ Such networks require that any two devices operating on the same channel (frequency, timeslot etc) must not both be within range of a third device. (USP7565149)
$$ The majority of the embodiments below do involve hydrostatically and electrically floating electrodes, but within the scope of the invention other embodiments can be either hydrostatically floating or electrically floating but not both . (USP6696020)
$$ However the arrangement is such that at any given time this passage/chamber in the ejector head 21 can only be in communication with either the air separation chamber 11 or atmosphere, but not both simultaneously. (USP6250889)
$$ The offset of the detector channels does not have to be half period, but that achieves the best resolution when there are only two rows. / 検波器チャネルのオフセットは半分の周期にしなくてもよいが、2本の列だけが存在するときにはそれが最良の解像度を達成する。(USP6900756)
$$ A piezoresistive layer does not require face electrodes, but is connected at its ends to an external electrical circuit. / ピエゾ抵抗層は、面電極を必要とせず、端部で外部電気回路に接続されている。(USP6833656)
$$ Additionally, the camera 124 need not be mounted above the display 126 but may be mounted in any position capable of receiving an image of the user. / また、カメラ124は、ディスプレイ126の上に搭載する必要はなく、ユーザの画像を受信することができる任意の位置に搭載することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ In practice, intrinsic conduction is not completely eliminated but it is reduced to negligible proportions. / 実際には真性伝導は完全には除去されないが、無視できる割合まで減少する。(USP6809514)
$$ Furthermore, reference herein to finite sized detectors is not intended as limited to pin holes but advantageously can also include optical fibres. / さらに、サイズが限定された検出器に対する参照は、ピンホールに限定されるものではなく、光ファイバも含み得るのが有利である。(USP6570143)
$$ If the transmission rate is not fixed but varies periodically, the decoder buffer alignment becomes more complicated however it is possible to overcome the problems. / 伝送レートが固定されずに定期的に変動する場合、復号器バッファの整合はより複雑になるが、この問題を克服することは可能である。(USP5856847)
$$ Apparatus 60 includes an outer tube 2 having a distal end which is not shown in the Figures but which corresponds to that of the apparatus 1 in that it contains an end window and a zoom lens. / 装置60は、これらの図には示してないが端部窓とズームレンズを含む点で装置1のものに相当する遠位端を有する外管2を含んでいる。(USP5418645)
$$ It is envisaged, however, that the disclosed salts will not be stored in liquid formulation but as dry solids, in order to prolong shelf life. (USP7371729)
$$ If the shaft 24 begins to drive the motor, it will not function as a pump but as a low-rate damper. (USP5259738)
$$ The offset of the detector channels does not have to be half period, but that achieves the best resolution when there are only two rows. / 検波器チャネルのオフセットは半分の周期にしなくてもよいが、2本の列だけが存在するときにはそれが最良の解像度を達成する。(USP6900756)
$$ A piezoresistive layer does not require face electrodes, but is connected at its ends to an external electrical circuit. / ピエゾ抵抗層は、面電極を必要とせず、端部で外部電気回路に接続されている。(USP6833656)
$$ Additionally, the camera 124 need not be mounted above the display 126 but may be mounted in any position capable of receiving an image of the user. / また、カメラ124は、ディスプレイ126の上に搭載する必要はなく、ユーザの画像を受信することができる任意の位置に搭載することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ In practice, intrinsic conduction is not completely eliminated but it is reduced to negligible proportions. / 実際には真性伝導は完全には除去されないが、無視できる割合まで減少する。(USP6809514)
$$ Furthermore, reference herein to finite sized detectors is not intended as limited to pin holes but advantageously can also include optical fibres. / さらに、サイズが限定された検出器に対する参照は、ピンホールに限定されるものではなく、光ファイバも含み得るのが有利である。(USP6570143)
$$ If the transmission rate is not fixed but varies periodically, the decoder buffer alignment becomes more complicated however it is possible to overcome the problems. / 伝送レートが固定されずに定期的に変動する場合、復号器バッファの整合はより複雑になるが、この問題を克服することは可能である。(USP5856847)
$$ Apparatus 60 includes an outer tube 2 having a distal end which is not shown in the Figures but which corresponds to that of the apparatus 1 in that it contains an end window and a zoom lens. / 装置60は、これらの図には示してないが端部窓とズームレンズを含む点で装置1のものに相当する遠位端を有する外管2を含んでいる。(USP5418645)
$$ It is envisaged, however, that the disclosed salts will not be stored in liquid formulation but as dry solids, in order to prolong shelf life. (USP7371729)
$$ If the shaft 24 begins to drive the motor, it will not function as a pump but as a low-rate damper. (USP5259738)
タグ :NOT...BUT
$$ Such behaviours may continue even when the character is not speaking, resulting in a more naturalistic appearance. / このようなビヘビアはキャラクタが話していないときでも継続し、さらに自然な外観になる。(USP6772122)
$$ FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a fourth system described in the introduction and not forming part of the invention; / 図4は、概論の部分で示された、本発明には含まれない第4のシステムの略図である (USP6138216)
$$ At the end of the hold period, if pressure is still high the motor speed will be low, ie, not running, so the motor is switched off for the time T.off. / 維持期間の最後において、圧力が依然高い場合、モータ速度を低くする(すなわち、モータを駆動しない)。したがって、モータは、期間T.offの間スイッチオフされる。(USP6132010)
$$ When the Pkt ST 10 is not making a voice call, the processor 360 is arranged to ensure that the ST listens to the four downlink communication channels in the packet group using its four modems 350, 352, 354, 356. / Pkt ST10が音声呼出しをしていないとき、プロセッサ360は、STが、4つのモデム350、352、354、356を使用して、確実にパケット・グループの4つのダウンリンク通信チャネルを監視するように構成されている。(USP02018462)
$$ Accordingly, the preferred embodiments of the invention as set forth above are intended to be illustrative, not limiting. / 従って、上文中に説明した本発明の好ましい実施例は、例示を行おうとするものであって、限定を行おうとするものではない。(USP6288534)
$$ As well as not delivering good power conversion efficiency, a single-ended output is provided, whereas differential outputs are usually preferred. (USP6664824)
$$ The printed circuit layers 10 have a number of holes 16 formed through them, extending from the top surface 18 of the assembly, down to the optical layer 12, but not passing through that layer. / 印刷回路層10は、層10を貫いてアセンブリの上部表面18から光伝送可能層12の方へ下方に延びるが層12は貫かない多数の孔16を有している。(USP5408568)
$$ Such behaviours may continue even when the character is not speaking, resulting in a more naturalistic appearance. / このようなビヘビアはキャラクタが話していないときでも継続し、さらに自然な外観になる。(USP6772122)
$$ FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a fourth system described in the introduction and not forming part of the invention; / 図4は、概論の部分で示された、本発明には含まれない第4のシステムの略図である (USP6138216)
$$ At the end of the hold period, if pressure is still high the motor speed will be low, ie, not running, so the motor is switched off for the time T.off. / 維持期間の最後において、圧力が依然高い場合、モータ速度を低くする(すなわち、モータを駆動しない)。したがって、モータは、期間T.offの間スイッチオフされる。(USP6132010)
$$ When the Pkt ST 10 is not making a voice call, the processor 360 is arranged to ensure that the ST listens to the four downlink communication channels in the packet group using its four modems 350, 352, 354, 356. / Pkt ST10が音声呼出しをしていないとき、プロセッサ360は、STが、4つのモデム350、352、354、356を使用して、確実にパケット・グループの4つのダウンリンク通信チャネルを監視するように構成されている。(USP02018462)
$$ Accordingly, the preferred embodiments of the invention as set forth above are intended to be illustrative, not limiting. / 従って、上文中に説明した本発明の好ましい実施例は、例示を行おうとするものであって、限定を行おうとするものではない。(USP6288534)
$$ As well as not delivering good power conversion efficiency, a single-ended output is provided, whereas differential outputs are usually preferred. (USP6664824)
$$ The printed circuit layers 10 have a number of holes 16 formed through them, extending from the top surface 18 of the assembly, down to the optical layer 12, but not passing through that layer. / 印刷回路層10は、層10を貫いてアセンブリの上部表面18から光伝送可能層12の方へ下方に延びるが層12は貫かない多数の孔16を有している。(USP5408568)
タグ :NOT ~ING
"not greater than" と "not more than" との使用頻度は同程度である
$$ D1 may be linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated and preferably contains not greater than 35 and especially not greater than 25 carbon atoms. / D1は、直鎖もしくは分岐、飽和もしくは不飽和の基でよく、そして35以下そしてより望ましくは、25以下の炭素原子を含んでいるのが望ましい。(USP03027873)
$$ A loudspeaker according to claim 4, wherein the spacing between the exciters is not greater than half the wavelength in the panel at the highest operating frequency. (USP7564984)
$$ This code therefore takes either 1 clock cycle if a is greater than b or no clock cycles if a is not greater than b. (USP6691301)
$$ A window according to claim 19, wherein the thermoset polyurethane has a Shore hardness (Type D durometer) of not greater than 90. (USP5376443)
$$ Usually, the proportion of polyalkylsiloxane moieties is not greater than 80 per cent by weight. (USP02054999)
$$ The angle of taper, i.e. the angle between the opposed edges of a slot is suitably not greater than 10° and an angle of taper in the range of 3° to 7° is appropriate. / テーパー角度即ち溝の対向縁間の角度は10°より少ないことが好ましく、テーパーの角度は3°乃至7°の範囲であることが適切である。(USP6176014)
$$ If an instance of the object with the requested version number does not exist, the most recent older version (i.e. with the highest version number not greater than the requested version number) is read.(USP01051961)
$$ ...in which it scans the shared data storage system to find storage units with LUNs not greater than the maximum LUN value...(USP01016904)
"not greater than" と "not more than" との使用頻度は同程度である
$$ D1 may be linear or branched, saturated or unsaturated and preferably contains not greater than 35 and especially not greater than 25 carbon atoms. / D1は、直鎖もしくは分岐、飽和もしくは不飽和の基でよく、そして35以下そしてより望ましくは、25以下の炭素原子を含んでいるのが望ましい。(USP03027873)
$$ A loudspeaker according to claim 4, wherein the spacing between the exciters is not greater than half the wavelength in the panel at the highest operating frequency. (USP7564984)
$$ This code therefore takes either 1 clock cycle if a is greater than b or no clock cycles if a is not greater than b. (USP6691301)
$$ A window according to claim 19, wherein the thermoset polyurethane has a Shore hardness (Type D durometer) of not greater than 90. (USP5376443)
$$ Usually, the proportion of polyalkylsiloxane moieties is not greater than 80 per cent by weight. (USP02054999)
$$ The angle of taper, i.e. the angle between the opposed edges of a slot is suitably not greater than 10° and an angle of taper in the range of 3° to 7° is appropriate. / テーパー角度即ち溝の対向縁間の角度は10°より少ないことが好ましく、テーパーの角度は3°乃至7°の範囲であることが適切である。(USP6176014)
$$ If an instance of the object with the requested version number does not exist, the most recent older version (i.e. with the highest version number not greater than the requested version number) is read.(USP01051961)
$$ ...in which it scans the shared data storage system to find storage units with LUNs not greater than the maximum LUN value...(USP01016904)
NOT IN USE 非使用・非使用時
NOT IN USE 非使用・非使用時
$$ The user simply uses the stand or case in the normal way and the article is recharged without undue fuss when not in use. / ユーザは単に通常のやり方でスタンドやケースを使用し、そして、宝飾品は使用されていないときに簡易に充電される。(USP6433483)
$$ This can be quickly and easily removed when not in use. / これは、使用しないときには迅速かつ容易に取り外すことができる。(USP7090586)
$$ The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with coupling connectors to facilitate connection for use and disconnection when not in use. (USP7637922)
$$ In this way, the batteries are not drained when the aircraft is not in use and the aircraft power supply is shut down. (USP7573396)
$$ This may be ensured by arranging the displays 24 such that they may cover the episcope apertures 24 when the episcopes 22 are not in use. (USP5982536)
$$ FIG. 1 shows lid 3 hinged to casing 11 so that it can swing to cover the front face of casing 11 when not in use.(USP01027089)
$$ ...the number of timeslots not in use at that node on links forming part of PRI(A) is...(USP02042274)
$$ ...after step 9 is successful an extra step is used to move those antennas not in use for MESH(I) into their MESH(B) positions...(USP02042274)
$$ Furthermore the external surfaces of the outlet duct are enclosed when the apparatus is not in use thereby preventing soiling.(USP4969578)
$$ When not in use, this stair-ladder platform can be pivotally returned to position shown in FIG. 15.(USP5967261)
NOT IN USE 非使用・非使用時
$$ The user simply uses the stand or case in the normal way and the article is recharged without undue fuss when not in use. / ユーザは単に通常のやり方でスタンドやケースを使用し、そして、宝飾品は使用されていないときに簡易に充電される。(USP6433483)
$$ This can be quickly and easily removed when not in use. / これは、使用しないときには迅速かつ容易に取り外すことができる。(USP7090586)
$$ The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with The pump is conveniently connected to the cuff by flexible tubing fitted with coupling connectors to facilitate connection for use and disconnection when not in use. (USP7637922)
$$ In this way, the batteries are not drained when the aircraft is not in use and the aircraft power supply is shut down. (USP7573396)
$$ This may be ensured by arranging the displays 24 such that they may cover the episcope apertures 24 when the episcopes 22 are not in use. (USP5982536)
$$ FIG. 1 shows lid 3 hinged to casing 11 so that it can swing to cover the front face of casing 11 when not in use.(USP01027089)
$$ ...the number of timeslots not in use at that node on links forming part of PRI(A) is...(USP02042274)
$$ ...after step 9 is successful an extra step is used to move those antennas not in use for MESH(I) into their MESH(B) positions...(USP02042274)
$$ Furthermore the external surfaces of the outlet duct are enclosed when the apparatus is not in use thereby preventing soiling.(USP4969578)
$$ When not in use, this stair-ladder platform can be pivotally returned to position shown in FIG. 15.(USP5967261)
$$ It is to be appreciated that the above described systems are not limited to measuring magnetic field distribution of magnetic samples. / 上記のシステムは磁気サンプルの磁界分布を測定することに限定されるわけではないことを理解されたい。(USP6611142)
$$ The scanner robot assembly 140 is not limited to scanning cylindrical magnetic samples. / スキャナロボットアセンブリ140は、円柱形の磁気サンプルを走査することに限定されない。(USP6611142)
$$ The nature of the pump inlet is not particularly limited. / ポンプ入口の性質は特に限定されない。(USP6422434)
$$ Although two specific embodiments have been described, it will be appreciated that the present invention is not limited thereto. / 本発明は、上述の実施例に限定されるものではない。(USP5523852)
$$ The invention has been described in connection with its preferred embodiments. However, it is not limited thereto.(USP01000301)
$$ The present invention is applicable to such an arrangement but, again, is not limited thereto.(USP01025858)
$$ Any thread, especially but not limited to the GC thread, could make something grey.(USP02029357)
$$ This allows various optimisations to be made, including but not limited to the in-lining of the single implementation of the invoked Method.(USP02029357)
$$ It will be apparent to the skilled person that although use of the system has been described in relation to the supply of parts, in this context "parts" encompasses goods and products of all descriptions including, but not limited to, assemblies and sub-assemblies of components.(USP02072988)
$$ The wireless protocols used can be DECT or Bluetooth or HomeRF for example, but are not limited to these wireless protocols.(USP02000831)
$$ It has particular application in the field of soft drinks such as colas or flavoured sodas but it will be appreciated that it is not limited thereto.(USP01025858)
$$ The AlGaInP LED lamp of the invention is not limited to having a light extraction cavities 14 of the form shown in FIGS. 9, 11.(USP01022495)
$$ ...each cam arrangement is not limited to only having opposing teeth...(USP02074809)
$$ The operator of the system, hereinafter referred to as the operator, provides a host computer 10 comprising, but not limited to: a central processing unit; ...(USP01027430)
$$ The invention is also not limited to the semiconductor system examples given.(USP5982799)
$$ It is to be appreciated that the above described systems are not limited to measuring magnetic field distribution of magnetic samples. / 上記のシステムは磁気サンプルの磁界分布を測定することに限定されるわけではないことを理解されたい。(USP6611142)
$$ The scanner robot assembly 140 is not limited to scanning cylindrical magnetic samples. / スキャナロボットアセンブリ140は、円柱形の磁気サンプルを走査することに限定されない。(USP6611142)
$$ The nature of the pump inlet is not particularly limited. / ポンプ入口の性質は特に限定されない。(USP6422434)
$$ Although two specific embodiments have been described, it will be appreciated that the present invention is not limited thereto. / 本発明は、上述の実施例に限定されるものではない。(USP5523852)
$$ The invention has been described in connection with its preferred embodiments. However, it is not limited thereto.(USP01000301)
$$ The present invention is applicable to such an arrangement but, again, is not limited thereto.(USP01025858)
$$ Any thread, especially but not limited to the GC thread, could make something grey.(USP02029357)
$$ This allows various optimisations to be made, including but not limited to the in-lining of the single implementation of the invoked Method.(USP02029357)
$$ It will be apparent to the skilled person that although use of the system has been described in relation to the supply of parts, in this context "parts" encompasses goods and products of all descriptions including, but not limited to, assemblies and sub-assemblies of components.(USP02072988)
$$ The wireless protocols used can be DECT or Bluetooth or HomeRF for example, but are not limited to these wireless protocols.(USP02000831)
$$ It has particular application in the field of soft drinks such as colas or flavoured sodas but it will be appreciated that it is not limited thereto.(USP01025858)
$$ The AlGaInP LED lamp of the invention is not limited to having a light extraction cavities 14 of the form shown in FIGS. 9, 11.(USP01022495)
$$ ...each cam arrangement is not limited to only having opposing teeth...(USP02074809)
$$ The operator of the system, hereinafter referred to as the operator, provides a host computer 10 comprising, but not limited to: a central processing unit; ...(USP01027430)
$$ The invention is also not limited to the semiconductor system examples given.(USP5982799)
-->no more than, not greater than
$$ If such engines are used in small cars or vans which are used at low speeds in towns for large portions of their operations, the exhaust gas temperature tends to be quite low, perhaps not more than 100-120℃. / その様なエンジンが、運転の大部分が町中で低速度で行なわれる小型の乗用車またはバンに使用される場合、排ガス温度は極めて低い、恐らく100~120℃以下である、傾向がある。(USP6889498)
$$ The entire spindle 226 is thereby lifted by a distance of not more than 1.5 mm. / こうしてスピンドル226全体が1.5mmを越えない範囲で移動する。(USP6691849)
$$ Generally the fall time in the column is not more than 30 minutes, and a post-polymerization stage is then usually desirable. / 一般に、カラムの中の落下時間は30分を超えず、その場合、普通は後重合段階が望ましい。(USP6277932)
$$ Preferably the antimony compound is antimony trioxide or antimony pentoxide, present in an amount of not more than 1.5 wt %, and preferably less than 1.0 wt % of the whole formulation. / アンチモン化合物は、全配合物の1.5重量%以下、好ましくは1.0重量%以下で存在する三酸化二アンチモンまたは五酸化二アンチモンであることが好ましい。(USP6245846)
$$ Where the machine readable pattern is a bar code, the detachable portion of the label is generally in the form of a strip not more than one millimeter thicker than the widest bar of the bar code. / 機械読取り可能なパターンがバーコードの場合、安全ラベルの分離可能な部分は、その幅が、通常、バーコードの最も広幅のバーより1mm以上は広くないストリップ形式である。(USP5895075)
$$ The fibres will generally have an maximum length of 25 mm, preferably a length of not more than 10 mm and particularly not more than 8 mm. / 炭素質の繊維の長さは、一般に最大長で25mm、好ましくは10mmを越えない長さ、特に好ましくは、8mm以下である。(USP5364511)
-->no more than, not greater than
$$ If such engines are used in small cars or vans which are used at low speeds in towns for large portions of their operations, the exhaust gas temperature tends to be quite low, perhaps not more than 100-120℃. / その様なエンジンが、運転の大部分が町中で低速度で行なわれる小型の乗用車またはバンに使用される場合、排ガス温度は極めて低い、恐らく100~120℃以下である、傾向がある。(USP6889498)
$$ The entire spindle 226 is thereby lifted by a distance of not more than 1.5 mm. / こうしてスピンドル226全体が1.5mmを越えない範囲で移動する。(USP6691849)
$$ Generally the fall time in the column is not more than 30 minutes, and a post-polymerization stage is then usually desirable. / 一般に、カラムの中の落下時間は30分を超えず、その場合、普通は後重合段階が望ましい。(USP6277932)
$$ Preferably the antimony compound is antimony trioxide or antimony pentoxide, present in an amount of not more than 1.5 wt %, and preferably less than 1.0 wt % of the whole formulation. / アンチモン化合物は、全配合物の1.5重量%以下、好ましくは1.0重量%以下で存在する三酸化二アンチモンまたは五酸化二アンチモンであることが好ましい。(USP6245846)
$$ Where the machine readable pattern is a bar code, the detachable portion of the label is generally in the form of a strip not more than one millimeter thicker than the widest bar of the bar code. / 機械読取り可能なパターンがバーコードの場合、安全ラベルの分離可能な部分は、その幅が、通常、バーコードの最も広幅のバーより1mm以上は広くないストリップ形式である。(USP5895075)
$$ The fibres will generally have an maximum length of 25 mm, preferably a length of not more than 10 mm and particularly not more than 8 mm. / 炭素質の繊維の長さは、一般に最大長で25mm、好ましくは10mmを越えない長さ、特に好ましくは、8mm以下である。(USP5364511)
NOT NECESSARILY 必ずしも~ない・必要はない
NOT NECESSARILY 必ずしも~ない・必要はない
$$ The personal information need not necessarily be provided since only authentication 5 and the trust strength 7 are required for a token to be issued. (USP7627895)
$$ Old-style function declarations are not necessarily supported. (USP6691301)
$$ In addition, a deeper effect that is not necessarily associated with the removal of substantial amounts of the epidermis may be obtained by delivering lower levels of power to the skin. (USP6629974)
$$ In addition, analysts may input general commentary or other text to be visible on the graph which may not necessarily be associated with specific financial data in the chart. (USP02130868)
$$ Although in the above description the terminal 10 which transmits the signal 66, 68 is described as the calling terminal, the terminal 10 is not necessarily the terminal that initiated the call. / 上記の説明では、信号66、68を送信する端末10は発呼端末として説明されているが、端末10は必ずしも呼出し(call)を開始した端末ではない。(USP5877871)
$$ A looped sequence should start with a sequence header, although this may have been extracted from an earlier part of the bitstream, not necessarily that part selected for looping. / ループ化されたシーケンスはシーケンスヘッダでスタートすべきであり、これは、ビットストリームのより早い部分から抽出されるが、ループ化のために選択された部分である必要は無い。(USP6229851)
$$ A call routing table (CRT) for incoming calls is very similar, except that the entries do not necessarily include address details. / 入接続呼用の経路選択テーブルのエントリはアドレス詳細を含む必要がないことを除けば、呼経路選択テーブルは呼制御情報テーブルと同じである。(USP5442691)
NOT NECESSARILY 必ずしも~ない・必要はない
$$ The personal information need not necessarily be provided since only authentication 5 and the trust strength 7 are required for a token to be issued. (USP7627895)
$$ Old-style function declarations are not necessarily supported. (USP6691301)
$$ In addition, a deeper effect that is not necessarily associated with the removal of substantial amounts of the epidermis may be obtained by delivering lower levels of power to the skin. (USP6629974)
$$ In addition, analysts may input general commentary or other text to be visible on the graph which may not necessarily be associated with specific financial data in the chart. (USP02130868)
$$ Although in the above description the terminal 10 which transmits the signal 66, 68 is described as the calling terminal, the terminal 10 is not necessarily the terminal that initiated the call. / 上記の説明では、信号66、68を送信する端末10は発呼端末として説明されているが、端末10は必ずしも呼出し(call)を開始した端末ではない。(USP5877871)
$$ A looped sequence should start with a sequence header, although this may have been extracted from an earlier part of the bitstream, not necessarily that part selected for looping. / ループ化されたシーケンスはシーケンスヘッダでスタートすべきであり、これは、ビットストリームのより早い部分から抽出されるが、ループ化のために選択された部分である必要は無い。(USP6229851)
$$ A call routing table (CRT) for incoming calls is very similar, except that the entries do not necessarily include address details. / 入接続呼用の経路選択テーブルのエントリはアドレス詳細を含む必要がないことを除けば、呼経路選択テーブルは呼制御情報テーブルと同じである。(USP5442691)
~ A and B but; ~ A but (also) B or C;
$$ Such gaps could not only adversely affect the activity being performed on the surface, but also may cause the user to trip and fall. / そのような隙間は、その面で行われる活動に悪影響を与え得るだけでなく、利用者がつまずいたり転倒したりする原因になる恐れがある。(USP7090586)
$$ The general method allows one not only to identify individual substances within a mixture of substances, but also to calculate their proportions. (USP6613210)
$$ This entails not only location information but also, for instance, a grammatical test on adjacent items such as one or more of the following: / これは位置情報に限らず、例えば次のうちの1つもしくは複数のような隣接するアイテムについての文法的な試験も含んでいる。(USP6353827)
$$ Windrowing, especially aeration by tuning over windrows, is not only labour intensive and floor space intensive, but is a slow method of drying, and exposes personnel to excessive levels of ammonia and volatile organic compounds.(USP01023853)
$$ Consequently not only can a 1:4 multiplexing request be accepted but also, as an alternative, two 1:8, four 1:16 or one 1:8 and two 1:16 requests. / それ故、1:4多重化要求が受け入れできるのみならず、代案として、2つの1:8要求、4つの1:16要求、あるいは1つの1:8要求および2つの1:16要求もまた受け入れできる。(USP5412650)
~ A and B but; ~ A but (also) B or C;
$$ Such gaps could not only adversely affect the activity being performed on the surface, but also may cause the user to trip and fall. / そのような隙間は、その面で行われる活動に悪影響を与え得るだけでなく、利用者がつまずいたり転倒したりする原因になる恐れがある。(USP7090586)
$$ The general method allows one not only to identify individual substances within a mixture of substances, but also to calculate their proportions. (USP6613210)
$$ This entails not only location information but also, for instance, a grammatical test on adjacent items such as one or more of the following: / これは位置情報に限らず、例えば次のうちの1つもしくは複数のような隣接するアイテムについての文法的な試験も含んでいる。(USP6353827)
$$ Windrowing, especially aeration by tuning over windrows, is not only labour intensive and floor space intensive, but is a slow method of drying, and exposes personnel to excessive levels of ammonia and volatile organic compounds.(USP01023853)
$$ Consequently not only can a 1:4 multiplexing request be accepted but also, as an alternative, two 1:8, four 1:16 or one 1:8 and two 1:16 requests. / それ故、1:4多重化要求が受け入れできるのみならず、代案として、2つの1:8要求、4つの1:16要求、あるいは1つの1:8要求および2つの1:16要求もまた受け入れできる。(USP5412650)
$$ In-turn sequencing is not the only possible way of addressing antennae 13. / In-turn順序制御は、アンテナ13をアドレス指定する唯一の可能な方法ではない。(USP6553020)
$$ A simple valve body is not the only possibility. / 上記簡単なバルブ本体が唯一の実施例ではない。(USP6422434)
$$ Control by ACR of the calls admitted to DACS does not affect the DACS training schemes described above, which depend only on call holding times. / DACSに認められる呼のACRによる制御は、呼の保持時間のみに依存する上述のDACSトレーニング方式には影響を与えない。(USP6330313)
$$ In a library that means that no one else can use that same information and that is not the library's only drawback. / ライブラリでこのようなことが発生すると、他の誰もその情報を使用できなくなるが、問題はそれに留まらない。(USP5559936)
$$ This is the sub-band of lowest horizontal and vertical frequency although in practice it does not necessarily represent only the constant portions of the signal with strictly zero frequency. / これは、最低の水平及び垂直周波数のサブバンドである。ただし、実際には、それは、厳密にゼロ周波数をもつ一定の信号部分のみを必ずしも表さない。(USP5353059)
$$ This may be used as required and is not restricted to only meaning data is ready. (USP6691301)
$$ For the sake of clarity of drawing, the individual bias sources 121 connected to the strips 10,20 and 30 are not shown in FIG. 1 which only illustrates the bias source 21 connected to the strip 40. (USP4859851)
$$ In-turn sequencing is not the only possible way of addressing antennae 13. / In-turn順序制御は、アンテナ13をアドレス指定する唯一の可能な方法ではない。(USP6553020)
$$ A simple valve body is not the only possibility. / 上記簡単なバルブ本体が唯一の実施例ではない。(USP6422434)
$$ Control by ACR of the calls admitted to DACS does not affect the DACS training schemes described above, which depend only on call holding times. / DACSに認められる呼のACRによる制御は、呼の保持時間のみに依存する上述のDACSトレーニング方式には影響を与えない。(USP6330313)
$$ In a library that means that no one else can use that same information and that is not the library's only drawback. / ライブラリでこのようなことが発生すると、他の誰もその情報を使用できなくなるが、問題はそれに留まらない。(USP5559936)
$$ This is the sub-band of lowest horizontal and vertical frequency although in practice it does not necessarily represent only the constant portions of the signal with strictly zero frequency. / これは、最低の水平及び垂直周波数のサブバンドである。ただし、実際には、それは、厳密にゼロ周波数をもつ一定の信号部分のみを必ずしも表さない。(USP5353059)
$$ This may be used as required and is not restricted to only meaning data is ready. (USP6691301)
$$ For the sake of clarity of drawing, the individual bias sources 121 connected to the strips 10,20 and 30 are not shown in FIG. 1 which only illustrates the bias source 21 connected to the strip 40. (USP4859851)
-->and not
$$ The process of lamination can be of any suitable form such as a batch process in a press which may or may not be flat and may or may not be heated or it may be a batch or continuous lamination process using rollers; / 積層の過程は、平坦であるか否かを問わず加熱するか否かを問わないプレスによるバッチプロセスのようないずれかの適切な形態とすることができ、またはこれは、ローラーを使用するバッチまたは連続的な積層プロセスとすることができる。(USP5929562)
$$ There is an advantage in positioning the spacers in the interpixel gap since they do not then interfere with or degrade the visual performance of the display. / それらのスペーサはディスプレイの表示性能を妨害したり低下させたりしないので、ピクセル間ギャップにスペーサを置くことに利点がある。(USP5801796)
$$ In particular, they exhibit superior solubility in organic media such as solvents and do not separate or crystallise when stored at 4℃ for lengthy periods. / 特に、本分散剤は、溶媒のような有機媒体中で非常によい溶解性を示し、そして4℃で長期間4℃で貯蔵した時に分離したり、結晶が析出することがない。(USP03027873)
$$ In the various online merchant scenarios employing the single or dual channel schema, as seen in FIGS. 2-7, there may be instances when the merchant does not have a particular item in stock and therefore can not process or complete the entire transaction immediately.(USP02059146)
$$ This example prevents the method investigating the assignment of links to nodes which it is already known are not viable or preferred.(USP02042274)
$$ Protein-prenyl transferase acts at a point downstream of farnesyl pyrophosphate (see FIG. 1) and the inhibitors described in EP0537008 do not block or reduce the flow of farnesyl pyrophosphate into the various prenylation pathways.(USP02035058)
-->and not
$$ The process of lamination can be of any suitable form such as a batch process in a press which may or may not be flat and may or may not be heated or it may be a batch or continuous lamination process using rollers; / 積層の過程は、平坦であるか否かを問わず加熱するか否かを問わないプレスによるバッチプロセスのようないずれかの適切な形態とすることができ、またはこれは、ローラーを使用するバッチまたは連続的な積層プロセスとすることができる。(USP5929562)
$$ There is an advantage in positioning the spacers in the interpixel gap since they do not then interfere with or degrade the visual performance of the display. / それらのスペーサはディスプレイの表示性能を妨害したり低下させたりしないので、ピクセル間ギャップにスペーサを置くことに利点がある。(USP5801796)
$$ In particular, they exhibit superior solubility in organic media such as solvents and do not separate or crystallise when stored at 4℃ for lengthy periods. / 特に、本分散剤は、溶媒のような有機媒体中で非常によい溶解性を示し、そして4℃で長期間4℃で貯蔵した時に分離したり、結晶が析出することがない。(USP03027873)
$$ In the various online merchant scenarios employing the single or dual channel schema, as seen in FIGS. 2-7, there may be instances when the merchant does not have a particular item in stock and therefore can not process or complete the entire transaction immediately.(USP02059146)
$$ This example prevents the method investigating the assignment of links to nodes which it is already known are not viable or preferred.(USP02042274)
$$ Protein-prenyl transferase acts at a point downstream of farnesyl pyrophosphate (see FIG. 1) and the inhibitors described in EP0537008 do not block or reduce the flow of farnesyl pyrophosphate into the various prenylation pathways.(USP02035058)
タグ :NOT...OR
$$ However, the operation is controlled such that a container 9 is not unloaded until the feeder 20 is empty. / しかしながら、フィーダー20が空になるまで、コンテナー9が搭載されないように、操作は制御される。(USP6692213)
$$ The FDEs 20 will not be allowed to access the fraud database until initialisation is complete. / FDE20は、初期化が完了するまで不正データベースにアクセスすることができない。(USP5907602)
$$ In fact, counter 25 does not advance until the cell counter has completed its cycle and passes through 0; also, the cell counter starts from count 5 for its first cycle. (USP5610951)
$$ The receiving MIU cannot begin to pass the data on until a complete SCPC frame is received and the CRC and length information can be checked. / 受信しているMIUは、完全なSCPCフレームが受信され、CRCとデータ長がチェックされるまでは、データを通過させはじめることかできない。(USP6278696)
$$ In this case brake pressure should not be re-applied until the wheel is already running at vehicle speed. (USP5575543)
$$ In these instances, the merchant typically does not complete the transaction until the merchandise is dispatched. (USP02059146)
$$ However, the operation is controlled such that a container 9 is not unloaded until the feeder 20 is empty. / しかしながら、フィーダー20が空になるまで、コンテナー9が搭載されないように、操作は制御される。(USP6692213)
$$ The FDEs 20 will not be allowed to access the fraud database until initialisation is complete. / FDE20は、初期化が完了するまで不正データベースにアクセスすることができない。(USP5907602)
$$ In fact, counter 25 does not advance until the cell counter has completed its cycle and passes through 0; also, the cell counter starts from count 5 for its first cycle. (USP5610951)
$$ The receiving MIU cannot begin to pass the data on until a complete SCPC frame is received and the CRC and length information can be checked. / 受信しているMIUは、完全なSCPCフレームが受信され、CRCとデータ長がチェックされるまでは、データを通過させはじめることかできない。(USP6278696)
$$ In this case brake pressure should not be re-applied until the wheel is already running at vehicle speed. (USP5575543)
$$ In these instances, the merchant typically does not complete the transaction until the merchandise is dispatched. (USP02059146)
$$ In the past, most horses have simply got used to this difference and though experience they learn how to deal with this change in hardness of the ground so as not to be startled by it. / 以前は、ほとんどの馬がこの違いに簡単に慣れていき、地面の硬さの変化に驚くことなくその変化に対処する方法を経験から身につけていた。(USP7090586)
$$ For example, if the imager is panning or tilting the point in space being observed by the channels will change between relative calibration measurements, and so the temperature can be predicted not to be constant. / たとえば、画像化装置がパンしているかまたは傾いている場合、チャネルによって観測される空間内の点は相対的較正測定の間で変化し、それゆえ、温度は一定でないと予測される可能性がある。(USP6900756)
$$ From the above relationship between the capacitance of the sensor and the absolute temperature T (not to be confused with the period of oscillation above) a temperature value can be calculated. / このセンサのキャパシタンスと絶対温度T(上の発振周期と混同してはならない)との間の上の関係から、温度値を計算することできる。(USP5407276)
$$ The entered selection criteria distinguish the regions to be modified from the regions not to be modified, and to generate control signals according to predetermined standards to control the DCP. (USP6075887)
$$ Blocks B2 and B4 do not exist in the compiled versions of the code because they were found not to be a part of the dominant path. (USP02029357)
$$ These cause the S1 Reg signal not to be asserted, and so the instruction pointer 14 provides the Source 1 value on line 60. (USP6100905)
$$ In the past, most horses have simply got used to this difference and though experience they learn how to deal with this change in hardness of the ground so as not to be startled by it. / 以前は、ほとんどの馬がこの違いに簡単に慣れていき、地面の硬さの変化に驚くことなくその変化に対処する方法を経験から身につけていた。(USP7090586)
$$ For example, if the imager is panning or tilting the point in space being observed by the channels will change between relative calibration measurements, and so the temperature can be predicted not to be constant. / たとえば、画像化装置がパンしているかまたは傾いている場合、チャネルによって観測される空間内の点は相対的較正測定の間で変化し、それゆえ、温度は一定でないと予測される可能性がある。(USP6900756)
$$ From the above relationship between the capacitance of the sensor and the absolute temperature T (not to be confused with the period of oscillation above) a temperature value can be calculated. / このセンサのキャパシタンスと絶対温度T(上の発振周期と混同してはならない)との間の上の関係から、温度値を計算することできる。(USP5407276)
$$ The entered selection criteria distinguish the regions to be modified from the regions not to be modified, and to generate control signals according to predetermined standards to control the DCP. (USP6075887)
$$ Blocks B2 and B4 do not exist in the compiled versions of the code because they were found not to be a part of the dominant path. (USP02029357)
$$ These cause the S1 Reg signal not to be asserted, and so the instruction pointer 14 provides the Source 1 value on line 60. (USP6100905)
NOT (...) TOO
$$ An example of circumstances in which this might be desired is to broadcast a warning of an impending occurrence such as a weather-related warning for a particular region, while not disturbing the underlying programme too much. / これらの情報は、例えば、背景となる番組を中断することなく、特定の地域に対する気象警報を表示する必要がある場合などに表示される。(USP6757333)
$$ When the nose 504 is docked the finger 515 is fully extended and separates the leading rivet 50 from those behind whilst ensuring it is held in position against the end of the channel 502 (it will be appreciated that the finger 515 is designed not to grip the rivet too tightly). / ノーズ504がドッキングしたとき、フィンガー515は完全に延在され、それがチャンネル502の端に対する位置に保持されている間、それら後ろから先頭のリベット50を分離する(フィンガー515がリベットをあまりしっかりと捕捉しないように設計されていることが想定される)。(USP6692213)
$$ Minimizing the volume of the vessel 2 is important, so as not to displace too much fluid from the storage container within which it is to be placed. (USP5931005)
$$ Plural oscillators and transmission-lines 15 can readily be operatively connected or coupled together in an also inventive manner, including synchronising with each other both in terms of phase and frequency provided that any nominal frequency mismatch is not too great. / 複数の発振器および伝送線15は、容易に動作的に互いに、これも発明の態様で、接続または結合することができ、いずれの公称周波数の不一致もさほど大きくないのであれば、位相および周波数双方に関して、互いに同期することを含む。(USP6816020)
$$ In most cases, as in the examples just given, them is a similarity or a symmetry, or other simplifying characteristic, between the alternative paths, so that the design or operation of the control system is not too complex, and therefore, operation can be fast. / ほとんどの場合、上記例に挙げたように、代用経路のそれぞれには、類似性、均整、または他の簡易化する特徴があり、それによる制御装置のデザインまたは操作はそれほど複雑ではなく、したがって操作が高速になる。(USP5533005)
$$ However, this may be of relatively minor importance if the two diffusion rates were not too different. / しかし、このことは、両者の拡散速度が大きく相違していない場合には重要性が比較的小さいことがある。(USP5436086)
$$ The use of a large number of points relating to a feature means that good feature mapping is not required, as it is not too important if one point maps to a point that does not correspond to the same position on that feature. / 特徴に関して多数の点を使用することは、良い特徴マッピングを必要としないことを意味する。これは、もし、1つの点が特徴の同じ位置に対応しない点にマップされたとしても、あまり重要でないからである。(USP7124022)
NOT (...) TOO
$$ An example of circumstances in which this might be desired is to broadcast a warning of an impending occurrence such as a weather-related warning for a particular region, while not disturbing the underlying programme too much. / これらの情報は、例えば、背景となる番組を中断することなく、特定の地域に対する気象警報を表示する必要がある場合などに表示される。(USP6757333)
$$ When the nose 504 is docked the finger 515 is fully extended and separates the leading rivet 50 from those behind whilst ensuring it is held in position against the end of the channel 502 (it will be appreciated that the finger 515 is designed not to grip the rivet too tightly). / ノーズ504がドッキングしたとき、フィンガー515は完全に延在され、それがチャンネル502の端に対する位置に保持されている間、それら後ろから先頭のリベット50を分離する(フィンガー515がリベットをあまりしっかりと捕捉しないように設計されていることが想定される)。(USP6692213)
$$ Minimizing the volume of the vessel 2 is important, so as not to displace too much fluid from the storage container within which it is to be placed. (USP5931005)
$$ Plural oscillators and transmission-lines 15 can readily be operatively connected or coupled together in an also inventive manner, including synchronising with each other both in terms of phase and frequency provided that any nominal frequency mismatch is not too great. / 複数の発振器および伝送線15は、容易に動作的に互いに、これも発明の態様で、接続または結合することができ、いずれの公称周波数の不一致もさほど大きくないのであれば、位相および周波数双方に関して、互いに同期することを含む。(USP6816020)
$$ In most cases, as in the examples just given, them is a similarity or a symmetry, or other simplifying characteristic, between the alternative paths, so that the design or operation of the control system is not too complex, and therefore, operation can be fast. / ほとんどの場合、上記例に挙げたように、代用経路のそれぞれには、類似性、均整、または他の簡易化する特徴があり、それによる制御装置のデザインまたは操作はそれほど複雑ではなく、したがって操作が高速になる。(USP5533005)
$$ However, this may be of relatively minor importance if the two diffusion rates were not too different. / しかし、このことは、両者の拡散速度が大きく相違していない場合には重要性が比較的小さいことがある。(USP5436086)
$$ The use of a large number of points relating to a feature means that good feature mapping is not required, as it is not too important if one point maps to a point that does not correspond to the same position on that feature. / 特徴に関して多数の点を使用することは、良い特徴マッピングを必要としないことを意味する。これは、もし、1つの点が特徴の同じ位置に対応しない点にマップされたとしても、あまり重要でないからである。(USP7124022)
$$ In fact, what was discovered was that, not only is the calcium channel blocking activity not very significant, but also there is little or no effect on NMDA receptors. / 実際、発見されたのは、カルシウムチャンネル遮断活性が非常に有意というわけではないだけでなく、NMDA受容体にほとんどまたは全く作用を及ぼさないということであった。(USP6797699)
$$ In-situ optical monitoring is known and routinely employed in other methods for crystal growth, such as low temperature and thin film growth, where the `efficiency` of the process is not very important. / 定常所在光学監視は公知であり、工程の「効率」がそれ程重要ではない低温薄膜成長などの結晶成長のための他の方法について定常的に採用される。(USP6375739)
$$ This Improved Exact Registration method requires the print pattern to be determined using a material that is receptive to such thermal transfer on a substrate that is not very receptive to thermal transfer. / この改良型高精度記録印刷方法は、前記印刷パターンが、熱転写に対して全く受容性の無い基材上に、熱転写に受容性のある材料を使用することを確定づけることを必要とする。(USP6267052)
$$ However, CMOS sensors have a disadvantage in that they are not very resistant to heat. (USP6752951)
$$ The physical layer library is very platform dependent but is intended to enable a user to create a physical core that is not very platform dependent. (USP6691301)
$$ Turbulent flow static mixers are generally used with fluids that are not very viscous, such as water and gases. (USP6623155)
$$ In fact, what was discovered was that, not only is the calcium channel blocking activity not very significant, but also there is little or no effect on NMDA receptors. / 実際、発見されたのは、カルシウムチャンネル遮断活性が非常に有意というわけではないだけでなく、NMDA受容体にほとんどまたは全く作用を及ぼさないということであった。(USP6797699)
$$ In-situ optical monitoring is known and routinely employed in other methods for crystal growth, such as low temperature and thin film growth, where the `efficiency` of the process is not very important. / 定常所在光学監視は公知であり、工程の「効率」がそれ程重要ではない低温薄膜成長などの結晶成長のための他の方法について定常的に採用される。(USP6375739)
$$ This Improved Exact Registration method requires the print pattern to be determined using a material that is receptive to such thermal transfer on a substrate that is not very receptive to thermal transfer. / この改良型高精度記録印刷方法は、前記印刷パターンが、熱転写に対して全く受容性の無い基材上に、熱転写に受容性のある材料を使用することを確定づけることを必要とする。(USP6267052)
$$ However, CMOS sensors have a disadvantage in that they are not very resistant to heat. (USP6752951)
$$ The physical layer library is very platform dependent but is intended to enable a user to create a physical core that is not very platform dependent. (USP6691301)
$$ Turbulent flow static mixers are generally used with fluids that are not very viscous, such as water and gases. (USP6623155)
$$ The mechanism of this kind of "dark current" is not well understood, but is believed to result from the high field strength produced by the amplification electrode over the channel stop freeing electrons from the silicon lattice. / この種の「暗電流」のメカニズムはあまり理解されていないが、チャネルストップを超える増幅電極によって生成される高電界がシリコン格子から電子を放出することに起因すると考えられている。(USP7619201)
$$ It is important that the sound source is not well localised otherwise the perception of a large ambient space, the simulated acoustic region behind the listener, is unsatisfactory. (USP6332029)
$$ A problem with such storage devices is that they are not well adapted for storage of notes of different sizes. (USP6253899)
$$ The reasons for this are not well understood. (USP6087786)
$$ If the waveguide is not significantly dispersive and the source signature is not well known, the value of the migrated image can be taken as the extrapolated data sample at the travel time for waveguide propagation. (USP5260911)
$$ The PKI approach is not well suited to high volume transaction processing because of this complexity. (USP02059146)
$$ The mechanism of this kind of "dark current" is not well understood, but is believed to result from the high field strength produced by the amplification electrode over the channel stop freeing electrons from the silicon lattice. / この種の「暗電流」のメカニズムはあまり理解されていないが、チャネルストップを超える増幅電極によって生成される高電界がシリコン格子から電子を放出することに起因すると考えられている。(USP7619201)
$$ It is important that the sound source is not well localised otherwise the perception of a large ambient space, the simulated acoustic region behind the listener, is unsatisfactory. (USP6332029)
$$ A problem with such storage devices is that they are not well adapted for storage of notes of different sizes. (USP6253899)
$$ The reasons for this are not well understood. (USP6087786)
$$ If the waveguide is not significantly dispersive and the source signature is not well known, the value of the migrated image can be taken as the extrapolated data sample at the travel time for waveguide propagation. (USP5260911)
$$ The PKI approach is not well suited to high volume transaction processing because of this complexity. (USP02059146)
NOT (その他)
NOT (その他)
-->and not
$$ Accordingly, the output from the decorrelator may include high frequency information not required. / したがって、非相関化器からの出力は、不必要な高周波数情報を含む場合がある。(USP6754433): sth not
$$ Those polygons not marked by the volumes are now eligible for processing using the delta method. (USP6549200): sth not
$$ There is, however, an exposed area of the active electrode 14 not covered by vapour bubbles, and this further stresses the interface, producing more vapour bubbles and thus even higher power density. (USP6780180): sht not
$$ A selective etch is then used to remove p-type material not covered by the resist and at least part of the n-type material of the ridges 20. / 次いで、選択的エッチングによりレジストに覆われていないp型材料と、畝20のn型材料の少なくとも一部を取り除く。(USP7598149): sth not
$$ In this manner the display may be protected when not in use. / この方式では、不使用時にディスプレイを保護することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ Packets not having the RSVP protocols are directed to an output 74 where they are fed to the gateway GPRS support node 51 for onward transmission in the conventional GPRS manner. / RSVPプロトコルをもたないパケットは、通常のGPRS方法の送信に対してゲートウエイGPRS支援ノード51へ供給されるとき、出力74へ方向付けられる。(USP6584098)
NOT (その他)
-->and not
$$ Accordingly, the output from the decorrelator may include high frequency information not required. / したがって、非相関化器からの出力は、不必要な高周波数情報を含む場合がある。(USP6754433): sth not
$$ Those polygons not marked by the volumes are now eligible for processing using the delta method. (USP6549200): sth not
$$ There is, however, an exposed area of the active electrode 14 not covered by vapour bubbles, and this further stresses the interface, producing more vapour bubbles and thus even higher power density. (USP6780180): sht not
$$ A selective etch is then used to remove p-type material not covered by the resist and at least part of the n-type material of the ridges 20. / 次いで、選択的エッチングによりレジストに覆われていないp型材料と、畝20のn型材料の少なくとも一部を取り除く。(USP7598149): sth not
$$ In this manner the display may be protected when not in use. / この方式では、不使用時にディスプレイを保護することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ Packets not having the RSVP protocols are directed to an output 74 where they are fed to the gateway GPRS support node 51 for onward transmission in the conventional GPRS manner. / RSVPプロトコルをもたないパケットは、通常のGPRS方法の送信に対してゲートウエイGPRS支援ノード51へ供給されるとき、出力74へ方向付けられる。(USP6584098)
タグ :NOT (その他)