"between sths" "between A and B"のパターンにrespectiveが用いられた例:
$$ Although a degree of flexing is facilitated between the respective support portions 1502 to 1506, a greater resistance to bending about a first axis parallel to the direction of the arrow 1508 is provided by the support portions in the second rigid configuration, in a similar manner to the previously described support layers 750, 1050 and 1250. (USP6585162)
$$ The two dotted lines LO1 and LO2 on opposite sides respectively of line LO indicate an acceptable area of differing temperature between the two compressor outputs resulting from trim balancing between respective turbocharger wastegate actuators to improve balance. / 線LOの対向する側にそれぞれある2本の点線LO1およびLO2には、均衡を向上させるための各ターボチャージャ排気逃し口アクチュエータの間のトリム均衡化から得られる、2つのコンプレッサ出口間の異なる温度の許容領域を示す。(USP6338250)
$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which an adhesive is provided between the respective damping element and each end support. (USP02000086)
$$ At the beginning and end of the chain and between the respective delay elements, taps are taken and fed to respective coefficient multipliers (not illustrated) and thence to an adder (not illustrated) in the usual manner. / チェーンの始めと終わり及び各遅延素子の間からタップが取出され、これらタップ値は、夫々の係数乗算器(図示せず)に供給され、それから通常の如く加算器(図示せず)に送られる。(USP5381354)
$$ ...adapted for sandwiching between the respective magnet assemblies and the opposed faces of the said member... (USP6332029)
$$ The second and third main frequencies may be swept between respective second and third start frequencies and second and third frequencies. / 第2および第3主要周波数は、それぞれ第2および第3開始周波数および第2および第3終了周波数との間で掃引され得る。(USP6201470)
"between sths" "between A and B"のパターンにrespectiveが用いられた例:
$$ Although a degree of flexing is facilitated between the respective support portions 1502 to 1506, a greater resistance to bending about a first axis parallel to the direction of the arrow 1508 is provided by the support portions in the second rigid configuration, in a similar manner to the previously described support layers 750, 1050 and 1250. (USP6585162)
$$ The two dotted lines LO1 and LO2 on opposite sides respectively of line LO indicate an acceptable area of differing temperature between the two compressor outputs resulting from trim balancing between respective turbocharger wastegate actuators to improve balance. / 線LOの対向する側にそれぞれある2本の点線LO1およびLO2には、均衡を向上させるための各ターボチャージャ排気逃し口アクチュエータの間のトリム均衡化から得られる、2つのコンプレッサ出口間の異なる温度の許容領域を示す。(USP6338250)
$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which an adhesive is provided between the respective damping element and each end support. (USP02000086)
$$ At the beginning and end of the chain and between the respective delay elements, taps are taken and fed to respective coefficient multipliers (not illustrated) and thence to an adder (not illustrated) in the usual manner. / チェーンの始めと終わり及び各遅延素子の間からタップが取出され、これらタップ値は、夫々の係数乗算器(図示せず)に供給され、それから通常の如く加算器(図示せず)に送られる。(USP5381354)
$$ ...adapted for sandwiching between the respective magnet assemblies and the opposed faces of the said member... (USP6332029)
$$ The second and third main frequencies may be swept between respective second and third start frequencies and second and third frequencies. / 第2および第3主要周波数は、それぞれ第2および第3開始周波数および第2および第3終了周波数との間で掃引され得る。(USP6201470)
$$ The other electrodes 14, 15 are each provided on the opposite side of a respective one of the two layers 11, 12 to act as an activation electrode for that respective layer 11, 12. (USPGBP\6833656)
$$ If `n` modem shelves are provided, then the RF combiner shelf 42 combines and amplifies the power of `n` transmit signals, each transmit signal being from a respective one of the `n` modem shelves, and amplifies and splits received signals `n` way so that separate signals may be passed to the respective modem shelves. / n個のモデム・シェルフが設けられている場合、RFコンバイナ・シェルフ42は、n個のモデム・シェルフの各々から送信されたn個の送信信号分の電力を合成して増幅し、受信信号を増幅してn方向に分割し、個々の信号がそれぞれのモデム・シェルフに到達するようにしている。(USP02018462)
$$ First and second secondary windings are also provided, each associated with a respective one of the magnetic circuits and being electrically connected together in series opposition. (USP02017974)
$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which the end supports are provided with openings within which the tip treatment bars are disposed, each damping element being provided between a respective one of the tip treatment bars and the wall of the respective opening. (USP02000086)
$$ A digital filter as claimed in claim 4, wherein said multiplexer means comprises a plurality of start of block multiplexers, and said means for connecting causes each of said start of block multiplexers to pass data values to a respective one of alternate delay elements. / 上記少なくとも1つのブロック前縁マルチプレクサは、各々が1つおきの遅延素子の1つにデータ値を送る複数のブロック前縁マルチプレクサを有する請求項4のデジタルフィルタ。(USP5381354)
$$ Each DC-AC converter converts the DC output from the boost converters to an AC supply for the lamps of a respective one of the pumping sections.(USP5434880)
$$ Signals from an SSP 65 are communicated via a C7 signalling network 64 to a respective one of the front end processors. / SSP65からの信号はC7シグナリングネットワーク64を介して各前置プロセッサの1つへ伝えられる。(USP6330313)
$$ In FIG. 15 the colour reference converter 128 is shown to include for each of the four versions of the over sampled YUV colour difference input signals one of four colour converters 280 which is coupled to a respective one of the output channels 120, 122, 124, 126, from the over sampling processor 118. / 図15に示すように色基準変換回路128は、オーバーサンプリングされた4つのYUV色差入力信号に対応する4つの色変換回路280を備え、4つの色変換回路280は、それぞれオーバーサンプリング処理回路118の4つの出力チャンネル120,122,124,126に接続されている。(USP6614489)
$$ In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIGS. 2-6, the hull 3 has two arcuate, convex profile projections (each having an arc of approximately 120°) which each corresponds generally to the hub of a respective one of the two propellers (see FIG. 4). / 図2ないし6に示す本発明の実施例においては、船殻3は、前記2つのプロペラの各々のハブに概ね対応した2つの弧状凸型輪郭の突起(各々が約120度の弧を有している)を有している(図4参照)。(USP6332818)
$$ The store 54 can be considered to have been partitioned into an array of 64 (8×8) storage regions, in each of which a respective one of the 64 sub-bands is stored. / 出力フィールドメモリ54は、64(8×8)の記憶領域アレイに仕切られていると考えることができ、各領域に64の分割帯域のそれぞれ1つが記憶される。(USP6754433)
$$ The other electrodes 14, 15 are each provided on the opposite side of a respective one of the two layers 11, 12 to act as an activation electrode for that respective layer 11, 12. (USPGBP\6833656)
$$ If `n` modem shelves are provided, then the RF combiner shelf 42 combines and amplifies the power of `n` transmit signals, each transmit signal being from a respective one of the `n` modem shelves, and amplifies and splits received signals `n` way so that separate signals may be passed to the respective modem shelves. / n個のモデム・シェルフが設けられている場合、RFコンバイナ・シェルフ42は、n個のモデム・シェルフの各々から送信されたn個の送信信号分の電力を合成して増幅し、受信信号を増幅してn方向に分割し、個々の信号がそれぞれのモデム・シェルフに到達するようにしている。(USP02018462)
$$ First and second secondary windings are also provided, each associated with a respective one of the magnetic circuits and being electrically connected together in series opposition. (USP02017974)
$$ A gas turbine engine casing as claimed in claim 3, in which the end supports are provided with openings within which the tip treatment bars are disposed, each damping element being provided between a respective one of the tip treatment bars and the wall of the respective opening. (USP02000086)
$$ A digital filter as claimed in claim 4, wherein said multiplexer means comprises a plurality of start of block multiplexers, and said means for connecting causes each of said start of block multiplexers to pass data values to a respective one of alternate delay elements. / 上記少なくとも1つのブロック前縁マルチプレクサは、各々が1つおきの遅延素子の1つにデータ値を送る複数のブロック前縁マルチプレクサを有する請求項4のデジタルフィルタ。(USP5381354)
$$ Each DC-AC converter converts the DC output from the boost converters to an AC supply for the lamps of a respective one of the pumping sections.(USP5434880)
$$ Signals from an SSP 65 are communicated via a C7 signalling network 64 to a respective one of the front end processors. / SSP65からの信号はC7シグナリングネットワーク64を介して各前置プロセッサの1つへ伝えられる。(USP6330313)
$$ In FIG. 15 the colour reference converter 128 is shown to include for each of the four versions of the over sampled YUV colour difference input signals one of four colour converters 280 which is coupled to a respective one of the output channels 120, 122, 124, 126, from the over sampling processor 118. / 図15に示すように色基準変換回路128は、オーバーサンプリングされた4つのYUV色差入力信号に対応する4つの色変換回路280を備え、4つの色変換回路280は、それぞれオーバーサンプリング処理回路118の4つの出力チャンネル120,122,124,126に接続されている。(USP6614489)
$$ In the embodiment of the invention illustrated in FIGS. 2-6, the hull 3 has two arcuate, convex profile projections (each having an arc of approximately 120°) which each corresponds generally to the hub of a respective one of the two propellers (see FIG. 4). / 図2ないし6に示す本発明の実施例においては、船殻3は、前記2つのプロペラの各々のハブに概ね対応した2つの弧状凸型輪郭の突起(各々が約120度の弧を有している)を有している(図4参照)。(USP6332818)
$$ The store 54 can be considered to have been partitioned into an array of 64 (8×8) storage regions, in each of which a respective one of the 64 sub-bands is stored. / 出力フィールドメモリ54は、64(8×8)の記憶領域アレイに仕切られていると考えることができ、各領域に64の分割帯域のそれぞれ1つが記憶される。(USP6754433)
$$ The output of the sub band number generation PROM is fed to both a horizontal pointer generation PROM 68 and a vertical pointer generation PROM 66 together with respective ones of the output from the horizontal position counter 62 and the vertical position counter 64. / 分割帯域番号発生PROMの出力は、水平ポインタ発生PROM68及び垂直ポインタ発生PROM66に、水平位置カウンタ62及び垂直位置カウンタ64からのそれぞれの出力と共に供給される。(USP6754433)
$$ An inductor 61 has a center tap connected to Vcc, and its end terminals connected to respective ones of the output terminals 49, 50. (USP6664824)
$$ The microphone connector 40 comprises two spring contacts 42 disposed for contact with respective ones of the two slide tracks. / マイクロホンコネクタ40は、2つのスライドトラック各々に接触するように配置された2つのスプリング接点42を備えている。(USP6282436)
$$ A threshold slicer 22 selects an ideal sample value for a sampling point by comparing the sampled value to three thresholds provided on respective ones of slicer threshold inputs 23, 24 and 25. / 閾値スライサ22は、サンプルされた値をスライサ閾値入力23、24、25からの閾値とそれぞれ比較することにより、サンプル点の理想サンプル値を選択する。(USP6114879)
$$ The individual switches 31 within the matrix are connected to respective ones of the dice 5A to 5F, 6A to 6C, 7A to 7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A to 11H and 12 and serve to connect different ones of the dice operatively in the assembly. / このマトリックス内の個別のスイッチ31はダイ5A~5F, 6A~6C, 7A~7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A~11H 及び12のぞれぞれ一つへ接続され、この組立体内で動作するようにそれらのダイのうちの異なる一つを接続するように働く。(USP5479055)
$$ An array of OR gates 210 220 are provided which receive respective ones of the outputs of the multiplexers. (USP7167887)
$$ The output of the sub band number generation PROM is fed to both a horizontal pointer generation PROM 68 and a vertical pointer generation PROM 66 together with respective ones of the output from the horizontal position counter 62 and the vertical position counter 64. / 分割帯域番号発生PROMの出力は、水平ポインタ発生PROM68及び垂直ポインタ発生PROM66に、水平位置カウンタ62及び垂直位置カウンタ64からのそれぞれの出力と共に供給される。(USP6754433)
$$ An inductor 61 has a center tap connected to Vcc, and its end terminals connected to respective ones of the output terminals 49, 50. (USP6664824)
$$ The microphone connector 40 comprises two spring contacts 42 disposed for contact with respective ones of the two slide tracks. / マイクロホンコネクタ40は、2つのスライドトラック各々に接触するように配置された2つのスプリング接点42を備えている。(USP6282436)
$$ A threshold slicer 22 selects an ideal sample value for a sampling point by comparing the sampled value to three thresholds provided on respective ones of slicer threshold inputs 23, 24 and 25. / 閾値スライサ22は、サンプルされた値をスライサ閾値入力23、24、25からの閾値とそれぞれ比較することにより、サンプル点の理想サンプル値を選択する。(USP6114879)
$$ The individual switches 31 within the matrix are connected to respective ones of the dice 5A to 5F, 6A to 6C, 7A to 7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A to 11H and 12 and serve to connect different ones of the dice operatively in the assembly. / このマトリックス内の個別のスイッチ31はダイ5A~5F, 6A~6C, 7A~7C, 8A, 8B, 9A, 9B, 10A, 10B, 11A~11H 及び12のぞれぞれ一つへ接続され、この組立体内で動作するようにそれらのダイのうちの異なる一つを接続するように働く。(USP5479055)
$$ An array of OR gates 210 220 are provided which receive respective ones of the outputs of the multiplexers. (USP7167887)
$$ The selector rings (9-11) of a gearbox are moved axially of the mainshaft (8) to engage and disengage gears (1-6) by respective pairs of push-rods (15, 16) which extend inwardly between the gears (1-6). / 変速装置の切換リング(9~11)が、歯車(1~6)間で内方に延在しているそれぞれの組の押圧棒(15,16)によって歯車(1~6)を係合及び係合解除するために、主軸(8)の軸方向に動かされる。(USP6019010)
$$ At least some of the nodes preferably have plural links to other nodes, each of said plural links between respective pairs of nodes being associated with a time slot. / ノードの少なくともいくつかは、好ましくは他のノードに対する複数のリンクを有し、それぞれの組のノード間の前記複数のリンクのそれぞれはタイムスロットに結び付けられる。(USP6553020)
$$ Preferably, the or each stop formation comprises a respective pair of stop profiles defining a space therebetween for engagement by the stop means when the closure is closed on the neck. (USP5411157)
$$ Each of the injected chemical additive streams is directed to the apex of a respective pair of asymmetrical tabs such as those illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6. (USP6623155)
$$ It is particulary preferred that the frame further comprises stop means for each space insertable between a respective pair of walls into the respective space to locate the bottom edge of a group when it is placed into the space. (USP02017019)
$$ The selector rings (9-11) of a gearbox are moved axially of the mainshaft (8) to engage and disengage gears (1-6) by respective pairs of push-rods (15, 16) which extend inwardly between the gears (1-6). / 変速装置の切換リング(9~11)が、歯車(1~6)間で内方に延在しているそれぞれの組の押圧棒(15,16)によって歯車(1~6)を係合及び係合解除するために、主軸(8)の軸方向に動かされる。(USP6019010)
$$ At least some of the nodes preferably have plural links to other nodes, each of said plural links between respective pairs of nodes being associated with a time slot. / ノードの少なくともいくつかは、好ましくは他のノードに対する複数のリンクを有し、それぞれの組のノード間の前記複数のリンクのそれぞれはタイムスロットに結び付けられる。(USP6553020)
$$ Preferably, the or each stop formation comprises a respective pair of stop profiles defining a space therebetween for engagement by the stop means when the closure is closed on the neck. (USP5411157)
$$ Each of the injected chemical additive streams is directed to the apex of a respective pair of asymmetrical tabs such as those illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 6. (USP6623155)
$$ It is particulary preferred that the frame further comprises stop means for each space insertable between a respective pair of walls into the respective space to locate the bottom edge of a group when it is placed into the space. (USP02017019)
RESPECTIVE 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に
RESPECTIVE 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に
$$ It also allows the sleeve to be at different distances from the microphone connector for respective positions of the slide. / 又、スライドの各位置に対してスリーブをマイクロホンコネクタから異なる距離に配置できるようにする。(USP6282436)
$$ FIG. 6a shows idealised graphs for respective differential output waveforms hereof; / 【図6a】 本発明の各差動出力波形の理想化したグラフ。(USP6816020)
$$ The respective base strips 24 limit the extent of interengagement of the teeth 22, 44. (USP6860455)
$$ The respective outputs of the rectifier circuit and the biased transistor circuit may be connected to a second supply terminal via either an active filter load or a passive filter load, such as an inductance-capacitance-resistance filter. (USP6664824)
$$ The respective areas on the hard disk 16 may then all or selectively be overwritten with the backed up data. (USP5684991)
$$ The respective terminal coatings may form a cap on each end of the capacitor body, as in the industry-standard five-sided termination processes.(USP6699767)
$$ Respective input/output terminals of each circuit 21 are shown connected to the transmission-line 15 between the loops 15a, 15b at substantially maximum spacing apart along the effectively single conductor 17, thus each at substantially halfway around the transmission-line 15 relative to the other. / 各回路21のそれぞれの入力/出力端子は、ループ15a、15b間の伝送線15に接続されているように示されており、事実上単一の導体17に沿って実質的に最大の間隔が置かれ、これによって各々は、互いに、伝送線15に沿って実質的に中央に位置する。(USP6816020)
$$ Respective third and fourth alert signal bursts are described in Tables 3 and 4 of the accompanying tables. / 第3および第4警告信号バーストをそれぞれ添付表の表3および表4に示す。(USP6201470)
$$ Respective LEDs on the casing can indicate when the power is on and when the battery needs replacing. (USP4993060):
$$ The system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the request signal is sent in dependence upon data stored from time to time in a respective buffer store.(USP5448559) / 要求信号はバッファ記憶装置に順次記憶されたデータに依存して送信される請求項2記載の装置。
$$ The system as claimed in claim 5, wherein each buffer store has a plurality of data thresholds, request signals being transmitted in accordance with a respective threshold reached.(USP5448559) / 各バッファ記憶装置は複数のデータしきい値を有し、しきい値に達すると要求信号が送出される請求項5記載の装置。
RESPECTIVE 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に
$$ It also allows the sleeve to be at different distances from the microphone connector for respective positions of the slide. / 又、スライドの各位置に対してスリーブをマイクロホンコネクタから異なる距離に配置できるようにする。(USP6282436)
$$ FIG. 6a shows idealised graphs for respective differential output waveforms hereof; / 【図6a】 本発明の各差動出力波形の理想化したグラフ。(USP6816020)
$$ The respective base strips 24 limit the extent of interengagement of the teeth 22, 44. (USP6860455)
$$ The respective outputs of the rectifier circuit and the biased transistor circuit may be connected to a second supply terminal via either an active filter load or a passive filter load, such as an inductance-capacitance-resistance filter. (USP6664824)
$$ The respective areas on the hard disk 16 may then all or selectively be overwritten with the backed up data. (USP5684991)
$$ The respective terminal coatings may form a cap on each end of the capacitor body, as in the industry-standard five-sided termination processes.(USP6699767)
$$ Respective input/output terminals of each circuit 21 are shown connected to the transmission-line 15 between the loops 15a, 15b at substantially maximum spacing apart along the effectively single conductor 17, thus each at substantially halfway around the transmission-line 15 relative to the other. / 各回路21のそれぞれの入力/出力端子は、ループ15a、15b間の伝送線15に接続されているように示されており、事実上単一の導体17に沿って実質的に最大の間隔が置かれ、これによって各々は、互いに、伝送線15に沿って実質的に中央に位置する。(USP6816020)
$$ Respective third and fourth alert signal bursts are described in Tables 3 and 4 of the accompanying tables. / 第3および第4警告信号バーストをそれぞれ添付表の表3および表4に示す。(USP6201470)
$$ Respective LEDs on the casing can indicate when the power is on and when the battery needs replacing. (USP4993060):
$$ The system as claimed in claim 2, wherein the request signal is sent in dependence upon data stored from time to time in a respective buffer store.(USP5448559) / 要求信号はバッファ記憶装置に順次記憶されたデータに依存して送信される請求項2記載の装置。
$$ The system as claimed in claim 5, wherein each buffer store has a plurality of data thresholds, request signals being transmitted in accordance with a respective threshold reached.(USP5448559) / 各バッファ記憶装置は複数のデータしきい値を有し、しきい値に達すると要求信号が送出される請求項5記載の装置。
RESPECTIVELY 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に
RESPECTIVELY 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に
$$ Instead of the guide block 15, there are two guide blocks 1,3 following part of the periphery respectively of pulley wheels 11 and 12 which are driven in the directions 4 and 2. / 案内ブロック15の代わりに、それぞれ矢印方向4,2に駆動されるプーリホイール11,12の外周に従う第2の案内ブロック1,3が備えられる。(USP6299422)
$$ The de-multiplexer 220 operates to separate the colour difference signal samples by feeding respectively each of the luminance and red and blue chrominance signal samples to a respective one of the three up sampling processors 232, 234, 236. / 分離回路220は、色差信号サンプルを分離し、輝度信号サンプル、赤色差信号サンプル、青色差信号サンプルそれぞれアップサンプリング処理回路232,234,236に供給する。(USP6614489)
$$ In this embodiment, the earth station 8 has first and second directional antennas directed towards the first and second satellites 4a, 4b respectively. / 本実施形態では、地球局8は、第1及び第2衛星4a、4bにそれぞれ向けられた第1及び第2の指向性アンテナを有している。(USP01046481)
$$ This information is fed back to the relevant base station(s) 1, 2, 3 for use as required via lines 13, 14 and 15, respectively. / この情報は必要によって線路13,14および15それぞれを通して関係する基地局1,2,3にフィードバックされる。(USP5430889)
$$ FIG. 3a and FIG. 3b show respectively a side view and top view of a plurality of composite displays according to the present invention; / 図3aおよび図3bは、本発明による複数の複合ディスプレイの側面図および頂面図である。(USP5929562)
$$ The DCEs 81, 83, 85 are provided, respectively, with individual FDSs 96, 97, 98, each of which handles user requests for its respective DCE. / DCE81,83,85は、それぞれ個々のFDS96,97,98を与えられ、それぞれ、各DCEに対するユーザ要求を処理する。(USP5907602)
$$ The nurses and the miners got pay rises of 3% and 5% respectively.(=The nurses got 3% and the miners got 5%)
$$ The emitter electrodes of the transistors 2 and 22 are connected by way of resistors 3 and 23 respectively to the base electrodes of the transistors 1 and 21 respectively, and by way of resistors 27 and 28 respectively to the emitter electrodes of the transistors 21 and 1 respectively.
RESPECTIVELY 対応してそれぞれに;それぞれに対応する;順次に
$$ Instead of the guide block 15, there are two guide blocks 1,3 following part of the periphery respectively of pulley wheels 11 and 12 which are driven in the directions 4 and 2. / 案内ブロック15の代わりに、それぞれ矢印方向4,2に駆動されるプーリホイール11,12の外周に従う第2の案内ブロック1,3が備えられる。(USP6299422)
$$ The de-multiplexer 220 operates to separate the colour difference signal samples by feeding respectively each of the luminance and red and blue chrominance signal samples to a respective one of the three up sampling processors 232, 234, 236. / 分離回路220は、色差信号サンプルを分離し、輝度信号サンプル、赤色差信号サンプル、青色差信号サンプルそれぞれアップサンプリング処理回路232,234,236に供給する。(USP6614489)
$$ In this embodiment, the earth station 8 has first and second directional antennas directed towards the first and second satellites 4a, 4b respectively. / 本実施形態では、地球局8は、第1及び第2衛星4a、4bにそれぞれ向けられた第1及び第2の指向性アンテナを有している。(USP01046481)
$$ This information is fed back to the relevant base station(s) 1, 2, 3 for use as required via lines 13, 14 and 15, respectively. / この情報は必要によって線路13,14および15それぞれを通して関係する基地局1,2,3にフィードバックされる。(USP5430889)
$$ FIG. 3a and FIG. 3b show respectively a side view and top view of a plurality of composite displays according to the present invention; / 図3aおよび図3bは、本発明による複数の複合ディスプレイの側面図および頂面図である。(USP5929562)
$$ The DCEs 81, 83, 85 are provided, respectively, with individual FDSs 96, 97, 98, each of which handles user requests for its respective DCE. / DCE81,83,85は、それぞれ個々のFDS96,97,98を与えられ、それぞれ、各DCEに対するユーザ要求を処理する。(USP5907602)
$$ The nurses and the miners got pay rises of 3% and 5% respectively.(=The nurses got 3% and the miners got 5%)
$$ The emitter electrodes of the transistors 2 and 22 are connected by way of resistors 3 and 23 respectively to the base electrodes of the transistors 1 and 21 respectively, and by way of resistors 27 and 28 respectively to the emitter electrodes of the transistors 21 and 1 respectively.
$$ After any quantisation errors have been removed by the quantisation processor 292, the resulting output signal is fed respectively from each of the quantisation processors 292 to an adjustment factor biasing processor 294 via respective channels 296. / 量子化処理回路292により全ての量子化誤差を除去した後、量子化処理回路292の出力信号は、それぞれチャンネル296を介して、調整係数バイアス処理回路294に供給される。(USP6614489)
$$ The baseband or video signals pass from the IF mixers 644 and 646 to outputs 658 and 660 respectively, each of which is connected to a summer (not shown) equivalent to element 530 of FIG. 9. / ベースバンド信号またはビデオ信号は、IFミキサ644と646とから第9図のエレメント530に相当する加算器(図示せず)にそれぞれ接続される出力部658及び660に送られる。(USP6441783)
$$ In this example the bus network is referred to as a P-link consisting of a parallel data bus 20 as shown in FIG. 2 together with a dedicated control line 21 provided respectively for each module so as to link the module to a P-link control unit 22. (USP6526501)
$$ A system as claimed in claim 3, wherein the or each line comprises a series of overlapping patches corresponding to the patch associated respectively with the or each line, the processor being operable to vary the spacing between adjacent patches in the or each line depending on control data input by operation of the user operable input device. (USP6137496)
$$ These arrays containing the x-, y-, and z- values respectively of each of the points are then sorted into ascending (or descending) order. (USP6549200)
$$ The switch, according to claim 1, wherein the switch control means comprises respective driver circuits respectively associated with each switching element.(USP5610507)
$$ Each of the three components of these signal samples are separated into three parallel streams of samples presented on respective output conducts 85, 86, 87 providing respectively each of the three YUV or RGB components. / これら信号サンプルの3つの成分は分離されて3つの並行するストリームが生成される。これら3つの並行するストリームは、それぞれYUV成分、すなわち輝度成分、U色差成分、V色差成分、又はRGB成分、すなわち赤成分、緑成分、青成分を表しており、出力チャンネル85,86,87を介して出力される。(USP6614489)
$$ After any quantisation errors have been removed by the quantisation processor 292, the resulting output signal is fed respectively from each of the quantisation processors 292 to an adjustment factor biasing processor 294 via respective channels 296. / 量子化処理回路292により全ての量子化誤差を除去した後、量子化処理回路292の出力信号は、それぞれチャンネル296を介して、調整係数バイアス処理回路294に供給される。(USP6614489)
$$ The baseband or video signals pass from the IF mixers 644 and 646 to outputs 658 and 660 respectively, each of which is connected to a summer (not shown) equivalent to element 530 of FIG. 9. / ベースバンド信号またはビデオ信号は、IFミキサ644と646とから第9図のエレメント530に相当する加算器(図示せず)にそれぞれ接続される出力部658及び660に送られる。(USP6441783)
$$ In this example the bus network is referred to as a P-link consisting of a parallel data bus 20 as shown in FIG. 2 together with a dedicated control line 21 provided respectively for each module so as to link the module to a P-link control unit 22. (USP6526501)
$$ A system as claimed in claim 3, wherein the or each line comprises a series of overlapping patches corresponding to the patch associated respectively with the or each line, the processor being operable to vary the spacing between adjacent patches in the or each line depending on control data input by operation of the user operable input device. (USP6137496)
$$ These arrays containing the x-, y-, and z- values respectively of each of the points are then sorted into ascending (or descending) order. (USP6549200)
$$ The switch, according to claim 1, wherein the switch control means comprises respective driver circuits respectively associated with each switching element.(USP5610507)
$$ Each of the three components of these signal samples are separated into three parallel streams of samples presented on respective output conducts 85, 86, 87 providing respectively each of the three YUV or RGB components. / これら信号サンプルの3つの成分は分離されて3つの並行するストリームが生成される。これら3つの並行するストリームは、それぞれYUV成分、すなわち輝度成分、U色差成分、V色差成分、又はRGB成分、すなわち赤成分、緑成分、青成分を表しており、出力チャンネル85,86,87を介して出力される。(USP6614489)
$$ The horizontal sampling factors are 2, 1, 1 for components 702, 704 and 706 respectively and the respective vertical sampling factors are 1, 1, 1 (see components 702', 704', 706' in FIG. 7). (USP6724817)
$$ Moreover the x and y chips are constrained by the x and y pistons 76 and 66 respectively to move in a linear path between their respective magnets. / 更に、x、yチップは、x、yピストン76、66によりそれぞれ対応する磁石の間の線状経路を動くように制御されている。(USP6611139)
$$ They have intermediate frequency (IF) signal I/O ports i connected to third and fourth SPDT switches 46c and 46d respectively, each port i being connected to a respective switch pole. / これらは中間周波数(IF)信号I/Oポートiを第三及び第四のSPDTスイッチ46c、46dにそれぞれ接続し、各ポートiは各スイッチの極に接続される。(USP6441783)
$$ This source and destination of the first message are denoted by first and second vertical lines and 14 respectively, with the respective location labels (switch names) immediately above. (USP6492996)
$$ The horizontal sampling factors are 2, 1, 1 for components 702, 704 and 706 respectively and the respective vertical sampling factors are 1, 1, 1 (see components 702', 704', 706' in FIG. 7). (USP6724817)
$$ Moreover the x and y chips are constrained by the x and y pistons 76 and 66 respectively to move in a linear path between their respective magnets. / 更に、x、yチップは、x、yピストン76、66によりそれぞれ対応する磁石の間の線状経路を動くように制御されている。(USP6611139)
$$ They have intermediate frequency (IF) signal I/O ports i connected to third and fourth SPDT switches 46c and 46d respectively, each port i being connected to a respective switch pole. / これらは中間周波数(IF)信号I/Oポートiを第三及び第四のSPDTスイッチ46c、46dにそれぞれ接続し、各ポートiは各スイッチの極に接続される。(USP6441783)
$$ This source and destination of the first message are denoted by first and second vertical lines and 14 respectively, with the respective location labels (switch names) immediately above. (USP6492996)