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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...


$$ The dial 2 and barrel 3 together form a reservoir 4 for the fluid. / ダイアル2とバレル3はともに液体のためのリザーバ4を形成する。(USP8446677)

$$ The APs may be connected together by a wide area network. / APは、広域網によって一緒に接続することができる。(USP5907602)

$$ Finally, β-amyloid and the monomer of AChE can bind together as a complex. / 最後に、β-アミロイド及びAChEのモノマーは複合体として共に結合することができる。(USP02054870)

$$ Filters may be laminated together selectively in different combinations to produce different optical effects. / フィルタを種々の組合せで選択的に互いに積層して互いに異なる光学的効果を生じさせてもよい。(USP6631033)

$$ A second ply of ordinary paper is independently formed and the two are laminated together and further processed, the second ply thereby covering the flaws in the back of the first ply and providing at least one homogenous paper surface. (USP6616803)

$$ The process has been used in particular for welding together steel components or workpieces and is also increasingly being used to weld aluminium.(USP6566625)

$$ Together with techniques to compress video data, the head was shown to require sufficiently low bandwidth to be able to be demonstrated effectively over Ethernet-type LANs, and also over the Internet. (USP6549200)

$$ This construction acts together with the slots 13 through which the strop arms are passed to secure the two cheeks 10 together so that no further attachment means (e.g. screws) are required to secure them. (USP6974125)

$$ This series capacitance acts together with the shunt capacitance of feeder 14 to make a potential divider. / この直列キャパシタンスは、給電線14の並列キャパシタンスとともに、分圧器を形成する作用をする。(USP6583685)

$$ However it may comprise I frames together with only P frames or only B frames. / なお、IフレームにPフレームのみ又はBフレームのみを組み合わせて構成してもよい。(USP6567128)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...


$$ In this sense, the sensor device is simple to fabricate and fault tolerant in terms of construction errors. / この意味において、当該センサ装置は製造が簡単であり、且つ構築エラーに関して耐故障性である。(USP7062110)

$$ This is because the winding is highly tolerant to `lift-off`, since theremanent field is impressed into the test material and does not diminish with lift-off. / その理由は巻き線が‘離昇’に対して高度に耐性があり、これは残留磁界がテスト材料内に印刻されかつ離昇により減少しないからである。(USP7024935)

$$ Traditional voice telephony is "delay-intolerant". / 従来の音声専用電話は“遅延不寛容”である。(USP6584098)

$$ The above described adapter tube 300 is compact, in-line, tolerant of wear and has increased reliability in view of the lack of moving parts. / 上記のアダプター・チューブ300は、コンパクトで、イン-ラインで、耐磨耗性があり、動く部品がないという点で信頼度を増す。(USP6692213)

$$ Their distributed nature makes them tolerant to both individual and multiple agent failure. / エイジェントの分散された性質により、個々のまたは多重のエイジェントの故障の両方にエイジェントが耐えられるようになる。(USP6151309)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...

TOLERATE 耐える・許容する

$$ Further, a reduced NRDV can be tolerated in photolysis applications. / さらに光分解用途では低減されたNRDVを許容できる。(USP8294977)

$$ A burner of the present invention beneficially tolerates widely-varying air/fuel flow rates, i.e. it has a high turn-down ratio. / 本発明のバーナーは、広範囲に変化する空気と燃料との流量比に対応できる。即ち、高いターンダウン比を有する。(USP6250913)

$$ With time, some allowable degradation in the pump, motor and accumulator system can be expected so an allowable drift of the inferred pressure signal can be tolerated. / ポンプ、モータ、アキュムレータシステム内で許容範囲内の劣化が経時的に起こることが予測され得るので、推定圧力信号の許容範囲内のドリフトが許される。(USP6132010)

$$ The Qdelay value represents an estimate of the total queuing delay that can be tolerated over the remainder of the path to a recipient host. / Qdelay値は、受信ホストへの経路の残りにおいて許容できる合計の待ち行列遅延についての推定値を表わす。(USP6163807)

$$ It will be appreciated that the vehicle of the composition of the invention should be one which is well tolerated by the patient and allows release of the active compound to the wound. / 本発明組成物のビヒクルが、患者にとって充分に寛容であり、創傷に有効化合物を放出しうるものであるべきだということが理解されよう。(USP6696433)

$$ The sodium salt was tolerated well with no adverse events for the total duration of the study. (USP7371729)

$$ Where some minor speeding is tolerated, this is a sufficiently accurate technique for a motorist to regulate his road speed. (USP6606033)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...


$$ Too short a steeping time results in too diluted a drink.(USP6250208)

$$ Too long a period or too short a period would mean that the scalp was not at the correct temperature for the chemotherapy treatment.(USP5897581)

$$ Too large a delay over the network removes the spontaneity of collaborative working or video conferencing, and so loses most of the benefits. / ネットワーク上の遅延が大きすぎると、共同作業又はビデオ会議の自然さがなくなり、その利点が失われる。(USP5454079)

$$ If too low a degree of rotation is applied then the algorithm cannot recover images that have been rotated to some higher degree. / もし、低すぎる回転角度が適用される場合、アルゴリズムはより高いある角度へ回転されたイメージを回復することができない。(USP7124022)

$$ Targeting may be desirable for a variety of reasons; for example if the agent is unacceptably toxic, or if it would otherwise require too high a dosage, or if it would not otherwise be able to enter the target cells. / 標的化は、種々の理由により望ましい。例えば、剤が許容されない程毒性である場合、又は高過ぎる投与量を必要とする場合、又は標的細胞に入ることができない場合に適当である。(USP6242175)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...


$$ Amounts up to 1% or 2% by weight may be used, but problems can arise if too much is used, for example, bit formation and decreased transfer efficiency. / 1重量%または2重量%まで使用可能であるが、過剰に使用すると、例えば、ビット形成(bit formation)や移送効率(transfer efficiency)の低下という問題が生じることがある。(USP7041340)

$$ If too great an excess of oxygen is added, too much oxygen will react with hydrogen fuel thereby reducing overall efficiency of the fuel cell. / 添加する過剰量の酸素が多量すぎる場合には、多量すぎる酸素が水素燃料と反応して、燃料電池の総合効率を低下させる。(倒置型)(USP5436086)

$$ It remains undesirable to expose patients to too much ultra violet radiation. / 患者に過度の紫外線を照射するため望ましくない。(USP6610762)

$$ In the past it has been found that if, for example, the difference between the pool temperature and flash point is an acceptable amount, then there is too much flow, or vice versa. / 従来、例えばプール温度と引火点との差が許容可能な量の場合、流れ過ぎ、或いは逆もまた同様であることが分かっている。(USP6582484)

$$ Should the core expand too much, then the door will bow within the frame and possibly fracture. (USP6643991)

$$ While this is not difficult for viewers possessed of the appropriate skills, it is too much for a large number of viewers who find such technology bewildering. / これは、適切な技術を有する視聴者にとっては困難ではないが、このような技術にまごつく大多数の視聴者には手に余る。(USP02042917)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...

$$ Further storage is provided on top of mandrel 112 for spare fibre (i.e. fibre which is not presently to be connected to the other fibre). / それ以上の蓄積が、予備ファイバ(すなわち、他のファイバに接続されるべきではないファイバ)用にマンドレル112の頂部に与えられる。(USP6418264)

$$ The outer layer may optionally be provided with a laminate on top of the bar code which may obscure the bar code to the naked eye and/or a photocopier. / 外側層には、任意に、バーコード上に薄層を設けることができる。この薄層により、バーコードを肉眼及び/又はコピー機には見えなくすることができる。(USP5895075)

$$ An alternative to directly embossing the support surface 24 is to provide an additional layer on the top of the support surface. / さらに、支持体の表面24に対し直接型押しするための他の方法として、支持体表面の上部に付加的な層を形成する方法が考えられる。(USP5373373)

$$ As a result, the newly validated banknote 50 is left on the top of the stack 6.(USP6253899)

$$ Each ring jet pump 25 has a discharge outlet means forming part of a tubular member 27 which extends vertically upwardly and terminates in a flanged outlet 28 on the top of the upper box member 5.(USP5382115)

タグ :TOP



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...

$$ A total of 78.2 mg of debris was added. (USP02036501)

$$ A total of 159 g isopropylpropionate was collected. / 合計で159gのイソプロピルプロピオネートを集めた。(USP6353047)

$$ FIG. 3a shows a typical pattern of bursts as received at the head end in a DA-TDMA system with a total of twenty-four timeslots in the Nth frame. (USP5559805)

$$ The total volume of liquid to be treated was 500 dm3. / 処理される液体の全体積は、500dm3であった。(USP8273225)

$$ For example, the physical characteristics may be the total length of the data carrying spiral track, or the radial positioning of specified sections of data. / 例えば、決定される物理的特性はデータを担う螺旋トラックの全長でも或は、特定の部分のデータの半径方向の位置でも良い。(USP6560176)

$$ Usually it is at least 3% and usually at least 5% of the total length of the column. / 普通、カラムの全長の少なくとも3%、普通は少なくとも5%である。(USP6277932)

$$ For example, for use in the construction of a low frequency (<1 kHz) audio driver, a tape of regular and constant rectangular cross-section of total thickness 1 mm and 8 mm width, comprising two or more active piezoelectric layers with appropriate electrodes, may advantageously be employed, this tape being wound into a 6 mm diameter minor helix and further wound into a 30 mm diameter major helix, with three turns of the major helix. / たとえば、低周波(<1kHz)オーディオ・ドライバの構成で使用するには、全厚さ1mm、幅8mmの規則正しい一定の矩形断面のテープは、適切な電極を備える2つまたはそれ以上の圧電層があり、これを採用すると都合がよいが、このテープは直径6mmの小螺旋に巻き付け、さらに直径30mmの大螺旋に巻き付け、大螺旋を3回転する。(USP6833656)

$$ An LED lamp according to claim 1 wherein said cavity extends into said core by less than 95% of the total thickness of the core. (USP02063521)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...


$$ Chemovars of cannabis have been produced which express a high proportion (typically >80% and more preferably >90%) of their total cannabinoid content as either THC or CBD. / THCまたはCBDとしてその全体のカンナビノイド含有率が高い(一般に、>80%、更に好ましくは>90%)大麻の化学変種が生成された。(USP7622140)

$$ No significant difference were observed in total RNA content/μg wet weight tissue between individuals at each time-point. / 各時点における、組織湿潤重量1μg当たりの全RNA含量には有意な差はなかった。(USP6696433)

$$ Preferably the total content of alumina (including that present as calcium aluminate compounds) is at least 45% by weight. / 好ましくはアルミナ(アルミン酸カルシウム化合物として存在するものを含む)の全含量は少なくとも45重量%である。(USP6261465)

$$ The total content of surfactants in the composition is desirably 60 to 95 wt %, especially 75 to 90 wt %. (USP7105478)

$$ Especially preferred is calcium chloride providing up to 20 wt % of the total content and the balance comprising a different water-absorbing agent, preferably magnesium chloride. (USP6981337)

$$ The proportions of the solid ingredients to solvent are preferably such that a slurry of total solids content between 10 and 98 weight percent is obtained. (USP4061825)

$$ Conveniently, the total solids content of the mixture is from about 4% to about 50% by weight. (USP6639006)

$$ The time periods and/or the power level may be adjusted by the controller to yield metered treatment pulses for the instrument each having a predetermined total energy content. (USP6629974)

$$ Prior to the shift reaction the crude gas preferably has a total carbon oxides content in the range 10 to 25% by volume on a dry basis. (USP4778670)




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$$ If used, such optional ingredients will generally constitute preferably no more than 15 wt %, for example from 1 to 6 wt %, the total weight of the compositions. (USP7105478)

$$ In the reduction in the presence of pigment, the pigment is preferably employed in a weight of 2-50, especially 5-35, particularly 10-20, % based on the total weight of initial frit and pigment. (USP6100209)

$$ Typically 0.05 to 5% by weight of initiator is used relative to the total weight of the monomers. (USP6639006)

$$ For any component, % herein is by weight based on the total weight of the composition, unless specifically stated otherwise. (USP6080712)

$$ A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the solvent is present as 15-70% of the total weight of the reaction mixture. (USP02038049)


TOUCH (名詞) 接触・タッチ


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...

TOUCH (n) 接触・タッチ

タッチパネル:"touch screen"のほうが"touch panel"より使用頻度が高い

$$ The measurement probe 20 may be a touch trigger probe or an analogue probe including a stylus. / 測定プローブ20は、スティルスを含むタッチトリガープローブまたはアナログプローブであってもよい。(USP8381588)

$$ It will be appreciated that other user interfaces such as a mouse, or touch-sensitive screen may alternatively be used. / マウスやタッチスクリーンなどその他のユーザ・インターフェースをその代わりに使用できることを理解されたい。(USP8113846)

$$ The provision of the two members of the inner frame causes the carton to have a "feel" which is much more solid and robust to the touch than the conventional carton. / 内部フレームとして2つの部材を準備しておくことにより、従来のカートンと比較して、触ったときに、ずっとがっしりしていて丈夫な「手触り」を、カートンに与えることができる。(USP6000539)

$$ This could be a mouse click or a screen touch and may be carried out at the same time as continuing to gaze at the displayed images. / これはマウスクリックまたはスクリーンタッチである場合があり、表示された画像を注視し続けるのと同時に実行されてよい。(USP7593602)

$$ Hyperlinks may be selected by appropriate interaction with the touch-screen man machine interface. / ハイパーリンクは、タッチスクリーンマンマシンインタフェースとの適切な対話によって選択することができる。(USP6812954)

$$ It will be appreciated that the pen 10 could also be provided with the touch screen facility of the pen 10 of FIG. 8. / このペン10はまた、第8図のペン10のタッチスクリーン機能を備えうることを認識すべきである。(USP6058304)

$$ Of course other techniques may be employed such as a touch screen or, in the case of a personal computer, a mouse or trackball. (USP6556987)

$$ The interface can be activated by using the keyboard, mouse, or a touch screen display. (USP02059146)

$$ However, it will be appreciated that alternatively other forms of pointing device such as trackballs or touch screens may be used. (USP01042042)

$$ In operation, the alpha-numeric keyboard 2101 may be used as a keyboard or as a touch pad in a similar manner to device 1801. (USP6861961)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | to...


$$ As carbon is deposited the thermal conductivity of the densified region increases thereby increasing the heat flow toward the periphery of the bodies 4. (USP6416824)

$$ By conservation of charge, the electrical current density Ji of the gaseous ion flow towards the batch surface must equal the electrical current density Jb through the batch material. (USP6615612)

$$ However, as the ambient noise increases towards the region x, the control circuit 4 causes a generally linear gain increase as described above.(USP6370254)

$$ It appears that the refractive index of the dry plastic is less than that of water and that the effective refractive index increases towards that of the core with increasing moisture content. / 乾燥しているプラスティックの屈折率は水の屈折率よりも小さく実効的な屈折率は、水蒸気含有量の増加と共にコアの屈折率の方向へ増加するようである。(USP5903685)

$$ The end of the pin is domed so that it can completely close off the flow channel and direct gas from it back towards the injection chamber of the injection moulding machine. / ピンの端部は、流路を完全に閉鎖すると共にガスをそこから射出成形機の射出室方向に向けることができるようにドーム形を呈している。(USP6287494)

$$ As a result, the shuttles 25 and 26 are pulled by magnetic attraction towards the magnets 33 and away from the magnets 27 and 28.(USP6474120)

$$ The laser tube 1 includes an output port 14 through which gases and vapour are exhausted from the tube and directed towards a suitable absorber. / レーザ管1は出力ポート14を含み、ガスや蒸気はこれを通じて、チューブから排気され、適当な吸収体に向けられる。(USP5339327)

$$ The apparatus 1 includes a laser 5 and deflector means 7 for directing the beam 9 from the laser 5 towards the internal surface of the pipe 3.(USP6249007)

$$ A receptacle as claimed in claim 1 wherein said locating tube extends upwardly from the base towards the mouth of the receptacle.(USP5967359)
