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CORE コア・芯・核


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | cor... | しわ~ | かか~

CORE コア・芯・核

$$ The wall 14 surrounds a core 16. / 壁14は、コア16を取り囲む。 (USP8162098)

$$ The core of an aircraft wing is a section called a wing box. / 航空機の翼の中核は、翼ボックスと呼ばれる部分である。(USP8091830)

$$ All particles gave metal oxide particles having a metal oxide shell and a metal core. / 全ての粒子から、金属酸化物のシェルと金属のコアとを有する金属酸化物の粒子を得た。(USP8062743)

$$ The end walls may be equi-angularly spaced around the laminated core section. / 前記端壁は、前記積層コア部の周りに等角度の間隔で互いに離隔させることができる。(USP6815848)

$$ The ferrofluid slug thus acts as a movable core for the pickup coil(s). / このように、強磁性スラグはピックアップコイルの可動性コアとして作動する。(USP6815063)

$$ Other shapes of core member can be used other than a plate member, if desired. / コア部材の他の形状は、所望であれば、板部材の他を使用することもできる。(USP6190517)




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$$ The (27H 9L) period provides for full coverage of the 1530-1570 nm band, with out-of-band rejection levels in excess of 40 dB provided that manufacturing tolerances are tight. / (27H9L)周期は、製造公差が厳しいなら、40dBを超える帯域外除去レベルで、1530nm~1570nm帯域の充分な適用範囲を提供する。(USP6980362)

$$ This process generates a resultant area or areas on the digitised map, which indicate the predicted coverage of the flood. / この処理はディジタル形式のマップ上に1または複数の結果としての領域を生成して、予測される洪水の範囲を示す。(USP6912270)

$$ In that case, the mobile station will enter a no service or limited service state in step 120, waiting for public cell coverage to become available. / その場合には、移動局はステップ120で無サービスまたは制限サービス・ステートに入り、公衆セルカバレッジが利用可能になるまで待つことになる。(USP6826414)

$$ This has the advantage that the ranking of channels will remain similar at the next iteration, which will ensure continuity of coverage for any calls in progress. / これは、チャンネルの格付けが次の反復において同じであり続け、したがって進行中の呼におけるカバー範囲の連続性を保証するといった長所をもつ。(USP6539228)

$$ The radio link budget determines the levels of in-building coverage and street level coverage in a cell. / その無線リンクの経費によって、1セルにおけるビル内のサービス範囲のレベルおよび通りのレベルのサービス範囲(coverage)を決定する。(USP6469680)

$$ The method of Kawai does not allow for the partial coverage of the first layer which is adhered to the substrate. / カワイのこの方法は、基材に接着される第1の層を部分的に形成することができない。(USP6267052)

$$ Coverage of a two-dimensional scene is achieved by dissecting the area into a series of scan lines. / 2次元のシーンのカバレージは、その領域を一連のスキャンラインに細分化することによって実現される。(USP6175113)

$$ Thus, the coverage area of the antenna as a whole moves progressively forward, and the antenna boresight or focal direction remains pointing downwards directly below the satellite. / このように、アンテナのカバレッジエリアは、全体として徐々に前進し、アンテナの照準又は焦点方向は、衛星の直下方向に維持される。(USP01046481)


CURVE (動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | cu...

CURVE (動詞)

$$ This effect is exaggerated in the design of FIG. 16(d) in which the sides of the polygonal cross section are inwardly curved. / この作用は、多角形の横断面の側面がその内側に湾曲している図16(d)の設計において強調される。(USP8282609)

$$ At least part of the surface of the side wall (for example the upper section) that faces the interior of the fuselage may curve inwardly. / 胴体の内部に面する側壁の表面の少なくとも一部(例えば、上方区間)は、内側に湾曲していてもよい。(USP8215582)

$$ The curved pack end flap (20) of the present invention can generally be used in any pack that has a surface that is curved inwards. / 本発明の湾曲パック端部フラップ(20)は、内方に湾曲した表面を有するあらゆるパックに使用することができる。(USP8038001)

$$ In fact, the extending wall 222 does also curve inwards slightly for reasons which will become clear below. (USP6880575)

$$ The profile of the inner wall between stops 81B and 81C includes a substantially radially orientated portion 84 and an inwardly spirally curved portion 85. (USP02073789)




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$$ A plasma source as claimed in claim 1 wherein the body has cut-outs or openings. / 前記部材は、切り取り部あるいは開口を有する請求項1に記載のプラズマ源。(USP8400063)

$$ For example, a suitable video screen such as an LED screen, and/or reading or ambient lights may be installed in cavity 73 (in combination with suitable cut-outs in the backshell 10 or cladding). / 例えば、LED画面などの好適なビデオ画面、および/または読書灯もしくは環境照明を(バックシェル10または外装材の好適な切欠きと共に)空洞73内に設置することができる。(USP8087612)

$$ Insulation layer 16 may further include cutout 18. / 絶縁層16は、カットアウト18をさらに含むことができる。(USP7653492)

$$ The amplification electrode 14 is located above the DC electrode 12, so that it at least partly overlaps the cut-out section, but is insulated from the DC electrode by a further dielectric layer. / 増幅電極14は、DC電極12の上に位置し、これにより増幅電極14は、少なくとも部分的に切り欠き部分と重なるが、別の誘電体層によってDC電極から絶縁される。(USP7619201)

$$ Outer portions of the assembly may be extended outwards laterally and/or have deeper return flanges at their extremities to compensate for any loss of strength or rigidity created by such cutouts. (USP7842868)

$$ It will be seen from FIG. 3 that there are many cut-outs 42 along the length of the members 14, each providing a buckling zone. (USP6929424)

$$ There is another cut-out accommodating a light pipe diffuser 39.(USP6965789)

$$ The return electrode 78 is formed with a hood-like extension 78a which extends over the surface of the sleeve 76 which is opposite to the cut-out 76a. (USP6780180)

$$ The hubs have mutually engaging parts, preferably in the form of cut-outs or axial slots, which can accommodate the arms of other sections when they are installed. (USP6409430)

$$ In the case of the chip 6 being an electro-optical chip, the base 2 is formed with a cut-out. (USP6403881)

$$ Apertures and cut-outs may first be formed by, for example, chemi-etching. (USP02017161)




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$$ The advantage of this embodiment of the invention is that it ensures that individuals will not travel towards a site of danger but will merely be alerted to the need to take action. / 本発明のこの実施態様の利点は、個人は、危険な場所に向かって移動するのではなく、単に行動を起こす必要があると警告されているだけであることを確実に示すことである。(USP6201470)

$$ Because of this danger, the Montreal Protocol was signed that bans the use of CFCs. (USP7637260)

$$ Such sites can be protected by surface to air missile (SAM) systems but such systems present great potential danger, especially to aircraft passengers. (USP7225063)

$$ In many cases the arrangement can be operated with up to 80% of the trip current without danger of it tripping. (USP6404608)

$$ In the absence of file access control there is a danger of file corruption, regardless of whether the invention is in use or not. (USP5675725)

$$ Accordingly, an alarm is not generated during such landings and takeoffs, but is effective during cruise flight when the danger of drowsiness is greatest. (USP4879542)

$$ If this inadvertent operation is carried out whilst the vehicle is travelling at speed then there is a danger of the door opening with obvious safety implications of the occupants of the vehicle. (USP02074809)




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$$ The resultant carbon conjugate was washed (by centrifugation, pelleting and resuspension) 3 times with 0.05 mol/L borate buffer at pH 8.5 and stored in this buffer in the dark at 4℃. / 得られた炭素複合体をpH8.5の0.05mol/Lホウ酸緩衝液で(遠心、ペレット化および再懸濁により)3回洗浄し、この緩衝液中暗所下4℃で貯蔵した。(USP8845965)

$$ The fluid path is shown by the dark line (14). / 流路は黒線(14)で示される。(USP7605002)

$$ These lighter speckles can be removed by recalibrating the system 500 to the darkened scene as illustrated in FIG. 11. / これらのより明るいスペックルは、この暗くなったシーンに合わせてシステム500を再較正することによって、図11に示すように除去することができる。(USP6414294)

$$ It is preferable that the device should be used in a darkened room so that the patient's eyes may adapt without the need to resort to mydriatic drugs. (USP7284863)

$$ The contents of the test tube were then carefully poured into a darkened glass vial, plugged and stoppered. (USP02042447)

$$ The method of claim 18, wherein the background illumination is switched off to test pupillary response to darkness. (USP7625087)

$$ The Table shows the results in descending order of darkness/blackness of the product. (USP6100209)

$$ A concentric, slightly lighter ring around the darker area corresponds to the contact 112 and the solder paste 114. (USP6940168)

$$ The denser regions are darker in the bright field TEM imagining and are marked J and K in the micrograph. (USP6933246)

$$ The other threads have the points that may be executed on the current clock cycle in dark gray. (USP6691301)

$$ Cells were incubated in the dark at 4℃ for 20 minutes. (USP6489123)


DATED ~日付の


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | da...

DATED ~日付の

-->as of

$$ This application claims priority to and the benefit of GB 0324179.1 dated 15 Oct. 2003 and PCT/GB 2004/004135 filed 28 Sep. 2004. (USP7620235)

$$ Another somewhat similar system is described in a White Paper by Lucent Technologies entitled "Internet Call Centre" and dated Dec. 15, 1997. (USP6502127)

$$ This application is a 371 of PCT/GB96/03117 dated Dec. 20, 1996. (USP6146583)

$$ British Search Report dated 27 Oct. 1994 (3 pages). (USP5507017)

$$ See, in particular, "TCPA Main Specification", version 1.0, dated 25 Jan. 2001. (USP03051133)




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$$ The mat 10 may conveniently be provided in a range of surface decorations in order to suit the preferences of the infant and/or the parent. / マット10は表面の装飾の範囲で、幼児および/または両親の好みに合うように都合よく提供されてよい。(USP8251340)

$$ The elongate features may be defined at least in part by means of surface decoration. / 長い特徴部は、少なくとも部分的には表面の装飾を用いて定めることができる。(USP8215582)

$$ The decorative cladding 18 shown in FIG. 1 may also contribute to the structural stability of the frame. / 図1に示す装飾用外装材18はまた、フレームの構造安定性にも寄与することができる。(USP8087612)

$$ Plate 32 is protected from wear and damage by a plastic decorative cover. (USP6276635)

$$ The composition can be used for printing a decoration onto a glass article, preferably a glass window, especially of a vehicle. (USP6100209)

$$ In addition the exact material or surface decoration of the element could be individually commissioned. (USP6965789)

$$ The adhesive securing the decorative layers is then allowed to fully cure. (USP6643991)

$$ A decorative film, e.g. of Melanex, may be applied over one or both of the skins. (USP6332029)

$$ The decorative infill preferably push fits into an aperture in the decorative member. (USP5946864)




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$$ The amount of deflection required can be determined by computation or by testing and measuring the resulting aerofoil. / 歪みの所要量は計算により、又は得られた翼の試験及び測定により決定できる。(USP8353696)

$$ The deflection lens 3 is preferably initially set to direct any excess ions which exit the first ion trap 2 onto the ion detector 4. / 偏向レンズ3は、好ましくは、第1のイオントラップ2を出射する過剰なイオンをイオン検出器4上に導くように最初は設定される。(USP8344316)

$$ This provides a scanning X deflection whereby the X value of the focal point decreases linearly with time as shown in the lower part of FIG. 43. / これは、図43の下部に示すように焦点のX値が時間に伴って線形に減少する走査型のX偏向を実現する。(USP8294977)

$$ At this point any tension in the line and/or deflection of the flexible rod is due only to the relatively heavy weight of the lure. / この時点で、ライン及び/又は可撓性ロッドの撓みにかかるテンションは、比較的重いルーアの重量に起因するものだけである。(USP8281513)

$$ On the other hand deflection of the wound bed in one area (i.e. applying a strain) may cause stress and/or strain in another area. / もう一方では、1つの領域内の創傷床の偏向(すなわち、歪みを加えること)は、別の領域に応力および/または歪みを生じさせる可能性がある。(USP8235955)

$$ The pipe structure allows large deflections without causing bending stresses that impair the pipe's functionality over its lifetime. / このパイプ構造によると、その耐用期間中に、パイプの機能を損なう曲げストレスを生じることなく、大きく曲げることができる。(USP8112863)

$$ Deflection of the actuator diaphragm causes the piston of the gearing assembly 24 to move thus deflecting the gearing diaphragm. / アクチュエータダイヤフラムの変形は、連動アセンブリ24のピストンを移動させ、連動ダイヤフラムを変形させる。(USP8048041)

$$ Probe deflection/displacement may be measured by means other than the optical lever technique. / プローブの偏差/変位は光学てこ技術以外の方法によって測定される。(USP7596989)

$$ The angular deflection of each order is equivalent to introducing onto the incident wavefront a phase tilt across the grating plane of, ##EQU17## / それぞれの次数の角度偏位は、入射波面の上に格子平面を横切る位相傾きを導入するために等しいものである。【数17】(USP6975457)

$$ If deflection in only one direction is required, then only two of the electrode layers are necessary. / 1方向の偏向のみが必要とされる場合は、2層の電極層のみが必要である。(USP6278541)

$$ The transducer module contains optical transducers 200,210,220 for measuring the deflection of the stylus. / トランスジューサモジュールは、スタイラスの変位を測定する光学的トランスジューサ(200,210,220)を包含している。(USP02174556)


DESCRIBE / 記載する・記述する・説明する


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  |  | des...

DESCRIBE / 記載する・記述する・説明する


$$ The following sections will describe the respective layers of test strip 162 in more detail. / 次の段落から、検査ストリップ162の各層を詳細に説明する。(USP7653492)

$$ British patent publication number 2285556 describes a personal base station which is compatible with the GSM system. / 英国特許公報第2285556号には、GSMシステムと互換性をもつパーソナル基地局が記載されている。(USP6826414)

$$ This section may describe the present invention according to a preferred embodiment. (USP6691301)

$$ In our International Patent Publication No WO 97/06836 we describe a switchable adhesive formulation. / 我々の国際特許公開公報第WO97/06836号において、我々は転換可能な接着剤の処方を記載している。(USP6610762)

$$ It is therefore useful to be able to describe a wavefront shape in general terms. / 従って、波面形状を一般的に記述することができることは有用である。(USP6570143)

$$ It does not describe the use or a smart card. (USP6501962)

$$ U.S. Pat. No. 5,287,061 describes an on-line method of monitoring a detector for contamination. / 米国特許第5,287,061号には、汚れの検出をオンラインでモニタする方法が記載されている。(USP6489775)

$$ We now describe the control protocol on the loop of FIG. 9. (USP6396815)

$$ Examples 1 to 4 describe the preparation of the new metal organic compounds. / 実施例1~4は新規な金属化合物の製造を述べる。(USP6353047)

$$ Ivanov et al. describes XRS2 of yeast. / Ivanovらは酵母のXRS2を記載している。(USP6242175)

$$ Table 6 describes a sixth specific alert signal burst; / 表6は、第6の特定の警告信号バーストを示す。(USP6201470)

$$ Describing linearity in this manner is commonly used by those skilled in the art. / この方法による直線性の記述は、当業者に広く使用されている。(USP7592943)

$$ Describing each state by the v-tuple of data symbols: (an- 1,... an-v), ai .epsilon. [0, M-1], then there are M transitions emanating from each state, corresponding to the M possible values that the n-th data symbol can take. (USP6122269)

$$ Describing now the piercing of capsules by the pins (367) held on either side of the rotary magazine (323), this also is achieved through the withdrawal of the handle (307) (or operation of the motor (307a)) and using the cam tracks (315). (USP5896855)




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$$ Table 7 details the physical parameters of the cigarettes. / 表7にこれら紙巻タバコの物理的パラメータの詳細を示す。(USP8375959)

$$ FIG. 2 below details the call sequence for the External Read and Update page functions which are as follows. / 図2では、ページの外部読取りおよび更新の関数の呼出しシーケンスを以下に詳細に説明する。(USP7617528)

$$ It will be appreciated that the first aspect of the invention is not restricted to the embodiment detailed above. (USP7372968)

$$ This field contains the description, including a brief summary and background of the invention, the detailed description, and a brief description of the drawing, if applicable. (USPTO)

$$ The invention may be better understood when consideration is given to the following detailed description thereof. (USP6691301)

$$ FIG. 7 a more detailed schematic representation of the magnetron sputterer FIG. 6; (USP6632684)

$$ FIG. 3 is a further enlarged view detailing a part of said plunger and an associated contact element. (USP5586646)




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$$ A light-diffusing shutter (522) is used for generating the differently blurred images. / 光散乱シャッタ522を使用して、異なってぼかした画像を生成する。(USP6414294)

$$ Other intelligent networks may be arranged differently. / その他のインテリジェント網は、それと異なって構成することができる。(USP5907602)

$$ This is done differently for event-triggered and periodical reporting. (USP7184760)

$$ For example, the compositions can have a different physical appearance, or can be coloured differently. (USP7105478)

$$ Its purpose is to allow the program to behave differently from run to run, depending on the data it is operating on. (USP6691301)

$$ Fogging is applied differently depending on the color mode. (USP5727192)




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$$ Ten-fold dilutions of the cell lysate were performed and 50 μl was plated onto nutrient agar plates. / 該細胞融解物の10倍希釈を行い、50μlを栄養寒天プレート上に播いた。(USP7235268)

$$ Doubling dilutions of bacterial suspension were performed in 96 well U-bottomed haemagglutination plates (Dynex technologies) to a final volume of 100 μl per well. / 細菌懸濁液の2倍希釈を、96ウェルU底血球凝集プレート(Dynex technologies)中で行い、最終容量100μl/ウェルとした。(USP7235268)

$$ This was diluted to an OD of 0.02 in saline. (USP7687060)

$$ The concentrated salt solution is diluted with process water to the desired concentration. (USP6632347)

$$ The present enamel composition does not require a reducing agent to be added, which would dilute the effect of the pigment. (USP6100209)

$$ FIG. 3 shows data from the ELISA of ECM prepared from human dermal fibroblasts with human serum diluted 1/500. (USP7575871)

$$ Incubation with goat anti-mouse HRP conjugated antibody (1:1000 dilution) was the same as for the anti CD36 antibody. (USP6489123)

$$ The concentrate as claimed in claim 1 which is diluted by bitumen to a lower concentration of dissociated rubber vulcanate network. (USP5959007)




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$$ For zero displacement, i.e. δ3=0: ΔT1α1(ac+cb)=ΔT2α2ac / ずれゼロすなわちδ3=0であるためには、【数5】 (USP8674893)

$$ Helices and spirals provide a long length of bender, and thus relatively very large displacements. / 螺旋とスパイラルは、曲げの長いほうの長さを与え、したがって比較的非常に大きな変位が得られる。(USP6833656)

$$ Those skilled in the art will appreciate the advantages of providing linear displacement rather than rotational displacement of a modulating surface. / 当業者は、変調表面の回転変位ではなく線形的変位を提供することの利点を理解するであろう。(USP6278541)

$$ In FIG. 2 the displacements of the first and second movable lenses 8 and 13 relative to the fixed objective lens 7 are represented by displacements X1 and X2. / 図2においては、固定対物レンズ7に対する第1及び第2可動レンズ8及び13の変位はX1及びX2で表わされている。(USP5418645)

$$ FIG. 2b shows the effects of the tension of the strings 2 producing a displacement 8 of the neck, which results in a curvature of the fingerboard as shown in position 7. (USP7842868)

$$ In summary, applied lateral forces to the longer cantilever arms produce lateral displacements or distortions that are communicated to the shorter arms through the support members and fibre. (USP7636504)

$$ The controller 20 keeps a running account of the displacement demand (from either a fixed level or an external input such as an operator joystick) and the displacement produced by the pump. (USP5259738)

$$ As for the embodiment shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, displacement about the second axis is not affected. (USP7129428)

$$ In a practical application, a key also carrying the symbol A would be provided to enable axial displacement of the bolt 4. (USP6474120)

$$ The vertical displacement of the interlaced video fields by one line can be seen clearly. (USP6151363)

$$ The carton clamps 186 prevent axial displacement of the carton 12 on the mandrel during folding. (USP5651235)

$$ The pivot connection from the beam allows lateral displacement of the tilling apparatus which prevents stress or breakage. (USP5454434)

$$ Additionally, large displacements will move the core 52 laterally so as to vary the spacing between it and the coils 56, 58. (USP5150314)

$$ FIG. 2 shows a side view of the ratchet wrench shown in FIG. 1, indicating the angular displacement of the second ratchet pawl; (USP01020403)




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$$ Sorption devices do however suffer from the disadvantages of low cooling or heating power density and high capital cost. / しかし、収着装置は、冷却能密度または加熱能密度が低く、資本コストが高いという欠点を有している。(USP8276393)

$$ Supercells do of course overlap slightly but this is not indicated in FIG. 8. (USP5338200)

$$ The transformations are computationally intensive operations but do enable realistic images to be displayed. (USP5338200)

$$ This is in contrast to bits 28 to 0 which do need to be set to zero in the single precision case. (USP7167887)

$$ However, parallel resistance semi-conductive self-regulating heaters do possess a number of undesirable characteristics. (USP7566849)

$$ The scribes lanes 6 do not carry circuit chrome patterns, but do contain test and measurement structures. (USP6962762)

$$ Some prior systems, mainly VOD trials, do exist which deploy ATM technology to the home in a minimal way. (USP6396815)

$$ However, these two components do move to a locked position and also to a different transitory position. (USP02074809)

タグ :DO+動詞

DOME ドーム・ドーム状にする


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | do...

DOME ドーム・ドーム状にする

$$ The high frequency diaphragm is shown in FIG. 1 as being of domed form. / 高周波ダイヤフラムは、ドーム形で図1に示される。(USP8139784)

$$ The registration devices 501 and 502 are dome-like plastic mouldings known as over-centre mouldings. (USP6861961)

$$ The high frequency diaphragm advantageously is a dome-shaped diaphragm. / 前記高周波ダイヤフラムは、ドーム形ダイヤフラムであることが有利である。 (USP8139784)

$$ The horn diaphragm may be driven substantially independently of the dome-shaped diaphragm, for example such that the horn diaphragm is arranged to radiate acoustic waves of generally lower frequency than is the dome-shaped diaphragm. / 例えば、ホーン振動板が、ドーム形振動板よりも概して低い周波数の音波を放射するよう配列されるように、ホーン振動板は、ドーム形振動板と略独立して駆動されてもよい。(USP8121330)

$$ For example, a honeycomb-like structure of concave/convex domes of varying heights and dimensions may be provided on the dome portion 24. (USP7234481)

$$ The cable guide means 60 being threadably secured within a suitably threaded aperture in the domed portion 44. (USP6715905)

$$ The apparatus of this embodiment has a steel housing 1 which is generally cylindrical with domed ends. (USP4324534)

$$ A plastic, one-piece key pad is laid over the array of key domes. (USP6965789)

$$ The palate is dome like in shape and is therefore well suited for restraining the cast against movement in all directions other than downward. (USP6355049)

$$ The transducer (9) may be covered by a domed housing (26) which is fixed to the panel (2) to protect the transducer. (USP6332029)

$$ This pouch is domed as can be seen from FIG. 12. (USP5897581)

$$ At a first station 406 a pair of rivet domes 407 and a pair of score lines 401 are formed in the web 2. (USP5651235)

タグ :DOMEドーム



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$$ This mixing is highly efficient, and results in the generation of metal oxide nanoparticles that can be separated downstream from the aqueous effluent. / この混合は効率性が高く、その結果、金属酸化物ナノ粒子が生成され、この金属酸化物ナノ粒子は下流で水性流出物と分離され得る。(USP7566436)

$$ A message is said to travel downstream from a sending host to the other hosts in the multicast group. / メッセージは、送信ホストからマルチキャストグループ内の他のホストへ下流を移動するといわれている。(USP6163807)

$$ This, in itself, given sufficient input power, can be enough to create a gas plasma extending downstream from the tip 54T and through the nozzle 180N. (USP6629974)

$$ As a result the sensor may be located a long way downstream from the injection point. (USP6623155)

$$ The spray gun may optionally include an ioniser connected anywhere in the propellant passages downstream from the propellant inlet. (USP6425533)





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$$ In this event, the base 116 will drop away from the wall 104. / この場合、ベース116は、壁104から落下して離れることになる。(USP8156609):vi

$$ Thus it can be used in preference to dropping a dart. (USP7628213):vt

$$ The glass lid 12 is dropped onto the tile 1 below. (USP6403881):vt

$$ The pressure could alternatively be dropped below equilibrium pressure using a restrictor valve. (USP6827238):vt

$$ In the example below, the least significant 6 bits of red and blue and the least significant 4 bits of green are dropped. (USP6691301):vt

$$ The partially cleaned sand from the hydrocyclone (2) is dropped into one section (3) while the water is directed to the section (4). (USP6315837):vt

$$ The method has the advantage of reducing the risk of dropping a call during handover. (USP5555445):vt

$$ The contact region 76 slides over an inner peak 68 (see FIG. 3) and then drops down to rest in the central trough 64 (see FIG. 3). (USP7129428):vi

$$ The output drops away rapidly and significantly as the measurements are taken off-axis. (USP7564984):vi

$$ Once the pressure of the beer drops below the equilibrium pressure, the beer will be supersaturated. (USP6827238):vi

$$ The simulation suggests that at even higher input levels the output energy drops. (USP6700698):vi

$$ The intensity drops off with the cosine of the angle of incidence. (USP6043936):vi

$$ A trough 94 collects swarf which drops from the shedding plate 92. (USP5891255):vi

タグ :DROP

EACH TIME ~する度に・~する毎に


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | each

EACH TIME ~する度に・~する毎に

$$ A proportion of molten salt is lost each time a cell is taken offline. / ある割合の溶融塩は、槽がオフラインになる度に失われる。(USP8992758)

$$ Such techniques require sophisticated devices and calibration each time they are used. / そのような技術では、精密な装置と使用時ごとの装置の較正が必要である。(USP7620235)

$$ Another presentation option (step 52) would be to create a playlist which is dynamically created each time the OIPs are generated and matched. / 別のプレゼンテーションオプション(ステップ52)は、OIPが作成され、一致されるたびに動的に作成されるプレイリストを作成することであろう。(USP7578441)

$$ Each time it does not receive a response, it increments the appropriate counter. (USP7647403)

$$ Each time DctValid is asserted, the value of a variable NumCoeff, which is stored in Register 511, is incremented. (USP6724817)

$$ Each time one does this, one asserts a new true answer for predicate. (USP6691301)

$$ A simple macro always stands for exactly the same text, each time it is used. (USP6691301)




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$$ Effect of Changing the Carbamoyl Acid Side Chain / カルバモイル酸側鎖変更の効果 (USP6797699)

$$ This has an equivalent effect of shrinking the RGB colour reference space. / この処理は、RGB空間を収縮することと同様の効果を有している。(USP6614489)

$$ The effect of adding IBMA to THFMA/UDMA mixtures / THFMA/UDMA混合物へのIBMA添加の影響 (USP6313192)

$$ FIG. 18 is a table of caricatured image representations illustrating the effects of using a mean face generated by a closed group of members; (USP7646395)

$$ FIG. 2e,ii shows the effects of inhibiting MAP kinase on cell survival in the presence of 10 ng/ml FGF2. (USP7304129)

$$ This is more than a simple delay since attenuation effects and the lensing effects of propagating through an inhomogeneous overburden must be modelled. (USP5260911)

$$ U.S. Pat. No. 5,885,281 describes the use of coatings to minimise the effects of sticking. (USP02052599)

$$ The new GOP is defined by picture type decision rules which may have the effect of changing the GOP compared to the GOPs of streams A and B. (USP6983015)

$$ This has the effect of turning the switching transistors 1 OFF if the fault is still present. (USP6404608)

$$ The effect of reducing pulse duration is shown in FIGS. 1(b) and 1(c). (USP6087786)

$$ Inverting the bit pattern has the effect of changing the sense of the accept/reject test. (USP5727192)

$$ The couple CF has the effect of pivoting the sprag 3 clockwise about its centre of rotation C, relative to the cage and races 1,2. (USP5524742)

$$ With reference to FIGS. 3 and 4, the effect of varying one parameter, in this case, jaw opening, is shown. (USP02118196)

$$ For example, it could be used to "animate" the template, showing the effect of stepping through a sequence of commands. (USP01032216)




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$$ Conversely, the main network portion preferably accepts for service either mobile stations using the first network identity code or mobile stations using the second network identity code. / 上記とは逆に、メインネットワーク部分は、好ましくは、第1ネットワークIDコードを使用する移動局または第2ネットワークIDコードを使用する移動局のどちらも、サービスのために受け付ける。(USP6826414)

$$ (h) repeating either steps (d) to (g) or steps (b) to (g) according to whether environmental change is or is not detected to be less than a prearranged threshold. / (h)検出された環境の変化が予め決めたしきい値未満であるか、そのしきい値未満でないかに応じて、ステップ(d)~(g)またはステップ(b)~(g)を繰り返すステップ。(USP6414294)

$$ The model view transform module 201 processes graphic information I in form of either triangles or their vertexes, and applies the model-view matrix to the vertexes. (USP7236169)

$$ In another embodiment, the fiber optic lines 38 may be used to track naturally occurring thermal events/spots (either cool spots or hot spots) as they occur and travel along the wellbore thereby enabling the calculation of the velocity of the fluid in which such thermal spots travel. (USP6997256)

$$ When this is done, the result may fit one of the above two variants--in particular, the expanded text may in the end be surrounded by either quotes or angle braces. (USP6691301)

$$ The carers can belong to either local authorities or private organisations. (USP6587551)




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$$ The cigarette ejected therefrom is transferred sequentially to a circumference measuring section, a ventilation-characteristic measuring section and a length/hardness measuring section. / 前記タバコは、前記重量測定部から巻き状況測定部、通気特性測定部、及び長さ/硬さ測定部へと連続的に移送される。(USP7580137)

$$ The nozzle plate is caused to vibrate by a piezoelectric oscillator such that the fluid in the chamber is ejected through the nozzle plate as a spray. / 上記ノズル板は、上記チェンバ内の流体が該ノズル板を介して噴霧として排出されるように圧電振動子により振動される。(USP7284962)

$$ In conventional blown gas burners, the gaseous fuel is ejected from a nozzle at the end of the burner tube, and the flame is ignited at that point. / 従来のガスバーナーにおいては、ガス燃料はバーナーケースの端部のノズルから放出され、そしてその点において点火される。(USP6250913)

$$ When printing has been completed the impression roller is retracted into a position indicated by dotted line 22 and thereby releases the mail piece for ejection from the postage meter. (USP02021931)

$$ Over a period of operation of the cartridge, the amount of of ink to the inkjet nozzles 21 and during a printing operation print data signals output from the microprocessor 12 control actuation of the inkjet nozzles to eject ink droplets therefrom. (USP02060708)

$$ In general, the ejected aqueous monomer beads are usually as uniform as possible, for instance at least 90% by weight within 15 to 30% of the weight average size. / 一般に、放出される水性モノマービーズは、普通、可能な限り均一であり、たとえば、少なくとも90重量%が重量平均粒径の15~30%内にある。(USP6277932)




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$$ This is sometimes known as the "Forster" resonance energy transfer. / これは、しばしば、「Forster」共鳴エネルギー移動とも呼ばれている。(USP7652266)

$$ The gas cylinder 1 and valve 2 are replaced by a spring-powered energy source. / 上記実施形態におけるガスシリンダ1とバルブ2は、ばね形式のエネルギー源によって置き換えられている。(USP7645265)

$$ The energy required to open and latch the shutter is around 0.05 J, and zero power is required to hold the shutter in position. / シャッタを開けてラッチするのに要するエネルギーは約0.05Jであり、シャッタを適所に保持するのに必要な電力はゼロである。(USP7619265)

$$ However, thinner tissue requires less energy to coagulate than thick. (USP02052599)

$$ The type of high-energy pulse amplifiers and lasers we consider are so-called energy-storage devices in which a pulse extracts significant amounts of energy stored in the gain medium. (USP6445494)

$$ The inductor 154P then releases its energy into this reverse bias. (USP6416509)

$$ This energy consumed is then displayed on the LCD display 10 in kilowatt-hours. (USP6414475)

$$ The crystalline change results from the thermal energy input. (USP6392915)

$$ This is because 3 dB represents a doubling in energy (the sum of the two components). (USP6370254)

$$ Energy losses will appear in form of heat release in superconductors. (USP6304015)

$$ Energy for this snap action is derived from the compressed springs 23. (USP6217311)

$$ Energy is applied for a period of time chemically to stabilise the coating. (USP5545448)

$$ Energy is assumed to remain in the low-velocity layer. (USP5260911)

$$ Energy delivery between pulses is substantially zero and the mark-to-space ratio is typically 1:4 or less. (USP02052599)




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$$ FIG. 9C schematically illustrates to an enlarged scale a detail of the mechanism/arrangement of FIGS. 9A and 9B; / 【図9C】図9A及び図9Bのグリッパ型機構又は装置の一部を拡大して概略的に示す。(USP7980785)

$$ FIG. 18(c) is a partial enlarged view of the jewel stone and base shown in FIG. 18(b); / 図18(c)は、図18(b)に示された宝石および台座の部分拡大図である。(USP6433483)

$$ FIG. 3 shows an enlarged cross-section along line I--I in FIG. 2 looking in the direction of the arrow A; / 第3図は、第2図のI-I線に沿って切断し、矢印A方向へ見た拡大横断面図である。(USP5895075)

$$ FIG. 49 is a plan view on an enlarged scale of the alternative embodiment of stop profile; (USP5411157)

$$ FIG. 3 is an exploded view of some of the parts shown in FIG. 2 on an enlarged scale; (USP6524078)

$$ FIG. 5 is an end view of the tie shown in FIG. 4 and in slightly enlarged scale; (USP6443238)

$$ FIG. 2 illustrates a detector of the FIG. 1 array in more detail and relatively enlarged but not drawn to scale; (USP6359283)

$$ FIG. 20 is an enlarged version of the 32nd image as captured and as also illustrate in FIG. 17b. (USP6327381)

$$ FIG. 3 is a detailed cross-sectional view, to an enlarged scale, of a component shown in FIG. 2, (USP6250889)

$$ FIG. 4 shows part of FIG. 3 drawn to an enlarged scale; (USP5836733)

$$ One pixel of the device of FIG. 1, identified by the circle P in FIG. 1, is shown to an enlarged scale in FIG. 2. (USP5616912)

$$ The search area will also be correspondingly horizontally enlarged. (USP5027203)

$$ FIG. 2 is a vertical section, to an enlarged scale, of the lower portion of the box, (USP4665941)

$$ FIG. 4d is a view to a further enlarged scale of the lead-in end of the wall plug, (USP02044848)




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$$ The trigger coil 11 is in series with the exciter coil. / トリガー用コイル11は、励磁コイルと直列に接続されている。(USP8272622)

$$ The excitation voltage is applied to the excitation winding 28 via a power amplifier 84. / この励磁電圧が、パワーアンプを介して励磁巻き線28に印加される。(USP6561022.)

$$ Phonon replicas of the acceptor bound and free exciton transitions are also present, down-shifted by 21 meV. / アクセプタ束縛のフォノンレプリカとフリーエキシトン遷移とがまた存在し、21meVだけダウンシフトされる。(USP6375739)

$$ FIG. 2a schematically illustrates the overall form of the excitation winding 28. / 図2aは、励磁巻き線の全体の形状を概略的に示している。(USP6561022)

$$ FIGS. 2 and 3 show an exciter 40 according to the present invention. (USP7372968)

$$ For example, centre-excited hexagons may be used. (USP6480524)


FASHION 方法・方式・仕方


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FASHION 方法・方式・仕方

$$ In a similar fashion, the controller 100 may be used as a gun. / 同様に、コントローラ100は銃として用いられているかもしれない。(USP8241125)

$$ In order to make the cell 1 the layers are deposited in a layer by layer fashion. / セル1を作成するために各層は、1層毎の様式で析出される。(USP8239138)

$$ Then the second battery 6b is charged in a similar fashion. / そして、第2電池6bも、同様の方法で充電される。(USP6265847)

$$ This enables the provision in a simple fashion of new intelligent services. / これにより、簡単な方法で新しい知能的サービスを提供することができる。(USP6151309)

$$ The (indicia receptive coating) may be applied in rainbow blending fashion. (USP5492370)

$$ Try to imitate the behavior of old-fashioned C, as opposed to ANSI C. (USP6691301)

$$ Hopper 3 and chute 94 are sealed in a dust-tight fashion. (USP6615612)

$$ It is used in a unique fashion when estimating luminance. (USP6493029)

$$ Each roller end is supported and mounted in the same fashion. (USP6427750)


FLEXIBLE 可撓性・柔軟性・融通性がある


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FLEXIBLE 可撓性・柔軟性・融通性がある

$$ This method of production is flexible, enabling the production of varying shapes and cross sections as desired. / この形成方法は、融通性があり、様々な形状及び断面を所望に応じて作ることができる。(USP8808223)

$$ FIG. 11 shows diagrammatically a similar arrangement to FIG. 10 but with more flexible panel mountings, / 【図11】図10と同様の配置を概略的に示しているが、より曲がりやすいパネル架台を用いている。(USP8674893)

$$ The hinge 227 is a flexible integral web interconnecting the upper and lower portions 200a, 200b at one side. / ヒンジ227は、上下のポーション200a,200bを一側で相互に連結する可撓性の一体ウェブである。(USP6692213)

$$ As so far described, the liner introduced into the pipe is relatively flexible, even with thermoplastics coatings applied to the inner and/or outer surfaces of the composite material. / 既述のように、パイプ内に導入されたライナーは、熱可塑性コーティングが複合材料の内/外表面に施された場合でさえ、比較的撓み易い。(USP6228312)

$$ A second favoured form of flexible film may be formed from any moisture vapour permeable transparent hydrophilic polymer. / 第二の好ましい形態の柔軟性フイルムは透湿性の透明な親水性ポリマーのいずれかから形成することができる。(USP5968000)

$$ A porous flexible substrate 20, in the form of a disc, is disposed on the upper surface of body member 4. / 本体部4の上面に、ディスク状の多孔質柔軟性基板20が配置されている。(USP5914019)

$$ A flexible seal 13 is provided between the two parts 9 and 10. (USP7641487)

$$ The support is preferably a flexible printed circuit board. (USP7625134)

$$ Thus, embodiments of the present technique are extremely flexible in their use. (USP7489752)

$$ Suitably, the container is rigid or flexible. (USP6981337)




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$$ The flat leaf spring members 50 have a dimpled central section to enable them to be flexibly attached to the sealing mechanism 38. / 平坦な板ばね部材50は、シーリング機構38に曲げやすいように取り付け可能にする、くぼみのある中央セクションを有する。(USP8925250)

$$ The body portion 110 comprises a cut-out section 140 between the sealing surfaces 120, 130 within which is provided a flexibly mounted leg 150. / 本体部分110は、シール面120,130の間に切欠部140を有しており、切欠部140内に、屈曲可能に取り付けられた脚部150が設けられている。(USP8459511)

$$ In another aspect, the wall is flexibly movable to adjust the size of the first and second chambers. / 他の態様では、その壁面は、前記第1および第2のチャンバの寸法を調整するように柔軟に移動可能である。(USP8201556)

$$ New nodes may therefore be added to the network quite flexibly, simply by having the node transmit a message; and node locations may be changed by simply changing the nodes' locations, and beginning to transmit messages. / 従って、単純にノードにメッセージを送らせることによって、新しいノードがネットワークに非常に柔軟に追加することができ、またノードの位置は、単純にノードのある位置を変更してメッセージの送信を始めることで変えることができる。(USP7653010)

$$ Each of the tanks is flexibly mounted on the chassis using flexible mounts of the type described above. (USP7108285)

$$ Each separate part 1 and 2 is moulded from a plastics material and flexibly hinged at 5 the locus of diametric division, and may be positioned when closed by a locating peg and socket 6 and 6.sup.1 respectively. (USP4160610)


FLIP はじく・反転する


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FLIP はじく・反転する

$$ During measurements, radio-frequency pulses of given resonance energy are applied that flip the nuclear spins and disturb the orientation distribution. / 測定期間中、所定の共鳴エネルギの無線周波数パルスが供給され、これは核スピンをフリップし配向分布を妨害する。(USP8255036)

$$ The comparator is set up to detect this zero output from the differentiator and to flip state. / 比較器は、微分器からのゼロの出力を検出し、状態をフリップするように設定される。(USP6586903)

$$ It could also be achieved by a polarisation switch in the horn feed by flipping the received polarisation by 90°. / それもやはり、ホーンフィードの偏波スイッチによって受信偏波を90°反転させることによって実現可能となる。(USP6900756)

$$ Preferably, the sealing web is semi-rigid or relatively rigid in a radial direction so that it can be lifted off or "flipped" off the rim to remove the web initally. (USP5411157)

$$ As the over-centre 521 is pressed down further the over-centre deforms until at a certain position it flips down to a second configuration as shown in FIG. 5D. (USP6861961)

$$ When the generator is about to flip into the cutting mode, impedance rise due to steam formation is dominant. (USP6416509)

$$ The discharge then quickly flips into a second condition, labelled 5 in FIG. 1a, which lasts for a time 7 until the r.f. energy is no longer supplied to the discharge. (USP6087786)

$$ When this transition state is reached or exceeded, the active electrode 34 will flip into the vaporise state, and absorb far less power. (USP6056746)

$$ The photodetector P2 in its own substrate 22 is flipped and then locates into grooves 42 as discussed above. (USP5668823)




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$$ Also the outer perimeter of the sheet may be different from the conventional rectangular shape, and may for example be curved. / また、シートの外周は、一般的な矩形状のものと異なり得る。例えば、湾曲していても可能である。(USP8414300)

$$ Such a latch could for example be a spring loaded plunger or the like which latches relatively tilting parts on demand. (USP7631721)

$$ The housing may for example be a friction fit and have a flange to prevent over insertion thereof. (USP7490719)

$$ The letter may for example be a bank statement or mortgage statement. (USP6915184)

$$ The device may for example be a printing device, or may apply a coded label. (USP5998752)

$$ This temperature may, for example, be 75℃. (USP8038081)

$$ It could, for example, be the name of a Company, or the name of an individual. (USP7430563)

$$ The rotation may, for example, be about 45°- 50°. (USP5411157)

$$ The bearing may, for example, be a PFTE bearing. (USP6965789)

$$ The list of payees may, for example, be represented graphically as a card index. (USP01042042)


タグ :for example