DESIRABLE 望ましい -->preferable 好ましい
$$ If this should occur it is highly desirable that the situation be detected promptly, so that remedial action can be taken before unacceptable degradation occurs. / これが生じたならば、許容できない劣化が生じる前に状況を素早く検出して修理を行うことが強く要望される。(USP5903685)
$$ For other, especially larger scale, aerators it may be more desirable to have the inlet pipe or tube fixed relative to the float means.(USP6190544)
$$ The wafer used may carry only one diaphragm. However, for economic reasons, it is desirable for a plurality of diaphragms to be manufactured on the same wafer.(USP02045287)
$$ In order to reduce the non-sensitive area (the so-called "dead-space") between the parallel strips it is desirable for the strips to be closely spaced together.(USP4859851)
$$ It is desirable that the secret key for securing bitstream download stored in the equipment is protected from unauthorized access.(USP01037458)
$$ In the interest of maximizing the quantity of adsorbed gas in the adsorbent, it is desirable that the adsorbent be highly compacted.(USP6098417)
DESIRABLE 望ましい -->preferable 好ましい
$$ If this should occur it is highly desirable that the situation be detected promptly, so that remedial action can be taken before unacceptable degradation occurs. / これが生じたならば、許容できない劣化が生じる前に状況を素早く検出して修理を行うことが強く要望される。(USP5903685)
$$ For other, especially larger scale, aerators it may be more desirable to have the inlet pipe or tube fixed relative to the float means.(USP6190544)
$$ The wafer used may carry only one diaphragm. However, for economic reasons, it is desirable for a plurality of diaphragms to be manufactured on the same wafer.(USP02045287)
$$ In order to reduce the non-sensitive area (the so-called "dead-space") between the parallel strips it is desirable for the strips to be closely spaced together.(USP4859851)
$$ It is desirable that the secret key for securing bitstream download stored in the equipment is protected from unauthorized access.(USP01037458)
$$ In the interest of maximizing the quantity of adsorbed gas in the adsorbent, it is desirable that the adsorbent be highly compacted.(USP6098417)
DESIRABLE IN --> preferable in
$$ It may be desirable in some cases to provide an oven around the laser tube, or parts of it, to reduce condensation of metal on optical surfaces. / ある場合には、レーザ管若しくはその一部の周囲にオーブンを設けることが所望されるかもしれない。(USP5339327)
$$ It is typically desirable in such applications to have optional vision of the advertisement and the view inside, for security reasons. / 安全のため、広告及び内側の見え方の選択可能な視界を持つことは、このような応用に通常望ましい。(USP6212805)
$$ Other passbands may be desirable in certain applications, such as passbands for spectral equalisation, noise suppression, tuning, or wavelength selective amplification/attenuation. / その他の通過帯域は、スペクトルの均等化、雑音の抑制、同調又は波長の選択的な増幅/減衰のような、特定の用途にて望ましい。(USP6339664)
$$ It will be appreciated that in general the more hydrophobic the alcohol, the lower the proportion of water that is desirable in the solution. / 一般に、より疎水性のアルコールであるほど、より低い割合の水が溶液中において望まれることが理解されるであろう。(USP6548730)
$$ This is highly desirable in many applications. / これは、多くの適用例で非常に望ましい。(USP6833656)
DESIRABLE IN --> preferable in
$$ It may be desirable in some cases to provide an oven around the laser tube, or parts of it, to reduce condensation of metal on optical surfaces. / ある場合には、レーザ管若しくはその一部の周囲にオーブンを設けることが所望されるかもしれない。(USP5339327)
$$ It is typically desirable in such applications to have optional vision of the advertisement and the view inside, for security reasons. / 安全のため、広告及び内側の見え方の選択可能な視界を持つことは、このような応用に通常望ましい。(USP6212805)
$$ Other passbands may be desirable in certain applications, such as passbands for spectral equalisation, noise suppression, tuning, or wavelength selective amplification/attenuation. / その他の通過帯域は、スペクトルの均等化、雑音の抑制、同調又は波長の選択的な増幅/減衰のような、特定の用途にて望ましい。(USP6339664)
$$ It will be appreciated that in general the more hydrophobic the alcohol, the lower the proportion of water that is desirable in the solution. / 一般に、より疎水性のアルコールであるほど、より低い割合の水が溶液中において望まれることが理解されるであろう。(USP6548730)
$$ This is highly desirable in many applications. / これは、多くの適用例で非常に望ましい。(USP6833656)
$$ More desirably, the amount of moisture applied to the roll 10 is about 0.025 grams. (USP6179235)
$$ Desirably p plus q is from 8 to 24, preferably 12 to 20, more preferably 14 to 18. / 望ましくはp及びqは8~24、好ましくは12~20、さらに好ましくは14~18である。(USP6582484)
$$ The body portion desirably comprises a polymeric thin film. / 本体部分はポリマーの薄いフイルムからなることが好ましい。(USP5968000)
$$ Desirably the straight edges are substantially parallel to one another. / 望ましくは直線端が、実質的に互いに平行なことである。(USP5968000)
$$ Preferably, the twist is no greater than 25 degrees, most desirably no greater than 20 degrees. / 好ましくは、該捻りは25度以下とし、最も望ましくは、20度以下とする。(USP6332818)
$$ The D.S. of a carboxymethylcellulose fibre is desirably at least 0.05, preferably at least 0.2, more preferably between 0.3 and 0.5. / カルボキシメチルセルロース繊維のD.S.は望ましくは少なくとも0.05であり、好ましくは少なくとも0.2であり、より好ましくは0.3~0.5である。(USP6548730)
$$ The tank is desirably of two part construction comprising an upper part to which a lower fluid-holding part is removably secured. / 上記タンクは、望ましくは2つの構成要素からなり、それは上部部材とそれに着脱可能に取付けられた下部流体タンクとから構成される。(USP5893487)
$$ More desirably, the amount of moisture applied to the roll 10 is about 0.025 grams. (USP6179235)
$$ Desirably p plus q is from 8 to 24, preferably 12 to 20, more preferably 14 to 18. / 望ましくはp及びqは8~24、好ましくは12~20、さらに好ましくは14~18である。(USP6582484)
$$ The body portion desirably comprises a polymeric thin film. / 本体部分はポリマーの薄いフイルムからなることが好ましい。(USP5968000)
$$ Desirably the straight edges are substantially parallel to one another. / 望ましくは直線端が、実質的に互いに平行なことである。(USP5968000)
$$ Preferably, the twist is no greater than 25 degrees, most desirably no greater than 20 degrees. / 好ましくは、該捻りは25度以下とし、最も望ましくは、20度以下とする。(USP6332818)
$$ The D.S. of a carboxymethylcellulose fibre is desirably at least 0.05, preferably at least 0.2, more preferably between 0.3 and 0.5. / カルボキシメチルセルロース繊維のD.S.は望ましくは少なくとも0.05であり、好ましくは少なくとも0.2であり、より好ましくは0.3~0.5である。(USP6548730)
$$ The tank is desirably of two part construction comprising an upper part to which a lower fluid-holding part is removably secured. / 上記タンクは、望ましくは2つの構成要素からなり、それは上部部材とそれに着脱可能に取付けられた下部流体タンクとから構成される。(USP5893487)
DESIRE (n, v) -->所望の(desired)
$$ As processing power becomes less expensive and faster, there is a desire amongst developers to seek to handle ever larger data sets. / 処理能力が安くなり高速になるにつれて、開発者の中ではより大きなデータ組を処理することを求める要望がある。(USP7124022): n
$$ There is a desire to enable an internet to provide real-time communication as is, for example, required if telephone conversations or video-conferences are to be conducted over it. / 例えば電話による会話またはテレビ会議がインターネット上で実行されるとして要求されることは、インターネットが実時間通信を提供できることが望まれている。(USP6163807): n
$$ This desire is addressed in the references mentioned in the introduction, in which control messages conveying user commands can be sent via a serial data channel to control means in another apparatus. / この希望は導入部に記載された参照文献で述べられ、そこではユーザー指令を伝える制御メッセージは他の装置の制御手段に直列データチャネルを介して送出できる。(USP5479385): n
$$ There is therefore a desire to produce a method of generating an improved modelling data set, such that the factors influencing complex biological characteristics can be more readily identified. (USP02062307): n
$$ None of these methods are capable of giving the improvement that we desire in the bead polymerization of a water-soluble monomer or monomer blend or in the properties of the resultant beads. / これらの方法のいずれも、水溶性モノマーもしくはモノマーブレンドのビーズ重合又は得られるビーズの性質においてわれわれが望む改良を与えることはできない。(USP6277932): v
$$ Having thus described our invention, what we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: (USP5454079): v
$$ As described above, each trader may personalize his or her display screen based on the information the trader desires to see. (USP5924082): v
$$ In this example, it is also possible to obtain a telephone or fax number from the operator-assisted directory enquiries system without the subscriber having to manually enter the number into the communications terminal which he desires to use. (USP6453167): v
DESIRE (n, v) -->所望の(desired)
$$ As processing power becomes less expensive and faster, there is a desire amongst developers to seek to handle ever larger data sets. / 処理能力が安くなり高速になるにつれて、開発者の中ではより大きなデータ組を処理することを求める要望がある。(USP7124022): n
$$ There is a desire to enable an internet to provide real-time communication as is, for example, required if telephone conversations or video-conferences are to be conducted over it. / 例えば電話による会話またはテレビ会議がインターネット上で実行されるとして要求されることは、インターネットが実時間通信を提供できることが望まれている。(USP6163807): n
$$ This desire is addressed in the references mentioned in the introduction, in which control messages conveying user commands can be sent via a serial data channel to control means in another apparatus. / この希望は導入部に記載された参照文献で述べられ、そこではユーザー指令を伝える制御メッセージは他の装置の制御手段に直列データチャネルを介して送出できる。(USP5479385): n
$$ There is therefore a desire to produce a method of generating an improved modelling data set, such that the factors influencing complex biological characteristics can be more readily identified. (USP02062307): n
$$ None of these methods are capable of giving the improvement that we desire in the bead polymerization of a water-soluble monomer or monomer blend or in the properties of the resultant beads. / これらの方法のいずれも、水溶性モノマーもしくはモノマーブレンドのビーズ重合又は得られるビーズの性質においてわれわれが望む改良を与えることはできない。(USP6277932): v
$$ Having thus described our invention, what we claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: (USP5454079): v
$$ As described above, each trader may personalize his or her display screen based on the information the trader desires to see. (USP5924082): v
$$ In this example, it is also possible to obtain a telephone or fax number from the operator-assisted directory enquiries system without the subscriber having to manually enter the number into the communications terminal which he desires to use. (USP6453167): v
$$ The amount of heat supplied is regulated and controlled to a desired temperature by a voltage controller (not shown). (USP01038872): 所望の温度
$$ The temperature control device 1 is controllable to direct the returning air flow 12 via a selected route such that once it is received again by the fan 6 it is at a desired temperature to provide either cooling or heating to the disk drive unit. / 温度制御装置1は、一旦ファン6によって再受容されると、ディスクドライブユニットへの冷却又は加熱のいずれかを提供するために所望の温度となるような、選択された経路を通って戻ってくる気流12を方向付けることに関して制御可能である。(USP7612996): 所望の温度
$$ ...it is desired for a Web Browser to interoperate with an asynchronous application program via a message queuing system.... / ウェブ・ブラウザがメッセージ・キューイング・システムを介して非同期アプリケーション・プログラムと相互協調処理することが望ましい(USP6336135)
$$ Optionally, call initiation includes specifying that a trusted user identity 200 is available if desired by the called party. (USP03051133)
$$ This value can be changed if desired by doping the PEO with a suitable dopant, for example sodium fluoride. (USP5903685)
$$ The stem may be biased as desired to provide fail safe operation of the bore selector to the production bore position, to the annulus position, or to any other position. (USP02066559)
$$ Features from the respective embodiments of the invention described above could also be combined as desired to provide a configuration appropriate for a particular application. / 上述の本発明のそれぞれの実施例からの特徴はまた、所望されるように組合わされて、特定の応用のために適切である構成を与えることができる。(USP6058304)
$$ Consequently, it has long been desired to provide a lightweight HMD more akin to a visor comprising an adjustable head band fitting closely about the head of a user. (USP5533137)
$$ It is usually desired that there should be some low level of liquid flowing through the device immediately after surgery. / 通常は、手術の直後にある少量の液体が器械を通ることが望まれる。(USP6186974)
$$ By re-directing his incoming calls to an international number desired by a third-party caller, user B can allow user A to make...(USP5907602)
$$ ...which utilizes shortened superconducting turns with infinite conductivity and inductance desired to be as close to zero as possible...(USP6304015)
$$ One example of the difficulties which can be encountered is where it is desired to control a number of different pieces of equipment by a common control unit. / 困難の1つは、共通の制御ユニットによって数多くの別の装置を制御することが望まれている場合に見られる。(USP5537605)
$$ It is desired that the called party apparatus 20 is able to obtain reliable and trustworthy identity information, even though the called party apparatus 20 receives such information through many intermediaries.(USP03051133)
$$ The amount of heat supplied is regulated and controlled to a desired temperature by a voltage controller (not shown). (USP01038872): 所望の温度
$$ The temperature control device 1 is controllable to direct the returning air flow 12 via a selected route such that once it is received again by the fan 6 it is at a desired temperature to provide either cooling or heating to the disk drive unit. / 温度制御装置1は、一旦ファン6によって再受容されると、ディスクドライブユニットへの冷却又は加熱のいずれかを提供するために所望の温度となるような、選択された経路を通って戻ってくる気流12を方向付けることに関して制御可能である。(USP7612996): 所望の温度
$$ ...it is desired for a Web Browser to interoperate with an asynchronous application program via a message queuing system.... / ウェブ・ブラウザがメッセージ・キューイング・システムを介して非同期アプリケーション・プログラムと相互協調処理することが望ましい(USP6336135)
$$ Optionally, call initiation includes specifying that a trusted user identity 200 is available if desired by the called party. (USP03051133)
$$ This value can be changed if desired by doping the PEO with a suitable dopant, for example sodium fluoride. (USP5903685)
$$ The stem may be biased as desired to provide fail safe operation of the bore selector to the production bore position, to the annulus position, or to any other position. (USP02066559)
$$ Features from the respective embodiments of the invention described above could also be combined as desired to provide a configuration appropriate for a particular application. / 上述の本発明のそれぞれの実施例からの特徴はまた、所望されるように組合わされて、特定の応用のために適切である構成を与えることができる。(USP6058304)
$$ Consequently, it has long been desired to provide a lightweight HMD more akin to a visor comprising an adjustable head band fitting closely about the head of a user. (USP5533137)
$$ It is usually desired that there should be some low level of liquid flowing through the device immediately after surgery. / 通常は、手術の直後にある少量の液体が器械を通ることが望まれる。(USP6186974)
$$ By re-directing his incoming calls to an international number desired by a third-party caller, user B can allow user A to make...(USP5907602)
$$ ...which utilizes shortened superconducting turns with infinite conductivity and inductance desired to be as close to zero as possible...(USP6304015)
$$ One example of the difficulties which can be encountered is where it is desired to control a number of different pieces of equipment by a common control unit. / 困難の1つは、共通の制御ユニットによって数多くの別の装置を制御することが望まれている場合に見られる。(USP5537605)
$$ It is desired that the called party apparatus 20 is able to obtain reliable and trustworthy identity information, even though the called party apparatus 20 receives such information through many intermediaries.(USP03051133)