IMAGE (動詞) 撮像する・映像化する
IMAGE (動詞) 撮像する・映像化する
$$ Advantageously, digital imaging information can be used to image the precursor without the need to use an imaging master such as a photographic transparency. / 有利には、デジタル画像形成情報が、透過原稿(transparency)等の画像形成原本を用いる必要なく該前駆体に画像形成するために用いられることができる。(USP01019809)
$$ Thirty times a second would certainly be sufficient to image the performer's movements.(USP02018284)
$$ Alternatively, the imager may be centre frequency scanable so that a single imaging camera may be used to image at variable centre frequencies. / 或いは、撮像器は、単一の撮像カメラを使って可変的中心周波数で撮像できるように中心周波数走査可能であってもよい。(USP6453224)
$$ Firstly, as the wavelength is necessarily long, in order to image under adverse weather conditions the system aperture must be large to gain adequate resolution. / 第1に、波長が必然的に長いので、悪天候の条件下で映像化するためには、このシステムの開口又はアパーチュアは、適度の解像力が得られるよう大きくなければならない。(USP6587246)
$$ U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,042,937 and 5,210,554 both describe a system in which both pupils may be imaged using a single sensor. (USP7625087)
$$ FIG. 2 shows a 4% Abil EM90 in mineral oil emulsion imaged in phase-contrast mode. (USP7429467)
$$ The sixth pass beam is then imaged by telescope (18) onto the coupling mirror (16) which couples light out of the amplifier system. (USP6700698)
$$ With a conventional light microscope three-dimensional structures cannot be successfully imaged. (USP6376818)
$$ A transmissive element 22 to be imaged by the device 10 is located adjacent the condenser lens 16. (USP5635997)
$$ As will be explained below, the optical interface includes one or more lenses to image or illuminate light passing through it. (USP7625134)
$$ In the general case the requirements for imaging are demanding. (USP7084980)
$$ This constrains the extent to which they can be used to image and measure multiple, small binding sites. (USP7084980)
$$ Traditionally, a-emitting markers may be used to image the distribution of a drug within a tissue sample. (USP6613210)
IMAGE (動詞) 撮像する・映像化する
$$ Advantageously, digital imaging information can be used to image the precursor without the need to use an imaging master such as a photographic transparency. / 有利には、デジタル画像形成情報が、透過原稿(transparency)等の画像形成原本を用いる必要なく該前駆体に画像形成するために用いられることができる。(USP01019809)
$$ Thirty times a second would certainly be sufficient to image the performer's movements.(USP02018284)
$$ Alternatively, the imager may be centre frequency scanable so that a single imaging camera may be used to image at variable centre frequencies. / 或いは、撮像器は、単一の撮像カメラを使って可変的中心周波数で撮像できるように中心周波数走査可能であってもよい。(USP6453224)
$$ Firstly, as the wavelength is necessarily long, in order to image under adverse weather conditions the system aperture must be large to gain adequate resolution. / 第1に、波長が必然的に長いので、悪天候の条件下で映像化するためには、このシステムの開口又はアパーチュアは、適度の解像力が得られるよう大きくなければならない。(USP6587246)
$$ U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,042,937 and 5,210,554 both describe a system in which both pupils may be imaged using a single sensor. (USP7625087)
$$ FIG. 2 shows a 4% Abil EM90 in mineral oil emulsion imaged in phase-contrast mode. (USP7429467)
$$ The sixth pass beam is then imaged by telescope (18) onto the coupling mirror (16) which couples light out of the amplifier system. (USP6700698)
$$ With a conventional light microscope three-dimensional structures cannot be successfully imaged. (USP6376818)
$$ A transmissive element 22 to be imaged by the device 10 is located adjacent the condenser lens 16. (USP5635997)
$$ As will be explained below, the optical interface includes one or more lenses to image or illuminate light passing through it. (USP7625134)
$$ In the general case the requirements for imaging are demanding. (USP7084980)
$$ This constrains the extent to which they can be used to image and measure multiple, small binding sites. (USP7084980)
$$ Traditionally, a-emitting markers may be used to image the distribution of a drug within a tissue sample. (USP6613210)
"imaging signal"や"imaged signal"よりも、 "video signal"や "picture signal"の方が使用頻度は高いようである。
$$ A dashed line 98 illustrates that part of the video image signal 96 which was originally present in the illegal version of the video image and is representative of illegal colour components of the image. / 破線98は、規格化される前のビデオ画像信号96の一部であり、画像の規格外の色成分を表している。(USP6614489)
$$ An image signal I incident on an objective lens OL is split into eight components respectively directed to the video cameras. / 対物レンズOL上に生ずる画像信号Iは8つに分割され、それぞれビデオカメラの方に導かれる。(USP6157409)
$$ A film scanner, such as a telecine, includes a light source, collection optics and one or more light sensors to reduce image signals representative of an image on film. (USP7177050)
$$ This is particularly advantageous in applications where, for example, the compressed image signal is to be transmitted over a fixed bandwidth link. (USP6724817)
$$ The format of the tally signal may enable processing thereof to identify all signal sources contributing to a particular image area, to pixels of a mixed image or to any given field or frame of a video image signal. (USP5822015)
"imaging signal"や"imaged signal"よりも、 "video signal"や "picture signal"の方が使用頻度は高いようである。
$$ A dashed line 98 illustrates that part of the video image signal 96 which was originally present in the illegal version of the video image and is representative of illegal colour components of the image. / 破線98は、規格化される前のビデオ画像信号96の一部であり、画像の規格外の色成分を表している。(USP6614489)
$$ An image signal I incident on an objective lens OL is split into eight components respectively directed to the video cameras. / 対物レンズOL上に生ずる画像信号Iは8つに分割され、それぞれビデオカメラの方に導かれる。(USP6157409)
$$ A film scanner, such as a telecine, includes a light source, collection optics and one or more light sensors to reduce image signals representative of an image on film. (USP7177050)
$$ This is particularly advantageous in applications where, for example, the compressed image signal is to be transmitted over a fixed bandwidth link. (USP6724817)
$$ The format of the tally signal may enable processing thereof to identify all signal sources contributing to a particular image area, to pixels of a mixed image or to any given field or frame of a video image signal. (USP5822015)
"solid imaging device"よりも、"solid state imaging device"の方が使用頻度は高いようである。
$$ The image of the fingerprint is focussed onto a light-sensitive surface of a photo-detector imaging device 8 through a lens 5. (USP4805223)
$$ It is conventional practice to use wire bonds to provide the electrical connections to a thermal-radiation imaging device in such an encapsulation. (USP4859851)
$$ An anti-blooming gate, conventionally used to stop glare and saturation in solid state imaging devices by leaking away excessive charge, may be used to erase the image stored in the devices. / 従来より過大電荷をリークさせることにより、ソリッドステート撮像素子のぎらぎらする光や飽和を除去するために使用されている反ブルーミングゲートは、素子に記憶された画像を消去するために使用され得る。 (USP6157409)
$$ The method may be used in molecular imaging devices of all types, and in DNA sequences. (USP6613210)
$$ As is well known, in contrast to thermal imaging devices, such arrangements reduce the amount of information to be processed or monitored by eye. (USP6710345)
$$ For example, the pixel sensing elements may be phototransistors or photodiodes, and may be provided as elements of a solid state imaging device such as a charge coupled device ("CCD") array, or any other conventional solid state imaging device. (USP6327381)
"solid imaging device"よりも、"solid state imaging device"の方が使用頻度は高いようである。
$$ The image of the fingerprint is focussed onto a light-sensitive surface of a photo-detector imaging device 8 through a lens 5. (USP4805223)
$$ It is conventional practice to use wire bonds to provide the electrical connections to a thermal-radiation imaging device in such an encapsulation. (USP4859851)
$$ An anti-blooming gate, conventionally used to stop glare and saturation in solid state imaging devices by leaking away excessive charge, may be used to erase the image stored in the devices. / 従来より過大電荷をリークさせることにより、ソリッドステート撮像素子のぎらぎらする光や飽和を除去するために使用されている反ブルーミングゲートは、素子に記憶された画像を消去するために使用され得る。 (USP6157409)
$$ The method may be used in molecular imaging devices of all types, and in DNA sequences. (USP6613210)
$$ As is well known, in contrast to thermal imaging devices, such arrangements reduce the amount of information to be processed or monitored by eye. (USP6710345)
$$ For example, the pixel sensing elements may be phototransistors or photodiodes, and may be provided as elements of a solid state imaging device such as a charge coupled device ("CCD") array, or any other conventional solid state imaging device. (USP6327381)
$$ Embodiments of the invention provide a low-cost low power consumptive probe and a readily changeable time period to trigger the probe, but which period is repeatable despite the possible appearances of contact bounce immediately before workpiece contact takes place. / 本発明の実施形態によれば、低コストで電力消費の少ないプローブを提供でき、プローブをトリガする期間を容易に変更することができるが、ワークピースとの接触がある直前にチャタリングが現れる可能性があるにもかかわらず、この期間の再現は可能である。(USP6941671): T
$$ Thus by rotating the half-wave plate 118 (whether that be disposed immediately before the horn or elsewhere) it is possible to alter the radiation entering the horn. / こうして、1/2波長板118を回転させることによって、(それがホーンの直前に配置されてもその他の配置であっても)ホーンに入る放射に変えることが可能である。(USP6900756): S
$$ It will be understood that the pre-exception condition check will preferably be included immediately before the body of the fragment of code in which the exception might occur. (USP02029357): S
$$ Such containers are prepared by blow moulding a preform or parison and the blow moulding operation on the preform or parison may be carried out in a container filling plant immediately before the containers are washed and filled. (USP4573505): S
$$ A tensioner 34 is provided at a point immediately before the pipeline 26 passes from the deck area 24 to the sheave 28, to control both the bending of the pipe around the sheave and the laying tension. (USP5836719): S
$$ Embodiments of the invention provide a low-cost low power consumptive probe and a readily changeable time period to trigger the probe, but which period is repeatable despite the possible appearances of contact bounce immediately before workpiece contact takes place. / 本発明の実施形態によれば、低コストで電力消費の少ないプローブを提供でき、プローブをトリガする期間を容易に変更することができるが、ワークピースとの接触がある直前にチャタリングが現れる可能性があるにもかかわらず、この期間の再現は可能である。(USP6941671): T
$$ Thus by rotating the half-wave plate 118 (whether that be disposed immediately before the horn or elsewhere) it is possible to alter the radiation entering the horn. / こうして、1/2波長板118を回転させることによって、(それがホーンの直前に配置されてもその他の配置であっても)ホーンに入る放射に変えることが可能である。(USP6900756): S
$$ It will be understood that the pre-exception condition check will preferably be included immediately before the body of the fragment of code in which the exception might occur. (USP02029357): S
$$ Such containers are prepared by blow moulding a preform or parison and the blow moulding operation on the preform or parison may be carried out in a container filling plant immediately before the containers are washed and filled. (USP4573505): S
$$ A tensioner 34 is provided at a point immediately before the pipeline 26 passes from the deck area 24 to the sheave 28, to control both the bending of the pipe around the sheave and the laying tension. (USP5836719): S
$$ Immediately after the session has terminated, the NAS 16 sends an accounting-stop message to the server 24. (USP7647403): T
$$ The activate and select lines 83 and 85 are switched back to earth potential immediately after readout. (USP6858912): T
$$ Immediately after deposition, the MOCVD film was hydrogen plasma treated and then silane soaked. (USP6933246): T
$$ It will be appreciated that the first and second phases overlap, the bags being tumbled in the coolant immediately after they enter it. (USP6672098): T
$$ Exhaust gas temperatures immediately after the furnace are quite high, typically 1300-1450.degree. C. (USP6615612): S
$$ Accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) started immediately after the ammonium chloride was exhausted. (USP6080562): T
$$ Therefore, SRAM programmed FPGAs must have a configuration bitstream loaded into them immediately after power is applied: normally this configuration information comes from a serial EPROM. (USP01037458): T
$$ Immediately after the session has terminated, the NAS 16 sends an accounting-stop message to the server 24. (USP7647403): T
$$ The activate and select lines 83 and 85 are switched back to earth potential immediately after readout. (USP6858912): T
$$ Immediately after deposition, the MOCVD film was hydrogen plasma treated and then silane soaked. (USP6933246): T
$$ It will be appreciated that the first and second phases overlap, the bags being tumbled in the coolant immediately after they enter it. (USP6672098): T
$$ Exhaust gas temperatures immediately after the furnace are quite high, typically 1300-1450.degree. C. (USP6615612): S
$$ Accumulation of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) started immediately after the ammonium chloride was exhausted. (USP6080562): T
$$ Therefore, SRAM programmed FPGAs must have a configuration bitstream loaded into them immediately after power is applied: normally this configuration information comes from a serial EPROM. (USP01037458): T
IMMEDIATELY (その他のパターン)
IMMEDIATELY (その他のパターン)~ /above /beneath /adjacent /prior to /preceding /succeeding /subsequent /following /below /apparent /upstream /downstream /in front of /behind /upon /in response to /outside/
$$ The surface terminates with a hook 439 that is designed to co-operate with a roller 440 supported on a guide bush 441 immediately above the nose. / その表面は、ノーズのすぐ上でガイド・ブッシュ441に支持されたローラー440と協働するように設計されているフック439で、終了する。(USP6692213)
$$ A sputtering electrode is also positioned within the vacuum chamber immediately above the wafer 18. / またスパッタリング電極は、真空チャンバ内のウエハ18のすぐ上に配置される。(USP6190517)
$$ A discharge port 9 is defined in the upper end portion 7 at a location immediately above the flange 8 so as to extend radially into communication with the interior of the upper end portion. (USP5904274)
$$ Even when the prospective level is not itself a low velocity layer in the layered sequence of a sedimentary basin, there might be a waveguide immediately above or below for which the faulting could be assumed to match that in the reservoir level. (USP5260911)
$$ Each of the translucent layers immediately above and immediately below core 8 (for example 87, 97 in FIG. 13) should be reflective to rays incident to the layer for all angles of incidence greater than 60°, and preferably for all angles of incidence greater than 55°, and more preferably for all angles of incidence greater than 45°. (USP01022495)
$$ A method according to claim 1, wherein the subsequent track is the track immediately following the present track. / 後続トラックが現在のトラックのすぐ後のトラックであることを特徴とする請求項1に記載の方法。(USP6172830)
$$ The result is that the data immediately following becomes the new header as the message enters the next node. (USP5422881)
$$ The sequence of video frames will usually be immediately succeeding frames, although a sequence omitting every other frame could be employed if desired. (USP5296930)
$$ The point immediately beneath the communications satellite, is known as the nadir 50. / 通信衛星直下の地点は、最下点(nadir)50として知られている。(USP6031489)
$$ To further improve accuracy, values of X, Y, and Z that differ by a large amount from their immediately preceding and immediately subsequent values are excluded from the calculations of the smoothed value. (USP6585162)
$$ Immediately downstream of the HP turbine stage there is an annular array of HP turbine nozzle guide vanes, of which one is indicated at 12, partly cutaway to reveal its internal cooling system. (USP6357999)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 2 wherein the pilot arc current is reduced to said low level immediately in response to detection of said main arc.(USP6566625)
$$ A vertical ridge 26 is formed on the inside of the side wall portion of the moulded structure 1a immediately behind the first groove 11. The purpose of the ridges 25, 26 will be explained below. (USP6253899)
$$ A locating lug 35 projects down from the stud body base surface 37 immediately in front of the bottom opening of its bolt hole 50. (USP6357146)
$$ Reaction (D) may be achieved by adding oxygen or air to the fuel gas immediately upstream of the fuel cell. / 反応式(D)で表わされる反応は、燃料電池のすぐ上流において燃料ガスに酸素または空気を添加することにより達成することができる。(USP5436086)
$$ Furthermore, this tampering will also be immediately apparent to a customer by visual inspection of the security label. / 更に、こうした侵害は、また、安全ラベルを目視することで、消費者にも直ちに明らかになる。(USP5895075)
$$ Thus, each progressive scan frame, and the immediately preceding progressive scan frame, is available to the block matcher 10 at the same time as successive frames are output by the progressive scan converter 1. / 従って、各順次走査フレームとそのすぐ前の順次走査フレームは、連続するフレームが順次走査コンバータ1によって出力されると同時に、ブロック照合回路10に使用される。(USP5446497)
$$ A method according to claim 11, including erasing the devices immediately prior to exposure so that only one device has no stored image at a time. (USP6157409)
$$ The bearing 24 is mounted on the shaft immediately adjacent the sleeve 11A on which the first parts 11,11' of the coupling devices are mounted.(USP01008810)
$$ The plunger stem may carry distinctive visual symbols representative of dose sizes which appear immediately above the body at click positions. / プランジャステムは、本体部表面のクリック位置に直接表示する、投与量サイズを示す識別可視記号を付すようにしてもよい。(USP6422434)
$$ With respect to a cellular communication system configured to support an underlay/overlay frequency re-use, a typical channel assignment protocol is illustrated in TABLE 2 immediately below: (USP6212385)
IMMEDIATELY (その他のパターン)~ /above /beneath /adjacent /prior to /preceding /succeeding /subsequent /following /below /apparent /upstream /downstream /in front of /behind /upon /in response to /outside/
$$ The surface terminates with a hook 439 that is designed to co-operate with a roller 440 supported on a guide bush 441 immediately above the nose. / その表面は、ノーズのすぐ上でガイド・ブッシュ441に支持されたローラー440と協働するように設計されているフック439で、終了する。(USP6692213)
$$ A sputtering electrode is also positioned within the vacuum chamber immediately above the wafer 18. / またスパッタリング電極は、真空チャンバ内のウエハ18のすぐ上に配置される。(USP6190517)
$$ A discharge port 9 is defined in the upper end portion 7 at a location immediately above the flange 8 so as to extend radially into communication with the interior of the upper end portion. (USP5904274)
$$ Even when the prospective level is not itself a low velocity layer in the layered sequence of a sedimentary basin, there might be a waveguide immediately above or below for which the faulting could be assumed to match that in the reservoir level. (USP5260911)
$$ Each of the translucent layers immediately above and immediately below core 8 (for example 87, 97 in FIG. 13) should be reflective to rays incident to the layer for all angles of incidence greater than 60°, and preferably for all angles of incidence greater than 55°, and more preferably for all angles of incidence greater than 45°. (USP01022495)
$$ A method according to claim 1, wherein the subsequent track is the track immediately following the present track. / 後続トラックが現在のトラックのすぐ後のトラックであることを特徴とする請求項1に記載の方法。(USP6172830)
$$ The result is that the data immediately following becomes the new header as the message enters the next node. (USP5422881)
$$ The sequence of video frames will usually be immediately succeeding frames, although a sequence omitting every other frame could be employed if desired. (USP5296930)
$$ The point immediately beneath the communications satellite, is known as the nadir 50. / 通信衛星直下の地点は、最下点(nadir)50として知られている。(USP6031489)
$$ To further improve accuracy, values of X, Y, and Z that differ by a large amount from their immediately preceding and immediately subsequent values are excluded from the calculations of the smoothed value. (USP6585162)
$$ Immediately downstream of the HP turbine stage there is an annular array of HP turbine nozzle guide vanes, of which one is indicated at 12, partly cutaway to reveal its internal cooling system. (USP6357999)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 2 wherein the pilot arc current is reduced to said low level immediately in response to detection of said main arc.(USP6566625)
$$ A vertical ridge 26 is formed on the inside of the side wall portion of the moulded structure 1a immediately behind the first groove 11. The purpose of the ridges 25, 26 will be explained below. (USP6253899)
$$ A locating lug 35 projects down from the stud body base surface 37 immediately in front of the bottom opening of its bolt hole 50. (USP6357146)
$$ Reaction (D) may be achieved by adding oxygen or air to the fuel gas immediately upstream of the fuel cell. / 反応式(D)で表わされる反応は、燃料電池のすぐ上流において燃料ガスに酸素または空気を添加することにより達成することができる。(USP5436086)
$$ Furthermore, this tampering will also be immediately apparent to a customer by visual inspection of the security label. / 更に、こうした侵害は、また、安全ラベルを目視することで、消費者にも直ちに明らかになる。(USP5895075)
$$ Thus, each progressive scan frame, and the immediately preceding progressive scan frame, is available to the block matcher 10 at the same time as successive frames are output by the progressive scan converter 1. / 従って、各順次走査フレームとそのすぐ前の順次走査フレームは、連続するフレームが順次走査コンバータ1によって出力されると同時に、ブロック照合回路10に使用される。(USP5446497)
$$ A method according to claim 11, including erasing the devices immediately prior to exposure so that only one device has no stored image at a time. (USP6157409)
$$ The bearing 24 is mounted on the shaft immediately adjacent the sleeve 11A on which the first parts 11,11' of the coupling devices are mounted.(USP01008810)
$$ The plunger stem may carry distinctive visual symbols representative of dose sizes which appear immediately above the body at click positions. / プランジャステムは、本体部表面のクリック位置に直接表示する、投与量サイズを示す識別可視記号を付すようにしてもよい。(USP6422434)
$$ With respect to a cellular communication system configured to support an underlay/overlay frequency re-use, a typical channel assignment protocol is illustrated in TABLE 2 immediately below: (USP6212385)
IMPAIR 損なう;悪化させる
IMPAIR 損なう;悪化させる
$$ However, the perceived quality of a delay-intolerant call can be severely impaired if such a call is packet-switched, and vice versa. / しかしながら遅延不寛容の呼の知覚された品質は、このような呼がパケット交換方式であるとき、著しく損なわれることがあり、この逆もまた同じである。(USP6584098)
$$ The use of multiple roof reflectors in the arrangement of FIG. 9 can introduce phase changes which impair the spatial resolution of the imager. / 図9の構造における多屋根形反射器の使用により影像の空間的な識別性を減損する位相変化を採り入れることができる。(USP6587246)
$$ The performance of a triboelectric particle detector may be impaired if particles from the flow are allowed to build up on its surface. / 摩擦電気式の粒子検出器の性能は、流れに含まれる粒子をその表面に堆積させておくと、損なわれる可能性がある。(USP6489775)
$$ Glaucoma is a common cause of blindness or visual impairment throughout the world, affecting about 1 person in 40 at some point in their life to a varying degree. / 緑内障は世界中で失明又は視力障害の共通の原因であり、約40人に1人がその人生のある点で種々の程度の影響を受けている。(USP6186974)
$$ The value of resistor R1 will give a voltage drop that will impair the low operating performance of the controller. / 抵抗器R1のこの値は電圧降下を引き起こし、これによりコントローラの低動作性能が損なわれる。(USP6331767)
$$ The crystal is selected for low levels of impurities such as boron or phosphorous, which would impair its insulating properties. / この結晶は、その絶縁特性に減じるであろう、低レベルのホウ素又はリンのような不純物を持つように選択される。(USP5407276)
$$ Such dominant negative mutations, when used in Ty transposition studies, provide indication that inhibition of Ku function can impair Ty retrotransposition. /このような優性の負の変異は、Tyトランスポジションの研究に使用される場合、Ku機能の阻害がTyレトロトランスポジションを妨害することができることを示す。 (USP6242175)
$$ The electron beam is now used to impart heat to the previously visualised individual crystal.(USP6392915) 加熱する
$$ It is believed that the drying process imparts much of the heat required in the pasteurisation step, and that this enables pasteurisation to take place using a relatively minuscule amount of alkaline admixture.(USP01023853)加熱する
$$ The surrounding aluminium phase is also a continuous network which imparts toughness to the alloy and also provides a continuous path for heat conduction, thereby providing a high thermal conductivity material.(USP6312535)剛性付与
$$ Paradoxically, the more energy initially imparted to the plasma, the less is the energy absorbed by the plasma due to its lower electrical impedance.(USP02022836)エネルギー付与
$$ By suitable conventional treatment of the external third layer 3 additional advantageous properties such as water, chemical and fire resistance can readily be imparted.(USP5656352)耐薬品、耐火性付与
$$ The openable/closable portion 6 opens to form the aperture 13 with limited deformation of the container body 3 and there is negligible pressure imparted on the contents.(USP02069615)圧力を加える
$$ During this process, the alloy will impart a considerable force against anything resisting the change back to the original geometry.(USP02074742)
$$ The transducer 72 is arranged to move the panel 70 pistonically at low frequencies and to vibrate the panel 70 at, high frequencies to impart bending waves to the panel whereby it resonates as discussed at length above.(USP6442282)
$$ The present invention is concerned with a microscope in which there are driving means for imparting movement to the stage both in the X and Y directions.(USP6006140)動きを与える
$$ This imparts tensile strength and resilience without impairing rope flexibility.(USP6360522)引張り強度を与える
$$ The physical quantity being measured may for example be strain imparted to structure 2 due to the straining of a surface 6 to which structure 2 is substantially rigidly mounted.(USP6467351)応力を加える
$$ The spring loaded idler wheel 28 imparts rotational drive to the flicker wheel 30. 回転駆動力を与える(USP4650178)
$$ ...which imparts high shear to the components of the composition...組成物の成分に高い剪断力を与える(USP5364511)
$$ The electron beam is now used to impart heat to the previously visualised individual crystal.(USP6392915) 加熱する
$$ It is believed that the drying process imparts much of the heat required in the pasteurisation step, and that this enables pasteurisation to take place using a relatively minuscule amount of alkaline admixture.(USP01023853)加熱する
$$ The surrounding aluminium phase is also a continuous network which imparts toughness to the alloy and also provides a continuous path for heat conduction, thereby providing a high thermal conductivity material.(USP6312535)剛性付与
$$ Paradoxically, the more energy initially imparted to the plasma, the less is the energy absorbed by the plasma due to its lower electrical impedance.(USP02022836)エネルギー付与
$$ By suitable conventional treatment of the external third layer 3 additional advantageous properties such as water, chemical and fire resistance can readily be imparted.(USP5656352)耐薬品、耐火性付与
$$ The openable/closable portion 6 opens to form the aperture 13 with limited deformation of the container body 3 and there is negligible pressure imparted on the contents.(USP02069615)圧力を加える
$$ During this process, the alloy will impart a considerable force against anything resisting the change back to the original geometry.(USP02074742)
$$ The transducer 72 is arranged to move the panel 70 pistonically at low frequencies and to vibrate the panel 70 at, high frequencies to impart bending waves to the panel whereby it resonates as discussed at length above.(USP6442282)
$$ The present invention is concerned with a microscope in which there are driving means for imparting movement to the stage both in the X and Y directions.(USP6006140)動きを与える
$$ This imparts tensile strength and resilience without impairing rope flexibility.(USP6360522)引張り強度を与える
$$ The physical quantity being measured may for example be strain imparted to structure 2 due to the straining of a surface 6 to which structure 2 is substantially rigidly mounted.(USP6467351)応力を加える
$$ The spring loaded idler wheel 28 imparts rotational drive to the flicker wheel 30. 回転駆動力を与える(USP4650178)
$$ ...which imparts high shear to the components of the composition...組成物の成分に高い剪断力を与える(USP5364511)
$$ The transmission-line parts 15c, 15d, 74 and 76 will be satisfactory if they each have an impedance that is half that associated with the remainder of the transmission-line 15, as above. / 伝送線部15c、15d、74および76は、これら各々が、前述のように、伝送線15の残り部分に関連する半分のインピーダンスを有する場合、良好である。(USP6816020)
$$ A significant feature of the generator characteristic for electrosurgical cutting or tissue vaporisation is that at peak power (matched impedance) the load impedance lies between the impedances corresponding to the threshold voltages at that power level. (USP6416509)
$$ If it were possible to obtain perfect matching of impedances, total cancellation would be effected. (USP4993060)
$$ Where there are any even number of coupled transmission-lines, their respective characteristic impedances can all be equal. / 結合した伝送線の数がいずれかの偶数である場合、それらの各特性インピーダンスは全て等しいとすることができる。(USP6816020)
$$ An amplifier comprising an emitter-coupled pair of transistors having inductive load impedances, with capacitive feedback elements tuned with the inductive loads... / 増幅器はエミッタ結合され誘導負荷インピーダンスを有する一対のトランジスタから成り、容量帰還素子が上記誘導負荷と同調され (USP5378997)
$$ Radio frequency power is provided by a supply 17, and then fed to the coils 14, 15, via an impedance matching unit 18. / 無線周波電力は電源17より与えられ、それからインピーダンス整合ユニット18を経由してコイル群14と15に供給される。(USP6458239)
$$ A common matching stage matches the combined impedance of the coils and tuning circuitry to the radio frequency generator./共通する整合段階は無線周波発生器に対する同調回路と前記コイル群の結合したインピーダンスを整合させる。(USP6458239)
$$ For the RF generator 34 to transfer power efficiently, it must be connected to a load which also has an impedance of 50Ω. / RF発生器34が効率的に電力を伝送するために、RF発生器34はやはり50Ωのインピーダンスを有する負荷に接続されなければならない。(USP01004075)
$$ Clearly, this is a relatively low impedance at 2.45 GHz but a very high impedance at 1 MHz. (USP02022836)
$$ The transmission-line parts 15c, 15d, 74 and 76 will be satisfactory if they each have an impedance that is half that associated with the remainder of the transmission-line 15, as above. / 伝送線部15c、15d、74および76は、これら各々が、前述のように、伝送線15の残り部分に関連する半分のインピーダンスを有する場合、良好である。(USP6816020)
$$ A significant feature of the generator characteristic for electrosurgical cutting or tissue vaporisation is that at peak power (matched impedance) the load impedance lies between the impedances corresponding to the threshold voltages at that power level. (USP6416509)
$$ If it were possible to obtain perfect matching of impedances, total cancellation would be effected. (USP4993060)
$$ Where there are any even number of coupled transmission-lines, their respective characteristic impedances can all be equal. / 結合した伝送線の数がいずれかの偶数である場合、それらの各特性インピーダンスは全て等しいとすることができる。(USP6816020)
$$ An amplifier comprising an emitter-coupled pair of transistors having inductive load impedances, with capacitive feedback elements tuned with the inductive loads... / 増幅器はエミッタ結合され誘導負荷インピーダンスを有する一対のトランジスタから成り、容量帰還素子が上記誘導負荷と同調され (USP5378997)
$$ Radio frequency power is provided by a supply 17, and then fed to the coils 14, 15, via an impedance matching unit 18. / 無線周波電力は電源17より与えられ、それからインピーダンス整合ユニット18を経由してコイル群14と15に供給される。(USP6458239)
$$ A common matching stage matches the combined impedance of the coils and tuning circuitry to the radio frequency generator./共通する整合段階は無線周波発生器に対する同調回路と前記コイル群の結合したインピーダンスを整合させる。(USP6458239)
$$ For the RF generator 34 to transfer power efficiently, it must be connected to a load which also has an impedance of 50Ω. / RF発生器34が効率的に電力を伝送するために、RF発生器34はやはり50Ωのインピーダンスを有する負荷に接続されなければならない。(USP01004075)
$$ Clearly, this is a relatively low impedance at 2.45 GHz but a very high impedance at 1 MHz. (USP02022836)
IMPLEMENT 実施する・実行する
IMPLEMENT 実施する・実行する
$$ In many implementations of transceiver circuits the components of the filters (especially the RF filters 12, 20, 21) are implemented by passive components rather than as active filters. / 送受信機回路の多くの実施において、フィルタ(特にRFフィルタ12,20,21)の構成要素は、アクティブフィルタよりもむしろパッシブ構成要素により実施されている。(USP6681102)
$$ The ROM 38 can be implemented by any appropriate technology, for example, by a flash PROM. / ROM38は、適切な任意の技術によって、例えばフラッシュPROMによって実現することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ As shown, eight shunt capacitors are implemented by means of mosfet transistors. / 図示のように、8つの分路コンデンサが、MOSFETトランジスタによって実装されている。(USP6816020)
$$ FIG. 5 shows a system for implementing a method in which the invention is embodied. / 図5は、発明が具体化された方法を実施するためのシステムを示す。(USP6586903)
$$ The system 500 provides an advantage of using generally available components employed in the prior art for implementing the invention. / システム500は、従来技術で利用されている一般に入手可能な構成要素を、本発明を実施するために使用できるという利点を提供する。(USP6414294)
$$ As already indicated, the skilled person will appreciate that the intelligent network illustrated in FIG. 4 shows only one way of implementing an FDS according to the present invention. / 既に示されているように、当業者は、図4に示されたインテリジェント網が、本発明にしたがってFDSを実行する1つの方法のみを示していることを認識するであろう。(USP5907602)
IMPLEMENT 実施する・実行する
$$ In many implementations of transceiver circuits the components of the filters (especially the RF filters 12, 20, 21) are implemented by passive components rather than as active filters. / 送受信機回路の多くの実施において、フィルタ(特にRFフィルタ12,20,21)の構成要素は、アクティブフィルタよりもむしろパッシブ構成要素により実施されている。(USP6681102)
$$ The ROM 38 can be implemented by any appropriate technology, for example, by a flash PROM. / ROM38は、適切な任意の技術によって、例えばフラッシュPROMによって実現することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ As shown, eight shunt capacitors are implemented by means of mosfet transistors. / 図示のように、8つの分路コンデンサが、MOSFETトランジスタによって実装されている。(USP6816020)
$$ FIG. 5 shows a system for implementing a method in which the invention is embodied. / 図5は、発明が具体化された方法を実施するためのシステムを示す。(USP6586903)
$$ The system 500 provides an advantage of using generally available components employed in the prior art for implementing the invention. / システム500は、従来技術で利用されている一般に入手可能な構成要素を、本発明を実施するために使用できるという利点を提供する。(USP6414294)
$$ As already indicated, the skilled person will appreciate that the intelligent network illustrated in FIG. 4 shows only one way of implementing an FDS according to the present invention. / 既に示されているように、当業者は、図4に示されたインテリジェント網が、本発明にしたがってFDSを実行する1つの方法のみを示していることを認識するであろう。(USP5907602)
$$ It is important for the scanned images to be in register. (USP02008881)
$$ The inventors have found that it is important for this property to be replicated in a 3-D control environment to minimise disorientation of the user as the viewpoint changes. / 本件発明者はこの性質を3次元制御環境で模倣することが、視点の変化によって利用者が方向感覚を失う場合を少なくするために重要であることを発見した。(USP6281877)
$$ Existing standards such as RS232 or USB may be used, although the choice of interface is not important. (USP6606033)
$$ Thus, any techniques which allow increase of capacity at existing base transceiver stations are important. (USP6167286)
$$ Therefore, in this example, controlling which pages can be accessed, and in which order they can be accessed, is important. / したがってこの例では、何れのページにアクセスして、何れの順序でアクセスできるかを制御することが重要である。(USP6393468)
$$ With these last devices the need to provide an accurate amount of charge and to prevent leakage has become particularly important. / これら最近のデバイスにおいて、正確な量の電荷を供給し、漏れを防ぐ要請が特に重視されてきている。(USP6509605)
$$ This becomes an important skill when using shared expressions.(USP6691301)
$$ The use of plasmas for materials processing is becoming increasingly important, but a limitation on their adoption is the relatively high electrical power inputs which are required to generate the plasma, and also the high temperature of the activated gases produced. / 物質処理にプラズマを用いることがますます重要となってきているが、これらを採用する場合には、プラズマを発生するために比較的高い電力を入力することが必要なこと、また、生成された活性ガスが高温であることといった制限を受ける。(USP5418430)
$$ The processing conditions are important to prevent the result being a bread-like product. (USP01031300)
$$ Optimisation of both molecular weight and acid content are important to achieve operability of the precursor(s) in a thermal IJ head. (USP6639006)
$$ It is important for the scanned images to be in register. (USP02008881)
$$ The inventors have found that it is important for this property to be replicated in a 3-D control environment to minimise disorientation of the user as the viewpoint changes. / 本件発明者はこの性質を3次元制御環境で模倣することが、視点の変化によって利用者が方向感覚を失う場合を少なくするために重要であることを発見した。(USP6281877)
$$ Existing standards such as RS232 or USB may be used, although the choice of interface is not important. (USP6606033)
$$ Thus, any techniques which allow increase of capacity at existing base transceiver stations are important. (USP6167286)
$$ Therefore, in this example, controlling which pages can be accessed, and in which order they can be accessed, is important. / したがってこの例では、何れのページにアクセスして、何れの順序でアクセスできるかを制御することが重要である。(USP6393468)
$$ With these last devices the need to provide an accurate amount of charge and to prevent leakage has become particularly important. / これら最近のデバイスにおいて、正確な量の電荷を供給し、漏れを防ぐ要請が特に重視されてきている。(USP6509605)
$$ This becomes an important skill when using shared expressions.(USP6691301)
$$ The use of plasmas for materials processing is becoming increasingly important, but a limitation on their adoption is the relatively high electrical power inputs which are required to generate the plasma, and also the high temperature of the activated gases produced. / 物質処理にプラズマを用いることがますます重要となってきているが、これらを採用する場合には、プラズマを発生するために比較的高い電力を入力することが必要なこと、また、生成された活性ガスが高温であることといった制限を受ける。(USP5418430)
$$ The processing conditions are important to prevent the result being a bread-like product. (USP01031300)
$$ Optimisation of both molecular weight and acid content are important to achieve operability of the precursor(s) in a thermal IJ head. (USP6639006)
IMPOSE (制限などを)課する
IMPOSE (制限などを)課する
$$ A further condition is then imposed, which is that the largest delta-t value should not be greater than a predetermined time interval, in this case 400 μs. / 次に別な条件が付加され、これは最大のデルタt値は所定の時間間隔(ここでは400μs)よりも大きくてはいけないというものである。(USP6826982)
$$ This imposes various design constraints related to the thermal mass of areas requiring insulation and the disposal of unwanted heat into the environment. / これは、絶縁及び環境への不要な熱の放出が必要となる領域の熱量に関係した様々な設計的な制限を課すものである。(USP6764226)
$$ However, as the spacing is not variable and is determined by the design of the sensor head 38, restrictions on the choice of user-selected step size have to be imposed. / しかしながら、間隔は可変ではなくセンサヘッド38の設計により決まるため、ユーザが選択するステップサイズに制限を課さなければならない。(USP6611142)
$$ However, the CARNET chip generates the FSK waveform by digital synthesis, imposing high frequency quantisation noise on the desired band-limited signal. / しかしながら、CARNETチップは、デジタル合成によってFSK波形を生成し、所望の限定された帯域の信号に高周波量子化ノイズが乗る。(USP6473469)
$$ However, if optimum indexes are not provided, queries will tend to impose excessive demands upon the central processing unit. / しかしながら、最適なインデックスが提供されなかった場合、照会によって中央処理装置に過剰な要求が課せられてしまう。(USP6182079)
$$ At the first node downstream along the source-based tree, the queuing delay to be imposed on the flow in relation to each of the one or more downstream hops involved in the current session. / 資源ベースのツリーに沿う下流の第1のノードでは、照会遅延は現在のセッションに含まれる1以上の下流ホップのそれぞれに対してフローに与えられることになる。(USP6163807)
$$ Security imposes dependencies on processes and their interconnections. / プロセスおよびそれらの相互接続に依存した保護が行われる。(USP5907602)
$$ The known arrangement has layout disadvantages because each contact is subject to spacing constraints which are imposed by the requirement electrically to isolate any two contacts. / この公知の構造は、2つのコンタクトを絶縁する必要から相互離間要件を満たさなければならないというレイアウト上の欠点がある。(USP5541434)
$$ Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements impose severe limits on any emission outside these bands. / 電磁適合性(EMC)要件はこれらの帯域外での放射に対して厳しい制限を課している。(USP01004075)
$$ Because the electrical resistivity of batch is below the limit imposed by back-corona, but still high enough to produce strong cohesive forces at the batch surface 7, entrainment of dust from the batch can be eliminated.(USP01008076)
$$ These restrictions, and others imposed by the operator, are described in further detail below.(USP01027430)
$$ Clearly, that imposes constraints on the amount of code that may be compiled.(USP02029357)
IMPOSE (制限などを)課する
$$ A further condition is then imposed, which is that the largest delta-t value should not be greater than a predetermined time interval, in this case 400 μs. / 次に別な条件が付加され、これは最大のデルタt値は所定の時間間隔(ここでは400μs)よりも大きくてはいけないというものである。(USP6826982)
$$ This imposes various design constraints related to the thermal mass of areas requiring insulation and the disposal of unwanted heat into the environment. / これは、絶縁及び環境への不要な熱の放出が必要となる領域の熱量に関係した様々な設計的な制限を課すものである。(USP6764226)
$$ However, as the spacing is not variable and is determined by the design of the sensor head 38, restrictions on the choice of user-selected step size have to be imposed. / しかしながら、間隔は可変ではなくセンサヘッド38の設計により決まるため、ユーザが選択するステップサイズに制限を課さなければならない。(USP6611142)
$$ However, the CARNET chip generates the FSK waveform by digital synthesis, imposing high frequency quantisation noise on the desired band-limited signal. / しかしながら、CARNETチップは、デジタル合成によってFSK波形を生成し、所望の限定された帯域の信号に高周波量子化ノイズが乗る。(USP6473469)
$$ However, if optimum indexes are not provided, queries will tend to impose excessive demands upon the central processing unit. / しかしながら、最適なインデックスが提供されなかった場合、照会によって中央処理装置に過剰な要求が課せられてしまう。(USP6182079)
$$ At the first node downstream along the source-based tree, the queuing delay to be imposed on the flow in relation to each of the one or more downstream hops involved in the current session. / 資源ベースのツリーに沿う下流の第1のノードでは、照会遅延は現在のセッションに含まれる1以上の下流ホップのそれぞれに対してフローに与えられることになる。(USP6163807)
$$ Security imposes dependencies on processes and their interconnections. / プロセスおよびそれらの相互接続に依存した保護が行われる。(USP5907602)
$$ The known arrangement has layout disadvantages because each contact is subject to spacing constraints which are imposed by the requirement electrically to isolate any two contacts. / この公知の構造は、2つのコンタクトを絶縁する必要から相互離間要件を満たさなければならないというレイアウト上の欠点がある。(USP5541434)
$$ Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements impose severe limits on any emission outside these bands. / 電磁適合性(EMC)要件はこれらの帯域外での放射に対して厳しい制限を課している。(USP01004075)
$$ Because the electrical resistivity of batch is below the limit imposed by back-corona, but still high enough to produce strong cohesive forces at the batch surface 7, entrainment of dust from the batch can be eliminated.(USP01008076)
$$ These restrictions, and others imposed by the operator, are described in further detail below.(USP01027430)
$$ Clearly, that imposes constraints on the amount of code that may be compiled.(USP02029357)
$$ With perforated film, unwanted marking material would be trapped in the holes, making total removal of unwanted marking material relatively difficult, if not impossible. / 穿孔されたフィルムを用いると、不要なマーキング材料は、その孔内に入りこみ、不要なマーキング材料の除去を、不可能でないにしても、比較的困難なものとする。(USP6267052)
$$ First, it would be very difficult or impossible for the virus to mutate in such a way that it could evade drug action. / まず、ウイルスが薬物の作用を免れるようにウイルスが変異することは非常に困難又は不可能である。(USP6242175)
$$ In practice it is impossible to produce with existing techniques such an ideal arrangement. / 実際問題として、このような理想的な配置を現存の技術によって形成することは不可能である。(USP6190517)
$$ Qualitatively, this condition arises when it is impossible to satisfy the signal to interference requirements of both mobiles simultaneously. / 性質上、同時に両方の移動局の妨害要求への信号を満足させることが不可能なときには、この条件が成り立つ。(USP5430889)
$$ This is impossible in ANSI C. (USP6691301)
$$ However, in the case of a low signal-to-noise ratio in the receiver and/or in the presence of multipath fading, the initial identification of the reference tone may be difficult or impossible. (USP5249202)
$$ While the GC is not running, gcf is set to point to an impossible value. (USP02029357)
$$ With perforated film, unwanted marking material would be trapped in the holes, making total removal of unwanted marking material relatively difficult, if not impossible. / 穿孔されたフィルムを用いると、不要なマーキング材料は、その孔内に入りこみ、不要なマーキング材料の除去を、不可能でないにしても、比較的困難なものとする。(USP6267052)
$$ First, it would be very difficult or impossible for the virus to mutate in such a way that it could evade drug action. / まず、ウイルスが薬物の作用を免れるようにウイルスが変異することは非常に困難又は不可能である。(USP6242175)
$$ In practice it is impossible to produce with existing techniques such an ideal arrangement. / 実際問題として、このような理想的な配置を現存の技術によって形成することは不可能である。(USP6190517)
$$ Qualitatively, this condition arises when it is impossible to satisfy the signal to interference requirements of both mobiles simultaneously. / 性質上、同時に両方の移動局の妨害要求への信号を満足させることが不可能なときには、この条件が成り立つ。(USP5430889)
$$ This is impossible in ANSI C. (USP6691301)
$$ However, in the case of a low signal-to-noise ratio in the receiver and/or in the presence of multipath fading, the initial identification of the reference tone may be difficult or impossible. (USP5249202)
$$ While the GC is not running, gcf is set to point to an impossible value. (USP02029357)
$$ A gas sensor according to claim 1 wherein a conductive plastic mass (26) is disposed between the first electrode and the electrical terminal means, impregnating the first electrode. / 該第一の電極と該電気端子手段との間に導電性プラスチック材料が配置され、該第一の電極を含浸している、請求項1に記載のガスセンサー。(USP5914019)
$$ The foil was then impregnated and consolidated as in comparative example 2. / その後に比較例2のように、箔に含浸処理を行い且つ固化させた。(USP6177504)
$$ Where paper is employed it may be impregnated with a plastics material such as a phenolic compound to improve the stiffness of the paper. (USP6332029)
$$ The permeability may be uniform for the entire substrate or modified in the region 42 by for example pressing or impregnating a higher permeability substrate to reduce the permeability. (USP5914019)
$$ Generally it will be fabricated from for example from flexible synthetic or natural rubber, or fabric impregnated with a polymeric material to render the material essentially impervious to air. (USP7637922)
$$ Impregnated dressings and sprays are particularly useful. (USP7304129)
$$ In a preferred aspect such ingredient(s) may be impregnated into the textile fibre. (USP7566689)
$$ A gas sensor according to claim 1 wherein a conductive plastic mass (26) is disposed between the first electrode and the electrical terminal means, impregnating the first electrode. / 該第一の電極と該電気端子手段との間に導電性プラスチック材料が配置され、該第一の電極を含浸している、請求項1に記載のガスセンサー。(USP5914019)
$$ The foil was then impregnated and consolidated as in comparative example 2. / その後に比較例2のように、箔に含浸処理を行い且つ固化させた。(USP6177504)
$$ Where paper is employed it may be impregnated with a plastics material such as a phenolic compound to improve the stiffness of the paper. (USP6332029)
$$ The permeability may be uniform for the entire substrate or modified in the region 42 by for example pressing or impregnating a higher permeability substrate to reduce the permeability. (USP5914019)
$$ Generally it will be fabricated from for example from flexible synthetic or natural rubber, or fabric impregnated with a polymeric material to render the material essentially impervious to air. (USP7637922)
$$ Impregnated dressings and sprays are particularly useful. (USP7304129)
$$ In a preferred aspect such ingredient(s) may be impregnated into the textile fibre. (USP7566689)
"to improve in"のパターンはあまり用いられないようである。
"further improved"の方が、"improved further"よりも使用頻度が高い。
$$ To improve targeting further, a vasoconstricting drug such as angiotensin II may be infused prior to silicon microparticle administration. / ターゲッティングをさらに改良するためには、アンギオテンシンIIのような血管収縮薬を、シリコン微粒子の投与前に注入し得る。(USP8097236): improve sth further
$$ In order to improve further the correlation noise a temporal filter may be used with the invention and two possible types are described in our International Patent Application No. PCT/GB92/00952. (USP6151363)
$$ This serves to improve further the breakdown capability of the device. (USP02041003)
$$ This provides a type of "T-bar" handle, with much improved grip.(USP7223211)
$$ The bandwidth of the FFT processor has increased, and is much improved over the standard complex correlator. (USP6898176)
$$ The resistance to flow of the gelled compositions can be improved further by the addition of 0.01-3 wt % of a fatty acid, e.g., a compound of formula I or formula II: / ゲル化組成物の流れに対する抵抗は、少量(例えば0.01~1%)の脂肪酸モノマー、例えば、下記式I又は式IIの化合物の添加によってさらに改良することができる。(USP6582484)
$$ The accuracy of the external reference index can be yet further improved by statistical averaging over several clock track copying cycles. / 外部基準インデックスの精度は、数回のクロックトラック複写サイクルの統計的平均化によって、さらに改善することができる。(USP6172830)
$$ As it is the film forming polymer that is the main flammable material, fire retardancy is thereby further improved. (USP7638572)
$$ Signal quality is further improved as the hearing aid operates almost silently in the `T` mode. (USP6307945)
$$ By combining vibration with a fluid wash before and/or after vibration, swarf removal can be further improved. (USP5891255)
$$ The present invention seeks to provide an improved metal vapour laser apparatus. / 本発明は、改善された金属蒸気レーザ装置を提供する。(USP5339327)
$$ Since the cache memory is faster, this improves write speed. / キャッシュメモリは高速であるため、書込みの速度が早まる。(USP6138216)
$$ Equally, further information from as yet unheard positioning satellites 142 can be added at any time to improve the position estimation for the user terminal 44. / 同様に、いまだ受信していない位置決定衛星142からのさらなる情報は、使用者端末44に対する位置評価を改善するために、いつでも、加えられることができる。(USP6031489)
$$ It is an object of the invention to improve the quality of systems of the type set forth in the opening paragraph, by mitigating some or all of the above problems. / 本発明の目的は、上記の問題の若干もしくはすべてを軽減することにより、冒頭の記事に記述されたタイプのシステムの品質を改善することである。(USP5479385)
$$ Each cyclically shifted code word may be permuted in accordance with a secret permutation code to improve resistance to a collusion attack. / コルージョンアタックに対する耐性を高めるために、秘密の順序変更コード(secret permutation code)に基づいて、循環的にシフトされるコードワードの順序を変更してもよい。(USP03131243)
$$ Quenching is used to harden the object and/or to improve its mechanical properties, by controlling internal crystallisation and/or precipitation, for example. / 急冷は、たとえば内部結晶化および/または析出を制御することによって該物体を焼き入れ、かつ/またはその機械的性質を改善するのに用いられる。(USP01020503)
$$ Both the turntable 24 and the mode stirrer improve the uniformity of the heating of the material. / ターンテーブル24もモード撹拌器も材料の加熱の均一性を改善する働きをする。(USP01004075)
$$ It has also been found that in a spectrometer according to the invention, the mass resolution and abundance sensitivity of the ion mass-to-charge ratio analyzer is greatly improved in comparison with prior spectrometers. / 更に見出されたことは、本発明に従うスペクトロメータにおいて、イオン質量-対-電荷比分析器の質量分解能及び同位体存在比感度は、先行技術に係るスペクトロメータと比較して大きく改善されていることである。(USP01010354)
$$ Similarly the tapered configuration of FIGS. 4a-f and 5a and 5b improves interface stability by reason of the interface being located at a dimensional discontinuity, as will be explained with reference to FIG. 3. / 同様に、図4及び5の傾斜した先細りの形状は、図3を参照して以下で説明するように、界面が寸法不連続部に位置することにより界面安定性を高める。(USP5961832)
"to improve in"のパターンはあまり用いられないようである。
"further improved"の方が、"improved further"よりも使用頻度が高い。
$$ To improve targeting further, a vasoconstricting drug such as angiotensin II may be infused prior to silicon microparticle administration. / ターゲッティングをさらに改良するためには、アンギオテンシンIIのような血管収縮薬を、シリコン微粒子の投与前に注入し得る。(USP8097236): improve sth further
$$ In order to improve further the correlation noise a temporal filter may be used with the invention and two possible types are described in our International Patent Application No. PCT/GB92/00952. (USP6151363)
$$ This serves to improve further the breakdown capability of the device. (USP02041003)
$$ This provides a type of "T-bar" handle, with much improved grip.(USP7223211)
$$ The bandwidth of the FFT processor has increased, and is much improved over the standard complex correlator. (USP6898176)
$$ The resistance to flow of the gelled compositions can be improved further by the addition of 0.01-3 wt % of a fatty acid, e.g., a compound of formula I or formula II: / ゲル化組成物の流れに対する抵抗は、少量(例えば0.01~1%)の脂肪酸モノマー、例えば、下記式I又は式IIの化合物の添加によってさらに改良することができる。(USP6582484)
$$ The accuracy of the external reference index can be yet further improved by statistical averaging over several clock track copying cycles. / 外部基準インデックスの精度は、数回のクロックトラック複写サイクルの統計的平均化によって、さらに改善することができる。(USP6172830)
$$ As it is the film forming polymer that is the main flammable material, fire retardancy is thereby further improved. (USP7638572)
$$ Signal quality is further improved as the hearing aid operates almost silently in the `T` mode. (USP6307945)
$$ By combining vibration with a fluid wash before and/or after vibration, swarf removal can be further improved. (USP5891255)
$$ The present invention seeks to provide an improved metal vapour laser apparatus. / 本発明は、改善された金属蒸気レーザ装置を提供する。(USP5339327)
$$ Since the cache memory is faster, this improves write speed. / キャッシュメモリは高速であるため、書込みの速度が早まる。(USP6138216)
$$ Equally, further information from as yet unheard positioning satellites 142 can be added at any time to improve the position estimation for the user terminal 44. / 同様に、いまだ受信していない位置決定衛星142からのさらなる情報は、使用者端末44に対する位置評価を改善するために、いつでも、加えられることができる。(USP6031489)
$$ It is an object of the invention to improve the quality of systems of the type set forth in the opening paragraph, by mitigating some or all of the above problems. / 本発明の目的は、上記の問題の若干もしくはすべてを軽減することにより、冒頭の記事に記述されたタイプのシステムの品質を改善することである。(USP5479385)
$$ Each cyclically shifted code word may be permuted in accordance with a secret permutation code to improve resistance to a collusion attack. / コルージョンアタックに対する耐性を高めるために、秘密の順序変更コード(secret permutation code)に基づいて、循環的にシフトされるコードワードの順序を変更してもよい。(USP03131243)
$$ Quenching is used to harden the object and/or to improve its mechanical properties, by controlling internal crystallisation and/or precipitation, for example. / 急冷は、たとえば内部結晶化および/または析出を制御することによって該物体を焼き入れ、かつ/またはその機械的性質を改善するのに用いられる。(USP01020503)
$$ Both the turntable 24 and the mode stirrer improve the uniformity of the heating of the material. / ターンテーブル24もモード撹拌器も材料の加熱の均一性を改善する働きをする。(USP01004075)
$$ It has also been found that in a spectrometer according to the invention, the mass resolution and abundance sensitivity of the ion mass-to-charge ratio analyzer is greatly improved in comparison with prior spectrometers. / 更に見出されたことは、本発明に従うスペクトロメータにおいて、イオン質量-対-電荷比分析器の質量分解能及び同位体存在比感度は、先行技術に係るスペクトロメータと比較して大きく改善されていることである。(USP01010354)
$$ Similarly the tapered configuration of FIGS. 4a-f and 5a and 5b improves interface stability by reason of the interface being located at a dimensional discontinuity, as will be explained with reference to FIG. 3. / 同様に、図4及び5の傾斜した先細りの形状は、図3を参照して以下で説明するように、界面が寸法不連続部に位置することにより界面安定性を高める。(USP5961832)
"improvement in sth"のパターンは、有体物や物理量などの無体物に用いられることが多く、
"improvement of sth"のパターンは、装置などの有体物に使われることが多いようである。無体物にも用いられる。
"improvement in V-ing"も多少使用される.
$$ Although this invention is directed primarily to improvement of the deposition of starch at elevated climatic temperatures, alteration of starch deposition inevitably leads to alteration of starch fine structure. (USP6013861): tangible
$$ This invention relates to improvement of male fertility. (USP02042447)
$$ The apparatus thus produces four rice portions for each cycle, a large improvement in speed over known machines. (USP6217311): intangible
$$ These results clearly demonstrate the improvement in lubricity of diesel fuels in accordance with the present invention. (USP6001141): intangible
$$ It is in this over sampled format that the adjustment factors are generated and applied to the version of the input signal samples which has an effect of substantially reducing distortion associated with an inadequate sampling rate and therefore provides an improvement in making legal the colours of the video image. / このオーバーサンプリングにより、調整係数は生成され、入力信号サンプルに適用され、適切ではないサンプリングレートに関連する歪みが実質的に抑制され、したがってビデオ画像の色の規格化の処理の効果を向上させることができる。(USP6614489): V-ing
$$ Five pairs of deflector tabs per set results in a higher pressure drop but little or no improvement in mixing. (USP6623155): V-ing
$$ In all four microphone positions, the use of SSA with the `Undo` operation in accordance with the invention gave an improvement in error rate. / すべての4つのマイク位置で、本発明による’アンドゥ’動作を有するSSAの使用は、エラー率に改善をもたらした。(USP6671666): intangible
$$ The present invention is an elegant adaptation of the previous known process which provides a significant improvement in volumetric efficiency of each capacitor. / 本発明は、各コンデンサの体積効率に顕著な改善をもたらす従来の既知の方法の洗練された適応形である。(USP6699767): intangible
$$ Thus this second aspect of the invention provides an improvement in the bonding of the coupling layer to the electrode. (USP6850003): tangible
$$ This offers a root three, ?1.7, factor in improvement in the sensitivity. / これは感度の点で、√3、すなわち約1.7のファクタの改善を提供する。 (USP6900756): intangible
$$ There are a number of reflective optical systems which can be used for imagebar construction which result in a substantial improvement in optical throughput efficiency. / イメージバー構成に使用することができる多数の反射光学システムがあり、これらのシステムを使用することによって、光スルーアウト効率が実質上改良される。(USP6278541): intangible
$$ This results in an improvement in the success rate of the unwrapping procedure as well as a reduction in the time required for image acquisition and computation. / これにより、アンラッピング手順のサクセス速度(success rate)の向上および画像獲得および計算に要する時間の短縮が可能になる。(USP6208416): intangible
$$ In addition, as the microscope is no longer restricted to delta correlated images, an improvement in the light budget can also be achieved. / 更に、顕微鏡がもはや、デルタ相関された画像に限定されていないため、光線供給量を改善できる。(USP6144489): intangible
$$ In general, an improvement in the size or frequency of errors which can be corrected will usually means an increase in the redundancy in the coded data. / 一般的にいえば、訂正しうるエラーのサイズや頻度を改善すると、コード化されたデータの冗長度が増す。(USP5353059): intangible
$$ With continuing improvements in switching devices, operation upto 100 kHz should be possible in the future. / スイッチングデバイスにおける改善が続いて行くならば、将来においては100kHzまでの作動が可能になるはずである。(USP5434880): tangible
$$ A number of improvements in magnetron sputtering have occurred during the last ten years. / 過去10年の間に、多数の改善がマグネトロン・スパッタリングに行われてきた。(USP02050453): intangible
$$ The invention relates to improvements in receivers for television signals. / 本発明は、テレビ信号の受信器の改良に関する。(USP02042917): tangible
$$ Thus the package in accordance with the invention gives an area improvement of about 1.7 times compared to such a known package. (USP6100581): value
$$ In view also of the high cost of the reforming furnace, or of the air separation plant required to produce oxygen, there is evidently a need for further improvement of PSA-based processes. (USP4778670): intangible
"improvement in sth"のパターンは、有体物や物理量などの無体物に用いられることが多く、
"improvement of sth"のパターンは、装置などの有体物に使われることが多いようである。無体物にも用いられる。
"improvement in V-ing"も多少使用される.
$$ Although this invention is directed primarily to improvement of the deposition of starch at elevated climatic temperatures, alteration of starch deposition inevitably leads to alteration of starch fine structure. (USP6013861): tangible
$$ This invention relates to improvement of male fertility. (USP02042447)
$$ The apparatus thus produces four rice portions for each cycle, a large improvement in speed over known machines. (USP6217311): intangible
$$ These results clearly demonstrate the improvement in lubricity of diesel fuels in accordance with the present invention. (USP6001141): intangible
$$ It is in this over sampled format that the adjustment factors are generated and applied to the version of the input signal samples which has an effect of substantially reducing distortion associated with an inadequate sampling rate and therefore provides an improvement in making legal the colours of the video image. / このオーバーサンプリングにより、調整係数は生成され、入力信号サンプルに適用され、適切ではないサンプリングレートに関連する歪みが実質的に抑制され、したがってビデオ画像の色の規格化の処理の効果を向上させることができる。(USP6614489): V-ing
$$ Five pairs of deflector tabs per set results in a higher pressure drop but little or no improvement in mixing. (USP6623155): V-ing
$$ In all four microphone positions, the use of SSA with the `Undo` operation in accordance with the invention gave an improvement in error rate. / すべての4つのマイク位置で、本発明による’アンドゥ’動作を有するSSAの使用は、エラー率に改善をもたらした。(USP6671666): intangible
$$ The present invention is an elegant adaptation of the previous known process which provides a significant improvement in volumetric efficiency of each capacitor. / 本発明は、各コンデンサの体積効率に顕著な改善をもたらす従来の既知の方法の洗練された適応形である。(USP6699767): intangible
$$ Thus this second aspect of the invention provides an improvement in the bonding of the coupling layer to the electrode. (USP6850003): tangible
$$ This offers a root three, ?1.7, factor in improvement in the sensitivity. / これは感度の点で、√3、すなわち約1.7のファクタの改善を提供する。 (USP6900756): intangible
$$ There are a number of reflective optical systems which can be used for imagebar construction which result in a substantial improvement in optical throughput efficiency. / イメージバー構成に使用することができる多数の反射光学システムがあり、これらのシステムを使用することによって、光スルーアウト効率が実質上改良される。(USP6278541): intangible
$$ This results in an improvement in the success rate of the unwrapping procedure as well as a reduction in the time required for image acquisition and computation. / これにより、アンラッピング手順のサクセス速度(success rate)の向上および画像獲得および計算に要する時間の短縮が可能になる。(USP6208416): intangible
$$ In addition, as the microscope is no longer restricted to delta correlated images, an improvement in the light budget can also be achieved. / 更に、顕微鏡がもはや、デルタ相関された画像に限定されていないため、光線供給量を改善できる。(USP6144489): intangible
$$ In general, an improvement in the size or frequency of errors which can be corrected will usually means an increase in the redundancy in the coded data. / 一般的にいえば、訂正しうるエラーのサイズや頻度を改善すると、コード化されたデータの冗長度が増す。(USP5353059): intangible
$$ With continuing improvements in switching devices, operation upto 100 kHz should be possible in the future. / スイッチングデバイスにおける改善が続いて行くならば、将来においては100kHzまでの作動が可能になるはずである。(USP5434880): tangible
$$ A number of improvements in magnetron sputtering have occurred during the last ten years. / 過去10年の間に、多数の改善がマグネトロン・スパッタリングに行われてきた。(USP02050453): intangible
$$ The invention relates to improvements in receivers for television signals. / 本発明は、テレビ信号の受信器の改良に関する。(USP02042917): tangible
$$ Thus the package in accordance with the invention gives an area improvement of about 1.7 times compared to such a known package. (USP6100581): value
$$ In view also of the high cost of the reforming furnace, or of the air separation plant required to produce oxygen, there is evidently a need for further improvement of PSA-based processes. (USP4778670): intangible