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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENABLE -->disable

$$ The menu entries in the CFG top level menu are then enabled according to the user's authorised list of services. / CGFトップレベルメニュー内のメニューエントリはユーザの承認されたサービスリストにしたがってイネーブルされる。 (USP5907602)

$$ This enables the vehicle to be manoeuvred safely and precisely at a low engine speed. / これにより、低いエンジン速度で安全に且つ精確に自動車を動かすことが可能となる。(USP5738609)

$$ The database program enables a user to organise, index, retreive and display (on mono screen 11) data stored in the database on hard disc. / このデータベース・プログラムは、ハードディスク上のデータベースに保存されたデータのユーザによる編集、索引生成、検索及び表示を可能としている。(USP5559936)

$$ The electrode 9 is adjustable to enable the gap 11 between the electrodes 9 and 10 to be varied. / 電極9は、電極9と10間のギャプ11を変更できるように調整可能である。(USP5418430)

$$ This enables laser operation to be maintained with a minimal break in the delivery of gold chloride to the discharge region of the laser tube 43. / これにより、金塩素をレーザ管43の放電領域に配達する際に、レーザの働きが止まってしまうことが最小のものとされる。(USP5339327)

$$ Software write masking is applied to all fragments and is not controlled by an enable/disable bit. (USP5727192)

$$ This causes write-enables to be generated to control writing of the second code word into the bits 10 to 23 of the buffer 160. / ライトイネーブル信号を発生し、第2の符号ワードが上記バッファ160のビット10~23に書込まれる。(USP5404166)

$$ In these cases the destination pixel must be read from the framebuffer and framebuffer writes must be enabled. (USP5727192)

$$ Buffer 46 also receives the Data Valid signal at a Write Enable (WEN) input to enable the data packets to be written to buffer 46 in response to the 3/8 SC Write clock (WCK). (USP6081650)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENCAPSULATE ~ sth with; ~ed by/with;

$$ In either case, the intumescent material may be encapsulated by an encapsulating material, such as semi-rigid or rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) coextruded with the intumescent material in a ribbon or strip. (USP6643991)

$$ The air-core bobbin 32, coil 34 and capacitor 36 are encapsulated in a plastic material 38 providing an overall density of the float 10 appropriate for it to float at the surface of the liquid. / 空心ボビン32、コイル34およびキャパシタ36は、フロート10が液面上に浮くのに十分な全体比重(overall density)を提供するため、プラスチック部材38内に封入される。(USP6561022)

$$ The address-monitoring element 75 reads the address of the first packet, and encapsulates the header with the point code of the nearest GMSC 28. / アドレス監視素子75は第1のパケットのアドレスを読み取り、最も近くのGMSC28のポイントコードでヘッダをエンカプシュールする。(USP6584098)

$$ Using this information, it retrieves the equivalent of the MSISDN (directory number) of the originating terminal from the HLR 26, using the IP origin address, and encapsulates the address onto the packet. / この情報を使用して、ヘッダ認識ユニット71aは、IPの送信元アドレスを使用してHLR26から送信元の端末のMSIDN(ディレクトリ番号)に相当するものを検索し、このアドレスをパケットへエンカプセルする。(USP6584098)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...


$$ The collimator 130 is enclosed within the first shield 120 which extends from the source 110 to just beneath the chuck 40. / このコリメータ130は、X線光源110からチャック40の直ぐ下側まで延びている上記第1のシールド120の中に内包されている。(USP6977986)

$$ Cross-loop connections allow further tap-off positions within area enclosed by the transmission-line 15. / クロス・ループ接続によって、伝送線15によって包囲されているエリア内において更に別のタップオフ位置が可能になる。(USP6816020)

$$ Located concentrically inside the recess 40 is a cylindrical wall 41 of a height equal to the depth of the recess and enclosing a cylindrical chamber 44 having a diameter of 70 mm. / リセス(窪み)40の内側には円筒形の壁41が同軸で位置付けられ、この円筒形の壁41の高さはリセスの深さに等しく、70mmの直径をもつ円筒形のチャンバ44を囲んでいる。(USP6687389)

$$ Action via compression of an enclosed air space would also be possible. / また、空間部に封入した空気の圧縮作用によるものとすることができる。(USP6422434)

$$ A propulsion system according to claim 1, further including guard means (38, 39, 40) provided for enclosing the propeller so as to prevent any obstruction entering between the blades (6). / 請求項1に記載の推進システムにおいて、前記翼(6)の間に如何なる障害物も入るのを防止するように前記プロペラ又は前記各プロペラを囲む保護手段(38、39、40)を更に含んでいることを特徴とする推進システム。(USP6332818)

$$ The cylinder encloses an ink reservoir chamber 26, and a piston 27 equipped with an O-ring seal is axially slidable along the cylinder. / このシリンダは、リザーバチャンバ26を包囲し、O-リングシールが装着されたピストン27がシリンダに沿って軸線方向に摺動自在である。(USP6270276)

$$ For the same reasons, the enclosed gearbox is normally positioned adjacent the pump stage associated with the pump outlet. / 同じ理由で、包囲された歯車箱は普通、ポンプ出口と組合わさったポンプ段に隣接して配置される。(USP6244841)

$$ Also well known are "backlit" signs, which typically consist of a transparent and/or translucent design on a front panel and an enclosed sign box. / “ブラック照明された”サインもまたよく知られており、通常、フロントパネル及び囲われたサインボックスの透明及び/又は半透明なデザインからなる。(USP6212805)

$$ The tank 10 is enclosed and is of generally rectangular section comprising two parts, an upper part 8 to which a lower fluid-holding part 9 is removably secured in a watertight fashion. / この流体タンク10は閉じられて概略四角形の構造で、2つの部分からなり、上部部材8に対して下部流体貯留部9が水密構造で着脱可能に取付けられている。(USP5893487)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...


$$ An example of a suitable enclosure geometry having openings is shown in FIG. 3. / 開口部を有する適当な囲い形態が図3に示されている。(USP6453224)

$$ The refractory container (e.g. a crucible) is desirably contained within a refractory furnace enclosure. / 耐火性容器(たとえば、るつぼ)は、耐火炉の囲い内に含まれるのが望ましい。(USP6763682)

$$ With reference to FIG. 1A, the steriliser comprises an enclosure having a base 2 and a lid 4. / 図Aを参照すると、殺菌装置は、基体2と蓋4とを有する包囲体を備えている。(USP6507030)

$$ European patent application EP-A-0,094,571 describes a self-contained portable data entry terminal positioned within a portable wand-type enclosure. / 欧州特許出願EP-A-0,094,571には、ポータブルワンド形外囲器内に配置された、自己完備形ポータブルデータエントリ端末が説明されている。(USP6058304)

$$ The shaft is also used for mounting the bulb 18 in the enclosure 8. / このシャフトはまた、球18を囲い8内に設置するために使用される。(USP6028315)

$$ The enclosure may have a metallic inner surface on which a dimpled pattern may be embossed to diffuse the millimeter wavelength radiation reflected from the metallic inner surface. / その囲いは、小凹所パターンが浮き出している金属内面を持つことができ、それは該金属内面から反射されたミリメートル波長放射を拡散させる。(USP6453224)


END 名詞


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

END 名詞

$$ In this example, the SCP comprises a number of C7 front end processors (FEPs) 62 and back end processors (BEPs) 61 which are connected by an FDDI LAN 63. / この例ではSCPは、多数のC7フロントエンド(前置)プロセッサ(FEP)62及びバックエンド(後置)プロセッサ(BEP)61をFDDI LAN63によって接続した形で含んでいる。(USP6330313)

$$ The spool 8 has a blind ended bore 8b which is open at the end adjacent the exhaust port 6, and sealed at the opposite end. めくら穴 (USP02051714)

$$ Referring to FIG. 1, a turbomachine 10 includes a shaft 11 at one end of which is carried an impeller 12 disposed in a housing 13 having an inlet duct 14 for fluid to be processed thereby and an outlet duct 15 from which process fluid is supplied at high pressure. / 図1を参照すれば、ターボ機械10は軸11を含み、該軸の一端にインペラ12が担持されており、該インペラは、処理すべき流体用の入口ダクト14と、処理された流体が高圧でそこから供給される出口ダクト15とを有している。(USP5355040)

$$ The first subdivision does not allow use of lines-of-sight either end of which is at a MIP which has only one spare antenna; the second subdivision does allow their use. (USP02042274)

タグ :END

END (動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

END (動詞)


$$ ...it is the end user who decides whether the current session should be maintained or the session should be ended with the identifier being stored for subsequent retries of a request... / 現在のセッションが維持されるべきか、或いは識別子がその後の要求の再試行のために記憶される場合にそのセッションが終了させられるべきかを決定するのはユーザである。(USP6336135)

$$ The link or attribute will be made to the last-mentioned person if it ended within the specified number of words of the beginning of the constituent. (USP6052693)

$$ In order to end the steering manoeuvre, rotation of the drillstring is stopped and the drillbit un-weighted.(USP5421421)

$$ If not, then the spots tend to end up comma shaped.(USP6308750)

$$ The participant's opportunity to trade his present virtual portfolio on the virtual stock market is thereby ended 144. (USP01027430)

$$ If it is not (N), then the token request is rejected, block 30, after which the process is ended on system B, block 32. / もしそうでない(N)なら、トークン要求は棄却され(ブロック30)、その後でプロセスはシステムBで終了される(ブロック32)。(USP5398248)

タグ :END動詞



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...


$$ A bolt assembly according to claim 7, comprising at least one pivotally mounted locking arm one end of which defines a bolt. (USP6474120)

$$ Each rod 19 is surrounded by a corresponding helical compression spring 23 the lower end of which abuts the corresponding bearing 20 and the upper end of which abuts the underside of the corresponding flange 18 in oder to bias the mould 14 upwardly. (USP6217311)

$$ This consists of a flexible silicone rubber drainage tube, one end of which is introduced into the anterior chamber and the other end of which opens onto a plate shaped explant formed of moulded polypropylene, which is secured to the sclera 5-6 mm supertemporal from the limbus through a fornix-based conjunctival flap. / これは、可撓性のシリコンゴムの排液管よりなり、その一方の端部は前室内に導かれ、その他方の端部は成型ポリプロピレンで形成された板状の外側挿入管の上に開き、そしてこれは、結膜脳球フラップを通して縁から5-6mm側頭部寄りの強膜に固定される。(USP6186974)

$$ Fixed within tube 340 is a central wire 342 the end of which, in this embodiment, is coiled to form an active electrode 316A suitable for tissue vaporisation. (USP02022836)




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$$ By starting a timing operation on receipt of the broadcast message from the earth station 38, and by ending the timing operation when the signal from the positioning satellite 142 is received... / 地球局38からの同報通信メッセージの受信時に計時処理を開始し、かつ、位置決定衛星142からの信号が受信されるときに計時処理を終了し... (USP6031489)

$$ The ramp may be secured to extend from the stern or bow of the vessel to form a curved axis starting in alignment with said horizontal axis and ending substantially vertical at an underwater location. (USP5836719)

$$ As seen in FIGS. 15a-15e, the Pin Safe interface will now start to display (in this example in a clockwise manner) 12 digits in sequence (starting with 1 and ending in 12). (USP02059146)

$$ Those messages having names ending in acknowledge are sent from node to MCC, and the others are sent from MCC to node. (USP02042274)

$$ This time can be ending time for all or part of the movement, or velocity of the movement. Note that all of the effects carried out in step 602 require moving some part of the image from one position to another. (USP02018284)


ENERGIZ(S)E 通電/エネルギ付与


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | en...


$$ The motor is then energised in a controlled fashion where the current level is ramped up to the calculated target Ptest (140) and held for a short period. / そして、制御下でモータに通電し、電流値を目標計算値Ptestに上昇(ramped up)させ(140)、その値を短時間維持する。(USP6132010)

$$ The columns form finely interleaved luminous stripes when energized. (USP01022495)

$$ A seal component as defined in claim 11 which when energized is stressed so as to generate sealing contact forces. (USP02074742)

$$ The motor is energised causing the centrifugal clutch 20 to spin and engage whereupon pinion 18 rotates causing gear 26 to rotate and hence worm screw 24 to rotate. (USP02074809)

$$ As will be described in greater detail below, the lamps 36 are energised with alternating current at a frequency of 25 kHz. / より詳しくは後述するが、ランプ36は、周波数が25kHzの交流電流で作動状態にされる。 (USP5434880)

$$ The winding 12 within the stators 8A, 8B is controllably energized to provide alternating north and south poles in accordance with a conventional 2 or 4 phase energization sequence. (USP6507258)

$$ It has recently been appreciated that an ultraviolet bulb which is energised by microwave radiation may provide a solution to at least some of the problems associated with arc lamps. / マイクロ波放射によってエネルギが与えられる紫外線電球が、アークランプに伴う少なくともいくつかの問題の解決を与えることが、最近になって認識されてきた。 (USP6507030)

$$ The electric motor is periodically energized. (USP6132010)




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ENGAGE ~ with/in 係合する etc

$$ FIGS. 21s and 21t show alternative package embodiments in which the upper and lower membranes 92a, 92b are both profiled so that when they are brought into register they form an interference fit or clip fit at engaging portions 102a, 102b and serve to retain the rivet 50 in the channel 91. / 図21sおよび21tは、代わりのパッケージ実施形態を示す。上部および下部の両方の薄膜92a、92bは、それらがレジスタまで運ばれたとき、係合部分102a、102bにおいて干渉フィットまたはクリップフィットを形成し、チャンネル91内にリベット50を保持することとなるように、輪郭が規定されている。(USP6692213)

$$ Each guard comprises a wooden turf engaging section and a pair of robust hinges. / それぞれのガードは、木製の芝係合部と一対の頑丈なヒンジで構成される。(USP7090586)

$$ In the position of the components shown in FIG. 1, the balls 9 are engaged in a recess defined by a circumferential slot 10 provided in the bolt 4. (USP6474120)

$$ Since the differential pinions remain stationary with respect to the casing, the sun gears, which are engaged with the pinions, likewise do not rotate with respect to the casing. (USP6634979)

$$ As a result, the brushes are suitably pressed into engagement with the commutator.(USP5458060)

$$ The ring has three inwardly projecting pins 43, which engage in the grooves. / リングは、内部に突出した3つのピン43を有し、これらがL形溝と係合する。 (USP6287494)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENGAGEMENT ~ with sth; ~ between A and B (sths);

$$ The driven wheels can be manually raised to be out of engagement with the rails such that the tray can become free moving in the event of a motor failure. / モータの故障時には、トレイを移動自由にするために、駆動車輪を手で持ち上げてレールから離脱させる。(USP7090586)

$$ The valve body may make an axial guide sliding engagement with adjacent fixed structure of the valve arrangement to maintain its axial orientation in the draw path. / バルブ本体は、当該バルブ配列の隣接固定構造部と一緒に、軸方向案内摺動係合部を形成し、引抜き通路において該係合部の向きを軸方向に保持する。(USP6422434)

$$ It will be appreciated that there are four possible thread engagement start positions, spaced apart by angles of 90°. (USP5411157)

$$ By virtue of the left hand thread engagement between the stabiliser sleeve 7 and the bottom nut 3 loosening of the sleeve 7 relative to the nut 3 during a drilling operation is avoided. (USP4844179)

$$ Both pins 56 and 58 are spring-loaded in a radially inward direction, and are held out of engagement, against the spring pressure by the engagement of the pegs 70 in the tracks 74, 76. (USP6598724)

$$ The upper and lower parts 10a, 10b of the coupling are thus held in mutual engagement. (USP02066557)

$$ Additionally, the control valve member 42 is in engagement with the second valve seating 52b such that the control chamber 62 communicates with the supply passage 15. (USP01035464)

$$ The actuator may be an electrical, hydraulic or electro-hydraulic actuator operatively connected to a latch which releasably holds two parts of the coupling in engagement with each other. (USP02066557)

$$ The mail piece is located in a required position in engagement with guides and the print head is traversed across the mail piece. (USP02021931)

$$ A coupling as defined in claim 6, comprising two parts releasably held in engagement with each other by collet fingers, the BOP closure elements acting upon the collet fingers to cause the disconnection. (USP02066557)

$$ The shuttle moves between the teeth 447 and cam follower 448 and is caused to rotate by engagement between teeth 447 and cam follower 445 and by engagement between teeth 445 and cam follower 448.(USP02074809)

$$ Engagement between the outer tapered surfaces of the collet segments and the corresponding inner taper of the tube results in inward radial movement of the collet segments so as to grip the workpiece.(USP5524909)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...


$$ If a twin pasteuriser arrangement is employed, a continuous operational cycle can be employed whilst enjoying 100% back-up capacity. (USP01023850)

$$ It is thought that consumers prefer to enjoy a tea experience that involves more than being supplied with a tea bag and hot water. (USP6250208)

$$ The signals exchanged between the earth station 38 and the communications satellite 10, in common wish the signals exchange between the user terminal 44 and the communications satellite 10, all enjoy a propagation delay and a frequency shift, due to the motion of the communications satellite 10 relative to the earth station 38 and to the user terminal 44 caused by the doppler effect. / 使用者端末44と通信衛星10との間の信号交換と同様に、地球局38と通信衛星10との間で交換された信号は、全て、地球局38と使用者端末44とに関する(通信衛星10の)移動に基づいて、ドップラー効果によって生じた伝搬遅延および周波数シフトを有している。(USP6031489)

$$ However, by constructing a furnace which uses radio-frequency and microwave-assisted heating simultaneously, it is possible to enjoy the advantages of volumetric heating without any significant reduction in the diffusion process at higher temperatures. / しかしながら、無線周波数とマイクロ波を利用した加熱とを同時に使用する炉を構築することによって、高温における拡散プロセスの重大な低下なしに、容量加熱の利点を享受することができる。(USP01004075)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...


$$ Each GLINT only needs enough local buffer and frame buffer to cover the pixels in its own region, but texture maps are duplicated in full. (USP5727192)

$$ The material of the master needs to be hard enough to allow embossing of a plastics material or other material from which the diffractive structure 100 is formed. (USP6043936)

$$ Regarding core shear modulus (G), it is, in itself, a significant design factor that needs to be enough to hold the skins apart sufficiently rigidly for desired bending wave action. (USP6332029)

$$ This means the finger is exposed to wear in use and needs to be radially wide enough initially to be of sufficient mechanical strength when worn during use to provide a satisfactory useful life to the ring. (USP6428014)

$$ Similar remarks apply to the sensor 10, for which the bias voltage needs to large enough to ensure adequate carrier exclusion. / 同様の見解がセンサ10に当てはまる。センサ10の場合、十分なキャリア排除を保証するためにバイアス電圧を十分大きくする必要がある。(USP6809514)

$$ The depth of the pits must be large enough to allow a number of fringes to form within them. / ピットの深さは、これらのピット内で多数のニュートンリングが形成される程度に充分大きな値でなければならない。(USP5373373)

$$ Buffer storage for the process water in the event of a temporary interruption in the water supply is provided by the process water tank 14 having a large enough volume. (USP6632347)

$$ The skirt portion of the closure can be made large enough to pass cleanly over the lip of the neck, and only seal with the neck in a region where the neck is radially wider. (USP5411157)

$$ The wire is replaced by a bar 66 of large enough diameter that little corona is produced from its surface. (USP6615612)

$$ It can be observed that this system does not require separate means for checking whether the field rate difference Δ is large enough for a field to be dropped or repeated within a specific time scale. / このシステムは、フィールドレート差Δが特定の時間スケール間で落とされまたは繰り返されるフィールドに対して十分に大きいかどうかをチェックする分離手段を必要としない。(USP6480232)

$$ To this end each link module includes a buffer large enough to hold a complete batch of data items, and is capable of counting how many data items remain both to be sent and to be received. (USP5422881)

$$ Left unchecked this will proceed to the second phase where the fluid, throttled by the valve seat, will generate a large enough pressure drop to close the high-pressure valve 30 part way through the power stroke. (USP5259738)




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$$ The API routines provide built-in synchronisation to ensure transaction integrity. / APIルーチンは組込みの同期を提供し、トランザクションの一体性を保証する。(USP5907602)

$$ Therefore the manufacturer can ensure a consistent operation in response to user commands whether they are received locally or via the data channel. / 従って、製造業者はユーザー指令がローカルに、あるいはデータチャネルを介して受信されるかどうかをユーザー指令に応じる首尾一貫した動作を保証できる。(USP5479385)

$$ If the TV 2 is not connected to the decoder 3 via a SCART lead, then the commands can be varied to ensure that the TV 2 instead receives signals via the UHF modulator 22. / TV2がSCARTリード線を介してデコーダ3に接続されていない場合は、コマンドを変更して、TV2がUHF変調器22を介して信号を確実に受け取るようにできる。(USP02042917)

$$ Essentially the only checking performed is to examine the number of octets in each field of the incoming frame to ensure that the conversion process itself does not fall down. / 本質的に、実行される唯一の検査は、変換プロセス自身が失敗しないことを保証するために、到来するフレームの各フィールド内のオクテットの数を検査することである。(USP5467350)

$$ Quite frequently the change is naturally atomic but, if not, it can readily be ensured to be so.(USP02029357)

$$ This consistency is ensured in the present embodiment by storing next-section locating information for use in locating the position...(USP01047466)

$$ This can be ensured by providing an alkaline admixture which comprises (CaO) and one or more further addivitives, such as fly ash.(USP01023850)


ENTER (他動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENTER (他動詞)

$$ When camped on a public cell in step 180, the subscriber enters manual PLMN select mode in step 182. / ステップ180で公衆セルにキャンプオンしているときは、加入者はステップ182でマニュアルPLMN選択モードに入る。(USP6826414)

$$ Positive pressure chambers are provided to prevent the microspheres from blocking the inlet and outlet points where the fiber unit enters and leaves the chamber. / 正圧チャンバ72、74はマイクロスフェアがファイバユニット12がチャンバ190へ入りまた出る入口部と出口部を閉塞しないように構成されている。 (USP7618676)

$$ The external cable (1) leads over the outer face (WF1) of the wall and enters the device through a knockout hole (25). / 外部ケーブル(1)は壁の外面(WF1)上を通り、ノックアウト穴(25)を通ってデバイスに入る。(USP7599597)

$$ A vertical rivet delivery tube 480 enters the transfer station housing 481 from above and to one side. / 垂直のリベット分配チューブ480は、上から一方のサイドへ搬送ステーション・ハウジング481に入る。(USP6692213)

$$ Referring to FIG. 4, the user actually enters a changed parameter via a viewer window 310 (see FIG. 10 below). / 図4を参照すると、ユーザはビューア・ウインドウ310(図10参照)を介して変化されたパラメータを実際に入力する。 (USP6523174)

$$ Packet signals arriving from the packet data network 52 enter the gateway node at an input 70 and are first inspected by a header recognition element 71. / パケットデータネットワーク52から到達するパケット信号は、入力70においてゲートウエイノードへ入り、最初にヘッダ認識素子71によって検査される。(USP6584098)

$$ The procedure then enters a loop of instructions to calculate the command signals to be output. / このプロセスは次に命令のループに入って、出力すべき指令信号を計算する。(USP6208356)

$$ The guide member (34) has three equi-spaced openings (35) in the base to allow air to enter into the bore (20) in the housing (12). (USP6234450)

$$ For example, a communications service ordering transaction may require a customer to enter information into four consecutive data entry screens, or Web pages. / 例えば、通信サービス順序付けトランザクションは顧客に4つの連続するデータエントリスクリーン、またはWebページに情報を入力するように要求してもよい。(USP6393468)

$$ An operator enters the message into a terminal 1.(USP6453167)

$$ Each user enters trading information and ranking information into his or her remote terminal.(USP5924082)

$$ The user 201 may provide the TAC verbally, by entering it into the POS terminal, or by entering the number on the mobile device 202.(USP02059146)

$$ ...the card user is required to enter his or her PIN into the card reader...(USP02059146)

タグ :ENTER他動詞



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENTERED IN/INTO 多くがデータ関連に用いられる


$$ The form fields are the mechanism by which customer information can be entered and passed from the customer browser to the Web server 310. / フォームフィールドは、顧客情報を入力し、それを顧客ブラウザからWebサーバ310へ送ることができるようにする機構である。(USP6393468)

$$ Again, the vowel itself (e.g. /@/) and associated time interval are then entered into the intermediate output file (step 144). / 再び、母音自体(例えば/@/)と関連する時間間隔がそこで中間出力ファイルに入れられる(段階144)。(USP6208356)

$$ Then a series of merchandise selections can be entered by the user by scanning the bar codes for the desired merchandise selections and the command bar codes "Enter", "Clear", "Quantity", etc., as appropriate. / 次に、ユーザは一連の商品選択を、所望の商品選択のためのバーコードおよび指令バーコード「エンター」、「クリア」、「量」、など、を適切に走査することにより、入力しうる。(USP6058304)

$$ The processor 23 of the decoder is arranged so that the surf mode is entered simply by the viewer pressing the up and down keys 72a, 72b. / デコーダのプロセッサ23は、視聴者が上下キー72a、72bを押すだけでサーフ・モードに入るよう構成されている。(USP02042917)

$$ The idler roller 15 is resiliently mounted to press toward the driven roller 14 so that, when a mail piece 12 is entered into a nip between the rollers, the mail piece is frictionally engaged by the rollers and thereby is fed toward the print head 17. (USP02021931)

$$ If at step 430 the CLI has not been suppressed then at step 450 the CLI is entered into a store along with the misdialled number and the time of the misdial. / 段階430においてCLIが抑制されなかったとき、段階450においてCLIはミスダイヤルされた番号およびミスダイヤル時刻と一緒にメモリに入力される。(USP6775249)

$$ These associated keywords are then entered into the document-term matrix as single terms. / こういった関係しているキーワードはそこで単一の用語として文書マトリックス内部に入れられる。(USP6353827)

$$ The silence to vowel transition is then entered into the intermediate output file together with the calculated time interval (step 142). / 無音から母音への遷移がそこで計算された時間間隔と一緒に中間出力ファイルに入れられる(段階142)。(USP6208356)

$$ Additionally, a listing of programmes entered into a custom channel 123 (to be described hereinbelow) can be displayed. / さらに、カスタム・チャネル123(以下で述べる)に入れた番組のリストを表示することができる。(USP02042917)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENQUIRE/INQUIRE make enquiries about; to inquire sth of sb

$$ For example, BT's directory enquiries database is available at http://www.bt.com/directory-enquiries. / 例えば、BTのディレクトリ照会データベースはhttp://www.bt.com/directory-enquiriesで使用可能である。(USP8037105)

$$ In this instance, it will send a routing request to each of its neighbours enquiring whether they know of a route towards the final destination. / この例では、隣り合うそれぞれに対して、最終的な目的地へ向かう経路を知っているかどうかを尋ねる経路要求を送るだろう。(USP7653010)

$$ Once again, User has full screen, high definition and enlargeable images, updates, printing and enquiry facilities to choose from. / 再びユーザーは、画面全体の鮮明で拡大可能な画像、改訂された最新情報、プリント、質問発送機能を手中にする。(USP5559936)

$$ FIG. 10 represents a remote bank balance inquiry schema whereby a user can check the balance of an account.(USP02059146)

$$ In your own or neighboring communities you may inquire of such organizations as chambers of commerce, and banks.(USPTO)


ENTER (自動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | en...

ENTER (自動詞) -->entered

$$ Referring to FIG. 1, a user 1 enters into an agreement with a central identity provider 2, the identity provider 2 having agreements with a number of suppliers or being trusted by such suppliers. (USP7627895)

$$ ..., each of said at least some nodes is adapted to enter into a split table mode... (USP02042274)

$$ ...the handler can enter into the code of the interrupt handler method at the relevant point... (USP02029357)

$$ A conduction portion 2124 of conductive track 714 extends along the right edge of the fabric sheet and the top edge of the fabric sheet and enters into the flexible fabric cable 2117. (USP6585162)

$$ Conduction portion 2524 extends along the right edge of the fabric sheet and a portion of the top edge of the fabric sheet and enters into the flexible fabric cable 2303. (USP6861961)

$$ The air and microsphere mixture passes through this annular cavity and then enters into glass tube 191. / 空気とマイクロスフェアとの混合体は、この環状空洞を通過してガラスチューブ191の中へ入る。(USP7618676)

タグ :ENTER自動詞



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | en...


$$ All of the documents referred to herein are incorporated herein, in their entirety, by reference. / 本明細書で示した文書のすべては出典明記により全体に組み込まれる。(USP7615210)

$$ These applications in their entirety are incorporated herein by reference. (USP7285519)

$$ So, if signal A is to be replaced in its entirety by signal B at a particular pixel position, the key signal would be 1 (otherwise expressed as 100%), and if there is to be a 50:50 mix of the two pixels the key value would be 0.5 or 50%. / したがって、特定画素位置において信号Aを信号Bによって完全に置き換えるときは、キー信号は1(又は100%)であり、2つの画素を50:50で混合するときは、キー値は0.5又は50%である。(USP6567128)

$$ It is to be understood that spot beams 30 fill the entirety of the four quadrants. / スポットビーム30は4つの象限の全体を満たしている。(USP6031489)

$$ The priority of this prior application is expressly claimed and its disclosure is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.(USP03188138) 全体

$$ In many examples of such voice message apparatus it is undesirable to record, in their entirety, all possible messages that might be output by the apparatus.(USP6175821)


ENTITLE ~と題する(発明の名称など);権利を与える


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  |  | en...

ENTITLE ~と題する(文献名・発明の名称);権利を与える

$$ Note that the block 5 entitled "RF processing and baseband processing" contains memory which enables the receiver to demodulate data received prior to the reception of the known sequence and the identifier. / 「高周波処理およびベースバンド処理」と題されているブロック5が、既知のシーケンスおよび識別子の受信に先立って受信されたデータを復調するために受信可能状態となっているメモリーを含んでいることは注目すべきである。(USP5430889)

$$ Related inventions are described in the applicant's co-pending international application filed this day, entitled "data communications", (U.S. Ser. No. 09/555,929 filed Jun. 6, 2000). / 関連の発明は、同じ日に提出された出願人の審査中の国際出願(発明の名称“data communications”、出願人参照番号A25728)に記載されている。(USP6996722)

$$ The prior art also includes Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication number 33723/78 to Kawai entitled "Method of Thermally Transferring Metal Foil onto Outer Surface of Hard Substrate". / 先行技術としては、更に、カワイによる「硬質基材の外側表面に金属ホイルを熱転写する方法」なる名称の特開昭53-33723号公報がある。(USP6267052)

$$ This application is a divisional of Ser. No. 09/452,259, filed Dec. 1, 1999 now U.S. Pat. No. 6,199,741 and entitled, "Enhanced Pad Design For Substrate". (USP6720665): と題する(=発明の名称)

$$ Therefore, the scope and content of the invention should be determined in the light of the claims set forth below as well as the full range of equivalents to which those claims are entitled. (USP6704404): 権利が与えられる

$$ It is also determined whether the unique code corresponds to a user who is entitled to use the feature corresponding to the received feature number. (USP6141652): 権利が与えられる
