$$ As the loop is shortened, the ram is extended to displace the further roller by the appropriate distance and prevent slack forming. (USP6672098)
$$ FIG. 9 shows an alternative embodiment in which pulleys 80 and 81 are installed and as the upper cable module is lowered 83, the additional cable slack is accommodated between the pulleys 82. (USP6655453)
$$ Accordingly as the mail item and the ribbon drawn thereby are fed past the print head, the ribbon between the print head and the take-up spool becomes slack and the flap 22 is freed to pivot anti-clockwise to a position as shown in FIG. 3. (USP5294203)
$$ Drive (43) to the take up spool is controlled by a pivoted member (22) which actuates a switch (26) to apply drive when the ribbon is slack and to terminate energisation of the drive as the ribbon becomes taut. (USP5294203)
$$ In this position of the flap, the lever of the micro-switch is released to permit the micro-switch to re-energise the ribbon is drawn by the feeding of the mail item, the drive to the take-up spool is repeatedly energised and de-energised to alternately tension and permit slackness in the ribbon. (USP5294203)
$$ When the tension in the material 8 falls the material 8 becomes slacker which causes the roller 90 to move downwardly in the slot 91. (USP4856692)
$$ As the loop is shortened, the ram is extended to displace the further roller by the appropriate distance and prevent slack forming. (USP6672098)
$$ FIG. 9 shows an alternative embodiment in which pulleys 80 and 81 are installed and as the upper cable module is lowered 83, the additional cable slack is accommodated between the pulleys 82. (USP6655453)
$$ Accordingly as the mail item and the ribbon drawn thereby are fed past the print head, the ribbon between the print head and the take-up spool becomes slack and the flap 22 is freed to pivot anti-clockwise to a position as shown in FIG. 3. (USP5294203)
$$ Drive (43) to the take up spool is controlled by a pivoted member (22) which actuates a switch (26) to apply drive when the ribbon is slack and to terminate energisation of the drive as the ribbon becomes taut. (USP5294203)
$$ In this position of the flap, the lever of the micro-switch is released to permit the micro-switch to re-energise the ribbon is drawn by the feeding of the mail item, the drive to the take-up spool is repeatedly energised and de-energised to alternately tension and permit slackness in the ribbon. (USP5294203)
$$ When the tension in the material 8 falls the material 8 becomes slacker which causes the roller 90 to move downwardly in the slot 91. (USP4856692)
-->thin, elongate
$$ It also allows a more slender gas strut 24 to be employed for adjusting the angle of the seat pan 12 in use. / また、これは、使用時に、座部12の角度を調節するために使用されるガス支柱24をより細くすることを可能にする。(USP8157326)
$$ This results in a slenderness ratio (the ratio of the length to the diameter) of between 100 and 350, and an aspect ratio (the ratio of the diameter to the thickness) of between 20 and 60. / これにより、100~350の縦横比(長さと径の比)と、20~60のアスペクト比(径と厚さの比)とが得られる。(USP8082599)
$$ A further, less common, type of vacuum cleaner is a `stick vac`, which is so-called because it has a very slender stick-like main body. / さほど一般的でない他のタイプの真空掃除機は、非常に細いスティック状の本体を有するために「スティック掃除機」と呼ばれるものである。(USP7581284)
$$ In applications where there is restricted access to a workpiece long slender noses are used and the rivet entry passage has to be positioned high up the nose so that long strokes of the punch within the nose are required. / ワークピースへのアクセスが制限される応用では、細長いノーズが使用される。そして、ノーズ内でパンチの長いストロークが必要とされるように、リベット・エントリー通路はノーズを上へ高く位置決めしなければならない。(USP6692213)
$$ Also, because of the extreme length and slender cross section of the stringers they can easily bend and whip when being carried. (USP6684601)
-->thin, elongate
$$ It also allows a more slender gas strut 24 to be employed for adjusting the angle of the seat pan 12 in use. / また、これは、使用時に、座部12の角度を調節するために使用されるガス支柱24をより細くすることを可能にする。(USP8157326)
$$ This results in a slenderness ratio (the ratio of the length to the diameter) of between 100 and 350, and an aspect ratio (the ratio of the diameter to the thickness) of between 20 and 60. / これにより、100~350の縦横比(長さと径の比)と、20~60のアスペクト比(径と厚さの比)とが得られる。(USP8082599)
$$ A further, less common, type of vacuum cleaner is a `stick vac`, which is so-called because it has a very slender stick-like main body. / さほど一般的でない他のタイプの真空掃除機は、非常に細いスティック状の本体を有するために「スティック掃除機」と呼ばれるものである。(USP7581284)
$$ In applications where there is restricted access to a workpiece long slender noses are used and the rivet entry passage has to be positioned high up the nose so that long strokes of the punch within the nose are required. / ワークピースへのアクセスが制限される応用では、細長いノーズが使用される。そして、ノーズ内でパンチの長いストロークが必要とされるように、リベット・エントリー通路はノーズを上へ高く位置決めしなければならない。(USP6692213)
$$ Also, because of the extreme length and slender cross section of the stringers they can easily bend and whip when being carried. (USP6684601)
$$ The HF signal is converted to produce the EFM digital data stream by a slicing circuit 17. / HF信号は、スライス回路17によりEFMディジタルデータストリームを生成するように変換される。(USP6560176)
$$ The time slicing is done 2 million times a second. / このタイムスライスは1秒に200万回行なわれる。(USP5559936)
$$ Each 1/60th of a second is time-sliced into 256 different periods. (USP5940204)
$$ FIG. 15C shows the bit slice for bit 30. (USP7167887)
$$ This sliced memory scheme provides a number of advantages: (USP6526501)
$$ All of the depth slices in the image can be treated in this way.(USP6438260)
$$ The pixel slices are selected at step 606. (USP5940204)
$$ One hundred pixel slicing is probably sufficient for all applications. (USP02018284)
$$ The HF signal is converted to produce the EFM digital data stream by a slicing circuit 17. / HF信号は、スライス回路17によりEFMディジタルデータストリームを生成するように変換される。(USP6560176)
$$ The time slicing is done 2 million times a second. / このタイムスライスは1秒に200万回行なわれる。(USP5559936)
$$ Each 1/60th of a second is time-sliced into 256 different periods. (USP5940204)
$$ FIG. 15C shows the bit slice for bit 30. (USP7167887)
$$ This sliced memory scheme provides a number of advantages: (USP6526501)
$$ All of the depth slices in the image can be treated in this way.(USP6438260)
$$ The pixel slices are selected at step 606. (USP5940204)
$$ One hundred pixel slicing is probably sufficient for all applications. (USP02018284)
$$ In a preferred embodiment, the lower portion slides behind the upper portion to effect contraction. / 好ましい実施例においては、前記下部が上部の背後へ滑動することにより前記収縮を行い得るようにする。(USP6332283)
$$ The centre tube is then increased in diameter to form a ""barrel"" spring which locates shaft 51 as it slides inside shaft 55. / それにより中心管の直径は増加し、シャフト51がシャフト55の中に挿入されるようにシャフト51を設置する樽状のバネ部材を形成する。(USP6110055)
$$ The floating arrangement can include a shoe that slides on the wafer top surface during cutting of the trench...(USP01022495)
$$ ...the plate 14 is in sliding contact with the cylindrical sides of the chamber 15...(USP5481868)
$$ The lobes 15, 16 make sliding contact and a pumping action is effected by the decreasing volume of the sealed spaces between the inner and outer rotors from the inlet 17 to the main outlet 18.(USP6419469)
$$ An indexing device according to claim 1 wherein the pawl and the detent are profiled to prevent sliding contact between them at the locations where contact occurs.(USP02017161)
$$ If the cover 2 is slid in an x-direction relative to the base, the effect is to move the x-Hall device 14 relative to the x-magnets 17. / カバー2を基盤に対してx方向に滑動させることにより、xホール装置14が、x磁石17に対して動される。(USP6611139)
$$ Firstly, a layer of activated carbon particles is introduced into the empty vessel, then a heat transfer element "cup" is slid down into the vessel. / 第一に、活性炭素粒子の層を空の容器内に入れ、次に、熱伝導要素の「カップ」を容器内に滑り込ませる。(USP6098417)
$$ Similar to tube 16 in the first embodiment, tube 36 can be slid along bar 21 to provided increased leverage for the ratchet wrench.(USP01020403)
$$ The movable mirrors 74,76 are slid out of the optical path, for example by the computer 120, to positions indicated by broken lines 74A,76A.(USP5442438)
$$ The T-slotted plate 42 with the pad attached is slid into the channel 36 such that it engages with the key formed by the keep block 44.(USP6358154)
$$ In a preferred embodiment, the lower portion slides behind the upper portion to effect contraction. / 好ましい実施例においては、前記下部が上部の背後へ滑動することにより前記収縮を行い得るようにする。(USP6332283)
$$ The centre tube is then increased in diameter to form a ""barrel"" spring which locates shaft 51 as it slides inside shaft 55. / それにより中心管の直径は増加し、シャフト51がシャフト55の中に挿入されるようにシャフト51を設置する樽状のバネ部材を形成する。(USP6110055)
$$ The floating arrangement can include a shoe that slides on the wafer top surface during cutting of the trench...(USP01022495)
$$ ...the plate 14 is in sliding contact with the cylindrical sides of the chamber 15...(USP5481868)
$$ The lobes 15, 16 make sliding contact and a pumping action is effected by the decreasing volume of the sealed spaces between the inner and outer rotors from the inlet 17 to the main outlet 18.(USP6419469)
$$ An indexing device according to claim 1 wherein the pawl and the detent are profiled to prevent sliding contact between them at the locations where contact occurs.(USP02017161)
$$ If the cover 2 is slid in an x-direction relative to the base, the effect is to move the x-Hall device 14 relative to the x-magnets 17. / カバー2を基盤に対してx方向に滑動させることにより、xホール装置14が、x磁石17に対して動される。(USP6611139)
$$ Firstly, a layer of activated carbon particles is introduced into the empty vessel, then a heat transfer element "cup" is slid down into the vessel. / 第一に、活性炭素粒子の層を空の容器内に入れ、次に、熱伝導要素の「カップ」を容器内に滑り込ませる。(USP6098417)
$$ Similar to tube 16 in the first embodiment, tube 36 can be slid along bar 21 to provided increased leverage for the ratchet wrench.(USP01020403)
$$ The movable mirrors 74,76 are slid out of the optical path, for example by the computer 120, to positions indicated by broken lines 74A,76A.(USP5442438)
$$ The T-slotted plate 42 with the pad attached is slid into the channel 36 such that it engages with the key formed by the keep block 44.(USP6358154)
SLIT 細長い開口
SLIT 細長い開口
RT -->aperture, gap, opening, orifice, slot
$$ If the slits are within the print pattern and not the transparent area or areas, they are typically not noticeable after application of the self-adhesive film to a window or other base material. / もし、前記切れ目を、前記透明領域ではなく前記印刷パターン内に施しておけば、窓或いは他の基材に前記自己接着性フィルムを施した後、前記切れ目は、目立たなくなる。(USP6267052)
$$ The surgical incision into which a glaucoma implant is inserted is a slit. / 緑内障挿入管の挿入される外科的な切開はスリットである。(USP6186974)
$$ The rear end of the slot may be completely closed, or could be a very narrow slit. / 溝の後方端は完全に閉じられ、さもなければ非常に狭いスリットである。(USP6176014)
$$ To do this air entering the container through opening (8) can pass through the slits, whose top regions are not covered by the body of water-absorbing agent. (USP6981337)
$$ In order to print lines the reticle is provided with slits which allow the light to pass through onto the photoresist (a photosensitive layer used to coat silicon in photolithography techniques). (USP6962762)
$$ The effect of reducing the slit width is illustrated with reference to FIG. 5. (USP6786637)
$$ Typically, this macroporous layer 3 is a film with perforations or slits to allow exudate passage. (USP6077526)
$$ In order to act as a spatial filter, the width of the slit 30 should be very small, typically 10 μm or even less. (USP5510894)
SLIT 細長い開口
RT -->aperture, gap, opening, orifice, slot
$$ If the slits are within the print pattern and not the transparent area or areas, they are typically not noticeable after application of the self-adhesive film to a window or other base material. / もし、前記切れ目を、前記透明領域ではなく前記印刷パターン内に施しておけば、窓或いは他の基材に前記自己接着性フィルムを施した後、前記切れ目は、目立たなくなる。(USP6267052)
$$ The surgical incision into which a glaucoma implant is inserted is a slit. / 緑内障挿入管の挿入される外科的な切開はスリットである。(USP6186974)
$$ The rear end of the slot may be completely closed, or could be a very narrow slit. / 溝の後方端は完全に閉じられ、さもなければ非常に狭いスリットである。(USP6176014)
$$ To do this air entering the container through opening (8) can pass through the slits, whose top regions are not covered by the body of water-absorbing agent. (USP6981337)
$$ In order to print lines the reticle is provided with slits which allow the light to pass through onto the photoresist (a photosensitive layer used to coat silicon in photolithography techniques). (USP6962762)
$$ The effect of reducing the slit width is illustrated with reference to FIG. 5. (USP6786637)
$$ Typically, this macroporous layer 3 is a film with perforations or slits to allow exudate passage. (USP6077526)
$$ In order to act as a spatial filter, the width of the slit 30 should be very small, typically 10 μm or even less. (USP5510894)
$$ The controller can be programmed to vary the number of negative slope detections according to the band in which the speed lies according to the following example: / 制御器は、速度が以下の実施例に従って、存在する領域に従って負勾配検出数を変化するようにプログラム可能である。(USP6586903)
$$ However, larger values of a and P in appropriate combinations may be advantageous as although the maximum slope is reduced, the range over which the device is sensitive can be increased. / しかし、最大焦点傾斜が減少されるとしても、装置が敏感な範囲は増加され得るため、適切な組み合わせにおいてaおよびPがより大きな値であることは有利であり得る。(USP6570143)
$$ The slope 14 prevents the build up of material on the compacting means 4 during a compacting pass while the outer curved surface 13 provides a spreading action. / 外側曲面13が広げ動作をしているとき、傾斜14は突き固め通過作業中に突き固め手段4上に材料が積もることを防止する。(USP6079969)
$$ As previously mentioned, a more robust approach is to use a method of slope detection which detects the onset of the downwards slope after the peak current has been reached. / 上述のように、より強力なアプローチは、ピーク電流が到達した後、下降勾配の開始を検出する勾配検出方法を用いることである。(USP6586903)
$$ If the displaced "upslopes" and "downslopes" are made to engage some form of ratchet mechanism, relative motion in the longitudinal direction of the sinusoid results. / 変位した「上り坂」と「下り坂」がある種の形態のラチェット機構とかみ合うようになっている場合、正弦波曲線の縦方向で相対的運動が生じる。(USP6833656)
$$ The controller can be programmed to vary the number of negative slope detections according to the band in which the speed lies according to the following example: / 制御器は、速度が以下の実施例に従って、存在する領域に従って負勾配検出数を変化するようにプログラム可能である。(USP6586903)
$$ However, larger values of a and P in appropriate combinations may be advantageous as although the maximum slope is reduced, the range over which the device is sensitive can be increased. / しかし、最大焦点傾斜が減少されるとしても、装置が敏感な範囲は増加され得るため、適切な組み合わせにおいてaおよびPがより大きな値であることは有利であり得る。(USP6570143)
$$ The slope 14 prevents the build up of material on the compacting means 4 during a compacting pass while the outer curved surface 13 provides a spreading action. / 外側曲面13が広げ動作をしているとき、傾斜14は突き固め通過作業中に突き固め手段4上に材料が積もることを防止する。(USP6079969)
$$ As previously mentioned, a more robust approach is to use a method of slope detection which detects the onset of the downwards slope after the peak current has been reached. / 上述のように、より強力なアプローチは、ピーク電流が到達した後、下降勾配の開始を検出する勾配検出方法を用いることである。(USP6586903)
$$ If the displaced "upslopes" and "downslopes" are made to engage some form of ratchet mechanism, relative motion in the longitudinal direction of the sinusoid results. / 変位した「上り坂」と「下り坂」がある種の形態のラチェット機構とかみ合うようになっている場合、正弦波曲線の縦方向で相対的運動が生じる。(USP6833656)
SLOT (名詞・動詞) 細長い開口
SLOT (n, v) 細長い開口
RT -->aperture, gap, opening, orifice, slit
$$ The input side 33 comprises a concave input surface 29 which includes a plurality of openings 31 in the form of slots, which constitute entrances for the channels 7. / 入力側33は、チャネル7のための入口を構成するスロットの形態で複数の孔31を含む、凹状入力面29を備える。(USP8121330)
$$ One or both of an inner collar member and/or outer collar member include grooves or slots for receiving one or more of the wires so as to help determine a position of those wires. / 内部カラー部材、及び外部カラー部材の一方又は両方には、1本以上のワイヤを受容する溝又はスロットを設けて、ワイヤの位置決めを助けるようになっている。(USP8112863)
$$ The tongue 174 is a close fit in its slot, however, so that the coupling thus formed prevents the planet 100 from rotating. / しかし、舌片174はその溝穴内で嵌合し、そのため、このように形成された結合は遊星100の回転を阻止する。(USP8096918)
$$ The pivot arms 252 thereby slot into the respective leg 201a portions of the L-shape member 201. / それにより、枢支腕252は、L字形材201のそれぞれの脚201a部の中へ嵌り込む。(USP7575279)
$$ The motor also drives a slotted disc 15, the slotted periphery of which rotates between a light source 16 and a photoelectric cell 17. このモータ14はまた、溝付きの円板15も駆動する。この円板15上の溝が形成された周縁部は、光源16と光電セル17との間で回転する。(USP5373373)
$$ A cannula or catheter dressing according to claim 1 wherein the aperture is in the form of an elongate slot. / 開口が伸長細長孔である前記請求項の何れか1つによるカテーテルまたはカニューレ用ドレッシング。(USP5968000)
$$ The events occurring in these time slots are as follows: / これらのタイムスロットにおいて起きる事柄を次に述べる。(USP5559936)
$$ The pin 64 also projects through an axially extending slot 67 provided in the casing 5. / ピン64は又、ケーシング5に設けられた軸方向に延在するスロット67を貫通している。(USP5418645)
$$ However, the allocation of time slots is flexible, to optimize the number of users and quality of communication, as described below. / しかし、以下で述べるように、タイムスロットは、利用者の数と通信の品質を最適化するように柔軟に割り当てることができる。(USP01046481)
SLOT (n, v) 細長い開口
RT -->aperture, gap, opening, orifice, slit
$$ The input side 33 comprises a concave input surface 29 which includes a plurality of openings 31 in the form of slots, which constitute entrances for the channels 7. / 入力側33は、チャネル7のための入口を構成するスロットの形態で複数の孔31を含む、凹状入力面29を備える。(USP8121330)
$$ One or both of an inner collar member and/or outer collar member include grooves or slots for receiving one or more of the wires so as to help determine a position of those wires. / 内部カラー部材、及び外部カラー部材の一方又は両方には、1本以上のワイヤを受容する溝又はスロットを設けて、ワイヤの位置決めを助けるようになっている。(USP8112863)
$$ The tongue 174 is a close fit in its slot, however, so that the coupling thus formed prevents the planet 100 from rotating. / しかし、舌片174はその溝穴内で嵌合し、そのため、このように形成された結合は遊星100の回転を阻止する。(USP8096918)
$$ The pivot arms 252 thereby slot into the respective leg 201a portions of the L-shape member 201. / それにより、枢支腕252は、L字形材201のそれぞれの脚201a部の中へ嵌り込む。(USP7575279)
$$ The motor also drives a slotted disc 15, the slotted periphery of which rotates between a light source 16 and a photoelectric cell 17. このモータ14はまた、溝付きの円板15も駆動する。この円板15上の溝が形成された周縁部は、光源16と光電セル17との間で回転する。(USP5373373)
$$ A cannula or catheter dressing according to claim 1 wherein the aperture is in the form of an elongate slot. / 開口が伸長細長孔である前記請求項の何れか1つによるカテーテルまたはカニューレ用ドレッシング。(USP5968000)
$$ The events occurring in these time slots are as follows: / これらのタイムスロットにおいて起きる事柄を次に述べる。(USP5559936)
$$ The pin 64 also projects through an axially extending slot 67 provided in the casing 5. / ピン64は又、ケーシング5に設けられた軸方向に延在するスロット67を貫通している。(USP5418645)
$$ However, the allocation of time slots is flexible, to optimize the number of users and quality of communication, as described below. / しかし、以下で述べるように、タイムスロットは、利用者の数と通信の品質を最適化するように柔軟に割り当てることができる。(USP01046481)
SLOW (動詞)
SLOW (動詞)
$$ ...will tend to slow the propagation of the EM wave... / EM波の伝搬が遅くなる傾向がある (USP6816020)
$$ Without the acceleration and deceleration pulses, the stepper motors could only be run at a lower speed which would disadvantageously slow down the entire scanning process. / 加速および減速パルスがなければ、ステッパモータは低速でしか動作できず、これでは不利にも走査プロセス全体が低速になるであろう。(USP6611142)
$$ However, such compactness reduces the porosity of the body of adsorbent, and so tends to retard the rate of desorption from within the body of the adsorbent, which slows the rate of chilling of the fluid. / しかしながら、このように圧縮するならば、吸着材の本体の多孔度が低下し、このため、吸着材本体内部からの吸着速度を遅くすることとなり、このことは、流体の冷却速度を遅くすることにつながる。(USP6098417)
$$ Clearly if such gas pressure is the product of the shaft rotation, then any bearing support from it will decrease if the machine is slowed due to magnetic bearing failure and... / もしそのようなガス圧が軸が回転したことにより得られたものであるとすれば、もし機械が磁気軸受の故障により速度が遅くなるとすればガス圧によるいずれの軸受支持も低下し、 (USP5355040)
$$ The step-like rising edge of the waveform D is slowed down by the integrator 46 and the low pass filter 48 thereby giving the desired profile to the leading edge of the waveform E without requiring special pulse shaping circuitry. / 波形Dのステップ状立上がり縁は積分器46および低域通過フィルタ48により遅延され、これにより特定のパルス成形回路を必要とすることなく波形Eの立上がり縁に所望のプロフィールを与えるようにする。(USP5548826)
$$ A principal cause of thrombosis is a slowing of blood flow in a number of circumstances. (USP7637922)
$$ The rearfoot is important in slower running when the foot lands and when slowing down. (USP6357146)
SLOW (動詞)
$$ ...will tend to slow the propagation of the EM wave... / EM波の伝搬が遅くなる傾向がある (USP6816020)
$$ Without the acceleration and deceleration pulses, the stepper motors could only be run at a lower speed which would disadvantageously slow down the entire scanning process. / 加速および減速パルスがなければ、ステッパモータは低速でしか動作できず、これでは不利にも走査プロセス全体が低速になるであろう。(USP6611142)
$$ However, such compactness reduces the porosity of the body of adsorbent, and so tends to retard the rate of desorption from within the body of the adsorbent, which slows the rate of chilling of the fluid. / しかしながら、このように圧縮するならば、吸着材の本体の多孔度が低下し、このため、吸着材本体内部からの吸着速度を遅くすることとなり、このことは、流体の冷却速度を遅くすることにつながる。(USP6098417)
$$ Clearly if such gas pressure is the product of the shaft rotation, then any bearing support from it will decrease if the machine is slowed due to magnetic bearing failure and... / もしそのようなガス圧が軸が回転したことにより得られたものであるとすれば、もし機械が磁気軸受の故障により速度が遅くなるとすればガス圧によるいずれの軸受支持も低下し、 (USP5355040)
$$ The step-like rising edge of the waveform D is slowed down by the integrator 46 and the low pass filter 48 thereby giving the desired profile to the leading edge of the waveform E without requiring special pulse shaping circuitry. / 波形Dのステップ状立上がり縁は積分器46および低域通過フィルタ48により遅延され、これにより特定のパルス成形回路を必要とすることなく波形Eの立上がり縁に所望のプロフィールを与えるようにする。(USP5548826)
$$ A principal cause of thrombosis is a slowing of blood flow in a number of circumstances. (USP7637922)
$$ The rearfoot is important in slower running when the foot lands and when slowing down. (USP6357146)
タグ :SLOW