OR SO ~ぐらい
OR SO ~ぐらい
$$ For example, for a public address speaker the line (and hence the length of the panel) should be at least 40 cm long, giving a
lowest nominal controlled directivity frequency of no more than 850 Hz or so. (USP7564984)
$$ Conventionally, each 120° sector may employ diversity, and be served by a pair of antennas, comprising first and second antenna elements spaced apart from each other by a distance of the order of 2 to 3 meters or so. (USP6167286)
$$ However, on flight sectors with more frequent track changes, the alarm system may be set for 2 minutes or so. (USP4879542)
$$ The delay might be only a millisecond or so, but if there were a very large number of nodes, this delay could rapidly build into significant fractions of a second. / 遅延は、ミリ秒程度にすぎないが、非常に多数のノードがある場合には、この遅延は、秒の重要な断片にすばやく組み込まれるだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ As an example, the sidewalls of the mesas could be clad with 300 nm or so of metal, in particular, 30 nm of nickel and 300 nm of gold. / 一例として、各メサの側壁を300nm程度の金属で、とりわけ30nmのニッケルと300nmの金で被覆する。(USP7598149)
$$ For a circular bender of radius a few centimetres, this rotation may be about one degree or so. / 半径が数センチメートルの円形ベンダでは、この回転は約1度程度である。(USP6833656)
$$ In a typical circuit the drive transistor 1 may be of the order of 10000 times or so of the size of the control transistor 5. (USP6778366)
$$ Thus, after a period of twelve hours or so the liner will expand into a close fit within the host pipe. / 従って、12時間ぐらい経った後、ライナーはホストパイプ内に緊密に嵌合するように膨張する。(USP6228312)
$$ In step 2, each of the 300 or so molecules are therefore copied to the working area as a working group. (USP02062307)
OR SO ~ぐらい
$$ For example, for a public address speaker the line (and hence the length of the panel) should be at least 40 cm long, giving a
lowest nominal controlled directivity frequency of no more than 850 Hz or so. (USP7564984)
$$ Conventionally, each 120° sector may employ diversity, and be served by a pair of antennas, comprising first and second antenna elements spaced apart from each other by a distance of the order of 2 to 3 meters or so. (USP6167286)
$$ However, on flight sectors with more frequent track changes, the alarm system may be set for 2 minutes or so. (USP4879542)
$$ The delay might be only a millisecond or so, but if there were a very large number of nodes, this delay could rapidly build into significant fractions of a second. / 遅延は、ミリ秒程度にすぎないが、非常に多数のノードがある場合には、この遅延は、秒の重要な断片にすばやく組み込まれるだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ As an example, the sidewalls of the mesas could be clad with 300 nm or so of metal, in particular, 30 nm of nickel and 300 nm of gold. / 一例として、各メサの側壁を300nm程度の金属で、とりわけ30nmのニッケルと300nmの金で被覆する。(USP7598149)
$$ For a circular bender of radius a few centimetres, this rotation may be about one degree or so. / 半径が数センチメートルの円形ベンダでは、この回転は約1度程度である。(USP6833656)
$$ In a typical circuit the drive transistor 1 may be of the order of 10000 times or so of the size of the control transistor 5. (USP6778366)
$$ Thus, after a period of twelve hours or so the liner will expand into a close fit within the host pipe. / 従って、12時間ぐらい経った後、ライナーはホストパイプ内に緊密に嵌合するように膨張する。(USP6228312)
$$ In step 2, each of the 300 or so molecules are therefore copied to the working area as a working group. (USP02062307)
$$ However, housings with dimensions of around 175 mm to 250 mm length, by 75 mm to 150 mm wide and 50 mm to 150 mm high are likely to be useful and practical, while not being so large as to give rise to structural issues with wall building. / しかしながら、長さが約175mmから250mm、幅が75mmから150mm、及び高さ50mmから150mmの寸法の筺体は、壁の建物との構造上の問題を起こすほど大きくない一方で、有用且つ実用的である。(USP7599597)
$$ In particular, in a detector in which A.C. coupling is used, such as those described in British Patent No. 2266772 and British Patent No. 2277154, a finite probe impedance usually only has a significant effect if it is so low as to saturate the amplifier, or if it varies in magnitude with time. / 英国特許第2266772号、2277154号などに記載してある、特に、交流結合が使用される検出器においては、通常、プローブのインピーダンスが小さく増幅器が飽和する場合や、プローブのインピーダンスが時間とともに変動する場合に、プローブの有限のインピーダンスによって重大な影響が生じるだけである。(USP6489775)
$$ The coating is thus preferably not so thick as to be impervious to such gaseous products, and it is preferably also permeable to water vapour in order that a build-up of water at the concrete film interface may be prevented. / このように、導電性被覆はそのようなガス状の生成物を通さない程厚くないのが好ましく、同時にコンクリートと被覆の界面で水が蓄積増大するのを防止する為に水蒸気に対して透過性であるのが好ましい。(USP5364511)
$$ The camera is preferably so small as to be capable of easy support by the eyepiece without significant deformation thereof.(USP5018846)
$$ Establishing a communications link is the most time-consuming part of a payment transaction, with the time taken for data transmission being so short as to be almost inconsequential. (USP6848613)
$$ Furthermore, it is important to be able to control to a fine degree the final composition of any biocidal solution produced, since the solution must have a high enough concentration of, say, available free chlorine (AFC) to be sufficiently biocidal, but not so high as to corrode or otherwise damage any equipment which is being sterilised. (USP6632347)
$$ In order to reduce this interference, the antenna beams are separated as far as possible, but not so far as to leave large regions of the cell uncovered by any antenna beam. (USP6480524)
$$ Registration points 270 are placed as far apart as possible, but not so close to the edge of the paper as to get lost or damaged. (USP5912974)
$$ This is so great an over-simplification as to be surprising that any useful results arise. (USP6332029)
$$ The intention of the method is penetration of the container and tearing it apart or pressurising it to the extent that it bursts, thereby separating the components so quickly that the initiation system does not have time to function. (USP6584908)
$$ However, the VSOP package is so small that many RAM chips are too large to fit into it. (USP6100581)
$$ This invention relates to a novel cell construction which enables stacked cells to be formed in which the intermediate substrate is so thin that little or no parallax occurs between the images formed in the two or more cells. / 2つ以上のセルにおいて形成されたイメージの間にパララックスがほとんど又は全く生じないように中間基板が薄いスタック・セルの形成を可能にする新規なセル構造を提供する。(USP5801796): 程度
$$ A slit of a few microns width may be left between the rear ends of the sharpened edges, but the uncut section of hair will be so thin that it will immediately fracture. / 数ミクロン幅のスリットが鋭利な縁の後方端に残るが、毛の切断されない部分は非常に薄く直ちに折れる程度の薄さである。(USP6176014): 程度
$$ However, the width of strip is so great that the paper formed on the back of the paper has flaws in the form of arbitrary holes in the region of the strip. / しかしながら、ストリップの幅が広いので、紙の裏面に形成される紙が、ストリップの領域において任意の孔(arbitrary holes)の形の欠陥を有することになる。(USP6616803): 結果
$$ The fringe generating means may comprise an incoherent, white light source and a spatial light modulator driven by an external signal source so as to produce synthetic fringes such that the transmitted light intensity has an approximately sinusoidal profile. / 縞発生手段は、伝達された光の強度がほぼ正弦波の輪郭をもつような合成縞を形成するように、非コヒーレント白色光源と、外部信号源により駆動される空間光変調器とで構成できる。(USP6208416)
$$ At the free end of the assembly 702, 703 there is a spring-loaded pivotal retaining arm 708 which is biased towards the end of the plunger 702 so as to retain a rivet 709 securely such that its head abuts against the outside diameter of the end of the plunger 702 as shown in FIG. 56. / アセンブリー702、703の自由端には、リベット709を安全に保持するためにプランジャー702の端に向かってバイアスがかけられたスプリング負荷された軸保持アーム708が存在し、図56に示されるようにプランジャー702の端の外部の直径に対するそのヘッドが接するようにリベット709をしっかりと保持する。(USP6692213)
$$ As the stack of "cups" reaches the top of the vessel, a shorter "cup" or "cup" is added so as to "top off" the stack without requiring an excessively thick final layer of carbon and so that the folded wall of the topmost "cup(s)" does not project above the edge of the cartridge vessel. / 「カップ」の積み重ね体が容器の頂部に達したとき、炭素の最後の層を過度に厚くすることを必要とせずに、また、最上部の「カップ」の折り重ねた壁がカートリッジ容器の端縁の上方に突き出ないように積み重ね体の「頂部を除去する」ため、より短い「カップ」を追加する。(USP6098417)
$$ Where the can into which the capsule is to be fitted is generally cylindrical in shape and the capsule itself is generally cylindrical in shape and the capsule is fitted into the can so as to be generally coaxial with the can, the tube is preferably co-axial with the capsule so that it is coincident with the axis of the can, and symmetry about the can axis is preserved. (USP5660867)
$$ The torque transmitting abutments 23, 24 and bores 21 are arranged so as to be mutally registerable so that the balls 20 can be received in the bores 21 and engage both the driving and driven abutments 29, 30 to permit the transmission of torque as hereinafter to be described in more detail. (USP4838400)
$$ The change speed gearbox 41 is mounted on the frame members 14, 15 so as to be disposed therebetween and disposed so that the rear end face 41a of the gearbox is at a position approximately midway between transverse axes RF, RR respectively extending horizontally through the axes V and the centre of propulsive rotation of each wheel 33, 34. (USP5836733)
$$ FIG. 25 shows an outlet closure 540 and an inlet closure 511 which have been modified so as to be mutually engageable so that only a single closure item will be found in the tinted paint. (USP4971193)
$$ An atomising device 3 is positioned so as to be inclined to the axis of rotation 2 so that the spray of metal or metal alloy droplets created by the atomising device 3 arrives at the surface of the collector at an angle to the axis of rotation. (USP4938275)
$$ The fringe generating means may comprise an incoherent, white light source and a spatial light modulator driven by an external signal source so as to produce synthetic fringes such that the transmitted light intensity has an approximately sinusoidal profile. / 縞発生手段は、伝達された光の強度がほぼ正弦波の輪郭をもつような合成縞を形成するように、非コヒーレント白色光源と、外部信号源により駆動される空間光変調器とで構成できる。(USP6208416)
$$ At the free end of the assembly 702, 703 there is a spring-loaded pivotal retaining arm 708 which is biased towards the end of the plunger 702 so as to retain a rivet 709 securely such that its head abuts against the outside diameter of the end of the plunger 702 as shown in FIG. 56. / アセンブリー702、703の自由端には、リベット709を安全に保持するためにプランジャー702の端に向かってバイアスがかけられたスプリング負荷された軸保持アーム708が存在し、図56に示されるようにプランジャー702の端の外部の直径に対するそのヘッドが接するようにリベット709をしっかりと保持する。(USP6692213)
$$ As the stack of "cups" reaches the top of the vessel, a shorter "cup" or "cup" is added so as to "top off" the stack without requiring an excessively thick final layer of carbon and so that the folded wall of the topmost "cup(s)" does not project above the edge of the cartridge vessel. / 「カップ」の積み重ね体が容器の頂部に達したとき、炭素の最後の層を過度に厚くすることを必要とせずに、また、最上部の「カップ」の折り重ねた壁がカートリッジ容器の端縁の上方に突き出ないように積み重ね体の「頂部を除去する」ため、より短い「カップ」を追加する。(USP6098417)
$$ Where the can into which the capsule is to be fitted is generally cylindrical in shape and the capsule itself is generally cylindrical in shape and the capsule is fitted into the can so as to be generally coaxial with the can, the tube is preferably co-axial with the capsule so that it is coincident with the axis of the can, and symmetry about the can axis is preserved. (USP5660867)
$$ The torque transmitting abutments 23, 24 and bores 21 are arranged so as to be mutally registerable so that the balls 20 can be received in the bores 21 and engage both the driving and driven abutments 29, 30 to permit the transmission of torque as hereinafter to be described in more detail. (USP4838400)
$$ The change speed gearbox 41 is mounted on the frame members 14, 15 so as to be disposed therebetween and disposed so that the rear end face 41a of the gearbox is at a position approximately midway between transverse axes RF, RR respectively extending horizontally through the axes V and the centre of propulsive rotation of each wheel 33, 34. (USP5836733)
$$ FIG. 25 shows an outlet closure 540 and an inlet closure 511 which have been modified so as to be mutually engageable so that only a single closure item will be found in the tinted paint. (USP4971193)
$$ An atomising device 3 is positioned so as to be inclined to the axis of rotation 2 so that the spray of metal or metal alloy droplets created by the atomising device 3 arrives at the surface of the collector at an angle to the axis of rotation. (USP4938275)
$$ In general, the holes should be as small as possible, so as not to reduce excessively the area available for tracks within the printed circuit layers. / 一般に、印刷回路層内でトラックとして利用できる領域を必要以上に減少させることのないように、孔は可能な限り小さくすべきである。(USP5408568)
$$ Preferably, so as not to obscure the lithographic tool, the interrogating beam impinges onto a peripheral edge of the substrate. / 好ましくは、上記リソグラフィツールを遮らないよう、上記検査ビームは、上記基板の周囲の端面に入射される。(USP6977986)
$$ In this position the pushers 465 bypass the second rivet so as not to cause any further forward movement of it. / この位置では、さらに、それが前方に移動しないように、プッシャー465は、第2のリベットを回避する。(USP6692213)
$$ It is based on "semi-permanent" mobility cases, in which a terminal 34 can move from one place to another only between sessions, so as not to require handovers and resource management control. / MIPv4は“半永久的な”移動の場合に基づいており、端末34はセッション間でのみ1つの位置から別の位置へ移動でき、したがってハンドオーバおよび資源管理制御を必要としない。(USP6584098)
$$ In general, the holes should be as small as possible, so as not to reduce excessively the area available for tracks within the printed circuit layers. / 一般に、印刷回路層内でトラックとして利用できる領域を必要以上に減少させることのないように、孔は可能な限り小さくすべきである。(USP5408568)
$$ Preferably, so as not to obscure the lithographic tool, the interrogating beam impinges onto a peripheral edge of the substrate. / 好ましくは、上記リソグラフィツールを遮らないよう、上記検査ビームは、上記基板の周囲の端面に入射される。(USP6977986)
$$ In this position the pushers 465 bypass the second rivet so as not to cause any further forward movement of it. / この位置では、さらに、それが前方に移動しないように、プッシャー465は、第2のリベットを回避する。(USP6692213)
$$ It is based on "semi-permanent" mobility cases, in which a terminal 34 can move from one place to another only between sessions, so as not to require handovers and resource management control. / MIPv4は“半永久的な”移動の場合に基づいており、端末34はセッション間でのみ1つの位置から別の位置へ移動でき、したがってハンドオーバおよび資源管理制御を必要としない。(USP6584098)
$$ During the upward motion of the stack of gloves 100, outer edges of the stack may drag against the perimeter walls 24, 25 and so be deflected downwards. / 手袋の束100が上方へ動く間に,束の外部縁が周囲壁24,25に沿って摺動され,下方に偏向する。(USP8650842)
$$ Further analytes may include for example antibodies to a particular pathogen and so be generated by the host organism. / さらなる分析物は、例えば、特定の病原体に対する抗体を含み得、従って、宿主生物によって生成され得る。(USP8043811)
$$ As the follower (325) is forced to move inwards so is the pin-holding piece (319) and the pin (367). (USP5896855) フォロワ325は内方へ移動せしめられ、ピン保持片319およびピン367も同様である。
$$ The tool F is capable of feeding about 10 meters of the fibre unit 1, and so is quite adequate to feed a sufficient length of the fibre unit to a blowing unit positioned outside the customer's premises. / 工具Fは約10mのファイバユニット1を供給することができるから、顧客の施設の外部に置かれている吹き出しユニットに十分な長さのファイバユニットを供給するのに極めて適している。(USP5749565)
$$ Data spoiling is where in a sequence of packets, particular packets are either deleted or modified, because the information they contain is updated later in the sequence and so is no longer required. / データの無効化(spoiling)はパケットのシーケンス内のどこかにあり、特定のパケットが削除又は変更される。なぜなら、それらが含む情報が該シーケンスで後に更新されて不要になるからである。(USP5454079)
$$ Exactly which bit-patterns correspond to which tokens is entirely arbitrary, and so is not shown. (USP5422881) どのビットパターンがどのトークンに正確に対応するのかは全く任意であるので図示していない。
$$ As node A is at substantially ground voltage, so is the gate voltage on the first and second PMOS transistors 16, 23 of the right hand circuit branch and thus these two transistors are conductive. (USP02005733) ノードAは実質的に接地電位であり、右側回路枝の第1および第2のPMOSトランジスタ16,23のゲート電位もそうであるので、これらのトランジスタは導通状態である。
$$ Heparin and its low molecular weight derivatives are indirect thrombin inhibitors, and so are unsuitable to treat arterial thrombosis. (USP7371729)
$$ The sprocket wheels 64 and 65 are rigid with the shaft 54 and so are driven by the shaft 54. (USP6490845)
$$ Nearly all primitives will overlap multiple scanlines so are ideally broadcast to all GLINTs. (USP5727192)
$$ The salt was comparatively soluble and so was redissolved at 50 mg/ml in the same manner previously described. (USP7371729)
$$ The program counter latching circuit can conveniently be provided in combination with circuitry that monitors the address bus and data bus of the processor unit as these buses will bear signals that allow a program counter value to be determined and so be accessible for output to the diagnostic system. (USP02042274)
$$ During the upward motion of the stack of gloves 100, outer edges of the stack may drag against the perimeter walls 24, 25 and so be deflected downwards. / 手袋の束100が上方へ動く間に,束の外部縁が周囲壁24,25に沿って摺動され,下方に偏向する。(USP8650842)
$$ Further analytes may include for example antibodies to a particular pathogen and so be generated by the host organism. / さらなる分析物は、例えば、特定の病原体に対する抗体を含み得、従って、宿主生物によって生成され得る。(USP8043811)
$$ As the follower (325) is forced to move inwards so is the pin-holding piece (319) and the pin (367). (USP5896855) フォロワ325は内方へ移動せしめられ、ピン保持片319およびピン367も同様である。
$$ The tool F is capable of feeding about 10 meters of the fibre unit 1, and so is quite adequate to feed a sufficient length of the fibre unit to a blowing unit positioned outside the customer's premises. / 工具Fは約10mのファイバユニット1を供給することができるから、顧客の施設の外部に置かれている吹き出しユニットに十分な長さのファイバユニットを供給するのに極めて適している。(USP5749565)
$$ Data spoiling is where in a sequence of packets, particular packets are either deleted or modified, because the information they contain is updated later in the sequence and so is no longer required. / データの無効化(spoiling)はパケットのシーケンス内のどこかにあり、特定のパケットが削除又は変更される。なぜなら、それらが含む情報が該シーケンスで後に更新されて不要になるからである。(USP5454079)
$$ Exactly which bit-patterns correspond to which tokens is entirely arbitrary, and so is not shown. (USP5422881) どのビットパターンがどのトークンに正確に対応するのかは全く任意であるので図示していない。
$$ As node A is at substantially ground voltage, so is the gate voltage on the first and second PMOS transistors 16, 23 of the right hand circuit branch and thus these two transistors are conductive. (USP02005733) ノードAは実質的に接地電位であり、右側回路枝の第1および第2のPMOSトランジスタ16,23のゲート電位もそうであるので、これらのトランジスタは導通状態である。
$$ Heparin and its low molecular weight derivatives are indirect thrombin inhibitors, and so are unsuitable to treat arterial thrombosis. (USP7371729)
$$ The sprocket wheels 64 and 65 are rigid with the shaft 54 and so are driven by the shaft 54. (USP6490845)
$$ Nearly all primitives will overlap multiple scanlines so are ideally broadcast to all GLINTs. (USP5727192)
$$ The salt was comparatively soluble and so was redissolved at 50 mg/ml in the same manner previously described. (USP7371729)
$$ The program counter latching circuit can conveniently be provided in combination with circuitry that monitors the address bus and data bus of the processor unit as these buses will bear signals that allow a program counter value to be determined and so be accessible for output to the diagnostic system. (USP02042274)
$$ The cap 20 is then rotated through the helical path defined by the grooves 26 to the position shown in the right hand part of FIG. 2 and in FIG. 4 and in so doing is drawn axially along the coupling body. (USP7100948)
$$ In so doing the perpendicular distance X between the centre of rotation C and the centre of gravity G increases up to a distance W which causes the centrifugal couple CF to increase. (USP5524742)
$$ Once an initial quantity of liquid has been introduced, the remainder is introduced beneath the surface of the liquid and so does not mix with the gas in the container and so generate a great quantity of fob nor introduce an undesirable quantity of gas into the liquid. (USP4573505)
$$ As the number of sectors increases, so does the number of handoffs and this makes increasing demands on the processing and communications capacity of the communications network. (USP6480524): 倒置
$$ One method for so doing is illustrated in FIG. 6 of the accompanying drawings. (USP6556987)
$$ Actuator rotation is decoupled from the steering shaft by bearing 111, so does not cause the steering shaft or bit thereon to rotate. (USP6659201)
$$ In so doing, a "click" sound will be emitted, and a "click" effect will be felt through the material of the closure. (USP5411157)
$$ It is possible for a header file to begin or end a syntactic unit such as a function definition, but that would be very confusing, so don't do it. (USP6691301)
$$ The cap 20 is then rotated through the helical path defined by the grooves 26 to the position shown in the right hand part of FIG. 2 and in FIG. 4 and in so doing is drawn axially along the coupling body. (USP7100948)
$$ In so doing the perpendicular distance X between the centre of rotation C and the centre of gravity G increases up to a distance W which causes the centrifugal couple CF to increase. (USP5524742)
$$ Once an initial quantity of liquid has been introduced, the remainder is introduced beneath the surface of the liquid and so does not mix with the gas in the container and so generate a great quantity of fob nor introduce an undesirable quantity of gas into the liquid. (USP4573505)
$$ As the number of sectors increases, so does the number of handoffs and this makes increasing demands on the processing and communications capacity of the communications network. (USP6480524): 倒置
$$ One method for so doing is illustrated in FIG. 6 of the accompanying drawings. (USP6556987)
$$ Actuator rotation is decoupled from the steering shaft by bearing 111, so does not cause the steering shaft or bit thereon to rotate. (USP6659201)
$$ In so doing, a "click" sound will be emitted, and a "click" effect will be felt through the material of the closure. (USP5411157)
$$ It is possible for a header file to begin or end a syntactic unit such as a function definition, but that would be very confusing, so don't do it. (USP6691301)
SO FAR 今まで・これまで
SO FAR 今まで・これまで
$$ It stores the number of nodes that it has so far "adopted" into the network, as well as the total number of neighbour nodes with which it has direct communication. / 直接に通信をする隣のノードの総数と同様に、今までに“選んだ”ノード数をネットワーク内に保存する。(USP7653010)
$$ An indication of the available budget and the amount of budget used so far by preceding nodes could be passed to a node. / 先行するノードによって使用可能な予算およびこれまで使用された予算の量の表示が、ノードに渡されるだろう。 (USP7006435)
$$ Much of the discussion has so far centred on the exploitation of air-gapped designs. / ここまで多くの検討が、エアギャップのある構成の利用を中心に為されてきた。(USP6980362)
$$ The techniques described so far can be extended by using multiple crossed gratings. / 今までに説明された技術は、交差した複数の格子を用いることによって拡張することができる。(USP6975457)
$$ The above description has concentrated so far on the arrangement of the rotatable members with respect to the shaft. / 上記説明は、シャフトにたいする回転可能な部材の配設にいままでは、集約されていた。(USP6568293)
SO FAR 今まで・これまで
$$ It stores the number of nodes that it has so far "adopted" into the network, as well as the total number of neighbour nodes with which it has direct communication. / 直接に通信をする隣のノードの総数と同様に、今までに“選んだ”ノード数をネットワーク内に保存する。(USP7653010)
$$ An indication of the available budget and the amount of budget used so far by preceding nodes could be passed to a node. / 先行するノードによって使用可能な予算およびこれまで使用された予算の量の表示が、ノードに渡されるだろう。 (USP7006435)
$$ Much of the discussion has so far centred on the exploitation of air-gapped designs. / ここまで多くの検討が、エアギャップのある構成の利用を中心に為されてきた。(USP6980362)
$$ The techniques described so far can be extended by using multiple crossed gratings. / 今までに説明された技術は、交差した複数の格子を用いることによって拡張することができる。(USP6975457)
$$ The above description has concentrated so far on the arrangement of the rotatable members with respect to the shaft. / 上記説明は、シャフトにたいする回転可能な部材の配設にいままでは、集約されていた。(USP6568293)
$$ Just as the embodiment of FIG. 1 may have several temperature sensors, so may the embodiment of FIG. 4 (again, possibly a temperature sensor for the amplifier and/or detector, and one for each channel, or each group of channels). / まさに図1の実施形態がいくつかの温度センサを有することができるように、図4の実施形態も(やはり、できれば増幅器および/または検波器用の温度センサ、および各チャネル、もしくは各チャネルグループ用のもの)同様である。(USP6900756)
$$ Thus as aperture height decreases, so must the aperture width and there will in practice be a lower limit determined by the form of the sheet means. / 従って、開口部の高さが低くなるにつれて、開口部の幅を狭くせねばならず、実際にはシート手段の形状により決定される下限に設定される。(USP5961832)
$$ Because the status is distributed, so must be the routing, and hence there can then be no separation. (USP6493344)
$$ The idle gear is mounted on a circular portion of the boss, so may rotate freely, whereas the drive gear is constrained to corotate with the boss by means of flattened portions of the circular engaging surfaces of the boss and gear. (USP6478345)
$$ Just as the embodiment of FIG. 1 may have several temperature sensors, so may the embodiment of FIG. 4 (again, possibly a temperature sensor for the amplifier and/or detector, and one for each channel, or each group of channels). / まさに図1の実施形態がいくつかの温度センサを有することができるように、図4の実施形態も(やはり、できれば増幅器および/または検波器用の温度センサ、および各チャネル、もしくは各チャネルグループ用のもの)同様である。(USP6900756)
$$ Thus as aperture height decreases, so must the aperture width and there will in practice be a lower limit determined by the form of the sheet means. / 従って、開口部の高さが低くなるにつれて、開口部の幅を狭くせねばならず、実際にはシート手段の形状により決定される下限に設定される。(USP5961832)
$$ Because the status is distributed, so must be the routing, and hence there can then be no separation. (USP6493344)
$$ The idle gear is mounted on a circular portion of the boss, so may rotate freely, whereas the drive gear is constrained to corotate with the boss by means of flattened portions of the circular engaging surfaces of the boss and gear. (USP6478345)
$$ The ribbon of mortar so formed is thereafter cut to form discrete tiles on the pallets. / このように形成した帯状体のモルタルをその後切断して複数のパレットの上の別々のタイルとする。(USP5941039)
$$ When the cover is so moved the x and y pistons 76 and 66 respectively are moved in the x and y directions by the x and y components of the motion of the cover. / カバーがこのように動くことにより、カバーの動きのx、y成分により、xピストン76およびyピストン66がそれぞれx方向、y方向に移動する。(USP6611139)
$$ However, the skilled person would have no difficulty in ascertaining, if he/she so wished, such a lower limit. (USP01023850)
$$ For hardware encoders that are running all the time, there is no real concept of the start of a sequence and so closed GOPs may never be encoded. / 常に動作しているハードウェア符号器の故に、シーケンスの開始の実体的な概念が無く、クローズドGOPsは符号化されない。(USP6229851)
$$ The recess may be so shaped and/or dimensioned that it accommodates the conformation of an item over or onto which the apparatus is lowered as the latter sinks or becomes buried in the sea bed. (USP5382115)
$$ The computer multiplies the digital signals by respective weighting factors, and sums the products so formed to produce a result corresponding to receive beamforming.(USP6441783)
$$ In being so gripped, the flicker wheel 30, by virtue of its being waisted, imparts a vertical curvature to the document which lends it geometric strength. (USP4650178)
$$ The ribbon of mortar so formed is thereafter cut to form discrete tiles on the pallets. / このように形成した帯状体のモルタルをその後切断して複数のパレットの上の別々のタイルとする。(USP5941039)
$$ When the cover is so moved the x and y pistons 76 and 66 respectively are moved in the x and y directions by the x and y components of the motion of the cover. / カバーがこのように動くことにより、カバーの動きのx、y成分により、xピストン76およびyピストン66がそれぞれx方向、y方向に移動する。(USP6611139)
$$ However, the skilled person would have no difficulty in ascertaining, if he/she so wished, such a lower limit. (USP01023850)
$$ For hardware encoders that are running all the time, there is no real concept of the start of a sequence and so closed GOPs may never be encoded. / 常に動作しているハードウェア符号器の故に、シーケンスの開始の実体的な概念が無く、クローズドGOPsは符号化されない。(USP6229851)
$$ The recess may be so shaped and/or dimensioned that it accommodates the conformation of an item over or onto which the apparatus is lowered as the latter sinks or becomes buried in the sea bed. (USP5382115)
$$ The computer multiplies the digital signals by respective weighting factors, and sums the products so formed to produce a result corresponding to receive beamforming.(USP6441783)
$$ In being so gripped, the flicker wheel 30, by virtue of its being waisted, imparts a vertical curvature to the document which lends it geometric strength. (USP4650178)
タグ :SO PP
$$ Second projector lens 31 of lens system 15 is of such configuration and so powered as to bring the unscattered beams 12 into an approximately parallel relationship. (USP6420714)
$$ ...wherein the pulsing circuit and the source are so arranged as to deliver into a resistive load...(USP02052599)
$$ More specifically, these weld points 28 are so positioned as to thin the cold retaining medium over parts of the headwear 2 adjacent the person's forehead and temples.(USP5897581)
$$ The end-pieces 3 and 4 of the chamber 1 are adapted to form part of waveguide sections 7 and 8, respectively, which are so dimensioned as to transmit microwave energy. / チャンバ1の端板3,4は、それぞれ、導波管部分7,8の一部を形成するようにされており、これらはマイクロ波エネルギーを送信するような大きさとされている。(USP5418430)
$$ When the prisms are mutually adjacent, and so aligned that the directions in which they deflect the light are parallel and mutually opposing, the light beam will pass through the prisms substantially undeviated. (USP6473250)
$$ The bulkhead 5 is so placed that the section 3 receives substantially all the solids from the hydrocyclones, while the section 4 receives the liquid separated from those solids via pipe 7. (USP6315837)
$$ In the above described first rotary magazine (23), although the capsules may be pierced before loading into the magazine, the pins are so shaped that they pierce the capsules upon loading of the magazine with the capsules. (USP5896855)
$$ Second projector lens 31 of lens system 15 is of such configuration and so powered as to bring the unscattered beams 12 into an approximately parallel relationship. (USP6420714)
$$ ...wherein the pulsing circuit and the source are so arranged as to deliver into a resistive load...(USP02052599)
$$ More specifically, these weld points 28 are so positioned as to thin the cold retaining medium over parts of the headwear 2 adjacent the person's forehead and temples.(USP5897581)
$$ The end-pieces 3 and 4 of the chamber 1 are adapted to form part of waveguide sections 7 and 8, respectively, which are so dimensioned as to transmit microwave energy. / チャンバ1の端板3,4は、それぞれ、導波管部分7,8の一部を形成するようにされており、これらはマイクロ波エネルギーを送信するような大きさとされている。(USP5418430)
$$ When the prisms are mutually adjacent, and so aligned that the directions in which they deflect the light are parallel and mutually opposing, the light beam will pass through the prisms substantially undeviated. (USP6473250)
$$ The bulkhead 5 is so placed that the section 3 receives substantially all the solids from the hydrocyclones, while the section 4 receives the liquid separated from those solids via pipe 7. (USP6315837)
$$ In the above described first rotary magazine (23), although the capsules may be pierced before loading into the magazine, the pins are so shaped that they pierce the capsules upon loading of the magazine with the capsules. (USP5896855)
SO THAT (文頭)
SO THAT (文頭)
$$ So that incoming executable files are not allowed to automatically run as they enter the AV application, the system arranges for the data making up the incoming electronic files to be stored in memory in any suitable scrambled format. / 到来した実行可能なファイルがAVアプリケーション内に入ったときに自動的に実行されることがないように、本システムでは、到来する電子ファイルを構成するデータを、何らかの適切なスクランブル(暗号化)フォーマットで、メモリに格納するようになっている。(USP8185954)
$$ So that this method may be adopted with minimal changes to the existing hardware and software in use already, it is advantageous that the method as previously described comprises any of the snooping targets communicating with the responding target via an unused control channel of the data bus. / 本方法は、既に利用されている既存のハードウエア及びソフトウエアに対する変更を最小限に抑えつつ適用することが出来るので、この方法は、先に説明したように、いずれかのスヌーピングターゲットがデータバスの未使用の制御チャネルを介して応答ターゲットと通信することを含むという点において優れている。(USP8046514)
$$ So that those having ordinary skill in the art will more readily understand how to construct a dry powdered medicament inhaler in accordance with the present disclosure, a preferred embodiment is described below with reference to the drawing figures... (USP7540282)
$$ So that the queue does not become unmanageable, the compiler manager may delete part or all of the queue from time to time. (USP02029357)
SO THAT (文頭)
$$ So that incoming executable files are not allowed to automatically run as they enter the AV application, the system arranges for the data making up the incoming electronic files to be stored in memory in any suitable scrambled format. / 到来した実行可能なファイルがAVアプリケーション内に入ったときに自動的に実行されることがないように、本システムでは、到来する電子ファイルを構成するデータを、何らかの適切なスクランブル(暗号化)フォーマットで、メモリに格納するようになっている。(USP8185954)
$$ So that this method may be adopted with minimal changes to the existing hardware and software in use already, it is advantageous that the method as previously described comprises any of the snooping targets communicating with the responding target via an unused control channel of the data bus. / 本方法は、既に利用されている既存のハードウエア及びソフトウエアに対する変更を最小限に抑えつつ適用することが出来るので、この方法は、先に説明したように、いずれかのスヌーピングターゲットがデータバスの未使用の制御チャネルを介して応答ターゲットと通信することを含むという点において優れている。(USP8046514)
$$ So that those having ordinary skill in the art will more readily understand how to construct a dry powdered medicament inhaler in accordance with the present disclosure, a preferred embodiment is described below with reference to the drawing figures... (USP7540282)
$$ So that the queue does not become unmanageable, the compiler manager may delete part or all of the queue from time to time. (USP02029357)
$$ A burner stage 160, having a burner arm 170 is arranged so that a flame 180 heats a portion of fiber 140 between the stages 150. / バーナアーム170を有するバーナステージ160は、ステージ150間のファイバ140の一部を炎180で加熱するように配されている。(USP6631234)
$$ In FIG. 2, a gradual change is made so that signal A is mixed into signal B over a particular time period. / 図2においては、切換は徐々に行われ、信号Aは、ある期間に亘って信号Bと混合される。(USP6567128)
$$ The embossed layer may be removably fixed in position on the supporting surface so that the layer can be replaced if it becomes necessary e.g. due to wear and tear. / 上記の起伏を有する層は、例えば、摩耗や破損により新しい層が必要になった場合、この層を交換することができるように、透明物支持体の表面に対し取り外し可能に固定される。(USP5373373)
$$ Pixel points may be arranged so that sample areas overlap, butt up together, or are separated. / 上記画素の各点は、サンプル領域が互いに重なり合うように配置されるか、サンプル領域の縁部がぶつかり合う程度に配置されるか、または、サンプル領域が互いに分離されて配置される。(USP5373373)
$$ It would also be possible to use additional tuners so that the supplemental channels could be updated at full speed. / またチューナを追加して、追加のチャンネルを全速度で更新することもできる。(USP5398074)
$$ That condition is not one that is expected by the second module 8 as part of the handshake protocol so that the further behaviour of the module 8 becomes unpredictable and/or erroneous. / その状態は、初期接続手順プロトコールの一部として第2モジュール8により予期されている状態ではないので、モジュール8のそれ以上の挙動は予測不能且つ/又は誤りとなる。(USP5398233)
$$ However, in these engines, the working chamber is defined by first one wheel, and then another wheel, so that more than one rotating part needs to be sealed. / しかし、これらのエンジンにおいては、まず1つの歯車で仕事室が形成され、さらにもう一つの歯車で形成されるので、複数の回転部分をシールする必要がある。(USP7650871)
$$ After the metal is deposited, the resist is dissolved, so that only strips of metal remain, these strips having rings formed periodically along their lengths. / 金属を堆積させた後はレジストを溶解させ、長さ方向に周期的に形成されたリングを備えた金属のストリップだけを残留させる。(USP7598149)
$$ In this embodiment digital signals are applied to the input lines 119-122, so that each switching transistor is either fully on or fully off. / この実施形態においては、デジタル信号は、入力ライン119~122へと供給されているので、各スイッチングトランジスタは全てがオンかまたは全てがオフかの何れかである。(USP6681102)
$$ This provides an increased resolution from which quantisation errors and rounding effects can be detected and processed, so that these errors can be avoided. / これにより、分解能が向上し、量子化誤差が検出され、数値の丸め効果が得られ、これら誤差を回避できる。(USP6614489)
$$ The differentiator differentiates the current signal, so that at the point of zero di/dt the differentiator output is zero. / 微分器は電流信号を微分し、di/dtがゼロの点において、微分器の出力はゼロになる。(USP6586903)
$$ This indicates to the packet switching network that a route should be identified for the use of that call, so that all packets take the same route. / これはパケットスイッチングネットワークにその呼の使用に対してルートが識別されるべきことを示し、したがって全てのパケットが同じルートをとる。(USP6584098)
$$ During dispensing the closure flap is displaced outwardly by the flow of liquid product, so that a large nozzle area is exploited. / 分配期間中、閉鎖フラップは液体製品流により外方に移動させられ、よって、大きなノズル領域が利用される。(USP6422434)
$$ In principle the contents of this could be as set out in Table 2 above, so that each vowel or phoneme combination translates to a group number. / 原理的にはこの内容は上述の表2内に設定されたようなものであり、したがって、各母音もしくはフォニームの組合せが群番号に変る。(USP6208356)
$$ A burner stage 160, having a burner arm 170 is arranged so that a flame 180 heats a portion of fiber 140 between the stages 150. / バーナアーム170を有するバーナステージ160は、ステージ150間のファイバ140の一部を炎180で加熱するように配されている。(USP6631234)
$$ In FIG. 2, a gradual change is made so that signal A is mixed into signal B over a particular time period. / 図2においては、切換は徐々に行われ、信号Aは、ある期間に亘って信号Bと混合される。(USP6567128)
$$ The embossed layer may be removably fixed in position on the supporting surface so that the layer can be replaced if it becomes necessary e.g. due to wear and tear. / 上記の起伏を有する層は、例えば、摩耗や破損により新しい層が必要になった場合、この層を交換することができるように、透明物支持体の表面に対し取り外し可能に固定される。(USP5373373)
$$ Pixel points may be arranged so that sample areas overlap, butt up together, or are separated. / 上記画素の各点は、サンプル領域が互いに重なり合うように配置されるか、サンプル領域の縁部がぶつかり合う程度に配置されるか、または、サンプル領域が互いに分離されて配置される。(USP5373373)
$$ It would also be possible to use additional tuners so that the supplemental channels could be updated at full speed. / またチューナを追加して、追加のチャンネルを全速度で更新することもできる。(USP5398074)
$$ That condition is not one that is expected by the second module 8 as part of the handshake protocol so that the further behaviour of the module 8 becomes unpredictable and/or erroneous. / その状態は、初期接続手順プロトコールの一部として第2モジュール8により予期されている状態ではないので、モジュール8のそれ以上の挙動は予測不能且つ/又は誤りとなる。(USP5398233)
$$ However, in these engines, the working chamber is defined by first one wheel, and then another wheel, so that more than one rotating part needs to be sealed. / しかし、これらのエンジンにおいては、まず1つの歯車で仕事室が形成され、さらにもう一つの歯車で形成されるので、複数の回転部分をシールする必要がある。(USP7650871)
$$ After the metal is deposited, the resist is dissolved, so that only strips of metal remain, these strips having rings formed periodically along their lengths. / 金属を堆積させた後はレジストを溶解させ、長さ方向に周期的に形成されたリングを備えた金属のストリップだけを残留させる。(USP7598149)
$$ In this embodiment digital signals are applied to the input lines 119-122, so that each switching transistor is either fully on or fully off. / この実施形態においては、デジタル信号は、入力ライン119~122へと供給されているので、各スイッチングトランジスタは全てがオンかまたは全てがオフかの何れかである。(USP6681102)
$$ This provides an increased resolution from which quantisation errors and rounding effects can be detected and processed, so that these errors can be avoided. / これにより、分解能が向上し、量子化誤差が検出され、数値の丸め効果が得られ、これら誤差を回避できる。(USP6614489)
$$ The differentiator differentiates the current signal, so that at the point of zero di/dt the differentiator output is zero. / 微分器は電流信号を微分し、di/dtがゼロの点において、微分器の出力はゼロになる。(USP6586903)
$$ This indicates to the packet switching network that a route should be identified for the use of that call, so that all packets take the same route. / これはパケットスイッチングネットワークにその呼の使用に対してルートが識別されるべきことを示し、したがって全てのパケットが同じルートをとる。(USP6584098)
$$ During dispensing the closure flap is displaced outwardly by the flow of liquid product, so that a large nozzle area is exploited. / 分配期間中、閉鎖フラップは液体製品流により外方に移動させられ、よって、大きなノズル領域が利用される。(USP6422434)
$$ In principle the contents of this could be as set out in Table 2 above, so that each vowel or phoneme combination translates to a group number. / 原理的にはこの内容は上述の表2内に設定されたようなものであり、したがって、各母音もしくはフォニームの組合せが群番号に変る。(USP6208356)
タグ : SO THAT
$$ The engagement faces 43 may be angled to complement the sides of the dogs 20a so that as the engagement elements 28,30 rotate into engagement, there is face-to-face contact to reduce wear. / 係合面43は、ドグの側面20aを補完するような角度とされており、係合素子28、30が係合方向へ回転した時に、摩耗を減らすように面対面で接触する。(USP8171814)
$$ The second pivot axis 306 allows the armrest 302 to rotate 90° about its long axis so that, as it is dropped down, it presents its wider surface as a top surface on which the use may rest his arm. / 第2旋回軸306は、肘掛け302がその長軸の回りに90度回転することを可能にし、それによって、肘掛けが降りてきたときに、ユーザが、彼の肘をその上に載せることができるように、広い方の表面が現れる。(USP8157326)
$$ Signal supply is via connectors in the bracket so that as the unit is clipped in place, the electrical connections are established. (USP5402502)
$$ Said first low shutter speed is needed so that as much light as possible is able to penetrate the filter section 14. / 前記第1のシャッター速度では、可能な限り多くの光がフィルター部14内を透過できるようにする。(USP7580137)
$$ Often, the back-rest reclining and leg-rest moving mechanisms are linked, so that as the back-rest is reclined from an upright position to a reclined position, the leg-rest is move towards the raised position. (USP6276635)
$$ In particular, the slots ma be arranged so that as each arm is rotated relative to its neighbour it can enter the slot in the neighbour and close axially relative to the neighbour. (USP6409430)
$$ This achieves a long effective focal length, so that as much light as possible passes through the filter 16 in a narrow cone of rays, without requiring such a large housing. (USP5623342)
$$ As illustrated in FIG. 9, the plough is arranged for left-hand ploughing so that as the plough is drawn over the ground the tilling inversion wheel implements 6 turn the soil to the left. (USP5454434)
$$ The engagement faces 43 may be angled to complement the sides of the dogs 20a so that as the engagement elements 28,30 rotate into engagement, there is face-to-face contact to reduce wear. / 係合面43は、ドグの側面20aを補完するような角度とされており、係合素子28、30が係合方向へ回転した時に、摩耗を減らすように面対面で接触する。(USP8171814)
$$ The second pivot axis 306 allows the armrest 302 to rotate 90° about its long axis so that, as it is dropped down, it presents its wider surface as a top surface on which the use may rest his arm. / 第2旋回軸306は、肘掛け302がその長軸の回りに90度回転することを可能にし、それによって、肘掛けが降りてきたときに、ユーザが、彼の肘をその上に載せることができるように、広い方の表面が現れる。(USP8157326)
$$ Signal supply is via connectors in the bracket so that as the unit is clipped in place, the electrical connections are established. (USP5402502)
$$ Said first low shutter speed is needed so that as much light as possible is able to penetrate the filter section 14. / 前記第1のシャッター速度では、可能な限り多くの光がフィルター部14内を透過できるようにする。(USP7580137)
$$ Often, the back-rest reclining and leg-rest moving mechanisms are linked, so that as the back-rest is reclined from an upright position to a reclined position, the leg-rest is move towards the raised position. (USP6276635)
$$ In particular, the slots ma be arranged so that as each arm is rotated relative to its neighbour it can enter the slot in the neighbour and close axially relative to the neighbour. (USP6409430)
$$ This achieves a long effective focal length, so that as much light as possible passes through the filter 16 in a narrow cone of rays, without requiring such a large housing. (USP5623342)
$$ As illustrated in FIG. 9, the plough is arranged for left-hand ploughing so that as the plough is drawn over the ground the tilling inversion wheel implements 6 turn the soil to the left. (USP5454434)
$$ The belt 900 has an indexed drive so that the rivets 50 may be moved in step-wise fashion toward a release position 902 at the end of the mechanism. / リベット50がメカニズムの終わりにおいて解放位置902の方にステップ・ワイズ型において移動されるように、ベルト900は割り出しされたドライブを有している。(USP6692213)
$$ The preamble signal 66 does not contain any data but is transmitted so that subsequent protocol information may be passed unimpaired. / プリアンブル信号66は、データを含まないが、後続のプロトコル情報が損なわれずに渡されるように送信される。(USP5877871)
$$ Alternatively, the imager may be centre frequency scanable so that a single imaging camera may be used to image at variable centre frequencies. / 或いは、撮像器は、単一の撮像カメラを使って可変的中心周波数で撮像できるように中心周波数走査可能であってもよい。(USP6453224)
$$ These subsidiary peaks are removed by a data processing operation carried out in the computer 120, so that the peak RP may be clearly displayed if required.(USP5442438)
$$ The oriented structure provides the filler element with a high tensile strength and high modulus of elasticity, so that it may be handled in much the same way as a steel element, thereby facilitating manufacture of the rope.(USP6360522)
$$ In this case the host 123 is provided and connected to the port 30 so that it may operate as previously described for use in debugging and the transmission of special events through the port 30.(USP6526501)
$$ An alternative to the first module maintaining the request signal is for the second module to maintain a record after it has reset that it had received before resetting a reset permission request from the first module, so that the second module can respond to the request after it has reset. / 第1モジュールが要求(信号)を維持し続ける代わりに、第2モジュールがリセット後に該要求に応答出来るように、リセット前に第1モジュールからのリセット許可要求信号を受け取ったという記録を第2モジュールがリセット後に(第2モジュールは)維持してもよい。
$$ The belt 900 has an indexed drive so that the rivets 50 may be moved in step-wise fashion toward a release position 902 at the end of the mechanism. / リベット50がメカニズムの終わりにおいて解放位置902の方にステップ・ワイズ型において移動されるように、ベルト900は割り出しされたドライブを有している。(USP6692213)
$$ The preamble signal 66 does not contain any data but is transmitted so that subsequent protocol information may be passed unimpaired. / プリアンブル信号66は、データを含まないが、後続のプロトコル情報が損なわれずに渡されるように送信される。(USP5877871)
$$ Alternatively, the imager may be centre frequency scanable so that a single imaging camera may be used to image at variable centre frequencies. / 或いは、撮像器は、単一の撮像カメラを使って可変的中心周波数で撮像できるように中心周波数走査可能であってもよい。(USP6453224)
$$ These subsidiary peaks are removed by a data processing operation carried out in the computer 120, so that the peak RP may be clearly displayed if required.(USP5442438)
$$ The oriented structure provides the filler element with a high tensile strength and high modulus of elasticity, so that it may be handled in much the same way as a steel element, thereby facilitating manufacture of the rope.(USP6360522)
$$ In this case the host 123 is provided and connected to the port 30 so that it may operate as previously described for use in debugging and the transmission of special events through the port 30.(USP6526501)
$$ An alternative to the first module maintaining the request signal is for the second module to maintain a record after it has reset that it had received before resetting a reset permission request from the first module, so that the second module can respond to the request after it has reset. / 第1モジュールが要求(信号)を維持し続ける代わりに、第2モジュールがリセット後に該要求に応答出来るように、リセット前に第1モジュールからのリセット許可要求信号を受け取ったという記録を第2モジュールがリセット後に(第2モジュールは)維持してもよい。
$$ The filter and the oscillator may be arranged so that they are not intended to receive common tuning Input signals in the manner described above. / フィルタおよび発振器は、上述したように、それらが共通する同調入力信号を受信することを意図しないように配置されていても良い。(USP6681102)
$$ The system is designed so that the application does not need to know any details about the physical properties of the network (in other words the network structure is transparent to the application). / ネットワークの物理的な特性に関する詳細をアプリケーションが知る必要がない(換言すれば、アプリケーションに対してネットワーク構造が透明である)ようにシステムが設計される。(USP5454079)
$$ Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are less soluble in water than oxygen and so, despite large concentration gradients, diffusion rates are low relative to the water velocity VH2O so that neither gas reaches water passage 20 in significant quantities. / 水素および一酸化炭素は水に対する溶解性が酸素より小さい。従って、濃度勾配が大きいにもかかわらず、これらの拡散速度は水の速度VH2O より小さいで、いずれのガスも有意な量で水の通路20に到達することはない。(USP5436086)
$$ Thus, according to one embodiment, the network is configured so that no calls will be handed over to the private cell. / 従って、一実施例によれば、ネットワークはどのコールもプライベートセルにハンドオーバされないように構成されている。(USP6826414)
$$ In an alternative embodiment of the invention, the stationary groove may be T shaped and the control lever may be spring biased in its central position towards a locked position in which it cannot rotate the collar, so that neither forward nor reverse may be selected.(USP6318493)
$$ Jewelry including one or more jewel stones is generally designed so that it does not pass light from the front to the rear. / 一つ以上の宝石を含む宝飾品は、正面から背面へと光が通過しないようにデザインされるのが通常である。(USP6433483)
$$ In this implementation, the cathode 28 are thermal emission cathodes and are placed so that infrared emission does not enter the detector. / この実施形態では、陰極28は、熱放出陰極であり、赤外放出が検出器に入らないように配置される。(USP6177674)
$$ One way to overcome the matter of dazzle is to configure the illumination system so that direct viewing of the illuminated filament cannot occur. (USP7220025)
$$ If the pressure from the centrifugal pump 420 falls below a predetermined level, the NRV 421 closes so that fuel from the gear pump 430 cannot flow back through the centrifugal pump 420 to the LP pump 414. (USP7080503)
$$ The projector support structures over the cab, which tend to be simulator specific so that standard designs cannot easily be used. (USP6735015)
$$ As is well known, the thread pitch on a screw may be chosen so that axial force on its mating nut will not cause unscrewing. (USP6659201)
$$ However the cover disc 60 has no projecting parts, so that braking and anti-rollback functions cannot be accidentally engaged. (USP6598724)
$$ The pump wavelength can be chosen so that it cannot bleach the saturable absorber. (USP6445494)
$$ Furthermore, the interrupt handler is not able to see non-interrupt objects so that it cannot try to change them. (USP02029357)
$$ If the current attenuates so that readings may not be taken along the whole length of the pipeline 2, then fewer readings will be taken. (USP7635976)
$$ The self-references that do not expand in the first scan are marked so that they may not expand in the second scan either. (USP6691301)
$$ These splines transmit torque between first end 607 and second end 608, so that the two may not rotate axially with respect to each other. (USP6659201)
$$ The filter and the oscillator may be arranged so that they are not intended to receive common tuning Input signals in the manner described above. / フィルタおよび発振器は、上述したように、それらが共通する同調入力信号を受信することを意図しないように配置されていても良い。(USP6681102)
$$ The system is designed so that the application does not need to know any details about the physical properties of the network (in other words the network structure is transparent to the application). / ネットワークの物理的な特性に関する詳細をアプリケーションが知る必要がない(換言すれば、アプリケーションに対してネットワーク構造が透明である)ようにシステムが設計される。(USP5454079)
$$ Hydrogen and carbon monoxide are less soluble in water than oxygen and so, despite large concentration gradients, diffusion rates are low relative to the water velocity VH2O so that neither gas reaches water passage 20 in significant quantities. / 水素および一酸化炭素は水に対する溶解性が酸素より小さい。従って、濃度勾配が大きいにもかかわらず、これらの拡散速度は水の速度VH2O より小さいで、いずれのガスも有意な量で水の通路20に到達することはない。(USP5436086)
$$ Thus, according to one embodiment, the network is configured so that no calls will be handed over to the private cell. / 従って、一実施例によれば、ネットワークはどのコールもプライベートセルにハンドオーバされないように構成されている。(USP6826414)
$$ In an alternative embodiment of the invention, the stationary groove may be T shaped and the control lever may be spring biased in its central position towards a locked position in which it cannot rotate the collar, so that neither forward nor reverse may be selected.(USP6318493)
$$ Jewelry including one or more jewel stones is generally designed so that it does not pass light from the front to the rear. / 一つ以上の宝石を含む宝飾品は、正面から背面へと光が通過しないようにデザインされるのが通常である。(USP6433483)
$$ In this implementation, the cathode 28 are thermal emission cathodes and are placed so that infrared emission does not enter the detector. / この実施形態では、陰極28は、熱放出陰極であり、赤外放出が検出器に入らないように配置される。(USP6177674)
$$ One way to overcome the matter of dazzle is to configure the illumination system so that direct viewing of the illuminated filament cannot occur. (USP7220025)
$$ If the pressure from the centrifugal pump 420 falls below a predetermined level, the NRV 421 closes so that fuel from the gear pump 430 cannot flow back through the centrifugal pump 420 to the LP pump 414. (USP7080503)
$$ The projector support structures over the cab, which tend to be simulator specific so that standard designs cannot easily be used. (USP6735015)
$$ As is well known, the thread pitch on a screw may be chosen so that axial force on its mating nut will not cause unscrewing. (USP6659201)
$$ However the cover disc 60 has no projecting parts, so that braking and anti-rollback functions cannot be accidentally engaged. (USP6598724)
$$ The pump wavelength can be chosen so that it cannot bleach the saturable absorber. (USP6445494)
$$ Furthermore, the interrupt handler is not able to see non-interrupt objects so that it cannot try to change them. (USP02029357)
$$ If the current attenuates so that readings may not be taken along the whole length of the pipeline 2, then fewer readings will be taken. (USP7635976)
$$ The self-references that do not expand in the first scan are marked so that they may not expand in the second scan either. (USP6691301)
$$ These splines transmit torque between first end 607 and second end 608, so that the two may not rotate axially with respect to each other. (USP6659201)
SO THAT...it is (not) possible to-V
SO THAT...it is (not) possible to-V
$$ In FIG. 10c there is shown an extension 532 to the transfer belt 518 so that it is possible to cut the labels 516 and place them in a stream as a holding area to pass round the transfer belt 518. / 図10(c)には、ラベル516を切断して、搬送ベルト518の周りを進む保持領域としての流れにラベル置くことができるようにする、搬送ベルト518への延長部532が示されている。(USP8573276)
$$ The rack can be stored within the coordinate positioning machine's working area so that it is possible for the coordinate positioning machine to automatically load and unload tools from and to the rack. / ラックは、座標位置決めマシンの作業エリア内に保管されうるので、座標位置決めマシンは、工具をラックから自動的にロードし、ラックへアンロードすることが可能である。(USP8430331)
$$ The rack can be stored within the coordinate positioning machine's working area so that it is possible for the coordinate positioning machine to automatically load and unload measurement probes from and to the rack. / ラックは、座標位置決めマシンの作業エリア内に保管されうるので、座標位置決めマシンは、測定プローブをラックから自動的にロードし、ラックへアンロードすることが可能である。 (USP8381588)
$$ If desired, the window may be positioned so that it is possible to observe the rotation when inhaling through the mouthpiece (16). / 所望に応じて、窓は、マウスピース(16)を通して吸入するときに回転を観察することが可能なように位置付けられてもよい。(USP8336542)
$$ It has been found that because all forces (rolling, rotational and axial) act through the theoretical centre point "X" of the spherical bearing assembly, any misalignment that occurs is self-correcting so that it is not possible for the bearing housing 12 to become jammed in the guide track 2 / すべての力(転がり、回転、および軸方向)は球面ベアリングアセンブリの理論的に中央である点Xを通って働くので、起こるすべての不整合は自己補正され、ベアリングハウジング12がガイドトラック2で動かなくなることはない。(USP8490927)
$$ In a compressed video stream such as an MPEG-2 video stream, pixels are generally compressed as blocks known as macroblocks, so that it is not possible to derive the value of a particular pixel directly from the compressed video signal. / MPEG2映像ストリームのような圧縮映像ストリームにおいては、画素は一般にマクロブロックのようなブロックで圧縮されているので、圧縮映像信号から特定画素の値を直接取り出すことはできない。(USP6567128)
$$ Moreover the gas content of the sludge is very likely to be variable so that it is not possible to provide for some reliable standard compensation for gas content in the solids content calculation. (USP6565755)
$$ The electrode is recessed within the nozzle so that it is not possible for it to touch the workpiece; this greatly reduces the possibility of contaminating the weld with electrode material.(USP6566625)
SO THAT...it is (not) possible to-V
$$ In FIG. 10c there is shown an extension 532 to the transfer belt 518 so that it is possible to cut the labels 516 and place them in a stream as a holding area to pass round the transfer belt 518. / 図10(c)には、ラベル516を切断して、搬送ベルト518の周りを進む保持領域としての流れにラベル置くことができるようにする、搬送ベルト518への延長部532が示されている。(USP8573276)
$$ The rack can be stored within the coordinate positioning machine's working area so that it is possible for the coordinate positioning machine to automatically load and unload tools from and to the rack. / ラックは、座標位置決めマシンの作業エリア内に保管されうるので、座標位置決めマシンは、工具をラックから自動的にロードし、ラックへアンロードすることが可能である。(USP8430331)
$$ The rack can be stored within the coordinate positioning machine's working area so that it is possible for the coordinate positioning machine to automatically load and unload measurement probes from and to the rack. / ラックは、座標位置決めマシンの作業エリア内に保管されうるので、座標位置決めマシンは、測定プローブをラックから自動的にロードし、ラックへアンロードすることが可能である。 (USP8381588)
$$ If desired, the window may be positioned so that it is possible to observe the rotation when inhaling through the mouthpiece (16). / 所望に応じて、窓は、マウスピース(16)を通して吸入するときに回転を観察することが可能なように位置付けられてもよい。(USP8336542)
$$ It has been found that because all forces (rolling, rotational and axial) act through the theoretical centre point "X" of the spherical bearing assembly, any misalignment that occurs is self-correcting so that it is not possible for the bearing housing 12 to become jammed in the guide track 2 / すべての力(転がり、回転、および軸方向)は球面ベアリングアセンブリの理論的に中央である点Xを通って働くので、起こるすべての不整合は自己補正され、ベアリングハウジング12がガイドトラック2で動かなくなることはない。(USP8490927)
$$ In a compressed video stream such as an MPEG-2 video stream, pixels are generally compressed as blocks known as macroblocks, so that it is not possible to derive the value of a particular pixel directly from the compressed video signal. / MPEG2映像ストリームのような圧縮映像ストリームにおいては、画素は一般にマクロブロックのようなブロックで圧縮されているので、圧縮映像信号から特定画素の値を直接取り出すことはできない。(USP6567128)
$$ Moreover the gas content of the sludge is very likely to be variable so that it is not possible to provide for some reliable standard compensation for gas content in the solids content calculation. (USP6565755)
$$ The electrode is recessed within the nozzle so that it is not possible for it to touch the workpiece; this greatly reduces the possibility of contaminating the weld with electrode material.(USP6566625)
$$ The containers 9 are designed so that they cannot be refilled and reused on-line thereby eliminating a risk of contamination of the riveting process by unidentifiable rivets (however, they may be refilled and resealed off-line). / コンテナー9は、再充填してオン・ラインで再使用できないように設計されている。これにより、特定できないリベット(しかしながら、それらはオフ・ラインで、再補充および再シールされるかもしれない)によるリベット止め工程における汚染の危険を除去できる。(USP6692213)
$$ The microscope assembly can be mounted so that it is rotatable to thereby provide for different aperture orientations. (USP5946131)
$$ However, to prevent gross phase changes occurring, due to heat conduction or radiation effects crystal-to-crystal, an increase in beam energy is required so that residency time can be decreased, thereby reducing conduction or radiation.(USP6392915)
$$ Trust strength 7 may also be decremented in accordance with the system clock so that the trust strength is decremented over time whereby an unused card or regularly used card will have trust strength decaying towards 0, the trust strength 7 being re-set by the central identity provider 2 on a subsequent connection of the card 3 to the secure central server 2. (USP7627895)
$$ For example, the Applicant has arranged the components so that the various pumps are located at a low level within the apparatus thereby not only lending stability to the apparatus but also helping reduce vibration of the apparatus caused by operation of the pumps. (USP6632347)
$$ In the first direction of rotation the pawl or pawls trip without effect over the ratchet but in the opposite direction the pawl engages the ratchet so that the spool and one of the friction plates rotate in unison thereby imparting drag to the motion of the spool. (USP6474581)
$$ In one embodiment, high resolution sections 72 and low resolution sections 70 are modular so that any section 70, 72 can be attached to any other section 70, 72 thereby allowing the greatest flexibility in deployment. (USP6997256)
$$ It is therefore preferable that the drive is characterized at the lowest voltage to be used in operation, so that the compensated speed is never greater than the actual speed, thereby avoiding running out of characterization data. (USP6586904)
$$ FIG. 5 is the schematic sectional view of FIG. 3 modified so that part of the black matrix is connected in parallel with the TFT gate, thereby reducing its series resistance. (USP6559914)
$$ This can be achieved for example by a use of a digital signature, so that the receiving system can confirm the applet as "trusted", thereby enabling it to perform a wider range of activities than would otherwise be permitted. (USP6502127)
$$ A template according to claim 9 wherein the slots (27, 37, 47) are disposed so that the hubs (10-40) telescope into each other whereby the arms (11-41) radiate in approximately the same plane. (USP6409430)
$$ The containers 9 are designed so that they cannot be refilled and reused on-line thereby eliminating a risk of contamination of the riveting process by unidentifiable rivets (however, they may be refilled and resealed off-line). / コンテナー9は、再充填してオン・ラインで再使用できないように設計されている。これにより、特定できないリベット(しかしながら、それらはオフ・ラインで、再補充および再シールされるかもしれない)によるリベット止め工程における汚染の危険を除去できる。(USP6692213)
$$ The microscope assembly can be mounted so that it is rotatable to thereby provide for different aperture orientations. (USP5946131)
$$ However, to prevent gross phase changes occurring, due to heat conduction or radiation effects crystal-to-crystal, an increase in beam energy is required so that residency time can be decreased, thereby reducing conduction or radiation.(USP6392915)
$$ Trust strength 7 may also be decremented in accordance with the system clock so that the trust strength is decremented over time whereby an unused card or regularly used card will have trust strength decaying towards 0, the trust strength 7 being re-set by the central identity provider 2 on a subsequent connection of the card 3 to the secure central server 2. (USP7627895)
$$ For example, the Applicant has arranged the components so that the various pumps are located at a low level within the apparatus thereby not only lending stability to the apparatus but also helping reduce vibration of the apparatus caused by operation of the pumps. (USP6632347)
$$ In the first direction of rotation the pawl or pawls trip without effect over the ratchet but in the opposite direction the pawl engages the ratchet so that the spool and one of the friction plates rotate in unison thereby imparting drag to the motion of the spool. (USP6474581)
$$ In one embodiment, high resolution sections 72 and low resolution sections 70 are modular so that any section 70, 72 can be attached to any other section 70, 72 thereby allowing the greatest flexibility in deployment. (USP6997256)
$$ It is therefore preferable that the drive is characterized at the lowest voltage to be used in operation, so that the compensated speed is never greater than the actual speed, thereby avoiding running out of characterization data. (USP6586904)
$$ FIG. 5 is the schematic sectional view of FIG. 3 modified so that part of the black matrix is connected in parallel with the TFT gate, thereby reducing its series resistance. (USP6559914)
$$ This can be achieved for example by a use of a digital signature, so that the receiving system can confirm the applet as "trusted", thereby enabling it to perform a wider range of activities than would otherwise be permitted. (USP6502127)
$$ A template according to claim 9 wherein the slots (27, 37, 47) are disposed so that the hubs (10-40) telescope into each other whereby the arms (11-41) radiate in approximately the same plane. (USP6409430)
$$ Suitable methods of administration are generally by injection, in order to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. / できるだけ早く望ましい結果を達成するためには、適切な投与方法は一般に、注射による。(USP6797699)
$$ For chronic wounds or wounds in the healing compromised (e.g. the elderly) administration should be as soon as possible. / 慢性創傷または回復した創傷に対しては、できるだけ早くに、妥協投与(老年者向けなど)を行うべきである。(USP6696433)
$$ As soon as the satellite channel has been set up at 50 or 50' (step 200) the MES MIU 4 begins to send the Establish LCM 64 (step 202). / 衛星チャネルは、期間50または期間50’でセットアップされる(ステップ200)とすぐに、MES MIU4は確立LCM64を送り始める(ステップ202)。(USP6278696)
$$ An uncoated titanium anode could not be used in such an electrolytic process as the surface of the titanium would oxidize when anodically polarized and the titanium would soon cease to function as an anode. / 未被覆チタン陽極は、陽極分極する際にチタンの表面が酸化し且つチタンが陽極としてすぐ機能しなくなるので、電解法に使用できなかった。(USP6123816)
$$ For example, the display may be controlled by a mouse or other pointing device and the user may cancel a visual image as soon as it is displayed with a sufficient resolution to enable him to decide that the product shown is of no interest. / 例えば、その表示はマウスや他のポインティング装置で制御され、ユーザーがある製品が興味の対象外であると判定できるに十分な解像度で表示された場合、すぐにその画像を取り消せるようになっている。(USP5559936)
$$ It was soon apparent however that the results of clinical use of type II TG based assays very often failed to match these high levels of reliability. (USP7575871)
$$ Typically an intra coded picture (I-picture) is used soon after the switch point, to prevent prediction from occurring "across the cut". (USP6831949)
$$ Cadence products already support OMI, several other vendors have pledged to support it soon. (USP6691301)
$$ Soon after the start of measurements, however, the valves were operated to switch the oil flow path to the debris section so that the debris was moved through the probe by the flowing oil. (USP02036501)
$$ Suitable methods of administration are generally by injection, in order to achieve the desired result as soon as possible. / できるだけ早く望ましい結果を達成するためには、適切な投与方法は一般に、注射による。(USP6797699)
$$ For chronic wounds or wounds in the healing compromised (e.g. the elderly) administration should be as soon as possible. / 慢性創傷または回復した創傷に対しては、できるだけ早くに、妥協投与(老年者向けなど)を行うべきである。(USP6696433)
$$ As soon as the satellite channel has been set up at 50 or 50' (step 200) the MES MIU 4 begins to send the Establish LCM 64 (step 202). / 衛星チャネルは、期間50または期間50’でセットアップされる(ステップ200)とすぐに、MES MIU4は確立LCM64を送り始める(ステップ202)。(USP6278696)
$$ An uncoated titanium anode could not be used in such an electrolytic process as the surface of the titanium would oxidize when anodically polarized and the titanium would soon cease to function as an anode. / 未被覆チタン陽極は、陽極分極する際にチタンの表面が酸化し且つチタンが陽極としてすぐ機能しなくなるので、電解法に使用できなかった。(USP6123816)
$$ For example, the display may be controlled by a mouse or other pointing device and the user may cancel a visual image as soon as it is displayed with a sufficient resolution to enable him to decide that the product shown is of no interest. / 例えば、その表示はマウスや他のポインティング装置で制御され、ユーザーがある製品が興味の対象外であると判定できるに十分な解像度で表示された場合、すぐにその画像を取り消せるようになっている。(USP5559936)
$$ It was soon apparent however that the results of clinical use of type II TG based assays very often failed to match these high levels of reliability. (USP7575871)
$$ Typically an intra coded picture (I-picture) is used soon after the switch point, to prevent prediction from occurring "across the cut". (USP6831949)
$$ Cadence products already support OMI, several other vendors have pledged to support it soon. (USP6691301)
$$ Soon after the start of measurements, however, the valves were operated to switch the oil flow path to the debris section so that the debris was moved through the probe by the flowing oil. (USP02036501)
タグ :SOON
$$ An electrical field may be applied between the layers 16 and 17 by means of an external source 20 and a switch 21. / 外部電源20及びスイッチ21によって層16及び17の間に電界が印加される。(USP5801796)
$$ One source of corrosion problems is the water soluble inorganic salts naturally present in crude oils. / 腐食問題の一因は原油中に天然に存在する水溶性の無機塩である。(USP72855199)
$$ The offending version of the watermarked image W' is received from a source and stored in a frame store 20. / ウォータマークが付された画像のオフェンディングバージョンW’は、データ源から供給され、フレームメモリ20に保存される。
$$ An original image I is received from a source and stored in a frame store 1. / オリジナル画像Iは、ソースから供給され、フレームメモリ1に保存される。(USP03131243)
$$ In this work a triple quadrupole spectrometer was fitted with an ICP source with the aim of dissociating unwanted polyatomic ions in the centre quadrupole. / この研究において、3倍又は3重の四重極スペクトロメータには、その中心四重極内で欲せざる多原子イオンを解離する目的で、ICPソース(又はICP源)が具備された。(USP01010354)
$$ Alternatively, all three power sources can be controlled manually. / あるいは、3つの電源全てを手動で制御することもできる。(USP01004075)
$$ An electrical field may be applied between the layers 16 and 17 by means of an external source 20 and a switch 21. / 外部電源20及びスイッチ21によって層16及び17の間に電界が印加される。(USP5801796)
$$ One source of corrosion problems is the water soluble inorganic salts naturally present in crude oils. / 腐食問題の一因は原油中に天然に存在する水溶性の無機塩である。(USP72855199)
$$ The offending version of the watermarked image W' is received from a source and stored in a frame store 20. / ウォータマークが付された画像のオフェンディングバージョンW’は、データ源から供給され、フレームメモリ20に保存される。
$$ An original image I is received from a source and stored in a frame store 1. / オリジナル画像Iは、ソースから供給され、フレームメモリ1に保存される。(USP03131243)
$$ In this work a triple quadrupole spectrometer was fitted with an ICP source with the aim of dissociating unwanted polyatomic ions in the centre quadrupole. / この研究において、3倍又は3重の四重極スペクトロメータには、その中心四重極内で欲せざる多原子イオンを解離する目的で、ICPソース(又はICP源)が具備された。(USP01010354)
$$ Alternatively, all three power sources can be controlled manually. / あるいは、3つの電源全てを手動で制御することもできる。(USP01004075)