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THE OR EACH / 該または各


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | the

THE OR EACH / 該または各


$$ The, or each, strain gauge may be mounted on an inwardly facing surface of the outer link plate. / 前記又は各歪みゲージは、外側リンクプレートの内面に取り付けられている。(USP7634949)

$$ Preferably, confirmation of the or each replacement winner is also sought. / 好ましくは、その、または各代わりの勝者の確認が探索される。(USP7577676)

$$ Preferably, the or each link comprises a rigid link. / リンク又はリンクの各々は硬いリンクから成るのが好ましい。(USP7168719)

$$ The angle of the or each rotatable member with respect to the perpendicular of the shaft is chosen having regard to the desired direction of movement of the carriage (11) and the relative speed of linear motion as compared with the rotational speed of the shaft. / このシャフトの垂直軸に対する回転部材の角度は、支持体11の所望の移動方向と、シャフトの回転速度と比較されるような直線動の相対速度とを考慮して選定されている。(USP6568293)

$$ The, or each, lower contact may be substantially elongate and may carry a row of semiconductor mesas. / 下位接点は、何れも細長くてよく、半導体のメサの列を担っている。(USP7598149)

$$ Typically the or each modification processor is further adapted to modify the viseme data in accordance with pseudo-random data. / 典型的に、1つまたは各修正プロセッサは、疑似ランダムデータにしたがってバイセムデータを変更するようにさらに構成されている。(USP6772122)

$$ Such systems can also be used to retouch one or more frames in a clip, to correct colours or to add texture to selected areas in the or each frame. / このようなシステムはまた、1クリップ内の1または複数のフレームをレタッチして、そのフレームまたは各フレーム内の色を補正したり、または、選択された領域にテクスチャを付加するのにも使用することができる。(USP6445874)

$$ In step 440, the session store 330 is up-dated with the details of the or each tokenised and respective original URL. / 段階440では、セッションメモリ330は該および各トークン化され、各最初のURLの詳細で更新される。(USP6393468)

$$ The or each channel preferably comprises a convergent inlet portion and a divergent outlet portion. / この流路または各流路は、先が細い入口部と先が太い出口部とを有することが好ましい。(USP7213467)

$$ The or each link may be pivotally connected to the wheel carrier and to the vehicle body. / 当該リンク又はリンクの各々は、車輪キャリア及び車体に枢動可能に取り付けることができる。(USP7168719)

$$ Apparatus according to claim 14, wherein the or each modification processor is adapted to modify at least one of a specified expression, behaviour, and action. / 1つまたは各変更プロセッサは、少なくとも1つの特定された表現、ビヘビア、アクションを変更するように構成されている請求項14記載の装置。(USP6772122)

$$ In such an arrangement, the apparatus also includes means to feed oxygen, fuel and silicon-containing precursor material to the or each synthesis burner. / このような配置で、装置はさらに各合成バーナーに酸素、燃料およびケイ素含有前駆体物質を供給する段をも含む。(USP6763682)

$$ Such systems can also be used to retouch one or more frames in a clip, to correct colours or to add texture to selected areas in the or each frame. / このようなシステムはまた、1クリップ内の1または複数のフレームをレタッチして、そのフレームまたは各フレーム内の色を補正したり、または、選択された領域にテクスチャを付加するのにも使用することができる。(USP6445874)

$$ Preferably the or each shaft click projection is a rigid lug while the guide portion's click projection may be another rigid lug or more preferably a flexible tongue. / 好ましくは、各シャフトクリック突状部は硬質ラグとされる一方、案内部分のクリック突状部はもう1つのラグ又は更に好ましくは可撓性舌片とされる。(USP6422434)

$$ Following step 425 or step 430, the session manager 320 then, in step 435, parses and tokenises the HTML file and replaces the or each URL embedded in the file with a random, ten-digit token. / 段階425または段階430に続いて、段階435ではセッションマネージャ320はHTMLファイルを解析してトークン化し、ランダムな10ディジットのトークンでファイル内に埋め込まれた該または各URLを置換する。(USP6393468)

$$ In order to achieve the required flexibility of the, or each of said flexible diaphragms, one or more channels are provided through the respective diaphragms. / 前記柔軟なダイアフラムに要求される柔軟性を得るために、それぞれのダイアフラムを貫通して一つ以上のチャンネルが設けられている。(USP02174556)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | other | the


$$ Packaging according to claim 11 wherein a line of weakening of a separation line is provided in the other of the plastics layers only. (USP6000539)

$$ The thermal source 98 may initially be a hot or a cold load placed adjacent to the array 91, and in a second calibration operation it is the other of the hot or cold loads. / 熱源98は初期にはアレイ91に隣接して配置された高温もしくは低温の負荷であることが可能であり、第2の較正操作では、それは高温もしくは低温負荷の他方である。(USP6900756)

$$ Suffix i refers to the engine system illustrated in FIG. 20 while the suffix j refers to the other of the two engine systems. / 添字iは図20に示すエンジンシステムを参照し、添字jは2つのエンジンシステムのうちの他方を参照する。(USP6332818)

$$ If the input wavefront is curved, as shown in FIG. 2, then the focal spot will move into focus at one of the detectors and will move out of focus at the other of the detectors. / 図2に示すように、入力波面が湾曲しているため、焦点は、一つの検出器に合うように移動し、他の検出器のフォーカスからは外れる。(USP6570143)

$$ The pair of detectors is therefore positioned with one of the pair 12' at the +1 defocussed spot and the other of the pair 12" at the -1 defocussed spot. / 従って、対の検出器は、+1焦点外しスポットでは対の検出器の内の一方の検出器12’が配置され、-1焦点外しスポットでは対の検出器の内の他方の検出器12’’が配置される。

$$ ...the other of the first and second tuning signals... (USP6681102)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | other | the


$$ An adhesive is preferably applied to one or more portions of the other side of the strip. / ストリップの他方の面の一つ以上の部分に接着剤が塗布されるのが好ましい。(USP6616803)

$$ FIG. 6B illustrates the other side of panel 8 with the mirror image of the design 16' visible from the other side. / 図6Bは、他方側から視認できるデザイン16′のミラーイメージを備えたパネル8の他方側を示している。(USP6212805)

$$ On the other side of the PZT layer 61 are provided electrodes 27 over which a passivation layer 51 has been deposited. (USP7567374)

$$ A release layer covering the other side of the adhesive film 32 is then removed allowing the tax certificate 31 to be adhered to the window of the vehicle. (USP5492370)

$$ The second motor system may also be provided on the other side of frame 62, as shown at 70a. (USP7114817)

$$ The ring member 60 then abuts the other side of the O-ring to provide an additional seal between the tube and coupling body. (USP7100948)

$$ The other side face of the magazine is attached to the carousel.(USP5896855)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | other | the


$$ The device then allows the other battery to be drained. / 次に、前記装置(7)は、他方の電池を消耗させることを許容する。(USP6265847)

$$ By the other route it flows into the air gap between the rotor and stator. / 第2の経路によれば、冷却剤は、ロータとステータの間の間隙内へ流入する。(USP6815848)

$$ The other input port of the selector 18 is connected to a register 20 for holding a filter coefficient C. / セレクタ18の他の入力ポートは、フィルタ係数Cを保持するためのレジスタ20に接続されている。(USP5987485)

$$ The other input to the adder is the output from the motion compensation unit 16 for stripe i. / この加算器へのもう1つの入力は、ストライプiに対する運動補償ユニット16からの出力である。(USP5856847)

$$ The output of current detector 274 is supplied to the other input of timer 270. / 電流検出器274の出力は、タイマー270の他方の入力部に供給されている。(USP5434880)

$$ The other journal bearing 21 is identical. / 他のジャーナル軸受1も同一である。(USP5355040)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | other | the


$$ SRAM devices are normally built on process technology a generation ahead of that used in the other devices. (USP01037458)

$$ The shelf controller communicates control and data information via a backplane asynchronous bus directly with the other elements of the modem shelf. / シェルフ・コントローラは、バックプレーン非同期バスを通じて制御情報とデータ情報を直接モデム・シェルフの他の素子に送信する。(USP02018462)

$$ The power supply unit 102 also supplies power to the other elements of the base unit via supply lines which are represented schematically (for reasons of drawing simplicity) by the arrows 104. / 電源装置102はまた、(図を簡単にするために)矢印104により概略的に表されている供給線を経て、基地装置の他の素子へ電力を供給する。(USP6058304)

$$ For the mobiles affiliated to the other base stations all that is known is the signal level and the time of arrival. / 他の基地局に加入している移動局に関しては、信号レベルおよび到達の時間のすべてが知られている。(USP5430889)

$$ The other layers may be conventional glass reinforced layers. / 尚、他の層は従来的なガラス強化層でよい。(USP5408567)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | other | the


$$ Each of the tubes is spaced apart and independent from the others. / 各チューブは、間隔をあけられ、他のチューブから独立している。(USP8082599)

$$ The others show information calculated by the compiler. (USP6691301)

$$ There is no need for one video coder on the chain to receive data from any of the others. (USP6118782)

$$ For example, it may be desired to alter the reds in the top left hand corner of a picture, without altering the others. (USP6075887)

$$ One such bolt 118 is shown in FIG. 1, the others not being visible. (USP5524909)

$$ The others are partially obscured. (USP4653902)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(4) | the



$$ The said data input may be a serial data input. / 前記データ入力はシリアルデータ入力とすることができる。(USP8386843)

$$ The said part of the filter tuning circuit preferably comprises a plurality of reactive elements each corresponding to a reactive element of the oscillator tuning circuit. / 前記フィルタ同調回路の前記一部分は、好ましくは、それぞれが前記発振器同調回路のリアクタンス素子に対応する複数のリアクタンス素子を備えている。(USP6681102)

$$ Preferably, the said cooling module is annular. (USP7641866)

$$ A recorder records the said distinguishing data on the medium. (USP7260304)

$$ Said tracks may be formed in or carried by the said side walls of the housing. (USP6276635)

$$ A processor according to claim 32, wherein the said threshold is zero. (USP6983015)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | the


$$ The thus modified phase advance T(n) is used to generate the write clock data 17 for the next track n+1 as shown in step 7 of FIG. 5. / このように変化させた進相T(n)は、図5の段階7で示すように、次のトラックn+1の書込みクロックデータ17を生成するために使用される。(USP6172830)

$$ Once polymerisation has been completed the thus formed emulsion may be further processed wherein the water in oil emulsion is dehydrated. (USP7071256)

$$ In a fifth step, the thus far constructed device is thermally treated. (USP6850003)

$$ Thus the signals are measured in two directions through the flowing fluid and the thus monitored flow is signalled to the electronic control unit.(USP01025858)

$$ It is this, the primary detection of the gathered electrons (and specifically the back-scattered electrons) by their conversion into light using a scintillator, and the feeding of the thus-formed light to a photomultiplier tube or the like, with which the invention is primarily concerned.(USP6211525)

$$ The thus received signal is then converted from a relatively high frequency to a DC signal by rectifier 280. / このように受信された信号は、整流器280によって、比較的高い周波数からDC信号にまで変換される。(USP6433483)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | TH



$$ A feature of the current embodiment is the presentation of linked files accompanied and synchronised to music appropriate to chosen themes. / 本実施形態の特徴は選ばれたテーマに適切な音楽に伴ない、同期されるリンクされたファイルのプレゼンテーションである。(USP7578441)

$$ As a further variation on the theme of the positioning satellites 142, it is not even necessary that the positioning satellites 142 be navigational satellites. / 位置決定衛星142に関するさらなる変形として、位置決定衛星142が航法衛星であることは、全く必要ない。(USP6031489)

$$ The signalling device may be made simple and cheap enough to be given or rented to, for example, visitors to a desired location such as a theme park. (USP03020811)

$$ In a sense, these other proposals can be seen as being variations on the simple theme of almost any panel having potential for sound amplification, as long-known relative to musical boxes placed on a table top. (USP6332029)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(2) | then


$$ The cathode layer may be formed by dipping the anode bodies into a cathode layer precursor solution such as manganese nitrate and then heating to produce a cathode layer of manganese dioxide. / 硝酸マンガンなどのカソード層前駆体溶液中にアノード体を浸し(浸漬し)その後二酸化マンガンのカソード層を製造するために加熱することにより、カソード層を形成してもよい。(USP6699767)

$$ If left-handed operation has already selected and it is desired to use the pen in a right-handed mode, then "Right-handed operation" can be selected by scrolling the display using the "Down" and "Up" key switches 22 and 24 and then scanning the "Enter" command bar code when the appropriate option is displayed. / もし左手操作がすでに選択されており、ペンを右手モードで使用することが所望されれば、「ダウン」および「アップ」キースイッチ22および24を用いてディスプレイをスクロールすることにより、「右手操作」を選択し、次に適切なオプションがディスプレイされた時、「エンター」指令バーコードを走査しうる。(USP6058304)

$$ Then, having detected that region, the convolver 7a would be supplied with data from the offset table 16...(USP6075887)

$$ Assume that the angle between the horizontal ground and the shaft 3 is 60° and the bore axis is vertical, then rotating the shaft 3 around the bore axis will result in loft angle as follows. / 地面の水平面とシャフト3との間の角度が60度であり、かつボア軸が垂直であると仮定すると、シャフト3がボア軸を中心に回動すると、その結果ロフト角は以下のようになる。(USP6110055)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | then


$$ It is found experimentally that by repeating an alert sound burst three times, with a slight delay between bursts, and then, after a further delay consulting a locating sound burst, a human listener is placed in an attentive state by the alert sounds and then locates the direction from which the sounds are coming, by hearing the locating sound. / 警告音バーストを3回、各バースト間で僅かに遅延させて繰り返し、次にさらに遅延させて位置推定音バーストを聞くことによって、人間の聴取者は、警告音によって注意を喚起された状態に置かれ、次に位置推定音を聞くことによって音が来る方向を推定することが実験により分かる。(USP6201470)

$$ The links to be removed are all assigned a high cost, then after the time needed to recompute the routing tables, split table mode is exited. (USP02042274)

$$ It is intended that the containers are disposable so that they are only filled once and then, after their liquid contents are exhausted, they are thrown away. (USP4573505)

$$ If the bone cement is to be applied by syringe then, after completion of the mixing period, the cement is transferred to a cement syringe and allowed to stand for the duration of the standing period. (USP5813757)

$$ Then, after dielectric layer 306 has been laid down, via hole 52 is formed in it and also filled with a suitable conductive material such as aluminum or tungsten. (USP6559914)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | there


"there is no sth"のパターンの方が高頻度

$$ There are no intermediate layers. / 中間層はない。(USP7565281)

$$ In the case of route 2, there are no default or alternative choices for performing the relevant operation. (USP7647403)

$$ If there are no sub forms, an empty array is returned. (USP6052693)

$$ If there are no more pixels, then the loop is terminated at step 103. (USP02008881)

$$ A basic loop is a loop in which there are no other jumps, branches or separate routine calls. (USP01047466)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | there


$$ Typically, there are added two series connected resistor and capacitor networks (see FIG. 2) which are connected between the incoming and outgoing wire to the equipment. / 一般に、直列に接続された抵抗と容量の回路(図2参照)が2個追加され、これらの回路は装置の入力および出力ケーブル間に接続される。(USP5418834)

$$ In FIG. 1 there is illustrated a safety razor blade unit frame or housing assembly 1 which has a generally rectangular moulded plastics frame 2 with spaced parallel guard and cap members 3, 4 interconnected by frame ends 5.(USP02066186)

$$ In WO-A-98/32009, there is disclosed a gas-sensing semiconductor device.(USP02041003)

$$ Around the circumference of the disc 40 there is required to be broached a multiplicity of blade root, fir-tree slots one of which is indicated by reference 42.(USP02012573)

$$ Towards the base of the conical arbor 6 there is formed an annular flange 20 which in use butts against the end face of the machine tool spindle.(USP02012573)

$$ The backing member 4 is formed with a surface flat 10 on one side into which there is milled a trench 12 into which a broach bar 14 is received.(USP02012573)

$$ According to the present invention there is provided an antioxidant to enhance sperm function and/or viability.(USP02042447)

$$ According to the present invention there are provided IPI and/or prenyl transferase inhibitors (ie inhibitors of IPI and/or prenyl transferase) for use in various forms of therapy and prophylaxis.(USP02035058)

$$ Since there is assumed to be no delay between reading data from the coder buffer and writing it in to the decoder buffer, and the bit-rates are of course the same, the decoder write address pointer can be presented by the same line as the coder read address pointer.(USP6229851)

$$ At substantially the centre of each coverage cell 12-22, there is located a base station 24-34 which controls communications traffic 36 in its cell in accordance with procedures known to one skilled in the art.(USP5570343)

$$ By this means there is produced a re-treaded track.(USP6299717)

$$ More specifically, in accordance with the invention there is suggested an improved version of the light-directing finger having,...(USP6211525)

$$ According to a third aspect of the invention there is provided the tool of the above combinations.(USP6287494)

$$ There may be provided at least one low voltage device.(USP02041003)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | there


$$ There follows further header information 111 according to the indicated transmission protocol, which in this case is "TCP" (Transmission Control Protocol). / 次に指定された伝送プロトコル、この場合は“TCP”(伝送制御プロトコル)にしたがって別のヘッダ情報111が続く。(USP6584098)

$$ In this technique, there must exist in the elongate member 261 a sufficient degree of flexibility/plasticity such that the material from which the tape is formed may be deformed into the curved forms as necessary. / この手法では、必要に応じてテープ形成材料を湾曲した形に変形できるように長い部材261内に十分な程度の柔軟性/可塑性が存在している必要がある。(USP6833656)

$$ With a highly directional transmitter/receiver, there tends to be better gain and therefore better signal strength than with an isotropic antenna. / 大いに指向性の送信機/受信機を使用すると、無指向性アンテナを使用する場合より、優れた利得、したがって優れた信号強度となる傾向がある。(USP6553020)

$$ There arises a further drawback in that a 2-5 mm peripheral region of the wafer 190 becomes exposed to X-ray radiation thereby diminishing useable wafer 190 area in which devices can be fabricated. / さらに、ウェハ190の周辺2~5mmの部分がX線放射線に曝されることになり、デバイスを製造することのできるウェハ190の有用な面積が減ってしまうという欠点が生じる。(USP6977986)

$$ All mutants were equally well expressed on the surface of the cells and there appeared to be no change in the affinity of the receptors for radio-oriented murine MIP-1α. (USP6403767)

$$ The modulating means is located at a position where there appear real images of a light source or light sources incorporated in the light generating means. (USP5635997)

$$ It is notable that there remains a passive PZT layer. (USP7567374)

タグ :THERE+動詞



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | there


$$ There are now described six examples of suitable alloy compositions each of which may be spray formed in accordance with the disclosure in our European Patent No. 0225732B, the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference.(USP6312535)

$$ In U.S. Pat. No. 4,316,139 there is described an arc detection system including detectors responsive to vibration and electromagnetic disturbances produced by an arc.(USP02053914)

$$ To that end there is described a radio-frequency and microwave assisted furnace and a method of operating the same. / そのために、無線周波とマイクロ波とを利用した炉及びその操作方法について説明する。(USP01004075)

$$ In co-pending international Patent Application Number WO96/23265, there is described a software agent particularly for use in information management. / 出願中の国際特許出願第WO96/23265号には、とくに情報管理に使用するソフトウエアエージェントが記載されている。(USP6424968)

$$ Firstly there will be described the standard Internet protocol headers which are used when carrying a voice call over the Internet. / 最初に、インターネット上で音声メールを伝送するときに使用される標準のインターネットプロトコルヘッダを記載する。(USP6584098)

$$ There will be described an embodiment of the invention in which the invention is applied to what is known as a light-box type of display unit.(USP6427750)

$$ In Canadian patent specification CA-A-2,122,528, there is described an anti-falsification paper which incorporates a wide impermeable security strip with a width between 2 mm and 4 mm. / カナダ特許の明細書CA-A-2,122,528では、2ないし4mmの幅をもつ幅広の不浸透性の偽造防止ストリップを組み込んだ偽造対抗紙が開示されている。(USP6616803)

$$ In U.S. Pat. No. 5,459,799 there is described a tuneable optical filter for use in WDM communication systems. / 米国特許第5,459,799号には、WDM通信システムに使用するための同調可能な光学フィルタが開示されている。(USP6788479)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | there


$$ There have been a number of attempts to improve the performance of anode electrocatalysts operating in the presence of hydrogen fuels containing CO. / COを含有する水素燃料の存在するところにおいて作用する、アノード電気触媒の性能を向上させるための数多くの試みがなされてきた。(USP6855452)

$$ If both samples are equal, then there has been no change in the magnitude of the current waveform. / 両サンプルが等しい場合、電流の波形の振幅に変化はない。(USP6586903)

$$ However, conventionally, there has been no security associated directly with the two digit code. / しかしながら、通常、2桁のコードに直接関係したセキュリティは存在しなかった。(USP6161012)

$$ There has been described apparatus and a method of controlling controllable equipment by means of a programmable control unit. / プログラム可能制御ユニットによって制御可能な装置を制御する装置及び方法について説明してきた。(USP5537605)

$$ It is assumed here that there has been no disruption of the field sequence in this portion of the input signal due to editing. / ここでは、編集により入力信号のこの部分におけるフィールドシーケンスの中断はないと仮定する。(USP5446497)

$$ There have been several instances of complete failure of such structures as a result of corrosion-related failure of the rebars in the structure. / コンクリート構造体の中で強化用バーの腐食に関係した破損の結果として、そのようなコンクリート構造体が完全に破壊した例は幾つもある。(USP5364511)

$$ Historically, there have been problems in providing a single machine for both cleaning and polishing purposes.(USP5479672)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | there


$$ There is a limit to how close the centres of two feed elements can be. / 2つのフィード素子の中心をどの程度まで近接させ得るかということについては制限がある。(USP6900756)

$$ Various coupled cavity designs are also possible, although there is a limit to what is practically achievable. / 様々な連結キャビティの構成もまた可能であるが、実際に実現可能な構成への制限がある。(USP6980362)

$$ The displacement is proportional to the length of the device, and in principle there is no limit to its length. / この変位は、デバイスの長さに比例し、基本的には、その長さに制限はない。(USP6833656)

$$ As with any physical system, there is a limit to the speed with which such configurations can be adopted, with the result that...(USP02118196)

$$ Thus, in practice, there is a limit to hot water temperature of about 80℃.(USP02168288)

$$ Although these figures are given only as typical examples, there is in any event a practical limitation on the size of a rigid template which can be deployed through a moonpool.(USP6409430)

$$ ...and there is a limit to the degree of performance enhancement they can achieve... (USP6167450)


THERE IS PROVIDED STH ~が備わっている・~を備えている


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THERE IS PROVIDED STH ~が備わっている・~を備えている


$$ According to a further aspect of the present invention there is provided a method of manufacturing a stringed instrument substantially as described herein. (USP7842868)

$$ According to a preferred embodiment, there is provided a radial or crossflow media filter that has a combined inlet and distribution system for raw water to be treated. (USP8012359)

$$ According to the present invention there is provided a gland plate comprising a rigid disk-shaped element including at least one radially extending wall having a thickness of from 0.1 to 4 mm. (USP7712744)

$$ According to a further aspect there is provided a parenteral formulation including a salt as described herein. (USP7371729)

$$ According to an aspect of the present invention there is provided an image processing apparatus operable to reproduce pixels representative of a colour image from groups of colour component signal samples representing the image. (USP7580561)

$$ According to a third aspect of the present invention there is provided a method of preparing a surface having a pH dependent surface charge prior to self-assembly comprising the step of making the surface charge pH independent. (USP6850003)

$$ According to the present invention, there is provided a quick release nut comprising: (USP6799930)

$$ According to a second aspect of the present invention there is provided a current limit circuit comprising: (USP6778366)

$$ According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a call-back method. (USP6704404)

$$ According to a second aspect of the invention, there is provided a PA system including a loudspeaker according to the first aspect of the invention. (USP6650760)

$$ In this way, according to one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a disruptor with multiple explosive charges in a single outer envelope. (USP6584908)

$$ According to a fourth aspect of the invention, there is provided a filter. (USP6339464)

$$ In this way, there is provided sixteen conducting bands corresponding to the attachment portions. (USP6861961)

$$ Also there is provided an ink jet printer containing an ink according to the invention. (USP6639006)

$$ There is provided for this action gearing wheels 93 and 94 as shown in FIG. 28. (USP5967261)

$$ There is provided an outwardly extending lip 22a formed on each of the arms 22 to give rise to a rim formed in three parts around the end 3a of the first part 3. (USP7637684)

$$ Preferably there is provided one cam surface positioned in use to act on each resilient arm. (USP7637684)

$$ Optionally, there is provided a two way transceiver 28 that allows communication between ground control 34 and verifier 20 via second interface means 26. (USP7225063)

$$ There is provided also the use of a boronic acid to make a salt of the disclosure. (USP7371729)

$$ Turning to the structure in more detail, there is provided a Programme Table. (USP7260304)

$$ In a further aspect, there is provided an apparatus for generating an image representing a three-dimensional object, comprising: (USP6549200)

$$ Also in accordance with the present invention there is provided an engine incorporating a leakage drain as described above. (USP7146849)

$$ In accordance with the present invention, there is provided a foldable, extendable mirror, shown generally at 10. (USP7114817)

$$ At the bottom of the lower surface there is provided a generally planar face 26 which engages the ground when the lighting apparatus 10 is in its upright position. (USP6715905)

$$ On the second optical cladding layer 30 there is provided a capping layer 35. (USP6632684)

$$ Thus for the measurement of particle radii there is provided a set of bins of particle radius values centerd on the values ri for i=1, ...,I1. (USP6381555)




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$$ Any key can be pressed thereafter to restore the original display. / その後いずれかのキーを押して元のディスプレイをリストアすることができる。(USP6611142)

$$ Thereafter it can be removed and discarded. / その後、除去および廃棄することができる。(USP5968000)

$$ Thereafter it can be updated in one of three ways: / それ以降の改定は次に挙げる三つの方法で行なう。(USP5559936)

$$ When one of the keys 72a, 72b is depressed the decoder responds by selecting another channel and thereafter outputting the video and audio for that channel to the TV 2. / キー72a、72bのいずれかを押すと、デコーダが応答して別のチャネルを選択し、その後、そのチャネルのビデオおよび音声をTV2に出力する。(USP02042917)

$$ Restrictions in the time before a participant may liquidate his virtual gains, and in the time thereafter when liquidation is permitted. (USP01027430)

$$ Thereafter, when the ineffective operation is appreciated and the button released, the operating valve is closed and the propellant pressure otherwise retained between this last valve and the ball is reduced by action of this pressure to telescopically expand the parts 72 and 73. (USP5042697)




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$$ It is thereby possible to make the cast conform to the numerous contours provided by the patient's teeth so that the cast locates in a unique position. (USP6355049)

$$ Overflow of the receiver buffer is thereby prevented. / それによって、受信バッファーのオーバフローが防がれる。(USP7619972)

$$ The position of the tool is thereby easier to control and the manoeuverability of the tool over the surface to be cleaned is improved. / その結果、ツールの位置はより制御しやすく、かつ掃除すべき表面上でのツールの操作性は向上している。(USP7000288)

$$ Thereby, mobile stations using the first network identity code can obtain service throughout the network coverage. / これにより、第1ネットワークIDコードを使用する移動局はネットワークカバレッジ全体にわたってサービスを受けることができる。(USP6826414)

$$ Thereby, the occupant's hands can be warmed sufficiently even when the outside air temperature is low, and when the outside air temperature is high, a phenomenon that the upper half part of occupant's body is warmed excessively, so that the occupant's face feels hot can be prevented. (USP6123267)

$$ Thereby, the system of this invention can be made to give direct navigation between two systems not of this invention, or between two different items of external data/information inside one system not of this invention, without the need for a user directly to instruct the system of this invention. (USP6189012)

$$ Thereby it can transmit the voice message in a form which can be handled by the voice terminal 20. / それによって、ゲートウエイ60は音声端末20によって取扱うことのできる形態で音声メッセージを送ることができる。(USP6584098)

$$ The water of reaction is thereby removed and the reaction consumes all of the sulphuric acid or oleum.(USP02038049)

$$ Interfering peaks in the spectrum, such as AR+, are thereby reduced. / スペクトル中のAr+等による妨害ピークは、以上の構成によって低減される(USP01010354)

$$ As has been described previously, high humidity or dampness may cause a sheet of corrugated paperboard to lose up to 75 percent of its strength due to the moisture gained thereby.(USP3616010)




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$$ Joined to the top of p-layer 7, and thereby electrically connected to p-layer 7, are electrical conductor tracks 19 shown only in FIG. 2, which may comprise gold or other metal.(USP02063521)

$$ For example, an excessive amount of debris can indicate excessive wear of a component and thereby highlight a potential problem.(USP02036501)

$$ The method claimed claim 1, comprising varying the pressure of the gas supplied to the nozzle outlets so as to vary the velocity of the gas streams and thereby the rate of cooling of the object. / 該ノズル出口に供給される該ガスの圧力を、該ガス流の速度を変え、それによって、該物体の冷却速度を変えるように変動させることを含む前記請求項中いずれか1つの項記載の方法。(USP01020503)

$$ This aqueous medium and the non-aqueous monomer beads travel together upwardly through the column and thereby form a dispersion of beads in water in the column. / この水性媒体と非水性モノマービーズとがともにカラムの中を上に移動し、それにより、カラムの中で水中ビーズの分散液を形成する。(USP6277932)

$$ When it is desired to remove the dressing (1) from the patient, the occlusive layer (4) is removed exposing the transparent layer (5) and thereby the adhesive layer (3) to visible light. / 患者からドレッシング(1)を除去するときは、遮光層(4)を除去して透過層(5)を露出させることにより、接着層(3)を可視光線に曝す。(USP6610762)

$$ This could cause the voltage across the switch to rise and thereby cause the probe to produce a trigger signal via output T. / チャタリングが生じると、スイッチ間の電圧が上昇し、これにより、プローブがトリガ信号を生成し、出力Tを介して出力する。(USP6941671)




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$$ For example, measurements may be taken to determine the physical characteristics and to thereby enable the comparison. / 例えば、物理的特性を決定するために測定が行われ、そしてそれにより比較を可能とする。(USP6560176)

$$ The apparatus according to claim 5, including switch means adapted to be triggered by closing the door to thereby close a contact which then initiates irradiation of the ultra violet light source. / 扉の閉鎖によって接点が閉じ、その結果紫外線源から照射が開始されるようにしたスイッチ手段を含むことを特徴とする請求項5に記載の装置。(USP6028315)

$$ This has the effect of reducing the internal surfaces defining the cylindrical grip of the clamp, to thereby press the hook clamp more tightly against the cylindrical support 402.(USP6682031)

$$ Although particular embodiments of the invention have been shown and described in full here, there is no intention to thereby limit the invention to the details of such embodiments. (USP6443238)

$$ It is therefore possible to increase the length of the first section to thereby provide robust brush leafs which are nevertheless capable of flexing sufficiently to accommodate discrepancies in the mounting of the brush leaf means and in concentricity of the commutator.

$$ It is therefore an object of this invention to provide a corrugated paperboard utilizing regular linerboard and medium which incorporates a thermoplastic film to thereby form a waterproof sheet of corrugated paperboard.(USP3616010)




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$$ Special measures may need to be taken in order to prevent a live object being identified incorrectly as dead and thereby being reallocated. (USP02029357)

$$ Apertures are provided through opposing end walls such that the guide wire can be passed through the lubricator thereby being wetted and lubricated by a motion of the lubricator with respect to the guide wire. (USP6554808)

$$ Alternatively, the electrodes may be coupled to a resistor chain (not shown), the potential difference between the electrodes thereby being defined by the potential drop across the corresponding resistor. (USP6613210)

$$ The stand-offs 10,10A are preferably formed on the frame layer 3 prior to bonding to the base substrate 2 by etching and plating, the stand-offs 10,10A thereby being metallised portions. (USP6403881)

$$ , thereby reducing its strength and potentially destroying the product therein.(USP3616010)

$$ , thereby requiring a suitable shipping container which is...(USP3616010)

$$ , thereby forming the flutes in the medium layer.(USP3616010)




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-->thus ~ing(こちらの頻度が高い)

$$ It has been designed to be extremely rigid without the use of excessive amounts of steelwork therefore keeping the weight to a minimum. / この枠組は、過剰量の鋼製部品を使用しなくても非常に高い剛性を持つように、従って、重量が最低に抑えられるように設計されている。(USP7090586)

$$ The problem with the former technique is that only a small fraction of the current runs into the floating gate, therefore requiring large currents to program the gate as a whole, making the device very power greedy. / 前者の技術における問題は、わずかな電流しかフローティングゲートに流れ込まないことであり、このため、フローティングゲート全体にプログラムするために大電流を要し、デバイスを大量に電気消費させることである。(USP6509605)

$$ As such, each cluster requires twelve distinct frequency groups, with the communication system therefore requiring at least twelve distinct (contiguous) channels.(USP6212385)

$$ It may be preferable to mount the imager 5 within the reflective domes 2a, 2b, therefore removing the need for the window 6 and eliminating any artefacts. / 撮像器5を反射性ドーム2a、2bの中に据え付け、従って窓6を設ける必要を除去し、加工的影響を無くするのが好ましい。(USP6453224)

$$ This means that although the friction between belt 351 and the sheet is minimised, the paper is prevented from buckling excessively, therefore retaining the majority of its column strength. (USP7306220)

$$ Different methods could be written for different interrupts, i.e., different IRQs, each method therefore handling the particular interrupt in an appropriate manner. (USP02029357)




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$$ The test wafer is then removed for production wafers, for example the wafer 190, to be loaded into the apparatus 300 and processed therein. / 次に、このテストウェハは、装置300内に搬入されて内部で処理されるべきウェハ190等の生産用ウェハのために取り外される。(USP6977986)

$$ Light, of appropriate wavelengths, is confined to the core 10, and guided therein, by total internal reflection at the core-cladding boundary 15. / 好適な波長の光はコア10内に限定され、コア・クラッド境界15における全反射によりコア内でガイドされる。(USP6631234)

$$ Conveniently, the shaft on which the propeller is mounted is hollow and the pitch control rod is disposed therein. / 便利には、上記プロペラが取り付けられる前記軸を中空とし、上記ピッチ制御棒を該軸内に配置する。(USP6332818)

$$ The page table has stored therein the status of each page of the system memory 48. / ページテーブルはシステムメモリ48の各ページの状態を記憶している。(USP6138216)

$$ Each of the plates 15 and 16 has formed therein a hole 20 of a size such that the locking element 19 and the pillar 18 can pass therethrough. (USP6536554)




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$$ A rolling mill stand includes a pair of spaced apart housings each defining a window having a pair of blocks projecting therein from opposite sides of the housing. (USP4813259)

$$ Each layer 41 or 42 has the same construction as the layer 12 of the baffle 10 of FIG. 1, having therein a linearly extending slit, respectively, 45 or 46. (USP5429176)

$$ In the zone plate 1 there are surfaces provided in five planes with surface portions lying therein. (USP5486950)

$$ Synchronous high speed repetitive addressing of stores 81 and 82 enables a video signal to be formed for controlling the SVGA display 50 and providing therein the desired display of the events superimposed on the outline of the sample. (USP6263095)

$$ Such calibration is achieved by inserting a test wafer onto the chuck 40, the wafer including therein a relatively long cleaved edge which is aligned to its crystal planes to a required degree of angular accuracy for the apparatus 10. / このような較正は、チャック40上にテストウェハを挿入することによって実現されるが、このウェハは、内部に比較的長いへき開された端面を有しており、この端面は、装置10に対して要求される程度の角度誤差でウェハの結晶面に揃えられている。 (USP6977986)




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$$ Thus de-focussing the channels and then establishing the relative calibration between channels has advantages. / こうして、チャネルを焦点はずれをすること、そして、チャネル間で相対的較正を達成することは有益である。(USP6900756)

$$ As can be seen, the level of human perception first rises and then steadily diminishes with increasing spatial frequency. / 図に示すように、人間の知覚レベルは、最初上昇しそのあと空間周波数の増加と共に大きく減少する。(USP6754433)

$$ it is fabricated by mixing monomer with liquid crystal and then polymerising the monomer to form a solid suspension of liquid crystal droplets in a polymer matrix. / これは、単量体を液晶と混合し、次いでこの単量体を重合させて、高分子マトリックス中に液晶滴の固体懸濁を形成することによって作成される。(USP6414294)

$$ The user interface of these Web Browsers is a graphical `point-and-click` interface (i.e. items can be selected by moving a cursor across a graphical display and then pressing a mouse button). / これらのウェブ・ブラウザのユーザ・インターフェースはグラフィカル「ポイント・アンド・クリック」インターフェースである(即ち、グラフィカル・ディスプレイを横切ってカーソルを移動させ、しかる後にマウス・ボタンを押すことによってアイテムを選択することができる)。(USP6336135)

$$ The pass is performed first for row and then for column spans. / パスは最初に行スパンについて行なわれ、次に列スパンについて行なわれる。(USP6269455)

$$ The sample is then removed and rinsed with first methyl alcohol and then distilled water. / 次いで試料を取り出し、まずメチルアルコールで、次いで蒸留水で洗浄した。(USP6177674)

$$ As before the communications subsystem reads the channel identifier and then accesses information about the intended link. / 以前のように、通信サブシステムはチャネル識別子を読取ったのち予定されたリンクに関する情報をアクセスする。(USP5454079)

$$ Alternatively, the data sets could be written to a storage device and then obtained therefrom for subsequent use in the method (off-line processing). (USP7646329)

$$ In the frequency domain one multiplies the first spectrum by exp(+j2πf λN.sub.X/2) and the second by exp(-j2πf λN.sub.Y/2) and then adds them. (USP7640282)

$$ This was allowed to dry overnight and then one coat of the coating composition of Example 4 was applied. (USP7638572)

$$ An under layer of metal is initially deposited on the substrate and then patterned by a method of laser ablation. (USP7629261)

$$ Typically the dispenser 202 is filled and capped, and then screwed on to the pot 201. (USP7490719)

$$ A plastic film may be embossed, printed and metallised and then provided with either a lacquer or adhesive layer. (USP5492370)

$$ Dilute to 100 ng/ml with assay buffer and then a further 1 in 3 for use in the assay. (USP7371729)

$$ This involves determining the current root multiple and then generating the possibilities for the next step. (USP7167887)

$$ The contact 75 slides over the outer peak 66 and then drops down to rest beyond the peak 66. (USP7129428)

$$ This can be done by pre-stretching the film, for example by biaxially orientation, and then heating it to shrink it around the member. (USP7105478)

$$ The process involves finding an optimal region partition for a given codebook and then finding the optimal codebook for the given partitions. (USP6990246)

$$ The electrical conductor 82 is thus deposited around the plug and then the plug is removed. (USP6888439)




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$$ The label 15 with a bar code printed thereon also provides further tamper evident means. / バーコードを印刷されたこの安全ラベル15は、また、別の不法侵害明示手段を有している。(USP5895075)

$$ An area 32, 32' of the slice is then exposed by another photolithographic procedure and phosphorus is deposited thereon. / スライスのエリア32、32’が次に別のフォトリソグラフィ工程によって露出され、その上にリンが取り付けられる。(USP5429953)

$$ The substrate 100 may be of silicon having thereon an insulating layer structure 103 of silicon dioxide. (USP4859851)

$$ ...the method comprising providing a plurality of elongate flexible support members each of which has thereon a plurality of releasable holders... (USP6684601)

$$ Of course, such surfaces are often repainted many times and, over the years, it is not uncommon to have ten or more coats of dried paint thereon. (USP7638572)

$$ FIG. 5 shows a schematic representation of an optical backplane 2 having two optical mounts 10 arranged thereon. (USP7625134)

$$ FIG. 1b also shows that the sleeve 10 has a projection 24 thereon, projecting radially outwards f the sleeve. (USP7370852)




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$$ The sheet made in Example 1 was thermoformed into a small cup using the following conditions: / 下記条件を用いて、例1において形成されたシートを小さなカップへ熱成形した。(USP6689832)

$$ Alternatively thermoforming of film can be used to produce filed sachets as illustrated in FIG. 2. / 変更例として、フィルムの熱形成を使用して第2図に示すような充填袋を製造することができる。(USP6465413)

$$ A method according to claim 6, wherein the diffractive structure is produced by thermoforming the master. (USP6043936)

$$ Further details of this thermoforming process are generally the same as those given above. (USP7105478)

$$ The master is then thermoformed to produce a negative replica of the master in a polymer, in the same way as a conventional commercial hologram.(USP6043936)

$$ A method according to claim 6 wherein the powder is a thermoforming polymer. (USP02064413)
