ONE (代名詞)
ONE (代名詞) one having; one with; etc
$$ This system has many advantages, the principal one being that it allows two modifications to take place in parallel. (USP6072499) 主なものは
$$ The conversion of the internal color format to the external one stored in the framebuffer depends on the size and position of the component. (USP5727192) 内部の色から外部のものへの変換
$$ This paradigm is perhaps the simplest one with very little hardware overhead and none of the above complications regarding antialiasing, block copies, bitmasks and line stipples. (USP5727192)
$$ This insertion is repeatedly reversible unless it exceeds a threshold at which the insertion material is irreversibly altered to one with poor lithium cycling capacity; / この挿入は、挿入材料がリチウムのサイクリング容量が不充分な状態へと不可逆に変化してしまうスレッシュホールドを越えない限り、繰り返し可逆である。(USP5441832)
$$ When X is alkyl- and/or aryl-substituted silicon, the alkyl group is preferably one having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, especially methyl, while the aryl group is preferably phenyl. / Xがアルキル-及び/又はアリール-置換されたケイ素である場合には、アルキル基は好ましくは1~4個の炭素原子を有するアルキル基、特にメチル基であり、アリール基は好ましくはフェニルである。(USP6353047)
$$ In yet another preferred embodiment, the ion mass-to-charge ratio analyzer may comprise a time-of-flight analyzer, particularly one having an orthogonal disposition of the entrance axis and the ion drift direction. / 更なる他の好適実施例において、イオン質量-対-電荷比分析器は、飛行時間型の分析器であり、特に入口軸線とイオン・ドリフト方向とが直交配置されている飛行時間型の分析器を備えることができる。(USP01010354)
$$ In many cases however, that would be undesirable, especially where the system was one having limited memory (for example a VM). (USP02029357)
ONE (代名詞) one having; one with; etc
$$ This system has many advantages, the principal one being that it allows two modifications to take place in parallel. (USP6072499) 主なものは
$$ The conversion of the internal color format to the external one stored in the framebuffer depends on the size and position of the component. (USP5727192) 内部の色から外部のものへの変換
$$ This paradigm is perhaps the simplest one with very little hardware overhead and none of the above complications regarding antialiasing, block copies, bitmasks and line stipples. (USP5727192)
$$ This insertion is repeatedly reversible unless it exceeds a threshold at which the insertion material is irreversibly altered to one with poor lithium cycling capacity; / この挿入は、挿入材料がリチウムのサイクリング容量が不充分な状態へと不可逆に変化してしまうスレッシュホールドを越えない限り、繰り返し可逆である。(USP5441832)
$$ When X is alkyl- and/or aryl-substituted silicon, the alkyl group is preferably one having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, especially methyl, while the aryl group is preferably phenyl. / Xがアルキル-及び/又はアリール-置換されたケイ素である場合には、アルキル基は好ましくは1~4個の炭素原子を有するアルキル基、特にメチル基であり、アリール基は好ましくはフェニルである。(USP6353047)
$$ In yet another preferred embodiment, the ion mass-to-charge ratio analyzer may comprise a time-of-flight analyzer, particularly one having an orthogonal disposition of the entrance axis and the ion drift direction. / 更なる他の好適実施例において、イオン質量-対-電荷比分析器は、飛行時間型の分析器であり、特に入口軸線とイオン・ドリフト方向とが直交配置されている飛行時間型の分析器を備えることができる。(USP01010354)
$$ In many cases however, that would be undesirable, especially where the system was one having limited memory (for example a VM). (USP02029357)
$$ This is done by interrogating each reflector unit with pulses from a sonar one after the other across the frequency band of interest. / これは、対象となる周波数帯にわたって順に、ソナーからのパルスを使用して各々の反射器を応答発信することで行われる。(USP8162098):複数
$$ Layers of CNTs are grown simultaneously in the CVD-CNT chambers 201 and transferred one after the other to the ALM chamber 200 when required. / 複数のカーボンナノチューブ層を、各CVD-CNTチャンバ201内で同時に成長させ、必要に応じて、順次にALMチャンバ200に搬送する。(USP8066842):複数
$$ The tests can be carried out one after the other in either order, or contemporaneously. / これらの試験は、どちらかの順で次々に、あるいは同時に実行できる。(USP7616582):複数
$$ These rules are grammatical and include, for example, two key words both being nouns that occur one after the other without intervening low value words. / これらの規則は文法的なもので、例えば2つのキーワードを含み、両方とも名詞であって1つが他の後に生じ低い値の単語に干渉をすることがない。(USP6353827):2つ
$$ Furthermore, it is proposed that the plurality of tanks disposed in line one after the other have an increasing depth in a direction from the front to the rear of the trailer. (USP7108285):複数
$$ The video is driven to produce a red frame, then a green frame, then a blue frame, one after another, for example. (USP5940204):3つ
$$ As with the first type of magazine, the rotor rotates so each capsule is, one after the other, taken to the `use position` where it may then be used. (USP5896855)
$$ By testing all these positions, one after the other, in a systematic way, the true cell boundary must eventually be located. (USP5610951):複数
$$ These four bytes are latched, one after the other, by a video data latch 31 connected to the data bus. (USP4979094):4つ
$$ This is done by interrogating each reflector unit with pulses from a sonar one after the other across the frequency band of interest. / これは、対象となる周波数帯にわたって順に、ソナーからのパルスを使用して各々の反射器を応答発信することで行われる。(USP8162098):複数
$$ Layers of CNTs are grown simultaneously in the CVD-CNT chambers 201 and transferred one after the other to the ALM chamber 200 when required. / 複数のカーボンナノチューブ層を、各CVD-CNTチャンバ201内で同時に成長させ、必要に応じて、順次にALMチャンバ200に搬送する。(USP8066842):複数
$$ The tests can be carried out one after the other in either order, or contemporaneously. / これらの試験は、どちらかの順で次々に、あるいは同時に実行できる。(USP7616582):複数
$$ These rules are grammatical and include, for example, two key words both being nouns that occur one after the other without intervening low value words. / これらの規則は文法的なもので、例えば2つのキーワードを含み、両方とも名詞であって1つが他の後に生じ低い値の単語に干渉をすることがない。(USP6353827):2つ
$$ Furthermore, it is proposed that the plurality of tanks disposed in line one after the other have an increasing depth in a direction from the front to the rear of the trailer. (USP7108285):複数
$$ The video is driven to produce a red frame, then a green frame, then a blue frame, one after another, for example. (USP5940204):3つ
$$ As with the first type of magazine, the rotor rotates so each capsule is, one after the other, taken to the `use position` where it may then be used. (USP5896855)
$$ By testing all these positions, one after the other, in a systematic way, the true cell boundary must eventually be located. (USP5610951):複数
$$ These four bytes are latched, one after the other, by a video data latch 31 connected to the data bus. (USP4979094):4つ
$$ It will be appreciated that in certain embodiments of the invention, the first and second signals may be one and the same. / 本発明の特定の実施形態では、第1及び第2信号は共通の1つの信号である。(USP8094042)
$$ It is now commonplace in, for example, production machinery for all of the pneumatic or hydraulic equipment to be controlled by respective directional control valves that are usually mounted on one and the same `valve island`. / 例えば、1つ及び同じ「弁アイランド」に通常取付けられた各々の方向制御弁によって制御されるべき空気圧又は油圧設備の全てのための生産機械は、公知である。(USP7653442)
$$ The first and second channel detectors are preferably different detectors, but they may be one and the same detector. / 第1と第2のチャネル検波器は異なる検波器であることが好ましいが、それらが1つおよび同じ検波器であることも可能である。(USP6900756)
$$ In this known arrangement the sensor material and the cladding material are therefore one and the same. / それ故、既知の装置ではセンサ材料とクラディング材料は1つの同一のものである。(USP5903685)
$$ A data retrieval system according to claim 1, wherein the search terms are organised in the manner of an alphabetical directory, and the host computer memory is partitioned into blocks each of which is allocated a unique portion of the alphabetical directory such that any entered search item can be allocated to one and only one block. (USP5727201)
$$ Using the crossline 201, the arrivals can in fact be connected and thus identified as one and the same. (USP5260911)
$$ It will be appreciated that in certain embodiments of the invention, the first and second signals may be one and the same. / 本発明の特定の実施形態では、第1及び第2信号は共通の1つの信号である。(USP8094042)
$$ It is now commonplace in, for example, production machinery for all of the pneumatic or hydraulic equipment to be controlled by respective directional control valves that are usually mounted on one and the same `valve island`. / 例えば、1つ及び同じ「弁アイランド」に通常取付けられた各々の方向制御弁によって制御されるべき空気圧又は油圧設備の全てのための生産機械は、公知である。(USP7653442)
$$ The first and second channel detectors are preferably different detectors, but they may be one and the same detector. / 第1と第2のチャネル検波器は異なる検波器であることが好ましいが、それらが1つおよび同じ検波器であることも可能である。(USP6900756)
$$ In this known arrangement the sensor material and the cladding material are therefore one and the same. / それ故、既知の装置ではセンサ材料とクラディング材料は1つの同一のものである。(USP5903685)
$$ A data retrieval system according to claim 1, wherein the search terms are organised in the manner of an alphabetical directory, and the host computer memory is partitioned into blocks each of which is allocated a unique portion of the alphabetical directory such that any entered search item can be allocated to one and only one block. (USP5727201)
$$ Using the crossline 201, the arrivals can in fact be connected and thus identified as one and the same. (USP5260911)
ONE ANOTHER 相互に(3つ以上)
ONE ANOTHER 相互に(3つ以上)
-->each other (2つ)
$$ In this case, the elevations of pixel ray vectors associated with different pixels in each image differ from one another by equal inter-pixel elevation differences. (USP6327381)
$$ In fact if the sub-arrays are implemented as being reconfigurable via MEMS or similar components, they may be different from one another, but at the cost of increased optimisation steps. / 実際には、サブアレイは、MEMSまたは同様の構成部品を介して再構成されるものとして実現されている場合、最適化ステップが増加するという代償を払うが、相互に異なっていてもよい。(USP8344945)
$$ The L and L1 ligands may be the same or different from one another. / L及びL1リガンドは、お互いに同じか異なる。(USP8063554)
$$ The frequencies of the signal applied to the core elements may be the same as one another or differ from one another. / コア要素に加えられる信号の周波数は、互いに同じであることも、互いに異なることもできる。(USP8029669)
$$ Systems 1 having different topologies can be connected to one another. / さまざまなトポロジを有するシステム1が、互いに接続することができる。(USP6553020)
$$ For all radii, r, the frequency with which dislocations within radii r and r+δr of one another is recorded. / 全ての半径rについて、周波数は、それと共に、半径rおよび互いのr+δrの範囲内で転位するが、記録される。(USP6375739)
$$ A `network` of computers can be any number of computers that are able to exchange information with one another. / コンピュータの「ネットワーク」は、相互に情報を交換し得る任意の数のコンピュータでよい。(USP6336135)
$$ The slots of the respective cutting elements may be aligned with each other or may be displaced relative to one another longitudinally of the blade unit. / それぞれの切取部の溝は互いに一列に配列され、又は刃ユニットの長手方向に互いにずらして配置されている。(USP6176014)
$$ FIG. 1 is an illustration of a group of computers communicating with one another using an internet; / 【図1】インターネットを使用して相互に通信するコンピュータグループを示す模式図。(USP6163807)
$$ With the confocal microscopes described above the image quality and the light budget are independent of one another. / 上文中に説明した共焦点顕微鏡では、画像品質及び光線供給量(light budget)は互いに別々である。(USP6144489)
$$ Apparatuses of an audio/video system convey user commands to one another via a serial control bus. / 製造業者間あるいはモデル間の装置の差異をカバーするD2B用ユーザー指令を可能とする制御メッセージ通信用装置を目的とする。(USP5479385)
$$ The horizontal filter arrangement 300 and the vertical filter arrangement 330 can be of substantially the same construction as one another. / 水平フィルタ装置300及び垂直フィルタ装置330は、互いにほぼ同一構成のものでよい。(USP5353059)
$$ In this way, variable length Huffman code words received on a parallel data bus are abutted next to one another to form an essentially continuous data stream. / こうすると、並列データバスにより供給される可変長ハフマン符号ワードは、互いに隣接してほぼ連続したデータストリームとなる。(USP5404166)
ONE ANOTHER 相互に(3つ以上)
-->each other (2つ)
$$ In this case, the elevations of pixel ray vectors associated with different pixels in each image differ from one another by equal inter-pixel elevation differences. (USP6327381)
$$ In fact if the sub-arrays are implemented as being reconfigurable via MEMS or similar components, they may be different from one another, but at the cost of increased optimisation steps. / 実際には、サブアレイは、MEMSまたは同様の構成部品を介して再構成されるものとして実現されている場合、最適化ステップが増加するという代償を払うが、相互に異なっていてもよい。(USP8344945)
$$ The L and L1 ligands may be the same or different from one another. / L及びL1リガンドは、お互いに同じか異なる。(USP8063554)
$$ The frequencies of the signal applied to the core elements may be the same as one another or differ from one another. / コア要素に加えられる信号の周波数は、互いに同じであることも、互いに異なることもできる。(USP8029669)
$$ Systems 1 having different topologies can be connected to one another. / さまざまなトポロジを有するシステム1が、互いに接続することができる。(USP6553020)
$$ For all radii, r, the frequency with which dislocations within radii r and r+δr of one another is recorded. / 全ての半径rについて、周波数は、それと共に、半径rおよび互いのr+δrの範囲内で転位するが、記録される。(USP6375739)
$$ A `network` of computers can be any number of computers that are able to exchange information with one another. / コンピュータの「ネットワーク」は、相互に情報を交換し得る任意の数のコンピュータでよい。(USP6336135)
$$ The slots of the respective cutting elements may be aligned with each other or may be displaced relative to one another longitudinally of the blade unit. / それぞれの切取部の溝は互いに一列に配列され、又は刃ユニットの長手方向に互いにずらして配置されている。(USP6176014)
$$ FIG. 1 is an illustration of a group of computers communicating with one another using an internet; / 【図1】インターネットを使用して相互に通信するコンピュータグループを示す模式図。(USP6163807)
$$ With the confocal microscopes described above the image quality and the light budget are independent of one another. / 上文中に説明した共焦点顕微鏡では、画像品質及び光線供給量(light budget)は互いに別々である。(USP6144489)
$$ Apparatuses of an audio/video system convey user commands to one another via a serial control bus. / 製造業者間あるいはモデル間の装置の差異をカバーするD2B用ユーザー指令を可能とする制御メッセージ通信用装置を目的とする。(USP5479385)
$$ The horizontal filter arrangement 300 and the vertical filter arrangement 330 can be of substantially the same construction as one another. / 水平フィルタ装置300及び垂直フィルタ装置330は、互いにほぼ同一構成のものでよい。(USP5353059)
$$ In this way, variable length Huffman code words received on a parallel data bus are abutted next to one another to form an essentially continuous data stream. / こうすると、並列データバスにより供給される可変長ハフマン符号ワードは、互いに隣接してほぼ連続したデータストリームとなる。(USP5404166)
$$ A rotary magazine according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of recesses are adapted to be rotated, one by one, to a use position within said magazine. (USP5896855)
$$ Each telephone number is considered one by one and an index is created identifying each particular event initiated by that particular telephone number. / 各電話番号は1つずつ考慮され、インデックスは特定の電話番号によって開始されたそれぞれの特定のイベントを識別するために生成される。(USP6182079)
$$ An alternative method is a component interference measurement, in which the t1 transmitters are caused to transmit one by one, but without the initial all-transmitters transmission. (USP02042274)
$$ The personal agent 130 may, for example, capture keywords as they are typed by the user, and submit them one by one to a local search engine 110, via the server 160. / パーソナルエージェント130は、例えばユーザによってタイプされたキーワードを捕捉し、それらを1つづつサーバ160を介してローカルサーチエンジン110へ提示することができる。(USP6424968)
$$ One of the pins (367) in the inhaler passes through this hole to puncture the adjacent end of the capsule as the capsules pass, one by one, through the piercing position, before use. (USP5896855)
$$ A rotary magazine according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of recesses are adapted to be rotated, one by one, to a use position within said magazine. (USP5896855)
$$ Each telephone number is considered one by one and an index is created identifying each particular event initiated by that particular telephone number. / 各電話番号は1つずつ考慮され、インデックスは特定の電話番号によって開始されたそれぞれの特定のイベントを識別するために生成される。(USP6182079)
$$ An alternative method is a component interference measurement, in which the t1 transmitters are caused to transmit one by one, but without the initial all-transmitters transmission. (USP02042274)
$$ The personal agent 130 may, for example, capture keywords as they are typed by the user, and submit them one by one to a local search engine 110, via the server 160. / パーソナルエージェント130は、例えばユーザによってタイプされたキーワードを捕捉し、それらを1つづつサーバ160を介してローカルサーチエンジン110へ提示することができる。(USP6424968)
$$ One of the pins (367) in the inhaler passes through this hole to puncture the adjacent end of the capsule as the capsules pass, one by one, through the piercing position, before use. (USP5896855)
"the one end" と定冠詞を付することは少ない (one endに対して5%程度)
$$ At the one end of each conduit remote from the disc a measuring container is mounted having a restricted entry. (USP5893487)
$$ Preferably said control means are adapted to derive a first nominal position for said other end within the field of view when the one end is positioned at the first predetermined position... / 好ましくは、前記制御手段は、前記一端が前記第1のポジションに位置する際に、前記視野内における前記他端の、第1の公称上のポジションを得るように構成する。(USP7580137)
$$ Light signals are transmitted through the fibre from a light source at one end to a detector unit at the other. / 光信号はファイバを通って1端部にある光源から他方の端部にある検出器装置へ伝送される。(USP5903685)
$$ In order to avoid the use of highly preloaded suspension springs, the three lever arms at one end are interconnected via a slider. / かなりの予荷重をかけたサスペンションばねを使用しないでよいように、3つのレバーアームは、一端で、スライダを介して相互連結してある。(USP6031371)
$$ The end portion 202d also incorporates an outwardly extending lip 202f which includes a recess for receiving one end of a torsion spring 256. / 端部202dはまた、外方に向けて延在するリップ部202fを有している。リップ部202fは、捩りばね256の一端を保持する凹所を有している。(USP6691849)
$$ An annular end cap 20 is shown as provided on one end of the stator, though it is preferably provided at both ends, as explained later. / 後述するように、ステータの一端に、好ましくは両端に図示のように環状の端部キャップ20を設ける。(USP6815848)
$$ The elongate member 620 is attached at one end thereof to a filter plate 650 bearing an elongate filter region 660. / 細長い部材620は、その一端が、細長いフィルタ領域660を支持するフィルタプレート650に取り付けられる。 (USP6788479)
"the one end" と定冠詞を付することは少ない (one endに対して5%程度)
$$ At the one end of each conduit remote from the disc a measuring container is mounted having a restricted entry. (USP5893487)
$$ Preferably said control means are adapted to derive a first nominal position for said other end within the field of view when the one end is positioned at the first predetermined position... / 好ましくは、前記制御手段は、前記一端が前記第1のポジションに位置する際に、前記視野内における前記他端の、第1の公称上のポジションを得るように構成する。(USP7580137)
$$ Light signals are transmitted through the fibre from a light source at one end to a detector unit at the other. / 光信号はファイバを通って1端部にある光源から他方の端部にある検出器装置へ伝送される。(USP5903685)
$$ In order to avoid the use of highly preloaded suspension springs, the three lever arms at one end are interconnected via a slider. / かなりの予荷重をかけたサスペンションばねを使用しないでよいように、3つのレバーアームは、一端で、スライダを介して相互連結してある。(USP6031371)
$$ The end portion 202d also incorporates an outwardly extending lip 202f which includes a recess for receiving one end of a torsion spring 256. / 端部202dはまた、外方に向けて延在するリップ部202fを有している。リップ部202fは、捩りばね256の一端を保持する凹所を有している。(USP6691849)
$$ An annular end cap 20 is shown as provided on one end of the stator, though it is preferably provided at both ends, as explained later. / 後述するように、ステータの一端に、好ましくは両端に図示のように環状の端部キャップ20を設ける。(USP6815848)
$$ The elongate member 620 is attached at one end thereof to a filter plate 650 bearing an elongate filter region 660. / 細長い部材620は、その一端が、細長いフィルタ領域660を支持するフィルタプレート650に取り付けられる。 (USP6788479)
$$ For each SET there are thus 1 delayed or filtered digital signals, one from each of the Inputs via the separate Distributor, to be combined before application to the SET. / したがって、各SETに対してSETに加える前に結合すべき、個別の分配器を経由する各入力から一つずつの、Iの遅延すなわちフィルタリングされたデジタル信号がある。
$$ The 96 non-synchronisation subcode bytes are output in parallel at a rate of one bit of each of the 8 subcode bytes simultaneously as an 8-bit byte for every 24 bytes of main data channel data. / 主データチャネルデータの24バイトごとに対して8-ビットバイトとして同時に各々の8つのサブコードバイトの1ビットのレートで、96個の同期サブコードでないバイトが並行に出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The domes may be partial ellipsoids and one source may be situated at one of the foci of each of the ellipsoids 2a, 2b. / 該ドームは部分楕円体であり、楕円体2a、2bの各々の焦点の1つに1つの放射源を置くことができる。(USP6453224)
$$ As shown in FIG. 14 the conductive tracks are configured such that one end of each of said tracks is close to the top right hand comer of its respective layer, thus easing the process of connection to cable 1804. (USP6861961)
$$ Only one end of each strip 10,20,30 and 40 of the device as illustrated in FIG. 2 has a read-out area. (USP4859851)
$$ The cradle strap includes stringers 74, 76, 78, 80 and an intermediate section 82 connected to one end of each of the stringers. (USP5800280)
$$ For each SET there are thus 1 delayed or filtered digital signals, one from each of the Inputs via the separate Distributor, to be combined before application to the SET. / したがって、各SETに対してSETに加える前に結合すべき、個別の分配器を経由する各入力から一つずつの、Iの遅延すなわちフィルタリングされたデジタル信号がある。
$$ The 96 non-synchronisation subcode bytes are output in parallel at a rate of one bit of each of the 8 subcode bytes simultaneously as an 8-bit byte for every 24 bytes of main data channel data. / 主データチャネルデータの24バイトごとに対して8-ビットバイトとして同時に各々の8つのサブコードバイトの1ビットのレートで、96個の同期サブコードでないバイトが並行に出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The domes may be partial ellipsoids and one source may be situated at one of the foci of each of the ellipsoids 2a, 2b. / 該ドームは部分楕円体であり、楕円体2a、2bの各々の焦点の1つに1つの放射源を置くことができる。(USP6453224)
$$ As shown in FIG. 14 the conductive tracks are configured such that one end of each of said tracks is close to the top right hand comer of its respective layer, thus easing the process of connection to cable 1804. (USP6861961)
$$ Only one end of each strip 10,20,30 and 40 of the device as illustrated in FIG. 2 has a read-out area. (USP4859851)
$$ The cradle strap includes stringers 74, 76, 78, 80 and an intermediate section 82 connected to one end of each of the stringers. (USP5800280)
$$ Moreover, because microphone and channel characteristics will differ between the two speakers, two sets of SSA parameters are maintained, one for each speaker. / 更に、マイク及び通信路特性が、2人の話し手の間で異なるであろうから、2セットのSSAパラメータは、それぞれの話し手に対して1つ、維持される。(USP6671666)
$$ To produce an arbitrary profile it may be preferred to replace a single electrode, or equivalent, with a plurality of electrodes, one for each channel. / 任意の位相プロファイルを形成するため、単一の電極、又は同等物を各チャンネルに1つずつの複数の電極と交換することが好ましい。(USP6339664)
$$ In the case of TFT-driven display, the electrode 16 will be a continuous sheet and in the case of diodes and MIMs it will be etched into strips, one for each column of the display. / TFT駆動のディスプレイの場合、電極16は連続的なシートであり、ダイオード及びMIMの場合、それはエッチングされて複数のストリップ、即ち、そのディスプレイの各列に対して1つのストリップを形成する。(USP5801796)
$$ In all such cases, the conductor 17 will be etched into a multiplicity of electrodes, one for each pixel. / そのようなすべての場合において、導体17がエッチングされ、複数の電極、即ち、各ピクセルに対して1つの電極を形成する。 (USP5801796)
$$ In the present arrangement each input port server is provided with a plurality of buffer stores A, B ... Z, one for each of the output servers such as the output port server 8. / 本発明の装置において各入力ポートサーバは複数のバッファ記憶装置A、B...Zを具備しており、その1つのバッファ記憶装置は出力ポートサーバ8のような各出力ポートサーバに対応して設けられている。(USP5448559)
$$ Moreover, because microphone and channel characteristics will differ between the two speakers, two sets of SSA parameters are maintained, one for each speaker. / 更に、マイク及び通信路特性が、2人の話し手の間で異なるであろうから、2セットのSSAパラメータは、それぞれの話し手に対して1つ、維持される。(USP6671666)
$$ To produce an arbitrary profile it may be preferred to replace a single electrode, or equivalent, with a plurality of electrodes, one for each channel. / 任意の位相プロファイルを形成するため、単一の電極、又は同等物を各チャンネルに1つずつの複数の電極と交換することが好ましい。(USP6339664)
$$ In the case of TFT-driven display, the electrode 16 will be a continuous sheet and in the case of diodes and MIMs it will be etched into strips, one for each column of the display. / TFT駆動のディスプレイの場合、電極16は連続的なシートであり、ダイオード及びMIMの場合、それはエッチングされて複数のストリップ、即ち、そのディスプレイの各列に対して1つのストリップを形成する。(USP5801796)
$$ In all such cases, the conductor 17 will be etched into a multiplicity of electrodes, one for each pixel. / そのようなすべての場合において、導体17がエッチングされ、複数の電極、即ち、各ピクセルに対して1つの電極を形成する。 (USP5801796)
$$ In the present arrangement each input port server is provided with a plurality of buffer stores A, B ... Z, one for each of the output servers such as the output port server 8. / 本発明の装置において各入力ポートサーバは複数のバッファ記憶装置A、B...Zを具備しており、その1つのバッファ記憶装置は出力ポートサーバ8のような各出力ポートサーバに対応して設けられている。(USP5448559)
$$ Other schemes are possible--for example one in which the increment is doubled each time it is successfully applied. / 他の方法も可能であり-1例として効果的に適用されるたびごとに、インクリメントは2倍にされる。(USP6330313)
$$ A confocal optical microscope is one in which a single spot of illumination is focused on to a specimen and a detector of light receives light derived from that spot only. / 共焦点光学顕微鏡においては、照明の単一のスポットが試料上に焦点合わせされ、光の検出器はそのスポットのみに由来する光を受取る。(USP6429967)
$$ A partially blurred image is one in which spatial features are discernible but fine spatial features therein are blurred. / ある程度ぼかした画像とは、空間特徴が識別可能であるが、その中の微細な空間特徴がぼけている画像のことである。(USP6414294)
$$ The illumination apparatus may be one in which the light sources are stationary, and in which the light collecting device is moveable relative to the stationary light sources. (USP7021795)
$$ A set of non-redundant paths is one in which there is only one path from each node to a MIP, i.e. there are no "redundant" paths. (USP02042274)
$$ A self-modifying environment may be one in which sections of compiled code are created and deleted dynamically during execution. (USP02029357)
$$ Other schemes are possible--for example one in which the increment is doubled each time it is successfully applied. / 他の方法も可能であり-1例として効果的に適用されるたびごとに、インクリメントは2倍にされる。(USP6330313)
$$ A confocal optical microscope is one in which a single spot of illumination is focused on to a specimen and a detector of light receives light derived from that spot only. / 共焦点光学顕微鏡においては、照明の単一のスポットが試料上に焦点合わせされ、光の検出器はそのスポットのみに由来する光を受取る。(USP6429967)
$$ A partially blurred image is one in which spatial features are discernible but fine spatial features therein are blurred. / ある程度ぼかした画像とは、空間特徴が識別可能であるが、その中の微細な空間特徴がぼけている画像のことである。(USP6414294)
$$ The illumination apparatus may be one in which the light sources are stationary, and in which the light collecting device is moveable relative to the stationary light sources. (USP7021795)
$$ A set of non-redundant paths is one in which there is only one path from each node to a MIP, i.e. there are no "redundant" paths. (USP02042274)
$$ A self-modifying environment may be one in which sections of compiled code are created and deleted dynamically during execution. (USP02029357)
ONE IS THAT (使用頻度は低めである)
-->another is that
$$ One is that application of an irrigant to a wound under simultaneous aspiration creates a wound environment that is exposed to the continuous beneficial effects of both aspects of the therapy for wound healing, as opposed to the sequential intermittent application of irrigant flow and aspiration in known aspirating and/or irrigating apparatus. / 1つは、同時吸引による創傷への潅注剤の塗布により、知られている吸引および/または潅注機器内での潅注剤流および吸引を断続的に行うのと反対に、創傷治癒のための治療の両方の態様の連続した有益な効果に曝された創傷環境が作り出される。(USP8235955)
$$ One is that a higher priority interrupt process is to be executed immediately. (USP02002657) 一つは~である
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ One is that emitting ACKs consumes battery power, which can be a serious limitation in an ad-hoc environment where the devices are operating on battery power and are difficult to access. (USP7565149)
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ The usual problem in coupling a fixed displacement machine to a variable one is that the system must be sized according to the peak power requirement at both extremes of the speed/torque range. (USP5259738)
ONE IS THAT (使用頻度は低めである)
-->another is that
$$ One is that application of an irrigant to a wound under simultaneous aspiration creates a wound environment that is exposed to the continuous beneficial effects of both aspects of the therapy for wound healing, as opposed to the sequential intermittent application of irrigant flow and aspiration in known aspirating and/or irrigating apparatus. / 1つは、同時吸引による創傷への潅注剤の塗布により、知られている吸引および/または潅注機器内での潅注剤流および吸引を断続的に行うのと反対に、創傷治癒のための治療の両方の態様の連続した有益な効果に曝された創傷環境が作り出される。(USP8235955)
$$ One is that a higher priority interrupt process is to be executed immediately. (USP02002657) 一つは~である
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ One is that emitting ACKs consumes battery power, which can be a serious limitation in an ad-hoc environment where the devices are operating on battery power and are difficult to access. (USP7565149)
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ The usual problem in coupling a fixed displacement machine to a variable one is that the system must be sized according to the peak power requirement at both extremes of the speed/torque range. (USP5259738)
$$ By placing an array of electrodes on one surface of the active layer, and a continuous electrode on its other surface, the applied electric field can be varied such that a degree of control can be exerted over the mirror deformation. (USP7567374)
$$ The cam plate 116 is generally arcuate and is pivotally connected at one end of the arc to the mounting pin 118 and at its other end to a linear push rod link element 124. / カム板116は、略弓形であり、その弧の一端部において取付ピン118に枢着され、他端部において直線押圧ロッド・リンク要素124に枢着される。(USP7575279)
$$ In other words, if a node is transmitting or receiving on one of its links, it will not be receiving or transmitting on any of its other links. / 言い替えると、ノードがそのリンク上で送信中または受信中である場合、それは他のリンクのいずれにおいても受信または送信を行わないだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ The lever is actuated by a memory wire 48 which is attached towards an end of the lever 40 remote from the shaped portion 44 at one end and fixed to the housing 32 at its other end. (USP02017161)
$$ By placing an array of electrodes on one surface of the active layer, and a continuous electrode on its other surface, the applied electric field can be varied such that a degree of control can be exerted over the mirror deformation. (USP7567374)
$$ The cam plate 116 is generally arcuate and is pivotally connected at one end of the arc to the mounting pin 118 and at its other end to a linear push rod link element 124. / カム板116は、略弓形であり、その弧の一端部において取付ピン118に枢着され、他端部において直線押圧ロッド・リンク要素124に枢着される。(USP7575279)
$$ In other words, if a node is transmitting or receiving on one of its links, it will not be receiving or transmitting on any of its other links. / 言い替えると、ノードがそのリンク上で送信中または受信中である場合、それは他のリンクのいずれにおいても受信または送信を行わないだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ The lever is actuated by a memory wire 48 which is attached towards an end of the lever 40 remote from the shaped portion 44 at one end and fixed to the housing 32 at its other end. (USP02017161)
ONE OF A and B
ONE OF A and B
このパターンよりもone of sthsの表現の使用頻度が高い -->one of two
$$ At least one of the first and second liquids may comprise water. / 第1及び第2の液体のうち少なくとも1つは、水を含んでもよい。(USP8104949)
$$ A radar according to claim 20 arranged to transmit a signal having a frequency around at least one of 77 GHz and 94.5 GHz. / 77GHzおよび94.5GHzのうちの少なくともいずれか一方の周波数に近い周波数を有する信号を送信するようになされた、請求項20に記載のレーダ。(USP7592943)
$$ Each CPU 40, 42 has a respective one of first and second cache memories 44, 46 associated with it, and the system has a system memory 48 shared between the CPU's 40, 42. / CPU40及び42は、第1及び第2のキャッシュメモリ44及び46のうち、各々に関連付けられた1つのキャッシュメモリを備えており、このシステムはCPU40及び42の間で共用されるシステムメモリ48を有する。(USP6138216)
$$ A method according to claim 13 wherein the substrate is bonded to a peripheral region of the housing by the application of at least one of heat and pressure. / 該基板を該ハウジングの周辺領域に熱及び/又は圧力の適用により結合する、請求項13に記載の方法。(USP5914019)
$$ In consequence, signal combination in the RF splitter/combiner 52 results in the amplitude of one of the upper and lower sidebands being largely suppressed, and that of the other being augmented and transmitted to the second switch 46b. / その結果、RFスプリッタ/コンバイナ52における信号の組み合せは、大幅に抑制される上側及び下側の側波帯の内の一方の振幅と、増大され、第二スイッチ46bに送信される他方の振幅とになる。(USP6441783)
$$ A roller and bearing assembly as claimed in claim 3 wherein a control member is provided which projects from one of the ball and socket into the other allowing relative rotation of the ball and socket only about a castor axis. (USP7632208)
$$ The filter according to claim 10, in which the regions are operable to at least one of reflect and transmit the input radiation to provide the output radiation. / 上記領域は、入力放射の反射及び透過の少なくとも一方を行って出力放射を与えるように動作できる請求項10に記載のフィルタ。(USP6788479)
$$ ...wherein at least one of the transmitter and receiver comprises a conductive winding having a plurality of loop portions... (USP6561022)
$$ ...a phase winding on one of the stator and rotor... (USP6586903)
ONE OF A and B
このパターンよりもone of sthsの表現の使用頻度が高い -->one of two
$$ At least one of the first and second liquids may comprise water. / 第1及び第2の液体のうち少なくとも1つは、水を含んでもよい。(USP8104949)
$$ A radar according to claim 20 arranged to transmit a signal having a frequency around at least one of 77 GHz and 94.5 GHz. / 77GHzおよび94.5GHzのうちの少なくともいずれか一方の周波数に近い周波数を有する信号を送信するようになされた、請求項20に記載のレーダ。(USP7592943)
$$ Each CPU 40, 42 has a respective one of first and second cache memories 44, 46 associated with it, and the system has a system memory 48 shared between the CPU's 40, 42. / CPU40及び42は、第1及び第2のキャッシュメモリ44及び46のうち、各々に関連付けられた1つのキャッシュメモリを備えており、このシステムはCPU40及び42の間で共用されるシステムメモリ48を有する。(USP6138216)
$$ A method according to claim 13 wherein the substrate is bonded to a peripheral region of the housing by the application of at least one of heat and pressure. / 該基板を該ハウジングの周辺領域に熱及び/又は圧力の適用により結合する、請求項13に記載の方法。(USP5914019)
$$ In consequence, signal combination in the RF splitter/combiner 52 results in the amplitude of one of the upper and lower sidebands being largely suppressed, and that of the other being augmented and transmitted to the second switch 46b. / その結果、RFスプリッタ/コンバイナ52における信号の組み合せは、大幅に抑制される上側及び下側の側波帯の内の一方の振幅と、増大され、第二スイッチ46bに送信される他方の振幅とになる。(USP6441783)
$$ A roller and bearing assembly as claimed in claim 3 wherein a control member is provided which projects from one of the ball and socket into the other allowing relative rotation of the ball and socket only about a castor axis. (USP7632208)
$$ The filter according to claim 10, in which the regions are operable to at least one of reflect and transmit the input radiation to provide the output radiation. / 上記領域は、入力放射の反射及び透過の少なくとも一方を行って出力放射を与えるように動作できる請求項10に記載のフィルタ。(USP6788479)
$$ ...wherein at least one of the transmitter and receiver comprises a conductive winding having a plurality of loop portions... (USP6561022)
$$ ...a phase winding on one of the stator and rotor... (USP6586903)
$$ The network domain comprises a TP 41, local exchanges (LE) 42 and digital main switching units (DMSU) 43 (only one of each shown). / ネットワークドメインA4は、(それぞれの1つだけ示されている)TP41とローカル交換機(LE)42とデジタルメインスイッチング装置(DMSU)43を備えている。(USP6073174)
$$ The various differences between tributary and line ports in an ADM--of which a difference in bit rates is one example--mean that protection is not currently provided by pairing one of each type of port to support alternative paths with fast automatic protection between them. / 例えば、ビットレートの違いなど、ADM内の端局およびラインポート間の様々な相違は、代用経路間の高速自動保護により代用経路を支援するためにポートのそれぞれのタイプの一つを組にすることによって保護が提供されることは一般的にはないことを意味している。(USP5533005)
$$ A pair of opposed access ports, one of each pair being shown in FIG. 1(a), 25, 27 is located through the body 12 into which are positioned outer locking bars 78,80 (shown in FIG. 1(d)) which will be described hereinafter with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3. (USP7628213)
$$ Then, it is particularly preferred that multiple transducer means be used, preferably to get the best possible sampling of possible active resonant modes, say where appropriate, with transducer means at least one of each of progressively outward different ones of preferential locations. (USP6332029)
$$ One of each pair of slots extends radially outwards from the edges 43 to the circular aperture, whereas the other of the pair of slots extends radially inwards from the outer edge 44 of the device which engages the socket 45. (USP5527073)
$$ The network domain comprises a TP 41, local exchanges (LE) 42 and digital main switching units (DMSU) 43 (only one of each shown). / ネットワークドメインA4は、(それぞれの1つだけ示されている)TP41とローカル交換機(LE)42とデジタルメインスイッチング装置(DMSU)43を備えている。(USP6073174)
$$ The various differences between tributary and line ports in an ADM--of which a difference in bit rates is one example--mean that protection is not currently provided by pairing one of each type of port to support alternative paths with fast automatic protection between them. / 例えば、ビットレートの違いなど、ADM内の端局およびラインポート間の様々な相違は、代用経路間の高速自動保護により代用経路を支援するためにポートのそれぞれのタイプの一つを組にすることによって保護が提供されることは一般的にはないことを意味している。(USP5533005)
$$ A pair of opposed access ports, one of each pair being shown in FIG. 1(a), 25, 27 is located through the body 12 into which are positioned outer locking bars 78,80 (shown in FIG. 1(d)) which will be described hereinafter with reference to FIGS. 2 and 3. (USP7628213)
$$ Then, it is particularly preferred that multiple transducer means be used, preferably to get the best possible sampling of possible active resonant modes, say where appropriate, with transducer means at least one of each of progressively outward different ones of preferential locations. (USP6332029)
$$ One of each pair of slots extends radially outwards from the edges 43 to the circular aperture, whereas the other of the pair of slots extends radially inwards from the outer edge 44 of the device which engages the socket 45. (USP5527073)
"one of both"は、一般には使われることもあるが、特許明細書では頻度小。
$$ This relationship will have been established in one of two ways: / この関係は次の2つの中の一つの方法で確立されていることになる:(USP5907602)
$$ A release file may be in one of two states: live or deferred. (USP5999740)
$$ FIG. 1 shows the flow as a function of time for cementitious systems containing one of two polymer additives, i.e., S-657 or welan gum. (USP6110271)
$$ There is also a digital divider 44 connected to the clock 41, the output d of 44 shown as 51 being connected to one of two inputs of an AND-gate 45. (USP6373955)
$$ Compounds which influence the sex hormone system have been found, in accordance with the present invention, to regulate wound healing in one of two principal ways (depending on the particular compound used). / 本発明に従って、2つの主要な方法のうちのひとつ(使用した特定の化合物に応じて)において、創傷治癒を調節するための性ホルモン系に影響を及ぼす化合物が見出されている。(USP6696433)
$$ The simple case requires the service logic to return one of two numbers depending on the value of a flag that is passed into the service from the SSP. (USP6810118)
$$ The AFM is usually operated in one of two modes. / AFMは通常2つのモードのうちの1つのモードで操作される。(USP7596989)
$$ As described above with reference to FIG. 1, the gas gating structure is arranged to include a physical valve that enables gas to be directed along either one of two different routes. / 図1を参照して上に記載したように、ガスゲート構造体は異なる2つの経路のいずれか1つに沿ってガスを導くことのできる物理的な弁を含むように構成される。(USP7619265)
$$ A failed communications attempt to the old number is dealt with immediately by the answering machine in one of two ways. (USP6775249)
"one of both"は、一般には使われることもあるが、特許明細書では頻度小。
$$ This relationship will have been established in one of two ways: / この関係は次の2つの中の一つの方法で確立されていることになる:(USP5907602)
$$ A release file may be in one of two states: live or deferred. (USP5999740)
$$ FIG. 1 shows the flow as a function of time for cementitious systems containing one of two polymer additives, i.e., S-657 or welan gum. (USP6110271)
$$ There is also a digital divider 44 connected to the clock 41, the output d of 44 shown as 51 being connected to one of two inputs of an AND-gate 45. (USP6373955)
$$ Compounds which influence the sex hormone system have been found, in accordance with the present invention, to regulate wound healing in one of two principal ways (depending on the particular compound used). / 本発明に従って、2つの主要な方法のうちのひとつ(使用した特定の化合物に応じて)において、創傷治癒を調節するための性ホルモン系に影響を及ぼす化合物が見出されている。(USP6696433)
$$ The simple case requires the service logic to return one of two numbers depending on the value of a flag that is passed into the service from the SSP. (USP6810118)
$$ The AFM is usually operated in one of two modes. / AFMは通常2つのモードのうちの1つのモードで操作される。(USP7596989)
$$ As described above with reference to FIG. 1, the gas gating structure is arranged to include a physical valve that enables gas to be directed along either one of two different routes. / 図1を参照して上に記載したように、ガスゲート構造体は異なる2つの経路のいずれか1つに沿ってガスを導くことのできる物理的な弁を含むように構成される。(USP7619265)
$$ A failed communications attempt to the old number is dealt with immediately by the answering machine in one of two ways. (USP6775249)
$$ The ninth aspect relates to a method for reproducing an audio signal received at a reproducing device such as a DPAA which steers the audio output signals so that they are transmitted mainly in one or a plurality of separate directions. / 第9の側面は一つまたは複数の個別の方向に送信されるようにオーディオ出力信号をステアリングするDPAA等の再生装置において受信されるオーディオ信号を再生する方向に関連している。(USP7577260)
$$ The trail edge deflector 380 comprises a roller 381 through which there is a passage 382 suitable for allowing one or a plurality of sheets to pass through the roller. (USP7306220)
$$ Preferably, the conveying means comprises one or a plurality of indexing conveyors. (USP6349526)
$$ Preferably said current dissipating means comprise one or a plurality of diodes, preferably, current is arranged to dissipate via a single transistor and a single diode at any given time. (USP5942884)
$$ A base transceiver station operating a sectorized cell of a cellular radio system operates a plurality of narrow uplink main receive beams, and one or a plurality of uplink diversity received beams. (USP6167286)
$$ The ninth aspect relates to a method for reproducing an audio signal received at a reproducing device such as a DPAA which steers the audio output signals so that they are transmitted mainly in one or a plurality of separate directions. / 第9の側面は一つまたは複数の個別の方向に送信されるようにオーディオ出力信号をステアリングするDPAA等の再生装置において受信されるオーディオ信号を再生する方向に関連している。(USP7577260)
$$ The trail edge deflector 380 comprises a roller 381 through which there is a passage 382 suitable for allowing one or a plurality of sheets to pass through the roller. (USP7306220)
$$ Preferably, the conveying means comprises one or a plurality of indexing conveyors. (USP6349526)
$$ Preferably said current dissipating means comprise one or a plurality of diodes, preferably, current is arranged to dissipate via a single transistor and a single diode at any given time. (USP5942884)
$$ A base transceiver station operating a sectorized cell of a cellular radio system operates a plurality of narrow uplink main receive beams, and one or a plurality of uplink diversity received beams. (USP6167286)
$$ A gearbox according to claim 11 wherein the one or more racks are mounted for longitudinal movement substantially parallel to the shaft. / 1つ又はそれ以上のラックが軸に実質的に平行な長手方向の動きのために設けられているところの請求項11に記載の変速装置。(USP6019010)
$$ One or more new FDEs 20 can then be started with the new profiles and profile sets placed in their memory-resident object models. / 次にメモリ内蔵オブジェクトモデル内に配置された新しいプロフィールおよびプロフィールセットで1以上の新しいFDE20を作動することができる。(USP5907602)
$$ Control ports are located at any of one or more locations 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7. / 制御ポートが、1又は2以上の箇所3.4,3.5,3.6又は3.7のうち任意の箇所に設けられている。 (USP6474569)
$$ Depending on the drink desired, the dispensing of the water may be into one or more chambers 60. / 選択する飲み物により、水の調合はチャンバ60の1個または2個以上が用いられる。(USP5893487)
$$ In preferred embodiments, these communications units are individual modems, which may be provided on one or more chips. / 好適な実施例では、通信ユニットが個別のモデムであるが、1または複数のチップで提供されてもよい。(USP02018462)
$$ Said first layer may include one or more polymeric compounds according to said first, second, third and/or fourth aspects. / 前記第一層は、前記の第一、第二、第三及び/又は第四の態様のポリマー化合物を1つ以上含むことができる。(USP01019809)
$$ A gearbox according to claim 11 wherein the one or more racks are mounted for longitudinal movement substantially parallel to the shaft. / 1つ又はそれ以上のラックが軸に実質的に平行な長手方向の動きのために設けられているところの請求項11に記載の変速装置。(USP6019010)
$$ One or more new FDEs 20 can then be started with the new profiles and profile sets placed in their memory-resident object models. / 次にメモリ内蔵オブジェクトモデル内に配置された新しいプロフィールおよびプロフィールセットで1以上の新しいFDE20を作動することができる。(USP5907602)
$$ Control ports are located at any of one or more locations 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7. / 制御ポートが、1又は2以上の箇所3.4,3.5,3.6又は3.7のうち任意の箇所に設けられている。 (USP6474569)
$$ Depending on the drink desired, the dispensing of the water may be into one or more chambers 60. / 選択する飲み物により、水の調合はチャンバ60の1個または2個以上が用いられる。(USP5893487)
$$ In preferred embodiments, these communications units are individual modems, which may be provided on one or more chips. / 好適な実施例では、通信ユニットが個別のモデムであるが、1または複数のチップで提供されてもよい。(USP02018462)
$$ Said first layer may include one or more polymeric compounds according to said first, second, third and/or fourth aspects. / 前記第一層は、前記の第一、第二、第三及び/又は第四の態様のポリマー化合物を1つ以上含むことができる。(USP01019809)
ONE OR OTHER 一方または他方
ONE OR OTHER 一方または他方
-->one or the other
$$ One or other of the global and local counters is used to address the distribution map for a given PCD node. / グローバルおよびローカルカウンタの一方または他方を使用して、所定のPCDノードの分配マップにアドレスする。(USP6748063)
$$ In use, the gate 362 is pivotally moveable between two positions in which it closes communication between the exit branch 361 and one or other of the supply branches 360a, 360b. / 使用時に、ゲート362は、出口ブランチ361と一方又は他方の供給ブランチ360a、360bとの間のコミュニケーションを閉じる2つの位置間で中枢的に移動可能である。(USP6692213)
$$ In addition, the injector comprises a fluidic diverter 2.7 which is adapted to divert an airflow into substantially one or other of the outer 2.2 or dome 2.3 swirlers. / 燃料噴射器は更に、空気流を外側スワラ2.2又はドーム状スワラ2.3のうち実質的に一方又は他方の中に差し向けるようになった純流体切換弁2.7を有している。(USP6474569)
$$ The Hall effect is then used to concentrate carriers at one or other of the faces. / そして、ホール効果を使用して、面のどちらか一方にキャリアを集めるようにする。(USP6175113)
$$ One limitation of this and similar prior art methods is that the links are not abstracted out of an individual system into a separate structure, i.e. each link is held within one or other of the linked systems.(USP6189012)
$$ ...so that the selector is held in one or other end position until the selector is manually operated to a different position...(USP6598724)
$$ This can be used to send an "event" to a CPU such as one or other of the CPUs 12 or 13 on the same chip or it may be used to send an event to a CPU on a different chip through an external connection.(USP6526501)
ONE OR OTHER 一方または他方
-->one or the other
$$ One or other of the global and local counters is used to address the distribution map for a given PCD node. / グローバルおよびローカルカウンタの一方または他方を使用して、所定のPCDノードの分配マップにアドレスする。(USP6748063)
$$ In use, the gate 362 is pivotally moveable between two positions in which it closes communication between the exit branch 361 and one or other of the supply branches 360a, 360b. / 使用時に、ゲート362は、出口ブランチ361と一方又は他方の供給ブランチ360a、360bとの間のコミュニケーションを閉じる2つの位置間で中枢的に移動可能である。(USP6692213)
$$ In addition, the injector comprises a fluidic diverter 2.7 which is adapted to divert an airflow into substantially one or other of the outer 2.2 or dome 2.3 swirlers. / 燃料噴射器は更に、空気流を外側スワラ2.2又はドーム状スワラ2.3のうち実質的に一方又は他方の中に差し向けるようになった純流体切換弁2.7を有している。(USP6474569)
$$ The Hall effect is then used to concentrate carriers at one or other of the faces. / そして、ホール効果を使用して、面のどちらか一方にキャリアを集めるようにする。(USP6175113)
$$ One limitation of this and similar prior art methods is that the links are not abstracted out of an individual system into a separate structure, i.e. each link is held within one or other of the linked systems.(USP6189012)
$$ ...so that the selector is held in one or other end position until the selector is manually operated to a different position...(USP6598724)
$$ This can be used to send an "event" to a CPU such as one or other of the CPUs 12 or 13 on the same chip or it may be used to send an event to a CPU on a different chip through an external connection.(USP6526501)
-->one or other
$$ The diversion of flow to mainly one or the other of the sub conduits by small overpressure or under pressure to the control ports is due to boundary layer inertial and coanda effects. / 主として、制御ポートに対する僅かな過剰圧又は負圧により副導管の一方又は他方への流れの差し向け又は切換えは、境界層の慣性及びコアンダ効果に起因して生じる。(USP6474569)
$$ According to one embodiment the main retard roller is rotated at one or the other of two different speeds, for example using two independent clutches. (USP6915184)
$$ Then, in a co-processor system, one could point to one or the other of the platforms. (USP6691301)
$$ This means the processing load within the machine is balanced and does not "bottleneck" on one or the other of the detectors. (USP6604636)
$$ A card may contend for both buses simultaneously and in general will gain access to one or the other.(USP5377189)
$$ In order to move either one or the other of the pit 56, 58 in the manner described, a cover disc 68 is used.(USP6598724)
$$ In the case of a simple control unit, only one or the other form of display means may be provided. / 簡単な制御ユニットの場合、唯一又は他の形式のディスプレイ手段でよい。(USP5537605)
-->one or other
$$ The diversion of flow to mainly one or the other of the sub conduits by small overpressure or under pressure to the control ports is due to boundary layer inertial and coanda effects. / 主として、制御ポートに対する僅かな過剰圧又は負圧により副導管の一方又は他方への流れの差し向け又は切換えは、境界層の慣性及びコアンダ効果に起因して生じる。(USP6474569)
$$ According to one embodiment the main retard roller is rotated at one or the other of two different speeds, for example using two independent clutches. (USP6915184)
$$ Then, in a co-processor system, one could point to one or the other of the platforms. (USP6691301)
$$ This means the processing load within the machine is balanced and does not "bottleneck" on one or the other of the detectors. (USP6604636)
$$ A card may contend for both buses simultaneously and in general will gain access to one or the other.(USP5377189)
$$ In order to move either one or the other of the pit 56, 58 in the manner described, a cover disc 68 is used.(USP6598724)
$$ In the case of a simple control unit, only one or the other form of display means may be provided. / 簡単な制御ユニットの場合、唯一又は他の形式のディスプレイ手段でよい。(USP5537605)
-->a the, a said
$$ At least one said component of the system may be configured to (automatically) adapt itself based on a result of the failure mode and effects analysis. / システムの少なくとも1つの前記コンポーネントは、故障モード影響解析の結果に基づいて、前記コンポーネント自体を(自動的に)適応させるように構成され得る。(USP8347146)
$$ Thus, in at least one said hydroentanglement step the screen (or one said screen) is caused to press against the surface of the body of fibres to resist expansion. / したがって、少なくとも一つの前記水流交絡工程では、膨張を食い止めるために、スクリーン(または一つの前記スクリーン)が繊維からなるボディを加圧する。(USP8225469)
$$ A method according to claim 22 wherein one said resonator region is tuned first and subsequently the other said resonator region or resonator regions are tuned until it or all of them coincide with the said one resonator region. / 1つの前記キャビティが最初に調節され、その後、他の1つまたは複数の前記キャビティが、該他の1つまたは複数の全ての前記キャビティが前記1つのキャビティと一致するまで調節される、請求項22に記載の方法。(USP6980362)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 11, wherein said base station serves a tri-sectored cell, each sector being served by one said set. (USP6469680)
$$ The filter panel according to claim 1 wherein more than one said filter panel is contained in said housing and wherein at least one of the said filter panels houses a filter media adapted to change color depending on its condition. (USP6001151)
$$ A device as claimed in claim 8, wherein at least one said hole of the read-out means extends through the drift path at a location spaced from the periphery of the body portion. (USP4859851)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 10, wherein when message encryption keys have been established for more than one said third node, the failure detection signal is only sent to the selected third node. (USP01054158)
-->a the, a said
$$ At least one said component of the system may be configured to (automatically) adapt itself based on a result of the failure mode and effects analysis. / システムの少なくとも1つの前記コンポーネントは、故障モード影響解析の結果に基づいて、前記コンポーネント自体を(自動的に)適応させるように構成され得る。(USP8347146)
$$ Thus, in at least one said hydroentanglement step the screen (or one said screen) is caused to press against the surface of the body of fibres to resist expansion. / したがって、少なくとも一つの前記水流交絡工程では、膨張を食い止めるために、スクリーン(または一つの前記スクリーン)が繊維からなるボディを加圧する。(USP8225469)
$$ A method according to claim 22 wherein one said resonator region is tuned first and subsequently the other said resonator region or resonator regions are tuned until it or all of them coincide with the said one resonator region. / 1つの前記キャビティが最初に調節され、その後、他の1つまたは複数の前記キャビティが、該他の1つまたは複数の全ての前記キャビティが前記1つのキャビティと一致するまで調節される、請求項22に記載の方法。(USP6980362)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 11, wherein said base station serves a tri-sectored cell, each sector being served by one said set. (USP6469680)
$$ The filter panel according to claim 1 wherein more than one said filter panel is contained in said housing and wherein at least one of the said filter panels houses a filter media adapted to change color depending on its condition. (USP6001151)
$$ A device as claimed in claim 8, wherein at least one said hole of the read-out means extends through the drift path at a location spaced from the periphery of the body portion. (USP4859851)
$$ A method as claimed in claim 10, wherein when message encryption keys have been established for more than one said third node, the failure detection signal is only sent to the selected third node. (USP01054158)
-->such, several such, some such
$$ One such test is the so-called "overwrite" test. / 当該試験の一つに、いわゆる「上書き(overwrite)」試験がある。(USP8120867)
$$ One such example is given in FIG. 1. / かかる一例が、図1に記載されている。(USP8105013)
$$ One such system is described in International patent application WO-A-92/05690. / このようなシステムの1つが、国際特許出願公開公報第WO-A-92/05690号に記載されている。(USP7090586)
$$ One such technique, is described in the following sub-section. / このような技術の1つが以下のセクションで述べられる。(USP6229851)
$$ FIG. 3 illustrates one such way, using a Michelson interferometer arrangement. / 第3図は、マイケルソン干渉計構成を用いたこのような1つの方法を示すものである。(USP6208416)
$$ One such field not shown in FIG. 1 is a field for storing an ignore flag. (USP7430563)
$$ It may have more than one such activity. (USP7429467)
$$ One such survival factor is insulin. (USP7304129)
$$ One such joystick controller has been described in GB 2,313,175.(USP7129428)
-->such, several such, some such
$$ One such test is the so-called "overwrite" test. / 当該試験の一つに、いわゆる「上書き(overwrite)」試験がある。(USP8120867)
$$ One such example is given in FIG. 1. / かかる一例が、図1に記載されている。(USP8105013)
$$ One such system is described in International patent application WO-A-92/05690. / このようなシステムの1つが、国際特許出願公開公報第WO-A-92/05690号に記載されている。(USP7090586)
$$ One such technique, is described in the following sub-section. / このような技術の1つが以下のセクションで述べられる。(USP6229851)
$$ FIG. 3 illustrates one such way, using a Michelson interferometer arrangement. / 第3図は、マイケルソン干渉計構成を用いたこのような1つの方法を示すものである。(USP6208416)
$$ One such field not shown in FIG. 1 is a field for storing an ignore flag. (USP7430563)
$$ It may have more than one such activity. (USP7429467)
$$ One such survival factor is insulin. (USP7304129)
$$ One such joystick controller has been described in GB 2,313,175.(USP7129428)