$$ Doing this would preclude two out of three solutions in Experiment 2. (USP6810118)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable out of alignment with the other housings 12 in the assembly 10 for providing access thereto as indicated in FIG. 14. / 各ハウジング12は、図14に示すように、ハウジングへの接近を与えるように集合体10内で他のハウジング12との整列から外れて回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ The other waveform (φ2) will, of course be 180° out of phase with the illustrated waveform (φ1). / 他方の波形(φ2)は、勿論、図示の波形(φ1)とは180°位相外れである。(USP6816020)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable from its stowed position out of alignment with the other housings for access. / 各ハウジング12は、そこへの接近をできるようにするために他のハウジングとの整列から外れてその積込み位置から回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ Values must be entered in mT--entering illegal value or values out of range forces re-entry. / 値はmTで入力しなければならず、誤った値または範囲外の値を入力すると再入力が必要になる。(USP6611142)
$$ Product water then has to diffuse out of the cathode structure. / その後、生成水、このカソード構造から外へ拡散しなければならない。(USP6855452)
$$ Error corrected data comes out of the decoders in 24 byte blocks. / エラー訂正されたデータは、24バイトのブロックで復号器から出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The acid dissolves into the methanol, and the glass is then filtered out of the solution. / 酸はメタノールに溶解し、そこでガラスを溶液から濾過する。(USP6313192)
$$ If traffic is out of profile, the customer is penalised. / トラヒックがプロフィール外であるとき、顧客は科料に処される。(USP7319673)
$$ Alternatively, several delivery tubes 6 may be fed to a single transfer station 7 so as to provide a back-up supply in the event that one of the tubes is out of operation (e.g. it becomes blocked). / 代わりに、いくつかの分配チューブ6が単一の搬送ステーション7に設けられてもよい。これにより、チューブのうちの1つが故障(例えば、閉塞した場合)した場合でも、バックアップ供給を確保できる。(USP6692213)
$$ Any values that are out of the range of the new scale are shown in black. / 新しいスケールの範囲外の値は黒で示される。(USP6611142)
$$ If this fine adjustment is out of calibrated limits an engine failure is indicated. / この精密調節が較正された限界の外にある場合には、エンジンの故障が指示される。(USP6338250)
$$ In the example shown in FIG. 6A-6C this is a data source which was out of sight over the horizon in the starting position of the viewpoint. / 図6に示す実施例においては、これは、視点が出発地点にある時には水平線の向こう側で見えないデータ源である。(USP6281877)
$$ If it is out of level the reading will need to compensate for the degree of out of level. (USP7108285)
$$ In this way, output solution which is out of specification is never dispensed. (USP6632347)
$$ For example the side wall could be bent along a front to rear axis so as to be out of plane. (USP6135495)
$$ The system is normally in the "off" state when the aircraft is on the ground between flights or is out of service for any reason. (USP7573396)
$$ As the two devices may be out of normal range of each other, even at the enhanced power, they cannot co-operate to decide which one should change. (USP7565149)
$$ An input is out of date if it was produced by a simulator that has received new input more recently that it produced the output. (USP6691301)
$$ Doing this would preclude two out of three solutions in Experiment 2. (USP6810118)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable out of alignment with the other housings 12 in the assembly 10 for providing access thereto as indicated in FIG. 14. / 各ハウジング12は、図14に示すように、ハウジングへの接近を与えるように集合体10内で他のハウジング12との整列から外れて回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ The other waveform (φ2) will, of course be 180° out of phase with the illustrated waveform (φ1). / 他方の波形(φ2)は、勿論、図示の波形(φ1)とは180°位相外れである。(USP6816020)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable from its stowed position out of alignment with the other housings for access. / 各ハウジング12は、そこへの接近をできるようにするために他のハウジングとの整列から外れてその積込み位置から回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ Values must be entered in mT--entering illegal value or values out of range forces re-entry. / 値はmTで入力しなければならず、誤った値または範囲外の値を入力すると再入力が必要になる。(USP6611142)
$$ Product water then has to diffuse out of the cathode structure. / その後、生成水、このカソード構造から外へ拡散しなければならない。(USP6855452)
$$ Error corrected data comes out of the decoders in 24 byte blocks. / エラー訂正されたデータは、24バイトのブロックで復号器から出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The acid dissolves into the methanol, and the glass is then filtered out of the solution. / 酸はメタノールに溶解し、そこでガラスを溶液から濾過する。(USP6313192)
$$ If traffic is out of profile, the customer is penalised. / トラヒックがプロフィール外であるとき、顧客は科料に処される。(USP7319673)
$$ Alternatively, several delivery tubes 6 may be fed to a single transfer station 7 so as to provide a back-up supply in the event that one of the tubes is out of operation (e.g. it becomes blocked). / 代わりに、いくつかの分配チューブ6が単一の搬送ステーション7に設けられてもよい。これにより、チューブのうちの1つが故障(例えば、閉塞した場合)した場合でも、バックアップ供給を確保できる。(USP6692213)
$$ Any values that are out of the range of the new scale are shown in black. / 新しいスケールの範囲外の値は黒で示される。(USP6611142)
$$ If this fine adjustment is out of calibrated limits an engine failure is indicated. / この精密調節が較正された限界の外にある場合には、エンジンの故障が指示される。(USP6338250)
$$ In the example shown in FIG. 6A-6C this is a data source which was out of sight over the horizon in the starting position of the viewpoint. / 図6に示す実施例においては、これは、視点が出発地点にある時には水平線の向こう側で見えないデータ源である。(USP6281877)
$$ If it is out of level the reading will need to compensate for the degree of out of level. (USP7108285)
$$ In this way, output solution which is out of specification is never dispensed. (USP6632347)
$$ For example the side wall could be bent along a front to rear axis so as to be out of plane. (USP6135495)
$$ The system is normally in the "off" state when the aircraft is on the ground between flights or is out of service for any reason. (USP7573396)
$$ As the two devices may be out of normal range of each other, even at the enhanced power, they cannot co-operate to decide which one should change. (USP7565149)
$$ An input is out of date if it was produced by a simulator that has received new input more recently that it produced the output. (USP6691301)
$$ The present invention also provides a receiver including a novel adaptive digital filter as outlined above. / また、本発明は上記に概略を述べた新規の適応デジタルフィルタを備えた受信器を提供する。(USP5987485)
$$ This outline represents the boundary of the aperture to be used during a subsequent data acquisition stage. / このアウトラインは引き続くデータ取得段階の間に用いられるべき開口の境界を表している。(USP5946131)
$$ An outline of the steps involved in an MS.DOS implementation of this improvement is given as an Appendix to this description. (USP5675725)
$$ It is an object of the present invention to provide a magnetic bearing arrangement which includes back-up bearing means that mitigates at least some of the above outlined disadvantages of known back-up bearings. / 本発明の目的は公知のバックアップ軸受の前述の欠点の少なくともあるものを緩和するバックアップ軸受手段を含む磁気軸受装置を提供することである。(USP5355040)
$$ As in the previous embodiment, the TOF analyzer generally indicated by 63 is shown only in outline form. / 先行する実施例におけるように、符号63で全体的に示されるこの飛行時間型分析器は、そのアウトライン形態のみが示されている。(USP01010354)
$$ A steering wheel 112 (shown in hatched outline) is fitted to a shaft 113 which is free to rotate in bearings retained within the housing 111. / 舵輪112(破線の輪郭で示す)が軸113に取り付けられ、該軸はハウジング111内に保持されたベアリング内で自由に回転する。(USP6332818)
$$ FIG. 13 is an outline view of the views shown in FIGS. 9 to 12 where locations of FPN speckle are represented by circles in the outline view. / 【図13】FPNスペックルの位置を円でその中に表す、図9~12に示す写真の輪郭図である。(USP6414294)
$$ FIG. 1 is an outline diagram for a transmission-line structure hereof; / 【図1】 本発明の伝送線構造の概略図。(USP6816020)
$$ The present invention also provides a receiver including a novel adaptive digital filter as outlined above. / また、本発明は上記に概略を述べた新規の適応デジタルフィルタを備えた受信器を提供する。(USP5987485)
$$ This outline represents the boundary of the aperture to be used during a subsequent data acquisition stage. / このアウトラインは引き続くデータ取得段階の間に用いられるべき開口の境界を表している。(USP5946131)
$$ An outline of the steps involved in an MS.DOS implementation of this improvement is given as an Appendix to this description. (USP5675725)
$$ It is an object of the present invention to provide a magnetic bearing arrangement which includes back-up bearing means that mitigates at least some of the above outlined disadvantages of known back-up bearings. / 本発明の目的は公知のバックアップ軸受の前述の欠点の少なくともあるものを緩和するバックアップ軸受手段を含む磁気軸受装置を提供することである。(USP5355040)
$$ As in the previous embodiment, the TOF analyzer generally indicated by 63 is shown only in outline form. / 先行する実施例におけるように、符号63で全体的に示されるこの飛行時間型分析器は、そのアウトライン形態のみが示されている。(USP01010354)
$$ A steering wheel 112 (shown in hatched outline) is fitted to a shaft 113 which is free to rotate in bearings retained within the housing 111. / 舵輪112(破線の輪郭で示す)が軸113に取り付けられ、該軸はハウジング111内に保持されたベアリング内で自由に回転する。(USP6332818)
$$ FIG. 13 is an outline view of the views shown in FIGS. 9 to 12 where locations of FPN speckle are represented by circles in the outline view. / 【図13】FPNスペックルの位置を円でその中に表す、図9~12に示す写真の輪郭図である。(USP6414294)
$$ FIG. 1 is an outline diagram for a transmission-line structure hereof; / 【図1】 本発明の伝送線構造の概略図。(USP6816020)
$$ Individual vectors are output from the analyser 16 in succession every 10 mS, and each represents an average over the energy in the speech signal in the previous 20 mS. / 個々のベクトルは、連続するそれぞれ10mSの分析器16からの出力であり、またそれぞれは、その前の20mSのスピーチ信号の中のエネルギーにわたる平均を表わす。(USP6671666)
$$ The processor 6 outputs this data to the display 11 for display thereon. / プロセッサ6はこのデータをディスプレイ上での表示のためにディスプレイ11に出力する。(USP6661373)
$$ Signals are output from the interface board 16 at 106 to move the scanner head 38 to a required (user selected) start position for scanning. / 信号は106でインタフェースボード16から出力され、スキャナヘッド38を走査のために必要な(ユーザにより選択された)出発位置に移動させる。(USP6611142)
$$ Consequently the 8 subcode bytes are output to completely at a rate of 75 times per second, with the main timing information located in the second, Q-subchannel block. / 従って、秒でQ-サブコードブロックに配置された主タイミング情報と共に、8サブコードバイトは、秒当り75回のレートで完全に出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ Second, the phase signal is modified to indicate the dropping of fields and a modified phase signal is output to a cross-converter 44. / 第2に、位相信号は、フィールドの落としを示すために変更され、変更された位相信号はクロス変換器64に出力される。(USP6480232)
$$ In this way, the stored algorithm also determines the spatial pattern of light emissions that are to be output from the article of jewelry. / このように、記憶されたアルゴリズムは、宝飾品から出力される光放射の空間的パターンをも決定する。(USP6433483)
$$ In this case, filtered values for the edges of the blocks will be output when the input data values corresponding to the edges of the block are at the centre of the chain of delay elements. / この場合、該ブロックのエッジ(端縁)に対するろ波値は、該ブロックのエッジに対応する入力データ値が遅延素子のチェーンの中央に在る時に出力される (USP5381354)
$$ After error concealment the digital video signal is output by the error concealment unit 140 for further processing. / エラー隠蔽後、デジタルビデオ信号が上記ユニット140から出力され更に処理される。(USP5353059)
$$ The input buffer outputs 4 byte data words to the slicer, and reads 4 byte data words from memory.(USP01017899)
$$ Individual vectors are output from the analyser 16 in succession every 10 mS, and each represents an average over the energy in the speech signal in the previous 20 mS. / 個々のベクトルは、連続するそれぞれ10mSの分析器16からの出力であり、またそれぞれは、その前の20mSのスピーチ信号の中のエネルギーにわたる平均を表わす。(USP6671666)
$$ The processor 6 outputs this data to the display 11 for display thereon. / プロセッサ6はこのデータをディスプレイ上での表示のためにディスプレイ11に出力する。(USP6661373)
$$ Signals are output from the interface board 16 at 106 to move the scanner head 38 to a required (user selected) start position for scanning. / 信号は106でインタフェースボード16から出力され、スキャナヘッド38を走査のために必要な(ユーザにより選択された)出発位置に移動させる。(USP6611142)
$$ Consequently the 8 subcode bytes are output to completely at a rate of 75 times per second, with the main timing information located in the second, Q-subchannel block. / 従って、秒でQ-サブコードブロックに配置された主タイミング情報と共に、8サブコードバイトは、秒当り75回のレートで完全に出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ Second, the phase signal is modified to indicate the dropping of fields and a modified phase signal is output to a cross-converter 44. / 第2に、位相信号は、フィールドの落としを示すために変更され、変更された位相信号はクロス変換器64に出力される。(USP6480232)
$$ In this way, the stored algorithm also determines the spatial pattern of light emissions that are to be output from the article of jewelry. / このように、記憶されたアルゴリズムは、宝飾品から出力される光放射の空間的パターンをも決定する。(USP6433483)
$$ In this case, filtered values for the edges of the blocks will be output when the input data values corresponding to the edges of the block are at the centre of the chain of delay elements. / この場合、該ブロックのエッジ(端縁)に対するろ波値は、該ブロックのエッジに対応する入力データ値が遅延素子のチェーンの中央に在る時に出力される (USP5381354)
$$ After error concealment the digital video signal is output by the error concealment unit 140 for further processing. / エラー隠蔽後、デジタルビデオ信号が上記ユニット140から出力され更に処理される。(USP5353059)
$$ The input buffer outputs 4 byte data words to the slicer, and reads 4 byte data words from memory.(USP01017899)
$$ The outputs from the master control 2 are output via the sub-bus connector 6. / マスター制御手段2からの出力は、サブバスコネクター6を介して出力される。(USP7653442)
$$ The output of the frequency sweep generator 42 is passed to a divider 48. / 周波数掃引発生器42の出力は、分割器48に引き渡される。(USP7592943)
$$ The output from the entropy decoder 84 is fed to the data resequencer 86. / エントロピー復号器84からの出力は、データ再配列器86に供給される。(USP6754433)
$$ The signals output from the computer 94 are passed to a single display apparatus 38. / コンピュータ94からの信号出力は、単一の表示装置38へ通される。(USP6175113)
$$ That patent discloses an acoustic reflector provided opposite to a diaphragm of a drive unit which determines the directivity of the speaker output. / 該特許はドライブユニットの振動板に対向して、スピーカユニットの出力分布特性を決定する音響ミラーについて開示する。(USP5402502)
$$ The multiplier 6 operates to provide an output M of CO '.DN+2 3 time steps later, at time step 7. / 乗算器6は、三つの時間ステップ後の時間ステップ7で、C0′.DN+2の出力Mを供給する。(USP5987485)
$$ In this manner, the overall size of the sound source is kept as compact as possible at all sound output levels. (USP6373955)
$$ The basic equation describing the output amplitude spectrum t(λ) from one output port, after phase apodisation, is given by: ##EQU1## / 位相をアポディゼーションした後、1つの出力ポートから出力の大きさのスペクトルt(λ)を説明する基本的等式は次式(1)で与えられる;(USP6339664)
$$ Tests indicate at 11.2896 MHz an output amplitude of 1 volt can be generated without exceeding European EMC standards, even using a very low-cost twisted pair cable. / テストでは、極めて低コストのツイストペアケーブルを用いた場合でさえ、欧州EMC規格を超えることなく、11.2896MHzで1ボルトの出力振幅を生成できることを示す。(USP6473469)
$$ The outputs from the master control 2 are output via the sub-bus connector 6. / マスター制御手段2からの出力は、サブバスコネクター6を介して出力される。(USP7653442)
$$ The output of the frequency sweep generator 42 is passed to a divider 48. / 周波数掃引発生器42の出力は、分割器48に引き渡される。(USP7592943)
$$ The output from the entropy decoder 84 is fed to the data resequencer 86. / エントロピー復号器84からの出力は、データ再配列器86に供給される。(USP6754433)
$$ The signals output from the computer 94 are passed to a single display apparatus 38. / コンピュータ94からの信号出力は、単一の表示装置38へ通される。(USP6175113)
$$ That patent discloses an acoustic reflector provided opposite to a diaphragm of a drive unit which determines the directivity of the speaker output. / 該特許はドライブユニットの振動板に対向して、スピーカユニットの出力分布特性を決定する音響ミラーについて開示する。(USP5402502)
$$ The multiplier 6 operates to provide an output M of CO '.DN+2 3 time steps later, at time step 7. / 乗算器6は、三つの時間ステップ後の時間ステップ7で、C0′.DN+2の出力Mを供給する。(USP5987485)
$$ In this manner, the overall size of the sound source is kept as compact as possible at all sound output levels. (USP6373955)
$$ The basic equation describing the output amplitude spectrum t(λ) from one output port, after phase apodisation, is given by: ##EQU1## / 位相をアポディゼーションした後、1つの出力ポートから出力の大きさのスペクトルt(λ)を説明する基本的等式は次式(1)で与えられる;(USP6339664)
$$ Tests indicate at 11.2896 MHz an output amplitude of 1 volt can be generated without exceeding European EMC standards, even using a very low-cost twisted pair cable. / テストでは、極めて低コストのツイストペアケーブルを用いた場合でさえ、欧州EMC規格を超えることなく、11.2896MHzで1ボルトの出力振幅を生成できることを示す。(USP6473469)
"the outside"と定冠詞とともに用いることが多い
$$ The lower cylindrical part of wall 254 is guided on the outside of upstanding wall 240. (USP7490719)
$$ A drain as claimed in claim 1 wherein the film sensor arrangement is provided upon the outside of the passage. (USP7146849)
$$ Any such joints are preferably positioned on the outside of the vessel for maintenance reasons. (USP8012359)
$$ An added benefit is that the projection system could be entirely maintained from the outside of the main simulator. (USP6735015)
$$ With harder materials such as brick and concrete, a pilot hole is normally drilled from the outside prior to insertion. (USP6443238)
$$ Furthermore, the clear, colourless areas allowed the internal blue regions to be observed from the outside. (USP6133336)
"the outside"と定冠詞とともに用いることが多い
$$ The lower cylindrical part of wall 254 is guided on the outside of upstanding wall 240. (USP7490719)
$$ A drain as claimed in claim 1 wherein the film sensor arrangement is provided upon the outside of the passage. (USP7146849)
$$ Any such joints are preferably positioned on the outside of the vessel for maintenance reasons. (USP8012359)
$$ An added benefit is that the projection system could be entirely maintained from the outside of the main simulator. (USP6735015)
$$ With harder materials such as brick and concrete, a pilot hole is normally drilled from the outside prior to insertion. (USP6443238)
$$ Furthermore, the clear, colourless areas allowed the internal blue regions to be observed from the outside. (USP6133336)
OUTSIDE (形容詞・副詞・前置詞)
OUTSIDE (形容詞・副詞・前置詞)
$$ A tube coupling as claimed in claim 7, further comprising teeth formed on the outside face of the flange of the ring member. (USP7100948)
$$ Simulation of buses may be important when debugging the interface with the outside world. (USP6691301)
$$ The outside surface of the probe tip is preferably hemispherical in shape. (USP6501287)
$$ The shoulder 66 (FIG. 7) engages the outside surface of the collet 70 to hold the collet concentrically. (USP5524909)
$$ The outside release lever 20 only moves from this position to the release position when the latch is released. (USP02074809)
$$ With rear projection, the projectors may be arranged outside the enclosed volume of the display screen. (USP6735015)
$$ These may be triggered by the IAS if it does not recognise the object or recognises the object but it is outside a pre-set quality or dimensional criterion. (USP6349526)
$$ A wavelength of 1064 nm is outside the visible spectrum and the present invention may be used with an active laser medium which emits light either inside or outside the visible spectrum. / 1064nmという波長は可視スペクトルの域外であるが、本発明は、可視スペクトルの域内・域外のどちらの光を放射するレーザーの活性媒体にも用いられ得る。 (USP5434880)
$$ It is impossible to unwrap this phase map correctly by conventional spatial methods since the phase jumps at the groove edges fall outside the range (-π, +π). / 溝の縁部の位相ジャンプが範囲(-π、+π)外に入るので、この位相マップを慣用的な空間方法(s-patial methods)でアンラップすることは不可能である。(USP6208416)
$$ In the case of reflective displays, either the contrast ratio (CR) or the reflectivity (R), or both may be lower than required, or some other property, such as the display operating voltage, may be outside the required range, as the following examples of existing art will show. / 反射式ディスプレイの場合、コントラスト比(CR)又は反射率(R)、或いはその両方ともが、必要な性能よりも低いことがあり、或いは、ディスプレイ動作電圧のような幾つかの他の特性が、既存の技術に関する下記のような例が示すように、必要な範囲から外れることがある。(USP5801796)
$$ This prevents the user from inadvertently focusing outside of the desired range which could result for example in the user focusing on components within the image relaying means 17 itself. / このことは使用者が、例えばイメージリレー手段17それ自体の部品に焦点合せする結果となるような、不注意に所望範囲外に焦点合せすることを防ぐ。(USP5418645)
$$ If the terminal then moves outside this area to another, "foreign" agent 12c, on a network 18b, the mobile unit 34 registers onto this network 18b to obtain a CoA, which is reported to the home agent 12b. / 端末がこの領域外でネットワーク18b上の別の“外部”のエージェント12cへ移動すると、移動ユニット34はこのネットワーク18bに登録して、CoAを得て、これはホームエージェント12bへ報告される。(USP6584098)
OUTSIDE (形容詞・副詞・前置詞)
$$ A tube coupling as claimed in claim 7, further comprising teeth formed on the outside face of the flange of the ring member. (USP7100948)
$$ Simulation of buses may be important when debugging the interface with the outside world. (USP6691301)
$$ The outside surface of the probe tip is preferably hemispherical in shape. (USP6501287)
$$ The shoulder 66 (FIG. 7) engages the outside surface of the collet 70 to hold the collet concentrically. (USP5524909)
$$ The outside release lever 20 only moves from this position to the release position when the latch is released. (USP02074809)
$$ With rear projection, the projectors may be arranged outside the enclosed volume of the display screen. (USP6735015)
$$ These may be triggered by the IAS if it does not recognise the object or recognises the object but it is outside a pre-set quality or dimensional criterion. (USP6349526)
$$ A wavelength of 1064 nm is outside the visible spectrum and the present invention may be used with an active laser medium which emits light either inside or outside the visible spectrum. / 1064nmという波長は可視スペクトルの域外であるが、本発明は、可視スペクトルの域内・域外のどちらの光を放射するレーザーの活性媒体にも用いられ得る。 (USP5434880)
$$ It is impossible to unwrap this phase map correctly by conventional spatial methods since the phase jumps at the groove edges fall outside the range (-π, +π). / 溝の縁部の位相ジャンプが範囲(-π、+π)外に入るので、この位相マップを慣用的な空間方法(s-patial methods)でアンラップすることは不可能である。(USP6208416)
$$ In the case of reflective displays, either the contrast ratio (CR) or the reflectivity (R), or both may be lower than required, or some other property, such as the display operating voltage, may be outside the required range, as the following examples of existing art will show. / 反射式ディスプレイの場合、コントラスト比(CR)又は反射率(R)、或いはその両方ともが、必要な性能よりも低いことがあり、或いは、ディスプレイ動作電圧のような幾つかの他の特性が、既存の技術に関する下記のような例が示すように、必要な範囲から外れることがある。(USP5801796)
$$ This prevents the user from inadvertently focusing outside of the desired range which could result for example in the user focusing on components within the image relaying means 17 itself. / このことは使用者が、例えばイメージリレー手段17それ自体の部品に焦点合せする結果となるような、不注意に所望範囲外に焦点合せすることを防ぐ。(USP5418645)
$$ If the terminal then moves outside this area to another, "foreign" agent 12c, on a network 18b, the mobile unit 34 registers onto this network 18b to obtain a CoA, which is reported to the home agent 12b. / 端末がこの領域外でネットワーク18b上の別の“外部”のエージェント12cへ移動すると、移動ユニット34はこのネットワーク18bに登録して、CoAを得て、これはホームエージェント12bへ報告される。(USP6584098)
"outside of"が副詞・形容詞・前置詞のように用いられる場合もある
$$ The apparatus 1 takes no account of signals received outside of this frequency range. (USP7635976): 外で
$$ Film thickness outside of this range are non-resonant. (USP7084980)
$$ This produces a fixed-point number of the same type as fixed_Name with any bits shifted outside of its width being lost. (USP6691301)
$$ The granulation tissue has been elevated and removed and is now seen as extraneous features outside of the regenerated epidermis. (USP6629974)
$$ The lubricator may then be drawn along the path of the guide wire which remains outside of the patient thereby causing the guide wire to become slippery. (USP6554808)
$$ Once the card has extra services on it, it can be used outside of the mobile phone environment if desired as a standalone item. (USP6453167)
$$ However, the virtual viewpoints may be disposed outside of the camera locus. (USP6327381)
$$ Colours which are within the range are processed through the cube, and colours which are outside of the range are not processed through the cube. (USP6072499)
$$ Alternatively, the authentication information is stored outside of the document itself. (USP5912974)
"outside of"が副詞・形容詞・前置詞のように用いられる場合もある
$$ The apparatus 1 takes no account of signals received outside of this frequency range. (USP7635976): 外で
$$ Film thickness outside of this range are non-resonant. (USP7084980)
$$ This produces a fixed-point number of the same type as fixed_Name with any bits shifted outside of its width being lost. (USP6691301)
$$ The granulation tissue has been elevated and removed and is now seen as extraneous features outside of the regenerated epidermis. (USP6629974)
$$ The lubricator may then be drawn along the path of the guide wire which remains outside of the patient thereby causing the guide wire to become slippery. (USP6554808)
$$ Once the card has extra services on it, it can be used outside of the mobile phone environment if desired as a standalone item. (USP6453167)
$$ However, the virtual viewpoints may be disposed outside of the camera locus. (USP6327381)
$$ Colours which are within the range are processed through the cube, and colours which are outside of the range are not processed through the cube. (USP6072499)
$$ Alternatively, the authentication information is stored outside of the document itself. (USP5912974)
$$ The head portion 3 comprises a cylindrical shank 10 with a (hinged) tab 11 projecting radially outward from said shank 10 at one end thereof, and extending past the outer edge of the ledge 5 when fitted to the body portion 2, as will be described. (USP02044848)
$$ The tubular members 6,8 are friction welded at one end to the exterior convex surface of the casing 4 in a concentric coaxial relationship such that they protrude radially outwards from the casing. (USP02061373)
$$ Radially outwards of the wall 20 is a secondary outlet 21. (USP6419469)
$$ In FIGS. 4 and 5, however, the wall 20 has been omitted and the secondary outlet 31 is formed as a recess in the wall of the housing main body 11 radially outwards of the outside diameter of the outer rotor 14. (USP6419469)
$$ Preferably the garter spring is a tension spring which acts in the recess disposed radially outward of the pivot centre of the sprag. (USP5524742)
$$ A pair of guide lugs 37a, 37b project outwards from first jaw of each pair of jaws adjacent to the pivot. (USP6253899)
$$ As mentioned previously, the beam splitter 41 is arranged to divert 50% of the light laterally outwards of the tube 37 into a lateral tube 44.(USP5018846)
$$ The nacelle assembly 40 is configured to form an annular space 64 radially outward of the casing assembly 34 to accommodate an engine accessory 66. (USP6360989)
$$ The axes are displaced outwards from the main principal axis of the system to bend the rays towards main central axis. / これらの主光軸は、光線を主中心光軸に向けて曲げるため、システムの主光軸から外方に変位している。(USP6097541)
$$ The device, disposed to the casing and radially outward of the tips of the turbine blades, is subject to a severe and changing thermal gradient which is dependent on the engine cycle. (USP6678060)
$$ The head portion 3 comprises a cylindrical shank 10 with a (hinged) tab 11 projecting radially outward from said shank 10 at one end thereof, and extending past the outer edge of the ledge 5 when fitted to the body portion 2, as will be described. (USP02044848)
$$ The tubular members 6,8 are friction welded at one end to the exterior convex surface of the casing 4 in a concentric coaxial relationship such that they protrude radially outwards from the casing. (USP02061373)
$$ Radially outwards of the wall 20 is a secondary outlet 21. (USP6419469)
$$ In FIGS. 4 and 5, however, the wall 20 has been omitted and the secondary outlet 31 is formed as a recess in the wall of the housing main body 11 radially outwards of the outside diameter of the outer rotor 14. (USP6419469)
$$ Preferably the garter spring is a tension spring which acts in the recess disposed radially outward of the pivot centre of the sprag. (USP5524742)
$$ A pair of guide lugs 37a, 37b project outwards from first jaw of each pair of jaws adjacent to the pivot. (USP6253899)
$$ As mentioned previously, the beam splitter 41 is arranged to divert 50% of the light laterally outwards of the tube 37 into a lateral tube 44.(USP5018846)
$$ The nacelle assembly 40 is configured to form an annular space 64 radially outward of the casing assembly 34 to accommodate an engine accessory 66. (USP6360989)
$$ The axes are displaced outwards from the main principal axis of the system to bend the rays towards main central axis. / これらの主光軸は、光線を主中心光軸に向けて曲げるため、システムの主光軸から外方に変位している。(USP6097541)
$$ The device, disposed to the casing and radially outward of the tips of the turbine blades, is subject to a severe and changing thermal gradient which is dependent on the engine cycle. (USP6678060)
$$ The array has a magnetisable core member extending substantially horizontally and having magnetisable outward projections arranged as at least two pairs of symmetrically opposed projections projecting outwardly from the core member. / このアレイは、実質上水平に延伸して、かつコア部材(2;102)から外側に突き出す少なくとも二対の対称的に向かい合う突起として配置される磁化可能な外へ向かう突起(4-7;104-107)を備える、磁化可能なコア部材(2;102)を含む。(USP6190517)
$$ A chiller in accordance with claim 1, additionally comprising one or more thermally-conductive fins extending outwardly from at least one of said sheets. / 請求項1に記載の冷却機にして、前記シートの少なくとも1つから外側へ延出する1つ以上の熱伝導性フィンを備える冷却機。(USP5931005)
$$ A golf club according to claim 1 wherein the weighting element in the form of an end cap protrudes outwardly of the grip member. (USP01039215)
$$ If desired in any embodiment based on that of FIGS. 13 and 14, a part of the engine may be disposed outwardly of the plan outline of the cab. (USP5836733)
$$ In this regard the coils can be wound onto the cartridge either radially inwardly or radially outwardly of the sheath 86. (USP6217773)
$$ The spigot 92 extends outwardly of boss 80 to enter the bearing bush 86. (USP6427750)
$$ The raised portions 62a, 62b of the surface 61 engage pawls 50 and 53 so these pawls are disposed outwardly of the body. (USP4838400)
$$ The array has a magnetisable core member extending substantially horizontally and having magnetisable outward projections arranged as at least two pairs of symmetrically opposed projections projecting outwardly from the core member. / このアレイは、実質上水平に延伸して、かつコア部材(2;102)から外側に突き出す少なくとも二対の対称的に向かい合う突起として配置される磁化可能な外へ向かう突起(4-7;104-107)を備える、磁化可能なコア部材(2;102)を含む。(USP6190517)
$$ A chiller in accordance with claim 1, additionally comprising one or more thermally-conductive fins extending outwardly from at least one of said sheets. / 請求項1に記載の冷却機にして、前記シートの少なくとも1つから外側へ延出する1つ以上の熱伝導性フィンを備える冷却機。(USP5931005)
$$ A golf club according to claim 1 wherein the weighting element in the form of an end cap protrudes outwardly of the grip member. (USP01039215)
$$ If desired in any embodiment based on that of FIGS. 13 and 14, a part of the engine may be disposed outwardly of the plan outline of the cab. (USP5836733)
$$ In this regard the coils can be wound onto the cartridge either radially inwardly or radially outwardly of the sheath 86. (USP6217773)
$$ The spigot 92 extends outwardly of boss 80 to enter the bearing bush 86. (USP6427750)
$$ The raised portions 62a, 62b of the surface 61 engage pawls 50 and 53 so these pawls are disposed outwardly of the body. (USP4838400)
$$ It will be understood that the inner side of the bogie is located, when the aircraft is on the ground, closer to the fuselage than the outer side. / 尚、航空機が地上にある時、ボギーの内側は、外側よりも、胴体により近付いて位置することを理解されたい。(USP8376273)
$$ The opposite, outer side of the plate 25 is flat over the fourth region 223 to the outer edge of the plate. / その反対側であるダイアフラム板25の外側は、第4の領域223を越えてダイアフラム板の外側縁部に至るまで平坦である。(USP8235828)
$$ Examples of possible embodiments are that the second unit is sealingly, removably, replaceably, magnetically or hingedly attached to an outer side of a surface of the first unit. / その可能な態様の例としては、第2ユニットを密閉式、取り外し自在、交換自在、磁力でまたはヒンジ式に第1ユニットの外面に取り付けることが挙げられる。(USP8162136)
$$ Cover layers 3 and 4 in FIG. 1 are at the outer sides of the laminate and are, for example, mechanically protecting plastic sheets which hold the laminate together. / 図1のカバー層3、4は、積層体の外側にあるものであり、例えば、互いに積層体を保持する機械的保護性のプラスチックシートとする。(USP5929562)
$$ The outer side of the coupling body has an encircling outer wall 16 formed integrally with the coupling body centrally along the body. (USP7100948)
$$ It is found that the efficiency of gas exchange between chamber 7 and the inner and outer sides of the sheet is enhanced in the case of the second fabric... (USP5656352)
$$ Supplementary side faces 26 allow light progressing sideways in semiconductor layers 6, 7 to escape from the chip without having to travel all the way to outer side faces 25. (USP01022495)
$$ It will be understood that the inner side of the bogie is located, when the aircraft is on the ground, closer to the fuselage than the outer side. / 尚、航空機が地上にある時、ボギーの内側は、外側よりも、胴体により近付いて位置することを理解されたい。(USP8376273)
$$ The opposite, outer side of the plate 25 is flat over the fourth region 223 to the outer edge of the plate. / その反対側であるダイアフラム板25の外側は、第4の領域223を越えてダイアフラム板の外側縁部に至るまで平坦である。(USP8235828)
$$ Examples of possible embodiments are that the second unit is sealingly, removably, replaceably, magnetically or hingedly attached to an outer side of a surface of the first unit. / その可能な態様の例としては、第2ユニットを密閉式、取り外し自在、交換自在、磁力でまたはヒンジ式に第1ユニットの外面に取り付けることが挙げられる。(USP8162136)
$$ Cover layers 3 and 4 in FIG. 1 are at the outer sides of the laminate and are, for example, mechanically protecting plastic sheets which hold the laminate together. / 図1のカバー層3、4は、積層体の外側にあるものであり、例えば、互いに積層体を保持する機械的保護性のプラスチックシートとする。(USP5929562)
$$ The outer side of the coupling body has an encircling outer wall 16 formed integrally with the coupling body centrally along the body. (USP7100948)
$$ It is found that the efficiency of gas exchange between chamber 7 and the inner and outer sides of the sheet is enhanced in the case of the second fabric... (USP5656352)
$$ Supplementary side faces 26 allow light progressing sideways in semiconductor layers 6, 7 to escape from the chip without having to travel all the way to outer side faces 25. (USP01022495)
(--- OUTLET)
$$ Housing 112 could be adapted to lead the `pure cold` water outlet 44 to a second outlet pipe connection. (USP8020779)
$$ The chamber 47 can contain media support material 11, and has a clean water outlet 47a. (USP8012359)
$$ A housing equivalent to that illustrated in FIGS. 2(a) and (b) may be provided with a chamber similar to outlet chamber 72. (USP6880575)
$$ The buffer has a sheet material inlet and a sheet material outlet. (USP4856692)
$$ However, it is usually most convenient to dispense beverages from a generally vertical outlet e.g. fastened to a counter. (USP6827238)
$$ The controller 110 also applies via line 218 a control signal for opening and closing a gas supply valve 220 so that nitrogen gas is supplied from source 130 to a gas supply outlet 222. (USP6629974)
$$ FIGS. 18 to 22 show further alternative closures for the chamber outlet. (USP4971193)
(OUTLET ---)
$$ A dispenser according to claim 1 wherein said base includes a circular wall extending in the direction of said axis and having a plurality of outlet apertures therein. (USP7490719)
$$ This is advantageous to displace the lower exit point from the region of the vehicle chassis and any outlet pipes from the tanks. (USP7108285)
$$ Cooled gases 16 are then discharged from the device via outlet duct 57. (USP6615612)
$$ The mixed air then exits to atmosphere through outlet pipe 13a. (USP6250889)
(--- OUTLET ---)
$$ The fan casing 28 is secured to a core casing 30 by a plurality of radially extending fan outlet guide vanes 32 and the fan casing 28 defines a fan duct 34 which has an exhaust 36. (USP6888439)
$$ Intermediate chamber 17 and differential outlet ports 13 and 15 isolate the gaseous environment in the specimen chamber from the vacuum in the generating means. (USP6781124)
$$ The high pressure manifold 14 is linked to the pump cylinders 51 via spring-urged outlet valves 63. (USP5259738)
(--- OUTLET)
$$ Housing 112 could be adapted to lead the `pure cold` water outlet 44 to a second outlet pipe connection. (USP8020779)
$$ The chamber 47 can contain media support material 11, and has a clean water outlet 47a. (USP8012359)
$$ A housing equivalent to that illustrated in FIGS. 2(a) and (b) may be provided with a chamber similar to outlet chamber 72. (USP6880575)
$$ The buffer has a sheet material inlet and a sheet material outlet. (USP4856692)
$$ However, it is usually most convenient to dispense beverages from a generally vertical outlet e.g. fastened to a counter. (USP6827238)
$$ The controller 110 also applies via line 218 a control signal for opening and closing a gas supply valve 220 so that nitrogen gas is supplied from source 130 to a gas supply outlet 222. (USP6629974)
$$ FIGS. 18 to 22 show further alternative closures for the chamber outlet. (USP4971193)
(OUTLET ---)
$$ A dispenser according to claim 1 wherein said base includes a circular wall extending in the direction of said axis and having a plurality of outlet apertures therein. (USP7490719)
$$ This is advantageous to displace the lower exit point from the region of the vehicle chassis and any outlet pipes from the tanks. (USP7108285)
$$ Cooled gases 16 are then discharged from the device via outlet duct 57. (USP6615612)
$$ The mixed air then exits to atmosphere through outlet pipe 13a. (USP6250889)
(--- OUTLET ---)
$$ The fan casing 28 is secured to a core casing 30 by a plurality of radially extending fan outlet guide vanes 32 and the fan casing 28 defines a fan duct 34 which has an exhaust 36. (USP6888439)
$$ Intermediate chamber 17 and differential outlet ports 13 and 15 isolate the gaseous environment in the specimen chamber from the vacuum in the generating means. (USP6781124)
$$ The high pressure manifold 14 is linked to the pump cylinders 51 via spring-urged outlet valves 63. (USP5259738)