現在の読者数 43人



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | than


$$ This is done, for example, by compiling a longer form of the transfer instruction than is necessary for the original compiled code, to allow a transfer to a more distance piece of code to be made at a later stage. (USP02029357)

$$ This means that the second part 7 of the additional N-type body 6,7 always has a lower impurity concentration than does the first part 6.(USP5955750)

$$ Also, computer systems suitable for use with the present invention may include more subsystems than are shown in FIG. 19.(USP6189012)

$$ ...which is closer to trench floor 15 than is the top of layer 7b... / 層7bの頂点よりも溝床15に近い...(USP01022495)

$$ The ability to transmit multiple channels in a single carrier signal enables a far greater number of services to be provided in the digital domain than is possible in the analogue domain. / 単一の搬送波信号で複数のチャネルを送信する能力により、ディジタル領域ではアナログ領域の場合よりはるかに多くのサービスを提供することができる。(USP02042917)

$$ This determination process may be desirable in view of the potential problems associated with sessions being maintained for a longer period than is necessary. / この決定プロセスは、セッションが必要以上に長い期間の間維持されることに関連する潜在的問題から見て望ましいかも知れない。(USP6336135)

$$ This is much easier to identify than is a shift in a single pixel. / これは、単一画素のシフトと比較して、識別することが、はるかに容易である。(USP7643670)

$$ The mixer 5 is preferably a heterodyne mixer and is generally conventional in design albeit at smaller dimensions than are required for radio wavelengths. / ミクサ5は好ましくはヘテロダインミクサであり、電波波長に要求されるものより小寸法であるが、設計は一般的に従来通りである。(USP7579596)

$$ It could be found that a system designed in that way runs out of memory if the first CPU 20 is required to do a job which needs more memory than is allocated to that CPU. / このように設計されたシステムは、第1のCPU20がそのCPUに割り当てられたメモリ容量よりも多くの容量を要するジョブを実行する必要がある場合には、メモリ容量を使い果たしてしまうということは理解できるであろう。(USP6138216)

$$ As a result, the volume of such a chiller vessel can be minimized, so that it does not displace any greater volume of beverage than is strictly necessary to achieve the desired chilling effect. (USP5931005)

$$ This approach means that far more STs can be supported by a single central terminal than is possible in a fixed assignment mode, the exact number supported depending on the level of dial tone service that the service provider desires. / したがって、この方法を用いると、1台の中心端末で、固定割当モードよりもはるかに多くのSTをサポートすることができるが、正確な数は、サービス・プロバイダが希望するダイヤルトーン・サービスの水準によって決まる。(USP02018462)

$$ The term "soluble" in the preceding paragraph refers to species which are substantially more soluble in the reaction medium than is the precipitated product. (USP7371729)

$$ Preferably, a larger proportion of the saline solution is fed to the anode chamber than is fed to the cathode chamber. (USP6632347)

$$ This is more register access ports than are usually provided within a system. (USP5748518)

$$ It is not clear that significantly more is involved than was the case for the above-mentioned much older intendedly and herently pistonic acoustic driver units to be affixed to any surface. (USP6332029)

タグ :THAN動詞

THAN EITHER どちらよりも、いずれよりも


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | than

THAN EITHER どちらよりも、いずれよりも

$$ If the barrier electrodes are more positive than this, there may be a point in time as one clock electrode becomes low, and the next becomes high, when the barrier electrode is more positive than either of the clock electrodes. / 障壁電極がこれよりも高い正電位である場合には、障壁電極がクロック電極のいずれかよりも高い正電位になると、1つのクロック電極がlowになり、次がhighになる時点が存在することができる。(USP7619201)

$$ The major disadvantage with the mark/sweep (tracing) technique is the lost down time while work stops, and its greater complexity than either of the two previous techniques. (USP02029357)

$$ It has the disadvantage of requiring more processing than either of the other two methods described here. (USP6128086)

$$ Scaling can be used but is of less importance within the context of sonar scene matching than either translation or rotation. / 大きさの変化は使用できるが、ソナー光景の一致の文脈では、平行移動又は回転移動よりも重要性は低い。 (USP7124022)

$$ The cross member 126 is thinner than either of the lower and upper portions 122 and 128 and is designed to fail when a pre-determined shear load is applied, the presence of the groove 124 ensures a more uniform failure mode by acting as a failure initiator. (USP6145870)


THAN IF ~場合よりも


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | than


$$ Pumping paint at this high pressure level also wears out the pump more quickly than if it is used more economically. / 塗料をこのような高圧力で供給すると、経済的に使用した場合よりもポンプが早く摩耗する。(USP8733392)

$$ The plastic deformation of the elongate member may absorb more energy than if elastic deformation had occurred. / 細長い部材が塑性変形すると、弾性変形が起きている場合より多くのエネルギーを吸収することができる。(USP8651417)

$$ For example, if the wound is very large or there is a significant leak, battery recharge will take longer than if the wound is small and well sealed. / たとえば、創傷が非常に広範囲でありかつ著しい漏れが存在する場合、バッテリー再充電は、創傷が小規模でかつ良好に密封されている場合よりも長い時間がかかる。(USP8494349)

$$ It has been found that a dog wearing a harness according to the invention is less likely to pull against the lead than if it is being led otherwise. / 本発明のハーネスを装着した犬は、他の方法でリードされている場合より、上記リードに抗して引っ張ることが少ないことが分かっている。(USP8051808)

$$ However, the funnel aids the mixing of the two solutions and allows more consistent particle size and morphology to be obtained than if the inlet is only a pipe. / しかしながら、漏斗は、2つの溶液の混合に役立ち、入口が管だけである場合よりも一貫した粒径及びモルフォロジを得ることを可能にする。(USP7566436)

$$ The adjustment arrangement described above can induce stress levels in, say, beam 16 that are higher than if it were an integral part of beam 15. (USP7842868)

$$ On the card there are mounted two processing paths in order to achieve higher operating speed than if only one is used. (USP6263095)

$$ Hence, a more effective thermal radiation baffle is provided than if a single layer having single slit is provided, as shown in FIG. 2. (USP5429176)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | than


$$ Put differently, when compared to its undeformed or undeflected shape, the thus-deformed wall occupies more space in one chamber than in the other chamber. / 言い換えると、変形していない、又は歪みが生じていない形状と比べると、このように変形した壁は、他方のチャンバーにおける空間よりも大きな空間を一方のチャンバーで占有する。(USP8567889)

$$ In this compressor, the volume of the working portion of the cavity is larger than in the first compressor. / この圧縮機では、空所仕事室の容積が第1圧縮機より大きい。(USP7650871)

$$ The net loss of LHe is much less than in the prior art and no movement of the sample holder is required. / 正味のLHeの損失は従来技術よりもかなり少なく、試料ホルダの移動は必要とされない。(USP7649355)

$$ The control device may be located in the handset circuitry rather than in the battery housing. / 前記制御装置については、電池ハウジング内ではなく、送受話器回路内に設けてもよい。(USP6265847)

$$ Even if a cover must be removed, this will be a far simpler and safer operation than in known integrated thermostatic mixer taps. (USP8020779)

$$ As noted before the female thread could be formed directly in the beam 39 rather than in a separate boss 40. (USP7842868)

$$ There may be more abutments in the second set than in the first set. (USP4838400)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | than


$$ Applying a coating 22c to both sides of the supporting beam, given its small size, is, practically, somewhat easier to achieve than coating one side only. / 被覆22cを小型の支持梁の両側に施すことは、実際には、片側だけを被覆するよりも幾分容易に行うことができる。(USP7596989)

$$ This approach is considerably more convenient than employing analogue phase shifter circuits. / このアプローチはアナログ位相シフタ回路を用いるのに比べ、かなり便利なものである。(USP6441783)

$$ Clearly, this requires substantially more processor resources than reading records with reference to the event number. / 明らかに、これにはイベント番号に関する記録の読取りよりも実質的に多くのプロセッサリソースが要求される。(USP6182079)

$$ This is much easier than running fibre to cellular type base stations where the positions of the base stations are dictated by the cellular structure. / これは、基地局の位置がセルラー構造により支配されるセルラー型基地局にファイバを通すよりはるかに簡単である。(USP6553020)

$$ For example, with a long search results list, entering '251' in the Start At box is easier than hitting the 'Next 50 Hits' button 5 times. (USPTO-HP)

$$ The extraction of common signal is better than stacking if the traces have uniform noise levels, variable signal levels and alignment errors.(USP5260911)


THAN (関係代名詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | than

THAN (関係代名詞)

$$ This is done, for example, by compiling a longer form of the transfer instruction than is necessary for the original compiled code, to allow a transfer to a more distance piece of code to be made at a later stage. (USP02029357)

$$ This means that the second part 7 of the additional N-type body 6,7 always has a lower impurity concentration than does the first part 6.(USP5955750)

$$ Also, computer systems suitable for use with the present invention may include more subsystems than are shown in FIG. 19.(USP6189012)

$$ ...which is closer to trench floor 15 than is the top of layer 7b... / 層7bの頂点よりも溝床15に近い...(USP01022495)

$$ The ability to transmit multiple channels in a single carrier signal enables a far greater number of services to be provided in the digital domain than is possible in the analogue domain. / 単一の搬送波信号で複数のチャネルを送信する能力により、ディジタル領域ではアナログ領域の場合よりはるかに多くのサービスを提供することができる。(USP02042917)

$$ This determination process may be desirable in view of the potential problems associated with sessions being maintained for a longer period than is necessary. / この決定プロセスは、セッションが必要以上に長い期間の間維持されることに関連する潜在的問題から見て望ましいかも知れない。(USP6336135)
