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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | necessary


simply, only, strictly, merely, usually, absolutely, generallyなどが先行することが多い

$$ During installation of an antenna it is only necessary to be able to identify with confidence a single signal from the selected satellite. / アンテナの設置の際には、選択された衛星からの単一の信号を信頼性をもって識別できることのみが必要である。(USP6661373)

$$ For deflection in both directions, as described above, it is only necessary to provide two layers of electrostrictive material together with the three electrode layers shown. / 前述したように双方向に偏向する場合、図に示すように、2層の電気ひずみ材料と共に図示の3層の電極層を備えれば足りる。(USP6278541)

$$ It is frequently necessary to generate for a computer display pixel values for pixels in first and second regions of the display. (USP6100905)

$$ In either case, it is clearly necessary in this situation to ensure that consistent terminology is used throughout the network. / いずれの場合も、この状況では、ネットワークを通じて一貫した用語が用いられることを保証することが必要なことは明らかである。(USP5454079)

$$ To measure the QT interval 5, it is only necessary to subtract the one from the other. (USP7627369)

$$ It is simply necessary to appreciate that the colour mixer provides an output which includes an RGBT value for each pseudopixel of the pseudocell being processed. (USP5338200)

$$ Modulus arithmetic requires a large amount of hardware and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. (USP6691301)

$$ This is a serious disadvantage because it is normally necessary to scan the object of interest from all sides in order to build up a complete picture of its surface. (USP6128086)

$$ An executive decision is normally necessary as to how broadly to define the hash. (USP02029357)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | necessary


$$ In the event of a failure, perhaps in the wastegate actuator for example, such that the two turbochargers do not react in parallel, it is necessary for the engine management system to be alerted via self-diagnosis. / 2つのターボチャージャが同時に反応しないような、たとえば多分排気逃し口アクチュエータにおける故障の場合には、エンジン管理システムは自己診断を介して警告されることが必要である。(USP6338250)

$$ It will be appreciated that it is not necessary for all the polymer to be removed, although that is preferred. / 全てのポリマーを除去するのは望ましくはあるが、必須ではない。(USP6229411)

$$ As it is necessary for the conventional image to be subtracted from the confocal image, blank sectors are provided on the disk to provide the conventional image. / 共焦点画像から普通の画像を差し引くのに必要であるように、普通の画像を提供するため、ディスクにはブランクセクタが設けられている。(USP6144489)

$$ It might be necessary for a CPU 10 to modify data and to return the modified data to memory. / CPU10はデータを修正し、修正したデータをメモリに戻すことが必要であるかも知れない。(USP6138216)

$$ It is not necessary for the purposes of the present invention to describe the microscope in any more detail since its function will be apparent to those skilled in the art. / その機能は当業技術者にとっては明らかであるため、顕微鏡についてより詳細に説明することは、本発明の目的にとっては不必要である。(USP5946131)

$$ In addition, it is not necessary for the mounting shafts 158 to have a flat edge or any other special mounting formation provided. / さらに、取付シャフト158が平らなエッジまたは何らかのその他の特別の取付形状を有する必要はない。(USP6611142)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | necessary


can/must/(should) beをとることが多い

$$ It is not necessary that the adjacent ends of the discrete member sections be secured together, since in use the adjacent ends will be forced into engagement as the bar 112 is tensioned. (USP6929424)

$$ It is therefore necessary that it can be tuned very accurately to the desired frequency. / したがって、所望の周波数へと非常に安定的に同調させることができることが必要である。(USP6681102)

$$ In the present invention, it is necessary that these signalling data packets are passed through to the control computer. (USP6118782)

$$ However, they can be used selectively and independently, and it is not necessary that they should all be implemented simultaneously in the same application. (USP5675725)

$$ In addition it is necessary that any frequency drift due, for example, to temperature variations altering the characteristics of the filters components, can be corrected for or accommodated. / さらに、例えばフィルタの構成要素の特性に変更を与えるような温度変化に起因する何れかの周波数ドリフトが修正され、または、提供され得ることが必要である。(USP6681102)

$$ These two factors combine to make it necessary that a coated paper intended for ink jet printing must be very absorbent. (USP5882396)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | necessary


$$ ...a complete data record necessary to carry out...(USP6073174)

$$ ...all the components necessary to initiate...(USP6277932)

$$ ...the part necessary to construct a demand graph...(USP02072988)

$$ ...the properties necessary to produce...(USP6453224)

$$ ...the elements necessary to authenticate...(USP6397261)

$$ ...The filtering necessary to provide the selected...(USP5924082)

$$ ...objective criteria necessary to complete the transaction...(USP5924082)

$$ ...the design modifications necessary to incorporate...(USP6110055)

$$ ...the necessary tuning range from the VCO...(USP5874862)

$$ ...any code necessary to restore the saved compiler state...(USP02029357)

$$ ...the actions necessary to return to...(USP02029357)

$$ ...the end tags necessary to ensure that...(USP01032216)

$$ ...the pressure necessary to supply the gas streams...(USP01020503)

$$ The gateway processor 340 has access to a gateway store 380, which holds the gateways necessary for supporting the present system. / ゲートウエイプロセッサ340はゲートウエイメモリ380へアクセスし、ゲートウエイメモリ380はこのシステムを支援するのに必要なゲートウエイを保持している。(USP6393468)

$$ Another alternative, illustrated in FIG. 7, is that gear 12 includes gear teeth 12b only around a portion thereof that is necessary for meshing with gear wheel 18. / 図7に示す別の変形例は、歯車18と噛み合うのに必要な歯車歯12bが歯車12の一部だけに亘って設けられた実施例である。(USP6288534)

$$ The public interface provides the basic functions necessary for a user application to use an FPGA based co-processor. (USP6691301)

$$ The sum of lengths a and b is such as to provide the necessary anisotropic birefringent dielectric properties necessary for the structure to behave as a quarter wave plate.(USP6356164)(例外的用法)

$$ The use of a thickness greater than necessary for the N.sup.- region has the drawback that the on-state voltage is increased and the switching speed is slower than for a thyristor structure with the minimum N.sup.- region thickness. / N- 領域として必要以上の厚さを用いることは、最小のN- 領域厚さを有するサイリスタ構造と比べて、スイッチング速度が遅くなり、オン状態電圧が増大するという短所をもたらす。(USP5429953)

$$ For example, mounting on a resonator such as a tuning fork is not necessary. / 例えば、音叉のような共振器が取り付けられることは必要ではない。(USP7596989)

$$ In this embodiment supporting insulation 14 is not necessary. / この実施形態においては、支持断熱材14は必要とされない。(USP7578315)

$$ For operation under some radio protocols this will clearly not be necessary. (USP6965789)

$$ The noise pattern is thus less noticeable to the eye and further FPN correction may not be necessary. (USP02051067)
