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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...


one half of sth; half sth;

$$ In addition to the amplitude modulation, there is a phase change of half a period, i.e. π, in the optical path length of channels m=1 to 5 and m=26 to 30, i.e. those channels which lie beyond the poles in the sinc function. / 振幅の変調に加えて、ある期間の半分の位相変化が行われる、すなわち、m=1乃至5、及びm=26乃至30のチャンネル、すなわち、sinc関数の極を超えた位置にあるチャンネルの変化πが生ずる。 (USP6339664)

$$ The black areas in each cell 22 denote an area with a phase retardance of half a wavelength compared to the white areas. (USP5757523)

$$ The RAM therefore has half a clock cycle of setup time and one clock cycle of hold time on its address lines. (USP6691301)

$$ The duration of each is set to one half of the duration of the diphthong or affricate phoneme which has been split. / 各々の継続期間は分けられた二重母音又は破擦音フォニームの継続期間の半分に設定される。(USP6208356)

$$ In this case angle 27 is measured between the plane tangential to the wall half way up the height of the wall and top face 13.(USP02063521)

$$ For example, if the tissue is half as thick, half the energy is required, yet power delivery will be doubled.(USP02052599)

$$ Generally, the first article of headwear used may be used for half an hour or three quarters of an hour.(USP5897581)

$$ ...at half the normal baud rate in time slots...(USP01046481)

$$ The two sets of ratchet have an angular displacement of one half of the common angle between the ratchet teeth on each set.(USP01020403)

$$ ...their length (about half the total length)...(USP01010354)

$$ The angles provide an open bottom and the batch itself forms the bottom half of the flow duct, due to its angle of repose under the roof.(USP01008076)

$$ ...the highest partial pressure of inert gas in the ion guiding means is located between its entrance and a point half-way along its length.(USP01010354)

$$ The magnified portion contains three half-tone dots 100-102 on a screen grid 104.(USP02008881)

$$ ...permanent magnet (having a field strength of 0.054 Tesla and a half-height homogeneity of 20 ppm)...(USP02036501)

$$ Moreover, when a power integrated circuit made in thin SOI technology comprises at least a half-bridge configuration, which involves...(USP02041003)

$$ In the following, a half-link is defined as the set of edges that are used to transmit from node N1 to node N2. (USP02042274)

タグ :HALF

HALVE 二分する;半分にする


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  |  | ha...

HALVE 二分する;半分にする

$$ The reference signal could be provided by a chopper, but this typically halves the sensitivity of the device (because the detectors spend half of their time looking at a reference chopper). / 基準信号はチョッパによって供給されることが可能であるが、これは、通常、(検波器が基準チョッパを観測することに時間の半分を費やすので)装置の感度を半減させる。(USP6900756)

$$ For example, if demand halves in a cell, all the usage factors for that cell are halved so that they total to the new demand value. / 例えば、1つのセルにおける需要が半分になるとすると、そのセルに対する全ての使用因子が半分になり、それらを合計して新しい需要値を生成する。(USP6539228)

$$ If the Q is unchanged, the power requirement is roughly halved.(USP5646528)

$$ This crystal has the effect of halving the wavelength of a proportion of the output beam as it passes through it. / この結晶は、それを通過する出力ビームの一部分の波長を半分にする働きをする。(USP5434880)

$$ However, halving the number of training texts has been found not to seriously degrade the performance of the system. (USP6556987)

$$ However the same full scale range may be obtained by halving the reference voltages. (USP6831507)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...


$$ For the problem in hand, due to the size of the images, it is much easier to carry out the convolutions in the Fourier domain. / 検討中の問題については、画像のサイズのために、フーリエ領域でコンボリューションを行う方がはるかに簡単である。(USP8068680): in hand

$$ Thus on the right hand side of FIG. 2, the question marks have been replaced by the correct identities obtained from the other base stations (the vertical arrows show the flow of information). / こうして、図2の右側においては、クイッションマークは、他の基地局から得られた正しいアイデンティティによって置換される(垂直の矢印は情報の流れを示している)。(USP5430889): right hand side

$$ The right hand side of FIG. 2b illustrates the way in which the peak amplitudes 64 and 66 of the EMFs induced in the sensor windings 22 and 24 is assumed to vary as a function of the distance x along the axis of the cylinder 12. / 図2bの右側は、距離Xシリンダ12の軸に沿って変化すると推定されるセンサ巻線22および24中に誘起される起電力のピーク振幅64および66が、シリンダ12の軸に沿った距離Xの関数として変化する様子を示したものである。(USP6561022): right hand side

$$ The intermediate position of FIG. 4 further allows single handed operation of the phone. / 図4の中間位置では、更に、電話を片手で操作できる。(USP6282436): single handed

$$ The earth station 8 may use any of a number of well-known techniques to determine to which new beam the mobile terminal is to be handed over and when handover is to take place. / 地球局8は、数多くある周知の手法を任意に使用して、移動端末が新たなビームのどれにハンドオーバされるか、及びいつハンドオーバが起こるか、を求めることができる。(USP01046481): to hand over

$$ The flow chart of FIG. 4 assumes a substantially even handed issuing of grants by each station. / 図4のフローチャートは各ステーションによる承認のほぼ一様に手渡された発行を仮定する。(USP5398248): even handed

タグ :HAND



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...


$$ Data acquisition and handling are carried out using Viscotek "Trisec 3.0" software. / データの取得と取扱いは、Viscotek「Trisec 3.0」ソフトウェアを用いて行われる。(USP6582484)

$$ A fabric of continuous filament yarn many be preferred, on the ground that such fabrics are less liable to shed fibre fragments on handling or on removal from a wound. / 連続フィラメントヤーンの布帛は、このような布帛が取り扱い時又は傷からの除去時に繊維断片を脱離する傾向が少ないので好ましい。(USP6548730)

$$ The IN platform has a call handling capacity which is typically several times greater than the capacity of an individual exchange. / INプラットフォームは、一般的に個々の交換局の容量よりも数倍大きい呼処理容量をもつ。(USP6330313)

$$ However it would be desirable to produce beads which have better performance properties, for instance handling and dissolution or release properties. / しかし、より良好な性能性質、たとえば取り扱い及び溶解性もしくは放出性を有するビーズを製造することが望まれよう。(USP6277932)

$$ The intermediate substrate is a polymer film which must be as thin as possible, consistent with handling and processing requirements. / 中間基板は、操作及び処理要件に適応したできるだけ薄くなければならないポリマ膜である。(USP5801796)

$$ This determines whether output port server data handling capacity is available, whereby ATM switch operation during periods of peak data traffic is facilitated. / それによって出力ポートサーバのデータ処理容量を利用可能かを決定しピークデータトラヒック期間中のATMスイッチ動作を可能にする。(USP5448559)

$$ The effect can be minimised by using small values of resistance, but this then requires high power levels if the advantages of linearity and large signal handling are to be retained. / この影響は小さい抵抗値を使用することにより最小にすることができるけれども、直線性や大信号処理の利点を保持しようとするとなると、大電力レベルを必要とする。(USP5378997)

$$ The present invention relates generally to the handling of data packets and voice calls in a wireless telecommunications system. / 本発明は、概して、無線通信システムにおけるデータパケットと音声呼出しとの取扱いに関するものである。(USP02018462)


HAPPEN TO-V (たまたま/期せずして)起こる


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...

HAPPEN TO-V (たまたま/期せずして)起こる

$$ Where the apparent direction of movement of a spot at various ranges happens to be the same as for another spot then the loci corresponding to the different spots in the projected array may overlap. / 様々な距離でのスポットの動きの見かけの方向が偶然に別のスポットの場合と同じ場合は、投射されたアレイ内の異なるスポットに対応する軌跡は重なることがある。(USP7589825)

$$ The latch may control programmable invertors so that cells are always read or written correctly, regardless of whether data happens to be in true or complement form. (USP6236600)

$$ In this case the re-used class loader can be regarded as a new class loader that happens to have the same reference as a previously active class loader. (USP01051970)

$$ The same is true for marking template expressions that occur within the attributes of HTML tags, and doubly true if the tag happens to be a link. (USP01032216)

$$ This randomnization will cause a distributed load on the gateways, even if all clients connectable in a particular VPN happen to have identical policies. (USP01054158)

$$ However if two markets happen to be defined by the same Hex number, then the Hex number combined with the symbol for month and year is unique. (USP02130868)


HARD (~ copy, ~ disc, etc.を除く)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...

HARD (hard copy, hard disc, etc.を除く)

$$ In the first part of the video signal represented by the line 96, an effect of applying the adjustment factors is to clip or hard limit the video signal to a maximum value shown by the flat part of the signal 97. / ビデオ画像信号96の第1の部分においては、調整係数を適用することにより、ビデオ画像信号が最大値にクリップ又は硬制限(hard limit)されている。実線97は、クリップされた平坦部を示している。(USP6614489)

$$ Line L1 indicates the temperature of the compressor which is working very hard and line L2 indicates the temperature of the compressor which is doing very little work. / 線L1は、非常に激しく稼働しているコンプレッサの温度を示し、線L2は、非常に軽い作業を行っているコンプレッサの温度を示す。(USP6338250)

$$ The composition then sets hard in situ in a clinically acceptable time, eg 10 minutes for a dental restorative cement. / そこで組成は本来の位置において臨床上許容可能な時間内に凝結する。これはたとえば歯科用修復セメントでは10分である。(USP6313192)

$$ In this particular embodiment the connectors are plated with 20 microns of palladium nickel followed by 2 microns of hard gold. / この特定の実施形態では、コネクタは、20ミクロンのパラジウムニッケルでメッキされた後に、2ミクロンの硬質の金でメッキされる。(USP6282436)

$$ The free layer has both a hard axis and an easy axis of magnetisation. / 自由磁性層は、磁化の困難軸と容易軸の双方を備える。(USP6190517)

$$ Alternatively the preformed hard portion may be placed in a mould with liquid precursor for the softer portion which is then polymerised or crosslinked in the mould in the presence of and around the preform.

$$ With reference again to the model of present FIG. 14, the level of fixed drive torque would be chosen so as to provide the appropriate pressure rise within the accumulator in the desired time whilst not driving the motor and pump so hard that excess noise is produced. / 図14のモデルを再度参照して、定駆動トルクのレベルは、過剰ノイズが発生するほどに激しくはモータおよびポンプを駆動せずに、所望の時間内にアキュムレータ内において圧力を適切に上昇させるように選択される。(USP6132010)

$$ Finally a support according to the invention is hard and rigid and mechanically very stable, properties not found in materials conventionally used for electron microscope specimen support. / 本発明試料台は、硬質の上に剛度があり、機械的に非常に安定なことであるが、これら特性は、今まで電子顕微鏡試料台に使用されてきた材料にはみられない特性である。(USP5821544)

タグ :HARD



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...


$$ In addition, the density of the antennas in the pupil can be tuned so that the system radiometric sensitivity can meet the requirement for the detection of some hard to detect materials. / 更に、瞳孔におけるアンテナの密度は、システムのラジオメトリック感度が幾つかの検出困難な物質の検出要件を満足できるように同調させることができる。(USP8068049)

$$ This approach has the advantage of reducing the dilution of the sample, but in practice it has proven hard to melt the sample fast enough. / この方法は、サンプルの希釈が小さくなるという利点を有するが、実際には、サンプルを十分速く溶融するのは困難であることが確認されている。(USP7639007)

$$ Moreover, only small numbers of SETs, Channels, and their associated circuitry are shown, as diagrams become cluttered and hard to interpret if the realistically large numbers of elements are included. / さらに、現実的に多数の要素が含まれると図面が乱雑となって解釈するのが困難となるため、小数のSET、チャネル、および関連回路しか図示されていない。(USP7577260)

$$ Improved control of the primary zone air/fuel ratio and droplet sizes will allow a maximum flame speed to be achieved which will be hard to blow out, resulting in improved stability. / 一次領域の空燃比及び液滴サイズの良好な制御により、消えにくい最大火炎速度が達成でき、その結果、安定性が向上することになろう。(USP6474569)

$$ A conventional U-tube has multiple components and is hard to dismantle. / 公知のU-チューブは多重構成部分を有し、取外しが厄介である。 (USP6422434)

$$ It was also very hard to debug such a system. (USP6810118)

$$ Therefore the stable voltage across the floating electrode will be hard to achieve. (USP6696020)

$$ Of course, a header file with such a name is unlikely to exist on Unix, where shell wildcard features would make it hard to manipulate. (USP6691301)

$$ In this range, lasing at 1550 nm may be particularly hard to achieve, because the gain at, e.g., 1564 nm may become prohibitively large. (USP6445494)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ha...


$$ Components depicted as hardware devices may be embodied in software and vice versa. / ハードウェア装置として示されているコンポーネントはソフトウェアで実施できることが認識されよう。(USP7577676)

$$ In future embodiments, it is envisaged that the generator 100 and the client computer system 120 will be embodied in a single, dedicated hardware device.(USP6549118)

$$ At the lowest level of the hierarchy are hardware devices carrying out basic functions. / 階層の最低レベルにあるのが、基礎機能を果たすハードウェアデバイスである。(USP5537605)

$$ The Handel-C language is designed to target real hardware devices. (USP6691301)

$$ This can be done by way of a memory mapping, either explicitly or by using the TLB of the target CPU to translate addresses of the real hardware device, or its interface, to addresses allocated to the port 30. (USP6526501)


HARMFUL 有害な/弊害のある


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  |  | ha...

HARMFUL 有害な/弊害のある


$$ A passive system is advantageous in that it avoids harmful emission. / 受動システムは、有害な放射を避けるので、有利である。(USP6453224)

$$ Such molecules are thus normally only given by injection, which inevitably gives rise to well known problems associated with patient compliance, the cost of treatment, as well as the potentially harmful effects, such as phlebitis and pain, of the injection. / したがって、そのような分子は通常は注射によってのみ投与されるが、このことは、潜在的に有害な影響(例えば静脈炎および注射の痛み)の他に患者のコンプライアンスに付随する周知の問題、治療コストを必然的に生じる。 (USP6465626)

$$ Moreover, the shields 120, 150 also protect human operators of the apparatus 10 from harmful X-ray exposure. / さらにまた、これらのシールド120,150は、有害なX線被爆から装置10の操縦者を保護している。(USP6977986)

$$ Rupturing actions can be unpredictable and they also require the use of potentially harmful sharp tools. (USP4971193)

$$ For example, certain types of vehicles such as tanks and tractors could use the present invention to reduce harmful levels of noise. (USP02076059)

$$ There is concern that such radiation may possible be harmful to parts of the brain. (USP01027089)

$$ Certain embodiments of the container can optionally be slightly oxygen permeable, since this can combat the growth of certain harmful and/or undesirable bacteria such as Clostridium Botulinum and other anaerobic species. (USP01014366)


HATCH / ハッチング


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | ha...

HATCH / ハッチング

$$ FIG. 5A, in which the cross-hatched parts are the rotating parts, illustrates this normal driving position of the clutch mechanism 200. / 図5Aはクラッチ機構200の通常の作動状態を示しており、ハッチング部分が回転している部材である。USP6691849)

$$ The bender comprises a flat, uniform layer of active piezoelectric material 1 (shown hatched) bonded face-to-face to a like flat, uniform layer of inactive non-piezoelectric material 2 (shown plain). / このベンダは、不活性非圧電材料のフラットで均一な層2(無地で示す)に向かい合わせに結合された活性圧電材料の同様にフラットで均一な層1(ハッチングして示す)を備える。(USP6833656)

$$ Neuronal damage is expressed as the percentage area of either CA1 (solid bars) or CA3 (hatched bars) in which PI fluorescence was measured 24 hours after 180 minutes exposure to NMDA. (mean±sem, n=8 for each group). / ニューロン損傷は、PI蛍光がNMDA180分曝露後24時間目に測定されたCA1(中黒棒)またはCA3(陰影棒)の面積(%)として表される(平均±標準誤差、各群ともn=8)。(USP6797699)

$$ Detail of the rear part of the printhead prior to attachment of the cover is shown in FIG. 4a: a passivation layer 140 (not shown in FIG. 3 but indicated by dashed hatching in FIG. 4a) is applied over the entirety of the electrodes 23 (indicated by solid hatching in both FIGS. 3 and 4a) in the channel and part way along the rearward groove 100.(USP6572221)

$$ As shown hatched in FIG. 1, a crystal may be provided for use in start-up and fault conditions, when the slave station is not yet synchronised with the master station. / 図1に示すように、水晶発振器は、スレーブ局がマスタ局とまだ同期がとれていない場合は、起動時と障害時の使用に提供できる。(USP6473469)

$$ During the vacuumizing process extraction of air from the space between the sheet and the base and hence from the bag itself is facilitated by the cross hatch of channelling (6).(USP4756140) 格子状のハッチング:cross hatch


HARDLY 殆ど~ない


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | ha...

HARDLY 殆ど~ない


$$ In practice, this occurs as soon as the actuation of the release of the contents of the vessel or container has finished and is hardly noticeable to the operator. / 実際に、このことは器又は容器の中身の放出の作動が完了するや否や生じ、オペレータはほとんど気が付かない。(USP7651013)

$$ In the case of paste 3B, the silver overprint was still clearly visible from the glass side whereas in the case of paste 3A, the overprinted silver paste was hardly visible from the glass side. (USP6100209)

$$ The paths 9000, 9002 and 9004 are hardly ever taken. (USP02029357)
