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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ad...

ADD (他動詞) 加える・足す

to add (sth) (to sth); added together; to add (two) sths (together); のパターンは使われるが to add A and B のパターンはあまり用いられないようである。

$$ This subtraction is achieved by adding the 2s complement of the divisor B. (USP5748518)

$$ Stop the reaction after a defined time at a selected temperature by adding 0.1M sodium hydroxide. (USP6013861)

$$ The MMK API provides call back functions enabling the MMK library to create windows and add menu items. (USP6691301)

$$ Forward error correction data (FEC-B) is added together with 2 bits which are held in reserve to provide a standard length data unit of 120 bits. / フォーワード・エラー訂正データ(FEC-B)と120ビットの標準長データユニットを提供するために予約保持されている2ビットとが追加される。 (USP6044086)

$$ The relative output values from the luminance and saturation RAMs in FIG. 12 will be added with the hue output value, and the resulting signal will be used to modify the contents of the offset register 16. (USP6075887)

$$ The diversity receiver may either combine the main beam signal with the diversity signal, eg by adding the two signals, or may select the signal having the best signal to interference and noise ratio. (USP6167286)

$$ These two signals are then added together in an external combiner. / これらの2つの信号は、次に外部の結合器で共に加えられる。(USP5389890)

$$ The signal to noise ratio (SNR) can be improved by adding together successive sweeps. / 信号対雑音比(SN比)は、連続掃引を加えることによって改善される。(USP5436746)

$$ This is readily achieved by computer software which reads the data from each pixel 40 serially, in turn, adding together the data from the pixels 42 and ignoring the rest.(USP5510894)

$$ Note that adding a news item to the raw content folder 53 will automatically add the news item to ANY site to which it is relevant.(USP01051961)

$$ The length of the fourth code word (12 bits) is added to 28 bits in modulo-23 arithmetic. / 4番目の符号ワードの長さ(12ビット)は、モジュロ32計算法でこの28ビットに加算される。(USP5404166)

ADD (自動詞) 増える、増加する、加わる

$$ This also adds to the amount of processing overhead that is required to route each packet through the system. / この呼はさらに、システム全体で各パケットをルート設定するのに必要な処理用オーバーヘッドの量を加える。(USP6584098)

$$ Each layer pair has an overall optical thickness adding up to in total a half-wave thickness. (USP4832448)

$$ The advantages of the addition of the third diaphragm are that it adds to the structural stiffness of the spring combination and maintains a high natural frequency of vibration of the combination. / 第三のダイアフラムを追加することの有利な点は、スプリングの組合せの構造的堅さに加わり、組合せの振動の高い固有周波数を維持することである。(USP02174556)

$$ The profile rule for this bucket is, for example, to generate 5 penalty points which it adds to the penalty point bucket in the penalty point profile. / このバケットに対するプロフィール規則は、例えば5ペナルティポイントを生成して、それをペナルティポイントプロフィール内のペナルティポイントバケットへ加算することとする。(USP5907602)

$$ However, the resulting sensor still has many components and involves relatively complex manufacturing steps which will add to manufacturing cost. / しかしながら、得られたセンサーは、なおも多くの部品を有し且つ比較的複雑な製造工程を含み、このため製造コストが増加する。(USP5914019)

$$ The DACs themselves produce further noise and distortion that adds to that already present in the system, and also add extra cost. (USP6373955)コスト増

$$ This heavy steel safety container adds to the weight. (USP6771565)増える

ADD to (B) (A) (B)に(A)を加える(Aが長い)

$$ The second embodiment adds to the first the option of references to documents in media other than text. (USP6446081)

$$ Each node preferably adds to information in a received signal the address of a node to which a signal including said information is to be routed when said information is for another node. / 各ノードは、好ましくは受信された信号中の情報に、前記情報が別のノード向けであるときに、前記情報を含む信号が転送されなければならないノードのアドレスを付加する。(USP6553020)

タグ :ADD



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ad...

ADAPT -->adopt, adapted to-V

$$ FIG. 14 shows how the invention may be adapted for reading of data stored in a three dimensional optical storage medium; / 【図14】 3次元光学記憶媒体に記憶されたデータを読み取るために、本発明がどのように適合されているかを示している。(USP6975457)

$$ The inlet allows air or a mechanical pusher to be injected into the adapter so as to assist in rivet rotation in the event of a jam. / 入り口は、空気または機械的な押す物が、アダプターに注入されることを可能し、ジャムの場合にリベットの回転を助ける。(USP6692213)

$$ FIG. 1 shows a multimedia kiosk 1 which is an adapted version of BT's Touchpointt.RTM. kiosk. / 発明の実施の形態図1は、BTのTouchpoint(登録商標)キオスクの変形であるマルチメディアキオスク1を示す。(USP6687389)

$$ It also allows a faster output and a faster adaptation time to be obtained. / それにより、より早い出力及びより早い適合化時間も得られる。(USP6671666)

$$ The leak rate of an allocated control is then adapted under negative feedback control from the monitor. / 割当てられた制御のリークレートは、モニタから負のフィードバック制御のもとで調節される。(USP6330313)

$$ FIG. 2 is a block diagram of an adaptive filter according to the present invention. / 図2は本発明に係わる適応フィルタのブロック図である。(USP5987485)

$$ Preferably the apparatus is adapted for testing the operation of a detector device.(USP5423962)

$$ At least one rotor, adapted for high velocity rotation, is provided within the chamber and mounted on a shaft extending from...(USP6244841)

$$ A clamp as claimed in claim 1, in which the support body is mounted on a fixture which is adapted for releasable fitting to a machine tool.(USP02020954)

$$ In particular the invention concerns the performance of such methods on apparatus of the kind usually referred to as machining centres and to such apparatus adapted for performing the methods.(USP02012573)

$$ It is another object to provide an enhanced conductor pad design for such a substrate which is especially adapted for receiving solder balls.(USP01001508)

$$ In order to adapt for multi-cylinders, the rotor is modified to provide an additional crank pin 9' to receive a connecting rod of an associated piston. (USP5542308)

$$ Because the workpiece clamping element is self-aligning, it is able to adapt to variations in surface profile and dimensions of the clamped workpiece, for example a forged aerofoil component. (USP02020954)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ad...


$$ The driven pulley 32 consists of a generally cylindrical outer pulley surface 32a adapted to receive the drive belt 26. / 被駆動プーリー32は、駆動ベルト26が掛けられるように適合化された略円筒状のプーリー外面32aを備えている。(USP6691849)

$$ A tilt angle sensor may be provided adapted to provide signals indicative of the tilt angle to the controller. / 傾斜角度センサは、傾斜角度を表す信号を制御器に供給するように構成され得る。(USP6900756)

$$ Furthermore, the concatenation processor is also adapted to modify the audio or phoneme data in accordance with the presentation data. / さらに、連結プロセッサはまた提示データにしたがってオーディオまたは音素データを修正するように構成される。(USP6772122)

$$ FIG. 1 shows a multimedia kiosk adapted to incorporate an iris data sequence generation unit; / 【図1】アイリスデータシーケンス生成ユニットを含むように構成されたマルチメディアキオスクの模式図。(USP6687389)

$$ Alternatively, the cross-converter can be adapted to convert directly to 625/50. / その代わりに、クロス変換器が、直接的に、625/50に変換するために改造される。(USP6480232)

$$ This patent describes a nonconductive housing which supports one or more microwave energisable ultraviolet bulbs and which is adapted to be placed within the microwave cavity of a conventional microwave oven. / この特許には、1つ又はそれ以上のマイクロ波エネルギを与えられる紫外線電球を支持し、従来のマイクロ波オーブンのマイクロ波空洞内に置かれるのに合った非伝導性の容器が記載されている。(USP6507030)

$$ In another embodiment, the injection moulding machine has a plasticising screw which is adapted to reciprocate in an injection chamber. / 他の実施形態では、射出成形機は、射出室内で往復運動するように適合された可塑化スクリューを有している。(USP6287494)

$$ Conveniently, the inner rotor is adapted to be driven in rotation, the rotation causing rotation of the outer rotor. (USP6419469)

$$ The scaling value may be adapted to be substantially zero valued over a range of measured torque values bounding zero torque. (USP02017421)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ad...


$$ However, a further encryption layer could be added between the network and the Interface unit 10. (USP6959204)

$$ In order to reduce the acoustic emission of the loudspeaker in the frequency region above the limit of human hearing (ultrasonic emission), e.g. at frequencies greater than about 20 KHz, an acoustic low pass filter may be added between the output transducer array and the listening space. (USP6373955)

$$ In yet other applications further contacts and related circuits might be included, for example a third short lower element might be added between elements 36 and 38 to energize a related circuit when the plunger was at an intermediate position, for example to provide a warning that a door was not fully latched or locked. (USP5586646)

$$ In the preferred implementation of these methods, a new mesh is produced in which new transmission links are added between existing nodes. (USP02042274)

$$ In these methods, a new mesh is produced in which new radio links are added between existing nodes. (USP02042274)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ad...


$$ Preferably, the wavefront curvature arriving at the second AOD 40 equals the additional curvature that is added by the second AOD 40. / 好ましくは、第2 AOD 40に到達する波面の曲率は第2 AOD 40によって付加される追加の曲率に等しい。(USP8294977)

$$ Referring back to FIG. 1 the additional bit is added by the additional data line 24. / 図1に戻って、追加ビットは追加データライン24によって加えられる。(USP8078663)

$$ Trichloroacetyl isocyanate (0.3 ml) was added by syringe via the septum cap. / トリクロロアセチルイソシアネート(0.3ml)を注射器によりセプタムキャップを通して加えた。(USP7592448)

$$ The outputs of the interpolation filters 28, 30 are added by a summation circuit 32 to yield the original video input signal. (USP6754433)

$$ The third and fourth signal samples added by the second over sampling stage are designated Sii1 and Sii2. / また、第2のオーバーサンプリング段で生成された第3及び第4の信号サンプルは、それぞれおSii1、Sii2として示されている。(USP6614489)

$$ These are added by Equation 10 (Equation (1) below) to give the unwrapped phase map. / これらに式10(下記式(1))を加算して、アンラップされた位相マップを得る。(USP6208416)

$$ These outputs are added by the adder 151' to obtain a smoothly variable modulation signal. (USP6075887)

$$ The offsets added by each column element vary randomly from column element to column element. (USP02051067)




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$$ Adding a quadratically distorted grating (4) to the lens (L1) effectively decreases its focal length in the +1 diffraction order and increases its focal length in the -1 order. / レンズ(L1)に2次的にひずめた格子(4)を加えると、+1の回折次数におけるその焦点距離が効果的に減少し、-1の次数におけるその焦点距離が増大する。(USP6975457)

$$ In this way an incrementally adding rotation is generated along the length of the member 261. / この方法では、部材261の長さにそって回転が徐々に加わる。(USP6833656)

$$ Each node preferably has addressing means for adding to information in a received signal the address of a node to which a signal including said information is to be routed when said information is for another node. / 各ノードは、好ましくは、前記情報が別のノード向けであるときに、前記情報を含む信号が転送されなければならないノードのアドレスを、受信された信号中の情報に付加するためのアドレス指定手段を有する。(USP6553020)

$$ Adding the digital output signals from the two stages in this way automatically provides correction for conversion errors made by flash ADC 804 for example because of offset voltages in the flash ADC comparators. (USP6831507)

$$ Adding hydrogen would have a further advantage of keeping the component bright during the quenching process (but at a higher gas cost than nitrogen alone). / 水素の添加は急冷プロセス中に成分を鮮明に保つという別の利点もあるであろう(しかし窒素単独よりもガスのコストは高い)。(USP01020503)

$$ By adding a further two bits a picture element can be associated with one of four picture quarters. (USP6075887)

$$ By adding extra functions to the main motherboard the pre-amplifier apparatus 2 can be expanded to cater for this new configuration. (USP02000831)




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"addition of A (to B)"のパターンは使われるが、"addition of A and B"のパターンは一般的ではないようにみえる。"sum of A and B"のパターンは用いられるようである。

$$ In addition to this, or possibly instead of this, the device may be capable of adjusting its absolute calibration in the field. / これに追加して、またはおそらくこれの代わりに、本装置は現場でその絶対的較正を調節することが可能である。(USP6900756)

$$ In addition to this, certain character sequences and certain words can also acts as mark-up data. / これに加えて、あるキャラクタシーケンスとあるワードもマークアップデータとして作用する。(USP6772122)

$$ In addition to this, another motion vector reduction process counts the frequency at which each good motion vector occurs, with no account taken of the actual positions of the search blocks that were used to derive them. (USP5027203)

$$ For instance, one or more search, retrieval and/or analysis tools may be provided with its own database, in addition to there being a system database. / 例えばシステムのデータベースに加えて、1以上のサーチツール、検索ツール、および/または解析ツールをそれ自身のデータベースに用意できる。(USP6424968)

$$ The product of stage (b) (7.5 g) was dissolved in water (500 ml) by addition of 2N sodium hydroxide solution to pH7. / 2Nの水酸化ナトリウム溶液でpHを7.0に調整することにより、段階(b)の生成物(7.5g)を水(500ml)に溶解した。(USP6254669)

$$ The mRNA was preipitated by addition of a glycogen carrier, potassium acetate and ethanol. (USP6489123)

$$ Chemical initiation may be achieved by addition of agents such as acids and tertiary amines. (USP6639006)

$$ It converts the corrected vector elements of Oi from a logarithmic to a linear scale, and applies a linear correction by addition of the second set of twenty-six parameters pj (j=26 to 51). / それは、修正されたベクトルの要素Oiを対数から線形スケールへ変換し、また、26個のパラメータpj(j=26~51)の第2のセットを加えることにより、線形修正を行う。(USP6671666)

$$ The doughnut shapes are transferred to a proofing room where heat and humidity are added for up to 45 minutes; in this specification a reference to `proving` is to the addition of heat and humidity.(USP01031300)

$$ For carrying the reset permission request signals and permission granted signals dedicated conductors could be provided in addition to, for example, data, address and control buses. / リセット許可要求信号及び許可承諾信号を伝送するために、例えばデータ・バス、アドレス・バス及び制御バスの他に専用の導体を設けることが出来る。(USP5398233)

$$ Each data unit can include a header and error correction data in addition to system control signalling. / 各データユニットは、システム制御信号に加えて、ヘッダとエラー訂正データを含んでいる。(USP6044086)

$$ An additional benefit of the provision of a transformer in addition to a tuned circuit is that the transformer properties can be optimised independently of the inductance element of the tuned circuit. (USP6124682)

$$ The composition may optionally include one or more further heterocyclic monomer materials, in addition to THFMA. / 組成はTHFMAに加えて、任意に1つ以上のさらなる複素環モノマー材料を含んでいてもよい。(USP6313192)

$$ The invention relates, in addition, to damage detection and monitoring apparatus and to a structure including a plurality of acoustic transducers. / この発明は、加えて、損傷検出及び監視用装置と、複数の音響トランスジューサを含んでいる構造(物)にも関する。(USP6826982)

$$ Commonly, in addition, the filament power supply is taken from an auxiliary secondary winding of the step-up transformer. (USP6629974)

$$ This, in addition, enables the fabrication of structures where bulk semiconductor material is needed on both sides of the waveguide structures. / さらにこれは、半導体ウェーハーの全体が導波管の両方のサイドに必要とされる場合の構造体の製造を可能にする。(USP6229411)




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$$ Ideally, means for separating the confocal image from the detected light is additionally provided. / 理想的には、検出された光から共焦点画像を分離するための手段が更に設けられている。(USP6144489)

$$ Additionally, of course, the marked-up data may be stored in the store 4. / さらに勿論、マークアップデータは記憶装置4に記憶されてもよい。(USP6772122)

$$ Alternatively or additionally, the grid 36 could be rotated to achieve de-focus. / 別法として、または追加的には、焦点はずれを実現するためにグリッド36を回転させることもあり得る。(USP6900756)

$$ Additionally, it is composed of layers of graphics with associated data layers. / さらに、マップは関係するデータ層と一緒にグラフィック層から構成されている。(USP6912270)

$$ Additionally, both cell walls may have surface alignment grating structures. / 更に、双方のセル壁が、表面アライメント格子構造を持ち得る。(USP7053975)




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$$ It is possible for suitable additives such as plasticizers or lubricants to be included in the polymer. (USP7105478)

$$ The composition can contain other additives, for instance SnO2. (USP6100209)

$$ Thus, compared to metal incorporated as an additive, it is much more efficient as a reactant. (USP6100209)

$$ Similarly, other additives to the bitumen composition may be employed, dependent on the end use to which the bituminous composition is put. (USP5959007)

$$ For this reason, branched polymers are useful additives to solvent-based coatings and inks, for example and they also have many other applications. / この理由のために、分枝ポリマーは溶媒ベースの、例えば塗料およびインクへの有用な添加剤であり、およびそれらは多くの他の応用をも有する。(USP03013822)

$$ A tape according to claim 4 in which the additive is a cellulose derivative. (USP4061825)




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$$ This addresses problem 2. / これは、問題2に対処する。(USP75957559)

$$ It can be used with several different liquid crystal effects and therefore with several different addressing schemes. / それは幾つかの異なる液晶効果を、従って、幾つかの異なるアドレシング・スキームを利用可能である。(USP5801796)

$$ This property can be used to address problem 3. / この特性を使用して、問題3に対処することができる。(USP75957559)

$$ An addressed secondary station in response to a paging request addressed to it will, unless a duplex voice channel has been assigned, transmit in the reverse time slot (or physical channel) of the best duplex voice channel. / アドレスされたページング要求に応じてアドレスされた2次スリープは、二重音声チャネルが割り当てられないなら、最良二重音声チャネルの逆時間スロット(あるいは物理チャネル)に伝送しよう。

$$ When the "volume down" key is then released at time Tr(V-), an explicit release message [REL] is addressed to the AVC 32. / 「ボリュームダウン」キーが時間Tr(V-)で解放されるなら、明白な解放メッセージ[REL]はAVC32にアドレスされる。(USP5479385)




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$$ The strengthening strip may be adhered to the adhesive layers of the handle and the body portion or it may be provided with an adhesive layer on the handle/body portion facing surface of the strip. / 補強ストライプはハンドルおよび本体部分の接着剤層に貼り合わせてもよく、ストライプのハンドル/本体部分に面する表面の上に接着剤とともに設けることができる。(USP5968000)

$$ The application of design layer 11 is then as previously described, adhering to white background color layer 12 but not to the intermediate substrate 14. / 前述のようにして、次に、白色バックグラウンドカラー層12には接着し中間層14には接着しないようデザイン層11の付与が行われる。(USP6267052)

$$ Accordingly, the peel strength of the adhesive (90) adhering the cover (80) to the backing layer (40) should be substantially less than that of the adhesive layer (70) adhering the dressing (10) to the patient's skin. / したがって、カバー(80)を支持層(40)に接着する接着剤(90)の剥離強度は患者の皮膚にドレッシング(10)を接着する接着層(70)の剥離強度よりも実質的に低いものとすべきである。(USP6610762)

$$ In "wet" lithographic printing, a dampening or fountain (water-based) liquid is applied initially to a plate prior to application of ink so that it adheres to the non-image areas and repels oil-based inks therefrom. / 「湿式」リソグラフ印刷では、湿し(dampening)又はファウンテン(fountain)液は、インキの塗布前にまずプレートに塗布され、そして、非画像部に付着し、そこからオイルベースのインクを排斥する。(USP01019809)

$$ Surface material can adhere to the coating. (USP6405137)




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$$ LF82 is an adherent and invasive E. coli (AIEC) isolated from an ileal Crohn's disease lesion. / LF82は回腸のクローン病病巣から単離された付着性および侵入性大腸菌(AIEC)である。(USP7235268)

$$ On day 3 the non-adherent cells and medium were removed and fresh medium containing 10% L929 cell supernatant added. (USP7687060)

$$ As these cells are adherent, it is necessary to use a standard trypsinisation step to remove the cells from the flask wall to enable subculturing and propagation. (USP7575871)

$$ Preferably, the wound dressing includes a non adherent macroporous cover for contact with the wound and a microporous backer layer. (USP6077526)

$$ The flexible adherent sheet material preferably comprises an adhesive coated thin film material. / 柔軟性の接着性シート材料は接着剤を被覆した薄いフイルム材料からなることが望ましい。(USP5968000)

$$ In one embodiment of the invention, an adherent layer is present between the substrate and receiving layer. / 本発明の1つの態様において、付着層は基材と受容層との間に存在する。(USP5935903)

$$ A method according to claim 8, wherein said adherent layer is formed of a resist material. (USP5137617)




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$$ Resulting coating had hardness 33 GPa and good adhesion properties. / 結果できたコーティングの硬さは33 GPaであり、よい付着特性を示した。(USP8440301)

$$ The binding agent may increase adhesion of catalyst to the underlying layer. / この結合剤は、触媒の下層への接着性を高めることができる。(USP8241796)

$$ U.S. Pat. No. 5,057,179 describes a polar dispersion based on polyvinyl acetate, which has a good adhesion to moist substrates. (USP7071256)

$$ The strength of the adhesion between the layers 1,2 is highly dependent upon the number of tacks created by the needling operation and...(USP6077526)

$$ Said radiation sensitive layer may include adhesion means for adjusting its adhesion to an underlying layer. (USP6138567)

$$ Operations involving the abdomen or pelvis, often result in adhesion between viscera. / 腹部または腎盂における手術は、しばしば、内臓癒着を引き起こす。(USP6696433)

$$ Such known compounds have been used as additives to rubber skim stock to improve adhesion of the rubber to metal. / このような既知の化合物はゴムの金属への接着を改良するためのゴムスキムストック(rubber skim stock)への添加剤として使用されてきた。(USP6353047)


ADJACENT 隣接する、隣合う


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | ad...

ADJACENT 隣接する、隣合う -->contiguous, adjoin


但し、位置する(positioned, located, disposed, be, etc.)の意味でのコロケーションが多い。

$$ The radiometer may have an array of detector feed elements and the or each reference temperature provider may be provided adjacent to the detector feed array. / このラジオメータは検波器フィード素子群のアレイを有することができる。基準温度供給装置又はその各々は、検波器フィードアレイに隣接して設けられることができる。(USP6900756)

$$ The immersion heater 23 is positioned adjacent to the bottom 22 of the lower part 9 of the tank 10. / 浸漬ヒータ23は流体タンク10の流体貯留部9の底壁22に近接して設置されている。(USP5893487)

$$ Preferably the first and second lines, or curves, of detector feeds are adjacent to each other, most preferably substantially as close to each other as the geometry of the feed elements permits. / 検波器フィードの第1および第2の直線もしくは曲線は互いに隣接することが好ましく、フィード素子群の幾何学形状が許す限り十分に互いに近接することが最も好ましい。(USP6900756)

$$ Usually the two portions of the fluid will be adjacent to each other. (USP6710345)

$$ As the detector elements of a row lie adjacent each other the image formed from each row is a series of displaced circles, as shown in FIG. 5A. / 列の検波器素子は互いに隣り合うので、各列から形成される画像は、図5Aに示したように一連の移動した円である。(USP6900756)

$$ The Bitmap data is packed contiguously into 32 bit words so that rows are packed adjacent to each other. (USP5727192)

$$ The nozzles 4 have a uniform diameter d and the distance b between adjacent nozzles is twice d. / ノズル4は均一な直径dを有し、隣接ノズル間の距離bはdの2倍である。(USP01020503)

$$ There is a trench 14 running between each adjacent pair of areas E.(USP02063521)

$$ As the end of portion 77 adjacent portion 78 moves pass cam follower 52, the output member `snaps` clockwise under the influence of spring 24 until such time as the cam follower 52 abuts the end of portion 79 adjacent portion 78.(USP02073789)

$$ A click ratchet 10 incorporating circumferential teeth 24 is disposed axially adjacent the ratchet 7 and is arranged to rotate integrally with the ratchet 7. (USP6474581)

$$ It will also be noted that the detent 60 is located behind and immediately adjacent the rear face of the impeller 20 in the enlarged recess 63, the pivot pin 61 being received in recess 64. (USP6524078): すぐ近くに

$$ In its operative position, the filter 56 lies in or directly adjacent the plane in which the lips 52, 154 lie. / フィルタ56は、その作動位置では、リップ52,154が位置する面に又はその直接的に隣りに位置している。(USP8117712)

$$ ... a significant component of fluid flow of each fluid occurs immediately adjacent the interface... (USP5961832)




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-->adjacent, contiguous

$$ To avoid, or at least to reduce interference problems caused by adjoining areas, only a limited number of the available frequencies will be used by any given central terminal 10. / 互いに隣接するエリアによって引き起こされる干渉問題を回避するか、少なくとも低減させるには、所定の中心端末10が、ごく限定された数の利用可能周波数を使用するとよい。(USP02018462)

$$ The barrier is also sufficiently thin (<30 nm) to preserve strain between it and adjoining InSb layers. / さらにこの障壁は、この障壁と隣接するInSb層との間のひずみを保持するのに十分なだけ薄い(<30nm)。(USP6809514)

$$ A sensor according to claim 14, wherein each limb of the second pair of limbs has a contact region adjoining onto the central active region which less than 10% of the limb width of each limb of the first pair of limbs. / 前記第2対の枝の各枝(53b、53d)が、前記第1対の枝(53a、53c)の各枝の枝幅の10%未満である、前記中心活性領域(53e)上に隣接する接触領域を有することを特徴とする請求項14に記載のセンサ。(USP6809514)

$$ The adjoining cut edges of the sheet material 8 and the fresh sheet material can be joined together with, for example, adhesive tape. (USP4856692)

$$ The heterojunction between each active layer 20 and adjoining wider band gap layer 18 above it then provides an excluding contact to the former.(USP6359283)

$$ Each tobacco-containing segment is adjoined to the previous segment by the fuse portion but is discretely spaced from adjacent segments. (USP6202651)

$$ Adjoining cutting elements in the lengthwise direction can then be interconnected through support elements integral with those cutting elements. (USP02066186)




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ADJUST -->regulate

$$ Thus, an exemplary large reservoir can adjust in volume from 1.6 to 2.3 ml. / このように、好ましい大型のリザーバは、容量を1.6ml~2.3mlまで調節できる。(USP8446677)

$$ In this way, the lamp can be adjusted into any rotational orientation relative to the other lamps on the truss irrespective of the orientation of the hook clamp. (USP6682031)

$$ This probability can be adjusted to be lower or higher than the success rate by adjusting the value of parameter α. (USP7565149)

$$ The pupil of the observer's eye adjusts to the general light level within the field of vision, such as a brightly illuminated shop interior, and can then not discern the design on the opaque poster. / 観察者の眼の瞳は、明るい照明の店舗内のような視野内の通常の照明レベルに調節され、不透明なポスター上のデザインを認識できない。(USP6212805)

$$ In FIG. 2a, the golf club head 2 is adjusted to a minimum locked position for use in putting. / 図2aにおいて、ゴルフクラブヘッド2はパッティングの際に使用するために最小限に固定した位置に調整されている。(USP6110055)

$$ The micrometer 152 allows the magnetic sensor head 145 to be incrementally adjusted to the appropriate position from the roller magnet 142. / マイクロメータ152により、磁気センサヘッド145はローラ磁石142から適切な位置に増分的に調整される。(USP6611142)

$$ The threshold level is then adjusted to a desired peak limit, to the test of the operating personnel. (USP6370254)

$$ The volume was adjusted to 1500 ml by addition of water. / 水を加えることにより容量を1500mlに調節した。(USP6254669)

$$ Furthermore, an RCU in an adjacent cell may adjust its output power to limit a range of transmission therefrom, e.g. to a region beyond a centre of the failed cell. (USP5570343)

$$ As will be readily understood, individual nozzles 4 are preferably reciprocable along their longitudinal axis so as to adjust distance a to any desired value and/or to accommodate an object for quenching of any configuration. / 容易に分かるように、距離aを所望の値に調整しかつ/または物体を任意の構造の急冷に適応させるように、個々のノズル4が縦軸に沿って往復運動できるのが好ましい。(USP01020503)

$$ A further object of the present invention is to provide a single chip LED lamp arranged so that light emitting portions of the chip are adjusted to be equalised in intensity. (USP02063521)

$$ After addition of 1 ml PBS, the pH of the solution was adjusted to approximately pH 8 using 1N HCl, then filter-sterilised.(USP02035058)

$$ The use of a polygonal shape permits simple calibration of the system by adjusting the radius of the polygonal shape.(USP6148092)





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$$ FIG. 3 shows an adjustable filter; / 【図3】調整可能なフィルタを示す。(USP6681102)

$$ R3 may be made adjustable to minimise distortion with an individual crystal. / R3を調整可能にして個々の水晶発振器で歪みを最小化できる。(USP6473469)

$$ An adjustable rate control element determines the rate of calls admitted to the answering centre. / 調節可能なレート制御素子は応答センタに認められる呼のレートを判断する。(USP6330313)

$$ At least one mirror may be adjustable by means of a piezo-electric device. / 少なくとも1つの鏡は、圧電装置により調節することができる。(USP6208416)

$$ Preferably, the length of the shaft is adjustable. / シャフト長は調整可能であることが望ましい。(USP6110055)

$$ Fs is the biasing force exerted by the adjustable spring 42, in an opposite direction of force Fd2c. (USP5746245)

$$ The apparatus according to claim 6, further comprising an adjustable frequency AC drive between said coils and said motor. (USP6217773)

$$ The friction plate assembly is generally adjustable to vary the amount of resistance applied. (USP6474581)

$$ A second adjustable strap 23 is connected between the headrest 13 and the front of the frame member 3 and is adjustable in length by means of buckles 24.(USP6355049)




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$$ Adjustment of the monochromator 318 involves the steps of: / モノクロメータ318の調節は、以下の工程を有している (USP6977986)

$$ The adjustment factors are fed on a first output channel 290 to a quantisation processor 292. / 生成された調整係数は、第1の出力チャンネル290を介して量子化処理回路292に供給される。(USP6614489)

$$ In this regard, the micrometer 152 is provided with a manual adjustment means 156. / これに関してマイクロメータ152には手動調整手段156が設けられている。(USP6611142)

$$ Such setting is obtained by adjustment of lock nuts 255a on stud bolts 255b included in the brackets 255. (USP5651235)

$$ Preferably there should be an even flow of sludge across the flume plate in the form a thin film this being achieved by adjustment of the angle of inclination of the plate and, if necessary by adjusting the disposition of tank 5 for example by adjustable feet (not shown). (USP6565755)


ADMIT (自ら)認める


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ADMIT (自ら)認める

$$ APA = Admitted Prior Art

$$ The call is admitted only if both control schemes allow it. / 両方の制御方式が呼を許可するときのみ、呼は認められる。(USP6330313)

$$ Then H2 and 1-hexene were admitted to the reactor. / 次いでH2および1-ヘキセンを反応器に流入させた。(USP6437062)

$$ One or more ports (not shown) will exist to permit gas to be admitted and possibly diagnostics. / ガスを受入れ、診断し得るための1つ或いは2つ以上の出入り口(不図示)が存在する。(USP6458239)

$$ Single layer structures may admit the passage of both electron and holes. / 単層構造は、電子とホールの両方の通過を可能にする。(USP6929869)

$$ The provision of a device which ensures that waveguides are illuminated equally without admitting stray light represents a significant technical challenge. / 迷光を入れることなく、導波路が等しく照射されることが保証された装置を提供することは、技術的に重要な挑戦である。(USP6764226)




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$$ This would be beneficial for administering, for example, two-part compositions or medicaments. / これは、例えば、2成分の組成物または薬剤を投与するのに有益であろう。(USP8336542)

$$ If, however, the patient is administered too much insulin then there is a risk of hypoglycemia. / しかし、もし患者が余りにも多くのインシュリンを投与されると、低血糖症の危険がある。(USP8141409)

$$ It is preferred if the treatment agent (or agents) is administered orally. /

$$ These may be administered to individuals. / これらは、個々に投与され得る。(USP6242175)

$$ What is still desired, however, is a new and improved inhaler for administering medicament for patient inhalation. (USP7540282)

$$ The controlling electronics is also capable of administering a controlled electric shock to a player via electrodes 24. (USP7628404)
