現在の読者数 50人


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AS~AS (1) / AS 形容詞 A 名詞 AS


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS 形容詞 A(AN) 名詞 AS


$$ It is desirable to record metadata on a tape in such a way that it can be recorded on as large a variety of tape formats as possible and preferably on ANY existing tape format. (USP7260304)

$$ For optimum filterin(KW)AS g, it is desirable to provide as large a surface area of filtering media to the flow of air or gas as possible. (USP6001151)

$$ It is preferred that the geometry is selected to give as high a ratio as possible. / 可能な限り大きい比を提供し得るような幾何学的形態を選ぶことが好ましい。(USP7168719)

$$ It is desirable to operate such electrolytic cells at as low a voltage as possible in order to consume as little electrical power as possible and in such a way that the component parts of the electrolytic cell are long lasting, i.e. the electrodes in the electrolytic cell should have a long lifetime. / かかる電解槽は、電力の消費をできる限り少なくすることを目的としてできる限り低い電圧で運転し、しかも電解槽の種々の構成部分が長期にわたって長持ちするような方法で、すなわち電解槽の電極が長い寿命を持つべきであるような方法で運転することが望ましい。(USP6123816)

$$ However, it is desirable that the mixture is at 12 or above for as short a period of time as possible. (USP01023850)

$$ In a second option, for finding the location of the MH in as short a time as possible, these query function are combined and Tokyo sends a single broadcast query message to all GMS networks. (USP6580907)

$$ This permits adjustment of the network at as high a rate as the required adjustments can be calculated with no need to wait until the calculations have been completed before training set can be reapplied to the network. (USP6013861)

$$ There is always a quest for as large a field of view as possible, with as high a resolution as possible for the lowest possible manufacturing cost. (USP6735015)

タグ :AS~AS

AS~AS(2) / AS 形容詞 AS IS


 車馬駄馬田 at 17:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS 形容詞 AS IS

$$ The steering operation of the downhole tool can be carried out at ANY time during drilling and as often as is required. (USP5421421)

$$ The above process is repeated as often as is necessary. (USP5442438)

$$ Further, because the end tab (53) is maintained at its limit position as the magazine (23) is rotated, the capsule is kept by the end tab (53) in its recess (41) as long as is necessary to prevent its escape, that is until after indexing rotation. (USP5896855)

$$ Such wounds can severely influence quality of life or even result in death and therefore the rate of healing may need to be increased as much as is clinically possible. / このような創傷は、生命の状況に重大な影響を及ぼし、死に至らしめることさえもあるので、したがって、臨床的に可能な限り、治癒進度の増進が必要とされる。(USP6696433)

$$ However, the gain of the amplifier used in the noise source may change with temperature, and so the reference signal may not be as stable as is desirable. / しかしながら、ノイズ源で使用される増幅器の利得が温度とともに変化する可能性があり、それゆえ、この基準信号は望ましいほどに安定になり得ない。(USP6900756)

$$ This, however, is not as effective as is desired. (USP6100209)

$$ This process is not as controlled as is desirable. (USP6100209)

$$ The CMM width should be chosen to be as large as is practical, so that most of the lines will be stored compressed, and only the very commonly used lines will be stored as binary CMM lines. (USP7065517)

$$ In practice the exciter spacing limit does not appear to be as low as is predicted above, and as such a material with a higher coincidence frequency than exciter spacing

タグ :AS~AS

AS~AS(3) / AS 形容詞 AS PP


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS 形容詞 AS PP

$$ In this way, the register access ports are used as many times as needed to read out the operands. (USP5748518)

$$ The memory can be made as large as required at relatively little expense. (USP5727201)
$$ The FFT is a 4096-point FFT, and is thus twice as long as required, and gathers twice as many points during each symbol period. (USP6700936)

$$ However, if care is taken then this rule may be relaxed to state that the same variable may not be assigned to more than once on the same clock cycle but may be read as many times as required. (USP6691301)

$$ This may be repeated as many times as required to compile a sufficient list of confirmed winners. / これは確認された勝者の十分なリストをコンパイルすることを必要とするとき、多数回反復される。(USP7577676)

タグ :AS~AS



 車馬駄馬田 at 17:00  | Comments(0) | as~as


$$ This process can be repeated for as many areas of interest as necessary and coordinate data relating to those areas of interest are stored in the computer memory. / この処理は、必要とされる数の関心あるエリアに関して繰り返すことができ、そしてそれら関心あるエリアに関する差表データはコンピュータメモリ内に蓄積される。(USP5946131)

$$ The set of channels should be as small as necessary. / チャネルのセットは、必要とされるほど小さくなければならない。(USP6553020)

$$ The control unit adjusts the switching of the trimming capacitors with the aim that the voltage at 101 is as close as possible to a set value. / 制御ユニットは、入力108での電圧が設定値にできる限り近似するように支援することによって、トリミングキャパシタのスイッチング動作を調整している。(USP6681102)

$$ For optimum performance, the hologram 12 should be designed to put as much as possible of the incident light into the target area with as little as possible of the light being scattered into higher angles outside this area.(USP5757523)

$$ For example, (c) aims to introduce as little as possible new topological constraint. (USP02042274)

$$ To ensure that the coupling is as small as possible the resultant gaps between the interdigitating vanes where pads have been removed are reduced by altering the circumferential spacing of the vanes. (USP6358154)

タグ :AS~AS

AS~AS(5) / AS 形容詞 AS 数値


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS~AS (5); AS 形容詞 AS 数値

$$ Chip 61 may be as large as 5 mm wide and have many elements and have an input power of 5-25 watts. (USP02063521)

$$ It can be as low as 0.5% but is usually at least 1%. / 0.5%の低さであることもできるが、普通は少なくとも1%である。(USP6277932)

$$ The thickness can be as little as 5 microns. (USP01022495)

$$ The standard supply voltage is 3 volts ±10% and therefore may be as little as 2.7 volts. (USP5874862)

$$ By comparison, the distance from core 8 to the heat sink (62, 86, 111) can be as little as a micron. (USP01022495)

$$ The ionised gas is pumped from the chamber 202 through bore 208 which may have a bore as small as 0.1 mm. (USP02022836)

$$ However, the total thickness of material required for the above filters can be as much as 10×10.sup.-6 m, which would place a significant obstacle to their realisation using standard industrial production techniques. / しかしながら、上述のフィルタに必要な材料の全厚は、10×10-6mという大きなものであるのがよく、このことは、標準の工業的生産方法を用いてこれらを実現する上で相当な障害をもたらすことになる。(USP6631033)

タグ :AS~AS

AS~AS(6) / AS 形容詞 AS 名詞(代名詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 17:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS~AS (6) ; AS 形容詞 AS 名詞(代名詞)

$$ The depths of light extraction cavities 14 in core 8 can be as great as the thickness of core 8. (USP01022495)

$$ It should be noted that, as support layer 1550 comprises a series of support portions, the maximum beam thickness 1510 is not required to be as large as that indicated for the previously described embodiments in FIG. 9B at 904. (USP6585162)

$$ In such a case, albeit an unlikely one, equivalence to a system with only one coding path and buffer store would only be achieved if each sub-buffer was as large as the buffer in the single buffer coder. / 起こりそうなことではないが、このような場合、各サブバッファが単一バッファ符号器のバッファと同じ大きさであるとするなら、単一の符号化パスおよびバッファ記憶装置のみを備えたシステムと同等のものしか達成できない。(USP5856847)

$$ The optimum size of the sub-buffer is not as large as that of the single buffer coder and may suffer a small loss of picture quality performance compared with a single-loop coder implementation. / サブバッファの最適な大きさは、単ーバッファ符号器のそれほどには大きくなく、単一ループ符号器のものと比較して画質性能のわずかな低下を生じる。(USP5856847)

$$ The nature of the setting reaction means that the strength of the glass-ionomer develops with time, consequently the immediate strength of the glass-ionomer is not as high as that of other materials. / 凝結反応の性質から、グラスイオノマーの強度は時間が経つにつれ増すため、グラスイオノマーの反応直後の強度は他の材料の強度ほど高くはない。(USP6313192)

$$ However, the activities of these compounds are not as great as that for L-ArgSp. / しかしながら、これらの化合物の活性は、L-ArgSpほど大きくはない。(USP6797699)

タグ :AS~AS

AS~AS(7) / AS...AS 回数


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as


$$ The resultant cost of the coated paper is very high, often as much as ten times the cost of a conventional copier paper. (USP5882396)

$$ For example, using a dual-bar structure 5 cm long, a length change of a fraction of a micron may manifest itself as a tip movement of up to 0.1 mm, or as much as a hundred times the length change. / 例えば、長さ5cmの二重バー構造を使用すると、数分の1ミクロンの長さ変化が、最大0.1mmの先端運動として現れる場合があり、これはすなわち長さ変化の百倍ほどである。(USP6833656)

$$ A fluid pump according to claim 1, wherein the fluid outlet port is as wide as between 1 and 4 times the spacing of the teeth of the first pulley wheel. (USP6299422)

タグ :AS~AS



 車馬駄馬田 at 17:00  | Comments(0) | as~as


$$ It is desirable to eliminate coherence as far as possible, since it tends otherwise to produce bursts of traffic at some destinations. / コヒーレンスはいくつかの送信先においてトラヒックのバーストを発生する傾向があるので、コヒーレンスを可能な限りなくすことが望ましい。(USP6748063)

$$ Eventually congestion spreads as far as cells 37, 38, 32 and 34. / その結果混雑はセル37、38、32、および34に拡大する。(USP6539228)

$$ When its refractive index is lower than that of the cladding the sensor material operates, as far as the radiation is concerned, similarly to the cladding. / 屈折率がクラディングの屈折率よりも低いとき、センサ材料は放射に関する限りクラディング(2)と類似して動作する。(USP5903685)

$$ FIG. 3 corresponds to FIG. 1 and FIG. 4 to FIG. 2 as far as the direction of traffic is concerned. / トラヒック方向に関する限りでは、図3は図1と、また、図4は図2と対応している。(USP5533005)

$$ The strategies are shown as sets or lists arranged in a predetermined selection order, in that as far as is possible the concealment method at the top of the list (highest in the predetermined selection order) will be used. / これらの計画は、所定の選択順に並べた組又はリストとして示してある。可能な限り、該リストの最上部(所定選択順の最上位)の隠蔽法が使用される。(USP5353059)


$$ As far back as 1965, it was known that tungsten oxides were effective in promoting the electro-oxidation of CO on platinum-containing electrodes in acid-electrolyte fuel cells (Niedrach and Weinstock, Electrochem. Technol., 3, 270-5 (1965)). / 1965年にまでさかのぼると、タングステン酸化物は、酸性電解質燃料電池における白金含有電極上のCOの電気酸化を促進することに効果的であることが知られていた(NiedrachandWeinstock,Electrochem.Technol.,3,270-5(1965))。(USP6855452)

$$ The cut away is such as to leave sufficient plate material in supporting contact with the cast to provide support to the cast as far back as the premolar region 54 as indicated in FIG. 4. (USP6355049)

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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as


$$ In theory, perhaps, best matching should be sought for as many as possible of the resonant modes and corresponding composite patterns of our above construct. (USP6332029)

$$ In a transoceanic system each transmission path may incorporate as many as 300 amplifiers. / 海底システムにおいて、各通信パスは、300台もの増幅器を有することができる。(USP5436746)

$$ All, or at least as many as possible, user requests arising in ANY of the three DCE locations are screened and processed by the FDS 86. / 3つのDCEの位置の何れかからの、全てのまたは少なくとも可能な限り多くのユーザ要求はFDS86によってスクリーニングされ、処理される。(USP5907602)

$$ For example, with litho printing, as many as six layers of black and eight layers of white ink are required to achieve an opaque background white layer to a design with an opaque black layer behind. / 例えば、石版印刷では、不透明な黒の背層を備えるデザインに不透明な背景の白の層を達成するべく、黒インクの6層と白インクの8層ほどもが必要とされる。(USP6212805)

タグ :AS~AS



 車馬駄馬田 at 17:00  | Comments(0) | as~as


$$ This information is then available for re-use, or for an undo/redo operation, as long as the information remains valid throughout an operating session. / この情報は、1つの動作セッションを通じてその情報が有効に留まる限り、再使用、不履行/再履行動作、のために使うことができる。(USP6523174)

$$ The length of the apertures in the direction of fluid flow are preferably extended for maximum area of interface, and they may be as long as desired. / 流体が流れる方向での開口部の長さは、界面の最大面積に適するよう延長されることが好ましく、また望ましい。(USP5961832)

$$ The distance between the nozzles in the nozzle field has little effect on the maximum or minimum rate achieved within the nozzle field as long as it is less than eight nozzle diameters. / ノズル関連領域におけるノズル間の距離は、ノズル直径の8倍未満でありさえすれば、ノズル関連領域内で達成される最大又は最小熱伝達率にはあまり影響がない。(USP01020503)

$$ Although a starting step is indicated at 300, the flowchart defines a control loop which exists for as long as the apparatus is active. / たとえ開始ステップが300 で示されていても、フローチャートは装置が作動している限り存在する制御ループを規定する。(USP5479385)

タグ :AS~AS



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS WELL AS の後には、名詞、~ing、動詞、前置詞などが続く。

$$ In the test, a length of tape approximately three inches long is applied to the dried but uncured coating, taking care that there are no air bubbles present, and rubbed firmly so as to bond it to the rubber coating as well as possible. (USP6138567)

$$ Alternatively, two or more devices may be erased ahead of the one being exposed so that image information received by the device after as well as before the trigger signal can be recorded and subsequently read from the apparatus. / その代わり、2つ以上の素子がその1つの素子が感光される前に消去され、その結果、トリガ信号の前のみでなく後においても素子によって受けられた画像情報が記録され、その後に装置より読み出すことができる。(USP6157409)

$$ For example, the apparatus and method could be used to reduce noise in a house or office, as well as in vehicles. (USP02076059)

$$ The pressure port 17e can be connected to the hydraulic fluid to be pressurised, and therefore the air pump of the invention can also act in its return stroke as well as in its forward stroke, ie double-acting. (USP02051714)

$$ The present invention may be used for safety purposes as well as for comfort. (USP02076059)

$$ Laser systems embodying this invention are suitable for performing a wide range of material processing operations on a wide variety of workpieces as well as for other uses. / 本発明を実施したレーザーシステムは、多種の加工片上での多種の材料加工作業を行うことのほか、他の用途にも適している。(USP5434880)

$$ That specification also discloses that the sound mirror should have concave sides when viewed in profile so as to widen the sound distribution vertically as well as in a horizontal plane. / 該特許は更に音声の垂直方向の指向特性を水平方向と同様に拡げるという意味で、音響ミラーの表面が凹面であることが望ましい点についても開示している。(USP5537480)

$$ The invention can be applied to confocal microscopes in which a bar or slit of light is scanned over the specimen as well as to those in which a single spot is scanned. (USP5304810)

$$ The sensor is sensitive to ionizing radiation as well as to changes in temperature, and is suitable for use in a temperature compensated radiation measuring apparatus. / ダイヤモド型材料から形成され、電離放射並びに温度変化に高速応答し、温度補放射測定装置に使用されるのにも適した温度センサを提供する。(USP5407276)

$$ In addition, the application server may also sense that no update is coming for a particular market and so to provide an alert to the user in an audio ring or a visual message, as well as to report missed data for a market in detail.(USP02130868)

$$ Since the nodes have been preconfigured with all of the mesh change steps within a sequence, they can roll back as well as activate ANY commanded change step. (USP02042274)

$$ Additional features supported by the system may include the ability to give context sensitive helps and assistance to users, as well as to handle and promptly report bad prices.(USP02130868)

$$ As well as enabling the interrupt and setting the filter mode, the data sent in the Sync command must have the most significant bit set in order to generate the interrupt. (USP5727192)

$$ This may be a security exposure as well as using client resources. / これは、セキュリティ・エクスポージャ並びにクライアント資源の使用であっても良い。(USP6336135)


AS~AS(12) / AS 副詞 AS


 車馬駄馬田 at 17:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS 副詞 AS

$$ For this reason, the pits should be packed as closely as possible. / それゆえに、上記の複数個(n個)のピットは、できる限り密に詰めなければならない。(USP5373373)

$$ It is important that this call ratio should be maintained as accurately as possibly to ensure good occupancy at the call answering centres. / この呼の比率は、呼応答センタにおける良好な占有率を保証するためには可能な限り正確に維持されることが重要である。(USP6748063)

$$ This could, for instance, be achieved by 128 capacitors of the same value, or 7 adjusted as precisely as the oscillator. / これは、例えば、同一の値の128個のキャパシタにより、または2n としてスケール化された値の7つのキャパシタにより、達成することができる。(USP6681102)

$$ In order to estimate answering capacity as quickly as possible, in a time comparable with or less than the call holding time, an estimate is made of the call holding time. / 応答容量を可能な限り迅速に推定する、すなわち呼保持時間と比較可能かまたは更に短い時間で推定するために、呼保持時間で推定が行われる。(USP6330313)

$$ The rear projection screen 16 does not diffuse the light as evenly as a matt painted front projection screen, but instead exhibits a preferential distribution along the axis of incident light as shown in FIG. 5. (USP6735015)

$$ This is because many conventional speech synthesisers cannot provide intonation as lively as that of natural speech. (USP6175821)

$$ The heating is uncontrolled, meaning that the temperature of the probe reaches the commanded temperature as rapidly as it can. (USP6405137)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) |  | as~as


$$ It will be appreciated that the polymer from which the ring is made, the size and shape of the ring and the content of the treatment agent, as well as other parameters, may be selected by reference to whether the ring is for use in one cycle or for longer spells. / リングが製造されるポリマー、リングと治療剤の内容物のサイズおよび形状、並びに他のパラメータは、1周期またはしばらくの間使用するためのリングかどうかを考慮して選択するのがよいことは理解できるであろう。 (USP7615210)

$$ Alternative techniques known in the art include interferometry and piezoelectrically coated probes as well as detection of thermal variations in the radiant output of a heated probe. / この技術分野においてよく知られた別の技術は、干渉計による測定および圧電的に被覆されたプローブならびに熱せられたプローブの放射出力(radiant output)における熱変化の検出を含む。(USP7596989)

$$ The stochastic nature of some digital printing methods and the differing spacing as well as sizing of four color printing elements all help to avoid the creation of Moire fringe patterns. / いくつかのデジタル印刷方法の異形的性質(stochastic nature)および4色印刷エレメントの異なる間隔並びにサイズはすべて、モアレ縞パターンの形成を避けることを補助する。(USP6267052)

$$ The configuration data loaded at start-up controls the content and size of the fraud database caches, as well as runtime parameters such as the refresh rate used for each cache. / 始動時にロードされる構成データは、不正データベースキャッシュの内容および大きさ、並びに各キャッシュに使用されるリフレッシュレートのような走行時間パラメータを制御する。(USP5907602)

$$ The craft speed, acceleration and direction, as well as potential over-loading of the engines are controlled by varying the pitch of the propulsors. / 船速、加速及び方向、並びにエンジンの可能性のある過負荷は、推進器のピッチを変化させることにより制御される。(USP6332818)

$$ Suitable inorganic active filler materials include metal oxides, metal salts, glasses and ceramics that contain metal compounds, zeolites, and oxidisable metals, as well as products obtained by sintering such materials. / 適当な無機活性充填剤材料には、金属酸化物類と、金属塩類と、ガラス類と、金属化合物類、ゼオライト、被酸化性金属およびこのような材料を焼結することによって得られる生成物を含有するセラミック類とが含まれる。(USP6313192)

$$ The addressees name, address, fax number and greetings as well as the product user is enquiring about are all inserted automatically from the systems' database. / 受信者の氏名、住所、ファックス番号及び挨拶文が問い合わせている製品名と共にシステムのデータベースより自動的に挿入される。(USP5559936)

$$ Extrinsic ligands include many glycan, phospholipid and other components of micro-organisms, such as capsular and somatic components of bacteria, fungi and parasites, as well as plant products(10-15). / 外来リガンドとしては、多くの多糖類、リン脂質、および細菌の莢膜成分や菌体成分、菌類や寄生生物、植物生産物などもある(参考文献10~15)。(USP7615543)

$$ It will be understood that the drive frequency necessary to excite one or more resonance depends on the material and thickness of the transducer wall and the transmission layer as well as the diameter or width of the channel (or thickness of the sample layer). / 一つ以上の共振を励起するのに必要な駆動周波数は、トランスデューサの壁および伝達層の材料および厚さや、チャネルの直径または幅(即ち、サンプル層の厚さ)に応じることが理解されよう。(USP7608440)


AS~AS (13) / OF AS adj AS


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | as~as

AS~AS (13) / OF AS adj AS

$$ ...this can enable the reacting gases in the reformer 16 to reach a final temperature of as much as 1000℃... / これは、改質装置16の反応ガスが1000℃程度の最終温度に到達するのを可能にする。(USP8118889)

$$ However, panels with an average light transmissivity of the design and base pattern of as low as 1% can offer functional advantages compared to panels according to the prior art. / しかしながら、デザイン及びベースパターンが1%ほどの低い平均的光透過率を備えるパネルは、従来技術に係るパネルに比べて機能上の利点を提供し得る。(USP6212805)

$$ For example, an average increase in the QT interval of as little as 5-10 ms during pharmaceutical compound safety testing indicates the potential for the drug to induce a fatal cardiac rhythm disturbance if the compound were to be more widely prescribed. (USP7627369)

$$ Indeed at such frequencies, strike voltages of the order of as low as 3 kV were effective for lamps for which the manufacturer specified a strike voltage of 15 kV or more. (USP6124682)

タグ :OF AS adj AS