$$ However this example is not limiting: other embodiments are known to, or would be obvious to, persons skilled in the art including multi-level systems in which the elements may exist in more than the two states of a binary system. / しかしながら、この例は限定されるものではない。すなわち、素子が2値の系の2つの状態よりも多く存在することができる多レベル系を含む技術分野において、他の実施形態が当業者に知られており、あるいは明らかであると思われる。(USP6975457)
$$ The user may end up looking at an unfamiliar or unpopulated part of the environment, with no obvious way of returning to the region containing data sources of interest. / 利用者は、関心を有するデータ源を含む領域に戻るはっきりした道もわからないまま、環境内のあまり知らないまたは人気の無い場所を見て終わることもある。(USP6281877)
$$ Stirring is continued for about 5 minutes until a uniform dispersion is formed with no obvious signs of agglomeration. (USP7638572)
$$ It should be obvious to one skilled in the art how other techniques such as hamming codes could be applied to generate data sequences representing audio, picture or data content of the video tapes. (USP7343081)
$$ In the FIG. 2 example, an obvious solution might be to use a conventional circular lens between the array 10 and the aperture 4. (USP7025484)
$$ There are many ways obvious to a person skilled in the art in which the apparatus can be alerted to the imminent presence of probe molecules. (USP7084980)
$$ Most problems discussed in the literature deal in small problems whose function and terminal set are fairly obvious. (USP6810118)
$$ Therefore, it is obvious that parallelism is a very important construct for targeting hardware. (USP6691301)
$$ Because the cooling rate is almost linearly related to the gas velocity at gas velocities below 100 m/s, and the velocity is related to the supply pressure, it is obviously simple to control the cooling rate. / 冷却速度は、ガス速度が100m/s未満のガス速度に対してほゞ直線的な関係があり、かつ該速度は供給圧力に関係するので、冷却速度を制御することは明らかに簡単である。(USP01020503)
$$ Data fed to the stores 28, 29 and 30 is obviously transmitted in the form of ATM cells which may include control signals as well as data. / 記憶装置28、29、および30へ供給されるデータは、明らかにデータと共に制御信号を含むATMセルの形で伝送される。(USP5448559)
$$ This allows the compression to be performed by the application itself, which is desirable since the application obviously knows most about the data. / これはアプリケーション自身による圧縮の実行を可能にする。これはアプリケーションが明白にデータについて殆ど知っているので望ましいことである。(USP5454079)
$$ Obviously, the server is provided with the appropriate decryption functionality. / 明らかに、サーバは適切な解読機能を備えている。(USP6393468)
$$ Obviously the number of tables used in a particular system, and the ranges of MB_ratio which select each such table, are routine design decisions well within the capability of the skilled man. / なお、特定の装置において使用するLUTの数及びこれらLUTを選択するためのMB_ratioの範囲は、設計者が経験に基づいて定めることもできる。(USP6757333)
$$ However this example is not limiting: other embodiments are known to, or would be obvious to, persons skilled in the art including multi-level systems in which the elements may exist in more than the two states of a binary system. / しかしながら、この例は限定されるものではない。すなわち、素子が2値の系の2つの状態よりも多く存在することができる多レベル系を含む技術分野において、他の実施形態が当業者に知られており、あるいは明らかであると思われる。(USP6975457)
$$ The user may end up looking at an unfamiliar or unpopulated part of the environment, with no obvious way of returning to the region containing data sources of interest. / 利用者は、関心を有するデータ源を含む領域に戻るはっきりした道もわからないまま、環境内のあまり知らないまたは人気の無い場所を見て終わることもある。(USP6281877)
$$ Stirring is continued for about 5 minutes until a uniform dispersion is formed with no obvious signs of agglomeration. (USP7638572)
$$ It should be obvious to one skilled in the art how other techniques such as hamming codes could be applied to generate data sequences representing audio, picture or data content of the video tapes. (USP7343081)
$$ In the FIG. 2 example, an obvious solution might be to use a conventional circular lens between the array 10 and the aperture 4. (USP7025484)
$$ There are many ways obvious to a person skilled in the art in which the apparatus can be alerted to the imminent presence of probe molecules. (USP7084980)
$$ Most problems discussed in the literature deal in small problems whose function and terminal set are fairly obvious. (USP6810118)
$$ Therefore, it is obvious that parallelism is a very important construct for targeting hardware. (USP6691301)
$$ Because the cooling rate is almost linearly related to the gas velocity at gas velocities below 100 m/s, and the velocity is related to the supply pressure, it is obviously simple to control the cooling rate. / 冷却速度は、ガス速度が100m/s未満のガス速度に対してほゞ直線的な関係があり、かつ該速度は供給圧力に関係するので、冷却速度を制御することは明らかに簡単である。(USP01020503)
$$ Data fed to the stores 28, 29 and 30 is obviously transmitted in the form of ATM cells which may include control signals as well as data. / 記憶装置28、29、および30へ供給されるデータは、明らかにデータと共に制御信号を含むATMセルの形で伝送される。(USP5448559)
$$ This allows the compression to be performed by the application itself, which is desirable since the application obviously knows most about the data. / これはアプリケーション自身による圧縮の実行を可能にする。これはアプリケーションが明白にデータについて殆ど知っているので望ましいことである。(USP5454079)
$$ Obviously, the server is provided with the appropriate decryption functionality. / 明らかに、サーバは適切な解読機能を備えている。(USP6393468)
$$ Obviously the number of tables used in a particular system, and the ranges of MB_ratio which select each such table, are routine design decisions well within the capability of the skilled man. / なお、特定の装置において使用するLUTの数及びこれらLUTを選択するためのMB_ratioの範囲は、設計者が経験に基づいて定めることもできる。(USP6757333)
OCCUR (vi) 発生する
OCCUR (vi) 発生する
$$ Not all of these combinations are actually required as candidate indexes, therefore a selection process occurs at step 1402 in order to identify candidate indexes. / これらの組合わせの全てが実際に候補のインデックスとして要求される訳ではなく、それ故、候補のインデックスを識別するために選択プロセスがステップ1402において行われる。(USP6182079)
$$ Subsequent processing occurs in the data processing unit 38. / 後続の処理はデータ処理ユニット38内で発生する。(USP6826982)
$$ A second counter means may be provided to determine said predetermined time, said second counter means being arranged to be reset upon the occurrence of said large-error indication. / また、上記予め定められた時間期間を決定するために第2のカウンタ手段を設けてもよく、この第2のカウンタ手段は、上記誤差大の指示の発生時にリセットされるように構成されている。(USP5734273)
$$ In this example, the occurrence of index pulses 10' has a distribution in time with a standard deviation of σ. / この例では、インデックスパルス10’の発生が、σの標準偏差で時間的な分布を持つ。(USP6172830)
$$ A natural polychromatic effect is obtained using color mixes that vary only slightly from white, rather than mixes that include unnatural occurrences of pure red, pure green and pure blue. / 自然な多色効果は、純粋な赤色、純粋な緑色および純粋な青色が不自然に存在するような混合ではなく、わずかに白色から外れただけの混合色を用いることによって得られる。(USP6433483)
$$ In order to detect the occurrence of any such change in gain, a second signal of known amplitude is passed through the amplifier. / このような利得変化の発生を検出するために、振幅が既知である第2の信号を、増幅器に通す。(USP6489775)
OCCUR (vi) 発生する
$$ Not all of these combinations are actually required as candidate indexes, therefore a selection process occurs at step 1402 in order to identify candidate indexes. / これらの組合わせの全てが実際に候補のインデックスとして要求される訳ではなく、それ故、候補のインデックスを識別するために選択プロセスがステップ1402において行われる。(USP6182079)
$$ Subsequent processing occurs in the data processing unit 38. / 後続の処理はデータ処理ユニット38内で発生する。(USP6826982)
$$ A second counter means may be provided to determine said predetermined time, said second counter means being arranged to be reset upon the occurrence of said large-error indication. / また、上記予め定められた時間期間を決定するために第2のカウンタ手段を設けてもよく、この第2のカウンタ手段は、上記誤差大の指示の発生時にリセットされるように構成されている。(USP5734273)
$$ In this example, the occurrence of index pulses 10' has a distribution in time with a standard deviation of σ. / この例では、インデックスパルス10’の発生が、σの標準偏差で時間的な分布を持つ。(USP6172830)
$$ A natural polychromatic effect is obtained using color mixes that vary only slightly from white, rather than mixes that include unnatural occurrences of pure red, pure green and pure blue. / 自然な多色効果は、純粋な赤色、純粋な緑色および純粋な青色が不自然に存在するような混合ではなく、わずかに白色から外れただけの混合色を用いることによって得られる。(USP6433483)
$$ In order to detect the occurrence of any such change in gain, a second signal of known amplitude is passed through the amplifier. / このような利得変化の発生を検出するために、振幅が既知である第2の信号を、増幅器に通す。(USP6489775)
$$ If the application needs to retain context information of its own between successive interactions, it can retrieve messages which match its session identifier. / アプリケーションが連続した対話の間にそれ自身のコンテキスト・メッセージを保持する必要がある場合、それは、それのセッション識別子に符合したメッセージを検索することができる。(USP6336135)
$$ Thus, the gateway program is configured to send a reply of its own to the Browser if it does not receive a reply from the application before expiry of a system-administrator-defined time period. / 従って、ゲートウェイ・プログラムは、システム・アドミニストレータ定義の期間満了前にそれがアプリケーションからの応答を受けなかった場合、それ自身の応答をブラウザに送るように構成される。(USP6336135)
$$ A selection of predefined colours is also provided in the displayed menu and the user may select one of these predefined colours or instead may define a colour of his own choosing.(USP6137496)
$$ Thus client 30 may directly be in control of its own local telephony, either because the client workstation itself incorporates its own telephony functionality (many modern PCs include FAX modems for example), or because..(USP6502127)
$$ In some embodiments, auxiliary control units 24 may be "dumb" in that they do not include the functionality to generate control signals of their own. (USP7184864)
$$ Science fiction books and films have for decades presented us with the vision of a computer controlled human representation selling us products and services from the comfort of our own homes. (USP6549200)
$$ The secondary security feature is that a person must be in possession of his or her own specific electronic communications device, since the electronic computer will transmit the pseudo-random strong only thereto. (USP02059146)
$$ At least some of the class objects own other objects, which describe properties of objects of the class defined by this class object by virtue of their own properties. (USP01032208)
$$ If the application needs to retain context information of its own between successive interactions, it can retrieve messages which match its session identifier. / アプリケーションが連続した対話の間にそれ自身のコンテキスト・メッセージを保持する必要がある場合、それは、それのセッション識別子に符合したメッセージを検索することができる。(USP6336135)
$$ Thus, the gateway program is configured to send a reply of its own to the Browser if it does not receive a reply from the application before expiry of a system-administrator-defined time period. / 従って、ゲートウェイ・プログラムは、システム・アドミニストレータ定義の期間満了前にそれがアプリケーションからの応答を受けなかった場合、それ自身の応答をブラウザに送るように構成される。(USP6336135)
$$ A selection of predefined colours is also provided in the displayed menu and the user may select one of these predefined colours or instead may define a colour of his own choosing.(USP6137496)
$$ Thus client 30 may directly be in control of its own local telephony, either because the client workstation itself incorporates its own telephony functionality (many modern PCs include FAX modems for example), or because..(USP6502127)
$$ In some embodiments, auxiliary control units 24 may be "dumb" in that they do not include the functionality to generate control signals of their own. (USP7184864)
$$ Science fiction books and films have for decades presented us with the vision of a computer controlled human representation selling us products and services from the comfort of our own homes. (USP6549200)
$$ The secondary security feature is that a person must be in possession of his or her own specific electronic communications device, since the electronic computer will transmit the pseudo-random strong only thereto. (USP02059146)
$$ At least some of the class objects own other objects, which describe properties of objects of the class defined by this class object by virtue of their own properties. (USP01032208)
$$ A subject path 49 may be arranged that encourages the subject 48 to present various views of himself to the imagers, so maximising the chances of getting good views of the subject 48. / 対象者48が自分の種々のビューを像形成装置へ提示するよう促す対象者経路49を配置して、対象者48の良好なビューを得る機会を最大にすることができる。(USP8068049)
$$ Note here that the server may be assigning a session identifier to an interaction with a client process which does not, of itself, support multiple concurrent sessions. / サーバが、複数の同期セッションを自動的にはサポートしないクライアント・プロセスとの対話にセッション識別子を割り当てようとすることがあることに注意してほしい。(USP6336135)
$$ This is the end of the T wave because it is the time at which both the upright T wave and the inverted version of itself return to the isoelectric line. (USP7627369)
$$ They are not of themselves required for a program to be correct and while the aforementioned work has delivered some useful techniques and insights it does not address any of the essential features of GP. (USP6810118)
$$ Although all token, biometric, infometric and cryptographic signatures, can affix some symbol (each having varying evidentiary value) to a document, transaction or event they do not of themselves provide evidence of the affirming party's knowledge or intention with regard to the provisions or undertakings of the document, transaction or event. (USP6091835)
$$ Consider, for example, the situation whereby a visitor 24 to the tourist attraction wishes to capture an image of themselves. (USP03020811)
$$ A subject path 49 may be arranged that encourages the subject 48 to present various views of himself to the imagers, so maximising the chances of getting good views of the subject 48. / 対象者48が自分の種々のビューを像形成装置へ提示するよう促す対象者経路49を配置して、対象者48の良好なビューを得る機会を最大にすることができる。(USP8068049)
$$ Note here that the server may be assigning a session identifier to an interaction with a client process which does not, of itself, support multiple concurrent sessions. / サーバが、複数の同期セッションを自動的にはサポートしないクライアント・プロセスとの対話にセッション識別子を割り当てようとすることがあることに注意してほしい。(USP6336135)
$$ This is the end of the T wave because it is the time at which both the upright T wave and the inverted version of itself return to the isoelectric line. (USP7627369)
$$ They are not of themselves required for a program to be correct and while the aforementioned work has delivered some useful techniques and insights it does not address any of the essential features of GP. (USP6810118)
$$ Although all token, biometric, infometric and cryptographic signatures, can affix some symbol (each having varying evidentiary value) to a document, transaction or event they do not of themselves provide evidence of the affirming party's knowledge or intention with regard to the provisions or undertakings of the document, transaction or event. (USP6091835)
$$ Consider, for example, the situation whereby a visitor 24 to the tourist attraction wishes to capture an image of themselves. (USP03020811)
OF THESE/THE とりわけ;~のうち
OF THESE/THE とりわけ;~のうち
$$ Of the dry etching processes currently available, inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) dry etching has proven to be particularly attractive. / 現在利用可能なドライエッチング法の中でも、誘導結合プラズマ(ICP)ドライエッチング法は、特に魅力がある。(USP7598149)
$$ Of these, chemically inert silicone-based surfactants were found to be successful. (USP7429467)
$$ Of these, cyclohexyl is especially preferred. (USP01019809)
$$ Of the various possible fuel cell reactions and reaction substrates, a commonly preferred reaction is that between hydrogen and oxygen on a polymer substrate using a catalyst such as a platinum based catalyst. / 可能性のある種々の燃料電池反応および反応基板のうち、普通好ましい反応は白金ベース触媒のような触媒を使用して重合体基板上で行われる水素と酸素との反応である。(USP5436086)
$$ Of the 11 groups in the above Table 2 above, there are 7 consonant groups, three vowel groups and one so-called "both" group. (USP6208356)
$$ Of these two clones (RK-1 and RK-2) selected id the presence of MIP-1α and biotin tyramine were found to be specific for the CC-CKR5 peptide. (USP6489123)
$$ However, of these, the ones which are most commonly used as applicators are modified waveguide sections. / しかし、これらのデザインの内、最も一般的にアプリケーターとして使用されるものは変更された導波管部分である。(USP01004075)
$$ The best known, and most developed, of these devices are piezoelectric devices. / これらのデバイスの最もよく知られており、最も発達しているものは圧電デバイスである。(USP6833656)
OF THESE/THE とりわけ;~のうち
$$ Of the dry etching processes currently available, inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) dry etching has proven to be particularly attractive. / 現在利用可能なドライエッチング法の中でも、誘導結合プラズマ(ICP)ドライエッチング法は、特に魅力がある。(USP7598149)
$$ Of these, chemically inert silicone-based surfactants were found to be successful. (USP7429467)
$$ Of these, cyclohexyl is especially preferred. (USP01019809)
$$ Of the various possible fuel cell reactions and reaction substrates, a commonly preferred reaction is that between hydrogen and oxygen on a polymer substrate using a catalyst such as a platinum based catalyst. / 可能性のある種々の燃料電池反応および反応基板のうち、普通好ましい反応は白金ベース触媒のような触媒を使用して重合体基板上で行われる水素と酸素との反応である。(USP5436086)
$$ Of the 11 groups in the above Table 2 above, there are 7 consonant groups, three vowel groups and one so-called "both" group. (USP6208356)
$$ Of these two clones (RK-1 and RK-2) selected id the presence of MIP-1α and biotin tyramine were found to be specific for the CC-CKR5 peptide. (USP6489123)
$$ However, of these, the ones which are most commonly used as applicators are modified waveguide sections. / しかし、これらのデザインの内、最も一般的にアプリケーターとして使用されるものは変更された導波管部分である。(USP01004075)
$$ The best known, and most developed, of these devices are piezoelectric devices. / これらのデバイスの最もよく知られており、最も発達しているものは圧電デバイスである。(USP6833656)
-->of how, of which, of whether, etc.
$$ It is possible to take the average of what the channels say is the scene temperature and use that as the TS in the processing. / チャネルが例えば場面の温度であるものの平均値をとり、それを処理中のTsとして使用することが可能である。(USP6900756)
$$ However, if B-2 and B-1 are encoded such that they only use backward prediction modes based on I0, the GOP may now be decoded with no knowledge of what came before. / しかしながら、B-2及びB-1がI0に基づく後方向予測モードを用いるように符号化されるのであれば、GOPは、直前に何が来ているのかを認識することなく復号化される。(USP6229851)
$$ The solution extractor pays no account of what neighbouring cells, or adjacent channels, are doing. / 解抽出部(solution extractor)は、何を近隣のセルまたは隣り合うチャンネルが行っていることを考慮しない。(USP6539228)
$$ The wand described in EP-A-0,094,571 is relatively simple in construction, and although it is readily portable, it does not provide any confirmation of what has been read. / EP-A-0,094,571に説明されているワンドは、比較的に簡単な構成のものであり、容易に携帯可能なものであるが、何が読取られたかの確認は与えない。(USP6058304)
$$ Such spacers, by enhancing mixing of the water flowing in the salt retention passages, inhibit build-up of what is called the concentration polarization layer. (USP6217773)
$$ If desired, pre-determined tables/values could be stored in a smart card and the individual would be unaware of what these values were. (USP5774571)
-->of how, of which, of whether, etc.
$$ It is possible to take the average of what the channels say is the scene temperature and use that as the TS in the processing. / チャネルが例えば場面の温度であるものの平均値をとり、それを処理中のTsとして使用することが可能である。(USP6900756)
$$ However, if B-2 and B-1 are encoded such that they only use backward prediction modes based on I0, the GOP may now be decoded with no knowledge of what came before. / しかしながら、B-2及びB-1がI0に基づく後方向予測モードを用いるように符号化されるのであれば、GOPは、直前に何が来ているのかを認識することなく復号化される。(USP6229851)
$$ The solution extractor pays no account of what neighbouring cells, or adjacent channels, are doing. / 解抽出部(solution extractor)は、何を近隣のセルまたは隣り合うチャンネルが行っていることを考慮しない。(USP6539228)
$$ The wand described in EP-A-0,094,571 is relatively simple in construction, and although it is readily portable, it does not provide any confirmation of what has been read. / EP-A-0,094,571に説明されているワンドは、比較的に簡単な構成のものであり、容易に携帯可能なものであるが、何が読取られたかの確認は与えない。(USP6058304)
$$ Such spacers, by enhancing mixing of the water flowing in the salt retention passages, inhibit build-up of what is called the concentration polarization layer. (USP6217773)
$$ If desired, pre-determined tables/values could be stored in a smart card and the individual would be unaware of what these values were. (USP5774571)
$$ Preferably, the reflector comprises a non-planar reflector, the surface of which is shaped so as to present said positive visual indication. / 反射器は平面以外(non-planar)の反射器を含み、その表面は前記明確な視覚的表示を与えるように形成されていることが好ましい。(USP6687389)
$$ Projecting from the y-slide 35 there is an arm 38 to the end of which there is affixed the y-Hall effect device 39. / yスライド35から、アーム38が突起し、この端部にyホール効果装置39が取り付けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The output port of the selector 18 is connected to the arithmetic unit ALU, and the arithmetic logic unit ALU output is connected via the control buffer 15, to the coefficient memory 12 and selector 14 to both of which it delivers the updated filter coefficient C'. / セレクタ18の出力ポートは該演算部ALU に接続され、論理演算部ALU の出力側は、制御バッファ15を介して係数メモリ12とセレクタ14とに接続されていて、その係数メモリ12及びセレクタ14の両方に、更新されたフィルタ係数C′を伝達する。(USP5987485)
$$ The hub 30 has slots, of which only one slot 37 is shown. ハブ30は、スロットを有しており、その内1つのスロット37だけが示されている(KH訳)。(USP6409430)
$$ Solvents usable in the compositions of present invention may be selected from solvents known in the art, of which volatile silicones, n-paraffins, alcohols, glycol ethers, propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, iso-paraffins and amino methyl propanol are particularly suitable. (USP6458753) 中でも
$$ Examples of such heterocyclic groups include those groups having from 5 to 10 ring atoms (in one or two rings), of which from 1 to 4 are nitrogen and/or oxygen and/or sulphur hetero-atoms, the remainder being carbon atoms.(USP6797699)
$$ In the field of conventional DC step down regulators an example of which is as shown in FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings...(USP5942884)
$$ Preferably this selection can be carried out locally at both the subscriber site and at the core network without reference to or knowledge of the state of the network, but solely based on a knowledge of which paths are intact. (USP02042274)
$$ The metallized membrane is formed of a polymer of nitrocellulose as a flexible carrier layer on at least one surface of which is disposed a thin metallic coating providing a light reflective surface. / 金属被覆膜は、柔軟性キャリア層としてのニトロセルロースのポリマーから形成され、キャリア層の少なくとも1面に金属被覆薄膜が配置され光反射面を形成する。(USP6278541)
$$ Each frame is divided into 24 time slots (or physical channels) of which the first twelve F1 to F12 are allocated for transmission in a forward direction, that is from a primary station to a secondary station, and the second twelve R1 to R12 are allocated for transmission in the reverse direction. / 各フレームは24個の時間スロット(あるいは物理チャネル)に分割され、その最初の12個のF1からF12は順方向の伝送に割り付けられ、すなわち1次ステーションから2次ステーションに割り付けられ、かつ第2の12個のR1からR12は逆方向の伝送に割り付けられている。
$$ The vehicle 30 of FIG. 7 also includes a vertically acting member such as an hydraulic ram 41 by means of which the angle of conveyor 22 may be adjusted eg.(USP02017040)
$$ Vertical bores 49 extend through the location plates 45 and 46 and receive bolts 50 by means of which the support means 31 may be bolted into position beneath the frame member 3 by engaging locating holes in the mounting blocks 19 and 20.(USP6355049)
$$ Despite its well known advantages, not least of which is its ability to be cascaded, the distributed amplifier suffers from two basic disadvantages. / 少なからずのものが縦続接続される能力である分布増幅器の既知の利点にもかかわらず、分布増幅器は二つの基本的欠点によって苦しむ。(USP5412347)
$$ The transmission line is the centre conductor of a 50 ohm impedance coaxial cable, the outer sheath of which is earthed. / この送信線はインピーダンスが50オームの同軸ケーブルの中心導線であり、その外側のシースはアースされている。(USP5389890)
$$ The material processing operation is monitored by a sensor 24, the output of which is supplied to the computer 16. / 材料加工作業はセンサ24によって監視されており、そのセンサの出力はコンピュータ16に供給されている。(USP5434880)
$$ The remote control keypad 60 comprises a TV guide key 77, selection of which causes the decoder 3 to output for display a TV guide main menu or screen. / 遠隔制御装置のキーパッド60はTVガイド・キー77を備え、それを選択すると、デコーダ3はTVガイドのメイン・メニューまたは画面を表示するよう出力する。(USP02042917)
$$ It is an object of the invention to provide lightweight head mounted apparatus comprising an earphone the position of which is adjustable to suit different users.(USP5533137)
$$ Pressure differentials are small, the detection of which requires high tolerance (expensive) transducers. / 圧力の差は小さく、この差の検出には高精度(高価な)トランスデューサが必要である。(USP6338250)
$$ Indeed, the set of grey objects is a resource shared amongst several threads of control, all of which could alter it. (USP02029357)
$$ The operator's website may be visited simultaneously by a plurality of people browsing the internet, each of which uses a computer 12 connected to the internet via a permanent network connection or using a modem 14. (USP01027430)
$$ Preferably, the reflector comprises a non-planar reflector, the surface of which is shaped so as to present said positive visual indication. / 反射器は平面以外(non-planar)の反射器を含み、その表面は前記明確な視覚的表示を与えるように形成されていることが好ましい。(USP6687389)
$$ Projecting from the y-slide 35 there is an arm 38 to the end of which there is affixed the y-Hall effect device 39. / yスライド35から、アーム38が突起し、この端部にyホール効果装置39が取り付けられている。(USP6611139)
$$ The output port of the selector 18 is connected to the arithmetic unit ALU, and the arithmetic logic unit ALU output is connected via the control buffer 15, to the coefficient memory 12 and selector 14 to both of which it delivers the updated filter coefficient C'. / セレクタ18の出力ポートは該演算部ALU に接続され、論理演算部ALU の出力側は、制御バッファ15を介して係数メモリ12とセレクタ14とに接続されていて、その係数メモリ12及びセレクタ14の両方に、更新されたフィルタ係数C′を伝達する。(USP5987485)
$$ The hub 30 has slots, of which only one slot 37 is shown. ハブ30は、スロットを有しており、その内1つのスロット37だけが示されている(KH訳)。(USP6409430)
$$ Solvents usable in the compositions of present invention may be selected from solvents known in the art, of which volatile silicones, n-paraffins, alcohols, glycol ethers, propylene glycol, dipropylene glycol, iso-paraffins and amino methyl propanol are particularly suitable. (USP6458753) 中でも
$$ Examples of such heterocyclic groups include those groups having from 5 to 10 ring atoms (in one or two rings), of which from 1 to 4 are nitrogen and/or oxygen and/or sulphur hetero-atoms, the remainder being carbon atoms.(USP6797699)
$$ In the field of conventional DC step down regulators an example of which is as shown in FIG. 1 of the accompanying drawings...(USP5942884)
$$ Preferably this selection can be carried out locally at both the subscriber site and at the core network without reference to or knowledge of the state of the network, but solely based on a knowledge of which paths are intact. (USP02042274)
$$ The metallized membrane is formed of a polymer of nitrocellulose as a flexible carrier layer on at least one surface of which is disposed a thin metallic coating providing a light reflective surface. / 金属被覆膜は、柔軟性キャリア層としてのニトロセルロースのポリマーから形成され、キャリア層の少なくとも1面に金属被覆薄膜が配置され光反射面を形成する。(USP6278541)
$$ Each frame is divided into 24 time slots (or physical channels) of which the first twelve F1 to F12 are allocated for transmission in a forward direction, that is from a primary station to a secondary station, and the second twelve R1 to R12 are allocated for transmission in the reverse direction. / 各フレームは24個の時間スロット(あるいは物理チャネル)に分割され、その最初の12個のF1からF12は順方向の伝送に割り付けられ、すなわち1次ステーションから2次ステーションに割り付けられ、かつ第2の12個のR1からR12は逆方向の伝送に割り付けられている。
$$ The vehicle 30 of FIG. 7 also includes a vertically acting member such as an hydraulic ram 41 by means of which the angle of conveyor 22 may be adjusted eg.(USP02017040)
$$ Vertical bores 49 extend through the location plates 45 and 46 and receive bolts 50 by means of which the support means 31 may be bolted into position beneath the frame member 3 by engaging locating holes in the mounting blocks 19 and 20.(USP6355049)
$$ Despite its well known advantages, not least of which is its ability to be cascaded, the distributed amplifier suffers from two basic disadvantages. / 少なからずのものが縦続接続される能力である分布増幅器の既知の利点にもかかわらず、分布増幅器は二つの基本的欠点によって苦しむ。(USP5412347)
$$ The transmission line is the centre conductor of a 50 ohm impedance coaxial cable, the outer sheath of which is earthed. / この送信線はインピーダンスが50オームの同軸ケーブルの中心導線であり、その外側のシースはアースされている。(USP5389890)
$$ The material processing operation is monitored by a sensor 24, the output of which is supplied to the computer 16. / 材料加工作業はセンサ24によって監視されており、そのセンサの出力はコンピュータ16に供給されている。(USP5434880)
$$ The remote control keypad 60 comprises a TV guide key 77, selection of which causes the decoder 3 to output for display a TV guide main menu or screen. / 遠隔制御装置のキーパッド60はTVガイド・キー77を備え、それを選択すると、デコーダ3はTVガイドのメイン・メニューまたは画面を表示するよう出力する。(USP02042917)
$$ It is an object of the invention to provide lightweight head mounted apparatus comprising an earphone the position of which is adjustable to suit different users.(USP5533137)
$$ Pressure differentials are small, the detection of which requires high tolerance (expensive) transducers. / 圧力の差は小さく、この差の検出には高精度(高価な)トランスデューサが必要である。(USP6338250)
$$ Indeed, the set of grey objects is a resource shared amongst several threads of control, all of which could alter it. (USP02029357)
$$ The operator's website may be visited simultaneously by a plurality of people browsing the internet, each of which uses a computer 12 connected to the internet via a permanent network connection or using a modem 14. (USP01027430)
OF WHICH OF (~のうち)どの
OF WHICH OF (~のうち)どの
$$ In the present system a receiver having multiple antennas and receiving frequency hopping signals makes a selection per-hop of which of the antennas is to be used for reception. / 本発明システムでは、周波数ホッピング信号を受信する複数のアンテナを有する受信機が、どのアンテナを受信に使用すべきかを周波数ホップ毎に選択する。(USP8199855)
$$ A visible indication of which of the smaller pictures has been selected as the main channel is preferred, together with a simple up/down control switch for changing the selected main channel from one of the channels in the list to the next. / 選択された主チャンネルをリストにある1つのチャンネルから次のチャンネルに変更する簡単なアップ/ダウン制御スイッチと共に、小画像のうちどれが主画像として選択されたかを視覚的に表示することが望ましい。(USP5398074)
$$ As an aside, the group messaging application operates by displaying a message to the user, together with an indication of which of the group members sent the message. (USP7646395)
$$ With a careful choice of basic instruction set (in terms of which of the J bit combinations are allocated to which instruction), these different effective instruction sets can be devised to be particularly effective for particular functional uses. (USP03188138)
$$ Determination of which of the fuse links 71 are to be disrupted with the laser beam can be carried out with the aid of a heat-sensing camera directed at the chip while the chip is energized.(USP01022495)
OF WHICH OF (~のうち)どの
$$ In the present system a receiver having multiple antennas and receiving frequency hopping signals makes a selection per-hop of which of the antennas is to be used for reception. / 本発明システムでは、周波数ホッピング信号を受信する複数のアンテナを有する受信機が、どのアンテナを受信に使用すべきかを周波数ホップ毎に選択する。(USP8199855)
$$ A visible indication of which of the smaller pictures has been selected as the main channel is preferred, together with a simple up/down control switch for changing the selected main channel from one of the channels in the list to the next. / 選択された主チャンネルをリストにある1つのチャンネルから次のチャンネルに変更する簡単なアップ/ダウン制御スイッチと共に、小画像のうちどれが主画像として選択されたかを視覚的に表示することが望ましい。(USP5398074)
$$ As an aside, the group messaging application operates by displaying a message to the user, together with an indication of which of the group members sent the message. (USP7646395)
$$ With a careful choice of basic instruction set (in terms of which of the J bit combinations are allocated to which instruction), these different effective instruction sets can be devised to be particularly effective for particular functional uses. (USP03188138)
$$ Determination of which of the fuse links 71 are to be disrupted with the laser beam can be carried out with the aid of a heat-sensing camera directed at the chip while the chip is energized.(USP01022495)
$$ An anode layer 104 is deposited on the substrate, typically comprising around 150 nm thickness of ITO (indium tin oxide), over part of which is provided a metal contact layer. / 陽極層104は、一般には約150nmの厚さのITO((indium tin oxide:インジウムスズ酸化物)を含む基板上に置かれ、この基板の一部の上には、金属接触層が設けられる。(USP8237638)
$$ A "half roll" seal is an annular seal, the main flexibility of which is provided by a part that is substantially semi-circular in cross-section--for example such as the seal 13 surrounding the high frequency diaphragm 5 shown in FIG. 1. / 「半ロール」シールは、環状シールであり、その主な柔軟性は、断面における実質的に半円形である部分によって提供され、例えば、図1の高周波ダイヤフラム5を囲むシール13などが挙げられる。(USP8139784)
$$ The outputs of the postsorter processors are weighted and accumulated by circuits 80, one of which is provided per pixel, that is sixteen per pseudocell. (USP5338200)
$$ The resultant tile 1 provides a plurality of cavities 5 each of which is provided with an electronic component 6. (USP6403881)
$$ The minicells are multiplexed into ATM cells each of which is provided with an ATM header. (USP6493344)
$$ Computer system runs an operating system (OS) 30, on top of which is provided a Java virtual machine (JVM) 40. (USP01051970)
$$ There may be provided at least one additional power device having a drift region at least a portion of which is provided on said membrane or on a separate membrane. (USP02041003)
$$ The wall is provided with a rectangular aperture 2 of which the side and upper edges are provided with a shoulder 3 on the outside of the wall.(USP4618741)
$$ An anode layer 104 is deposited on the substrate, typically comprising around 150 nm thickness of ITO (indium tin oxide), over part of which is provided a metal contact layer. / 陽極層104は、一般には約150nmの厚さのITO((indium tin oxide:インジウムスズ酸化物)を含む基板上に置かれ、この基板の一部の上には、金属接触層が設けられる。(USP8237638)
$$ A "half roll" seal is an annular seal, the main flexibility of which is provided by a part that is substantially semi-circular in cross-section--for example such as the seal 13 surrounding the high frequency diaphragm 5 shown in FIG. 1. / 「半ロール」シールは、環状シールであり、その主な柔軟性は、断面における実質的に半円形である部分によって提供され、例えば、図1の高周波ダイヤフラム5を囲むシール13などが挙げられる。(USP8139784)
$$ The outputs of the postsorter processors are weighted and accumulated by circuits 80, one of which is provided per pixel, that is sixteen per pseudocell. (USP5338200)
$$ The resultant tile 1 provides a plurality of cavities 5 each of which is provided with an electronic component 6. (USP6403881)
$$ The minicells are multiplexed into ATM cells each of which is provided with an ATM header. (USP6493344)
$$ Computer system runs an operating system (OS) 30, on top of which is provided a Java virtual machine (JVM) 40. (USP01051970)
$$ There may be provided at least one additional power device having a drift region at least a portion of which is provided on said membrane or on a separate membrane. (USP02041003)
$$ The wall is provided with a rectangular aperture 2 of which the side and upper edges are provided with a shoulder 3 on the outside of the wall.(USP4618741)
$$ At intervals, a length of the glass ingot 43 may be cut off from its lower end, e.g., at point 45 accessible from mid-floor level 46, and then lowered to ground floor level 47, where it is released and removed for further processing. / 時々、1本のガラスインゴット43は、たとえば、中間階レベル46から近づき得る地点45のような比較的低い端から切り離されてもよく、ついで1階レベル47に低下され、そこでさらなる処理のために離され、除去される。(USP6763682)
$$ A seal 34 seals the connection chamber 32 off from the outside and is provided around the connection chamber 32, between the lid 24 and the throttle valve housing 2. / シール34が連結チャンバ32を外側からシールする。このシール34は、連結チャンバ32の周囲に亘って、蓋24とスロットルバルブハウジング2との間に設けられる。(USP6288534)
$$ This pressure is read off from the model (163) and is made available to the system for further processing (164). / この圧力をモデルから読み取り(163)、このシステムが以降の処理にこの圧力値を利用できるようにする(164)。(USP6132010)
$$ By making the sled stand off from its opposite paper path by a very small amount, a gap is created. (USP7306220)
$$ This instigates the second stage of the authorisation process 60, whereby a transaction signature slip, which is to be retained by the merchant, is printed off from the EFTPOS terminal and presented to the cardholder. (USP6848613)
$$ The sale amount, together with the payment card details input at step 62, are sent by the EFT processing engine 46 to the printer 52. (USP6848613)
$$ A horizontal production fluid outlet passage 16 branches off from the production bore 12. (USP01042619)
$$ At intervals, a length of the glass ingot 43 may be cut off from its lower end, e.g., at point 45 accessible from mid-floor level 46, and then lowered to ground floor level 47, where it is released and removed for further processing. / 時々、1本のガラスインゴット43は、たとえば、中間階レベル46から近づき得る地点45のような比較的低い端から切り離されてもよく、ついで1階レベル47に低下され、そこでさらなる処理のために離され、除去される。(USP6763682)
$$ A seal 34 seals the connection chamber 32 off from the outside and is provided around the connection chamber 32, between the lid 24 and the throttle valve housing 2. / シール34が連結チャンバ32を外側からシールする。このシール34は、連結チャンバ32の周囲に亘って、蓋24とスロットルバルブハウジング2との間に設けられる。(USP6288534)
$$ This pressure is read off from the model (163) and is made available to the system for further processing (164). / この圧力をモデルから読み取り(163)、このシステムが以降の処理にこの圧力値を利用できるようにする(164)。(USP6132010)
$$ By making the sled stand off from its opposite paper path by a very small amount, a gap is created. (USP7306220)
$$ This instigates the second stage of the authorisation process 60, whereby a transaction signature slip, which is to be retained by the merchant, is printed off from the EFTPOS terminal and presented to the cardholder. (USP6848613)
$$ The sale amount, together with the payment card details input at step 62, are sent by the EFT processing engine 46 to the printer 52. (USP6848613)
$$ A horizontal production fluid outlet passage 16 branches off from the production bore 12. (USP01042619)
$$ The gearbox also needs to be taken off-load in order to shift between ratios. / ギヤボックスはまた、減速比を変えるために、負荷遮断をする必要がある。(USP8347778)
$$ Testing of the off-gases gave the following results: / オフガス検査の結果は、次のようであった (USP8307770)
$$ The first and second factor matrix memory may be either on-chip or off-chip. / 第1および第2の因子行列メモリは、オンチップまたはオフチップとすることができる。(USP8300057)
$$ A substantial amount of time and expense is wasted during the time when the machine is off-line. / 鋳造機がオフラインである間、かなりの量の時間および費用が浪費される。(USP8066054)
$$ The off-load test only identifies if there is a fault in the battery requiring the battery to be replaced. (USP7573396)
$$ The off-axis line is the nodal line of the first lateral bending wave mode. (USP7564984)
$$ The reverse screen curvature is not the intended application for off-the-shelf lenses to be found on projectors. (USP6735015)
$$ Off-axis performance can be improved by means of more complex structures which are described hereinafter and which may be made by the same method. (USP6339464)
$$ FIG. 1 is a circuit diagram of a known off-chip driver circuit; (USP5729157)
$$ The gearbox also needs to be taken off-load in order to shift between ratios. / ギヤボックスはまた、減速比を変えるために、負荷遮断をする必要がある。(USP8347778)
$$ Testing of the off-gases gave the following results: / オフガス検査の結果は、次のようであった (USP8307770)
$$ The first and second factor matrix memory may be either on-chip or off-chip. / 第1および第2の因子行列メモリは、オンチップまたはオフチップとすることができる。(USP8300057)
$$ A substantial amount of time and expense is wasted during the time when the machine is off-line. / 鋳造機がオフラインである間、かなりの量の時間および費用が浪費される。(USP8066054)
$$ The off-load test only identifies if there is a fault in the battery requiring the battery to be replaced. (USP7573396)
$$ The off-axis line is the nodal line of the first lateral bending wave mode. (USP7564984)
$$ The reverse screen curvature is not the intended application for off-the-shelf lenses to be found on projectors. (USP6735015)
$$ Off-axis performance can be improved by means of more complex structures which are described hereinafter and which may be made by the same method. (USP6339464)
$$ FIG. 1 is a circuit diagram of a known off-chip driver circuit; (USP5729157)
OFFSET (名詞・動詞) ずれ・偏り
OFFSET (n, v) ずれ・偏り
$$ The sender id acts as an offset to the primary seed to produce a secondary seed (e.g. by XORing it with the seed). / 送信者idは、(例えば、送信者idと第1のシードとの排他的論理和を生成することによって)第1のシードに対するオフセットとして働き、第2のシードを生成する。(USP6996722)
$$ The pump is defined as shown in FIG. 2 as a single piston driven by an offset circular cam driving a flat follower (nb. the pump can equally well include multiple piston pumps). / ポンプは、図2に示すように、フラットフォロワ駆動用の偏心円形カムにより駆動されるシングルピストンポンプとして規定される(ただし、マルチピストンポンプである場合も多い)。(USP6132010)
$$ If a "no" condition is detected the logic routine moves to box E in which and anti-creep reference speed signal is calculated to be equal to the idle speed plus the predetermined offset (typically the offset is 400 rpm) as indicated at level 4a(i). / 前記ステップCによる検査結果が「NO」である場合には、この論理ルーチンはステップEへと移行して、反低速動(anti-creep)基準速度信号が、レベル4a(i)で示すように、アイドリング速度に所定のオフセット値(典型的には400rpm)を加えたものと等しくなるように計算される。(USP5738609)
$$ Exploitation of such an offset is described later. / このようなずれの活用はあとで説明される。(USP6975457)
$$ The total offset between the two holes introduces the appropriate compensation distance required for bias conversion from right to left-handedness. (USP5834665)
$$ As shown, the two hinge bodies are generally cylindrical instead of hemispherical, and the two shaft attachment stubs 13 and 14 are offset from each other. (USP5489100)
$$ The centre of the windowing function is offset from the pitchmark such that the rising section and the constant section lie on either side of that pitchmark 40. (USP6175821)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the two sets of infrared emitters and detectors are offset from one another in the transport direction. (USP6604636)
$$ There is shown a stator body 1 having a substantially cylindrical bore within which is eccentrically mounted a rotor 2 for rotation therein about its centre line, i.e. the stator bore is offset in relation to the rotor with the rotor axis being the principal axis of the pump.(USP5573387)
$$ The shank 10 has a circular, or as in the illustrated embodiment, frusto-conical, depressed opening 12 at a position offset from the central longitudinal axis of said shank 10.(USP02044848)
$$ Preferably the head portion is rotatable within said body portion with its passageway axis offset from the body portion axis.(USP02044848)
$$ Alternatively, the circumferential gear teeth may be provided inside the upper end of the sleeve, for co-operation with a pinion gear and shaft extending through the plug 24, to replace the shaft 28 and drive connection 34 of the FIG. 1 embodiment, but offset from the plug central axis.(USP01042619)
OFFSET (n, v) ずれ・偏り
$$ The sender id acts as an offset to the primary seed to produce a secondary seed (e.g. by XORing it with the seed). / 送信者idは、(例えば、送信者idと第1のシードとの排他的論理和を生成することによって)第1のシードに対するオフセットとして働き、第2のシードを生成する。(USP6996722)
$$ The pump is defined as shown in FIG. 2 as a single piston driven by an offset circular cam driving a flat follower (nb. the pump can equally well include multiple piston pumps). / ポンプは、図2に示すように、フラットフォロワ駆動用の偏心円形カムにより駆動されるシングルピストンポンプとして規定される(ただし、マルチピストンポンプである場合も多い)。(USP6132010)
$$ If a "no" condition is detected the logic routine moves to box E in which and anti-creep reference speed signal is calculated to be equal to the idle speed plus the predetermined offset (typically the offset is 400 rpm) as indicated at level 4a(i). / 前記ステップCによる検査結果が「NO」である場合には、この論理ルーチンはステップEへと移行して、反低速動(anti-creep)基準速度信号が、レベル4a(i)で示すように、アイドリング速度に所定のオフセット値(典型的には400rpm)を加えたものと等しくなるように計算される。(USP5738609)
$$ Exploitation of such an offset is described later. / このようなずれの活用はあとで説明される。(USP6975457)
$$ The total offset between the two holes introduces the appropriate compensation distance required for bias conversion from right to left-handedness. (USP5834665)
$$ As shown, the two hinge bodies are generally cylindrical instead of hemispherical, and the two shaft attachment stubs 13 and 14 are offset from each other. (USP5489100)
$$ The centre of the windowing function is offset from the pitchmark such that the rising section and the constant section lie on either side of that pitchmark 40. (USP6175821)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the two sets of infrared emitters and detectors are offset from one another in the transport direction. (USP6604636)
$$ There is shown a stator body 1 having a substantially cylindrical bore within which is eccentrically mounted a rotor 2 for rotation therein about its centre line, i.e. the stator bore is offset in relation to the rotor with the rotor axis being the principal axis of the pump.(USP5573387)
$$ The shank 10 has a circular, or as in the illustrated embodiment, frusto-conical, depressed opening 12 at a position offset from the central longitudinal axis of said shank 10.(USP02044848)
$$ Preferably the head portion is rotatable within said body portion with its passageway axis offset from the body portion axis.(USP02044848)
$$ Alternatively, the circumferential gear teeth may be provided inside the upper end of the sleeve, for co-operation with a pinion gear and shaft extending through the plug 24, to replace the shaft 28 and drive connection 34 of the FIG. 1 embodiment, but offset from the plug central axis.(USP01042619)
OFTEN しばしば、多くの場合
OFTEN しばしば、多くの場合
$$ Moreover, a support can often be re-used after being chemically cleaned. / さらに、化学的に洗浄した後に再使用できる場合が多い。(USP5821544)
$$ In addition, the net integrated photopic transmission of the aforementioned filters is often low, reducing the brightness of the optical effect produced by the technique and restricting the range of colour effects achievable. / さらに、上述のフィルタの正味の集積昼間視透過率が低い場合が多く、上記方法により得られる光学的効果の明るさを減少させると共に達成可能な色効果の範囲を狭める。(USP6631033)
$$ Often the size distribution is significantly less than this, for instance as discussed in more detail below. / 多くの場合、たとえば以下さらに詳細に論じるように、粒径分布はこれよりも有意に小さい。(USP6277932)
$$ Often they are in the form of sodium, ammonium or other water soluble salts. / 多くの場合、それらはナトリウム、アンモニウム又は他の水溶性の塩の形態にある。(USP6277932)
$$ Often, therefore, the textual portions of a Web page appear before the graphical portions. / したがって、しばしばWebページのグラフィック部分の前に、テキスト部分が現れる。(USP6393468)
$$ Often in the operation of a system, subsystems use information relating to the state of other subsystems to modify their actions.(USP5398233)
$$ When the number of channels to be scanned is smaller, each can be refreshed more often using a system which successively cycles through the channels.(USP5398074)
$$ This invention describes a maintenance termination unit often used in telephone lines and particularly the triggering circuit for use in such units.(USP5418834)
$$ Indeed, there will often not have been any greater accuracy in the source signal, which may have been quantised to 4 bits and subject to quantisation noise accordingly. / 実際、4ビットに量子化され、それゆえに量子化雑音を受ける原信号には、何ら高い精度はない。
OFTEN しばしば、多くの場合
$$ Moreover, a support can often be re-used after being chemically cleaned. / さらに、化学的に洗浄した後に再使用できる場合が多い。(USP5821544)
$$ In addition, the net integrated photopic transmission of the aforementioned filters is often low, reducing the brightness of the optical effect produced by the technique and restricting the range of colour effects achievable. / さらに、上述のフィルタの正味の集積昼間視透過率が低い場合が多く、上記方法により得られる光学的効果の明るさを減少させると共に達成可能な色効果の範囲を狭める。(USP6631033)
$$ Often the size distribution is significantly less than this, for instance as discussed in more detail below. / 多くの場合、たとえば以下さらに詳細に論じるように、粒径分布はこれよりも有意に小さい。(USP6277932)
$$ Often they are in the form of sodium, ammonium or other water soluble salts. / 多くの場合、それらはナトリウム、アンモニウム又は他の水溶性の塩の形態にある。(USP6277932)
$$ Often, therefore, the textual portions of a Web page appear before the graphical portions. / したがって、しばしばWebページのグラフィック部分の前に、テキスト部分が現れる。(USP6393468)
$$ Often in the operation of a system, subsystems use information relating to the state of other subsystems to modify their actions.(USP5398233)
$$ When the number of channels to be scanned is smaller, each can be refreshed more often using a system which successively cycles through the channels.(USP5398074)
$$ This invention describes a maintenance termination unit often used in telephone lines and particularly the triggering circuit for use in such units.(USP5418834)
$$ Indeed, there will often not have been any greater accuracy in the source signal, which may have been quantised to 4 bits and subject to quantisation noise accordingly. / 実際、4ビットに量子化され、それゆえに量子化雑音を受ける原信号には、何ら高い精度はない。
$$ It is often the case that a given neuron accepts data from between 1,000 and 10,000 other neurons, and outputs data to a similar number of neurons. / 所定のニューロンが1,000~10,000の他のニューロンからデータを受け付け、データを同様の数のニューロンに出力することが、しばしば存在する。(USP8289971)
$$ It is often the case that the time between sensor manufacture and use can be many months, so calibration at the point of manufacture can lead to inaccuracies in the end result. / センサー製造と使用との間の時間は何ヵ月にもなる場合が屡々あるので、製造時点での較正は、最終的結果に誤りをもたらすことがある。(USP8141409)
$$ It is often the case that the data values to be filtered are formed of blocks of data values such as lines of image data values from a rastered image. / ろ波しようとするデータ値は、ラスタ画像からの画像データ値のラインの如き、データ値のブロックを形成することが多い。(USP5381354)
$$ In fact, it is often the case that normal data is far more readily available than abnormal data and therefore the training data may only include examples of normal data.(USP02040278)
$$ For example, in the case of ships it is often the case that the power required in the reverse (astern) direction of rotation is less than that required when operating in the forward (ahead) direction of rotation.(USP6358154)
$$ It is often the case that, during a manufacturing process, a substrate is required to be heated. (USP6686565)
$$ So, for example, it is often the case that the onset of a problem or failure in a particular system manifests itself in small changes to a number of condition indicators which individually, however, remain in...(USP02040278)
$$ It is often the case that a given neuron accepts data from between 1,000 and 10,000 other neurons, and outputs data to a similar number of neurons. / 所定のニューロンが1,000~10,000の他のニューロンからデータを受け付け、データを同様の数のニューロンに出力することが、しばしば存在する。(USP8289971)
$$ It is often the case that the time between sensor manufacture and use can be many months, so calibration at the point of manufacture can lead to inaccuracies in the end result. / センサー製造と使用との間の時間は何ヵ月にもなる場合が屡々あるので、製造時点での較正は、最終的結果に誤りをもたらすことがある。(USP8141409)
$$ It is often the case that the data values to be filtered are formed of blocks of data values such as lines of image data values from a rastered image. / ろ波しようとするデータ値は、ラスタ画像からの画像データ値のラインの如き、データ値のブロックを形成することが多い。(USP5381354)
$$ In fact, it is often the case that normal data is far more readily available than abnormal data and therefore the training data may only include examples of normal data.(USP02040278)
$$ For example, in the case of ships it is often the case that the power required in the reverse (astern) direction of rotation is less than that required when operating in the forward (ahead) direction of rotation.(USP6358154)
$$ It is often the case that, during a manufacturing process, a substrate is required to be heated. (USP6686565)
$$ So, for example, it is often the case that the onset of a problem or failure in a particular system manifests itself in small changes to a number of condition indicators which individually, however, remain in...(USP02040278)
$$ The substrate 62 has a fifth contact 84 is ohmic and of aluminium. / 基板62は第5接触84を有し、第5接触84はオーミック接触であり、アルミニウム製である。
$$ Ohmic paths between power supply rails and the transmission line 15 through `on` transistors of the preferred inverters of amplifiers 21 ensure that energy of such reverse EM wave pulses is absorbed into those power supply rails V+,GND, i.e. there is useful power conservation. / 電源レールおよび増幅器21の好適な反転器の「オン」トランジスタを介した伝送線15間のオーミック経路は、かかる逆EM波パルスのエネルギがこれらの電源レールV+、GNDに吸収されることを保証する。即ち、有用な電力保存がある。(USP6816020)
$$ However, this method suffers from ohmic heating of the shunt resistor and the lack of galvanic isolation between the current being measured and the voltage established. (USP6414475)
$$ Preferably the ohmic resistance is ratiometrically determined by reference to a resistor of known value in series with the coil. (USP6697742)
$$ The biasing electrode 41b to 44b provides an ohmic connection to the common n-type material, and... (USP4859851)
$$ Optional track 115 ohmically connected to layer 106b can supplement or replace the electrical function of trench track 16. (USP01022495)
$$ In the case of transformers, there is a potential saving in eliminating the ohmic loss in the windings, provided that the refrigeration cost can be made small enough. (USP02017974)
$$ The substrate 62 has a fifth contact 84 is ohmic and of aluminium. / 基板62は第5接触84を有し、第5接触84はオーミック接触であり、アルミニウム製である。
$$ Ohmic paths between power supply rails and the transmission line 15 through `on` transistors of the preferred inverters of amplifiers 21 ensure that energy of such reverse EM wave pulses is absorbed into those power supply rails V+,GND, i.e. there is useful power conservation. / 電源レールおよび増幅器21の好適な反転器の「オン」トランジスタを介した伝送線15間のオーミック経路は、かかる逆EM波パルスのエネルギがこれらの電源レールV+、GNDに吸収されることを保証する。即ち、有用な電力保存がある。(USP6816020)
$$ However, this method suffers from ohmic heating of the shunt resistor and the lack of galvanic isolation between the current being measured and the voltage established. (USP6414475)
$$ Preferably the ohmic resistance is ratiometrically determined by reference to a resistor of known value in series with the coil. (USP6697742)
$$ The biasing electrode 41b to 44b provides an ohmic connection to the common n-type material, and... (USP4859851)
$$ Optional track 115 ohmically connected to layer 106b can supplement or replace the electrical function of trench track 16. (USP01022495)
$$ In the case of transformers, there is a potential saving in eliminating the ohmic loss in the windings, provided that the refrigeration cost can be made small enough. (USP02017974)
OMIT (部材・工程などを)省略する
OMIT 部材・工程などを省略する
「説明」の省略には用いないようである。 ;受動態で使用されることが多い。
$$ Ports 20 and 22 either side of port 18 are omitted. / ポート18の両側のポート20及び22はない。(USP8056205)
$$ The optional needle cover 15 may be omitted from such an embodiment. / この実施形態においては、ニードルカバー15は装着しない。(USP7645265)
$$ In a further preferred construction, the substrate forms an upper part of the housing so that the cap member is omitted. / さらに好適な構成では、基板がハウジングの上部部品を形成し、キャップ部材が省略される。(USP5914019)
$$ Alternatively, the buffer 50 may be omitted. / また、この代わりに、バッファ50を省略することもできる。(USP5877871)
$$ In practice, these marginal portions of the image contain no useful information and can therefore be omitted. / 実際には、このような画像の端部は有要な情報を含まないため無視できる。(USP5559936)
$$ However for the sake of representational simplicity the clutches H, L and valves 114, 116 are omitted from FIGS. 4 to 7. / しかし、図面を明瞭にするため、クラッチH、L及び弁114、116は図4乃至7において図示省略する。(USP7625309)
$$ By using an intermediary layer as an exposed cathode terminal surface portion it is possible to omit a solid lid layer from the capacitor. / 曝された(exposed)陰極端子表面部分として中間層を使用することにより、コンデンサから固体のふた層(lid layer:リッド層)を省略することが可能である。(USP6699767)
$$ For clarity FIGS. 12-14 omit related resistive (R) elements. / 明確化のため、図12ないし図14は抵抗性(R)要素を省略している。(USP6816020)
$$ In some applications the throttle control 37 may be omitted. / 用途によっては、スロットル制御装置37を省略することが可能である。(USP5738609)
$$ This step involves several subcomponents which may be performed in any order, and in alternative embodiments, some of the steps could be omitted. (USP6091835)
$$ The conditions for texturing from the top included for completeness: where (as here) one or more views (in this case the top) is unavailable, then the relevant condition should be omitted. (USP6549200)
OMIT 部材・工程などを省略する
「説明」の省略には用いないようである。 ;受動態で使用されることが多い。
$$ Ports 20 and 22 either side of port 18 are omitted. / ポート18の両側のポート20及び22はない。(USP8056205)
$$ The optional needle cover 15 may be omitted from such an embodiment. / この実施形態においては、ニードルカバー15は装着しない。(USP7645265)
$$ In a further preferred construction, the substrate forms an upper part of the housing so that the cap member is omitted. / さらに好適な構成では、基板がハウジングの上部部品を形成し、キャップ部材が省略される。(USP5914019)
$$ Alternatively, the buffer 50 may be omitted. / また、この代わりに、バッファ50を省略することもできる。(USP5877871)
$$ In practice, these marginal portions of the image contain no useful information and can therefore be omitted. / 実際には、このような画像の端部は有要な情報を含まないため無視できる。(USP5559936)
$$ However for the sake of representational simplicity the clutches H, L and valves 114, 116 are omitted from FIGS. 4 to 7. / しかし、図面を明瞭にするため、クラッチH、L及び弁114、116は図4乃至7において図示省略する。(USP7625309)
$$ By using an intermediary layer as an exposed cathode terminal surface portion it is possible to omit a solid lid layer from the capacitor. / 曝された(exposed)陰極端子表面部分として中間層を使用することにより、コンデンサから固体のふた層(lid layer:リッド層)を省略することが可能である。(USP6699767)
$$ For clarity FIGS. 12-14 omit related resistive (R) elements. / 明確化のため、図12ないし図14は抵抗性(R)要素を省略している。(USP6816020)
$$ In some applications the throttle control 37 may be omitted. / 用途によっては、スロットル制御装置37を省略することが可能である。(USP5738609)
$$ This step involves several subcomponents which may be performed in any order, and in alternative embodiments, some of the steps could be omitted. (USP6091835)
$$ The conditions for texturing from the top included for completeness: where (as here) one or more views (in this case the top) is unavailable, then the relevant condition should be omitted. (USP6549200)
ON (STH) V-ing
ON (STH) V-ing
$$ On selecting an appropriate ceramic material for use as a substrate, many properties and features are desirable. / 基板として使用するための適切なセラミック材料を選択するときには、多くの特性及び特徴が望ましい。(USP7640647)
$$ On the two LEDs lighting, the infra-red light will pass from the LEDs through the cold mirror 45 and will thereafter be reflected off the user's eye (E) towards the camera 47. / 2つのLEDが発光しているときは、赤外線光はLEDからコールドミラー45を通り、その後ユーザの眼(E)に反射してカメラ47へ向かう。(USP6687389)
$$ On mould opening, the restraint on these portions is released, the gas comes out of solution foaming the still liquid material and the cross-section is inflated, stiffening the article. / 金型開放時に、これらの部分の拘束が解除され、ガスが、なお液状の材料を発泡させながら溶液から放出し、そして断面が膨張して品物を硬化させる。(USP6287494)
$$ On being reflected from a surface, a radio wave suffers a change in its phase relative to the incoming wave. / 表面から反射されると、無線波は、入信波を基準にしてその位相での変化を被る。(USP6553020)
$$ On conducting a similarity search it became clear that the MDV A antigen gene is the homologue of HSV gC and PRV gpIII glycoproteins.(USP01024817)
$$ On reachingthe various light extraction cavities 14 an important proportion of the trapped light will escape from core 8.(USP01022495)
ON (STH) V-ing
$$ On selecting an appropriate ceramic material for use as a substrate, many properties and features are desirable. / 基板として使用するための適切なセラミック材料を選択するときには、多くの特性及び特徴が望ましい。(USP7640647)
$$ On the two LEDs lighting, the infra-red light will pass from the LEDs through the cold mirror 45 and will thereafter be reflected off the user's eye (E) towards the camera 47. / 2つのLEDが発光しているときは、赤外線光はLEDからコールドミラー45を通り、その後ユーザの眼(E)に反射してカメラ47へ向かう。(USP6687389)
$$ On mould opening, the restraint on these portions is released, the gas comes out of solution foaming the still liquid material and the cross-section is inflated, stiffening the article. / 金型開放時に、これらの部分の拘束が解除され、ガスが、なお液状の材料を発泡させながら溶液から放出し、そして断面が膨張して品物を硬化させる。(USP6287494)
$$ On being reflected from a surface, a radio wave suffers a change in its phase relative to the incoming wave. / 表面から反射されると、無線波は、入信波を基準にしてその位相での変化を被る。(USP6553020)
$$ On conducting a similarity search it became clear that the MDV A antigen gene is the homologue of HSV gC and PRV gpIII glycoproteins.(USP01024817)
$$ On reachingthe various light extraction cavities 14 an important proportion of the trapped light will escape from core 8.(USP01022495)
$$ Therefore, a telemetry call will, preferably, clear down if an adjacent telephone (or other communications equipment) goes off-hook, and also an incoming telephony call will be put through over an on-going telemetry call. / したがって隣接する電話(または他の通信装置)がオフフックされると遠隔測定通話を切断し、進行中の遠隔測定通話の代わりに入電話通話をつなぐことが好ましい。(USP6073174)
$$ In the ongoing drive towards miniaturisation of opto-electronic devices, there is a desire to fabricate arrays of very small closely spaced LEDs ("micro-LEDs"). / オプトエレクトロニクス装置の小型化を進める上で、極小のLEDs(マイクロ-LEDsと略す)を密集させたアレイを組立てることは、大いに望ましい。(USP7598149)
$$ Hence the personal agent 130 may start to monitor existing entries in the system database 105, via the local search engine 110, and ongoing inputs and/or communications by other users, as soon as the user profile has been supplied to it. / したがってパーソナルエージェント130は、ユーザプロファイルがそれに供給されると直ぐに、ローカルサーチエンジン110を介してシステムデータベース105内の既存のエントリ、および他のユーザによる進行中の入力または通信、あるいはその両者のモニタを開始することができる。(USP6424968)
$$ These new findings from our ongoing work has led to our efforts to alter gene-expression levels of SSS and BE in cereal endosperm in order to effect a new starch structure in corn. (USP6013861)
$$ When a connection is evaluated, there is a chance that the output is busy, because of an ongoing connection across the switch core between that output and another input. (USP5784372)
$$ Concurrent GC is a way of implementing GC such that other activity in a program or system does not need to be impeded by ongoing GC activity. (USP02029357)
$$ Therefore, a telemetry call will, preferably, clear down if an adjacent telephone (or other communications equipment) goes off-hook, and also an incoming telephony call will be put through over an on-going telemetry call. / したがって隣接する電話(または他の通信装置)がオフフックされると遠隔測定通話を切断し、進行中の遠隔測定通話の代わりに入電話通話をつなぐことが好ましい。(USP6073174)
$$ In the ongoing drive towards miniaturisation of opto-electronic devices, there is a desire to fabricate arrays of very small closely spaced LEDs ("micro-LEDs"). / オプトエレクトロニクス装置の小型化を進める上で、極小のLEDs(マイクロ-LEDsと略す)を密集させたアレイを組立てることは、大いに望ましい。(USP7598149)
$$ Hence the personal agent 130 may start to monitor existing entries in the system database 105, via the local search engine 110, and ongoing inputs and/or communications by other users, as soon as the user profile has been supplied to it. / したがってパーソナルエージェント130は、ユーザプロファイルがそれに供給されると直ぐに、ローカルサーチエンジン110を介してシステムデータベース105内の既存のエントリ、および他のユーザによる進行中の入力または通信、あるいはその両者のモニタを開始することができる。(USP6424968)
$$ These new findings from our ongoing work has led to our efforts to alter gene-expression levels of SSS and BE in cereal endosperm in order to effect a new starch structure in corn. (USP6013861)
$$ When a connection is evaluated, there is a chance that the output is busy, because of an ongoing connection across the switch core between that output and another input. (USP5784372)
$$ Concurrent GC is a way of implementing GC such that other activity in a program or system does not need to be impeded by ongoing GC activity. (USP02029357)
$$ It is possible that either the filter 17 or the cyclone separator 24 will be sufficient on its own to separate out all of the particulates from the vapour. / フィルタ17またはサイクロンセパレータ24のいずれか一方だけでも、十分に、蒸気から全ての粒子を分離することができる。(USP7622140)
$$ Likewise, a number of T.V. or sound power amplifiers each on its own channel may be combined together for connection to a common aerial. / 同様に、多数のテレビまたは音声電力増幅器は、各々それ自身のチャンネルで共に結合されて共通のアンテナに接続することができる。(USP5389890)
$$ The term server on its own can mean either a Web or an Internet server depending on the context, although the distinction is rarely of significance for the purposes of the following description. / サーバという用語はそれ自身、文脈に依存してWebまたはインターネットサーバの何れかを意味することができるが、その区別は以下の記述にとってはあまり重要でない。(USP6393468)
$$ There is however a range which lies between these extremes where ACS offers a large reduction compared with the use of ACR on its own. / しかしながらこれらの両極端の間には範囲があり、そこではACRそれだけを使用することと比較してACSは大きな低減を与える。(USP6330313)
$$ Although cAMP produced a small improvement when used on its own, it proved not-additive with the beneficial effects of DTT (not shown). (USP7429467)
$$ The article may be used on its own or be attached to another surface. (USP5492370)
$$ Optionally, glue may be used on its own or in conjunction with the grooves to secure the reflecting means in position. (USP7284863)
$$ However, the preprocessor is sometimes useful on its own. (USP6691301)
$$ Once in situ the cement will take up water. / 一旦、本来の位置(in situ)に置かれると、セメントは水を吸収する。(USP6313192)
$$ Once in position the liner will expand and attempt to revert to its original diameter. / 適所にきた後、ライナーは膨張し、その元の直径に戻ろうとする。(USP6228312)
$$ Once on, the current in the switch 22 equals the phase current, and this is the region where the current sample or samples need to be taken to obtain a correct reading. / 一旦オン状態になると、スイッチ22の電流は相電流と等しくなり、これは電流サンプルまたは多数のサンプルが正しい読取りを得るために必要な領域である。(USP6586903)
$$ Once a plasma has formed at the tip 54T it propagates along the tube, mainly due to the flow of gas towards the nozzle 180N. (USP6629974)
$$ A disadvantage with this method of testing is that the product once used must be discarded. / このテスト方法の不利な点は、一回利用された製品は捨てられなければならないということである。(USP7608219)
$$ Once informed, the network agent 23 downloads as much data as possible until the customer agent 20 informs it that the customer is again changing cells. / 一旦知らされると、ネットワークエイジェント23は、顧客が再びセルを変更していることを顧客エイジェント20が知らせるまで、できる限り多くのデータをダウンロードする。(USP6151309)
$$ Once installed, both TIU 63 and meter need to be registered with both the telemetry service provider and the utility. / 一旦インストールされると、TIU63とメータの両方を遠隔測定サービスプロバイダおよび公益企業の両者に登録する必要がある。(USP6073174)
$$ Once formed, the linear fibrin polymers may be cross-linked by factor XIIIa, which is itself activated by thrombin. (USP7371729)
$$ Once primed, the LP pump 414 produces a sufficient pressure rise to automatically prime the centrifugal pump 420. (USP7080503): 一旦呼び込むと
$$ Once cured, the door width and length are machined with a twin saw or double end tenor to provide a trued rectangle. (USP6643991)
$$ A message may include a telephone number and, once stored, may be able to be overwritten over the air. (USP6453167)
$$ Once placed, this same slurry rheology must prevent particle sedimentation and free water formation. (USP6110271)
$$ The couplings so far described are of a type that cannot be released once formed. (USP5527073)
$$ The time codes are recorded once per video field. (USP7260304)
$$ The pH and redox potential will change during the cleaning process and need not be monitored once the cleaning process has commenced. (USP6632347)
$$ This may allows user functions to be designed once for any platform. (USP\6691301)
$$ The spread function is applied once a large number of texts are analysed using the technique above. (USP6556987)
$$ This is advantageous since there is always a risk that blood products might contaminate the guide wire (which is only used once) and thereby contaminate the interior of the lubricator. (USP6554808)
$$ Cells were blocked in 100 μl MPBS for 2 hours at 37℃, and rinsed once in PBS. (USP6489123)
$$ A transform image including all of the static elements can be captured once. (USP6327381)
$$ Once the stage has been positioned appropriately, then a selected area of the sample can be analysed by obtaining an infrared spectrum. / 一旦ステージが適切に位置決めされたならば、サンプルの選択されたエリアが、赤外スペクトルを得るために分析されることができる。(USP5946131)
$$ Once those frames (in bitmap form) had been identified it was then necessary to determine the displacements of from the reference wire frame model which those frames represented. / 一度これらのフレームが(ビットマップ形式で)識別されてしまうと、次はこれらのフレームを表わす基準ワイヤフレームモデルからの変位を判断する必要があった。(USP6208356)
$$ Once this has been done then the vacated holes are merged with FR0, FR8, FR4, FR12 to form a size 8 hole. / 一度このことが行われると、空にされたホールはサイズ8のホールを形成するためにFR0,FR8,FR4,FR12と併合される。(USP5412650)
$$ Once the identities have been assigned, it is then possible to compute all of the ratios Llmj /Llml using the measurements. / 一旦アイデンティティが割り当てられると、その測定値を用いて、比Llmj/Llmlのすべてを計算することが可能になる。(USP5430889)
$$ Once the orientation of a point or polygon has been determined, the vertex or polygon in question is then treated as lying on a flat plane. (USP6549200)
$$ Once in situ the cement will take up water. / 一旦、本来の位置(in situ)に置かれると、セメントは水を吸収する。(USP6313192)
$$ Once in position the liner will expand and attempt to revert to its original diameter. / 適所にきた後、ライナーは膨張し、その元の直径に戻ろうとする。(USP6228312)
$$ Once on, the current in the switch 22 equals the phase current, and this is the region where the current sample or samples need to be taken to obtain a correct reading. / 一旦オン状態になると、スイッチ22の電流は相電流と等しくなり、これは電流サンプルまたは多数のサンプルが正しい読取りを得るために必要な領域である。(USP6586903)
$$ Once a plasma has formed at the tip 54T it propagates along the tube, mainly due to the flow of gas towards the nozzle 180N. (USP6629974)
$$ A disadvantage with this method of testing is that the product once used must be discarded. / このテスト方法の不利な点は、一回利用された製品は捨てられなければならないということである。(USP7608219)
$$ Once informed, the network agent 23 downloads as much data as possible until the customer agent 20 informs it that the customer is again changing cells. / 一旦知らされると、ネットワークエイジェント23は、顧客が再びセルを変更していることを顧客エイジェント20が知らせるまで、できる限り多くのデータをダウンロードする。(USP6151309)
$$ Once installed, both TIU 63 and meter need to be registered with both the telemetry service provider and the utility. / 一旦インストールされると、TIU63とメータの両方を遠隔測定サービスプロバイダおよび公益企業の両者に登録する必要がある。(USP6073174)
$$ Once formed, the linear fibrin polymers may be cross-linked by factor XIIIa, which is itself activated by thrombin. (USP7371729)
$$ Once primed, the LP pump 414 produces a sufficient pressure rise to automatically prime the centrifugal pump 420. (USP7080503): 一旦呼び込むと
$$ Once cured, the door width and length are machined with a twin saw or double end tenor to provide a trued rectangle. (USP6643991)
$$ A message may include a telephone number and, once stored, may be able to be overwritten over the air. (USP6453167)
$$ Once placed, this same slurry rheology must prevent particle sedimentation and free water formation. (USP6110271)
$$ The couplings so far described are of a type that cannot be released once formed. (USP5527073)
$$ The time codes are recorded once per video field. (USP7260304)
$$ The pH and redox potential will change during the cleaning process and need not be monitored once the cleaning process has commenced. (USP6632347)
$$ This may allows user functions to be designed once for any platform. (USP\6691301)
$$ The spread function is applied once a large number of texts are analysed using the technique above. (USP6556987)
$$ This is advantageous since there is always a risk that blood products might contaminate the guide wire (which is only used once) and thereby contaminate the interior of the lubricator. (USP6554808)
$$ Cells were blocked in 100 μl MPBS for 2 hours at 37℃, and rinsed once in PBS. (USP6489123)
$$ A transform image including all of the static elements can be captured once. (USP6327381)
$$ Once the stage has been positioned appropriately, then a selected area of the sample can be analysed by obtaining an infrared spectrum. / 一旦ステージが適切に位置決めされたならば、サンプルの選択されたエリアが、赤外スペクトルを得るために分析されることができる。(USP5946131)
$$ Once those frames (in bitmap form) had been identified it was then necessary to determine the displacements of from the reference wire frame model which those frames represented. / 一度これらのフレームが(ビットマップ形式で)識別されてしまうと、次はこれらのフレームを表わす基準ワイヤフレームモデルからの変位を判断する必要があった。(USP6208356)
$$ Once this has been done then the vacated holes are merged with FR0, FR8, FR4, FR12 to form a size 8 hole. / 一度このことが行われると、空にされたホールはサイズ8のホールを形成するためにFR0,FR8,FR4,FR12と併合される。(USP5412650)
$$ Once the identities have been assigned, it is then possible to compute all of the ratios Llmj /Llml using the measurements. / 一旦アイデンティティが割り当てられると、その測定値を用いて、比Llmj/Llmlのすべてを計算することが可能になる。(USP5430889)
$$ Once the orientation of a point or polygon has been determined, the vertex or polygon in question is then treated as lying on a flat plane. (USP6549200)
ONE (代名詞)
ONE (代名詞) one having; one with; etc
$$ This system has many advantages, the principal one being that it allows two modifications to take place in parallel. (USP6072499) 主なものは
$$ The conversion of the internal color format to the external one stored in the framebuffer depends on the size and position of the component. (USP5727192) 内部の色から外部のものへの変換
$$ This paradigm is perhaps the simplest one with very little hardware overhead and none of the above complications regarding antialiasing, block copies, bitmasks and line stipples. (USP5727192)
$$ This insertion is repeatedly reversible unless it exceeds a threshold at which the insertion material is irreversibly altered to one with poor lithium cycling capacity; / この挿入は、挿入材料がリチウムのサイクリング容量が不充分な状態へと不可逆に変化してしまうスレッシュホールドを越えない限り、繰り返し可逆である。(USP5441832)
$$ When X is alkyl- and/or aryl-substituted silicon, the alkyl group is preferably one having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, especially methyl, while the aryl group is preferably phenyl. / Xがアルキル-及び/又はアリール-置換されたケイ素である場合には、アルキル基は好ましくは1~4個の炭素原子を有するアルキル基、特にメチル基であり、アリール基は好ましくはフェニルである。(USP6353047)
$$ In yet another preferred embodiment, the ion mass-to-charge ratio analyzer may comprise a time-of-flight analyzer, particularly one having an orthogonal disposition of the entrance axis and the ion drift direction. / 更なる他の好適実施例において、イオン質量-対-電荷比分析器は、飛行時間型の分析器であり、特に入口軸線とイオン・ドリフト方向とが直交配置されている飛行時間型の分析器を備えることができる。(USP01010354)
$$ In many cases however, that would be undesirable, especially where the system was one having limited memory (for example a VM). (USP02029357)
ONE (代名詞) one having; one with; etc
$$ This system has many advantages, the principal one being that it allows two modifications to take place in parallel. (USP6072499) 主なものは
$$ The conversion of the internal color format to the external one stored in the framebuffer depends on the size and position of the component. (USP5727192) 内部の色から外部のものへの変換
$$ This paradigm is perhaps the simplest one with very little hardware overhead and none of the above complications regarding antialiasing, block copies, bitmasks and line stipples. (USP5727192)
$$ This insertion is repeatedly reversible unless it exceeds a threshold at which the insertion material is irreversibly altered to one with poor lithium cycling capacity; / この挿入は、挿入材料がリチウムのサイクリング容量が不充分な状態へと不可逆に変化してしまうスレッシュホールドを越えない限り、繰り返し可逆である。(USP5441832)
$$ When X is alkyl- and/or aryl-substituted silicon, the alkyl group is preferably one having 1 to 4 carbon atoms, especially methyl, while the aryl group is preferably phenyl. / Xがアルキル-及び/又はアリール-置換されたケイ素である場合には、アルキル基は好ましくは1~4個の炭素原子を有するアルキル基、特にメチル基であり、アリール基は好ましくはフェニルである。(USP6353047)
$$ In yet another preferred embodiment, the ion mass-to-charge ratio analyzer may comprise a time-of-flight analyzer, particularly one having an orthogonal disposition of the entrance axis and the ion drift direction. / 更なる他の好適実施例において、イオン質量-対-電荷比分析器は、飛行時間型の分析器であり、特に入口軸線とイオン・ドリフト方向とが直交配置されている飛行時間型の分析器を備えることができる。(USP01010354)
$$ In many cases however, that would be undesirable, especially where the system was one having limited memory (for example a VM). (USP02029357)
$$ This is done by interrogating each reflector unit with pulses from a sonar one after the other across the frequency band of interest. / これは、対象となる周波数帯にわたって順に、ソナーからのパルスを使用して各々の反射器を応答発信することで行われる。(USP8162098):複数
$$ Layers of CNTs are grown simultaneously in the CVD-CNT chambers 201 and transferred one after the other to the ALM chamber 200 when required. / 複数のカーボンナノチューブ層を、各CVD-CNTチャンバ201内で同時に成長させ、必要に応じて、順次にALMチャンバ200に搬送する。(USP8066842):複数
$$ The tests can be carried out one after the other in either order, or contemporaneously. / これらの試験は、どちらかの順で次々に、あるいは同時に実行できる。(USP7616582):複数
$$ These rules are grammatical and include, for example, two key words both being nouns that occur one after the other without intervening low value words. / これらの規則は文法的なもので、例えば2つのキーワードを含み、両方とも名詞であって1つが他の後に生じ低い値の単語に干渉をすることがない。(USP6353827):2つ
$$ Furthermore, it is proposed that the plurality of tanks disposed in line one after the other have an increasing depth in a direction from the front to the rear of the trailer. (USP7108285):複数
$$ The video is driven to produce a red frame, then a green frame, then a blue frame, one after another, for example. (USP5940204):3つ
$$ As with the first type of magazine, the rotor rotates so each capsule is, one after the other, taken to the `use position` where it may then be used. (USP5896855)
$$ By testing all these positions, one after the other, in a systematic way, the true cell boundary must eventually be located. (USP5610951):複数
$$ These four bytes are latched, one after the other, by a video data latch 31 connected to the data bus. (USP4979094):4つ
$$ This is done by interrogating each reflector unit with pulses from a sonar one after the other across the frequency band of interest. / これは、対象となる周波数帯にわたって順に、ソナーからのパルスを使用して各々の反射器を応答発信することで行われる。(USP8162098):複数
$$ Layers of CNTs are grown simultaneously in the CVD-CNT chambers 201 and transferred one after the other to the ALM chamber 200 when required. / 複数のカーボンナノチューブ層を、各CVD-CNTチャンバ201内で同時に成長させ、必要に応じて、順次にALMチャンバ200に搬送する。(USP8066842):複数
$$ The tests can be carried out one after the other in either order, or contemporaneously. / これらの試験は、どちらかの順で次々に、あるいは同時に実行できる。(USP7616582):複数
$$ These rules are grammatical and include, for example, two key words both being nouns that occur one after the other without intervening low value words. / これらの規則は文法的なもので、例えば2つのキーワードを含み、両方とも名詞であって1つが他の後に生じ低い値の単語に干渉をすることがない。(USP6353827):2つ
$$ Furthermore, it is proposed that the plurality of tanks disposed in line one after the other have an increasing depth in a direction from the front to the rear of the trailer. (USP7108285):複数
$$ The video is driven to produce a red frame, then a green frame, then a blue frame, one after another, for example. (USP5940204):3つ
$$ As with the first type of magazine, the rotor rotates so each capsule is, one after the other, taken to the `use position` where it may then be used. (USP5896855)
$$ By testing all these positions, one after the other, in a systematic way, the true cell boundary must eventually be located. (USP5610951):複数
$$ These four bytes are latched, one after the other, by a video data latch 31 connected to the data bus. (USP4979094):4つ
$$ It will be appreciated that in certain embodiments of the invention, the first and second signals may be one and the same. / 本発明の特定の実施形態では、第1及び第2信号は共通の1つの信号である。(USP8094042)
$$ It is now commonplace in, for example, production machinery for all of the pneumatic or hydraulic equipment to be controlled by respective directional control valves that are usually mounted on one and the same `valve island`. / 例えば、1つ及び同じ「弁アイランド」に通常取付けられた各々の方向制御弁によって制御されるべき空気圧又は油圧設備の全てのための生産機械は、公知である。(USP7653442)
$$ The first and second channel detectors are preferably different detectors, but they may be one and the same detector. / 第1と第2のチャネル検波器は異なる検波器であることが好ましいが、それらが1つおよび同じ検波器であることも可能である。(USP6900756)
$$ In this known arrangement the sensor material and the cladding material are therefore one and the same. / それ故、既知の装置ではセンサ材料とクラディング材料は1つの同一のものである。(USP5903685)
$$ A data retrieval system according to claim 1, wherein the search terms are organised in the manner of an alphabetical directory, and the host computer memory is partitioned into blocks each of which is allocated a unique portion of the alphabetical directory such that any entered search item can be allocated to one and only one block. (USP5727201)
$$ Using the crossline 201, the arrivals can in fact be connected and thus identified as one and the same. (USP5260911)
$$ It will be appreciated that in certain embodiments of the invention, the first and second signals may be one and the same. / 本発明の特定の実施形態では、第1及び第2信号は共通の1つの信号である。(USP8094042)
$$ It is now commonplace in, for example, production machinery for all of the pneumatic or hydraulic equipment to be controlled by respective directional control valves that are usually mounted on one and the same `valve island`. / 例えば、1つ及び同じ「弁アイランド」に通常取付けられた各々の方向制御弁によって制御されるべき空気圧又は油圧設備の全てのための生産機械は、公知である。(USP7653442)
$$ The first and second channel detectors are preferably different detectors, but they may be one and the same detector. / 第1と第2のチャネル検波器は異なる検波器であることが好ましいが、それらが1つおよび同じ検波器であることも可能である。(USP6900756)
$$ In this known arrangement the sensor material and the cladding material are therefore one and the same. / それ故、既知の装置ではセンサ材料とクラディング材料は1つの同一のものである。(USP5903685)
$$ A data retrieval system according to claim 1, wherein the search terms are organised in the manner of an alphabetical directory, and the host computer memory is partitioned into blocks each of which is allocated a unique portion of the alphabetical directory such that any entered search item can be allocated to one and only one block. (USP5727201)
$$ Using the crossline 201, the arrivals can in fact be connected and thus identified as one and the same. (USP5260911)
ONE ANOTHER 相互に(3つ以上)
ONE ANOTHER 相互に(3つ以上)
-->each other (2つ)
$$ In this case, the elevations of pixel ray vectors associated with different pixels in each image differ from one another by equal inter-pixel elevation differences. (USP6327381)
$$ In fact if the sub-arrays are implemented as being reconfigurable via MEMS or similar components, they may be different from one another, but at the cost of increased optimisation steps. / 実際には、サブアレイは、MEMSまたは同様の構成部品を介して再構成されるものとして実現されている場合、最適化ステップが増加するという代償を払うが、相互に異なっていてもよい。(USP8344945)
$$ The L and L1 ligands may be the same or different from one another. / L及びL1リガンドは、お互いに同じか異なる。(USP8063554)
$$ The frequencies of the signal applied to the core elements may be the same as one another or differ from one another. / コア要素に加えられる信号の周波数は、互いに同じであることも、互いに異なることもできる。(USP8029669)
$$ Systems 1 having different topologies can be connected to one another. / さまざまなトポロジを有するシステム1が、互いに接続することができる。(USP6553020)
$$ For all radii, r, the frequency with which dislocations within radii r and r+δr of one another is recorded. / 全ての半径rについて、周波数は、それと共に、半径rおよび互いのr+δrの範囲内で転位するが、記録される。(USP6375739)
$$ A `network` of computers can be any number of computers that are able to exchange information with one another. / コンピュータの「ネットワーク」は、相互に情報を交換し得る任意の数のコンピュータでよい。(USP6336135)
$$ The slots of the respective cutting elements may be aligned with each other or may be displaced relative to one another longitudinally of the blade unit. / それぞれの切取部の溝は互いに一列に配列され、又は刃ユニットの長手方向に互いにずらして配置されている。(USP6176014)
$$ FIG. 1 is an illustration of a group of computers communicating with one another using an internet; / 【図1】インターネットを使用して相互に通信するコンピュータグループを示す模式図。(USP6163807)
$$ With the confocal microscopes described above the image quality and the light budget are independent of one another. / 上文中に説明した共焦点顕微鏡では、画像品質及び光線供給量(light budget)は互いに別々である。(USP6144489)
$$ Apparatuses of an audio/video system convey user commands to one another via a serial control bus. / 製造業者間あるいはモデル間の装置の差異をカバーするD2B用ユーザー指令を可能とする制御メッセージ通信用装置を目的とする。(USP5479385)
$$ The horizontal filter arrangement 300 and the vertical filter arrangement 330 can be of substantially the same construction as one another. / 水平フィルタ装置300及び垂直フィルタ装置330は、互いにほぼ同一構成のものでよい。(USP5353059)
$$ In this way, variable length Huffman code words received on a parallel data bus are abutted next to one another to form an essentially continuous data stream. / こうすると、並列データバスにより供給される可変長ハフマン符号ワードは、互いに隣接してほぼ連続したデータストリームとなる。(USP5404166)
ONE ANOTHER 相互に(3つ以上)
-->each other (2つ)
$$ In this case, the elevations of pixel ray vectors associated with different pixels in each image differ from one another by equal inter-pixel elevation differences. (USP6327381)
$$ In fact if the sub-arrays are implemented as being reconfigurable via MEMS or similar components, they may be different from one another, but at the cost of increased optimisation steps. / 実際には、サブアレイは、MEMSまたは同様の構成部品を介して再構成されるものとして実現されている場合、最適化ステップが増加するという代償を払うが、相互に異なっていてもよい。(USP8344945)
$$ The L and L1 ligands may be the same or different from one another. / L及びL1リガンドは、お互いに同じか異なる。(USP8063554)
$$ The frequencies of the signal applied to the core elements may be the same as one another or differ from one another. / コア要素に加えられる信号の周波数は、互いに同じであることも、互いに異なることもできる。(USP8029669)
$$ Systems 1 having different topologies can be connected to one another. / さまざまなトポロジを有するシステム1が、互いに接続することができる。(USP6553020)
$$ For all radii, r, the frequency with which dislocations within radii r and r+δr of one another is recorded. / 全ての半径rについて、周波数は、それと共に、半径rおよび互いのr+δrの範囲内で転位するが、記録される。(USP6375739)
$$ A `network` of computers can be any number of computers that are able to exchange information with one another. / コンピュータの「ネットワーク」は、相互に情報を交換し得る任意の数のコンピュータでよい。(USP6336135)
$$ The slots of the respective cutting elements may be aligned with each other or may be displaced relative to one another longitudinally of the blade unit. / それぞれの切取部の溝は互いに一列に配列され、又は刃ユニットの長手方向に互いにずらして配置されている。(USP6176014)
$$ FIG. 1 is an illustration of a group of computers communicating with one another using an internet; / 【図1】インターネットを使用して相互に通信するコンピュータグループを示す模式図。(USP6163807)
$$ With the confocal microscopes described above the image quality and the light budget are independent of one another. / 上文中に説明した共焦点顕微鏡では、画像品質及び光線供給量(light budget)は互いに別々である。(USP6144489)
$$ Apparatuses of an audio/video system convey user commands to one another via a serial control bus. / 製造業者間あるいはモデル間の装置の差異をカバーするD2B用ユーザー指令を可能とする制御メッセージ通信用装置を目的とする。(USP5479385)
$$ The horizontal filter arrangement 300 and the vertical filter arrangement 330 can be of substantially the same construction as one another. / 水平フィルタ装置300及び垂直フィルタ装置330は、互いにほぼ同一構成のものでよい。(USP5353059)
$$ In this way, variable length Huffman code words received on a parallel data bus are abutted next to one another to form an essentially continuous data stream. / こうすると、並列データバスにより供給される可変長ハフマン符号ワードは、互いに隣接してほぼ連続したデータストリームとなる。(USP5404166)
$$ A rotary magazine according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of recesses are adapted to be rotated, one by one, to a use position within said magazine. (USP5896855)
$$ Each telephone number is considered one by one and an index is created identifying each particular event initiated by that particular telephone number. / 各電話番号は1つずつ考慮され、インデックスは特定の電話番号によって開始されたそれぞれの特定のイベントを識別するために生成される。(USP6182079)
$$ An alternative method is a component interference measurement, in which the t1 transmitters are caused to transmit one by one, but without the initial all-transmitters transmission. (USP02042274)
$$ The personal agent 130 may, for example, capture keywords as they are typed by the user, and submit them one by one to a local search engine 110, via the server 160. / パーソナルエージェント130は、例えばユーザによってタイプされたキーワードを捕捉し、それらを1つづつサーバ160を介してローカルサーチエンジン110へ提示することができる。(USP6424968)
$$ One of the pins (367) in the inhaler passes through this hole to puncture the adjacent end of the capsule as the capsules pass, one by one, through the piercing position, before use. (USP5896855)
$$ A rotary magazine according to claim 1, wherein the plurality of recesses are adapted to be rotated, one by one, to a use position within said magazine. (USP5896855)
$$ Each telephone number is considered one by one and an index is created identifying each particular event initiated by that particular telephone number. / 各電話番号は1つずつ考慮され、インデックスは特定の電話番号によって開始されたそれぞれの特定のイベントを識別するために生成される。(USP6182079)
$$ An alternative method is a component interference measurement, in which the t1 transmitters are caused to transmit one by one, but without the initial all-transmitters transmission. (USP02042274)
$$ The personal agent 130 may, for example, capture keywords as they are typed by the user, and submit them one by one to a local search engine 110, via the server 160. / パーソナルエージェント130は、例えばユーザによってタイプされたキーワードを捕捉し、それらを1つづつサーバ160を介してローカルサーチエンジン110へ提示することができる。(USP6424968)
$$ One of the pins (367) in the inhaler passes through this hole to puncture the adjacent end of the capsule as the capsules pass, one by one, through the piercing position, before use. (USP5896855)
"the one end" と定冠詞を付することは少ない (one endに対して5%程度)
$$ At the one end of each conduit remote from the disc a measuring container is mounted having a restricted entry. (USP5893487)
$$ Preferably said control means are adapted to derive a first nominal position for said other end within the field of view when the one end is positioned at the first predetermined position... / 好ましくは、前記制御手段は、前記一端が前記第1のポジションに位置する際に、前記視野内における前記他端の、第1の公称上のポジションを得るように構成する。(USP7580137)
$$ Light signals are transmitted through the fibre from a light source at one end to a detector unit at the other. / 光信号はファイバを通って1端部にある光源から他方の端部にある検出器装置へ伝送される。(USP5903685)
$$ In order to avoid the use of highly preloaded suspension springs, the three lever arms at one end are interconnected via a slider. / かなりの予荷重をかけたサスペンションばねを使用しないでよいように、3つのレバーアームは、一端で、スライダを介して相互連結してある。(USP6031371)
$$ The end portion 202d also incorporates an outwardly extending lip 202f which includes a recess for receiving one end of a torsion spring 256. / 端部202dはまた、外方に向けて延在するリップ部202fを有している。リップ部202fは、捩りばね256の一端を保持する凹所を有している。(USP6691849)
$$ An annular end cap 20 is shown as provided on one end of the stator, though it is preferably provided at both ends, as explained later. / 後述するように、ステータの一端に、好ましくは両端に図示のように環状の端部キャップ20を設ける。(USP6815848)
$$ The elongate member 620 is attached at one end thereof to a filter plate 650 bearing an elongate filter region 660. / 細長い部材620は、その一端が、細長いフィルタ領域660を支持するフィルタプレート650に取り付けられる。 (USP6788479)
"the one end" と定冠詞を付することは少ない (one endに対して5%程度)
$$ At the one end of each conduit remote from the disc a measuring container is mounted having a restricted entry. (USP5893487)
$$ Preferably said control means are adapted to derive a first nominal position for said other end within the field of view when the one end is positioned at the first predetermined position... / 好ましくは、前記制御手段は、前記一端が前記第1のポジションに位置する際に、前記視野内における前記他端の、第1の公称上のポジションを得るように構成する。(USP7580137)
$$ Light signals are transmitted through the fibre from a light source at one end to a detector unit at the other. / 光信号はファイバを通って1端部にある光源から他方の端部にある検出器装置へ伝送される。(USP5903685)
$$ In order to avoid the use of highly preloaded suspension springs, the three lever arms at one end are interconnected via a slider. / かなりの予荷重をかけたサスペンションばねを使用しないでよいように、3つのレバーアームは、一端で、スライダを介して相互連結してある。(USP6031371)
$$ The end portion 202d also incorporates an outwardly extending lip 202f which includes a recess for receiving one end of a torsion spring 256. / 端部202dはまた、外方に向けて延在するリップ部202fを有している。リップ部202fは、捩りばね256の一端を保持する凹所を有している。(USP6691849)
$$ An annular end cap 20 is shown as provided on one end of the stator, though it is preferably provided at both ends, as explained later. / 後述するように、ステータの一端に、好ましくは両端に図示のように環状の端部キャップ20を設ける。(USP6815848)
$$ The elongate member 620 is attached at one end thereof to a filter plate 650 bearing an elongate filter region 660. / 細長い部材620は、その一端が、細長いフィルタ領域660を支持するフィルタプレート650に取り付けられる。 (USP6788479)
$$ For each SET there are thus 1 delayed or filtered digital signals, one from each of the Inputs via the separate Distributor, to be combined before application to the SET. / したがって、各SETに対してSETに加える前に結合すべき、個別の分配器を経由する各入力から一つずつの、Iの遅延すなわちフィルタリングされたデジタル信号がある。
$$ The 96 non-synchronisation subcode bytes are output in parallel at a rate of one bit of each of the 8 subcode bytes simultaneously as an 8-bit byte for every 24 bytes of main data channel data. / 主データチャネルデータの24バイトごとに対して8-ビットバイトとして同時に各々の8つのサブコードバイトの1ビットのレートで、96個の同期サブコードでないバイトが並行に出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The domes may be partial ellipsoids and one source may be situated at one of the foci of each of the ellipsoids 2a, 2b. / 該ドームは部分楕円体であり、楕円体2a、2bの各々の焦点の1つに1つの放射源を置くことができる。(USP6453224)
$$ As shown in FIG. 14 the conductive tracks are configured such that one end of each of said tracks is close to the top right hand comer of its respective layer, thus easing the process of connection to cable 1804. (USP6861961)
$$ Only one end of each strip 10,20,30 and 40 of the device as illustrated in FIG. 2 has a read-out area. (USP4859851)
$$ The cradle strap includes stringers 74, 76, 78, 80 and an intermediate section 82 connected to one end of each of the stringers. (USP5800280)
$$ For each SET there are thus 1 delayed or filtered digital signals, one from each of the Inputs via the separate Distributor, to be combined before application to the SET. / したがって、各SETに対してSETに加える前に結合すべき、個別の分配器を経由する各入力から一つずつの、Iの遅延すなわちフィルタリングされたデジタル信号がある。
$$ The 96 non-synchronisation subcode bytes are output in parallel at a rate of one bit of each of the 8 subcode bytes simultaneously as an 8-bit byte for every 24 bytes of main data channel data. / 主データチャネルデータの24バイトごとに対して8-ビットバイトとして同時に各々の8つのサブコードバイトの1ビットのレートで、96個の同期サブコードでないバイトが並行に出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The domes may be partial ellipsoids and one source may be situated at one of the foci of each of the ellipsoids 2a, 2b. / 該ドームは部分楕円体であり、楕円体2a、2bの各々の焦点の1つに1つの放射源を置くことができる。(USP6453224)
$$ As shown in FIG. 14 the conductive tracks are configured such that one end of each of said tracks is close to the top right hand comer of its respective layer, thus easing the process of connection to cable 1804. (USP6861961)
$$ Only one end of each strip 10,20,30 and 40 of the device as illustrated in FIG. 2 has a read-out area. (USP4859851)
$$ The cradle strap includes stringers 74, 76, 78, 80 and an intermediate section 82 connected to one end of each of the stringers. (USP5800280)
$$ Moreover, because microphone and channel characteristics will differ between the two speakers, two sets of SSA parameters are maintained, one for each speaker. / 更に、マイク及び通信路特性が、2人の話し手の間で異なるであろうから、2セットのSSAパラメータは、それぞれの話し手に対して1つ、維持される。(USP6671666)
$$ To produce an arbitrary profile it may be preferred to replace a single electrode, or equivalent, with a plurality of electrodes, one for each channel. / 任意の位相プロファイルを形成するため、単一の電極、又は同等物を各チャンネルに1つずつの複数の電極と交換することが好ましい。(USP6339664)
$$ In the case of TFT-driven display, the electrode 16 will be a continuous sheet and in the case of diodes and MIMs it will be etched into strips, one for each column of the display. / TFT駆動のディスプレイの場合、電極16は連続的なシートであり、ダイオード及びMIMの場合、それはエッチングされて複数のストリップ、即ち、そのディスプレイの各列に対して1つのストリップを形成する。(USP5801796)
$$ In all such cases, the conductor 17 will be etched into a multiplicity of electrodes, one for each pixel. / そのようなすべての場合において、導体17がエッチングされ、複数の電極、即ち、各ピクセルに対して1つの電極を形成する。 (USP5801796)
$$ In the present arrangement each input port server is provided with a plurality of buffer stores A, B ... Z, one for each of the output servers such as the output port server 8. / 本発明の装置において各入力ポートサーバは複数のバッファ記憶装置A、B...Zを具備しており、その1つのバッファ記憶装置は出力ポートサーバ8のような各出力ポートサーバに対応して設けられている。(USP5448559)
$$ Moreover, because microphone and channel characteristics will differ between the two speakers, two sets of SSA parameters are maintained, one for each speaker. / 更に、マイク及び通信路特性が、2人の話し手の間で異なるであろうから、2セットのSSAパラメータは、それぞれの話し手に対して1つ、維持される。(USP6671666)
$$ To produce an arbitrary profile it may be preferred to replace a single electrode, or equivalent, with a plurality of electrodes, one for each channel. / 任意の位相プロファイルを形成するため、単一の電極、又は同等物を各チャンネルに1つずつの複数の電極と交換することが好ましい。(USP6339664)
$$ In the case of TFT-driven display, the electrode 16 will be a continuous sheet and in the case of diodes and MIMs it will be etched into strips, one for each column of the display. / TFT駆動のディスプレイの場合、電極16は連続的なシートであり、ダイオード及びMIMの場合、それはエッチングされて複数のストリップ、即ち、そのディスプレイの各列に対して1つのストリップを形成する。(USP5801796)
$$ In all such cases, the conductor 17 will be etched into a multiplicity of electrodes, one for each pixel. / そのようなすべての場合において、導体17がエッチングされ、複数の電極、即ち、各ピクセルに対して1つの電極を形成する。 (USP5801796)
$$ In the present arrangement each input port server is provided with a plurality of buffer stores A, B ... Z, one for each of the output servers such as the output port server 8. / 本発明の装置において各入力ポートサーバは複数のバッファ記憶装置A、B...Zを具備しており、その1つのバッファ記憶装置は出力ポートサーバ8のような各出力ポートサーバに対応して設けられている。(USP5448559)
$$ Other schemes are possible--for example one in which the increment is doubled each time it is successfully applied. / 他の方法も可能であり-1例として効果的に適用されるたびごとに、インクリメントは2倍にされる。(USP6330313)
$$ A confocal optical microscope is one in which a single spot of illumination is focused on to a specimen and a detector of light receives light derived from that spot only. / 共焦点光学顕微鏡においては、照明の単一のスポットが試料上に焦点合わせされ、光の検出器はそのスポットのみに由来する光を受取る。(USP6429967)
$$ A partially blurred image is one in which spatial features are discernible but fine spatial features therein are blurred. / ある程度ぼかした画像とは、空間特徴が識別可能であるが、その中の微細な空間特徴がぼけている画像のことである。(USP6414294)
$$ The illumination apparatus may be one in which the light sources are stationary, and in which the light collecting device is moveable relative to the stationary light sources. (USP7021795)
$$ A set of non-redundant paths is one in which there is only one path from each node to a MIP, i.e. there are no "redundant" paths. (USP02042274)
$$ A self-modifying environment may be one in which sections of compiled code are created and deleted dynamically during execution. (USP02029357)
$$ Other schemes are possible--for example one in which the increment is doubled each time it is successfully applied. / 他の方法も可能であり-1例として効果的に適用されるたびごとに、インクリメントは2倍にされる。(USP6330313)
$$ A confocal optical microscope is one in which a single spot of illumination is focused on to a specimen and a detector of light receives light derived from that spot only. / 共焦点光学顕微鏡においては、照明の単一のスポットが試料上に焦点合わせされ、光の検出器はそのスポットのみに由来する光を受取る。(USP6429967)
$$ A partially blurred image is one in which spatial features are discernible but fine spatial features therein are blurred. / ある程度ぼかした画像とは、空間特徴が識別可能であるが、その中の微細な空間特徴がぼけている画像のことである。(USP6414294)
$$ The illumination apparatus may be one in which the light sources are stationary, and in which the light collecting device is moveable relative to the stationary light sources. (USP7021795)
$$ A set of non-redundant paths is one in which there is only one path from each node to a MIP, i.e. there are no "redundant" paths. (USP02042274)
$$ A self-modifying environment may be one in which sections of compiled code are created and deleted dynamically during execution. (USP02029357)
ONE IS THAT (使用頻度は低めである)
-->another is that
$$ One is that application of an irrigant to a wound under simultaneous aspiration creates a wound environment that is exposed to the continuous beneficial effects of both aspects of the therapy for wound healing, as opposed to the sequential intermittent application of irrigant flow and aspiration in known aspirating and/or irrigating apparatus. / 1つは、同時吸引による創傷への潅注剤の塗布により、知られている吸引および/または潅注機器内での潅注剤流および吸引を断続的に行うのと反対に、創傷治癒のための治療の両方の態様の連続した有益な効果に曝された創傷環境が作り出される。(USP8235955)
$$ One is that a higher priority interrupt process is to be executed immediately. (USP02002657) 一つは~である
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ One is that emitting ACKs consumes battery power, which can be a serious limitation in an ad-hoc environment where the devices are operating on battery power and are difficult to access. (USP7565149)
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ The usual problem in coupling a fixed displacement machine to a variable one is that the system must be sized according to the peak power requirement at both extremes of the speed/torque range. (USP5259738)
ONE IS THAT (使用頻度は低めである)
-->another is that
$$ One is that application of an irrigant to a wound under simultaneous aspiration creates a wound environment that is exposed to the continuous beneficial effects of both aspects of the therapy for wound healing, as opposed to the sequential intermittent application of irrigant flow and aspiration in known aspirating and/or irrigating apparatus. / 1つは、同時吸引による創傷への潅注剤の塗布により、知られている吸引および/または潅注機器内での潅注剤流および吸引を断続的に行うのと反対に、創傷治癒のための治療の両方の態様の連続した有益な効果に曝された創傷環境が作り出される。(USP8235955)
$$ One is that a higher priority interrupt process is to be executed immediately. (USP02002657) 一つは~である
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ One is that emitting ACKs consumes battery power, which can be a serious limitation in an ad-hoc environment where the devices are operating on battery power and are difficult to access. (USP7565149)
$$ This body may take a number of forms, including that of a solid transparent "pipe" much like that used in the Art, but the preferred one is that of an internally-reflective (hollow) tube. (USP6211525)
$$ The usual problem in coupling a fixed displacement machine to a variable one is that the system must be sized according to the peak power requirement at both extremes of the speed/torque range. (USP5259738)