現在の読者数 43人

OPAQUE 半透明/不透明


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...

OPAQUE 半透明/不透明

RT: transparent, translucent

$$ The holder and housing are made opaque to the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation to reduce stray output to the detector 67. / ホルダー及びハウジングは、検出器67への迷出力が低減するために、電磁波の波長に対して不透明に作られる。(USP6764226)

$$ Any residual direct paths that do exist are blocked by the insertion of an opaque layer or mirror 131 provided at the tip of the pyramidal shaped cavity 126. / 存在する残りのすべての直接経路は、ピラミッド状に形成された空洞126の先端に設けられた不透明な層またはミラー131の挿入によって遮蔽される。(USP6433483)

$$ The floating metallic field plates are opaque to light and prevent photocharge generation in the active regions of the matrix array of field effect address transistors. / 浮動金属フィールドプレートは、光に対して不透明であり、電界効果アドレストランジスタのマトリクスアレイの活性領域における光電荷生成を防止する。(USP6278541)

$$ This white opaque print pattern is then superimposed by transparent or translucent imaging system to which the tinted substrate is non-receptive. / そして、この不透明な白色の印刷パターンは、色つきの基材が非受容性である透明もしくは半透明のイメージを形成する装置によって、重ね合わされる。(USP6267052)

$$ The opaque conducting material can be reflective or light absorbing. / その半透明導電性材料は反射性又は光吸収性のものでよい。(USP5801796)

$$ A design 48 is superimposed on some of the opaque portions. / デザイン48は、不透明部分の一部分上に重ね合わされている。(USP6212805)

$$ In all cases, the body of the optical assembly is preferably opaque to minimise stray electromagnetic radiation. / いずれの場合でも、光学アセンブリの本体は、迷い電磁波を最小にするために不透明であるのが好ましい。(USP6764226)


OPEN (形容詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...

OPEN (形容詞)

$$ Therefore both the distance of short circuits and open circuits from the point of testing, are automatically determined. / したがってテストポイントから短絡回路および開放回路の距離は共に自動的に判断される。(USP6912270)

$$ The lower half 204 is therefore stably positionable at any of a large number of positions between the closedposition of FIG. 5 and the fully open position of FIG. 7. / 従って、下側部分204は、図5の閉位置と図7の完全な開位置との間における多数の位置のいずれにも安定して位置決めすることができる。(USP6812954)

$$ The open channels 91a or 91b may be closed by an upper membrane 92a as depicted in FIG. 21w. / 開口したチャンネル91aまたは91bは、図21wに示されるように、上部薄膜92aによって閉じられる。(USP6692213)

$$ The end cap 4 snap fits into the open end of the handle portion by means of a pair of deflectable tabs, one of which is shown at 34. / エンドキャップ4は、その一つを符号34で図示する一対の可撓性ツメ状部(deflectable tab)によって、柄部分の開口端部にスナップ式に固定される。(USP6640489)

$$ In this case, it is possible to achieve the near linear open scan pattern shown in FIG. 10. / この場合、図10に示すような大略線形の開いた走査パターンを達成することが可能である。(USP6587246)

$$ Referring now to FIGS. 13 and 14, an irrigated bipolar electrosurgical instrument that can be used in open air or gas filled environments will now be described. (USP6780180)


OPEN (動詞)


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...

OPEN (動詞)

$$ Once in position within the host pipe 4, the liner 5 is opened out and pressed into contact with the pipe wall. / ホストパイプ4内の適所にくると、ライナー5は開拡され、パイプ壁に接触するように押圧される。(USP6228312)

$$ In conventional injection moulding, the molten plastics material is injected into a mould, where it solidifies and the mould is opened for ejection of the formed article. / 従来の射出成形では、溶融プラスチック材が金型内に射出され、そこでそれは固化し、そして成形品の排出のために金型が開けられる。(USP6287494)

$$ So, when a viewer window is opened by the user, the output of an effect must either be generated or, if available, retrieved from a cache store. / それゆえ、ユーザによってビューア・ウインドウが開かれると、或効果の出力が発生されるか、もし適用できれば、キャッシュ・ストアから検索されなければならない。(USP6523174)

$$ The tap is opened and the percolate is collected. / 栓が開かれ、浸出液(濾過液)が集められる。(USP7622140)

$$ A fuel injector as claimed in claim 4, wherein the spill valve member is provided with second resilient bias means for biasing the spill valve member away from the spill valve seating to open communication between the pump chamber and the low pressure drain.(USP01035464)

$$ Conveniently, the spill valve member may be provided with further resilient bias means for biasing the spill valve member away from the spill valve seating to open communication between the pump chamber and the low pressure drain.(USP01035464)

$$ Again, the upstream end of piston 150 is attached to a stepper motor (not shown) or other means to move the piston to open and close the valve, opening of the valve allowing flow through grooves 157 and 158.(USP01025858)




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$$ Advantageously, the slot may be openable to enable said housing to be removed from said assembly. / 有利なように、前記溝は、前記ハウジングが前記集合体から取り除かれるように開くことができるようにしてもよい。(USP6418264)

$$ U.S. Pat. No. 5,414,444 (AT&T) describes a communicator having an openable cover which contains an LCD-type display and a video camera. / 米国特許第5,414,444号(AT&T)は、LCDタイプのディスプレイとビデオカメラを含んだ開閉式カバーを有する通信機を記載している。(USP6812954)

$$ The embodiment provides a container which is easily openable and closable even for elderly people, but yet which achieves a firm and reliable seal when closed. (USP5411157): 開閉可能・開閉自在

$$ In a preferred embodiment, the holder is openable or closeable by means of a releasable spring clip. (USP6684601): 開閉可能・開閉自在

$$ Therefore it is preferred to use an inlet closure which is openable by a force exerted in a direction inwards of the container. (USP4971193)

$$ An openable closure provides access to the chamber for insertion and removal of the container. (USP4969578)

$$ The elongate sealing element 2 consists of first and second substantially rigid portions 4, 5 and an openable/closable portion 6. (USP02069615): 開閉可能・開閉自在


OPENING (名詞・動名詞・現在分詞) 開口・穿孔・開店・開き


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OPENING (名詞・動名詞・現在分詞) 開口・穿孔・開店・開き

RT -->aperture, bore, hole, indentation, orifice, pit, slit, slot, vent

$$ Hence automatic operation to effect an opening in the main liner would be carried out as follows. / そのため、主管ライナに孔をあける自動作業を次の通りに実施することになる。(USP6031371)

$$ Finally, an opening in the top of the actuator 204 is closed by means of a cap 260. / 最後に、アクチュエータ204の頂部に形成された開口部はキャップ260によって閉鎖されている。(USP6691849)

$$ This base pattern will typically allow visibility in and out of the shop during the daylight or opening hours. / このベースパターンは、通常、昼間又は開店時間中に、店の内外の視認を可能にする。(USP6212805)

$$ The door 102 forms the opening of a chamber 107, which chamber is situated within the main housing 101. / 扉102によって、メーンハウジング101内に位置するチャンバの開口部が形成される。(USP6028315)

$$ Further, the single opening is elongate, preferably along its length. / さらに単一の開口部は長さ方向に細長く形成されている。(USP5893487)

$$ The thermostatic mixing device may be accessible through an opening in said single housing. (USP8020779)

$$ The mounting 10 has an opening 12 for receiving one end of the connector 6. (USP7625134)

$$ The lever 52 extends through a central opening 60 in the seat member 56. (USP7129428)

$$ For example, each opening may be sealed by a separate film. (USP7105478)

$$ Opening an existing source code file does not add it to the project. (USP6691301)

$$ Openings 63a, 63b in heat sink 62 allow access to the chip terminals to achieve bonded wiring 65, 67. (USP01022495)


OPERATE 作動させる・作動する


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...

OPERATE 作動させる・作動する

$$ This operates so as to convert the charge related voltage signal obtained during interrogation of the CCD array into a series of digital values one for each pixel... (USP6263095)

$$ The pattern removal means 18 may operate to determine directly the in-focus image minus the fringing. (USP6376818)

$$ Packet radio systems operate to provide a facility for a plurality of users to transmit bursts of information bearing radio signals on a common communications channel. (USP6122269) 作動する

$$ The present invention relates to a cache system for operating between a processor and a main memory of a computer, and is particularly concerned with a processor capable of executing a plurality of concurrent processes.(USP02002657)

$$ A method for operating on a network a secure document server that receives from a holder of a document token a request for a copy of...(USP6397261)

$$ Automatic control 38A operates valve 38. / 自動制御手段38Aによって制御弁38を作動させる。(USP5436086)

$$ The loop antenna may thus be operated as a monopole with respect to a ground plane to provide a further range of frequencies over which the antenna can operate. / 従って、ループアンテナは接地面に対してモノポールアンテナとして作動し、アンテナは別の周波数範囲で作動することができる。(USP5422650)

$$ Thus, the directional coupler 8 cannot operate in the usual manner and split its input between the main loop and the output load. / 従って、方向性カプラ8は通常の方法で動作することができず、その入力をメイン・ループと出力負荷の間でスプリットする。(USP5389890)

$$ By employing the invention, it is possible to produce a high purity metal halide, enabling the laser tube to be operated at a high efficiency. / 本発明を用いれば、高純度の金属ハロゲン化物を作り出すことができるため、レーザ管を非常に効果的に動作させることができる。(USP5339327)




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$$ The final stage of the technique involves a `sweep` operation in which all areas marked white are released and work is allowed to continue. (USP02029357)

$$ LBSourceOffset is normally zero except during a copy operation where data is read from one address and written to another address. (USP5727192)

$$ This allows a node to continue operation where only its time receiving device fails. (USP02042274)

$$ The present invention relates to circuitry for carrying out a square root operation and a division operation. (USP7167887)

$$ Although the time taken to read out CCD's is too slow (at high framing speed) to allow stored images to be read out in real time, this is not a factor which limits the operation speed. / CCDを読み出すのに使われる時間は高速フレーミング速度でも大変長いので記憶された画像をリアルタイムで読み出すことはできないが、動作速度を制限する要素にはならない。(USP6157409)

$$ They are not executed in normal operation of the prototype. / これらは試作品の通常の動作で実行される。(USP6330313)

$$ ...performing a rename operation for resources stored on the Web server...(USP02046281)

$$ ...subjecting the mathematical operation result to a threshold test using an adjustable threshold signal...(USP5390285) 演算結果;計算結果

$$ These output DMR circuits are identical in structure and operation to the input DMR circuits and each DMR output circuit is connected to 16 output ports 30.(USP5109378)

$$ The intermediate electroform used in Example 1 was subjected to an electropolishing operation to remove a small amount of metal from the front surface.(USP5137617)

$$ For example, when a piece of code requires a semaphore, such as a mutex, e.g., to prevent simultaneous attempts to work on a code to maintain a queue, an operation to insert, and an operation to take out, no operation is carried out until the semaphore is acquired. (USP02029357)

$$ The selection is advantageously performed as a single write operation, i.e., it is atomic.(USP02029357)

$$ In such an arrangement, it would be necessary to perform a check at each place where a return is about to be performed to ensure that it is safe to perform a return operation.(USP02029357)

$$ The support body 24 is secured to an EROWA base fixing 30 having a spigot 32 for releasable fitment to, for example, a machine tool for performing operation on the workpiece 2.(USP02020954)

$$ Referring to FIG. 2, the squeegee holder and squeegee of FIG. 1 is shown in operation.(USP5458060) / 図2を参照して説明すると、図1のスクィージホルダ及びスクィージの作動中の状態が示されている。

$$ Referring to FIG. 6, the squeegee system 115 of the present invention is shown in operation.(USP5458060) / 図6を参照して説明すると、本発明のスクィージ印刷装置115を作動している状態が示されている。

$$ FIG. 2 is an illustration of the prior art squeegee holder in operation.(USP5458060) / 従来のスクィージホルダを作動している状態を示す図である。

$$ When one of the amplifiers is in operation the other is disabled by appropriate biasing. / 増幅器の一方が動作しているとき、他方は適切なバイアスによって非動作となる。(USP6441783)

$$ The second combining means and the weighting means may be configured such that, when the convertor is in operation, a signal at the output of the second combining means consists of the difference between one of the first and second signals proportional to tap currents and substantially twice the other. (USP5532575)




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$$ Block 102 relates to the operation of checking the size 1 hole table, that is the checking of what single frames are not allocated. / ブロック102 はサイズ1のホールテーブルのチェック動作に関連し、すなわちどの単一フレームが割り付けられていないかのチェックである。(USP5412650)

$$ At this point it should be explained that the operation of reading a bar code is performed by the processor 74 in a conventional manner. / ここで、バーコードを読取る動作が、プロセッサ74により通常のように行われることを説明しておくべきである。(USP6058304)

$$ No optical telescope or other imaging system used for confocal function is disturbed or removed by the operation of inserting the unit, so that the confocal function can be restored reproducibly and rapidly. / ユニットを挿入する動作によって光学望遠鏡または共焦点機能に用いられるその他のイメージング手段が妨害または除去されることがないため、共焦点機能を再現性よくかつ迅速に復帰できる。 (USP6429967)

$$ The localbuffer read/write unit controls the operation of GID testing, depth testing and stencil testing. (USP5727192)

$$ The following code describes the operation of comparing an input value against a number of patterns and recording the number of matches. (USP03188138)

$$ DMD 320 is driven by a rotating source 910, synchronized with the operation of spinning of the color disk 902. (USP5940204)

$$ ...or restricting the operation of installing the lamp, compared to if there were no handle present...(USP6682031)




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$$ Whilst operational the ATM device chain may have its physical configuration altered.(USP6118782)

$$ To reduce this probability to an operationally acceptable level by simply increasing peak capability, results in a low utilization of the switch for much of the time, which is clearly unacceptable. / 単純にピーク容量を増大することにより実用上差し支えのないレベルにまで、この確率を下げることは、多くの期間においてスイッチの低利用という結果を招き到底許容できない。(USP5448559)

$$ If this melting were to occur inside the E-Batch preheater, the batch would stick together and to the metal surfaces of the device, which would render the device non-operational.(USP01008076)

$$ This feature allows cards to be removed or inserted into the apparatus 2 while the system is operational.(USP02000831)

$$ The two high frequency heating sources will interact with each other and, unless care is taken, lead to operational difficulties. / 2つの高周波加熱源は互いに相互作用し、注意しなけれは、操作上の問題を引き起こす。(USP01004075)




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$$ The MIS 46 will have access to the database through data views as opposed to physical tables. / MIS46は物理的な表とは反対にデータを観察することによってデータベースにアクセスする。(USP5907602)

$$ However in the case of email, for example, email addresses will form the contact addresses, as opposed to telephone numbers. / しかしながら、例えばeメールの場合、eメールアドレスは電話番号とは全く異なる接触アドレスを形成している。(USP6912270)

$$ This is an example of implicit presentation mark-up that is included in the text itself, as opposed to explicit mark-up elements. / これは明白なマークアップエレメントと反対に、テキスト自体に含まれる明白な提示マークアップの1例である。(USP6772122)

$$ This information is used by the system to imply certain parameters that pertain to the presentation of news stories, as opposed to say, sports stories. / この情報は例えばスポーツの話とは反対にニュースの話に関するあるパラメータを示唆するためにシステムにより使用される。(USP6772122)

$$ There are considerable differences to be borne in mind when imaging thermal wavelengths as opposed to optical photons. / 光学光子とは対照的に、熱波長を写す時、覚えておくべき大きな差異がある。(USP6175113)

$$ A wide screen television may have a format display ratio, for example, of 16 horizontal units and 9 vertical units, as opposed to the traditional television display ratio of 4×3. / ワイドスクリーンテレビジョンは、従来のテレビジョンの画面比4×3に対して、例えば、横16×縦9の画面比を有する。(USP5398074)




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"opposed to"はbe動詞に続くことが多いが、名詞に続くこともある

$$ The radially outer surface of the cavity is also of circular section and is opposed to the coaxial radially outer surface of the inertia mass. / キャビティの半径方向に外側の表面もまた円形断面であり、慣性塊の同軸の半径方向に外側の表面に対向している。(USP7584738)

$$ Preferably, two detector mounts are provided, one diametrically opposed to the other with regard to the shaft. (USP6880575)

$$ Apparatus according to claim 14, wherein an electrode is also formed on the channel wall on a surface opposed to the channel-facing surface of the channel wall. (USP6572221)

$$ In a yet further embodiment, said circular polarizer is disposed on the surface of said substrate opposed to said surface on which said light-emitting device is disposed. (USP6211613)

$$ Conveniently the passageway and closure member are of generally cylindrical transverse cross-section and a pair of grooves may be opposed diametrically across the passageway. (USP01025858)

$$ ...a base having two opposed upwardly extending members means attaching the base to the motor housing... (USP5479672)

$$ This is well demonstrated when the proximal end of the forceps jaws are more closely opposed than the tips, in that the effect is seen to move along the length of the jaws during application. (USP02052599)

$$ The x-magnets 17 are opposed along a line in the x-direction, the y-magnets 18 are opposed along a line in the y-direction. / 双方のx磁石17はx方向の線に沿ってに対向し、各y磁石18はy方向の線に沿って対向している。(USP6611139)

$$ The rotation of the two propulsors is opposed. / 2つの推進器の回転は反対になっている。(USP6332818)

$$ The plate sits on top of the bridge and the bridge-bone is situated on the plate at an angle which is diametrically opposed to the original bridge-bone.(USP5834665)




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$$ Suitably there are two airways, preferably arranged opposite to one another. (USP6981337)

$$ The pins are diametrically opposite to one another. (USP6598724): 直径方向に対向している(向き合っている)

$$ The poles of outer magnet and inner magnet facing the gap are required to be opposite to each other as well as the poles of the magnets having the same radial positions but located on opposite sides of the gap. (USP6304015)

$$ Conveniently, the return electrode is formed with a hood-like extension which extends over the surface of the insulation member which is opposite the cut-out. (USP6780180)

$$ For clarity, the pairs of connections to the transmission-line 15 are shown slightly offset, though they would typically be opposite each other in practice. / 明確化のために、伝送線15への1対の接続部は、多少ずらして示しているが、これらは通常実際には互いに対向している。(USP6816020)

$$ With the hub of each propeller disposed opposite its respective convex hull projection this arrangement is increases the area swept out by the propeller underwater. / 対応する凸状船殻突起に対向して配置された各プロペラのハブによれば、この構成は上記プロペラにより水中で掃引される面積を増加させる。(USP6332818)

$$ The apparatus according to claim 3, wherein said side wall is opposite a side of said chamber containing a door. / 前記側壁が、扉を含むチャンバ壁の反対側であることを特徴とする請求項3に記載の装置。(USP6028315)

$$ Opposite the second aperture 37 there is an upstanding guide pin 38 that projects into a guide track 39 formed as a groove on the underside of the pallet 34. / 第2の開口37の反対側には、パレット34の下側に溝として形成されたガイド・トラック39内へ突出する直立のガイド・ピン38がある。(USP6692213)

$$ The assembly is moved by an actuator 705 disposed at the end of the housing 704 opposite the nose N. / アセンブリーは、ノーズNの反対側のハウジング704の端に配置されたアクチュエーター705によって移動される。(USP6692213)

$$ The balloon may have an inflatable region that is generally flat and may include a valve assembly disposed in an opposite end of the inflatable balloon. (USP02005202)

$$ It will be appreciated that each vane has a first face 34 which is substantially flat (see FIG. 8) and an opposite face 36 which has a radially extending channel formed therein (see FIG. 5). (USP6358154)

$$ Clearly, each half of the bi-directional transient suppressor shown in FIG. 2I is processed in an opposite respect to enable the required device to be fabricated. / 明らかなように、図10に示された双方向性過渡サプレッサの各半分は、製造することが要求されているデバイスを実現するように、互いに逆なように処理されている。(USP5429953)

$$ FIG. 4 represents a top view of a three magnetron apparatus where the central magnetic means 6 has an opposite polarity to that of the outer magnetic means 5 of the magnetrons 3. / 図4は、3マグネトロン装置の上面図であり、中央磁気手段6が、マグネトロン3の外側磁気手段5とは反対の極性を有する。(USP6383565)

$$ In operation of the sensor 50, the np junction 110 is reverse biased, and the sensor 10 functions with bias current flowing between an opposite pair of contacts 16a/16c, the positive contact being excluding. / センサ50の動作の際、np_接合110には逆バイアスがかけられ、センサ10は、対向する接触16a/16c対の間を流れ、正の接触が排他的であるバイアス電流で機能する。(USP6809514)

$$ The peaks 368 curve around the major axes 367 in an opposite sense from the troughs 369, so displacement of the upslopes is in an opposite direction from displacement of the downslopes. / ピーク368はトラフ369から反対の向きで長軸367を中心に曲線を描き、上り坂の変位は下り坂の変位から反対方向になる。(USP6833656)

$$ At an opposite point, the lock member has two ratchet teeth 166.(USP6598724)

$$ It is opposite both in principle and in action. (USP7564984)




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$$ FIG. 3 shows the opposite side of the rib to the side shown in FIG. 2. / 図3は、図2で示される側とは反対側のリブを示す。(USP8186622)

$$ A valve according to claim 9, further comprising a second body portion on the opposite side of the membrane to the first body portion. / 前記薄膜に関して第1本体部とは反対側に設けられた第2本体部を更に有していることを特徴とする請求項9記載のバルブ。(USP8048041)

$$ In circumstances in which excess rivets are supplied to a magazine the rivets back up to the delivery tube on the opposite side of the docking station to the magazine. / 過剰なリベットがマガジンに提供された場合には、リベットは、マガジンに対してドッキングステーションの反対側の搬送チューブへと戻る。(USP8047416)

$$ Actuator channels are then sawn in the opposite side of the wafer in a direction perpendicular to the channel 3, as shown in FIG. 4. / 図4に示されるように、それからアクチュエーター流路がウエーハーの反対側に流路3と垂直方向に取り付けられる。(USP8052252)

$$ A similar effect will occur from the nozzles on the opposite side of the power plant. / 同様の作用が、その送風機の反対側にあるノズルからも生ずる。(USP7581381)

$$ The engine may be disposed on the opposite side of the loader arm longitudinal axis to the cab. (USP5836733)

$$ A third, arcuate edge 17, that optionally is also sharpened, extends between the second edge 16 and the base portion 13b, on the opposite side of blade 13 to edge 14. (USP02017040)

$$ On the opposite side of each wall 211A, 211B is a recess 212A, 212B in the exterior surface of the housing. (USP01025858)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...


$$ This route will be locally optimal. / このルートは、局所的に最適である。(USP8249810)

$$ The Kalman gain is now optimal only for instances where the measurement vector is complete. / カルマンゲインは、測定ベクトルが完了する例に関してだけに最適である。(USP7029172)

$$ This representation may yield the optimal visual perception. / この表現により、最適の視覚的な検出をもたらすことができる。(USP7643670)

$$ Triple helix-formation optimally results in a shut-off of RNA transcription from DNA. / 最適には、三重鎖ヘリックス形成によって、DNAからのRNA転写が停止する。(USP7615210)

$$ The optimal solution will be one where all the specifications are equally well met. (USP7639077)

$$ In addition, in vitro assays may optionally be employed to help identify optimal dosage ranges. (USP7304129)

$$ The best pH range for the nitrification process has been discovered to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and optimally between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)

$$ The centroid condition describes the optimal decoder given a fixed encoder. (USP6990246)

$$ The new resulting spanning tree 310 formed may no longer be optimal. (USP6396815)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...


$$ This would be optimized on the basis of a specific application. / これは、特定の用途に応じて最適化されうる。(USP8261739)

$$ This is optimised by adjusting the orientation of prism (14). (USP6700698)

$$ As shall be seen below, the system of this invention is optimized to allow linked object instances to be seen and navigated between via links or relationships. (USP6189012)

$$ None of the prior art reveals a means that is scaleable or optimized for navigation of knowledge when the number of items of data and information as well as the number and variety of links between them is very large. (USP6189012)

$$ This has the advantage of allowing the feel of the club to be optimised following an adjustment to the loft./ このことは、ロフトの調整に従ってクラブの感触を最適化できるという利点を有する。(USP6110055)

$$ Synthesis is an automated mechanism to generate an optimised gate-level representation from a VHDL description. / 論理合成とは、VHDL記述から最適なゲート-レベル表現を創出するための自動化されたメカニズムである。(USP6269455)

$$ The blade can operate at a high constant value of U and the blade angle β can be optimised to give optimum thrust under any desired design condition. / 翼は高い一定値のUで作動することができ、翼の角度βは如何なる所望の設計条件下でも最適の推力を得るように最適化することができる。(USP6332818)

$$ Both systems are optimised for 80 knots maximum speed. / 両システムは、80ノットの最大速度に対して最適化されている。(USP6332818)

$$ Although the traditional telephone network can be used for carrying computer-generated pulses, by use of a modem 11, it is not optimised for such use. / 従来の電話ネットワークは、モデム11を使用することによってコンピュータ生成パルスを伝えるのに使用できるが、このような使用に対して最適化されていない。(USP6584098)


OPTION 選択肢、任意


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | op...

OPTION 選択肢、任意

RT: any, arbitrary

$$ Optionally, the states are grouped in parallel. / 場合によっては、状態は並列にグループ化される。(USP8374876)

$$ This provides the user with options other than actuation of keys for answering and terminating calls. / これは、コールに応答しそしてコールを終了させるためのキー操作以外の選択肢をユーザに与える。(USP6282436)

$$ Preferably, optional substituents of said group A are selected from optionally-substituted alkyl, alkoxy and phenyl groups. / 好ましくは、前記の基Aの任意の置換基は、任意に置換されたアルキル、アルコキシ及びフェニル基から選択される。(USP01019809)

$$ The electroconductive coating may optionally include other components in addition to those discussed above. / 導電性被覆は上述の成分に加えて、所望により更にその他の成分を含むことができる。(USP5364511)

$$ The various options for coating or filling doughnuts are well known to those skilled in the art.(USP01031300)

$$ Alternatively, each beverage option may have a code which is keyed into the apparatus to give the appropriate start signal.(USP01025858)

$$ Heat sink 86 may be provided at its top with optional spacers 64.(USP01022495)

$$ A fifth objective is to provide a tool capable of optional disassembly for compact storage purposes.(USP01020403)

$$ The Input stage 2I can optionally have the facilities to allow a modem 3M to be connected to the apparatus 2.(USP02000831)
