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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | same


$$ In this example, the wheel members 58 are the same in diameter. / この例において、ホイール部材58はそれぞれ同じ直径を持つ。(USP8284486)

$$ Like parts are given the same reference numerals as in FIG. 11. / 図11と類似の構成要素には、同一の符号を付してある。(USP7645265)

$$ Referring to the figures, an electronic component package assembly and method of manufacturing the same will now be described. (USP6403881)

$$ The same reference signs are generally used to refer to corresponding or similar features in different embodiments. (USP5930609)

$$ The same reference numbers have been used as in FIG. 1. (USP5510894)

$$ In this truth table, i/p is given in decimal and represents a bipolar input signal level, and bits 0 to 2 are the same thing in binary. (USP6373955)

$$ Corresponding non-reversed signals are given the same references as in FIG. 4. / 対応する同じ向きの信号には、図4と同じ参照番号を用いる。(USP6278696)

$$ The same items as in FIG. 1 are identified using the identical reference numerals. / 図1と同じ部品は同じ番号で示してある。(USP6889498)

$$ There are many alternative configurations that the electrodes and conductive tracks may take to essentially achieve the same function to that shown in FIG. 29. (USP6585162)

$$ The data packets preferably being of the same length as used in the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) protocol or can be varying length packets. (USP02000831)

$$ In the drawings the same reference numerals have been used to indicate corresponding features./図面では、対応する要件には同一の参照符号を用いた。(USP5428643)

$$ The same reference numerals are used for components that are common to one or more embodiments. / 1つ以上の実施形態における共通の要素には、同じ参照番号を使用した。(USP6692213)

$$ Conductors 16 can be formed by the same process steps as are used for making pad 11, or by similar process steps.(USP01022495)

$$ Although as described previously, the bias electrode metallization can be formed in the same deposition and lift-off steps as are used to provide the metallization 7 in the read-out holes, the bias electrodes 1 to 4...(USP4859851)

$$ This alternative embodiment works using the same principles as the alternative embodiment shown in FIGS. 30a and 30b. / この別の実施の形態は、図30aおよび図30bに示された他の実施の形態と同じ原理を使って作用する。(USP6433483)

$$ The embodiment shown in FIG. 3 comprises many of the same features as those shown in FIG. 2, and these have been designated with the same reference numeral. (USP02168288)

$$ Similar parts to those of FIG. 3 are denoted by the same reference numeral. / 図3の部品と類似の部品は、同じ参照数字によって示している。(USP8061677)

$$ Two or more consecutive missing product signals from the same side could indicate problems such as a blocked chute or a stopped line. (USP6349526)


SAME (sth) APPLY ~も同様である


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | same

SAME (sth) APPLY ~も同様である

$$ The same applies to the sensing delay valve SDV and the sensing valve SV. / 検出遅延バルブSDV及び検出バルブSVについても同様である。(USP8276584)

$$ The same theory applies to other essential signals that are coded in this form. (USP4802215)

$$ The same principle applies to a wideband noise signal, although the worst performance will be achieved at the highest end of the frequency band. (USP2076059)

$$ The same applies to the writing angle of the writing instrument as this would give a latitude position, e.g. a writing instrument held vertically (90°) is zero latitude. (USP5774571)

$$ The same applies to successive pixels in the line in question and for the successive lines. (USP5296930)

$$ The same applies to the material of the front face protectors. (USP6965789)

$$ The same applies for CPU 13. (USP6526501)

$$ The same applies to arm 23, except that this extends from attachment point 25 along edge 6a, and the other end of the roller is held adjacent to that attachment point. (USP6439297)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | same


$$ The basic operation is the same as described above. / 基本的な動作は上で説明したのと同一である。(USP8757583) ~ PP

$$ In general, all reference numerals are the same as in FIG. 2. / 概ね全ての参照記号は図2に示すものと同じである。(USP6244841)

$$ Where these steps are the same as in FIG. 8, the same reference numerals are used. / これらの段階は図8に記載したのと同じであり、同じ参照符号を使用する。(USP6584098)

$$ The anode platinum loadings are the same as in FIG. 1. / このアノード白金添加量は、図1と同じである。(USP6855452)

$$ Here the cell structure is substantially the same as that in the first preferred embodiment. / この場合のセル構造は第1実施例におけるそれと実質的に同じである。(USP5801796)

$$ It is not the same as an array of function pointers (each of whose elements can point to a different function). (USP6691301)

$$ The spectral passband characteristics are thus the same as a conventional AWG, i.e. there is no broadening of the passband. / このように、スペクトル通過帯域の特徴は、従来のAWGと同一である、すなわち、通過帯域は拡張しない。 (USP6339664)

$$ In general, the alien receiver will not use a timeslot pattern that is the same as that used in the mesh.(USP02042274)

$$ In general all reference numerals are the same as shown in FIG. 1. (USP6244841)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | same


$$ FIG. 13 is a bottom view of the module of FIG. 12 showing the module in the same condition; / 図13は、図12のモジュールの底面図であって、同じ状態にあるモジュールを示す。(USP6418264)

$$ When viewed from either side, any objects on the opposite side of the panel will typically be visible, for example under substantially the same conditions of illumination of the panel and the space on both sides. / 例えば、パネルの照明と両側における距離に関して実質上同じ条件の下では、両側から見た場合に、パネルの反対側にある対像物は、典型的には見える。(USP6212805)

$$ Additionally, a coating comprising approximately 100 wt % Posylux 2521 and a small amount of Basonyl dye lost 63% of its weight under the same conditions. / さらに、およそ100wt%のPosylux 2521及び少量のBasonyl dyeを含む被覆は、同じ条件で、その重量の63%が失われた。(USP01019809)

$$ FIGS. 6 and 7 give an indication of the loss rate/throughput/delay relationship, under the same conditions as for FIG. 5. (USP7006435)

$$ GR-1 was treated in a harder base bitumen (AC-20), using the same condition to prepare concentrate at 25% loading as described in Example 1. (USP5959007)

$$ Each of the compositions A to G was coated on to a newsprint base paper, using the same pilot coating machine with the same coating head under the same conditions as were described in Example 2. (USP5882396)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | same


$$ It should be noted that each node 2 in this example of the system 1 be connected to the same number n of other nodes in a hypercube topology. / システム1のこの実施例の各ノード2が、ハイパーキューブトポロジの他のノードの同じ数nに接続されることに注意しなければならない。(USP6553020)

$$ Each up-link normal data packet comprises 24 bits of synchronisation data followed by an S-field and D-field of the same number of bits as in each down-link normal slot. / 各上りリンクのデータパケットは、各下りリンクの正規スロットと同じビット数が24ビットの同期データ、続くSフィールド及びDフィールドで構成される。(USP6044086)

$$ Each central switch has the same number of inputs as each outer switch and DMR circuit has outputs. (USP5109378)

$$ There are very nearly the same number of Q-subchannel blocks as there are sectors on a CD. / CDのセクタとほぼ同じ数のQ-サブチャネルブロックがある。(USP6560176)

$$ A position detector according to claim 1 or 2, wherein each set of loops comprises the same number of loop portions. (USP6561022)

$$ These will then be arranged into 2.sup.n-l -1pairs and applied to the same number of audio transducers, possibly via some transducer driving circuitry. (USP6373955)


SAME...TRUE 同様である・当てはまる


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | same

SAME...TRUE 同様である・当てはまる

$$ The same is true for the Vss1 pad. / このことは、Vss1パッドにもあてはまる。(USP8194373)

$$ As one audio head leaves the tape, the other audio head is just coming into contact with it, the same being true for the video heads. / 一方の音声ヘッドがテープから離れると、すぐに他方の音声ヘッドがそのテープと接触する。ビデオヘッドについても同様である。(USP8160423)

$$ Exactly the same is true for the sets of heads for which each daughter cannot combine. / 厳密に同じことは、各ドーターが結合できない主要語の集合に当てはまる。(USP7565281)

$$ Thus one each of the feedforward gains 4a, 4b has values +g and -g as shown in FIG. 8a, and the same is true for the feedback gains 3a, 3b. (USP5671287)

$$ The same is true for the rays in the beam 14B, and in the beams from each other point in the illuminated area of the sample. (USP5623342)

$$ The same is true if the sample is intended as a bearing surface.(USP5510894)

$$ The same is true for example of a 4-antenna node that uses 12 timeslots and 3 antennas in PRI(A). (USP02042274)

$$ The same is true of the reflector of FIG. 4. (USP01022495)
