$$ The circuit 30 is therefore likely to be used only when there is a particular reason for choosing a p-channel implementation. (USP6858912)
$$ The only reason for not elevating the ratio further is the need to engage the maximum amount of tissue and simultaneously reduce procedure time.(USP6780180)
$$ The reason for this will be explained below. (USP6983015)
$$ It is believed that the reason for the discrepancy between the earlier results and the present results lies in the preparation of the compounds. / 初期の結果と本発明の結果との間の不一致の理由は化合物の調製にある、と考えられる。(USP6797699)
$$ The reason for adjusting the replay bit-rate was to prevent decoder buffer over- or underflow. / リプレイビットレートを調整する理由は、復号器バッファのオーバーあるいはアンダーフローを防ぐことにあった。(USP6229851)
$$ For instance abdominal wounds or adhesions are a major reason for having to put down horses (particularly race horses), as are tendon and ligament damage leading to scarring or fibrosis. / たとえば、腱と靭帯の損傷から瘢痕形成または線維症に至るために、腹部創傷または癒着は、ウマ(特に競走馬)を引退させる主な原因である。(USP6696433)
$$ An example of a reason for setting a maximum acceptable number of hops for a node is that some data transfer services are delay-critical. (USP02042274)
$$ This message may include a reason for the failure to complete the call, namely user busy. / このメッセージは呼を完了するのに失敗した理由、すなわち使用中(user busy)を含んでもよい。 (USP6330313)
$$ The circuit 30 is therefore likely to be used only when there is a particular reason for choosing a p-channel implementation. (USP6858912)
$$ The only reason for not elevating the ratio further is the need to engage the maximum amount of tissue and simultaneously reduce procedure time.(USP6780180)
$$ The reason for this will be explained below. (USP6983015)
$$ It is believed that the reason for the discrepancy between the earlier results and the present results lies in the preparation of the compounds. / 初期の結果と本発明の結果との間の不一致の理由は化合物の調製にある、と考えられる。(USP6797699)
$$ The reason for adjusting the replay bit-rate was to prevent decoder buffer over- or underflow. / リプレイビットレートを調整する理由は、復号器バッファのオーバーあるいはアンダーフローを防ぐことにあった。(USP6229851)
$$ For instance abdominal wounds or adhesions are a major reason for having to put down horses (particularly race horses), as are tendon and ligament damage leading to scarring or fibrosis. / たとえば、腱と靭帯の損傷から瘢痕形成または線維症に至るために、腹部創傷または癒着は、ウマ(特に競走馬)を引退させる主な原因である。(USP6696433)
$$ An example of a reason for setting a maximum acceptable number of hops for a node is that some data transfer services are delay-critical. (USP02042274)
$$ This message may include a reason for the failure to complete the call, namely user busy. / このメッセージは呼を完了するのに失敗した理由、すなわち使用中(user busy)を含んでもよい。 (USP6330313)
$$ One reason for this difficulty is that adjacent data elements in a frequency separated image are not as closely related as those in the original image and in fact may relate to completely different areas in the original image. / その困難さの理由の1つは、周波数分離された映像における隣接データ要素が、原映像におけるそれらと密接な関係がなく、実に原映像とは全く違う領域と関係していることである。(USP5353059)
$$ One reason for this is that because these propellers are designed to be run semi-immersed their diameter is large compared to a conventional propeller. / その1つの理由は、これらプロペラが半浸水状態で運転されるように設計されているため、それらの直径が通常のプロペラと較べて大きいことにある。(USP6332818)
$$ The reason for this belief is that both braking and impact forces produce longitudinal displacement of the wheel carrier. / かかる考えの理由となるものは、ブレーキ力及び衝撃力の双方が車輪キャリアの長手方向への変位を生じさせるからである。(USP7168719)
$$ Another reason is that the tube must have adequate hardness to prevent its collapse once implanted. / 別の理由は、管は挿入の際につぶれることを防ぐために適切な固さを持たねばならないことである。(USP6186974)
$$ Another reason is that since three-dimensional graphics are much more lifelike, users are more likely to demand a fully rendered image. (USP5727192)
$$ The reason for this is that the phase values used are all clustered around the low-t end of the Φ-t graph. / この理由は、使用される位相値が、全て、Φ-tグラフの低t値側端部の回りに密集することにある。(USP6208416)
$$ The reason for introducing this comparison with the quantisation threshold is that the adjustment factors and the input colour signal samples are only represented to within a finite quantisation level. / このように量子化閾値を用いた比較を行う理由は、調整係数及び入力信号サンプルは、有限の量子化レベル内で表現されているからである。(USP6614489)
$$ The reason for this is that the light passing to the eyepieces travels generally along parallel paths. (USP5018846)
$$ The reason for having a static or slower upflow at the top of the column is that the monomer droplets have a lower specific gravity than the droplets once polymerization has progressed significantly. / カラムの上端に静的又はより遅い上昇流を有する理由は、モノマー液滴が、ひとたび重合が有意に進んだときの液滴よりも比重が低いからである。(USP6277932)
$$ One reason for this difficulty is that adjacent data elements in a frequency separated image are not as closely related as those in the original image and in fact may relate to completely different areas in the original image. / その困難さの理由の1つは、周波数分離された映像における隣接データ要素が、原映像におけるそれらと密接な関係がなく、実に原映像とは全く違う領域と関係していることである。(USP5353059)
$$ One reason for this is that because these propellers are designed to be run semi-immersed their diameter is large compared to a conventional propeller. / その1つの理由は、これらプロペラが半浸水状態で運転されるように設計されているため、それらの直径が通常のプロペラと較べて大きいことにある。(USP6332818)
$$ The reason for this belief is that both braking and impact forces produce longitudinal displacement of the wheel carrier. / かかる考えの理由となるものは、ブレーキ力及び衝撃力の双方が車輪キャリアの長手方向への変位を生じさせるからである。(USP7168719)
$$ Another reason is that the tube must have adequate hardness to prevent its collapse once implanted. / 別の理由は、管は挿入の際につぶれることを防ぐために適切な固さを持たねばならないことである。(USP6186974)
$$ Another reason is that since three-dimensional graphics are much more lifelike, users are more likely to demand a fully rendered image. (USP5727192)
$$ The reason for this is that the phase values used are all clustered around the low-t end of the Φ-t graph. / この理由は、使用される位相値が、全て、Φ-tグラフの低t値側端部の回りに密集することにある。(USP6208416)
$$ The reason for introducing this comparison with the quantisation threshold is that the adjustment factors and the input colour signal samples are only represented to within a finite quantisation level. / このように量子化閾値を用いた比較を行う理由は、調整係数及び入力信号サンプルは、有限の量子化レベル内で表現されているからである。(USP6614489)
$$ The reason for this is that the light passing to the eyepieces travels generally along parallel paths. (USP5018846)
$$ The reason for having a static or slower upflow at the top of the column is that the monomer droplets have a lower specific gravity than the droplets once polymerization has progressed significantly. / カラムの上端に静的又はより遅い上昇流を有する理由は、モノマー液滴が、ひとたび重合が有意に進んだときの液滴よりも比重が低いからである。(USP6277932)
$$ It is for this reason that the buffer layer is used. / このためにバッファー層が使用される。(USP8049408)
$$ The use of blinding is not generally used in paper-making techniques for the very reason that the paper is preferred to be uniform and consistent. / 目隠しの使用は、紙は均一で一貫していることが好ましいという理由から製紙技術において一般に用いられない。(USP6616803)
$$ It is for this reason that a reset pulse R is supplied on the output 26 of the modulo-5 counter and decoder 25 each time the modulo-5 counter is reset to a count of zero. / これはモジュロ5カウンタがカウント値が“0”にリセットされる毎にモジュロ5カウンタ・デコーダ25の出力26にリセット信号Rが供給されるからである。(USP5446497)
$$ It is for this reason that all the fabric layers positioned above the support layer 750 have a degree of elasticity to allow a degree of extension and shear movement between the respective layers. (USP6585162)
$$ It is for this reason that there is suction from the active electrode 11 to an exhaust reservoir (not shown). (USP6780180)
$$ It is for this reason that the 0 is not needed since its use as place-keeper in positional notations is irrelevant in the unary case. (USP6373955)
$$ It is for this reason that in the FIG. 3 embodiment the PC and VPC values are always maintained consistent with one another by the updating unit 48. (USP01047466)
$$ This is the main reason that the 10000-bit wide CMM shows such a large memory saving. (USP7065517)
$$ The reason that they are particularly suitable for use is that they have a substantially flat upper surface i.e. the surface opposite the surface that engages the flexible circuit board. (USP7625134)
$$ It is for this reason that the buffer layer is used. / このためにバッファー層が使用される。(USP8049408)
$$ The use of blinding is not generally used in paper-making techniques for the very reason that the paper is preferred to be uniform and consistent. / 目隠しの使用は、紙は均一で一貫していることが好ましいという理由から製紙技術において一般に用いられない。(USP6616803)
$$ It is for this reason that a reset pulse R is supplied on the output 26 of the modulo-5 counter and decoder 25 each time the modulo-5 counter is reset to a count of zero. / これはモジュロ5カウンタがカウント値が“0”にリセットされる毎にモジュロ5カウンタ・デコーダ25の出力26にリセット信号Rが供給されるからである。(USP5446497)
$$ It is for this reason that all the fabric layers positioned above the support layer 750 have a degree of elasticity to allow a degree of extension and shear movement between the respective layers. (USP6585162)
$$ It is for this reason that there is suction from the active electrode 11 to an exhaust reservoir (not shown). (USP6780180)
$$ It is for this reason that the 0 is not needed since its use as place-keeper in positional notations is irrelevant in the unary case. (USP6373955)
$$ It is for this reason that in the FIG. 3 embodiment the PC and VPC values are always maintained consistent with one another by the updating unit 48. (USP01047466)
$$ This is the main reason that the 10000-bit wide CMM shows such a large memory saving. (USP7065517)
$$ The reason that they are particularly suitable for use is that they have a substantially flat upper surface i.e. the surface opposite the surface that engages the flexible circuit board. (USP7625134)
$$ Another reason why the above prior art cannot be used in conjunction with a standard syringe presentation is related to the needle. / 上記従来技術が標準的な注射器の形態と関連して使用できない別の理由は針に関係がある。(USP8647299)
$$ There is no reason why we should not include anything else in the cost function that might be used for a single-router. / 単一ルーターのために用いられるかもしれない他のものをコスト関数に含めてはならない理由はない。(USP8249810)
$$ This is the reason why a 32 tree link routing device is provided with 33 intervals. (USP5422881)
$$ The passband of dielectric and similar filters varies significantly with the angle of incidence--indeed, this is the reason why the passband can be tuned by tilting the filter. (USP5623342)
$$ One of the reasons why the beam quality of previous high power devices is poor is due to the interaction of carriers with light in the active region of the device. (USP6760355)
$$ However, there are two fundamental reasons why head mounted display apparatus has not been widely accepted for ground vehicle driving simulators. (USP6735015)
$$ There are many reasons why a process currently being executed by the execution circuit 15 may be interrupted. (USP02002657)
$$ Another reason why the above prior art cannot be used in conjunction with a standard syringe presentation is related to the needle. / 上記従来技術が標準的な注射器の形態と関連して使用できない別の理由は針に関係がある。(USP8647299)
$$ There is no reason why we should not include anything else in the cost function that might be used for a single-router. / 単一ルーターのために用いられるかもしれない他のものをコスト関数に含めてはならない理由はない。(USP8249810)
$$ This is the reason why a 32 tree link routing device is provided with 33 intervals. (USP5422881)
$$ The passband of dielectric and similar filters varies significantly with the angle of incidence--indeed, this is the reason why the passband can be tuned by tilting the filter. (USP5623342)
$$ One of the reasons why the beam quality of previous high power devices is poor is due to the interaction of carriers with light in the active region of the device. (USP6760355)
$$ However, there are two fundamental reasons why head mounted display apparatus has not been widely accepted for ground vehicle driving simulators. (USP6735015)
$$ There are many reasons why a process currently being executed by the execution circuit 15 may be interrupted. (USP02002657)
$$ Table 1 indicates the difficulty of maintaining a leakage current density j┴ at a reasonable level at higher operating temperatures T. / 表1は、より高い動作温度Tで妥当なレベルに漏れ電流密度j┴を維持することが困難であることを示している。(USP6809514)
$$ Reasonable grading of particles can be achieved by sieving, and washing if necessary to remove dust. (USP6572773)
$$ Tripling provides a reasonable compromise. (USP7065517)
$$ The only reasonable use of this macro is to incorporate it into a string constant. (USP6691301)
$$ It might therefore be reasonable to suppose that the bits of an iris code which correspond to the more macroscopic features are less susceptible to being incorrectly set. (USP6549118)
$$ This is because it is reasonable to expect different types of iris code corruption depending upon the cause. (USP6549118)
$$ It is reasonable to believe that the bacterial BE enzyme will behave similarly. (USP6013861)
$$ Table 1 indicates the difficulty of maintaining a leakage current density j┴ at a reasonable level at higher operating temperatures T. / 表1は、より高い動作温度Tで妥当なレベルに漏れ電流密度j┴を維持することが困難であることを示している。(USP6809514)
$$ Reasonable grading of particles can be achieved by sieving, and washing if necessary to remove dust. (USP6572773)
$$ Tripling provides a reasonable compromise. (USP7065517)
$$ The only reasonable use of this macro is to incorporate it into a string constant. (USP6691301)
$$ It might therefore be reasonable to suppose that the bits of an iris code which correspond to the more macroscopic features are less susceptible to being incorrectly set. (USP6549118)
$$ This is because it is reasonable to expect different types of iris code corruption depending upon the cause. (USP6549118)
$$ It is reasonable to believe that the bacterial BE enzyme will behave similarly. (USP6013861)
$$ This process is reasonably conventional. / このプロセスは、合理的に従来から行われている。(USP8233588)
$$ This example would also work reasonably with three spring contact pegs 14 spaced at 120° intervals. / また、この実施形態は、120°の間隔で離間する3つのばね接点ペグ14と共に合理的に機能することもできる。(USP7584612)
$$ This technique seems to make determination of the device key from microscopic analysis of the FPGA masks on a reasonably large sized FPGA so labor intensive as to be impractical. (USP01037458)
$$ In that case the use of the nearest progressive scan converted frame as the required output frame can produce reasonably acceptable results. (USP5027203)
$$ This is reasonably easy at mid acoustic frequencies (above about 200 Hz), but becomes progressively more difficult at lower frequencies. (USP5237632)
$$ In this manner, providing sources of light or very highly illuminated surfaces are not placed directly behind a panel, the design typically remains visible, even in conditions of reasonably high illumination on the far side of the panel. / このように、光源又は極めて強く照明される表面が、パネルの後方に直接置かれなくても、遠い側において適度に強い照明があれば、デザインは典型的な視認可能性を維持する。(USP6212805)
$$ While this menu facility is useful, it quickly becomes unwieldy when a reasonably large number of W3 pages are involved. / このメニュ機能は有用ではあるが、合理的な程度で大きな数のW3ページが含まれるときにはすぐに広いものではなくなってしまう。(USP6353827)
$$ This process is reasonably conventional. / このプロセスは、合理的に従来から行われている。(USP8233588)
$$ This example would also work reasonably with three spring contact pegs 14 spaced at 120° intervals. / また、この実施形態は、120°の間隔で離間する3つのばね接点ペグ14と共に合理的に機能することもできる。(USP7584612)
$$ This technique seems to make determination of the device key from microscopic analysis of the FPGA masks on a reasonably large sized FPGA so labor intensive as to be impractical. (USP01037458)
$$ In that case the use of the nearest progressive scan converted frame as the required output frame can produce reasonably acceptable results. (USP5027203)
$$ This is reasonably easy at mid acoustic frequencies (above about 200 Hz), but becomes progressively more difficult at lower frequencies. (USP5237632)
$$ In this manner, providing sources of light or very highly illuminated surfaces are not placed directly behind a panel, the design typically remains visible, even in conditions of reasonably high illumination on the far side of the panel. / このように、光源又は極めて強く照明される表面が、パネルの後方に直接置かれなくても、遠い側において適度に強い照明があれば、デザインは典型的な視認可能性を維持する。(USP6212805)
$$ While this menu facility is useful, it quickly becomes unwieldy when a reasonably large number of W3 pages are involved. / このメニュ機能は有用ではあるが、合理的な程度で大きな数のW3ページが含まれるときにはすぐに広いものではなくなってしまう。(USP6353827)
REASON (その他)
REASON (その他)
-->this is because...; no reason
$$ The reasons are as follows. / この理由は、以下の通りである。(USP7639007)
$$ These two reasons will now be considered in more detail. (USP5027203)
$$ This is for two reasons. / これは2つの理由による。(USP5430889)
$$ This is for two main reasons. / これには2つの主要な理由がある。(USP6553020)
$$ FIGS. 2 and 2A are side and front views of a clutch mechanism according to the invention omitting the drive belts for reasons of clarity; / 図2は明瞭化のために駆動ベルトを省いて本発明によるクラッチ機構を示す側面図、図2Aは、同正面図である。(USP6691849)
$$ However, it is preferred to keep the refractive index difference between the substrate and gaps relatively high for reasons outlined above. / しかしながら、上記で概説した理由から、基板とギャップとの間の屈折率差異を比較的高く保つことが好ましい。(USP6980362)
$$ It can be desirable to do this for a number of reasons. / いくつかの理由で焦点はずれを行うことが望ましくなる可能性がある。(USP6900756)
$$ For several reasons, these audible error messages are much less effective, in practice, when transmitted to facsimile terminals than when transmitted to voice terminals. / いくつかの理由のために、これらの可聴エラーメッセージは、実際には、音声端末へ送られるときよりも、ファクシミリ端末へ送られるときの方が相当に有効さが乏しい。(USP6775249)
$$ Zhao's approach unfortunately does not work in more sophisticated speech recognition systems, for the following reason. / Zhaoのアプローチは、不都合にも、より精巧なスピーチ認識では、以下の理由により、働かない。(USP6671666)
$$ For reasons associated with the way the eye processes a moving image, a raster scan may be the most desirable form of scan. / 目が移動する影像を処理する形態と共合する理由で、ラスタ走査は最も望ましい走査形態である。(USP6587246)
$$ One reason is when performing an absolute calibration of the channels, using a hot and a cold source of known radiation temperatures, a better calibration of multiple channels is achieved if the channels receive a signal of the same strength. / 1つの理由は、既知の放射温度の高温および低温の供給源を使用してチャネルの絶対的較正を実行するとき、チャネルが同じ強度の信号を受けるならば、多くのチャネルの更に良好な較正が達成されることにある。(USP6900756)
$$ Another important reason is to collect more signals in a multiphoton epifluorescence microscope than can be collected with confocal geometry. / 別の重要な理由は、多光子エピ蛍光(epifluorescence)顕微鏡において共焦点ジオメトリによって収集できるよりも多くの信号を収集するためである。(USP6429967)
$$ For example, items may simply be mishandled for some reason, or a stack of items may be incorrectly reassembled after machinery has become jammed. (USP5998752): 何らかの理由で
$$ If it did for some reason have to execute P3, the only downside would be that it would have to make its accesses from direct memory and would not be allowed use of the cache. (USP02002657): 何らかの理由で
$$ Methods in typical Java classes are not so marked for reasons of flexibility. (USP02029357)
REASON (その他)
-->this is because...; no reason
$$ The reasons are as follows. / この理由は、以下の通りである。(USP7639007)
$$ These two reasons will now be considered in more detail. (USP5027203)
$$ This is for two reasons. / これは2つの理由による。(USP5430889)
$$ This is for two main reasons. / これには2つの主要な理由がある。(USP6553020)
$$ FIGS. 2 and 2A are side and front views of a clutch mechanism according to the invention omitting the drive belts for reasons of clarity; / 図2は明瞭化のために駆動ベルトを省いて本発明によるクラッチ機構を示す側面図、図2Aは、同正面図である。(USP6691849)
$$ However, it is preferred to keep the refractive index difference between the substrate and gaps relatively high for reasons outlined above. / しかしながら、上記で概説した理由から、基板とギャップとの間の屈折率差異を比較的高く保つことが好ましい。(USP6980362)
$$ It can be desirable to do this for a number of reasons. / いくつかの理由で焦点はずれを行うことが望ましくなる可能性がある。(USP6900756)
$$ For several reasons, these audible error messages are much less effective, in practice, when transmitted to facsimile terminals than when transmitted to voice terminals. / いくつかの理由のために、これらの可聴エラーメッセージは、実際には、音声端末へ送られるときよりも、ファクシミリ端末へ送られるときの方が相当に有効さが乏しい。(USP6775249)
$$ Zhao's approach unfortunately does not work in more sophisticated speech recognition systems, for the following reason. / Zhaoのアプローチは、不都合にも、より精巧なスピーチ認識では、以下の理由により、働かない。(USP6671666)
$$ For reasons associated with the way the eye processes a moving image, a raster scan may be the most desirable form of scan. / 目が移動する影像を処理する形態と共合する理由で、ラスタ走査は最も望ましい走査形態である。(USP6587246)
$$ One reason is when performing an absolute calibration of the channels, using a hot and a cold source of known radiation temperatures, a better calibration of multiple channels is achieved if the channels receive a signal of the same strength. / 1つの理由は、既知の放射温度の高温および低温の供給源を使用してチャネルの絶対的較正を実行するとき、チャネルが同じ強度の信号を受けるならば、多くのチャネルの更に良好な較正が達成されることにある。(USP6900756)
$$ Another important reason is to collect more signals in a multiphoton epifluorescence microscope than can be collected with confocal geometry. / 別の重要な理由は、多光子エピ蛍光(epifluorescence)顕微鏡において共焦点ジオメトリによって収集できるよりも多くの信号を収集するためである。(USP6429967)
$$ For example, items may simply be mishandled for some reason, or a stack of items may be incorrectly reassembled after machinery has become jammed. (USP5998752): 何らかの理由で
$$ If it did for some reason have to execute P3, the only downside would be that it would have to make its accesses from direct memory and would not be allowed use of the cache. (USP02002657): 何らかの理由で
$$ Methods in typical Java classes are not so marked for reasons of flexibility. (USP02029357)
タグ :REASON (その他)