EVEN (動詞)
EVEN (動詞)
$$ In order to even out the composition of the unadsorbed product, it is preferred to use a buffer vessel into which the unadsorbed product is fed, and/or to use a PSA system having a plurality of beds on adsorption duty at any one time but out of phase with one another. (USP4778670)
$$ In this way, namely adjustment of the pulses and/or the flow rate, fluctuations in the chloride concentration reaching the cell may be substantially evened out. (USP6632347)
$$ Dividing positive changes in Remain--bit--GOP over the remainder of the I and P frames in the GOP tends to even out the changes in Remain--bit--GOP over the GOP. (USP6983015)
$$ The pulses of concentrated salt solution are dispersed into the substantially continuous stream of process water through a perforated tube 50 thereby evening out the pulses to produce a flow of saline solution of uniform concentration. (USP6632347)
EVEN (動詞)
$$ In order to even out the composition of the unadsorbed product, it is preferred to use a buffer vessel into which the unadsorbed product is fed, and/or to use a PSA system having a plurality of beds on adsorption duty at any one time but out of phase with one another. (USP4778670)
$$ In this way, namely adjustment of the pulses and/or the flow rate, fluctuations in the chloride concentration reaching the cell may be substantially evened out. (USP6632347)
$$ Dividing positive changes in Remain--bit--GOP over the remainder of the I and P frames in the GOP tends to even out the changes in Remain--bit--GOP over the GOP. (USP6983015)
$$ The pulses of concentrated salt solution are dispersed into the substantially continuous stream of process water through a perforated tube 50 thereby evening out the pulses to produce a flow of saline solution of uniform concentration. (USP6632347)
$$ Even if it can be seen how many are left, if all the capsules have been used it will still be possible for the user to attempt to inhale (on a used capsule).(USP5896855)
$$ In this embodiment premises which are isolated in such a manner are also deemed to be at risk even if they are not situated in the affected area itself. / この実施形態では、このように隔離された施設は、影響を受ける地域それ自体に位置していなくても危険であると考えられる。(USP6912270)
$$ Even if there are working cells inside the span (i.e., it is not continuous), the procedure still restores 100% of the original defects, without adding any extra. / スパン内に作動セルが存在する場合(すなわち、手順が連続的でない場合)でも、この手順は、余分なことを全く行なうことなく、元の欠陥を100%復元させる。(USP6269455)
$$ Even if the second CPU 24 is inactive, its private memory 32 is unavailable for use by the first CPU 20. / 第2のCPU24が非活動状態でも、第2のCPU24の専用メモリ32を第1のCPU20が利用することはできない。(USP6138216)
$$ This would enable the apparatus to continue working to level even if a mound is encountered as the apparatus will continue moving, with material of the mound spilling over the blade. / この構成により、装置がブレードからこぼれ落ちる盛り材料とともに移動し続けるようなときに、盛りが接近しても装置が水平で作業し続けることができる。(USP6079969)
$$ Even if exact lock is achieved, at the I frame, lock is disturbed at the B frames. (USP6983015)
$$ Even if both branches are ready for the transfer then one clock cycle is used because channel input is a form of assignment. (USP6691301)
$$ Even if it can be seen how many are left, if all the capsules have been used it will still be possible for the user to attempt to inhale (on a used capsule).(USP5896855)
$$ In this embodiment premises which are isolated in such a manner are also deemed to be at risk even if they are not situated in the affected area itself. / この実施形態では、このように隔離された施設は、影響を受ける地域それ自体に位置していなくても危険であると考えられる。(USP6912270)
$$ Even if there are working cells inside the span (i.e., it is not continuous), the procedure still restores 100% of the original defects, without adding any extra. / スパン内に作動セルが存在する場合(すなわち、手順が連続的でない場合)でも、この手順は、余分なことを全く行なうことなく、元の欠陥を100%復元させる。(USP6269455)
$$ Even if the second CPU 24 is inactive, its private memory 32 is unavailable for use by the first CPU 20. / 第2のCPU24が非活動状態でも、第2のCPU24の専用メモリ32を第1のCPU20が利用することはできない。(USP6138216)
$$ This would enable the apparatus to continue working to level even if a mound is encountered as the apparatus will continue moving, with material of the mound spilling over the blade. / この構成により、装置がブレードからこぼれ落ちる盛り材料とともに移動し続けるようなときに、盛りが接近しても装置が水平で作業し続けることができる。(USP6079969)
$$ Even if exact lock is achieved, at the I frame, lock is disturbed at the B frames. (USP6983015)
$$ Even if both branches are ready for the transfer then one clock cycle is used because channel input is a form of assignment. (USP6691301)
$$ Other monoolefinic monomeric materials may be present in the monomeric mixture if desired, even in predominant proportion. (USP7071256)
$$ Thus, even in the vaporised state, the active electrode 11 is intermittently wetted. (USP6780180)
$$ But even in this mode, it can produce incorrect line numbering if arguments are used out of order, or not used at all. (USP6691301)
$$ The cable can remain securing the lamp and hook clamp, even in the event of any failure of the hook clamp mechanism. (USP6682031
$$ According to such an embodiment, D6 expression or activity may be used as an indicator of the effectiveness of an agent, even in the absence of an observable phenotypic response. (USP6403767)
$$ Even in a locus of arbitrary configuration, position may be defined by longitude or azimuth 903 and latitude or elevation 905 of a position vector 907 relative to an index vector 909. (USP6327381)
$$ In general for many practical systems the error rate in the raw key will be non-zero even in the absence of an eavesdropper. (USP5675648)
$$ Thus, even in healthy adults, age-related bone loss occurs. (USP02035058)
$$ The invention enables the fast route to take advantage of code motion (including exception condition checks) outside of a loop, even in the presence of exception conditions within the loop. (USP02029357)
$$ Other monoolefinic monomeric materials may be present in the monomeric mixture if desired, even in predominant proportion. (USP7071256)
$$ Thus, even in the vaporised state, the active electrode 11 is intermittently wetted. (USP6780180)
$$ But even in this mode, it can produce incorrect line numbering if arguments are used out of order, or not used at all. (USP6691301)
$$ The cable can remain securing the lamp and hook clamp, even in the event of any failure of the hook clamp mechanism. (USP6682031
$$ According to such an embodiment, D6 expression or activity may be used as an indicator of the effectiveness of an agent, even in the absence of an observable phenotypic response. (USP6403767)
$$ Even in a locus of arbitrary configuration, position may be defined by longitude or azimuth 903 and latitude or elevation 905 of a position vector 907 relative to an index vector 909. (USP6327381)
$$ In general for many practical systems the error rate in the raw key will be non-zero even in the absence of an eavesdropper. (USP5675648)
$$ Thus, even in healthy adults, age-related bone loss occurs. (USP02035058)
$$ The invention enables the fast route to take advantage of code motion (including exception condition checks) outside of a loop, even in the presence of exception conditions within the loop. (USP02029357)
$$ Further, even the slow small-scale method was stated to require large amounts of cross linking agent, at least 13000 ppm, in order to prevent coalescence of the beads. / さらには、低速の小規模方法でさえ、ビーズの凝集を防ぐために、多量の架橋剤―少なくとも13,000ppm―を要すると述べられている。(USP6277932)
$$ Note that even the longest and most complex C expression with many side effects can be written in terms of a larger number of simpler expressions. (USP6691301)
$$ Although the filter 800 was used in the above-mentioned tests, it is believed that even the low noise level detected was due to common mode noise induced in the ground plane, rather than differential signal itself. / フィルタ800は、上記のテストで使用されたが、検出された低ノイズレベルでさえも、差動信号それ自体ではなく接地平面で誘発された共通モードノイズに起因すると考えられる。(USP6473469)
$$ Even the existing surface-mount packages are not always ideal for mounting on both sides of a board because they have substantial thickness. (USP6100581)
$$ For example, the sharpness or even the (X,Y) coordinates of a region can be changed. (USP6075887)
$$ It is thus commonly used as the outer ply of even the most sophisticated windows. (USP5376443)
$$ In such circumstances, even the two frame match could produce an average pixel difference above the threshold vale. (USP5027203)
$$ The practical embodiments of the invention are intended to cope with even a relatively complicated original stock object as may be formed, for example, by a casting or moulding operation. (USP6862560)
$$ It may be possible to provide such a divert at the exchange, even a public exchange, in which case the switch 3 represents the exchange. (USP6704404)
$$ The VTR 2 may be connected to, or indeed replaced by, other external sources such as a video camera or even a computer for generating video data representing 3-D animation or other computer-related effects. / VTR2は、他の外部ソースに接続されるか、または、実際にそれらによって置換され得る。外部ソースとしては、ビデオカメラ、または、3Dアニメーションもしくは他のコンピュータ関連の効果を表わすビデオデータを生成するためのコンピュータをも含む。(USP6445874)
$$ However, an edge filter--or even a band rejection (notch) filter--could be used. (USP5623342)
$$ A second further thread or even a larger number of further threads may be permitted to access, preferably simultaneously, the same activation stack. (USP02029357)
$$ Reflector 403 over core 308 can be of a soft material, such as a rubbery substance, a gel, a grease, or even a liquid. (USP01022495)
$$ Further, even the slow small-scale method was stated to require large amounts of cross linking agent, at least 13000 ppm, in order to prevent coalescence of the beads. / さらには、低速の小規模方法でさえ、ビーズの凝集を防ぐために、多量の架橋剤―少なくとも13,000ppm―を要すると述べられている。(USP6277932)
$$ Note that even the longest and most complex C expression with many side effects can be written in terms of a larger number of simpler expressions. (USP6691301)
$$ Although the filter 800 was used in the above-mentioned tests, it is believed that even the low noise level detected was due to common mode noise induced in the ground plane, rather than differential signal itself. / フィルタ800は、上記のテストで使用されたが、検出された低ノイズレベルでさえも、差動信号それ自体ではなく接地平面で誘発された共通モードノイズに起因すると考えられる。(USP6473469)
$$ Even the existing surface-mount packages are not always ideal for mounting on both sides of a board because they have substantial thickness. (USP6100581)
$$ For example, the sharpness or even the (X,Y) coordinates of a region can be changed. (USP6075887)
$$ It is thus commonly used as the outer ply of even the most sophisticated windows. (USP5376443)
$$ In such circumstances, even the two frame match could produce an average pixel difference above the threshold vale. (USP5027203)
$$ The practical embodiments of the invention are intended to cope with even a relatively complicated original stock object as may be formed, for example, by a casting or moulding operation. (USP6862560)
$$ It may be possible to provide such a divert at the exchange, even a public exchange, in which case the switch 3 represents the exchange. (USP6704404)
$$ The VTR 2 may be connected to, or indeed replaced by, other external sources such as a video camera or even a computer for generating video data representing 3-D animation or other computer-related effects. / VTR2は、他の外部ソースに接続されるか、または、実際にそれらによって置換され得る。外部ソースとしては、ビデオカメラ、または、3Dアニメーションもしくは他のコンピュータ関連の効果を表わすビデオデータを生成するためのコンピュータをも含む。(USP6445874)
$$ However, an edge filter--or even a band rejection (notch) filter--could be used. (USP5623342)
$$ A second further thread or even a larger number of further threads may be permitted to access, preferably simultaneously, the same activation stack. (USP02029357)
$$ Reflector 403 over core 308 can be of a soft material, such as a rubbery substance, a gel, a grease, or even a liquid. (USP01022495)
$$ For a central low refractive index (slot) cavity dL, the integers c and e denote an integral odd number of quarter waves whereas d is an integral even number of quarter waves at the design wavelength of the cavity. / 低屈折率(スロット)中央キャビティdLについては、整数cおよびeは1/4波の奇数整数倍を示し、それに対してdはキャビティの設計波長で1/4波の偶数整数倍である。(USP6980362)
$$ Each loop preferably consists of an even number of links. / 各ループは、好ましくは偶数のリンクから成り立つ。(USP6553020)
$$ It will be readily apparent to the skilled reader that the invention is not restricted to the use of four projections, coils and pole pieces and that any even number of projections, coils and pole pieces can be used. / 本発明は、4つの突起及びコイル、磁極片の使用に限定されず、偶数の突起及びコイル、磁極片が使用可能であるということが、当技術に熟練した者にとっては容易に解るであろう。(USP6190517)
$$ For instance a looped interlaced video clip should contain an even number of fields; if no tricks are applied to a PAL encoded sequence it should be a multiple of 8 fields in length in order to preserve the mathematical PAL sequence. / 例えば、ループ化されたインタレースドビデオクリップは偶数のフィールドを含むべきであり、もしトリックが符号化されたPALシーケンスに適用されなければ、数理的なPALシーケンスを保存するために長さにおいて8フィールドのマルチにされるべきである。(USP6229851)
$$ Except where the starting pair are of unit length, it follows that (given that the length of a member of a Golay sequence pair is always one or an even number) each member of the resultant pair will have a length of 8 or a multiple thereof. (USP7640282)
$$ A single precision calculation will require an even number of iterations whilst the double precision calculation requires an odd number of iterations. (USP7167887)
$$ For a central low refractive index (slot) cavity dL, the integers c and e denote an integral odd number of quarter waves whereas d is an integral even number of quarter waves at the design wavelength of the cavity. / 低屈折率(スロット)中央キャビティdLについては、整数cおよびeは1/4波の奇数整数倍を示し、それに対してdはキャビティの設計波長で1/4波の偶数整数倍である。(USP6980362)
$$ Each loop preferably consists of an even number of links. / 各ループは、好ましくは偶数のリンクから成り立つ。(USP6553020)
$$ It will be readily apparent to the skilled reader that the invention is not restricted to the use of four projections, coils and pole pieces and that any even number of projections, coils and pole pieces can be used. / 本発明は、4つの突起及びコイル、磁極片の使用に限定されず、偶数の突起及びコイル、磁極片が使用可能であるということが、当技術に熟練した者にとっては容易に解るであろう。(USP6190517)
$$ For instance a looped interlaced video clip should contain an even number of fields; if no tricks are applied to a PAL encoded sequence it should be a multiple of 8 fields in length in order to preserve the mathematical PAL sequence. / 例えば、ループ化されたインタレースドビデオクリップは偶数のフィールドを含むべきであり、もしトリックが符号化されたPALシーケンスに適用されなければ、数理的なPALシーケンスを保存するために長さにおいて8フィールドのマルチにされるべきである。(USP6229851)
$$ Except where the starting pair are of unit length, it follows that (given that the length of a member of a Golay sequence pair is always one or an even number) each member of the resultant pair will have a length of 8 or a multiple thereof. (USP7640282)
$$ A single precision calculation will require an even number of iterations whilst the double precision calculation requires an odd number of iterations. (USP7167887)
EVEN SO / そうであっても
EVEN SO / そうであっても
$$ There is really no upper or lower limit to the size of the invention, but even so some indications can be given. / 実際には本発明のデバイスのサイズには上限も下限もないが、たとえそうでも、何らかの指示を与えることはできる。(USP6833656)
$$ Even so, an output of approximately 25 lumens is too little to be of use in most projects. (USP7021795)
$$ Even so, this amount of variation in the endpoint does not prove to be a problem when identifying positive sera. (USP7575871)
$$ Even so, gas temperatures at the discharge to atmosphere are quite high, thus substantial amounts of heat are wasted. (USP6615612)
$$ Even so, the mechanism for obtaining a digital form of the content of the document, can be made sufficiently strong to render such attack infeasible. (USP5912974)
EVEN SO / そうであっても
$$ There is really no upper or lower limit to the size of the invention, but even so some indications can be given. / 実際には本発明のデバイスのサイズには上限も下限もないが、たとえそうでも、何らかの指示を与えることはできる。(USP6833656)
$$ Even so, an output of approximately 25 lumens is too little to be of use in most projects. (USP7021795)
$$ Even so, this amount of variation in the endpoint does not prove to be a problem when identifying positive sera. (USP7575871)
$$ Even so, gas temperatures at the discharge to atmosphere are quite high, thus substantial amounts of heat are wasted. (USP6615612)
$$ Even so, the mechanism for obtaining a digital form of the content of the document, can be made sufficiently strong to render such attack infeasible. (USP5912974)
$$ Indeed the process reproducibly finds zero-interference solutions even when every cell demands seven channels. / 実際にはこのプロセスでは、各セルが7チャンネルを要求するとしても、ゼロ干渉の解を再現可能なように見付けている。(USP6539228)
$$ These frequency components, even when filtered, inevitably cause interference in, for example, the FM radio band (87 to 108 MHz), making them unsuitable for use in audio systems with sensitive FM tuners. / この周波数成分は、フィルタリングした時でも、例えばFM無線帯域(87~108MHz)で干渉を不可避的に発生させ、高感度のFMチューナを備えたオーディオシステムでの使用を不適切なものにする。(USP6473469)
$$ Preferably, if volatile memory is used, power is supplied to the memory even when the pen is "switched off". / 好ましくは、もし揮発性メモリが用いられる場合は、たとえペンが「スイッチオフ」されている時でも、該メモリへ電力が供給されるようにする。(USP6058304)
$$ Most are limited to several hundred manufacturers references and even when new are about three months out of date. / そのほとんどは数百の製造業者の製品に限られており、その上、新しい物でもすでに3箇月遅れである。(USP5559936)
$$ This avoids an ST holding on to an uplink communication channel even when it has no data to send. / これにより、STに送信データがない場合でも、当該STが、アップリンク通信チャネルを保持するような状態を回避できる。(USP02018462)
$$ A 3-D physical sound channel thus will be allocated to a high-priority sound, object, or channel request even when no such channel would otherwise be available.(USP5633993)
$$ This requires that the rate-determination algorithm in each speech encoder should always minimize its encoded rate, even when the encoded rates of the other speech encoders sharing the same spectrum does not require this.(USP5761634)
$$ Even when the liquid is not carbonated, for example in the case of wine, fruit juice or other food liquid, it is undesirable to mix intimately the liquid with the gas in the container. (USP4573505)
$$ Even when the method produces good results, the ions formed from high molecular weight compounds are usually clustered with a variety of species derived from the mobile phase, which increases the difficulty of spectrum interpretation. (USP4647772)
$$ Indeed the process reproducibly finds zero-interference solutions even when every cell demands seven channels. / 実際にはこのプロセスでは、各セルが7チャンネルを要求するとしても、ゼロ干渉の解を再現可能なように見付けている。(USP6539228)
$$ These frequency components, even when filtered, inevitably cause interference in, for example, the FM radio band (87 to 108 MHz), making them unsuitable for use in audio systems with sensitive FM tuners. / この周波数成分は、フィルタリングした時でも、例えばFM無線帯域(87~108MHz)で干渉を不可避的に発生させ、高感度のFMチューナを備えたオーディオシステムでの使用を不適切なものにする。(USP6473469)
$$ Preferably, if volatile memory is used, power is supplied to the memory even when the pen is "switched off". / 好ましくは、もし揮発性メモリが用いられる場合は、たとえペンが「スイッチオフ」されている時でも、該メモリへ電力が供給されるようにする。(USP6058304)
$$ Most are limited to several hundred manufacturers references and even when new are about three months out of date. / そのほとんどは数百の製造業者の製品に限られており、その上、新しい物でもすでに3箇月遅れである。(USP5559936)
$$ This avoids an ST holding on to an uplink communication channel even when it has no data to send. / これにより、STに送信データがない場合でも、当該STが、アップリンク通信チャネルを保持するような状態を回避できる。(USP02018462)
$$ A 3-D physical sound channel thus will be allocated to a high-priority sound, object, or channel request even when no such channel would otherwise be available.(USP5633993)
$$ This requires that the rate-determination algorithm in each speech encoder should always minimize its encoded rate, even when the encoded rates of the other speech encoders sharing the same spectrum does not require this.(USP5761634)
$$ Even when the liquid is not carbonated, for example in the case of wine, fruit juice or other food liquid, it is undesirable to mix intimately the liquid with the gas in the container. (USP4573505)
$$ Even when the method produces good results, the ions formed from high molecular weight compounds are usually clustered with a variety of species derived from the mobile phase, which increases the difficulty of spectrum interpretation. (USP4647772)
EVENNESS -->uneven
$$ Although the illustrated embodiments can be operated with scanning tip velocities equivalent to those currently employed with conventional AFM microscopy, the embodiments are capable of tip velocities upwards of 0.1 cms.sup.-1 and depending upon the evenness of the sample surface tip speeds in excess of 50.0 cms.sup.-1 can be achieved. / 図示された実施例は、従来のAFM顕微鏡による検査で現在使用されているものと等価の先端速度で走査されているが、実施例では、0.1cms-1以上の先端速度が可能であり、試料表面の平坦性に依存して50.0cms-1を超える先端速度が達成される。(USP7596989)
$$ The symmetrical or substantially symmetrical arrangement of the apparatus leads to an increase in the evenness of the heating of the PCB 14. (USP6686565)
$$ In order to try and improve and evenness of heating of PCB 1 it would be possible to take a single nozzle 2 (FIG. 2) and traverse it along a path as shown in FIG. 3. (USP6686565)
EVENNESS -->uneven
$$ Although the illustrated embodiments can be operated with scanning tip velocities equivalent to those currently employed with conventional AFM microscopy, the embodiments are capable of tip velocities upwards of 0.1 cms.sup.-1 and depending upon the evenness of the sample surface tip speeds in excess of 50.0 cms.sup.-1 can be achieved. / 図示された実施例は、従来のAFM顕微鏡による検査で現在使用されているものと等価の先端速度で走査されているが、実施例では、0.1cms-1以上の先端速度が可能であり、試料表面の平坦性に依存して50.0cms-1を超える先端速度が達成される。(USP7596989)
$$ The symmetrical or substantially symmetrical arrangement of the apparatus leads to an increase in the evenness of the heating of the PCB 14. (USP6686565)
$$ In order to try and improve and evenness of heating of PCB 1 it would be possible to take a single nozzle 2 (FIG. 2) and traverse it along a path as shown in FIG. 3. (USP6686565)
$$ The fluid may even have a greater circumferential velocity than radial velocity on moving through such radial passageways. / 上記半径方向の通路を通って移動する流体は、その半径方向の速度より円周方向の速度の方を速くすることすらできる。(USP6815848)
$$ The connecting elements may even be simply an amount of adhesive. / 接続素子は、単に一定量の接着剤であってもよい。(USP6833656)
$$ Other dimensions are of course possible and may even prove to be desirable.(USP02066186)
$$ In such a system, there may even be no master controller at all.(USP5575543)
$$ In an extreme case, the amplifying device 3 may even be connected at the capacitive node 27 (to replace the capacitor 17b) at the end of the network 21 before the terminating load resistor 9. / 極端な場合には、増幅装置3が終結負荷抵抗9の前で回路網21の端部において(コンデンサ17b を置き換えるように)容量性結合点27において接続されてさえもよい。(USP5412347)
$$ The call-back handler may even be connected even more centrally, for example at a public telephone exchange or even a trunk exchange, to still further increase the call-handling capability. (USP6704404)
$$ The fluid may even have a greater circumferential velocity than radial velocity on moving through such radial passageways. / 上記半径方向の通路を通って移動する流体は、その半径方向の速度より円周方向の速度の方を速くすることすらできる。(USP6815848)
$$ The connecting elements may even be simply an amount of adhesive. / 接続素子は、単に一定量の接着剤であってもよい。(USP6833656)
$$ Other dimensions are of course possible and may even prove to be desirable.(USP02066186)
$$ In such a system, there may even be no master controller at all.(USP5575543)
$$ In an extreme case, the amplifying device 3 may even be connected at the capacitive node 27 (to replace the capacitor 17b) at the end of the network 21 before the terminating load resistor 9. / 極端な場合には、増幅装置3が終結負荷抵抗9の前で回路網21の端部において(コンデンサ17b を置き換えるように)容量性結合点27において接続されてさえもよい。(USP5412347)
$$ The call-back handler may even be connected even more centrally, for example at a public telephone exchange or even a trunk exchange, to still further increase the call-handling capability. (USP6704404)