$$ In addition to the valid signal, this power control cell 500 receives two further signals, namely an override signal and a retention state signal. / 有効信号の他に、この電力制御セル500は、2つの更なる信号、すなわち、無効信号及び保持状態信号を受信する。(USP8151126)
$$ Thus the number of bits used in these pictures may deliberately be made quite small, if this helps in making the buffer state match as above. (USP6831949)
$$ Where there is one, this may alternatively be an intermediate oxidation state. (USP6100209)
$$ However, problems arise at median conditions and in transition states. (USP5729157)
$$ State 0 (box 60) is the skid detection state. (USP5575543)
$$ The method of claim 1; and further comprising the step of producing a signal having signal states corresponding to the logical states of the data. (USP6236600)
$$ If the event type is SIGNAL, the signal state is updated. (USP01016808)
$$ The end result of the processing of FIG. 3 is that a class has been loaded into a consistent and predictable state, and is now available to interact with other classes. (USP01051970)
$$ If the latter has not already been authenticated i.e. it is not in a suitable state for encrypted communication, it will first need to be authenticated, and, for example, a respective message encryption key established. (USP01054158)
$$ This is an undesirable state of affairs if a desiccation output is required. (USP6416509)
$$ Eventually, non-linear resistances reaches a non-conductive state. (USP6331767) 非伝導状態
$$ As before, a point is reached at which the superconductor changes into its resistive state with the superconductor 1 and shunt coil 12 forming a high impedance. / 以前のように、超伝導材料が抵抗状態に遷移する点に到達して、超伝導材料と並列コイルは高インピーダンスを形成する。(USP6239957)
$$ If the observation length of the receiver is N symbols, then the detected data symbol is recovered from the state stored N symbols previously, and associated with the current state with the smallest accumulated metric. (USP6122269)
$$ The sealing ring 10 is thus maintained in a super-elastic state in which the sealing contact forces at the bumps 12, 14, 28 are not easily disrupted. (USP02074742)
$$ A method according to claim 20, wherein the step of forming the at least one polymer layer comprises forming the polymer layer in a state in which the electronic and/or optical property varies across its thickness. (USP6850003)
$$ In addition to the valid signal, this power control cell 500 receives two further signals, namely an override signal and a retention state signal. / 有効信号の他に、この電力制御セル500は、2つの更なる信号、すなわち、無効信号及び保持状態信号を受信する。(USP8151126)
$$ Thus the number of bits used in these pictures may deliberately be made quite small, if this helps in making the buffer state match as above. (USP6831949)
$$ Where there is one, this may alternatively be an intermediate oxidation state. (USP6100209)
$$ However, problems arise at median conditions and in transition states. (USP5729157)
$$ State 0 (box 60) is the skid detection state. (USP5575543)
$$ The method of claim 1; and further comprising the step of producing a signal having signal states corresponding to the logical states of the data. (USP6236600)
$$ If the event type is SIGNAL, the signal state is updated. (USP01016808)
$$ The end result of the processing of FIG. 3 is that a class has been loaded into a consistent and predictable state, and is now available to interact with other classes. (USP01051970)
$$ If the latter has not already been authenticated i.e. it is not in a suitable state for encrypted communication, it will first need to be authenticated, and, for example, a respective message encryption key established. (USP01054158)
$$ This is an undesirable state of affairs if a desiccation output is required. (USP6416509)
$$ Eventually, non-linear resistances reaches a non-conductive state. (USP6331767) 非伝導状態
$$ As before, a point is reached at which the superconductor changes into its resistive state with the superconductor 1 and shunt coil 12 forming a high impedance. / 以前のように、超伝導材料が抵抗状態に遷移する点に到達して、超伝導材料と並列コイルは高インピーダンスを形成する。(USP6239957)
$$ If the observation length of the receiver is N symbols, then the detected data symbol is recovered from the state stored N symbols previously, and associated with the current state with the smallest accumulated metric. (USP6122269)
$$ The sealing ring 10 is thus maintained in a super-elastic state in which the sealing contact forces at the bumps 12, 14, 28 are not easily disrupted. (USP02074742)
$$ A method according to claim 20, wherein the step of forming the at least one polymer layer comprises forming the polymer layer in a state in which the electronic and/or optical property varies across its thickness. (USP6850003)
$$ The required current flow is selected from the state of a user push button/dimmer switch, for example, at step 225. (USP6351079)
$$ Each interrupt event can be specified as being edge triggered (either rising edge or falling edge) or level triggered (where level is low or high) from the state of one of the virtual interrupt pins. (USP6526501)
$$ The flexible coupling of claim 1 wherein none of the pads are in a state of compression when the coupling is at rest. (USP6358154)
$$ However, for convenience, it is preferable to keep the battery in a state of constant readiness, that is, always fully charged. / しかしながら便宜上、絶えず準備ができた状態、つまり、常に完全に充電されている状態に電池を保つことが好ましい。(USP6265847)
$$ A 90° (π/2) phase shift is therefore introduced in the state of polarisation of radiation each time radiation passes through the Meander-line. / 90°(π/2)の位相変位はしたがって各回毎に放射光が曲折ライン(Meander-line)を通過する放射光の偏光状態において採り入れられる。(USP6587246)
$$ It will be appreciated that in the state of the pump described, there being no liquid in the air separation chamber portions, the float would be in its said lowermost position so that the opening 23 is open, whilst the valve element 38 sealingly engages onto its valve seat 27. (USP6250889)
$$ In the state of the art, a number of printers capable of "direct" printing is known. (USP01024586) :the state of the art=従来技術(技術水準)
$$ Advantageously in its rest state none of the resiliently deformable elements are in a state of compression thereby enabling individual elements to be readily replaced whilst the coupling remains in situ.(USP6358154)
$$ As a result the pads 30 do not need to be in a state of pre-compression when the coupling is in its rest state thereby enabling...(USP6358154)
$$ FIG. 2A illustrates the state of the filter upon receipt of the first data value "d1" within a block of data values. / 図2は、フィルタがデータ値ブロック内の最初のデータ値「d1」を受信した時の状態を示す。(USP5381354)
$$ The binary state of each of the bit fields indicate whether or not the message packet relates to the controllable unit associated with that bit field. 各々のビットフィールドの2進状態は、メッセージパケットがそのビットフィールドと関連する可制御ユニットに関係しているか否かを指示する。(USP5537605)
$$ By setting the initial state of a random selection of memory cells (using changes to the masks) out of the hundreds of thousands in the device configuration memory the FPGA manufacturer can hide key information on the device.(USP01037458)
$$ The required current flow is selected from the state of a user push button/dimmer switch, for example, at step 225. (USP6351079)
$$ Each interrupt event can be specified as being edge triggered (either rising edge or falling edge) or level triggered (where level is low or high) from the state of one of the virtual interrupt pins. (USP6526501)
$$ The flexible coupling of claim 1 wherein none of the pads are in a state of compression when the coupling is at rest. (USP6358154)
$$ However, for convenience, it is preferable to keep the battery in a state of constant readiness, that is, always fully charged. / しかしながら便宜上、絶えず準備ができた状態、つまり、常に完全に充電されている状態に電池を保つことが好ましい。(USP6265847)
$$ A 90° (π/2) phase shift is therefore introduced in the state of polarisation of radiation each time radiation passes through the Meander-line. / 90°(π/2)の位相変位はしたがって各回毎に放射光が曲折ライン(Meander-line)を通過する放射光の偏光状態において採り入れられる。(USP6587246)
$$ It will be appreciated that in the state of the pump described, there being no liquid in the air separation chamber portions, the float would be in its said lowermost position so that the opening 23 is open, whilst the valve element 38 sealingly engages onto its valve seat 27. (USP6250889)
$$ In the state of the art, a number of printers capable of "direct" printing is known. (USP01024586) :the state of the art=従来技術(技術水準)
$$ Advantageously in its rest state none of the resiliently deformable elements are in a state of compression thereby enabling individual elements to be readily replaced whilst the coupling remains in situ.(USP6358154)
$$ As a result the pads 30 do not need to be in a state of pre-compression when the coupling is in its rest state thereby enabling...(USP6358154)
$$ FIG. 2A illustrates the state of the filter upon receipt of the first data value "d1" within a block of data values. / 図2は、フィルタがデータ値ブロック内の最初のデータ値「d1」を受信した時の状態を示す。(USP5381354)
$$ The binary state of each of the bit fields indicate whether or not the message packet relates to the controllable unit associated with that bit field. 各々のビットフィールドの2進状態は、メッセージパケットがそのビットフィールドと関連する可制御ユニットに関係しているか否かを指示する。(USP5537605)
$$ By setting the initial state of a random selection of memory cells (using changes to the masks) out of the hundreds of thousands in the device configuration memory the FPGA manufacturer can hide key information on the device.(USP01037458)
$$ One approach that is used is to model the system using state counters associated with individual entities within the system, representing for example, the usage of the entity at any one instant in time. / 使用される1つの手法は、システム内の個々のエンティティに関連する状態カウンタ、例えば、エンティティによる瞬間の使用数を表す状態カウンタを使用するシステムをモデル化することである。(USP7580997)
$$ The switch transistor in turn activates the control transistor into a conducting state. (USP6778366)
$$ When the diode is not forward biased, it is in its transmitting state (i.e. infrared radiation passes through the device to the detector) and few carriers are present in the intrinsic region 23. / ダイオードは、順方向バイアスされていないとき、その透過状態にあり(すなわち赤外放射が装置を透過して検出器に至る)、キャリヤは真性領域23中にほとんど存在しない。(USP6177674)
$$ The water may be added in a very hot but not boiling state to the polypropylene glycol and its additives. (USP5897581)
$$ It is possible for two or more networking devices to make changes to their operating states at an identical or substantially identical time. (USP02042274)
$$ One approach that is used is to model the system using state counters associated with individual entities within the system, representing for example, the usage of the entity at any one instant in time. / 使用される1つの手法は、システム内の個々のエンティティに関連する状態カウンタ、例えば、エンティティによる瞬間の使用数を表す状態カウンタを使用するシステムをモデル化することである。(USP7580997)
$$ The switch transistor in turn activates the control transistor into a conducting state. (USP6778366)
$$ When the diode is not forward biased, it is in its transmitting state (i.e. infrared radiation passes through the device to the detector) and few carriers are present in the intrinsic region 23. / ダイオードは、順方向バイアスされていないとき、その透過状態にあり(すなわち赤外放射が装置を透過して検出器に至る)、キャリヤは真性領域23中にほとんど存在しない。(USP6177674)
$$ The water may be added in a very hot but not boiling state to the polypropylene glycol and its additives. (USP5897581)
$$ It is possible for two or more networking devices to make changes to their operating states at an identical or substantially identical time. (USP02042274)
$$ The initial filled state does not mean the state where it is not possible for more gas and liquid to be introduced into the chamber without increasing the pressure, but simply means the state at the start of the foam generation operation when predetermined desired volumes of gas and liquid are in the chamber. / 初期充填状態とは、圧力の上昇を伴わずに更にガスおよび液体をチャンバーに導入することが不可能である状態を意味するわけではなく、予め定められた望ましい体積のガスおよび液体がチャンバー内に存在するときに、フォーム生成操作を開始した状態を意味する。(USP8235935)
$$ In one embodiment, a single power saving state is provided, namely a state where the power control circuit causes the power supply to the buffer circuit to be removed, thereby causing the buffer circuit nodes to drift to ground potential. / 一実施例では、単一の電力節約状態、すなわち、電力制御回路によりバッファ回路への電源が除去され、それによりバッファ回路のノードが接地電位にドリフトされる状態が提供される。(USP8151126)
$$ Instructions fetched prior to receipt of the "event suspend" will be completed but the CPU associated with the event logic 114 will eventually enter a state where no instructions are being fetched or executed. (USP6526501)
$$ ...thereby regulating the flow of gas and returning the governor to a state where the balance to forces are equalised... (USP5746245)
$$ Consider first the state where the voltage at the output terminal OUT is changing from 5V to 0V. (USP5729157)
$$ This causes the diaphragm 34 to flex and because the valve stem 12 is connected to the diaphragm 34 the valve head 10 is caused to rise or fall accordingly thereby regulating the flow of gas and returning the governor to a state where the balance to forces are equalised.(USP5746245)
$$ The initial filled state does not mean the state where it is not possible for more gas and liquid to be introduced into the chamber without increasing the pressure, but simply means the state at the start of the foam generation operation when predetermined desired volumes of gas and liquid are in the chamber. / 初期充填状態とは、圧力の上昇を伴わずに更にガスおよび液体をチャンバーに導入することが不可能である状態を意味するわけではなく、予め定められた望ましい体積のガスおよび液体がチャンバー内に存在するときに、フォーム生成操作を開始した状態を意味する。(USP8235935)
$$ In one embodiment, a single power saving state is provided, namely a state where the power control circuit causes the power supply to the buffer circuit to be removed, thereby causing the buffer circuit nodes to drift to ground potential. / 一実施例では、単一の電力節約状態、すなわち、電力制御回路によりバッファ回路への電源が除去され、それによりバッファ回路のノードが接地電位にドリフトされる状態が提供される。(USP8151126)
$$ Instructions fetched prior to receipt of the "event suspend" will be completed but the CPU associated with the event logic 114 will eventually enter a state where no instructions are being fetched or executed. (USP6526501)
$$ ...thereby regulating the flow of gas and returning the governor to a state where the balance to forces are equalised... (USP5746245)
$$ Consider first the state where the voltage at the output terminal OUT is changing from 5V to 0V. (USP5729157)
$$ This causes the diaphragm 34 to flex and because the valve stem 12 is connected to the diaphragm 34 the valve head 10 is caused to rise or fall accordingly thereby regulating the flow of gas and returning the governor to a state where the balance to forces are equalised.(USP5746245)