TEACH 教示する
TEACH 教示する
$$ Thus, the practical applications of the teaching of U.S. Pat. No. 5,166,528 are limited. / このように米国特許第5166528号による教示の実際の用途は限られている。(USP6507030)
$$ Similar catalyst systems are taught in EP 418044 and WO 92/00333. / 同様な触媒系がEP 418044号およびWO 92/00333号に教示されている。(USP6437062)
$$ WO 95/12655 teaches that ortho-substituted compounds are superior. (USP7371729)
$$ It teaches that subsequent stages have a single input of the output from the preceding stage, and carry out the same method. (USP7639077)
$$ However, the EFTPOS terminal 32a is configured to operate in a different manner from that taught by the prior art as is described below. (USP6848613)
$$ This basic method is taught for instance in U.S. Pat. No. 4,783,690. (USP6778366)
$$ This scene by scene colour correction is taught in U.S. Pat. No. 4,096,523 of Armand Belmares-Sarabia et al. (USP6075887)
$$ Mathematically, all of the above teaching can be extended into a 4-D space, and even to higher dimensions if required. (USP6072499)
TEACH 教示する
$$ Thus, the practical applications of the teaching of U.S. Pat. No. 5,166,528 are limited. / このように米国特許第5166528号による教示の実際の用途は限られている。(USP6507030)
$$ Similar catalyst systems are taught in EP 418044 and WO 92/00333. / 同様な触媒系がEP 418044号およびWO 92/00333号に教示されている。(USP6437062)
$$ WO 95/12655 teaches that ortho-substituted compounds are superior. (USP7371729)
$$ It teaches that subsequent stages have a single input of the output from the preceding stage, and carry out the same method. (USP7639077)
$$ However, the EFTPOS terminal 32a is configured to operate in a different manner from that taught by the prior art as is described below. (USP6848613)
$$ This basic method is taught for instance in U.S. Pat. No. 4,783,690. (USP6778366)
$$ This scene by scene colour correction is taught in U.S. Pat. No. 4,096,523 of Armand Belmares-Sarabia et al. (USP6075887)
$$ Mathematically, all of the above teaching can be extended into a 4-D space, and even to higher dimensions if required. (USP6072499)
$$ The supports may then be soldered onto the PCB using conventional techniques. (USP6965789)
$$ This is achieved during the veneering process using conventional techniques. (USP6965789)
$$ In another embodiment, the fusion gene can be synthesized by conventional techniques including automated DNA synthesizers. (USP6403767)
$$ Here again, the conventional techniques used to process ordinary two-dimensional video images can be employed. (USP6327381)
$$ An area in which considerable work has been done is in development of UMTS ("Universal Mobile Telecommunications System") technology. (USP7184760)
$$ The circuit 10 was fabricated using conventional complementary metal oxide-silicon (CMOS) technology. (USP6858912)
$$ However, the "print and fire" process is expensive and the requirements of most applications can be met using surface mount assembly technology.(USP6403881)
$$ This invention relates to digital communications systems and in particular to systems embodying asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) technology. (USP6493344)
$$ This is a useful distinction to the WAP enabled cellular telephone technology where each user is limited by the speed of the transmission of the link and for every sort of data communication, all of the data is transmitted individually to each user. (USP6606033)
$$ One such non-contact technique comprises optical technology in which a structured pattern of light is projected onto an object. / そのような非接触技術の1つは、構造光のパターンを物体に投影する光学的技術を含む。(USP7620235)
$$ If the fairly new technology of curing monomers or prepolymers against masters in the presence of ultraviolet light is used then this will happen as follows. (USP5492370)
$$ The supports may then be soldered onto the PCB using conventional techniques. (USP6965789)
$$ This is achieved during the veneering process using conventional techniques. (USP6965789)
$$ In another embodiment, the fusion gene can be synthesized by conventional techniques including automated DNA synthesizers. (USP6403767)
$$ Here again, the conventional techniques used to process ordinary two-dimensional video images can be employed. (USP6327381)
$$ An area in which considerable work has been done is in development of UMTS ("Universal Mobile Telecommunications System") technology. (USP7184760)
$$ The circuit 10 was fabricated using conventional complementary metal oxide-silicon (CMOS) technology. (USP6858912)
$$ However, the "print and fire" process is expensive and the requirements of most applications can be met using surface mount assembly technology.(USP6403881)
$$ This invention relates to digital communications systems and in particular to systems embodying asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) technology. (USP6493344)
$$ This is a useful distinction to the WAP enabled cellular telephone technology where each user is limited by the speed of the transmission of the link and for every sort of data communication, all of the data is transmitted individually to each user. (USP6606033)
$$ One such non-contact technique comprises optical technology in which a structured pattern of light is projected onto an object. / そのような非接触技術の1つは、構造光のパターンを物体に投影する光学的技術を含む。(USP7620235)
$$ If the fairly new technology of curing monomers or prepolymers against masters in the presence of ultraviolet light is used then this will happen as follows. (USP5492370)
$$ The fixed parameters comprise information required to tell the TP 41 how to communicate with a certain type of meter/TIU combination (eg baud rate of TIU, login sequence and shutdown sequence). / 固定パラメータは、TP41に対してあるタイプのメータ/TIUの組合わせとどのように通信すればよいかを伝えるために要求される情報(例えば、TIUのボーレートやログインシーケンスやシャットダウンシーケンス)から構成されている。(USP6073174)
$$ Now the system will tell user which CD disk to insert. / ここでシステムがどのCDディスクを挿入するかを指示する。(USP5559936)
$$ The nyquist theorem tells us that to adequately reproduce a 20 KHz sine wave from digital samples we need to sample at a frequency of at least 40 KHz. (USP6373955)
$$ It is simply told to execute a particular function and then return to the caller. (USP5675725)
$$ If less than four are competing, then the system must be told which handsets are not used in order that a valid comparison can be conducted. (USP7628404)
$$ Thus, an operator may be able to tell at what points fluids are flowing into the wellbore. (USP6997256)
$$ This description, being for all systems and machines, cannot tell one exactly what their names are; instead, a list of some typical ones is offered. (USP6691301)
$$ The functions are told which clock cycles they have been called on, so clock cycle accurate synchronization is still possible. (USP6691301)
$$ The fixed parameters comprise information required to tell the TP 41 how to communicate with a certain type of meter/TIU combination (eg baud rate of TIU, login sequence and shutdown sequence). / 固定パラメータは、TP41に対してあるタイプのメータ/TIUの組合わせとどのように通信すればよいかを伝えるために要求される情報(例えば、TIUのボーレートやログインシーケンスやシャットダウンシーケンス)から構成されている。(USP6073174)
$$ Now the system will tell user which CD disk to insert. / ここでシステムがどのCDディスクを挿入するかを指示する。(USP5559936)
$$ The nyquist theorem tells us that to adequately reproduce a 20 KHz sine wave from digital samples we need to sample at a frequency of at least 40 KHz. (USP6373955)
$$ It is simply told to execute a particular function and then return to the caller. (USP5675725)
$$ If less than four are competing, then the system must be told which handsets are not used in order that a valid comparison can be conducted. (USP7628404)
$$ Thus, an operator may be able to tell at what points fluids are flowing into the wellbore. (USP6997256)
$$ This description, being for all systems and machines, cannot tell one exactly what their names are; instead, a list of some typical ones is offered. (USP6691301)
$$ The functions are told which clock cycles they have been called on, so clock cycle accurate synchronization is still possible. (USP6691301)
タグ :TELL
$$ PZT has a maximum working temperature of just over 100℃. (USP7567374): V-ing temperature of
$$ In material of this composition the radiation absorption edge at an operating temperature of 77°K. (USP4859851): V-ing temperature of
$$ However in the first preferred embodiment the water is supplied at a temperature of between 80 and 90 ℃ and a flash heater 51 is connected to the water supply channel 39 in the base 6 of the housing 1 to raise the temperature to the optimum brewing temperature of between 90 and 100 ℃(USP6250208): at a temperature
$$ The reaction is preferably carried out in an inert atmosphere such as nitrogen at a temperature between 80℃ and 250℃, preferably from 150 to 180℃. / この反応は、望ましくは、窒素のような不活性雰囲気中、80℃と250℃の間の温度、望ましくは150℃から180℃の温度で行われる。 (USP03027873): at a temperature
$$ In embodiments, the hot gas is at a temperature between 800 and 1200℃. (USP6629974): at a temperature
$$ After stirring for 45 minutes at ambient temperature, the solution was heated to 90-95 ℃ by immersion in a hot water bath for 1 hour. / 周囲温度で45分間の撹拌後、熱水浴中に浸されることによって90-95℃で1時間加熱された。 (USP01019809): at
$$ The microspheres may then be solidified by decreasing the temperature of the emulsion to below 10℃ with stirring. / 続いて、攪拌しながら乳濁液の温度を10℃以下に下げることによって微小球を凝固させることができる。(USP6465626): of
$$ The cold source 18 also comprises a refrigeration unit 20 for controlling the temperature of the RAM 19. / 冷たい放射源18はRAM19の温度を制御するための冷凍ユニット20も含んでいる。(USP6453224): of
$$ When all the KRATON.RTM. copolymer has dissolved, the temperature of the mix is reduced to about 85℃, and fragrance and 12-hydroxystearic acid (if present) are added slowly and left to stir for 10 minutes. / すべてのKraton(RTM)が溶解したら、その混合物の温度を約85℃に下げ、芳香剤及び存在する場合は12-ヒドロキシステアリン酸をゆっくり添加して、10分間撹拌する。(USP6582484): of
$$ The Peltier device 30 serves to hold the temperature of the IRLED 28 stable at the temperature at which its IR emission was calibrated. / ペルチエデバイス30は、そのIR放射が校正される温度において、IRLED28の温度を安定に保つように機能する。(USP6175113): of
$$ For the purposes of the present example, the compound pipe 1 is used to convey steam with a temperature in the region of 600℃-1000℃. / 本実施形態のために、複合管1は、600℃~1000℃の範囲の温度の蒸気を移送するのに使われる。(USP7578315)
$$ There is a significant temperature drop about the wound site upon each occasion that the wound dressing is removed, however, and with previous wound dressings it was necessary to replace the dressing quite frequently particularly with burns as the dressing quickly became saturated with exudate. (USP6077526)
$$ The desorption process being endothermic, there is a significant temperature reduction in the carbon adsorbent and in the desorbed carbon dioxide gas. / この脱着過程は吸熱過程であるため、炭素吸着材及び脱着した二酸化炭素中にて顕著な温度低下が生じる。(USP6098417): reduction
$$ This signal is used by the control circuit 88 to adjust the current through the IRLED 28 in such a way that the reference temperature is increased from T1 to T1 '. / 制御回路88は、この信号を使用して、基準温度をT1からT1’まで増大するように、IRLED28を通る電流を調整する。(USP6175113): increased
$$ The film deodoriser may comprise alternative substances which exhibit phase change either due to increased temperature or increased stress. (USP6631722): increased temperature
$$ This permits the selection of a fluid, such as a grease, which has a very much higher long-term stability to increased temperature than the silicone fluids which are conventionally used. / これによって、流体たとえばグリースを選択することができ、これは、従来使用されるシリコーン流体よりも、増加した温度に対して非常に高い長期安定性を有する。(USP7584738)
$$ The dramatic increase in volume reduces the pressure, and both of these changes in volume and pressure co-operate to reduce the rate of increase in the temperature at that instant. (USP01014366): increase in the temperature
$$ The reaction mixture is subsequently evacuated and flushed with nitrogen, while the temperature is increased in increments of about 20℃ to ambient temperature. (USP7371729): increased
$$ A catalyst which may be a base, for example a pyridine, or an acid, for example acetic acid, may be added and the reaction subsequently carried out at an elevated temperature. / 例えばピリジン等の塩基、又は、例えば酢酸等の酸であってよい触媒が添加されることができ、引き続いて、高温で反応が行われる。(USP01019809): elevated temperature
$$ Ambient temperatures may be employed in conjunction with a reaction time of, for example, 5-24 hours, or elevated temperatures can be used for a shorter period. / 周囲温度は反応時間、例えば、5~24時間と組み合わされて選定され、即ち高温は短時間で使用できる。(USP6254669): elevated temperatures
$$ Preferably the process is operated at reduced, ambient or elevated temperature as hereinbefore defined. / この工程は、先に規定されたような、低減された雰囲気温度または上昇温度で作動されるのが好ましい。(USP6375739): ambient or elevated
$$ It is preferable that the silica is dried before use and this is typically carried out by heating at elevated temperatures for example between 200 and 850 ℃. / シリカは使用前に乾燥させ、これを典型的にはたとえば200~850℃の高められた温度で加熱して行うのが好適である。(USP6437062): elevated temperatures
$$ The liquid in the column is heated to a temperature at which polymerization will occur in the beads. / カラム中の液体は、ビーズに重合が起こる温度に加熱される。(USP6277932): to/at
$$ The temperature at which the grain are growing was found to have no effect on the temperature optima for activity of these two enzymes. (USP6013861)
$$ However, where heating capacity is available, the temperature may be elevated to a higher temperature in order to limit steam requirements later or so that the treatment temperature is more quickly achieved. (USP02168288)
$$ The beaker was transferred to an ice bath and stirring continued at 1000 rpm until the temperature had dropped to below 10℃. / ビーカーを氷浴に移し、温度が10℃以下に降下するまで1000rpmで攪拌を継続した。(USP6465626)
$$ The temperature was then increased to room temperature and the solution stirred for a further 12 hours at pH 7-8. / 温度を室温まで上昇させ、そして溶液を更にpH7~8で12時間撹拌した。(USP6254669)
$$ The temperature was then raised to 60℃ to complete the reaction and the mixture cooled to 20℃. / 温度を60℃まで昇温して反応を完了し、そしてこの混合物を20℃まで冷却した。(USP6254669)
$$ Probe 106 is heated to some temperature above the normal decomposition or desorption temperature for sample 108. (USP6405137)
$$ Water that has reached a suitable temperature for brewing is pumped into the brewing cup 312 via the water supply tube 322. (USP6250208)
$$ In a further aspect the present invention provides a method of generating a reference temperature for a scanning thermal imaging system, the method comprising the steps of: (USP6175113)
$$ The increase in heat flow through the bodies 4, from the centre region 40 to the periphery, causes those regions toward the periphery to reach the necessary temperature for carbon deposition. (USP6416824)
$$ The tank 10 further includes an electrically operated immersion heater 23, governed by a thermo-coupling 27, in order to maintain the water 21 at a desired temperature for making hot drinks. / 上記流体タンク10はさらに電気的に制御される浸漬ヒータ23を備えており、これによって熱い飲み物を作れるように水21を所定の温度に保つようにしている。(USP5893487)
$$ PZT has a maximum working temperature of just over 100℃. (USP7567374): V-ing temperature of
$$ In material of this composition the radiation absorption edge at an operating temperature of 77°K. (USP4859851): V-ing temperature of
$$ However in the first preferred embodiment the water is supplied at a temperature of between 80 and 90 ℃ and a flash heater 51 is connected to the water supply channel 39 in the base 6 of the housing 1 to raise the temperature to the optimum brewing temperature of between 90 and 100 ℃(USP6250208): at a temperature
$$ The reaction is preferably carried out in an inert atmosphere such as nitrogen at a temperature between 80℃ and 250℃, preferably from 150 to 180℃. / この反応は、望ましくは、窒素のような不活性雰囲気中、80℃と250℃の間の温度、望ましくは150℃から180℃の温度で行われる。 (USP03027873): at a temperature
$$ In embodiments, the hot gas is at a temperature between 800 and 1200℃. (USP6629974): at a temperature
$$ After stirring for 45 minutes at ambient temperature, the solution was heated to 90-95 ℃ by immersion in a hot water bath for 1 hour. / 周囲温度で45分間の撹拌後、熱水浴中に浸されることによって90-95℃で1時間加熱された。 (USP01019809): at
$$ The microspheres may then be solidified by decreasing the temperature of the emulsion to below 10℃ with stirring. / 続いて、攪拌しながら乳濁液の温度を10℃以下に下げることによって微小球を凝固させることができる。(USP6465626): of
$$ The cold source 18 also comprises a refrigeration unit 20 for controlling the temperature of the RAM 19. / 冷たい放射源18はRAM19の温度を制御するための冷凍ユニット20も含んでいる。(USP6453224): of
$$ When all the KRATON.RTM. copolymer has dissolved, the temperature of the mix is reduced to about 85℃, and fragrance and 12-hydroxystearic acid (if present) are added slowly and left to stir for 10 minutes. / すべてのKraton(RTM)が溶解したら、その混合物の温度を約85℃に下げ、芳香剤及び存在する場合は12-ヒドロキシステアリン酸をゆっくり添加して、10分間撹拌する。(USP6582484): of
$$ The Peltier device 30 serves to hold the temperature of the IRLED 28 stable at the temperature at which its IR emission was calibrated. / ペルチエデバイス30は、そのIR放射が校正される温度において、IRLED28の温度を安定に保つように機能する。(USP6175113): of
$$ For the purposes of the present example, the compound pipe 1 is used to convey steam with a temperature in the region of 600℃-1000℃. / 本実施形態のために、複合管1は、600℃~1000℃の範囲の温度の蒸気を移送するのに使われる。(USP7578315)
$$ There is a significant temperature drop about the wound site upon each occasion that the wound dressing is removed, however, and with previous wound dressings it was necessary to replace the dressing quite frequently particularly with burns as the dressing quickly became saturated with exudate. (USP6077526)
$$ The desorption process being endothermic, there is a significant temperature reduction in the carbon adsorbent and in the desorbed carbon dioxide gas. / この脱着過程は吸熱過程であるため、炭素吸着材及び脱着した二酸化炭素中にて顕著な温度低下が生じる。(USP6098417): reduction
$$ This signal is used by the control circuit 88 to adjust the current through the IRLED 28 in such a way that the reference temperature is increased from T1 to T1 '. / 制御回路88は、この信号を使用して、基準温度をT1からT1’まで増大するように、IRLED28を通る電流を調整する。(USP6175113): increased
$$ The film deodoriser may comprise alternative substances which exhibit phase change either due to increased temperature or increased stress. (USP6631722): increased temperature
$$ This permits the selection of a fluid, such as a grease, which has a very much higher long-term stability to increased temperature than the silicone fluids which are conventionally used. / これによって、流体たとえばグリースを選択することができ、これは、従来使用されるシリコーン流体よりも、増加した温度に対して非常に高い長期安定性を有する。(USP7584738)
$$ The dramatic increase in volume reduces the pressure, and both of these changes in volume and pressure co-operate to reduce the rate of increase in the temperature at that instant. (USP01014366): increase in the temperature
$$ The reaction mixture is subsequently evacuated and flushed with nitrogen, while the temperature is increased in increments of about 20℃ to ambient temperature. (USP7371729): increased
$$ A catalyst which may be a base, for example a pyridine, or an acid, for example acetic acid, may be added and the reaction subsequently carried out at an elevated temperature. / 例えばピリジン等の塩基、又は、例えば酢酸等の酸であってよい触媒が添加されることができ、引き続いて、高温で反応が行われる。(USP01019809): elevated temperature
$$ Ambient temperatures may be employed in conjunction with a reaction time of, for example, 5-24 hours, or elevated temperatures can be used for a shorter period. / 周囲温度は反応時間、例えば、5~24時間と組み合わされて選定され、即ち高温は短時間で使用できる。(USP6254669): elevated temperatures
$$ Preferably the process is operated at reduced, ambient or elevated temperature as hereinbefore defined. / この工程は、先に規定されたような、低減された雰囲気温度または上昇温度で作動されるのが好ましい。(USP6375739): ambient or elevated
$$ It is preferable that the silica is dried before use and this is typically carried out by heating at elevated temperatures for example between 200 and 850 ℃. / シリカは使用前に乾燥させ、これを典型的にはたとえば200~850℃の高められた温度で加熱して行うのが好適である。(USP6437062): elevated temperatures
$$ The liquid in the column is heated to a temperature at which polymerization will occur in the beads. / カラム中の液体は、ビーズに重合が起こる温度に加熱される。(USP6277932): to/at
$$ The temperature at which the grain are growing was found to have no effect on the temperature optima for activity of these two enzymes. (USP6013861)
$$ However, where heating capacity is available, the temperature may be elevated to a higher temperature in order to limit steam requirements later or so that the treatment temperature is more quickly achieved. (USP02168288)
$$ The beaker was transferred to an ice bath and stirring continued at 1000 rpm until the temperature had dropped to below 10℃. / ビーカーを氷浴に移し、温度が10℃以下に降下するまで1000rpmで攪拌を継続した。(USP6465626)
$$ The temperature was then increased to room temperature and the solution stirred for a further 12 hours at pH 7-8. / 温度を室温まで上昇させ、そして溶液を更にpH7~8で12時間撹拌した。(USP6254669)
$$ The temperature was then raised to 60℃ to complete the reaction and the mixture cooled to 20℃. / 温度を60℃まで昇温して反応を完了し、そしてこの混合物を20℃まで冷却した。(USP6254669)
$$ Probe 106 is heated to some temperature above the normal decomposition or desorption temperature for sample 108. (USP6405137)
$$ Water that has reached a suitable temperature for brewing is pumped into the brewing cup 312 via the water supply tube 322. (USP6250208)
$$ In a further aspect the present invention provides a method of generating a reference temperature for a scanning thermal imaging system, the method comprising the steps of: (USP6175113)
$$ The increase in heat flow through the bodies 4, from the centre region 40 to the periphery, causes those regions toward the periphery to reach the necessary temperature for carbon deposition. (USP6416824)
$$ The tank 10 further includes an electrically operated immersion heater 23, governed by a thermo-coupling 27, in order to maintain the water 21 at a desired temperature for making hot drinks. / 上記流体タンク10はさらに電気的に制御される浸漬ヒータ23を備えており、これによって熱い飲み物を作れるように水21を所定の温度に保つようにしている。(USP5893487)
$$ Ice tends to build up around the stagnation point. / 氷は、よどみ点に形成される傾向にある。(USP8413930)
$$ By virtue of their opposite electronic charges, a coulombic attraction exists between them which tends to lead to localisation. / それらの逆の電荷によって、それらの間にはクーロン引力が存在し、局在化がもたらされやすい。(USP6929869)
$$ Excluded mobile stations tend to lock onto an access-controlled cell without receiving service for significant periods of time. / 除外された移動局は長時間サービスを受けることなく、アクセス制御されたセルにロックする傾向がある。(USP6826414)
$$ The remaining sub-bands (the ac sub-bands) tend to contain a mixture of horizontal and vertical information. / 残りのacサブバンドは、水平及び垂直情報が混じったものを含む傾向がある。(USP5353059)
$$ In western countries tea tends to be brewed at home, however, there is a growing trend for consumers to consume tea out of home in cafes and bars.(USP6250208)
$$ Such phones do, however, tend to be relatively flimsy and prone to damage especially when the flap is open since it is then extremely prone to accidental knocks or other rough treatment. / しかしながら、このような電話は、比較的壊れ易く、特にフラップを開いたときにダメージを受け易い。(USP6282436)
$$ Those that do tend to be inflexible. / また非可撓性になる傾向を有する。(USP6200677)
$$ Micro gas bubbles tend to be trapped in the sludge due to its viscosity.(USP6565755)
$$ Ice tends to build up around the stagnation point. / 氷は、よどみ点に形成される傾向にある。(USP8413930)
$$ By virtue of their opposite electronic charges, a coulombic attraction exists between them which tends to lead to localisation. / それらの逆の電荷によって、それらの間にはクーロン引力が存在し、局在化がもたらされやすい。(USP6929869)
$$ Excluded mobile stations tend to lock onto an access-controlled cell without receiving service for significant periods of time. / 除外された移動局は長時間サービスを受けることなく、アクセス制御されたセルにロックする傾向がある。(USP6826414)
$$ The remaining sub-bands (the ac sub-bands) tend to contain a mixture of horizontal and vertical information. / 残りのacサブバンドは、水平及び垂直情報が混じったものを含む傾向がある。(USP5353059)
$$ In western countries tea tends to be brewed at home, however, there is a growing trend for consumers to consume tea out of home in cafes and bars.(USP6250208)
$$ Such phones do, however, tend to be relatively flimsy and prone to damage especially when the flap is open since it is then extremely prone to accidental knocks or other rough treatment. / しかしながら、このような電話は、比較的壊れ易く、特にフラップを開いたときにダメージを受け易い。(USP6282436)
$$ Those that do tend to be inflexible. / また非可撓性になる傾向を有する。(USP6200677)
$$ Micro gas bubbles tend to be trapped in the sludge due to its viscosity.(USP6565755)
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$$ In particular, there is a tendency for the wet coating to form fissures as it dries creating a dried, solid coating with cracks in it. (USP7638572): for sth to-V
$$ ...there is a tendency to sit in cramped conditions relatively inert in an immobile position often for many hours... (USP7637922): to-V
$$ ...there is a tendency for forward tilting to arise... (USP6355049): for sth to-V
$$ ...there is a tendency for over-travel of the ribbon and resultant wastage of ribbon... (USP5294203) リボンの過移動とそれによる損耗の傾向がある: for sth
$$ These properties give it a resonant frequency in the region of the operating frequency and a tendency to concentrate the E-field in the region of its end portions 480C. (USP6629974): to-V
$$ However the reverse phase bead polymerization process does have a tendency to produce beads having a wider size distribution than would be desired including fines and some mis-shapen beads. / しかし、逆相ビーズ重合法は、微粉及び形状不良のビーズを含む、望まれるよりも広い粒径分布を有するビーズを製造する傾向がある。(USP6277932): to-V
$$ WLEDs have a tendency to fail when subjected to sudden current increases, and also when operating at extreme temperatures as temperature affects the operating characteristics of diodes in general. (USP6351079): to-V
$$ The use of foam applicator heads has also been proposed, but these have a tendency to become overloaded with product which then either dries, clogging the head or drips off the head, both of which are clearly undesirable.(USP02064413): to-V
$$ There is a tendency for the hair to be displaced and knocked over in front of the moving blade edge, but it becomes cut through since the hair root is held firmly by the skin. / 移動する刃の縁の前方で毛はずらされ且つ引き倒される傾向があるが、毛根は皮膚に強固に保持されているので、毛を押し切って進むことになる。(USP6176014): for sth to-V
$$ Because the product supply 8 is mounted above the inlet 5 there is a prevailing tendency for product to flow through the inlet 5 into the pump chamber. / 製品供給部8が、入口5の上に設けられているので、製品がポンプチャンバへ入口5を介して流れる一般的傾向がある。(USP6422434): for sth to-V
$$ As already stated, the electrical characteristics of each of these sections will have a tendency to converge at desiccation.(USP02052599): to-V
$$ This again leads to a tendency to lunging or swooping movement in sideways travel. (USP5479672): to sth
$$ In particular, there is a tendency for the wet coating to form fissures as it dries creating a dried, solid coating with cracks in it. (USP7638572): for sth to-V
$$ ...there is a tendency to sit in cramped conditions relatively inert in an immobile position often for many hours... (USP7637922): to-V
$$ ...there is a tendency for forward tilting to arise... (USP6355049): for sth to-V
$$ ...there is a tendency for over-travel of the ribbon and resultant wastage of ribbon... (USP5294203) リボンの過移動とそれによる損耗の傾向がある: for sth
$$ These properties give it a resonant frequency in the region of the operating frequency and a tendency to concentrate the E-field in the region of its end portions 480C. (USP6629974): to-V
$$ However the reverse phase bead polymerization process does have a tendency to produce beads having a wider size distribution than would be desired including fines and some mis-shapen beads. / しかし、逆相ビーズ重合法は、微粉及び形状不良のビーズを含む、望まれるよりも広い粒径分布を有するビーズを製造する傾向がある。(USP6277932): to-V
$$ WLEDs have a tendency to fail when subjected to sudden current increases, and also when operating at extreme temperatures as temperature affects the operating characteristics of diodes in general. (USP6351079): to-V
$$ The use of foam applicator heads has also been proposed, but these have a tendency to become overloaded with product which then either dries, clogging the head or drips off the head, both of which are clearly undesirable.(USP02064413): to-V
$$ There is a tendency for the hair to be displaced and knocked over in front of the moving blade edge, but it becomes cut through since the hair root is held firmly by the skin. / 移動する刃の縁の前方で毛はずらされ且つ引き倒される傾向があるが、毛根は皮膚に強固に保持されているので、毛を押し切って進むことになる。(USP6176014): for sth to-V
$$ Because the product supply 8 is mounted above the inlet 5 there is a prevailing tendency for product to flow through the inlet 5 into the pump chamber. / 製品供給部8が、入口5の上に設けられているので、製品がポンプチャンバへ入口5を介して流れる一般的傾向がある。(USP6422434): for sth to-V
$$ As already stated, the electrical characteristics of each of these sections will have a tendency to converge at desiccation.(USP02052599): to-V
$$ This again leads to a tendency to lunging or swooping movement in sideways travel. (USP5479672): to sth
$$ Preferably each of the load arms has at least one winch which can be used to tension the one or more tendons. / 荷重アームはそれぞれに、1つまたは複数のテンドンをぴんと張るために使用することができる少なくとも1つのウインチを有することが好ましい。(USP8201787):
$$ The inks may also contain other additives, for example, viscosity and surface tension modifiers and one or more surfactants to aid the penetration of the colorant into the substrate used for printing. / また上記インキは着色剤を印刷用の基板中に浸透させるために、その他の添加剤、例えば、粘度と表面張力の改質剤及び一又はそれ以上の界面活性剤を含有できる。(USP6254669)
$$ The maximum cross sectional dimensions of the openings are determined by the interfluid interfacial surface tension and the pressure across the interface. / 開口部の最大断面寸法は、流体間の界面張力及び界面を横切る圧力により決定される。(USP5961832)
$$ However, when the sheet is placed under elastic tension by, for example, forcing the top and bottom edges together to provide the sheet with an arched profile in one axis, the sheet becomes rigid and bending or flexing along other axes is inhibited. (USP6585162)
$$ If the motor is reversed and the table is driven in the direction of arrow B a tension will be generated in the belt side 20, which will hold the pawl in contact with the detent when the motor is stopped. (USP02017161)
$$ One area where these tensions in satisfactory instruction handling are particularly apparent is in RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) processor design. (USP03188138)
$$ For very high pipeline tensions, A & R operations may involve the use of a drill string (rather than a cable), which may be deployed from a short derrick disposed above the pipeline departure point. (USP5836719)
$$ If the tilt angles have subsequently to be changed, this may only be achieved by lowering the column to the ground and releasing tension in the links so that the loudspeakers rest on top of each other. (USP6536554)
$$ The bolt is tensioned by means of a hydraulic bolt tensioning tool, and a nut is screwed onto the bolt while under tension. (USP6799930)
$$ The spring 42 is tensioned by a thumb screw 44 which extends through the base of the housing 36 and is connected to the spring 42. (USP5746245)
$$ Preferably each of the load arms has at least one winch which can be used to tension the one or more tendons. / 荷重アームはそれぞれに、1つまたは複数のテンドンをぴんと張るために使用することができる少なくとも1つのウインチを有することが好ましい。(USP8201787):
$$ The inks may also contain other additives, for example, viscosity and surface tension modifiers and one or more surfactants to aid the penetration of the colorant into the substrate used for printing. / また上記インキは着色剤を印刷用の基板中に浸透させるために、その他の添加剤、例えば、粘度と表面張力の改質剤及び一又はそれ以上の界面活性剤を含有できる。(USP6254669)
$$ The maximum cross sectional dimensions of the openings are determined by the interfluid interfacial surface tension and the pressure across the interface. / 開口部の最大断面寸法は、流体間の界面張力及び界面を横切る圧力により決定される。(USP5961832)
$$ However, when the sheet is placed under elastic tension by, for example, forcing the top and bottom edges together to provide the sheet with an arched profile in one axis, the sheet becomes rigid and bending or flexing along other axes is inhibited. (USP6585162)
$$ If the motor is reversed and the table is driven in the direction of arrow B a tension will be generated in the belt side 20, which will hold the pawl in contact with the detent when the motor is stopped. (USP02017161)
$$ One area where these tensions in satisfactory instruction handling are particularly apparent is in RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) processor design. (USP03188138)
$$ For very high pipeline tensions, A & R operations may involve the use of a drill string (rather than a cable), which may be deployed from a short derrick disposed above the pipeline departure point. (USP5836719)
$$ If the tilt angles have subsequently to be changed, this may only be achieved by lowering the column to the ground and releasing tension in the links so that the loudspeakers rest on top of each other. (USP6536554)
$$ The bolt is tensioned by means of a hydraulic bolt tensioning tool, and a nut is screwed onto the bolt while under tension. (USP6799930)
$$ The spring 42 is tensioned by a thumb screw 44 which extends through the base of the housing 36 and is connected to the spring 42. (USP5746245)
$$ In control terms, this is a closed-loop system. / 制御の用語で言うと、これは閉ループ・システムである。(USP8294749)
$$ The above expression may be rewritten as, in terms of the embodiment of FIG. 1: / 図1の態様の観点から上記の式を書き直すと以下のようになる: (USP5961832)
$$ Therefore, where appropriate the terms samples and pixels are interchangeable. / したがって、サンプルという用語と画素という用語は、状況によっては交換可能である場合もある。(USP03131243)
$$ In force terms, this means that the wheel can only impart a force on the suspension system that is either parallel to or passes through the bearing axis. / 力として説明するならば、このことは、車輪がベアリングの軸線に対して平行であるか又はこの軸線を貫通する懸架装置にのみ力を付与することができることを意味する。(USP7168719)
$$ In logical terms, instead of the effect icon 810 being mapped to a particular plug-in, it is mapped to a linked group of plug-ins interconnected in a particular way. / 論理用語で言えば、効果アイコン810が或特定のプラグインにマップされる代わりに、特定の方法で相互接続された1つのリンクされたグループのプラグインにマップされる。(USP6523174)
$$ Liquid crystal defects can, in simple terms, be considered as a local area of discontinuity in the director field and are well known to persons skilled in the art. / 液晶欠陥(defects)は、簡単に言えば、ディレクター・フィールド(director field)での不連続性の局所的エリア(local area)と考えられ、当業者に良く知られている。(USP7053975)
$$ In control terms, this is a closed-loop system. / 制御の用語で言うと、これは閉ループ・システムである。(USP8294749)
$$ The above expression may be rewritten as, in terms of the embodiment of FIG. 1: / 図1の態様の観点から上記の式を書き直すと以下のようになる: (USP5961832)
$$ Therefore, where appropriate the terms samples and pixels are interchangeable. / したがって、サンプルという用語と画素という用語は、状況によっては交換可能である場合もある。(USP03131243)
$$ In force terms, this means that the wheel can only impart a force on the suspension system that is either parallel to or passes through the bearing axis. / 力として説明するならば、このことは、車輪がベアリングの軸線に対して平行であるか又はこの軸線を貫通する懸架装置にのみ力を付与することができることを意味する。(USP7168719)
$$ In logical terms, instead of the effect icon 810 being mapped to a particular plug-in, it is mapped to a linked group of plug-ins interconnected in a particular way. / 論理用語で言えば、効果アイコン810が或特定のプラグインにマップされる代わりに、特定の方法で相互接続された1つのリンクされたグループのプラグインにマップされる。(USP6523174)
$$ Liquid crystal defects can, in simple terms, be considered as a local area of discontinuity in the director field and are well known to persons skilled in the art. / 液晶欠陥(defects)は、簡単に言えば、ディレクター・フィールド(director field)での不連続性の局所的エリア(local area)と考えられ、当業者に良く知られている。(USP7053975)
-->referred to as
$$ These signals are termed uplink data. / これらの信号はアップリンクデータと呼ばれる。(USP8428153)
$$ In the dark area, termed the normal driving area, the engine is loaded. / 通常の駆動領域である暗い領域においては、エンジンはローディングされる。 (USP8292781)
$$ A macroblock of a logo may be termed "transparent". / ロゴのマクロブロックは、「透明」と称することができる。(USP6567128)
$$ Directions, relative to the ground track 48, at 90 degrees thereto, are termed crosstrack as indicated by a fourth arrow 54. / 地上軌道48に対して90度の(地上軌道48に関する)方向は、第4矢印54によって示されるような交差軌道として示される。(USP6031489)
$$ ...they are termed "left daughters"... / これらは「左ドーター」と呼ばれる。(USP7565281)
$$ When integrated, the virus is termed a provirus (Varmus, 1988). / 組み込まれた時、ウイルスはプロウイルスと称される(Varmus,1988)(USP6242175)
$$ This modified adaptation layer is termed dynamic structured data transfer (DSDT). / この修正されたアダプテーションレイヤは、動的構造化データ転送(DSDT)と称される。(USP6222843)
$$ The base Site Controller 23 controls the radio interface 30 with the mobile terminals 20, 21, and has a fixed link 29 to a Mobile Switching Centre 24, termed a "Visitor Mobile Switching Centre", or VMSC. / ベースサイト制御装置23は移動端末20、21との無線インターフェイス30を制御し、“ビジタ移動スイッチングセンタ”またはVMSCと呼ばれる移動スイッチングセンタ24への固定リンク29をもつ。(USP6584098)
-->referred to as
$$ These signals are termed uplink data. / これらの信号はアップリンクデータと呼ばれる。(USP8428153)
$$ In the dark area, termed the normal driving area, the engine is loaded. / 通常の駆動領域である暗い領域においては、エンジンはローディングされる。 (USP8292781)
$$ A macroblock of a logo may be termed "transparent". / ロゴのマクロブロックは、「透明」と称することができる。(USP6567128)
$$ Directions, relative to the ground track 48, at 90 degrees thereto, are termed crosstrack as indicated by a fourth arrow 54. / 地上軌道48に対して90度の(地上軌道48に関する)方向は、第4矢印54によって示されるような交差軌道として示される。(USP6031489)
$$ ...they are termed "left daughters"... / これらは「左ドーター」と呼ばれる。(USP7565281)
$$ When integrated, the virus is termed a provirus (Varmus, 1988). / 組み込まれた時、ウイルスはプロウイルスと称される(Varmus,1988)(USP6242175)
$$ This modified adaptation layer is termed dynamic structured data transfer (DSDT). / この修正されたアダプテーションレイヤは、動的構造化データ転送(DSDT)と称される。(USP6222843)
$$ The base Site Controller 23 controls the radio interface 30 with the mobile terminals 20, 21, and has a fixed link 29 to a Mobile Switching Centre 24, termed a "Visitor Mobile Switching Centre", or VMSC. / ベースサイト制御装置23は移動端末20、21との無線インターフェイス30を制御し、“ビジタ移動スイッチングセンタ”またはVMSCと呼ばれる移動スイッチングセンタ24への固定リンク29をもつ。(USP6584098)
$$ The end electrodes (59) are connected to the positive and negative terminals of a power supply, respectively. / 終端電極(59)は、電源のプラス端子とマイナス端子にそれぞれ接続される。(USP8273225)
$$ Each terminating circuit or line passes through several nodes before reaching its respective terminal equipment. / 各終端回路または回線はそのそれぞれの端末装置に到達する前に複数のノードを通過する。(USP7573824)
$$ The circuit 300 has a first battery 310 with positive and negative terminals 312 and 314 connected directly to limb end layer 16c and through a series resistor RS to limb end layer 16a respectively. / この回路300は、直接枝端部層16cに接続された正端子312と、直列接続された抵抗器Rsを通じて枝端部層16aに接続された負端子314とを有する第1電池310を有する。(USP6809514)
$$ FIG. 3 shows a time chart of a communication between the calling facsimile terminal 10 and the called facsimile terminal 24. / 図3は、発呼ファクシミリ端末10及び着呼ファクシミリ端末24間の通信のタイムチャートを示している。(USP5877871)
$$ The non-inverting input of amplifier 256 receives a power demand signal from the computer 16 via a terminal 258. / 増幅器256の非反転入力部は、コンピュータ16からのパワーデマンド信号を、端子258を経て受け入れている。(USP5434880)
$$ The bases of transistors Q1, Q2 are connected, through windings T2/1, T2/2 and resistor R1 to positive terminal A. (USP4542450)
$$ The end electrodes (59) are connected to the positive and negative terminals of a power supply, respectively. / 終端電極(59)は、電源のプラス端子とマイナス端子にそれぞれ接続される。(USP8273225)
$$ Each terminating circuit or line passes through several nodes before reaching its respective terminal equipment. / 各終端回路または回線はそのそれぞれの端末装置に到達する前に複数のノードを通過する。(USP7573824)
$$ The circuit 300 has a first battery 310 with positive and negative terminals 312 and 314 connected directly to limb end layer 16c and through a series resistor RS to limb end layer 16a respectively. / この回路300は、直接枝端部層16cに接続された正端子312と、直列接続された抵抗器Rsを通じて枝端部層16aに接続された負端子314とを有する第1電池310を有する。(USP6809514)
$$ FIG. 3 shows a time chart of a communication between the calling facsimile terminal 10 and the called facsimile terminal 24. / 図3は、発呼ファクシミリ端末10及び着呼ファクシミリ端末24間の通信のタイムチャートを示している。(USP5877871)
$$ The non-inverting input of amplifier 256 receives a power demand signal from the computer 16 via a terminal 258. / 増幅器256の非反転入力部は、コンピュータ16からのパワーデマンド信号を、端子258を経て受け入れている。(USP5434880)
$$ The bases of transistors Q1, Q2 are connected, through windings T2/1, T2/2 and resistor R1 to positive terminal A. (USP4542450)
TEXT テキスト
TEXT テキスト
$$ The ISAP 11 can also be programmed to include in a standard message selected data items included in the text file transferred from the GIS 2. / ISAP11はさらに、GIS2から送られるテキストファイル内に含まれる選択されたデータ項目を標準メッセージに含むようにプログラムすることができる。(USP6912270)
$$ The MAP system can provide all the capabilities, such as text to speech conversion, to support a GIRAFF system 220. / MAPシステムは、言語変換のテキストのような、全ての能力を用意して、GIRAFFシステム220を支援することができる。(USP6775249)
$$ Accordingly, each time the character reads the text the appearance of the character is identical. / したがって、キャラクタがテキストを読む度に、キャラクタの外観は同一である。(USP6772122)
$$ In FIG. 6, additional video information including a textual logo 6 and further information such as a geographical map 5 is superposed over the original image. / 図6では、文字によるロゴ情報6及び地図5が原シーンにスーパーインポーズされている。(USP6757333)
$$ In this case, the anchor is defined as a piece of text. / この場合、アンカーは1つのテキストとして定められる。(USP6393468)
$$ Parser 11005 analyses the input text 1000 for abbreviations and acronyms. / パーサ11005は入力テキスト1000を省略記法と頭字語とについて解析する。(USP6353827)
$$ The web page displayed in step S46 will include text and hypertext links. / 段階S46で表示されたウエッブページはテキストまたはハイパーテキストリンクを含むことになる。(USP6081835)
$$ The UNIX Console Monitor (UCM) 65 monitors text added to a system console log file. / UNIXコンソールモニタ(UCM)65は、システムコンソールログファイルに付加されるテキストを監視する。(USP5907602)
$$ The teletext mode is exited by pressing a key with the legend "BACKUP" 70. / 文字放送モードは、「BACKUP」という記号があるキー70を押すと終了する。(USP02042917)
TEXT テキスト
$$ The ISAP 11 can also be programmed to include in a standard message selected data items included in the text file transferred from the GIS 2. / ISAP11はさらに、GIS2から送られるテキストファイル内に含まれる選択されたデータ項目を標準メッセージに含むようにプログラムすることができる。(USP6912270)
$$ The MAP system can provide all the capabilities, such as text to speech conversion, to support a GIRAFF system 220. / MAPシステムは、言語変換のテキストのような、全ての能力を用意して、GIRAFFシステム220を支援することができる。(USP6775249)
$$ Accordingly, each time the character reads the text the appearance of the character is identical. / したがって、キャラクタがテキストを読む度に、キャラクタの外観は同一である。(USP6772122)
$$ In FIG. 6, additional video information including a textual logo 6 and further information such as a geographical map 5 is superposed over the original image. / 図6では、文字によるロゴ情報6及び地図5が原シーンにスーパーインポーズされている。(USP6757333)
$$ In this case, the anchor is defined as a piece of text. / この場合、アンカーは1つのテキストとして定められる。(USP6393468)
$$ Parser 11005 analyses the input text 1000 for abbreviations and acronyms. / パーサ11005は入力テキスト1000を省略記法と頭字語とについて解析する。(USP6353827)
$$ The web page displayed in step S46 will include text and hypertext links. / 段階S46で表示されたウエッブページはテキストまたはハイパーテキストリンクを含むことになる。(USP6081835)
$$ The UNIX Console Monitor (UCM) 65 monitors text added to a system console log file. / UNIXコンソールモニタ(UCM)65は、システムコンソールログファイルに付加されるテキストを監視する。(USP5907602)
$$ The teletext mode is exited by pressing a key with the legend "BACKUP" 70. / 文字放送モードは、「BACKUP」という記号があるキー70を押すと終了する。(USP02042917)
RT:cloth, web, woven fabric
$$ Other foam materials having similar characteristics can also be used, as can fibrous textiles such as polyester matting, felt or kapok. / 同様な性質を持つ他のフォーム材料、例えば、繊維状織物、例えばポリエステルマット類、フェルト又はカポックを用いても良い。(USP8155508)
$$ The textile fibres may be natural or synthetic but are preferably cellulosic fibres such as viscose rayon or cotton. / テキスタイル繊維は天然であっても又は合成であってもよいが、好ましくはビスコースレイヨン又は綿のようなセルロース繊維である。(USP6548730)
$$ Examples of natural textile materials include wool, silk, hair and cellulosic materials, particularly cotton, jute, hemp, flex and linen. / 天然織物材料の例は羊毛、絹、毛、セルロース材料、特に綿、ジュート、大麻、flex、及びリネンを含む。(USP6254669)
$$ In the second aspect the textile article may be such that water is softened in the wash cycle. (USP7566689)
$$ The device 801 is constructed from textile fabrics and as such it may be folded, flexed or wrapped around an object. (USP6861961)
$$ In the case of alginate fibres, a weight ratio of liquor to textile material in the range from 100:1 to 500:1 may be found convenient. (USP6153214)
RT:cloth, web, woven fabric
$$ Other foam materials having similar characteristics can also be used, as can fibrous textiles such as polyester matting, felt or kapok. / 同様な性質を持つ他のフォーム材料、例えば、繊維状織物、例えばポリエステルマット類、フェルト又はカポックを用いても良い。(USP8155508)
$$ The textile fibres may be natural or synthetic but are preferably cellulosic fibres such as viscose rayon or cotton. / テキスタイル繊維は天然であっても又は合成であってもよいが、好ましくはビスコースレイヨン又は綿のようなセルロース繊維である。(USP6548730)
$$ Examples of natural textile materials include wool, silk, hair and cellulosic materials, particularly cotton, jute, hemp, flex and linen. / 天然織物材料の例は羊毛、絹、毛、セルロース材料、特に綿、ジュート、大麻、flex、及びリネンを含む。(USP6254669)
$$ In the second aspect the textile article may be such that water is softened in the wash cycle. (USP7566689)
$$ The device 801 is constructed from textile fabrics and as such it may be folded, flexed or wrapped around an object. (USP6861961)
$$ In the case of alginate fibres, a weight ratio of liquor to textile material in the range from 100:1 to 500:1 may be found convenient. (USP6153214)