現在の読者数 43人



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$$ An electrode according to claim 1 wherein the holes have a spacing between adjacent ones of said holes in a direction along the length of the electrode that is substantially equal to their width. (USP5408160)

$$ The spacings between the castellations on the head and the shank portion respectively (and the corresponding facing surfaces of the intermediate collar) are different, allowing a greater range of degrees of rotation of the head around the shank. / ヘッド上にあるスプライン歯とシャンク部の上にあるスプライン歯との(およびそれに対応する中間カラーの接触面の間の)間隔はそれぞれ異なっており、シャンク部分を中心としたヘッドの回動がより広範囲で可能となる。(USP6110055)

$$ For example, consider a panel in which the base pattern is a regular pattern of straight lines of equal width and equal spacing between lines. / 例えば、ベースパターンが、均一の幅を有し線間が均一の間隔を有する直線の規則的パターンであるパネルを考える。(USP6212805)

$$ Nevertheless, in other embodiments other spacings can be employed. / しかしながら、他の実施形態において、他の間隔を採用することも可能である。(USP6561022)

$$ Again the temporal centroids of the output frames 01, 02, 01' , 02' are equally spaced with a spacing of 1/24 second. / 出力フレーム01、02、01′、02′の時間的中心は、同様に1/24秒の等間隔にて配置されている。(USP5313281)

$$ In each case, the diameter of the outlet port is approximately 1.5 times the spacing between adjacent teeth of the pulley wheel 11. / それぞれの場合に、吐出口の直径はプーリホイール11の隣接歯の間の距離の約1.5倍である。(USP6299422)

$$ The spacing between the holes 13 has been exaggerated in FIG. 3 of the drawing; in practice the spacing is approximately equal to the diameter of the holes as shown in FIG. 1. / 図では孔13の間隔は誇張されているが、実際にはこの間隔は孔の直径に略々等しい。(USP5408160)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sp...


$$ All points are marked during pass 1 and the counter of the row span is decremented from 3 to 2. / パス1の間に全ての点がマークされ、行スパンのカウンタが3から2に減分される。(USP6269455)

$$ Product is not sucked back from the annular region 37 but dripping here is prevented by the rubber flap 35 which can act effectively across this relatively short span. / 洗剤製品は、環状領域37から吸戻されないが、該領域での滴の垂れ落ちは、ゴム製フラップ35で防止され、該フラップが上記の比較的短い範囲において効果的に作用し得る。(USP6422434)

$$ The main span 31 of the nozzle 3 extends out at an upward inclination to a tip module 32 with a downwardly directed opening. / ノズル3の主要間隔部31は、下向き開口を具備したチップモジュール32まで上方に傾斜して延びている。(USP6422434)

$$ For linear modulation methods the states of this process relate to data sequences of length v, which span the memory of the channel and modulation process. (USP6122269)

$$ The loop in this example therefore spans all three cache blocks, but neither the start nor the end of the loop is aligned with a cache block boundary. (USP01047466)

$$ There may be a span of vibration exciters across the minor axis to further encourage the modal dominance in the major axis. (USP7564984)

$$ The aliased components E-1 now span the frequency range +1024 to +432. (USP6700936)

$$ These searches work line by line, which means that one cannot match text that spans more than one line. (USP6691301)

タグ :SPAN



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$$ Specifically, it shows tolerance to both CO and CO2 poisons in reformate fuel. / 特に、この構造は、リホーメート燃料においてCOおよびCO2被毒性双方に対する耐性を示す。(USP6855452)

$$ More specifically, the air gap in a loudspeaker may be filled with a ferrofluids of the invention. / より詳細には、スピーカーにおける空気ギャップを本発明の強磁性流体で充填することができる。(USP6815063)

$$ The invention will be illustrated by the following specific, non-limiting Examples. / 以下の実施例によって、本発明について説明する。(USP6582484)

$$ The invention will be described specifically with reference to an FT-IR microscope used in conjunction with an IR spectrophotometer. / 本発明は、IR分光光度計と共に用いられるFT-IR顕微鏡を特に参照しながら説明される。(USP5946131)

$$ Specific embodiments of the various aspects of the present invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the drawings / ここで本発明を種々の観点でとらえた特定の実施形態を添付の図面を参照して例示的に記載する。(USP5907602)

$$ No need for specific interface to routers. / ルータに対して特定のインタフェースを必要としない。(USP02018462)

$$ Chromogenic substrates are known which are specific for thrombin. (USP4289498)

$$ The specification does not specifically relate to semiconductor packages. (USP6100581)

$$ In the following description, the electro-active structures are not specifically described or are formed from a continuous electro-active member extending around the minor axis in a helix. / 次の説明では、電気活性構造については特に説明しないか、あるいは螺旋内の短軸を中心として延びる連続的電気活性部材から形成される。(USP6833656)

$$ Leading and trailing edges 224, 226 of pallet no. 2 202 do not need to mate with any part of the racetrack 206 and so are not specifically profiled for complementary engagement. / 第2パレット202の前縁部224及び後縁部226は、競争路206のどの部分とも接合する必要がないため、相補的に係合する輪郭は特に与えられない。(USP7090586)




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$$ These commands are specified in GSM technical specification 11.11. / これらのコマンドは、GSM technical specification 11.11に規定されている。(USP6501962)

$$ Procedures 803 for preferred index set specification are shown in FIG. 9. / 好ましいインデックスのセットの指定方法803 が図9に示されている。(USP6182079)

$$ They may be made of steel for high-pressure applications or of nylon (which is advantageous from the thermal management perspective) where demanding pressure specifications are not required. / それらは、高圧応用の鋼又は(熱管理目的のために有利な)ナイロンから成ってもよい。苛酷な圧力仕様が必要ないからである。(USP6764226)

$$ The HTML specification allows for text to be displayed and for hypertext links to be included in the web page. / HTML仕様ではテキストを表示し、ハイパーテキストリンクをウエッブページ内に含ませることができる。(USP6081835)

$$ One such application will be high specification synchronizers. / そのような1つの応用は高仕様のシンクロナイザである。(USP6480232)




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$$ This information is used by the system to specify the general demeanor of the character during the content that the element spans. / この情報はエレメントが延在する内容中のキャラクタの通常の様子を特定するためにシステムにより使用される。(USP6772122): demeanour

$$ If not all values are specified, values increment from the last specified value. (USP6691301) 規定値

$$ In this case, each or specific combinations of steering velocity and driver input torque will access a specified value stored in the table. (USP02017421)

$$ The DISC 130 at step 405 analyses whether or not the destination specified for the call is correct. / 段階405ではDISC130は、呼に対して特定された送信先が正しいか否かを解析する。(USP6775249)

$$ Only one gateway is specified for a given range of IP addresses i.e. target machines. (USP01054158)

$$ A parameter which specifies whether the version number should be displayed to the user as a date. (USP5999740)

$$ In the dialog box, specify Vendor as Custom. (USP6691301)

$$ To leave a port bit unconnected, specify X as its terminal bit value. (USP6691301)

$$ Specify prefix as the prefix for subsequent `-iwithprefix` options. (USP6691301)

$$ This specifies that this item by itself should not be the root of an index plan item. (USP6052693)

$$ It also specifies that the device is a -1 speed grade. (USP6691301)

$$ If the looped sequence starts with a sequence header and extension, the MPEG2 syntax specifies that this should be followed by a Group of Pictures (GOP) header. / ループ化されたシーケンスがシーケンスヘッダ及び拡張でスタートすれば、MPEG2シンタクスは、これにピクチャのグループ(GOP)ヘッダが続くべきであることを指定する。(USP6229851)

$$ ...a rule may specify that it should be preceded by a definite or indefinite article...(USP6446081)

$$ For example, an application could specify that communication is required with a named system user with a specific protocol, where that user has no security acceptance requirements. / 例えば、指名されたシステム・ユーザが秘密保護情報の受け取りの資格を持たない場合、特別の通信プロトコルによつてそのシステム・ユーザと通信することが必要とされることを、アプリケーシヨン・プログラムによつて特定することができる。(USP5442691)

$$ Security information, such as passwords or a calling party number, and protocol information, needed to specify how information is to be exchanged between parties to the call, are generally also included in the call control information entries. / また、パスワードや、発呼者の番号のような秘密保護情報、そして、呼に関係する送信側、受信側の間で情報がどのように交換されるかを特定するのに必要な通信プロトコル情報もまた、呼制御情報のエントリに含まれている。(USP5442691)

$$ For example, if in one statement all events of a certain type are specified to lead to one result, and yet in another statement a specific event of a hierarchically lower (i.e. narrower) class is stated to lead to a different result, the inconsistency is detected by examining...(USP6446081)


SPEED (名詞) 速度


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sp...

SPEED (n) 速度

$$ This could even be increased with different motors which would allow 87 Hz and therefore a maximum speed of around 87 mm/sec (5.22 m/min). / モータ速度は、87Hzを出力する別のモータを用いて、最高速度を約87mm/秒(5.22m/分)まで上げることも可能である。(USP7090586)

$$ The process is suitable for coating wire which is subsequently coiled and also for coil (metal sheet) coating because of speed of coating and the absence of electrification of the substrate. / コーティング速度の点および基板に給電しない点で、本工程は、後でコイル巻きされるワイヤのコーティングやコイル(金属シート)コーティングに好適する。(USP7041340)

$$ The application software then switches on the digital output card 107 so as to cause the rollers 310-313 to rotate the cigarette 10 about its axis 16 at a substantially constant speed of rotation. / 次いで、前記アプリケーションソフトは、デジタル出力カード107をオンし、ローラー310-313を駆動させて巻きタバコ10を軸16の周りに実質的に一定の速度で回転するようにする。(USP7580137)

$$ By applying the methods described above over time, the speed of movement of the receiver relative to the transmitter can also be estimated. / また、上で説明した方法を時間にわたって適用することにより、送信機に対する受信機の移動の速度を推定することもできる。(USP7595755)

$$ In the present example, this was a two-stroke water-cooled internal combustion engine having glow plug ignition and a rotational speed of up to 28,000 RPM. / 本実施例において、これは、グロープラグ点火を採用し回転速度が28000RPMに達する2サイクル水冷却内燃機関(以下、「エンジン」という)である。(USP7581381)


SPEED (動詞) 速度を増す・加速する


 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | sp...

SPEED (v) 速度を増す・加速する

$$ This can speed up the matching and identification process. / これにより、照合プロセスおよび識別プロセスをスピードアップできる。(USP8433108)

$$ It would be possible to speed up the rate of scanning across a field of view in collecting an image by terahertz radiation. / テラヘルツ放射による画像撮像において、視野全体に亘る走査の速度を増すことは可能である。(USP8063366)

$$ In recent years many parts of the assembly line have been speeded up and there is a need for apparatus which can perform this function at high speed. (USP8061960)

$$ Subsequent queries (which are likely to require access to the secondary objects in order to be resolved) are then speeded up. / その結果(分解されるために2次オブジェクトへのアクセスを必要とする可能性が高い)以後のクエリーは加速される。(USP8037105)

$$ This code takes three clocks cycles as opposed to one but each clock cycle is much shorter and so the rest of the circuit should be speeded up by the faster clock rate permitted. (USP6691301)

$$ The use of specialised text-to-speech and animation processors allows the system to generate the audio and image data in real time, thereby speeding up the character animation process. / 特定されたテキスト対スピーチとアニメーションプロセスの使用はシステムが実時間でオーディオおよびイメージデータを生成することを可能にし、それによってキャラクタのアニメーションプロセスを高速にする。(USP6772122)

$$ Thus, only one initial authorisation step is required to establish the connection and session which has the effect of speeding-up consecutive database 390 accesses via the database session controller 350. / したがって接続を確立するには1つの承認段階のみが必要であり、連続するデータベース390へのアクセスをスピードアップする効果をもつセッションはデータベースセッション制御装置350を介してアクセスする。(USP6393468)

$$ To speed up the operation of this, some modifications may be made to the essentially hardware approach described thus far. (USP6831949)

$$ This keeps the structures separate from the original data set in order to speed their processing. (USP02062307)




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$$ This method only works if the cost values are integers, so that rounding errors do not spoil the equality that we are looking for. / コスト値が整数である場合のみ、この方法は機能する。その結果、丸め誤差は我々が期待している同等性を損なわない。(USP8249810)

$$ This may contribute to microbiological spoilage if the product is not used promptly. / このことは、作物が直ぐに使用されない場合、微生物学的な損傷を招く虞がある。(USP7622140)

$$ The valves 42 can be operated to bring back spoil. / 弁42は捨て土を戻すために動作されてもよい。(USP6079969)

$$ Once the wick is buried in the gelled candle material, the product is spoiled. / 一旦芯がゲル化蝋燭材料中に埋まってしまうと、その製品は役に立たない。(USP6582484)

$$ The call-back function can also be extending to handle the spoiling of packets in a queue. / コールバック機能は待ち行列内のパケットの無効化を処理するように拡張できる。(USP5454079)

$$ If they are too large, the interference effects become dominant, spoiling the directivity performance. (USP7564984)

$$ It will be appreciated that a trench or hollow forms as the excavation spoil is removed from beneath the framework of the cofferdam. (USP5382115): 掘削残土

$$ Distortion due to stretching and compression of the skin can spoil direct matching over large print areas. (USP4805223)




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$$ This design may comprise electrical heating of the collection area on plate 6, creating a hot spot to initiate combustion. / この設計は、板6上の収集区域に電気的加熱部分を含んでなり、燃焼を開始させるホットスポットを造り出すことができる。(USP6889498)

$$ The spectrum of the emitted light was measured by means of a Photo Research type 714 spot photometer, and is shown in FIG. 4. / 放射光のスペクトルは、Photo Research 714型スポット光度計によって測定し、図4に示した。(USP6929869)

$$ For example, amplitude or polarisation modulation may be employed in which case a bright unmodulated spot will form on the axis of the output plane. / 例えば、振幅または偏光変調を用いてもよく、この場合、明るい非変調スポットは、出力面の軸上に形成される。(USP6570143)

$$ Such a closed GOP is easily spotted as the first picture of the GOP is an I picture, and the second picture is a P picture. / このようなクローズドGOPは、GOPの最初のピクチャがIピクチャであり、第2のピクチャがPピクチャであるというように、容易に探知される。(USP6229851)

$$ The microscope consists of a laser light source 1 from which laser light passes to a lens 2 for generating a diffraction limited spot of light. / この顕微鏡はレーザー光源1を有し、この光源から発せられたレーザー光線はレンズ2を通過し、回折限界点の光を発生する。(USP6144489)

$$ In this invention an X-ray tube focal spot is typically 1x3 mm. / 本発明においては、X線管の焦点は、典型的に、1x3mmである。(USP6122344)




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$$ Heat is generated quickly and spreads from the inside of the bodies 4 to their periphery, the heat being focussed in a localised region 40 by virtue of the interaction of the magnetic field with the body 4. (USP6416824)

$$ Light mode 320 propagating in defect core region 310 spreads out to fill the full width of tapered region 340. / 欠陥のあるコア領域310を伝搬する光モード320は広がり出て、テーパ付きの領域340の全幅を充たす。(USP6631234)

$$ The spatial separation may spread over more than one trunked radio system, the central stations of which are connected nominally by a land line. / 空間的分離は1中継無線システム以上にわたって広がり、その中央ステーションは名目的には地上通信線により接続されている。(USP5398248)

$$ The switch switches data at a lower rate than that it receives by spreading the data out over many central stages.(USP5109378)

$$ It is well known that a laser can be used to produce a sharply defined and intense beam of infra-red radiation, and that a conventional lens can spread this beam out over a target area.(USP5757523)

$$ By the Huygens Principle each point on this plane wavefront can be regarded as a new source of waves spreading out radially from that point.(USP5930609)

$$ The grip can be longer, for example, to cater for spreading the fingers in the so called ten finger or baseball grip.(USP01039215)

$$ As a result, as the carriers diffuse into the device they spread out to form a continuous sheet of carriers that has a density which is graded to match the fundamental optical mode. (USP6760355)

$$ This retains sharp images for high-level transients, but allows resonant decays of a sound to spread out and fill larger parts of the stereo image. (USP5671287)

$$ Where a dispersive element such as a diffraction grating is used, the analyser 20 produces not a single spot but a spectrum having various bands as indicated by broken lines 28, spread out in a line along the CCD 24. (USP510894)

$$ When a print element 13 is energised by electrical current to cause heating thereof, the heat spreads outwards beyond the area of the element. (USP5357270)


SQUARE 四角/平方/二乗


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SQUARE 四角/平方/二乗

$$ FIG. 5c shows a photograph 710 of a 5 μm square droplet that has been produced. / 図5cは、生成された5μm四方の液滴の写真710を示す。(USP8183540)

$$ Thus the power density is proportional to the frequency of the applied electric field and the dielectric loss factor, and is proportional to the square of the local electric field. / このように、電力密度は印加される電界の周波数と誘電損率に比例し、局部電界の平方に比例する。(USP01004075)

$$ Pads 11, 12 can each be about 150 μm square or less. (USP01022495)平方

$$ Activity for wild-type controls (no Ty1) is plotted with squares. / 野性型対照(Ty1なし)の活性は四角によりプロットされている。(USP6242175)

$$ In standard AWGs, passive and active, the shape of the passband of the channels is approximately sinc squared, being a multiple convolution of the input and output waveguide modes with the echelon transfer function produced by the waveguide array. / 受動型及び能動型の標準的なAWGにおいて、チャンネルの通過帯域の形状は、略sincの二乗(ここで、sinc X=sin(X)/X、sinc2 X=[sin(X)/X]2)であり、導波管配列アレーにより形成されたエシェロン変換関数を有する入力及び出力導波管モードを多重的に畳み込んだものである。(USP6339664)

$$ Such a process is inherently nonlinear, that is to say the amount of fluorescence emitted by the specimen is proportional to the square of the incident light intensity (doubling the illuminating intensity more than doubles the fluorescent emission--typically it quadruples for 2-photon systems). / このようなプロセスは、固有に非線形である。即ち、試料によって発せられる蛍光量は、入射光強度の二乗に比例する(蛍光照射の2倍を上回る-通常、2光子システムでは4倍の照射強度になる)。(USP6570143)

$$ ...where i is the square root of -1, and then taking a one-dimensional Fourier transform ##EQU4##... / ここで、iは、-1の平方根であり、そのとき、1次元フーリエ変換法は、(式4)となる。(USP6208416)

$$ A vertical arrow is used to indicate the change in square root amplitude caused by the presence of the second phase (air). / 垂直の矢印が、第2の相(空気)の存在によって生じさせられる平方根振幅の変化を示すために使用されている。(USP7580801)

$$ If there are n pits to a sample area then the noise between the sample areas caused by the pits is the square root of n of the noise if there was only one pit per sample area. / 例えば、ある1つのサンプル領域にn個のピットが存在する場合には、異なるサンプル領域間のノイズ値は、1つのサンプル領域にたった1つのピットしかないとした場合に発生するノイズのn乗根の値になる。(USP5373373)

$$ The output of the multiplexer 514 is the output of the divider and square root formation block 152. (USP7167887)

$$ Thus to maximise the coincidence frequency, {square root over (b/μ)} must be minimised. (USP7564984)

$$ But if U is of the form shown in FIG. 6, U=e.sup.iφ J, where J is as in equ. (13), so that exp(-g?U*-U!)=exp(2gJcosφ)=cos(2gcosφ)I+sin(2gcosφ)J, using the fact that J is a square root of -I. (USP5671287)




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$$ A product of the invention is stable in PVA film compared to other products containing zeolites and perborates. / 本発明の製品はゼオライトおよび過硼酸塩を含有する他の製品と比較して、PVAフィルム内で安定である。 (USP6465413)

$$ Many polyions are only stable at certain pH values, so the quaternisation and oxidation steps respectively allow a wider range of polyions to be deposited in LED structures than was previously possible without changing the coupling agent. (USP6850003)

$$ Thus the loop must be designed to be stable at the highest level of loop gain which occurs at the lowest power output. (USP5507017)

$$ For example, the arrangement shown on FIG. 12 may not be stable with respect to angular deflections about radial axes. (USP6304015)

$$ This data, which retains stable for a field, is then used to access the look up table 55 which is set up by the control system. (USP5822015)

$$ Nevertheless, all treated crumb under the conventional wetting process conditions were not stable in hot liquid bitumen. (USP5959007)

$$ This embodiment of the present invention is particularly stable in use. (USP5967261)

$$ In accordance with Earnshaw's theorem, this system being stable in the axial direction cannot be also stable in the radial directions. (USP6304015)

$$ It is important that the compositions of the invention are stable in use and storage so that the abrasive particles remain in suspension. (USP6458753)

$$ In particular, the disclosure includes amongst other subject matter boronic acid derivatives which are of relative stability to hydrolysis and deboronation and are useful in parenteral formulations for inhibiting thrombin. (USP7371729)

$$ Small magnets made of high-tensile strength magnetic material 24 located on the outer boundary of rotor 18 and exposed to oppositely oriented magnetic field from outer magnets 12 are aimed to enhance suspension stability with respect to tilting about radial axes. (USP6304015)




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$$ The electrodes of the stacked ring ion trap 8 were maintained at 0 V. / 積層リングイオントラップ8の電極は0Vに維持した。(USP8344316)

$$ Also, a standard laden 12.2 m (40 feet) container may be stacked on top of such a container. (USP6739468)

$$ The packs are then stacked on a pallet and transported to a warehouse for distribution. (USP6490845)

$$ An electron source as recited in claim 18, wherein each lamination in the stack is separated from an adjacent lamination by a spacer. (USP6002207)

$$ In practice, a number of Meander-lines may need to be used in a stacked configuration to give the required π/2 phase shift between the two axes. / 実際上は、要求されるπ/2位相を2つの軸線の間でずらせるために多くの曲折ラインが積重ね構造に使用される必要がある。(USP6587246)

$$ The contrast and/or the reflection performance of displays can be improved by using a stacked structure of two or more cells. / ディスプレイのコントラスト又は反射性能は、2つ又はそれ以上のセルのスタック構造を使用することによって改良可能である。(USP5801796)

$$ This enables a plurality of packages to be vertically stacked as shown in FIG. 21n. / これにより、複数のパッケージを図21nに示したように垂直に積み重ねることができる。(USP6692213)

$$ The majority of present sensor cells use a stacked electrode arrangement, as for example in U.S. Pat. No. 4,406,770, with the electrodes held close together in contact with wick pieces by pressure from an O-ring compression seal. / 現在の検出器用セルの多くは、例えば米国特許第4,406,770号明細書に記載されているような電極を積み重ねた配置を採用しており、電極は、O-リングによる圧縮シールからの圧力によりウイック片と接触した状態で近接し保持されている。(USP5914019)

$$ A chiller according to claim 3 wherein the heat transfer elements are stacked with a layer of adsorbent between adjacent elements, said layer being between about 5mm and about 10 mm in depth. (USP6098417)




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$$ When the Dispersant of the first aspect of the invention is prepared by a single stage process, higher temperature may be required and these are typically from 150-180℃. / 本発明の第1態様の本分散剤が単一工程で合成される場合には、より高い温度が必要なことがあり、そしてこの温度は、標準的には150‐180℃である。(USP03027873)

$$ During this stage of operation, fuel pressure within the control chamber 62 is therefore substantially equal to that within the supply passage 15. (USP01035464)

$$ FIG. 2 illustrates a subsequent stage in which the insulating film 2 and masking film 3 are deposited. (USP5930609)

$$ If at this stage the carton has not been opened or tampered with, the first bar code 22 will be complete and readable. / この段階でカートンが開かれたり、侵害されていなければ、第1のバーコード22は、無傷であり、読取り可能である。(USP5895075)

$$ At this stage the cosimulation tool builds up any structures it may need at simulation time. (USP6691301)

$$ At the stage illustrated in FIG. 4, the semiconductor film 1 is still of amorphous silicon material, both at the apertures 31 and below the masking stripes 32. (USP5930609)




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$$ The hub 250 may also be seen to be provided with an upwardly standing hook 258 part arranged for receipt of the looped end of a sheet, as will be described in more detail hereinafter. / ハブ250は、以下により詳細に説明するように、シートの輪になった端部を受けるように配置された、上方向に立設したフック258の部分を備えることも分かる。(USP8201556)

$$ With the doors 112, 114 in the fully open position the videophone will stand on a suitable surface and the user can conduct the telephone conference in an open manner. / ふた112、114が完全に開いた位置にあるとき、ビデオフォンは適切な面の上に立つので、ユーザは、公然と電話会議を行うことができる。(USP6812954)

$$ The system may be implemented on a stand alone processing system. / システムは独立型処理システムにおいて構成されてもよい。(USP6772122)

$$ The flask was allowed to stand for 5-10 min. / フラスコを5~10分間放置した。(USP6548730)

$$ The subject 3 to be imaged stands at the centre of the domed enclosure 2a, 2b, at the other foci of the partial ellipsoids. / 撮像されるべき被写体3は、ドーム形の囲い2a、2bの中心で部分楕円体の他方の焦点の位置に立つ。(USP6453224)

$$ So, starting the looped sequence with the same buffer occupancy as at the same point in the original un-looped bitstream stands a good chance of achieving this. / そこで、ループ化されたシーケンスを元の非ループ化ビットストリームにおける同じ点と同じバッファ占有量でスタートすることは、これを達成する良いチャンスにある。(USP6229851)

$$ The token issuer of the card 3 stands in for the real identity provider 2. (USP7627895)

$$ Insertion of the chamber 150 into the housing 130 is stopped as the legs 151 contact a support surface on which the foot 136 stands. (USP7490719)

$$ Once the can has been cooled to room temperature it can be rotated again to stand on its base 22 for packaging and storage. (USP5660867)

$$ The reaction mixture may be allowed to stand or be agitated (usually stirred). (USP7371729)




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$$ For example, DAMPS or other known standards both digital and analogue could be used. / 例えば、デジタルおよびアナログの両方であるDAMPSあるいは別の既知の規格が使用されることもできる。(USP6161012)

$$ Broad range pre-stained molecular weight standards (Bio-rad) were used as molecular weight markers. / 広い領域の染色前の分子量標準(Bio-rad)を分子量マーカーとして用いた。(USP6696433)

$$ FIG. 11 illustrates the transmission filter response of the transmission signal generator 82 for both the PAL and NTSC standards. / 図11は、送信信号発生器82のPAL及びNTSC方式に対する送信フィルタ応答を示す。(USP6754433)

$$ These can be obtained from the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). / これらはEuropean Telecommuncations Standards Institute(ETSI)から入手可能である。(USP6826414)

$$ Such aqueous extracts can be concentrated, enriched or condensed by, for example, standard techniques, e.g. evaporation under reduced pressure. / このような水性抽出物を、例えば、標準技術で、例えば、減圧下の蒸発により濃縮し、富化し、または凝縮する。(USP7235268)

$$ Results are given as the average and standard deviation of the samples taken over the three days. / 結果は、三日間にわたり採取した試料の平均値及び標準偏差として示した。(USP7285519)

$$ Through simple extension of existing standards, they can be combined into an MPEG stream and delivered by DVD, DVB, DAB or any future transport layer. / 既存の標準の単純な拡張を介して、それらをMPEGストリーム内へ結合しDVD,DVB,DABまたは任意の将来のトランスポートレイヤにより送り出すことができる。(USP7577260)

$$ As defined in the CCIR-601 4:2:2 standard, in order to reduce an amount of information required to represent a video image, the number of samples used to represent the chrominance signal components is half that of the luminance components. / CCIR-601 4:2:2規格による定義では、ビデオ画像を表現するために必要な情報の量を低減するために、色差信号成分を表すために用いるサンプルの数は、輝度信号成分を表すために用いるサンプルの半分とされている。(USP6614489)

$$ FIG. 1B is an expanded version of FIG. 1A, and shows the flow of operations defined by the OpenGL standard. (USP5727192)

$$ In an ATM network, as defined by the CCITT standards, information is carried in packets of fixed size, specified for B-ISDN as 53 bytes or octets, called cells. (USP6396815)

$$ This is a completely open environment as all of the SS7 software layers as well as the ATM hardware in the control processor are specified as ITU standards. / 制御プロセッサ内の全SS7ソフトウェアレイヤ並びにATMハードウェアはITU標準として指定されているので、完全にオープン環境が得られる。 (USP6222843)

$$ This file format is specified in the IEEE 1364 standard. (USP6691301)

$$ At present, two physical formats of SIM are specified by the GSM and ISO standards. / 現在、GSMおよびISO規格によってSIMの2つの物理フォーマットが規定されている。(USP6501962)




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$$ The keypad includes an on/off key 74 for causing the TV to switch between an on mode and a standby mode. / キーパッドは、TVをONモードと待機モードとに切り換えるON/OFFキー74を含む。(USP02042917)

$$ If the handset is powered up it is in standby, i.e. in condition to receive calls. / ハンドセットがパワーアップされた場合には、スタンバイ状態即ちコールを受け取る状態にある。(USP6282436)

$$ Examples of "normal" keys are "1", "2", "play", "stop" and "standby". / 「標準キー」の例は「1」、「2」、「プレイ」、「ストップ」および「スタンバイ」である。(USP5479385)

$$ Decoders are designed to enter a stand-by mode when they are switched "off" by the viewer. / デコーダは、視聴者がスイッチをOFFにすると、待機モードに入るよう設計されている。(USP02042917)

$$ There is also a standby signal 43, that is output as an indication that low power mode has been entered. (USP7489752)

$$ In another arrangement, the unit has two batteries, one being the operational standby battery and the other being a "reserve" battery. (USP7573396)

$$ Messages can be received by a mobile telephone whenever it is idle or on stand-by. (USP6453167)




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$$ The hop count starts at zero. / ホップカウントはゼロで開始する。(USP8150905)

$$ Then Service instances report to the ACServer that the call has started. / 次にサービスのインスタンスはACServerに呼が始まったことを報告する。(USP6330313.)

$$ The controller may have to be fully functional during high battery voltages and boost starting. / コントローラは、バッテリー電圧が非常に高い間、およびブーストが始まる間、フルに機能しなければならない。(USP6331767)

$$ When a begindraw command is sent and before rendering starts, the internal registers are updated with the values in the corresponding control registers. (USP5727192)

$$ If there is no cursor, searching starts at the beginning of the selected trace or pattern. (USP6691301)

$$ If it is discharged, then charging starts (step S22) otherwise the routine ends. (USP6265847)

$$ In step 330 the Pin Safe interface is started enabling safe user entry of a PIN or TAC. (USP02059146)

$$ In addition, the remote interface can start sending data to a remote data terminal as soon as it is received from the communications link. / それに加えて、遠隔のインタフェースは、通信リンクからそれが受信されるとすぐに遠隔のデータ端末にデータを送り始めることができる。(USP6278696)

$$ The second data value "d2" is now at the centre tap position of the filter with the extended data starting to be dropped from the end of the filter. / 今度は第2データ値「d2」がフィルタの中央タップ位置にあり、拡張されたデータは、フィルタの終端から落とされ始める。(USP5381354)




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$$ For example, stripe i from sub-buffer i must be fully transmitted before the start of transmission of stripe i+1 from sub-buffer i+1. / 例えば、サブバッファiからのストライプiは、サブバッファi+1からのストライプi+1の伝送の開始の前に、完全に伝送されなければならない。(USP5856847)

$$ In the preferred method, the modifications to the formation process to be used for computing PRI(B) include two additional steps before the start of the formation process. (USP02042274)

$$ Closed GOPs are generated by software encoders at the start of a sequence. / クローズドGOPsは、シーケンスの開始でソフトウェア符号器により生成される。(USP6229851)

$$ Two-way start of block multiplexers 40, 46 and 52 provide symmetric edge extension at the start of blocks in accordance with FIGS. 2A to 2F controlled by respective control signals S40, S46 and S52. / 2方向ブロック前縁マルチプレクサ40,46,52は、夫々の制御信号S40,S46,S52によって制御され、図2~7に従ってブロック前縁での対称エッジ拡張を行う。(USP5381354)

$$ A transition is always made at the start of each bit period, which ensures balance and aids clock recovery. / 遷移は、常に各ビット周期の先頭で発生し、平衡が保証され、クロック回復が促進される。(USP6473469)

$$ The slice is typically 10 mil thick at the start of the production process to provide for suitable structural strength. / このスライスは製造工程の開始時点では十分な構造的強度を与えるように典型的には254ミクロン(10ミル)の厚さである。(USP5429953)

$$ The last write triggers the start of rendering. (USP5727192)

$$ During each processing cycle, which is the time between the start of clocking in of a range line, say line i, and the start of clocking in the next line i+1, the following operations occur. (USP4879559)




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$$ The target of a message may be a long-running message queuing application, or its arrival may be used to trigger a message queuing application to start up. / メッセージのターゲットは、長時間動作のメッセージ・キューイング・アプリケーションであってもよく、又はそれの到着は、メッセージ・キューイング・アプリケーションをトリガして開始させるために使用可能である。(USP6336135)

$$ This has the advantage of maximising the thrust delivered from the engine at start-up and low speeds. / これは、始動時及び低速においてエンジンから供給される推力を最大化するという利点を有している。(USP6332818)

$$ This approach allows the FDCS to start up and initialise quickly in the event of planned or unplanned shutdown. / この方法によって、FDCSは計画された、または不慮の停止のときに始動し、迅速に初期化することができる。(USP5907602)

$$ In other words, a link start-up and a route switch of traffic onto the link cannot occur as a simultaneous step in such a case.(USP02042274)

$$ This may be useful at start-up times or for particularly large transients. / これは始動時あるいは特に長い過渡期間の場合に有用であることがある。(USP5436086)

$$ There is a potential race condition whereby the order of startup of devices may result in different naming being applied in such cases. (USP7580380)

$$ Further, the start up current decreases compared with a similar parallel resistance self-regulating heating cable. (USP7566849)




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$$ In addition to the valid signal, this power control cell 500 receives two further signals, namely an override signal and a retention state signal. / 有効信号の他に、この電力制御セル500は、2つの更なる信号、すなわち、無効信号及び保持状態信号を受信する。(USP8151126)

$$ Thus the number of bits used in these pictures may deliberately be made quite small, if this helps in making the buffer state match as above. (USP6831949)

$$ Where there is one, this may alternatively be an intermediate oxidation state. (USP6100209)

$$ However, problems arise at median conditions and in transition states. (USP5729157)

$$ State 0 (box 60) is the skid detection state. (USP5575543)

$$ The method of claim 1; and further comprising the step of producing a signal having signal states corresponding to the logical states of the data. (USP6236600)

$$ If the event type is SIGNAL, the signal state is updated. (USP01016808)

$$ The end result of the processing of FIG. 3 is that a class has been loaded into a consistent and predictable state, and is now available to interact with other classes. (USP01051970)

$$ If the latter has not already been authenticated i.e. it is not in a suitable state for encrypted communication, it will first need to be authenticated, and, for example, a respective message encryption key established. (USP01054158)

$$ This is an undesirable state of affairs if a desiccation output is required. (USP6416509)

$$ Eventually, non-linear resistances reaches a non-conductive state. (USP6331767) 非伝導状態

$$ As before, a point is reached at which the superconductor changes into its resistive state with the superconductor 1 and shunt coil 12 forming a high impedance. / 以前のように、超伝導材料が抵抗状態に遷移する点に到達して、超伝導材料と並列コイルは高インピーダンスを形成する。(USP6239957)

$$ If the observation length of the receiver is N symbols, then the detected data symbol is recovered from the state stored N symbols previously, and associated with the current state with the smallest accumulated metric. (USP6122269)

$$ The sealing ring 10 is thus maintained in a super-elastic state in which the sealing contact forces at the bumps 12, 14, 28 are not easily disrupted. (USP02074742)

$$ A method according to claim 20, wherein the step of forming the at least one polymer layer comprises forming the polymer layer in a state in which the electronic and/or optical property varies across its thickness. (USP6850003)




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$$ The required current flow is selected from the state of a user push button/dimmer switch, for example, at step 225. (USP6351079)

$$ Each interrupt event can be specified as being edge triggered (either rising edge or falling edge) or level triggered (where level is low or high) from the state of one of the virtual interrupt pins. (USP6526501)

$$ The flexible coupling of claim 1 wherein none of the pads are in a state of compression when the coupling is at rest. (USP6358154)

$$ However, for convenience, it is preferable to keep the battery in a state of constant readiness, that is, always fully charged. / しかしながら便宜上、絶えず準備ができた状態、つまり、常に完全に充電されている状態に電池を保つことが好ましい。(USP6265847)

$$ A 90° (π/2) phase shift is therefore introduced in the state of polarisation of radiation each time radiation passes through the Meander-line. / 90°(π/2)の位相変位はしたがって各回毎に放射光が曲折ライン(Meander-line)を通過する放射光の偏光状態において採り入れられる。(USP6587246)

$$ It will be appreciated that in the state of the pump described, there being no liquid in the air separation chamber portions, the float would be in its said lowermost position so that the opening 23 is open, whilst the valve element 38 sealingly engages onto its valve seat 27. (USP6250889)

$$ In the state of the art, a number of printers capable of "direct" printing is known. (USP01024586) :the state of the art=従来技術(技術水準)

$$ Advantageously in its rest state none of the resiliently deformable elements are in a state of compression thereby enabling individual elements to be readily replaced whilst the coupling remains in situ.(USP6358154)

$$ As a result the pads 30 do not need to be in a state of pre-compression when the coupling is in its rest state thereby enabling...(USP6358154)

$$ FIG. 2A illustrates the state of the filter upon receipt of the first data value "d1" within a block of data values. / 図2は、フィルタがデータ値ブロック内の最初のデータ値「d1」を受信した時の状態を示す。(USP5381354)

$$ The binary state of each of the bit fields indicate whether or not the message packet relates to the controllable unit associated with that bit field. 各々のビットフィールドの2進状態は、メッセージパケットがそのビットフィールドと関連する可制御ユニットに関係しているか否かを指示する。(USP5537605)

$$ By setting the initial state of a random selection of memory cells (using changes to the masks) out of the hundreds of thousands in the device configuration memory the FPGA manufacturer can hide key information on the device.(USP01037458)




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$$ One approach that is used is to model the system using state counters associated with individual entities within the system, representing for example, the usage of the entity at any one instant in time. / 使用される1つの手法は、システム内の個々のエンティティに関連する状態カウンタ、例えば、エンティティによる瞬間の使用数を表す状態カウンタを使用するシステムをモデル化することである。(USP7580997)

$$ The switch transistor in turn activates the control transistor into a conducting state. (USP6778366)

$$ When the diode is not forward biased, it is in its transmitting state (i.e. infrared radiation passes through the device to the detector) and few carriers are present in the intrinsic region 23. / ダイオードは、順方向バイアスされていないとき、その透過状態にあり(すなわち赤外放射が装置を透過して検出器に至る)、キャリヤは真性領域23中にほとんど存在しない。(USP6177674)

$$ The water may be added in a very hot but not boiling state to the polypropylene glycol and its additives. (USP5897581)

$$ It is possible for two or more networking devices to make changes to their operating states at an identical or substantially identical time. (USP02042274)




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$$ The initial filled state does not mean the state where it is not possible for more gas and liquid to be introduced into the chamber without increasing the pressure, but simply means the state at the start of the foam generation operation when predetermined desired volumes of gas and liquid are in the chamber. / 初期充填状態とは、圧力の上昇を伴わずに更にガスおよび液体をチャンバーに導入することが不可能である状態を意味するわけではなく、予め定められた望ましい体積のガスおよび液体がチャンバー内に存在するときに、フォーム生成操作を開始した状態を意味する。(USP8235935)

$$ In one embodiment, a single power saving state is provided, namely a state where the power control circuit causes the power supply to the buffer circuit to be removed, thereby causing the buffer circuit nodes to drift to ground potential. / 一実施例では、単一の電力節約状態、すなわち、電力制御回路によりバッファ回路への電源が除去され、それによりバッファ回路のノードが接地電位にドリフトされる状態が提供される。(USP8151126)

$$ Instructions fetched prior to receipt of the "event suspend" will be completed but the CPU associated with the event logic 114 will eventually enter a state where no instructions are being fetched or executed. (USP6526501)

$$ ...thereby regulating the flow of gas and returning the governor to a state where the balance to forces are equalised... (USP5746245)

$$ Consider first the state where the voltage at the output terminal OUT is changing from 5V to 0V. (USP5729157)

$$ This causes the diaphragm 34 to flex and because the valve stem 12 is connected to the diaphragm 34 the valve head 10 is caused to rise or fall accordingly thereby regulating the flow of gas and returning the governor to a state where the balance to forces are equalised.(USP5746245)




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"status where"のパターンはあまり用いられないようである

-->state, condition

$$ These markers will be known as signatures and can be used as overlays for comparative analysis by the users for status reports, acting as an advisory system only. / これらの標識は識別として知られることになり、勧告システムとしてのみ働く、使用者による状況報告のための比較分析の上敷き(overlays)として使用できる。(USP7578972)

$$ A fluid analyser system according to claim 1 operated via a computer driven software system which provides an advisory status report of the content of the fluid and the conditions under which the test was performed. / 流体の内容物および試験が行われる条件に関する勧告状況報告を提供する、コンピューター駆動のソフトウェアシステムを介して操作されることを特徴とする請求項1に記載の流体分析器システム。(USP7578972)

$$ A frequency output pin is also used for status communication out of the ASIC. / 周波数出力ピンもASICからの状態通信に用いられる。(USP7573345)

$$ The Alarm Manager 54 also manages and dispatches the work status history of all alarms known to the FDCS to the Alarm Presentation processes 24. / 警報マネージャ54は、警報提供プロセス24に対してFDCSに知られている全ての警報の作業状態履歴を管理し、配送する。(USP5907602)

$$ This may comprise a telephone call, a request for updating of position and status, or whatever else may be required. / この通信動作は、電話の呼び出し、または、位置および状態の交信のための要求、または、必要とされる他の全てを含む。(USP6031489)

$$ In accordance with the system described above, a page of system memory does not change status directly from "cacheable" to "non-cacheable". / 上で説明したシステムに従うと、システムメモリのページは「キャッシュ可能」状態から直接「キャッシュ不可能」状態へ変わることはない。(USP6138216)

$$ The processor 6 and the power supply 15 may also cooperate to enable battery status information to be displayed on the display 11. / また、プロセッサ6と電源15とが協調することによってディスプレイ11上に電池状態情報を表示できるようにしてもよい。(USP6661373)

$$ With existing adjustment systems, the image reflects only the current status of the setting with no indication of what effect a change in a particular setting would make. 現存する調整システムでは、イメージは、現在の設定の状態を反映しているのみで、特定の設定変更でどんな結果が発生するのか示されない。(USP5537605)




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means+function claimには、"step of V-ing"ではなくて"step for V-ing"を用いるべきだとも言われているが、実際には、"step of V-ing"も多く使われている。

$$ A lamp as claimed in claim 1, wherein the reduced cross-section portion is stepped down in diameter from the main portion. / 前記断面寸法を短縮した発光端部の直径は、前記本体の直径より小さくすることを特徴とする請求項1に記載の無電極バルブ。(USP8217564)

$$ In step 403 the received trusted user identity is checked. (USP03051133)

$$ As indicated by the predefined process box used in FIG. 6, the steps of the method of FIG. 4 are carried out during step 610. (USP6970175)

$$ During STEP 3, the element 70a disengages contact with the plate 20. / 段階3の間に、素子70aは、プレート20との接触を解離する。(USP6788479)

$$ Step b) can be performed before, during or after step a). (USP6133336)

$$ In this embodiment, the user can also select the order in which the files are played back during step 52. / この実施形態では、ユーザは、ファイルがステップ52の間に再生される順序も選択できる。(USP7578441)

$$ In a next step 620 if the call request is deemed not to be fraudulent, at step 625 no action is taken. / 次の段階620 では、呼要求は不正でないと考えられるが、段階625 では、動作は行われない。(USP5907602)

$$ In this way, a gobo-like image is obtained at step 810, that gobo-like image being a changing cutout image of the performer. (USP5940204)

$$ At step 58, it is determined whether the code can in fact be inferred with confidence. (USP5998752)

$$ In the step of contacting CRP with the test ligand, the conditions must be sufficient to permit CRP ligand binding in the absence of the test compound. / 試験化合物をCRPに接触させる工程においては、試験化合物の存在下、CRPとリガンドを結合させるに十分な状態としなければならない。(USP7615543)

$$ In the step of recording the request (s63) referred to above, the record of the request may simply be stored as a single incrementing counter. / 上述で参照した要求を記録する段階(S63)において、要求の記録は単に単一のインクリメントカウンタとして記憶できる。(USP6996722)

$$ The method of claim 1, wherein, in the step of displaying the extracted color mixture, four pure process colors are displayed even when the extracted color mixture does not include the four pure process colors. (USP6970175)

$$ In step 41, the template renderer is initially called...(USP01032209)

$$ ...if the determination made in step (i) is in the negative...(USP5398248)

$$ FIG. 7 is a side view of the seal during the cutting step of the present invention. (USP02014009)

$$ HMGCoA reductase mediates the rate-determining step of cholesterol biosynthesis and is the most elaborately regulated enzyme of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway. (USP02035058)

$$ The degassed sample may be made by continuing the degassing step of the process until a substantially constant value for solids content is measured. (USP6565755)

$$ The action of the annealing step of FIG. 5(g) is illustrated diagrammatically in FIGS. 8(a) and (b). (USP6632684)

タグ :STEP



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | st...


$$ A method according to claim 1, further comprising a step in which the image features are obtained by performing edge detection on the plurality of the facets. / 請求項1に記載の方法であって、更に、複数の前記ファセットにおいてエッジ検出を行なうことにより前記画像特徴を取得するステップ、を有することを特徴とする方法。(USP8241125)

$$ The process does not require a separate step wherein a dry fibre web is pre-formed and does not require a high temperature graphitisation treatment, i.e. there is no requirement to heat at more than 1500℃. / この方法は、乾燥繊維ウェブが事前形成される別個の工程を必要とせず、高温黒鉛化処理も必要としない、即ち、1500℃よりも高い温度で加熱する必要がない。(USP8133306)

$$ For example, after a printing step in which an indicia receptive coating is applied and security indicia are printed onto the substrate, the bulk roll or sheets will be converted into reels, strips, large sheets or individual items. (USP5492370)

$$ Another example involves an exception condition covering the situation where a point may be reached in a division step where the denominator equals zero.(USP02029357)

$$ Unlike earlier embodiments, the conductive tracks 650, 660 that electrically connect the channel electrodes to the drive chips are formed on the piezoelectric body itself, advantageously in the same step in which the electrodes 570, 580 are deposited on the channel walls. (USP6572221)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | st...


$$ Further runs are then carried using increased applied loads in a stepwise manner until scuffing wear failure occurs. (USP6001141)

$$ The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said scanning means effects area scanning of the magnetic sample by stepwise movement of the sensing head by a step size of 0.1 mm. (USP6611142) 徐々に動かして

$$ ...in which the pulse duty cycle is increased stepwise or progressively... (USP02052599)

$$ Such a method of coupling thus enables the evolution of novel "metabolic pathways" in vitro in a stepwise fashion, selecting and improving first one step and then the next. (USP7429467)

$$ The radar frequency f is swept, in stepwise manner, over a frequency range F, the frequency of 2N successive batches of M pulses being incremented in steps of ##EQU1## (USP6888492)

$$ The composition was used to build a three-dimensional article having selectively coloured regions by the stepwise formation of polymeric layers formed one on top of the other. (USP6133336)





 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | st...


$$ For a watermarking scheme to be successful, it should be as difficult as possible for the users to collude in order to mask or remove the identification code words. / ウォータマークの仕組みを成功させるためには、ユーザが識別コードを除去することが可能な限り困難である必要がある。(USP03131243)

$$ A programme may be related in some way to other programmes to be transmitted at different times and/or on different channels by the same TV service company. / 番組は、同じTVサービス会社から異なる時刻や異なるチャネルで送信される他の番組と、何らかの方法で関連づけてもよい。(USP02042917)

$$ A further variable to be used in the equation is MaxTrafficPossiblePerRw, which in preferred embodiments is 16,384 bytes/sec (128 Kbit/sec). / さらに、方程式に用いられるMaxTrafficPossiblePerRwという別の変数があり、好適な実施例では、16,384バイト/秒(128キロビット/秒)である。(USP02018462)

$$ As in most prior plasma spectrometers, samples to be analyzed may be introduced into the plasma in the form of an aerosol generated by a conventional nebulizer. / 最も先行するプラズマ・スペクトロメータにおけるように、分析されるべき試料は、従来の噴霧器によって発生させられた煙霧質の形態でプラズマ中に導入可能である。(USP01010354)

$$ The sample to be heated 88 is placed within the microwave cavity and supported on a refractory stand 90. / 被加熱サンプル88がマイクロ波空胴内に置かれ、耐火スタンド90の上に支持される。(USP01004075)

$$ The data packet 22 comprises data appertaining to a user ID contained in a field 23, and data to be communicated contained in a field 24.(USP6122269)

$$ Thus the bandwidth request can be tailored according to the quantity of data to be transmitted. / したがって、帯域幅の要求を送信されるデータの量に応じて調整することができる。(USP5448559)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | st...


$$ Using conventional spray-drying procedures under normal conditions, often results in paroxetine hydrochloride particles that are sticky and adhere to the sides of the apparatus and to each other. (USP01049442)

$$ Thus the flow should be sufficiently non-turbulent that it does not cause unacceptable collisions of the monomer beads while they are still sticky and falling through the column, and it must be sufficiently non-disruptive that it does not cause shearing of the beads into smaller particles while they are flowing down through the column. / したがって、流れは、モノマービーズがまだ粘着性であり、カラムの中を落下する間にモノマービーズの受け入れられない衝突を起こさせないほどに非乱流的であるべきであり、さらに、ビーズがカラムの中を下に流れる間にビーズをより小さな粒子にせん断されることのないほどに非破壊的でなければならない。(USP6277932)

$$ It may conveniently be stuck to either surface of the former using an adhesive or double-sided sticky tape. (USP6584908)

$$ The volatile components were removed by rotary evaporation to give a yellow/orange, sticky solid. / 揮発成分をロータリーエバポレータにより除去して、黄色/オレンジの粘着性固体を得た。(USP7592448)

$$ The solder balls 106 are located on the contacts 102 and held in place by the sticky flux. (USP6940168)

$$ Preferably, said material is arranged to become less plastic and/or sticky after exposure. (USP6138567)

$$ The sticky ends generated are again end-repaired by standard protocols. (USP01024817)
