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 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ That is, the Browser sends its request and then waits for a response before proceeding with any further processing or initiating other requests. / 即ち、ブラウザはそれの要求を送り、応答を待ってからそれ以上の何らかの処理を進行させ、又は他の要求を開始させる。(USP6336135)

$$ Because the ACRTC is not using its timeslice, the PC access is granted without waiting for the next PC timeslice. / なぜならば、ACRTCはタイムスライスを使っていず、PCアクセスは次のPCのタイムスライスを待つことなく許される。(USP5559936)

$$ That is, the processes making the logging requests do not wait for the Logging Server 56 to finish performing a logging request. / すなわち、ロギング要求を行うプロセスは、ロギングサーバ56がロギング要求を実行し終わるのを待たない。(USP5907602)

$$ Secondly, the system can be programmed to--initially--treat the call as a normal call and wait for the caller to hang up after 3 to 5 rings. (USP6587551)

$$ Programmers must be careful to avoid the deadlock condition that will result if the host is waiting for space to become free in the input FIFO while GLINT is waiting for the host to read data from the output FIFO. (USP5727192)

$$ If the contention active line is low then a contention sequence is already in progress and the card has to wait for this to finish. (USP5377189)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ If a new customer joins a channel, it waits until it receives a tariff before processing any adjustment announcements. / 新しい顧客がチャンネルに加わると、顧客システムは調整アナウンスメントを処理する前に料金を受取るまで待機する。(USP7319673)

$$ Wait until the data is taken. (USP01017899)

$$ However, since it is not expected to read from the RAM's output, one can wait until the last possible moment. (USP6691301)

$$ The PC requests an access, but is made to wait until the start of its next timeslice. / PCはアクセスを要求するが、次のタイムスライスが始まるまで待たされる。(USP5559936)

$$ The need to wait until the currently executing instruction has completed results from the requirement to ensure data integrity by stopping the processor in a known condition. (USP5748518)

$$ The timing between domains is unspecified, but the transmission is guaranteed to occur, and both sides may wait until the transmission has completed. (USP6691301)

$$ FIFO overflow never occurs since the DMA controller automatically waits until there is room in the FIFO before doing any transfers. (USP5727192)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ The articles are then discharged rearwardly from the top of the belts and are collected in a container. (USP4722175)

$$ The second composite fibre and matrix material preferably extends transversely outwardly from the manhole partway towards edges of the wing skin. (USP7629037)

$$ Extending rearwardly from the end conveyor 52 is a storage compartment in the form of a storage rack 54 divided into a plurality of rows 64. (USP6955031)

$$ A closed border, (or indeed its airspace) may extend upwardly from a pre-determined ground area by a specified distance and thereby define an excluded volume of airspace. (USP7225063)

$$ Each airway extends upwardly from the shelf, to near the top of the container, and has a surface (28) spaced from the wall. (USP6981337)

$$ The ends 35a, 35b co-operate with pegs 36 depending downwardly from the one clutch part 15 parallel to the axis of rotation of the clutch. (USP4838400)

$$ The stop comprises a stud urged outwardly from the cap by a spring 32. (USP6474581)

$$ The lock unit 4 extends upwardly from the flange, to form a chamber which can accommodate protrusions 10, 11 of the locking member. (USP7021826)

$$ A guide pin 8 is secured to a recess 9 in an end face 10 of segment 2 and projects outwardly from the end face 10. (USP6799930)

$$ Extending upwardly from the bar 160 is a curved bar 168 having a series of holes 170 therethrough. (USP6190544)

$$ The visual alarm may be arranged to depend downwardly from the housing. (USP6144309)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ The force holding the collar 100 in place is radially inwardly of the lip 94 and portions 96, 98. (USP6880575)

$$ The arms 4 and 5 of the frame member 3 are also connected to mounting blocks 19 and 20 which extend downwardly of the frame member on the left and right hand side of the patient respectively. (USP6355049)

$$ The system according to claim 4 wherein said second element is a shoulder extending inwardly of said upper surface of said decorative portion. (USP5946864)

$$ Extending integrally and rearwardly of the projection 10 is a rigid end 12 of a cable harness 13. (USP5533137)

$$ Outwardly of the corrugated-like structure the cofferdam framework is covered by steel panels 48 which form a barrier wall. (USP5382115)

$$ Lid 6 is provided with a circular closed inlet 9 having an inlet skirt 10 which extends inwardly of closed container 2 and defines a recess 9a. (USP4971193)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ The appropriate warning signals can be displayed in software or by simple light emitting diodes controlled by LED driver module 90. / 適切な警告信号をソフトウェアに表示するか、または発光ダイオード(LED)ドライバモジュール90より制御される簡単なLEDにより表示することができる。(USP6611142)

$$ Instead a warning message can be sent, warning that access to the file has been denied. / その代わりに、ファイルへのアクセスが拒絶されたという警告メッセージを送ることができる。(USP6081835)

$$ In addition to or in place of buzzer 50 a flashing warning light (not shown) may be used. / ブザー50に加え、又はその代わりに、閃光する警告ランプ(図示せず)を使用することも可能である。(USP5738609)

$$ Driver warning and fail-safe engine operation condition including opening the wastegates is triggered via output W. / 排気逃し口の開放を含む運転者警告フェイルセイフエンジン動作条件は、出力Wを介して起動される。(USP6338250)

$$ A buzzer 50 is connected with control unit 36 to warn/indicate to the vehicle operator when certain vehicle operating conditions occur. / 電子制御ユニット36には、自動車に特定の動作状態が発生した際にその自動車のオペレータに警告/指示を行うために、ブザー50が接続される。(USP5738609)

$$ This provides a warning to an operator that a target material or the like has been detected within an object. (USP6122344)

タグ :WARN



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ As indicated above, the present method of providing telecommunications connection to customer premises by retrofitting is costly, wasteful and inconvenient. / 前記に示されたように、レトロフィットさせることによって顧客建物に電気通信接続を提供する本方法は費用がかかり、無駄が多く、不便である。(USP7599597)

$$ Comparing FIG. 6 with FIG. 2 it can be seen that FIG. 6 is wasteful of ring capacity, particularly if the customer traffic at (a) which is to be connected to node (d) is a significant proportion of the total ring traffic, as would often be the case. / 図6を図2と比較すると、図6は、リング容量を浪費していることがわかる。よくあることだが、ノード(d)に接続される(a)での顧客トラヒックが、総リングトラヒックの重要な割合である場合は特にそうである。(USP5533005)

$$ Of course, a separate IEPG channel containing only four 1/4 size videos could instead be utilized with a suitable number of channels being employed to cover all desired pay-per-view events, although this is more wasteful of bandwidth. / 言うまでもなく、1/4のサイズのビデオを4つしか含まない別々のIEPGチャネルを使用し、所望のペイパービュー事象を包含するのに適した数のチャネルを使用することができるが、これはより多くの帯域幅を消費する。(USP02042917)

$$ Bit maps are easiest to process, but extremely wasteful of storage space.(USP02018284)

$$ As it is wasteful to store such NOPs explicitly in a schedule or program memory used for storing the instruction schedule, it is desirable to provide a mechanism for storing the VLIW... (USP01047466)




 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ It is a standard way of selecting or choosing plural screen objects. / これは複数のスクリーン・オブジェクトを選択する標準の方法である。(USP6523174)

$$ One way of ensuring this is to defocus. / これを確実化する1つの方法は焦点はずれである。(USP6900756)

$$ Hence, the invention provides an efficient way of encoding bit streams into a format suitable for use in a turbo encoder. / そのため、本発明は、ビットストリームをターボ符号器における使用に適したフォーマットに符号化する効率的な手法を提供する。(USP7051266)

$$ FIG. 17 shows an alternative way of housing a motor and filter within the roller assembly; / 【図17】ローラ組立品内にモータおよびフィルタを収容する代替的な方法を示す図である。(USP7600292)

$$ One way of looking at the number of hops (H) problem is to consider the access area serviced (A) to be randomly populated with N subscribers. / ホップ(H)の数の問題を検討する1つの方法とは、N個の加入者が無作為に居住している、サービスが提供されるアクセス区域(A)を考慮することである。(USP6553020)

$$ The responsibilities of the PSM 67 include periodically checking the space usage of specified objects and reporting (by way of sending alarms to the NMI) when storage thresholds have been exceeded. / PSM67は、定期的に特定のオブジェクトのスペースの使用を検査し、メモリの閾値を越えたときに(NMIへの警報を送ることによって)レポートすることもできる。(USP5907602)

$$ The way of overcoming the seizing problem was to make the impeller a very loose fit on the rotor 40 but this was not very satisfactory either as it would wear extremely quickly and be inefficient. (USP6524078)

$$ This interface hash value can be derived in many ways, but must not exceed the size of the hash table.(USP02029357)

$$ In particular, the line ports and the tributary ports of an ADM are generally different in many ways. / 特に、ADMのラインポートおよび端局ポートは、一般的に多くの面で異なっている。(USP5533005)

タグ :WAY



 車馬駄馬田 at 08:00  | Comments(0) | wa...


$$ FIG. 9 shows the way in which the material flows when a filler element 18 is drawn down from a cylindrical rod. (USP6360522) ~の様子を示す

$$ The way in which similarity between clusters (as opposed to individual documents) is calculated can be varied. / クラスタ間の類似性(個々の文書に対するのではない)が計算される方法は変えることができる。(USP6353827)

$$ The way in which the graphical links are created will now be described with reference to FIG. 7. / 図7を参照して、グラフィカル・リンクが作られる方法を説明する。(USP6523174)

$$ The basic way in which movement of the float 10 along the axis of the above described windings is sensed will now be explained. / ここで、上述の巻き線に沿って移動するフロート10の通常の検出方法について説明する。(USP6561022)

$$ It may be followed by other header information 114 controlling the way in which the payload 115 is to be handled. / ペイロード115を取扱う方法を制御する別のヘッダ情報114が続くこともある。(USP6584098)

$$ One way in which the processor 23 may respond is by tuning the receiver directly to the selected programme so that the viewer may view the programme immediately. / プロセッサ23の1つの応答方法は、選択された番組に受信器を直接調整し、視聴者が番組を即座に見られるようにすることである。(USP02042917)

$$ Clearly many enhancements can be made to the operation of the pool, and the way in which the reset call interacts with it.(USP01051970)

$$ Another way in which the processor may respond is by changing the display to the Box Office format shown in FIG. 12 of the accompanying drawings. / プロセッサの別の応答方法は、表示を、添付図面の第12図に示すボックス・オフィス・フォーマットに変更することである。(USP02042917)

$$ One way in which the system may be comprised is through the use of a Trojan program.(USP02059146)

$$ This means that the only way in which closure 40 can be deployed is by sliding it along runner 6, which means that the conducting strip on the underside of the closure 40 (not shown) always contacts the ends of...(USP02075752)

$$ The wheel having just recovered from a skid, the state 0 logic also controls the way in which brake pressure is re-applied.(USP5575543)

$$ Referring first to FIG. 1, this illustrates the way in which AAL-2 minicells are multiplexed into ATM.(USP6493344)

$$ The shape provided for the individual units 10, and the way in which they are attached to their support when in use, enables the unit to be installed in a wide range of different ways to meet different user requirements. / 個々のスピーカユニット本体10の形状や使用時のこれらの支持部材への取付け方法によっては、異なるユーザの要求をかなえる多くの方法でユニットを装置することができる。(USP5402502)

$$ The way in which this can be done is explained in more detail with reference to FIGS. 12 and 13 hereinafter. / その決定方法は、あとで図12及び13により詳しく説明する。(USP5523852)
