$$ Porosification will increase the surface area by a factor of around one hundred and can also allow a suitable adsorbing surface chemistry to be created at the surface. / 多孔化すれば約100倍だけ表面積が大きくなって、表面に適した吸着性の表面化学を生成することもできる。(USP7619265)
$$ The eight decimators of the third stage decimate (sub-sample) the respective outputs by a factor of two, whereby the total number of samples outputted by the decimators of the third stage (together) is the same as the total number of samples in the line. / 第3段の8つのデシメータは、それぞれの出力を2の率でデシメート(サブサンプル)し、第3段全体のデシメータにより出力されるサンプルの総数をライン内のサンプル総数と同じにする。(USP5353059)
$$ On the other hand, increasing impurity concentration from .about.10.sup.15 cm.sup.-3 to .about.10.sup.17 cm.sup.-3 reduces carrier mobility by a factor of .about.3. / 一方、不純物濃度を約1015cm-3から約1017cm-3に増加することによって、キャリア移動度が約3分の1に減少する。(USP6809514)
$$ The heat transfer coefficient is also relatively insensitive to scale, such that if all the sizes of a quenching system in accordance with the system are reduced by a factor of four (which is likely to include the maximum practical range of gas jet sizes) there is an increase in heat transfer coefficient of only about 30%. / 熱伝達係数は尺度に対しても比較的鈍感であり、したがって急冷システムのサイズ全体をシステムの通りに4分の1に縮小しても(多分ガスジェットの最大実際範囲の大きさを包含するであろう)、熱伝達係数は約30%増大するだけである。(USP01020503)
$$ The decimators decimate (sub-sample) the respective outputs by a factor of two, whereby the total number of samples output by the decimators (together) is the same as the total number of samples in the line. / デシメータは、それぞれの出力を2の率でデシメート(サンプルレートを下げてサンプリングする。サブサンプル又はダウンサンプルともいう。)し、デシメータによるサンプル出力の総数をライン内のサンプル総数と同じにする。(USP5353059) 2分の1に間引きされる
$$ Porosification will increase the surface area by a factor of around one hundred and can also allow a suitable adsorbing surface chemistry to be created at the surface. / 多孔化すれば約100倍だけ表面積が大きくなって、表面に適した吸着性の表面化学を生成することもできる。(USP7619265)
$$ The eight decimators of the third stage decimate (sub-sample) the respective outputs by a factor of two, whereby the total number of samples outputted by the decimators of the third stage (together) is the same as the total number of samples in the line. / 第3段の8つのデシメータは、それぞれの出力を2の率でデシメート(サブサンプル)し、第3段全体のデシメータにより出力されるサンプルの総数をライン内のサンプル総数と同じにする。(USP5353059)
$$ On the other hand, increasing impurity concentration from .about.10.sup.15 cm.sup.-3 to .about.10.sup.17 cm.sup.-3 reduces carrier mobility by a factor of .about.3. / 一方、不純物濃度を約1015cm-3から約1017cm-3に増加することによって、キャリア移動度が約3分の1に減少する。(USP6809514)
$$ The heat transfer coefficient is also relatively insensitive to scale, such that if all the sizes of a quenching system in accordance with the system are reduced by a factor of four (which is likely to include the maximum practical range of gas jet sizes) there is an increase in heat transfer coefficient of only about 30%. / 熱伝達係数は尺度に対しても比較的鈍感であり、したがって急冷システムのサイズ全体をシステムの通りに4分の1に縮小しても(多分ガスジェットの最大実際範囲の大きさを包含するであろう)、熱伝達係数は約30%増大するだけである。(USP01020503)
$$ The decimators decimate (sub-sample) the respective outputs by a factor of two, whereby the total number of samples output by the decimators (together) is the same as the total number of samples in the line. / デシメータは、それぞれの出力を2の率でデシメート(サンプルレートを下げてサンプリングする。サブサンプル又はダウンサンプルともいう。)し、デシメータによるサンプル出力の総数をライン内のサンプル総数と同じにする。(USP5353059) 2分の1に間引きされる
$$ Alternatively, the teeth may be shaped, such as by being triangular in plan, whereby their extent of movement together is limited by said shaping. / あるいは、歯を平面視で三角形などの形状にすることができ、それにより、これらが一緒に移動する範囲がこの形状によって制限される。(USP6860455)
$$ The height of the waveguide relative to light from the fibre is set by the spacer which additionally seals the hole 78 by being sufficiently flat. / ファイバからの光に対する導波路の高さは、十分に平坦なであることによって孔78をシールするスペーサによって設定される。(USP6764226)
$$ The options selectable could be controlled by being present or absent from a menu, or could be controlled according to content. / 選択可能な選択肢は、メニューがあってもなくても制御することができ、内容にしたがって制御することができる。(USP6151309)
$$ In the above embodiment, the signals induced in the sensor windings were demodulated by being mixed with a 90° phase-shifted version of the excitation voltage which has been applied to the excitation winding. / 上記実施形態において、センサ巻き線内に誘起された信号は、励磁巻き線28に印加される励磁電圧の位相を90度ずらした信号と混合することで復調される。(USP6561022)
$$ In this example the digital signature is attached to the document by being printed in a visible manner on the document itself using a suitable method for encoding digital data on paper. (USP5912974)
$$ Should the bolt head be removed, by being sheared off with a cold chisel for example, the pales may be removed and access gained to the area enclosed by the palisade. (USP6767005)
$$ Alternatively, the teeth may be shaped, such as by being triangular in plan, whereby their extent of movement together is limited by said shaping. / あるいは、歯を平面視で三角形などの形状にすることができ、それにより、これらが一緒に移動する範囲がこの形状によって制限される。(USP6860455)
$$ The height of the waveguide relative to light from the fibre is set by the spacer which additionally seals the hole 78 by being sufficiently flat. / ファイバからの光に対する導波路の高さは、十分に平坦なであることによって孔78をシールするスペーサによって設定される。(USP6764226)
$$ The options selectable could be controlled by being present or absent from a menu, or could be controlled according to content. / 選択可能な選択肢は、メニューがあってもなくても制御することができ、内容にしたがって制御することができる。(USP6151309)
$$ In the above embodiment, the signals induced in the sensor windings were demodulated by being mixed with a 90° phase-shifted version of the excitation voltage which has been applied to the excitation winding. / 上記実施形態において、センサ巻き線内に誘起された信号は、励磁巻き線28に印加される励磁電圧の位相を90度ずらした信号と混合することで復調される。(USP6561022)
$$ In this example the digital signature is attached to the document by being printed in a visible manner on the document itself using a suitable method for encoding digital data on paper. (USP5912974)
$$ Should the bolt head be removed, by being sheared off with a cold chisel for example, the pales may be removed and access gained to the area enclosed by the palisade. (USP6767005)
PP+BY ...INTO vs PP INTO...BY 後者の使用頻度が高い
$$ This may be achieved by feeding either electrically insulated light-emitting devices into the laminate or by introduction of insulating layers during the lamination process. / これは、電気的に絶縁された発光デバイスを積層体内に設けるか、または積層過程の際に絶縁層を導入することによって達成することができる。(USP5929562)
$$ It will be apparent that significant bus traffic has been eliminated by the division of activation messages into "normal" and "repeating" types, and the local generation of repetitive commands. / 有意なバストラヒックが「標準」および「繰り返し」タイプへの作動メッセージの分割、および繰り返し指令のローカル発生により除去されたことは明らかであろう。(USP5479385)
$$ To generate a packet indicative of an interrupt event the two 64 bit operands of the interrupt event instruction are copied by the adapter into packet buffer 51 together with three bytes: an opcode byte...(USP6526501)
$$ Light passing through the slit 30 is dispersed by the diffraction grating analyser 20 into individual bands 28 of the Raman spectrum.(USP5510894)
$$ The data in an incoming signal is separated by the transporter 15 into video data and information data. / 入力信号のデータは、トランスポータ15によってビデオ・データと情報データとに分離される。(USP02042917)
$$ The composite dual QAM signal is translated into the 6 MHz standard television band by means of out-of-band
reference signal REF. / 複合デュアルQAM信号は、帯域外(out-of-band)基準信号REFによって6MHz標準テレビジョン帯域に変換される。(USP5313279)
$$ The bytes of input data in the input FIFO 72 are converted into a stream of serial data by a serialiser 74.(USP5392038)
PP+BY ...INTO vs PP INTO...BY 後者の使用頻度が高い
$$ This may be achieved by feeding either electrically insulated light-emitting devices into the laminate or by introduction of insulating layers during the lamination process. / これは、電気的に絶縁された発光デバイスを積層体内に設けるか、または積層過程の際に絶縁層を導入することによって達成することができる。(USP5929562)
$$ It will be apparent that significant bus traffic has been eliminated by the division of activation messages into "normal" and "repeating" types, and the local generation of repetitive commands. / 有意なバストラヒックが「標準」および「繰り返し」タイプへの作動メッセージの分割、および繰り返し指令のローカル発生により除去されたことは明らかであろう。(USP5479385)
$$ To generate a packet indicative of an interrupt event the two 64 bit operands of the interrupt event instruction are copied by the adapter into packet buffer 51 together with three bytes: an opcode byte...(USP6526501)
$$ Light passing through the slit 30 is dispersed by the diffraction grating analyser 20 into individual bands 28 of the Raman spectrum.(USP5510894)
$$ The data in an incoming signal is separated by the transporter 15 into video data and information data. / 入力信号のデータは、トランスポータ15によってビデオ・データと情報データとに分離される。(USP02042917)
$$ The composite dual QAM signal is translated into the 6 MHz standard television band by means of out-of-band
reference signal REF. / 複合デュアルQAM信号は、帯域外(out-of-band)基準信号REFによって6MHz標準テレビジョン帯域に変換される。(USP5313279)
$$ The bytes of input data in the input FIFO 72 are converted into a stream of serial data by a serialiser 74.(USP5392038)
BY MEANS OF / によって・による
通常は動詞が先行する;名詞の場合は「それによって成されるもの」や「動作」を表わす名詞(ACTION)が先行する -->by way ofも同様である
$$ Note that the use of a gaze tracker is not essential; user input by means of a pointing device such as a mouse could-be used instead, though the gaze tracker option is considered to be much easier to use. / 視線追跡装置の使用が必須ではないことに留意されたい。視線追跡装置オプションははるかに使いやすいと考えられるが、マウスなどのポインティングデバイスによるユーザ入力が代わりに使用できるであろう。(USP7593602)
$$ An example of operation by means of hydraulic motors or rams is illustrated in FIG. 8, in the case of a typical dog-ring, and will now be described. / 油圧モータ又はラムによる作動の例が、典型的な回し金リングの場合として、図8に示されており、かつ説明するであろう。(USP6019010)
$$ Both prior art configurations of probe provide releasable mounting of a stylus to the stylus holder by means of magnets and mutually engageable elements forming a repeatable kinematic location. / 両先行技術のプローブ形態は、磁石および反復的なカイネマチック配置を形成する互いに係合可能な要素によるスタイラスのスタイラスホルダへの着脱自在な取付けを提供している。(USP02174556)
$$ The present invention relates to the generation of plasmas by means of microwave radiation. / 本発明はマイクロ波放射によるプラズマの発生に関する。(USP5418430)
$$ Normally the water is brought to a building underground and there is an external stopcock to which access is by means of a box whose lid is flush with the ground surface. (USP4665941)
$$ However, in an alternative embodiment where the system controller 165 consist of a number of finite state machines, then control would be by means of the fixed interconnection of the logic in the fixed state machines. / しかし、システム制御装置165がいくつかの有限状態機械から成る別の実施例においては、制御は、固定状態機械内の論理装置の固定相互接続による。(USP6058304)
$$ Application of radiation may be by means of the direct delivery of heat by a heated body or by use of incident electromagnetic radiation which may be converted to heat. (USP6138567)
BY MEANS OF / によって・による
通常は動詞が先行する;名詞の場合は「それによって成されるもの」や「動作」を表わす名詞(ACTION)が先行する -->by way ofも同様である
$$ Note that the use of a gaze tracker is not essential; user input by means of a pointing device such as a mouse could-be used instead, though the gaze tracker option is considered to be much easier to use. / 視線追跡装置の使用が必須ではないことに留意されたい。視線追跡装置オプションははるかに使いやすいと考えられるが、マウスなどのポインティングデバイスによるユーザ入力が代わりに使用できるであろう。(USP7593602)
$$ An example of operation by means of hydraulic motors or rams is illustrated in FIG. 8, in the case of a typical dog-ring, and will now be described. / 油圧モータ又はラムによる作動の例が、典型的な回し金リングの場合として、図8に示されており、かつ説明するであろう。(USP6019010)
$$ Both prior art configurations of probe provide releasable mounting of a stylus to the stylus holder by means of magnets and mutually engageable elements forming a repeatable kinematic location. / 両先行技術のプローブ形態は、磁石および反復的なカイネマチック配置を形成する互いに係合可能な要素によるスタイラスのスタイラスホルダへの着脱自在な取付けを提供している。(USP02174556)
$$ The present invention relates to the generation of plasmas by means of microwave radiation. / 本発明はマイクロ波放射によるプラズマの発生に関する。(USP5418430)
$$ Normally the water is brought to a building underground and there is an external stopcock to which access is by means of a box whose lid is flush with the ground surface. (USP4665941)
$$ However, in an alternative embodiment where the system controller 165 consist of a number of finite state machines, then control would be by means of the fixed interconnection of the logic in the fixed state machines. / しかし、システム制御装置165がいくつかの有限状態機械から成る別の実施例においては、制御は、固定状態機械内の論理装置の固定相互接続による。(USP6058304)
$$ Application of radiation may be by means of the direct delivery of heat by a heated body or by use of incident electromagnetic radiation which may be converted to heat. (USP6138567)
"by way of ~ing" よりは頻度が小さいが、"by means of ~ing"も使われる
$$ In either case the principal perceived image changes from the "through image" to the design 16 only by means of changing the illumination on the other side of panel 8. / 何れの場合にいても、パネル8の他方側の照射を変化させることのみによって、第1に認識されるイメージは、「透過イメージ(throughimage)」からデザイン16に変化する。(USP6212805)
$$ In an alternative embodiment of the invention either the spill valve member 22, the control valve member 42, or both members, may be secured to their respective armatures 40, 44 by means of welding. (USP01035464)
$$ This would operate by means of sending messages to each individual and waiting for an appropriate response. (USP6810118)
$$ In another type of test apparatus, the test apparatus is manually activated by means of pressing the test head against a ceiling to activate a release mechanism for an aerosol can that emits aerosol to test the device in question.(USP5423962)
$$ It is an object of this invention to reduce the surface noise of the final product by means of processing at an intermediate stage of manufacture.(USP5137617)
$$ ...such as 21, and attempts authentication, such as by means of establishing a connection with the chosen gateway...(USP01054158)
"by way of ~ing" よりは頻度が小さいが、"by means of ~ing"も使われる
$$ In either case the principal perceived image changes from the "through image" to the design 16 only by means of changing the illumination on the other side of panel 8. / 何れの場合にいても、パネル8の他方側の照射を変化させることのみによって、第1に認識されるイメージは、「透過イメージ(throughimage)」からデザイン16に変化する。(USP6212805)
$$ In an alternative embodiment of the invention either the spill valve member 22, the control valve member 42, or both members, may be secured to their respective armatures 40, 44 by means of welding. (USP01035464)
$$ This would operate by means of sending messages to each individual and waiting for an appropriate response. (USP6810118)
$$ In another type of test apparatus, the test apparatus is manually activated by means of pressing the test head against a ceiling to activate a release mechanism for an aerosol can that emits aerosol to test the device in question.(USP5423962)
$$ It is an object of this invention to reduce the surface noise of the final product by means of processing at an intermediate stage of manufacture.(USP5137617)
$$ ...such as 21, and attempts authentication, such as by means of establishing a connection with the chosen gateway...(USP01054158)
BY NOT ~ING / ~しないで
BY NOT ~ing
"without ~ing"のパターンで用いられるのが多いが、"by not ~ing"のパターンも用いられることがある。
$$ This enables the core to build up a graph without the need to load any DLLs, so saving memory by not loading large files until they are absolutely needed. / これによって、コアがいかなるDLLもロードする必要なしにグラフをビルドアップできるようにし、それらが絶対的に必要になるまで大きなファイルをロードしないでメモリを節約する。(USP6523174)
$$ By not maintaining the rigid device temperature, a lower power consumption can be achieved. / 厳格なデバイス温度を維持しないことにより、低消費電力を実現できる。(USP7573345)
$$ It is known to increase the experimental duty cycle by not performing the step of selecting parent or precursor ions having a specific mass to charge ratio. / 特定の質量対電荷比を有する親または前駆体イオンを選択するステップを行わないことによって実験デューティサイクルを増加することは公知である。(USP7622711)
$$ MQSeries products provide assured delivery by not finally deleting a message from storage on a sender system until it is confirmed as safely stored by a receiver system, and by use of sophisticated recovery facilities. / MQSeries製品は、メッセージがレシーバ・システムによって安全に記憶されたとして確認されるまでセンダ・システムにおける記憶装置からそのメッセージを最終的に削除しないことによって、及び複雑な回復機構を使用することによって確実な配送を提供する。(USP6336135)
$$ Execution time can be saved by not examining the stacks of such threads. (USP02029357)
$$ This can speed up training by not limiting the rate of applying the input vectors to the relatively slow weight adjustment rate of the network which depends on slower computational elements. (USP5390285)
BY NOT ~ing
"without ~ing"のパターンで用いられるのが多いが、"by not ~ing"のパターンも用いられることがある。
$$ This enables the core to build up a graph without the need to load any DLLs, so saving memory by not loading large files until they are absolutely needed. / これによって、コアがいかなるDLLもロードする必要なしにグラフをビルドアップできるようにし、それらが絶対的に必要になるまで大きなファイルをロードしないでメモリを節約する。(USP6523174)
$$ By not maintaining the rigid device temperature, a lower power consumption can be achieved. / 厳格なデバイス温度を維持しないことにより、低消費電力を実現できる。(USP7573345)
$$ It is known to increase the experimental duty cycle by not performing the step of selecting parent or precursor ions having a specific mass to charge ratio. / 特定の質量対電荷比を有する親または前駆体イオンを選択するステップを行わないことによって実験デューティサイクルを増加することは公知である。(USP7622711)
$$ MQSeries products provide assured delivery by not finally deleting a message from storage on a sender system until it is confirmed as safely stored by a receiver system, and by use of sophisticated recovery facilities. / MQSeries製品は、メッセージがレシーバ・システムによって安全に記憶されたとして確認されるまでセンダ・システムにおける記憶装置からそのメッセージを最終的に削除しないことによって、及び複雑な回復機構を使用することによって確実な配送を提供する。(USP6336135)
$$ Execution time can be saved by not examining the stacks of such threads. (USP02029357)
$$ This can speed up training by not limiting the rate of applying the input vectors to the relatively slow weight adjustment rate of the network which depends on slower computational elements. (USP5390285)
このパターンでは、動作を表す名詞(ACTION)には冠詞がつかないことが多い。特に類似表現である"by means of"や "by way of"は頻繁に用いられるが、定冠詞の使用は稀である。
$$ The upper pushrod is thus prevented from moving upwards into the thrown position until the strike locking pin is pushed from the recess by action of the strike head 250 on the strike body 252. (USP6478345)
$$ The tilt tray unit will always reset as long as a failsafe limit switch contact 15 is made by the action of a position flag 16 as the tray rotates. (USP6799672)
$$ The locking member 22 is shown engaged in this aperture and is normally retained by the action of the bar 14 preventing movement of the lever 16. (USP5722129)
$$ The first timer is reset by actuation of the aircraft communications press-to-talk button. (USP4879542)
$$ Pressing of the button may for example act to place the videophone in an off-hook call status when an incoming call is signaled by actuation of the green light emitting diode. / ボタンの押下げは、例えば、着信が緑色発光ダイオードの作動によって示される場合、ビデオフォンをオフフック電話状態にするように機能することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ Such UHF power delivery may be optimised for tissue contact coagulation, cutting and vaporisation being achieved by addition of the low frequency component. (USP02022836)
$$ FIG. 2 is a view of the microscope of FIG. 1 but modified by the addition of a beam-splitter and a camera; (USP5018846)
$$ ...this could easily be formed by extrusion of aluminum or an alloy thereof... (USP5931005)
$$ This immune response could be immortalised by fusion of immunocompetent cells from the immunised mice (conventionally the spleen but in principle lymph node also) with a nonsecreting myeloma cell line using fusogens such as polyethylene glycol or electrical discharges. / この免疫応答はポリエチレングリコール又は電気放電の如き融合剤を用いた、免疫化されたマウスからの免疫適格細胞(通常は脾臓、しかし原則としてリンパ節も使用できる)と非分泌性骨髄腫細胞系との融合により不死化することができる。(USP02054870)
$$ Fused quartz glasses, typically made by fusion of refined natural quartz crystal powders, are widely used in the optical, optical fibre and semiconductor industries for their optical properties, chemical resistance, thermal stability or other properties. / 通常、精製された天然石英結晶粉末の溶融により製造される溶融石英ガラスは、その光学的特性、耐化学性、熱的安定性もしくは他の特性のために光学、光ファイバーおよび半導体産業において広く用いられている。(USP6763682)
$$ The temperature was kept below 15℃ during the addition by immersion of the reaction vessel in a water/ice bath. / 氷/水の浴に反応容器を浸けることにより、添加の間、温度を15℃未満に保った。(USP7592448)
$$ Plants are then transformed by insertion of extra gene copies of the isoforms of SSS, BE enzymes and/or by insertion of anti-sense gene constructs. (USP6013861)
$$ This has the advantage that the duration of the voice message is not altered by the insertion of the transition audio portion represented by the transition signal. (USP6175821)
$$ The temperature of an electronic device at specified locations is determined by measuring the phonon frequency shift at the location of interest caused by operation of the device. (USP6786637)
$$ Each tilt tray unit is reset after a fault condition or the loss of power by the operation of a tray reset transmitter mounted in the track. (USP6799672)
$$ The alkyl substituted ε-caprolactones are obtainable by oxidation of alkyl substituted cyclohexanone and consequently many are mixtures of alkyl substituted ε-caprolactone. / このアルキル置換ε‐カプロラクトン類は、アルキル置換シクロヘキサノンの酸化により得られ、従って、その多くは、アルキル置換ε‐カプロラクトンの混合物である。(USP03027873)
$$ The carboxylated polyolefine is conveniently prepared by the oxidation of an olefine homopolymer (preferably an ethylene homopolymer) to introduce carboxyl groups onto the polyolefine chain. / カルボキシル化ポリオレフィンは、オレフィンホモポリマー(好ましくはエチレンホモポリマー)を酸化し、ポリオレフィン鎖中にカルボキシル基を導入することにより便利に調製される。(USP5935903)
$$ Thus the network operator defines service available to a particular customer by provision of executable program 9 which refers out to customer data 8, or on customer action, modifies customer data 8 if such modification is permitted. (USP6069944)
$$ By the provision of a suitable repulsive electrostatic field in the spraying chamber of the ion source, ions formed in the spray are retarded and deflected through the sampling aperture into the mass filter. (USP4647772)
$$ This is believed to be caused by reaction of the present frit with copper in black pigments. (USP6100209)
$$ One class of non-ionics are ethoxylated non-ionic surfactants prepared by the reaction of a monohydroxy alkanol or alkylphenol with 6 to 20 carbon atoms with preferably at least 12 moles particularly preferred at least 16 moles, and still more preferred at least 20 moles of ethylene oxide per mole of alcohol or alkylphenol. (USP7105478)
$$ This was followed by reduction of the cobalt (II) salt with sodium borohydride to cobalt (0) metal. / 次いで水素化ホウ素ナトリウムでコバルト(II)塩を還元してコバルト(0)金属とした。(USP6815063)
$$ This is achieved by rotation of the strike head in conjunction with its threaded engagement with the strike head body. (USP6478345)
$$ During its movement the ejector plate (17) is advanced into the swirling chamber (29) by the rotation of the key (7) (or motor (9b) and rotating plate (12)) about the vertical axis (8). (USP5896855)
$$ By selection of shape, length and material the tube can be designed for easy insertion, and retention of its location, within the beverage package. (USP5660867)
$$ The coils used are solenoidal coils and by the selection of the coil orientations and positions it is possible to measure the distance of the drill from the guidance plant... (USP6102137)
$$ Matching by differing elements A or by variation of the widths of conductors 19 can also be provided for the elements E in the arrangement of FIG. 2. (USP01022495)
このパターンでは、動作を表す名詞(ACTION)には冠詞がつかないことが多い。特に類似表現である"by means of"や "by way of"は頻繁に用いられるが、定冠詞の使用は稀である。
$$ The upper pushrod is thus prevented from moving upwards into the thrown position until the strike locking pin is pushed from the recess by action of the strike head 250 on the strike body 252. (USP6478345)
$$ The tilt tray unit will always reset as long as a failsafe limit switch contact 15 is made by the action of a position flag 16 as the tray rotates. (USP6799672)
$$ The locking member 22 is shown engaged in this aperture and is normally retained by the action of the bar 14 preventing movement of the lever 16. (USP5722129)
$$ The first timer is reset by actuation of the aircraft communications press-to-talk button. (USP4879542)
$$ Pressing of the button may for example act to place the videophone in an off-hook call status when an incoming call is signaled by actuation of the green light emitting diode. / ボタンの押下げは、例えば、着信が緑色発光ダイオードの作動によって示される場合、ビデオフォンをオフフック電話状態にするように機能することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ Such UHF power delivery may be optimised for tissue contact coagulation, cutting and vaporisation being achieved by addition of the low frequency component. (USP02022836)
$$ FIG. 2 is a view of the microscope of FIG. 1 but modified by the addition of a beam-splitter and a camera; (USP5018846)
$$ ...this could easily be formed by extrusion of aluminum or an alloy thereof... (USP5931005)
$$ This immune response could be immortalised by fusion of immunocompetent cells from the immunised mice (conventionally the spleen but in principle lymph node also) with a nonsecreting myeloma cell line using fusogens such as polyethylene glycol or electrical discharges. / この免疫応答はポリエチレングリコール又は電気放電の如き融合剤を用いた、免疫化されたマウスからの免疫適格細胞(通常は脾臓、しかし原則としてリンパ節も使用できる)と非分泌性骨髄腫細胞系との融合により不死化することができる。(USP02054870)
$$ Fused quartz glasses, typically made by fusion of refined natural quartz crystal powders, are widely used in the optical, optical fibre and semiconductor industries for their optical properties, chemical resistance, thermal stability or other properties. / 通常、精製された天然石英結晶粉末の溶融により製造される溶融石英ガラスは、その光学的特性、耐化学性、熱的安定性もしくは他の特性のために光学、光ファイバーおよび半導体産業において広く用いられている。(USP6763682)
$$ The temperature was kept below 15℃ during the addition by immersion of the reaction vessel in a water/ice bath. / 氷/水の浴に反応容器を浸けることにより、添加の間、温度を15℃未満に保った。(USP7592448)
$$ Plants are then transformed by insertion of extra gene copies of the isoforms of SSS, BE enzymes and/or by insertion of anti-sense gene constructs. (USP6013861)
$$ This has the advantage that the duration of the voice message is not altered by the insertion of the transition audio portion represented by the transition signal. (USP6175821)
$$ The temperature of an electronic device at specified locations is determined by measuring the phonon frequency shift at the location of interest caused by operation of the device. (USP6786637)
$$ Each tilt tray unit is reset after a fault condition or the loss of power by the operation of a tray reset transmitter mounted in the track. (USP6799672)
$$ The alkyl substituted ε-caprolactones are obtainable by oxidation of alkyl substituted cyclohexanone and consequently many are mixtures of alkyl substituted ε-caprolactone. / このアルキル置換ε‐カプロラクトン類は、アルキル置換シクロヘキサノンの酸化により得られ、従って、その多くは、アルキル置換ε‐カプロラクトンの混合物である。(USP03027873)
$$ The carboxylated polyolefine is conveniently prepared by the oxidation of an olefine homopolymer (preferably an ethylene homopolymer) to introduce carboxyl groups onto the polyolefine chain. / カルボキシル化ポリオレフィンは、オレフィンホモポリマー(好ましくはエチレンホモポリマー)を酸化し、ポリオレフィン鎖中にカルボキシル基を導入することにより便利に調製される。(USP5935903)
$$ Thus the network operator defines service available to a particular customer by provision of executable program 9 which refers out to customer data 8, or on customer action, modifies customer data 8 if such modification is permitted. (USP6069944)
$$ By the provision of a suitable repulsive electrostatic field in the spraying chamber of the ion source, ions formed in the spray are retarded and deflected through the sampling aperture into the mass filter. (USP4647772)
$$ This is believed to be caused by reaction of the present frit with copper in black pigments. (USP6100209)
$$ One class of non-ionics are ethoxylated non-ionic surfactants prepared by the reaction of a monohydroxy alkanol or alkylphenol with 6 to 20 carbon atoms with preferably at least 12 moles particularly preferred at least 16 moles, and still more preferred at least 20 moles of ethylene oxide per mole of alcohol or alkylphenol. (USP7105478)
$$ This was followed by reduction of the cobalt (II) salt with sodium borohydride to cobalt (0) metal. / 次いで水素化ホウ素ナトリウムでコバルト(II)塩を還元してコバルト(0)金属とした。(USP6815063)
$$ This is achieved by rotation of the strike head in conjunction with its threaded engagement with the strike head body. (USP6478345)
$$ During its movement the ejector plate (17) is advanced into the swirling chamber (29) by the rotation of the key (7) (or motor (9b) and rotating plate (12)) about the vertical axis (8). (USP5896855)
$$ By selection of shape, length and material the tube can be designed for easy insertion, and retention of its location, within the beverage package. (USP5660867)
$$ The coils used are solenoidal coils and by the selection of the coil orientations and positions it is possible to measure the distance of the drill from the guidance plant... (USP6102137)
$$ Matching by differing elements A or by variation of the widths of conductors 19 can also be provided for the elements E in the arrangement of FIG. 2. (USP01022495)
タグ :BY ---ION OF
BY STH / 定義の表現
BY STH 「定義の表現」の1つのパターン
By sth we mean ~; By sth (it) is meant ~; By sth we include ~; By sth we refer to ~; などのパターンがある
$$ By "contoured" where used herein it is meant a roof tile having a profiled upper surface, for example, a double Roman, a bold roll or similar tile. / ここで”曲線輪郭(contoured)の”とは、曲線の上部面を有する屋根タイル、例えばダブルローマン(double roman)、ボールドロール(bold roll)又は類似のタイルを意味する。(USP5941039): is meant
$$ By content is meant any information or goods that are delivered electronically to a consumer, either directly or indirectly. (USP01032208): is meant
$$ By "optical disc" is meant a disc in which the required information is recorded on, and played back from, the disc by optical means. (USP6190748): is meant
$$ By PDE5 inhibitors it is meant a compound which is a potent and selective inhibitor of the cGMP PDE5 isoenzyme. (USP02065286): is meant
$$ By this is meant that the inner surfaces are sized and shaped similarly to the support. (USP6682031): is meant
$$ By the term trilaminate we mean particularly materials comprising three layers, but can include materials which comprise more than three layers, eg. four or five layers. / 三層という用語は、三層からなる材料を特に意味するが、三層以上例えば四層あるいは五層からなる材料をも含めて用いるものとする。(USP5968000): we mean
$$ By elevated temperature we mean a temperature above ambient temperature, suitably a temperature of at least 50℃.(USP02038049): we mean
$$ By a limited wavelength band we mean a band having upper and lower limits, particularly, where the wavelength of the upper limit is less than twice that of the lower limit.(USP5757523): we mean
$$ By "purification for a particular cell type" we refer to any process which increases the proportion of a particular type of bone marrow cell present by removal of one or more other cell types present in the unpurified cell population. / 「特定の種類の細胞についての精製」という用語は、未精製の細胞集団中に存在する1又は2以上の種類の他の細胞を除去することによって、存在する特定の種類の骨髄細胞の割合を増加させるいずれの方法をも指す。(USP7588936): we refer
$$ By the term dressings we include wound dressings, adhesive bandages and adhesive tapes for medical use. / ドレッシングとは創傷ドレッシング、絆創膏及び医療用接着テープを含む。(USP6610762): we include
$$ By the mathematical process of "trilinear interpolation" we can use the lower four bits of the general input point as "weighing factors" in the interpolation. (USP6072499): we use
$$ By electronic processing means, we include any portable electronic processing device that may practicably be used in an off-site or out-of-office location. (USP6585162): we include
$$ By PKR1 we include the gene product of the human prokineticin receptor 1 gene (PKR1) and naturally occurring variants thereof. / PKR1には、ヒトプロキネチシンレセプター1遺伝子(PKR1)およびその天然に生じる変異体の遺伝子産物が含まれる。(USP7615210): we include
BY STH 「定義の表現」の1つのパターン
By sth we mean ~; By sth (it) is meant ~; By sth we include ~; By sth we refer to ~; などのパターンがある
$$ By "contoured" where used herein it is meant a roof tile having a profiled upper surface, for example, a double Roman, a bold roll or similar tile. / ここで”曲線輪郭(contoured)の”とは、曲線の上部面を有する屋根タイル、例えばダブルローマン(double roman)、ボールドロール(bold roll)又は類似のタイルを意味する。(USP5941039): is meant
$$ By content is meant any information or goods that are delivered electronically to a consumer, either directly or indirectly. (USP01032208): is meant
$$ By "optical disc" is meant a disc in which the required information is recorded on, and played back from, the disc by optical means. (USP6190748): is meant
$$ By PDE5 inhibitors it is meant a compound which is a potent and selective inhibitor of the cGMP PDE5 isoenzyme. (USP02065286): is meant
$$ By this is meant that the inner surfaces are sized and shaped similarly to the support. (USP6682031): is meant
$$ By the term trilaminate we mean particularly materials comprising three layers, but can include materials which comprise more than three layers, eg. four or five layers. / 三層という用語は、三層からなる材料を特に意味するが、三層以上例えば四層あるいは五層からなる材料をも含めて用いるものとする。(USP5968000): we mean
$$ By elevated temperature we mean a temperature above ambient temperature, suitably a temperature of at least 50℃.(USP02038049): we mean
$$ By a limited wavelength band we mean a band having upper and lower limits, particularly, where the wavelength of the upper limit is less than twice that of the lower limit.(USP5757523): we mean
$$ By "purification for a particular cell type" we refer to any process which increases the proportion of a particular type of bone marrow cell present by removal of one or more other cell types present in the unpurified cell population. / 「特定の種類の細胞についての精製」という用語は、未精製の細胞集団中に存在する1又は2以上の種類の他の細胞を除去することによって、存在する特定の種類の骨髄細胞の割合を増加させるいずれの方法をも指す。(USP7588936): we refer
$$ By the term dressings we include wound dressings, adhesive bandages and adhesive tapes for medical use. / ドレッシングとは創傷ドレッシング、絆創膏及び医療用接着テープを含む。(USP6610762): we include
$$ By the mathematical process of "trilinear interpolation" we can use the lower four bits of the general input point as "weighing factors" in the interpolation. (USP6072499): we use
$$ By electronic processing means, we include any portable electronic processing device that may practicably be used in an off-site or out-of-office location. (USP6585162): we include
$$ By PKR1 we include the gene product of the human prokineticin receptor 1 gene (PKR1) and naturally occurring variants thereof. / PKR1には、ヒトプロキネチシンレセプター1遺伝子(PKR1)およびその天然に生じる変異体の遺伝子産物が含まれる。(USP7615210): we include
BY THIS TIME / このときまでに
BY THIS TIME このときまでに
$$ By this time, another satellite 4b (not shown in FIG. 9) is already covering the regions 52 around the centre Ca with one of its spot beams, so that satellite-to-satellite handover is achieved without any interruption of the communication service. / このときまでには、別の衛星4b(図9には示されていない)が、中心Caのまわりの区域52をそのスポットビームのうちの1本で既にカバーしており、通信サービスを全く妨害することなく衛星間ハンドオーバが達成されるようになっている。(USP01046481)
$$ If by this time the user has insufficient funds to cover the transaction amount the transaction would be declined, as typical in a standard credit card transaction.(USP02059146)
$$ By this time, the called terminal 24 should be ready to receive the signal, since for example the paper cutter has completed its operation. / このときまでに、例えばペーパーカッタがその動作を完了するから、着呼端末24は信号を受信する準備ができているはずである。(USP5877871)
$$ If, for example, due to noise, Cell 3 is not received at the network terminating equipment, protocol byte 5 will not send an acknowledgement, and the multiplexer will simply restart the sequence at Cell 3, even though it would by this time already have sent Cell 4, which may even have been validly received. (USP6426964)
BY THIS TIME このときまでに
$$ By this time, another satellite 4b (not shown in FIG. 9) is already covering the regions 52 around the centre Ca with one of its spot beams, so that satellite-to-satellite handover is achieved without any interruption of the communication service. / このときまでには、別の衛星4b(図9には示されていない)が、中心Caのまわりの区域52をそのスポットビームのうちの1本で既にカバーしており、通信サービスを全く妨害することなく衛星間ハンドオーバが達成されるようになっている。(USP01046481)
$$ If by this time the user has insufficient funds to cover the transaction amount the transaction would be declined, as typical in a standard credit card transaction.(USP02059146)
$$ By this time, the called terminal 24 should be ready to receive the signal, since for example the paper cutter has completed its operation. / このときまでに、例えばペーパーカッタがその動作を完了するから、着呼端末24は信号を受信する準備ができているはずである。(USP5877871)
$$ If, for example, due to noise, Cell 3 is not received at the network terminating equipment, protocol byte 5 will not send an acknowledgement, and the multiplexer will simply restart the sequence at Cell 3, even though it would by this time already have sent Cell 4, which may even have been validly received. (USP6426964)
BY THE TIME / ~までに
$$ As the timing of the lightening cannot be predicted, by the time the main lightening strike is detected and the image tube triggered, the discharge events immediately preceding the main strike have been missed. / 発光タイミングは予測できないので、発光開始を検出し、それにより撮像管をトリガするようにしたのでは、その直後に起こる放電現象をとらえることができない。(USP6157409)
$$ Active convergence of the reference temperature towards the scene temperature can be accomplished in as many steps as are necessary with very little limitation imposed by the time taken to adjust the reference source to a new temperature. / シーン温度への基準温度のアクティブな収束は、基準ソースを新しい温度へ調整するのに要する時間によって課される非常にわずかな期限で、必要となる多数のステップで実現される。(USP6175113)
$$ First, it is necessary to ensure that sufficient time is given for the polymerization to proceed sufficiently, before the beads reach the foot of the column, for the beads to be substantially non-coalescent by the time they reach the foot of the column. / 第一には、ビーズがカラムの底に達するまでビーズが実質的に非凝集状態でいるために、ビーズがカラムの底に達する前に重合が十分に進むのに十分な期間が与えられることを保証することが必要だからである。(USP6277932)
$$ By the time fuel/air introduced by nozzles 18, 20 reach the flame holder 30, they are in a completely mixed condition ideal for correct and complete combustion. / ノズル18、20から導入された燃料と空気が保炎器に到達するまでには、この燃料と空気は正しい完全燃焼のために理想的な完全に混合された状態になる。(USP6250913)
$$ Accordingly by the time the beads reach the discharge point, it is possible to expose them to turbulence and agitation (in contrast to the substantially non-turbulent and non-disruptive conditions which they have encountered previously) without significant risk of coalescence between the beads. / したがって、ビーズが吐出し点に達するまでに、ビーズどうしの凝集の有意な危険なしに、ビーズを乱流及び撹拌にさらす(先に遭遇した実質的に非乱流的かつ非破壊的な条件とは対照的に)ことが可能である。(USP6277932)
$$ If the back portion 16 is moved to its reclined position prior to or during movement of the seat portion 16 then a user can be placed into a standing position by the chair by the time the seat portion 16 has tilted to the point at which the user leaves the chair. / 座部16の動きに先立ち、あるいは、動きの最中に、もし背当部16がそのリクライニング位置へ動いたら、ユーザが椅子を離れるポイントまで座部16が傾けられる時までに、椅子によって、ユーザは起立位置におかれうる。
$$ By the time the ground matter reaches this point any unexploded mine fragments or other ordnance are sufficiently small as to present no series hazard. (USP02017040)
$$ As the timing of the lightening cannot be predicted, by the time the main lightening strike is detected and the image tube triggered, the discharge events immediately preceding the main strike have been missed. / 発光タイミングは予測できないので、発光開始を検出し、それにより撮像管をトリガするようにしたのでは、その直後に起こる放電現象をとらえることができない。(USP6157409)
$$ Active convergence of the reference temperature towards the scene temperature can be accomplished in as many steps as are necessary with very little limitation imposed by the time taken to adjust the reference source to a new temperature. / シーン温度への基準温度のアクティブな収束は、基準ソースを新しい温度へ調整するのに要する時間によって課される非常にわずかな期限で、必要となる多数のステップで実現される。(USP6175113)
$$ First, it is necessary to ensure that sufficient time is given for the polymerization to proceed sufficiently, before the beads reach the foot of the column, for the beads to be substantially non-coalescent by the time they reach the foot of the column. / 第一には、ビーズがカラムの底に達するまでビーズが実質的に非凝集状態でいるために、ビーズがカラムの底に達する前に重合が十分に進むのに十分な期間が与えられることを保証することが必要だからである。(USP6277932)
$$ By the time fuel/air introduced by nozzles 18, 20 reach the flame holder 30, they are in a completely mixed condition ideal for correct and complete combustion. / ノズル18、20から導入された燃料と空気が保炎器に到達するまでには、この燃料と空気は正しい完全燃焼のために理想的な完全に混合された状態になる。(USP6250913)
$$ Accordingly by the time the beads reach the discharge point, it is possible to expose them to turbulence and agitation (in contrast to the substantially non-turbulent and non-disruptive conditions which they have encountered previously) without significant risk of coalescence between the beads. / したがって、ビーズが吐出し点に達するまでに、ビーズどうしの凝集の有意な危険なしに、ビーズを乱流及び撹拌にさらす(先に遭遇した実質的に非乱流的かつ非破壊的な条件とは対照的に)ことが可能である。(USP6277932)
$$ If the back portion 16 is moved to its reclined position prior to or during movement of the seat portion 16 then a user can be placed into a standing position by the chair by the time the seat portion 16 has tilted to the point at which the user leaves the chair. / 座部16の動きに先立ち、あるいは、動きの最中に、もし背当部16がそのリクライニング位置へ動いたら、ユーザが椅子を離れるポイントまで座部16が傾けられる時までに、椅子によって、ユーザは起立位置におかれうる。
$$ By the time the ground matter reaches this point any unexploded mine fragments or other ordnance are sufficiently small as to present no series hazard. (USP02017040)
$$ The appropriate volume of C was added and the two solutions mixed by two uptakes of the pipette. / 適量のCを加えて、2種類の溶液をピペットで2回吸い上げることによって混合した。(USP03021777)
$$ In this way, the "valid" value of Δτn, i.e. the previous term calculated from a sample value where the or gate 40 provided a logical O output signal, is successively divided by two for every sample time instance, until the value of Δτn eventually dwindles to zero, or a "valid" value of Δτn occurs. / このように、Δτnの有効値、即ちor ゲート40が論理0出力信号を与えるときの先行のサンプル値から計算される値は、Δτnの値が最終的に0になるか、Δτnの有効値が実現するまで サンプル時間毎に連続して二分割される。(USP6114879)
$$ A simple calculation to find a smoothed value for say the X value, is to find the median of the maximum and minimum values of the stored values V3, i.e. a `smoothed` value for X is found by adding the maximum stored value of V3 to the minimum stored value of V3 and dividing the result by two. (USP6585162)
$$ From there, it flows through the stator by two different routes. / そこから、冷却剤は、2つの異なる経路に従ってステータ内を貫流する。(USP6815848)
$$ A separate two by two array of sources could also be arranged on the input face and could be used instead of the central source to provide an increased spot density. / 別々の2×2アレイの光源もまた入力面上に配置することができ、増強されたスポット密度を提供するために中心の光源の代わりに使用することができる。(USP7589825)
$$ ... which delay the output of the i-1 stripe frame delay to the motion compensation unit of stripe i by two stripe intervals (delays 24 and 26) and the output of the i stripe frame delay by one frame interval (delay 28)...(USP5856847)
$$ ..., with the serial stream from the second output 305 being delayed with respect to the first output 304 by two signal samples...(USP6614489)
$$ The appropriate volume of C was added and the two solutions mixed by two uptakes of the pipette. / 適量のCを加えて、2種類の溶液をピペットで2回吸い上げることによって混合した。(USP03021777)
$$ In this way, the "valid" value of Δτn, i.e. the previous term calculated from a sample value where the or gate 40 provided a logical O output signal, is successively divided by two for every sample time instance, until the value of Δτn eventually dwindles to zero, or a "valid" value of Δτn occurs. / このように、Δτnの有効値、即ちor ゲート40が論理0出力信号を与えるときの先行のサンプル値から計算される値は、Δτnの値が最終的に0になるか、Δτnの有効値が実現するまで サンプル時間毎に連続して二分割される。(USP6114879)
$$ A simple calculation to find a smoothed value for say the X value, is to find the median of the maximum and minimum values of the stored values V3, i.e. a `smoothed` value for X is found by adding the maximum stored value of V3 to the minimum stored value of V3 and dividing the result by two. (USP6585162)
$$ From there, it flows through the stator by two different routes. / そこから、冷却剤は、2つの異なる経路に従ってステータ内を貫流する。(USP6815848)
$$ A separate two by two array of sources could also be arranged on the input face and could be used instead of the central source to provide an increased spot density. / 別々の2×2アレイの光源もまた入力面上に配置することができ、増強されたスポット密度を提供するために中心の光源の代わりに使用することができる。(USP7589825)
$$ ... which delay the output of the i-1 stripe frame delay to the motion compensation unit of stripe i by two stripe intervals (delays 24 and 26) and the output of the i stripe frame delay by one frame interval (delay 28)...(USP5856847)
$$ ..., with the serial stream from the second output 305 being delayed with respect to the first output 304 by two signal samples...(USP6614489)
タグ :BY TWO
BY WAY OF (action, sth: 有形物が続くこともある) -->by meas of
$$ By way of comparison, existing high pressure burners may operate at 2-3"" water gauge (5.1-7.6 mbar). / これに対して現在の高圧バーナーは水柱2~3インチ(5.1~7.6ミリバール)のガス圧で運転されている。(USP6250913)
$$ The invention will be further described, by way of illustration, in the following Examples and with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: / この発明を例示によって以下の例において添付の図面に関連してさらに説明する。(USP6313192)
$$ Thus, the system is operable to produce an "edited clip", that is a sequence of concatenated clips joined together in a given order by way of edit transitions such as cuts, wipes and dissolves. / したがって、このシステムは「編集されたクリップ(以下、編集済クリップと称す)」を生成するよう動作可能である。「編集済クリップ」とは、カット、ワイプおよびディゾルブ等の編集遷移によって、所与の順序で互いに繋ぎ合わせられた一連のクリップを意味する。(USP6445874)
$$ If they are Internet Protocol they are routed by way of a packet-switched system, specifically the proposed General Packet Radio System (GPRS). / それらがインターネットプロトコルであるときは、パケット交換方式のシステム、とくに提案された汎用パケット無線システム(GPRS)によってルート設定される。(USP6584098)
$$ Connectionless data received by way of a packet data network 52 would use the GPRS capability. / パケットデータネットワーク52によって受信される無接続データはGPRS能力を使用する。(USP6584098)
$$ This is achieved by the processor 23 increasing the size of the video clip from the IEPG mosaic channel from {fraction (1/16)} screen size to 1/4 screen size by way of pixel replication, interpolation, etc. / これは、プロセッサ23でIEPGモザイク・チャネルからのビデオ・クリップのサイズを、ピクセルの繰返し、補間などで画面サイズの1/16から画面サイズの1/4へと拡大することによって達成される。(USP02042917)
$$ Demodulated signals are error corrected by way of a forward error corrector circuit 14. / 復調信号は順方向エラー補正回路14によってエラーが補正される。(USP02042917)
$$ Entries can be scrolled by way of the up and down keys 72a, 72b of the remote control 28. / 項目は遠隔制御装置28の上下のキー72a、72bでスクロールすることができる。(USP02042917)
$$ It is well known to transmit data signals by way of optical fibres. / 光ファイバによってデータ信号を送信することが知られている。(USP5408568)
$$ Cell selection is by way of the select key 81. / セルの選択は、選択キー81によって行う。(USP02042917): by way of sth
BY WAY OF (action, sth: 有形物が続くこともある) -->by meas of
$$ By way of comparison, existing high pressure burners may operate at 2-3"" water gauge (5.1-7.6 mbar). / これに対して現在の高圧バーナーは水柱2~3インチ(5.1~7.6ミリバール)のガス圧で運転されている。(USP6250913)
$$ The invention will be further described, by way of illustration, in the following Examples and with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: / この発明を例示によって以下の例において添付の図面に関連してさらに説明する。(USP6313192)
$$ Thus, the system is operable to produce an "edited clip", that is a sequence of concatenated clips joined together in a given order by way of edit transitions such as cuts, wipes and dissolves. / したがって、このシステムは「編集されたクリップ(以下、編集済クリップと称す)」を生成するよう動作可能である。「編集済クリップ」とは、カット、ワイプおよびディゾルブ等の編集遷移によって、所与の順序で互いに繋ぎ合わせられた一連のクリップを意味する。(USP6445874)
$$ If they are Internet Protocol they are routed by way of a packet-switched system, specifically the proposed General Packet Radio System (GPRS). / それらがインターネットプロトコルであるときは、パケット交換方式のシステム、とくに提案された汎用パケット無線システム(GPRS)によってルート設定される。(USP6584098)
$$ Connectionless data received by way of a packet data network 52 would use the GPRS capability. / パケットデータネットワーク52によって受信される無接続データはGPRS能力を使用する。(USP6584098)
$$ This is achieved by the processor 23 increasing the size of the video clip from the IEPG mosaic channel from {fraction (1/16)} screen size to 1/4 screen size by way of pixel replication, interpolation, etc. / これは、プロセッサ23でIEPGモザイク・チャネルからのビデオ・クリップのサイズを、ピクセルの繰返し、補間などで画面サイズの1/16から画面サイズの1/4へと拡大することによって達成される。(USP02042917)
$$ Demodulated signals are error corrected by way of a forward error corrector circuit 14. / 復調信号は順方向エラー補正回路14によってエラーが補正される。(USP02042917)
$$ Entries can be scrolled by way of the up and down keys 72a, 72b of the remote control 28. / 項目は遠隔制御装置28の上下のキー72a、72bでスクロールすることができる。(USP02042917)
$$ It is well known to transmit data signals by way of optical fibres. / 光ファイバによってデータ信号を送信することが知られている。(USP5408568)
$$ Cell selection is by way of the select key 81. / セルの選択は、選択キー81によって行う。(USP02042917): by way of sth
特許明細書では頻繁に用いられる。by usingの使用頻度は高い。文頭でも使用される。
$$ By ensuring that the heating elements 64 are highly conductive their skin depth is kept to a minimum and with it the amount of microwave power that they absorb. / 加熱素子64が高度に伝導性であることを保証することによって、表皮厚さが最低に保たれ、それと共にサンプルが吸収するマイクロ波電力量が最低に保たれる。(USP01004075)
$$ By using at least two amines and optionally varying the amounts thereof as described, there is provided a further means of adjusting the solubility of the copolymers prepared. / 少なくとも2つのアミンを用いることによって、また、任意に、記載したようにそれらの量を変化させることによって、調製されるコポリマーの溶解性を調節するさらなる手段がもたらされる。(USP01019809)
$$ The encoder 4 is arranged to form a watermarked image Wi by adding the code word Xi to the image V. / エンコーダ4は、画像Vに識別コードワードXiを付加することにより、ウォータマークが付された画像Wiを生成する。(USP03131243)
$$ An advantage is provided to the code word generator 54 by setting the variance of the random numbers generated to unity. / ここで、生成される乱数の分散を1(unity)に設定することにより、コードワード生成器54の性能を高めることができる。(USP03131243)
$$ Protecting data in multiplex transmission system - applying protection between ports by selecting between individual parts of payload within aggregate signals with each pair of payload having same traffic capacity (USP5533005)
$$ For example, the main trunk portion 18 may be formed first, by cutting, filling and curing, then the first-level branches 20, and finally the second-level branches.(USP5408567)
特許明細書では頻繁に用いられる。by usingの使用頻度は高い。文頭でも使用される。
$$ By ensuring that the heating elements 64 are highly conductive their skin depth is kept to a minimum and with it the amount of microwave power that they absorb. / 加熱素子64が高度に伝導性であることを保証することによって、表皮厚さが最低に保たれ、それと共にサンプルが吸収するマイクロ波電力量が最低に保たれる。(USP01004075)
$$ By using at least two amines and optionally varying the amounts thereof as described, there is provided a further means of adjusting the solubility of the copolymers prepared. / 少なくとも2つのアミンを用いることによって、また、任意に、記載したようにそれらの量を変化させることによって、調製されるコポリマーの溶解性を調節するさらなる手段がもたらされる。(USP01019809)
$$ The encoder 4 is arranged to form a watermarked image Wi by adding the code word Xi to the image V. / エンコーダ4は、画像Vに識別コードワードXiを付加することにより、ウォータマークが付された画像Wiを生成する。(USP03131243)
$$ An advantage is provided to the code word generator 54 by setting the variance of the random numbers generated to unity. / ここで、生成される乱数の分散を1(unity)に設定することにより、コードワード生成器54の性能を高めることができる。(USP03131243)
$$ Protecting data in multiplex transmission system - applying protection between ports by selecting between individual parts of payload within aggregate signals with each pair of payload having same traffic capacity (USP5533005)
$$ For example, the main trunk portion 18 may be formed first, by cutting, filling and curing, then the first-level branches 20, and finally the second-level branches.(USP5408567)
タグ :BY ~ING
$$ Most preferably, the molar ratio is substantially stoichiometric, by which we mean 0.9-1.1 mole (A) per 1 mole (B). (USP02038049)
$$ In the alternative, it is preferred that the compounds are non-toxic, by which is meant that the compounds should not exhibit any unacceptable levels of toxicity at the dosages at which they are applied. (USP6797699)
$$ The user interface of the electronic processor device 201 comprises a screen 308 and operational selection buttons, such as 309, by which the operator may interact with the device 201 to select, view or input data. (USP6585162)
$$ This is the angle, normally expressed in degrees of arc, by which the magnetic field deviates from ideality. (USP6190517)
$$ Preferably, the club includes locking rings positioned around the resiliently deformable member, by which the member can be axially compressed to increase its transverse dimension, to engage the inner and outer portions of the shaft. / このクラブは、弾力性のある変形可能な部材の周囲に配置された固定用リングを含むことが望ましく、これによって同部材は軸方向に圧縮されて横方向の寸法が増大し、シャフトの内側部分と外側部分とが係合する。(USP6110055)
$$ FIG. 3 illustrates the arrangement of a system for the implementation of a second embodiment of the invention, by which the host website operator interacts with participants and advertisers; (USP01027430)
$$ It is usual in such filters that the coefficients by which each tapped data value is multiplied significantly decrease on moving away from the centre of the filter.(USP5381354) / かかるフィルタでは、各タップのデータ値に乗じる係数が、フィルタの中央から離れると著しく減少するのが普通である。
$$ Also displayed is the port by which the message was detected P, the time in milliseconds and the block check calculation (BBC) status.(USP5381354) / 更に、表示されるものは、メッセージが検出されたポートP、時間(ミリ秒)及びブロック・チェック計算(BBC)状態である。
$$ Most preferably, the molar ratio is substantially stoichiometric, by which we mean 0.9-1.1 mole (A) per 1 mole (B). (USP02038049)
$$ In the alternative, it is preferred that the compounds are non-toxic, by which is meant that the compounds should not exhibit any unacceptable levels of toxicity at the dosages at which they are applied. (USP6797699)
$$ The user interface of the electronic processor device 201 comprises a screen 308 and operational selection buttons, such as 309, by which the operator may interact with the device 201 to select, view or input data. (USP6585162)
$$ This is the angle, normally expressed in degrees of arc, by which the magnetic field deviates from ideality. (USP6190517)
$$ Preferably, the club includes locking rings positioned around the resiliently deformable member, by which the member can be axially compressed to increase its transverse dimension, to engage the inner and outer portions of the shaft. / このクラブは、弾力性のある変形可能な部材の周囲に配置された固定用リングを含むことが望ましく、これによって同部材は軸方向に圧縮されて横方向の寸法が増大し、シャフトの内側部分と外側部分とが係合する。(USP6110055)
$$ FIG. 3 illustrates the arrangement of a system for the implementation of a second embodiment of the invention, by which the host website operator interacts with participants and advertisers; (USP01027430)
$$ It is usual in such filters that the coefficients by which each tapped data value is multiplied significantly decrease on moving away from the centre of the filter.(USP5381354) / かかるフィルタでは、各タップのデータ値に乗じる係数が、フィルタの中央から離れると著しく減少するのが普通である。
$$ Also displayed is the port by which the message was detected P, the time in milliseconds and the block check calculation (BBC) status.(USP5381354) / 更に、表示されるものは、メッセージが検出されたポートP、時間(ミリ秒)及びブロック・チェック計算(BBC)状態である。
$$ The advantages of this can be explained by way of example. / この利点は、例を通して説明することが可能である。(USP6445874)
$$ Such applications of the invention are now described by way of example. (USP5671287)
$$ It will be understood that this SCL implementation is described by way of example only, and other implementations are possible. / このSCLによる実施形態は例としてのみ書かれているものであり、他の実施形態も可能である。(USP6281877)
$$ Embodiments of the present invention will now be described by way of example only and with reference to the accompanying drawings of which: / さて、本発明の実施例を単なる例示として且つ添付図面を参照して説明する。(USP5418645)
$$ Embodiments of the invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: / 本発明の実施例を添付図面を参照して例示として以下説明する。(USP5355040)
$$ The advantages of this can be explained by way of example. / この利点は、例を通して説明することが可能である。(USP6445874)
$$ Such applications of the invention are now described by way of example. (USP5671287)
$$ It will be understood that this SCL implementation is described by way of example only, and other implementations are possible. / このSCLによる実施形態は例としてのみ書かれているものであり、他の実施形態も可能である。(USP6281877)
$$ Embodiments of the present invention will now be described by way of example only and with reference to the accompanying drawings of which: / さて、本発明の実施例を単なる例示として且つ添付図面を参照して説明する。(USP5418645)
$$ Embodiments of the invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: / 本発明の実施例を添付図面を参照して例示として以下説明する。(USP5355040)
BY (A by B) A×B
BY (A by B) A×B
$$ The overall assembly has a channel size of 100 μm by 50 μm, an overall size of 36 by 25 by 6 mm, and is retained in position by the clamp (52). / 全体を組み立てると100μm×50μmの経路サイズで、全体の大きさは36×25×6mmでクランプ(52)により所定位置で保持される。(USP7605002)
$$ FIG. 7b shows a close-up of the perimeter fence, 35 m by 55 m. / 図7bは、周囲のフェンスを大写しにした35m×55mを示したものである。(USP7592943)
$$ For example, tip velocities of 22.4 cms.sup.-1 enables an area of 4.4×4.4 microns to be imaged in 14.3 ms and an area of 1.5×1.5 microns in 8.3 ms with 128 by 128 pixels. / たとえば、先端の速度が22.4cms-1であれば、128×128画素を有する、4.4×4.4平方ミクロンの面積では14.3ミリ秒で画像化され、1.5×1.5平方ミクロンの面積では8.3ミリ秒で画像化される。(USP7596989)
$$ Thus a 200 μm wide LED and a kaleidoscope 30 mm long by 1 mm square will produce a square grid of 61 spots on a side separated by five times their width (when focussed). / 従って、200ミクロン幅のLEDと300mmの長さ×1mm平方の万華鏡とは、それらの幅の5倍に分離された(集束時)側面上に61スポットの正方形のグリッドを生成する。(USP7589825)
$$ The test cell is in the shape of a hollow cylinder, with an indentation for receiving a 1'' long by 1/16'' diameter metal corrosion coupon along the central axis of the test cell. / 試験セルは中空シリンダの形状であると共に、1インチ長さx1/16インチ直径の金属腐食クーポンを試験セルの中心軸線に沿って収容するインデンテーションを有する。(USP7589539)
$$ In view of the low power consumption and advantageous readability characteristics, a 2 line by 16 character supertwist LCD display screen is employed in the preferred embodiment giving a viewing area of approximately 60 mm by 16 mm with a character size of approximately 3 mm by 5.5 mm. / 低電力消費および有利な判読率特性を考慮して、好適実施例においては、2行×16文字の超ねじれLCDディスプレイ画面が使用され、約3mm×5.5mmの文字サイズによる、約60mm×16mmの観察領域を与える。(USP6058304)
$$ For example if each scan of polygonal mirror 40 results in the acquisition of any array of 32 by 32 points on the surface of the object, this will require 1,024/0.004=256,000 points to be acquired per second. (USP6128086)
$$ The crossbar switch 10 is a 32 by 32 array of switch elements 88. (USP5422881)
BY (A by B) A×B
$$ The overall assembly has a channel size of 100 μm by 50 μm, an overall size of 36 by 25 by 6 mm, and is retained in position by the clamp (52). / 全体を組み立てると100μm×50μmの経路サイズで、全体の大きさは36×25×6mmでクランプ(52)により所定位置で保持される。(USP7605002)
$$ FIG. 7b shows a close-up of the perimeter fence, 35 m by 55 m. / 図7bは、周囲のフェンスを大写しにした35m×55mを示したものである。(USP7592943)
$$ For example, tip velocities of 22.4 cms.sup.-1 enables an area of 4.4×4.4 microns to be imaged in 14.3 ms and an area of 1.5×1.5 microns in 8.3 ms with 128 by 128 pixels. / たとえば、先端の速度が22.4cms-1であれば、128×128画素を有する、4.4×4.4平方ミクロンの面積では14.3ミリ秒で画像化され、1.5×1.5平方ミクロンの面積では8.3ミリ秒で画像化される。(USP7596989)
$$ Thus a 200 μm wide LED and a kaleidoscope 30 mm long by 1 mm square will produce a square grid of 61 spots on a side separated by five times their width (when focussed). / 従って、200ミクロン幅のLEDと300mmの長さ×1mm平方の万華鏡とは、それらの幅の5倍に分離された(集束時)側面上に61スポットの正方形のグリッドを生成する。(USP7589825)
$$ The test cell is in the shape of a hollow cylinder, with an indentation for receiving a 1'' long by 1/16'' diameter metal corrosion coupon along the central axis of the test cell. / 試験セルは中空シリンダの形状であると共に、1インチ長さx1/16インチ直径の金属腐食クーポンを試験セルの中心軸線に沿って収容するインデンテーションを有する。(USP7589539)
$$ In view of the low power consumption and advantageous readability characteristics, a 2 line by 16 character supertwist LCD display screen is employed in the preferred embodiment giving a viewing area of approximately 60 mm by 16 mm with a character size of approximately 3 mm by 5.5 mm. / 低電力消費および有利な判読率特性を考慮して、好適実施例においては、2行×16文字の超ねじれLCDディスプレイ画面が使用され、約3mm×5.5mmの文字サイズによる、約60mm×16mmの観察領域を与える。(USP6058304)
$$ For example if each scan of polygonal mirror 40 results in the acquisition of any array of 32 by 32 points on the surface of the object, this will require 1,024/0.004=256,000 points to be acquired per second. (USP6128086)
$$ The crossbar switch 10 is a 32 by 32 array of switch elements 88. (USP5422881)
タグ :A BY B
$$ In addition, for a successful personal use meter, it is important that the patient is able to use the meter by themselves, and align to the meter by themselves, without any clinician involvement. / また、患者は、測定器を個人で適切に使用するために、臨床医を介さずに自身で測定器を使用し、位置合わせできることが重要である。(USP8696128)
$$ That is the inventive product is the second unit by itself, which second unit is adapted to connect to separate first unit. / 即ち、本発明の製品は、第2ユニット自体であり、この第2ユニットは、別個の第1ユニットに連結されるように構成されている。(USP8162136)
$$ Element 62 is designed to support the weight of the machinery load by itself. / 要素62は、これ自体で機械負荷の重量を支持するように設計されている。(USP8061677)
$$ The token, in the virtual world, does not by itself bear witness to the actual conduct of the affirming party, or the context in which the electronic signature was affixed. (USP6091835)
$$ By itself, however, this approach does not address the following problem. (USP6526501)
$$ It should be understood that either of those color changing circuits could be used by itself. (USP6057958)
$$ This declaration by itself is sufficient for the JVM to treat it as a middleware class loader--no other method definitions or such-like are required. (USP01051970)
$$ The appended computer program claims are to be interpreted as covering a computer program by itself or in any of the above-mentioned forms. (USP01047466)
$$ C1 C3 alkanolamines such as mono-, di- and triethanolamines can also be used, by themselves or in combination with the alcohols. (USP7105478)
$$ The gyroscope may be omitted and then just trigonometry functions used with grip pressure patterns, or the trigonometry functions by themselves.(USP5774571)
$$ Although some of the other condition indicators also had peaks at this time, by themselves they cannot be reliably associated with abnormal (novel) behaviour. (USP02040278)
$$ In addition, for a successful personal use meter, it is important that the patient is able to use the meter by themselves, and align to the meter by themselves, without any clinician involvement. / また、患者は、測定器を個人で適切に使用するために、臨床医を介さずに自身で測定器を使用し、位置合わせできることが重要である。(USP8696128)
$$ That is the inventive product is the second unit by itself, which second unit is adapted to connect to separate first unit. / 即ち、本発明の製品は、第2ユニット自体であり、この第2ユニットは、別個の第1ユニットに連結されるように構成されている。(USP8162136)
$$ Element 62 is designed to support the weight of the machinery load by itself. / 要素62は、これ自体で機械負荷の重量を支持するように設計されている。(USP8061677)
$$ The token, in the virtual world, does not by itself bear witness to the actual conduct of the affirming party, or the context in which the electronic signature was affixed. (USP6091835)
$$ By itself, however, this approach does not address the following problem. (USP6526501)
$$ It should be understood that either of those color changing circuits could be used by itself. (USP6057958)
$$ This declaration by itself is sufficient for the JVM to treat it as a middleware class loader--no other method definitions or such-like are required. (USP01051970)
$$ The appended computer program claims are to be interpreted as covering a computer program by itself or in any of the above-mentioned forms. (USP01047466)
$$ C1 C3 alkanolamines such as mono-, di- and triethanolamines can also be used, by themselves or in combination with the alcohols. (USP7105478)
$$ The gyroscope may be omitted and then just trigonometry functions used with grip pressure patterns, or the trigonometry functions by themselves.(USP5774571)
$$ Although some of the other condition indicators also had peaks at this time, by themselves they cannot be reliably associated with abnormal (novel) behaviour. (USP02040278)