$$ At this point, the taps from the succeeding delay elements have the symmetrically extended data values present upon them. / この時点で、連続する遅延素子からのタップには対称的に拡張されたデータ値が現れる。(USP5381354)
$$ "Failed communications attempt" means in this context a communications attempt which has not succeeded in being connected, at least at first instance. / “失敗の通信試行”はこの文脈では、少なくとも最初に接続するのに失敗の通信試行を意味する。(USP6775249)
$$ The second technique (retiring keys after a certain period) is particularly important since it provides a degree of damage limitation if an attacker succeeds in obtaining a secret key by limiting the period of time he can make use of it.(USP01037458)
$$ If this key request fails but the key management service succeeds in the authentication process with another gateway in the cluster, it simply sets the appropriate key and the client IP filter 1c will use it from then on.(USP01054158)
$$ In general, this is the most likely method to succeed of the methods of adaptation described herein though it is likely to require the most changes, and is therefore the most disruptive, and is the most computationally intensive.(USP02042274)
$$ This allows the MCC to proceed as quickly through the change sequence as it is able to determine that each previous step has succeeded.(USP02042274)
$$ At this point, the taps from the succeeding delay elements have the symmetrically extended data values present upon them. / この時点で、連続する遅延素子からのタップには対称的に拡張されたデータ値が現れる。(USP5381354)
$$ "Failed communications attempt" means in this context a communications attempt which has not succeeded in being connected, at least at first instance. / “失敗の通信試行”はこの文脈では、少なくとも最初に接続するのに失敗の通信試行を意味する。(USP6775249)
$$ The second technique (retiring keys after a certain period) is particularly important since it provides a degree of damage limitation if an attacker succeeds in obtaining a secret key by limiting the period of time he can make use of it.(USP01037458)
$$ If this key request fails but the key management service succeeds in the authentication process with another gateway in the cluster, it simply sets the appropriate key and the client IP filter 1c will use it from then on.(USP01054158)
$$ In general, this is the most likely method to succeed of the methods of adaptation described herein though it is likely to require the most changes, and is therefore the most disruptive, and is the most computationally intensive.(USP02042274)
$$ This allows the MCC to proceed as quickly through the change sequence as it is able to determine that each previous step has succeeded.(USP02042274)
$$ Referring firstly to FIG. 1 the series of numbers shown at 1 represents 10 successive examples of the incoming signal 4259173253 in that order. These are applied to the inputs of three modules 2,3 and 4. In the module 2 the input signal is applied to the first cell of a three stage feedback shift register 5 so that, after entering any three successive numbers, such as the numbers 1,7,3, the first number appears in the third stage, the second number appears in the second stage and the third number appears in the first stage. (USP4951242): "4259173253"中の連続数173
$$ A phase change of π/2 is introduced between each of the successive four images by moving mirror M2. / 平面鏡M2を移動させることにより、連続する4つの各画像間にπ/2の位相変化が導入される。(USP6208416)
$$ A second single-pixel area 50 illustrates the overlapping of pixels in successive scan lines in order that an entire area S1 is imaged. / 第2の単一ピクセル領域50は、全領域S1を写すための、連続するスキャンラインのピクセルの重複を示す。(USP6175113)
$$ If the phase advance time T is too large and subsequently copied tracks become more and more phase advanced relative to track n, the resultant clock patterns across successive tracks is shown in FIG. 2. / 進相時間Tが大きすぎ、その後に複写されるトラックの位相がトラックnに対してどんどん進むようになる場合に、結果として得られる連続トラックのクロックパターンを図2に示す。(USP6172830)
$$ Thus the user initially sees a slightly blurred picture which his eye-brain combination assimilates as additional detail at each successive pass. / かくして、ユーザーは最初はそれぞれの連続的なパスでの付加的詳細としてユーザーの視覚と脳のくみあわせでは同一視する程度の多少にじんだ画を見ることになる。(USP5559936)
$$ With a layered construction, the layers are positioned at successive radial distances from the minor axis, and are poled to extend or contract along their length so that bending occurs around the minor axis. / 層構造であるため、層は短軸から順次のラジアル距離のところに配置され、その長さにそって延びたり縮んだりするようにポーリング(極付け)され短軸の回りに曲げが生じる。(USP6833656)
$$ Referring firstly to FIG. 1 the series of numbers shown at 1 represents 10 successive examples of the incoming signal 4259173253 in that order. These are applied to the inputs of three modules 2,3 and 4. In the module 2 the input signal is applied to the first cell of a three stage feedback shift register 5 so that, after entering any three successive numbers, such as the numbers 1,7,3, the first number appears in the third stage, the second number appears in the second stage and the third number appears in the first stage. (USP4951242): "4259173253"中の連続数173
$$ A phase change of π/2 is introduced between each of the successive four images by moving mirror M2. / 平面鏡M2を移動させることにより、連続する4つの各画像間にπ/2の位相変化が導入される。(USP6208416)
$$ A second single-pixel area 50 illustrates the overlapping of pixels in successive scan lines in order that an entire area S1 is imaged. / 第2の単一ピクセル領域50は、全領域S1を写すための、連続するスキャンラインのピクセルの重複を示す。(USP6175113)
$$ If the phase advance time T is too large and subsequently copied tracks become more and more phase advanced relative to track n, the resultant clock patterns across successive tracks is shown in FIG. 2. / 進相時間Tが大きすぎ、その後に複写されるトラックの位相がトラックnに対してどんどん進むようになる場合に、結果として得られる連続トラックのクロックパターンを図2に示す。(USP6172830)
$$ Thus the user initially sees a slightly blurred picture which his eye-brain combination assimilates as additional detail at each successive pass. / かくして、ユーザーは最初はそれぞれの連続的なパスでの付加的詳細としてユーザーの視覚と脳のくみあわせでは同一視する程度の多少にじんだ画を見ることになる。(USP5559936)
$$ With a layered construction, the layers are positioned at successive radial distances from the minor axis, and are poled to extend or contract along their length so that bending occurs around the minor axis. / 層構造であるため、層は短軸から順次のラジアル距離のところに配置され、その長さにそって延びたり縮んだりするようにポーリング(極付け)され短軸の回りに曲げが生じる。(USP6833656)
$$ FIG. 4 shows such an arrangement using bar magnets 100. / 第4図は棒磁石100を使用する構造を示している。(USP6031371)
$$ In such an embodiment, planes 5, 6 and 7 are illuminated in transmission. / そのような実施形態では、平面5、6および7は透過で照射される。(USP6975457)
$$ Such a bar code is an example of a machine readable pattern. / その種のバーコードは、機械読取り可能のパターンの一例である。(USP5895075)
$$ In such an embodiment there would be at least three springs in such an array. / かかる実施の形態では、少なくとも三つのスプリングがかかる列内に存しよう。(USP02174556)
$$ Such a mechanism is clearly not possible when an inert gas is used. / こうしたメカニズムは、不活性ガスが使用された際には明らかに不可能である。(USP01010354)
$$ In such a device, the fluid flow to the first outlet would be analogous to the fluid flow to the MSET device that is described above. / このようなデバイスでは、第1の出口への流体の流れは上記MSETデバイスへの流体の流れと類似したものであろう。(USP7619265)
$$ FIG. 4 shows such an arrangement using bar magnets 100. / 第4図は棒磁石100を使用する構造を示している。(USP6031371)
$$ In such an embodiment, planes 5, 6 and 7 are illuminated in transmission. / そのような実施形態では、平面5、6および7は透過で照射される。(USP6975457)
$$ Such a bar code is an example of a machine readable pattern. / その種のバーコードは、機械読取り可能のパターンの一例である。(USP5895075)
$$ In such an embodiment there would be at least three springs in such an array. / かかる実施の形態では、少なくとも三つのスプリングがかかる列内に存しよう。(USP02174556)
$$ Such a mechanism is clearly not possible when an inert gas is used. / こうしたメカニズムは、不活性ガスが使用された際には明らかに不可能である。(USP01010354)
$$ In such a device, the fluid flow to the first outlet would be analogous to the fluid flow to the MSET device that is described above. / このようなデバイスでは、第1の出口への流体の流れは上記MSETデバイスへの流体の流れと類似したものであろう。(USP7619265)
SUCH (such a sth / such sth's 以外の用法:例えば不可算名詞)
SUCH (such a sth / such sth's 以外の用法:例えば不可算名詞)
$$ Several such devices would then be adhered at spaced locations to the article requiring buoyancy safety. / このような複数個の装置は、その後に、浮揚安全性を必要とする物品に、間隔を空けた場所で、接着させられる。(USP8430704)
$$ Such apparatus are used to obtain infrared spectra of samples. / そのような装置はサンプルの赤外スペクトルを得るのに用いられる。(USP5946131)
$$ An example of such laminate is given in the FIGS. 2a (side view) and 2b (front view). / この種の積層体の例が、図2a(側面図)および図2b(正面図)に示されている。(USP5929562)
$$ A method as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein said monofunctional monomer comprises a mixture of more than one such monomer. / 前記単官能性モノマーが1を越えるこのようなモノマーの混合物を含む前記請求項のいずれかに記載の方法。(USP03013822)
$$ Such crushing is indicated by thickness of the core 18C diminishing from right to left in FIG. 1C, and its cells going from roundedly fully open (19X) to flattened (19Y). (USP6442282)
$$ In one arrangement, a first such register store holds the identified bit string and a second such register store provides successive locations for the generated data string.(USP6100905)
$$ Below the first such statement, which includes the term "myriad", this term is represented.(USP6446081)
$$ Such may greatly facilitate the user's indicating of the configuration of the auxiliary control units 24. (USP7184864)
SUCH (such a sth / such sth's 以外の用法:例えば不可算名詞)
$$ Several such devices would then be adhered at spaced locations to the article requiring buoyancy safety. / このような複数個の装置は、その後に、浮揚安全性を必要とする物品に、間隔を空けた場所で、接着させられる。(USP8430704)
$$ Such apparatus are used to obtain infrared spectra of samples. / そのような装置はサンプルの赤外スペクトルを得るのに用いられる。(USP5946131)
$$ An example of such laminate is given in the FIGS. 2a (side view) and 2b (front view). / この種の積層体の例が、図2a(側面図)および図2b(正面図)に示されている。(USP5929562)
$$ A method as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein said monofunctional monomer comprises a mixture of more than one such monomer. / 前記単官能性モノマーが1を越えるこのようなモノマーの混合物を含む前記請求項のいずれかに記載の方法。(USP03013822)
$$ Such crushing is indicated by thickness of the core 18C diminishing from right to left in FIG. 1C, and its cells going from roundedly fully open (19X) to flattened (19Y). (USP6442282)
$$ In one arrangement, a first such register store holds the identified bit string and a second such register store provides successive locations for the generated data string.(USP6100905)
$$ Below the first such statement, which includes the term "myriad", this term is represented.(USP6446081)
$$ Such may greatly facilitate the user's indicating of the configuration of the auxiliary control units 24. (USP7184864)
タグ :SUCH
$$ It has been recognised, in making the present invention, that the use of "Cooperating Intelligent Software Agent" technology in a heterogeneous agent architecture can allow service management in a complex environment such as the above. / 本発明をなし得る際に、混成エイジェント構造において“協同的知能ソフトウェアエイジェント”技術を使用すると、上記のような複雑な環境においてサービス管理ができることが認識された。(USP6151309)
$$ Such a system described above may further comprise an input means to enable a user to control the system and enter data for use by the computer program. (USP02062307) 前記のようなシステム
$$ This is quite clearly illustrated when using forceps such as those described in the above-mentioned U.S. Pat. No. 5,445,638. (USP02052599)
$$ The methods described herein can beneficially be applied to a whole network which includes both cable and wireless links, such as the above examples. (USP02042274)
$$ In addition to the problems associated with contaminants, particulate or otherwise, liquids such as those discussed above, which often work in very harsh environments, tend to experience a gradual deterioration over time.(USP02036501)
$$ The seven remaining pins of PIC 18106 plus the eight pins of PIC 18108, i.e., 15 in all, are available for electrical connection to further devices, such as those mentioned above. (USP02029357)
$$ It has been recognised, in making the present invention, that the use of "Cooperating Intelligent Software Agent" technology in a heterogeneous agent architecture can allow service management in a complex environment such as the above. / 本発明をなし得る際に、混成エイジェント構造において“協同的知能ソフトウェアエイジェント”技術を使用すると、上記のような複雑な環境においてサービス管理ができることが認識された。(USP6151309)
$$ Such a system described above may further comprise an input means to enable a user to control the system and enter data for use by the computer program. (USP02062307) 前記のようなシステム
$$ This is quite clearly illustrated when using forceps such as those described in the above-mentioned U.S. Pat. No. 5,445,638. (USP02052599)
$$ The methods described herein can beneficially be applied to a whole network which includes both cable and wireless links, such as the above examples. (USP02042274)
$$ In addition to the problems associated with contaminants, particulate or otherwise, liquids such as those discussed above, which often work in very harsh environments, tend to experience a gradual deterioration over time.(USP02036501)
$$ The seven remaining pins of PIC 18106 plus the eight pins of PIC 18108, i.e., 15 in all, are available for electrical connection to further devices, such as those mentioned above. (USP02029357)
タグ :SUCH ... ABOVE
$$ Aspects of the invention may be implemented in other types of mobile terminal, such as mobile telephone handsets, cordless telephone handsets, portable television receivers, etc. / 本発明の態様は、移動体電話ハンドセット、コードレス電話ハンドセット、携帯用テレビジョン受像機など、他の種類の移動体端末でも実施することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ Acrylic sheet materials are particularly useful for forming into articles such as architectural cladding, bathtubs, shower enclosures, panelling etc. / アクリルのシート材料は、建築用外装材、バスタブ、シャワーの囲い、羽目板等のような物品に形成するために特に有用である。(USP6689832)
$$ In other embodiments, by measuring the level of a liquid, effectively another parameter is sensed, for example in transducers such as liquid thermometers or liquid barometers etc. / 他の実施形態においては、液体レベルを測定することで、液体温度計などのトランデューサ中で別のパラメータを効果的に検出することができる。(USP6561022)
$$ It will be appreciated that this fragment may be written in any other suitable programming language, such as PASCAL, APL, FORTRAN, or Smalltalk etc. / このフラグメントは、PASCAL、APL、FORTRANまたはSmalltalk等の他の任意の適当なプログラミング言語で書くことができることが理解されよう。(USP6269455)
$$ The bulk formed product may form the device itself or may form a precursor which is subjected to subsequent shaping steps such as lathe cutting, drilling etc. / 量産された製品は、それ自体で器械を形成し、或いは旋削、穿孔のような後続の整形段階を受けるプリカーサーを形成する。(USP6186974)
$$ These are assumed to be located in offices 5 and at special location points such as garages, railways stations, motorway service stations, shopping centres etc. / これらは、オフィス5に、またガレージや鉄道の駅や自動車道のサービスステーションやショッピングセンタ等のような特別な位置に配置されていると仮定する。(USP6151309)
$$ Aspects of the invention may be implemented in other types of mobile terminal, such as mobile telephone handsets, cordless telephone handsets, portable television receivers, etc. / 本発明の態様は、移動体電話ハンドセット、コードレス電話ハンドセット、携帯用テレビジョン受像機など、他の種類の移動体端末でも実施することができる。(USP6812954)
$$ Acrylic sheet materials are particularly useful for forming into articles such as architectural cladding, bathtubs, shower enclosures, panelling etc. / アクリルのシート材料は、建築用外装材、バスタブ、シャワーの囲い、羽目板等のような物品に形成するために特に有用である。(USP6689832)
$$ In other embodiments, by measuring the level of a liquid, effectively another parameter is sensed, for example in transducers such as liquid thermometers or liquid barometers etc. / 他の実施形態においては、液体レベルを測定することで、液体温度計などのトランデューサ中で別のパラメータを効果的に検出することができる。(USP6561022)
$$ It will be appreciated that this fragment may be written in any other suitable programming language, such as PASCAL, APL, FORTRAN, or Smalltalk etc. / このフラグメントは、PASCAL、APL、FORTRANまたはSmalltalk等の他の任意の適当なプログラミング言語で書くことができることが理解されよう。(USP6269455)
$$ The bulk formed product may form the device itself or may form a precursor which is subjected to subsequent shaping steps such as lathe cutting, drilling etc. / 量産された製品は、それ自体で器械を形成し、或いは旋削、穿孔のような後続の整形段階を受けるプリカーサーを形成する。(USP6186974)
$$ These are assumed to be located in offices 5 and at special location points such as garages, railways stations, motorway service stations, shopping centres etc. / これらは、オフィス5に、またガレージや鉄道の駅や自動車道のサービスステーションやショッピングセンタ等のような特別な位置に配置されていると仮定する。(USP6151309)
SUCH AS+noun
SUCH AS+noun
$$ Where the display effect is transmissive a transparent conductor such as PEDOT can be used. / ディスプレイ効果が透過性の場合、PEDOTのような透明なコンダクタを使うことができる。(USP8400576)
$$ For example, the apparatus can determine the internal cross section of an underground pipe, such as a sewage pipe, or any other hollow object.(USP6249007)
$$ A test apparatus for testing a detector such as a smoke detector or the like comprises a housing member pivotally mounted on the end of a pole and containing a test element for testing the detector. (USP5423962)
$$ However other light emissive materials are possible such as sublimed molecular films or other small molecule materials. (USP6002206)
$$ The solution may be an aqueous solution or a solution of deodoriser in a low molecular weight organic material, such as an alcohol, aldehyde, ketone or ester. (USP6631722)
$$ Referring now to the drawings, a foodstuff such as fish or a similar such seafood is heated to around 100℃ and infilled into a container 10.(USP01014366)
$$ For example the pen and/or the base unit as appropriate could be provided with a socket or connector or reader for a memory device (such as a plug-in ROM, a smart card, etc.). (USP6058304) such as... etc.も複数名詞の先行が多い
$$ Although the reduction in fuel flow is almost instantaneous, the rate of reduction of engine airflow is relatively slow because of the inertia of rotating parts such as turbines, compressors, shafts etc. / 燃料流の減少はほぼ瞬時に行われるが、エンジンの空気流の減少速度は例えばタービン、圧縮機、シャフト等の回転部品の慣性に起因して比較的遅い。(USP6474569)
$$ This feature is only available in date fields, such as Issue Date and Application Date. (USPTO)
$$ It is another object of the present invention to use such a system for high intensity light source such as a xenon or metal halide bulb of images could also be sent in any animation format such as MPEG or the transmission line, such as a serial bus.(USP5940204)
SUCH AS+noun
$$ Where the display effect is transmissive a transparent conductor such as PEDOT can be used. / ディスプレイ効果が透過性の場合、PEDOTのような透明なコンダクタを使うことができる。(USP8400576)
$$ For example, the apparatus can determine the internal cross section of an underground pipe, such as a sewage pipe, or any other hollow object.(USP6249007)
$$ A test apparatus for testing a detector such as a smoke detector or the like comprises a housing member pivotally mounted on the end of a pole and containing a test element for testing the detector. (USP5423962)
$$ However other light emissive materials are possible such as sublimed molecular films or other small molecule materials. (USP6002206)
$$ The solution may be an aqueous solution or a solution of deodoriser in a low molecular weight organic material, such as an alcohol, aldehyde, ketone or ester. (USP6631722)
$$ Referring now to the drawings, a foodstuff such as fish or a similar such seafood is heated to around 100℃ and infilled into a container 10.(USP01014366)
$$ For example the pen and/or the base unit as appropriate could be provided with a socket or connector or reader for a memory device (such as a plug-in ROM, a smart card, etc.). (USP6058304) such as... etc.も複数名詞の先行が多い
$$ Although the reduction in fuel flow is almost instantaneous, the rate of reduction of engine airflow is relatively slow because of the inertia of rotating parts such as turbines, compressors, shafts etc. / 燃料流の減少はほぼ瞬時に行われるが、エンジンの空気流の減少速度は例えばタービン、圧縮機、シャフト等の回転部品の慣性に起因して比較的遅い。(USP6474569)
$$ This feature is only available in date fields, such as Issue Date and Application Date. (USPTO)
$$ It is another object of the present invention to use such a system for high intensity light source such as a xenon or metal halide bulb of images could also be sent in any animation format such as MPEG or the transmission line, such as a serial bus.(USP5940204)
$$ One aim of the invention is to provide an efficient way of encoding signals such as can be used within, for example, a turbo encoder. / 本発明の目的の1つは、例えば、ターボ符号器において使用され得るような信号符号化の効率的な手法を提供することにある。(USP7051266)
$$ For such a device the lumen may include several microtube elements such as are used in the OptiMed device (op. cit.). / かかる器械については、内腔はオプチメッド(0ptiMaed)器械において使用されるような複数のマイクロチューブ要素とすることができる。(USP6186974)
$$ This invention requires drivers to be written using methods obvious to one versed in the art such as can communicate pointers back and forth between system of this invention and an external system, and...(USP6189012)
$$ FIG. 5 is an overview of a merchandising system using a data entry terminal such as is illustrated in the preceding Figures; / 第5図は、以上の諸図に示されているようなデータエントリ端末を用いた販売システムの概略図であり、(USP6058304)
$$ One hunt-seek method, for example, is to use an automated micro-positioner, such as is conventionally used in optical microscopy.(USP6405137)
$$ Furthermore, having thus described the present invention by reference to a preferred embodiment it is to be well understood that the embodiment in question is exemplary only and that modifications and variations such as will occur to those possessed of appropriate knowledge and skills may be made without departure from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims and equivalents thereof. / なお、好ましい実施例を参照してこの発明を説明してきたが、問題とされる実施例は単なる例示であり、当業者には思い浮かぶであろうような修正および変形が、前掲の特許請求の範囲とそれに等価なものの範囲で表わされたこの発明の精神および範囲から逸脱することなく行なわれ得ることを、よく理解されたい。(USP5453842)
$$ One aim of the invention is to provide an efficient way of encoding signals such as can be used within, for example, a turbo encoder. / 本発明の目的の1つは、例えば、ターボ符号器において使用され得るような信号符号化の効率的な手法を提供することにある。(USP7051266)
$$ For such a device the lumen may include several microtube elements such as are used in the OptiMed device (op. cit.). / かかる器械については、内腔はオプチメッド(0ptiMaed)器械において使用されるような複数のマイクロチューブ要素とすることができる。(USP6186974)
$$ This invention requires drivers to be written using methods obvious to one versed in the art such as can communicate pointers back and forth between system of this invention and an external system, and...(USP6189012)
$$ FIG. 5 is an overview of a merchandising system using a data entry terminal such as is illustrated in the preceding Figures; / 第5図は、以上の諸図に示されているようなデータエントリ端末を用いた販売システムの概略図であり、(USP6058304)
$$ One hunt-seek method, for example, is to use an automated micro-positioner, such as is conventionally used in optical microscopy.(USP6405137)
$$ Furthermore, having thus described the present invention by reference to a preferred embodiment it is to be well understood that the embodiment in question is exemplary only and that modifications and variations such as will occur to those possessed of appropriate knowledge and skills may be made without departure from the spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the appended claims and equivalents thereof. / なお、好ましい実施例を参照してこの発明を説明してきたが、問題とされる実施例は単なる例示であり、当業者には思い浮かぶであろうような修正および変形が、前掲の特許請求の範囲とそれに等価なものの範囲で表わされたこの発明の精神および範囲から逸脱することなく行なわれ得ることを、よく理解されたい。(USP5453842)
-->AS IN
$$ Thus, the known art is unsuitable for applications where high pixel density and high contrast and/or reflectivity performance are simultaneously required, such as in reflective or highly transmissive backlit computer displays. / 従って、既知の技術は、反射性の或いは高い透過性のバックライト・コンピュータ・ディスプレイのような高いピクセル密度、及び高いコントラスト又は反射性能を同時に必要とするアプリケーションには不適当である。(USP5801796)
$$ Whilst the invention has been specifically described with reference to a drinks vending machine, it may have other applications where metered fluid dispensing is required, such as in the mixing of perfumes. / この発明はとくに飲み物自動販売機について記載したが、香水の混合などのような流体を計量して調合することが要求されるものへも適用することができる。(USP5893487)
$$ Plasma processing apparatus is used in many stages of the fabrication of semiconductor devices such as in etching and deposition. / プラズマ加工装置は、エッチングや薄膜堆積等の様な半導体装置の製造における多くの工程において使用される。(USP6458239)
$$ Alternatively, where power from the fuel cell is required for a mobile installation such as in a land vehicle, marine vessel or the like, liquid fuels, such as methanol can be used. / あるいはまた、陸上車輌、船舶などのような可動設備に燃料電池からの電力が必要である場合には、メタノールのような液体燃料を使用することができる。(USP5436086)
$$ A text may be included in a set of one or more images, such as in images of the pages of a document.(USP5253307)
$$ The latter key serves a dual function as an "enter" key signified by the arrow so that when the second decimal point occurs in any entry, such as a multidigit decimal word, or such as in two successive decimal point strokes, an entry of the preceding information occurs.(USP5245559)
-->AS IN
$$ Thus, the known art is unsuitable for applications where high pixel density and high contrast and/or reflectivity performance are simultaneously required, such as in reflective or highly transmissive backlit computer displays. / 従って、既知の技術は、反射性の或いは高い透過性のバックライト・コンピュータ・ディスプレイのような高いピクセル密度、及び高いコントラスト又は反射性能を同時に必要とするアプリケーションには不適当である。(USP5801796)
$$ Whilst the invention has been specifically described with reference to a drinks vending machine, it may have other applications where metered fluid dispensing is required, such as in the mixing of perfumes. / この発明はとくに飲み物自動販売機について記載したが、香水の混合などのような流体を計量して調合することが要求されるものへも適用することができる。(USP5893487)
$$ Plasma processing apparatus is used in many stages of the fabrication of semiconductor devices such as in etching and deposition. / プラズマ加工装置は、エッチングや薄膜堆積等の様な半導体装置の製造における多くの工程において使用される。(USP6458239)
$$ Alternatively, where power from the fuel cell is required for a mobile installation such as in a land vehicle, marine vessel or the like, liquid fuels, such as methanol can be used. / あるいはまた、陸上車輌、船舶などのような可動設備に燃料電池からの電力が必要である場合には、メタノールのような液体燃料を使用することができる。(USP5436086)
$$ A text may be included in a set of one or more images, such as in images of the pages of a document.(USP5253307)
$$ The latter key serves a dual function as an "enter" key signified by the arrow so that when the second decimal point occurs in any entry, such as a multidigit decimal word, or such as in two successive decimal point strokes, an entry of the preceding information occurs.(USP5245559)
$$ The stylet 2 could instead be rigid, such as of ABS or styrenic materials. / その代わりに、スタイレット2は、例えばABSまたはスチレン系物質のように、剛性なものであることができた。(USP8398596)
$$ The core 33 may be of any conventional construction, such as of a foam or a discrete composite bundle of bonded fibre layers. / コア33は、接合された繊維層のフォームまたは個別の複合材の束などの、任意の従来の構造のものであることができる。(USP8272841)
$$ The material itself could be adsorbent, such as of carbon, or the material itself could be non-adsorbent but could be rendered adsorbent by impregnation with a suitable substance. / 前記材料自体は、カーボンからなるような吸着体とすることができ、または、前記材料自体は非吸着体とするが、適した物質を含浸させることによって吸着体として機能するようにしたものとすることができる。(USP8137437)
$$ Beyond radio frequencies, other yet higher frequencies such as of the order of 100,000 GHz (infra-red) could be used. / 無線周波数を超えると、約100,000GHz(赤外線)などの他のまださらに高い周波数が使用できるだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ The gate of the second aspect of the invention may be a conventional karabiner gate, such as of metal bar or the like. (USP02050032)
$$ The above cards generally employ discrete holographic images such as of a bird. (USP5492370)
$$ The stylet 2 could instead be rigid, such as of ABS or styrenic materials. / その代わりに、スタイレット2は、例えばABSまたはスチレン系物質のように、剛性なものであることができた。(USP8398596)
$$ The core 33 may be of any conventional construction, such as of a foam or a discrete composite bundle of bonded fibre layers. / コア33は、接合された繊維層のフォームまたは個別の複合材の束などの、任意の従来の構造のものであることができる。(USP8272841)
$$ The material itself could be adsorbent, such as of carbon, or the material itself could be non-adsorbent but could be rendered adsorbent by impregnation with a suitable substance. / 前記材料自体は、カーボンからなるような吸着体とすることができ、または、前記材料自体は非吸着体とするが、適した物質を含浸させることによって吸着体として機能するようにしたものとすることができる。(USP8137437)
$$ Beyond radio frequencies, other yet higher frequencies such as of the order of 100,000 GHz (infra-red) could be used. / 無線周波数を超えると、約100,000GHz(赤外線)などの他のまださらに高い周波数が使用できるだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ The gate of the second aspect of the invention may be a conventional karabiner gate, such as of metal bar or the like. (USP02050032)
$$ The above cards generally employ discrete holographic images such as of a bird. (USP5492370)
--> such that; so as to; so that
$$ The output disc is journalled such as to be rotatable independently of the shaft 16. / 出力ディスクは、シャフト16とは独立的に回転できるように軸装されている。(USP7632208)
$$ The output disc 26 is journalled such as to be rotatable independently of the shaft 16. / 出力ディスク26はシャフト16とは独立に回転できるようにジャーナル支持される。(USP7637841)
$$ Of course, the part 14 of the clip may be of any desired shape, such as to fit circular section pipes. / もちろん、クリップの部分14は、円形断面のパイプにはまるような任意の所望の形状でよい。(USP6860455)
$$ The service routine can be determined by the supplier of the ink jet cartridge such as to maintain the print cartridge performance. (USP01024586)
$$ ...wherein the optical path length progression across said channels is non-linear, such as to provide a non-linear phase profile across the channels...(USP6339664)
$$ In the case of an unrecognised word, the message may be such as to cause the applet 116a to display text such as: (USP6446081)
$$ The thickening agent may be such as to provide the composition with a generally Newtonian viscosity. (USP458753)
--> such that; so as to; so that
$$ The output disc is journalled such as to be rotatable independently of the shaft 16. / 出力ディスクは、シャフト16とは独立的に回転できるように軸装されている。(USP7632208)
$$ The output disc 26 is journalled such as to be rotatable independently of the shaft 16. / 出力ディスク26はシャフト16とは独立に回転できるようにジャーナル支持される。(USP7637841)
$$ Of course, the part 14 of the clip may be of any desired shape, such as to fit circular section pipes. / もちろん、クリップの部分14は、円形断面のパイプにはまるような任意の所望の形状でよい。(USP6860455)
$$ The service routine can be determined by the supplier of the ink jet cartridge such as to maintain the print cartridge performance. (USP01024586)
$$ ...wherein the optical path length progression across said channels is non-linear, such as to provide a non-linear phase profile across the channels...(USP6339664)
$$ In the case of an unrecognised word, the message may be such as to cause the applet 116a to display text such as: (USP6446081)
$$ The thickening agent may be such as to provide the composition with a generally Newtonian viscosity. (USP458753)
$$ The compartment as shown in FIG. 13 may then be connected to a recorded device such as that illustrated in FIG. 15. / 図13に示される区分は、これで図15に示される様な記録装置に結合できる。(USP7578972)
$$ Thus, false errors such as those possible with the processor of FIG. 2 are avoided with this arrangement. (USP7489752)
$$ Preferably, an electron beam, such as that used as the visualisation method in a scanning or transmission electron microscopy system, is used to heat each of the crystals. (USP6392915)
$$ Upon selection by the user a GUI such as that shown in FIG. 6 is displayed. (USP6556987)
$$ A shoulder such as that shown in 115 in FIG. 3, is provided on each of the pins. (USP5891255)
$$ In an enhancement to the circuit 60, an independent signal, such as that from a radio 90, is input via conductor 91. (USP02076059)
$$ It is particularly applicable to vehicle security systems, but also to other security systems such as those for buildings. (USP6937136)
$$ Alternatively arrangements such as those shown in FIG. 5 and/or 7 may be employed. (USP6831507)
$$ The present invention relates to data communication systems such as those used, for example, in digital multiplexers or packet switches. (USP5377189)
$$ In cases such as these an array of detectors may be used in conjunction with a mirror or infra-red transmitting lens which image the scene onto the array. (USP6710345)
$$ This restriction provides protection against writing code such as these examples which is generally unreadable and difficult to maintain. (USP6691301)
$$ External controller 110 detects failures such as these and attempts to resolve these situations either by reconfiguring the network or by notifying the user. (USP6396815)
$$ The compartment as shown in FIG. 13 may then be connected to a recorded device such as that illustrated in FIG. 15. / 図13に示される区分は、これで図15に示される様な記録装置に結合できる。(USP7578972)
$$ Thus, false errors such as those possible with the processor of FIG. 2 are avoided with this arrangement. (USP7489752)
$$ Preferably, an electron beam, such as that used as the visualisation method in a scanning or transmission electron microscopy system, is used to heat each of the crystals. (USP6392915)
$$ Upon selection by the user a GUI such as that shown in FIG. 6 is displayed. (USP6556987)
$$ A shoulder such as that shown in 115 in FIG. 3, is provided on each of the pins. (USP5891255)
$$ In an enhancement to the circuit 60, an independent signal, such as that from a radio 90, is input via conductor 91. (USP02076059)
$$ It is particularly applicable to vehicle security systems, but also to other security systems such as those for buildings. (USP6937136)
$$ Alternatively arrangements such as those shown in FIG. 5 and/or 7 may be employed. (USP6831507)
$$ The present invention relates to data communication systems such as those used, for example, in digital multiplexers or packet switches. (USP5377189)
$$ In cases such as these an array of detectors may be used in conjunction with a mirror or infra-red transmitting lens which image the scene onto the array. (USP6710345)
$$ This restriction provides protection against writing code such as these examples which is generally unreadable and difficult to maintain. (USP6691301)
$$ External controller 110 detects failures such as these and attempts to resolve these situations either by reconfiguring the network or by notifying the user. (USP6396815)
$$ Standard fibers, such as the one shown, for example, in FIG. 1, in their simplest form comprise essentially a cylindrical core 10 and concentric cylindrical cladding 20. / 図1に例示するように、標準ファイバは、最も簡単な形式では、主として円筒状コア10と同心の円筒状クラッド20とを備える。(USP6631234)
$$ FIGS. 26a to 26t show, in section, alternative embodiments of a rivet delivery tube such as the one that is used to shuttle rivets from a remote feeder such as a pre-packed container with release mechanism or a hopper, to the setting tool. / 図26a~26tは、リベット分配チューブの代わりの実施形態を断面図で示している。そのようなものの1つは、解放機構またはホッパーを備えあらかじめパックされたコンテナー等の遠隔フィーダーからセッティング・ツールまで、リベットを往復させるのに使用される。(USP692213)
$$ Known confocal microscope systems such as the one described above have the disadvantage that very bright light sources are required and this usually necessitates the use of lasers. / 上文中に説明した共焦点顕微鏡システム等の周知の共焦点顕微鏡システムは、輝度が非常に高い光源を必要とするという欠点がある。これにより、通常は、レーザーを使用することが必要とされる。(USP6144489)
$$ By comparison with FIG. 6a, FIG. 6b shows in plan view an LED element embedded in epoxy 37 and having a triangular top, such as the ones in chip 36. (USP01022495)
$$ If each device only has information available to it relating to its immediate neighbours, a stable periodic pattern such as the one shown on the right hand side of FIG. 1 is not possible to achieve except fortuitously. (USP7565149)
$$ Disc manufacturers use standard microprocessors, such as the ones used in desktop computers, as these give "economy of scale." (USP6072499)
$$ Standard fibers, such as the one shown, for example, in FIG. 1, in their simplest form comprise essentially a cylindrical core 10 and concentric cylindrical cladding 20. / 図1に例示するように、標準ファイバは、最も簡単な形式では、主として円筒状コア10と同心の円筒状クラッド20とを備える。(USP6631234)
$$ FIGS. 26a to 26t show, in section, alternative embodiments of a rivet delivery tube such as the one that is used to shuttle rivets from a remote feeder such as a pre-packed container with release mechanism or a hopper, to the setting tool. / 図26a~26tは、リベット分配チューブの代わりの実施形態を断面図で示している。そのようなものの1つは、解放機構またはホッパーを備えあらかじめパックされたコンテナー等の遠隔フィーダーからセッティング・ツールまで、リベットを往復させるのに使用される。(USP692213)
$$ Known confocal microscope systems such as the one described above have the disadvantage that very bright light sources are required and this usually necessitates the use of lasers. / 上文中に説明した共焦点顕微鏡システム等の周知の共焦点顕微鏡システムは、輝度が非常に高い光源を必要とするという欠点がある。これにより、通常は、レーザーを使用することが必要とされる。(USP6144489)
$$ By comparison with FIG. 6a, FIG. 6b shows in plan view an LED element embedded in epoxy 37 and having a triangular top, such as the ones in chip 36. (USP01022495)
$$ If each device only has information available to it relating to its immediate neighbours, a stable periodic pattern such as the one shown on the right hand side of FIG. 1 is not possible to achieve except fortuitously. (USP7565149)
$$ Disc manufacturers use standard microprocessors, such as the ones used in desktop computers, as these give "economy of scale." (USP6072499)
$$ The brand protection instrument activities define all the aspects to do with the read/scan, such as what algorithms should be used, what script can be used, etc. / ブランド保護機器アクティビティは、どのアルゴリズムを使用すべきか、どのスクリプトを使用すべきかなどのリード/スキャンを処理するための全ての態様を定める。(USP8308060)
$$ The date, location and creator can be automatically generated through datestamping and the like, while other information such as who is shown in the media could be ascertained though analysis of associated voice or by text annotation. / 媒体の中に誰が示されているのかなどの他の情報は、関連する音声の分析によって、あるいはテキスト注釈によって確かめられるであろうが、日付、場所及び作成者は日付スタンプ等によって自動的に生成できる。(USP7578441)
$$ Issue warnings required by the ANSI C standard in certain cases such as when text other than a comment follows `#else` or `#endif`. (USP6691301)
$$ The double-stranded duplexes are treated with an agent which cleaves single-stranded regions of the duplex such as which will exist due to basepair mismatches between the control and sample strands. (USP6403767)
$$ These can include characteristics such as whether a message is late or on time, whether messages have arrived out of sequence, and what state the application is in. (USP6138168)
$$ This is the case at low drive levels when the transistor is not biased into a linear region (such as when operating class C). (USP5507017)
$$ The brand protection instrument activities define all the aspects to do with the read/scan, such as what algorithms should be used, what script can be used, etc. / ブランド保護機器アクティビティは、どのアルゴリズムを使用すべきか、どのスクリプトを使用すべきかなどのリード/スキャンを処理するための全ての態様を定める。(USP8308060)
$$ The date, location and creator can be automatically generated through datestamping and the like, while other information such as who is shown in the media could be ascertained though analysis of associated voice or by text annotation. / 媒体の中に誰が示されているのかなどの他の情報は、関連する音声の分析によって、あるいはテキスト注釈によって確かめられるであろうが、日付、場所及び作成者は日付スタンプ等によって自動的に生成できる。(USP7578441)
$$ Issue warnings required by the ANSI C standard in certain cases such as when text other than a comment follows `#else` or `#endif`. (USP6691301)
$$ The double-stranded duplexes are treated with an agent which cleaves single-stranded regions of the duplex such as which will exist due to basepair mismatches between the control and sample strands. (USP6403767)
$$ These can include characteristics such as whether a message is late or on time, whether messages have arrived out of sequence, and what state the application is in. (USP6138168)
$$ This is the case at low drive levels when the transistor is not biased into a linear region (such as when operating class C). (USP5507017)
$$ Again, however, the routes or paths have some similarity or symmetry, such as being at the same data rate. / しかしながらまた、経路には、同一のデータレートであるなどの類似性または均整がある。(USP5533005)
$$ Extension of APAMS would prove beneficial in future developments such as using it to hold partial or complete messages. (USP6810118)
$$ Modifying the (x,y) coordinates of a region would be useful, for example, for special effects such as moving an object in the picture. (USP6075887)
$$ The cover layers can have other functionality such as having colour filter properties and/or being a moisture and/or oxygen barrier. / カバー層は、カラーフィルタの性質を有するようなもの、および/または湿分および/または酸素バリアのような他の機能を有するものとすることができる。(USP5929562)
$$ The modem 32 also makes it possible for a viewer to interact with on-line services such as banking, insurance and mail order. / モデム32によって、視聴者は銀行業務、保険および通信販売などのオンライン・サービスと対話することもできる。(USP02042917)
$$ However, some common operations (such as zooming or rotation) will require every object in the image space to be re-rendered.(USP5727192)
$$ Advantageously, the motor is provided with means such as gearing for reversing the direction of drive of the output shaft. / 都合のよいのは、モータが出力軸の駆動の方向を反転するためのギヤのような手段を備えていることである。(USP5749565)
$$ Again, however, the routes or paths have some similarity or symmetry, such as being at the same data rate. / しかしながらまた、経路には、同一のデータレートであるなどの類似性または均整がある。(USP5533005)
$$ Extension of APAMS would prove beneficial in future developments such as using it to hold partial or complete messages. (USP6810118)
$$ Modifying the (x,y) coordinates of a region would be useful, for example, for special effects such as moving an object in the picture. (USP6075887)
$$ The cover layers can have other functionality such as having colour filter properties and/or being a moisture and/or oxygen barrier. / カバー層は、カラーフィルタの性質を有するようなもの、および/または湿分および/または酸素バリアのような他の機能を有するものとすることができる。(USP5929562)
$$ The modem 32 also makes it possible for a viewer to interact with on-line services such as banking, insurance and mail order. / モデム32によって、視聴者は銀行業務、保険および通信販売などのオンライン・サービスと対話することもできる。(USP02042917)
$$ However, some common operations (such as zooming or rotation) will require every object in the image space to be re-rendered.(USP5727192)
$$ Advantageously, the motor is provided with means such as gearing for reversing the direction of drive of the output shaft. / 都合のよいのは、モータが出力軸の駆動の方向を反転するためのギヤのような手段を備えていることである。(USP5749565)
$$ Examples of such resins include polyamides, such as Versamid.TM. and Wolfamid.TM., and cellulose ethers, such as ethyl cellulose and ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose. / このような樹脂の例に含まれるのは、ヴァースアミド(VersamidTM)およびウォルフアミド(WolfamidTM)のようなポリアミド類、およびエチルセルロースおよびエチルヒドロキシエチルセルロースのようなセルロースエーテル類である。(USP03027873)
$$ Also, catalytic chain transfer agents such as cobalt complexes, e.g. cobalt (II) chelates such as cobalt porphyrin compounds are useful chain transfer agents for the invention. / また、例えばコバルトポルフィリン化合物等のコバルト(II)キレート等のコバルト複合体等の触媒的な連鎖移動剤は、本発明のための有用な連鎖移動剤である。(USP03013822)
$$ Preferably, the adhesive is a polyvinyl ether adhesive such as polyvinyl ethyl ether adhesive or an acrylate adhesive such as an acrylate ester copolymer adhesive. / 接着剤は、例えばポリビニルエチルエーテル接着剤などのポリビニルエーテル接着剤あるいはアクリル酸エステルコポリマー接着剤のようなアクリル酸エステル接着剤であることが望ましい。(USP5968000)
$$ Where the fuel cell is required to provide power for a fixed installation, such as a building, a gaseous hydrocarbon such as methane may be suitable. / 建築物のような固定設備に電力を供給するために燃料電池が必要である場合には、メタンのようなガス状炭化水素が適当である。(USP5436086)
$$ They can be made of other materials such as aluminium alloy with the sharp tips made of molybdenum or other refractory metal such as tungsten. / モリブデンや、タングステンのような他の耐高温性金属からなる鋭いチップを持つアルミニウム合金でそれらを形成することができる。(USP5418430)
$$ Other types of monomer, such as stryene, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, acrylonitrile or methacrylonitrile may be copolymerised with such (meth)acrylates. / スチレン、アクリル酸、メタクリル酸、アクリロニトリル又はメタクリロニトリル等のその他のタイプのモノマーは、そのような(メタ)アクリレートと共重合させることができる。(USP5364511)
$$ Examples of such resins include polyamides, such as Versamid.TM. and Wolfamid.TM., and cellulose ethers, such as ethyl cellulose and ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose. / このような樹脂の例に含まれるのは、ヴァースアミド(VersamidTM)およびウォルフアミド(WolfamidTM)のようなポリアミド類、およびエチルセルロースおよびエチルヒドロキシエチルセルロースのようなセルロースエーテル類である。(USP03027873)
$$ Also, catalytic chain transfer agents such as cobalt complexes, e.g. cobalt (II) chelates such as cobalt porphyrin compounds are useful chain transfer agents for the invention. / また、例えばコバルトポルフィリン化合物等のコバルト(II)キレート等のコバルト複合体等の触媒的な連鎖移動剤は、本発明のための有用な連鎖移動剤である。(USP03013822)
$$ Preferably, the adhesive is a polyvinyl ether adhesive such as polyvinyl ethyl ether adhesive or an acrylate adhesive such as an acrylate ester copolymer adhesive. / 接着剤は、例えばポリビニルエチルエーテル接着剤などのポリビニルエーテル接着剤あるいはアクリル酸エステルコポリマー接着剤のようなアクリル酸エステル接着剤であることが望ましい。(USP5968000)
$$ Where the fuel cell is required to provide power for a fixed installation, such as a building, a gaseous hydrocarbon such as methane may be suitable. / 建築物のような固定設備に電力を供給するために燃料電池が必要である場合には、メタンのようなガス状炭化水素が適当である。(USP5436086)
$$ They can be made of other materials such as aluminium alloy with the sharp tips made of molybdenum or other refractory metal such as tungsten. / モリブデンや、タングステンのような他の耐高温性金属からなる鋭いチップを持つアルミニウム合金でそれらを形成することができる。(USP5418430)
$$ Other types of monomer, such as stryene, acrylic acid, methacrylic acid, acrylonitrile or methacrylonitrile may be copolymerised with such (meth)acrylates. / スチレン、アクリル酸、メタクリル酸、アクリロニトリル又はメタクリロニトリル等のその他のタイプのモノマーは、そのような(メタ)アクリレートと共重合させることができる。(USP5364511)
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$$ The oxidation layer is built up again during the diffusion process, such that areas 18, 18' are recovered with oxide (see FIG. 2E). / 酸化物層はこの拡散工程中に再び成長し、エリア18、18’は酸化物によって再び覆われる(図6参照)。(USP5429953)
$$ The radiometer may be arranged such that relative calibration between channels does not occur when the observed source is moved past the detector channels. / このラジオメータは、観察源が検波器チャネルを過ぎて移動するとチャネル間の相対的較正が生じなくなるように配列されることができる。(USP6900756)
$$ The structure of the cathode has to be designed such that it enables the efficient removal of the product water. / カソードの構造は、効率的にこの生成水を除去できるようなものとして設計されなければならない。(USP6855452)
$$ The active patches contained sufficient oestradiol such that the wound sites were exposed to 25 μg/24 hrs of oestradiol. / 活性なパッチは創傷部位がエストラジオール25μg/24時間に暴露されるのに十分なエストラジオールを含んでいた。(USP6696433)
$$ The force required is preferably such that accidental operation of the switch is avoided. (USP6074552)
$$ The arrangement is preferably such that the generator has an output of approximately 2 volts when relative rotation between the spindle and tread portion is 30 rpm. (USP6104096)
$$ The oxidation layer is built up again during the diffusion process, such that areas 18, 18' are recovered with oxide (see FIG. 2E). / 酸化物層はこの拡散工程中に再び成長し、エリア18、18’は酸化物によって再び覆われる(図6参照)。(USP5429953)
$$ The radiometer may be arranged such that relative calibration between channels does not occur when the observed source is moved past the detector channels. / このラジオメータは、観察源が検波器チャネルを過ぎて移動するとチャネル間の相対的較正が生じなくなるように配列されることができる。(USP6900756)
$$ The structure of the cathode has to be designed such that it enables the efficient removal of the product water. / カソードの構造は、効率的にこの生成水を除去できるようなものとして設計されなければならない。(USP6855452)
$$ The active patches contained sufficient oestradiol such that the wound sites were exposed to 25 μg/24 hrs of oestradiol. / 活性なパッチは創傷部位がエストラジオール25μg/24時間に暴露されるのに十分なエストラジオールを含んでいた。(USP6696433)
$$ The force required is preferably such that accidental operation of the switch is avoided. (USP6074552)
$$ The arrangement is preferably such that the generator has an output of approximately 2 volts when relative rotation between the spindle and tread portion is 30 rpm. (USP6104096)
$$ It will therefore be understood that severe carboxymethylation conditions, in particular the use of alkali at such a strength or temperature or for such a time that it converts the crystalline regions of cellulose to alkali cellulose thereby enabling reaction in the crystalline regions, are to be avoided. / それ故、過酷なカルボキシメチル化条件、特に、セルロースの結晶領域をアルカリセルロースに転化させ、それにより、結晶領域における反応を可能にするような濃度のアルカリ、温度又は時間の使用は避けるべきであることが理解されるであろう。(USP6548730)
$$ The border preferably has such width w that all macroblocks outside the border cannot have motion vectors referring to macroblocks within the border and containing logo information. / 輪郭は、好ましくは、輪郭の外側の全マクロブロックが、輪郭内のマクロブロックを参照し、ロゴ情報を含む動きベクトルを有することができないような幅wを有する。(USP6567128)
$$ The two chambers are joined in such a way that the solid and the liquid mix to form the final solution. (USP7371729)
$$ The hole 28 in the pale is such a size that the thread of the bolt 15 engages with it, whilst the hole 29 of the rail is somewhat larger, the bolt being constrained against the rail by its head. (USP6767005)
$$ Clearly, it is necessary to assemble these two halves together in such a manner that they seal correctly. (USP6880575)
$$ In this case, the reaction electrodes can be hydrostatically floating as well, could be fixed with respect to the vessel, or could be untethered but of such a nature that they sink. (USP6696020)
$$ There is a remote possibility with such engines that part or all of one or more of the fan blades could become detached from the remainder of the fan assembly. (USP6360989)
$$ Advantageously the tally signal is provided in such a format that a common signal may carry the identities of a plurality of picture sources. (USP5822015)
$$ The nut 70 is secured to the bar 212 in such a way that rotation of the nut 70 will be imparted to the bar 212. (USP6929424)
$$ This means that the cradle must be mounted to the joystick body in such a way that it is allowed to pivot about the y-axis. (USP7129428)
$$ It will therefore be understood that severe carboxymethylation conditions, in particular the use of alkali at such a strength or temperature or for such a time that it converts the crystalline regions of cellulose to alkali cellulose thereby enabling reaction in the crystalline regions, are to be avoided. / それ故、過酷なカルボキシメチル化条件、特に、セルロースの結晶領域をアルカリセルロースに転化させ、それにより、結晶領域における反応を可能にするような濃度のアルカリ、温度又は時間の使用は避けるべきであることが理解されるであろう。(USP6548730)
$$ The border preferably has such width w that all macroblocks outside the border cannot have motion vectors referring to macroblocks within the border and containing logo information. / 輪郭は、好ましくは、輪郭の外側の全マクロブロックが、輪郭内のマクロブロックを参照し、ロゴ情報を含む動きベクトルを有することができないような幅wを有する。(USP6567128)
$$ The two chambers are joined in such a way that the solid and the liquid mix to form the final solution. (USP7371729)
$$ The hole 28 in the pale is such a size that the thread of the bolt 15 engages with it, whilst the hole 29 of the rail is somewhat larger, the bolt being constrained against the rail by its head. (USP6767005)
$$ Clearly, it is necessary to assemble these two halves together in such a manner that they seal correctly. (USP6880575)
$$ In this case, the reaction electrodes can be hydrostatically floating as well, could be fixed with respect to the vessel, or could be untethered but of such a nature that they sink. (USP6696020)
$$ There is a remote possibility with such engines that part or all of one or more of the fan blades could become detached from the remainder of the fan assembly. (USP6360989)
$$ Advantageously the tally signal is provided in such a format that a common signal may carry the identities of a plurality of picture sources. (USP5822015)
$$ The nut 70 is secured to the bar 212 in such a way that rotation of the nut 70 will be imparted to the bar 212. (USP6929424)
$$ This means that the cradle must be mounted to the joystick body in such a way that it is allowed to pivot about the y-axis. (USP7129428)
SUCH (A) STH AS ~したような
SUCH (A) STH AS ~したような
$$ Thus such a system as illustrated in FIG. 8 (b) could only display part of the height of an A4 scanned image. / 従って、図8(b)のようなシステムでは、A4の画像の縦方向の一部しか表示できない。(USP5559936)
$$ If the communications system handles such a call as a conventional data call, the voice or picture quality perceived at the remote end can suffer from having been packet-switched rather than circuit-switched. / 通信システムが通常のデータ呼のような呼を取扱うとき、遠隔の端部で認識される音声または画像品質は、回路交換方式ではなくパケット交換方式で受けることができる。(USP6584098)
$$ The testing technique implemented in Softwindows (by Insignia) was of such a type as just outlined. (USP02029357)
$$ Accordingly, these designs of rock bolt will provide little or no support adjacent such a void, and there will be no way of knowing that such a void exists, or the extent (length) of such a void as a proportion of the overall length of the bolt. (USP6929424)
$$ The distortion algorithm is configurable, taking in such data as projector position, eye point position, and producing a near approximation to the ideal distortion. (USP6735015)
$$ A particular advantage of the invention is that it is a powerful disruptor suitable for large targets even when made such a size as to be easily portable by a single operator. (USP6584908)
$$ As described hereinabove, and as listed in Appendix 1 there are 258 common words in the English language, including such words as "the" and "a".(USP6556987)
SUCH (A) STH AS ~したような
$$ Thus such a system as illustrated in FIG. 8 (b) could only display part of the height of an A4 scanned image. / 従って、図8(b)のようなシステムでは、A4の画像の縦方向の一部しか表示できない。(USP5559936)
$$ If the communications system handles such a call as a conventional data call, the voice or picture quality perceived at the remote end can suffer from having been packet-switched rather than circuit-switched. / 通信システムが通常のデータ呼のような呼を取扱うとき、遠隔の端部で認識される音声または画像品質は、回路交換方式ではなくパケット交換方式で受けることができる。(USP6584098)
$$ The testing technique implemented in Softwindows (by Insignia) was of such a type as just outlined. (USP02029357)
$$ Accordingly, these designs of rock bolt will provide little or no support adjacent such a void, and there will be no way of knowing that such a void exists, or the extent (length) of such a void as a proportion of the overall length of the bolt. (USP6929424)
$$ The distortion algorithm is configurable, taking in such data as projector position, eye point position, and producing a near approximation to the ideal distortion. (USP6735015)
$$ A particular advantage of the invention is that it is a powerful disruptor suitable for large targets even when made such a size as to be easily portable by a single operator. (USP6584908)
$$ As described hereinabove, and as listed in Appendix 1 there are 258 common words in the English language, including such words as "the" and "a".(USP6556987)
$$ A typical such image is shown at 15 in FIG. 3. (USP4805223)
$$ Generally there will be several such blocks for which the computed CRC does not equal the proper value. (USP5610951)
$$ ...between two such devices on separate chains...(USP6118782)
$$ ...the periods between successive such pulses being 1 second or longer...(USP02052599)
$$ If plural such anchor nodes are used, then a fully interconnected network will be produced if the anchor nodes are themselves interconnected.(USP02042274)
$$ If there is one such anchor node, then the method will produce a fully connected network. (USP02042274)
$$ ...means for selecting one or another of each such plurality of colour codes in dependence upon a value...(USP4979094)
$$ Its removal from the imaging technique would be very advantageous in every such application of agarose gel analysis. (USP6613210)
$$ Each such strip 9 is provided with an upstanding lip 10 which runs part way along the strip 9, in parallel therewith. (USP6403881)
$$ All of the features disclosed in this specification (including any accompanying claims, abstract, and drawings), and/or all of the steps of any method or process so disclosed, can be combined in any combination, except combinations where at least some of such features are mutually exclusive. (USP6445494)
$$ Alternatively there can be a hybrid system in which some such particles remain on the textile article and some are washed off, during the method. (USP7566689)
$$ A typical such image is shown at 15 in FIG. 3. (USP4805223)
$$ Generally there will be several such blocks for which the computed CRC does not equal the proper value. (USP5610951)
$$ ...between two such devices on separate chains...(USP6118782)
$$ ...the periods between successive such pulses being 1 second or longer...(USP02052599)
$$ If plural such anchor nodes are used, then a fully interconnected network will be produced if the anchor nodes are themselves interconnected.(USP02042274)
$$ If there is one such anchor node, then the method will produce a fully connected network. (USP02042274)
$$ ...means for selecting one or another of each such plurality of colour codes in dependence upon a value...(USP4979094)
$$ Its removal from the imaging technique would be very advantageous in every such application of agarose gel analysis. (USP6613210)
$$ Each such strip 9 is provided with an upstanding lip 10 which runs part way along the strip 9, in parallel therewith. (USP6403881)
$$ All of the features disclosed in this specification (including any accompanying claims, abstract, and drawings), and/or all of the steps of any method or process so disclosed, can be combined in any combination, except combinations where at least some of such features are mutually exclusive. (USP6445494)
$$ Alternatively there can be a hybrid system in which some such particles remain on the textile article and some are washed off, during the method. (USP7566689)
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$$ In this manner, insects and detritus and the like can be sucked into the device, and then forcibly expelled therefrom at the choice of the user. / このように、昆虫及びデトリタス等は、該装置に吸い込まれ、その後、使用者の選択により強制的に排出され得る。(USP6640489)
$$ This reduction in displacement by the piston at the end of a dispensing stroke can be exploited to accommodate material sucked back into the pump chamber in accordance with the first proposals above. / この分配ストロークの終期でのピストンによる移動量の減少は上記第1発明によりポンプチャンバ内に吸い戻される物質の調合に利用することができる。(USP6422434)
$$ The withdrawal of the air from the inlet duct will cause liquid to be sucked into the inlet duct as soon as the inlet end or inlet opening 16 is surrounded by liquid. (USP6250889)
$$ The tilted aerator allows water which is sucked in through the liquid inlet 104 to be sprayed out of the outlet tube 110 in the form of a fountain. (USP6190544)
$$ Fluidised excavation spoil comprising soil, sand and small stones migrates within the channel 37 and is subsequently entrained within the flow of water sucked or drawn upwardly through the inlets 34 of the jet pumps. (USP5382115)
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$$ A simplistic implementation of this technique suffers from the problem of generating a very large amount of profiling data. (USP6691301)
$$ However, CDMA suffers from a number of drawbacks when used for mobile communications. / しかしながら、CDMAは、移動通信に使用すると、多くの欠点を生じる。(USP01046481)
$$ This arrangement suffers from the same disadvantages as the arrangement referred to in the preceding paragraph. / この配列は前述の文章に参照された配列と同じ欠点がある。(USP6419744)
$$ The first of these known approaches suffers from the need to mount a microphone obtrusively with respect to the cancellation volume.(USP02076059)
$$ Electrical systems may suffer from arcing between parts of the system at different voltages or between a part of the system and earth.(USP02053914)
$$ Transmitting e-mail type messages to satellite decoders with smart cards does not suffer from this weakness. / スマート・カードでEメール・タイプのメッセージを衛星放送用デコーダに送信すると、この弱点がない。(USP02042917)
$$ This and other early apparatus suffered from the difficulty that the pinhole aperture was required to be very small for optimum confocal operation. / これおよびその他の初期の装置は、最適な共焦点動作のためにピンホール開口が非常に小さいことが要求されるという困難性を有した。(USP6429967)
$$ suffer (for):to experice pain, difficulty, or loss.
$$ suffer:to experience or have to deal with (something painful or unpleasant)
$$ suffer from sth to experience (something unpleasant, such as illness), esp. over a long period of time or habitually.
$$ ...those encoders which will suffer the least reduction in quality by operating at a lower rate.(USP5761634)
$$ In the client/server approach, moreover, performance suffers greatly because...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, real-time performance severely suffers in prior art client/server models since approval to act upon and manipulate objects...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, prior art conferencing systems suffer from severe performance difficulties caused by the amount of data which may be transmitted within the system during a teleconference.(USP5748618)
$$ Furthermore, these methods suffer from other disadvantages.(USP5633993) / さらに、これらの方法は他の不利益を受ける。
$$ A simplistic implementation of this technique suffers from the problem of generating a very large amount of profiling data. (USP6691301)
$$ However, CDMA suffers from a number of drawbacks when used for mobile communications. / しかしながら、CDMAは、移動通信に使用すると、多くの欠点を生じる。(USP01046481)
$$ This arrangement suffers from the same disadvantages as the arrangement referred to in the preceding paragraph. / この配列は前述の文章に参照された配列と同じ欠点がある。(USP6419744)
$$ The first of these known approaches suffers from the need to mount a microphone obtrusively with respect to the cancellation volume.(USP02076059)
$$ Electrical systems may suffer from arcing between parts of the system at different voltages or between a part of the system and earth.(USP02053914)
$$ Transmitting e-mail type messages to satellite decoders with smart cards does not suffer from this weakness. / スマート・カードでEメール・タイプのメッセージを衛星放送用デコーダに送信すると、この弱点がない。(USP02042917)
$$ This and other early apparatus suffered from the difficulty that the pinhole aperture was required to be very small for optimum confocal operation. / これおよびその他の初期の装置は、最適な共焦点動作のためにピンホール開口が非常に小さいことが要求されるという困難性を有した。(USP6429967)
$$ suffer (for):to experice pain, difficulty, or loss.
$$ suffer:to experience or have to deal with (something painful or unpleasant)
$$ suffer from sth to experience (something unpleasant, such as illness), esp. over a long period of time or habitually.
$$ ...those encoders which will suffer the least reduction in quality by operating at a lower rate.(USP5761634)
$$ In the client/server approach, moreover, performance suffers greatly because...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, real-time performance severely suffers in prior art client/server models since approval to act upon and manipulate objects...(USP5748618)
$$ Thus, prior art conferencing systems suffer from severe performance difficulties caused by the amount of data which may be transmitted within the system during a teleconference.(USP5748618)
$$ Furthermore, these methods suffer from other disadvantages.(USP5633993) / さらに、これらの方法は他の不利益を受ける。
$$ To open such a barrier enclosure a single tear strip or other line of separation would suffice, at the front of the pack; / そのようなバリア包装を開けるには、パックの前部における、ただ1つの引裂ストリップまたは他の分割ラインで十分である。(USP6000539)
$$ Where smaller displacements are required a shorter curve suffices, for example a circle or an arc of a circle. / 小さい変位が必要な場合は、短い曲線で十分であり、たとえば、円や円弧である。(USP6833656)
$$ Suffice to say, however, the objective of the control system is to balance the gas and air pressures and flows to the burner 10, to maintain the desired stoichiometry when turning down the burner using the air control valve. / ただ下記の説明で十分であろう。即ち、制御システムの目的は、バーナー10に対するガスと空気との圧力と流量とをバランスさせて、空気制御弁を用いてバーナーの負荷を下げるとき、所望の化学量論的比率を維持することである。(USP6250913)
$$ A gas pressure of approximately 60 kPa would suffice to provide a gas velocity of 100 ms.sup.-1, and approximately 500 kPa to provide a velocity of 300 ms.sup.-1. / 100ms-1のガス速度を生じるには約60kPaのガス圧、そして300ms-1のガス速度を生じるには約500kPaのガス圧で十分と思われる。(USP01020503)
$$ Alternatively the coil may be formed from 18 SWG (1.2 mm) dual coat polyester copper wire, in which case about 11 layers each of 26 turns suffice, making a total of 286 turns with an approximate d.c. resistance of 1.07 Ω. / 代替的にはコイルは、18 SWG(1.2mm)、ポリエステル二重被覆の銅線から形成され、この場合には一層当たり26巻きで約11層で十分であるが、総巻き数286巻き、おおよその直流抵抗が1.07Ωであるコイルが形成される。(USP6190517)
$$ If the transducers are driven in a bipolar manner as described above then 128 transducers will suffice. (USP6373955)
$$ To open such a barrier enclosure a single tear strip or other line of separation would suffice, at the front of the pack; / そのようなバリア包装を開けるには、パックの前部における、ただ1つの引裂ストリップまたは他の分割ラインで十分である。(USP6000539)
$$ Where smaller displacements are required a shorter curve suffices, for example a circle or an arc of a circle. / 小さい変位が必要な場合は、短い曲線で十分であり、たとえば、円や円弧である。(USP6833656)
$$ Suffice to say, however, the objective of the control system is to balance the gas and air pressures and flows to the burner 10, to maintain the desired stoichiometry when turning down the burner using the air control valve. / ただ下記の説明で十分であろう。即ち、制御システムの目的は、バーナー10に対するガスと空気との圧力と流量とをバランスさせて、空気制御弁を用いてバーナーの負荷を下げるとき、所望の化学量論的比率を維持することである。(USP6250913)
$$ A gas pressure of approximately 60 kPa would suffice to provide a gas velocity of 100 ms.sup.-1, and approximately 500 kPa to provide a velocity of 300 ms.sup.-1. / 100ms-1のガス速度を生じるには約60kPaのガス圧、そして300ms-1のガス速度を生じるには約500kPaのガス圧で十分と思われる。(USP01020503)
$$ Alternatively the coil may be formed from 18 SWG (1.2 mm) dual coat polyester copper wire, in which case about 11 layers each of 26 turns suffice, making a total of 286 turns with an approximate d.c. resistance of 1.07 Ω. / 代替的にはコイルは、18 SWG(1.2mm)、ポリエステル二重被覆の銅線から形成され、この場合には一層当たり26巻きで約11層で十分であるが、総巻き数286巻き、おおよその直流抵抗が1.07Ωであるコイルが形成される。(USP6190517)
$$ If the transducers are driven in a bipolar manner as described above then 128 transducers will suffice. (USP6373955)
$$ If the degree of defocus is sufficient, a good image of object 6 will result. / 焦点ずれの程度が充分であると、物体6の良好な像が結果として生じるであろう。(USP6975457)
$$ For example fragments of sufficient length may be used. (USP6242175)
$$ The coating may take place in multiple stages to build up an adequate thickness for the surface layer to be sufficiently deformable in use. / 被覆は、使用時に十分な変形できるように、表面層に適した厚さを作り上げるために多段階で行われる。(USP6186974)
$$ It is simply sufficient that the information is available. / 情報が利用可能であるということのみが、十分である。(USP6031489)
$$ The temperature of the reactor chamber 21 is kept sufficiently high that the copper chloride vaporises and enters the laser tube 15. / 反応性チャンバ21の温度は、塩化銅が気化してレーザ管15に入り込むのに充分なほど高く保たれている。(USP5339327)
$$ Alternatively, if there is insufficient axial room due to an obstruction 56 inside the rotating equipment, the rotating seal face 53 and sleeve 55 can be positioned axially away from the obstruction 56. (USP7712744)
$$ However, the point at which the pressure generated by the pump becomes insufficient to produce fuel flow to the burners is indeterminate and varies from pump to pump and with fuel specific gravity. (USP7080503)
$$ If the degree of defocus is sufficient, a good image of object 6 will result. / 焦点ずれの程度が充分であると、物体6の良好な像が結果として生じるであろう。(USP6975457)
$$ For example fragments of sufficient length may be used. (USP6242175)
$$ The coating may take place in multiple stages to build up an adequate thickness for the surface layer to be sufficiently deformable in use. / 被覆は、使用時に十分な変形できるように、表面層に適した厚さを作り上げるために多段階で行われる。(USP6186974)
$$ It is simply sufficient that the information is available. / 情報が利用可能であるということのみが、十分である。(USP6031489)
$$ The temperature of the reactor chamber 21 is kept sufficiently high that the copper chloride vaporises and enters the laser tube 15. / 反応性チャンバ21の温度は、塩化銅が気化してレーザ管15に入り込むのに充分なほど高く保たれている。(USP5339327)
$$ Alternatively, if there is insufficient axial room due to an obstruction 56 inside the rotating equipment, the rotating seal face 53 and sleeve 55 can be positioned axially away from the obstruction 56. (USP7712744)
$$ However, the point at which the pressure generated by the pump becomes insufficient to produce fuel flow to the burners is indeterminate and varies from pump to pump and with fuel specific gravity. (USP7080503)
$$ The suggested sweep interval is [30 deg; 65 deg]. / 推奨される掃引インターバルは、30°~65°である。(USP8366056)
$$ Additionally, it is suggested that using ADFs could well be useful in this case. (USP6810118)
$$ This suggests that carboxymethylation had taken place throughout the whole fibre rather than only in the surface regions. / このことは、カルボキシメチル化が表面領域だけでなく、全体の繊維にわたって起こったことを示唆する。(USP6548730)
$$ If the user determines that the suggested document was truly relevant, then the node may be manually linked to the project. / ・ユーザが提案されたドキュメントが真に関係していたと判断するとき、ノードはプロジェクトに手操作でリンクされる。(USP6424968)
$$ The polymerization period is suggested as 0.5 to 20 hours, preferably 1 to 10 hours. / 重合期間は、0.5~20時間、好ましくは1~10時間と示唆されている。(USP6277932)
$$ These data suggest that Ty1 cDNA accumulates increased levels of DNA nicks in the absence of Ku and/or displays 3' to 5' degradation of the cDNA ends. / これらのデーターが示すところによれば、Ty1 cDNAは、Kuの不存在下で増加したレベルのDNAニックを蓄積し、そして/又はcDNA末端の3’から5’への分解を生じさせる。(USP6242175)
$$ It has also been suggested to provide GFIs with other means of controlling internal flow resistance, rather than rely upon bleb resistance alone. / また、ブレブ抵抗だけでなくその他の内部流量抵抗の管理手段をGFIに設けることも提案されている。(USP6186974)
$$ Note this suggests one gateway agent per network interface. / これはネットワークインターフェイスごとに1つのゲートウェイエイジェントであることを示唆するものであることに留意すべきである。(USP6151309)
$$ These results suggest that the peptide derived from AChE, specified in the invention, could be responsible for this effect. / これらの結果は本発明で特定されるAChE由来のペプチドがこの効果の原因であり得るということを示唆する。(USP02054870)
$$ Several studies have suggested that bisphosphonates affect osteoclasts and other cells by interfering with cellular metabolism. (USP02035058)
$$ The invention is suited for growth of crystals comprising any compounds which are capable of being sublimed, having a significant vapour pressure below their melting point. / 本発明は、昇華され得る化合物を含む結晶の成長に好適で、結晶の融点より下で、かなりの蒸気圧を有する。(USP6375739)
$$ The dimensions and exact form of the tape, the minor curve and the major curve can be whatever is best suited to the purpose of the device. / テープの寸法および正確な形態、小曲線、および大曲線は、このデバイスの目的に最もよく適しているものとすることができる。(USP6833656)
$$ First, since a single correction is applied for the entire conversation it is poorly suited to conversations in which the distortion varies rapidly. / 第1に、単一の修正を全体の会話に対して利用するため、歪みが素早く変化する会話にはあまり適さないことである。(USP6671666)
$$ This topology is most suited to a relatively small number of nodes 2, for example when N is less than 10. / このトボロジは、例えばNが10を下回る、相対的に少ない数のノード2にもっとも適している。(USP6553020)
$$ The method of the invention is well suited to online dynamic channel allocation. / 本発明の方法は、オンラインダイナミックチャンネル割り当てによく適している。(USP6539228)
$$ The invention is suited for growth of crystals comprising any compounds which are capable of being sublimed, having a significant vapour pressure below their melting point. / 本発明は、昇華され得る化合物を含む結晶の成長に好適で、結晶の融点より下で、かなりの蒸気圧を有する。(USP6375739)
$$ The dimensions and exact form of the tape, the minor curve and the major curve can be whatever is best suited to the purpose of the device. / テープの寸法および正確な形態、小曲線、および大曲線は、このデバイスの目的に最もよく適しているものとすることができる。(USP6833656)
$$ First, since a single correction is applied for the entire conversation it is poorly suited to conversations in which the distortion varies rapidly. / 第1に、単一の修正を全体の会話に対して利用するため、歪みが素早く変化する会話にはあまり適さないことである。(USP6671666)
$$ This topology is most suited to a relatively small number of nodes 2, for example when N is less than 10. / このトボロジは、例えばNが10を下回る、相対的に少ない数のノード2にもっとも適している。(USP6553020)
$$ The method of the invention is well suited to online dynamic channel allocation. / 本発明の方法は、オンラインダイナミックチャンネル割り当てによく適している。(USP6539228)
タグ :SUIT
$$ Certain types of information content are inherently more suitable for circuit-switching, and others are more suited to packet-switching. / 一定のタイプの情報内容は本質的に回路交換方式により適していて、他のタイプの情報はパケット交換方式により適している。(USP6584098)
$$ The apparatus may employ other suitable means for producing dissociation within the laser tube 1 and subsequent excitation of the metal vapour. / この装置は、他の適当な手段を用いて、レーザ管1内部における解離とそれに続く金属蒸気の励起を作り出すこともできる。(USP5339327)
$$ The outlet duct 5 may alternatively be of a suitable shape for oral insertion. (USP4969578)
$$ A catalyst comprising a mixture of noble metals and appropriate metallic compounds is particularly suitable. / 貴金属と適当な金属化合物との混合物を含有する触媒が特に適当である。(USP5436086)
$$ Any form of motor can be used but in particular DC electric motors are particularly suitable as are electric stepper motors. (USP02074809)
$$ The E1/T1 module terminates a number of digital trunk or ISDN PRA systems and adapts them to a form suitable for processing by the AVJ. / E1/T1モジュールは多数のディジタルトランク又はISDN PRA(主アクセスインタフェース)を終端し、AVJ装置による処理に適する形式に適合させる。(USP6222843)
$$ FIGS. 3a and 3b are enlarged sectional views of a platen for use in the apparatus of FIG. 1 or FIG. 2, the former being suitable for a single wafer whilst the latter is suitable for a batch of wafers; and...(USP6458239)
$$ If, however it is valid, the data is converted in step 92 into data which is suitable for display in step 94 on the display means. / 有効である場合、データはステップ92において、ステップ94におけるディスプレイメニュー上での表示に適切であるデータに変換される。(USP5537605)
$$ The triggering circuit is suitable for use in any MTU's. / このトリガ回路はどのようなMPUに対しても適切に使用することが可能である。(USP5418834)
$$ Unfortunately, the two-dimensional Guassian model is computationally intensive and thus unsuitable for inexpensive real-time systems. / 残念ながら、この2次元グァスモデル(Guassian model)は計算量が莫大で、リアルタイムシステムを安価にするには適していない。(USP6148092)
$$ Certain types of information content are inherently more suitable for circuit-switching, and others are more suited to packet-switching. / 一定のタイプの情報内容は本質的に回路交換方式により適していて、他のタイプの情報はパケット交換方式により適している。(USP6584098)
$$ The apparatus may employ other suitable means for producing dissociation within the laser tube 1 and subsequent excitation of the metal vapour. / この装置は、他の適当な手段を用いて、レーザ管1内部における解離とそれに続く金属蒸気の励起を作り出すこともできる。(USP5339327)
$$ The outlet duct 5 may alternatively be of a suitable shape for oral insertion. (USP4969578)
$$ A catalyst comprising a mixture of noble metals and appropriate metallic compounds is particularly suitable. / 貴金属と適当な金属化合物との混合物を含有する触媒が特に適当である。(USP5436086)
$$ Any form of motor can be used but in particular DC electric motors are particularly suitable as are electric stepper motors. (USP02074809)
$$ The E1/T1 module terminates a number of digital trunk or ISDN PRA systems and adapts them to a form suitable for processing by the AVJ. / E1/T1モジュールは多数のディジタルトランク又はISDN PRA(主アクセスインタフェース)を終端し、AVJ装置による処理に適する形式に適合させる。(USP6222843)
$$ FIGS. 3a and 3b are enlarged sectional views of a platen for use in the apparatus of FIG. 1 or FIG. 2, the former being suitable for a single wafer whilst the latter is suitable for a batch of wafers; and...(USP6458239)
$$ If, however it is valid, the data is converted in step 92 into data which is suitable for display in step 94 on the display means. / 有効である場合、データはステップ92において、ステップ94におけるディスプレイメニュー上での表示に適切であるデータに変換される。(USP5537605)
$$ The triggering circuit is suitable for use in any MTU's. / このトリガ回路はどのようなMPUに対しても適切に使用することが可能である。(USP5418834)
$$ Unfortunately, the two-dimensional Guassian model is computationally intensive and thus unsuitable for inexpensive real-time systems. / 残念ながら、この2次元グァスモデル(Guassian model)は計算量が莫大で、リアルタイムシステムを安価にするには適していない。(USP6148092)
$$ The inorganic binder is suitably hydrophobic. / 無機バインダーは、疎水性であるのが好適である。(USP8375959)
$$ Suitably the adhesive may contain a medicament such as an antibacterial agent. / 接着剤は抗菌剤などのような薬剤を含有することも適切である。(USP5968000)
$$ It is not essential for the electrode to be of a metal since electrodes can be made of other electrically-conductive materials, such as, for example, suitably doped semiconductive materials. / 電極は、例えば適当にドープされた半導体材料のような他の導電材料でつくることもできるので、電極の材料は重要でない。(USP5408160)
$$ More preferably, A is monosubstituted and suitably represents a vinyl moiety. / さらに好ましくは、Aは一置換であり、適切にはビニル部分を表す。(USP01019809)
$$ It will be understood that these could be incorporated suitably within the channels themselves (for example in particular if these take the form of pumps, valves, filters or the like) or could be incorporated on a module surface in fluid communication with the channels (23). / これらが経路内で適切に組み込まれることもあり、(特に例えばポンプ、弁、フィルタといった形をとっている場合)、経路(23)とともに流体接続でモジュール上に組み込まれることもあり得ると解釈される。(USP7605002)
$$ Especially, an LED array having a plurality of LEDs is suitably used. / 特に、複数のLEDを有するLEDアレイを好ましく使用することができる。(USP6433483)
$$ In this respect conventional Hormone Replacement Therapy patches may be suitably used for treating wounds and/or fibrotic disorders. / この事項については、慣例のホルモン復活療法パッチを用いて創傷および/または線維性障害を治療するのが適当である。(USP6696433)
$$ The inorganic binder is suitably hydrophobic. / 無機バインダーは、疎水性であるのが好適である。(USP8375959)
$$ Suitably the adhesive may contain a medicament such as an antibacterial agent. / 接着剤は抗菌剤などのような薬剤を含有することも適切である。(USP5968000)
$$ It is not essential for the electrode to be of a metal since electrodes can be made of other electrically-conductive materials, such as, for example, suitably doped semiconductive materials. / 電極は、例えば適当にドープされた半導体材料のような他の導電材料でつくることもできるので、電極の材料は重要でない。(USP5408160)
$$ More preferably, A is monosubstituted and suitably represents a vinyl moiety. / さらに好ましくは、Aは一置換であり、適切にはビニル部分を表す。(USP01019809)
$$ It will be understood that these could be incorporated suitably within the channels themselves (for example in particular if these take the form of pumps, valves, filters or the like) or could be incorporated on a module surface in fluid communication with the channels (23). / これらが経路内で適切に組み込まれることもあり、(特に例えばポンプ、弁、フィルタといった形をとっている場合)、経路(23)とともに流体接続でモジュール上に組み込まれることもあり得ると解釈される。(USP7605002)
$$ Especially, an LED array having a plurality of LEDs is suitably used. / 特に、複数のLEDを有するLEDアレイを好ましく使用することができる。(USP6433483)
$$ In this respect conventional Hormone Replacement Therapy patches may be suitably used for treating wounds and/or fibrotic disorders. / この事項については、慣例のホルモン復活療法パッチを用いて創傷および/または線維性障害を治療するのが適当である。(USP6696433)
$$ Separate clock signals for the two encoders are generated in quadrature, and the encoder outputs summed for transmission. / 2つのエンコーダの個別のクロック信号が直角位相で生成され、エンコーダの出力が送信用として総計される。(USP6473469)
$$ In the event that the comparator 12 determines the presence of target material from this summed profile a second activating signal from the comparator 12 is relayed to the alarm 13. / 比較器12がこの加算されたプロファイルからターゲット材料の存在を決定する場合には、比較器12からの第2の作動信号がアラーム13へ中継される。(USP6122344)
$$ TD is the sum of the greyscale pixel values in the neighbourhood...(USP02008881)
$$ If the previous phoneme is a silence phoneme, then the time interval before the vowel mouth shape is set to the sum of half of the vowel duration and half of the silence duration (step 141). / 前のフォニームが無音フォニームであると、そのときは母音の口の形の前の時間間隔が母音継続期間の半分と無音継続期間の半分との和に設定される(段階141)。(USP6208356)
$$ At this point the holding time is added to a sum of holding times for completed calls, and the count of the number of completed calls is incremented. / この点で、保持時間は完了呼の保持時間の和に付加され、完了した呼数のカウントはインクリメントされる。(USP6330313)
$$ The +6/32 threshold is defined by summing 0.8 of the current output of difference amplifier 816a and 0.2 of the current output of difference amplifier 816b, according to the equation 0.8×(7/32)+0.2×(2/32)=6/32. (USP6831507)
$$ Typically step (ii) comprises summing the greyscale pixel value of each pixel in the neighbourhood and determining (B_Pc) from the sum (TD) in accordance with a predetermined algorithm. (USP02008881)
$$ It forms radar receive beams by summing combinations of the digitised signals from the modules 12 in a manner known in the art. / これは、この技術分野で知られている方法でモジュール12からのデジタル化信号の組み合せ加算することによってレーダ受信ビームを形成する。(USP6441783)
$$ In response thereto the edit controller controls the mixer to combine corresponding frames in the two clips, for example in a weighted summing of the frame data. (USP6445874)
$$ The amplifier 176 sums the outputs of the IF mixers 166a and 166b. / 増幅器176はIFミキサ166aと166bの出力を加算する。(USP6441783)
$$ The controller 118 also sums the respective values of Spare for each successive image segment to produce CumSpare. (USP6724817)
$$ Separate clock signals for the two encoders are generated in quadrature, and the encoder outputs summed for transmission. / 2つのエンコーダの個別のクロック信号が直角位相で生成され、エンコーダの出力が送信用として総計される。(USP6473469)
$$ In the event that the comparator 12 determines the presence of target material from this summed profile a second activating signal from the comparator 12 is relayed to the alarm 13. / 比較器12がこの加算されたプロファイルからターゲット材料の存在を決定する場合には、比較器12からの第2の作動信号がアラーム13へ中継される。(USP6122344)
$$ TD is the sum of the greyscale pixel values in the neighbourhood...(USP02008881)
$$ If the previous phoneme is a silence phoneme, then the time interval before the vowel mouth shape is set to the sum of half of the vowel duration and half of the silence duration (step 141). / 前のフォニームが無音フォニームであると、そのときは母音の口の形の前の時間間隔が母音継続期間の半分と無音継続期間の半分との和に設定される(段階141)。(USP6208356)
$$ At this point the holding time is added to a sum of holding times for completed calls, and the count of the number of completed calls is incremented. / この点で、保持時間は完了呼の保持時間の和に付加され、完了した呼数のカウントはインクリメントされる。(USP6330313)
$$ The +6/32 threshold is defined by summing 0.8 of the current output of difference amplifier 816a and 0.2 of the current output of difference amplifier 816b, according to the equation 0.8×(7/32)+0.2×(2/32)=6/32. (USP6831507)
$$ Typically step (ii) comprises summing the greyscale pixel value of each pixel in the neighbourhood and determining (B_Pc) from the sum (TD) in accordance with a predetermined algorithm. (USP02008881)
$$ It forms radar receive beams by summing combinations of the digitised signals from the modules 12 in a manner known in the art. / これは、この技術分野で知られている方法でモジュール12からのデジタル化信号の組み合せ加算することによってレーダ受信ビームを形成する。(USP6441783)
$$ In response thereto the edit controller controls the mixer to combine corresponding frames in the two clips, for example in a weighted summing of the frame data. (USP6445874)
$$ The amplifier 176 sums the outputs of the IF mixers 166a and 166b. / 増幅器176はIFミキサ166aと166bの出力を加算する。(USP6441783)
$$ The controller 118 also sums the respective values of Spare for each successive image segment to produce CumSpare. (USP6724817)
$$ The RF unit 66 is connected to an analogue card (AN) 68 which performs A-D/D-A conversions, baseband filtering and the vector summation of the various transmitted signals from the modem cards (MCs) 70. / RFユニット66は、AD/DA変換やベースバンド・フィルタリングに加え、モデム・カード(MC)70からの多様な送信信号のベクトル合計を行なうアナログ・カード(AN)68に接続される。(USP02018462)
$$ Beamforming is carried out by computer control of the IF phase together with, in the case of reception, analogue or digital summation of output signals from an array of modules (12). / ビーム形成は、受信時にはモジュール(12)のアレイからの出力信号のアナログまたはデジタル加算を伴う、IF位相のコンピュータ制御により実行される。(USP6441783)
$$ Energy summations for the subareas and generally will give required information. (USP6332029)
$$ A partial coherent summation (25 trace window) of the analytic signal was performed to give the migrated value. (USP5260911)
$$ Details of the initialization and gating to pass the final contents of the summation buffer memories on to the divide boxes are not shown. (USP6263095)
$$ However, scheme (B) is, in fact, an idealised summation of several reactions which occur in practice. / しかし、式(B)は実は実際に起るいくつかの反応を理想的に合計したものである。(USP5436086)
$$ The RF unit 66 is connected to an analogue card (AN) 68 which performs A-D/D-A conversions, baseband filtering and the vector summation of the various transmitted signals from the modem cards (MCs) 70. / RFユニット66は、AD/DA変換やベースバンド・フィルタリングに加え、モデム・カード(MC)70からの多様な送信信号のベクトル合計を行なうアナログ・カード(AN)68に接続される。(USP02018462)
$$ Beamforming is carried out by computer control of the IF phase together with, in the case of reception, analogue or digital summation of output signals from an array of modules (12). / ビーム形成は、受信時にはモジュール(12)のアレイからの出力信号のアナログまたはデジタル加算を伴う、IF位相のコンピュータ制御により実行される。(USP6441783)
$$ Energy summations for the subareas and generally will give required information. (USP6332029)
$$ A partial coherent summation (25 trace window) of the analytic signal was performed to give the migrated value. (USP5260911)
$$ Details of the initialization and gating to pass the final contents of the summation buffer memories on to the divide boxes are not shown. (USP6263095)
$$ However, scheme (B) is, in fact, an idealised summation of several reactions which occur in practice. / しかし、式(B)は実は実際に起るいくつかの反応を理想的に合計したものである。(USP5436086)