$$ The final stage of the technique involves a `sweep` operation in which all areas marked white are released and work is allowed to continue. (USP02029357)
$$ LBSourceOffset is normally zero except during a copy operation where data is read from one address and written to another address. (USP5727192)
$$ This allows a node to continue operation where only its time receiving device fails. (USP02042274)
$$ The present invention relates to circuitry for carrying out a square root operation and a division operation. (USP7167887)
$$ Although the time taken to read out CCD's is too slow (at high framing speed) to allow stored images to be read out in real time, this is not a factor which limits the operation speed. / CCDを読み出すのに使われる時間は高速フレーミング速度でも大変長いので記憶された画像をリアルタイムで読み出すことはできないが、動作速度を制限する要素にはならない。(USP6157409)
$$ They are not executed in normal operation of the prototype. / これらは試作品の通常の動作で実行される。(USP6330313)
$$ ...performing a rename operation for resources stored on the Web server...(USP02046281)
$$ ...subjecting the mathematical operation result to a threshold test using an adjustable threshold signal...(USP5390285) 演算結果;計算結果
$$ These output DMR circuits are identical in structure and operation to the input DMR circuits and each DMR output circuit is connected to 16 output ports 30.(USP5109378)
$$ The intermediate electroform used in Example 1 was subjected to an electropolishing operation to remove a small amount of metal from the front surface.(USP5137617)
$$ For example, when a piece of code requires a semaphore, such as a mutex, e.g., to prevent simultaneous attempts to work on a code to maintain a queue, an operation to insert, and an operation to take out, no operation is carried out until the semaphore is acquired. (USP02029357)
$$ The selection is advantageously performed as a single write operation, i.e., it is atomic.(USP02029357)
$$ In such an arrangement, it would be necessary to perform a check at each place where a return is about to be performed to ensure that it is safe to perform a return operation.(USP02029357)
$$ The support body 24 is secured to an EROWA base fixing 30 having a spigot 32 for releasable fitment to, for example, a machine tool for performing operation on the workpiece 2.(USP02020954)
$$ Referring to FIG. 2, the squeegee holder and squeegee of FIG. 1 is shown in operation.(USP5458060) / 図2を参照して説明すると、図1のスクィージホルダ及びスクィージの作動中の状態が示されている。
$$ Referring to FIG. 6, the squeegee system 115 of the present invention is shown in operation.(USP5458060) / 図6を参照して説明すると、本発明のスクィージ印刷装置115を作動している状態が示されている。
$$ FIG. 2 is an illustration of the prior art squeegee holder in operation.(USP5458060) / 従来のスクィージホルダを作動している状態を示す図である。
$$ When one of the amplifiers is in operation the other is disabled by appropriate biasing. / 増幅器の一方が動作しているとき、他方は適切なバイアスによって非動作となる。(USP6441783)
$$ The second combining means and the weighting means may be configured such that, when the convertor is in operation, a signal at the output of the second combining means consists of the difference between one of the first and second signals proportional to tap currents and substantially twice the other. (USP5532575)
$$ The final stage of the technique involves a `sweep` operation in which all areas marked white are released and work is allowed to continue. (USP02029357)
$$ LBSourceOffset is normally zero except during a copy operation where data is read from one address and written to another address. (USP5727192)
$$ This allows a node to continue operation where only its time receiving device fails. (USP02042274)
$$ The present invention relates to circuitry for carrying out a square root operation and a division operation. (USP7167887)
$$ Although the time taken to read out CCD's is too slow (at high framing speed) to allow stored images to be read out in real time, this is not a factor which limits the operation speed. / CCDを読み出すのに使われる時間は高速フレーミング速度でも大変長いので記憶された画像をリアルタイムで読み出すことはできないが、動作速度を制限する要素にはならない。(USP6157409)
$$ They are not executed in normal operation of the prototype. / これらは試作品の通常の動作で実行される。(USP6330313)
$$ ...performing a rename operation for resources stored on the Web server...(USP02046281)
$$ ...subjecting the mathematical operation result to a threshold test using an adjustable threshold signal...(USP5390285) 演算結果;計算結果
$$ These output DMR circuits are identical in structure and operation to the input DMR circuits and each DMR output circuit is connected to 16 output ports 30.(USP5109378)
$$ The intermediate electroform used in Example 1 was subjected to an electropolishing operation to remove a small amount of metal from the front surface.(USP5137617)
$$ For example, when a piece of code requires a semaphore, such as a mutex, e.g., to prevent simultaneous attempts to work on a code to maintain a queue, an operation to insert, and an operation to take out, no operation is carried out until the semaphore is acquired. (USP02029357)
$$ The selection is advantageously performed as a single write operation, i.e., it is atomic.(USP02029357)
$$ In such an arrangement, it would be necessary to perform a check at each place where a return is about to be performed to ensure that it is safe to perform a return operation.(USP02029357)
$$ The support body 24 is secured to an EROWA base fixing 30 having a spigot 32 for releasable fitment to, for example, a machine tool for performing operation on the workpiece 2.(USP02020954)
$$ Referring to FIG. 2, the squeegee holder and squeegee of FIG. 1 is shown in operation.(USP5458060) / 図2を参照して説明すると、図1のスクィージホルダ及びスクィージの作動中の状態が示されている。
$$ Referring to FIG. 6, the squeegee system 115 of the present invention is shown in operation.(USP5458060) / 図6を参照して説明すると、本発明のスクィージ印刷装置115を作動している状態が示されている。
$$ FIG. 2 is an illustration of the prior art squeegee holder in operation.(USP5458060) / 従来のスクィージホルダを作動している状態を示す図である。
$$ When one of the amplifiers is in operation the other is disabled by appropriate biasing. / 増幅器の一方が動作しているとき、他方は適切なバイアスによって非動作となる。(USP6441783)
$$ The second combining means and the weighting means may be configured such that, when the convertor is in operation, a signal at the output of the second combining means consists of the difference between one of the first and second signals proportional to tap currents and substantially twice the other. (USP5532575)
$$ Block 102 relates to the operation of checking the size 1 hole table, that is the checking of what single frames are not allocated. / ブロック102 はサイズ1のホールテーブルのチェック動作に関連し、すなわちどの単一フレームが割り付けられていないかのチェックである。(USP5412650)
$$ At this point it should be explained that the operation of reading a bar code is performed by the processor 74 in a conventional manner. / ここで、バーコードを読取る動作が、プロセッサ74により通常のように行われることを説明しておくべきである。(USP6058304)
$$ No optical telescope or other imaging system used for confocal function is disturbed or removed by the operation of inserting the unit, so that the confocal function can be restored reproducibly and rapidly. / ユニットを挿入する動作によって光学望遠鏡または共焦点機能に用いられるその他のイメージング手段が妨害または除去されることがないため、共焦点機能を再現性よくかつ迅速に復帰できる。 (USP6429967)
$$ The localbuffer read/write unit controls the operation of GID testing, depth testing and stencil testing. (USP5727192)
$$ The following code describes the operation of comparing an input value against a number of patterns and recording the number of matches. (USP03188138)
$$ DMD 320 is driven by a rotating source 910, synchronized with the operation of spinning of the color disk 902. (USP5940204)
$$ ...or restricting the operation of installing the lamp, compared to if there were no handle present...(USP6682031)
$$ Block 102 relates to the operation of checking the size 1 hole table, that is the checking of what single frames are not allocated. / ブロック102 はサイズ1のホールテーブルのチェック動作に関連し、すなわちどの単一フレームが割り付けられていないかのチェックである。(USP5412650)
$$ At this point it should be explained that the operation of reading a bar code is performed by the processor 74 in a conventional manner. / ここで、バーコードを読取る動作が、プロセッサ74により通常のように行われることを説明しておくべきである。(USP6058304)
$$ No optical telescope or other imaging system used for confocal function is disturbed or removed by the operation of inserting the unit, so that the confocal function can be restored reproducibly and rapidly. / ユニットを挿入する動作によって光学望遠鏡または共焦点機能に用いられるその他のイメージング手段が妨害または除去されることがないため、共焦点機能を再現性よくかつ迅速に復帰できる。 (USP6429967)
$$ The localbuffer read/write unit controls the operation of GID testing, depth testing and stencil testing. (USP5727192)
$$ The following code describes the operation of comparing an input value against a number of patterns and recording the number of matches. (USP03188138)
$$ DMD 320 is driven by a rotating source 910, synchronized with the operation of spinning of the color disk 902. (USP5940204)
$$ ...or restricting the operation of installing the lamp, compared to if there were no handle present...(USP6682031)
$$ Whilst operational the ATM device chain may have its physical configuration altered.(USP6118782)
$$ To reduce this probability to an operationally acceptable level by simply increasing peak capability, results in a low utilization of the switch for much of the time, which is clearly unacceptable. / 単純にピーク容量を増大することにより実用上差し支えのないレベルにまで、この確率を下げることは、多くの期間においてスイッチの低利用という結果を招き到底許容できない。(USP5448559)
$$ If this melting were to occur inside the E-Batch preheater, the batch would stick together and to the metal surfaces of the device, which would render the device non-operational.(USP01008076)
$$ This feature allows cards to be removed or inserted into the apparatus 2 while the system is operational.(USP02000831)
$$ The two high frequency heating sources will interact with each other and, unless care is taken, lead to operational difficulties. / 2つの高周波加熱源は互いに相互作用し、注意しなけれは、操作上の問題を引き起こす。(USP01004075)
$$ Whilst operational the ATM device chain may have its physical configuration altered.(USP6118782)
$$ To reduce this probability to an operationally acceptable level by simply increasing peak capability, results in a low utilization of the switch for much of the time, which is clearly unacceptable. / 単純にピーク容量を増大することにより実用上差し支えのないレベルにまで、この確率を下げることは、多くの期間においてスイッチの低利用という結果を招き到底許容できない。(USP5448559)
$$ If this melting were to occur inside the E-Batch preheater, the batch would stick together and to the metal surfaces of the device, which would render the device non-operational.(USP01008076)
$$ This feature allows cards to be removed or inserted into the apparatus 2 while the system is operational.(USP02000831)
$$ The two high frequency heating sources will interact with each other and, unless care is taken, lead to operational difficulties. / 2つの高周波加熱源は互いに相互作用し、注意しなけれは、操作上の問題を引き起こす。(USP01004075)
$$ The MIS 46 will have access to the database through data views as opposed to physical tables. / MIS46は物理的な表とは反対にデータを観察することによってデータベースにアクセスする。(USP5907602)
$$ However in the case of email, for example, email addresses will form the contact addresses, as opposed to telephone numbers. / しかしながら、例えばeメールの場合、eメールアドレスは電話番号とは全く異なる接触アドレスを形成している。(USP6912270)
$$ This is an example of implicit presentation mark-up that is included in the text itself, as opposed to explicit mark-up elements. / これは明白なマークアップエレメントと反対に、テキスト自体に含まれる明白な提示マークアップの1例である。(USP6772122)
$$ This information is used by the system to imply certain parameters that pertain to the presentation of news stories, as opposed to say, sports stories. / この情報は例えばスポーツの話とは反対にニュースの話に関するあるパラメータを示唆するためにシステムにより使用される。(USP6772122)
$$ There are considerable differences to be borne in mind when imaging thermal wavelengths as opposed to optical photons. / 光学光子とは対照的に、熱波長を写す時、覚えておくべき大きな差異がある。(USP6175113)
$$ A wide screen television may have a format display ratio, for example, of 16 horizontal units and 9 vertical units, as opposed to the traditional television display ratio of 4×3. / ワイドスクリーンテレビジョンは、従来のテレビジョンの画面比4×3に対して、例えば、横16×縦9の画面比を有する。(USP5398074)
$$ The MIS 46 will have access to the database through data views as opposed to physical tables. / MIS46は物理的な表とは反対にデータを観察することによってデータベースにアクセスする。(USP5907602)
$$ However in the case of email, for example, email addresses will form the contact addresses, as opposed to telephone numbers. / しかしながら、例えばeメールの場合、eメールアドレスは電話番号とは全く異なる接触アドレスを形成している。(USP6912270)
$$ This is an example of implicit presentation mark-up that is included in the text itself, as opposed to explicit mark-up elements. / これは明白なマークアップエレメントと反対に、テキスト自体に含まれる明白な提示マークアップの1例である。(USP6772122)
$$ This information is used by the system to imply certain parameters that pertain to the presentation of news stories, as opposed to say, sports stories. / この情報は例えばスポーツの話とは反対にニュースの話に関するあるパラメータを示唆するためにシステムにより使用される。(USP6772122)
$$ There are considerable differences to be borne in mind when imaging thermal wavelengths as opposed to optical photons. / 光学光子とは対照的に、熱波長を写す時、覚えておくべき大きな差異がある。(USP6175113)
$$ A wide screen television may have a format display ratio, for example, of 16 horizontal units and 9 vertical units, as opposed to the traditional television display ratio of 4×3. / ワイドスクリーンテレビジョンは、従来のテレビジョンの画面比4×3に対して、例えば、横16×縦9の画面比を有する。(USP5398074)
"opposed to"はbe動詞に続くことが多いが、名詞に続くこともある
$$ The radially outer surface of the cavity is also of circular section and is opposed to the coaxial radially outer surface of the inertia mass. / キャビティの半径方向に外側の表面もまた円形断面であり、慣性塊の同軸の半径方向に外側の表面に対向している。(USP7584738)
$$ Preferably, two detector mounts are provided, one diametrically opposed to the other with regard to the shaft. (USP6880575)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 14, wherein an electrode is also formed on the channel wall on a surface opposed to the channel-facing surface of the channel wall. (USP6572221)
$$ In a yet further embodiment, said circular polarizer is disposed on the surface of said substrate opposed to said surface on which said light-emitting device is disposed. (USP6211613)
$$ Conveniently the passageway and closure member are of generally cylindrical transverse cross-section and a pair of grooves may be opposed diametrically across the passageway. (USP01025858)
$$ ...a base having two opposed upwardly extending members means attaching the base to the motor housing... (USP5479672)
$$ This is well demonstrated when the proximal end of the forceps jaws are more closely opposed than the tips, in that the effect is seen to move along the length of the jaws during application. (USP02052599)
$$ The x-magnets 17 are opposed along a line in the x-direction, the y-magnets 18 are opposed along a line in the y-direction. / 双方のx磁石17はx方向の線に沿ってに対向し、各y磁石18はy方向の線に沿って対向している。(USP6611139)
$$ The rotation of the two propulsors is opposed. / 2つの推進器の回転は反対になっている。(USP6332818)
$$ The plate sits on top of the bridge and the bridge-bone is situated on the plate at an angle which is diametrically opposed to the original bridge-bone.(USP5834665)
"opposed to"はbe動詞に続くことが多いが、名詞に続くこともある
$$ The radially outer surface of the cavity is also of circular section and is opposed to the coaxial radially outer surface of the inertia mass. / キャビティの半径方向に外側の表面もまた円形断面であり、慣性塊の同軸の半径方向に外側の表面に対向している。(USP7584738)
$$ Preferably, two detector mounts are provided, one diametrically opposed to the other with regard to the shaft. (USP6880575)
$$ Apparatus according to claim 14, wherein an electrode is also formed on the channel wall on a surface opposed to the channel-facing surface of the channel wall. (USP6572221)
$$ In a yet further embodiment, said circular polarizer is disposed on the surface of said substrate opposed to said surface on which said light-emitting device is disposed. (USP6211613)
$$ Conveniently the passageway and closure member are of generally cylindrical transverse cross-section and a pair of grooves may be opposed diametrically across the passageway. (USP01025858)
$$ ...a base having two opposed upwardly extending members means attaching the base to the motor housing... (USP5479672)
$$ This is well demonstrated when the proximal end of the forceps jaws are more closely opposed than the tips, in that the effect is seen to move along the length of the jaws during application. (USP02052599)
$$ The x-magnets 17 are opposed along a line in the x-direction, the y-magnets 18 are opposed along a line in the y-direction. / 双方のx磁石17はx方向の線に沿ってに対向し、各y磁石18はy方向の線に沿って対向している。(USP6611139)
$$ The rotation of the two propulsors is opposed. / 2つの推進器の回転は反対になっている。(USP6332818)
$$ The plate sits on top of the bridge and the bridge-bone is situated on the plate at an angle which is diametrically opposed to the original bridge-bone.(USP5834665)
$$ Suitably there are two airways, preferably arranged opposite to one another. (USP6981337)
$$ The pins are diametrically opposite to one another. (USP6598724): 直径方向に対向している(向き合っている)
$$ The poles of outer magnet and inner magnet facing the gap are required to be opposite to each other as well as the poles of the magnets having the same radial positions but located on opposite sides of the gap. (USP6304015)
$$ Conveniently, the return electrode is formed with a hood-like extension which extends over the surface of the insulation member which is opposite the cut-out. (USP6780180)
$$ For clarity, the pairs of connections to the transmission-line 15 are shown slightly offset, though they would typically be opposite each other in practice. / 明確化のために、伝送線15への1対の接続部は、多少ずらして示しているが、これらは通常実際には互いに対向している。(USP6816020)
$$ With the hub of each propeller disposed opposite its respective convex hull projection this arrangement is increases the area swept out by the propeller underwater. / 対応する凸状船殻突起に対向して配置された各プロペラのハブによれば、この構成は上記プロペラにより水中で掃引される面積を増加させる。(USP6332818)
$$ The apparatus according to claim 3, wherein said side wall is opposite a side of said chamber containing a door. / 前記側壁が、扉を含むチャンバ壁の反対側であることを特徴とする請求項3に記載の装置。(USP6028315)
$$ Opposite the second aperture 37 there is an upstanding guide pin 38 that projects into a guide track 39 formed as a groove on the underside of the pallet 34. / 第2の開口37の反対側には、パレット34の下側に溝として形成されたガイド・トラック39内へ突出する直立のガイド・ピン38がある。(USP6692213)
$$ The assembly is moved by an actuator 705 disposed at the end of the housing 704 opposite the nose N. / アセンブリーは、ノーズNの反対側のハウジング704の端に配置されたアクチュエーター705によって移動される。(USP6692213)
$$ The balloon may have an inflatable region that is generally flat and may include a valve assembly disposed in an opposite end of the inflatable balloon. (USP02005202)
$$ It will be appreciated that each vane has a first face 34 which is substantially flat (see FIG. 8) and an opposite face 36 which has a radially extending channel formed therein (see FIG. 5). (USP6358154)
$$ Clearly, each half of the bi-directional transient suppressor shown in FIG. 2I is processed in an opposite respect to enable the required device to be fabricated. / 明らかなように、図10に示された双方向性過渡サプレッサの各半分は、製造することが要求されているデバイスを実現するように、互いに逆なように処理されている。(USP5429953)
$$ FIG. 4 represents a top view of a three magnetron apparatus where the central magnetic means 6 has an opposite polarity to that of the outer magnetic means 5 of the magnetrons 3. / 図4は、3マグネトロン装置の上面図であり、中央磁気手段6が、マグネトロン3の外側磁気手段5とは反対の極性を有する。(USP6383565)
$$ In operation of the sensor 50, the np junction 110 is reverse biased, and the sensor 10 functions with bias current flowing between an opposite pair of contacts 16a/16c, the positive contact being excluding. / センサ50の動作の際、np_接合110には逆バイアスがかけられ、センサ10は、対向する接触16a/16c対の間を流れ、正の接触が排他的であるバイアス電流で機能する。(USP6809514)
$$ The peaks 368 curve around the major axes 367 in an opposite sense from the troughs 369, so displacement of the upslopes is in an opposite direction from displacement of the downslopes. / ピーク368はトラフ369から反対の向きで長軸367を中心に曲線を描き、上り坂の変位は下り坂の変位から反対方向になる。(USP6833656)
$$ At an opposite point, the lock member has two ratchet teeth 166.(USP6598724)
$$ It is opposite both in principle and in action. (USP7564984)
$$ Suitably there are two airways, preferably arranged opposite to one another. (USP6981337)
$$ The pins are diametrically opposite to one another. (USP6598724): 直径方向に対向している(向き合っている)
$$ The poles of outer magnet and inner magnet facing the gap are required to be opposite to each other as well as the poles of the magnets having the same radial positions but located on opposite sides of the gap. (USP6304015)
$$ Conveniently, the return electrode is formed with a hood-like extension which extends over the surface of the insulation member which is opposite the cut-out. (USP6780180)
$$ For clarity, the pairs of connections to the transmission-line 15 are shown slightly offset, though they would typically be opposite each other in practice. / 明確化のために、伝送線15への1対の接続部は、多少ずらして示しているが、これらは通常実際には互いに対向している。(USP6816020)
$$ With the hub of each propeller disposed opposite its respective convex hull projection this arrangement is increases the area swept out by the propeller underwater. / 対応する凸状船殻突起に対向して配置された各プロペラのハブによれば、この構成は上記プロペラにより水中で掃引される面積を増加させる。(USP6332818)
$$ The apparatus according to claim 3, wherein said side wall is opposite a side of said chamber containing a door. / 前記側壁が、扉を含むチャンバ壁の反対側であることを特徴とする請求項3に記載の装置。(USP6028315)
$$ Opposite the second aperture 37 there is an upstanding guide pin 38 that projects into a guide track 39 formed as a groove on the underside of the pallet 34. / 第2の開口37の反対側には、パレット34の下側に溝として形成されたガイド・トラック39内へ突出する直立のガイド・ピン38がある。(USP6692213)
$$ The assembly is moved by an actuator 705 disposed at the end of the housing 704 opposite the nose N. / アセンブリーは、ノーズNの反対側のハウジング704の端に配置されたアクチュエーター705によって移動される。(USP6692213)
$$ The balloon may have an inflatable region that is generally flat and may include a valve assembly disposed in an opposite end of the inflatable balloon. (USP02005202)
$$ It will be appreciated that each vane has a first face 34 which is substantially flat (see FIG. 8) and an opposite face 36 which has a radially extending channel formed therein (see FIG. 5). (USP6358154)
$$ Clearly, each half of the bi-directional transient suppressor shown in FIG. 2I is processed in an opposite respect to enable the required device to be fabricated. / 明らかなように、図10に示された双方向性過渡サプレッサの各半分は、製造することが要求されているデバイスを実現するように、互いに逆なように処理されている。(USP5429953)
$$ FIG. 4 represents a top view of a three magnetron apparatus where the central magnetic means 6 has an opposite polarity to that of the outer magnetic means 5 of the magnetrons 3. / 図4は、3マグネトロン装置の上面図であり、中央磁気手段6が、マグネトロン3の外側磁気手段5とは反対の極性を有する。(USP6383565)
$$ In operation of the sensor 50, the np junction 110 is reverse biased, and the sensor 10 functions with bias current flowing between an opposite pair of contacts 16a/16c, the positive contact being excluding. / センサ50の動作の際、np_接合110には逆バイアスがかけられ、センサ10は、対向する接触16a/16c対の間を流れ、正の接触が排他的であるバイアス電流で機能する。(USP6809514)
$$ The peaks 368 curve around the major axes 367 in an opposite sense from the troughs 369, so displacement of the upslopes is in an opposite direction from displacement of the downslopes. / ピーク368はトラフ369から反対の向きで長軸367を中心に曲線を描き、上り坂の変位は下り坂の変位から反対方向になる。(USP6833656)
$$ At an opposite point, the lock member has two ratchet teeth 166.(USP6598724)
$$ It is opposite both in principle and in action. (USP7564984)
$$ FIG. 3 shows the opposite side of the rib to the side shown in FIG. 2. / 図3は、図2で示される側とは反対側のリブを示す。(USP8186622)
$$ A valve according to claim 9, further comprising a second body portion on the opposite side of the membrane to the first body portion. / 前記薄膜に関して第1本体部とは反対側に設けられた第2本体部を更に有していることを特徴とする請求項9記載のバルブ。(USP8048041)
$$ In circumstances in which excess rivets are supplied to a magazine the rivets back up to the delivery tube on the opposite side of the docking station to the magazine. / 過剰なリベットがマガジンに提供された場合には、リベットは、マガジンに対してドッキングステーションの反対側の搬送チューブへと戻る。(USP8047416)
$$ Actuator channels are then sawn in the opposite side of the wafer in a direction perpendicular to the channel 3, as shown in FIG. 4. / 図4に示されるように、それからアクチュエーター流路がウエーハーの反対側に流路3と垂直方向に取り付けられる。(USP8052252)
$$ A similar effect will occur from the nozzles on the opposite side of the power plant. / 同様の作用が、その送風機の反対側にあるノズルからも生ずる。(USP7581381)
$$ The engine may be disposed on the opposite side of the loader arm longitudinal axis to the cab. (USP5836733)
$$ A third, arcuate edge 17, that optionally is also sharpened, extends between the second edge 16 and the base portion 13b, on the opposite side of blade 13 to edge 14. (USP02017040)
$$ On the opposite side of each wall 211A, 211B is a recess 212A, 212B in the exterior surface of the housing. (USP01025858)
$$ FIG. 3 shows the opposite side of the rib to the side shown in FIG. 2. / 図3は、図2で示される側とは反対側のリブを示す。(USP8186622)
$$ A valve according to claim 9, further comprising a second body portion on the opposite side of the membrane to the first body portion. / 前記薄膜に関して第1本体部とは反対側に設けられた第2本体部を更に有していることを特徴とする請求項9記載のバルブ。(USP8048041)
$$ In circumstances in which excess rivets are supplied to a magazine the rivets back up to the delivery tube on the opposite side of the docking station to the magazine. / 過剰なリベットがマガジンに提供された場合には、リベットは、マガジンに対してドッキングステーションの反対側の搬送チューブへと戻る。(USP8047416)
$$ Actuator channels are then sawn in the opposite side of the wafer in a direction perpendicular to the channel 3, as shown in FIG. 4. / 図4に示されるように、それからアクチュエーター流路がウエーハーの反対側に流路3と垂直方向に取り付けられる。(USP8052252)
$$ A similar effect will occur from the nozzles on the opposite side of the power plant. / 同様の作用が、その送風機の反対側にあるノズルからも生ずる。(USP7581381)
$$ The engine may be disposed on the opposite side of the loader arm longitudinal axis to the cab. (USP5836733)
$$ A third, arcuate edge 17, that optionally is also sharpened, extends between the second edge 16 and the base portion 13b, on the opposite side of blade 13 to edge 14. (USP02017040)
$$ On the opposite side of each wall 211A, 211B is a recess 212A, 212B in the exterior surface of the housing. (USP01025858)
$$ This route will be locally optimal. / このルートは、局所的に最適である。(USP8249810)
$$ The Kalman gain is now optimal only for instances where the measurement vector is complete. / カルマンゲインは、測定ベクトルが完了する例に関してだけに最適である。(USP7029172)
$$ This representation may yield the optimal visual perception. / この表現により、最適の視覚的な検出をもたらすことができる。(USP7643670)
$$ Triple helix-formation optimally results in a shut-off of RNA transcription from DNA. / 最適には、三重鎖ヘリックス形成によって、DNAからのRNA転写が停止する。(USP7615210)
$$ The optimal solution will be one where all the specifications are equally well met. (USP7639077)
$$ In addition, in vitro assays may optionally be employed to help identify optimal dosage ranges. (USP7304129)
$$ The best pH range for the nitrification process has been discovered to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and optimally between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)
$$ The centroid condition describes the optimal decoder given a fixed encoder. (USP6990246)
$$ The new resulting spanning tree 310 formed may no longer be optimal. (USP6396815)
$$ This route will be locally optimal. / このルートは、局所的に最適である。(USP8249810)
$$ The Kalman gain is now optimal only for instances where the measurement vector is complete. / カルマンゲインは、測定ベクトルが完了する例に関してだけに最適である。(USP7029172)
$$ This representation may yield the optimal visual perception. / この表現により、最適の視覚的な検出をもたらすことができる。(USP7643670)
$$ Triple helix-formation optimally results in a shut-off of RNA transcription from DNA. / 最適には、三重鎖ヘリックス形成によって、DNAからのRNA転写が停止する。(USP7615210)
$$ The optimal solution will be one where all the specifications are equally well met. (USP7639077)
$$ In addition, in vitro assays may optionally be employed to help identify optimal dosage ranges. (USP7304129)
$$ The best pH range for the nitrification process has been discovered to be between 7.5 and 8.5, and optimally between 7.8 and 8.0. (USP6572773)
$$ The centroid condition describes the optimal decoder given a fixed encoder. (USP6990246)
$$ The new resulting spanning tree 310 formed may no longer be optimal. (USP6396815)
$$ This would be optimized on the basis of a specific application. / これは、特定の用途に応じて最適化されうる。(USP8261739)
$$ This is optimised by adjusting the orientation of prism (14). (USP6700698)
$$ As shall be seen below, the system of this invention is optimized to allow linked object instances to be seen and navigated between via links or relationships. (USP6189012)
$$ None of the prior art reveals a means that is scaleable or optimized for navigation of knowledge when the number of items of data and information as well as the number and variety of links between them is very large. (USP6189012)
$$ This has the advantage of allowing the feel of the club to be optimised following an adjustment to the loft./ このことは、ロフトの調整に従ってクラブの感触を最適化できるという利点を有する。(USP6110055)
$$ Synthesis is an automated mechanism to generate an optimised gate-level representation from a VHDL description. / 論理合成とは、VHDL記述から最適なゲート-レベル表現を創出するための自動化されたメカニズムである。(USP6269455)
$$ The blade can operate at a high constant value of U and the blade angle β can be optimised to give optimum thrust under any desired design condition. / 翼は高い一定値のUで作動することができ、翼の角度βは如何なる所望の設計条件下でも最適の推力を得るように最適化することができる。(USP6332818)
$$ Both systems are optimised for 80 knots maximum speed. / 両システムは、80ノットの最大速度に対して最適化されている。(USP6332818)
$$ Although the traditional telephone network can be used for carrying computer-generated pulses, by use of a modem 11, it is not optimised for such use. / 従来の電話ネットワークは、モデム11を使用することによってコンピュータ生成パルスを伝えるのに使用できるが、このような使用に対して最適化されていない。(USP6584098)
$$ This would be optimized on the basis of a specific application. / これは、特定の用途に応じて最適化されうる。(USP8261739)
$$ This is optimised by adjusting the orientation of prism (14). (USP6700698)
$$ As shall be seen below, the system of this invention is optimized to allow linked object instances to be seen and navigated between via links or relationships. (USP6189012)
$$ None of the prior art reveals a means that is scaleable or optimized for navigation of knowledge when the number of items of data and information as well as the number and variety of links between them is very large. (USP6189012)
$$ This has the advantage of allowing the feel of the club to be optimised following an adjustment to the loft./ このことは、ロフトの調整に従ってクラブの感触を最適化できるという利点を有する。(USP6110055)
$$ Synthesis is an automated mechanism to generate an optimised gate-level representation from a VHDL description. / 論理合成とは、VHDL記述から最適なゲート-レベル表現を創出するための自動化されたメカニズムである。(USP6269455)
$$ The blade can operate at a high constant value of U and the blade angle β can be optimised to give optimum thrust under any desired design condition. / 翼は高い一定値のUで作動することができ、翼の角度βは如何なる所望の設計条件下でも最適の推力を得るように最適化することができる。(USP6332818)
$$ Both systems are optimised for 80 knots maximum speed. / 両システムは、80ノットの最大速度に対して最適化されている。(USP6332818)
$$ Although the traditional telephone network can be used for carrying computer-generated pulses, by use of a modem 11, it is not optimised for such use. / 従来の電話ネットワークは、モデム11を使用することによってコンピュータ生成パルスを伝えるのに使用できるが、このような使用に対して最適化されていない。(USP6584098)
OPTION 選択肢、任意
OPTION 選択肢、任意
RT: any, arbitrary
$$ Optionally, the states are grouped in parallel. / 場合によっては、状態は並列にグループ化される。(USP8374876)
$$ This provides the user with options other than actuation of keys for answering and terminating calls. / これは、コールに応答しそしてコールを終了させるためのキー操作以外の選択肢をユーザに与える。(USP6282436)
$$ Preferably, optional substituents of said group A are selected from optionally-substituted alkyl, alkoxy and phenyl groups. / 好ましくは、前記の基Aの任意の置換基は、任意に置換されたアルキル、アルコキシ及びフェニル基から選択される。(USP01019809)
$$ The electroconductive coating may optionally include other components in addition to those discussed above. / 導電性被覆は上述の成分に加えて、所望により更にその他の成分を含むことができる。(USP5364511)
$$ The various options for coating or filling doughnuts are well known to those skilled in the art.(USP01031300)
$$ Alternatively, each beverage option may have a code which is keyed into the apparatus to give the appropriate start signal.(USP01025858)
$$ Heat sink 86 may be provided at its top with optional spacers 64.(USP01022495)
$$ A fifth objective is to provide a tool capable of optional disassembly for compact storage purposes.(USP01020403)
$$ The Input stage 2I can optionally have the facilities to allow a modem 3M to be connected to the apparatus 2.(USP02000831)
OPTION 選択肢、任意
RT: any, arbitrary
$$ Optionally, the states are grouped in parallel. / 場合によっては、状態は並列にグループ化される。(USP8374876)
$$ This provides the user with options other than actuation of keys for answering and terminating calls. / これは、コールに応答しそしてコールを終了させるためのキー操作以外の選択肢をユーザに与える。(USP6282436)
$$ Preferably, optional substituents of said group A are selected from optionally-substituted alkyl, alkoxy and phenyl groups. / 好ましくは、前記の基Aの任意の置換基は、任意に置換されたアルキル、アルコキシ及びフェニル基から選択される。(USP01019809)
$$ The electroconductive coating may optionally include other components in addition to those discussed above. / 導電性被覆は上述の成分に加えて、所望により更にその他の成分を含むことができる。(USP5364511)
$$ The various options for coating or filling doughnuts are well known to those skilled in the art.(USP01031300)
$$ Alternatively, each beverage option may have a code which is keyed into the apparatus to give the appropriate start signal.(USP01025858)
$$ Heat sink 86 may be provided at its top with optional spacers 64.(USP01022495)
$$ A fifth objective is to provide a tool capable of optional disassembly for compact storage purposes.(USP01020403)
$$ The Input stage 2I can optionally have the facilities to allow a modem 3M to be connected to the apparatus 2.(USP02000831)
OR SO ~ぐらい
OR SO ~ぐらい
$$ For example, for a public address speaker the line (and hence the length of the panel) should be at least 40 cm long, giving a
lowest nominal controlled directivity frequency of no more than 850 Hz or so. (USP7564984)
$$ Conventionally, each 120° sector may employ diversity, and be served by a pair of antennas, comprising first and second antenna elements spaced apart from each other by a distance of the order of 2 to 3 meters or so. (USP6167286)
$$ However, on flight sectors with more frequent track changes, the alarm system may be set for 2 minutes or so. (USP4879542)
$$ The delay might be only a millisecond or so, but if there were a very large number of nodes, this delay could rapidly build into significant fractions of a second. / 遅延は、ミリ秒程度にすぎないが、非常に多数のノードがある場合には、この遅延は、秒の重要な断片にすばやく組み込まれるだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ As an example, the sidewalls of the mesas could be clad with 300 nm or so of metal, in particular, 30 nm of nickel and 300 nm of gold. / 一例として、各メサの側壁を300nm程度の金属で、とりわけ30nmのニッケルと300nmの金で被覆する。(USP7598149)
$$ For a circular bender of radius a few centimetres, this rotation may be about one degree or so. / 半径が数センチメートルの円形ベンダでは、この回転は約1度程度である。(USP6833656)
$$ In a typical circuit the drive transistor 1 may be of the order of 10000 times or so of the size of the control transistor 5. (USP6778366)
$$ Thus, after a period of twelve hours or so the liner will expand into a close fit within the host pipe. / 従って、12時間ぐらい経った後、ライナーはホストパイプ内に緊密に嵌合するように膨張する。(USP6228312)
$$ In step 2, each of the 300 or so molecules are therefore copied to the working area as a working group. (USP02062307)
OR SO ~ぐらい
$$ For example, for a public address speaker the line (and hence the length of the panel) should be at least 40 cm long, giving a
lowest nominal controlled directivity frequency of no more than 850 Hz or so. (USP7564984)
$$ Conventionally, each 120° sector may employ diversity, and be served by a pair of antennas, comprising first and second antenna elements spaced apart from each other by a distance of the order of 2 to 3 meters or so. (USP6167286)
$$ However, on flight sectors with more frequent track changes, the alarm system may be set for 2 minutes or so. (USP4879542)
$$ The delay might be only a millisecond or so, but if there were a very large number of nodes, this delay could rapidly build into significant fractions of a second. / 遅延は、ミリ秒程度にすぎないが、非常に多数のノードがある場合には、この遅延は、秒の重要な断片にすばやく組み込まれるだろう。(USP6553020)
$$ As an example, the sidewalls of the mesas could be clad with 300 nm or so of metal, in particular, 30 nm of nickel and 300 nm of gold. / 一例として、各メサの側壁を300nm程度の金属で、とりわけ30nmのニッケルと300nmの金で被覆する。(USP7598149)
$$ For a circular bender of radius a few centimetres, this rotation may be about one degree or so. / 半径が数センチメートルの円形ベンダでは、この回転は約1度程度である。(USP6833656)
$$ In a typical circuit the drive transistor 1 may be of the order of 10000 times or so of the size of the control transistor 5. (USP6778366)
$$ Thus, after a period of twelve hours or so the liner will expand into a close fit within the host pipe. / 従って、12時間ぐらい経った後、ライナーはホストパイプ内に緊密に嵌合するように膨張する。(USP6228312)
$$ In step 2, each of the 300 or so molecules are therefore copied to the working area as a working group. (USP02062307)
ORDER 等級、クラス ~台、程度;注文
ORDER 等級、クラス ~台、程度;注文
$$ The operating frequency of the first and third switches is typically in the order of several tens of kHz, whereas the frequency of the AC input supply may be typically of the order of 50 Hz. (USP5942884)
$$ The cycle time is of the order of a few seconds. / 一回の処理時間は数秒である。(USP6028315)
$$ A gap of the order of 0.1 mm is achieved in the present device between the keys and second layer of the composite: a gap insignificant to the human eye and suitable for assisting in the prevention of lateral rotation of the keys. (USP6965789)
$$ The reactive components of the rectifier circuits 8a, 8b are preferably selected to give relatively long time constants (of the order of 0.3-3 seconds, and preferably around 0.5-1 second) to changes in the volume control signal. (USP6370254)
$$ Moreover, operation of the apparatus 10 does not demand that its control unit 50 perform complex mathematical data processing thereby enabling angular alignment of a wafer mounted on the chuck 40 to be achieved in the order of seconds. (USP6977986) 秒レベルで;秒程度で
$$ Thin responsive coatings (e.g. <50 or <200 microns) will give a rapid detecting response in the order of seconds or minutes. (USP6586723)
$$ Upon cessation of the supply of discharge current to each of the lamps 36, the emitted light decays with a time period of the order of 40 μS. / ランプ36の各々への放電電流の供給を中止したときには、放射される光は、40マイクロ秒のオーダーの時限で減衰する。(USP5434880)
$$ In some millimetre wave imaging systems the input aperture may be of the order of 1 m in diameter. / ミリ波映像システムの中には、入力開口の直径が1m台のものがある。(USP6587246)
$$ The thickness of the coating 30 is of the order of ordinary paint being several microns thick, between say, 5 to 50 microns (1 micron=1 thousandth of a mm).(USP01039215)
$$ ...and submits an order for the selected products...(USP6029141:US)
$$ Only minimal movement of the wall in the order of a few millimeters is necessary to achieve this, and volume changes outside these ranges will also work adequately.(USP01014366) 数ミリ程度の
$$ There are various designs of scraped surface technology apparatus which usually share a common feature of a maximum cooling rate in the order of 400℃ to 600℃ per second.(USP01038872)
$$ Importantly, the mirror transit time from tilted left to tilted right is on the order of 10 μs. (USP5940204)
ORDER 等級、クラス ~台、程度;注文
$$ The operating frequency of the first and third switches is typically in the order of several tens of kHz, whereas the frequency of the AC input supply may be typically of the order of 50 Hz. (USP5942884)
$$ The cycle time is of the order of a few seconds. / 一回の処理時間は数秒である。(USP6028315)
$$ A gap of the order of 0.1 mm is achieved in the present device between the keys and second layer of the composite: a gap insignificant to the human eye and suitable for assisting in the prevention of lateral rotation of the keys. (USP6965789)
$$ The reactive components of the rectifier circuits 8a, 8b are preferably selected to give relatively long time constants (of the order of 0.3-3 seconds, and preferably around 0.5-1 second) to changes in the volume control signal. (USP6370254)
$$ Moreover, operation of the apparatus 10 does not demand that its control unit 50 perform complex mathematical data processing thereby enabling angular alignment of a wafer mounted on the chuck 40 to be achieved in the order of seconds. (USP6977986) 秒レベルで;秒程度で
$$ Thin responsive coatings (e.g. <50 or <200 microns) will give a rapid detecting response in the order of seconds or minutes. (USP6586723)
$$ Upon cessation of the supply of discharge current to each of the lamps 36, the emitted light decays with a time period of the order of 40 μS. / ランプ36の各々への放電電流の供給を中止したときには、放射される光は、40マイクロ秒のオーダーの時限で減衰する。(USP5434880)
$$ In some millimetre wave imaging systems the input aperture may be of the order of 1 m in diameter. / ミリ波映像システムの中には、入力開口の直径が1m台のものがある。(USP6587246)
$$ The thickness of the coating 30 is of the order of ordinary paint being several microns thick, between say, 5 to 50 microns (1 micron=1 thousandth of a mm).(USP01039215)
$$ ...and submits an order for the selected products...(USP6029141:US)
$$ Only minimal movement of the wall in the order of a few millimeters is necessary to achieve this, and volume changes outside these ranges will also work adequately.(USP01014366) 数ミリ程度の
$$ There are various designs of scraped surface technology apparatus which usually share a common feature of a maximum cooling rate in the order of 400℃ to 600℃ per second.(USP01038872)
$$ Importantly, the mirror transit time from tilted left to tilted right is on the order of 10 μs. (USP5940204)
$$ For example, CMAC's TCXO ASICs (original 6th order ASIC circa 1995) including the "Pluto" ASIC include a communication interface configured to be shared to minimize the number of connections. / 例えば、“Pluto”ASICを含むC-MAC社のTCXO ASIC(原型の6次ASIC、1995年頃)は、接続の数を最小化するために、共有可能に構成された通信インターフェースを含む。(USP7573345)
$$ Various feature extraction techniques can be used, these include edge detection, Hough transform evaluation, texture based feature extraction, and the use of second order derivative techniques. / エッジ検出、ハック変換評価、テクチャベース特徴抽出、及び第2次導関数技術を含む、さまざまな特徴抽出技術が使用できる。(USP7124022)
$$ This gives a first order diffraction angle of sin θ=0.0055 radians when the beam hits the grating centrally. / これにより、ビームが格子の中心に当たると、sinθ=0.0055ラジアンの第1次数の回折角が与えられる。(USP6975457)
$$ These are simply second order effects. / 単に、2次の効果が存在する。(USP6031489)
$$ The circular polarised light is collected by a Fourier transform lens 75 and selectively filtered by a reflective phase/stop plate 76 so that zeroth order radiation is removed. / 円偏光は、フーリエ変換レンズ75によって集光され、反射位相/停止板76によって選択的にろ波され、その結果、ゼロ次放射が除去される。 (USP6373955)
$$ The signal provided at the commonly connected emitter electrodes of the rectifying transistors 41, 42 contains a large second order harmonic signal of the input signal, in addition to some higher order even number harmonics.(USP6664824)
$$ ...Io is the zero-th order modified Bessel function, and Si is the summation of the mean of the signals on the inphase and quadrature branches for bin i... (USP6898176)
$$ For example, CMAC's TCXO ASICs (original 6th order ASIC circa 1995) including the "Pluto" ASIC include a communication interface configured to be shared to minimize the number of connections. / 例えば、“Pluto”ASICを含むC-MAC社のTCXO ASIC(原型の6次ASIC、1995年頃)は、接続の数を最小化するために、共有可能に構成された通信インターフェースを含む。(USP7573345)
$$ Various feature extraction techniques can be used, these include edge detection, Hough transform evaluation, texture based feature extraction, and the use of second order derivative techniques. / エッジ検出、ハック変換評価、テクチャベース特徴抽出、及び第2次導関数技術を含む、さまざまな特徴抽出技術が使用できる。(USP7124022)
$$ This gives a first order diffraction angle of sin θ=0.0055 radians when the beam hits the grating centrally. / これにより、ビームが格子の中心に当たると、sinθ=0.0055ラジアンの第1次数の回折角が与えられる。(USP6975457)
$$ These are simply second order effects. / 単に、2次の効果が存在する。(USP6031489)
$$ The circular polarised light is collected by a Fourier transform lens 75 and selectively filtered by a reflective phase/stop plate 76 so that zeroth order radiation is removed. / 円偏光は、フーリエ変換レンズ75によって集光され、反射位相/停止板76によって選択的にろ波され、その結果、ゼロ次放射が除去される。 (USP6373955)
$$ The signal provided at the commonly connected emitter electrodes of the rectifying transistors 41, 42 contains a large second order harmonic signal of the input signal, in addition to some higher order even number harmonics.(USP6664824)
$$ ...Io is the zero-th order modified Bessel function, and Si is the summation of the mean of the signals on the inphase and quadrature branches for bin i... (USP6898176)
$$ A particularly preferred configuration arranges the acousto-optic deflectors in the order first, third, second, fourth. / 特に好ましい構成は、音響光学偏向器を第1、第3、第2、第4音響光学偏向器の順序に配置する。(USP8294977)
$$ FIG. 9 shows an article provided with four individual holographic areas 52 which may provide an easily recognisable combination for authentication e.g. red, orange, green and blue colours in that order. (USP5492370): その(この)順で
$$ For example, referring to FIG. 7 (Display Order) frame 0, 1 and 2 of bitstream A are shown in that order. (USP6983015): その(この)順で
$$ Once this order has been established the listing of names is broken up into blocks each incorporating only 20 entries. (USP5727201)
$$ As a fourth step, for each service taken in this order, all possible paths to a MIP are identified, including those which use lines-of-sight that are available but are not being used for links. (USP02042274)
$$ The Q threshold calculator then orders the Q values in ascending numerical order and derives the incidence of each possible Q value over the macroblocks of interest. / Q閾値算出回路350は、これらQ値を昇順に並べ替え、検討中のマクロブロックに亘る各Q値の出現頻度(incidence)を調べる。(USP6757333)
$$ A form of cyclic search is used, e.g. input 1 may examine outputs 0, 1, 2, 3,4 . . . 15 in order. (USP5784372)
$$ The controller 118 then progresses to module 309 where it makes a further determination as to whether a decrease in the control action level L is in order. (USP6724817)
$$ Where at least some of the links are wireless transmission links, the order of the paths may be determined in ascending order of the total physical length of the wireless transmission links within said paths. (USP02042274)
$$ In some cases different parts of the signals may be delayed by such differing amounts that the data may not arrive in the same order that it was transmitted, but the original data can be reconstructed if the order in which it is transmitted can be determined. / いくつかの場合において、信号は各部分において遅延量を変えることができ、データは送られたのと同じ順番で到達しないことがあるが、元のデータは送られた順番を判断できるときに再構成することができる。(USP6584098)
$$ This generates blocks of image data, but in the shuffled order (by virtue of the shuffler 120 on the encoder 10. (USP5956429) シャフルされた順に
$$ In practice, the interconnect element actuates the pixel sensing elements in a preselected order. (USP6327381) 予め選択した順に
$$ FIG. 7 is a detail of FIG. 6 showing the original right-handed bridge-bone position dotted and the strings mounted in reversed order appropriate for left-handed playing. (USP5834665)
$$ ...the sixteen bits of the two bytes are in the required order and there is no gap...(USP4979094)
$$ The termination layer metal may consist of discrete layers of silver, nickel and tin (preferably in that order). / 端子層金属は、銀、ニッケル、及びスズ(好ましくはこの順番で)の別個の層から成ってもよい。(USP6699767)
$$ It also carries a sequence number, to identify its position within the complete message, so that the receiving party can re-assemble the packets in the correct order at the receiving end, and can identify whether any packets have failed to arrive. / 加えて各データパケットはシーケンス番号を保ち、完全なメッセージ内の位置を識別するので、受信側はパケットを正しい順番で再構成することができ、さらに何れのパケットが届かなかったかを識別することができる。(USP6584098)
$$ The input controller must therefore check the TX bus of the controller which precedes it in order of checking.(USP5784372)
$$ FIG. 5 is a diagrammatic representation of a loading configuration and illustrates in descending order a gripper holding groups, a compression frame and a battery box on a conveyor; (USP02017019)
$$ in order from top to bottom /上から下への順に(USP5437749)
$$ The system includes a queuing arrangement for bandwidth requests received during periods when there is no available bandwidth capacity, the arrangement being such that requests are released in a predetermined order when capacity becomes available.(USP5448559)
$$ A particularly preferred configuration arranges the acousto-optic deflectors in the order first, third, second, fourth. / 特に好ましい構成は、音響光学偏向器を第1、第3、第2、第4音響光学偏向器の順序に配置する。(USP8294977)
$$ FIG. 9 shows an article provided with four individual holographic areas 52 which may provide an easily recognisable combination for authentication e.g. red, orange, green and blue colours in that order. (USP5492370): その(この)順で
$$ For example, referring to FIG. 7 (Display Order) frame 0, 1 and 2 of bitstream A are shown in that order. (USP6983015): その(この)順で
$$ Once this order has been established the listing of names is broken up into blocks each incorporating only 20 entries. (USP5727201)
$$ As a fourth step, for each service taken in this order, all possible paths to a MIP are identified, including those which use lines-of-sight that are available but are not being used for links. (USP02042274)
$$ The Q threshold calculator then orders the Q values in ascending numerical order and derives the incidence of each possible Q value over the macroblocks of interest. / Q閾値算出回路350は、これらQ値を昇順に並べ替え、検討中のマクロブロックに亘る各Q値の出現頻度(incidence)を調べる。(USP6757333)
$$ A form of cyclic search is used, e.g. input 1 may examine outputs 0, 1, 2, 3,4 . . . 15 in order. (USP5784372)
$$ The controller 118 then progresses to module 309 where it makes a further determination as to whether a decrease in the control action level L is in order. (USP6724817)
$$ Where at least some of the links are wireless transmission links, the order of the paths may be determined in ascending order of the total physical length of the wireless transmission links within said paths. (USP02042274)
$$ In some cases different parts of the signals may be delayed by such differing amounts that the data may not arrive in the same order that it was transmitted, but the original data can be reconstructed if the order in which it is transmitted can be determined. / いくつかの場合において、信号は各部分において遅延量を変えることができ、データは送られたのと同じ順番で到達しないことがあるが、元のデータは送られた順番を判断できるときに再構成することができる。(USP6584098)
$$ This generates blocks of image data, but in the shuffled order (by virtue of the shuffler 120 on the encoder 10. (USP5956429) シャフルされた順に
$$ In practice, the interconnect element actuates the pixel sensing elements in a preselected order. (USP6327381) 予め選択した順に
$$ FIG. 7 is a detail of FIG. 6 showing the original right-handed bridge-bone position dotted and the strings mounted in reversed order appropriate for left-handed playing. (USP5834665)
$$ ...the sixteen bits of the two bytes are in the required order and there is no gap...(USP4979094)
$$ The termination layer metal may consist of discrete layers of silver, nickel and tin (preferably in that order). / 端子層金属は、銀、ニッケル、及びスズ(好ましくはこの順番で)の別個の層から成ってもよい。(USP6699767)
$$ It also carries a sequence number, to identify its position within the complete message, so that the receiving party can re-assemble the packets in the correct order at the receiving end, and can identify whether any packets have failed to arrive. / 加えて各データパケットはシーケンス番号を保ち、完全なメッセージ内の位置を識別するので、受信側はパケットを正しい順番で再構成することができ、さらに何れのパケットが届かなかったかを識別することができる。(USP6584098)
$$ The input controller must therefore check the TX bus of the controller which precedes it in order of checking.(USP5784372)
$$ FIG. 5 is a diagrammatic representation of a loading configuration and illustrates in descending order a gripper holding groups, a compression frame and a battery box on a conveyor; (USP02017019)
$$ in order from top to bottom /上から下への順に(USP5437749)
$$ The system includes a queuing arrangement for bandwidth requests received during periods when there is no available bandwidth capacity, the arrangement being such that requests are released in a predetermined order when capacity becomes available.(USP5448559)
ORDER (動詞)
ORDER (動詞)
$$ The ordering of the three layers is such that n-type and p-type conductors alternate, i.e. either n-p-n or p-n-p. / これら3層の順番は、n型導体とp型導体とが交互になるように、すなわちn-p-n、または、p-n-pのいずれかになるように配列される。(USP8062743)
$$ Preferably an ordered winning list comprising a plurality of winners is compiled and a winner is deleted from the list if confirmation fails for that winner. / 好ましくは、複数の勝者を含む順序付けされた勝者リストはコンパイルされ、その勝者に対する確認が失敗したならば、勝者はリストから消去される。(USP7577676)
$$ The preferred PLMN list is ordered by priority. / 優先PLMNリストは優先順に配列されている。(USP6826414)
$$ A method according to claim 1 wherein possible indexes are ordered in terms of potentiality for being specified as preferred indexes. / 可能性のあるインデックスは好ましいインデックスとして指定される可能性の点から順序付けされる請求項1記載の方法。(USP6182079)
$$ This information is then used to generate an angle dispersive X-ray spectrum which is characteristic of the ordered molecular structure of the material responsible for the scattering. / この情報を使用して、散乱を引き起こす物質の秩序のある分子構造の特性である角度分散性X線スペクトルが形成される。(USP6122344)
$$ The use of these ordered sets will be described further below. / これらの順序付けられた組の使用についてはあとで述べる。(USP5353059)
$$ According to a further aspect of the invention, there is provided an ordering terminal for a customer to order items from a manufacturer or distributor. / 注文する、取り寄せる (USP02072988)
$$ In a preferred embodiment, possible indexes are ordered in terms of potentiality for being specified as preferred indexes. / 好ましい実施形態において、可能なインデックスは、好ましいインデックスとして指定される可能性の点から順序付けされる。(USP6182079)
$$ Thus, the information required for ordering the indexes 1625 to 1617 in terms of their cost saving eligibility has been calculated in accordance with the procedures detailed at step 803. / 従って、インデックス1625乃至1617をそれらのコスト節減の適格性の点から順序付けするのに要求された情報は、ステップ803 において詳細に説明された手順に従って計算される。(USP6182079)
$$ The frequency channels are ordered in descending order of the number of edges for which each channel is not available.(USP02042274)降順;多い順
ORDER (動詞)
$$ The ordering of the three layers is such that n-type and p-type conductors alternate, i.e. either n-p-n or p-n-p. / これら3層の順番は、n型導体とp型導体とが交互になるように、すなわちn-p-n、または、p-n-pのいずれかになるように配列される。(USP8062743)
$$ Preferably an ordered winning list comprising a plurality of winners is compiled and a winner is deleted from the list if confirmation fails for that winner. / 好ましくは、複数の勝者を含む順序付けされた勝者リストはコンパイルされ、その勝者に対する確認が失敗したならば、勝者はリストから消去される。(USP7577676)
$$ The preferred PLMN list is ordered by priority. / 優先PLMNリストは優先順に配列されている。(USP6826414)
$$ A method according to claim 1 wherein possible indexes are ordered in terms of potentiality for being specified as preferred indexes. / 可能性のあるインデックスは好ましいインデックスとして指定される可能性の点から順序付けされる請求項1記載の方法。(USP6182079)
$$ This information is then used to generate an angle dispersive X-ray spectrum which is characteristic of the ordered molecular structure of the material responsible for the scattering. / この情報を使用して、散乱を引き起こす物質の秩序のある分子構造の特性である角度分散性X線スペクトルが形成される。(USP6122344)
$$ The use of these ordered sets will be described further below. / これらの順序付けられた組の使用についてはあとで述べる。(USP5353059)
$$ According to a further aspect of the invention, there is provided an ordering terminal for a customer to order items from a manufacturer or distributor. / 注文する、取り寄せる (USP02072988)
$$ In a preferred embodiment, possible indexes are ordered in terms of potentiality for being specified as preferred indexes. / 好ましい実施形態において、可能なインデックスは、好ましいインデックスとして指定される可能性の点から順序付けされる。(USP6182079)
$$ Thus, the information required for ordering the indexes 1625 to 1617 in terms of their cost saving eligibility has been calculated in accordance with the procedures detailed at step 803. / 従って、インデックス1625乃至1617をそれらのコスト節減の適格性の点から順序付けするのに要求された情報は、ステップ803 において詳細に説明された手順に従って計算される。(USP6182079)
$$ The frequency channels are ordered in descending order of the number of edges for which each channel is not available.(USP02042274)降順;多い順
ORIENT / ORIENTATE 配向する・延伸する・向ける
ORIENT / ORIENTATE 配向する・延伸する・向ける
$$ The plastic layer is in one aspect, suitably selected from polyester (non-oriented, monaxial, or biaxial oriented), polyamide, polypropylene or PVC. / 一態様では、プラスチックの層は、ポリエステル(非配向、一軸または二軸配向)、ポリアミド、ポリプロピレンまたはPVCから適切に選択される。(USP8066002)
$$ For example, the polymers will not be as oriented if they are deposited by ink jet printing rather than spin casting. / 例えば、スピンコートではなくインクジェットにより蒸着されれば、ポリマーは方位付けされない。(USP8049408)
$$ The incident electromagnetic radiation may be oriented (e.g., plane polarized) as desired using an appropriate polarizing means. / この入射電磁気放射線は、適切な偏光手段を使用して望み通りに配向(例えば面偏光)させることができる。(USP7062110)
$$ This is assisted by orientating the compound pipe at an angle. / これは複合管を角度を付けて置くことにより促進される。(USP7578315)
$$ A fuel injector as claimed in claim 3 wherein said sub-conduits are substantially orientated in the same axis as the combustion air flow conduit. / 前記副導管は実質的に、燃焼用空気流導管と同一の軸線方向に差し向けられていることを特徴とする請求項3記載の燃料噴射器。(USP6474569)
$$ Conversely, the elements 550f, 550g have their non-normal polarisation direction orientated in a DOWN y direction for actuating the plate 530 in a downwards y direction when driven. / 逆に、素子550f、550gは、駆動時にフィルタプレート530を下方のy方向に作動するために、それらの非垂直の分極方向をDOWNのy方向に配向している。(USP6788479)
$$ In the preferred embodiment, there are multiple links per node orientated in arbitrary directions. / 好ましい実施態様では、任意の方向に向けられるノードあたり複数のリンクがある。(USP6553020)
$$ Tangentially and circumferentially orientated to the chamber is a control inlet conduit 5.4. / 制御入口導管5.4が室に対して接線方向且つ円周方向に差し向けられている。(USP6474569)
$$ By reversing the directions of flow of current through the coils from those described in the preceding paragraph the magnetic field can be orientated in corresponding directions 180° from those previously described. / 前の段落において述べたことからコイルを介する電流の流れる方向を反転させることにより、前に述べた方向から180度に対応する方向に磁場を配向させることが可能である。(USP6190517)
$$ Similarly, the piezoelectric elements 770b are bonded to the support members 760a, 760b such that directions of polarisation of the elements 770b are orientated towards a RHS direction as indicated by the arrow 780. / 同様に、圧電素子770bは、該素子の分極の方向が矢印780で示すRHS方向に向けて配向されるように支持部材760a、760bに接合される。(USP6788479)
$$ The substrate may comprise a diffractively embossed polymeric film, for example a film forming plastic such as polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, cellulose acetate, and polyester (including biaxially orientated polyester films). (USP5492370): 二軸延伸
$$ Thus, in the illustrated embodiment, the slotted openings 42 are orientated in a radial direction relative to the valve and control member 14. (USP6880575)
$$ The means to orient the device or sub can be eccentric means such as an eccentric weight or shape to the sub or a portion thereof. (USP6779598)
$$ Orienting device 62 may comprise, among others, a gyro tool or a mechanical orienting mechanism such as a muleshoe. (USP6997256)
$$ It is believed however that the best results would be obtained when the tap was oriented vertically. (USP6827238)
$$ Therefore, they can be controlled as though they were all mounted, oriented, and facing in the same direction. (USP6682031)
$$ The plurality of layers in the RBEV of the rails 103 are oriented parallel to the outward-facing edges of the rails 103. (USP6643991)
ORIENT / ORIENTATE 配向する・延伸する・向ける
$$ The plastic layer is in one aspect, suitably selected from polyester (non-oriented, monaxial, or biaxial oriented), polyamide, polypropylene or PVC. / 一態様では、プラスチックの層は、ポリエステル(非配向、一軸または二軸配向)、ポリアミド、ポリプロピレンまたはPVCから適切に選択される。(USP8066002)
$$ For example, the polymers will not be as oriented if they are deposited by ink jet printing rather than spin casting. / 例えば、スピンコートではなくインクジェットにより蒸着されれば、ポリマーは方位付けされない。(USP8049408)
$$ The incident electromagnetic radiation may be oriented (e.g., plane polarized) as desired using an appropriate polarizing means. / この入射電磁気放射線は、適切な偏光手段を使用して望み通りに配向(例えば面偏光)させることができる。(USP7062110)
$$ This is assisted by orientating the compound pipe at an angle. / これは複合管を角度を付けて置くことにより促進される。(USP7578315)
$$ A fuel injector as claimed in claim 3 wherein said sub-conduits are substantially orientated in the same axis as the combustion air flow conduit. / 前記副導管は実質的に、燃焼用空気流導管と同一の軸線方向に差し向けられていることを特徴とする請求項3記載の燃料噴射器。(USP6474569)
$$ Conversely, the elements 550f, 550g have their non-normal polarisation direction orientated in a DOWN y direction for actuating the plate 530 in a downwards y direction when driven. / 逆に、素子550f、550gは、駆動時にフィルタプレート530を下方のy方向に作動するために、それらの非垂直の分極方向をDOWNのy方向に配向している。(USP6788479)
$$ In the preferred embodiment, there are multiple links per node orientated in arbitrary directions. / 好ましい実施態様では、任意の方向に向けられるノードあたり複数のリンクがある。(USP6553020)
$$ Tangentially and circumferentially orientated to the chamber is a control inlet conduit 5.4. / 制御入口導管5.4が室に対して接線方向且つ円周方向に差し向けられている。(USP6474569)
$$ By reversing the directions of flow of current through the coils from those described in the preceding paragraph the magnetic field can be orientated in corresponding directions 180° from those previously described. / 前の段落において述べたことからコイルを介する電流の流れる方向を反転させることにより、前に述べた方向から180度に対応する方向に磁場を配向させることが可能である。(USP6190517)
$$ Similarly, the piezoelectric elements 770b are bonded to the support members 760a, 760b such that directions of polarisation of the elements 770b are orientated towards a RHS direction as indicated by the arrow 780. / 同様に、圧電素子770bは、該素子の分極の方向が矢印780で示すRHS方向に向けて配向されるように支持部材760a、760bに接合される。(USP6788479)
$$ The substrate may comprise a diffractively embossed polymeric film, for example a film forming plastic such as polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, cellulose acetate, and polyester (including biaxially orientated polyester films). (USP5492370): 二軸延伸
$$ Thus, in the illustrated embodiment, the slotted openings 42 are orientated in a radial direction relative to the valve and control member 14. (USP6880575)
$$ The means to orient the device or sub can be eccentric means such as an eccentric weight or shape to the sub or a portion thereof. (USP6779598)
$$ Orienting device 62 may comprise, among others, a gyro tool or a mechanical orienting mechanism such as a muleshoe. (USP6997256)
$$ It is believed however that the best results would be obtained when the tap was oriented vertically. (USP6827238)
$$ Therefore, they can be controlled as though they were all mounted, oriented, and facing in the same direction. (USP6682031)
$$ The plurality of layers in the RBEV of the rails 103 are oriented parallel to the outward-facing edges of the rails 103. (USP6643991)
$$ The tubes 51 are filled off-line and have internal profiles designed to retain the rivets in the orientation in which they are loaded. / チューブ51は、オフ・ラインで充填され、リベットをそれが装填されたときの向きに保持するよう設計された内部プロファイルを有する。(USP6692213)
$$ In this way it is not necessary to change the orientation of the pen in order to read the display. / このようにして、ディスプレイを読取るためにペンのオリエンテーションを変化させる必要はない。 (USP6058304)
$$ In the case of the use of magnetically soft materials, and harmonic generators, such techniques are independent of the orientation of the movable element, and hence floats incorporating these methods can be allowed to rotate in any plane. / 磁性軟質材、および高周波発生器を用いる場合、かかる技術においては移動部材の姿勢に制限はなく、したがって、この方式を用いるフロートは、どの方向に回転してもよい。 (USP6561022)
$$ Actions and gestures, such as head and body movement, may also be initiated, as well as modifying the orientation of elements of the character, such as the angle of the head. / 頭および身体の動き等の動作およびジェスチャも開始され、頭の角度のようなキャラクタのエレメントの方向変化も同様に行われる。(USP6772122)
$$ Thus the orientation of the rectangular aperture defined by the blades (84 to 87) can be rotated through 90°. / こうして、ブレード(84から87)によって規定される長方形開口の向きは、90°だけ回転することができる。 (USP5946131)
$$ The tubes 51 are filled off-line and have internal profiles designed to retain the rivets in the orientation in which they are loaded. / チューブ51は、オフ・ラインで充填され、リベットをそれが装填されたときの向きに保持するよう設計された内部プロファイルを有する。(USP6692213)
$$ In this way it is not necessary to change the orientation of the pen in order to read the display. / このようにして、ディスプレイを読取るためにペンのオリエンテーションを変化させる必要はない。 (USP6058304)
$$ In the case of the use of magnetically soft materials, and harmonic generators, such techniques are independent of the orientation of the movable element, and hence floats incorporating these methods can be allowed to rotate in any plane. / 磁性軟質材、および高周波発生器を用いる場合、かかる技術においては移動部材の姿勢に制限はなく、したがって、この方式を用いるフロートは、どの方向に回転してもよい。 (USP6561022)
$$ Actions and gestures, such as head and body movement, may also be initiated, as well as modifying the orientation of elements of the character, such as the angle of the head. / 頭および身体の動き等の動作およびジェスチャも開始され、頭の角度のようなキャラクタのエレメントの方向変化も同様に行われる。(USP6772122)
$$ Thus the orientation of the rectangular aperture defined by the blades (84 to 87) can be rotated through 90°. / こうして、ブレード(84から87)によって規定される長方形開口の向きは、90°だけ回転することができる。 (USP5946131)
RT --> aperture, hole, indent, indentation, opening, slit, slot, vent など
$$ A fresh basket is pre-loaded into an orifice 56 in the uppermost basket 52 outside the housing 40. / ハウジング40の外側にある上側ディスク52のオリフィス56には、新たなバスケットが予め装填されている。(USP7622140)
$$ In a further aspect, the vacuum is applied by a vacuum orifice block. / さらに別の態様では、真空オリフィスブロックによって減圧がかけられる。(USP7621300)
$$ A previously manufactured ingot is raised via the clamps 44 into the orifice 40. / 予め製造されたインゴットはクランプ44によりオリフィス40に引き上げられる。(USP6763682)
$$ Within the orifice, at the end of the bore 156, a non-return valve 158 is arranged. / 穴156の端部にあるオリフィス内には、逆止バルブ158が配置されている。(USP6287494)
$$ The losses in the system include orifices in the flow lines from the accumulator and to the tank. / システム内におけるロスには、アキュムレータからの流路やタンクへの流路におけるオリフィスによるロスが含まれる。(USP6132010)
$$ For example, a diameter 0.8 mm for the tip and orifice 24 of the passageway 13 in the electrode 10 and a gap 11 of 0.2 mm enables 100 shpm of gas to be activated. / 例えば、電極10の通路13の開口部24とチップについて8mmの直径をとし、0.2mmのギャップ11とすれば、100shpmのガスを活性化することが可能である。(USP5418430)
RT --> aperture, hole, indent, indentation, opening, slit, slot, vent など
$$ A fresh basket is pre-loaded into an orifice 56 in the uppermost basket 52 outside the housing 40. / ハウジング40の外側にある上側ディスク52のオリフィス56には、新たなバスケットが予め装填されている。(USP7622140)
$$ In a further aspect, the vacuum is applied by a vacuum orifice block. / さらに別の態様では、真空オリフィスブロックによって減圧がかけられる。(USP7621300)
$$ A previously manufactured ingot is raised via the clamps 44 into the orifice 40. / 予め製造されたインゴットはクランプ44によりオリフィス40に引き上げられる。(USP6763682)
$$ Within the orifice, at the end of the bore 156, a non-return valve 158 is arranged. / 穴156の端部にあるオリフィス内には、逆止バルブ158が配置されている。(USP6287494)
$$ The losses in the system include orifices in the flow lines from the accumulator and to the tank. / システム内におけるロスには、アキュムレータからの流路やタンクへの流路におけるオリフィスによるロスが含まれる。(USP6132010)
$$ For example, a diameter 0.8 mm for the tip and orifice 24 of the passageway 13 in the electrode 10 and a gap 11 of 0.2 mm enables 100 shpm of gas to be activated. / 例えば、電極10の通路13の開口部24とチップについて8mmの直径をとし、0.2mmのギャップ11とすれば、100shpmのガスを活性化することが可能である。(USP5418430)
ORIGIN 原点、起点、基点、源
ORIGIN 原点、起点、基点、源
$$ The file request is passed to an identification signal determiner 302 which determines if the file request includes an identification signal identifying the origin of the file request. / ファイル要求は識別信号決定手段302へ送られ、ファイル要求が、ファイル要求の源を識別する識別信号を含むか否かを判断する。 (USP6081835)
$$ Points 1, 2 and 3, lying in a plane 4 within the microscope specimen are the origin of rays which pass through an objective lens 5 with an exit pupil in the plane shown at 6. / 顕微鏡試料内の面4中にある点1、2および3は光線源であり、光線は6に示される面に射出瞳を有する対物レンズ5を通る。(USP6429967)
$$ In other words, each stage has information identifying the video data to be processed, how the video data is to be processed and the origin (or history) of the video data. / 換言すれば、各段階は、処理されるべきビデオデータ、そのビデオデータがいかに処理されるか、およびそのビデオデータの基点(またはヒストリ)、を特定する情報を有する。
$$ However, if the header recognition unit 71a recognises that there is an RSVP request (step 93), it reads the IP origin address from the IP header. / しかしながらヘッダ認識ユニット71aがRSVP要求があることを認識するとき(段階93)、IPヘッダからIPの送信元のアドレスを読み取る。(USP6584098)
$$ The position of the scan area is determined by the user moving the origin of the scan area to a desired location. / 走査領域の位置は、ユーザが走査領域の起点を所望の場所に移動させることによって決定される。(USP6611142)
ORIGIN 原点、起点、基点、源
$$ The file request is passed to an identification signal determiner 302 which determines if the file request includes an identification signal identifying the origin of the file request. / ファイル要求は識別信号決定手段302へ送られ、ファイル要求が、ファイル要求の源を識別する識別信号を含むか否かを判断する。 (USP6081835)
$$ Points 1, 2 and 3, lying in a plane 4 within the microscope specimen are the origin of rays which pass through an objective lens 5 with an exit pupil in the plane shown at 6. / 顕微鏡試料内の面4中にある点1、2および3は光線源であり、光線は6に示される面に射出瞳を有する対物レンズ5を通る。(USP6429967)
$$ In other words, each stage has information identifying the video data to be processed, how the video data is to be processed and the origin (or history) of the video data. / 換言すれば、各段階は、処理されるべきビデオデータ、そのビデオデータがいかに処理されるか、およびそのビデオデータの基点(またはヒストリ)、を特定する情報を有する。
$$ However, if the header recognition unit 71a recognises that there is an RSVP request (step 93), it reads the IP origin address from the IP header. / しかしながらヘッダ認識ユニット71aがRSVP要求があることを認識するとき(段階93)、IPヘッダからIPの送信元のアドレスを読み取る。(USP6584098)
$$ The position of the scan area is determined by the user moving the origin of the scan area to a desired location. / 走査領域の位置は、ユーザが走査領域の起点を所望の場所に移動させることによって決定される。(USP6611142)
ORIGINATE 由来する;起源となる
ORIGINATE 由来する;起源となる
$$ A method of achieving fraud detection by monitoring user profile changes will be described with reference to FIG. 7 with user B as the originating user. / ユーザプロフィール変更を監視することによって不正検出を達成する方法は、図7を参照して記載されており、ここでユーザBは送信元ユーザである。(USP5907602)
$$ Alternatively, the dialling error may have originated from a private circuit or a specific customer. / その代わりに、ダイヤリングエラーは私設回路または特定の顧客から発生することもある。(USP6775249)
$$ FIG. 4 is a protocol diagram showing a data call originated from a mobile earth station; / 図4は、移動地球局から発生されるデータの呼を示すプロトコル図である。(USP6278696)
$$ Each arrow has a multiplication constant corresponding to the constant by which the line from which it originates is multiplied.(USP6151363)
$$ As an alternative, the broadcast message can also include indication from which earth station it originated. / 他の方法として、同報通信メッセージもまた、その同報通信メッセージが生じた地球局を示す表示を含むことができる。(USP6031489)どの地球局から発生したのか
$$ Preferably the first module 30 is constructed to be able to identify the module from which the request for permission signal originated and would issue the permission granted signal to that module. / 第1モジュール30は、許可要求信号を発したモジュールを識別出来るように構成されるのが好ましく、そのモジュールに許可承諾信号を発する。(USP5398233)
$$ Consider a call originating from a customer line 5 on the switch 1. (USP6069944)
$$ Data originating from the conventional ATM network is presented to the interconnected mesh at the single control point. (USP6396815)
ORIGINATE 由来する;起源となる
$$ A method of achieving fraud detection by monitoring user profile changes will be described with reference to FIG. 7 with user B as the originating user. / ユーザプロフィール変更を監視することによって不正検出を達成する方法は、図7を参照して記載されており、ここでユーザBは送信元ユーザである。(USP5907602)
$$ Alternatively, the dialling error may have originated from a private circuit or a specific customer. / その代わりに、ダイヤリングエラーは私設回路または特定の顧客から発生することもある。(USP6775249)
$$ FIG. 4 is a protocol diagram showing a data call originated from a mobile earth station; / 図4は、移動地球局から発生されるデータの呼を示すプロトコル図である。(USP6278696)
$$ Each arrow has a multiplication constant corresponding to the constant by which the line from which it originates is multiplied.(USP6151363)
$$ As an alternative, the broadcast message can also include indication from which earth station it originated. / 他の方法として、同報通信メッセージもまた、その同報通信メッセージが生じた地球局を示す表示を含むことができる。(USP6031489)どの地球局から発生したのか
$$ Preferably the first module 30 is constructed to be able to identify the module from which the request for permission signal originated and would issue the permission granted signal to that module. / 第1モジュール30は、許可要求信号を発したモジュールを識別出来るように構成されるのが好ましく、そのモジュールに許可承諾信号を発する。(USP5398233)
$$ Consider a call originating from a customer line 5 on the switch 1. (USP6069944)
$$ Data originating from the conventional ATM network is presented to the interconnected mesh at the single control point. (USP6396815)
$$ The axes may be orthogonal. (USP7372968)
$$ The second axis may be orthogonal to the first axis. (USP7129428)
$$ The transponder 26 includes three substantially orthogonal coils X, Y, Z. (USP6937136)
$$ The layer is non-conducting in the orthogonal direction indicated by arrow 119. (USP6861961)
$$ FIGS. 4 and 5 are orthogonal views of the carriage of FIG. 2; (USP6253899)
$$ Preferably said polarizations are mutually orthogonal. (USP6167286)
$$ Consequently, both of these orthogonally-resolved signal components are generally received at a base station. / その結果、これら直交して分解された信号成分の双方は、一般的に基地局で受信されることになる。(USP6469680)
$$ In switching between the two modes of operation described the direction of the magnetic field is changed orthogonally by moving from the direction of arrow 19 to that of arrow 20. / 記述された動作の2つのモードの間の切り替えにおいて、磁場の方向は、矢印19の方向から矢印20の方向に移動することによって直角に変更される。(USP6190517)
$$ However, two substantially identical birefringent films oriented orthogonally to each other will achieve the required optical properties since the birefringence in the one film will be cancelled by the other. / しかし、相互に直角に向けられた2つの実質的に同じ複屈折膜は、1つの膜における複屈折が他方によって打ち消されるので、必要な光学的特性を得るであろう。(USP5801796)
$$ The blades may be co-planar or could be arranged orthogonally to one another. (USP5341742) 互いに直交して
$$ Liquid crystal having a negative dielectric anisotropy incorporates molecules which become aligned orthogonally to an electric field generated by applying bias potential to the device. / 負の誘電異方性を有する液晶は、そのデバイスにバイアス電圧を印加することによって、発生した電界に対して直交するように整列する分子を組み込む。 (USP6414294)
$$ In its application to tissue imaging, two-dimensional images may be built up using a pixelated detector, or a strip in which the source is scanned orthogonally to the strips. (USP6613210)
$$ The axes may be orthogonal. (USP7372968)
$$ The second axis may be orthogonal to the first axis. (USP7129428)
$$ The transponder 26 includes three substantially orthogonal coils X, Y, Z. (USP6937136)
$$ The layer is non-conducting in the orthogonal direction indicated by arrow 119. (USP6861961)
$$ FIGS. 4 and 5 are orthogonal views of the carriage of FIG. 2; (USP6253899)
$$ Preferably said polarizations are mutually orthogonal. (USP6167286)
$$ Consequently, both of these orthogonally-resolved signal components are generally received at a base station. / その結果、これら直交して分解された信号成分の双方は、一般的に基地局で受信されることになる。(USP6469680)
$$ In switching between the two modes of operation described the direction of the magnetic field is changed orthogonally by moving from the direction of arrow 19 to that of arrow 20. / 記述された動作の2つのモードの間の切り替えにおいて、磁場の方向は、矢印19の方向から矢印20の方向に移動することによって直角に変更される。(USP6190517)
$$ However, two substantially identical birefringent films oriented orthogonally to each other will achieve the required optical properties since the birefringence in the one film will be cancelled by the other. / しかし、相互に直角に向けられた2つの実質的に同じ複屈折膜は、1つの膜における複屈折が他方によって打ち消されるので、必要な光学的特性を得るであろう。(USP5801796)
$$ The blades may be co-planar or could be arranged orthogonally to one another. (USP5341742) 互いに直交して
$$ Liquid crystal having a negative dielectric anisotropy incorporates molecules which become aligned orthogonally to an electric field generated by applying bias potential to the device. / 負の誘電異方性を有する液晶は、そのデバイスにバイアス電圧を印加することによって、発生した電界に対して直交するように整列する分子を組み込む。 (USP6414294)
$$ In its application to tissue imaging, two-dimensional images may be built up using a pixelated detector, or a strip in which the source is scanned orthogonally to the strips. (USP6613210)
OSCILLATE 振動する(させる)
OSCILLATE 振動する(させる)
$$ Preferably arrangement 300 includes a scanner which oscillates the laser beam rapidly perpendicular to the plane of the drawing (e.g. at 8 kHz), relative to the rate of oscillation of the resulting envelope 3' in the plane of the drawing and the photodetector 34' is a two-dimensional lateral effect photodiode. (USP6128086)
$$ At the front of the platform is an eccentric formed so as to oscillate the platform longitudinally of the pivot and about the pivot, simultaneously, in order to vibrate the entire platform... (USP5651235)
$$ The intensity of the electric field between them therefore, oscillates at the output frequency of the generator, which in this embodiment is in the region of 2450 MHz. (USP6629974)
$$ The nozzle assembly was oscillated at a frequency of 20 to 100 Hz. / ノズルアセンブリは、20~100Hzの周波数で振動させた。(USP6277932)
$$ As a result the wheel 20 and plug 3 are positively oscillated in both directions. (USP6648245)
$$ The strip is preferably not oscillated during manufacture of the paper. / 紙の製造の間にストリップが振動しないことが好ましい。(USP6616803)
OSCILLATE 振動する(させる)
$$ Preferably arrangement 300 includes a scanner which oscillates the laser beam rapidly perpendicular to the plane of the drawing (e.g. at 8 kHz), relative to the rate of oscillation of the resulting envelope 3' in the plane of the drawing and the photodetector 34' is a two-dimensional lateral effect photodiode. (USP6128086)
$$ At the front of the platform is an eccentric formed so as to oscillate the platform longitudinally of the pivot and about the pivot, simultaneously, in order to vibrate the entire platform... (USP5651235)
$$ The intensity of the electric field between them therefore, oscillates at the output frequency of the generator, which in this embodiment is in the region of 2450 MHz. (USP6629974)
$$ The nozzle assembly was oscillated at a frequency of 20 to 100 Hz. / ノズルアセンブリは、20~100Hzの周波数で振動させた。(USP6277932)
$$ As a result the wheel 20 and plug 3 are positively oscillated in both directions. (USP6648245)
$$ The strip is preferably not oscillated during manufacture of the paper. / 紙の製造の間にストリップが振動しないことが好ましい。(USP6616803)
$$ Batch is fed out of the device through a nozzle as controlled by a conventional device such as a vibratory, screw, or other mechanical type feeder. (USP6615612)
$$ The stringification feature is limited to transforming one macro argument into one string constant: there is no way to combine the argument with other text and then stringify it all together. (USP6691301)
$$ Although no data link between call-back handler and client is required, it is foreseen that an electronic connection, for example by the internet or other LAN or extranet, is provided between the call-back handler and the agent (5). (USP6704404)
$$ Interposed between the one and other clutch parts 15,19 respectively are a plurality (in the present example 12) of torque transmitting elements in the form of spherical hardened steel balls 20. (USP4838400)
$$ The other ends of the springs bear, via balls, against an adjustment ring. (USP5489100)
$$ Current comparator 910 has a pair of differential current inputs Iin+ 912, Iin-912', each connected to a respective resistor 914, 914', the other ends of these resistors being connected together to a common-mode voltage source VR 916. (USP6831507)
$$ As shown in FIG. 2, the outer turn of the sense portion 6 is connected to the cancellation portion 7, with the other ends of the sense portion 6 and the cancellation portion 7 being connected to the sensor circuitry 9. (USP6414475)
$$ A balanced pair of transducers (9) of the kind shown on FIGS. 9-17 are mounted at one respective end on the panel (2) with their other ends also supported on lugs (88) on the stem (84) to drive the panel. (USP6332029)
other sths(複数)がother sth(単数)よりも圧倒的に多い
$$ Batch is fed out of the device through a nozzle as controlled by a conventional device such as a vibratory, screw, or other mechanical type feeder. (USP6615612)
$$ The stringification feature is limited to transforming one macro argument into one string constant: there is no way to combine the argument with other text and then stringify it all together. (USP6691301)
$$ Although no data link between call-back handler and client is required, it is foreseen that an electronic connection, for example by the internet or other LAN or extranet, is provided between the call-back handler and the agent (5). (USP6704404)
$$ Interposed between the one and other clutch parts 15,19 respectively are a plurality (in the present example 12) of torque transmitting elements in the form of spherical hardened steel balls 20. (USP4838400)
$$ The other ends of the springs bear, via balls, against an adjustment ring. (USP5489100)
$$ Current comparator 910 has a pair of differential current inputs Iin+ 912, Iin-912', each connected to a respective resistor 914, 914', the other ends of these resistors being connected together to a common-mode voltage source VR 916. (USP6831507)
$$ As shown in FIG. 2, the outer turn of the sense portion 6 is connected to the cancellation portion 7, with the other ends of the sense portion 6 and the cancellation portion 7 being connected to the sensor circuitry 9. (USP6414475)
$$ A balanced pair of transducers (9) of the kind shown on FIGS. 9-17 are mounted at one respective end on the panel (2) with their other ends also supported on lugs (88) on the stem (84) to drive the panel. (USP6332029)
other sths(複数)がother sth(単数)よりも圧倒的に多い
$$ Examples of other such fluids include propylene tetramer and ethyl lactate. / この様な他の流体の例には、プロピレン四量体および乳酸エチルがある。(USP7285519)
$$ Some conventional inks and some ink jet inks are water based and will not adhere to conventional pvc, polyester or other such substrates without pretreatment. / 従来のインクやインクジェットインクの中には、水性インクがあり、従来のpvc、ポリエステル又は他のそような基材には、予備処理なしでは接着しないであろう。(USP6267052)
$$ The invention may also be applicable to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and Telnet applications and other such future applications. / 本発明は、FTP(ファイル伝送プロトコル)、Telnetアプリケーション、および他のこのような別のアプリケーション、さらに別のものに応用することもできる。(USP6081835)
$$ It should also be noted that the use of belts is not necessary, and the sheets could be driven by a series of drive rollers or other such alternative means known to those skilled in the art. (USP7306220)
$$ It is also possible to alert an engineer by fax, short message service (SMS) or other such means. (USP6632347)
$$ A further use is their incorporation into inks and other such formulations for `printing` onto paper and fabrics and other suitable surfaces. (USP6387512)
$$ Now suppose there is a module which is a labelled network, some of whose terminal links connect to other such modules. (USP5422881)
$$ Examples of other such fluids include propylene tetramer and ethyl lactate. / この様な他の流体の例には、プロピレン四量体および乳酸エチルがある。(USP7285519)
$$ Some conventional inks and some ink jet inks are water based and will not adhere to conventional pvc, polyester or other such substrates without pretreatment. / 従来のインクやインクジェットインクの中には、水性インクがあり、従来のpvc、ポリエステル又は他のそような基材には、予備処理なしでは接着しないであろう。(USP6267052)
$$ The invention may also be applicable to FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and Telnet applications and other such future applications. / 本発明は、FTP(ファイル伝送プロトコル)、Telnetアプリケーション、および他のこのような別のアプリケーション、さらに別のものに応用することもできる。(USP6081835)
$$ It should also be noted that the use of belts is not necessary, and the sheets could be driven by a series of drive rollers or other such alternative means known to those skilled in the art. (USP7306220)
$$ It is also possible to alert an engineer by fax, short message service (SMS) or other such means. (USP6632347)
$$ A further use is their incorporation into inks and other such formulations for `printing` onto paper and fabrics and other suitable surfaces. (USP6387512)
$$ Now suppose there is a module which is a labelled network, some of whose terminal links connect to other such modules. (USP5422881)
OTHER THAN 以外の(肯定文での使用)
OTHER THAN (肯定文での使用)
$$ In a more general case, the methods described herein can be used to form networks whose main purpose is other than to convey traffic from subscribers to a core network. (USP02042274)
$$ Preferably the cross-linker is other than ethanolamine, more preferably is other than ethanolamine, epoxy and/or melamine-formaldehyde resin. (USP6639006)
$$ This particularly applies when the curing process in step four is other than heating. (USP6639006)
$$ Also, multiple loops at each loop position in the sensor windings can be employed for reasons other than smoothing the sinusoidal response characteristics. / また、センサ巻き線の各ループ位置において、正弦応答を平滑化する以外の目的で複数のループを用いることもできる。(USP6561022)
$$ Other methods other than this may be used as an alternative. / これ以外の方法を用いることもできる。 (USP5429953)
$$ Other than diisopropylbenzene sulphonic acid and known derivatives thereof and 2,4-diethylbenzene sulphonic acid. (USP02038049)
$$ Because the removal of ions is a chemical process, Eiden, et al, do not teach that any gas other than hydrogen could be used. / イオンの除去は化学プロセスであるので、Eiden等は水素以外の任意のガスが使用可能である旨を教示していない。(USP01010354)
$$ The system may also decompose the two-dimensional binary image into directions other than x and y. / このシステムは又、2次元2値画像を、x及びy以外の方向にも分割できる。(USP6148092)
$$ The present invention may be applied to observers other than human observers, such as animals or inanimate observers.(USP02076059)
$$ Preferably, the system further includes means for preventing alteration of references fields in interrupt handler objects other than by the interrupt handler.(USP02029357)
$$ For example, the apparatus may detect liquids and liquid/gas mixtures as well as gases, and the excitation may occur by means of pulses other than electrical pulses, for example optical, mechanical, infra-red, acoustic, thermal or magnetic pulses.(USP6317696)
$$ Also, semiconductor materials other than silicon could be used. / また、珪素以外の半導体材料が使用され得る。(USP5426605)
$$ This angle stop flange 9 is important to prevent or minimise the risk of the prop 1 jamming against the door other than when properly co-operatively engaged with the door-mounted bracket 3 and it facilitates deflection of the prop 1 by the door 10 when the key-operated disablement mechanism is used, as described below. (USP6058563)
$$ In a basic loop, in general (i.e. other than when a process switch or other exception occurs) the next block to be executed is either the next block beyond the current block or else it is a repetition of the first block of the loop. (USP01047466)
OTHER THAN (肯定文での使用)
$$ In a more general case, the methods described herein can be used to form networks whose main purpose is other than to convey traffic from subscribers to a core network. (USP02042274)
$$ Preferably the cross-linker is other than ethanolamine, more preferably is other than ethanolamine, epoxy and/or melamine-formaldehyde resin. (USP6639006)
$$ This particularly applies when the curing process in step four is other than heating. (USP6639006)
$$ Also, multiple loops at each loop position in the sensor windings can be employed for reasons other than smoothing the sinusoidal response characteristics. / また、センサ巻き線の各ループ位置において、正弦応答を平滑化する以外の目的で複数のループを用いることもできる。(USP6561022)
$$ Other methods other than this may be used as an alternative. / これ以外の方法を用いることもできる。 (USP5429953)
$$ Other than diisopropylbenzene sulphonic acid and known derivatives thereof and 2,4-diethylbenzene sulphonic acid. (USP02038049)
$$ Because the removal of ions is a chemical process, Eiden, et al, do not teach that any gas other than hydrogen could be used. / イオンの除去は化学プロセスであるので、Eiden等は水素以外の任意のガスが使用可能である旨を教示していない。(USP01010354)
$$ The system may also decompose the two-dimensional binary image into directions other than x and y. / このシステムは又、2次元2値画像を、x及びy以外の方向にも分割できる。(USP6148092)
$$ The present invention may be applied to observers other than human observers, such as animals or inanimate observers.(USP02076059)
$$ Preferably, the system further includes means for preventing alteration of references fields in interrupt handler objects other than by the interrupt handler.(USP02029357)
$$ For example, the apparatus may detect liquids and liquid/gas mixtures as well as gases, and the excitation may occur by means of pulses other than electrical pulses, for example optical, mechanical, infra-red, acoustic, thermal or magnetic pulses.(USP6317696)
$$ Also, semiconductor materials other than silicon could be used. / また、珪素以外の半導体材料が使用され得る。(USP5426605)
$$ This angle stop flange 9 is important to prevent or minimise the risk of the prop 1 jamming against the door other than when properly co-operatively engaged with the door-mounted bracket 3 and it facilitates deflection of the prop 1 by the door 10 when the key-operated disablement mechanism is used, as described below. (USP6058563)
$$ In a basic loop, in general (i.e. other than when a process switch or other exception occurs) the next block to be executed is either the next block beyond the current block or else it is a repetition of the first block of the loop. (USP01047466)
通常は、定冠詞(the)が用いられる。 two other sthsの場合は定冠詞は用いられないようである。
$$ The other four types of messages are System Process Monitor (SPM) Faults, SPM Fault Clears, Process Faults, and Platform Faults. / 他の4つの形式のメッセージは、システム処理モニタ(SPM)、故障、SPM故障クリア、プロセスの失敗、およびプラットフォーム故障である。(USP5907602)
$$ Repeat the procedure on the other four strips and calculate the average value. / 他の4つのストライプでもその手順を繰り返し、平均値を計算する。(USP5968000)
$$ The other two-way multiplexers 16, 18 continue to select the data value input to the first delay element 2. / 他の2方向マルチプレクサ16,18は、第1遅延素子2に入力されたデータ値を選択し続ける。(USP5381354)
$$ The other two ports on the transmission line itself are also matched to 50 ohms by virtue of the transmission line. / 送信線自身の他の2つのポートは、この送信線によって50オームにまたマッチングされる。(USP5389890)
$$ By selecting X-PLANE or Y-PLANE from a sub-menu the components of the field in the other two planes can be viewed, drawn as similar contour maps. / サブメニューからX平面またはY平面を選択することにより、同様の等高線マップとして描かれた、他の2つの面における磁界の成分を見ることができる。(USP6611142)
$$ In addition to this method, there are two other ways of backing up files on a computer system having shared storage means: / この方法に加えて、共有の記憶手段を有するコンピュータシステムにおけるファイルをバックアップする他の2つの方法がある:(USP5675725)
$$ INTERCOMs 1 to 4 are sited where required, for example outside the front door, which may be DOOR 1, in the kitchen, and two other rooms. (USP4979094)
通常は、定冠詞(the)が用いられる。 two other sthsの場合は定冠詞は用いられないようである。
$$ The other four types of messages are System Process Monitor (SPM) Faults, SPM Fault Clears, Process Faults, and Platform Faults. / 他の4つの形式のメッセージは、システム処理モニタ(SPM)、故障、SPM故障クリア、プロセスの失敗、およびプラットフォーム故障である。(USP5907602)
$$ Repeat the procedure on the other four strips and calculate the average value. / 他の4つのストライプでもその手順を繰り返し、平均値を計算する。(USP5968000)
$$ The other two-way multiplexers 16, 18 continue to select the data value input to the first delay element 2. / 他の2方向マルチプレクサ16,18は、第1遅延素子2に入力されたデータ値を選択し続ける。(USP5381354)
$$ The other two ports on the transmission line itself are also matched to 50 ohms by virtue of the transmission line. / 送信線自身の他の2つのポートは、この送信線によって50オームにまたマッチングされる。(USP5389890)
$$ By selecting X-PLANE or Y-PLANE from a sub-menu the components of the field in the other two planes can be viewed, drawn as similar contour maps. / サブメニューからX平面またはY平面を選択することにより、同様の等高線マップとして描かれた、他の2つの面における磁界の成分を見ることができる。(USP6611142)
$$ In addition to this method, there are two other ways of backing up files on a computer system having shared storage means: / この方法に加えて、共有の記憶手段を有するコンピュータシステムにおけるファイルをバックアップする他の2つの方法がある:(USP5675725)
$$ INTERCOMs 1 to 4 are sited where required, for example outside the front door, which may be DOOR 1, in the kitchen, and two other rooms. (USP4979094)
$$ The remote control handset 18a has keys for "volume up", "volume down" and "mute/unmute" operations, and others relating to programme selection, picture brightness, colour, etc., and perhaps teletext and VCR controls, too. / 遠隔制御ハンドセット18aは「ボリュームアップ」、「ボリュームダウン」、および「ミュート/アンミュート」動作用キー、およびプログラム選択、画像輝度、色度等や多分テレテキストおよびVCR制御に関連する他のキーも有している。(USP5479385)
$$ Using solid phase chemistry techniques we have synthesised, among others, arginylspermidine. / 固相化学技法を用いて、我々は特にアルギニルスペルミジンを合成した。(USP6797699)
$$ Alternatively, the elements 70b, 70d can be driven synchronously but mutually de-phased so that some of the elements are retracting whilst others are reaching their full extension. / 或いは又、素子70b、70dは、同期するが相互に位相ずれして駆動されて、ある素子が引っ込む間に他の素子が完全に延びた状態に達するようにしてもよい。(USP6788479)
$$ The estimated data vector is compared with its associated speech signal data vector, and infinite impulse response filters (44) average their difference with others. / 推定されたデータベクトルは、関連するスピーチ信号データベクトルと比較され、また無限インパルス応答フィルタ(44)がそれらの他との違いを平均する。(USP6671666)
$$ Some signals carry information in analogue form and others in digital form. / いくつかの信号は情報をアナログ形式で有し、別の信号はデジタル形式で有する。(USP6661373)
$$ There are others that can be viable, too, at least if lower efficacy is acceptable... (USP6332029)
$$ The examples of the invention discussed in the following discussion refer to the following transcoding parameters (amongst others which are used in MPEG 2); / 以下で説明する本発明の具体例は、(MPEG2で用いられるパラメータの内で)以下のトランスコーディングパラメータを用いる。(USP6567128)
$$ Finally, extra structure loading may be applied in the form of earthquakes, earth shifts, mud slides, and others. (USP6443238)
$$ The remote control handset 18a has keys for "volume up", "volume down" and "mute/unmute" operations, and others relating to programme selection, picture brightness, colour, etc., and perhaps teletext and VCR controls, too. / 遠隔制御ハンドセット18aは「ボリュームアップ」、「ボリュームダウン」、および「ミュート/アンミュート」動作用キー、およびプログラム選択、画像輝度、色度等や多分テレテキストおよびVCR制御に関連する他のキーも有している。(USP5479385)
$$ Using solid phase chemistry techniques we have synthesised, among others, arginylspermidine. / 固相化学技法を用いて、我々は特にアルギニルスペルミジンを合成した。(USP6797699)
$$ Alternatively, the elements 70b, 70d can be driven synchronously but mutually de-phased so that some of the elements are retracting whilst others are reaching their full extension. / 或いは又、素子70b、70dは、同期するが相互に位相ずれして駆動されて、ある素子が引っ込む間に他の素子が完全に延びた状態に達するようにしてもよい。(USP6788479)
$$ The estimated data vector is compared with its associated speech signal data vector, and infinite impulse response filters (44) average their difference with others. / 推定されたデータベクトルは、関連するスピーチ信号データベクトルと比較され、また無限インパルス応答フィルタ(44)がそれらの他との違いを平均する。(USP6671666)
$$ Some signals carry information in analogue form and others in digital form. / いくつかの信号は情報をアナログ形式で有し、別の信号はデジタル形式で有する。(USP6661373)
$$ There are others that can be viable, too, at least if lower efficacy is acceptable... (USP6332029)
$$ The examples of the invention discussed in the following discussion refer to the following transcoding parameters (amongst others which are used in MPEG 2); / 以下で説明する本発明の具体例は、(MPEG2で用いられるパラメータの内で)以下のトランスコーディングパラメータを用いる。(USP6567128)
$$ Finally, extra structure loading may be applied in the form of earthquakes, earth shifts, mud slides, and others. (USP6443238)
$$ As a result, excess ions will leak or otherwise emerge from the first ion trap 2. / その結果、過剰なイオンは、第1のイオントラップ2から漏出するかそうでなければ現れる。(USP8344316)
$$ Otherwise, the test is completed. / そうでない場合、検査は終了となる。(USP8337019)
$$ Each of these arrangements uses the surround 5 to fill otherwise unusable space. / これらの構成は各々周辺体5を用いて、そうしなければ使用できない空間を埋める。(USP8313060)
$$ As indicated previously this may be through abrasion or otherwise. / 上文中に説明したように、これは、アブレーション等によって行ってもよい。(USP8260093)
$$ If it is, then no action is taken, but otherwise an alert is generated at 76. / もしそうであれば、次に何も処置が施されないが、その代わりに76で警報が発生される。(USP8224474)
$$ This is done as the coefficient will be one order too high otherwise. / これは、さもなければ一桁大きい係数となってしまうために行われる。(USP8165289)
$$ The tabs may be colour coded, or otherwise differentiated, for example by shape. (USP7490719)
$$ The construction is otherwise the same as that described earlier. (USP7100948)
$$ Otherwise a 3-frame delay may be provided. (USP6983015)
$$ Flow analysis would be required for optimal compilation otherwise. (USP02029357)
$$ Otherwise, it continues with the following steps. (USP01016808)
$$ As a result, excess ions will leak or otherwise emerge from the first ion trap 2. / その結果、過剰なイオンは、第1のイオントラップ2から漏出するかそうでなければ現れる。(USP8344316)
$$ Otherwise, the test is completed. / そうでない場合、検査は終了となる。(USP8337019)
$$ Each of these arrangements uses the surround 5 to fill otherwise unusable space. / これらの構成は各々周辺体5を用いて、そうしなければ使用できない空間を埋める。(USP8313060)
$$ As indicated previously this may be through abrasion or otherwise. / 上文中に説明したように、これは、アブレーション等によって行ってもよい。(USP8260093)
$$ If it is, then no action is taken, but otherwise an alert is generated at 76. / もしそうであれば、次に何も処置が施されないが、その代わりに76で警報が発生される。(USP8224474)
$$ This is done as the coefficient will be one order too high otherwise. / これは、さもなければ一桁大きい係数となってしまうために行われる。(USP8165289)
$$ The tabs may be colour coded, or otherwise differentiated, for example by shape. (USP7490719)
$$ The construction is otherwise the same as that described earlier. (USP7100948)
$$ Otherwise a 3-frame delay may be provided. (USP6983015)
$$ Flow analysis would be required for optimal compilation otherwise. (USP02029357)
$$ Otherwise, it continues with the following steps. (USP01016808)
$$ Doing this would preclude two out of three solutions in Experiment 2. (USP6810118)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable out of alignment with the other housings 12 in the assembly 10 for providing access thereto as indicated in FIG. 14. / 各ハウジング12は、図14に示すように、ハウジングへの接近を与えるように集合体10内で他のハウジング12との整列から外れて回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ The other waveform (φ2) will, of course be 180° out of phase with the illustrated waveform (φ1). / 他方の波形(φ2)は、勿論、図示の波形(φ1)とは180°位相外れである。(USP6816020)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable from its stowed position out of alignment with the other housings for access. / 各ハウジング12は、そこへの接近をできるようにするために他のハウジングとの整列から外れてその積込み位置から回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ Values must be entered in mT--entering illegal value or values out of range forces re-entry. / 値はmTで入力しなければならず、誤った値または範囲外の値を入力すると再入力が必要になる。(USP6611142)
$$ Product water then has to diffuse out of the cathode structure. / その後、生成水、このカソード構造から外へ拡散しなければならない。(USP6855452)
$$ Error corrected data comes out of the decoders in 24 byte blocks. / エラー訂正されたデータは、24バイトのブロックで復号器から出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The acid dissolves into the methanol, and the glass is then filtered out of the solution. / 酸はメタノールに溶解し、そこでガラスを溶液から濾過する。(USP6313192)
$$ If traffic is out of profile, the customer is penalised. / トラヒックがプロフィール外であるとき、顧客は科料に処される。(USP7319673)
$$ Alternatively, several delivery tubes 6 may be fed to a single transfer station 7 so as to provide a back-up supply in the event that one of the tubes is out of operation (e.g. it becomes blocked). / 代わりに、いくつかの分配チューブ6が単一の搬送ステーション7に設けられてもよい。これにより、チューブのうちの1つが故障(例えば、閉塞した場合)した場合でも、バックアップ供給を確保できる。(USP6692213)
$$ Any values that are out of the range of the new scale are shown in black. / 新しいスケールの範囲外の値は黒で示される。(USP6611142)
$$ If this fine adjustment is out of calibrated limits an engine failure is indicated. / この精密調節が較正された限界の外にある場合には、エンジンの故障が指示される。(USP6338250)
$$ In the example shown in FIG. 6A-6C this is a data source which was out of sight over the horizon in the starting position of the viewpoint. / 図6に示す実施例においては、これは、視点が出発地点にある時には水平線の向こう側で見えないデータ源である。(USP6281877)
$$ If it is out of level the reading will need to compensate for the degree of out of level. (USP7108285)
$$ In this way, output solution which is out of specification is never dispensed. (USP6632347)
$$ For example the side wall could be bent along a front to rear axis so as to be out of plane. (USP6135495)
$$ The system is normally in the "off" state when the aircraft is on the ground between flights or is out of service for any reason. (USP7573396)
$$ As the two devices may be out of normal range of each other, even at the enhanced power, they cannot co-operate to decide which one should change. (USP7565149)
$$ An input is out of date if it was produced by a simulator that has received new input more recently that it produced the output. (USP6691301)
$$ Doing this would preclude two out of three solutions in Experiment 2. (USP6810118)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable out of alignment with the other housings 12 in the assembly 10 for providing access thereto as indicated in FIG. 14. / 各ハウジング12は、図14に示すように、ハウジングへの接近を与えるように集合体10内で他のハウジング12との整列から外れて回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ The other waveform (φ2) will, of course be 180° out of phase with the illustrated waveform (φ1). / 他方の波形(φ2)は、勿論、図示の波形(φ1)とは180°位相外れである。(USP6816020)
$$ Each housing 12 is pivotable from its stowed position out of alignment with the other housings for access. / 各ハウジング12は、そこへの接近をできるようにするために他のハウジングとの整列から外れてその積込み位置から回動できる。(USP6418264)
$$ Values must be entered in mT--entering illegal value or values out of range forces re-entry. / 値はmTで入力しなければならず、誤った値または範囲外の値を入力すると再入力が必要になる。(USP6611142)
$$ Product water then has to diffuse out of the cathode structure. / その後、生成水、このカソード構造から外へ拡散しなければならない。(USP6855452)
$$ Error corrected data comes out of the decoders in 24 byte blocks. / エラー訂正されたデータは、24バイトのブロックで復号器から出力される。(USP6560176)
$$ The acid dissolves into the methanol, and the glass is then filtered out of the solution. / 酸はメタノールに溶解し、そこでガラスを溶液から濾過する。(USP6313192)
$$ If traffic is out of profile, the customer is penalised. / トラヒックがプロフィール外であるとき、顧客は科料に処される。(USP7319673)
$$ Alternatively, several delivery tubes 6 may be fed to a single transfer station 7 so as to provide a back-up supply in the event that one of the tubes is out of operation (e.g. it becomes blocked). / 代わりに、いくつかの分配チューブ6が単一の搬送ステーション7に設けられてもよい。これにより、チューブのうちの1つが故障(例えば、閉塞した場合)した場合でも、バックアップ供給を確保できる。(USP6692213)
$$ Any values that are out of the range of the new scale are shown in black. / 新しいスケールの範囲外の値は黒で示される。(USP6611142)
$$ If this fine adjustment is out of calibrated limits an engine failure is indicated. / この精密調節が較正された限界の外にある場合には、エンジンの故障が指示される。(USP6338250)
$$ In the example shown in FIG. 6A-6C this is a data source which was out of sight over the horizon in the starting position of the viewpoint. / 図6に示す実施例においては、これは、視点が出発地点にある時には水平線の向こう側で見えないデータ源である。(USP6281877)
$$ If it is out of level the reading will need to compensate for the degree of out of level. (USP7108285)
$$ In this way, output solution which is out of specification is never dispensed. (USP6632347)
$$ For example the side wall could be bent along a front to rear axis so as to be out of plane. (USP6135495)
$$ The system is normally in the "off" state when the aircraft is on the ground between flights or is out of service for any reason. (USP7573396)
$$ As the two devices may be out of normal range of each other, even at the enhanced power, they cannot co-operate to decide which one should change. (USP7565149)
$$ An input is out of date if it was produced by a simulator that has received new input more recently that it produced the output. (USP6691301)
$$ The present invention also provides a receiver including a novel adaptive digital filter as outlined above. / また、本発明は上記に概略を述べた新規の適応デジタルフィルタを備えた受信器を提供する。(USP5987485)
$$ This outline represents the boundary of the aperture to be used during a subsequent data acquisition stage. / このアウトラインは引き続くデータ取得段階の間に用いられるべき開口の境界を表している。(USP5946131)
$$ An outline of the steps involved in an MS.DOS implementation of this improvement is given as an Appendix to this description. (USP5675725)
$$ It is an object of the present invention to provide a magnetic bearing arrangement which includes back-up bearing means that mitigates at least some of the above outlined disadvantages of known back-up bearings. / 本発明の目的は公知のバックアップ軸受の前述の欠点の少なくともあるものを緩和するバックアップ軸受手段を含む磁気軸受装置を提供することである。(USP5355040)
$$ As in the previous embodiment, the TOF analyzer generally indicated by 63 is shown only in outline form. / 先行する実施例におけるように、符号63で全体的に示されるこの飛行時間型分析器は、そのアウトライン形態のみが示されている。(USP01010354)
$$ A steering wheel 112 (shown in hatched outline) is fitted to a shaft 113 which is free to rotate in bearings retained within the housing 111. / 舵輪112(破線の輪郭で示す)が軸113に取り付けられ、該軸はハウジング111内に保持されたベアリング内で自由に回転する。(USP6332818)
$$ FIG. 13 is an outline view of the views shown in FIGS. 9 to 12 where locations of FPN speckle are represented by circles in the outline view. / 【図13】FPNスペックルの位置を円でその中に表す、図9~12に示す写真の輪郭図である。(USP6414294)
$$ FIG. 1 is an outline diagram for a transmission-line structure hereof; / 【図1】 本発明の伝送線構造の概略図。(USP6816020)
$$ The present invention also provides a receiver including a novel adaptive digital filter as outlined above. / また、本発明は上記に概略を述べた新規の適応デジタルフィルタを備えた受信器を提供する。(USP5987485)
$$ This outline represents the boundary of the aperture to be used during a subsequent data acquisition stage. / このアウトラインは引き続くデータ取得段階の間に用いられるべき開口の境界を表している。(USP5946131)
$$ An outline of the steps involved in an MS.DOS implementation of this improvement is given as an Appendix to this description. (USP5675725)
$$ It is an object of the present invention to provide a magnetic bearing arrangement which includes back-up bearing means that mitigates at least some of the above outlined disadvantages of known back-up bearings. / 本発明の目的は公知のバックアップ軸受の前述の欠点の少なくともあるものを緩和するバックアップ軸受手段を含む磁気軸受装置を提供することである。(USP5355040)
$$ As in the previous embodiment, the TOF analyzer generally indicated by 63 is shown only in outline form. / 先行する実施例におけるように、符号63で全体的に示されるこの飛行時間型分析器は、そのアウトライン形態のみが示されている。(USP01010354)
$$ A steering wheel 112 (shown in hatched outline) is fitted to a shaft 113 which is free to rotate in bearings retained within the housing 111. / 舵輪112(破線の輪郭で示す)が軸113に取り付けられ、該軸はハウジング111内に保持されたベアリング内で自由に回転する。(USP6332818)
$$ FIG. 13 is an outline view of the views shown in FIGS. 9 to 12 where locations of FPN speckle are represented by circles in the outline view. / 【図13】FPNスペックルの位置を円でその中に表す、図9~12に示す写真の輪郭図である。(USP6414294)
$$ FIG. 1 is an outline diagram for a transmission-line structure hereof; / 【図1】 本発明の伝送線構造の概略図。(USP6816020)