$$ This allows anti-beaming or nulling of the higher frequencies without global far-field nulling of the low frequencies. / これにより低周波数のグローバル遠距離音場ヌリング無しにより高い周波数のアンチビーミングすなわちヌリングを行うことができる。(USP7577260)
$$ Thermal compensation may also be used to nullify a lack of temperature control (e.g., very tight temperature control) and/or a temperature gradient imposed by size, power and/or cost constraints. / 熱補償は、温度制御(例えば、非常に厳格な温度制御)が行われないことによる影響、および/または、大きさおよび/または電力および/または費用の制約により生じた温度勾配の影響をなくすためにも用いることができる。(USP7573345)
$$ So, the effects server can send a predetermined code (e.g. a null reply) to say simply "all of the inputs to this effect are required". / それゆえ、この効果サーバーは、単純に「この効果に対する入力の全てが要求されている」というために、予め定められたコード(例えば、null応答)を送ることができる。(USP6523174)
$$ This function is a pseudo-random number generator which takes a null-terminated string and returns a UNIX long integer based on the string. / この機能は擬似乱数生成器であり、空終端ストリング(null-terminated string)を作り、該ストリングに基づいてUNIX長の整数を戻す。(USP6393468)
$$ The temperature sensor of the invention may be used in conjunction with a nulling capacitance bridge, typically with a reference diamond capacitor, to measure temperature. / 本発明の温度センサは、温度を測定するために、典型的には基準ダイヤモンド型材料のキャパシタを備える、零位法キャパシタンスブリッジと関連して使用されることがある。 (USP5407276)
$$ Any null-filled component is wholly null-filled to clearly indicate a downstream decoder that the component is not valid. (USP7260304)
$$ It can also be appreciated from FIGS. 2e and 2f that dithering the pulse positions will tend to reduce the nulls of the comb spectrum. (USP7580380)
$$ This allows anti-beaming or nulling of the higher frequencies without global far-field nulling of the low frequencies. / これにより低周波数のグローバル遠距離音場ヌリング無しにより高い周波数のアンチビーミングすなわちヌリングを行うことができる。(USP7577260)
$$ Thermal compensation may also be used to nullify a lack of temperature control (e.g., very tight temperature control) and/or a temperature gradient imposed by size, power and/or cost constraints. / 熱補償は、温度制御(例えば、非常に厳格な温度制御)が行われないことによる影響、および/または、大きさおよび/または電力および/または費用の制約により生じた温度勾配の影響をなくすためにも用いることができる。(USP7573345)
$$ So, the effects server can send a predetermined code (e.g. a null reply) to say simply "all of the inputs to this effect are required". / それゆえ、この効果サーバーは、単純に「この効果に対する入力の全てが要求されている」というために、予め定められたコード(例えば、null応答)を送ることができる。(USP6523174)
$$ This function is a pseudo-random number generator which takes a null-terminated string and returns a UNIX long integer based on the string. / この機能は擬似乱数生成器であり、空終端ストリング(null-terminated string)を作り、該ストリングに基づいてUNIX長の整数を戻す。(USP6393468)
$$ The temperature sensor of the invention may be used in conjunction with a nulling capacitance bridge, typically with a reference diamond capacitor, to measure temperature. / 本発明の温度センサは、温度を測定するために、典型的には基準ダイヤモンド型材料のキャパシタを備える、零位法キャパシタンスブリッジと関連して使用されることがある。 (USP5407276)
$$ Any null-filled component is wholly null-filled to clearly indicate a downstream decoder that the component is not valid. (USP7260304)
$$ It can also be appreciated from FIGS. 2e and 2f that dithering the pulse positions will tend to reduce the nulls of the comb spectrum. (USP7580380)
タグ :NULL
1, 3, 5, 7, 9... =odd numbers(奇数)
2, 4, 6, 8, 10... =even numbers(偶数)
3, 5, 7, 11, 13... =prime numbers(素数)
1st, 2nd, 3rd... =ordinal numbers(序数)
cardinal number(基数)
any number of blades; arbitrary number of beams; average number of occasions; corresponding number of contacts; different number of sets of pulses; equivalent number of collimating slits 26; integer number of sets of frequency groups; integral number of wavelengths; maximum acceptable number of hops; optimum number of numbers of measurements; plural number of values; predetermined number of errors; port number of an interface means; non-whole number of sets of training vectors; reasonable number of frames (for example 1000); return number of bits; ratio number of turns of winding T2/1 to number of turns of winding; sequence number of the transmitted frame; significant number of bits; the same number of lines of video data; total number of timeslots;
$$ ...a plural number of values...(USP6339664)
$$ ...a plurality of different numbers of degrees...(USP6682031)
$$ This leads to a large number of possible traffic configurations for any given subscriber traffic. / これが、任意の指定される加入者トラフィックに対して考えられるトラフィック構成につながる。(USP6553020)
$$ A practical digital loudspeaker of this type will require a large number of transducers. (USP6373955)
$$ The arbitrary nature of the number of circuits 502 is indicated by a space 504 and discontinuities such as 506. / 回路502の数が任意であることはスペース504と506のような不連線によって表されている。(USP6441783)
$$ The distribution is a histogram of the number of 1's in each direction. / 分布は、各方向における1の数のヒストグラムである。(USP6148092)
$$ The span location is encoded by its serial number in the symbolic map. / スパンロケーションは、そのシリアルナンバで記号マップに符号化される。(USP6269455)
$$ In one known static mixer, mixing elements are placed in the conduit to split the flow, rotate the flow stream, and then re-integrate the flow stream a number of times to achieve the desired mix. (USP6623155)
$$ In a preferred embodiment, the number of times a code buffer is accessed is recorded. (USP02029357)
$$ It is possible to alter the number of times the arrangement attempts to reset itself simply by altering the number of stages (shown as A and B) in the arrangement. (USP6404608)
$$ As indicated above, one of the major detrimental effects upon wound healing rate is the number of times a dressing is removed for inspection of the wound site. (USP6077526)
$$ This could be the same number of times the caller rang or a different number e.g. 2 for arrival and 3 for departure. (USP6587551)
$$ The user may be offered a number of times to call back.(USP6704404)
$$ This message may be transmitted 1, 2, 3 or a preferred number of times before the connection to the terminal 100 is disconnected. (USP6775249)
$$ For example, code can be executed conditionally depending on the value of some expression, or a block of code can be repeated a number of times using a loop construct. (USP6691301)
$$ It is also possible that some molecular fragments may be present a number of times within a molecule and the frequency of such occurrences may also be determined. (USP02062307)
$$ Preferably the execution history recorder records the number of times a block of code is interpreted. (USP02029357)
1, 3, 5, 7, 9... =odd numbers(奇数)
2, 4, 6, 8, 10... =even numbers(偶数)
3, 5, 7, 11, 13... =prime numbers(素数)
1st, 2nd, 3rd... =ordinal numbers(序数)
cardinal number(基数)
any number of blades; arbitrary number of beams; average number of occasions; corresponding number of contacts; different number of sets of pulses; equivalent number of collimating slits 26; integer number of sets of frequency groups; integral number of wavelengths; maximum acceptable number of hops; optimum number of numbers of measurements; plural number of values; predetermined number of errors; port number of an interface means; non-whole number of sets of training vectors; reasonable number of frames (for example 1000); return number of bits; ratio number of turns of winding T2/1 to number of turns of winding; sequence number of the transmitted frame; significant number of bits; the same number of lines of video data; total number of timeslots;
$$ ...a plural number of values...(USP6339664)
$$ ...a plurality of different numbers of degrees...(USP6682031)
$$ This leads to a large number of possible traffic configurations for any given subscriber traffic. / これが、任意の指定される加入者トラフィックに対して考えられるトラフィック構成につながる。(USP6553020)
$$ A practical digital loudspeaker of this type will require a large number of transducers. (USP6373955)
$$ The arbitrary nature of the number of circuits 502 is indicated by a space 504 and discontinuities such as 506. / 回路502の数が任意であることはスペース504と506のような不連線によって表されている。(USP6441783)
$$ The distribution is a histogram of the number of 1's in each direction. / 分布は、各方向における1の数のヒストグラムである。(USP6148092)
$$ The span location is encoded by its serial number in the symbolic map. / スパンロケーションは、そのシリアルナンバで記号マップに符号化される。(USP6269455)
$$ In one known static mixer, mixing elements are placed in the conduit to split the flow, rotate the flow stream, and then re-integrate the flow stream a number of times to achieve the desired mix. (USP6623155)
$$ In a preferred embodiment, the number of times a code buffer is accessed is recorded. (USP02029357)
$$ It is possible to alter the number of times the arrangement attempts to reset itself simply by altering the number of stages (shown as A and B) in the arrangement. (USP6404608)
$$ As indicated above, one of the major detrimental effects upon wound healing rate is the number of times a dressing is removed for inspection of the wound site. (USP6077526)
$$ This could be the same number of times the caller rang or a different number e.g. 2 for arrival and 3 for departure. (USP6587551)
$$ The user may be offered a number of times to call back.(USP6704404)
$$ This message may be transmitted 1, 2, 3 or a preferred number of times before the connection to the terminal 100 is disconnected. (USP6775249)
$$ For example, code can be executed conditionally depending on the value of some expression, or a block of code can be repeated a number of times using a loop construct. (USP6691301)
$$ It is also possible that some molecular fragments may be present a number of times within a molecule and the frequency of such occurrences may also be determined. (USP02062307)
$$ Preferably the execution history recorder records the number of times a block of code is interpreted. (USP02029357)